PENELOPE Department of Art & Art History | The University of Texas at Austin | 2301 San Jacinto Blvd. D1300 | Austin, TX 78751 | 512.232.2362 |
[email protected] J. E. DAVIES EDUCATION PhD, Classical Yale University, Department of Classics Archaeology Dissertation: ‘Politics and Design: The Funerary Monuments of the Roman Emperors from 1994 Augustus to Marcus Aurelius (27 B.C.–A.D. 193)’ MPhil, Classical Yale University, Department of Classics Archaeology 1990 MA, Classical Yale University, Department of Classics Archaeology 1989 BA Honours, Classics University of Cambridge 1986 Newnham College TEACHING POSITIONS Hedda Andersson Lund University, Sweden, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History Professor Scheduled January – June 2020 Professor The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Art & Art History 2017-present Undergraduate lecture courses: Art and Politics in Republican Rome Art and Politics in Imperial Rome Roman Imperial Architecture Roman Funerary Art and Architecture Art in the Age of Hadrian Early Italian Architecture (on site in Castiglion Fiorentino, Tuscany) Art and Power: Survey of Ancient Through Medieval Art Graduate seminars: Construction, Destruction, Reconstruction in Ancient Rome Art and Decoration in Early Pre-Modern Rome (with on-site component) Art and Politics in Republican Rome Building Empire: Architecture and Politics in Second Century BCE Rome After the Gracchi: Art and Politics in Late Republican Rome Art in the Age of Dictatorship Between Republic and Empire Roman Imperial Funerary Monuments