Penelope Davies

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Penelope Davies PENELOPE Department of Art & Art History | The University of Texas at Austin | 2301 San Jacinto Blvd. D1300 | Austin, TX 78751 | 512.232.2362 | J. E. DAVIES EDUCATION PhD, Classical Yale University, Department of Classics Archaeology Dissertation: ‘Politics and Design: The Funerary Monuments of the Roman Emperors from 1994 Augustus to Marcus Aurelius (27 B.C.–A.D. 193)’ MPhil, Classical Yale University, Department of Classics Archaeology 1990 MA, Classical Yale University, Department of Classics Archaeology 1989 BA Honours, Classics University of Cambridge 1986 Newnham College TEACHING POSITIONS Hedda Andersson Lund University, Sweden, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History Professor Scheduled January – June 2020 Professor The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Art & Art History 2017-present Undergraduate lecture courses: Art and Politics in Republican Rome Art and Politics in Imperial Rome Roman Imperial Architecture Roman Funerary Art and Architecture Art in the Age of Hadrian Early Italian Architecture (on site in Castiglion Fiorentino, Tuscany) Art and Power: Survey of Ancient Through Medieval Art Graduate seminars: Construction, Destruction, Reconstruction in Ancient Rome Art and Decoration in Early Pre-Modern Rome (with on-site component) Art and Politics in Republican Rome Building Empire: Architecture and Politics in Second Century BCE Rome After the Gracchi: Art and Politics in Late Republican Rome Art in the Age of Dictatorship Between Republic and Empire Roman Imperial Funerary Monuments Art in the Age of Hadrian Associate Professor The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Art & Art History 2001-2017 Assistant Professor The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Art & Art History 1994-2001 FIELDWORK Supervisor La Piana Excavations, Tuscany 1988 Jane Whitehead, Director Field Archaeologist Paros Excavations, Koukounaries 1987 Dmitri Schilardi, Director Field Archaeologist Cuello Excavations, Belize 1987 Norman Hammond, Director Field Archaeologist Santa Maria Antique Excavations, Rome 1986 Henry Hurst, Director SELECTED AWARDS AND GRANTS 2019 Research Grant, Houston Endowment Fund for Art History Faculty College of Fine Arts, University of Texas at Austin Project title: ‘Adaptive Reuse in Ancient Rome’ 2018 Summer Research Grant University of Texas at Austin Project title: ‘Vandalism and Resistance in Republican Rome’ 2016-2017 Faculty Research Assignment University of Texas at Austin Project title: ‘Ancient Lives of Roman Buildings’ 2015 Research Grant, Houston Endowment Fund for Art History Faculty College of Fine Arts, University of Texas at Austin Project title: ‘Architecture and Politics in Republican Rome’: illustrations Summer Research Assignment College of Fine Arts, University of Texas at Austin Project title: ‘La Colonne de la Grande Armée in Place Vendôme and Napoleon’s Vision for Paris’ 2014 Summer Creative Research Grant College of Fine Arts, University of Texas at Austin Project title: ‘Architecture and Politics in Republican Rome’: illustrations Archaeological Institute of America Subvention Grant Archaeological Institute of America Project title: ‘Architecture and Politics in Republican Rome’ Subvention Award, Office of the Vice President for Research University of Texas at Austin Project title: ‘Architecture and Politics in Republican Rome’ 2013 Research Grant, Houston Endowment Fund for Art History Faculty College of Fine Arts, University of Texas at Austin Project title: ‘Architecture and Politics in Republican Rome’ 2011 Research Grant, Houston Endowment Fund for Art History Faculty College of Fine Arts, University of Texas at Austin Project title: ‘Architecture and Politics in Republican Rome’ 2008-2009 American Philosophical Society Sabbatical Fellowship American Philosophical Society Project title: ‘Architecture and Politics in Republican Rome’ 2008 Hugh Last Fellowship British School at Rome Project title: ‘Architecture and Politics in Republican Rome’ 2007-2008 Art History Faculty Travel and Research Fellowship College of Fine Arts, University of Texas at Austin Project title: ‘Architecture and Politics in Republican Rome’ Faculty Research Assignment University of Texas at Austin Project title: ‘Architecture and Politics in Republican Rome’ 2007 American Council of Learned Societies Sabbatical Fellowship American Council of Learned Societies Project title: ‘Architecture and Politics in Republican Rome’ 2 2005 Research Grant University of Texas at Austin Project title: ‘Architecture and Politics in Republican Rome’ 2004 College of Fine Arts Summer Research Grant College of Fine Arts, University of Texas at Austin Project title: ‘Architecture and Politics in Republican Rome’ University of Texas Coop Subvention For Death and the Emperor: The Funerary Monuments of the Roman Emperors from Augustus to Marcus Aurelius, paperback edition (University of Texas Press 2004) 2003 Faculty Research Assignment University of Texas at Austin Project title: ‘Architecture and Politics in Republican Rome’ 2000 Summer Research Grant College of Fine Arts, University of Texas at Austin 1999 Special Research Grant University of Texas at Austin 1998 Kress Foundation Subvention For Death and the Emperor: The Funerary Monuments of the Roman Emperors from Augustus to Marcus Aurelius (Cambridge University Press 2000) College of Fine Arts Faculty Development Grant College of Fine Arts, University of Texas at Austin 1997-1998 Getty Postdoctoral Fellowship Getty Research Institute 1996-1997 John D. Murchison Fellowship in Fine Arts College of Fine Arts, University of Texas at Austin British Studies Fellowship University of Texas at Austin 1995 University Research Institute Summer Research Grant University of Texas at Austin 1993-1994 Andrew W. Mellon Curatorial Assistantship Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 1992-1993 University Dissertation Fellowship Yale University 1992 Samuel H. Kress Foundation Travel Grant Samuel H. Kress Foundation John F. Enders Travel Grant Yale University Augusta Hazard Travel Scholarship Yale University Woolsey Travel Scholarship Yale University Tarbell Travel Grant Yale University 1988-1991 Robert E. Darling Fellowship Yale University 1991 John F. Enders Assistance Grant Yale University 1990 Augusta Hazard Travel Scholarship Yale University Biddle Travel Scholarship Yale University 1987-1988 Yale University Fellowship Yale University 1988 Augusta Hazard Travel Scholarship Yale University 3 Berkeley Travel Scholarship Yale University Etruscan Foundation Travel Grant Etruscan Foundation SPECIAL HONOURS 2016 College of Fine Arts Distinguished Teaching Award University of Texas at Austin 2008 Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London Society of Antiquaries of London 2007 Department of Art & Art History Teaching Excellence Award University of Texas at Austin 2001 Vasari Award Dallas Museum of Art. For Death and the Emperor: The Funerary Monuments of the Roman Emperors from Augustus to Marcus Aurelius (Cambridge University Press 2000) 2000 College of Fine Arts Teaching Excellence Award University of Texas at Austin 1999 Texas Excellence Teaching Award University of Texas at Austin PUBLICATIONS: BOOKS 2017 Architecture and Politics in Republican Rome. Cambridge University Press. 2013 Janson’s A Basic History of Art.9 With David L. Simon, Ann M. Roberts, Frima Fox Hofrichter, and Joseph Jacobs. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall 2011 Janson’s History of Art. The Western Tradition.8 With David L. Simon, Ann M. Roberts, Frima Fox Hofrichter, and Joseph Jacobs. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall 2009 Janson’s A Basic History of Art.8 With David L. Simon, Ann M. Roberts, Frima Fox Hofrichter, and Joseph Jacobs. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall 2007 Janson’s History of Art. The Western Tradition.7 With David L. Simon, Walter B. Denny, Ann M. Roberts, Frima Fox Hofrichter, and Joseph Jacobs. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Also translated into Chinese and Portuguese. 2000 Death and the Emperor: Roman Imperial Funerary Monuments from Augustus to Marcus Aurelius. Cambridge University Press. Paperback edition: University of Texas Press, 2004 PUBLICATIONS: ARTICLES, ESSAYS, BOOK CHAPTERS, REVIEWS (* denotes peer-reviewed) 2019 * “Vandalism and Resistance in Republican Rome.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians vol. 78.1, 6–24. 4 2017 * “Constructing, Deconstructing and Reconstructing Civic Memory in Late Republican Rome.” Omnium Annalium Monumenta: Historical Evidence and Historical Writing in Republican Rome, ed. Kaj Sandberg and Christopher Smith. Leiden: Brill: 477–511. * “A Republican Dilemma: City or State? Or, The Concrete Revolution Revisited.” Papers of the British School at Rome 85: 71–107. 2014 * “Rome and Her Neighbors: Greek Building Practices in Republican Rome.” In Roger Ulrich and Caroline Quenemoen, eds. A Companion to Roman Architecture. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing: 27-44. 2013 * “The Archaeology of Mid-Republican Rome: The Emergence of a Mediterranean Capital.” In Jane DeRose Evans, ed. A Companion to Roman Republican Archaeology. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing: 440-458. 2012 * “Pollution, Propriety and Urbanism in Republican Rome.” In Mark Bradley ed. Rome, Pollution and Propriety: Dirt, Disease and Hygiene in the Eternal City from Antiquity to Modernity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 67-80 2012 * “On the Introduction of Stone Entablatures in Republican Temples in Rome.” In Michael Thomas and Gretchen Meyers, eds. Monumentality in Early Italian Architecture. Austin, TX: University of Texas
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