
Sample Questions for Test One

1. Define the ordered pairha, bi and show that it is a for any sets a and b. 2. Show that if {a, b} = hc, di, then either a = c and b = d, or a = d and b = c. 3. Write a formula φ(x, y) of which states that y = {x}.

4. Show that the {x : x∈ / x} is not a set. 5. Show that the intersection T C is a set for any class C. 6. Show that the intersection of a class and a set is a set.

7. Define the direct A × B of two sets A and B and show that it is a set. 8. Define the product ΠA and show that it is a set. 9. Show that the of Replacement implies the Axiom of Comprehension

10. Show that for any sets a and b, it is not possible that a ∈ b and b ∈ a.

11. Prove by induction on n that, for any n ∈ ω and any n sets a1, . . . , an, there exists a set containing exactly those n elements. Use only the Pair and . 12. Show that for any sets A and B, P(A ∩ B) = P(A) ∩ P(B). 13. Show that {4, 5, 6,... } is a set. 14. Define a monotone operator Γ with least fixed P = {2n : n ∈ ω}; you may assume that is defined.

15. Show that for any linear ordering ≤ on a finite set A, A contains a largest . 16. Use Tarski’s definition to show that if A and B are both finite, then the product A ∪ B is also finite. You may assume that if a set S is finite, then S ∪ {i} is finite for any i. 17. Use Tarski’s definition to prove that if A is finite, then A is not isomorphic to any proper of A. 18. Give the recursive definition of addition and use it to prove by induction that 0 + n = n for all n.

19. Give the recursive definition of multiplication and use it to prove by in- duction that 1 · n = n for all n. S 20. If X is a finite set and X ⊆ An, then there exists n ∈ N such that S n∈N X ⊆ i≤n Ai. 21. Show that a set A is transitive S A ⊆ A. 22. Show that the union operator is both monotone and finitary. 23. Show that if Γ is a monotone and finitary operator, then Γω is the least fixed point of Γ. 24. Show that the transitive closure trcl(a) exists for any set a. 25. Show that for any set A,(A, ∈) satisfies the Axiom. 26. Show that if A is transitive, then (A, ∈) satisfies the Axiom of - ality. 27. Let B = {1, {1}, 2}. Is B transitive? Does B satisfy ? 28. For any set A,(P(A), ∈) satisfies the Axiom of Separation 29. Show that the Empty Set Axiom follows from the Axiom of Infinity and the Axiom of Separation.

30. Show by induction that Vn ⊆ Vn+1 for all n.

31. Show that Vn is transitive for all n ∈ ω and that Vω is transitive.

32. Show that Vω satisfies the Union Axiom

33. Show that Vω satisfies the Pair Axiom

34. Show that Vω satisfies the Axiom 35. Show that the |x| ≤ |y| is transitive and that the relation |x| = |y| is an equivalence relation. 36. Show that for any set x, |x| < |P(x)|. 37. Show that if |x| ≤ |y|, then there is a surjection from y to x. 38. Show that a set A is infinite if and only if A is isomorphic to a proper subset of itself. 39. Show that if x is countable, then either x is finite or |x| = |ω|. 40. Show that a set x is countable if and only if it is a surjective of ω. 41. Show that the product of two countable sets is sountable. 42. Show that the union of two countable sets is sountable. 43. Show that |P(A)| = |2A| for any set A. 44. Show that the set of finite of ω is countable. 45. Show that ωn is countable for each n.