New Mexico Musician Volume 62 | Number 1 Article 1 10-1-2014 New Mexico Musician Vol 62 No 1 (Fall 2014) Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nm_musician Part of the Music Education Commons Recommended Citation . "New Mexico Musician Vol 62 No 1 (Fall 2014)." New Mexico Musician 62, 1 (2014). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ nm_musician/vol62/iss1/1 This Full Issue is brought to you for free and open access by UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in New Mexico Musician by an authorized editor of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 0YAMAHA I c “'■ T\ - , / • ^l m Artists believe in Yamaha. V “The Yamaha Silent Violin feels as natural as its traditional counterpart! It has a warm tone in the studio and it can cut through on stage with a live band despite its light weight. Over the years, Yamaha has been a compelling leader in rts dedication and its contributions towards evolving the role of the violin in today's contemporary music. So whether you're playing hip hop, rock, jazz fusion, country, classical, reggae or whatever your favorite genre, this is the best sounding electric fiddle out there.” - Karen Briggs Internationally Renowned Violinist i a YamatiaStrings @ViimaltaStnngs 4wrd.it/briggsNMM C 20t 4 Yamaha CorporalKHi ot America All rights reserved ^M E A OFFICERS PRESIDENT THE 'I/oil Swapp, President 10027 Contaoa Ct. L bs Cruces, NM 88007 Office: S7S-527-94I5 NEW MEXICO MUSICIAN Home: S7S-649-4507 oeils"app(0 gmail.com O fficial Publication o f the VICE,PRESIDEN r, BAND New Mexico Music Educators Association Jennifer Johnson. Band \ P 1520 Claremont Closis. NM 88101 Office: 57S-J56-7097,6203 Voiume LVIl N u m b e r I F a ll 2 0 1 4 Home: 575-7912440 jojohnsonl(!1gmail.com ISSN 0742-8278 V'lCE^-PRESIDEN r. ClfORAL NM M EA Website: wv^'w.nmmea.com Brian •Jcrling, Choral VP 1412\Well Clovis, NM 88101 Office: 575-985-2277 O N T E N T S Page Home: 575-693--0590 brian.uerlingr« ctn, is-scbools.org D E P A R ^ E N T S VICE-PRESIDENT, ORCHESTRA President’s Report............. ,.2 Rebecca Simons,Orchl"itra VP 721 Dakota St. SE Office Notes ......................... ..6 Albuquerque, NM 87108 Coll: SDS-999-7363 From the Editor’s Desk ... .8 rebecca.simons(a aps.edu Vice Presidents’ Reports VICEPRESIDENT. GEN. MUSIC Virginia Hinds. General Music VP B a n d ............... 209 S. Limit PO Bob 943 Mountainair, NM 87036 Orchestra ..... .............................................................. 17 Office: 8472211x1025 Homo: 505-847^350 General Music ..............................................................19 vhinds34ia m.yfam.com C h o ra l................ ............................................................2 0 \ ICEPRESIDENT, COLLWIAfE Jason Paulk, Collegiato VP C o lle g ia te ........ ............................................................. 23 ISOOSouth h o . K. Station 16 Portalox. NM 88130 G u ita r................... OIBce: S75-S62-2798 Hom6: S7S-2260I23 jason.paulk(a enmu.odu O ^^IZATKIN AL MATTERS PAST PRESIDENT NM M EA 2014 Award Winners ............................. .................................................................. 24 Joseph Flom . h s i President 4670Calle De r\ubes Retirees/Mentoring Repon ...................................... ................................................................. 31 Las Cmcos, 1'M 88012 Offico: 575-527-9330 NM Jazz Educators A rticle ..................................... .................................................................. 34 C ell: S75-644-2SSS josephnflorc!!/ msn.com University News ........................................................... .................................................................. 36 VICi:-PRESll)CNT, GI IT\R N M M E A M usic In d u s try C ouncil M e m b e rs . ................................................................. 41 Jeroio) Mavoc, Guitar YP 77I8 Oon NE A d v e rtis e rs ...................................................................... ..................................................................42 I 07110 <Jffice: S0?-82C:UN Cell: 505-440-9967 mayoNa aa edu t.:XECUTIVE D IRM TOR Don Ccrhcart. txocuthe Director 93 Mimbres Drhc Los Alamos. NM 87544 Office: 505-672-98-10 Keith Jordan. Editor A ll correspondence should be Coll: 505-690-7854 dgorhvan a nmmei^uom Home: 505-293-5225 addressed to the editor. Office: 505-831-8529 1636 Soplo SE newmexicomusician(a.gmail.com Albuquerque. NM 87123 Cover Photo by NM Photography Artist - Julian R. TruJillo NMMEA DlS^t RICT pRESIDtlSTS District I - Souths^'est District 4 - :\onh Central District .1 - Norll^ncst The Nev M exico Mu.sic F.ducawrs Association is a Sara^i Rede l'rcsident Tony Schillac]. Prcsidcnt Dand Schwanz, Pr«:ii.lcnt federated state association ol the Nauonal Associauon Tor 1611 \\mton Coun 4205 Hidden Cnckct 22 Road 6065 Music Educalion and pait of lhe Southwcstem Division La, Cruc<^, NM 88()()7 Santa Fe. (SM 87507 Fannmgton, NM 87401 ofN A IM E . Cell 575 635-8094 llomc' 575-754-12n Cell 225-36S-6862 Work 575-527-9415 Work 505-471-3999 Work 505-598-5881 x1l020 sarahicdcrii yahoo com a<hillaci^ESfi>, info ,diwd u ocnt^alschools.uig THE NE\\ MEXICO MUSICIAN is published three times per year: Printing by Business Printmg Seivice Inc., 4316 Silver ,Ave. SE. Albuquerque, NM 87108. Deadlines for the Fall. Winter and Spring issues are: August 1. District 2 - Souiltoast District 6 - Central District 7 - Albui|uerquc October 1, and March l. Franklin Smnh. Pnrsident Bin Anstcll, Presidem Sam Nesbitt. President 2101 Aspen PO Box 3314 604 Valvcfilc Dr NI Subsciipuon rate to non-members is SO.CG per year; single Ponalcs, NM 88130 Lo" Lunas, NM 87130 Albuquerque, NM 87108 Cell, 575-2I8^2893 Home. 505-4 10-3529 Cell- 505-681-5698 copy is S4.00. Change o f address should be repoiled to Woik: 575-356-7015 Work: 505-865-1750 Work 505 292 2536x-4I8 ExccuUvc Director Don Gcrhcart. fsmnhfitponalesschools weedlel Uamsn com nc,binsmra aol com The New Mexico M usician-Fall. 2014 1 President’s Report Neil Swapp Gerhcart, not only for PED in the a^inistration of End of their dedication to our Course E x^s and Music Perfor profession, but also for mance Asses^ents. W hile the first their friendship. year wasn't without a few b^ips, And lastly I urge I feel that ^MMEA's involv^ent each of you to thank a was tremendously helpful in insur­ teacher f om your past ing that it went as smoothly as pos­ who had a lasting im­ sible. 1 have put together a committee pression. On that note. I to look at several issues surrounding w ill pass on a short story. the new process and w ill meet with I grew up in an incred­ the PED to hopefully address s^ie Neil Swapp ibly r^ote area of our o f the issues and propose solutions. President state in a county with a population Lest choose to be the solution.not less than most SA high schools and the problem! Please feel fe e to email l hope each of you had a wonder­ attended a Junior high / high school me (neilswap^ri^ail.c^i) with ful summer and found s^ie trne c^ibination with an enrolment less your conc^ns. to get away and reJuvenate. Hope- than most band or choir progr^s. • 2015 Roundhouse Day! Please fJU y by now your semester is going Most would think Uiat music educa­ visit the website often for more de­ ^o o th ly and the students are mak­ tion would be bleak in such an area. tails on our Roundhouse visit next ing w onde^l music. In all honesty, it would have been but spring. We are currently working for the arrival ofa new graduate fo m with N A ^E to organize a concise As in years past, I would like to Weston New Mexico University. message to take to our state legisla­ start this article by thanking each of This first year teacher built a fantas­ tors. Talking about advocacy isn't you for the mazing work you do tic p r ^ ^ with approxrnately Vz advocacy unttl we do s^iething! with our young people. I don't think of the student body involved in mu­ Now is the trnie. I urge as many of this can be said enough, especially in sic. 1 owe this man more than I can you as possible to take part in this today's educational clrnate. Please ever repay. He provided the tools veiy miportant event. know that you are appreciated, val­ for me to become the teacher I am • BecOTie involved and infomied! ued and changing lives. At the end today. He taught his entire career in The clmiate in our nation is perfect o f the day, the work you do with stu­ small schools in our state and moved to hear our voices. Please visit the dents is the most rnportant aspect of to Texas after retirement. i recently N A ^E website and le^i about our pr^ession! found out he has re in e d to teach in various m ov^ents in education and the eastmi portion of New Mexico. Uicn contact your national and state I would also like to thank you for So ...welcOTie home Mario Cordova legislators. the opportunity I have had to serve and th a n k yo u fo r e v e ry th in g ! 1 ca n ’ t • Please Join the ^M M EA group as your president. The last six years possibly repay you for what you gave on Facebook! Yes. we have Joined serving on the executive board have m e. the m od^n era and have a page and been s^ie of the most fulfilling of group. Communication in all fomis my career. quite fankly in awe 1 wanted to give you an update on is our strongest asset. o f our profession at eveiy level: lo­ several it^ s that we have spoken of • And lastly, if you haven't done cal, state and national.
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