New Mexico Musician

Volume 62 | Number 1 Article 1

10-1-2014 New Mexico Musician Vol 62 No 1 (Fall 2014)

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PRESIDENT THE 'I/oil Swapp, President 10027 Contaoa Ct. L bs Cruces, NM 88007 Office: S7S-527-94I5 NEW MEXICO MUSICIAN Home: S7S-649-4507 oeils"app(0 O fficial Publication o f the VICE,PRESIDEN r, BAND New Mexico Music Educators Association Jennifer Johnson. Band \ P 1520 Claremont Closis. NM 88101 Office: 57S-J56-7097,6203 Voiume LVIl N u m b e r I F a ll 2 0 1 4 Home: 575-7912440 jojohnsonl(! ISSN 0742-8278 V'lCE^-PRESIDEN r. ClfORAL NM M EA Website: wv^' Brian •Jcrling, Choral VP 1412\Well Clovis, NM 88101 Office: 575-985-2277 O N T E N T S Page Home: 575-693--0590 brian.uerlingr« ctn, D E P A R ^ E N T S VICE-PRESIDENT, ORCHESTRA President’s Report...... ,.2 Rebecca Simons,Orchl"itra VP 721 Dakota St. SE Office Notes ...... 6 Albuquerque, NM 87108 Coll: SDS-999-7363 From the Editor’s Desk ... .8 rebecca.simons(a Vice Presidents’ Reports VICEPRESIDENT. GEN. MUSIC Virginia Hinds. General Music VP B a n d ...... 209 S. Limit PO Bob 943 Mountainair, NM 87036 Orchestra ...... 17 Office: 8472211x1025 Homo: 505-847^350 General Music ...... 19 vhinds34ia C h o ra l...... 2 0 \ ICEPRESIDENT, COLLWIAfE Jason Paulk, Collegiato VP C o lle g ia te ...... 23 ISOOSouth h o . K. Station 16 Portalox. NM 88130 G u ita r...... OIBce: S75-S62-2798 Hom6: S7S-2260I23 jason.paulk(a enmu.odu O ^^IZATKIN AL MATTERS PAST PRESIDENT NM M EA 2014 Award Winners ...... 24 Joseph Flom . h s i President 4670Calle De r\ubes Retirees/Mentoring Repon ...... 31 Las Cmcos, 1'M 88012 Offico: 575-527-9330 NM Jazz Educators A rticle ...... 34 C ell: S75-644-2SSS josephnflorc!!/ University News ...... 36 VICi:-PRESll)CNT, GI IT\R N M M E A M usic In d u s try C ouncil M e m b e rs ...... 41 Jeroio) Mavoc, Guitar YP 77I8 Oon NE A d v e rtis e rs ...... 42 I 07110


District I - Souths^'est District 4 - :\onh Central District .1 - Norll^ncst The Nev M exico Mu.sic F.ducawrs Association is a Sara^i Rede l'rcsident Tony Schillac]. Prcsidcnt Dand Schwanz, Pr«:ii.lcnt federated state association ol the Nauonal Associauon Tor 1611 \\mton Coun 4205 Hidden Cnckct 22 Road 6065 Music Educalion and pait of lhe Southwcstem Division La, Cruc<^, NM 88()()7 Santa Fe. (SM 87507 Fannmgton, NM 87401 ofN A IM E . Cell 575 635-8094 llomc' 575-754-12n Cell 225-36S-6862 Work 575-527-9415 Work 505-471-3999 Work 505-598-5881 x1l020 sarahicdcrii yahoo com a, info ,diwd u ocnt^alschools.uig THE NE\\ MEXICO MUSICIAN is published three times per year: Printing by Business Printmg Seivice Inc., 4316 Silver ,Ave. SE. Albuquerque, NM 87108. Deadlines for the Fall. Winter and Spring issues are: August 1. District 2 - Souiltoast District 6 - Central District 7 - Albui|uerquc October 1, and March l. Franklin Smnh. Pnrsident Bin Anstcll, Presidem Sam Nesbitt. President 2101 Aspen PO Box 3314 604 Valvcfilc Dr NI Subsciipuon rate to non-members is SO.CG per year; single Ponalcs, NM 88130 Lo" Lunas, NM 87130 Albuquerque, NM 87108 Cell, 575-2I8^2893 Home. 505-4 10-3529 Cell- 505-681-5698 copy is S4.00. Change o f address should be repoiled to Woik: 575-356-7015 Work: 505-865-1750 Work 505 292 2536x-4I8 ExccuUvc Director Don Gcrhcart. fsmnhfitponalesschools weedlel Uamsn com nc,binsmra aol com

The New Mexico M usician-Fall. 2014 1 President’s Report Neil Swapp Gerhcart, not only for PED in the a^inistration of End of their dedication to our Course E x^s and Music Perfor profession, but also for mance Asses^ents. W hile the first their friendship. year wasn't without a few b^ips, And lastly I urge I feel that ^MMEA's involv^ent each of you to thank a was tremendously helpful in insur­ teacher f om your past ing that it went as smoothly as pos­ who had a lasting im­ sible. 1 have put together a committee pression. On that note. I to look at several issues surrounding w ill pass on a short story. the new process and w ill meet with I grew up in an incred­ the PED to hopefully address s^ie Neil Swapp ibly r^ote area of our o f the issues and propose solutions. President state in a county with a population Lest choose to be the solution.not less than most SA high schools and the problem! Please feel fe e to email l hope each of you had a wonder­ attended a junior high / high school me (neilswap^ri^ail.c^i) with ful summer and found s^ie trne c^ibination with an enrolment less your conc^ns. to get away and rejuvenate. Hope- than most band or choir progr^s. • 2015 Roundhouse Day! Please fjU y by now your semester is going Most would think Uiat music educa­ visit the website often for more de­ ^o o th ly and the students are mak­ tion would be bleak in such an area. tails on our Roundhouse visit next ing w onde^l music. In all honesty, it would have been but spring. We are currently working for the arrival ofa new graduate fo m with N A ^E to organize a concise As in years past, I would like to Weston New Mexico University. message to take to our state legisla­ start this article by thanking each of This first year teacher built a fantas­ tors. Talking about advocacy isn't you for the mazing work you do tic p r ^ ^ with approxrnately Vz advocacy unttl we do s^iething! with our young people. I don't think of the student body involved in mu­ Now is the trnie. I urge as many of this can be said enough, especially in sic. 1 owe this man more than I can you as possible to take part in this today's educational clrnate. Please ever repay. He provided the tools veiy miportant event. know that you are appreciated, val­ for me to become the teacher I am • BecOTie involved and infomied! ued and changing lives. At the end today. He taught his entire career in The clmiate in our nation is perfect o f the day, the work you do with stu­ small schools in our state and moved to hear our voices. Please visit the dents is the most rnportant aspect of to Texas after retirement. i recently N A ^E website and le^i about our pr^ession! found out he has re in e d to teach in various m ov^ents in education and the eastmi portion of New Mexico. Uicn contact your national and state I would also like to thank you for So ...welcOTie home Mario Cordova legislators. the opportunity I have had to serve and th a n k yo u fo r e v e ry th in g ! 1 ca n ’ t • Please join the ^M M EA group as your president. The last six years possibly repay you for what you gave on Facebook! Yes. we have joined serving on the executive board have m e. the m od^n era and have a page and been s^ie of the most fulfilling of group. Communication in all fomis my career. quite fankly in awe 1 wanted to give you an update on is our strongest asset. o f our profession at eveiy level: lo­ several it^ s that we have spoken of • And lastly, if you haven't done cal, state and national. I am truly in­ over the past few years: so. please make plans today to attend spired by our national leadership and • Hopefully by now you have had the 2015 AII-State and In-Service feel that N A ^ E is one of the most an opportunity to visit our new web­ Conference. There are many won­ rnportant organizations I belong to. site. We are very excited about the derful professional develo^ent op­ countless opportunities this has pro­ portunities planned as well as world- l would also like to thank the vided us to better serve our m ^ib e r class conductors to observe. A high executive board for their unending ship. Please visit often and take fill note at the coherence is sure to be hours of work. They are truly giv­ advantage o f the discussion boards our keynote address given by Dr. Tim ing pr^essionals who I have enjoyed and other interactive features. Lautzenheiser. working with very much. I would • As you know we are entering especially like to thank Don and Jane the second year o f working with the While you w ill read this article in

The New Mexico M usician- Fall 2014 President. ..

Sept^ber, I'm actually writing it in each day is to c ^ ie to school for mu­ Thank you for your work and early August. In fact, today is the sic. I truly believe this is true p lease le t one o f us at N M M ^ k n o w first day o f student registration and I for a ^ost all of our students. Music if we can help you in any way. We had a young vocalist stop by my of­ education is the lifeline for many of are an ^ a il, text or phone fice a fe\\ minutes ago to chat. In the our young people. As l mentioned callaw ay. conversation she said: “ I don't know earlier, music changes­ what I would do wiUiout music, sic teachers change lives aid I feel See you in January! school just wouldn't be worth c ^ i- blessed to have had a w on de ^l ca mg to."’ Keep in mind this student is reer in such an rnportant profession. a model student, but her motivation


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The New Mexico Musician — FaU. 2014 3 MB Fundraisini has been a proud sponsor ofMusic Educators iin New Mexico for over 35 yeaurs -\\rC $i/$2 Varieties -Her'slney's $2 Variety -Pretzel Rods -Obe\rto Beef Jerk)’ -Cookie Dough & Frozen Food -Nluts & Boxed Chocolate For your fundraising, needs call (505) 343-1320 or (8-oio) 880-8744 Email [email protected]

Teaching Tips Featured on NAflME's My Music Class!!

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4 The New Mexico Musician — Fall. 2014 F^tornai TJ^is is a true revolution. Nocjust in miushc Advanced Technology. education, but in education in ge/netral I absolutely love my Quaver Curric^i/u m r Teacher-Friendly* ikiviil Blciirta'^iird SERIOUSLY FUN!

Tht New M exico Musician - Fa^l. 2014 5 Office Notes Don Gerheart, Executive Director are also encouraged to be involved in the ^ M M E \ district and state events New Mexico Arts Grant and activities. Our organization is 1 am pleased to announce that New based on music educators volunteer Mexico Arts has awarded NM M EA a ing to help. This is the strength o f our grant in the amount of$6,826 Thanks organization. to Joseph Flores who prepared the grant proposal we received another For those o f you who have not ac­ high score from the reviewers. Bravo cessed our website recently you w ill to all who make NM M EV a quality find that we now have a c^ipletely organization and volunteer their trne new website. President Neil Swapp as ^ficers and to help at the district has spent countless hours uploading and state level. i^onnation and setting up and orga­ nizing this major endeavor. You are Coherence Hotel encouraged to visit our website (still Our conference hotel for the 2015 www.nmnea.cOTi) and see w h a t is w ill again be the Sheraton Albuquer­ available. This is a work in progress que Uptown Hotel located at the cor­ O fice Notes with more infonnation and links be­ ner o ^e n a u l and Louisiana NE. We S^im er 2014 ing added in the near future. Please have received nothing but favorable Don Gerheart, Executive Director feel f ee to contact Neil Swapp or rOTiarks following last year's confer­ Don Gerheart if you have trouble ence The rate will be S89 per room WelcOTie back to one and all. For navigating our new site or if you plus tax for up to four students per our ream ing teachers I hope you had have any contents to offer. Please room. There is rniple piarking (buses a relaxing summer and are rejuvenat­ check our website as it has an abun included) at the hotel. A hot deluxe ed for another school year delivering dance of infonnation. In addition breakfast buffet is included and w ill music education to our New Mexico here are a nm iber o f important docu­ be seived m one o f their ballroOTis. Students. If you are a first year mu­ ments posted inclu ^g the NMMEA The breaWast will be upgraded to sic educator or a music educator new By-Laws, Articles of Incorporation, include scrOTibled egg^s, sausage or to New Mexico we welcOTie you to Minutes of our Executive C ^m it- bacon. breakfast potatoes, waffles/ our teaching ranks. Please feel free tee and Board ofDirectors Meetings, pancakes/or French toast, doughnuts, to contact myself, other teachers in Calendar of Musical Evrnts, and our assorted m ^n^reakfast breads, your district or area, or any of our H an db oo k. various ftuits (whole oi' sliced), cold ^M M EA ^Rcers if you have any cereals. yogurt, m ilk. juice. and cof­ questions or need help along the way. Your Executive C o^iittee has fee. There w ill also b,e free Wi-Fi SOTietrnes one feels better if they been working veiy hard for months for all rooms booked for ^M M EA. just have someone to talk to. preparing for our auditions as well The Coronado Mall is located across as for the many clinics and arrange­ the street and ABQ UptOTvn is rela­ For new music educators to our ments that need to be made for A ll­ tively close. Your Board o f Directors state I encourage you to join our na State. Please read the colm ins o f our encourages directors to support the tional association N A ^E and our ^Rcers to find out who the honor en- Sheraton Uptown even though it is state organization ^M M EA. Both sOTibles w ill be as well as more spe­ the director's choice a.s to where to ^anizations do a lot to support and cific infonnation about your section house their students. prOTiote music education at a na­ in regards to our auditions and our tional and state level. Instructions for upcoming conference. Be advised Congratulations to our 2015 how to join or renew arc included in that the orchestra section w ill be do­ ^M M E \ Awards Recipients this col^in. ing recorded auditions for the first Music Educator of the Year - Dustin trne this fall. Seifeit, Portales Most music educators are in­ Hall of F ^ie volved to s^ie degree in other For those of you who attended Keith Jordan, Albuquerqiee school and c^m unity activities. you district meeting is August you Kurt ChriOTian, Fannington If you are not you are encouraged w ill find sOTie information repeated Pam Towry-Church, Cimarron to do so. There is no better way for in this colOTin. My apologies but New and Emerging Teacher-Nicho- you to promote your program and there are many of our music educa las Prior. Albuquerque gain support for it than getting out tors who don’t attend district meet­ Emeritus Teacher ^ Diane Schutz, there and working with others. You ings. Las C ruces

The New Mexico Musician — Fall, 2014 Office Notes...

A ^inistrator of the Year - Ricky NM M EA Scholarship in your advocacy dforts. Please go to Espinoza, Aztec If you have a student who is and click ''Take Ac­ Rollie V. H ei^an Distinguished planning to major in music educa tion” located in the blue bar You can Service Award - Diane Otts, Albu­ tion please call their attention to our also go to our website - 'Resources", querque ^M M EA Music Scholarship and en­ "Advocacy". You will see more in­ Award o f Distinction - Las Cru­ courage them to apply. More infor fom iation to access. ces Public Schools mation and the application form can Don't hesitate to contact Don G er be found on our website. C lick o f the heart if you have any questions or M ^bership Renewals and Up­ “ Fomis” link and then on the links concmis. Teach your students well dating Your I^rm ation under the ‘‘Student Scholarship” and work to have the strongest pro­ R ^^b e r that when you join header. The scholarship is worth gram possible. Have a great year! N A ^ E tl1a.t membership fee in­ $500 payable to their university the For today's students to succeed to­ cludes your NMMEA m^bership. first year and another $500 payable morrow, they need a cOTiprehensive You cannot just join one organiza­ to the student when they are doing education that includes music taught tion or the other. N A ^E would like their student teaching. The deadline by ex^plary music educators. that we ail process memberships on­ for applications is D ec^ber I. 2014. line if at all possible. No hard copy membership fonns are available any A d v o c a c y Need information longer. Your anniversary date w ill be Your Board of Directors has dis­ used as he renewal date o f your m ^ - cussed having a “Capital Day’' in about your NAfME bership. If your membership expires Santa Fe during the upcOTiing legis­ membership? in July and > ou don‘t renew it until lative session. This w ill include get­ Sept^ber your m ^bership renewal ting advocacy infomiation to every date w ill be July not Sept^ber. You legislator and visiting the offices of can join N ^^E /^M M E A by going as many legislators as possible. Your to our new website. In the upper right Executive Committee is planning to hand c ^ e r click on ihe appropri­ have their February meeting in Santa ate box log in, and follow the steps. Fe so we can visit legislatures. We Please note tliat you w ill need your would hope to be able to schedule the N ^V IE n) number. You will need a "Capital Day" so members can also total of 9 digits to log in. Whatever join us in our advocacy efforts. your ID n ^ b c r is add zeros at the We all must continue to advocate beginning to total 9 digits. You can for strong music education progr^s also find the s .^e i^om iation on the in our schools. Your officers can do N A ^E website ( ). what they can but it is n ^be rs that Contact NAfME You can update your personal infor­ really make a deference. We need Member Services at mation by clicking on “ Login” . After Y )U to be involved. With funding you log in click on any of the areas shortfalls all around us it is more 1-800-336-3768 that you need to update and make rnportant than ever that we infomi or your changes. Follow the instruc­ our administrators. school board, tions until you have updated all of and elected ^c ia ls how ^portant MemberServices@ your infomiation as needed and you participation is music to us. None of have c^p le te d the renewal process. us should sit back and wait for s ^ e - R ^^b e r the roster infomiation one else to advocate for music and that is posted on our website is taken other arts to be a viable part o f each directly fomi N A ^E 's database. school’s curricula. Get involved IB We do not en icr or coirect any data if you haven't already done so and posted on the online roster. It is your encourage your students to get in­ responsibility to update your contact volved. They and their parents have inf^iation. Please n o t^ your Ex­ a great deal o f clout and can be the Music Education ecutive Director of any changes to most rffective tool we have. Orchestrating Success your contact infonnation. N ^V IE has a tr^iendous wealth o f infomiation for you to read and use

The New Mexico Musician - Fall. 2014 Editor’s Desk Keith Jordan otal and ^n d ^e n ta l things that have son. not that they won in Enid. that shaped me as teacher, the Law o f the Mr. Howell did the RKIHT THING! Garbage Truck, the true meaning of He taught th ^ how to be men and Christas, the Law of Attitude. ^ w ^ien of conscience. What did I good how are you? f try and r ^ ^ - teach my kids to do last week? What ber things, kids, times, places and do they remember of me and what people that taught me the greatest was the most rnportant lesson I lessons of my life. l ^ and think gave them? 1 have never come close i f 1^ still able to help kids le ^ to teaching anyone that mportant of s^ie of those lessons and if I can a lesson, but s^ieday I hope to. even r^ ^ b e r who what why and Norvil is still the only ba^d di­ h o w 1 c ^ e to understand a few of rector in to take a band to Mid­ the ftjnd^entals in my life. I thank west and to won so many festivals it GOD for Harold Van Winkle, Loren would be hard to count but his kids Rhodes, Bob Bo^ia. Tim La^en- to a man are MOST proud ofthe les­ heiser, Greg Randall, Norvil How­ sons he taught th ^ about life! How ell, Ken Holloway, J ^ Young, P ^ to be citizens that anyone could be Towry, John and Dianne Schutz, B ri­ proud of. Harold Van Winkle and Hi Folks. hope your school year is an and Judy Uerling, Kurt and Donna Jrn Young did that for me, IV i su- o ff to a wonderful start and you are Sc^idt, ^ ly W illies, John Con­ p r^e ly grateful to them both. having fijn! l'm starting my 35th verse, Henry Estrada, John Sanks year in teaching, not counting the and last but certainly not least, Mrs. P ^ Towry, Kurt Chri^an and I two I was an assistant band direc­ S torrs. were honored with the NM M EA Hall tor at the U of Utah. I read a recent I try and r^ ^ b e r how they put of F ^ e Award this year. To quote facebook post that mentioned that a up with my stupidity and my steep Barbara L^brecht, “we're in TALL teacher was just feeling old that his le^iing curve and I try and apply COTTON!” When I look through first year students were graduating the law o f the garbage truck to every the all-state p ro g r^ and read the college this year. :) Made me ^ ile , thing that goes on around me. names o f the folks currently enrolled P ^ Towry and l are both celebrat­ Everyone that I mentioned by m the hall of fame, I ^ humbled to ing our 35th year in teaching and our n^e are MY teachers and MY say the least. first l7 year old high school kids are friends, you have ND idea the fierce­ tilin g 52 this year and rapidly ap­ ness of pride and light in my eyes SO. what is this law of the gar­ proaching retir^ent! An interesting when I say that, I have leaned and bage truck you ask, well I ^ glad place to reflect from and look around received so very much fom you al! yo u asked! at others. Jim Young is just reading these 35 years. IV i so v ^ grate- this and filin g at s^ie of his band fiil for your sharing. acceptance and T h e S to ry kids that are great grandparents and great teaching skills towards your — One day I hopped in a taxi and Norvil Howell. our living legend, students and to ME! we took o ff for the airport. We were started teaching the year l was b ^ i. S ^ie of you are familiar with the driving in the right lane when sud­ He hates when I say that. by the way' story about Norvil Howell and tlie denly a bla(;k car j^p e d out of a If Norvil were still actively teaching Clovis Band in Enid, Oklah^ia... parking space right in front o f us. M y he'd be approaching his 60th year. Mr. Howell took his band to eat at a taxi driver slim e d on bis brakes, Everything in perspective and ev­ restaurant in Enid in the early I 960's skidded, and missed the other car by erything in it’s time. I looked at my and he had two Afi ican-^ierican just inches! The driver of the other 96 year old G ran^other once and students in the band, the manager of car wliipped his head around and said I fell old because my back hurt the restaurant asked if the two boys started yelling at us. M y taxi driver that m ining. She looked at me and could eat in the kitchen with the just smiled and waved at the guy. asked. “ what's that like?" Pointed at hired help and N orvil walked into the And I mean, he was really f iendly. her bead and said, “ 2 l up here!” Per­ dining ro ^i, told the band to leave So I asked, ^ h y did you just do spective is everything, how you think the food, get up and get on the bus. that? This guy almost ruined your car is how you feel and act. Do people right then. On the bus he explained and sent us to the hospital!' This is enjoy being around you or are you what happened and they drove to an­ when my taxi driver taught me what the ultimate downer to those that other place where the boys could eat I now call. ‘The Law o f the Garbage work with you? with the band family. To this DAY Truck.' He explained that many peo- Every year I reread s ^ie very piv­ his students still r^ ^ b e r that les­

8 The New Mexico Musician — Fa^t. 2014 Editor...

pie are like garbage tiucks. They lun rection. We made a lot of f iends around fiill o f garbage, fiill o f fins- and worked harder on band than I’ve tration. fill o f anger, and fill of dis­ probably worked since. Thanks Mr. appointment. As their garbage piies L, Heniy and I are grateful for your up, they need a place to d ^ ip it and fi'iendship and leadership. sOTietrnes they’ll d ^ip it on you. ask the mentors Don 't take it personally. Just ^ ile , I ^ gratefil to Don Gerheart , wave, wish them well. and move on. Neil Swapp and Joseph Flores for D on't take their garbage and spread it their willingness to s^ve ^M M EA to other people at work, at home. or and their tr^endous leadership dur­ on the streets. ing a very large move forward and the inevitable backlash that change The bottom line is that successful creates. Don has moved ^M M EA Online Professional people do not let garbage trucks take in a VERY positive financial direc­ over their day. Life's too short to tion and created a very cOTif’ortable Development! wake up in the m o ling with regrets, cushion financially for the organiza­ so...Love the people who treat you tion. I can tell you nationally we are right. Pray for the ones who don’t. the envy o f many state associations. Gof music education questions? Life is ten percent what you make it Thank you three for all your bard and ^ le ty percent hov you take it! w o rk Want some expeit advice?

H ave a blessed. garbage-fiee day! Lastly I would like to thank all (one of my favorite stories and N ) of you teachers for the hard work . the l in the stoiy is N D T me) hours and stress you endure to teach NAfME offers this exciting free our kids. Every chance I get, I like benefit to members throughout t he A TT I T U D E to remind a^inistrators and parents that without teachers there are no stu­ school year. NAfME members “You are in charge of your own dents and wnh out students there are atlitude - w hatever others do or cir- N ) schools. The real work is b ^ g visiting the band, orchestra, c^istances you face. The only per done in the classro^i by dedicated, chorus, j azz, inovations, guitar, son you can control is yourse^.. underpaid and under appreciated pro­ Worry more about your attitude fessionals that NEVER quit. I proud general music, composition, and than your aptitude or lineage." P a r­ o f you all! ian W right Edetaan Collegiate networks can get expert Thank you for the opportunity to advice i n answer to their questions. "Attitude precedes service. Your serve you as Editor o f the magazine. positive mental attitude is the ba­ It has been a privilege and honor for sis for the way you act and react to me to serve ^M M EK. I K.NOV that people. ‘You become what you think Don Gerheart feels the s ^e way Visit t he f orums at about' is the foundation o f your ac­ about his job and service. It’s also tions and reactions. What are your been FUN, can't lie, getting to be on thoughts? Positive all the tme? How the board and be a part o f the future arc you guiding th ^ ? “ - Jeffrey Gi- o f this profession is just fin. tom er M y best to you all and I hope that Whether you realize this or not this year is stacking up to be the best j j National Association my college band director was Tim you’ve ever had! Let me quote John ^ /or Music Education Lautzenheiser Henry Estrada and I ^u itt, visionary and nationally rec­ were both in Mr. L’s band A lot of ognized leader in tiie Guitar move­ you know hrn as Dr Trn. he was ment in the US, “ Keep em Playing!” M r L in our day. He taught us many things about self reflection. self di- reciion and self evaluation. I know that Henry and I are both g ra t^ l to Dr. Tim for ail his hard work and di­

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lO The New Mexico Musician - Fall. 2014 Band Section Jennifer Johnson, Vice President son Middle School, (Betsy Van American Elegy by Frank Ticheli Dyke), 3rd — Valencia Middle The Crosley March by Fillmore, ed. School (Bill Austell) Foster Class A-AA: l st C^arron HS (P ^ Towry-Church). 2nd — Cloud- S^phonic Band (Cody Birdwell) croft HS (Pat Gaskill), Glory o f the Yankee Navy by John 3rd — Clayton Jr./Sr. HS ^ illi^ Philip Sousa. ed. Fennell K o rte ) O Magnum M ysteri^ by Laurid- Class AAA: I st - Cobre HS (Chuck sen, arr. Reynolds Gerheart), 2nd - St. Michael’s HS Give Us This Day by Maslanka (Dorothy Kincaid). 3rd — Portales HS (Jennifer Johnson) 2015 All-State Volunteers Class A AAA: l st — D ^ing HS lt takes many dedicated people who (Bmiie Chavez), 2nd — Valencia are co^iitte d to improving the HS (Anthony Baca), 3rd — Centen­ lives of young musicians in order nial HS (Joseph Flores) to create an All-State Festival that 2014-2015 All-Saate Auditions C lass A A A A A : 1st - C lo v is H S is successful and creates a memory Auditions w ill be recorded again (Bill Allred). 2nd — Eldorado HS that lasts a lifetime. If you arc this year. As you help your students (Brad Dubbs). 3rd — Las Cruces HS interested in helping and becoming prepare for All-State (Saul Garland) more involved with NM M EA please auditions, please remember wind contact me at ^m m eaban^j^ail. auditions arc 7 m inutes and percus­ 2015 All-State Convention c ^ or 575 791-2440. sion auditions are IO minutes. As You w ill need to wear your badge a general guideline, scales should to all sessions you attend. As we 2014 All-State Wind and Percussion take about I minute and 30 seconds. prepare for All-State 2015 please Audition enides C abined, the etudes should take feel free to co^iunieate your ques­ Note: All winds w ill be required to 4 minutes to perfonn. WiUi time tions. concerns and cem ents to perfomi from m ^o ry one major flat to look at the sight-reading. sight­ me (^^ or and one major sharp scale in addi­ reading should take about a minute 575-791 -2440). Through this c ^ i- tion to iheir ch r^a tic scale. Please to I minute and 3 0 seconds. Please munication we can continuc to ^ - refer to specific ranges listed in this help your students prepare with the prove our organization and provide a rticle 7miinute trne alliotment per audition a rewarding event for our teachers in m m d. and students. If you would like to Flute / Piccolo - "Selected Studies present a clinic/session at the 2015 for Flute", Voxman (pub. Rubank) 2015 Honor Concert Band All-State Conference, please send •Page 8 , E M inor by Ferling; quarter l ^ pleased to announce that the me a proposal that includes your note — 50-60. Piay the entire etude Clovis High School Symphonic clinic title and a brief description. SSB Excetpt: Beginning to measure Band under the direction o f Bill 16. Allred has been selected as Uie 2015 2015 All-State Conductors •Page 25, A Major by Karg-Elert; Honor Band Thanks to all ^ a ll School Band (Dustin SeHert) dotted eighth note = 92-116. Play the groups who s u ^ itted an applica­ River o f Lite by Steven Reineke entire etude. tion this year. The-judging panel was Aria di Chiesa by Stradella, arr. SSB Excerpt: dotted eighth note = very c^plem entiary of all groups. T h ^a s V. Fraschillo 72. Play beginning to measure 11. ...and tlie Antelope Play by C ^ a - ^ lA A State Concert Band Compe­ han Oboe I English H ^ri - ‘'48 Famous titio n Fanfare. Ode. & Festival by Mar- Studies for Oboe and Saxophone”. I would like to tihank Atrisco Heri­ g o lis Ferling (pub. South^n Music Co.) tage Academy fo, hosting the 2014 New Mexico March by John Philip •Page 15, #29, eighth note = 8 8 . P lay ^ lA A State Ccmcert Band C ^- Sousa, ed. Fennell the entire etude. petition. Congratulations to all who SSB Excerpt: Beginning to measure participated. Infonnation on the 2015 Concert Band Michael G o l^o ) 16. State Concert Band Competition can Anitschka by Johann Nijs •Page 14, #28: quarter note = 120­ be found at . Toccata by Frescobaldi. arr. S lo c ^ 126. Play the entire etude. Middle School: 1st - LBJ Middle Serenade, Op. 22 by Derek B our SSB Excerpt: Beginning through School (Gerri Reese). 2nd — Madi­ geois measure 8 .

The Ne^^: Mexico Musician -F af/, 2014 L Band... SSB Excerpt: Begin at m. I and play SSB Excerpt: begin in measure l9 Bassoon - “Practical Method for the to the 16th note A on beat I of mea­ and play to end. Bassoon", Weissenb^i/Ambrosio sure 21. “30 Etudes”. Uber (Knaub ed.) (pub. (pub. Carl Fischer)(50 Advanced Southmr Music Co.) Studies) French H w i -'’335 Selected Melodi­ •Page 6-7, No. 8. quarter note = 80 •Page 82. #4; quarter = 69-72. Play ous Progressive & Technical Studies *slower than printed tempo*. Play the entire etude. for French H^ri”, Pottag/Andraud entire etude, including D C . al Fine. SSB Excerpt: Beginning to measure (pub. South^n Music Co.) SSB Excerpt: Play from beginning 11, end on fennata. •Page 60, #44, Allegro maestoso. in to Fine only. •Page I 00. #29; Allegro con fioco. G minor; quarter note = 88; Play en­ quarter = 88-96. Play from beginning tire etude. Tuba - “43 Bel Canto Studies”. Bor to m. 31 (end on high E -flat). SSB Excerpt: Begin at measure l dogni (pub. Alphonse Leduc) SSB Excerpt: Beginning to measure and play to the D eighth note on beat •Page 14, No. 11, eighth note = 66 12, just before first fermata (on B- 2 o f measure l2. *slower than printed t^p o *. Play flat). All: In measure 8-9 play the upper entire etude. notes. In measure 20-21 play the trip­ SSB Excerpt: begin in measure ) 9 Eb^b Soprano Clarinet - “Artistic lets. Page 26, #17, and play to end. Studies- Book I”, Rose (ed. Hite) •“Allegro vivace” by Gallay; quar­ ''70 Studies for BBb Tuba, Volume (pub. Southmi Music Co.) ter note = 160-180; Play entire piece I”, Blazhevich (Please note Vol. I) •Page 14, #13; Adagio. quarter note = with D C . and Coda. (pub. King Music) 56. Play entire etude. SSB Excerpt: Begin at m. I and play •Page 29, No. 30, quarter note = 72­ SSB Excerpt: Beginning through through measure 36. 80; play entire etude. measure 24. SSB Excerpt: Begin in m. 18 and •Page 37, #35; Moderato, quarter Trumpet - “27 Melodious and Rhyth­ play to the end. note = I 00. Play entire etude. mic Exercises”, by J. L. ^ a ll (pub. SSB Excerpt: Beginning through Carl Fischer) Percussion measure 24. •Page 5, #3; Dotted quarter = 60. Mallets: ^ o d ^ School for Xylo­ Play the entire etude. phone, Marrnba, & Vibraphone", Alto/Bass/Contra Bass Clarinet - SSB Excerpt: Beginning to mea­ Goldenberg (pub. Alfred) "Advanced Studies” from the works sure 24. •Page 62. Etude 1. Play entire etude. of Juhs Weissenb^n for Atto and Errata. Measure 17: the last note of Bass Clarinets, adapted by W illie the measure should be an eighth note. Snare drum: "Portraits in Rhytlim”, Rhoads. (pub. South^i Music Co.) •Page 15, #10; Quarter note = 63. Cirone (pub. Belwin Mills) **^ o te ; new book adopted in Janu­ Play from beginning to measure 20. •Page 8. etude 6. Play from the be­ ary 2013 by ^MMEA Band Divi­ SSB Excerpt: Same requirements. ginning through measure 16. s io n *** •Page 25, #32, Largo, quarter note = Tenor Trombone and Euphonic - Trnpani: "The Solo Trnpanist”. 46-50. Play entire etude. “Selected Studies for Trombone”, Firth (pub. Carl Fischer) SSB Excerpt: Beginning to measure V o^an (pub. Rubank) •Page 4, Etude 1. Play from the be­ 30. •Page 43, Andante afl'ettuoso: play ginning to measure 36. •Page 6. #10. Allegro moderato, freely, eighth note = 1 00-108. Play quarter note = 88-96: Play entire entire etide. Multiple Percussion Etude: etude, no repeat. SSB Excerpt: Begin in measure 26 Crash c^bal. t^bourine, and tri­ SSB Excerpt: Beginning to measure (cadenza measure) and play to end. angle. Music and tempo marking in- 10. •Page 37, Allegro, eighth note= 168. fonnation available at www.^mmea. Play entire etude. com All Saxophones - "48 Famous Stud­ SSB Excerpt: Begin at measure 27 ies for Oboe and Saxophone”, Fer- and play to end. R udrnents: ling (pub. South^n Music Co.) Percussionists w ill be required to •Page 2. #3 in a minor, Andantino; Bass TrOTibone - “43 Bel Canto know all "Even-n^bered" Percus­ eighth note = I 00; Play entire etude. Studies”, Bordogni (pub. Alphonse sive Arts Society Rudrnents. SSB Excerpt: Begin at m. l and play Leduc) 2, 4, 6. 8. 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, to the end o f m. 16 •Page 14, No. l I, eighth note = 66 24, 26,28. 30, 32, •Page 7, #14 in D Major, Scherzo; *slower than printed t^po*. Play (available on line at ^ quarter note = 112; Play entire etude. the entire etude.

12 The New Mexico Musician - Fall. 2014 Band...

The adjudicator w ill ask the student Scales: Sight Reading: to perform several o f the required Percussionists w ill be responsible A ll percussionists w ill sight read a rudim ents. for knowing all 12 Major Scales short excerpt on mallets and snare The ludrnents shall be pe^omied by memory, TW O OCTAVES. The d r ^ . Slow-Fast-Slow (Begm at a slow adjudicator w ill ask the student to tempo, accelerando to a faster perfbmi several scales on marmba. tempo, and ritardando back to the original t^p o )

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The N ew M exico Musician — Fall. 2014 13 .... i p ‘

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14 The New M

Required Range and ScaJe Requirmients W ind and Percussion Instructions: I. The ch r^a tic scale and all twelve m ajor scales are required f r ^ mmiory. Students should be fam iliar with enhamionic spelling. (For e x^p le : C# m ajor= Db major) 2. Scales w ill be asked by starting tone. No transposition is required. 3. Students must play scales in as many octaves possible within the required range indications, however, students are encouraged to exceed m in ^ ^ i requirm ients. Percussionists w ill play all scales two octaves. 4. The main judging criteria w ill be tone, accuracy, and speed. 5. The following range indications are m in ^ ^ i:

Major C^hromatic Major Chromatic

« 0 P i ^ l o ^ F|ute 4 "


Bb/Eb Clarinet Bass Clarinet m 0 V V

. 0 0 .

Oboe and A ll Saxes

Trumpet Hom ■ V

. 0 Q T rombo^nc/Euphofliwn Bass Trombone m

- k t i- Tuba

'O' V

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16 The New Mexico Musician - Fall, 2014 Orchestra Section Rebecca Simons, Vice President I hope you will encourage all of I am very excited to announce your high school students to begin to that Jennifer Rogers and her orches­ prepare for all-state auditions. The tra from Las Cruces High School in audition materials are posted on the Las Cruces, NM have been selected website under the "A ll State Audi­ as the 2015 All-State Honor Orches­ tions^ link. If you need any of the tra. The honor orchestra concert solo literature, Music M art and Rob- w ill be held on Friday afternoon in eilson & Sons Violin Shop should Popqoy Hall on the University of have It on hand, N ew Mexico Campus. This is an in­ credible achievement and I am very All-State audition enhy foes are excited to hear Ms. Rogers’ orchestra S12.00 and die deadline for early perfonn! Please plan on attending the registration is September 22, 20 I 4. honor conceits, it is always a w o n - Late registration is September 23rd derfol experience! - September 29th. The fee increases to S25.00 starting September 23rd. Here is the repertoire for 20l5's Welcome tothe 2014-2015 school Please note: no entries will be ac­ All-State conference: year! I hope this year is fijll o f great cepted after September 29th! There musical opponunities for you and are no exceptions to these deadlines, 2015 Orchestra All State Reper­ your students. 1 am very excited for be aware of all due dates. All au­ toire Information the new school year, and I hope you ditioning students need to submit are too. We are all lucky to be music Concert Orchestra - Dr. Rebecca the "All-State Commitment Forni" educators. Macleod Professor of Music Educa­ to their teacher before the audition, tion-University of North Carolina- and the fom i must be signed by the Here is some infonnation from G reensboro student, director, and parent. Each N^4MEA that you'll need to know 1. (c.4 ’) Overture to Rienzi. Richard teacher will keep these forms on file for the upcoming year. Through­ Wagner, Arr. Sandra Dackow (JW for one year and w ill need to have out the year I will keep everyone P e p p e r#2216210) d ie m on hand if NMMEA needs lo updated with information peiiaining 2 . (c. 6') Greensleeves. Art. Alfred access the fomi. to All-State, NMMEA, the NMAA Reed ( Luck's # l2l09) State Orchestra Competition, and All-State String Audition Dates 3. (c. 5') John Henry, Aaron Copland any other information to help make (L u c k 's #01938) this year as successfot as possible for O ct. 23-24, Albuquerque, Eldo 4 . (c. 6') Berceusc and Finale, Igor you and your students. In order to do rado HS - Ruth Striegel Stravinsky. arr. M e rle J. Isaac (L u c k ’s this, l need your cummt e-mail ad­ #30060) dresses. If you have changed your e­ O ct. 22. Las Cruces, NMSU — Symphony Orchestra Professor m ail address, are new to the state or Dee Ann Cason and Jennifer Rogers Wes Kenney-Director of Orchestras profession, or you have not received Colorado State University All string auditions will be re­ auy correspondences fiom me since 1. (c, 9 ’) Three Pieces fiom the bal­ corded for the first time this year. W e January, please take a moment and let "Gayaneh” Dance of the Rose w ill have four judges listening to the send me your e-mail address, R ebec- Maidens, Lullaby and Sabre Dance. auditions. Roberta Amida, from the [email protected] . Aram- G. Schirmer La Catrina String Quartet w ill be lis­ 2. (c. 16') An American in Paris, Please make sure you visit the tening to all violin auditions, Kathy George Gershwin (Luck's # 0 90 88 ) website regu­ (Dollahon) H ill will adjudicate all larly to make sure you're staying up viola auditions, Art Sheinberg w ill The symphony orchestra music to date and getting all of the infor­ judge cello auditions, and Mark Ta­ posed more challenges this year than mation you may need for all state. tum, fiom UNM w ill adjudicate all normal, since most o f it remains out NMMEA w ill be rolling out a new bass auditions. As it has been for ofprint. I would like to thank Profes­ website in the near fixture, although. some time now, all auditions will sor Kenney for all of his help finding 1 believe the address will remain the be blind and anonymous. I want to the music and making it possible to same. Please remember to update thank all o f our Judges, in advance, perform. I would also like to thank your membership with N A ^E and for their hard work and commitment Joe Keith at Music Mart for the in­ NMMEA, This can all be done on­ to NM M EA and the students of New credible amount of time and hard lin e . M exico. work it took to make all of the parts

The New Mexico Musician - Fall, 2014 17 Orchestra... readable. Without the work o f these our schools. to share their talents and in;str^mients, two gentl^en, this mazing pro- In the past. Robertson and Sons their support, and for their constant g r ^ would not have been possible. Violin Shop has generously allowed dedication to the students and miusic the string teachers o f the state to bor­ educators o f New Mexico. Additionally, I know you're all in row instr^ents during all-state for Finally, 1 hope you all have a w on­ credibly busy and over worked, but reading sessions. The orchestra vice derful school year and I look fomrard as you all know, the state has ^ p le president has been responsible for to seeing you all at our annual con­ mented new teacher evaluations. I these instr^ents during the confer ference in January. Enc ourag,e as encourage you to get involved at the ence. These instr^ents are worth many of your high schoo,I students state level, write your state legisla­ extraordinary counts of money. as possible to audition for All-S.tate. tors. congres^en, the govm ior, and After many discussions, it was de­ The audition process is very educa­ anyone else in power that w ilt lis­ cided that ^M M EA and the orches­ tional and a skill that needs cultivat­ ten, to help prevent the powers that tra VP will not provide instr^ents ing. Please feel free to e-maill me be fr ^ i making decisions that harni for anyone at all-state. You w ill have with any questions or conc^s re­ our fine arts programs and schools. to bring your own if you would like garding the state orchestra section of Very often those wbo are making to play for the reading sessions. The ^MMEA. R ^^b e r that what you decisions are not aware o f how our liability for ^M M EA, the orchestra do is incredibly rnportant. To cnuote p ro g r^s need to be run, nor are they VP, U ^ l, and Robertson's is too a very wise man, “this is no smiall aware o f the best way to educate our great. I apologize for the inconve­ thing we do.” students. Get involved, and encour­ nience. I want to thank Robertson age your students and their parents to and Sons Violin Shop for their in­ RespectlUlly, fight for music education and arts in credible generosity. their willingness Rebecca Srnons PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY 2014/15 ^^Z(i<^Auditions E£R 15, (PREVIEW DAY) ,2015'JANUARY24,2015

3 ,2015'FEBRUARY7,2015

f r ' * ^ Schedule an audition: [email protected] 310.506.4111

J8 The New Mexico Misician — Fall, 2014 General Music Section Virgina Hinds, Vice President

where the EoCs come in. They give resent very well! I look forward us ^u s ic teachers) the opportunity to to passing on the reigns to her. have our evaluations lied to student She is going to be FABULOUS!!! perfonnance in our content area. Ev­ eryone. THlSIS\G O)DTHm G !!! Also. a congratulations goes out to Christine Strickland and her High School and El^entary El^entary for being selected as Music teachers had the opportunity the 2015 ^M M EA General Music to give EoCs last spring. Middle Honor Group. More on this next School w ill have one ready for this issue as well. STAY POSTED!!!! Spring Semester (which is what I ^ in Santa Fe for). I which 1 could tell you everything about the new EoC, HELP NEEDED but I cannot. I CAN say the process HeUo from Mountainair! J have has been very interesting and it has beern throughout the east^ part Needing volunteers to be been a pleasure (we laughed a lot, and of tlhe United States this su ite r! monitors and presiders for our laughed a lot more, was told we were ^ a car w/husband and suivived!) Ail-State clinics. lf you are inter­ having too much fun, was told we ested (it's not a hard job), please First stop was T ^p a , Florida for were too loud, and finally they just contact me: vhinds3^i! a beiautiful wedding aid toll booths! closed the door on us) to work with Then through several states (Arkan­ s^ie fabulous Middle School M u sas was the worst for roads) to Okla- sic Educators from around the stale M K ) ^ h^iia for a sort o f house wanning to develop a quality asses^ent for for imy sister, Mechelle, who moved our Middle School Music students. there from West Virginia Then up Please check out the website for to Colorado to visit my sistcr-in- Music in Our Schools Month. I know la\\, Margie. We finally got h^ie, ALL-STATE that it is in March, but they have s ^ e and then it was ofl' again to Santa Fe. Start making plans now to at­ great webcasts and other paraphmia- tend the ^M M EA All-State Confer lia that you might be interested in! ence in January 2015. ll wiU be at S,o welcome back to another U ^1 in Albuquerque on January amazing school year! l l I am cur Okay everyone, go to those 7-10,2015. We have s^ie won- rent ly hard at work developing an District Meetings and show General d c^l presentations that I will EoC (End of Course) Ex^ination Music pride! talk about more in the next issue. for Middle School Music. For that This is me signing up for another reason. l have a ghost writer do­ glorious school year! Contact me! I ing this update! (Thank you, ^ ly ) Give it up for Kate Kuper who w ill need volunteers be our headliner this year! Y E A H !!!!

S.o..TVOW! The 2013-2014 scho

    The New Mexico Musician - Fall. 2014 19 Choral Section Brian U erling, Vice President

    label it “Your Future All-State Re- belhausen (Albuquerque) and

    20 The New Mexico Musician — Fall, 2014 Choral. ..

    leaning first-hand about so M ANY the tmieliness of their response. ent organization is, but I had ab­ facets o f our profession. You w ill see solutely no idea how “deep”— it's 4. The hired acc^ipanist / thean demonstrating wami-ups, vocal absolutely astounding. I w ill refer­ collaborative pianist will agree to technique, choral sound preferences, ence a couple of initiatives that w ill work as a mentor to succes^l can­ conducting and many other things. change the f'abiic o f the lives o f mu­ didates, giving th e i suggestions P ^ on spending s^ie trnie in these sic teachers in the next few years: and encouragement as needed, as exciting and excellent rehearsals. well as answering questions. This 1. “Broader Minded,..Think Als,o, please plan on attending our would also include monitored dis­ Reyond the Bubbles”. Today's edu­ Choral Section Meeting. There is al­ cussion and interaction with the cational culture places a high value ways a Jot of infomiation generated clinician as rehearsal trnie allows. on quant^ing acadeiic achieve­ and discussed at this meeting! Plus it ment. “Bubble” tests can only mea­ is led by an intoxicating, chari^atic 5. If the auditioned student sure so much. Music shapes the and generally chamiing person. OK, successfully acc^ipanies the as­ way our students understand the i- OK— I'll FIND s^ieone like that. signed piece, then they may be selves and the world around them given a more extended role the fol­ You will certainly not want to and allows for deep engagement for lowing year as approved by the mis.s our Honors Choir Concert dur­ le^iing. It nurtures creativity, cu­ Choral VP and the contacted ac­ ing our trnie together in Ja n u ^ We riosity, detemiination and motiva­ c o m p a n is t I collaborative pianist. had four choirs from New Mexico tion. Music helps develop the stu­ large schools s u ^it very diverse 6 . All other literature will dent “behind the bubbles”. Look and engaging progr^s. Many be performed as a singing m ei- this up on the N A ^E website! thanks to all that su^itted! l am ber of their All-State choir. 2 . “ST^i to STE^i” move­ pleaised to announce that this year’s 7. This is a pilot program, and ment. The original S T ^ i initiative winner is the fantastic Rio Rancho subject to review by the contracted is to encourage student engageient Concert Choir, under the direction acc^ipanists / collaborative pianists with Science, Technology, Engi­ of Becky Talbott. I praise you as w ell as the Choral VP and Section. neering and Math. Our nation's fu­ all that you are in for a real treat! In this second year, we will con ture econ^iic prosperity is closely Mrs. Kayla Paulk (E ^iU ) initi­ tinue \\ith the Mixed Choir only linked with student success in these ated a pilot program to encourage and the approved piece w ill be ‘‘The fields. S T E ^i adds the Arts^-Sci- student accompanists in our state. It Pasture" (Z. Randall Stroope). If ence and Technology interpreted met with resounding success! Fol­ you have a student that is quali­ through Engineering and the Arts, all lowing are the approved guidelines: fied and receives placeient in the based in M atheiatical elements. It is a fr^ew ork for teaching across I . If a successfiil All-State 2015 Mixed Choir, please e ^ a il me the disciplines. Just google “S T ^ i audationee is reco^iended by VERY SOON AFTER the October to S T E ^i’’ and read all about it. theiJr director, they may audition auditions. This will allow me the as :an acc^ipanist on Wednesday trnie necessary to communicate with Teaching music is a r^arkable night after they have successfully you and Mrs. Paulk and coordinate profession, and we've been given a completed their choral re-audition. their January audition. In order to tremendous gift to pass on. A ll my be selected, this student w ill need to best wishes to you as you jom iey 2. There will be one piece of be able to follow a conductor care­ through the 2014-2015 school year. literature approved for this process fully and play with much sensitiv­ (detemiined between the Choral VP All best---Brian Uerling, ^M M EA ity, as is the nature o f this piece. It and the contracted acc^ipanist / has a lot of give-and-take, so fol­ colliaborative pianist), and this is the low all score markings carefully! only, piece on which students w ill be allmved to audition for placement. This is our ‘‘late-in-the-day" rota tion for the upc^iing All-State con­ 3. The student will audition certs. TheTrebleChoi^illbeat3:00 for both the Choral VP and the hired and the Mixed Choir at 3:45. accompanist / collaborative pianist. They will be required to perfonn l was given the incredible oppor­ the ,accompaniment, as well as read tunity to attend the N A ^E Leader­ part:s open-score and respond to ship Conference as President-Elect ^erasure calls” and page / system / of the ^M M EA in late June. I al­ meaisure n ^b e r calls to detemiine ways knew how “wide” our par­

    The New Mexico Musician — Fall. 2014 21 I \

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    New Mexico State University NM STATE Department of Music I M V l An Accredited Member of the National Association of Schools of Music MUSIC

    22 The N ew M exico Musician — Fall. 2014 Collegiate Section Jason Paulk, Vice President

    other intense year of music making. n^ber of wonde^l workshops for our collegiate section during the Many exciting things are on the 2015 all state conference, including horizon for ^M M EA, as evidenced ‘^am i-ups with Rod,“ “Conduct­ in our very productive board meet ing lO I,” ■ Conducting: Beyond the ings in July. Your leadership is work­ Basics,” and “Preparing for a Career ing very hard, led by the very able in Music Education." More details Neil Swapp. A new and updated web­ w ill be forthc^iing in the D ec^ber site is on the horizon. new advocacy New Mexico Musician about colle­ e ffo 11s being planned, and an excel­ giate section events during all-state. lent 2015 All-State Conference in the making. We even had two collegiate Please contact me with any infoF m ^bers of ^M M EA (Natalie Tiesi mation you would like to diss^inate of and Elizabeth W illies of to our N M M EA Collegiate Section or E ^iU ) attend the summer board with your ideas for the development meetings as collegiate observers. and enhancement of our section. My ^ a il is jason.paul^^ One very exciting Collegiate and my phone number is 575-562­ Happy new school year to all o f Section announc^ent is that the 2798. I would love to hear from you. you! I hope your s^m e r has been ^MMEA Board has approved a relaxing, invigorating, and rejuve­ three-year pilot p rogr^ to host a Best wishes for a success­ nating. The sounds o f nature are still Collegiate Headliner at All-State in ful new year of music making. ringing in my ears. since my wife order to meet the needs of our pre­ and [ just retmied f r ^ a three-week service population. This year's col­ Jason Paulk trip through Yellowstone and Grand legiate headliner will be Dr Rodney Collegiate Vice President Teton National Parks. S ^et^es. Eichenberger, professor emeritus Jason.paul^;e^ silence and “nature's music" arc from Florida State University, and 575-562-2798 just what our musical sensibilities previous conductor of the mixed need in order to be prepared for an- chorus at all-state. Ile \\ lii host a

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    The New Mexico Musician — Fall. 2014 23 2015 John Batcheller Award Todd Hansen, Santa Fe 1 9 6 3 2 0 1 4 Martinez Elementary from 2007 to 2014. the20l3 Lorrain Goldman Golden Baton He also seived at the director o f the Santa Award. The award is given annually to Todd Hansen attended high school in Fe Summer Music program since it’s re­ an outstanding Santa Fe Public Schools Kanawaha. Iowa. He received his Bach­ introduction in 2 0 I 0 . music educator. Mr. Hansen was a board elor degree in Music Education with em­ member of the Santa Fe National Educa­ phasis in piano performance and voice ln addition to the music programs he put tion Association. from Wartburg College. He received his on several times a year at EJ Martinez. Master of Music degree in piano perfor Mr. Hansen also directed an after school Mr. Hansen was also proud to take his mance and music education ftom Ari­ choir program and taught elementary students routinely to perfonn at the State zona State University He later received band. Mr. Hansen was also involved at Capitol. the Canyon Road Arts Walk, and another Master’s degree in Educational the school district level as the General Passport to the Arts Festivals. Leadership from Arizona State Universi­ Music Team Leader where he planned ty Mr. Hansen also held a Level Ill cer­ professional development for the depart­ Mr. Hansen bas hvo grown children. His tificate of completion from the American ment, mentored new teachers, and guid­ daughter, Brianna, is a 4th grade teacher Orff-Schulwerk Association. ed all aspects of Santa Fe’s elementary in Boulder, Colorado His son. Max., is music programs. ln 2010, Mr. Hansen an Associate Professor of Biology at the Mr. Hansen taught general music in the reinstated the Santa Fe Public Schools University of California in Santa Bar­ Paradise Valley School District in Phoe­ Summer Music Program serving at it's bara. nix, A rizona from 1982 to 2002. From administrator and one of the elementary 2002 to 2007 he worked as a school p rin ­ music teachers. The program includes cipal and directed choirs at Dove of the band, orchestra, acoustic guitar, elemen­ Desen Methodist church before moving tary music, and art. to Santa Fe. In Santa Fe Public Schools, Mr. Hansen was music specialist at EJ In 2013 M r Hansen was the recipient of

    2015 Hall of Fame Award Kurt Chrisman, Farmington Kurt Chrisman is currently the Music Di­ and general music in the Las Cruces ucation with a major in cello and trom­ rector of the San Juan Symphony Youth Schools as well Associate Band Director bone. and has graduate studies from the Orchestra and the Anistic Director of the at Mayfield High School. University of new Mexico, new Mexico Youth Orchestra Program which includs State University, and Adams State Col­ the Youth Orchestra, Youth Pbilhamionic His orchestras consistemly received su­ lege. He performed on Trombone with and Junior Orchestra. He reaches cello perior ratings at district and national the Albuquerque Civic Light Opera and and string Bass at his home studio as w ell festivals. In 2003 the Piedra Vista Or Four Corners Opera, cello and string bass as continuing the guest clinic orchestras chestras traveled to Vancouver, B.C. to with the San Juan Symphony. Show­ in the southwest. participate in school exchange concerts case Strings, and helped found the San and partnered in music clinics with mem­ Juan College Orchestra. Mr. Chrisman Kun Chrisman was the Orchestra Di­ bers of the Vancouver Symphony. was Vice-President and President of the rector for Piedra Vista High School and Southwest NMMEA district and served Mesa View Middle School in F^^m g- Mr. Chrisman co-founded the Farm­ three tenns as Vice-President for Orches ton, New Mexico Irom 1998 through ington String Workshop (consisting of tra fOrthe New Mexico Music Educators the spring of 2014. Since starting a new Mesa View and Heights middle school Association. He was a member ot the orchestra of 11 student with the opening orchestras), which was awarded the board o f the San Juan Symphony and has o f Piedra vista. his programs included six Honor Orchestra perfomiance at the been a clinician and adjudicator through­ orchestras made up of over 1 1 0 m usi­ 2003 NMMEA All-State conference. He out New Mexico and southern Colorado cians includmg a 7 5member symphony has contm ually collaborated m all-city, smce 1980. orchesira. M r Chrisman taught orchestra state, or honor orchestra programs with in Las Cnrces at Mayfield High School other directors during his career includ K u rt has been married to his b e a u tifil for 18 years. He was also director of ing projects with the Farmington High wife Donna for 35 amazing and eventfiil orchestra programs at Vista and Picacho School Orchestra that included festival years and have 2 beautiful children. son- Middle Schools. and tour perfonuances of Washington, in-law and soon to be daughter-in-law. D.C. and New Mexico, and co-directed Roben Chrisman is a band director in Teaching in two school districts for a the first New Mexico Ambassadors of Santa Fe and Leigh Higgins is a Physi­ combined 34 years, M r Chrisman started Music Orchestra to tour Europe. cian Assistant student at St. Francis Uni­ and developed middle school and el­ versity in Albuquerque. ementary orchestra programs, and two Mr Chrisman graduated from Fanning- high school orchestra programs. His ex­ ton High School. His BFA is from the (Picture on page 29) perience also included elementary band University o f New Mexico in Music Ed­

    24 The New M exico Musician — Fall. 2014 2015 Teacher Emeritus Award Diane Schutz, Las Cruces

    Mrs. Schutz earned a BAdegree in Cho­ Phi Della Kappa and served as an Alpha Vista, Diane spent countless hours assist­ ral Music Education fiom Texas Chris­ Gamma Delta alumni representative. She ing me in learning procedures, meeting tian University and a Masters of Music in also served as a board member for the deadlines. accompanying my choirs, and Choral Conducting at New Mexico State Las Cruces Symphony. preparing students for Solo and Ensem­ University Mrs. Schutz began her teach- ble; all for which she djd not ask to be mg career in New Mexico in 1975. Mrs. Mrs. Schutz was honored in 2002 as paid.” Schutz taught elementaiy, middle school the New Mexico Music Educator of the and high school choirs for the Gadsden Year. in 2006 as the recipient of the Aits Diane has served as Choral Director for and Las Ciuces Public School Districts. In Education award from the Dona Ana the Las Cruces Symphony for the past Diane spent her final 20 years at Las Cm- Alts Council and was inducted mto the three years. In September. she will direct ces High School. where her choirs won NMMEA Hall of Fame in 2005. combined community choirs for a tribute National Acclaim for their solo perfor­ to Tony Award Winner and fi iend, Mark mances at the Kennedy Center for the Mrs. Schutz serves as a Student Teacher Medoff. She has served as an adjudica­ Peiforming Aits and Carnegie Hall. It Supervisor for New Mexico State Uni­ tor and clinician in New Mexico. Texas. seemed that wherever she taught, suc­ versity, Organist and Children's Choral Arizona, Nebraska, Colorado and Cali­ cess was quick to follow as her programs Director for St. Paul's United Method­ fornia. would grow as much as ten times in size ist Church and Director of “Good Time within a few years. Singers ’ a Senior Adult Community Mother of five children and proud grand­ Choir in Las Cruces. She continues to parent of nine (plus one on the way). Mn.. Schutz served three terms as Choral mentor new teachers for Las Cruces Pub­ Diane is married to John Schutz, Fine Vice- President for New Mexico Music lic Schools. Diane is a member of the Arts Consultant for Las Cruces Public Educators Association, andjust complet­ Mesilla Valley Concert Band, High Soci­ Schools and Director of “New Horizons ed two terms as New Mexico American ety Orchestra and serves as accompanist Band.” Together, they share a passion to Choral Director’s Association President for schools in Las Cruces and El Paso. insure music education for E V E R Y New She is a member of several profes­ Mexico student. sional organizations including N A M FE, Margo Munson, Vista Choral Direc­ NM M EA, NM ACDA, Mu Phi Epsilon, tor states, “During my first semester at (Picture on page 29 2015 Music Educator of the Year Award Dustin Seifert, Portales Dustin D. Seifeil, a native of Lancaster, band and wind ensemble history and and Ensembles, Texas Music Educators Ohio. is Chair of the Depailment repertoire, and beginning and advanced Association, Kappa Delta Pi Education of Music, Director of Bands and conducting. In 2004, Mr. Seifert received Honorary, and Pi Kappa Lambda Music Coordinator of the Division of Wind the ‘‘Spirit of Eastern Award" recognizing Honorary He is an honorary member of and Percussion Studies at Eastern New outstanding contributions. dedication, Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma, Mexico Univcrstly (ENM U) Mr Seifert and loyalty to Eastern New Mexico National Honorary Band Fratemities, received the BM E, summa cum laude, University over a sustained period. He Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, and an elected fiom The University of Akron and the was the 2005 recipient of ENM U's member of Phi Beta Mu lnteruatronal MME with an emphasis in instrumental Presidential Award for Excellence in Bandmasters Fraternity. conducting from the University of Teaching Dustin has been recognized Dustin currently serves as Southwest Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where he as a Distinguished Alumnus in Music Division chair for the National Band was the recipient of the Guy M. Duker Education (2014) by The University of Association, executive secretary for Award. His mentors include: Richard Akron School of Music. the Southeast New Mexico Music L. Cass. Michael R. Golemo. Robert Prior to his appointment at Eastern, Mr Educators Association, is a member of D. Jorgensen, Tucker R. Jolly. James f SeifOit served as Assistant Director of ihe Collegiate Advisory Council of the Keene, Gary E. Smith, Mark E. Moore, Bands at Iowa State Umversity. A l Iowa N AfM E, and setved as director of the and Deborah A. Confiedo. State, he conducted the University Band Clovis (NM) Community Band for eight In addition to his administrative duties and Musical Pit Orchestra, taught low seasons. Mr. Seifert is past president of at ENM U, Mr. Seifeit is responsible brass methods, applied low brass, and theNM M EA. for the operation and organization courses in music education. Mr Seifett is an active clinician and of a comprehensive undergraduate Dustin is a member of the New adjudicator throughout the region, state, instrumental program. In addition Mexico Music Educators Association and nation. Dustin resides in Portales, lo conducting the Wind Symphony, (N M M EA), N AfM E - The National NM with his wife, Meredith, son, Symphonic and Marching Bands, and Association for Music Education, Stratton, and daughter, Sawyer. applied euphonium/tuba instruction, National Band Association, College Dustin leads courses in low brass Band Directors National Association, (Picture on page 29) techniques, techniques of marching band. World Association for Symphonic Bands The New Mexico Musician — F at, 2014 25 Awards... 2015 Hall of Fame Award Pam Towry-Church, Cimarron

    Pamela Towiy Church is the Director of cator and clinician. she conducts honor sic Educators' Association, Ms. Towiy Bands for Ihe Cimarron, New Mexico bands. marching and percussion climes. is a member o f the Texas Bandmaster’s Municipal Schools. A native of Dallas, and band workshops throughout the year Association, Texas Music Educators' Texas, Ms. Towiy attended the Univer­ Association, Tau Beta Sigma. Sigma sity of Texas at Austin, earning her Bach In its third yeai of existence under her Alpha Iota, Phi Beta Mu, and Phi Kap­ elor o f Music degree ( 1979) as well as direction, the “Cimarron Wind En­ pa Phi. She is the Past-President of the her Master of Music degree (1985) in In­ semble’’ was awarded “First Place" New Mexico chapter of Phi Beta Mu. strumental Conducting. She taught in the in Division A-AA at the New Mexico national honorary bandmaster’s frater­ public schools in Texas prior to assum­ Activities Association’s State Concen nity, and is a member of the NMAA State ing the position of Assistant Professor o f Band Contest in 2003. They have since Conceit Band Contest Advisory Board. Music, Assistant Director of Bands, and garnered the A-AA State Champion­ Percussion Instructor at Northwestern ship trophy in 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008. Ms Towiy was named the Los Alamos State University of Louisiana in 1987. 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2014. Public Schools’ “Teacher of the Year” Ms. Towry moved to New Mexico in for 1999-2000. She was the Cimarron 1990, teaching at Santa Fe High School Ms. Towiy has served in several ca­ Municipal Schools ‘.Teacher of the Year" for two years before serving as the Mu­ pacities on the Board o f Directors and in 2007 and 2011, and was the 2011 sic Depaitment Chair and Director of Executive Board of the New Mexico New Mexico Music Educators’ Asso­ Bands at Los Alamos High School until Music Educators' Association, includ­ ciation’s "Music Educator of the Year.” the spring o f 2000. She re-established the ing Band Vice-President and President (Picture on page 29) band program in the Cimarron schools of the association. She currently serves in the fall of 2000. Ms. Towry is also a as Percussion Facilitator fo r the A ll­ dual credit instructor for Eastern New State performing ensembles. 1n addition Mexico University A fiequent adjudi­ to her activity in the New Mexico Mu­

    2015 Rollie V. Heltman - Service Award Diane Otts, NMMEA Site Coordinator, Albuquerque

    Diane Otts has worked as the site mcluding the Albuquerque Concert Band, coordinator for the NMMEA All­ the Four Sisters Saxophone Quartet, the State Music Festival and In-Service Duke City Saxophone Choir. Die Polka Conference for the last four years. The Schlingels, the Lairy Wheeler Big Band. year before that, she cochaired with and the Orlie Saavedra Big Band. She is Diantha Swoboda. Diane grew up in still tickled that she got to play behind Pennsylvania and received a bachelor’s The Pour Tops and Don Rickels when degree in electrical cngineenog fiom they came through town. Diane has also Penn State. She worked as an engineer enjoyed volunteering with her childrens’ and maiager for lO years at the National school bands. She has a deep admiration Security Agency in Ft. Meade, Maryland. tor music educators, which has only then ended her career when her first child grown since working with the NMMEA. came along. Since, she has enjoyed a number of part-time positions such as Diane is married to Brad, an engineer at fieelance writer. elementary school band Sandia National Labs. and they have two assistant. juggling instructor, substitute children who have both been All-State teacher, movie cxtra, math tutor, middle musicians. school music clinician, and social media marketer.

    Diane has been involved in music most o f her life. Since moving to Albuquerque in 1999, she has played saxophone and clarinet with a nwnber of groups,

    26 The New Mexico Musician - Fall. 201 Awards... 2015 Administrator of the Year Award Ricky Espinoza, Aztec Mr Ricky Espinossa is the principal al tunity for children and C. V. Koogler Middle School in Aztec young adults to share New Mexico. He received his BS in Sci­ the joy of music with ence from Eastern New Mexico Univer­ the world. One of his sity and his MA in School Administration biggest joys is singing from Highlands University. He began his to his wife’s fiist grade career in education as a Science Teacher class every year at 27 years ago and has been an Administra­ Christmas and attend- tor for the last 9 years. He talks about mg bis Band and Choir how music heals and brings joy to all by student’s performances. sharing his first daughter"s stoiy. She was He jokes about be­ diagnosed with tenninal cancer at the age ing willing to sing and of 17 months, near the end of her battle, play for anyone that is when the pain of her illness couldn’t be brave enough to listen. helped with medication singing to her eased the pain. That battle against the pain of cancer was his motivation to lean) to play the guitar and create oppor­

    2015 New & Emerging Music Educator of the Year Award Nicholas Prior, Albuquerque Nicholas Prior is a New Mexico native. 20 students. Nicholas volunteered before choosing. gro"'ing up in the East Mountains just school to add a 6th grade choir; the pro outside of Albuquerque. Nicholas cu r gram grew to 100 students by the end Nicholas has also taught with St. John's rently serves as the Distnct V II M id of the year. iu the second year. an inter­ United Methodist Church. NM Youth dle School Choral Vice-President, the mediate choir was added to the school’s Harmony Camp, served as the NM Koda- NMACDA Secretary and Board Mem­ schedule due to increased membership iy lnstitute’s Su^imerChildren’s Choir di­ ber. as well as the N M AA Middle School demands. In 2012, Eisenhower became rector. teaches private voice lessons, was Representative, and is the Director of the first middle school in New Mexico the associate director of the Albuquerque Choiis at Eisenhower Middle School in history to take home state championships Boy Choir, directed the 2014 District VI Albuquerque. m both concert choir and show choir. Middle School Treble Honor Choir, and now directs the 5th-8th grade choir of the Nicholas began music in middle school In his third year, the program was up to UNM Children’s Chorus. Nicholas has playing the tmmpet and the saxophone five choirs with nearly 200 students in the sung with Quintessence: Vocal Artists m the school band, and in his four years program. The concert choir and advanced of the Southwest, Polyphony: Voices of at Manzano High School, Nicholas was a show choir, ag a^ took state champion­ New Mexico, the New Mexico Philhar member of both band and choir. honored ship honors. as well as the show choir. monic, the Santa Fe Opera, and the Ca­ with the experience of being selected for Five Star, being awarded first place with thedral of St. John in Albuquerque. Nich­ the NM M EA All-State ensembles as both Best Showmanship and Best Musician­ olas also arranges and composes choral an instrumentalist and a vocalist. During ship at the Los Alamitos “Xtravangza“ music for various groups in the state, his lime at the University ofNew Mexico, competition in Los Alamitos, California. hoping to someday be published and spe­ Nicholas began teaching as a choral clini- They arc the first New Mexico school to cialize in quality literature for developing ,cian and feelance choreographer in New take first place at an outofstate show voices. He is honored to receive the New Mexico and Texas, reaming to his Alma choir competition of this caliber. Enter­ & Emerging Music Educator Award, ow Mater to intern under the mentorship of ing his fourth year at Eisenhower, a total ing thanks to the many teachers, profes­ Ithe outstanding choir director, Carla Er- of six choirs make up the program; a 6th sors, administrators, colleagues, f iends, l ickson. Graduating Magna Cum laude grade beginning choir, an intermediate family members, and students who have iin 2011, Nicholas received the award of mixed choir, an advanced mixed choir, a supported him since deciding lo become (Outstanding Music Education Graduate. girl’s show choir, a boy's show choir, and a teacher. an advanced mixed show choir. Besides \When Nicholas started his teaching po- singing for local community events, the (Picture on page 29) ssition at Eisenhower Middle School, choir program holds an annual Ifondraiser tthcre was one yearlong choir of 40 stu- concert that has raised thousands of dol­ tdents, and two semester^-long choirs of lars for various charities of the students’

    The N ew M exico Musician - F all. 2014 27 2015 Hall of Fame Award Keith Jordan, Albuquerque Keith Jordan is a native New Mexican. founded and staffed instiumental pro­ highest honors, and won the Concerto He was born and raised in Alamogordo. grams m seven Catholic elementary and Competition twice. He served as Presi­ Ne" Mexico where he staned his musi junior high prograis in the Albuquerque dent of Kappa Kappa Psi and Vice Presi­ cal career as a young lad taking piano area, where young students now are and dent of Aggie Band. lessons fiom the lady down the street. He will receive the benefits of instrumental Keith Jordan’s membership 111 musical is a life-long music educator and under education. orgamzations include New Mexico Mu­ his leadership, Mr Jordan's instnimen Mr. Jordan’s degrees include a Bachelor sic Educators Association, International tal programs have excelled. I lis groups of Music Education fi'om New Mexico Association of Jazz Educators. Phi Beta are known for rating superiors. and were State University, Graduate music stud­ Mu. National Band Association. Albu­ fi equently chosen as N M Honor Groups ies at the University of Utah, mathemat­ querque Teacher’s Federation and Ameri­ and State Champions. Mr. Jordan has ics studies at CNM and the University of can Band Director's Association. sent scores of students to solo and en­ New Mexico, and a Mastets in Conduct­ Mr Jordan’s community service activi­ semble competitions. N M A ll State, and ing fiom New Mexico State University. ties include serving as deacon at HolT- national competitions. Dozens of his stu­ Keith Jordan has loyally served the New mantown Church, playing in and con­ dents made music their career. Countless Mexico Music Educators Association ducting the Hoffinantown Orchestra and students have kept music as one of their since the early 1990' s. He was the District worship teams, and founded and led the life-long passions. For several years. ap­ V ll (ABQ) President and Vice President Hoffmantown Academy of Music. He preciative students nominated “ M r J" for o f Bands fo r m ultiple tti:rms. Keith was bas performed with NMSO, San Juan the Student Academic Success Teacher at elected as the NMMEA Vice President Sym., Roswell Sym., Las Cruces Sym.. La Cueva High School and Who’s Who of Bands, the President of NMMEA and El Paso Sym., Utah Sym .. the Albuquer­ in Teaching. His colleagues nominated served as Past President. He has been ed­ que City Concert Band, and the Swing him for, and he was awarded. the John itor ofThc NM Musician Magazine since Shift Jazz Band. As an organist, Keith Philip Sousa Foundation's Legion of 2006. Keith was nominated for South­ has performed numerous organ recitals Honor in teaching award in 2005. west Division Vice President twice. and and served as church organist and pia­ Mr. Jordan's teaching experience in­ served as the Depa^ment Chairperson nist at Hoffmantown and Calvary Chapel cludes Teaching Assistant and Assistant for Fine Arts at La Cueva HS. I fe is and of Albuquerque. As a tubist, he toured Band Director at the University ofUtah, currently the Fine Aits Department Co- with Roben Nagel and the Kmg's Brass the Band and Orchestra Director for Chaiiperson at St. Pius HS. Quintet and is currently a member of the the Murray. Utah high and ju n io r high Keith's personal achievements stalled in Brnsso Proftmdo Quintet. schools. After moving to Albuquerque, Alamogordo. N M , where he graduated in Keith Jordan is a prouU husband, father, NM, he helped to found the La Cueva HS the top ten of liis class. was a member of grandfather, son and brother. He is mar­ instrumental programs and maintamed the National Honor Society. Who’s Who. ried for 25 years to Mary Helen Bird- leadership o f the marching, concert. and, NM All-State 4 years. National Piano weil Jordan. I Ihas two step daughters. jazz bands. Additionally. he taught ptano Guild Competitor at the International Mariah is mamed to Blake Ltttauer and lab. music theory. and math. He retired Level for 9 years. outstanding district they have one daughter, Londyn. Ashley fiom the public schools in 2011. Cur ruba soloist once, and awarded the top is married to Ken Kohler. Keith's mother rently M r Jordan is with St. Pius X HS music student in his graduating class. At is Billie N. Jordan and his brother is Joe in Albuquerque. teaching Band, Orches­ NMSU, he was on the Dean's List eight Jordan, both of Albuquerque. tra, Piano, and AP Music Theoiy He has consecutive semesters. graduated with (Picture on page 29)

    2015 School District Award of Distinction Las Cruces Public Schools !n 1998, The Las Cnices Public School’s A ll Elementary Schools have designated school board. Board of Education was recognized as a music classrooms and each have a perfor­ recipient of the Kennedy Center Alliance mance stage area in the cafeteria. LCPS enjoy great community support, for Arts Education and National School business partners and incredible parent Boards Association Award for Excel­ As many districts have cut positions in booster groups. The Central office ad- lence in support of high quality aits edu­ the arts, Las Cruces Public Schools con­ ininistration along with the school board cation in its school district. community tinued to increase music staffing and no\, have been exceptional supporters and and state. employs one fill time music teacher at have continued to expect a level o f excel­ each of the 25 Elementary Schools, as lence required to maintain a high level of That was only the beginning. With the weil as band. choir and orchestra teach­ performance in our quality programs. continued and generous support of the ers at all middle and high schools. Board of Education and the upper ad­ LCPS very pleased to be recognized as m inistration, the com m unity has passed This fiscal year. $212,000 of new district the 2015 NMMEA award of distinction several bond elections enabling the re finds has been added to the operational recipient. placement of, or remodel o f all second­ music budget for secondary music pro­ The Tradition of Excellence continues! ary music buildings. (This includes eight grams - a clear mdication of the value of middle schools. and four high schools.) music education by administration and 28 The New Mexico Musician - Fall 2014‘ Awards...

    Dustin Seifert - Portales Kuit Chrisman - Fannington

    Todd Hansen - Santa Fe Nicholas Prior - Albuquerque

    Diane Schutz - Las Cruces Keith Jordan - Albuquerque Iam Towry-Church - Cimarron

    '^he. Vew Mexico Musician — Fall, 2014 29 Music FacuHt Joseph Kline Dean, College o f Fine Arrts Dustin Seifert Department Chair. at Director of Bands. Euphonium and Tuba ^•acy Carr Music History. Double RRee, Mark Dal Porto Music Theory, Compositition Andrea Denis Horn Benjamin Fairfield Trumpet, Band Anna Hersey Voice Bruce Keeling I. ’*^1 -■ -'" V z' ’ Trombone Jennifer Laubenthal Majors Minors C/arinet James McDonald • Bachelor of Music Education, B.M.E. • Piano Choral and instrumental (winds and percussion) ^rcussion • Music John Olsen • Bachelor of Music. B.M. ■ Music Technology Piano, instrumental (winds and percussion) Piano vocal pcrionriartce • Music Composition Chetyl Pachak'Broobks • Bachelor of Science in Music, B.S. Piano Jason Paulk Director of Choral Activities Kayla Paulk t E - x r L r x Vocal Accompanisist I -I iSP^s:. Neil Rutland ftrcussion. Music Technno/o Susanna Self Flute Richard Schwartz Saxophone. Jazz Studies EASTERN For more information: Travis Sherwood Dustin Seifert, Department of Music Voice NEW MEXICO j E N M U Station 16 . Jeanie Wozencraft-(Orn UNIVERSITY IS O O S A ve K ^ice A . _ t „ M Portates, v a i c a . INM >«i I o88130 v I Student Success that's what it‘s all about! 800.367,3668 •

    30 The New Mexico Musician — Fall 22014 Retirees/Mentoring News Ron Lipka, Chair Music Educators Jovial Resist­ Mexico Music Educators ing Elephants Lurking in the Music Association Education C lassro^ by T h^as A. Mentoring P rogr^ Regelski. ^ K , stop reading here, Ron Lipka, Director dig up that edition o f MEJ, read the 5408 Chapel Dr. ^ article. ^ a il your wiiversity non­ Albuquerque, 87114 music ed profs and suggest it for Phone (505) 890 0618, their reading.) The Elephant in the e^ail: tipka^cybe^esa.c^i Room preventing music education fiom being a true helping profession is the focus in school music on “pre­ THE ELEGANT m TIE Rm)M sentational” music (i.e., concert per­ 0)UR PRESENT^TKINAL PR)- formance). This focus is attributed G ^ M S to university music deparmients and ARE WE MUSICAL SW)BS? schools of music in their “ ^gle- minded sacralization o f classical or ‘art’ music. It is that music students The joy of mentoring a variety of and music education students are so or chorus teacher. What if, in addi­ diassro^s includes perspective on dominated by elite music profession­ tion to traditional performance prep­ bcow music is rnpacting or not ^ - als that they bec^e rnmune to any aration classes, the school could pmcting student participation in mu- o f the many other musics o f Ihe world si(c. Observing the guitar classes of include a variety of music partici­ and perpetuate “ the pursuit o f perfor Mlatthew Zi^iennan at Volcano pation opportunities spreading our mance excellence as the most worth­ Viista High School on Albuquerque’s love of music to many, many more while goal of any music education.” wfestside was such a pleasure as this students in the general population o f In short, snobs create snobs and they the school? Voila, a ftill t^ e job! tallented teacher discovered innova- are us. The vast majority of our Surely we all would need to shrug tiwe ways to introduce his widely music classes continue the prepara­ vairied clientele to participating in oft' “ the acceptance of the university tion o f music considered acceptable mrusic making. The large and un- status quo as to what music really is” while ignoring that ‘‘students notice diifl'erentiated groups included s ^ e and develop our own acceptance of when their music (be that rock, rap, ve:ry hip and talented kids to those other music, g ^ r skills in other mu­ reggae, religious, etc.) is ignored or se'verely disabled who could barely sic fields and become advocates o f a denigrated. This is especially a prob­ ho,ld the instr^fient yet all shared the much broader aspect of music edu­ lem because the music o f school mu­ jojy of music; not the ‘good music' of cation. Consider Robb Janov’s Rock sic too often has little carryover to and Rhythm Band^i class at Jdfer ac:ad^e but their own music. Mat- the music world outside of school.” thtcw is a highly skilled perfomter son Middle School What about gui­ So, whose interests are being served? bmt bis teaching is not geared to per- tar, bass, keyboards (piano). drum­ We may point with pride to the per­ foirmance preparation but to partici- ming and Latin percussion? Perhaps forming groups receiving ‘excellent paition. He helps students find ways we need to expand our willingness to or ‘superior’ ratings, while most of to develop in any music that interests include the entire school population the students in our schools are un­ tht^. What a difference music in tie music program. ^Vhat is to be aware of and are uninvolved 111 m u ­ ediucation classes focusing almost lost from celebrating many musics ■ sic at any level. As a practical side enttirely on the preparation and pre fiom music education?” We love o f our profession, consider that s ^ e ssentation o f “ acceptable ” music. music. Shouldn't we le ^ to share large middle and high schools may that love with all students? ‘So then, very intriguing is the ar- have only a part time band, orchestra tic:le in the June 2014 issue of the

    IThee New Mi^xico Musician - F all. 2014 31 May 7-9, SOUTHWEST MUSIC FESTIVAL 2015

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    The IiVeiw M exico Musician - Fa^l. 2014 33

    L New Mexico Jazz Educators Kevin Moreman, Chair and you can easily find the auditions New Mexico State University Janu­ Dear NMMEA & ^IJ E Family. posted. The tune for the rnprovisa- ary 23-25. 2015. Clinicians for 2015 tion section will be “Blues in key include: Mr. Fred Stumi, Dr. Pancho Here we go, 2014-2015 is ^ and of F concert" (track 8 ). Recordings R^iero & Mrs. Donna S c^idt. running. I know you have been and music can be found in the J ^ e y spending many hours with your stu­ Aebersold’s VOLUdE I - HOV TO I want to wish you a “swingin year. dents and having the best musical PLAY JAZZ & ^PROVISE. If you Please feel free to ^ a il me if you experiences possible. TI1is acad^ic do not own this v o l^e , I am attach­ have any questions. is for sure going to be awesome in in g the IS B N num b er fo r you to o rd e r the jazz arena. Many jazz festivals, it. clinicians, workshops and competi­ IS ^-1 3 : 978-1-56224-122-3 Respectfu Ily, tions. CHANGES R)R THIS YEAR!!! We Kevin M organ Congratulations to Eldorado High are only taking I drummer for each ^ 1 J - President School, the 2014-2015 ^ IJ E Honor group! We w ill seat drummers via a Onate High School Jazz Band under the direction o f Mr. video audition. We w ill no longer re­ Associate Director o f Bands & Jazz Brad Dubbs. seat d r^m e rs at the first rehearsal of S tudies A ll State Jazz Band. Along with this, m or^anke^im e.c^i Here is s^ie infomiation that will an auxiliary percussion spot w ill be 575.636.4579 cell help you regarding New Mexico available for audition. Jazz A ll State. Auditions w ill be set 4 fr^ i the PDF's by Glenn Kostur. The ^ IJ E Jazz A ll State events w ill Please search online ^m ea jazz be hosted by Dr. Pancho R ^iero, at


    NAfME members who attend a Teaching Guitar Workshop this summer will be eligible to receive: • Three Graduate Credits. • A new guitar. numerous method books, and aceessones • An unforgettable, five-day professional-development experience taught by award-winning clinicians. Find out more and join the movement at Summer 2014 Teaching Guitar Workshop locations: NMVIE HO-Reston. VA1 NAMM HQ-San Diego, CA | Wichita State U^ichita. KS | Idaho State U-Pocatello. ID | AUanta, GA | Lexington, KY | Bow, NH | Richmond Hill, ON, Canada | Halifax, NS, Canada { Additional sites TBD H\MM Foundation Formore information visit vmwv or email [email protected] GnMfedpmi Workshop locations are subject to change

    34 TheNewMiexico Musician — Fall. 2014 Guitar Section Jeremy Mayne, Vice President

    E tude: Ellis Island by Benjmiin Verdery Etude No. 20 from 25 Melodious and Progressive Studies. Op. 60 by Mat- These works are not yet published teo Carcassi so Mr. Verdery and I w ill be getting FJH Classic Editions scores and parts to Music Mart for Sightreading th ^ to make the student packets.

    1 hope to see higb n^ibers of audi­ WORKSHOPS AND CLINICS: tioning students this year. since the We have an interesting round of health and vitality o f our guitar divi­ workshops planned for A ll State, pre- sion is largely dependent on a strong s^ted by a group of excellent guitar pool of auditions. Please encourage educators. They are geared toward your best and up-and-coming stu­ (he classroom reacher and w ill hope­ dents to sign up, and as much as you fully offer useful infomiatton and can. help facilitate that process. materials to enhance your work in the classroom. Su^itted by Jer^y Mayne, VP for Guitar Directors, please r^ ^ b e r to the Guitar division o ^ ^ lM ^ have your students fill out their All ^a iia ch i Guitar for the ClassroOTi: State C^mmirnient forms pnor to au­ Paul Cosands Greetings everyone! As we head in.o ditions These should be kept on file M iddle School Music Reading Ses­ another school year, reflecting by each director but they do not need sion; Liz Torrez back on this past year of guitar ac­ to be brought to the audition. It's rn - -High School Music Reading Ses tivities for young New Mexico mu­ portant that the student and their par sion: Mickey Jones sicians. We experienced yet another ents have read and signed the form. M iddle School and High School wonderful All State with a great Guitar C urricula: Paul ^ ith group of focused and enthusiastic Please encourage your students to -Re-thinking Music for a B e^ning students. lead by Marc Tcicholz with c^iplete all the portions of their Guitar Class: l\hckcy Jones compassion. humor, and high stan­ auditions. We want each of them to -Leaning Sequence Activities for dards. We saw the second District have the best chance to as many Audiation in Beginning Guitar: Jodi VI Music Performance Assessment. points as possible. Sanchez ably organized by Carrie Harper and hosted by Justin M ^u rd o and R.J. 2015 A ll State 2016 All State Perez at Moriarty l hgh School This co rin g year w ill see the first District ALL STATE GUITAR C LIt^IA N : ALL STATE GUITAR m N lC U N : VII MPA. confinning the jzrowtng We are , cry excited that Ben Verdery We have confimied that Olga ^ le l- expansion aml develo^ent of qual­ has agreed to be our 2015 AII State kma-Vcra w ill be our 2016 A ll State ity music education for guitar stu­ Guitar Ensmible Conductor. Ile is a Guitar Ensemble climcian She is an dents in New Mexico This is a great high-energy individual and a brilliant accomplished concert artist. teacher place to be a young guitarist! concert artist. composer. and arrang­ and composer with an inspirational er, as well as being head o f the guitar style of working with young musi­ 2014 Guitar Auditions program at Yale University. cians. She w ill be a wonderful con­ ductor that w ill win the students over Auditions for the 2015 A ll State gui­ ALL STATE GU1TVR ENSEdBLE with her nurturing personality and tar cns^ble will once a g ^ take P R D G R A d . woi Id-class music standaids. place at Cibola High School on Oc­ Our clmician has picked out sOTie tober 23-24, 2014. Eduardo Tiujillo miaz-ing music for the guitar ensmi- Other Guitar Events w ill be site coordinator. ble! All the works are very co n t^- porary, being written within the last DISTRICT VI MUSIC PERTOR- AUDITION MATER^LS: several years, and in the case o f the MANCE ASSES^ENT TOR GJI- Scales: Clarice Assad piece, within the iast TAR: C Major and C Melodic Minor ftom year. So it should be very exciting to April 26th saw the 2nd MPA for gui­ Major and Melodic Minor Scales by hear these innovative works. tar, once again ably hosted by Mo­ Andres Segovia. riarty High School. Organized by Col^ibia Music Co., Theodore Magnetic Trance by Clarice Assad Carrie Harper fiom Beien, the event Presser Co. Chorale by Frederick Hand was well attended by multiple middle

    The New Mexico Musician — Fall. 2014 35 Guitar . . . school and high school progr^s. tival was a great success, with excel­ hrnself to be an outstanding musi­ Justin M ^urdo, Moriarty High gui­ lent attendance from middle and high cian, a dedicated and skilled guitar tar teacher and R.J. Perez, M oriarty school age students. The Advanced teacher, and a caring, hard working Middle School guitar teacher, did a Ensemble premiered a newly c ^ i- m ^b e r of the guitar community. He great job keeping the event moving missioned work by Carlos Rafael- will do a w onde^l job leading our ^cie n tly, making good use of their Rivera, who was our first A ll State section for the next couple o f years. excellent facilities. The level o f play­ Clinician. 1 was once again reminded J ^ will be helping me s ^ e at the ing and preparation demonstrated of the ^portance of these personal auditions in October and then shad- not just at the High School level, but and professional relationships that mving me at the 2015 A ll State Fes­ Middle School as well, was rnpres- are developed through our ^o rts to tival, just to get a more in-depth look sive. As part of the new criteria, there bring high quality music making ex­ at the process. He w ill ^ c ia lly take was a sightreading c^ponent that periences to New Mexico students. over as Vice President o f the Guitar proved to be an eye-opening experi­ Section of ^M M EA at the conclu­ ence for many teachers and students. INTRODUCING YOUR NEXT sion o f the 2015 AH State. Pleasejoin Overall. the event was a positive and GUIT\R SECTION VICE-PRESI­ me in welc^iing Rivera! fun experience. DENT: lt's with genuine pleasure that l in­ NEV MEXICO CLASSICAL GUI­ troduce your next Guitar VP, Jrn TAR FESTIVAL: Rivera! I have known Jrn for many The 2014 NM Classical Guitar Fes­ years and he has continually proven

    University News Eastern NM University, NM State University, and the University of NM

    University News, Eastern New Holiday Concert in C ^pus Union ing with P a^ Beach Opera, Flonda M e x ic o U n h e rs ity B allro^i; Friday, January 30. 20 I 5, C h^ber Orchestra, Hispanic-Amer- Submitted by Jennifer Laubenthal E ^J U Men's Choir Festival; Friday, ican Lyric Theater, Skylark Opera, F e brua iy 6 . New York Polyphony in The Minnesota Opera, and Theatre de Greetings f om the E ^ iU Depart­ Concert in Buchanan Hall; Saturday, la Jeune Lune (at Berkeley Repeit^y ment of Music' The Department looks May 2. Verdi’s Requiem with the West Theater), ^ o n g others. forward to this upcoming school year Texas A & M S^phony and Choirs which w ill be filled with recitals, con­ in the Campus Union BaUroom. A two-time Schubert Club Competi­ certs. guest artists and master classes. tion finalist, Dr. Hersey was awarded Throughout the su tle r, the faculty The annual EW iU Big Band Dance second prize in the Thursday Musical and students have been attending con­ w ill be held on Friday, November 14 Young Artist Competition and winner ferences, perfo m iing and adjudicat­ in the State Theater in Clovis, ^ i. of the Kenwood S ^phony Orchestra ing and look forward to enriching the The Spring E ^ iU Jazz Concert will concerto c^ipetition. AdditionaUy, deparmient with these experiences. be held on February 25, 20 IS. The she was a national semi-finalist in the Please join us for these events, most Annual E ^JU JazzFest will be held Florida Grand Opera Competition. the are free and open to the public. on April IO & 11.2015 featuring head­ Classical Singer Competition. and the For more information, please visit our lining aitist and pianist Bill Dobbins. NATS Artist Auditions. receiving the website at www.enmu.e^music A high school j^ z ensemble c^p e ti- Karl Trump Award from the NATS tion w ill occur on April 11 and is new Foundation. Dr. Hersey holds mas­ Ensemble News: to the event this year. ter's degrees in performance and m u sicology fom the University of Min­ The E ^ iU Choirs have a veiy busy Faculty News: nesota, and pursued advanced studies year ahead. Please consider joining The department welcomes two mem­ al the Accad^ia Musicale Chigiana us for the following exciting perfor­ bers to our vocal faculty: in Siena, Italy with acclaimed soprano mances: Friday, October 17, Fall Hailed by critics for her "towering, Raina abaivanska. She e^oed a doc Choral Concert in Buchanan Ifall: delicate, and graceful” voice, Min­ torate f om the University of M i^ i, Saturday, N ov^ber 16 in Marshall nesota native and soprano Dr. Anna where she was a fa th e rs Fellow. Dr. A uditori^ (Clovis). Handel's Mes­ Hersey, soprano, enjoys perfonning [ lersey has taught at Iowa State Uni­ siah with the Santa Fe Symphony. a wide range of vocal repertoire. Dr. versity, Barry University. Broward E ^JU Choirs and Clovis C ^m uni- Hersey has perfonned tiroughout the College. and the University o E ii^ i. ty Chorus; Thursday, Dec. 4. E ^ iU United States and Europe, appear­

    36 The New Mexico Musician — Fall. 2014 University News Eastern NM University, NM State University, and the University of NM Dr. Travis Shenvood, baritone, comes mie Intmiationale d'Ete de Nice' in Tony Costa, Penn State University. to us most recently fiom Mahidol ■‘Interpretation chant and piano" un­ for the fourth annual Eastmi Plains University in Bangkok, Thailand, der the instruction o f Dalton Baldwin. Clarinet Celebration. Please contact where he was Lecturer and Chair of Dr. Laubenthal Jennifer.laubentha^ the Voice department. Dr. Sherwood In the fall 20 I 3 semester. Dr. Tracy for news about upc^iing has had the pleasure of singing for Carr traveled to UT -Brownsville to clarinet events Aspen Opera Theater. “The Martina present a masterclass and perfomi a Arroyo Foundation, Prelude to Per- guest aitist recital with UT bassoon Kayla Paulk, Instructor o f Music, has fornianc^’’, USC Th^iton Opera. ist, Dr Carol McNabb. McNabb later had an eventfiil summer Ms. Paulk Princeton Festival, B oh^e Opera. joined Carr m ajom t recital at E ^ IU . perfonned with Bmihard Scully. Wesmiinster Opera Theater, Spoleto Tracy presented a guest lecture on fac­ h^nst of the Canadian Brass, at Festival USA; and was a Guest Artist ulty mentoring at the U ^1 Faculty Hmnswoggle, an annual French hmn with CSUF Opera. an Associate Artist Mentonng Conference 111 O cto be r s^posi^i at H^mingbird Music with Opera New Jersey, and a Mare 2013 and a lecture-recital on Britten's Camp. The perfomiers gave a duo re- and Eva Stmi Fellow al SongFest. T^poral Variations for Oboe and cnal Friday, May 30, and collaborated On the concert stage Dr. Shenvood Piano at the TTU B enj^in Britten with Kimberly Gelbwasser, soprano. has performed with the Hunterdon Symposium in November 2014. Carr Saturday. May 31. Ms. Paulk also per­ Symphony, Symphony of the Vines, also perfomied as guest oboist and formed with Eldon Matlick, hwn pro­ Canto Bello C h^ber Orchestra. and lecturer at W T ^IU in April 2014 and fessor at the University of O klah^ia, La Sieira S^phony Orchestra. Dr. as a guest ch ^b e r aitist at the PAR­ at the s ^ e e, enl. In June, Ms. Paulk Sherwood is noted for his ability to MA Music Festival 111 Portsmouth, attended the annual ^M M fA Execu­ perform musical theater repertoire, N ll in August 2014. tive Board meeting 111 Albuquerque. most recently perf'omiing a series as she will begin saving a two-year of musical theater reviews both in This past academic year, B enj^in term at Collegiate VP for ^M M EA, the US and throughout Thailand. He FaMeld, Assistant Professor o fT r^ - effective January 2015. Also this s ^ i- placed first in the Wesmiinster Choir pet and Assistant Director o f Bands at mer, an article Ms, Paulk co-authored College Voice Scholarship C ^ipe- Eastmi New Mexico University also with Dr. Jason Paulk and Dr Michael tition and was a finalist for the Bur served as second trumpet to Craig Shaughnessy. was published in the b

    The New’ Mexico Musician - Fall, 2014 37 University News... Musician, Saxophone Today, the In- piisoners so that they could perfomi acknowledging all the guppy, shark t^ational Double Reed Society, the it for their captors. Sidi in's creation and whale awards that children had Int^ational Tuba Euphonic Asso­ includes a full perfomiance of the e ^e d during the year. Each child c ia tio n . original R equi^, as well as actors, was excited to see his or her own On October I and 2, the E ^ iU Saxo­ narration and fih i to tell the story of "school of guppies" grow with each phone Studio w ill host ihe University the prisoners at Terezin. practice session. o f Florida’s Professor o f Saxophone, Jonathan Helton. The E ^ iU Saxo In conjunction with the R equi^, the When renowned cellist Lynn Harrell phone Quartet w ill travel to and per­ U ^ i Children’s Chorus, under the was here to play with the New M exi­ form in Philadelphia. New York and direction o f Dr. Regina Carlow, gave co Philhamionic, Dr. David Schepps Boston in March of 2015. The Sax­ several perfonnances o f Bnmdibar, a arranged for his practice sessions to ophone Studio will host two studio children’s opera that was written in be at U ^ i. Mr. Harrell invited stu­ recitals this year on N ov^ber 6 and 1938 and brought to Terezin by the dents to listen to hours o f rehearsal, A p r il 20. c^iposer, Hans Krasa, when he was and worked with two students w h ^ i imprisoned there. The opera was he invited to join his C al^m ia cello The E ^ iU Vocal Area repeated its perfomied by the concentration c ^ p class in the future. Guest master excellent showing in the 2014 Vocal children more than 50 trnes. classes were also given during the Artistry Art Song C ^ipetition in May, year by J ^ ' Lastrapes o f Texas Tech with Nicole Flores and Roberto Garza The first U ^ i Musicology Collo­ University, Lawrence Leviton of the taking first and second places respec­ quial Series got ^ to an exciting University of Wisconsin-Stevens tively in ihe Artistry division, Xueer start during the spring s^ester this Point, and New Mexico cellists Joel Luo placing third in tie Young Ariisi year. The series was organized by Dr. Becktell and Lisa Collins. division. and Christopher Yee placing Kristina Jacobsen-Bia and featured second in the Music Education/Cho- invited guest speakers, including Dr. Las Cantantes, the U ^ i women's ral division. Graduating senior Xueer choir, traveled to Luo will be pursuing graduate stud­ Alexander Dent of the George Wash­ June 4-8 with director Dr. Maxine ies ai the University of M id i's Frost ington University. Dr Beth Levy of School of Music. the University of California, Davis. Thevenot, to receive a choral mas­ and Dr. Michelle Bigenho ofColgate terclass by Geoffrey Silver, former University of New Mexico News University. The guest speakers gave m ^ber of the Gr^m y-n^iinated S u ^itte d by Colleen Sheinberg public lectures. taught classes, and ens^ble, Ne'u. York Polyphony. had lunch and on&omone meetings Las Cantantes sang concerts at St.

    O n M a y 8 , the Deparmient of Music with U ^ i music students. The mu­ Michael's & All Angels Episco­ presented a stirring perfomiance of sicology area plans to invite six guest pal Church, Trinity Wall Street, the Defiant R equi^: Verdi at Terezin speakers and/or perfomiers to the Cathedral of the Inc^nation, Long in Popejoy Hall. The concert drama U ^ 1 c^p us for the 2014-15 school Island and led worship services at and the doc^ientary fi^ , Defiant year, and w ill be adding a “graduate Park Avenue’s Church o f Our Savior R equi^: Voices of Resistance, are student coffee hour" c^iponent to and Madison Avenue Presbyterian the brainchild of conductor Murry its scheduled events. Church. They also received a back­ Sidlin, who was invited to U ^ i as stage tour of C ^egie Hall and for guest conductor for the perfomiance. During the spring semester. the a social outing, took a boat tour of Organized by Dradley Elliisgboe, D i­ String Pedagogy progr^ invited lower Manhattan. They stayed in the rector of Choral Activities, the pro­ guest artists/teachers Debra Terry f^ o u s Fabrini mansion, located on duction involved the S^pho and Megan Holland to give sessions the upper eastside. ny Orchestra and 200 singers fiom on teaching and perfomiing two U ^ i’s various choral ens^bles. Mozart Concerti. with suggestions New Mexico State University News Soloists were Prof. Leslie Unphrey, about tone. fingerings, bowings, S u^itte d by Dr. Lisa Van Winkle soprano, and guests Sarah Ihlefeld, and perfomiance preparation. Su mezzo-soprano, Issachah Savage, san K ^pter, Director of the String W elc^ie back to school and a new tenor, and Nathan Stark. bass. Ter­ Pedagogy p ro g r^, reports that the year of w onde^l educational expe­ ezin was a Nazi concentration c ^ p Lab School's final concert o f the year riences. The music faculty at New in what is now the Czech Repub­ was a grand success. The th ^ e was Mexico State University are looking lic, and ^o n g the prisoners was ^ a y the Fourth Be With You!" and forward to engaging with you and the Czech choral conductor Rafael students and teachers dressed up in your students during the next year. Schachter. Schachter had brought Star Wars cost^ies. During the con­ Here are some updates on our pro- with h ^ a score ofVerdi’s Requiem. ceit, they also celebrated the good g r^s and dedicated faculty m ^ - and he taught the work to his fellow practice habits of the students by bers.

    38 The New Mexico Musician - Fall, 2014 University News...

    University Choirs and Vocal Area cital Hall. The p ro g r^ w ill include phony and w ill now also conduct the The ^ IS U choral area is preparing songs by Faure, Hugo W olf and ne­ University Orchestra as well. In ad­ for an excitjng series o f special events glected ^lerican c^poser, Wintter dition. Dr. Hughes has been neied and concerts this fall. On S ept^- W atts. the 2014 winner o f the Patricia Crist- ber 20lh, the first annual ” Real Men more Award for Excellence in Teach­ Sing" day for men ages 10-100 w ill The vocal area is pleased to wel­ ing at ^IS U . Hughes has just re­ be hosted by the ^ IS U choral area. come and announce the appoinmient tire d fiom Qing Dao, China where Men w ill have the chance to make of Dr Sarah Daughtrey as the vocal he conducted a very fine professional music together. miprove their sing­ area coordinator. Sarah received her ensemble and also led an orchestra ing skills. participate in workshops doctorate fiom the Jacobs School and wind band of university stu­ and share their musical endeavors of Music at lndjana Univ., a BA dents in a large ceip experience. in an inbm ial concert at the end o f fiom Austm Peay State University In June, Hughes had the pleasure to the day On October 3rd — 4th, the and pursued graduate studies at the guest conduct the Concordia Santa University Singers and special guests University o f Tennessee. ,.,,here she Fe Wind Enseible, a seii profes w ill host their first King's Feast Re­ was a Knoxville Opera C^pany sional level group from throughout naissance Madrigal Dinner, c^iplete Apprentice. Dr Daughtrey previ­ the region. The concert was a great with costumes, instrumental music. ously taught at Elizabethtown Col­ success and many new friendships dancers, juggling, great food and o f lege in Pennsylvania and Marshall were forged! Dr Hughes's summer course. madrigals. November 3rd - University in West Virginia. Active began with the first annual Ameri­ 6 th The Orchid Ensemble special­ as a teacher, perfom ier and present­ can Southwest Conducting S ^p o- izing in C ^ese instrumental and er, Dr. Daughtrey’s diverse activi­ sium - a w onde^l event that drew vocal music w ill be featured artists. ties include serving as President o f conductors to campus for growth and The ens^ble and choir will perform the Allegheny Mountain Chapter inspiration. T[ie event was very well a piece translated as ' ln the Very of NATS; presenting and perfonn- received and Hughes looks forward Highest Place". The final concert of ing at the Northeaster Conference to hosting round 2 next June. the fall s^ester will include music of the College Music Society; sing­ by Mozait, Arvo PSit, Faure and an ing and conducting master classes at W ind and Percussion Area exciting “ Concerto for Marmiba and several colleges around the country; Choir" by Gene Kos^ski featur­ and numerous faculty and commu­ Allan Kaplan, trombonist and pro­ ing percussionist and ^ IS U faculty nity recitab. Pr^essionally. she has fessor o f low brass, w ill be celebrat­ member. Michael Annendariz. perfonned as an alto soloist for sev­ ing the release o f his first solo jazz eral works including Haydn's "Lord album on September I st. Produced The students o f Dr. John Carlo Pierce. Nelson Mass" with the South Bend by Grammy-nominated saxophonist Opera Director. have enjoyed note- (^ ) S^phony. Mozart’s Requiei, Mack Goldsbury, it features Mack lA orthy successes this past spring and Bach's "St. John Passion”. and Men­ along w ith Berlin-based pianist Reg­ summer. Al the Vocal Artistry Art delssohn "s "Elijah”, all in Pennsylva­ gie Moore and a superb local El Paso Song C ^ipetition held in Albuquer­ n ia rhythm section. Adjunct professor que, this past May, W illie J^es and pianist Dr. Bill Thomson con­ Jones placed second in the Young After 28 years o f dedicated service tributed several outstanding musi­ Artist Division, Amanda Ronquillo to the ^ IS U Music Deparmient and cal arrangeients. This project was placed fourth in the Young Artist the University Choirs. Dr. J e ^ Ann a collaboration between ^IS U Division and Maxmiillian Contreras A lt has announced her retirement ef­ faculty ^aplan and Thomson) and placed first in the Music Education fective Septeiber I, 2014. On be­ UTEP faculty professors Steve Had­ I Choral Division. This summer. half of her colle^ies in the ^IS U dad (audio engineer). Erik Unsworth ^ IS U senior William James Jones Music Deparmient we bid her a fond (engineer and bass) and Curt Warren participated in the Vancouver Inter­ farewell and wish her the very best in (guitar). D ru^ier Ricky Malichi national Song Institute's Theatre o f her fiiture endeavors. rounded out the rh y t^ section. The Art Song. a three-week p ro g r^ for album entitled Fotografia contains the interpretation and perfonnance University Bands / Orchestra music by Gershwin, Strayhei and of Ait Song. The progr^ c^ibines Jobmi. It w ill be released in Europe intensive studies in traditional recital Dr. Christopher Hughes has been under the Fortuna Music label (F or preparation with explorations o f n ^ neied Director of Instrumental Ac­ tuna Music ^-0 1 7 ZA IKS / B l^ ) approaches to perfomiance innova tivities and Graduate Conducting The album is dedicated to the m e io- tions. This fall Dr Pierce will pres Coordinator beginning in the fall ry o f a great lady and amazing artist, ent a faculty recital on September seiester of 2014. He will continue Helen Sachs. 27th at 7:30 ^ in the Atkinson Re­ to conduct the State Wind Sym­

    The Ne^’ Mexico Musician - Fall. 2014 39 University News...

    Shearer was recently featured si^n Coordinator for the conference. distinguished panel of intmiational in a perfonnance of Manny A lb a 's judges. Five finalists works were se­ ^Juintet for Tuba and Strings” with On June 27, clarinet professor Dr. lected for ftirther cotsideration, and m ^bers of the Toledo Symphony Laroy Borchert presented a lecture Raines was awarded the prize at a Orchestra at the 2014 Intmiational demonstration entitled “ C.P. E. Bach's gala event that took place during the Tuba Euphonium Conference at In­ ‘Six Sonatas for Clarinet, Bassoon, 2014 Intmiational Tuba Euphonium diana University in Bloomington. and Keyboard': In Honor o f the 300th Conference in Bloomington, Indiana. The perfonners also gave the world Anniversary of his Birth” al the M u premiere of “Remember" by com­ sic Analysis Creative Research Orga­ String Area poser J^e s Grant, which was com­ nization ^ A C ^ ) Workshop/Con- missioned by the Intmiational Tuba vention held at the Monona Terrace Roberta Arruda. adjunct pr^essor Euphonium Association as a gift for Convention Center in Madison, WI. of violin, performed as the princ i all conference attendees. The confer­ pal violinist at the Assisi Perfomi ence featured eight days of perfor­ Regents Professor of Music J ^ ing Arts Festivalin Assisi, Italy this mances and lectures with over 1 ,0 0 0 Shearer was recently featured in a summer. The ch^ber music and professional and student tuba and eu­ book titled “ Legendary Locals o f Las vocal festival has been active for phonium players in attendance. Cruces," by author Charlotte Tal^an. 14 years and provides f ee pe^or His profile was included in the sec­ mances to locals and tourists during Department chaimian, Lon C h in 's tion “Legends ofToday," along with a two week period. Perfomiance compositions will be featured on other public figures including Gover­ spaces are in historic and beautiful the upcoming recording of NMSU nor Susanna Martinez, former gov- venues including the Foro Romano faculty m ^ber J^es Shearer that m ior and current NMSU President and the church o f San Paolo ( I071 ). include Formal Persistence for tuba Garrey Carruthers, Pro G olf Asso­ ^ u d a joined 18 other professional and piano. Unfolding Motives for ciation tour professional Rich Beem, instrumentalists ftom all across the hOTi and piano and Faraway Nearby and boxing legend Austin Trout. US. including m ^bers of the Bos for hOTi, tuba and piano. Faraway ton Symphony and principals ftom Nearby is also to be released on a Michael Amiendanz, one of the first the O klah^a City Philhamnonic CD by Portuguese tuba player, Ser­ music business students at NMSU gio Caroline and Jeff Nelson, fonner under the direction of Dr. Lisa Van Ms. Arruda was featured at the St hornist of the Canadian Brass in the Winkle, returns to ^ IS U to become John's United Methodist's Summer near future. Dr. Lisa Van Winkle the new coordinator for the Music series in Rio Rancho, NM playing presented the premiere performance Business area. Under his direction the Haydn ‘Tjypsy“ trio and lead of C h in 's Ponderings for flute and students o f the p ro g r^ w ill present a ing the ensemble for Haydn's “ Lord piano in March and the NMSU Wind series o f diverse shows this year that Nelson" Mass conducted by award Symphony premiered C h in 's Vis include acoustic/folk. Latin/Afro Cu­ winning director, Mathew Greer. ta Encantada in April. A ll of these ban. Korean Folk and a solo pianist compositions by C h ^n were re­ ftom tie Juilliard School of Music. cently published by Potenza Music. The first show of the fall on August 29th will feature “Dusty Low" and “ The Hard Road Trio". All shows in H ^n professor, Nancy Joy, per- the series w ill be run by music busi­ fomied and taught at the Southwest ness students and ticket sales w ill H ^n Workshop in San Diego, CA in benefit the Music Business program. May. She also perfomied two solos on a Contributing Artist concert and Hollywood film composer and performed w ith the professional brass ^IS U alumni Justin Raines was ens^ble, Monarch Brass, at the In- n ^ed the winner of the 2014 Har tmiational Women's Brass Confer­ vey Philips Prize for C h^ber Mu­ ence at Northm i Kentucky Universi­ sic Composition. His recent work ty in June. Ms. Joy performed at Ihe titled “Cauterizing The Soul" for International H ^n Society Sympo­ Tuba and String Quartet was se­ sium in London, England in August lected f om hundreds of perfo^er and acted as the Int^ational Sympo- su^itted works and reviewed by a

    40 The New Mexico Musician - Fall, 2014 NMMEA Music Industry Council Members 2015 Music Industry Council membership is available to all corporations, businesses, and educational in­ stitutions who wish to support the activities of the New Mexico Music Educators Association. These members are an important part of our organization and deserve your support.

    ^le rica n College of Musicians The Music Mart. Inc. Zia Graphics Pat McCabe-Leche Joe K e ith Jim Edgeington PO Box 1807 3301 Carlisle Blvd. NE 2730 Carlisle NE A u s tin , TX 78767 Albuquerque. 87110 Albuquerque, 871 I0 512-478-5775 800-545-6204 888994-7274 i^@ m usi^art.c^ saie^ B a ^'s Music Cwipany W illie Kr^m. Jr. N ^ V I E E ast^ New Mexico University 2908 Eubank Blvd., NE Elizabeth Lasko Dustin Seifert Albuquerque, 87 l I 2 1806 Robert Fulton Drive Depar^ent of Music 800-372-0707 Reston. VA 20191 1500 S. Ave. K, Station 16 800^336-3768 Portales, NM 88130 Business Printing Service elizabeth^ 575-562-4480 Danny Baca. President dustin.seife^ 4316 S ilv e r A v e . SE Olivas Music Co. Albuquerque, 87108 J^m y Olivas New Mexico Highlands University 800-253-6159 1320 N. Zaragosa Suite 115 Edward Harrington printin^jbpsabq.c^ El Paso, TX 79936 Dept. o f Visual & Performing Arts. 915-858-6700 M u s ic Fruhauf Unilonns coliva^usi^elp.iTcom TO Box 900013 Darrell Blanchard Las Vegas, N 4 8770 I 800 East Gilbert Robertson & Sons Violin Shop 505-426-2720 Wichita. KS 6721 J Don Robertson eharringto^Qmihu.ed 316-263-7500 320 I Carlisle Blvd, NE Albuquerque. 87 J 10 New Mexico State University 800-284-6546 L o n C h ^ n Greater Southwest Music Festival Music Depaimient Kathy Fishb^n University ofTexas at El Paso B o x 3 00 I M S C 3 -F I 0 0 0 S. P o lk St. W ilh^ M ^jllan Las Cruces, Ntvl 88003 ^a rillo , TX 7910I 500 W. University 505-646-2421 800-444-4763 Fox Fine Arts Rm. 301 lch^^£., El Paso, TX 79968-2552 Grandms’s Music 915-747-5606 Dr. Steven Block Mickey Patten ^i^ill^ University of New Mexico 9310Coors Blvd. N V Deparmient o f Music Albuquerque, 87114 White’s Music Box Center for Arts MSC3-2570 800-444-5252 M ik e W hite Albuquerque, 87131-1411 200 South Downtown Mall 505-277-2127 Las C m ces, 8 80 0 I sbloc^ H^m ingbird Music C ^p 505-526-6677 Wanda Higgins whitesmusicbo^ Paper Tiger K ) B o x 106 John K in g J^ez Springs, 87025 Y ^aha Corporation 1248 San Felipe Ave. 505-829-3060 Adria Lewis. Convention Coordina­ Santa Fe, N 4 87505 grou^'hu^ to r 505-983-310I 6600 Orangethorpe Ave. Jrnmy Olivas Unifomis Buena Park. CA 90920 Jrnmy Olivas 714-522-9490 New Mexico School for the Arts 600 Cinnamon Teal Circle alewis(it/y^ Neil Swapp. C hair^usic Depart. El Paso, TX 79932 275 E. A l^eda Ave. 915-877-5617 Santa Fe, N 4 8750 l jolivasl 505-310-4194

    The New Mexico Musician — F all 2014 41 ADVERTISERS LIST American College of Musicians...... 13 Business Printing Service, Inc...... 42 Eastern New Mexico University...... 30 Greater Southwest Music Festival...... 3, 32 Hummingbird Music Camp...... IBC National Association for Music Education...... 4,7,9,23,32,34,43,44 New Mexico Highlands University...... 32 New Mexico State University...... 22, 33 Pepperdine University...... 18 Quaver Music Comp...... 5 Robertson & Sons Violin Shop...... BC SMB Fundraising...... 4 The Music Mart, Inc...... 14 University of New Mexico...... 10 University of Texas El Paso...... 16 Yamaha Band...... IFC

    Quality Digital G Offset Color Printing 8UsinESSPRinTinG SERVICE, inc. 505.266.4011 4316 SILVER AVE. SE - NOB HILL (Behind O’NieM’s)

    42 The New Mexico Musician— Fall. 2014 Help your students become the music educators they were meant to be. Start a NAfME Collegiate chapter- W here m usic educators belong. Your students will: - Gam professional credibility Get insight into the professional world - Expand their network of professional contacts - Open doors to job opportunities - Discover new teaching methods and techniques Develop leadership skills

    For Chapter materials email Susan Lambert at [email protected] viww Collegiate

    The New Mexico Musician — Fall. 2014 43 Think beyond ^ the bubblesri y

    ' V ' ■

    ______| | join the broader minded moven^M It's time for everyone to start thinking beyond tine bubbles’; h IHI

    We know music helps educate the whole sfajdent But now we need you to help us spread the word. The true mission of education lies in shaping the s:hjdents behind tine scores, and "bubble tests" can measure on^ so much.

    Visit now to get started. Learn what to say and how to share it Watch the broader minded video Share your own story Join the broader minded movement and receive advocacy updates n.a NiUaul Assodatiofl rv f n AirMu;icS(fticitltMi Order broader mirKled resources Music 'Suer 800-336-3768 www.nafme.ofg

    44 The New Mexico Musician — Fat, :0 IJ WHEN??? FALL Band, Orchestra. Choir and Guitar Camps WINTER Christmas Concctls Preparation SPRING Festival and Concert Preparation SUMMER Ten Weeks Music Camp Stude^;< Age 8 through 14

    WHY??? Our clinicians and instrumental specialists teach sectionals to prepare for your concert or festival. We accomplish in depth teaching in a woodland setting that combines music & outdoor recreation which im.pires esprit de-corps.

    WHO??? Polk Mid-School Band Rio Rancho Mid-School Band Cleveland Mid-School Band Belen Mid-School Band Desert Ridge Mid-School Band Desert Ridge Mid-School Orchestra John Adams. Mid-School Orchestra Eagle Ridge Mid-Sdutol Band Grant Mid-School Chou Grant Mid-School Band Polk Mid-School Orchestra Madi'>on Mid-School Orchestra Jac^on Mid-School Band HUMMINGBIRD Kennedy Mid-School Orchestra SUMMER MUSIC L.B. Johmion Mid-School Orchestra Los Alamos Mid-School Band and RECREATION CAMP Lincoln Mid-School Band Kennedy Mid-School Band Hayes Mid-School Band Arrangements made lor: Special Clinicians, Los Lunas Mid-School Band Hummingbird Staff instrumental specialist, and Del Norte Choir Choir Albuquerque Boys Choir Choir recreation programs. Generally a 3-day camp Albuquerque Youth Symphony Orches^tra suffices for most objectives (Friday through Albuquerque Youth Orchestra Orchestra Sunday or during the week). Jeffeo,on Mid-School Orchestra For additional information: Mountain View Mid-School Orchestra Roosevelt Mid-Schooi Orchestra Wanda Higgins 1-505-829-3060 Eagle Ridge Mid-School Band l 04 Hummingbird Lane Taylor Mid-School Band & Choir Zia Elementary S.F. Youth Sym. Band/Orchestra Jemez Springs, New Mexico 87025 Piedra Vista HS Eldorado HS Choir Choir NEW MEXICO MUSIC Non-Profit EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION Organization 1636 Soplo Rd. SE, US Postage Albuquerque, NM 87123 P A I D Permit No. 5! Albuquerque. NM

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