City Council of the City & County of Cardiff 18 March 2021 1
City Council of the City & County of Cardiff 18 March 2021 1 THE COUNTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY & COUNTY OF CARDIFF The County Council of the City & County of Cardiff met at County Hall, Cardiff on 18 March 2021 to transact the business set out in the Council summons dated Friday, 12 March 2021. Present: County Councillor McKerlich (Lord Mayor) County Councillors Ahmed, Asghar Ali, Dilwar Ali, Berman, Bowden, Bowen-Thomson, Boyle, Bradbury, Bridgeman, Burke- Davies, Carter, Cowan, Cunnah, De'Ath, Derbyshire, Driscoll, Ebrahim, Elsmore, Ford, Gibson, Goddard, Goodway, Gordon, Henshaw, Gavin Hill-John, Philippa Hill-John, Hinchey, Hopkins, Howells, Hudson, Jacobsen, Jenkins, Jones-Pritchard, K Jones, Owen Jones, Joyce, Kelloway, Lancaster, Lay, Lent, Lister, Mackie, McEvoy, McGarry, Melbourne, Merry, Michael, Molik, Morgan, Naughton, Owen, Parkhill, Jackie Parry, Keith Parry, Patel, Phillips, Dianne Rees, Mia Rees, Robson, Sandrey, Sattar, Simmons, Singh, Stubbs, Taylor, Graham Thomas, Huw Thomas, Lynda Thorne, Walker, Weaver, Wild, Williams, Wong and Wood 153 : APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE No apologies for absence were received. Councillor Linda Morgan advised that she would be late in attending the meeting. 154 : DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declarations of interest were received in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct: Councillor Item Interest Councillor Lay Item 11 – Cabinet Personal - Chair of Cardiff Bus Board Member Statements Councillor Robson Item 18 – Personal & Prejudicial – Employer is Appointment of recommended for appointment
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