Fulton County Extension Office 118 West Locust Suite107 Bright Future Salem, AR 72576 870-895-3301 TBA Salem Elem. Cafeteria Fulton County Fair Cancelled MaLinda Coffman Family & Consumer Science Agent Leader: Ruthanne Shepherd due to COVID-19 Staff Chair 870-371-2716
[email protected] Horse Club Cory Tyler Agriculture Agent TBA
[email protected] Faith County Church Jamie Foster Leader: Christi Shaver Administrative Support 870-371-0660
[email protected] Livestock Club TBA Fulton County Fairgrounds Leader: Dakota Williams 870-847-4607 Outdoor Adventure TBA July 9th— Gardening Project Judging Leader: Amy Sanders 870-291-2010 th July 10 —Deadline for Livestock Show entry Spring River Bears TBA July 23rd—Beef & Dairy Show Mammoth Spring Cafeteria Leader: Laura Gaines th 870-625-7261 July 25 —Sheep, Goat, & Swine Shows & Junior Livestock Auction Viola Loyal Longhorns TBA st Viola Cafeteria July 31 —Deadline to pay Poultry Chain fees Leader: Letitia Olson 870-404-1767 4-H Newsletter You can view the newsletter posted on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/UAEX.Fulton/ or our county webpage at https://www.uaex.edu/counties/fulton/. The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture is an equal opportunity/equal access/affirmative action institution. If you require a reasonable accommodation to participate or need materials in another format, please contact your County Extension office as soon as possible. Dial 711 for Arkansas Relay. Gardening Project Here is the name and times that we have for judging on Thursday, July 9th. If we have missed someone, please call the office as soon as possible.