Jet Black Alikat SI 81
Hip No. Con signed by Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent Hip No. 144 -HW%ODFN$OLNDW6, 144 Jan u ary 3, 2011 Brown Gelding *DPH3DWULRW6, ^&KLFNV%HGXLQR6, -HW%ODFN3DWULRW6, )LUH$QG1LFH6, ^)LUVW'RZQ+HPS6, )LUVW'RZQ-HZHO6, -HW%ODFN$OLNDW6, ^-RHV+HPS-HW6, 6WROL6, )LUVW'RZQ'DVK6, 6WROL$OLNDW6, ^6WUDZEHUU\6LON6, ^:LQQLQJ)ODLU6, 5XQDZD\:LQQHU6, ^/DOHOL6, By JET BLACK PATRIOT SI 110 (2006). Stakes win ner of 7 races in 9 starts, $$876,921, LQHBA Fut. [RG1], 2nd All Amer i can Fut. [G1]. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013; sire of 93 ROM, $1,943,109, incl. DASHING JET RIO SI 96 (3 wins at 2, 2013, $154,169, LA Bdrs’ Lassie Fut [RG2]), JET- BLACK GOLD MO MENT SI 109 (5 wins, $147,623, Fire cracker Derby), MI ANGELA SI 97 ($76,853, IQHRAI Derby), Bare Na ked Mar tini SI 101 [RG2]. 1st dam STOLI ALIKAT SI 93, by Stoli. Placed to 3, $9,108. This is her first foal. 2nd dam Winning Flair SI 91, by Run away Win ner. 2 wins to 3, $14,484, 2nd San Jacinto S. [R], fi nal ist in the Long horn Fu tu rity [G3], qual i fied to TQHA Breeders’ Fu tu rity [R] [G1]. Sis ter to RACING WINNER SI 106. Dam of 14 foals to race, 13 ROM, includ ing– FIRST PLACE WIN SI 111 (g. by First Place Dash). 4 wins to 10, $133,149, East Ju ve nile Challenge [G3], 3rd Soph o more Show- down S., fi nal ist Texas Clas sic Fut.
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