Travel Information

Travelling to Åland is easy. Please note that Åland belongs to the same time zone as so remember to reset your clocks!

Getting to Åland…

…from Stockholm:

Flights from Arlanda are operated by NextJet.

Connection buses to (Eckerö linjen) and Kapellskär (Viking Line) leave several times per day from Cityterminalen. If you go with Eckerö linjen, remember to have cash to pay the bus to with (4.80€, they also accept Swedish kronor), as the ferry arrives 35 kilometers from the city center in Berghamn.

Ferries also depart directly from Stockholm Stadsgården, Tegelvikshamn (Viking Line) and Värtahamnen (TallinkSilja), these routes do however take longer than the other options.

…from Helsinki:

Flights from Helsinki-Vantaa Airport are operated by Flybe.

Ferries from Helsinki to Åland (TallinkSilja and Viking Line) depart in the evening but arrive very early in the morning and are therefore not recommended.

…from :

Flights from are operated by NextJet.

Ferries depart four times per day either in the morning or evening and arrive either in the afternoon in Mariehamn or in the night in Långnäs. If you decide to go to Långnäs, make sure you either have your busticket paid in advance or that you have cash for it (12€). TallinkSilja buses must be booked in advance.

…from Tallinn:

TallinkSilja departs from Tallinn in the evening and arrives in Mariehamn early in the morning.

If you fly in, either take a cab or a thirty minute walk to reach the city center!

Getting out:

It's actually easier to depart than to arrive:

Flights from Mariehamns airport depart for Turku, Helsinki and Stockholm all workdays.

Ferries to and Finland depart several times a day and there is also one departure for Tallinn per day.

The following links should prove useful when booking:



General information:

Accommodation Information

You are recommended to book with either Hotel Arkipelag or with Hotel Savoy as we have received special offers from them. These two hotels are also the ones in Mariehamn that are situated the closest to the venue for the conference.

Hotel Arkipelag can be booked directly via the website for the 110€/night. The hotel is situated right across the street from the Alandica venue. Their website is

Hotel Savoy can be booked via [email protected] or +358 18 15400 for a price of 80€/night, indicate in the booking that you will attend the conference by referring to "Aquabest". It is unfortunately not possible to receive the discount if you do not book directly via the hotel. The hotel is situated approximately 300 meters from Alandica. Their website is

If these two for some reason are fully booked please use