Notes on Sets, Relations, and Functions
Sets, Relations, and Functions S. F. Ellermeyer May 15, 2003 Abstract We give definitions of the concepts of Set, Relation, and Function, andlookatsomeexamples. 1Sets A set is a well—defined collection of objects. An example of a set is the set, A,defined by A = 1, 2, 5, 10 . { } The set A has four members (also called elements). The members of A are the numbers 1, 2, 5, and 10. Another example of a set is the set, B,defined by B = Arkansas, Hawaii, Michigan . { } The set B hasthreemembers—thestatesArkansas,Hawaii,andMichi- gan. In this course, we will restrict our attention to sets whose members are real numbers or ordered pairs of real numbers. An example of a set whose members are ordered pairs of real numbers is the set, C,defined by C = (6, 8) , ( 4, 7) , (5, 1) , (10, 10) . { − − } Note that the set C has four members. When describing a set, we never list any of its members more than once. Thus, the set 1, 2, 5, 5, 10 isthesameastheset 1, 2, 5, 10 . Actually, it is { } { } 1 not even correct to write this set as 1, 2, 5, 5, 10 because, in doing so, we are listing one of the members more than{ once. } If an object, x, is a member of a set, A,thenwewrite x A. ∈ This notation is read as “x is a member of A”, or as “x is an element of A” or as “x belongs to A”. If the object, x, is not a member of the set A,then we write x/A.
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