CONTENTS. 1, AMERICA • No. 1 to 469 ' AMERICAN MAPS - 470 ,, 587 ASIA - 588 . ,, 653 INDIA · 654 ,, 722 OCEANIA 723 ,, 886 AFRICA - 887 ,, 939


HUMBOLD.T (Alex. Von) Essai Politique sur la Royaume de la Nouvelle. Espagne, numerous large maps and charts, some tinted; LARGE PAPER, 2 vols, roy. 4to, calf gilt, and FOLIO ATLAS, £5 (pub. £15) 1811 At a great public meetmg held June 21, 1824, it was Ithe natural riches of the country, and that the reading of decla. red by the executive power of the Mexican Govern- this great work has not a little contributed to reanimate the n,tent, that Mr. Humboldt's Political Essay on New Spain active industry of the nation, and to inspire it with confi­ contained the most complete and most accurate picture of dence in its own powers. IMLAY (G.) Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America, its Climate, Natural History, Population, Manners, Customs, Indians, &c., and delineation of the Laws and Government of KENTUCKY; 8vo, half calf, 30s. 1792 With neatly-written manuscript notes by Francis Barnes, j "they have the greatest portion of innocence and happiness, 17901 who, concerning Americans and English, concludes, and we of rascality and wretchedness." PETERS (S. A.) General History of Connecticut, from its first Settlement under George Fenwick, Esq., to its latest period of amity with Great Britain, including a Description of the Country,. curious and entl:lrtaining Anecdotes, true sources of the present Rebellion, and the part taken by the people of Connecticut; 8vo, calf gilt, LARGE FINE COPY, £5. 1781 The Author says that "Treachery is the staple com-1 swiftness, between the pinching, sturdy rocks, to such a modity of th. e four New England Provinces.'' The work degree of induration, that .no iron crow can be.forced into contains a wonderful account of the Falls of Upper Cohos, it." ·" where water is consolidated without frost by pressure, by SMITH (W.) History of Canada, from its first Discovery to 1791; 2 vols, roy. 8vo, boards uncut, LARGE-PAPER COPY, EXTREMELY RARE, £10 10s. Quebec, 1815 STEPHENS' (J. L.) INCIDENTS oF TRAVEL IN Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan, numerous engravings of Ancient Monuments, &:c. ; 2 vols.­ INCIDENTS OF TRAVEL IN Yucatan, with 120 Engravings of Ancient Temples, and other Antiquities; 2 vols.-Norman's (B. M.) Rambles in Yucatan, or Notes of Travels through the Peninsula, including a Visit to the Remarkable Ruins of Chi-Chen, Kaba, Zayi, and U xmal, maps and numerous curious plates of relics of Aboriginal Art-together 5 vols, 8vo, cloth gilt, £2 18s. 1841-58 '' These delightful volumes! It is grievous to quit a·store so brimful to overflowing of what we like best.''-ATHENAJ:UM THEYET (A.) Historia dell' India America detta Altramente Francia. Antarctica, tradotta di Francese in Lingua Italiana, da M. Guiseppe Horologge; sm. 8vo, newly bound in purple morocco extra, with gilt edges, BEAUTIFUL COPY, RARE, £4 4s. In Vinegia appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferarri, :MDLXI. Thevet was a good honest writer who knew personally Ibeautiful specimen of the press of the celebrated early all the contemporary French Navigators to Canada and Venetian Printer, having his woodcut marked upon the title, Brazil, from whom he received information - his book. and a large different one on the last leaf. therefore, is of great value as a record. The volume is a ULLOA (Don Jorge Juan, y Don Antonia de) Noticias Secretas de America, sobre el estada Naval, Militar, y Politico de Peru, Quito, Nueva, Granada, y Chili, gobierno y regimen particular de los pueblos de Indios, &c., finely printed on vellum paper, with 2 portraits; 4to, boards, FINE COPY, £4 4s. 1826 Faithfully written by order of the Marquis de la IAdministration of Justice, State of the Church, Condition Ensenada, Chief Secretary of State, and presented for the and Customs of the Indians, &c., in that portion of America secret information of Ferdinand VI., King of Spain. It is I which once belonged to Spain, accurately described. carefully edited by Don D. Barry, and contains everything "Written with truth, impartiality, and judgment.''- .concerning the Manners, Government, State of Defence, SALVA. WAFER (Lionel) New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus or America, and the Author's Abode there, the Country, its Rivers, Trees, Beasts, Fish, the Manners, Customs, Language, &c., of the Indians,· curious folding copper-plates,; 8vo, calf, RARE, 28s. 1699 WALDECK (F. de) Voyage Pittoresque et Archreologique dans la Province dJYucatan (Amerique Centrale), pendant l'annees, 1834 et 1836, handsomely printed on fine paper, with 22 BEAUTIFUL PLATES UPON INDIA PAPER of Buildings of the wonderful Ruined Cities of Central America; imp. folio, half red morocco, gilt top, RARE, £5 5s. Paris, 1838 Contains also very copious Vocabulary of the great Central American Language, the Maya, with Spanish and French in ' parallel columns. ASHTON NIELD, CATALOGUE OF RARE&VALUABLEBOOKS RELATING TO Bmerfca, Bsfa, Bfrfca, anb Bustralia, ON SALE BY ASHTON NIELD, ~O, PARK STREET, BRISTOL.

FROM Srn RICHARD CoLT HoARE's LIBRARY. 1 BELKNAP (J.) History of New Hampshire, from the Discovery of. the River Pascataqua in 1614 to 1790, with a Geographical Description of the State, Sketches of its Natural History, Productions, Manners, Laws, &c., folding rnap ,· 3 vols, 8vo, CHARMING COPY, bound in brown russia, FROM SIR RICHARD COLT HoARE's LIBRARY, WITH HIS CREST, .£4 4s. Pltiladelphia, 1784; Boston, 1791 ; and 1792 A GRAND WORK ON THE ANTIQUITIES OF MEXICO, 2 DU PA IX (Capt.) Antiquities Mexioaines, Relation de Troia Expeditions ordo.nnee par Charles IV., pour la recherche des Aqtiquities du Pays, notamment .celles de MITLA et de P ALENQUE, suivie d'un parallele de ces monuments avec ceux de l'Egype,_ de l'Indostan, et du refJte de l'ancien monde, par LENOIR, dis­ sertation sur l'origine de l'ancienne population des Deux Ameriques, et les· diverses Antiquities par WARDEN, &c., with 167 beautiful plates on INDIA PAPER; 2 vofs, folio, half morocco, full gilt baclcs and gilt tops, SCARCE, £7 1 Os. Paris, lmprimerie Didot, 1834-6 3 KENNETT (White) Bibliotheore Amerioanre Primordia. An Attempt towards laying·the Foundation of an American Library; 4to, calf, RARE, £7 10s. 1713 As far as it goes, the best Catalogue of American Books and so in. proportion to the other Colonies with a most extant, the titles being copied at full length, with the valuable Index of Matters, Persons, and Places. greatest exactness, with the name of the printer, and Some of these tracts are supposed to be entirely lost. number of pages in each volume. It describes about The collector of American Books should' secure Kennett's ::io original tracts relating to Newfoundland, above 50 llibliotheca_when he can.-ALLIBONR. concerning-· Virginia, 100 or more of New England, 4 LAHONTAN'S New Voyages to North America, containing an Account of the several Nations of the Continent, wha.t passed between the English, the French, the,Iroquese, anti other Savage Nations, description of Canada, etc., to which is added a DICTIONARY OF THE ALGONKINE LANGUAGE, map and plates (one deficient) ; 2 vols, 8vo, calf, SCARCE, £3 10s. 1735 /; ·POWNALL (C. T., late Governor of Massachusetts, S. Carolina, and N. Jersey), TOPOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF SUCH PARTS OF NORTH AMERICA, as are con­ tained in the (annexed) Map of the Middle British Colonies, &c., in North America, with the Appendix of Travellers' Journals, FINE COPY ON LARGE PAPER~ 17i x 10! inches, with the map coloured; _folio, boards, edges entirely uncut, VERY RARE lli THIS STATE, £5 5s. 1776 6 · RICHARDSON'S Fauna Boreali Americana, or the Zoology of the Northern · Parts of British America, by Dr. Richardson,W. Swainson, and W. Kirby, upwards of 100 BEAUTIFUL PLATES OF QUADRUPEDS, BIRDS, AND INSECTS, many being VERY BEAUTIJ!'.ULLY COLOURED ; 3 vols, 4to, cloth, unci,t, SCARCE, £7 1Os. 1829-37 30t Park Street; BRISTOL. 4 BIBLIOTHECA GEOGRAPHICA ET HISTORICA

7 VALUABLE AND INTERESTING COLLECTION of One Hundred and Ninety-one, RARE AND EARLY AMERICAN MAPS, printed between 1579 and 1796, of various sizes, MANY BEING COLOURED, and many having curious vignettes of the Early Settlers, Conquerors, Buccaneers, Adventurer~, and the Old Inhabitants, neatly arranged upon guards arul, bourid; 2 vols, royal folio, half calf gilt, £60. 1579-1796

LIST OF CONTENTS :-Some o.f the dates are engraved, coloured, witk curious vignette, 1690-Antilles Francoises others kave been carefully examined and compared, and et des Iles Voisines, par Petit, coloured, 1710-New Jersey, are stated as correctly as possible. Nova Totius Terrarum 1760-British Am1::rican Plantations from Boston in New Orbis Tabula, ex. off. F. de Wit, Amstelodami, fine plate England to Georgia, with the back Settlements as far as the 22 by 19 ins., with E. W. N. & S. hemispheres, and fine .l\li~sisippi -by Bowen, 1760-La Louisiane ·et Cours de large allegoricals of gods, goddesses, peace, war, fighting, Missisippi, avec Carte Particuliere des Embouchures de la Pluto, Proserpine, Cerberus, &c., all very richly coloured, Riviere St. Louis, et la Mobile, per De Lisle, coloured, 1740 1670-Virginie et Maryland, par Vaugondy, coloured, 1755 -Peuplade des Anglois dans la Gujane et Pais de Amazons, -Voyage des Hollandois, sous Van Noort, par Detroit de par Leig, coloured, 1690-Isle de St. Domingue, par De Magellan, coloured witk vignette of natives, 1690-Con- Lisle, coloured, 1722--New Hampshire, 1760-The Summer tinent of .America, North, South, and West Indies, showing Islands, 1590-Voyage de Ben20 aux lndes Orientales et the United States and European Possessions, according to Cotes de l'Amerique Meridionalc, colou1'ed, witk vignette, Peace of Versailles, 1783, by D'Anville and Gov. Pownall, 1690-Amerique Meridionale, coloured with line vignette, 47 by 41 ins, on 2 skeets coloured with vignette, 1786- 1767-New York State, 1767-Terra Firma, Granatense et Amerique. Angloise, savoir Canada, Nouvelle Ecosse, Jes Popajan, 1590-Amerique Septentrionale, par D'Anville, Triezes Provinces Unies, et Floride, par Lotter, coloured, coloured, with vft:nette by Gravelot, 34 by 33 inches, on 2 17go-New Found Land, St. Lawrence Bay, Fishing Banks, sheets, 1748-Straits of Magellan, a very curious ancient &c.,- by Moll, coloured, 1766-lsland of .Antego, showing Map (the lettering in Latin) by L. Cornelius, richly coloured, Plantations and Sugar Works according to number of 1590-Course of the Missisippi, Balise to Fort Chartres, by Windmills, coloured, 1730-Partie de J'Amerique Septen- Lieut. Ross, coloured, 44 by 14 inches, 1775-Voyage de rionale, qui comprend La Nouvelle ou Canada, Carder au Rresil, Rio de la Plata, et Mer du Sud, with fine par Vaugondy, coloured, with virnette, 1755-Hispaniola vignette of a great battle witk Indians, 1690 - Nova comme elle a ete decouverte par C. Colombe et Jes Castillans, Scotia, 1767-New Spain, 1590-South· America, containing coloured, 1690-Amerique Meridionale, publiee sous Jes Tierra Firma, Guayana, New Granada, Amazonia, Brasil, Auspices de M. le Due D'Orleans, Premier Prince du Sang, Peru, Paraguay, Chili, &c., from D' An ville, coloured, with 30! by 49 ins., on 3 slzeets, ·Coloured, 1748~New England, fine large vignette, and in margin lengthy account of the New York, New Jersey, and Pensilvania, by Moll, with trade (including occasion when two streets in Lima were curious "Account of ye Post of Ye Continent of Nth. paved with Ingots of Silver, value I8 millions sterling) America, as regulated by ye Postmasters Genl." (from coloured 46 by 40 inches, on 2 skeets, 1767-The Ylandes of Philadelphia, Friday, got to N. Y. Sunday night) coloured, the West Indies, 1590-West Indies and adjacent parts of 1730-Barbadoes, its Parishes, Roads, Paths, Towns, N. and S. America, coloured, 1767-Detroit de_Magellan, Churches, Fortifications, and Plantations, with many coloured, 1690-British Empire in America,with the French, remarks, by Moll, coloured, very curious, 1730 -The Spanish, and Dutch Settlements, by Popple, colourid, very Southern Extremity of America, 1775-Bermudes, ou Jes interesting map wiik.ftne vignette, S111all views of Falls of Iles de Sommer, Sondees par Jes Anglois, coloured, witk Niagara and Mexico, Quebec and New York, 18 small vignette of the first landing, 1690-Les Grandes et Petites plans of Port and a sea fight, 1757-Massachusetts Bay, Iles Antilles, et Jes Lucayes, par Robert,.ftne map, coloured, 1767::._North America, with the New Discoveries, 1796- 1750-Voyage d'Harcourt druis le Gujane, coloured, with Culiacana, Hispaniola, Cuba, aliaraqure lnsulre, 1640- vi'gnette, 1690-America in lmperia, Regna, Status, et N. W. Coast of America, and N.E. Coast of Asia, 1784- Populos divisa, ad usum Ludovici XV. Galliarum Regis, Voyage de Mahu par Detroit de Magellan aux Iles par Delisle, coloured: Covens and Mortier, Amst., 1722- Moluques et mauvais succes de Mer du Sud, coloured, 1690 Guiana, grand pays abondant en mines d'or, decrit par -The World, with the latest Discoveries, by Rev. Dr. Walter Ralegh, coloured, with vignette of Ralegk landing, Blair, two hemispheres, 1779 - Amerique Meridionale, 1690-North America and W. India Islands, according to divisee en ses principales parties, par Taillot, colo1,red, 1720 Peace at Versailles, 1783, showing the United Provinces and -Cuba, Hispaniola, &c., 1590-Virginia et Florida, 1590- British Dominions, from originals of Gov. Pownall, with Guiana, sive Amazonum Regio, coloured, Amst., Blaeuw, small maps of Hudson's and Baffin's Bay, and Sea of 1662-Map of present War in N. America, coloured, 1759 California, 46 by 40 ins., on 2 sheets, coloured, with fine -Plan of the Siege of the Havana, by an Officer on the vignette of Indians, 1783-Bay of Fundy, by Blackmore, spot, 1762-Cote-s de Chili et Perou, decrites in 1598, par coloured, 1714-Quebec and its Boundaries, 1760-America, Van Noort, ~oloured, witk vignette of Dutchmen and sive India Nova Mercator, extremely cun:ous and.fully natives, 1690-VenezuelaetParsNovreAndalusire,colourrd, coloured. Australia is joined witk Terra del Fut:go. The A mst., Blaeuw, 1662-Plan of City and Harbour of· writing on the map and lengthy description on the back Havannah, 1762 - Jamaica divid~d into Counties and are in Latin. The North-West passa,e-e is clearly shown, Parishes, by Kitchen, 25 by 12 inches, coloured, 1774- from which the sea rushes towards the black and n,y America, North and South, and West Indies, with the lefty rocks of tke Pole and then descends into tlze interior Newest Discoveries, coloured, 1772-Map of States of ef the eartk. The descriptt'on mentions a burning mountain ' Virginia, N. Carolina, S. Carolina, and Georgia; and throwing up globes of melted gold, and trees with stems, Spanish Provinces of E. and W. Florida, as settled by br.anches and /ruit all of gold, 1596-Amerique Septen- Treaty of Peace, by Purcell, 1795-Amexicre. Meridionalis, trionale, par Vaugondy, colou,ed, 1750 - Virginia and 1590-Terre Firme de Cheribichi visitee par Ojeda, coloured, Maryland, by Moll, coloured, 1730-N.W. Coast of America witk vz°£nette, 1690-Mar di lEthiopia, showing cun'ous and N.E. Coast of Asia, explored by Cook and Clerke, lz"ne of Coast ef Australia, vignette fiffures all coloured, 1778-9-British Empire in America, with the French, Spanish 1662-Cumana en Golfe de Venezuela, et Rio de Paria, and Dutch Settlements, by Popple, coloured, witli very coloured, 1690-Northern and Middle States, compreher.ding fine vignette, 1733-Rio de La Plata: Voyage de Bikker et the Western Territory and British Dominions, 1795-Peru, Heemskirk, coloured, witlt vignette, 1690-Jeffrey's Chart 1590-Voyage de Pizarre et Almagre de Panama au Peru, of River St. Lawrence, Frontenac to Anticosti, large map, coloured, witk vignette, 1690-Carte de Terre Firme, Peru, coloured, 1775-Voyage de Staden au Rio Janiero et Brazil, Bresil, et· Pays de Amazones sur Jes Descriptions de coloured, witk vignette of falling among savages, 1690- Herrera, .Acuna, &c., par De Lisle, coloured, 1740-South -(Amerique), Bermude, Jamaique, St. Domingue, .Antilles, America, with all the European Settlements, and whatever Terre Firme, &c., line map witk little skips sailing and else is remarkable, 1716-0rbis Terrarum, both kemisj>heres, grand sea /igkt, coloured, 1733-Nova Scotia nominibus a 1590-Province of Georgia, 176o-North America, by Moll, G. Buchanano, old copper-plate map, no date-Connecticut large map, 38 by 23 inches, coloured,witk vignette efIndians, and Rhode Island, 17_4_0-Americre sive Novi Orbi De-~ a~d IO small ;lans of American Ports, engraving of Cod. criptio, curious, 1598-Voyage de Lery in 1556 au Bresil, Fisking, Curing, and Drying ,it Newfoundland, curious, ASHTON NIELD, BOOKS RELATING TO AMERICA. 5

California is an island and the Gulf is called Red Sea, coloured, 1690-South Carolina, 1760 - Accurate Plan of 1708-Christmas Sound in Terra oel Fuego, 1777-British Boston and Plan of Boston Harbour from actual Survey Empire in N, America, as settled by preliminaries in 1762-­ 1760-Voyage des Francois dans la--Floride, par Poutices: Paraguay cuui adjacentibus, coloured, Blaeu, 1662-Florida, ~oloured, wit~ 71z'gnette, 1690-St. Domingue, ou Hispan- with adjacent Territories of Great Britain and France, 1ola, et Martm1que, par Robert, coloi,red, 1750-Nicar• 1720-Carolina, by Moll, 1720-Chili, coloured, Amst. agua, coloured with vig1!ette, 1690.~Yucatan, et Gautemala, Blaeuw, · 1662-Voyage de · Bastides et Polomina de S. coloured, 1662 - Amenque M end1onale, colouud, with Dominigue vers St. Martha, coloured, 1690-Present Seat of vignette of Indians, &c., 1757-British Empire in America, War in N. America, 1755-The Atlantic Ocean, with the with adjacent British and Spanish Settlements, vignette or Continents of Europe, Africa, and America, by Bower, 1760 Indians, and small views of' Mexico, Falls ef Niagara, -Terre Firme de Darien au Midi des Cuba et Hispaniola, Quebec, New York, and small plans of Boston, New York, 1690-Paraguay, Chili, Detroit de Magellan, &c., par De Charlestown, Cl"c., 14 otker Ports and vignette of Si'r C. Lisle, coloured, 1740- Partie Septentrionale, de Virginie, WageYs Sea Fight by Pojple, 1714-Voyage de S. Domin­ coloured, with vignette of Indians and Dutchmen, 1690- gue, Hondures et Nicaragua par Davila, colour;,d, 1690- ·America, a new and most exact Map by T. Bakewell, with Seat of War in N. America, comprehending New Jersey, all the Islands belonging to France, Spain, Holland, Philadelphia, Pensylvania, and New York, 1770-Western England, &c., Tracts of the Galleons and Flota, Course of Hemisphere (N. and S. A.) 1770-America Meridionalis, English Ships to and from Jamaica and our Plantations, exceedingly curious coloured map, with coloured view of with exact (large) view of taking of Porto Bello by Admiral Cusco, Metropolis Peru (showing Tierra del Fogo as great Vernon, coloured map, very curious with en~raved parti­ Austalian Continent), 1590 - Amerique (Greenland. to culars, 2ft by 20 incites, 1740 - Georgia, with part of Cape Horn), coloured with fine vignette ef Dutch Traders Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana, by Bowen, 1760-Terre and Indians, 16go-Guatimala, peuple par !es Mexicains, Firme de Darien, Veragua, Catagene, Nouvelle Andalusie, decrit par Garay, coloured, with vignette, 1690-Nova His­ &c., colourfd, with vignette of Indians and Dutch, 1692 pania et Nova Gallicia par G. Blaeuw, fine coloured map, - Amerique Septentrionale, divisee en ses principales heightened with gold, 1662-N avigation de Francois Draak parties, par Taillot, coloured with Isle de Californie par le Detroit et Mer du Sud, curious coloured map, ex• and the Gu/ Mar Vermejo ou Mer Rquge, 1720 - - tended on MercatoYs j>lan, curious vignette of Drake's N. America and European Settlements in West Indies, drum-head court-martial, a11d chopj>ing off a man's head 1720-Moll'a Baldivia, its Fortifications and Islands , Bay close by, 1690-Amerique Septentrionale, coloured, 1757- -of Guiaquili. by Cap. Chipperton; Isle of Chloe; Limits of Tabasco et Yucatan tiree de Daviba, coloured, withvi'gnette, (California to Terra de! Fuego) ; Chart 1690-Terra Firma et Novum Regnum Granateuse et from England to Aranoca ; Isthmus of Darien, Bay of Popayan, par G. Blaeuw, coloured, 1662-Amerique Merid­ Panama, &c., an9, 7 other small charts, all on one sheet, ionale par Vaugondy, coloured,.1750-DeLank-Toght door coloured, 1730-Hispaniola, Cuba, Jamaica, with part of F. Cortes gsdaan uyt Mexico na Las Ybueras, rolo·ured, Florida, &c., coloured, 1662-Amerique Meridionale, col­ with vignette, 1690-Thirty Miles round Boston, by Arm­ oured, with vignette ef Battle, 1690-Canibales Insulre, strong, 1775, round map filled out to square line, with. coloured, 1710-South America, by Moll, coloured, with notes of memorable occurrences (Tea destroyed 1773, and large view ef Potosi and Silver Mountain, vignette ef Action June 17, '75)-N. America, by Hinton, coloured, Indian., Volcanoes,. Cl"c., 38 bJ• 23 inches, 1720-Amerique 1765-Indes Orient que Sampayo navigee a Nouvelle Es­ Meridionale, suivant le Academie Royal, coloured, 1690- pagne, et Cotes de Chili et Perou, colo1,red, with cun'ous West Indies and Coasts of N. and S. America, by Bowen, vignette of a Round Table Conference, 1690-Mexique, la 1760-Seat of War between G. Britain and her Colonies, Floride, Terres -Angloises, et Antilles par De Lisle, fine coloured, 1776-N. America, by Kitchen, :i:760-Atlantis colottred map, 1722-Cuba, Hispaniola, S. Joannis, et Mar­ Insula, a N. Sanson Antiquit ati Restituta, AN EXCEEDINGLY garita, (with small plan of Port of Havanna), very curious CURIOUS MAP, 21! by 15!, coloured. Amst., 1722-Voyage richly coloured map, 1590-Voyages .de Cortes pres Golfe par Sebastien Gaboto, coloured with curious vignette, 1690 de la Nouvelle Espagne, a la Prise de Tlascala, Mexique, -S. America, by Kitchen, 1774-Partie de I' Amerique Sep­ &e., coloured, with vignette, 1690-Amerique Septentnon• tentrionale qui comprend Cours de !'Ohio, Nouvelle Angle­ ale par De Lisle, coloured, 1740-Voyage de Magellan au terre1 Nouvelle York, New Jersey, Pensylvanie; Maryland, Rio de la Plata et par le Detroit, coloured, with cun'ous Virgmie et Caroline par VaugQ_ndy, coloured, 1755-Pays vignette, 1690-Paraguay, Chili, Detroit de Magellan, &c., et Peuples en l'Amerique, decouvertes en 1673 par Mar­ par De L1sle,.coloured, 1722-Peru, par G. Blaeuw, coloured, quette et Joliet, coloured, 1690-Peruvia Aurifera Regio a 1662-Voyage du Comte de Cumberland vers Afrique, Mendezio, Florida a Chiavues ; Guastecana, 1660-Moll's Porto Rico, et autres Iles de I' Amerique, coloured, 1690- Mae of West Indies, with adjacent countries belonging to Trieze Etats Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale, coloured, Spam, England, France, Holland, &c., with Tracts of the 1784-Amerique Septentrionale, avec !es Antillest_coloured, Galleons and Flota, birds-eye view ef Mexico, and .5 Har­ 1690-Hispanire Novre sivre Magnre Recens et Vera Des· bour Plans ~o by 23 inches, 1720-Province of Pennsylvania, cnptio, 20! by 131 inches, 1579-Amerique Meridionale par 176o-West lndies, bf Kitchen, 1754-¥ar de! Zur, His­ De Lisle, coloured, 1722-Amerique Septentrionale,1coloured, panis Mare Pacificum, 1ilitk California formerly marked with vignette, 1690-Peru, Brazil, et Amazonum.Regionis, as mainland, and accepted by the Hollanders as such, but with interesting Geographical N ates, coloured, 1730-Les now Jou,ul to be an z'sland, coloured, 1662-Canada, ou Antilles, Floride, Mexique, Nouvelle Espagne, Cartagene, Nouvelle France, par de Lisle; colotered, 1740-Mar del Yucatan et Darien, coloured, 1690-Tabula Magellanica, a­ Nert; coloured, 1762-Voyage de Knevet par le Detroit de G, Blaeu, coloured, 1690-Amerique, par De Lisle, coloured, Magellan a le Royaume de Angola, coloured,_ 1690;-Pro­ 1757-Voyage de T. Candish, dans !es lodes Occidentales, vince of Virginia. -x760-Straits ·of Magellan, 1590-America coloured, with curious vignette, 1690--Nouvelle Bretagne, Septentrionalis et Meridionalis par F. de Witt, with fine Canada, Nouvelle France, Nouvelle Ecosse, Nouvelle vil{nettes all roloured and touched up with gold, 1662- Angleterre, Nouvelle York, Pensilvanie., Maryland, Caro­ 'Mexique et le Floride des Terres· Angloises et des Isles line, Terre Neuve, Grand Banc, &c., coloured, 1720-His­ Antilles, du cours de Mississipi, coloured, 1722-Chicora, pania Nova, coloured, 1590-Carte Particuliere de I' Amer­ entre le Floride et la Virginie, vignette ·coloured, 1690- ique, partie de Baye d'Hudson, Pays de Kilistinons, Source Martinique, Colonie Franc0ise, par De Lisle, remarkable de la Grande Riviere Mississipi, Pays des Illinois, &c., map colou,·ed, 1739--Provinct! of Mary land, 1760-North by Popple, fine coloured map, 1740-Virginia et Florida, Carolina, 1760-America, very curio11s coloured map, with fine coloured map, with canoe, ship of' tke j,eriod, Floridian canoes, ships, Cl"e., and curious tableau of Brasilz'an Vir­ Town, Virginian Town, King and Queen of Florida, &c., gjnes et Vires drinking, 1590-Canada, partie de Nouvelle 1590-Mappe Mende suivant les Observations de l'Acad• France, contenant Labrador, les Isle, &c., par Laillot, emie Royale, fine coloured two kemispkeres, with four coloured, 1696-La lt'loride, conquise par De Soto en 1534, vignettes, 1690. 8 SPEER (Capt. J. S.) West India Pilot, containing Directions for Port Royal and Kingston Harbours in, Jamaica, in and. out, through the Kays, &c., Movant Harbour and Kays, Blewfields Bay, Monteca Bay and Lucia Harbour, and Donna Maria Bay and Cape Nichola Mold, on Hispaniola, numerous coloured double folio maps on guards, with letterpress, half calf, £3 15s. 1771 30, Park Street, BRISTOL. 6 BIBLIOTHECA GEOGRAPHICA ET HISTORICA

11 A New System of Fortification, con­ 25 American State Papers ·and Corres­ structed with Standing Timber, &c., or the pondence between . Smith, Pinkney, Marquis Sentiments of a WEST INDIA SAVAGE on the Wellesley,' Gen. Armstrong, Messrs. Champagny, Art of War, represented on a copper-plate, Turreau, Russell, Monroe, Foster, &c. ; 8vo, solely meant to prevent the present cruel in­ half calf, 9s. tended general Massacre of the present Natives · Philadel. printed; rep., 1812 of ST. VINCENT; folding plate and letterpress; Contains also papers relative to the Annexation of Holland to France, Repeal of the Berlin and Milan 12mo, new calf gilt, RARE, 35s. 1770 Decrees, English and Irish Budget, French State 12 A Short American Tramp in the Fall Papers, &c. of 1864, by the Editor of Life in Normandy, 26 American Question, and How to Settle engravings ; 8vo, cloth, 3s. , 1865 it ; er. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 1863 13 Abridgement of the Laws in Force and 27 [Anbury, T.J Travels through the Interior Use in Her Majesty's Plantations (viz.) of Parts of America, in a Series of Letters by an VIRGINIA, JAMAICA, BARBADOES, MARYLAND, Officer, folding map and plates; 2 vols, Svo, calf, NEw ENGLAND, NEW YoRK, CAROLINA, &c., FINE COPY, 28s. 1791 digested under proper heads ; 8vo, old calf, This copy has the scarce plates, generally wanting, of RARE, ] 6s. 1704 the paper dollar notes issued by Congress in 1776 and 1779. 14 ADAIR (J.) HISTORY OF THE AMER­ 28 Andre (Major) Authentic Narrative of ICAN INDIANS, particularly those Nations Causes which led fo the Death of Major Andre, adjoining to the MISSISIPPI, EAST AND WEST by J. H. $MITH, with Monody on_ his Death, FLORIDA, GEORGIA, SOUTH AND NORTH CARO­ by Miss Seward, portrait and map; 8vo, fine LINA, and VIRGINIA, with Observations on copy in the original boards, uncut, £2 5s. 1808 former Historians, the Conduct of our Colony, With additional portraits inserted of General Arnold, Governors, Superintendents, Missionaries, &c., Mr. Eden (Lord Auckland), Benj. Franklin, Lord· with Appendix, containing a Description of the Viscount Howe, General Lawrence, Earl Cornwallis, Miss Seward, Wm. Hayley, and Monu!llent of Major Floridas, and the Missisippi Lands, &c., folding Andre, map; 4to, calf, SCARCE, £4 10s. 1775 29 Annals of San Francisco, containing a ' 15 Adams. Correspondence between John Summary of the History of the First Discovery, Quincy Adams, Pre.sident of the United States, &c., of CALIFORNIA, and Complete History of and ~everal , Citizens of Massachusetts, con­ the Great City, with Biographical Memoirs of cerning the charge of a design to dissolve the Prominent Citizens, by FRANK SOULE, JOHN H. Union, alleged to have existed in that State, GrnoN, M.A., and JAMES NISBET, map and 150 with Additional Papers on the Subject; 8vo, wood engravings ; thick royal 8vo, new calf gilt, wrappers, 5s. Washington, 1829 VERY RARE, 35s. New York, 1855 16 Adams (Nehemiah) South-side View of 30 Anson ( Lord) VOYAGE ·RouND THE Slavery, three months at the South in 1854; WORLD in the years from 1740 to 1744, with 42 post 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. Boston, 1855 large engravings and charts; 4to, half calf gilt, 17 Aiken ( Advocate) Comparative View of newly bound, 14s. 17 48 the Constitutions of Great Britain and the United States of America; post 8vo, cloth, 3s. 31 Application (An) of some general Political 1842 Rules to present State of Great Britain, Ireland, 18 Alexander (Capt. J. E.) TRANSATLANTIC and America, in a Letter to the Rt. Hon. Earl SKETCHES, or Visits to the most interesting Temple ; 86 pp. 8vo, 9s. 1766 Scenes in North and South America and the 32 ARCTIC.-OSBORN ( Lieut. Sherard) Stray West Indies, with Notes on Negro Slavery and Leaves from an Arctic Journal, or Eighteen Canadian Emigration, plates (2 deficient) ; 2 vols, Months in the Polar Regions, COLOl:TRED PLATES; 8vo, board8, uncut, 4s. 6d. 1833 er. -8vo, cloth, 3s. 1852 19 Almon's Remembrancer, or Impartial 33 --- PAYER'S. (Commander) NEW Repository of Public Events, Part I. for 1776 ; LANDS within the ARCTIC CIRCLE, Narrative of 8vo, calf, 14s. 1776 Discoveries of the Austrian Ship Tegettoff in 120 --- Another Vol., Part II. for 1776 ; 1862-4, numerous original illustrations and maps; 8vo, calf, 14s. 1776 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, 6s. 6d. 1876 , 21 ---Another Vol. for 1778 ; 8vo. half 34 --- SUTHERLAND (Dr.) Journal of a calf, 16s. . 1778 Voyage in 'Baffin's 'Bay and Barrow Straits in 22 America and the Americans, by a 1850-51, in H. M. Ships "Franklin" and Citizen of the New World, dedicated to Lafayette; " Sophia," in search of the Crews of the 8vo, half cloth, uncut, 3s. 6d. 1833 "-Erebus" and "Terror," with Sledge Excur­ 23 American Guide; The Constitutions of sions on the Ice, and Observations on the the United States, with the latest Amendments, Countries and Frozen Seas, COLOURED PLATES, the Declaration of Independence, Articles of maps and woodcuts; 2 vols, er. 8vo, half calf Confederation, Federal Constitution, and Acts ~41~ ~w of the Government of the Territories ; 12mo, 35 Baily's Central America, the States of sheep, 3s. New York, 1813 GUATEMALA, HONDURAS, SALVADOR, NICARAGUA, 24 America and the West Indies, Geo­ and CosTA RICA, their Natural Features, Pro­ graphically Described by Prof~ssor Long, George ducts, Population, and Remarkable Capacity Richardson Porter, and George Tucker, maps; for Colonization, with 3 views; small 8vo, cloth, thick 8vo, cloth, 4s, 6d. Charles Knight, 1845 SCARCE, 9s, 1850 ASHTON NIELD, BOOKS RELATING TO .AMERICA. 7

36 Authentic Account of the Rise and 49 Beltrami's Pilgrimage in Europe and Progress of the PRESENT'CONTEST IN AMERICA, America, 'leading to the Discovery of the Sources to which is added the Discovery of America by of the M1ss1s1PPI and BLOODY RIVER, with a Columbus, 48 pp.; sm. 8vo, sewed, RARE, 12s. description of the whole course of the former 1776 and of the OHIO, portrait, map, and plates; 37 Baird (Rev. R.) Religion in the United 2 vols, 8vo, boards, uncut, FINE COPY, 12s. 1828 States, map; 8vo, cloth, 3s. . 1844 50 Bernau ( Rev. J. H.) Missional'y Labours 38 Bancroft's HISTORY OF THE UNITED in BRITISH GUIANA, with Remarks on the STATES, from the Discovery of the American Manners, Customs, and Superstitions of the Continent ; 2 vols, sm. 8vo, cloth, 4s. 1852 Aborigines, illustrations; er. 8vo, cloth, scarce, 39 Bankes's Universal Geography,Ancient 7s. 6d. 1847 and~odern, describing the whole of Europe, 51 Besse's Collection of the Sufferings of Asia, Africa, and AMERICA, with maps and the Quakers for the Testimony of a Good Con­ numerous copperplates of Views, Ceremonies, science, from their Rise in 1650 to the Act of Customs, and Places, INCLUDINC LARGE ENGRAV- Toleration in 1689; 2 vols, folio, calf, 30s. 1753 INGS OF :NATIVES IN THEIR DIFFERENT CoSTUlVIES, Contains Accounts of Persecutions alphabetically . l'I-' 10 1787 arranged under English Counties, also Ireland and &C. f ; O1 10, ca 1, s. Scotland, the Continent, AMERICA, WEST IN DIES, . Contains extensive descriptions of the AMERICAN CoN· and particular account of the slayings and torturings TINENTanditsdiscovery, North America, the Islands, of the· Quakers by the Puritans in NEW ENGLAND. British America, United States, Spanish, Portuguese, 52 Beste (J. R.) The WABASH, or Adventures French, Dutch, Danish, West Indies, South America, Peru, Chili, Paraia-uay, Brazil, Patagonia, <;::oncise of an English Gentleman's Family in the In­ History of the War between Great Britam and terior of America, 2 coloured frontispieces; 2 America,Australia,VanDiemen'sLand,NewZealand, vols, er. 8vo, cloth, SCARCE, 14s. 1855 South Sea Islands, &c. 53 BEVER L·E y (R.) HISTORY AND 40 Banneker (Benj.) PENNSYLVANIA, DELA- PRESENT STATE OF VIRGINIA, its First WARE, MARYLAND, and VIRGINIA,, ALMANACK Settlement and Government, Productions, the and EPHEMERIS for 1792; 12mo, cloth, RARE, Indians, their Religion, Laws, and Customs in £2 2s. Baltimore, Goddard and Angell vVar and Peace, frontispiece by Gribelin, with the 41 BARBADOES: The ::C.Aws OF, from 1666 Arms of Virginia, folding Sheet of the Census, to 1761-526 pages, title deficient-Abridgement 1703, and 14 curious plates engraved by Gribelin of the .Acts in force iri the island of Barbadoes from De Bry; 8vo, calf, RARE, £3 3s. 1785 from.1643 to 1762, digested under Alphabetical 54 BICKHAM (G.) The BRITISH MON­ Heaqs, byR.Hall, 1764-MANUSCRIPTAPPENDIX ARCHY, or new Chorographical Description of of some later Laws ; forming a thick vol, folio, 3cll the Dominions belonging to the King of half calf gilt, 35s. Great Britain; comprehending the BRITISH IsLEs, 42 --- PAPERS relating to the Distur- the AMERICAN COLONI.Jj;S, the ELECTORAL ba:nces presented to Parliament ; 2 vols, folio, STATES, the AFRICAN and INDIAN SETTLEMENTS, stiff covers, 7s. 6d. 1876 and more particularly the CouNTIES OF ENGLAND · 43 Barnes (Albert) Inquiry into the Scrip- AND WALES, .the whole beautifully engraved in tura.l Views of Slavery; thick post 8vo, cloth, writing character on copper-plates, printed on one 3s. Philadelphia, 1855 side only, on 190 leaves, embellished with maps, 44 BARTLETT (J. R.) MEMOIRS OF Coats of Arms, Views, Antiquities, emblematical RHODE ISLAND OFFICERS who were en- Head and Tail Pieces, Coins, Costumes, &c.; gaged in the Service of their Country during the folio, half calf gilt, RARE, £3 3s. - 17 48 Great Rebellion of the South, illustrated with 34 The AMERICAN portion is on 22 leaves, with Figures of fine portraits; royal 4to, half mor., UNCUT, £2 2s. Indians, Colonists, and other engravings, and accounts 1867 of the Several Colonies, Islands, &c., all engraved ' like beautiful writing. LARGE· PAPER COPY-only 25 jrinted-{one plate 55 BISH Op E (G.) NEW ENGLAND wanting as usual). 45 Battle..-Fields of the South, from Bull JUDGED, not by Man's, but the Spirit of the Run to Fredericksburg, with Sketches of Con- Lord; and the Sum sealed up of New England's federate Commanders, and Gossip of the Camps, Per~ecutions, being a Brief Relation of the by an English Combatant, map.<;; 2 vols, post Sufferings of the People called Quakers in those 8vo, cloth, 8s. 6d. - 1863 parts of America, from their arrival in 1656 to .c d · p· (0 t ) D S 1660, &c. ; sm. 4to, old calf, RARE, £7 10s. 1661 46 B e d ,or· 1m ap • r. EEMANN This copy has the leaf(175)which is frequently deficient. Dottings on the Roadside in PANAMA, NICAR- 56 Birbeck ( Dr.) Notes on a Journey from AGUA, and MosQUETO, maps and tinted plates; the Coast of VIRGINIA, to the Territory of .Svo, cloth, 6s. 1869 lLLINOIS,jolding coloured map-LETTERS FROM 47 Bees.-MILNER's American Beekeeper's ILLINOIS, the two VVorks bound in one vol, bvo, Manual, or Practical Treatise on the whole cloth, 7s. 6d. 1818 subject of the Honey Bee, from many years' 57 ---- Notes on a Journey from the experience, 35 wood engravings; sm. 8vo, cloth, Coast of Virginia to the Territory of Illinois, 3s. · 6d. J. Wiley, 1849 folding coloured map; 8vo, boards, uncut, 5s. 1818 48 Bermuda: A Colony, Fortress, and 58 Bledsoe (A. T., A.M., LL.D.) Is Davis Prison, or Eighteen Months in the ~omers a, Traitor, or was Secession a Constitutional Isla.iid,/olding map and tinted plates; 8vo, half Right, previous to the War of 1861 ~ post ISvo, morocco gilf~ 5s. 1857 cloth, 4s. Baltimore, 1866 80, Park Street, · BRISTOL. 8 BIBLIOTHECA GEOGRAPHICA ET HISTORICA

59 Bland (Richard, of Virginia) Enquiry 71 BRAZIL. Henderson'sHistorY,ofBrazil, into the Rights of the BRITISH COLONIES ; a its Geography, Commerce, Colonization: ABoRIG· Letter in Answer to the Author of "The INAL INHABITANTS, &c., maps and 28 interesting Regulations lately made concerning the Colonies plates; 4to, half clotli, 15s. (pub. £313s. 6d.) 1821 and the Taxes imposed upon them Considered ;" 72 ---- Koster's Travels in Brazil, with- 8vo, pamphlet, RARE, 12s. out the plates; 2 vols, 8vo, halj calf, 3s. 1817 Williamsburg, printed; London, reprinted, 1769 73 Mawe's Travels in the Interior 60 BOSTON.-ADDITIONAL OBSERVATIONS of Brazil, particularly in the Gold and Diamond to a Short Narrative of the Horrid Massacre in Districts, with a VOYAGE TO LA PLATA and Boston on 5th March, 1770 ; pp. 12, 8vo, sewn, Sketch of the Revolution of Buenos Ayres, fine RARE, 35s. plates of the Diamond, Topaz, and Gold Indus- Printed by Order of the Town of Boston, 1770 tries ; 4to, half calf, 12s. 1812 61 AN APPEAL TO THE "\YoRLD, or 74 --- Brazil. Its Provinces and Chief Vindication· of the Town of Roston from many Cities, Manners and Customs of the People, false and malicious Aspersions in Letters and Statistics, &c., by ,Y. ,SCULLEY, folding map; Memorials written by Governor Bernard, Gen. small 8vo, cloth, 3s. · 1872 Gage, Commodore Hood, the Commissioners of 75 Brooks ( Dr. J. Tyrwhitt) Four Months American Board of Customs, and others to the among the Gold-Finders in Alta California, British Ministry, Published by order of the being the Diary of· an Expedition from San Town ; 8vo, pamphlet, SCARCE, 30s. Francisco to the Gold Districts, map; post 8vo, Boston; London, reprinted, 1770 cloth, 3s. 6d. · 1849 62 Boucher (Rev. J.) View of the Causes 76 Brown (J. D.) The Sylva Americana, and Consequences of the AMERICAN REVOLUTION, or Description of the Forest Trees of the United in 12 Discourses, preached in North America, States, Practical and Botanical, fine frontispiece between 1763 and 1775, with Historical Preface; and more than 100 engravings; roy. 8vo, cloth, thick Svo, lialf caif, 10s., boards uncut, 12s. 1815 water-stained, with name written of Duncan 63 Bouchette's BRITISH DoMINtoNS IN Campbell, 9s. Boston, 1832 AMERICA, or topographical and statistical Des- 77 BUCANIERS OF AMERICA-; or, a cription of the CAN.ADAS, NEW BRUNSWICK, True Account of the most Remarkable Assaults NovA ScoTIA, NEWFOUNDLAND, &c., 30 engrav-, committed of late years upon the Coasts of ings and maps; 3 vols, 4to, cloth, 24s. 1832 West Indies, many curious- maps, battle-scenes, Conta~ns much valuable ai:id ~seful information, given and portraits ; LARGE PAPER, 3 parts in 1 G~~~a;~r t~~~~c:1~~~~~- m his capacity of Surveyor- vol, .4to, calf, rebacked ( some leaves water-stained) 64 Bowie's Spirit of Discovery, a Des- RARE, £3 15s. . 1_684 criptive Historical Poem with Notes plates . 18 Burnaby ( Rev. A., Vicar of fl-reenwich). sm. 8vo, calf, 2s. 6d. ' ' 1809 Travels through the Middle Settle~e.nts in Book IV. relates the Discovery of America, &c. NORTH AMERICA, 1759 and 1760, descnbmg the 65 Bradbury (J.) Travels in the Interior of State of the Colonies; thin 4to, haif calf, 18s. America in 1809-10-11, with de.scriptions of 1775 Upper Lousiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Ten- Describes Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania,_ New nessee Illinois and Western Territories . 8vo Jersey, New York, R~ode Island, Massachusetts b i ' ' ' Bay, and New Hampshire more than 100 years ago. - oar s, u~cut, l~s. 1817 79 Burney_ (Capt. James) History of the 66 ~ra1kenr1dge (H. M.) Voyage to S~uth Voyages and Discoveries in the South Sea America, per!ormed b~ order of the American or Pacific Ocean, comparing the early Accounts Government m the Frigate Congress, 1817-18; with those of Modern Navigators· -numerous 2 vols, Svo, boards, un~ut, 7s. 6d. 1820 charts and plates; 5 vols, royal 4to; half cloth, 67 Bremer (Fredrika) The HOMES OF THE edges uncut, RARE, £5 18s. 1803 NEW WoRLD, Impressions of America, trans- This· v~luable work gives the Voyages .and Discove~ies lated by MARY HOWITT, fine frontispiece and of Columbus, the Cabots, Amencus Vespucms, vignettes . first edition 3 vols er 8vo l th 9 Magalhanes, Cortes, Saavedra, Alca?!~va, Alvarado, ' , , • , CO , S. Ulloa, Vasquez, Ruy Lopez, Valdivia, and other 1858 Spaniards, then John Oxman, Francis Drake Sar· _68 Bristed's America and her Resources the miento, Witherington, Cavendish, Hawkins,' Van Agriculture, Commercial Financial Lite;ary ~oort, De Quires, SpilbergC;n, Sc~o~ten,. Neda!, . . C ·t d c'h f' h . ' 1asman, Narborough, Spamsh M1ssionanes the R e1 ig1ous apaci Yan aracter o t e Ameri- Filibusters, Buccaneers, Halley, Dampier, R~gers, can People ; Svo, boards, 4s. 1818 Shelvocke, Anson, Bougainville, &c., ineh1ding from 1 1766 69 BRAZIL-. GARDNER ( Dr.) Travel in the SO 994 to · • Interior of Brazil and the Gold and D" d urton (Richd. F.) The CITY OF THE Districts frontispiece and folding ma i~n1on SAI~Ts, . and across -the Rocky Mountains to cloth gilt' 5s. ps ' ;z C3:liforma, maps, plates, and cuts j FIRST EDITION 1 ' . . 1 9 thick 8vo, cloth, 9s. 18{H 70 --- Hadfield (W.) Braz1!, The River 81 Cabrera (P. T.) Ruins of an Ancient Plate and the Falkland. Is~ands, :with th~ Cape City, discovered in Palenque in Guatemala, ~orn Route ~ Australia, 1;11-cludmg Notices of Spanish America, translated from the Original Lisbon, Madeira, The Canaries, and Cape Verds, MS. by Capt. Don A. Del Rio, followed byTeatro portrait of Emperor DfJn Pe~ro, lar(Je folding Critico Americano, or a Critical Research into coloured map, -and numerous illustrations; Svo, the History of the Americans 17 large curious cloth, 6s. · 1854 plates; 4to, boards, uncut, SCA~CE, 21s. _1822 ASHTON NIELD, BOOKS RELATING- TO AMERICA. 9

82 Byam (0.) Wild Life in the Interior of 95 Catherwood (F.) Views in Central SOUTH .AMERIOA., frontispiece ; sm. 8vo, cloth, America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. Nineteen 3a-. . , 1849 beautifully coloured plates oj Remains of the 83 Cairnes (J.E., M . .A.) The Slave Power­ .Ancient Castles, Temples,' Idols, Scenery, ct:c. its Character, Career, and probable Design-an ( a complete series should have 25), with letter­ attempt to explain the real issues involved in the press descriptions; imp. folio, half morocco, American Contest ; 8vo. cloth, 3s. 1862 £2 101!!. 1844 84-California. KELLY(W.} Excursion to Cali­ 96 CH ALMER S (Geo.) POLITICAL fornia over the Prairie, Rocky Mountains, and ANNALS of the Present United Colonies, Sierra Nevada, and the Diggings and Ranches ; from their Settlement to the .Peace of 1763, 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth, 5s. · 1851 compiled chiefly .from Records, and authorised 85 CANADA. J. D. Letter to a Noble Lord often by the' insertion of State Papers. - Book I. concerning the late expedition to CANADA; 8vo, (the complete work); thick 4to, about 700 pages, half calf, 21s. 1712 calf gilt, RARE, £2 16s. 1780 86 ---LETTER to a Friend in the Country 97 Chambers (W.} Things as they are in on the la~ expedition to CANADA, with Account America; er. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 1854 of former Enterprises, Defence of that Design, 98 Charlevoix (P. F. X. de) HISTORY OF a.nd the Share the late_M--rs had in it; 8vo, PARAGUAY; 2 vols, 8vo, calf, 12s. 1769 calf, 25s. - 1712 "This work contains an account of the plants, animals, half fruits, &c , of the country, and is particularly inter­ 87 ·---. Ma~netical and Meteoro­ esting from the account it gives of the celebrated logical Observations at the Observatory, Jesuit Establishment in Paraguay."-LowNDES. Toronto, in Canada, printed by Order of Her 99 C h a rt e r s of the British Colonies in Majesty's Government, under the superinten­ America; 8vo, lialf calf, 15s. (1774) dence of LIEUT.-CoL. E. SABINE; vol. 1, 1840- Massachusetts Bay (2) Kin~ Charles I, and Willian/. and Mary-Connecticut and Rhode Island, Virginia, 41-42, thick 4to, cloth, 5s .. 6d. 1845 Pennsylvania, Maryland, Georgia. Presentation copy by direction of the British Govern­ ( Marquis de) Travels in ment to C. E. Trevel1an, Esq., and 61 him to kis 100 Chastellux u11clc, Sir John Trevelyan, Bart. North America in 1761, 1781, and 1782, with 88 _.--- REPORTS OF CoMMIS8IONERS on Notes, plates and maps; 2 vols, 8vo, calf, 15s. Grie'Vances complained of' in Lower Canada, , , 1787 folding coloured plan of Island of Montreal, 1837 Contains interesting personal accounts of many circum­ stances in the War of Independence, of which the -Papers respecting Lands in Lower Canada, Marquis was an eye-witness, also of his acquaintance and Reports· of .Select Committees of House of with Gen. Washington, Marq. de Layfayette, Mr, Assembly, respecting Thomsan, Whitcher, and Jefferson, Tom Paine, Gen. Schuyler, &c. Felton, coloiired plan, 1837-0rder's in Council 101 Chesney (Capt. C. C.} Military View of and Returns respecting Sale of Lands in Upper Recent Campaigns in VIRGINIA and MARYLAND, .Canada, 1837~Copies or Extracts of Despatches with maps; post 8vo, cloth, 5s. 1863 from Governor Sir F. B. Head, with Answers 102 Christopher Columbus and the Dis­ from Secretary of St~te, 1839-Act of Canadian covery of the New World, from the French of Parliament, 1883, respecting Sale of Intoxicating M. le Marquis de Belloy, with 51 drawings on and the Issue of Licences, 1884_:_ Reports wood and 6 etchings by Leopold Flameng ; royal on the Forests of Canada, with Precis of Papers 8vo, cloth, gilt edges, 16s. (pub. £2 2s.} 1878 by Dr. Lyon~, map, 1885, 28s. 103 Churchman (John, of Nottingham in 89 Candler's J3rief Notices of Hayti, its Con­ Pennsylvania) Account of his Gospel Labours dition·, Resources, and Prospects, title cropped; and Christian Experiences, with a short Me­ sm. 8vo, cloth,_, 2s. 6d. 1842 morial of the Life and Death of Joseph White, ; Svo, sheep, THE EXTREMELY Cam­ of Bucks County 90 Cannon (John} History of Grant's RARE FIRST EDITION, FINE COPY, 15s. paigns for the CAFTURE OF RICHMOND, 1864-65, Joseph Cruikshank, Philadelphia, 1779 with outline of the previous course of the With MS. on Title: D. Morris to Elizabetk Deerman, 4Inerican Qivil War; post 8vo, cloth, 5s. 1869 Birmingham. - 91 Carey (H. C.) The Slave Trade, Domestic 104 Clifford. The Case and Replication of a.nd. Foreign, why it exists, and how it may be the Representatives of J eronimy Clifford, a extinguished ; post 8vo, cloth, 3s. · British Subject, and late Merchant and Planter · Philadelphia, 1853 of Surinam, presented by Sir Joseph Yorke to of the United Provinces, GEOGRAPHY, History, their High Mightinesses 92 Carey and Lea. Svo, calf, SCARCE, 12s. 1763 and Statistics of America and the West Indies, folding map; witn additions relative to the New States of COBBETT (William} WORKS BY: $outh Americ;a, maps, charts, and plates; 8vo, 105 The Bloody Buoy,. a Warning to the 'IJ,alf calf, 3s. 1823 Political Pilots of America, or a Faithful Re­ 93 C.armichael (Mrs.) Domestic Manners lation of a Multitude of Acts of horrid Barbarity, and Condition of the White, Coloured, and such as the eye never witnessed, the tongue Negro Population of the WEST INDIES; 2 vols, expressed, or the imagination conceived until er.. 8vo, 'lialf calf gilt, NEWLY BOUND, Ss. 6d. 1833 the commencement of the French Revolution, .·94: Ca~er's (Robin) Anecdotes of Natural by P.l!:TER PORCUPINE, four copper plates; 12mo, ll,lstory; 120 wood engravings; 12mo, sheep, in the original binding, VERY RARE, £3 lOs. 9a. ·~. Boston, 1833 Philaq,elphia, 1796 30, Park Street, BRISTOL. 10 BIBLIOTHECA GEOGRAPHICA ET ffiSTORICA

Cobbett (Wm.) Works by-continued. 118 Colorado. PORTER ·and CouLTER's 106 Porcupine's Works, exhibiting a faithful Synopsis of the FLORA OF UoLORADO; 8vo, sewed, Picture of the United States of America, their 3s. _ Washington, 1874 Governments, Laws, Politics, Resources, Presi­ ll9 Colman (B., Pastor of a Church in dents, Governors, Legislators, Customs, Manners, Boston) Ossa J osephi, or the Bones of Joseph~ Morals, Religion, Virtues, Vices, &c., and a considered in a Sermon at the Lecture in BosToN,. complete Series of Historical Documents and after the Funeral of the Very Honourable and Remarks, from the end of the War in 1783 to Excellent Joseph Dudley, Esq., late Governour 1801, a complete set; 12 vols, 8vo, in the original of His Majesty's Provinces of the Massachusets neat binding, NICE SET, £2 lOs. 1801 Bay, and New Hampshire, in New England, "The works of Peter Porcupine should be carefully who departed this Life, April 2nd, 1720; ln the perused by the Student of American History.''­ 73 years of his age ; 8vo, lialf morocco, large ALLIBONE. , 107 A Year's Residence IN THE UNITED fine copy, 12s. Boston, 1720 STATES OF AMERICA, treating of the Country, 120 Columbus (Christopher) Select Letters, the Land, Labour, the People, and their Insti­ with other Original Documents relating to his tutions; 3 PARTS COMPLETE, 8vo, half calf, FIRST Four Voyages to the NEw WORLD, translated EDITION scarce, 7s. 6d. London, 1818-19 and edited by MAJOR; 8vo, doth, SCARCE, 14s. Hakluyt 8_ociety, 1847 · 108 Selections from Cobbett's PoliHcal 121 Combe (G.) Notes on the United States Works, being an Abridgment of the 100 volumes of North America ; 3 vols, small 8vo, cloth, 5s. of the Writings of Porcupine and the Political (pub. 31s. 6d.) . 1841 Register, with Notes, Historical and Explan­ 122 Considerations on the Propriety of Im­ atoty, by J. M. and J. P. Cobbett; 6 vols, 8vo, posing Taxes in the BRITISH COLONIES for the half calf gilt, SCARCE, 38s. 1835 purpose of raising a Revenue by Act of Parlia­ 109 Treatise on Cobbett's Corn, its Culti­ ment ; 8vo, pamphlet, 8s. 6d. vation and Uses; 12mo, half roan, FIRST NorthAmerica,printed; London, reprinted, 1766 EDITION, 3s. 1828 123 Constitutions of the several Independent llO Grammar of the English Language, States of America, Declaration of Independence, for the Use of Schools, Soldiers, Sailors, Ap­ Articles of Confederation, Treaties with the prentices, Ploughboys ; sm. 8vo, boards, edges King of France, &c., portrait of Washington ; uncut, FIRST EDITION, RARE, 21s. 1819 With the Rare Original Dedication, dated from Long 8vo, new half calf gilt, 12s. . _1783 Island, to Mr. BENBOW, shoemaker, of Manchester, 124 Controversy (The) between Great Britain who was imprisoned. Afterwards the Dedication was and her Colonies Reviewed, the Pleas of the to Queen Caroline. Colonies of Right to all Liberties and Privileges of British Subjects, and Exemption from Legis­ lative Authority of Parliament, stated .and con­ 111 Cochrane (Capt. C. S.) Journal of a sidered, and the Nature of their Connection Residence and Travels in Colombia in 1823-24, with, and Dependence on Great Britain, shown with coloured frontispieces (map deficient) ; 2 upon the evidence. of Historical Facts and vols, 8vo, boards, 4s. 1825 Authentic Records ; 8vo, half calf, 18s. 1769 ll2 Coke ( Rev. Dr.) Substance of a Sermon 125 Cooke (Capt. E.) Voyage to the South preached at Baltimore, in MARYLAND, before Sea, and Round the World in 1708-9-10 and 11, the Conference of the Methodist E. C., at the containing Journal of the Voyage, taking of Ordination of the Rev. Francis Asbury to the Puna and Guayaguil, description of the American Office of a Superintendent ; 22 pp., 12mo, Coasts from Terra del Fuego to California, His­ sewed, RARE, 7s. 6d. 1785 torical Account of those Countries from the best ll3 --- Report of the Missions in Authors, and description of the mighty River the BRITISH WEST INDIAN ISLANDS to the Amazons, and Account of Mr. Alexander Selkirk, NEGROES and CARIBBS; sm. 8vo, sewed, 3s. 1789 his manner of living, and taming some wild ll4 --- Statements of Receipts and Beasts, during the four years and four months Disbursements for the Mission of the Methodist he lived upon the uninhabited Island of Juan Society to the WEST INDIAN NEGROES; sm. 8vo, Fernandez ; 8vo, calf, RARE, 28s. 1712 sewed, 2s. 6d. 1794 Besides the maps as numbered I to I6, contai11,s Map of ll5 COLDEN ( Hon. Cadwallader) History the World (2 hemisjheres) showing Capt. Cook's Voyages ; Plan and Prospect of City of Santiago i of the Five Indian Nations dependent on the (Prospect of) City of Cusco, Capital of Peru ; M~p Province of New York, and the barrier between of the Great River Maranon, or of the Amazons. · the English and French in that part of the world, 126 Cooper (J. Fenimore) America. and the folding map of the Country of the Five Nations; Americans, Notions picked up by a. Tra.velliBg 8vo, fine copy, in tlie original brown calf, £2 10s. Bachelor ; 2 vols, 8vo, half cloth, uncut, 3s. ( title 1750 to Vol. II wanting) · 1836 116 Coleridge (H. N.) Six Months in the 127 Cornwallis (Earl) Answer to that pa.rt West Indies, map; 12mo, 2s. 1832 of Lieut.-Gen. Sir H. Cfinton's Narrative re­ ll7 Columbia, being a Geographical, Statis­ lating to Lord Cornwallis's Conduct

129 Cotton (John, Pastor of Boston, N.E.) 143 DE BRY (Thomas Hariot) A Briefe and Practical Commentary, or Exposition, with Ob­ True Report of the New Found Land of servations, Reason~, and Uses of the First Epistle VIRGINIA, of the Commodities and of the General of John; folio, panelled sheep, RARE, Nature and Manners of the naturall Inhabitants, 10s. 16.56 with 23 plates of the Indians of Virginia, and 5 130 Crantz (D.) History of Greenland, con­ plates of the Ancient Picts of Britain; folio; taining a History of the Country and its Inhabi­ cloth, new, 26s. 1888 tants, and a Relation of the Mission of the A reproduction of the edition printed at Frankfort in Moravian Brethren, map and plates; 2 vols, 8vo, 152_01 at the expense of Theodore De Bry. calf, 9s. . . 1161 144 De Pauw. RECHERCHES PHILOSOPHIQUES 131 Coxe (D.) Description of the English AMERICAINS, ou Memoires, Interessants, pour Province of CAROL.ANA, by the Spaniards called servir a l'histoire de l'Espece humaine ; 3 vols, FLORIDA, and by the French LA LOUISIANE, with sm. 8vo, calf gilt, 10s. Berlin, 1771 a description of Nouvelle Edition, augmentee d'une Dissertation critique the great and famous River par dom Pemety ; et'

156 Duncan's (J. M.) Travels through Part 169 Fenning (D.) and Collyer (J.) NEW of the United States and Canada in 1818-19; 3 SYSTEM OF GEOGRAPHY, or Particulars .and vols, sm. 8vo, half calf, 5s. 1823 Circumstantial Account of, all the Countries of 157 Durrie (D.S.) BrnLIOTHECA GENEALOGICA the \Vorld, numerous maps and plates ; .2 vols, AMERICANA, an Alphabetical Index to American folio, old ca1j, 9s. · 1773 172 pages. Contain a description of the several parts Genealogies and Pedigrees, contained in State, of North and South Amenca, and the West Indies, County and Town IJistories, Printed Genealogies West Indies, View of 0 with maps of North America, and Kind11ed W orks ; 8vo, cloth, 6s. Qiiebec from the river, plate of Sachem exhorting lndfons to War, and plate of manners of the . Albany, N. W., 1868 Spaniards in South America. 158 DWIGHT'S (Timothy, Pres. of Yale 170 Finch's Travels in the United States of College) The Conquest of Canaan, a Poem, in America and Canada, with Account of their Eleven Books, with the rare portrait; sm. 8vo, Scientific Institutions, the Geology and Miner­ original sheep, FINE COPY, FIRST EDITION, RARE, alogy,. &c. ; 8vo, boards, UNCUT, 12s. 1833 £1 15s. - Hartford Elisha Babcock, 1785 171 Fletcher ( Lieut.-Col.) HISTORY OF THE -159 Travels in New England and AMERICAN WAR, Vol. I. First year of the New York, portrait and maps; half calf, 12s. War, 1861-62; thick Svo, cloth, 4s. (pub. 18s.) 1823 1865 161 Edwards (Jonathan, of Newhaven, D.D.) 172 Florida. STORK (Dr.) DESCRIP­ OBSERVATIONS ON THE- LANGUAGE OF THE TION OF EAST FLORIDA, with a Journal MuHHEKANEEW INDIANS, in which the Extent by J. BARTRAM, of Philadelphia, Botanist to of that Language in N. America is shown, and His Ma;'esty for the Floridas, on a Journey from its genius, peculiarities, and analogy. with ST. AUGUSTINE up the RIVER ST. JOHN'S, as far Hebrew pointed out; 8vo, sewed, RARE, 30s. 1788 as the LAKES, map and plans; 4to, stitched, 162 Edwards ( President) Narrative of the uncut, fine copy, RARE, £2 2s. 1769 REVIVAL OF RELIGION IN ·NEW ENGLAND, with 173 Irving (Theodore) CoNQUESTOF Introductory Essay by Dr. Pye Smith, portrait; FLORIDA, under HERNANDO DE SOTO ; 2 vols, er. 8vo, halj cloth, 2s. 6d. . 1829 post 8vo, boards, SCARCE, 18s. - 1835 163 Elliott (Jon.) The Debates, Resolutions, 174 FRANKLIN (Benj.) The Way to Wealth, and other Proceedings in Convention, on the as clearly shown in Preface of an Old Pennsyl-, adoption of the Federal Constitution, as recom­ vaniaAlmanack, intitled Poor Richard, improved mended by the General Convention at Phila­ (signed RICHARD SAUNDERS) ; 16 pp. 8vo, calf delphia, 17 Sep., 1787 ; with the Yeas and Nays gilt, RARE, £3 10s. N. D. on the division, collected from contemporary I trace no other copy of this edition. It was not in the uncut, 24s. Franklin collection sold for £5,000 to the American publications ; 4 vols, 8vo, half cloth, Government. .A former owner has written upon the Washington, 1827-30 title z774 as the date. 164 Ellison (T.) Slavery and Secession in 175 ---Poor Richard, BoWLEs'sMoRAL America, Historical and Economical, with map PICTURES, or Poor Richard illustrated, being and appendices; post 8vo, cloth, 3s. Lessons for the Young and the Old on Industry, Sampson Low, N. D. Temperance, Frugality, &c., portrait and illus­ 165 Empson (C., Editor of Edin. Rev.) trations in 25 ovals, each with 2 lines of the Narratives or South America, illustrating maxims, on 1 plate, 24 by 19 inches, mounted on Manners, Customs, Scenery, and Natural His­ linen, folded in sm. 8vo, book cover; RARE, 16s. tory, collected during a four years' residence ; No date. Pub. at Manchester about z796, but the cos~ 1720 style. 8vo, boards, uncut, 4s. 1836 tumes of the figures are more like A Collection Memorable Days in America, or 176 Chalkley (Thomas) 166 Faux's Works of, in 2 parts ; thick Svo, whole Journal of a Tour in the United States, showing of th~ America, with bound in morocco, poor copy, VERY RARE, 30s. men and things as they are in by B. Franklin, and account of Birkbeck's Settlement in Illinois, Philadelphia, Printed view of log house in Indiana; 8vo, board.s, uncut, D. Hall, MDCCXLIX. 8s. 6d. 1823' 177 Philosophical and Miscellan- 8vo, (H. B.) Sketches of America in eous Papers, lately written, with plates; 167 Fearon calf, scarce, 12s. 1787 a Journey of Five Thousand Miles through the On Chimneys and Stoves, Meterology, removing to Eastern and Western States ; 8vo, halJ bound, America, North American Savages, Internal State of 5s. 1818 America, Criminal Laws, Privateering, &c. _ 168 Featherston haugh (G. W.) Tour through 178 Gardiner (Capt.) Account of the Expedi­ the Slave States, from the River Potomac, by tion to the wEST INDIES, against MARTINICO, Baltimore, in Maryland, to Texas and the Fron­ with the reduction of GuADELUPE- and other the tiers of Mexico, map and illustrations; 2 vols, LEEWARD ISLANDS, subject to the French King, 8vo, cloth, 14s. 1844 1759, FINEL~ PRINTED; 4to, calf, SCARCE, 25s. "His notice of the Natura;l History ~ of the districts Birmingham, John Baskerville, 1762 through which he passed was novel and interesting, With 4 curious copperplates. View of St. Pierre, with · particularly his account of the Mines, and his other the French troops, English fleet and Attack-Bird's. geological memoranda, his occa.qional pictures of the eye view plan of Fort Royal Town and Bay, with heroes of the bowie-knife, and the gentleman slave­ English Squadron, and landing of troops-View of breeders are remarkably cho,racte1'istic and entertain, Bombardment and Burning of Basse•terr~View of ing."-New Montkly Magazine. Squadron and Convoy at Sea on passage to England. ASHTON NIELD,- BOOKS RELATING TO AMERICA. 13

179 Galloway (J., late Speaker of the House 187 Greenhow (Mrs.) My Imprisonment and of Assembly of Pennsylvania). His Examination the First Year of Abolition Rule at WASHINGTON, before the House of Commons, in a Committee with portrait; post 8vo, cloth, 5s. 1863 on theAmericanPapers, withExplanatoryNotes, 188 Grellett (Stephen, of Philaddphia and title de,icient.-[GALLOWAY, J.] Letters to a New York). Memoirs of his Life and Gospel Nobleman on the Conduct of the WAR IN THE Labours, edited by Seebohm, portrait; 2 vols, ,MIDDLE CoLONIES,jolding Plan of the Operations 8vo, cloth, 4s. 1860 of the British and Rebel Army in the Ca,mpaign 189 Grenada, Laws of, from 1763 to 1805, of 1777.-In I volume, 8vo, half calf, 25s. 1779 with Tables and Index, by G. SMITH, 1808, with · The volume contains i other pieces on Toleration of 2 SUPPLEMENTS to 1819, and Acts of Parliament Papists (by Lloyd)-Defence of Tithes-Bp. Porteus on Good Friday-Burkes's Speech ofl Army Estimates and Orders in Council relating to the Abolition -Unlawfulness of Polygamy-Sir J. Sinclair on the of the Slave Trade, 1818, in I vol; 4to, old calf, State of our Finances-Soame Jenyns's Scheme for wormed, 7s. 6d. _ . 1808-17 Coalition of parties.- 190 Grund (F. J.) The Americans, in their 180 Franklin (Jas.) The Present State of Moral, Social, and Political Relations ; · 2 vols, Hayti (St. Domingo), with Remarks on its Agri­ 8vo, cloth, 4s. 6d. 1837 culture, Commerce, Laws, Religion, Finance, , 191 Hale's History of the UNITED STATES, Population, &c. ; sm. Svo, half cloth, uncut, from their First Settlement as Colonies to the 4s. 6d. 1828 Close of the War with Great Britain in 1815 ; 181 General View of England, its Policy, 8vo, cloth, 4s. (pub. 12s.) 1826 Trade, ·Commerce, Taxes, Debts, Produce of 192 Haliburton ( Judge) The Old Judge, or Lands, Colonies, &c., from 1600 to 1762, by Life in a Colony ; 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth, 4s. M.V.D.M., translated Jrom the French, 1766.­ (pub. 12s.) 1826 WILLIAMS (Capt.. Griffith) ACCOUNT OF THE 193 The SEASON-TICKET; post 8vo, ISLAND OF NEWFOUNDLAND, with its Trade and cloth, FIRST EDITION, 5s. 1860 Fishery,· with a Plan to exclude the French from 194 Hall ( Capt. Basil) Extracts from a Journal that Trade, by Capt. Cole, 1765.-Compairaison on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, in de l'Impot

204 Hartley (D.) Letters on the American 213 History of the Buccaneers of America, War, addressed to the Corporation, Trinity all 4 parts complete ; thick 12mo, 5s. 6d. 1810 House, and Burgesses of Kingston-upon-Hull; 214 Hitchcock (.Enos, D.D.) Memoirs of the 8vo, sewed, uncut, bottom margins of last 8 leaves Bloomgrove Family, in Letters to a Citizen of frayed, SCARCE, 3s. 1779 Philadelphia, on a mode of Domestic Education, David Hartley, M.P. for Hull, was one of the plenipo­ tentiaries appointed to treat with Dr. Franklin, the suited to the present state of the United States American Ambassador at Paris. This copy has the of America, and on the Dignity and Importance Autograph of Thomas Tyers (friend of Dr. Johnson of the :Female Character, with Interesting Anec­ and proprietor of Vauxhall Gardens.) dotes; 2 vols, sm. 8vo, sheep, 16s. Boston, 1790 205 Head ( Sir F. B.) Rough Notes during With Dedication to Mrs. Washington •. some Rapid Journeys across the Pampas and among the Andes ; er. 8vo, half calf, 4s. 1826 215 Holiday Tales, a Juvenile Forget-~e­ N ot for all Seasons, woodcuts;- 12mo, half roan,· 206 Hearne's Journey from Hudson's Bay 2s. New York, 1829 to the Northern Ocean for the Discovery of Copper Mines, a North.West Passage, &c. 216 HOLMES (Abiel) ANNALS OF (1769-72), largejolding plates; 4to, calf, SCARCE, AMERICA, from the discovery by Columbus 32s. 1795 in the year 1492 to the year 1826; BEST EDITION, This valuable work contains the account of the first 2 vols, royal 8vo, halfcal} gilt, EXTREMELY RARE,. European who penetrated to the Ocean N Orth of £4 4s. Cambridge ( Ma8), 1829 America. "One of the best works of the kind ever published."­ 207 HELPS (Arthur) SPANISH CON­ R1cH. QUEST IN AMERICA, and its relation to the "Holmes's Annals has now (1856) become a Ube, rarissimus, and can rarely be purchased. Our copy History of Slavery and to the Government of was a present from our enterprising publisher and Colonies ; 4 vols, 8vo, cloth, SCARCE, £3 3s. valued friend, Mr. George W. Childs. of Philadelphia, 1855-62 whose excellent collection of works on American History is well calculated to excite the cupidity of 208 --- THE CONQUERORS OF the ravished spectator."-ALLIBONR. _ THE NEW WORLD and their Bondsmen, a Narrative of the Principal Events which led to 217 Holmes (Isaac) Account of the United States of America during a residence of four NEGRO SLAVERY IN THE "\VEST INDIES AND AMERICA; 2 vols, er. 8vo, cloth, SCARCE, 21s. years, including Original Communications; Svo, Pickering, 1848 boards, UNCUT, 9s. 1823 209 Helper (Hinton Rowan) Impending Crisis 218 Holmes (Oliver Wendell) ThePROFESSOR of the South, how to meet it, portrait; thick AT THE BREAKFAST TABLE, with the Story of post 8vo, cloth, 3s. 1860 IRIS; post 8vo, original cloth, FIRST EDITION, lOs. 210 HERIOT (G.) Travels through the Boston, U.S., 1860 Canadas, with descriptions of the Picturesque 219 Houstoun'sTexas and the Gulf of Mexico, Scenery of the Rivers and Lakes, Account of the or Yachting in the New World, with portraits Inhabitants, and the· Indian Nations, map and and illustrations; 2 vols, sm. 8vo, cloth ( piece numerous tinted plates; 4to, new calfgilt, £2 15s. cut off titles), 5s. 1844 1807 220 Howitt (Mary) OuR CousINs IN Omo, 211 HERRERA (Don Antonio De) General with four illustrations on steel by A. M. Howitt; History of the Continent and Islands of sq. sm 8vo, cloth, uncut, FIRST EDITIO.N, 15s. 1849 America, commonly called the West Indies, 221 HUDSON RIVER PORTFOLIO, a from the first Discovery thereof, with the best series of 20 very fine large engravings, BEAUTIFULLY Accounts the people coµld give of their Anti­ COLOURED LIKE THE ORIGIN AL DRAWINGS, with quities, collected from the original Relations letterpress descriptions ; oblong imperial folio, sent to the Kings of Spain, translated by Capt. half bound, RARE, £10 10s. New York, N.D. John Stevens, portraits, curious folding plates 1, Little Falls of Luzerne. 2. Junction of the.Sacan• and map; 6 vols, 8vo, FINE LARGE CLEAN COPY daga and Hudson Rivers. 3. View near. Jessup's, in original calf, backs recently full gilt in the old Landing. 4. Rapids above Hadley's Falls. 5. Hadley's Falls. 6. Glenns Falls. 7. View near style, VERY SCARCE, £6 10s. 1740 Sandy Hill. 8. Baker's Falls. 9. View near Fort '' Of all the Spanish Writers, Herrara furnishes the Miller. 10. Fort Edward. u. Troy from Mount· fullest and most accurate information concerning the Ida. 12. View near Hudson. 13. Hudson. 14, Conquest of Mexico, as well as every other trans­ Newburg. 15. View from Fishkill. 16. West Point. action of America, his Decades may be ranked amonst 17. View near Fishkill. 18 •. View near Fort. Mont• the mostjudicious and useful historical collectious."­ gomery. 19. Palisades. 20. New York from RoBERTSON, 212 History(The) of the British Dominions Governors Island. in North America, from the first Discovery of 222 H u m p h re y' s . (Colonel) Miscellaneous that vast Continent by Seb. Cabot in 1497, to Works; 8vo, original sheep, FIRST EDITION, RARE, its present glorious establishment as confirmed 16s. New York, Hodge, Allen, & Campbell, 1790 ADDRESS TO THE ARMIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1' by the late Treaty of Peace in 1763, folding map; Poem, written in General Washington's Camp, 1782, 4to, half calf, 32s. 1773 to animate the Citizens of America to the Defence of Contains History· of the British Empire in North their Country-Poem on the HAPPINESS OF AMERICA America-New En9:Jand-Massachusets Bay-Con­ -MISCELLANEOUS POEMS-EPISTLE (Poetical) TO necticut-Rhode Island-New Hampshire- New· DR. DWIGHT -THE WIDOW OF MALABAR~;_ or, York- New Jersey-Pennsylvania~Maryland-Vir­ TYRANNY OF CUSTOM, a Tragedy - LIFE OP' ginia-Carolina - Georgia - Florida - Louisiana - GENERAL PUTNAM (narrated by himself)-ORATION Canada-New Britain or Labrador-Hudson's Bay­ ON THE POLITICAL SITUATION OF THE UNITED Nova Scotia, STATES OF AMERICA in 1789, &c. ASHTON NIELD, BOOKS RELATJNG TO AMERICA. 15

223 Humboldt (Alex von) RESEARCHES CON­ 236 JAMAICA. Jackson's Memoirs of the CERNING THE INSTITUTIONS AND MONUMENTS OF Rev. J. Jenkins, Wesleyan Missionary in JAM­ THE ANCIENT INHABITANTS OF AMERICA, with AICA, with Notices of ·west Indian Slavers ; sm. Descriptions and Views of some of- the most 8vo, cloth, 2s. 1832 striking Scenes in th~ Cordilleras, translated by 237 ---- Laws of Jamaica, passed by H. M. Williams, numerous plates, some of which the Assembly and confirmed by His Majesty in are COLOURED; 2 vols, 8vo, calf, 18s., or boards, Council, April 17, 1684, to which is added the uncut, 21s. 1814 State of Jamaica as it is now under the Govern­ 224 Hutchinson (T. J.) BUENOS AYRES and ment of SIR THOMAS LYNCH, with very large ARGENTINE GLEANINGS, with Diary of Salado New and Exact Mapp of the Island of Jamaica, Exploration in 1862 and 1863, engravings and with the several Towns, Churches, Plantations, maps; 8vo, cl,oth, 6s. 1865 with their names and the names of the Proprietors, Sugar Works, lndico Works, &c., size 52 by 22! 225 ---- The Parana, with Incidents of inches, 1684, ALSO THE CONTINUATION OF THE the Paraguayan War and South American Recol­ LAWS, 1698; 2 vols, folio, calf, £3 5s. 1684-98 lections, from 1861 to 1868, portrait, maps and Although the titfo-pagc sets forth (as above) April 17, illustration.s ; 8vo, cloth, 6s. 1868 1684, the Royal Confirmation is printed in the books as "at the Court at Whitehall, the 13rd February, 226 Two Years in Peru, with Ex- 1682." These are the Original Laws and Constitu• ploration of its Antiquities, portrait, map, and tion under which the Island was subsequently numerous illustrations; 2 vols, 8vo, cloth gilt, 9s. governed. The first name in the list of His _ 1873 Maje1,ty's Commissioners is 8ir Henry Morgan, Kt., ex-Buccaneer and l'ii-ate. Governor Lynch founa 227 Imlay (G-.) Topographical Description of him very useful, and sent him out on Piratical the Western Territory of North America, maps Expeditions against the Spaniards. and pl,ans of the Rapids of the Ohio; 8vo, half 23S Jefferson (Thomas) Notes on the State calf, 18s. 1793 of Virginia, with Appendix on the Murder of Contains th~ Adventures of Col. Daniel Boon-Minutes Logan's Family ; sm. 8vo, sheep, 12s. 6d. of the Piankashaw Council, and Account of the Indian Nations, &c. Trenton, Wilson, and Blackwell, 1803 This edition is extremely scarce. I do not find it 228 --- Description of the Western mentioned by anyone except the industrious Mr. Territory of North America ; sm. 8vo, sewed, Allibone. · , UNCUT, 12s. Dublin, 1793 239 ---- L i f e , Correspondence, and 229 Irving (W.) Life of GEORGE.WASHINGTON, Opinions on -Questions of Civil Government, portrait and view of Tomb at. Mount Vernon; National Policy, and Constitution Law, by 5 vols, er. 8vo, boards, 8s. 6d. 1855 Tucker, fine port. ; 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, 9s. 6d. 1837 240 ---- Notes on the State of Vir­ 230 ---- CHRONICLE OF THE CONQUEST gin_ia, with an Appendix, eighth American edi­ OF GRANADA; 2 vols, Svo, half blue calf gilt, tion, with p01·trait and folding map; 8vo, sheep, FIRST EDITION, 9s. London, 1829 16s. Boston, 1801 231 -·--- BEAUTIES OF, with 6 etchings by 241 Johnston (James F. W., Chemical Pro­ W. HEATH; 12mo, boards, uncut, RARE, 7s. 6d. fessor) Notes on North America, Agricultural, Glasgow, 1825 Economical, and Social, map; 2 vols, er. 8vo, 232 -.--- TOUR ON THE PRAIRIES; er. cloth, 5s. (pub. 21s.) '1851 8vo, half calf gilt, first edition, 3s. 242 Jones (G.) HISTORY OF ANCIENT AMER• Murray, London, 1835 ICA, founded upon the Ruins of Antiquity, 233 ---- LIFEANDVOYAGEOFCOLUMBUS, anterior to the time of Columbus, proving the abridged by himself, maps and engravings, identity of the Aborigines with the Tyrians and including facsimile of a sketch of the Spaniards Israelites, and the Introduction of Christianity, and the Natives, supposed to be made by by St. Thomas. First Portion, the Tyrian Columbus himself : 12mo, cloth, 2s. 6d. 1830 lEra; roy. 8vo, cloth, 9s. 1843 234 ---- VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES OF 243 Juan et Ulloa. Voyage Historique de THE COMPANIONS OF COLUMBUS, plates and folding l'Amerique Meridionale, que contient une His­ maps, &c.; 12mo, cloth, 2s. 1831 torie des Yucas des Perou, et les Observations 235 JAMAICA. Blome (R.) Description Astronomiques et Physiques, maps and plc,,tes, of the Island of Jamaica, with the other including some beautiful plates by J. Punt, Isles and Territories in America to which the Bernard Picart, and de Brie, not mentioned in English are related, taken from. the Notes of the of plates ; 2 vols, 4to, french calf gilt, Sir Thomas Linch, Governor of Jamaica, folding VERY SCARCE, 16s, 1752 maps of Jamaica (with Gulf of Florida, The fine plates represent Ancient and Peruvian Prac· the tices, &c., and are not given with the English edition. Antilles, &c. ), Oarolina, and Virginia; 12mo, 244 Juan and Ulloa. Voyage to South calf, FIRST EDITION; RARE, £3 15s. 1672 America, describing at large the Spanish Prov­ Includes also Barbadoes, St. Christopher's Nevis, Antego, St. Vincent, Dominica, Montseraat, An­ inces, Customs, Natural History, Gold and guilla, Barbada, Bermudes, Carolina, Virginia, Silver Mines, &c., translated by ADAMS, plates Maryland, New York, New England, New-Found­ and maps ; 2 vols, 8vo, 6s. 1772 Land. ·The mapt have Coats of Anns of the Govern­ "One of the most delightful of books."--R etrospective ors, Lords, Proprietors, also of C'.harles JI. and Lord Review. · Baltimore. The second edition of '1676 fetched £5 17s. 6d, at 245 ---- Another Copy; boards, UNCUT, Sunderland Sale. 7s, 6d. 1807 30,. Park Street, BRISTOL. 16 BIBLIOTHECA GEOGRAPHICA ET HISTORICA

246 Journal of the Proceedings of Con­ 256 Leaves of Grass, by Walt Whitman, gress, held at Philadelphia, from· September 5, portrait by Schoff; THE RARE EDITION, Boston, 177 5, to April 30, 1776 ; 8vo, boards, edges Thayer and Eldridge, Year 85 of the States; uncut, RARE, 30s. Philadelphia ( London, re­ 8vo, stamped cloth, 12s. 1860-1 printed for J. Almon) 1778 257 Lee. Memoirs of the Life of the late 247 Juarros (Don Domingo) Statistical and CHARLES LEE, Esq., Second in command on the Commercial History of the Kingdom of G1;1ate­ Service of the U.S. of America during the mala in Spanish America, its Productions, &evolutions, with his Political and Military Manufactures, Customs, &c., with Account of Essays and Letters to distinguished Characters its Conquests by the Spaniards, and Principal in Europe and America ; 8vo, half calf, FIRST Events to the Present Time, Translated by EDITION, VERY SCARCE, 18s. London, 1792 BAILY, 2 maps; 8vo, half cloth, uncut, 10s. 1823 248 Kettel's Southern Wealth and Northern 258 Lempriere (C.) The American Crisis Profits, in facts and figures, showing the Considered ; post 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. 1861 necessity of the Union; royal 8vo, cloth, 3s. 259 Le Sage. Adventures of Robert Cheva­ New York, 1860 lier, called De Beauchene, Captain of a Privateer 249 King (Edward) Southern States of in NEW FRANCE ; 2 vols, sm. 8vo, half calf, North America, a Record of Journeys in SCARCE, £2 10s 1745 Louisiana, Texas, the Indian Territory, Miss­ 260 Life in America, the Wigwam and the ouri, Arkansa, Mississipi, Alabama, Georgia, Cabin, by the Author of "The Y emssee " ; sm. Florida, S. Carolina, N. Carolina, Kentucky, 8vo, cloth, uncut, 3s. · Aberdeen, 1848 Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Mary­ 261 Lima. True and Particular Relation of land, profusely illustrated from original draw­ the dreadful Earthquake at Lima, the Capital of ings by J. W. Champney; thick royal 8vo, cloth Peru, and the Neighbouring Port of Callao, in gilt, gilt edges, 15s. 1875 1748, with account of everything material that 250 Kingsley (Charles) AT LAST, a Christmas passed there, published by command of the in the West Indies, numerous engravings ; 2 vols, Viceroy, arid now translated from the Spanish, post 8vo, cloth, FIRST EDITION, 16s. 1871 map, plans, and plates of the Natives; 8vo, calf, 251 Koningsmarke. The Long Finne, a 12s. · 1748 Story of the New World ; 3 vols, er. 8vo, boards, 262 Lockman's Travels of the Jesuits into uncut, 2s. ( New York) England, repub., 1823 various parts of the world, particularly China 252 LA HONTAN (Le Baron de) NouvEAUX and the East Indies, with Account of the VOYAGES DANS L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIO~ALE, Manners, Government, Civil and Religious maps and plates, tome I., 1703.-VoYAGES DU Ceremonies, Natural Hist_ory, and Curiosities of BARON DE LAHONTAN EN ' ET EN the Countries, maps and plates; 2 vols, Svo, DANEMARE, maps and plates.-MEMOIRES DE calf, 12s. 1762 L' AMERIQUE SEPTENTRION ALE, ou Suite des Some of the Travels are to Peru, California, South Voyages de Lahontan, plates, tome II., 1703.­ America, Hudson's Bay, &c., with concise account PETIT DICTIONNAIRE DELA LANGUEDESSAUVAGES of the Spanish Dominions in America. -DIALOGUES DE MONS. LAHONTAN ET D'UN 263 Long (J.) Voyages and Travels of an SAUVAGE DANS L'AMERIQUE, contenant une des­ Indian Interpreter and Trader, describing the cription exacte des moours et des coutumes de Manners and Customs of the North American ces Peuples Sauvages, plate, 1704 ; the whole in Indians, folding map of the Western Counties of 2 vols, 12me, FINE COPIES, half calf, FIRST Canada ; 4to, new half calf, £2 2s. 1791 EDITION, rare, £4 10s. 1703-4 With Account of the Posts on the River St. Laurence, Lake Ontario, &c., and Vocabulary ofthe Chippeway 253 LAET (J. de, Antwe1·p) Novus Orb is Language, Names of Furs and Skins in English and seu Descriptionis lndire Occidentalis libri French. List of Words in the Iroquois, Mohegan, XVIII., handsomely engraved title, with heads of Shawanee, and Esquimaux tongues, &c. Pieter Heyne and Hendrick Lonck, the Dutch 264 Lothian ( Marquess of) The CONFEDERATE Discoverers, 14 curious nnd interesting maps, SECESSION ; post 8vo, cloth, 4s. 1864 each occupying 2 pages, and numerou.s cuts of 265 Lyell (Sir C.) Travels in N. America, animals, plants', and f1·uit ; folio, calf gilt, FINE with Geological Observations on the United COPY, £3 10s. Lug. Bat., Elzevir, 1633 The maps are America-W. India Islands-New France States, Canada, and Nova Scotia,folding coloured -New England-Florida-New Spain-Grenada­ ·Geological Map of the United States and Canada, Peru - Chili- Magellanica - Paraguay - Brazil - fine coloured panorama view of Niagara, Father Guiana-Venezuela. Hennepin's view in 1697, when tlie third fall 254 Lamb (R.) Original and Authentic existed, and other· illustrations; 2 vols, er. Svo, Journal of Occurrences during the late AMERICAN cloth, SCARCE, 15s. 1845 WAR, from its commencement to 1783 ; 8vo, 266 Macgregor's (J., Statiscian) Progress of calf, SCARCE, 12s. 1809 America from· the Discovery by Columbus to 255 Latrobe's Rambler in North America, 1846 ; 2 very thick vols, roy. 8vo, cloth, 14s. in company with Washington Irving, descrip­ (pub. £4 14s. 6d.) 1847 tion of Scenery, Modes of Life, &c. ; 2 vols, 267 Mackay (Charles) Life and' µberby in small 8vo, cloth, 4s. 6d. (pub. £1 ls.) 1836 America, or Sketches of a Tour in the United 255a --- The Rambler in Mexico in States and Canada, tinted plates; 2 vols, er. Svo. 1834, map; er. 8vo, clvth, 3s. (pub. 9s.) 1836 cloth, gilt, 5s. 1859 ASHTON NIELD, BOOKS RELATING TO AMERICA. 17

MASSACHUSETTS. 277 MATHER (Increase, Teacher of a Church 268 Abbot-(Abiel) HISTORY OF ANDOVER from at Boston in New England, &c.) Remarkable its Settlement to 1829; sm. Svo, hf. cloth, 7s. 6d. Providences, Illustrative of the Earlier Days Andover, 1829 of American Colonization, with Introduction 269 Address to the People of the Common­ by G. Offer,portrait; sm. 8vo, cloth, 4s. 1856 wealth of Massachusetts (by the Senate and 278 M ax we 11 ( Capt. ) Run through the House of Representatives') ; 24 pp. 8vo, sewed United States, portrait; 2 vols, small 8vo, cloth, edges, uncut, RARE, 10s. 6d. 1809 6s. (pub. £1 ls.) 1841 270 Debates, Resolutions, and other Pro­ 279 McClellan (Gen. G. B.) Report on the ceedings of the Convention of the Commonwealth Organization and Campaigns. of the Army of the of Massachusetts, convened at Boston on the Potomac, and the Campaign in W. Virginia, 9th of January, 1788, and continued until the plans of battle-fields; 8vo, cloth, 5s. N. Y., 1864 7th of February following, for the purpose of assenting to and ratifying the Constitution MEXICO. recommended by the Grand Federal Convention, together with the YEAS and NAYS on the 280 Aubertin (J. J.) FLIGHT TO MEXICO, decision of the GRAND QUESTION, to which the with 7 illustrations ; post 8vo, cloth, 6s. 1882 -},ederal Constitution is prefixed ; sm. 8vo, calj~ 281 Bullock (vY.) Six MoNTHs' RESIDENCE RARE, £3 3s. . Boston, 1788 AND T&A VELS IN MExrno, with Remarks on the 271 Hitchcock's ( Prof. E.) Final Report on present state of New Spain, its Productions, the GEOLOGY OF MASSACHUSETTS, illustrated with Society, Manufactures, Trade, Agriculture, and 53 Sections and Plates of Fossils and 275 wood­ Antiquities, numerous plates, SOME COLOURED ; cuts; 2 vols, 4to, cloth, uncut, SCARCE, 35s. 8vo, half calf, 6s. 1824 . . Amherst, U.S., 1841 282 Calderon de la Barca (Madame) LIFE 272 Ki m b a 11 (David T.) SKETCH 0 0F THE IN MEXICO, during a Two Years' Residence, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY OF IPSWICH, the Sub­ with Preface by W. H. P1 escott; 8vo, cloth, stance of a Discourse, in two parts, published 4s. 1843 by request; 8vo, sewed, fine copy, uncut, rare, 283 Dilworth (W. H.) History of the Conquest 10s. - Haverill, Mass., 1823 of Mexico, by Herman Cortes, to which is 273 Massachusetts Register, and United added the Voyage of Vasca, de Gama, extracted States Calendar, for the year of our Lord, 1801, from Osorio; 12mo, old binding, RARE, 7s. 6d. and Twenty-Fifth of American Independence; 1759 12mo, original wrappers, VERY SCARCE, 16s. Dupaix (Capt.) ANTIQUITIES (see No. 2.) Boston 284 Poinsett's No.tes on Mexico in 1821, with 274 Osgood (David, D.D., Minister of the Sketch of the Revolution and Official Reports Church at Metford) The Signal Advantages on the State of the Country, larye map; half derived to the Nations of Christendom calf, gilt, 6s. 1825 from their' Religion, a Discour;;;e before the 285 Solis (Don Antonio) HISTORIA DE LA Annual Convention· of Congregational Ministers CoNQUISTA DE MMxico, Pobli1eion, y l'rogressos, of Massachusetts, in Boston, May 31, 1798 ;, Svo, de la America Septentrional, conocida por el sewed, uncut, 5s. S. Hall, Cornhill, Boston, 1798 N ombre de N ueva Espana, nueva edicion, Enriquizeda con diversas Estampas, y aumentada 275 MATHER (Cotton) INDIA CHRISTI­ con la Vida del Autor, que escrivio Don Juan de ANA. A Discourse delivered unto the Com­ Goyeneche, folding plates of Battles, &c. ; folio, missioners for the Propagation of the Gospel calf, gilt, 16s. 1741 among the AMERICAN INDIANS, with several Fe'U, Historical Works are read with more jleasure.­ instruments relating to the glorious design of Sismondi. propagating our Holy Religion in the EASTERN 286 --- IlISTORIA DE LA CoNQUISTA DE as well as the WESTERN INDIES, with Rev. Dr. MEXICO, Poblacion, y Progressos de la America Adar,i. Clarke's Autograph; 12mo, original Septentrional, conocida por el nombre de N euva panelled sheep, FINE COPY, VERY RARE, £7 10s. Espana, folding plates ; 2. vols. sm. 8vo, calf, 4s. Boston in New England, printed by Barcelona, 1771 287 Wilson (R. A.) NEw HISTORY OF THE B. Green, 1721 276 MATHER (Increase, Teacher of a Church CONQUEST OF MEXICO, in which Las Casas' at Bost.on in New England, &c.) The Order of Denunciations of the Popular Historians of that the Gospel professed and practised by the War are fully vindicated, wood engravings; roy. Churc4es of -Christ in NEW ENGLAND, Svo, cloth, SCARCE, 12s. 1859 Justified by the Scripture and by the Writings of many Learned Men, both Ancient and 288 Miers (J.) Travels in CHILE and LA Modern Divines, in answer to several questions PLATA, including the Geography, Geology, •relating to Qhurch Discipline ; small 8vo, original Statistics, Manners, Customs, Agriculture, Min­ calf, neat, £3_ 15s. Printed at Boston in New ing Operations. &c., maps and nume1:ous plates; - Mngland, and re-printed at London, 1700 2 vols, 8vo, boards, uncut, 6s. 6d. 1826 Although bearing the above imprint, this volume is un­ 289 Mollien's Travels in the Republic of doubtedly an American production, as may Le seen by Cohimbia, the Customs, Manners, Agriculture, the ,Paper and typ?graphy. In all probability som_e copies were so prmted for sale in London. It 1S Climate, &c., folding map and plate ; 8vo, half exceedingly scarce. Unknown to Lowndes. cloth, 3s. 6d. 1824 30, Park ·stre~t~ BRISTOL. 18 BIBLIOTHECA GEOGRAPRICA ET HISTORICA

290 Moll (Herman) The Complete Geo­ 299 MUNSTERl(Seb.)COSMOGRAPHIJE grapher, of all the known parts of the Earth, UNIVERSALIS LIBRI VI. (nearly 1600pages) Provinces of every Kingdom, Cities, Towns, with upwards of a thousand fine old interesting Trade, History, Natural History, &c., contain­ woodcut engravings ( many of which are folding) ing the substance of One Hundred and ]'ifty representing Cities, Town.,, Personages, Remark­ Books of Modern Travels, including Asia, Africa, able Eve~ts, Curiosities, llabits of Life in those and AMERICA, with copper-plate Maps of every days, cbc. ,· thick folio, brown cal,/, with the Country; folio, calf, 9s. 1723 leather tying cord.'J, complete, £4 5s. Basil, 1572 This remarkable work, dedicated to the Emperor, 291 Montgomery; or, The West Indian Charles V., is a most extraordinary and valuable Adventurer, founded on West India Scenes and record of the memorabilia of all countries. The West India Characters, by a Gentleman Resi­ engravings are of the highest interest, the maps of dent ; 3 vols, er. 8vo, half calj gilt, SCARCE, 4s. countries being very curious, and that of Switzerland (in 2 parts) is said to be the first ever printed. There Kington, Jamaica, 1812 are also a great number of views (some very large and 292 MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS of · folding) of Cities, as Paris, Venice, Geneva, Florence, the British West Indies from the Earliest Date; Naples, Wittemberg, Cologne, Heildelberg, Frank­ fort, Vienna, Constantinople, Edinburgh (Jaid to be by LAWRENCE-ARCHER ( Capt. J. H.) with the ea1liest known, as are also several of the others) Genealogical and Historical Annotations from Rome (with old St. Peters), &c. At p. 952 is a Original Local and other Sources, illustrative of print of the burning of John Huss, and in the _list of the Histories and Genealogies of Popes between Leo IV. and Benedictus III. is Joan the Seven­ Fa!mina Angli"ca. At p. 1260 begins the description teenth Century, the Calendars of State Papers, of AMERICA, which is described as two islands, Peerages, and Baronetages, with Engravings of there is a woodcut of Columbus's two ships in voyage, the .Arms of the A·incipal Families? thick 4to, one of the Cannibal man-eaters, Plan of Cuba, .Magel­ lan's Ship, Spaniards and Natives talking, very large cloth, 15s. (pub. £2 2s.) 1875 two-page view of Cuzco the city of the Incas in A HANDSOME BooK, WELL PRINTED UPON TONED Peru, and a woodcut bird's-eye view plan of Mexico, PAPER. The information was carefully collected apparently as it was before its capture by Cortez. chiefly upon the spot, with subsequent Research in English Registers, and consists of Chronologieal 300 Murat (Achille, ci-dcvant Prince Royal Tables of Events and Occurences, Epitaphs, and of the Two Sicilies and Citizen of the United Monumental Inscriptions, with Introductory His­ Statss) The United States of North America, torical Remarks, List of Governors, Speakert of Assembly, Early Members of Conncil, and frequent with Note on Negro Slavery, folding map: 12mo, Historical and Biographical Notes. cloth, 4s. 6d. . 1833 The Islands referred to are JAMAICA, ANTIGUA, 301 Muratori; Relation of the Missions of CHRISTOPHER, NEVIS, ANGUILLA, BRITISH GUIANA and D&MERARA, with Brief Notes on GRANADA, ST. the Jesuits to .Paraguay, folding map; 8vo, calf VINCENT, MONTSERRAT, ST. LUCIA, TOBAGO, gilt, by Larkins, FINE COPY, SCARCE, £1 10s. 1759 TRINIDAD, DOMINICA, TURKS, and CAICOS ISLANDS, This work claims merit for impartiality as being by a VIRGIN ISLANDS, BAHAMA ISLANDS, and HONDURAS. most learned and competent scholar not a Member of 293 Moodie (S.) Roughing it in the Bush, the Society. or Life in Canada.: 2 vols, er. 8vo, cloth, 12s. 1852 302 Murray ( Jion. C. A.) Travels in North A narrative of seven years' exertion and · adventure. America during 1834-5-6, including a Summer Severer were, perhaps, never endured for so long by Residence with the Pawnee. Indians in the one of her sex. A strange Crusoe-like existence. - Blackwood's Magazine. Prairies of the Missouri, and a Visit to Cuba 294 Mo~se (J.) Annals of the American and the Azore Islands, frontispieces ; 2 vols, 8vo, Revolution, or the Cause and Events which cloth, 7s. -6d. .-· 1839 terminated in the Independence of the American 303 Murray ( llon. H.) Lands of the Slave Republic, with numerous Documents and Anec­ and the Free, or Cuba, the United -States, and dotes, with Account of the First Settlement of Canada, coloured map and engravings ; 2 vols, the Country, the Indian Wars, the Constitution, post 8vo, cloth, 9s. - 1855 Milltary Biography, &c., frontispieee of the 304 Murray (James) Impartial History of destruction of the 'l'ea, plate of Capt, Mason's the War in America, from its Commencement engagement with the Indians, and folding plate of to the ;I:>resent Time, with the Charters of the Battle of Saratoga ; 8vo, sheep, RARE, £1 5s. several Colonies, an<;l other authentic Informa­ . llartford, 1824 tion, likewise the Rise and Progress of the War 295 --- The American Gazeteer of between G. Britain and the United powers of the American Continent and West India France, Spain, Holland, and America, with a, Islands, with particular Description of the Particular Account of the Engagements by Sea Georgia Western Territory, comprising seven and Land, 23 portraits of Commanders, States­ thousand Articles from the best Authorities, 7 men, Washington, George III., &c.; and the coloured maps ; Second Edition, corrected 8vo, SCARCE MAP OF BOSTON, WITH THE ATTACK ON calf, 3s. 6d. Boston, London rep., 1798 BUNKER'S HILL ; 2 vols, 8vo, half calf gilt, 296 Morse (Jedidiah) and Rev. E. RARE, £3 15s. Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1778) Parish The First History of the War of Independence that ( of Boston) COMPENDIOUS HISTORY OF NEW was published. ENGLAND, exhibiting an interesting View of the 305 Murray's (Hugh) Historical Account of First Settlers of that Country, their Character, Discoveries and Travels in N. America, United i:,ufferings, and ultimate Prosperity; 8vo, boards, States, Canada, Shores of Polar Sea, North­ uncut, 8s. 6d. 1808 West Voyages, and Remarks on Emigration, 293 Murphy's Sporting Adventures in the large folding map ; 2 vols, 8vo, hal,j cloth, 6s. Far West ; Svo, cloth, 7s. 1879 (pub. £1 6s.) 1829 ASHTON NIELD, BOOKS RELATING TO AMERICA. 19

306 Nash's {Wallis) Oregon, There and Back 321 Noyes (J. H.) History of American in 1877, numerous plates and vignettes; er. 8vo, Socialisms; 8vo, cloth, 3s. cloth, 3s. Macmillan, 1878 Philadelphia and London, 1870 307 Neal (P.) History of New England, 322 Occurrences (The Late) in North both Ecclesiastical and Civil, with Appendix of America, and Policy of Great Britain considered; Charters, &c., enlarged and best. edition (no 8vo, pamphlet, 7s. 6d. 1766 map) ,· 2 vols, 8vo, old calf gilt, 25s. 17 4 7 323 OGILBY (J.) AMERICA, being the 308 Neilson (Peter) Recollections of a Six latest and most accurate Description of the Years' Residence in the U. States of America, New World, the Original Inhabitants, Re­ intersperseawith Original Anecdotes;· sm. 8vo, markable Voyages, Conquest of Mexico and boards, UNCUT, 4s. 1830 Peru, and other large Provinces, the Plantations, ,309 New Cotor3do and the Sante ]fe Trail, Cities, Temples,' Mountains, Rivers, Natural by A. A. HAYES, map and numerous engravings; History, &c., with' Appendix of the unknown roy. 8vo, cloth gilt, 4s. 6d. (pub. 9s.) 1881 South Land and the Arctic Region, fine copper­ 310 New England and her Institutions, by plates by HOLLAR and others, including folding One of Her Sons ; post 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. plates of maps, portraits, curious view8, plate.s of 311 NEW YORK. EMIGRATION COMMIS­ customs, ceremonies, Indians, &c.; thick folio, SIONERS of the State of NEW YORK Annual ha1J calf, FINE COPY, with all the plates, £6 10s. Report for 1872, frontispiece; 8vo, cloth, 2s. - 1671 New York, 1873 324 Ouseley (Sir William, K.C.B.) Views 312 ---- Fowler (J.) Journal of a Tour in South America, from Original Drawings made in the STATE OF NEW YoRIC' in 1830, with Re­ in Brazil, the River Plate, the Parana, &c.,fine marks on Agriculture, and Return to England large lithographic plates of Scenery, Interesting by the Western Islands, in consequence of Ship­ Localities, &c. ; imp. folio, cloth gilt, 30s. (pub. wreck, in- the Robert Fulton; sm. 8vo, cloth, £4 4s.) .McLean, 1852 4s. 6d. · 1831 325 Ozanne ( Rev. T. D.) THE SouTH, as it 313 --- Laws Relating to the Com­ is, twenty-one years' experience in the Southern missioners of Emigration of the State of NEw States of America ; small 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. 1863 YoRK; roy. Svo, cl11th, 2s. New York, 1871 326 Paine ('r.) Letter to the Abbe Raynal on 314 ·--- Miller (J.) Description of the Affairs of North America, in which the the Province and City of New York, with mistakes in his Account of the Revolution are Plans of the City and several Forts, as they cleared up ; 2nd edition, 8vo, half sheep, 3s. existed in the year 1695, maps of New York, Philadelphia, London, rep. 1782 .Albany, &c.; 8vo, boards, uncut, 9s. 1843 327 Parkman (F.) The Discovery of the Piinted· from the original MS. These plans of New ' York and Albany are probably the earliest extant'; Great West, or the Yalleys of the Mississippi, showing them as when given up by the Dutch. At and the Lakes in 1666-89, an Historical Narra­ the end is a Catalogue e>f about 2000 books relating tive, map of La Salle's Colony on the Illinois,· to America. 8vo, half calf gilt, 9s. 1869 315 Nichols ( Major-General) Story· of the GREA'f MARCH, from the Diary of a Staff Officer, 328 Parkinson (R., of Orange Hill, Balti­ A. D. C. to General Sherman, folding .map and more) Tour in AMERICA in 1798, 1799, and 1800, illustrations; er. 8vo, cloth, 4s. New York, 1865 with Sketches of Society and Manners, and Account 316 Noel (Baptist) The REBELLION IN-AMER· of the American System of Agriculture, ICA; thick post 8vo, cloth, 4s. 6d. 1863 with its latest Improvements ; 2 vols, 8vo, boards uncut, 14s. 1805 317 Norman (B. M.) Rambles in Yucatan, 329 Patten's Glimpse of the United States .or Notes of Travel through the Peninsula, and the Northern States of America, with the including a visit to the Remarkable Ruins of Canadas, plates; thin 8vo, cloth, 3s. 1853 Chi-chen, Kabah, Zayi, and Uxmal, map and numerous illustrations; 8vo, cloth, 12s. ' 330 PENNSYLVANIA.-Bradford's _New York, 1843 Enquiry how far the Punishment of Death-is With APPENDIX, &c., on Grammar and Vocabulary of necessary in Pennsylvania, with Account of the the Maya, or Primitive Human Language of the Gaol and Penitentiary in Philadelphia, by Red Man. CALEB LOWNDES; er. 8vo, sewed, 3s. 318 North and South, by the White Repub­ Philadelphia, i..Jondon, rep. 1795 lican, second edition, with addition.s; post 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. _ 1864 331 -_-- Hazard (S.) ANNALS OF Pmrn­ 319 North Georgia Gazette, and WINTER SYLVANIA, from the Discovery of the Dela.ware, CHRONICLE, complete series; 4to, boards,. uncut, 1609-82; 8vo, cloth, IOs. Philadelphia, 1850 6s. 6d. 1822 332 --- Proud (R.) HISTORY OF PENN• Interesting series of contributions in pr~se and verse SYLVANIA, portrait of W. Penn, and jolding by Gentlemen of the Expedition to the North Pole map; 2 vols, 8vo, calf, RARE, £2 5s. under Captain Parry; and edited by Captain Sabine, Philadelphia, 1797 witk AUTOGRAPH OF Mr. PALMER, an oj/ice1· on board. 1 333 PERUVIAN TALES, related in One 320· O'Bryan {W.) Narrative of Travels in Thousand and One Hours, by One of the Select the United States of America, with some Virgins of Cusco, with Curious and Historical Account of American Manners and Polity, Remarks, translated by S. HUMPHREYS, plates ; portrait,· sm. 8vo, cloth, SOARCE. 5s. · 1836 3 vols, 12mo, calf, SCARCE, 15s. 1734 30, Park · Street, BRISTOL. 20 BIBLIOTHECA GEOGRAPHICA ET HISTORICA

334 PERU.-GARCILAsso DE LA VEGA (The 345 Present State (The) of the British Inca) Royal Commentaries of Peru, treating Empire in Europe, America, Africa, and 'Asia, of the Incas, their Idolatry, Laws, Governments, containing a concise Account of our Possessions; Reigns, and Conquests, Conquest of the NEW 8vo, calf, 6s. _ - 1768 '\VoRLD by the Spaniards, CIVIL WARS between ·AMERI~A occupJes 147 closely printed pages. the PIZARRISTS and ALMEGRIANS, Spaniards,_ 346 Raleigh (S.U: W{l,lter_) HISTORY OF THB &c., translated by Sir Peter Rycaut, portrait ~ORLD! New Edition, R_evised and Corrected, after Sir Peter Lely, and numerous large coloured with his Voya~es of Discovery to GUIANA; plates; thick folio, calf gilt, £2 2s. ' 1688 6 vols, 8vo, halj cloth, uncut, 28s. (pub. at £3 3s.) The Inca Garcilasso, of Indian blood, nephew of the , l 820 13:st ~ative Monarch, was the industriou~ and careful 347 Ramsay (D.) History of the Revolution historian of the mournful fortunes ?f his race. He of S. CAROLINA from a British Province to an was more scholarly than the Conqmstadors, and had Ind - . access to both the documents of the Spaniards and ependent State, large folding map, and plans the Ancient National Records of the Incas. of operations at Fort Moultrie, Charleston, Yo1·k, 335 Temple's Travels IN PERU, and Gloucester; 2 vols, 8vo; sheep, RARE, 28s. including a Year's Residence in Potosi, plates, . Trenton, 1785 map and wood engravings,· 2 vols, 8vo, new half · 348 ---- HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN calf,full gilt, FINE COPY, IOs. 1830 REVOLUTION; 2 vols, Svo, calf, 15s. 1791 336 Skinner (J.) Present State of 349 Ranking's Historical Researches on the PERU, its Geography, Natural History, Com- CONQUEST OF PERU, MEXICO, NATCHEZ, etc., in merce, Manners and Customs, Literature, 20 the Thirteenth Century by the MONGOLS, accom­ curious COLOURED PLATES of Custom ; 4to, fine panied with Elephants. and the Local Agree­ copy in calf gilt, SCARCE, 15s. (pub. £3 3s. )· 1805 ment of History, Tradition, and Remains, 2 Curious and interesting work compiled from the Mer- maps, and portraits of all tlte Incas and Monte- cur~o P«;ruano, and other authors and personal obser- zuma . Svo boards scarce 2ls. 1827 vat1ons m the country. 35o'R ' ·1 d o' · 'v 337 Philadelphia, PICTURE OF, with Account - e~uei . e · ivers oyages en ~1:I~UE of its Origin,Increase, Improvements, Societies, et en L AMERIQUE, contenant 1 ~:mgme, Police, Buildings, Institutions, &c., by DR. Moeurs, Contu!lles'et Commerce des habitans de MEASE,folding view of Philadelphiafrom Ken- ces deux pa~ies du Monde, rare large map of sington; sm. 8vo, calf, rare, 9s. Philadelphia, 1811 Barbados, wit.h na_mes o.( Owners, and plat~s- . . , . . map of Jamaica (in parishes) and of the Antilles 338 Ph1ll1ppo s T~e Umted States aD;d <;Juba. -al.~o map of Coasts and Rivers of Virginia, (nearly 500 closely prmted pages of description); Maryland, and New England; 4to, calf, 35s. er. 8vo, cloth, 3s. . . 1857 1674 339 Pres cot~ ( W. H:) History of the Conquest Content~-Barbades (par Ligan}-Relation de Ia Riviere of Peru, portraits of Pizarro and Gasca; 2 vols, du Nii de Ia Source et sou cour!j ~ inondation et 8vo, cloth, 1mcut, 16s. 1847 choses curieuses- Description de J:imaique et de 340 Priest (Josiah) American Antiquities toutes celles que possedent !es Anglo1s dans !'Amer- .. , • . . • , que, par le Gouverneur Thomas-Voyage sur Jes and Discoveries lil the West, that Ancient Costes d' Afrique-Relation de I'oriiine, moeurs Nations differing entirely from the Indians constumes, gu7rres et ';oyag«;set Cara1bes, Sauvage; peopled America many centuries before Colum- de!} Isles Anulle~ de I Amel"!q~e par la ,Bordt;-Re- 'th I · · · t th · , , t d lat1on de la Gmane-Descnpt1on de L Empne du b us, wi nquiries m o eir origm, s upen ous Prete-Jean. · · works, and conjectures what became of them,, 351 Recueil des Loix Constitutives des· plates; 8V'o, sheep, 9s. Albany, 1838 Colonies Angloises, confederes sous la.nomin- 341 Priest (W., Musician, lute of Theatres, ation d'Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale. Philadelphia, .Baltimore, and Boston) TRAVELS avec les Actes d'Independance, de Confederation IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 1793 till et Autres -Actes du Congres General; 12mo, hf. 1797, with Journals of Two Voyages across the calf, 5s. . · Phila. et Paris, 1778 Atlantic, coloured frontispiece; 8vo, bds, uncut, 352 Red River Colony.-WEST (Rev. John) 12s. 1802 JOURNAL OF A RESIDENCE AT THE RE:D RIVER 342 Pulteney (W.) Thoughts on the Present CoLON~, British North America, and frequent State of Affairs with America, and the Means of Excursions among the North-West American Conciliation; small 8vo, sewn, 5s. 177S- Ingians, in 1820-1-2;3,plates; Svo, boards, uncut, 343 PURCHAS HIS PILGRIMAGE, or fine copy, 12s. _1824 Relations of the World and their Religions, 3~3. Reed and M~theson(Drs.)Narrative of containing History of AsIA, AFRICA, and AMER- a ~lSlt to the.American C~urches b! the Depu­ ICA with the Islands adjacent· thick folio tation from the Congregational Umon; 2 vols, original calf: FIRST EDITION SOAR~E £2 5s. 1613' 12mo, cloth, 3s. . . . 1836 x-o pages' relate to the NE~ WoRLD, New France Beyond all companson the best account of America that :JV, · · Fl 'd N S · · h ' h · f we have seen, should be read by all who would form h!~i~:., M~~c!~a &~ pam, wit ot er regions O acorrectjudgmentofthe NewWorld.--ScottskCong. • • • Mag. 3~ Purves (D. V.) The English Circum- 354 Regulations (The Late) respecting the navigators, the most remarkable Voyages Round BRITISH COLONIES on the Continent of AMERICA the '\-Yorld by English Sailors (Drake, Dampier, considered. in a Letter from a Gentleman in Anson and Cook), with a Preliminary Sketch of Philadelphia, to his Friend in London, 8vo; their Li.ves and Discoveries, maps ; post 8vo, pamphlet, 9s. ' cloth, 3s. 6d. 1874 PMladelphia,print~d; Londof!i, rtprinted, 1766 ASHTON NIELD, BOOKS RELATING TO AMERICA. 21

355 Reid (Captain Mayne) The SCALP 368 Saxe -Weimar (Bernhard, Dulce of) HUNTERS; or, Romantic Adventures in Northern TRA. VELS THROUGH NORTH AMERICA in 1825-6 ; Mexico· FIRST EDITION, 3 vols, small 8vo, half 2 vols in 1, 8vo, half calf, a few leaves very cl,oth u;cuT, fine copy, 15s. 1851 slightly wormed, 10s. Philadelphia, 1828 357 Richardson's Life, Trials, and Ministry 369 Schmidtmeyer's Travels into CHILE hi 'England, Ireland, AMERICA, &c.; 8vo, calf, over the ANDES, with Sketches of the PRODUC­ ~ .. · 1U4 TIONS, MINES, INHABITANTS, etc., of SouTH 358 Robertson {W. Parish} Visit to Mexico AMERICA, 30 coloured and other engravings ; by the West India. Islands, Yucatan, and the 4to, cloth, 12s. (pub. at £2 2s.} 1822 United States,folding front., and map; 2 vols, er. 8vo, cloth, 12s. 18?3 370 S e m m es ( Capt. R.) MY ADVENTURES 359 Robertson {J.) A Few Months m AFLOAT, a Personal Memoir of My Cruises and America, containing Rema_rks on some of its Services in the Sumter and Alabama, portraits Industrial and Commercial Interests ; sm. 8vo, and coloured plates ; thick royal 8vo, cloth gilt, cloth, 3s. , 1855 Ss. 6d. . 1869 360 Robinson {J. H.) Journal of an Expedi­ 371 Sermons (17) on Public Occasions from tion 400 miles up the ORINOCO, and 300 up the 1720 to 1732 by eminent Divines before House of ARAUCA, with Account of the Country, Manners, Lords, the Commons, Society for Propagation People, Military Operations, &c., plates_; 8vo, of the Gospel, Society for Reformation of hf. cloth, 7s. 6d. · 1822 Manners, Sons of the Clergy, Hospital Gover­ 361 Robinson {W. D.) Memoirs of the nors, and Charity Schools, including 2 on the MEXICAN REVOLU'l'.ION, including the Expedition Martyrdom, and ~he Restoration ; thick 4to, of General Mina, fine portrait of the General, calf, 9s. 1720-32 Contain valuable appendices giving for various years and folding ma;p ; 2 vols, 8vo, half calf gilt, numbers and places of Charity Schools in London ~L 18fil and Westminster, England, Wales, Scotland and 362 Rovings in the Pacific, from .183_7 to Ireland, with numbers of Boys and Girls in each­ Numbers of persons {77,469 in 31 years) prosecuted 1849, with a Glance at CALIFORNIA, with illus­ for Lewd practices, Keeping Disorderly Houses, tration& in colours; 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth, Sunday Trading, Swearing, and Cursing, Drunken­ 12s. ' 1851 ness &c. Also for years 1722 and I7'29 account of the Society for Propagation of the Gospel's Work in 363 Rush (B.) Oration before the AMERICAN America, Cash Received and Expended, Missionaries' PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY- IN PHILADELPHIA in Reports of their "!ork and s1;1c<:css, _also. Names, 1786, on the Influence of Physical Causes on the Salaries, and Stations of M1ss1onanes. m . N cw Moral Faculty; sm. 8vo, sewed (poor copy), England New York, New Jersey,, S. Carolina' and N, Carolina. 2s. Phil.. , London, rep., 1786 364 Russell (W.) History of America, from 372 Shaffner (Col.) WAR IN AMERICA, a its Discovery by Columbus to the conclusion of Historical and Political Account of the Southern the LATE WAR, with Accouut of the Cq~test and Northern States, showing the Origin and between Great Britain an,d her Colonies, 51 maps Cause o( the Present Secesssion War, with large and copper-plate engravings of Places, the In­ map of the United States; thick post 8vo, cloth, habitants, chc., including fine portrait of Dr. 4s. 6d. London, N.D. Franklin in his Study, and other good portraits ; 373 Simon's Ten Tribesoflsrael,Historically 2 vols, 4to, sheep, 35s. 1778 Identified with the ABORIGINES of the WESTERN HEMISPHERE including a copious Analysis of 365 R u s s e 11 (W. H.} North America, its Agriculture and Climate in Cana.da, the United Lord Kingsborough'.s Antiq~1it~e~ of Mexico, States, and Cuba, folding map and diagrams ; folding plate of Mexican Antiquities; 8vo, halj calf, 5s. (pub. £10 10s.) . . . 1~36 8vo, cloth, 5s. (pub. at 14s.} 1857 A book full of curious and recondite mqu1ry respecting , 366 Sanson : L'Amerique en plusieurs Cartes Mexican Antiquities. Nouvelles et Exactes, et en divers traictes de 374 SLAVERY. WEBSTER (Noah) Effects Geographie, et d'Historie, la on sont descrits of Slavery on Morals and Industry, thin 8vo, Ses Empires, Monarchies, Estats, Mceurs, half calf, uncut, RARE, 6s. Hartford, Conn., 17_93 Langues~ Religions, N egoce et Richesse de ses 375 The Conduct of the late Admm- Peuples, ~t ce qu'il a de plus beau, et de plus istration Examined, relative to the American rare dans toutes ses Parties et se Isles, 15 Stamp Act, with ~n Appendix containing '.coloured maps _:- 4to, half calf, RARE, £2 1Os. Original and Authentic Documents ; 8vo, 5s'. [1657] 1767 The maps are excellent, and the text is no less valuable, 376 REv. SAMUEL BRADBURN's Ad- as it contains the, FIRST exact; well digested, and phil9sophical summary.of.American Geography. dresses to Methodists on the Wickedness of The maps .ar!:-Amerique Septentrionale; Canade, ou Encouraging Slavery (in the W. Indies); sm. Nouvelle France, La Floride, Audience de quadala­ 8vo, sewed, 3s. 1782 jara,· Noveau Mexique, Californie, &c,; Aud1enc_e de Gautemala; Audience de Mexique; Le~ IslesAn.ti!les, 377 --- SHORT ~KETCH of the Evidence Les Lucayes, Les Caribes, &c,; Amcnque Me~1d10n­ before Committee of the House of Commons on ale ; Terre Ferme, Grenade, &c.; Guiane et ~a~1.bane; the Abolition of the (W. Indies) Slave Trade; La Perou, et la ·cours de l'Amazone ; Le Ch1h ; L_e Bresil; en If Capitaineries ; Le Paraguay ; Destro1t sm. Svo, sewed, 2s. 1792 de Magellan, Terre de Isles Magellaniques, 378 --- DEBATE on Abolition. of the 367 Six Months IN THE WEST INDIES in 1825, Slave Trade in the House of Commons m 1792; map ;. er. 8vo, boards, uncut, 2s. 1826 some edges cut into, sm. 8vo, sewed, 2s. 1792 30, Park Street, BRISTOL. 22 BIBLIOTHECA GEOGRAPHICA ET HISTORIOA

379 aoUTH SEA-COMPANY.--Particu- 391 STAMP ACT. List of the Minist~y in lars and Inventories of the Estates of the Sub- the House of Commons whoVoted against the Bill Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Directors, and to Repeal the American Stamp Act, 8vo, of Rober~ Surman, late Deputy-Cashier, and pamphlet, 5s. Paris, 1766 John Grigsby, late Accomptant of the said 392 --- Authentic Account of the Pro­ Company; 2 vols, folio, calf gilt, VERY SCARCE, ceedings of the Congress held at New York in £3 10s. 1765, on the subject of the American Stamp Act; Printed by order of the House of Commons, 1721 pamphlet, 8vo, 7._s. 6d. 1767 Pounced upon everything, from estates in fee simple 393 STATE PAPERS relating to the Diplo- to one dripping-pan. 380 Essay on the South Sea Trade, matic Transactions between the AMERICAN and wit~ enquiry into the Dislike and Complaint FRENCH GOVERNMENTS, from 1793 to the con­ agamst a South Sea Company. True Account clusion of the Convention in 1800, collected by of the Design and Advantages of the South A. G. GEBHARDT; 3 vols, sm. 8vo, stiff covers, Sea Trade, with answers to all objections, and VERY SCARCE, 35s. 1816 List of Proper Commodities and Progress of the 394 Stearns (~ev. E. ~-) Notes on Uncle Subscriptions towards the Company ; 8vo, half Tom's 9abin, bemg c1. Log1ca~ Answer to the calf, 18R. l 7ll-12 -Allegat10ns and Inferences agamst Slavery as an 381 SM 1TH ( Capt. John) '.l'he True Travels, Institution, with a supplementary note to the Key, Adventures, and Observations in Europe, Asia, and an appendix of authorities; post 8vo, cloth, Afri?a, and America, beginning about 1593 and 2s. 6d. Philadelphia, 1853 contmued to 1629. From the London Edition 395 Sterne's Statement of Facts to Lord of 1629, portrait, curiou.s plates, and map; 2 vols, Glenely on the Grievances committed on him by Svo, original calf, RARE, £2 10s. Richmond, 1819 the GoYernment of the Marquis of Sligo, and 382 Smith ( Dr.) MODERN GEOGRAPHY, or ChtefJusticeRowe in JAMAICA, withExposure of Natural and Political History of the Present the System of Apprenticeship; 8vo, cloth, 4s. 1837 State of the World, numerous maps and copper- 396 Stevenson CW. R.) Historical and De­ plates; 2 thick vols, 4to, calf, 5s. 1810 scriptive Narrative of Twenty Years' Residence With interesting accounts of the UNITED STATES in SOUTH AMERICA, plates; 3 vols, 8vo, half BRITISH AMERICA, the WEST INDIES, SPANISH and cloth, 9s. (pub. at £1 16s.) 1829 PORTUGUESE AMERICA &c. 383 Smith (J. Toulmin)1 The Discovery of Contai?ing_ Travels in Araneo, Chile, Peru, and Col· umb1, with Account of the Revolution, &c. The A merica by the Northmen in the Tenth Century, author was Secretary to Lord Cochrane, and went in 2 maps and 2 plates; er. 8vo, cloth, SCARCE, his expeditions. He also gives an Account of the 7s. 6d. 1839 lnquisit~o_n, where he went as a prisoner, and after• I II h A • k wards v1s1ted when broken open. 0 ::ast~:~ :e:~s b:~~~cc~1:~b:s~~P!~:t peans at 397 Sullivan ( Sir Edward) Rambles and · 384 Smith ( Rev. John, Missionary in Deme- Scrambles in NORTH and SOUTH AMERICA· 8vo rara) Evidence on his Trial for exciting the half calf gilt, 3s. ' 1852 Negroes to Rebellion, WITH APPENDIX; 8vo, 3s. 397a SWAINSON (W.) Sele,ction of the 1824 Birds of Brazil and Mexico, 78 beautifully 385 Smyth (Lt. W.) and Lowe (F.) Narrative coloured plates; royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt of a Journey from LIMA to PARA, across · the top edges, rest uncut, RARE, £6 6s. 1841 ANDES and down the AMAZON, to ascertain This exceedingly beautiful work is in very few even of practicability of Navigation with the Atlantic the most complete Ornithological Libraries as only 175 copies were printed, and Mr. Swainson /efused to by· the rivers Pachitea, Ucayali, and Amazon, sell any excepting to those who had originally sub- plates; 8vo, cloth, uncut, 8s. 6d. 1836 scribed for them. 386 Spence (J.)American Union,its Effects - 398 Taylor's (Bayard) ELDORADO, or Adven­ on t~e N :1tional Cha:racter and Policy, with tures in the Path of Empire, comprising a Enqmry mto Secess10n as a Constitutional Voyage to California, Life in San Francisco and Right, &c.; 8vo, cloth, 4s. 1862 Montery, Pictures of the Gold Region, and 387 Squier (E. G.) TRAVELS IN CENTRAL Experiences of Mexican Travel, tinted plates of AMERICA, particularly Nicaragua, with a De- Views by the Author; 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, vol 1 scription of its Aboriginal Monuments Scenery wants printed title, 3s. 1850 a:n~ People, their Language, Institutions, Re: 399 The Watch, an ode, suggested by a late hg1on, &c,; numerous maps, COLOURED PLATES present of a superb Watch from the King of and other illustrations; 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, 30s. 1853 France to His M;ajesty of Ur~at Britain, humbly 388 St. John (Sir Spencer) Hayti or the inscribed to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of M-f-d, Black Republic, map; post 8vo, cZoth gilt, revised with 25 additional Stanzas, to which 3s. 6d. . is added '· The Genius of America 1884 to GEN. 389 STAMP ACT. A Short History of the CARLETON, an Ode"; 40 pp., 4to, sewed, RARE, Conduct of the Present Ministry with regard to 8s. 6d. 1778 theAmericanStampAct; pamphlet,8vo,5s. 1766 400 Toqueville (Alexis de) Democracy in 390 --- Correct Copies of the Two Pro- America; 8vo, cloth, 3s. Net)) York, 1839 tests against the Bill to Repeal the American 401 Train (G. F.) Young America in Wall Stamp Act of the last Session, with List of the Street ; er. Svo, cloth, 4s. New York, 1857 Speakers and Notes ; 8vo, pamphlet, 8s. 6d. .. Sentences like telegrams discharged at the cranium of Old America, in a manner neither filial nor reverent." Paril,, 1766 -Athenarum. ASHTON NIELD, BOOKS RELATING TO AMERICA. 23

401 The New World. in 1859, being the 413 Umfreville (E.) Present State of Hun­ United States and Canada, illustrated and de­ SON'i!I BAY, with full descriptions of that Settle­ scribed, containing a great amount of informa­ ment, the adjacent Country, and the Fur Trade tion, with 135 interesting engravings from photos, with Remarks during a Four Years' Residenc~ pencil sketches, &:c. ; 8vo, cloth, 4s. 1859 in the Inland Parts, and Journal of a Journey 402 ThePolyanthea, a Collection of Interest­ from Montreal to New York, with plate of a ing Fragments, Original Anecdotes, Biographical Buffalo Pound, and Specimen of Five Indian Sketches, &c.; 2 vols, 8vo, calf, 12s. 1804 Languages ; 8vo, half calf, 21s. 1790 Contains-BELKNAP's Life of CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH, President ofVIRGINIAand Admiral ofNEw ENGLAND, 414 Uncle Sam's Peculiarities, by Uncle a New England Duel, Bristol Slave Market, Canadian Sam; 2 vols, 8vo; cloth, 7s. 6d. 1844 Indians. The Regicides, Whallay and Goffe, Letter of a Moachin Sachem, Speech of an Indian in 1678,&c. 415 U. S. Geological Survey of the Terri­ 403 The 'True Sentiments of America, tories embracing portions of MouTANA, IDAHO, contained in a Collection of Letters from the WYOMING, and UTAH, also COLORADO and parts House of Representatives of the PRoviNCE OF of adjacent Territories, being a Report of the MASSACHUSETTS BAY to several Persons of High Exploration for the years 1872-3-4-5, by F. V. Rank in this Kingdom, with Papers relating to HAYDEN, U.S. Geologist, several hundred folding a supposed Libel on the Governor of that and other plates and wood engravings, maps, Province, and a Dissertation on the Canon and Geology, Natural History, &c.; 4 thick vols, the Feudal Law ; 8vo~ half calf, RAR~, 25s. 1788 8vo,. cloth, 12s. Washington, 1872-77 405 Tremenheere (H. S.) CONSTITUTION ,OF 416 Uring (Capt. Nathanael) VOYAGES AND THE UNITED STATES compared with our own.; TRAVELS, folding maps of the Oaribee Islands, thick post 8vo, cloth, 4s. 6d. 1854 ,~t. Lucia, and Petite Garenage; thick 8vo, halj 406 Trollope (Anthony) North America, a calf, SCARCE, 14s. 1727 Description of its Social and Political State, Including Virginia, Newfoundland, New England, map; 2 vols, 8vo, half roan, 9s., or cloth, uncut, New Spain, Carolina, Maryland, &c., with a Rela­ tion of the Intended Settlement of St, Lucia and St. .10s. 1862 Vincent in right of the Duke of Montagu, and under 407 Trollope (Mrs.) Domestic Manners of his Grace's directions. the Americans, with all the amusing plates ; 2 417 VENEZUELA. CAMPAIGNS AND vols, er. Svo, cloth, uncut, 18s. 6d. 1832 CRUISES _IN VENEZUELA AND NEW GRANADA, 408 -.--- Another Copy; hf. calf; 18s. 1832 and in the Pacific Ocean, from 1817 to 1830, 409 TUCKER (Josiah, Dean of Glouceste1·) with Narrative of a March from the River FouR TRACTS ON POLITICAL AND COMMERCIAL Orinoco to San Buenaventura on the Coast of SuBJECTS.-Tract V. The Respective Pleas and Choco. and Sketches of the v\~ est Coast of South Arguments of the Mother Country and the An1erica, from the Gulf of California to the Colonies set fort~, with Epistle to the Plenipo­ Archipelago of Chiloe, also TALES OF V ENEZ­ tentiaries of the Congress at Philadelphia. UELA, illustrative of Revolutionary Men, Glo<:ester, Raikes, 1776.-Letter to Edmund Manners, and Incidents; 3 vols, sm. 8vo, cloth, Burke, M.P. for Bristol and Agent for Colony 9s. 1831 of New York. G,locester, Raikes, 1775.-Humble 418 CHESTERTON'S (G. L.) Narrative Address and Appeal to Respectable Personages of . the Proceedings in , Venezuela, in South ablest to judge of a connection or separation America, in 1819-28, with a Description of the from the Colonies, 1776.-Answers to Popular Country <;>f Caraccas, the Forces of General Obj,ections against separating, being the con­ Morillo, State of the Royalists, &c. ; 8vo, half cluding Tract on American Affairs. Glocester, calf gilt, 4s. 6d. 1820 R. Raikes; 1776~ in 1 vol, 8vo, calf gilt, 24s. 419 Interesting Official Docu- Glocester, 1775-6 ments relating to the United Provinces of 410 Tudor (Henry) Tour in North America, Venezuela; 8vo, boards, RARE, 21s. 1712 Mexico, the Mines of Real del Monte,· United Contents-Preliminary Remarks, Act of Independence, 'States, Briti~h Colonies, and Ex,cursion to Cuba; Manifesto of the Causes of Separation from the 2 vols, er. 8vo, boards, ·uncut, 8s. 6d. 1834 Mother Country, Constitution for their Government Contains Review and Reply to Mrs. Trollope. in Spanish and English. 411 Two Papers on the subject of Taxing 420 ---·- Recollections of a Service of the Britijjh Colonies in America-I. Remarks on Three Years during the War of Exterminati?n effectual means for the in the Republics of Venezuela and Colombia, the most rational and Navy; 2 vols, future Security and Preservation of the Trade by an Officer of the Colombian of Great Britain, by Protecting and Advancing 8vo, boards, 6s. 6d. 1828 her Settlements. on the North Continent of 421--- Spence. THE LAND OF BOLIVAR, America-II. Proposals for Establishing by Act or War, Peace, and Adventure it~ the REPU.BLIC of Parliament the Duties upon Stamped Paper OF VENEZUELA, maps and interesting engravings; and Parchment in all the British American 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, 8s. 6d. (pub. £1 lls. 6d.) 1878 Co\onies, pamvhlet; 8vo, SCARCE, 12s. 1767 422 Viollett-le-Duc. CITES ET RurnEs AMER­ 412 Ulloa and Juan's VOYAGE TO SouTH ICAINES, Mitla, Palenque, lzamal, Chicken­ AMERICA, describing the Spanish Cities,. the itza, Uxmal, suivi du Voyage, et des Docu­ Inhabitants, Natural History, Gold and Silver ments de D. Charnay, woodcuts; r?Y:· 8Yo, Mines, plates; 2 vols, 8vo; old calf, 5s. 17- print_ed wrappers, 15s. Paris, 1863 30, Park Street, BRISTOL. 24 BIBLIOTHECA GEOGRAPHICA ET HISTORICA

423 VERMONT. CARPENTER and ARTHUR'S 433 Warburton (E.) Darien, or the Merchant History of Vermont, from its earliest Settle- Prince, an Historical Romance ; 3 vols, post Svo, ment to the present ; sm. Svo, cloth, 3s. cloth, 4s. 1852 Pltiladelpliia, 1853 434 Warden (D. B., Consul at Pa1·is) Statis- 424 Vespucci's Letters, PUBLISHED DY tical, Poli~ical, and Historical A<:count of the VARNHAGEN: AMERIGO VESPUCCI, son United States of NORTH AMERICA, from First caractere, ses ecrits, sa Vie et ses Navigations, Colonization to the Present, map; 3 vols, Svo, par Varnhagen; sm. folio, map and 2 faci;imiles, half cal}, 10s. 1819 Lima, 1865-Le Premier Voyage de Vespucci 435 WASHINGTON'S POLITICAL LEGACIES, definitivement explique dans ses details, rienne, to which is annexed an Appendix, containing an 1869-Nouvelles Recherches sur les derniers account of his Illness, Death, and the National Voyages du Navigateur Florentin, et le reste Tri\mtes of Respect paid to his Memory, with$ des documents et eclaircissements sur lui, avec Biographical Sketch of his Life and Character, les textes (et une postface), map from the 1513 his Will, and Dr. Tappan'!!! Discourse before the PtolemJ/, and facsimile oj Vespucci's letter, Vienne, University of Cambridge; 12mo, sheep, with old 1870-together 3 parts, THE COMPLF,TE SERIES, gilt back, £1 ls. New York, 1800 bound in I vol, sm. folio, new red cloth, 25s. EXTREMELY RARE, FINE PERFECT CO!'Y in the original 1865-69-70 binding, with all the end leaves, and the intem,ting' The maps in the above Collection of Documents are List of Names of 766 American Subscribers, thus very important. ~:~~\~tii~':i .• ~any existiug families as " Sons of the It was after Amerigo Vespucci, the great Florentine explorer (who did not discover it) that the· newly- 436 Epistles, Domestic, Confiden- discovered world was called America. tial, and Official, written about the Commence- 425 Virginian (A) Brief Enquiry into the ment of the American Contest; 8vo, boards, Nature aud Character of our Federal Govern- UNCUT, 10s. New York, London, reprinted, 1796 ment, being a Review of Judge Story's Com- 437 Facsimile of His Accounts mentaries on the Constitution of the U.S.; 8vo, during the Revolutionary War, from June, 1775, half roan, 4s. · Petersburgh, 1840 to June, 1783 ; folio, hand.,omely bound in morocco 426 [Vose (Reuben)] Despotism, or the Last gilt, gilt edges, 24s. ( Washington), 1833 Days of the AMERICAN REPUBLIC, by Invisible Washington received no peCilniary,compensation for his Sam, name written on title; er. 8vo, cloth, services during the War, but kept an account of his expenses, which, at the close was presented to and 3s. 1856 admitted by the Government. 427 VOYAGES.-A Compendium of Au then- This facsimile is made from the originals in his own tic and Entertaining Voyages in a Chronological handwriting preserved at Washington, Series, portraits, plates, maps, cf:c. ; 7 vols, sm. 438 Water to n (C.) Wanderings in South Svo, calf gilt, SCARCE, 12s. 1766 America, portrait,· 4to, boards, uncut, 12s. 1825 The larger portion relate to America. Among the 439 Weakness and Inefficiency of the Gov- Voyages are those of CoLU.MBus, VAsco DE GA111A, ernmentoftheUnitedStatesof NoRTHAMERICA, CABRAL, CORTES, PIZARRO, SOTO, MAGELLAN, b 1 t A . St d' d b Dl

446 Wes I e y (John) Calm Address to our 458 Wilmore. The Case of John Wilmore AMERICAN COLONIES; 23 pp. 1775-Constitu­ truly and partially related, or a LOOKING-GLASS tional Answer to Wesley's Calm Address, 1775 for all MERCHANTS and PLANTERS that are con­ -FLETCHER (J., of Madeley) Vindication of cerned in the AMERICAN PLANTATIONS; title and Mr. Wesley's Calm Address in Letters to Caleb 17 pp., folio, half calf, RARE, £2 1Os. Evans, N,D.-FLETCHER's American Patriotism London, 1682 Jarther confronted with Reason, Scripture, and 459 Winthrop(R.C.)WASHINGTON,BowDoIN, the Constitution, being Observations on the and FRANKLIN, as portrayed in occasional Ad­ Dangerous Politics taught, by Rev. Mr. Evans dresses, with Notes, &c., frontispiece of Washing­ and -Ur. Price, with a Scriptural Plea for the ton monument; 8vo, cloth, 5s. Boston, 1876 Revolted Colonies, Sh1·ewsbury, 1776-MASON 460 WILLIAMS (Roger) The Bloudy {W.) Absolute and Indispensable Duty of Tenant of Persecution for Cause Christians of Con­ in this Critical Juncture, 177 5- science, discussed 1644-Mr. Cotton's Letter Elihu's Reply to Mr. W. Mason on Bible Politics, lately Printed, Examined, and Answered by R. by T. T(owers), 1775; SIX RARE PIECES in 1 vol, Williams, of Providence, in New England, 12mo, 1644 old binding, £2 10s. 1775 -Biographical Introduction by UNDERHILL;· in - 447 West (Rev. J,) Journal of a Residence at 1 vol, 8vo, cloth, 4s. the RED RIVER . COLONY, British North America, Hansard Knollys Society, 1848 frequent Excursions among the Indians in 1820 New England's loving remembrance of the "May­ to '23, SECOND EDITrnN enlarged with a Journal flower" and her " Fathers" may well be shared by of a Mission to the Indians of New Brunswick the "Lyon" of Bristol. From her deck the first up, and Nova Scotia, and holder of " Religious Liberty" in America landed the Mohawks on the Ouse, at Boston, Feb. 5th, 1631. "This volume is uow or Grand River, Upper Canada; plates, 8vo, hf very rare."-ALLIBONE. Of the' original 4to the calf,' SCARCE, 15s. 1827 Society could hear of 5 copies only-3 in England · 448 Wetmore's-.Gazetteer and :2 in America. This was printed from the Bod· of the STATE OF leian copy. MISSOURI, with Appendix of Frontier Sketches, 461 Williams ( Rev. Cooper, Chaplain) and Ac­ Illustrations of Indian Character, large map count of the Campaign in the W. Indies and in steel plate oj fight with a bear: 8vo, cloth, 6s. 1794, under Gen. Sir C. Grey and Admiral Sir · · Lewisto1i, 1865 John Jervis, with the reductions of Martinique, 449 Whately ( .Archbp.) Historic Certainties S. Lucia, Guadaloupe, Marigalante, Desiada, respecting the Early History of America, by the &c., handsomely printed on fine paper; 4to, bds, Rev. Aristarchus Newlight; 8vo, stiff covers, uncut, SCARCE, 15s. 1796 uncut, FIRST EDITION, 3s. 6d. 1851 With lists of Officers killed, wounded, and taken . 450 White (J., .of Queen's College, Oxford) prisoners . Sketches from America, in three parts, Canada, 462 Winterbotham (W.) Historical, Geo­ Picnic to the Rocky Mountains, the Irish in graphical, Commercial, and Philosophical View America ; 8vo, cloth, 6s. - 1870 of the United States, and the European Settle­ 451 Wilcocke (S. H.) History of the Vice­ mentsof AMERICA and the v\TESTlNDIES,portraits, -royalty of BUENOS AYRES, containing the most plates, and map&; 4 vols, 8vo, half calf neat, accurate details of its Topography, History, 18s. . 1795 Commerce, Population, Government, &c., plates, 463 Witchcraft. UPHAM (C. W., Pastor in plain and COLOURED; 8vo, boards, uncut, 9s. 1807 Salem) Lectures on Witchcraft, comprising a HISTORY OF THE DELUSION IN SALEM IN 452 Whitelocke (General) His Trial 1692; by 12mo, cloth, uncut. 9s. Boston, U.S., 1831 Court Martial, for Expedition against Buenos Ayres, verbatim plan of March; 8vo, sheep, 464 Wood (J.) Two Years' Residence in the SCARCE, 7s. 6d. . 1808 Settlements on the English Prairie in the 453 Whitefield (Rev. Mr.) Continuation of Illinois Country, United States, with the Habits ·his Journal from his arrival at London to his and Customs of the Backwoodsmen, map; small departure from thence· on his way to GEORGIA; 8vo, boards, SCARCE, 9s. 1822 8vo, .sewed, 4s. 6d. . 1739 . 464a WOLFE (General) Instructions to 454 Whitney (Thomas R,) EVENING HouRs, Young Officers, Orders for Battalion and a Collection of Poems ; ·,rnsT EDITION, sm. 8vo, Army, Orders and Signals in Embarking and boards, UNCUT, 9s; New York, 1844 Debarking an Army by Flat-bottomed Boats, With the_ author's autograph of gift in two places. and a Placart to the Canadians ; sm. 8vo, calf, Allibone overlooks _this book, and gives "'J;'he RARE, £2 2s. 1768 Ambuscade," 1845, as Whitney'e first work. . 465 · W o o I m an (J., of Mount 41>5 Whittier(JohnGreenleaf) Hol\rn BALLADS Holly, New and Poems; FIRST Jersey) Works, viz., Journal of his Life, Gospel EDITION, sm. 8vo, cloth, UN­ Labours, CUT, 16s. _ ', Christian Experiences, Last Epistle, Boston, 1861 and _ 456 -IN WAR-TIME, other Writings; 8vo, calf, 7s. 6d. 1775 and other Poems; " Get the writings of John Woolman by heart, and love FIRST EDITION, small 8vo, cloth, uncut, 7s. 6d. the early Quakers."-CHARES LAiIB. Boston. Ticknor and Fields, 1864 466 ---Journal of his Life and Labours, 457 Wied (Max. Prince of) Travels in the with his other Writings; er. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. INTERIOR OF NORTH AMERICA, translated from 1847 t~e German by LLOYD, large coloured map, with 467 Wortley ( Lady Emmeline Stuart) Travels vignette and numerous wood engravings; roy. 4to, in the United States, &c., 1849-50; 3 vols, er. cloth, 8s. 6d. 1843 8vo, half calf gilt, 6s. 1851 30, Park Street, BRISTOL. 26 BIBLIOTHEC.A GEOGRAPHIC.A ET HISTORIC.A

468 Wright (Frances) Views of Society and 469 Wynne's <;teneral History of th~ Manners in America, in Letters during 1818-19- Empfre in America and the West Indies, with, 20, map of U.S.; 8vo, boards, uncut, 4s. 6d. 1822 'large folding map; 2 vols, 8vo, boards, UNCUT, 16s. 1770 A COLLECTION OF VALUABLE EARLY AMERICAN MAPS, VIEWS OF -CITIES,. WAT E R - CO LOU R DRAW I NG S, PORTRAITS, &c.

470 American Atlas. A Small Pocket 476 America, OR THE NEW WORLD, showing Y olume, bound in red morocco, with tuck, lettered all the known parts of the Western Hemisphere, outside, American Atlas, John Grigg, Philadel­ coloured map by D'An ville; size 23! by 20! inches, phia, RARE, 15s. 7s. 6d. 1797 The Contents are 14 maps, each 8 x 9! ins., FULLY 477 America (North) VAUGONDY's '-' Partie COLOURED, folded 1-N. America. 2--British America. 3-U. States. 4-N. England States. de l'Amerique Septent. qui comprend La 5-1\liddle States, Maryland and Virginia. 6- Nouvelle France ou le Canada," with corner map N. and S. Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. 7- of Les Lacs du Canada, COLOURED vignette title; Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, &c. 8-W. States size 24 by 19 inches, 25s. 1755 and Territories. 9-Mexico and Gautemala. 10- West Indies. 11-S. America. 12-Columbia and 478 America (South) Vaugondy's French Guiar..a. 13-Brazil, B{j)livia, and Peru. 14-United Map, "sur los Memoires et Observations les Provinces1 Chili and Patagonia. plus recents," COLOURED, size 23! by 19 inches, 471 America, or the NEW WoRLD (Map of) 16s. 1750 showing all the known parts of the Western 479 America~ Novissima et Accuratissima Hemisphere, from the map of D'Anville, with Totins Americre descriptio per J. Ogilyium, the additional Discoveries by W. Faden, 23 by curious old map with vignettes. of Indian figures 21 inches, COLOURED, with margins, 7s. 6d. 1797 and Armorial· I)edication to Anthony, Lord 472 America (Map of) The Continent and Ashley, with figure of Satanfalling vanquished by Islands of America, with all the latest Discoveries a figure holding a cross, &c. ; size 21 ~ by 17 l to the }?resent Time, FINE COLOURED MAP,. cover­ inohes, RARE, 30s. · circa, 1670 ing from Constantinople to New Zealand, and 480 American Islands. lnsulre Americana:: Baffin's Bay to Cape Horn, with engraved vignette in Oceano Septentrionali, cum terris adjacenti­ title; size 4 feet 9 inches by 3 feet 10 inches, bus, fine old copper-plate map of West India mounted on linen and folded, 9s. 1809 Island& and Mainland, with vignettes of Indians, 473 America. Novissima et Accuratissima Traders, &c; size 141 by lli inches, wtth good Totius Americre Descriptio, per J. DE RAM, A margins, 24s. circa, 1610 COLOURED MAP, extending from Sir Thomas 481 American Lakes, Rivers, &c. A Par­ Smith's'Bay to Cape Horn, with vignette title with ticular Map by D'Anville, a finely engraved map groups of Indians, &c., all coloured, size 22 by 17! 29 by 20 inches, with margins, 7s. 6d. 1790 ·inches, with margins, 15s. About 1695 482 Antilles, or CHARIBEE ISLANDS and the Date about, 1750 VIRGIN ISLANDS, map by De La Rochette, 4-74 America Septentrionalis et Meridian­ COLOURED, with all bearings and positions shown, alis, 2 fine old maps, with much detail, and many and numerous delineations of coast outlines, 19 names of places, vignette titles, numerous figures by 18 inches, 7s. 6d. Faden, 1784 of Indians, Sea Monsters, &c., both COLOURED, 483 Arrowsmith (A., Hydrographer to the size of each 21 by 18 inches, with margins, 28s. Prince of Wales) LARGE 1\'lAp OF THE UNITED Amst., J. Janson, about 1640 Janson claims merit, that whereas all previous geo­ STATES OF N OJI.TH AMERICA, drawn from a num, graphers had shown California as part of the Main­ ber ·of Critical Researches, FINE COLOURED MAP-, land, he shows it as an island, because the Dutch on from the Saguenay River in Canada, to New taking it from the Spaniards found it to be one. Orleans, vignette view of the Falls of Niagara, 475 Amerique ou. le Nouveau MoNDE from a not common point of view,· size 56 by 48i, decouvert, suivant la description par JOSEPH inches, mounted on linen and folded, 4s. D'AcosTA, et relations de plusieurs autres · ( No date, but about 1813) Voyageurs de di:fferentes Nations, interesting old 484 --- Map of the United States of richlycuLOURED MAPof NorthandSouthAmerica, North America, from Critical Researches, with with finely engraved vignette, apparently represent­ the Additions to 1819, FULLY COLOURED; size ing Acosta explaining his discoveries to the Kinq 56! by 50 inches, with vignette view of Falls _of of Spain, size 111 by 81 inches, with good margins, Niagara, mounted on linen and folded in case, 6s. 10s. ' Leide, N,D, 1819 ASHTON NIELD, V~LUABLE .EARLY AMERICAN MAPS. 27

485 Arfico {Regiones sub Polo).. FINE MAP, 491 Bethlehem, in North 'America, GARRI· the sweep of the circk-stretching from ''James his soN'S COLOURED Vrnw of the Brethren's Settle­ Bay," and the "Great Bay of God's deliverance" ment there; size 17! by 11{ inches, rare, 21s. in North America, part of Cathay, Drontheim 492 Blaeu (J.) A COLOURED MAP, entitled in Norway, to Newfoundland, size 20! by 16 inches, Nova et Accurata Brasilre totius Tabula, with with vignettes, one of two white men and a white richly coloured title vignette, size 23~ by 19! inches, bear, as 'i,f consulting, the other showing tile source 10s. A bout 1650 . of the North Winds with Boreas in a fur cap 493 Bowles' New Pocket Map of the Atlantic WOll"ming his fingers over a pan of live coals, all or WESTERN OCEAN, from the latest discoveries, fully coloured, 10s. 6d. Amst., G. Blaeu (1669) COLOURED, size 22i by 18 inches, mounted on linen 486 ATLAS NOUVEAU, contenant toutes and folded in case, 7s. 6d. 1776 les parties du Monde, ou sout exactement Remar­ 494 British Empire in North America, a quees les Empires, Monarchies, Royaumes, COLOURED MAP, drawn by Samuel · Etats, Dunn, from Republiques, &c., par Gui!. de l'Isle, the Surveys of Capt. Carver; size 19 inches Premier Geographe by de Sa Majeste, with Geo­ 12 inches, 15s. 1776 graphical letterpress and 66 grand old maps, 495 BUCHON (J. each 22} by 19i inches, ALL FULLY COLOURED, A.) ATLAS GEOGRAPHIQUE, . m,ostly with ornamental STATISTIQUE, liISTORIQUE ET CHRONOLOGIQUE vignette titles; roy. folio, DES Dutch calf gilt~ £2 2s. DEUX AMERIQUES, ET DES ILES ADJACENTES, , Amst., traduit de l'Atlas Apres Le Sage, avec de Nom­ Covens et Mortier, 1733 breuses, Tlt.e American Maps are-AMERICA SBPTENT (North, Corrections, et Augmentations, 71 fine showing all tlzen discovered)-AMERICA MERIDIAN elaborate maps and large tables of information, (Soutlz)-CJ.N,ADA, ou Nouvelle France (slzowinx­ mostly on 2 pages, and the MAPS COLOURED ; large .from Baffin's Bay to 111aryland, aizd a Great Salt Lake, folio, half calf, £2 10s. Paris, 1825 acco,dint: to tlte report or tlte Savages)­ Appears Lou1sIANA and Course of to contain about every fact and circumstance the M1s51ss1PP1, and that can be desired small plan of mouth ef river St. Louis and Mobile for information, with Notices of -MEXICO and ·FLORIDA eminent persons, places, &c., admirably arranged for (including W, India Islands) reference and observation. -St. Domingo-The ANTILLES, Guadaloufe, Bar- bados, Martinique, Grenada, St. Vincent, &c.­ 496 CANADA. BoucHETTE's Great Map of PaRu,,BRAZIL, and REGIONS OF THE AMAZONS­ the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, PARAGUAY, CHILI, STRAITS OF MAGELLAN, and TRRRA DBL FuEGO-also two small ltemisphen·cal Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, maps. and Prince Edward's Island, with a Large 487 ATLAS (New General) of Maps and Section of the United States, from recent Stir• Charts of the Empires, Kingdoms, and States, veys, &c.; COLOURED, scale 14 miles to 1 inch, in the World, 74 large COLOURED maps, each size 64 by 38! inches, mounted in 2 portions on upon an entire sheet imperial size, folded and linen, and folded in case, 9s. 1831 bound upon guards) with Memoir, Summary of In the spare corners are Map of British Possessions in Physical Geography, and full Indef of Names ; North America, and Map of Gulf of St. Lawrence. folio, 30s. Edin., 1807 497--- Five Interesting Maps,mounted A fine set of Maps, twenty-two of ~ich relate to on linen and folded into 8vo book-shaped case, . America, North and South, the United States, &c.; l(i)s. 1851-55 and two to Australia, and the South Sea. Mercator's Projection illustrating the directness of the 488 ATLAS MARITIMUS, or General River St. Lawrence from Lake Erie to the Atlantic, Coasting Pilot of the Principal Ports and Har­ as a communication between Europe and the Great bours of the World, with West, and extension of the N. P. R. to Montreal, 2 large »ernispheres, 1855-Map of Canada and the Lower Colonies, containing all the Stars in the Brittannic Cata­ showing the St. Lawrence and Great Lakes commu­ J9gue, by N. Cutler, 54 largefolding maps, with nication with N. York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, copious ~criptions; thick-folio, old calj, 24s. Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, and Europe, also N. England, Mississipi, Missouri, Iowa, · 1728 and Nebraska, 1855-Canada, from the best authori­ Fifteen of these Maps relate to Americe ; with particu­ ties, by Stavely, 1851-Canada West, or Upper lar descriptions of ihe Countries, &c. Canada, 1855-Eastern Townships of Lower Canada, 489 Bellin {Le S.) Cartes Reductes pour with part of U.S. servir aux Vaisseaux du Roi : ISLE DE LA 498 ---- Faden (W.)Mapof the Located ,'fAMAJQUE, 1753 (with part of Ouba and S. Districts in th~ PROVINCE OF UPPER CANADA, Domingo), 3 feet by 1 foot 11 inches; IsLE DE describing all the Settlement.~, Townships, d:c., -CUBE, 1762 (with Providence, Oat Island, and with tile Adjacent Frontiers, compiled and cor­ part of Florida Coast), 3 jeet by 2 feet.-Carte rected from the latest Surveys under the direction Hydrographique de la BaYE DE LA HA v ARRE, of F. GORE, Lieut.-Governor, &c., very fine la.rge avec le Plan de la Ville et de ses Fortes, 1762, coloured map on 2 sheets, folded, 7s. 6d. 23 inches by 17 inches, set of 3 maps, mounted on London, 1813 linen and fol

500 Cary (J.) SERIES OF MAPS OF AMERICA, 511 Delarochette (L. S. D. A.) Colombia finely engraved and COLOURED, 10 large maps, Prima, or SOUTH AMERICA, drawn from the each 20! by 18~ inches, with margins, 16s. 1806 large map, FINE COLOURED MAP full of names, America; N. America; Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, ~c., with topographical notes of Indians, Wild &c. ; Upper and Lower Canada; United States_; Oxen, Silversmiths, Richest to large scale (N. York to Virginia); Western Terri­ Diamond Discovery, tory, &c.; the Carolinas, Georgia, Floridas, Bahamas, &c. ; size 43 by 30! inches, mounted on linen and, &c.; West India Isles, S. America, 2 sheets. folded, 5s. ·. 1811 501 American Pocket Atlas, con- 512 Disturnell's New Map of the United taining Maps and concise Description of each States and Canada, showing all the Canale, State, folding general map and 18 maps of the Railroads, Telegraph Lines, and Principal Stage different State8, each on 2 pages, mounted on Routes, drawn by H. A. BuRR, Telegrapher to guards, and fully coloured ( N.B.-Delaware i8 the Post Vjfice Department at Washington (with wanting); sm. 8vo, sheep, RARE, 18s. Phila., 1796 Map of Oregon, California, New Mexico, &c. )1 502 Carolina. A new Map by Thornton, COLOURED, size 3 feet 5 inches by 2 feet 6 inches, COLOURED, with.figured references to li8t of Settle­ on linen, in bookforrn, 4s. 6d. - 1861 ments on Ashley and Cooper 1·ivers, chc., size 1 n 513 Extremre Americre, et Vers1,1s Boream, by 21 inches, with margins, 14s. About 1700 ubi Terra Nova, Nova Francia, adjacientia que. 503 CARTHAGENA. AN EXACT PROSPECT Fine map, showing from Hudson's Straits to Cape OF THE TowN,fine old oblong view, and under­ Sable, FULLY COLOURED with vignette, margins neath new and exact Plan of the Harbour, Town, slightly water-stained, size 23! by 17! inches, 16s. and Forts, on broadside sheet, size 23 by 19 inches, J. Blaeu (1669) R,ARE, 21s. H. Overton, 1740 514 Faden's Map of the United States of 504 ---- PLAN OF THE HARBOUR, TOWN, North America, with the British Territories, AND SEVERAL FORTS of Carthagena, with a COLOURED, 2Jeet 2 inches by lfoot 10 inches, on perfect View of the English Fleet as they linen, folded in case, 4s. 6d. 1820 anchored and as they ,moved to lay siege to the 515 Garay. Voyage par Mer de la Jamaique Town, FINE OLD COLOURED VIEW, showing .the vers Panuco, et Rio de las Palmas, sur le Golfe naval attack ; bird's-eye to scale on broadside 25 de Mexique, tire des Memoires de F. de Garay by 19linches, RARE, £115s. W. Laws, 1741 et autres, interesting old richly COLOURED MAP, 505 Charlestown, South Carolina, an Exact with finely engraved vignette oj the shipwrecked Prospect ( fvorn opposite side of the river); oblong, party, size 13! by 8f inches, with good margins, 191 by 6f inches, 7s. 6d. [1762] 10s. - Leide, N.D. 506 Chart of the Coast from Cap& S. Thomas 516 GEORG I A. Sketch of the Northern to Ilha de S. Sebastiano, including Rio J aniero, Frontiers of Georgia, from the Mouth of the drawn from Surveys, by order of the Portuguese River Savannah to the Town of Augusta, by Government; size 38 by 25 inches, mounted on LIEUT. -COL. ARCHD. CAMPBELL, a finely engraved linen, 8s. 6d. 1816 map with much detail, size 28! by 24 inchei, 507 Christmas Sound, Terra del Fuego, mounted on linen and folded, RARE, £2 2s. CO.PP ER· PLATE VIEW by H odgea, engraved by · W. Faden, 1780 Watt.~, size 14£ by si inches, 2s. 6d. 1777 The portion from the mouth of the river to Ebenezer is drawn to a large scale. There are figured references 508 Cotton's Map of the Southern States, to the attack of Savannah, on 2~th December, 1778. including Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, Ken­ 517 Guyana : the Coast from the Oronooko to tucky, Tennessee, Missouri, N. Carolina, S. theAmazon, and the Inland Parts, alsoBarbadoes, Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkan­ Tobago, &c., by La Ro~hette, from Observations sas, Louisiana, Texas, and parts of adjoining by Governor Thompson, COLOURED MAP, size 27 States and Territories, Forts, and Military by 20 i,iches, with engraved observationa on Stations of the United States, Railroads, Sta­ different pa1·ts, 7s. 6d. l 783 tions, &c., FULLY coLOURKD ; size 4 feet 9 ,inches 518 HALIFAX in Nova Scotia. Four very by 3/eet 4 inches, on linen, in book form, 7s. 6d. excellent and interesting Water-Colour 509 Cuba et Jamaica (Iles de) ainsi qu'elles Drawings, size of each 211 inches wide by 12! ont ete premierement decouvertes par Christ. to 13 inches h.igh, each mounted upon stiff mounting Colombe, ensuite peuplees par les Castillans, paper, with margins neatly ruled and tinted, interesting old richly COLOURED MAP, with vignette £8 8s. and small head of Columbus, size l3i by 8! inches, The subjects are-View from Fort Needham, near with good margins, 10s. Leid~, N.D. Halifax-View of Halifax from Davis's Mill-View from Cowie's Hill, near Halifax-View of !lalifax 510 Oury (A.) New, General, and Universal from George's Island. Atlas, containing Forty-five Maps, by Andrew Signed by the Artist, G. T. PARKYNS, 1801. Dury, engraved by Mr. Kitchen and others, 519 lnsulre Americanre, in Oceano Septen­ engraved title and dedication to Lord Shelburne, trionali, ac Regiones Adjacentes, a C. de May, both beautifully coloured and heightened with usque ad lineamlEquinoctialem, finernap showing gold, and coloured maps, including N. AMERICA, from Canada to Guinea,, including Virginia, S. AMERICA, CANADA, and VY. INDIA ISLANDS; Fl01ida, Mexico, Yucatan, Gautimala, Venezuela, oblong 12mo, old English red morocco, gilt back, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, &c. ; size 22i by 18 gilt borders on sides and gilt edges, 16s. inches, FULLY COLOURED AND TOUCHED WITH London, A. D·ury, at tlie Indian Queen, 1761 GOLD, 24s. Amst., N. Visscher (1694) ASHTON NIELD, VALUABLE EARLY AMERICAN MAPS. 29

520 Gasp e,-:--View of the Bay of Gaspe, 528 Les Principales Fortresses, Ports, &c., showing the House in which General Wolfe resided, de l'Amerique Septentrinale, 18 maps, well size 96 by 6 inches, 2s. About 1765 engraved on one sheet and COLOURED ; size 24 by 521 J E F F E RYS (Thos.) A M E R I CA N 20 inc/ie.~, 16s. About 1730 ·AT LAS, or Geographical Description of the Placentio, Anapolis, Boston, New York and Pertham­ WHOLE CONTINENT, chiefly of the BRITISH COL­ boy, Charlestown, St. Augustine, Providence, Havana St. Iago in Cuba, Port Antonia in Jamaica, Fort ONIES, mostly from Surveys, by order of the Royal in Martinique, Barbados, Antigua, Kingston Oovernment, 29 large folding maps on 48 sheets, in Jamaica, Bermuda, Cuba, Carthagene, Porto royal folio, hf. bound, £3 10s. 1775 Bello. All the names in English, except those that The Maps are COLOURED, folding and large-Pennsyl­ still belong to Spain. vania being 52 inches by 27 inches, dedicated to THOMAS and RICHARD PENN, true and absolute 529 Louisiana: Map of, from D'Anville's · Proprietaries and Governors ef the Province of Atlas, 19! by 12 inches, with margins, 4s. 6d. 1788 Pennsylvania. There are Plans on margins of Hoston, 530 Magellanica Tabula, qua Terra del New York, &r.., fine vignettes of Indians, Landing of Fuego, cum celeberrimis freti& a Magellano et Pilgrim Fathers,· PLYMOUTH MDCXX, The Virginian Tobacco-Trading and S. Carolina Cotton Trading. Le Maire detectis, novissima et accuratissima There are also many interesting engraved Notes. description, a fine richly COLOURED MAP, with 522 KITCHEN'S GENERAL ATLAS of vignettes with numerous Indian figures, cf:c., 8ize the whole Universe, being a Collection of the 20~ by 16 inches, 9s. Amst., about 1640 Best Maps extant; Corrected and Augmented 531 Map of America, or the New World, from the latest Discoveries, 35 fine large with all the known parts of the W este"rn Hemi­ COLOURED MAPS printed from 62 copper-plates,· sphere, from the map of D'Anville, with latest 'imperial folio. half bound, SCARCE, £1 15s. 1773 alterations, COLOURED; size 24 by 21~ inches, on Several of these FINE MAPS relate to the Continent of AMERICA, North. America, with the several European linen, folded in case, RARE, 30s. 1797 Settlements, Baffin's .Bay, Hudson's Bay, California, 532 MARYLAND. A LARGE COLOURED Chart of the St. Lawrence, Course of the Mississippi, MAP, entitled MAP OF THE STATE OF MARYLAND, South America and the Falkland Islands. The maps are by various Geographers, sizes varying from about FROM ACTUAL SURVEY OF ALL THE PRINCIPAL 48 inches by 21 inches, to 54 inches by 21 inches, full ,v ATERS, ROADS, AND COUNTIES, describing the of detail, some having vignettes of Indians, &c. situation of the Cities, Towns, Villages, Houses of A very interesting and important feature of the work is in the valuable and copious Notes with which the Wor~hip, and other Public Buildings, Furnaces, vacant and available parts of the maps are filled, Forges; Mtlls, and other remarkable places, and giving Historical, Geographical, De~criptive, and of the Federal :l'erritory, with Sketch of the Curious Particulars of all the information belonging State of Delaware, showing the probable con­ to the subjects. 523 Laurie's Map of the Mexican and Central nection of CHESAPEAKE and DELAWARE BAYS; 'States of America, with the Southern Part of to large scale, size 53 inches by 30 inches, mounted the United States, with Mexico and the adjacent on canvas and folded in covers like a book, RARE, £4 4s. J. Vallance, Philadelphia, 1795 States on an enlarged scale, COLOURED; size 3 Besides showing all the local features, names, roads, feet 3 inches by 2feet 2 inches, on linen, folded in &c., as they were then, there is on the margin a case, 5s. 1830 special plan of the City of Washington and Territory Indicates the Gold and Silver Mines, Military Stations, of Columbia, to a very large scale, 16f inches square. Mountains, Defiles, Plains, Lakes, Rivers, Guard 533 MASSACHUSSETTS. A LARGE Houses, Muleteer Stations, Farms, &c. 524 Lloyd's Official Map of the STATE OF COLOURED MAP, entitled Map of Massachussetts VIRGINIA, from Actual Surveys, Revised to 1862, Proper, from Actual Surveys by order of the as used by Gen. McUlellan and the War Depart­ General Court, by Osaoon CARLETON, to a large ment, FULLY COLOURED ; size 4 feet by 2 feet 7 seal£, size 46! by 31 inches, mounted on canvas inches, on linen, in book form, 6s. 1862 and folded in covers like a book, RARE, £2 10s. 525 --- Official Map of the STATE Engraved by Joseph Callender, :I'. Samuel • OF TENNESSEE, from Actual Surveys and Hill, Boston, 1801. Bo.ston, published by B. Official Documents, showing every Railroad and and J. Loring. 1802 Very interesting map, all the Townships being shown Station, with Distances, Cities, Towns, Villages, with figured distances. The engra\'ed Title is in a Roads, &c., FULLY COLOURED; size 4 feet by 2 very fine, very large vignette, size 221 by 14 inches, feet 7 inches, on linen, in book form, 6s. 1863 with figure of an armed Indian Warrior contemplating 526 --- New Map of the UNITED STATES, Trading on the Coast, THE CANADAS, and NEW BRUNSWICK, from the 534 M~xico (Ancient City) an old copper- Latest Surveys, showing every Railroad and plate view, size 13 by 8 inches, ~s. N. D. · Station, and the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, from 535 MERCATOR (Gerard) L'Atlase de, the M. S. Official Surveys by Order of Congress, de nouveau reveu, toutes les cartes corrigez, et FULL~ COLOC"RED; size 4 feet 2 inches by 3 feet 2 en outre augmente, par J. HoNDIUS, avec les inches, on linen, in book form, 6s. 1863 descriptions

536 MERCATOR, Historia Mundi, or 542 Morden (Robert) Atlas Terristris, con- MERCATOR'S ATLAS, containing his Cos- taming 78. very curious Maps, size 6 inches by mographical Description of the Fabric and 6 inches, folded, on guards, with coloured frontis­ Figure of the World, rectified, beautified, and piece of .Atlas bearing tlie World, &c.; 12mo, enlarged with new Maps, &c., by JuDocus new calf gilt, RARE, 36s. No date (but ahout 1690) HoNDY, Englished by W. S. ( Wye Saltonstall, I can find no mention of any other copy of this curious of Q·ueen's College, Oxford), 181 copper-plate and very rare little Atlas. Seventeen of the Maps maps, beautifully engraved, including 13 which 1~!~:;~ AMERICA, North ;md South, and the WEST relate to .America and the West Indies,· thick 543 Geography Rectified, or, a, folio, calf neat, RARE, £7 7s. London, 1635 Description of tqe World in all its Kingdoms, With finely engraved title representing Atlas bearing Island C't' & & th · C d't' & up the World, with allegorical figures of Eu ROPE, s, 1 ies, c.' c., eir ommo 1 ies, c., AsIA, AFRICA, AMERICA. This copy has the RARE upwards of 78 maps, with copious letterpress ; MAP OF VIRGINIA, which is very seldom seen in sm. 4to, calf, RARE, £2 5s. 1693 the book. All the copies were issued with the dupli- 544 New England.-A New Map of NEW cate of the map of New Spain printed where the E N y N J p Virginia one should be, and a statement in the errata NOLAND, EW ORK, EW ARSEY, ENSIL- that there was no map of Virginia, but one was pre- VANIA, MARYLAND, and VIRGINIA, with small paring in America, which should be given to every map of Staten Island, &c., to large scale, COL· buyer of the book on its arrival in England. It gives OURED ; size 21 ! by 17 inches, with margins, a special value to any copy in which it occurs. I can 12s. .About 1700 only find two other copies besides this recorded as having it. ~45 New General Atlas, a Geographical and 537 Mercatoris (M.) America sive India Historical Account of the World, with the Nova, ad magnre G. Mercatoris avi Universalis Natural History and Trades of each Country, imitationem in Compendium redacta, fine old taken from the best Authors, particularly circular map in square enclosure, with three small CDUV.ii;RIUs, BRIETIUS, CELLARIUS, BLEAU, BAU· round maps in corners, Golfo Mexicano, Cuba, DRAND, HOFFMAN, the two SANSONS, LUYTS, and Haiti, FULLY COLOURED,size 18 by 14! inches, CHARDIN, LE BRUN, &c., with the .Arms of over with margins, lOs. .About 1576 800Subscribersbcautifullye11gravedand Nl!J'MEROUS Rare and remarkable, showing California as part of the COLO~RE~ MAPS, including AMERICA-English Ma}nland (which later geographers pronounced to be Empire m AMERICA, VIRGINIA, MARYLAND, an island). Terra del Fuego and Australia are also CAROLINA, PENNSYLVANIA, NEW YORK, NE,'' drawn as connected (Cape Horn had not then been " sailed round). JERSEY, NEW ENGLAND, NEWFOUNDLAND, NEW 539 MITCHELL (J.) MAP OF THE FRANCE,-JAMAICA-LOUISIANA-lsTH111US OF BRITISH AND FRENCH DOMINIONS DARIEN, &c.; atlas folio, halfbound,£3 lOs. 1721 IN NORTH AMERICA, with the Roads, 546 NORTH AMERICA. New Map of, Distances, Limits, and Extent of the Settle- wherein the British Dominions on the Continent ments, fine large vignette title with Indian.figures, of North America, and on the Islands of the &c.; .Arms oj King George the Second quartering _West Indies, are carefully laid down from all the .Arms of England, Scotland, Hanover, and the Surveys hitherto made, and the most a'Ccurate the Fleur-de-lis, claiming as of right to be King Accounts and Maps; also the French Encroach­ of Flrance; engraved on 8 large sheets, forming ments on the English Provinces particularly togelhe.r a map, size 8 feet 5 inches by 4 feet 5 described, large map, FULLY COLOURED, with incites, and mounted on cloth on 2 sheets, and Vignette Title, Indian Figures, and numerous jolded in cloth case, RARE, £5 5s. London, 1755 Hi~torical Notes at different points; 48 inches by 540 Moll (Herman) Atlas Minor, a new and 41 mches, mounted on canvas andfolded in case, Curious Set of Sixty-Two Maps, in which are RARE, £2 10s. Circa 1760 Extends from the Orinoco to James's Bay, and the Bh own a 11· t h e Empires, Kingdoms, Countries Great Bank to California, with smaller Margin Map States in all the known parts of the Earth, 62 of the Bays of Hudson and Baffin. COLOURED MAPS; 4to, half bound, VERY SCARCE, 547 --- A MAP exhibiting the New 30s. · - London, N.D. Discoveries in the Interior Parts of North Printed between 1730 and '32 as one Map is dedicated America, inscribed by permission to the Hon. to Frederick, Prince of Wales, who arrived in England Company of Adventurers of England trading in in December, 1729, and Moll died in 1732. EIGHTEENOFTHEMAPsRELATEENTIRELYToAMERicA Hudson's Bay, by Arrowsmith, fine large COL· · and the West Indies, and give very interesting details. OURED map, 4 feet 11 inches by 4 feet 2 inches, California is shown as an Island. On the New moiinted on canvas and folded in a case, SCARCE, England Map it is stated "the Western Post" ·set out from Philadelpliia every Friday, leaving letters 18s. 1795-1811 at Burlington and Port Amboy, and arrives at New 548 NOVI BELGII, Novreque Anglire, necnon York on Sunday night, the distance being 106 miles. partis Virginire Tabula, par Nicolaum Visscher, Allibone says that every Collector must possess Moll's a fine and most interesting richly COLOURED DUTCH Maps. 5_41 --- Atlas Manuale, or New Set of MAP, sh.owing from Quebec to James Town, with Maps of All Parts of the Earth, being the first rare· print from the EARLI~ST VIEW KNOWN OF aet that agrees with the Corrections of the O~D DUTCH NEW YORK in 1657, then called Astronomers and the Travellers of this age, 43 N_ieuw .Amsterdam, ?P t JFylant Manhattans; folding maps, of which EIGHT RELATES TO AMER- . wit~ figures of Indian. Villages, Bears, Elk, ICA; small 8vo, calf gilt, RARE, 15s. 1709 J!ndians, _Canoes, .&:c., size of map 21£ by 18! Indispensable to every Collector of Early American mches, with margins, VERY SCARCE, £4 10s. Books. . (.Amsterdam, 16-) ASHTON NIELD, VALUABLE EARLY AMERICAN MAPS. 31

549 NORTH AMERICA, Map of, ex- 557 PHILADELPHIA. A large Coloured hibitingthe recent Discoveries, Geographical and Map entitled PLAN OF THE CrTY OF PHILA· Nautical, chiefly from the authorities o( Hum~oldt, DELPHIA AND ENVIRONS, surveyed by JOHN Pike Lewis and Clarice) Mackenzie, Hearne, HILLS in 1801, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, engraved by Boudhette, Vancouver, Ro.~s, Parry, Franklin, Wm. Knea.~s, scale 2 inches to a mile; size 3 feet and Back, also describing the Boundary Lines 4 inches by 8 jeet 4 inches, mounted on canvas between the Territories of Great Britain, the and folded in covers like a book, RARE, £2 10s. United States, and *e Mexican and Central Philadelphia, 1808-10 States by James Wyld, a magnificent coloured This valuable map shows 10 miles round from the Hy- map i~ 7 portions, each mounted on linen and drant in the centre of the City. Many of the proper- ties have the names given, with the names of the folded J,he entire size if put together would be 5 owners, number of acres, and sometime-s date of feet 6! inches wide by 5 feet 10 inches high, in settlement. There are also some historical and other imp. 8vo. sized case, 9s. 1838 notes. The map is round and the two lower corner spaces have mezzotint pictures filled in, one represent· 550 ---ANEWMAPOFNORTHAMERICA, inga building presumed to be the Hydrant, the other with the West Indian Islands, divided according having a distant view of Cape Henlopen Lighthouse to the Preliminary Articles of Peace, signed at · A~~ri~~~ river and allegorical Female Figure of Versailles, 20th Jan., 1783, wherein are particu- 558 Poli Arctici et Cireunijacentium Terra- larly distinguished the United States and the rum Descriptio Novissima, a curious circula1· several Provinces, Governments, &c., which map, with the .North Pole in the centre, and the comprise the BRITISH DoMI~IONS, laid down outside of the circle including Newfoundland, according to the latest Surveys, and corrected Cornwall, Antwerp, Astracan, &c., outside the from the original materials of Governor Pownall, circle is filled out to a squa1·e with pictures of the fine large COLOURED map, size 46 in~hes b'!( 40 Whale Fishing, the Oil Trade, &c., all richly inches, mounted on canvas, and folded in portions, COLOURED, size 19k by 17 inche.s, 9s. About 1705 35s. 1794 559 POPPLE (H.) MAP OF THE 551 --- A NEW MAP OF NORTH AND BRITISH EMPIRE IN AMERICA, with SouTH AMERICA, acc~rding to the latest Discov- the French and Spanish Settlements adjacent eries, showing New Scotland, Long Island, thereto, finely engraved and printed on 21 folding N. York, N. Jarsey, Mary Land, Pensilvania, sheets, including a key map; roy. folio, half Carolina, &c., by P. LEA and J. OVERTON, inter- bound, EXTREMELY SCARCE, £4 15s, N.D. (1733) esting old COLOURED MAP, with vignette figures, With Dedication to the Queen (Caroline Q. of George &c., size 22 by 29 inches, with margins, 16s. 11.), finely engraved, large Vignette of Indians and About 1685 English Traders. with Apes, Crocodile, Parrot, Palm Tree, &c. Early View of City of New York, another 552 North America j Map of, published under . of City of Quebec, Falls of Niagara, and City of the patronage of the Duke of Orleans, by Mexico, Sir Chas. Wager's Sea Fight with Spanish D' An ville, COLOURED, 28! by 20 inches, with Fleet and Galleons, also small margin plans of d Placentia, Annapolis, Boston, New York, Charles margins, 7s. 6 • 1791 Town, Bermuda, St. Augustine, Providence, Havana, 553 NOUVELLE ESPAGNE, depuis St, Iago, Kingston, Port Antonio, Port Royal, Ear- p M ' t y 't ' C t R · bados, Antiqua, Cartagene, and Porto Bello anuco, .ex1que, e uca an, JUsq a OS a ica, This great map, if mounted and suitably framed, would dont les Castillan se sout rendus maitres les form a handsome picture for the wall of an American premieres, dressee sur les Voyages de F. Cortes, library, being nearly 8 feet square. &c., interesting old richly COLOURED MAP, witli 560 Porto Bello in the West Indies: FINE finely engraved vignette qf Spaniards and Natives OLD Vrnw of the Harbour, Town, and Forts, at a silver mine, size 13! by 8-k inches, with good with Admiral Vernon's Fleet in full Engagement margins, 10s. Leide, N.D. taking the place in 1739, with descriptions under- 554 Novissima et Accuratissima. Totius neath by W. Richardson, on broadside sheet 19 Americre Descriptio, par N. Visscher, fine old by 23 inche.s, RARE, 21s. H. Overton, 1740 map, with vignette figures, &c.; all richly coloured, PORTRAITS. size 2li by 17 i1iches, with ma_rgins, 12s. 561 Mather (Cotton) Finely engrav1;d small Amsterdam, about 1660 oval portrait of, engraved by W. J. Adair, with 555 PENNSYLVANIA. A \'ERY LARGE facsimile of his Signature, INDIA PAPER PROOF, COLOURED MAP, entitled Map of the State of on large paper, measitring 15 inches by 11 inches, Pennsylvania, by READING HOWELL, 1792, 5s. showing the Rivers, St1·eams, Mountains, Roads, 562 White. Fine engraved Portrait of the Counties, Depreciation and Donation Lands, REV. WILLIAM WHITE, D.D., Bishop of the Seats of Justice, Iron Work.9, Manufactories, Protestant Church of the State of PENNSYLVANIA, Minerals and other noted Places, Houses of jrom 01·iginal painting by H. Inman, finely en­ Worship, Mills, Indian Towns, Indian Paths, graved by C. E. Wagstaff, size of engraving 22! &c. ; finely engraved 'and FULLY COLOURED, size by 17 inches, with large margins, BRILLIANT 5 feet 4 inche.~ by 3 feet 2 inches, mounted on IMPRESSION, 21s. canvas and folded in cnse, RARE, £3 10s. 563 Whitefield ( Rev. Mr. George) A FINE Pennsylvania, 1792 MEZZOTINT PORTRAIT of Mr. "Whitefield preach- 556 Peru, FiNELY·ENGRAVED COPPER-PLATE ing in a pulpit, Wollaston-pinxit, Faber fecit, MAP, with Vignettes of Indians, Animals, Mer- size of print 12 by 9! inches, on paper 15! by 11!, men, &c.; size 14 by Ill inches, with good margins, inches, RARE, 21s. 1742 21s. Circa, 1610 --- 30, Park Street, BRISTOL. 32 BIBLIOTHECA GEOGRAPRIOA ET HISTORICA

564 Possession Bay in the Island of South 572 SOUTH AMERICA. Map of, pub­ Georgia, COPPER-PLATE Vrnw by Hodges, en­ lished under the patronage of the Duke of graved by Watts, size 14! by 8! inches, 2s. 6d. 1777 Orleans, by D'Anville, finely engraved ani!, COLO· 565 PRINGLE (Liwt. R.)Averyinteresting URED, 28~ by 20 inches, with margins, 5s. 1791 Collection of Sixteen Original Maps, Plans, 573 ---- Map of,containingTerraFirma, and Military Drawings, very nicely exe<;mted New Granada, Guayana, Amazonia, Brazil, Peru, in vVATER COLOURS, of various sizes, one measiir­ Paraguay, Chaco, Tucuman, Chili, Patagonia, ing 4feet 8 inches long, folded, and mounte.d on and separate Chart of Falkland's Islands, with guards in an imp. folio volume, half bound, Geographical Narrative of S. America, and £13 13s. 1773 Summary Account of its Trade, from MONS. Six are of Portsea Island, Portsmouth, Gosport and D'ANVILLE, with the latest Discoveries, full 'of Langston Town, Harbour and Fortification with detail, with Vignette Inscription design; size 45 Sections of Works at Portsmouth, &c, The remain­ ing ten relate to the Harbour of ST. JOHN'S, inches by 40 inches, folded in case, 25s. 1775 NEWFOUNDLAND, with the Heights. Proposed Valuable for its fullness of detail, names of places, &c. Batteries for Defence, &c., including Fort Townshend. 574 --- ·Map of, dedicated to the Earl Very interesting copy, marked as having belonged to of Sunderland, by Herman Moll, printed from LORD TOWNSHEND,, who fought at Dettingen, Fon­ tenoy, Culloden, and as Commander-in-Chief received copper-plate and COLOURED, with view of the the surrender of QuKBF.C after the death of Gen. Silver Mountain of Potosi, and vignette by Geo. Wolfe. The works at Fort Townshend, &c., were Virtue, of Indians, &c.; size 28 by 23 inches, in directed by him, and these are the original drawings. case, 21s. N.D. (1720) 566 Roberts(Lieut. H.) Chart of the N.W. 575 San Salvador, two old Views of the City Cmtst of America, and the N .E. Coasts of Asia, and its Harbour, on one sheet, size 12~ by SA_ explored in 1778-9, prepared under the inspec­ inches, 2s. 6d. N. D, tion of Capt. Cook, coloured map 27 by 15£ _ 576 South Sea Company. New and Exact inches, mounted on linen and folded, 9s. 1794 Map of the Coast, Countries, and Islands of the 567 Russian Discoveries previous to the South Sea Company, with particular Draught. year 1763, A COLOURED MAP, size 24 inches by 18 of the most important parts, by Hermon Moll, inches, copied from the original published at St. printed on copper-plate and COLOURED ; size about Petersburg, in case, 15s. 1775 26 inches by 19 inches, 10s. N.D. (1720; 568 SANSON (N.) Description du Monde, The enterprising Company comprised everything from en 4 parties, EUROPE, ASIA, AFRICA, AMERICA, the NORTH OF CALIFORNIA to CAPE HORN. en 93 Cartes, et en divers Traittes de Geographie 577 THE SEA ATLAS,ortheWater-World, et d'Histoire, et ce qu'il ya de plub beau, et de shewing al the Sea Coasts of y known parts of plus rare dam1 toutes ses parties et dans ses Ues, y earth, with a Generall Discription of ~he same, 93 maps; 4to, calf, SCARCE, £4 15s. Paris, 1683 verie Usefull for all Masters and Mates of The AMERICAN PORTION extends to nearly .100 pages, Shipps-, and likewise for Merchants, newly sett and includes maps of America, N. America, Canada or New France, Florida The Bermudas, Mexico, or forth, curious engraving on title of a Dutch New Spain, Guadalajarl, Guatemala, The Antilles, Skipper and his Ships, and 38 very curious Terra Firma. Guiana, Arr.azone, Peru, Chili, Brazil, folding map8 of the Sea Coasts ; royal folio, Paraguay, Magellanica. vellum, RARE, £4 10s. Amsterdam, printed by 569 Smith (John) D'Engelze Volkplanting in Jacob and Casparus Loots-Man, Booksellers Virginie, interesting old richly COLOURED MAP, upon ,the Water, in the Loots-Man, Anno, 1677 with finely engraved vignette of Capt. Smith Contents :-Tiu World, 2 Hemispheres, showing parts and natives, size 11-! by Si inches, with good tif New Holland, Van 'Diemen's Land, and New Zealand-Europe-De Noort Zee-De Oost Zee­ margias, 10s. Leide, N.D. Van Schager Rack-Custen Van Noorwegen-Fin­ 570 ---.- Nouvelle Angleterre exactement marcken, Lapland, Spitzbergen, &c., 2 »zaps-Groen• landt-Spitzbergen-Jan Mayen Eylant-De Zuyder decrite, dans ses deux Voyages en 1614 et 15, Zee, Texel ende Vliestroom als mede t Amelaudergat interesting old riclily COLOURED MAP, with finely -Cost van Hollant-De Mase-Cust Van Zeeland­ engraved vignette of Capt. Smith and his men De Zeeusche en Videmiscke Kusten-Texd-N or­ trading with the Natives and a Mermaid; size mandie en Picardie-England from the Soutforeland to Oorfordness-Another of Coast of N ortriding and 11! by Si inches, with good margins, 10s. Durham, with Plan of River of Tyne, and little plan Leide, N.D. of Newcastle-Engleandt, -Schhotlandt, Yrlandt, ea 571 SOUTH AMERICA. MAPA GEOGRAF­ eel Gedeelte van Vranckyrck to Amsterdam-Yrlandt -Canael als men ny de West comt t Amsterdam­ ICO DE AMERICA MERIDIONAL, dispuiesto y De Bocht van Vranckryck Biscayan en Gallissen­ gravado por D. Juan de La Crus, en Madrid, Canaal van Barbaryen en Canarische en Vldemsche ano 1775, de orden del Rey de Espana, A FINE, Eylanden t Amsterdam-Hispangien-Middleland- FULLY-COLOURED MAP, size 4 feet 3~ inches w{de . sche Zee, 2 maps- Cust van Barbaria, 2 maps­ Canarische Eylanden-De Carybes-Nieu Neder­ by 6 feet 1 inch high, mounted on linen and folded landt, Virginies, Nieu Engclandt, en Nova Francia, in folio book-shaped case in calf, RARE, £2 15s. van C. of Faire, tot C. Forchu-West Indien van de 1799 Caribes tot aen de Golfa van Mexico-Caribes, S. This valuable Map, showing South America as then Juan ·de Porte Rico, J. Spangnola, N ueva Andalusia, divided into the Spanish and Portuguese Possessions &c., Brazil-Guinea-Ooest lndien en de Eylanden, contains not only the names of places, but many 2 maps showing Japan and New Holland. valuable explanatory and historical notes, from 578 Thompson and Evert's COMBINATION Spanish sources, not ordinarily referable to by ATLAS MAP OF DE KALK COUNT¥, ILLINOIS, 26 English or American Enquirers, It was issued in COLOURED MAPS, and nearly 150 view.s of Resi­ London by W. Faden, in 1799, and is certified to be an exact and literal copy of the very rare Map made dences, Business Places, J:c., with letter-press ; in Madrid in 1775 for the King of Spain. folio, half morocco, 10s. Geneva, Illinois, 1871 ASHTON NIELD, VALUABLE EARLY AMERICAN MAPS. 33

579 United States (The) of North America, 584 WEST INDIES. Four fine Views, · with the British Territories, and those of drawn by Johnson, engraved by Fielding, and Spain, according to the Treaty of 1784, finely COLOURED IN IMITATION OF DRAWINGS, size of engraved map with some geographical notes, each pkture 17 by 10~ inches, with good margins, COLOURED, with good vignette title with persons £2 2s. 1827 trading, 25 by 21 inches, with margins, 7s. 1796 Subjrts-Kingstown, St. Vincent, from Sion Hill­ 580 United States of North America, with Calliaqua, St. Vincent from the Villa-View in Tortola the British Territories and those of Spain, from Ruthy Hill-English Harbour, Antigua, from coloured map by FADEN, with corner vignette, Great George Fort, Monk's Hill. with English and Natives trading; size 25 by 21 585 Map OF WEST INDIES, or Islands inches, 5s. 1809 of America in the North Sea, with the adjacent 581 Virginire PARTIS AUSTRALIS, et FLORIDJE Countries, showing what belongs . to Spain, partis orientalis, interjacentiumque regianum England, France, Holland, &c., with the Tracts Nova Descripto, copper.:plate map, with vignette of the Galleons and Flotas, by Herman Moll, Indian Group,9, and Arms of King James I.; printed from copper-plate and COLOURED with size 14 by 11! inches, with good margins, 21s. View of the Lake and Citie of America; size 40 Circa, 1610 inches by 23 inches, folded in case, 10s. N. D. 1720 582 --- NovA VIRGINIJETABULA(altered 586 with pen into Terrre-Marire West India Islands, with the adjacent Nova et Virginire Coasts of the Tabula) copper-plate map, with Spanish Continent, by De la vignette Groups Rochette, a nicely COLOURED of Indians, Native Animals, &c.; map, 30 by 28i size 14 by 11! inches, with margins, 7s. 6d. inches, with good margins, 21s. Circa, 1610 Faden, 1796 583 Washington Territory, west of the Cas­ 587 Yucatan et Terre Firme, de la Nouvelle cade Mountains, VERY LARGE COLOURED MAP to Espagne, avec les pays et Iles visitees par Fr. scale of 4 miles to an inch, from the Government Hernandes de Cordua (Cortes) et autres, inter­ Surveys, by C. A. WHITE; size 4 feet by 5 feet 5 estir1:g old richly COLOURED MAP, with finely inches, in 4 portions folded in 8vo book form, eng1 aved vignette of a Beheading; size 131 by 8! cloth, 5s. 1870 inches, with good margins, lOs. Leide, N.D. ORIENTAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY.

588 ASIA. TwENTY-EIGHTVERYINTERESTING 591 ACOSTA (E.) Rerum a Societate Jesu RICHLY COLOURED EARLY MAPS OF VOYAGERS, in Oriente Gestarum, ad MDLXVIII., Commen­ &c., by the Ancient Authorities, with curious taries, Accessere de J aponicis Rebus Epistolarum vignettes, printed circa 1690, 8izes vary from 161 libri IIII. ; sm. 8vo, vellum, FIRST EDITION, by 13! inches, to 11! by 8! inches, wiih margins, RARE, 32s. Dilingce, MDLXXI. RARE, £2 2s. Leide, N. D. Although this valuable book pertains almost entirely to AsIE sur les Observations de l' Academic Royale- the East, yet there is reference to Brazil and the West EMPIRE DE GRAND MoGUL sur Nuno de Cunha- Indies. The 5 parts appear to have been collected Voyages de Mildenhal et Cartwright en PERSE et by John Peter Maft.:eus, and was dedicated by him MoNGOLISTAN- Voyage de Sherley d' Alep par to Cardinal Otho, Rome, 1570-Emanuel Acosta's BABVLONE et PERSE--Albuquerque sur Mer de Commentaries upou the Indies extend to leaf 52. PERSE, Isles de Baharem, Quexiome et Ormus, The Letters from Goa, Amboyna, Malaca, Tanaa, Arabie et Perse a Dio et Surate-CoNSTANTTNOPLE, Cochin, &c., io leaf 228. les Pays qui l'avoisinent et Egypte par N. Schmidt- Bound with it is G. Wicelii Insigirium Locorum VOYAGE DE J. SMITH, d' Angleterre en Allemayne. utriusque Testamenti Comprehensio de Absoluta Italic llARBAIUE, TURQUIE et TARTARIE-Voyage Necessitate Bonorum a Fide, Cotonim, 1576, also au LEVANT par J. Somer-Voyages de Rouwolf en RARE AND VALUABLE. LEVANT-Voyages du Henri Blunt de Venise dans ' 592 BARROS Y COUTO, DECADAS DA ASIA le LEVANT-Voyage de Balby d'Alep en BABYLONIE (dos Feitos que os Portugueses fezerao no et BALSERA, au Pegu, avec !es routes marquees- descobrimento et conquista dos mares e terras Voyage de J Newbery de TRIPOLI et !es ILES DE MEDITERRANEE, &c.-Voyage de Rouwolf d' Alep en do Oriente), nova edicao, con Indice geral, maps BABYLONI..-E, ou YERACH ARABI, en SvR1E et PALES· and portrait; 24 vols, 12mo, Portuguese calf, TINE-Sixieme Voyage de la Campagnie Angloise £5 5s. Lisboa, 1778-88 sous Middleton dans le Mer Rouge a MoCHA-La The best Account of the Early Discoveries of the Mer Rouge, sur J. de Castro-Voyage de T. Coryat Portuguese in Asia. In this edition all that appeared de Jerusalem a Asmere en MONGOLISTAN-Voyage of the original work has been reprinted, and the par Jenkinson dans Astracan, TART ARIE et Mqscou missing portions supplied from other sources. -Pays des Tartares, tirez de J. de Lasc-TARTARIE, (D 1 · A · M' suivant du Plan Carbin et Ascelin en 1246. 47_TAR· 593 Chandler r. R.) Traves m s1a mor TARI]jl sur Rubuquis en 1253-Voyage de Goez de and Greece, map8 and plates; 2 vols, 4to, cloth, Labor dans de CHINE-CHINE, SIAM et BENGALL, 7s. 6d. 1817 par d'Andrade-Voyage de Menesez de Cochin a "Valuable travels. The Author, guided by Pausanias, Panane-Voyage de Wybrand de Bantam a Chine- Strabo and Pliny, has described with wonderful Voyage de Bleskenius de_GROENLANDE-Voyage de accuracy and perspicuity, the ruins of the cities of Barents depuis.15-44 a CATAYA et CHINE-Voyage de Asia Minor, its Tempies, Theatres, &c."-Stevenson. ~~~s~:~!!.N en 1594-5 au Nord-Voyage de MARTIN 8 CHINA AND COREA. 589 Burma, as it Was, as it Is, and as it Will 594 Auber (Peter} China, an Outline of its Be, by J. G. SCOTT; post,8vo, cloth, 3s. 1886 Government, Laws, and 1:'olicy, and the British 590 Carne (John) Recollections of TRAVELS and Foreign Embassies to, and intercourse with, IN THE EAST; post 8vo, boards,_ 3s. 1830 that Empire, map; 8vo, boards, 3s. 1834 30, Park ·Street, BRISTOL. 84 BIBLIOTHECA GEOGRAPHICA ET HISTORICA

China and Corea-continued. China and Corea--continued. . 595 Barrow (John) Public Life and Selected 605 Jocelyn ( Lord) Six Months with the Writings of the Earl of Macartney, portrait; CHINESE EXPEDITION, or Leaves from a Soldier's 2 vols, 4to, calf gilt, 8s. 6d. 1807 Note-book, engravings; small 8vo, cloth; 3s. 1841 Includes The Earl's Account of the Russian Empire, 606 Macartney ( Earl of) Embassy to China, . Political History of Ireland and Embnssy to China. Authentic Account of, by Sir George Staunton, 596 Belcher (Capt. Sir E.) VOYAGE ROUND with a Relation of the Voyage, Journey through THE ,YORLD, 1836-42, including details of the the Country, Account of Pekin, and of the NAVAL OPERATIONS IN CHINA, maps, plates and Great Wall of China, with Notices of Java} woodcuts; 2 vols, 8vo, half calf gilt, 15s. 1843 Su~atra, Cochin China, Rio Janeiro, &c., por­ t?"ait of the Emperor and 597 Chambers' of Lord Macartney, DESIGNS OF CHINESE BUILD­ a11;d finely engraved. vignettes ; 2 vols, roy~l 4to, INGS, Furniture, Dresses, Machines, and Utensils, with a large folio volume engraved of fine plates, maps, from the Originals drawn in China, and charts ; together 3 vols, calf gilt, 36s. 1798 with a description of their Temples, Houses, Gardens, . 607. Morrison (Robert, D.D.) Memoirs of &c., 21 large plates; atlas folio, boards, his Life and Labours, compiled by his Widow, uncut, 25s. 1757 with.Critical Notices of his Chinese Work, by 598 Chinese. Seven Beautiful Chinese S. Kidd, fine plate Drawings of Insects on Flowers, oj the Doctor and his Chinese Bird, and disciples; 2 thick vols, 8vo, cloth, 6s. 1839 Chinese Lady, exquisitely executed in colours on Great Chinese Missionary and Philologist. Author of rice paper; 8vo, 10s. Wibi?.reat Chinese D1cuonary, and Translator of the 599 Costumes et Vues de la Chine, et de la Tartarie graves par SIMON, apres les dessins d' 608 Report of Proceedings on a Voyage tq Alexander, avec les Explications,-Arts, Metiers the Northern Ports of China in the Ship '' Lord et Cultures de la Chine, representes d'apres les Amherst," from Papers printed by order of the Dessins envoyes de Pekin, avec explications par House of Commons, relating to the ·Trade with les Missionaires pensionnes par Louis 14, 15, et China ; 8vo, boards, 3s. 6d. 1833 16, en 3 parties, 1. ART DU VERNJS; 2. PAPIER 609 Tarrant (Wm.)Nu..opo to SHANGHAI in DE BAMBOO; 3. Du THE, sa Culture, prepara­ 1857 (via the borders of An-whui Province, tion et usages, with 77 nicely COLOURED PLATES; ~oo-chow-foo and the Grand Canal); 8vo, 5 parts in 2 vols, 12mo, calf gilt, 8s. 6d. wrappers, 2s. 6d. · N. n. Paris, 1814·20 Printed at the '~Friends of China'' Office, Canton. 600 Davis (Sir John Francis) The Fortunate Union, a Romance 1'ranslated jrom the 610 De Ville ( Le Marquis) Memoires du Chinese, with Notes and Illustrations, to which Voyage au LEVANT ou l'Histoire Curieuse du is added a Chinese Tragedy, 2 vols.-CHINESE Siege de CANDIE, tire des Memoires tres-fideles MoRAL MAXIMS, with a free and verbal transla­ et tr~s-?urieuses, par F. S. d'Alquie, engraved tion. -CHINESE NovELS, translated from the frontispiece; 12mo, calf gilt, 5s. Am8t., 1671 originals, with Proverbs and Moral Maxims, 611 Drummond (Consul) Travels through with Observations on the Language and Litera­ differen,t Cities of , Italy, Greece, ture of China; together 4 vols, 8vo, calf gilt, Cyprus, and several parts of AsIA, so far as the (PRESENTATION CoPY), 28s. 1822 29 Euphrates, describing their present State and With the Author's book-plate in each vol. ' Monuments of Antiquity, numerous large plates 601 Grosier ( Abbe) GENERAL DESCRIPTION of Views, &c. ; folio, calf, 7s. 1745 OF CHINA, containing the Topography of the 612 Esprinchard (J.) HISTOIRE DES OTTO­ Fifteen Provinces which compose this vast MANS, ou Empereurs des 'l urcs, avec son traite Empire, that of Tartary, the Isles, and other des forces de !'Empire Ottoman, des desseius et tributary Countries. number and situation of moyens, &c. ; sm. 8vo, calf, 4s. 6d. Pa,ris, 1609. its Cities, Population, Natural History, Minerals 613 HERBERT (Thomas) A Relation of &~., map and engravings; 2 vols, thick 8vo: ~ome '(eares Travaile, begunne Anno 1626, boards, uncut, 16s. 1795 mto Afnque and the greater Asia, especially the 602 Hall (Capt. Basil) Voyage to COREA and Territories of the PERSIAN MoNARCHIE and the Island of Loo-cHoo, coloured frontispiece and some parts of the ORIENTAL INDIES and Iles numerous plates ; small 8vo, half calf gilt, 3s. 6d. adjacent, elaborate title by William 'Marshall, . 1820 and many very quaint copper-plates · FIRST 603 Hue ( Abbe) Christianity in China EDITION, folio, calf, RARE, £2 15s. ' 1638 '' The l!ltc.r editions do ';}Ot contain many of the quaint Tartary, and Thibet; 2 vols, 8vo, half calf gilt: descriptions and curious stories which are to be 16s. , 1857 found in this /irst.'' 604 Lockman's '!'ravels of the Jesuits into "The last c~apter tells us _how Madoc ap Owen various A Gwynedd Pnnce of Wales discovers the West Indies parts of the World, particularly CHIN bef~re and the EAST INDIES, with Account of th; Columbus three hundred years." The illus- Manners, Government, Civil and Religious ~!~o~f J~c~~lenaa~ engraving of the Dodo, also a Ceremonies, Natural History, and Curiosities of 614 Heude ( Lieut. W.) Voyage up the the Countries, maps and plates; 2 vols, 8vo, PER;SIAN GULF, and Journey. Overland from calf, 12s. 1762 India to England, plates; 4to, calf extra, gilt Some of the Travels are to Peru, California South edges, 12s. 1819 America, Hudson's Bay, &c., with concise Account Includes Notices. of Arabia, Persia, Mesopotamia, of the Spanish Dominions in America. Garden of Eden, Babylon, England., &c. ASHTON NIELD, ORIENTAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 35

615 INDIA, TWENTY-NINE VERY INTEREST· 620 Guthrie (M.) Tour through the TAURIDA, ING RICHLY-COLOURED EARLY MAPS OF TRAVELS or Crimea, the Ancient Kingdom of Bosphorus, BY THE OLD ADVENTURERS, with curious Republic of Cherson and other Countries on the i!ignettes; apparently printed .about 16~0, size of North Shore of the Euxine folding map and each about 11:r by 86 inches, with margins, RARH, plates of Coins, Meclals, Monuments, Inscriptions £2 5s, - Leide, N.:Q: and othe1· curious object$, 4to, calf gilt, 9s. 1802 BENGALE et !es Pays voisins du Gange, par Nuno de 621 MAP. A Large Finely Engraved COL· Cunha-La Mer de PltRSE avec ses· Iles-Voyage LOURED MAP OF ASIA, by Hermann Moll, with d' Andrade· par Mer de MALACCA, au BENGALE, Y SIAM, et Je CHINE-Les Cotes de de GuzuRATE, handsome Vignette of Arms of Lord High MALABAR, BENGALE, MoRocco, S1AM et le CHINE, Chancellor Cowper, Figures of Indians, .E.eplirint, par Albegeria-Cotes de BENGALE, PEGu, MALACCA, Chinese, Oriental Treasure, &:c.; size 38 inches SIAMleCHINESUMATRA,]AVA, BORNEO, MoLOGUE:S b 23 · h 7 6d 7 et autres par Menezes-Grande Ile de CEILON sur Y me es, S. • N. D. (1 16) Albegeria-Iles MALDIVES avec le Mers qui Jes· With Charts of the Hellespont, Gulf of Smyrna, environment par Sequeira-Voyage aux lNoEs sous Bombay, and the Roughly River. J. Lancaster de la Compagnie Angloise-Iles des 622 MAP. A very fine Large COLOURED lNDRS par Wybrand Van Warwyck et Sebald de MAP OF AsIA, full of detail; size 58 inches by Weert-Voyage de Matalief vers les lndes aux 49 inches, folded in a case, 4s. 6d. 1801 MoLOQui;:s et la CHINE-GOLCONDE, TANASSERIM, This fine Map was prepared by G. Arrowsmith, under PEGU et ARRACAN, par Methold-Ile de L'INDE, de ca le Gange, Golconde, Decan, Bisnagar et Fron- the superintendence of Major Rennell, the celebrated tieres de MoGOLISTAN, par Nuno de Cunha-BEN- explorer and traveller in Asia. GALE et Jes Rivieres, suivant de Portugais, par 623 Marigny (Chev. T. De) Three Voyages Lavanha--GuzARATE, et Golfe de Cambaye, suivant in the Black Sea to the Coast of CIRCASSIA, with des Portugais, par Lavanha-Voyage de Hawkins de Description of the Ports and Trade, SuRATE, vers Ju Cours du Grand Mogol-CAMBAVE the MAn­ ou GuzARATE et du GRAND MoGoL jusqu'a BEN- ners, Customs, Religion, &c., of the Uircassians, GALE et PEGU, par Nuno de Cunha-Voyage du map and plates; Svo, cloth, 4s. 6d. 1837 ·Terry aux lNDEs-Cotes de L' ARABIE, Mer Rouge, J Perte, Bassora, Ormus, Indus, Guzarate et Cap 624 Morier ( .) Journey through PERSU, Comorin, par Menezes-Voyage du Grank Seigneur ARMENIA, and ASIA MINOR to CONSTANTINOPLE, contre Jes Portugais de la Mer Rouge par N, de numerous fine engravings of Antiquities, View.~, Cunha-Principante de BAssoRA, par de Cunha- Costumes, &c., and three maps,· 4to, old calf, Voyage de Coverte a CAMBAVE, &c.-Voyage de Fredericks par Ornus, aux lNDES, PEGU et SIAM- 16s. 1812 Voyage de Ralph Fitch a CAMBAVE, PEGu et lNDEs 625 Motraye (Aubrey de la) TRAVELS through -Voyage de SPILBERGEN aux lNDEs--Voyage de EUROPE, ASIA, and part of AFRICA, also PRUSSIA, HoLLANDOIS aux lndes-Voyage de LINSCHOT,EN , T aux Indes-Voyage des Indes par JoHN DAVIS- RUSSIA, and PoLAND,w1th GEOGRAPHICAL, OPO· Voyage de W. ADAMS aux Indes et ]APAN--Pays, GRAPHICAL, and POLITICAL 0BSERVATIONR, and Mers et Iles des lndes que !es ,Portuga'-'> ont !es Account of the most considerable event,s during premiers decouvert. 25 years deposition of the Sultan, War of JAPAN. Russians and Turks, Flight of Charles XII. from Pultowa, his death, &c., numerous maps and fine 616 Al cock's ( Sir A.) Capital of the Tycoon, plates, several of which a1·e by HOGARTH, including a Narrative of a Three Years' Residence in plate of the Pope's Tiara, engraved by G. VERTUE, Japan, with maps and numerous chromo-litho­ ( full size), and other Regalia, splendid Ancient graphic plates and engravings on wood; 2 vols, Gems at Venice, Reception of Charles XII. at 8vo, doth,-scarce, 15s. 1863 Bender by the Turks, &c. ; 3 vols, folio, calf gilt, 617 Kaempfer's History of Japan, with 38s. 1730 BOTH APPENDIXES, .numerous views, maps, and Some of the plates relate to England-Plan of Ply­ very curious objects; 2 vols, folio, calf gilt, NEWLY mouth, &c. BOUND, RARE, £5 10s. 1728 626 Newton (C. T., C.B.) TRAVELS AND So many copies of this valuable_ work on Japan have DISCOVERIES IN THE LEVANT, numerous plates lately been exported, that it has become very scarce , and maps illustrating Rhodes, Halicarnassu&, it is the only book on the subject giving a faithful &c.; 2 vols, roy. Svo, cloth, 12s. 1865 account of the Japanese during the period of their exclusiveness. 627 Ogilby (J.) Asia. The first part, being 618 Knight (Captain) Diary of a Pedestrian an accurate description of PERSIA and the to CASHMERE and THIBET, numerous tinted several Provinces thereof, the VAST EMPIRE of plates; 8vo, clotli gilt, 5s. 1863 the GREAT MoGoL, and other parts of INDIA, 619 Ogilby (J.) Atlas- Japannensis, being the Cities, Towns, Customs, Religion, Plants, Remarkable Addresses by way of Embassy Animals, &c., maps and numerow, fine folding from the Dutch to the and other plates: folio, half calf, 28s. 1673 Emperor Some of the fine plates are said to he by Hollar. The of Japan, containing a description of work contains a copious MALAYAN VOCABULARY. their Territories, Cities, Temples, Fortresses, Religion, Customs, Prodigious Wealth, and PERSIA. Gorgeous Habits, &c., translated from the 628 Brydges ( Sir Harford) Account of the original of Montanus, nearly 100 fine engravings, Mission to the Court of Persia in 1807-11, plates several being large folding plates of Jeddo and on India paper; 2 vols in 1, Svo, cloth, 9s. 1834 other Cities, Customs, Ceremonies, Costumes, &c.; 629 Fraser (J. B.) A Winter's Journey folio, calf, RARE, £3 3s. 1670 (Tatar) from Constantinople to Teheran and Ogilby may be considered the English De Bry. His through Persia, frontispiece.'J; 2 vols, 8vo, calf m~:~:a~i~n~imilar in object, compilation, and mode of gilt, fine copy, 12. 1838 30, Park Street, BRISTOL. 36 BIBLIOTHECA GEOGRAPHICA ET HISTORICA

Persia-continued. Syria and Palestine-continued. 630 Kinneir (J. M.) Geographical Memoir of 64.1 Amico ( R.P.F., B.) TrattatodellePiante the Pereian Empire; 4to, 4s. 6d. · 1813· et Immagini de Sacri Edifizi de Terra Santa, An excellent Geographical Memoir, describing Provinces disegnate in Ierusalemme secondo le regole of which we had no previous knowledge whatever.­ della Prospettiva, e vera misura della lor gran, Ed. Review. A valuable work.-Dibdin's Lib. Consp. dezza, numerous large copper-plate.~ engraved by N.B.-A large Map to accompany was published by Callot; 4to, calf, RARE, 24s. Firenze, 1620 Arrowsmith, but it is not with this copy. Most interesting work, containing from actual measure­ 631 Mounsey (A. H., Sec. to Brit. Emb. at ment Plans, Sections, Views, Principle Features, &c., Vienna) Journey through the CAUCASUS and of the Holy Places: Church of the Holy Nativity at Bethlehem, Church at Cairo on site of the House o! the Interior of PERSIA, folding map from Con­ the Holy Family, Church of the L-ast Supper and stantinople to Delhi, showing Herat, Candahar, Tomb ofDavid, House of Anna,House of Caiaphas, Oaubul, ~c.; 8vo, cloth, uncut, 4s. 6d. 1872 Palace of Pilate, Via Dolovosa, Mount Calvary, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Church of the Ascension, House of Zebedee, House of St. Anne, Sepulchre of Madonna, View of Jerusalem in 1609, 632 Peter the First, Emperor of Russia, and in Anno Domini, Tombs of the Kings, &c. History of his Life, containing a description of 642 Lamartine's Visit to the Holy Land, Russia or Muscovy, SIBERIA, CRIM TAR'fARY, or Recollections of the East, with Descriptions &c., also the Birth and Rise of the Empress of the principal Scenes of our Saviour's Ministry, Catherine, with the Crimes and Trial of the translated by Phipson, portrait, · maps, and Czarewitz, Son to Pet. I. ; folio, hf. bound, 5s. plates; 2 vols in 1739 1, 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. 184.5 633 Pococke's Description of the East, and 643 Lynch (Commander W. F.) Narrative of some other Countries, with upwards of 150 plates the United States Expedition to the RIVER of Antiquities, Natural History, &c.; 3 vols, JORDAN and the DEAD SEA, maps and illustra,. folio in 2, calf, 35s. 17 43. 5 tions, Views, Costumes, &:c.; 8vo, cloth, 6s. 1850 "Pococke was probably equal to any Oriental Scholar 644 Maundrell's Journey from Aleppo to whom Europe has hitherto produced."-HALLAJ\I. Jerusalem, at Easter, A.D. 1697, with the 634 Porter ( Sfr R. Ker) TRAVELS IN GEORGIA, Author's Journey to the Euphrates and to Meso­ PER!!IIA, ARMENIA, ANCIENT BABYLON, &c., potamia, plates; 8vo,. panelled calf, 3s. 1714 during the years 1817-20, with 87 plates of Anti­ quities, Costume, &c., besides woodcuts and plans; 645 Palestine Exploration Fund State­ 2 vols, 4to, calf gilt, £1 18s. 1821-22 ments, complete from the commencement in 1869 "This narrative is executed in a pleasing and lively to 1881 inclusive, numerous engravings and plans, style, and these volumes form a valuable addition to 51 numbers; 8vo, sewed, SCARCE, £4 10s. 1869-81 our stock of knowledge of the countries described." -DIBD!N. 635 Purdy (J.) Map of the Continent and 646 Travels of several Learned Missioners of Islands of Asia, with all the latest Discoveries, the Society of Jesus into divers parts of the finely engraved and FULLY COLOURED, size 57 ~ by Archipelago, India, China, and America, 46 inches, mounted on linen, and folded, 3s. 1809 with Descriptions of Towns, Customs, Manners, 636 Sandy's (G.) Relation of a Journey to Religion, the Turkish &c., and Curious Remarks, plat~; Empire, Egypt, the Holy Land, and 8vo, original neat panelled calf, 12s. 1714 the Remote parts,of Italy and Islands adjoining, engraved title and copper-plates, corner of last 647 Turkish Empire. A Map of the Turkish leaf deficient and mer.ded; folio, calj, 6s. 1632 Empire in EUROPE, AsIA, and AFRICA, divided 637 Sanson. L'Asie, en Cartes Nouvelles into . all . its Governll:1e~ts, with the Tributary et exactes, et en divers traiitez de Geographie Territories and Dom1mons of the EMPERORS OF et d'Histoire, la ou sont decrits ses Empires, MoRocco, engraved on copper by H. Moll, and Monarchies, Estats, Moeurs, Langues, Religions, COLOURED, with Views of the City of Jerusalem Richesses, &c., de ses Peuples, numerous fine old Interior and Exterior of the Church of the Holy 2-page maps; 4to, stiff covers, 9s. Amst. (1700) Sepulchre, the Sepulchre and Grave of ou1· Saviour, 638 Siam. NEALE (F. A.) Narra.tive of a Constantinople, and Smyrna; 40 inches by 24 Residence in SIAM, with account of the Manners, inches, 6s. ( 1720) Customs, and Laws of the Modern Siamese, 648 Chis h u II (E.) TRAVELS IN numerous engravings ; post Svo, cloth gilt, 2s. 6d. TURKEY and back to England, edited by the 1852 learned Dr. Mead; folio, calf, LARGE PAPER COPY, WITH THE DUKE OF PORTLAND'S BOOK­ SYRIA AND PALESTINE. PLATE, 8s. . 1747 639 De- Saulcy (F.) Narrative of a Journey 649 Turks, History of, from their .rise to round the Dead Sea and in Bible Lands in 1850 1683, portrait of Sultan .Mahomet Han; 8vo, and 1851, including the Discovery of the Sites calf, 4s. 6d: 1683 of Sodom and Gomorrah, map of the Land of 650 Valentia ( Lord) Voyages and Travels to Moab, and Plan of the Temple on Mount INDIA, CEYLON, the RED SEA, ABYSSINIA and Gerizim; 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, 4s. 6d. 1854 EGYPT; in the years 1802 to 1806, with 60 fine 640 Isaacs ( Rev. A. A.) The Dead Sea, or plates jrom drawings taken on the spot by H. Notes and Observations on De Saulcy's supposed Salt, Esq., engraved by Angus, Landseer, Warren. Discovery of the Cities of the Plain, plates; &:c. ; 3 vols, roy. 4to, fine copy in calf gilt, 36s. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d, 1857 (pub. £9 9s.) Bu1mf'.r, 1809 ASHTON NIELD, ORIENTAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 37

651 Walsh (R.) ·Narrative 'of a Journey from I 653 Wolff ( Rev. Joseph, D.D.) Journal of CONSTANTINOPLE to ENGLAND; maps and en- ,his Missionary Labours from 1827 to 1838; 8vo, gmvings, post 8vo, boards, 3s. (pub. at 12s.) 1829 cloth, 3s. 1830 . 652 Wood ( Lt.) Personal Narrative of a I 653a NARRATIVE OF A MISSION TO Journey to the Source of the River Oxus, by BoKHARA, in 1843-5, to ascertain the Fate of Col. the Route of the Indus, Kabul, and Badakhshan Stoddart and Capt. Conolly, portraits and plates, in 1836-7-8, map; 8vo, calf gilt, 4s.6d. 1841 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, 4s.6d. 1845 INDIA AND THE FRONTIER STATES. 654 Allen's LARGE COLOURED MAP OF INDIA, 664 Ceylon Almanack and Compendium of from the most recent Authorities; size 32 inches Useful Information, view of Paradenia Bridge; by 37 inches, folded in case, 2s. 6d. 1844 sm. 8vo, half bouncl, 2s. Colombo, 1833 655 Army List: Officers of the Army, Ord- 665 Clive ( Lord) Lithographed Plate from nance, and Medical Departments, serving under Painting by Benjamin West, P.R.A., of Lord the Presidency of Fort St. George; small 8vo, Clive receiving the grant of the Dewannee from bound, 3s. 6d. · Fort St. George, 1819 The Great Mogul (painted for Lord Olive's Son, Major Marriott's copy, with his Autograph. the personages nw,,bered with reference names), 656 Balfour (E.) The Timber Trees, Timber with 3 pp. description-Lord Clive's Letter, 1803, and Fancy Woods and Forests of India, and of to Directors of H. E. I. C.-Sir T. S. Raffle's Eastern and Southern Asia; 8vo, cloth, 6s. Minute on Malay College at Singapore. His Madras, 1870 Memoir on Administration of Eastern Islands­ . 657 Bengal. Selections from the Records of Singapore, Local Laws and Institutions, by Sir Government, P. W.D.-Irrigation, Branch No. T. S. R., 1824-His Letter to E. I. C.-State- 1, Papers from 1866 to 1870, regarding the ment of Services of Sir Stamford Raffles, 1824 DAMOONAH CANAL PROJECT, large map; 8vo, -Papers ordered to be printed by Court of cloth, 3s. 6d. Calcutta, 1871 Proprietors of E. I. Stock, 1800-Letter to Mr. 658 Bent i n ck ( Lord William Cavendish) Canning on some points in question of Silk Memorial to the Court of Directors, containing Trade, 1820: royal 4to, half ca{J, 14s. _an Account of the Mutiny at Vellore, with the 606 Cunningham (J. D.) HrsTORY OF THE causes and consequences of that event; 4to, SIKHS, from the Origin of the Nation to the boards, uncut, _Ss. 6d. 1810 Battles of the Sntlej. map of the Punjab and 659 Blacker (Lieut. -Col. Valentine) Memoirs adjacent countries; Svo, cloth, 10s. 1849 of the OPERATIONS OF THE BRITISH ARMY IN 667 Dirom (Major) Narrative of the Cam­ lNDIA, during the MAHR:ATTA ,VAR of 1817-18 paign in India, and War with TrPPOO SULTAN, and 19; illustrated with maps and Topographical maps and plans, including RARE Vrnw OF Plans, 4to, half rnssia, 14s. 1821 SERINGAPATAM, and plan of the Siege, Tippoo 660 Briggs (John) LAND TAX IN INDIA; 8vo, Sultan's Seal, &c; 4to, calf gilt, 16s. 1794 boards~ 9s. 183() 668 Dow's History of Hindostan, translated RARE. This work is the great text-book of legislators from the Persian, with Dissertations, portrait on the important land question in India, and the d · l proper relations between the British Government, the an engravings; 3 vo s, Svo, half calf, 14s. 1812 Zamindars, and the Ryots. 669 Duff's History of the Mahrattas, front- 661 [Sunbury, Col.] The MUTINY OF THE ispiece and maps; 3 vols, 8vo, hf. calf, VERY BENGAL ARMY, an Historical Narrative, by One SCARCE, £2 10s. 1826 who has served under Sm CHARLES NA.PIER; 670 East India Register and Directory for Svo, cloth, 3s. 6d. 1858 1816; sm. 8vo, ud morocco, gilt edges, 6s. 1816 662 Cambridge (Richard Owen) An Account With complete lists of Company's Servants, other of the WAR IN INDIA between the English and Europeans, &c. -Births, Marriages, and Deaths in India, &c. With it is bound STOCKDALE's PEERAGE, French on the Coast CoROMANDEL, from 17 50 to with plates. 1760, with a Relation of the late Remarkable 671 Elphinstone ( Hon. M.) Account of the Events on the Malabar Coast, and the Expedi- Kingdom of Caubul, and its Dependencies, tion to Golconda and Surat, also the Operations Persia, Tartary, and India, with a View of the of the Fleet, the whole compiled from Original AFGHAUN NA1'ION, folding map and coloured and Papers, many folding maps and plans by 'P. plain plates; 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d. 1839 Jefferys, also Views of Forts, &c.; thick 4to, 672 FRASER (J. B) VIEWS OF THE whole bound russia,full gilt back and sides, VERY HI MALA MOUNTAINS, a Series o(TWENTY FINE COPY, 18s. 1761 MAGNIFICENT PLATES, HIGHLY COLOURED IN Contains Col. Lawrence's Narrative of the War on the 1 h Coast of Coromandel, from the Beginning of the IMITATION OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS; e ep ant Troubies to 1 754, the Expedition against Angria, folio, hf. morocco, £3 10s. (pub. £16 16s.) 1820 5. Journal 173 of the Siege of Fort St. George, 1758-9, 673 G d (0 t "lXT ) A K by J. Call, Col. Ford's Expedition to Golconda, &c. erar ap · n · CCOUNT OF OONA· 663 CAUTLEY (Col. Sir P. T.) REPORT WUR: in the Himalayas, &c., ed. by Lloyd, large­ ON. THE GANGES CANAL WORKS, con- folding map; Svo, cloth, 4s: 6J. 1841 sisting of 2 vols 8vo 168 diagrams and numer- 674 Hooker (Dr.) Himalayan Journals, ous woodcuts; 1 'vol, 4:to, 21 plates of plans, SO'f!W Notes of a ~ aturalist in B~ngal, the. Sikkim of them folding cloth ; and 1 vol, atlas £oho, and ~ e~al Himalayas, Khas1a: l\fountams, &c., containing 66 large folding plans of Canals, frontispieces and wood engravings; 2 vols, post Bridges, Jee.; hJ: morocco, £615s. (pub. £21) 1860, 8vo, cloth gilt, 14s. 1855 30, Park Street, BRISTOL. 38 BIBLIO'l'HEOA 'GEOGRAPHIOA ET HISTORIOA

675 Hamilton (Francis) An Account of the 688 Pollok (Ool.) Sport,in British Burmah, Kingdom of NEP.A,L, and of the Territories Ass-am, and the Cassyah and Jyntiah Hills a;nnexed to this Dominion by the House of map and illustrations ; 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, 8s. 6d. Gorkba, map and plates, chiefly Views of the (pub. 24s.) 18'19 Himalayas; 4to, boards, UNCUT, 15s. Edb. 1819 Colonel Pollok is an enterprising sportsman, and idl FRANCIS HAMILTON is bettor known under his former who are interested in Jungle Shooting should read name of BUCHANAN. · He was the author of the justly his volumes.-A the11ceum. celebrated Journey through Mysore, &c. 689 PRINSEP (Jas.) and THOMAS (E.) 676 Historical and Descriptive Account ESSAYS ON INDIAN ANTIQUITIES, of British India, from the most Remote Period Historic, Numismatic, and Palregraphic, with to the,Conclusion of the Afghan War, by Hugh useful Tables of Indian History, Chronology, lforray, James Wilson, Professor Jameson, and Modern Coinages, Weights, Measures, &c. 1 others, map and 26 engravings by Branston; 3 nearly 50 plates ; 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, £6 10s. 1858 vols, sm. Svo, cloth, 4s. (pub. 15s.) 1843 A work of high intrinsic value, absolutely necessary t~ all Students of Indian History and Antiquities. 677 History of the Punjaub, and the Rise 690 Ram Raz ( Native Judge at Bangalore) and Present Condition of the Sikhs ; 2 vols, er. Essay on the Architecture of the Hindus, with 8vo, · cloth, 7s. 6d. 1846 48 plates; 4to, cloth, 9s. 183( 677a Hugel (Baron)Travels inKABHMIRand 691 RENNELL(Major)DESCRIPTIONOFTH.8 PANJAB, with a Particular Account of the RoADS IN BENGAL and BAHAR, containing the Government and Character of the SIKHS, with direct Roads from Calcutta, Moorshedabad, Notes by Major Jervis, portrait and plates, no Patna and Dacca, to all the Cities, Townsi and map; royal 8vo, cloth, 5s. (pub. 18s.) 1845 Places of Note, with the Cross Roads from 678 India. MAP OF-THE PENINSULA OF, from Military Stations and Factories to all places of 19c N.L. to Cape Cormorin, showing the Acqui- Note, folding map; 12mo, calf, 8s. 6d. - 1778 sitions by G.reat Britain, and her Allies the Shows the measured distances between the Stages and Nizam, the Mahrattas, &c., FULLY COLOURED, the number and situation of the Fords and Ferries. size 32! by 39 inches, folded, 4s. 6d. 1792 692 --- Map of Hindoostan, or the 679 Johnsori (D.) SKETCHES OF INDIAN FIELD Mogul Empire, from the latest authorities, finely SPORTS, the Customs of the Inhabitants, and the engraved and , COLOURED, size 48 by 41 inche$, Art of Catching Serpents, with Account of the mounted on linen and folded,· 7s. 6d. 1788 Hunting of the ·wnd Boar, plates; 8vo, boards, 693 Memoir of a Map of Hindoostan, 8s. 6d. , 1827 _ or the Mogul's Empire, with Introduction on the 680 Kaye (J. W.) Life and Correspondence Geography of Hindoostan, and its division into of L:ord Metcalfe, Governor-General of India, States, and Index of Names, large map,· 4to1 Jamaica, and Canada ; 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, 9s. calf gilt, 18s. 1783 ub. £1 16s.) 1853 With the arms, in gold, of the Hon. East India Com• (p - pany on each cover. 681 Low (C.R.) History of the INDIAN NAVY The most valuable work extant oii the geography and- from 1613 to 1863; 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, 12s. -1877 political state of lndia.-PINKERTON. -682 Lushington (Mrs. C.) Narrative of a 694 ---- Map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude, Journey froni CALCUTTA to EuRoPE by way of and Allahabad, with part of Agra and Delhi, EGYPT ; post 8vo, boards, 3s. 1829 and the Course of the Ganges, from Hurdwar 683 Mackworth (Major, 13th Dragoon.'!) to the Sea, :roLLY COLOURED, size 42! b11 28! Diaiy of a Tour through Southern India, Egypt, inches, mounted on linen and folded, 7s. 6d. 1786 and Palestine, in the years 1821 and 1822, map 695 S~le ( Lady) Journals of the Disa,sters and engravings; 8vo, boards, 3s. 6d. 1823 in AFFGH_ANISTAN, 1841-2, folding map; post 684 Moor (E.) Narrative of the Operations 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. . -· 1843 of Captain Little's Detachment, and of the 796 Stirling ( Major Wm.) The Rivers of MAHRATTA ARMY, commanded by Purseram Paradise and Chil{lren of Shem, with Disquisi­ Bhow, during the late Confederacy in India, tions on the Expedition of Sesostris into India, against TIPPOO SULTAN, map, plates of Coins, chart and plate; 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. 1855 plan of Battle, dtc.; 4to, calf, 8s. 6d. · 1794 697 Symes's Embassy to the Kingdom of 685 Munro (Innes, Capt. 73rd Highlanders) Ava (Burmese Empire) in 1795, ioitli large map, Narrative of MILITARY OPERATIONS on the and numerous fine engravings oj Scenery, .An­ CoROMANDEL COAST, against the French, Dutch, tiquities, ,Oostumes, dee.; 3 vols, 8vo, and 4to and Hyder Ally, fine Plans of Battles with Nabob ATLAS; 4 vols, boards, uncut, 16s. - 1800__ Hyder Ally and Tippoo Sahib, and fine folding 698 Tavernier (J. B.) TRAVELS through View of Port Louis in Mauritius (the scene of TURKEY into PERSIA and the EAST INDIES, Paul and Virginia); 4to, calf gilt, 16s. . 1789 describing their present state, with the Wars 686 0 u t r a m (Lieut. -Ool.) CONQUEST OF and Voyage of the Great Mogul, Aureng-Zebe, ScINDE (Part !.-General Sir Charles Napier's from DELHI to LAHORE and CASHMERE, relation Negotiations with the Ameers); 8vo, cloth, of the Kingdom of JAPAN and TuN'KIN, and-the 2s.- 6d. 1846 Grand Seignior's Seraglio, plates and cuts; 2 687 Postan (Oapt.) Personal Observations on vols in 1, folio, calf, 28s. - 1684 'Sindh, the Manners and Customs of its Inhabi- "Among the most valuable travellers in the East."- tants, &c., plates an,d ma~ ; Svo, cloth, 4s. 6d. PINKERTON. ub. 18s.) It contains interesting account of the Diamond Mines, (p 1843 Visit to Golconda, Rubies, Pearls, Gold, &c. ASHTON NIELD, ORIENTAL HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 39

699 Tanjore. Original Papers, containing 704 Thuggee. RAMASEEANA, or Vocabulary all the Letters and Conferences between his of the Language of the Thugs, Highness with Introduc­ the Nabob of Arcot and Lord Pigot, tion and Appendix [by GEN. SIR W. H. SLEEMAN] on the subject of the Restoration of Tanjore, 8vo, cloth, SCARCE, 12s, 6d. Calcutta, 1836 with Connecting Narrative and Notes; 4to, A rare and curious work. This thick volume contains half calf, SCARCE, 6s. 1777 • a mass of information upon the murderous religious 699a Tennent(SirJ. E.} Ceylon, an Account sect which formerly spread throughout India, and the of the Island, Physical, Historical, and Topo­ rites and observances of the Worship of Kali; also graphical, with the Correspondence and full accounts of numerous Notices of its Natural History, investigations and cases, and the measures adopted Antiquities, and Productions, FH'TH EDITION, by Government. (Sir W. H. S. suppressed Thuggee.) maps and engravings; 2 thick vols, 8vo, cloth, 705 Torrens (Lt.-Col.) Travels in LADAK, 30s. 1860 TARTARY, and KASHMIR, map, COLOURED 700 --- The PLATES WILD ELEPHANT and the and other illustrations; 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d. 1862 Method of Capturing and Taming it in CEYLON, With Autograph of Lord Wm. Hey, one of the travellers. plates; post 8vo, cloth, 3s. 1867 701 TOD (Lt.-Col. James} ANNALS AND 707 Weitbrecht (Mrs.) Missionary Sketches in NORTH ANTIQUITIES OF RAJASTHAN, or the INDIA with reference to recent events, Central and Western Rajpoot States of India, folding map and engravings; post 8vo, cloth, 3s. folding map and numerous beautiful engravings 1858 by Finden; 2 vols, roy. 4to, cloth, uncut, EX­ 708 [Wellesley, Marquis] Notes relative to !rREMELY SCARCE, £7 15s. 1829-32 the late transactions in the MARHATTA EMPIRE. 702 --- TRAVELS IN WESTERN Fort William, Dec. 15, 1803, with Official INDIA, embracing a Visit to the Sacred Moun­ Documents, 6 coloured plans, including BATTLE tains of the Jains, and the most celebrated OF AssAYE ; 4to, calf gilt, 18s. 1804 Shrines of the Hindoo Faith, between Rajpoo­ 709 [Young (Major Gavin}] Inquiry tana and into the Indus, and Account of the Ancient the Expediency of Applying the Principles of City of. N ehrwalla, numerous beautiful plates ; Colonial Policy to the Government of India, roy. 4to, cloth, uncut, £3 10s. 1839 and effecting an Essential Change in its Landed 703 Thornton's Chapters of the Modern Tenures and Character of its Inhabitants History ; 8vo, of British India; 8vo, cloth, 3s. 1840 half russia, SCARCE, 5s. 1828 LITERATURE AND PHILOLOGY. 710 ARABIC. RICHARDSON (J., Society of 717 Ballantyne (J. R.) Practical Oriental .Antiquaries) Arabic Grammar, and SPECIMENS Interpreter, ~r Hints on the Art of Trans­ OF PERSIAN POETRY, or Odes of Hafez, with an lating readily from ENGLISH into HINDUSTANI English Translation; the two ·works bound and PERSIAN, with illustrative Exercises and together, 4to, calf gilt, 9s. 1776-74 Vocabulary; roy. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. 1843 711 --- Pococke (E.} Specimen His- torire Arabum, cum notis; accessit Historia 718 Oordoo. TECHNICAL DIALOGUES IN Veterum Arabum ex Abulfeda, cure A. J. ENGLISH AND OoRDOO (for the Thomason Civil Sylvestre de Sacy, ed. J. White, ARABICE ET. Engineer College); 8vo, 2s. 6d. Roorkee, 1866 LATINE, portrait; half calf gilt, 9s. 6d. 1806 719 SA NSCR IT. Bm.GVAT-GEETA (The) 712 Arichandra, the Martyr of Truth, a or Dialogues of Khreesna and Arjoon in Tamil Drama, translated by M. C. Swany; Eighteen Lectures with Notes, translated from sm. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 1864 the original in the Sanskreet, or Ancient Lan- 713 Caldwell (Rev. R.} Comparative Grammar guage of the Brahmans by Sm C. vVILKINS, of the DRAVIDIAN, or South Indian Family of finely printed, 4to, russia, elegantly bound and Languages; 8vo, cloth, 7s. 1856 richly gilt on back and sides, 12s. 1785 714 FERISHTA (Mahomed Rasim) Tarikh- 1-Ferishta, or History of the Rise of the 720 --- Sakoontala; or the Lost Ring, Mahomedan Power in India till the year 1612, an Indian Drama, translated in P1·ose and Verse in Persian, edited by J, BRIGGS,; 2 vols, folio, jrom the original .Kalidasa, by PROF. 11oNIER lithographed, half bound PRESENTATION COPY TO WILLIAMS ; 8vo, cloth, 6s. Hertford, 1856 THE DUKE OF SussEx, WITH ms BOOK-PLATE, SANSCRIT. Heetopades (The) £2 lOs. . Bombay, 1831 721 of Tkis, tke on"ginal edition, contains passages abn"dged Veeshno Sa,rma, a Series of Fables, and Moral, or left out in the English translation. Prudential and Political ::VIaxims, translated from 715 HINDUSTANI. HADLEY (G.) Gram- an Ancient Sanskreet MS. with Notes by Sir C. matical Remarks on the Practical and Vulgar Wilkins; 8vo, half russia gilt, 5s. Bath, 1787 Dialect of the Indoston Language, commonly "This work is in such estimation throughout the East c&lled Moors, with Vocabulary English and that it is translated into every dialect."-RoB!l:RTSON. Moors; Svo, calf, 4s. 6d. 1774 722 Ramayuna (The) of Valmeeki, 716 --- Ballantyne (J. R.)'Hindustani translated from the Original Sanskrit, by Carey Selections in the Nashki and Devanagari Char- and Marshman; vol. I, containing the First a.cter, with Vocabulary ; roy. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. Book (all that was printed) ; Svo, 450 pp., 1840 boards, uncut, 7s. 6d. 1808 ao, Park Street, BRISTOL. 40 BIBLIOTHECA GEOGRAPHICA ET HISTORICA OCEANIA. Contains Works on the Philippines and Formosa, Malayan Archipelago, Java, Borneo, The Celebes, New Guinea, Australia and Tasmania, New Zealand, Polynesia, Fiji, Sandwich Islands, Society Islands, &c. 723 Abo r i g i n es. Report from the Select 738 Beeckman (Capt.) Voyage To and From Committee of House of Commons on Aborigines the ISLAND OF BORNEO, in the East Indies, with of British ::::iettlements, with Minutes of Evidence, a Description of the Island, Account of the Appendix and Index, portion of one leaf wanting; Inhabitants, Manners, Customs, Religion, Pro.• very thick folio, sewed, SCARCE, 21s. 1836 duct, etc., also Description of the Islands of The enquiry included Southern Africa, Canadas, New­ Canary, Cape Verd, Java, Madura, Cape of foundland, New South Wales, Van Dieman's Land, Good Hope, St. Helena, etc., plate.'J; 8vo, calf, New Zealand, and South Sea Islands. Directory for 12s. 1718 724 Adelaide Almanac and in N. S. Australia, with Official, Ecclesiastical, 739 Bennett (G.) Wandering South Coast, Singapore, and Banking, and Mercantile Directory; 8vo, Wales, Batavia, Pedir Legal, of a Naturalist in those 2s. 6d. 1876 China, being the Journal cloth, 2 vols, 8vo, boards, 726 Archer (W. H.) Statistical Notes on the countries, frontispiece; the Foundation of uncut, 28s. 1834 Progress of Victoria, from of (1835-60); First Series, Part I. and 740 Binney (Rev. T.) Lights and Shadows the Colony on some 4to, stiff covers, 10s. JJ:felbourne, 1860 Church Life in Australia, and Thoughts II. ; "Two Hundred Years ---- Statistical Register of Victoria, Things at Home, with 727 8vo, cloth, 3s. 1860 from the Foundation of the Colony, with Astro­ Ago, Then and Now " ; sm. nomical Calendar for 1855 ; 8vo, stiff covers, 5s. 742 BREES (S. C.) PICTORIAL ILLUS­ , Melbourne, 1854 TRATIONS OF NEW ZEALAND, with 728 Arrowsmith's Map of Australia, from descriptions of the Scenes represented, and Surveys made by Order of the British Govern­ Anecdotes of the Natives and Life in the Bush, ment, combined with those of D'Entrecasteaux, 67 bea,utiful Views, drawn by the Author, and Baudin, Freycinet, &c., COLOURED ; size 2 feet 10 engraved on steel by Melville, FINE LARGE PAPER inches by 2 feet 2 inches, on linen, folded, 8s. 1840 COPY' WITH INDIA PROOF PLATES ; imp. folio, 729 ---- Another, on linen, folded in case, cloth, RARE, £5 5s. 184.7 7s. 6d, 1842 743 Brown (W.) NEW ZEALAND and its 730 --- Map of Van Dieman's Land, ABORIGINES, being an Account of the Aborigines, from Official Surveys, COLOURED ; size 2 feet 2 Trade, and Resources of the Colony ; post 8vo, inches by 1 foot 9 inches, on linen, folded in book cloth, SCARCE, 16s. 1845 form, scarce, 6s. 6d. 1842 744 Bull (J. W.) Early Experiences of Life. 731 Atkins (Rev. T.) Reminiscences of Twelve in , and an Extended Colonial Years' Residence in Tasmania and N.S. Wales, History, with illustrations; srn. 8vo, cloth, 4s. 6d. Norfolk Island, and Moreton Bay, Calcutta, Adelaide, 1884 Madras, and Cape Town, U. S. of America, 745 Bu II er ( Rev. James). Forty Years in New and the Canadas, engravings; post 8vo, cloth, Zealand, including a Personal Narrative, Ac­ 3s. 6d. 1869 count of Maoridom, and the Christianization 732 Australian and New Zealand Monthly and Colonization of the Country, portrait and Magazine for N. S. Wales, V. Dieman's Land, plates ; 8vo, cloth, 5s. 1878 and N. W. Australia, Port Philip, S. Australia, 747 Butler (S.) A First Year in CANTERBURY Zealand, by H. Capper ; Parts I., II., III., V., foldinq map; post 8vo, cloth, 1842 SETTLEMENT, VI. ; Svo, printed wrappers, RARE, 24s. 7s. 6d. . 1863 733 Australian Handbook (incorporating 749 Byron (Capt. Lord) Von.GE TO THE New Zealand and New Guinea), folding maps; SANDWICH ISLANDS in the years 1824-5, map thick 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. 1882 and fine plates; 4to, cloth, uncut, 30s. 1826 734 Backhouse (J.) Narrative of a Visit to 750 Campbell (W.) The Crown Lands of the Australian Colonies, maps, plates, and wood­ Australia, being an Exposition of the Land cuts; thick 8vo, cloth, 16s. 1843 Regulations, and Claims and Grievances of the 736 Bankes's Universal Geography, Ancient Crown Tenants, and Hints on Emigration and and Modern, describing the whole of Europe, the Gold Fields ; 8vo, cloth, SCARCE, 12s. 1855 Asia, Africa, and AMERICA, with maps and 751 Chaffers (E. M.) Chart of Port numerous copper-plates of Views, Ceremonies, Nicholson, New Zealand, on linen, folded in Customs, and Places, INCLUDING LARGE EN­ case, SCARCE, 10s. 6d. 1839 GRAVINGS OF NATIVES IN THEIR DIFFERENT Civilization, 1787 752 Christianity the Means of CosTu11rns, &c ; 2 vols, folio, calf, 10s. Committee of House Contains extensive descriptions of Australia, Van shown in Evidence before Diemen's Land, New Zealand, South Sea Islands, &c. of Commons on Aborigines, by Mr'. COATES, 737 Belt on Mineral Veins and their Origin, Rev. J. BEACHAM, Rev. W. ELLIS, and others; founded on a Study of the Auriferous Quartz er. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. 1837 Veins of AUSTRALIA, maps and cuts; 8vo, 753 Clacy (Mrs. C.) Lights and Shadows of wrappers, .scarce, 4s. 6d. 1861 Austr~lian Life ; 2 vols, post 8vo, hf. cf., 5s. 1854 ASHTON NIELD, BOOKS RELATING TO OCEANIA. 41

754 CHRISTCHURCH. The Press, FROM 765 Duncan (S. T.) Journal of a Voyage ;to THE COMMENCEMENT; No. 1, on May 25th, 1~61, Australia, by the Cape of Good Ho~e, Six to No. 207, June 30th, 1863, neat clean set in Months in Melbourne, and Return to .1£ngland 3 vols folio, cloth, RARE, £8 8s. by Cape Horne, with Scenes and Sayings on Sea ' Christchurch, 1861-63 and Land ; sm. 8vo, cloth, 5s. 1869 There are a few apparent deficiencies, but it is probable 766 Dunn (S.) MAP OF THE EAST INDIA they are not really so, as the getting UJ:? of the numbers ISLANDS, comprehending the ISLES varies very much from the quant_1ty of news or OF SuNDA, adv~rtisements in hand, and so~etlmes the same the MOLUCCAS, and the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, number is printed for two success1v«? dates. Some­ COLOURED; size of map 17 by 12 inches, 3s. 6d. 1714 times when matter was scarce. there 1s a blank page. 767 D u t t o n (F.) South Australia and its It is therefore most probable that the absent num~~rs were not issued. In any case they are very f~w. I he Mines a History of the Colony under its Several number for March 14, 1863, was the first daily paper Admi~istrations, to Captain Grey's Departure, published in Canterbury. plates and large map; 8vo, cloth uncut, 12s. 1846 755 Collingwood (C.) Rambles of a Natu­ 768 Earp (G. B.) Handbook for intending ralist on the Shores and ·waters of the CHINA, Emigrants to the Southern Settlements of FORMOSA, New BoRNKO, SINGAPORE, &c., with illus­ Zealand; post 8vo, boards, 3s. 1852 trations; thick 8vo, cloth gilt, 12s. 6d. 1868 769 Earp (G. B.) Gow COLONIES OF 756 COOK Aus- (Capt. J.) THREE VOYAGES, TRALIA, map; sm. 8vo, half calf, 3s. 6d. 1852 the complete set as f?llows :-Hawkesworth'.s 770 Eden (C. H.) My Wife and I Collection in Queens­ of Voyages m the Southern Hem1- land, an Eight' Experience of the Colony, ·sphere, by Byron, Wallis, Carteret, and Cook, 3 frontispiece and map; sm. 8vo, vols.-Second cloth, 6s. 6d. 1872 Voyage to the South Pole and !]71 [EDEN (\Yillia,m)] History of New Round the World in 1772-3-4-5, 2 vols.-Third Holland, from its Discovery Voyage in 1616 to the to the Pacific in 1776-7-8-9-80, 3 vols: Present Time, with particular Account together 8 vols, roy. of its 4to, with a great number oj Produce and Inhabitants, and Description of fine plates and maps, and a royal folio ATLAS Botany Bay, with Introductory of maps and plates; Discourse on half calf and boards, all the Banishment, by Eden, wanting the maps ; 8vo, EDGES UNCUT, £10 10s. 1773-84 The boards, uncut, 30s. 1787 plates are beautifully engraved by BARTOLOzzr, 772 Edinburgh SHARP, BAS IRE, w A TTS, BYRNE,_ &c., and consi~t if (H.R.H. Duke of) Cruise of portrait ef Capt. Cook, J>.ortrazts ef tlze ~atzves, H. M. S. Galatea, under his command in 1867-8, th.eir Customs, Ceremonzes, Manners, Vzews of written by Milner and Brierly, COLOURED Scenery, plates ef Natural History, Animals and PLATES, map Plants, Native Weapons and Instruments, &c. and portrait; 8vo, cloth, 9s. 1869 757 --- VOYAGE 773 Ellis (Rev. W.) POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES TO THE PACIFIC OCEAN during a for making Discoveries in the Northern Residence of nearly Six Years in the Hemi­ South Sea sphere, from his own Journal, with Islands, including Descriptions of the Continu­ the Natura.I History, ation by Dr. King, plates and charts; 3 Scenery, History, and vols, Customs of the Inhabitants, 4to, calf gilt, £2 2s. 1785 numerous plates 759 --- [Last] and wood engravings; 2 vols, 8vo, half calf, Voyage to the Pacific 10s. Ocean in 1776-7-8-9 and 80, abridged 6d. 1830 from the 774 Erskine Voyage written by Capt. Cook and Capt. (Capt. J. Elphinstone, R.N.) King, Journal of a Cruise portrait and plates; 4 vols, 8vo, hf. cf, 18s. 1784 among the Islands of the WESTERN PACCFIC, including the Feejees and 760 Colnett (Capt.) Voyage to the SOUTH others inhabited by the Polyn~sian SEAS, to ascertain Negro Races, the Ports, .Bays, Harbours, map and plates, SOME COLOURED; 8vo, half calf and for extending the Spermaceti ,vhale Fish­ gilt, 16s. eries, 1853 &c., engravings and charts; 4to, half 775 Evans (G. W.) Geographical, morocco, 16s. Historical, 1798 and Topographical Description of VAN DIEMAN's 761 Comyn (T. de) State of the PHILIPPINE LAND, with List ISLANDS, of Land Owners, Statistical an Historical, Statistical, and Descrip­ Tables, Prices, &c., tive folding View of Hobart Account, translated with Notes by vValton; Town; 8vo, boards, 16s. 8vo, boards, 12s. 1822 · 1821 777 Fitzgerald (R. D., F.L.S.) Australian 762 Crijwfurd (J.) History of the Indian Orchids, containin[l Archipelago, 26 large plates, BEAUTIFULLY and Account of the Manners, COLOURED, with descriptive Arts, Languages, letter-press, parts Religions, Institutions, and 1 to 3 ; royal folio, stijj' covers, Commerce of its Inhabitants, £1 15s. with Vocabularies, Sydney, map and plates of Costumes, Views. N.S. W., 1877 Weapons, 778 '.I.'he same, part 3, with 10 Architecture, Alphabets, &c. ; 3 vols, 8vo, calf COLOURED gilt, 24s. PLATES; stiff covers, 12s. 1820 779 763 Fu 11 er (F.) Five Years' Residence in C r o s s's Journals of Expeditions in NEW ZEALAND, Western Australia or Observations on Colonization; in 1829-30-31 and 32 under post 8vo, cloth, scarce, the sanction of Governor 12s. 1859 Sir James Stirling, 780 Fu s s e 11 's New folding map; l2mo, cloth, 12s. Map of Australia, em­ 1833 bracing the DrncoVERIES OF GREGORY, 764 Darwin (C.) Geological Observations BURKE, on and ,VILLS, STUART, LANDSBOROUGH, \VALKER the Volcanic Islands, and the GEOLOGY OF Aus­ TRALIA and M'KINLAY, fully coloured, 3feet 6 inches by and Cape of Good Hope, being Part II. 3 feet of Geology of 3 inches, mounted on linen, folded and bound the Voyage of the Beagle, map in 8vo. book form, 18s. and cuts; 8vo, cloth, SCARCE, 16s. 1844 Sydney and Melbourne, 1866 30, Park Street, BRISTOL. 42 BIBLIOrHECA GEOGRAPHICA ET HISTORICA

781 Goodridge (Ch. Medyett) Narrative of 704 Hursthouse {C.) NEw ZEALAND, the. a Voyage to the South Seas, Shipwreck of Britain of the South, with Chapter on the Native the Princess of Wales Cutter, and two years' War, and our future Native Policy, coloured, Residence on an Uninhabited Island, plates: map; post Svo, cloth, 7s. 6d. 1861 sm. 8vo, cloth, 4s. 6d. 1814 795 INDIAN OCEAN AND ISLANDS. 782 Gordon Cumming (Lady) AT HOME in TWELVE VERY INTERESTING RICHLY COLOURED FI.JI, map and plates; post 8vo, cloth, 4s. 6d. 1885 EARLY MAPS OF VOYAGES BY THE OLD Ex- . 783 Grey (Si: George) Polynesian Myth- PLORERS, with curious vignettes, apparently ology, and Ancient Tradit_ional Histo:y of. the printed about 1690, 3izes varyinq from 13! by New Zealand Race, as furmshed by their Priests 8! inches to I Lt by 8! inches with margins 36s. and Chiefs, plates, music oj Nati?;e Songs, &c.; ' Leide: N.D. post 8vo, cloth, uncut, RARE, £1 15s. 1855 Les Pays, Merset Iles des INDES 0RIENTALES depuis . (W ) S th A t 1· ·t H" CocHIN, sur MALABAR, aux MoLOQUES et autres, 784 H arC US • OU • US r:a 1a, 1. S lS- sur Jes voyages de Nuno de Cunha-Terre Firme et tory, Resources and Product10ns, mcludmg the !es Iles, PEGU et MALACCA, suivant Vasco de Gama FLORA by Dr. R. Schomburgk, the FAUNA by -Iles Manilles ou Pmr.LIPINES. MoLOQUES, MAc, F. G. WATERHOUSE MINES and MINERALS by ~SSAR, T1Mo~. &c., parP. G _Ye~hoev1;n-~esVrayes . & ' . . Moloques QUI Portent !es Ep1cenes su1vant D. L. de J . B . Austm, &c., c., illu3trated with maps and Sequicra-Les Moloques et autres 1166 suivant Ia 66 views from vhotographs taken in the Colony ; description de Henri Middleton-Ile de BoRNEo, &c,, thick 8vo, cloth, 14s. 6d. 1876 sur J., J. Le Roi-Ile de JAVA, depuis que Jes Bortu, 85 Hawkesworth's Account of th Voyages gals 1 onte decouverte. smvant Lope v_az de Sampayo 7 . . . e -Royaume de la SoNDE, avec celm de Java, par for Discovery m the Southern Hemisphere, from Lavanha-Ile de SuMATRA, sur les relations de D. the Journals of Byron, Wallis, Carteret and L. de Sequiera-Rovaumes de MALACCA et de S1AM, Cook numerous plates and maps . 4 vols 8vo Sumatra, Ja~l; et Borneo, par P. G. Vanhoeven- '71 "l , ' ' Carte de Hu1t1eme Voyage des INDES 0RIENTALES, hf.. cal gi t, 18s. 1785 pour Ia Compairnie Angloise. sur le Capitaine J. 786 Haydon (G. H.) TheAustralian Emi~ant, Saris-Voyage d' Alfonse d' Albuquerque vers le Mer a Rambling Story, with illustrations by Watts Rouge, ARABIE et PERSE, avec celles d'Oumus Phillip.'!: 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d. 1854 Guzarate, Goa, Malacca, a Jav~, &c. , 787 Henderson (Lieut.) Excursions and Ad- 796 Jackson (And:ew) RoBE~T O HAR;l ventures in NEW SOUTH "'.,. ALES, with Pictures ~URKE and the A1~strahan Explormg Exped1- of Squatting, and Life in the Bush, Climate, t10n of 1860, folding map; post Svo, cloth, Natural History, Manners and Customs of the SCARCE, 12s. • 1862 Natives, &c., View of Sydney in 18!'i8, map of 797 Jagor (F.) ~ravels .m the PHILIPPINES, N.S. Wales and other illustrations; 2 vols, post map and numerous illustrations; 8vo, cloth, 9s. 8vo, cloth, 24s. 1851 798 Another copy, wanting the map; 788 Hervey's (T. K.) Poetical Sketch Book, 6s. 6d. . 1875 including AUSTRALIA third edition with Notes. 800 Keate's Account of the PELEW ISLANDS sm. 8vo, boards, 3s. (pub. at IOs. 6d.) 1829 in the Western Part of the. Pacific Oc~an, from 789 Hey Ii n (P.) CosMOGRAPHIE, in Four the Journals. of Capt. H. W 1l~on and his Officers Books, of all the Principal Kingdoms, Provinces, who were shipwrecked there m 1783, plates anrl Seas, and the Isles of the World, revised and map; 4to, calf, 12s. l 78S corrected by the Author immediately before his 801 Ke 11 y (W.) Life in Victoria, or Victoria death, with 4 maps ; thick folio, half vellum, 9s. in 1853 and 1858, showing the Improvement 1669 within those periods in Town and Country, Book IV. relat~s to America; and an Appendix en- Cities and Diggings; 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth, deavours a D1scoverv of the Unknown Parts of the 12s 6d 1859 World, especially of TERRA AUSTRALIS INCOGN!TA; . . •• or the Southern Continent. 802 KEPPEL (Hon. Capt.) The Exped1t10n 790 Hobart Town Almanack for 1829 WITH to BORNEO of H.M.S. Dido, for the Suppression .DESCRIPTIVE ITINERARY OF VAN DIEMEN's LAND of Piracy, with Extracts from the Journal of copper plate View of the Derwent, 2 vignettes'. Jas. ~rooke, Esq., of Sarawak, portraits, maps, View of Marquarie Street, and coloured plate of and tinted plates; 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, Ss. 6d. 1847 Signals at Mulgrave Battery, on approach of 803 King ( Capt. Philip P.) Narrative of a vessels; 12mo, half roan, RARE, 18s. 1829 Survey of the INTERTROPICAL and WESTERN Last l_eaf has records of birth dates of some of Bisder COASTS OF. AUSTRALIA, between the years ISIS fa.mHiolyw, ell (Mrs W M ) R . . f and 1822, with Apppendix of Naturil History, 79l , . . ay omm1scences o & 'll t t d b lat h t d d t AUSTRALIA, the DIGGINGS, and BusH, a Series c.' i us ra e y p es, ~ ar s an woo cu s : of Tales ; 8vo, cloth, 5s. 1869 2 vols, 8vo, half morocco gilt, £3 3s. 1827 792 Howitt (Wm.) Land, Labour, and Gold; 804 Another copy, boards, UNCUT, or, Two Years in Victoria, with Visits to Sydney £3 15s. and Van Diemen's Land· 2 vols er 8vo cloth 805 Kotzebue {Otto von) Russian Voyage of lOs. (pub. £1 ls.) ' ' · ' 1855 Disc~>Very into th~ South Sea, and Beering:'s 793 Hunter's Historical Journal of the Trans- Straits, for Explormg a North-East Passage, m actions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island, 1815-18, numerou.<; COLOURED plates and maps; including the Journals of Governors Phillip and 3 vols, 8vo, boards, uncut, 24s. 1821 K_ing, since the. public:3-ti~n of Phillip's Voyage, 806 Laurie's Map of Australia, from the with the ne~ Discoveries m the South Seas, map late~t Surveys, coloured, size 22 inches by 17 inches, and engravings; 8vo, boards, UNCUT, 36s. 1793 on linen, folded in bookform, 7s. 6d. 185S ASHTON NIELD, BOOKS RELATING TO OOEA.NIA. 43

807 Lancelott (F.) AUSTRALIA, AS IT IS, its 821 Meredith (L. A.) Over the Straits, a Settlements Farms, and Gold Fields, with View Visit to Victoria, with illustrations from PliotQ­ of Adelaide ~nd Plan of Summer Hill and Lewi.5 graphs and the Autho1·'s Sketches; post 8vo, Pond Greeks; 2 vols, post 8vo, half calf gilt, cloth, &. 1861 NEWLY BOUND, 14s. 1852 822 Notes and Sketches of New 808 Leigh (W. H.) Reconnoitering Voyages South Wales, during a Residence from 1839 to and Travels and Adventures in the New 1844; 12mo, half calf, 3s. 6d. 1844 Col,;mies of South Australia, with descriptions 823 Mereweather ( Rev. J. D.) Diary of a of Adelaide, ,. Sydney, and Working Clergyman in Australia parts adjacent, and Tasmania, etc., in 1836-7-8, plates ( one and return to England by way of Java, wanting) · Svo, half Singa· morocco, 8s. 6d. 1839 pore, Ceylon, and Egypt; 12mo, cloth, 3s. 1859 809 LI o yd (G. · T.) Thirty-three Years in Tasmania and Victoria, map ; post 8vo, cloth, 824 Millett (Mrs. E.) An Australian Parson­ 7s, 6d. · 1862 age, or the Settler and the Savage in Western 810 Logs of the Proceedings, &c., of H. M. Australia ; 8vo, cloth gilt, 5s. (pub. 12s.) 1872 Ships, NORTH STAR (Capt. Vernon Harcourt), 825 Moore (J. Sheridan) SPRING-LIFE LYRICS; . and CONWAY (Capt. Drinkwater), by C; T. GLYN, small 8vo, cloth, FIRST EDITION, 6s. Sydney, 1864 from April, 1834, to June, 1838, NEATLY 826 Moresby (Capt. J., R.N.,) NEw GUINEA WRiTTEN, WITH CHARTS DRAWN IN INDIAN INK, and POLYNESIA, Discoveries and Surveys in New and some pen sketches; in 7 thin folio vols, stiff Guinea and the D'Entrecasteaux covers, well Islands, a preserved, £4 12s. 6d. 1834-8 Cruise in Polynesia and Visits Tlte Courses were-Portsmouth, Rio, Buenos Ayres, to the Pearl­ l{iver Plate, Pernambuco, Bahia, Falkland Isles, Shelling Stations in Torres Straits of H.M.S. Valparaiso. Callao, Guayaquil, Portsmouth, Teneriffe, Basilisk, maps and plates; 8vo, clath, 14s. 1876 Cape of Good Hope, Algoa, Trincomalee, Madras, 827 Mueller ( Baron Von) Select Extra­ Rangoon, Sydn~y, .Port Jackson, Cook's Straits, Tropical Tahiti, Vavao, Norfolk Island, Port Jackson, Port Plants, readily Eligible for Industrial Stephen, Port Philip, Hobart Town, &c. Culture or Naturalization, with Indications of 811 Lyne (C.) The Industries of New South their Native Countries and some of Uses, Wales, coloured folding map and numerous illus­ enlarged Edition for N.S. Wales; 8vo, cloth, trations; 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d. Sydney, 1882 7s. 6d. Sydney, 1881 812 Mackenzie (Rev. D.) The Gold Digger, 828 MUNDY( Lt.-Col.G.C.)OurAntipodes, a. Visit to the Gold Fields of Australia in 1852, or Residence and Rambles in the Australasian jolding coloured map of Gold Regions of Victoria Colonies, with a Glimpse of the Gold Fields, and N. S. Wale&,· 12mo, wmppe1·s, 2s. 6d. 1852 numerous plates; 3 vols, 8vo, cloth, 16s. 1852 813 Malone (R. E.) 'Three Years Cruise in 829 Murray (A. W.) Missions in WESTERN the AUSTRALIAN COLONIES ; sm. 8vo, cloth, POLYNESIA, with History of the Missions from 5s. 1854 theircommencement, 1839, map of New Hebrides 81~ Marryat (F. S.) BORNEO and the INDIAN and full page illustrations; 8vo, cloth, 8s. 6d. 1863 .ARCHIPELAGO, 22 fine tinted drawings of Costume a11d Scenery, and numerous woodcuts; 830 Murray (Rev. T. B.) Pitcairn, the Island, imp. 8vo, People cloth, 16s. (pub. £1 lls. 6d.}' 1848 and Pastor, with Account of the Mutiny 815 Mccombie (Hon. T.) History of the Bounty, with illustrations; 12mo, cloth, of the 2s. COLONY OF VICTORIA from its Settlement to the 1853 death of Sir Charles Hotham ; 8vo, 831 NEW ZEALAND, a Coloured Map, 17 cloth, 9s. by Melbourne and Sydney, 1858 22 inches, folded in covers, 7s. 6d. 1848 816 With small Margin Plans of New Plymouth, Nelson, Meade (Lieut. the Hon. H.) Ride through Otago, Wellington, Port Nicholson, &c. the Disturbed Districts of NEW ZEALAND, with 832 Report of House of Lords Account of the South Com- Sea Islands, tinted plates mittee on Present State of the Islands, and and maps; 8vo, half calf gilt, NEWLY BOUND, Expediency of Regulating Settlement 16s. of British 1870 Subjects therein, with Minutes of Evidence an:l 817--- The SECOND H.DITION,plates; 8vo, Index ; folio, printed cloth, 12s. blue covers, £1 10s. 1838 1871 833 ---- 818 Melville (Herman) Omoo,. or Report (A Corrected) of the Narrative Debate in the House of Adventures in the South Seas, map; sm. 8vo, of Commons, June 17, 18, half calf, 4s. 6d. 19, 1845, on the State of New Zealand, and the 184 7 Case 819 Meredith (L. A.) Some of the ; 8vo, stiff of My Bush covers, Friends in Tasmania, Native]'lowers, Berries, scarce, 16s. 1845 and Insects, drawn from 834 ---- LARGE COLOURED MAP ; size 32 Life, illustrated in inches Verse, and briefly described, BEAUTIFUL COLOURED by 40 inches, mounted on canvas rind folded, 7s. 6d. PLATES, and text elegantly printed, with red S.P.C.K., 1866 borders; roy. foljo, half morocco gilt, 28s. 1860 835 Otaheite. A Second Letter from Oberea, One of the most beautiful books of the kind ever pub­ Queen of Otaheite to Joseph Banks, Esq., lished. "The plates and borderings will satisfy the translated from the Original, brought over by most fastidious eye, It is a triumph of florid taste and lithographic skill."-Athenamm. His Excellency Otaipairoo, Envoy and Plenipo· tentiary to the Court of Great Britain, 820 -·--- HOME with MY IN TASMANIA during curious and entertaining Anecdotes; 16 pp. 4to, a, Residence, of Nine Years, engravings; 2 vols, sewed, RARE, 25s. post 8vo, cloth, N. D, 9s. 1852 A facetious and satirical Poem by Major John Scott. 30, Park Street, BRISTOL. 44 BIBLIOTBECA GEOGRAPHICA ET HISTORICA

836 0 G LE (N.) The COLONY OF WESTERN 846 Publius. Thoughts on Finance and AUSTRALIA, its Discovery, Settlement, Abor­ Colonies ; roy. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. · 1846 igines, Land Regulations, &c., View of Perth, 847 Robinson (C.) NEw SOUTH WALES, the and lm·ge folding Map; 8vo, cloth, 12s. 6d. 1839 oldest and richest of the Australian Colonies, 837 ---- Another Copy, with the View, folding COLOURED maps of the Agricultural and but no map; 8vo, cloth, poor copy, 5s. 1839 Mining Districts; 8vo, sewed, 3s. Sydney, 1873 838 Parker (Mrs. Captain) Voyage round the 848 Romilly (H. H.) The WESTERN PACIFIC World in the GORGON, Man of War (Capt. J. and NEW GUINEA, notes on theNatures, Christian Parker) ; 8vo, calf, RARE, £2 10s. 1795 and Cannibal, with Account of the Old Labour Route-Tcneriffe, S. Iago, Trinidad, Cape Town, Port Trade, map; post 8vo, cloth, 3s. · 6d. 1886 Jackson, Sidney Cove, Botany Bay, N, S. Wales, · N. Zealand, &c. 849 Shoberl (F.) The AsIATIC ISLANDS and 839 PARKINSON (S.) VOYAGE TO THE NEW HOLLAND, with the Manners, Customs. SouTH SEAS in H.M. Ship "Endeavour," from Character, and State of Society of the various the Papers of S. Parkinson, Draughtsman to Tribes, 26 COLOURED PLATES OF COSTUMES; 2 Sir J. Banks and Dr. Solander, portrait and vols in 1, 12mo, cloth, lOs. 6d. 1824 many fine plates; imp. 4to, calf, RARE, £3 I Os. 850 Short land (E.) Tradi~ions and Supersti~ 1773 tions of the New Zealanders, with their Manners 840 PERON ET FREYCINET.-Voyage and Customs ; post 8vo, cloth, 8s. 6d. 1856 de Decouveries aux Terres Austales, execute 851 Sidney's Three Colonies of Australia, par ordre de sa Majestie l'Empereur et Roi, sur New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia, les Corvettes le Geographie, le N aturaliste, et their Pastures, Copper Mines and Gold Fields, la Goelette le Casuarina, pendant les Annees numerous engravings ; 8vo, cloth, 5s. 1852 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, et 1804, publie par decret. 852 Smyth (R. Brough) The Gold Fields, and Imperial, &c. ; 2 vols, 4to, of Text, with fine Mineral Districts of Victoria, with Notes on portrait of the Author, and 2 folio ATLASES, the modes of occurrence of Gold aud other containing 54 plates, finely engraved and many Metals and Minerals, maps and illustrations; BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED, by Lesueur and Petit, imp. 8vo, cloth gilt, 18s. Melbourne, 1869 together 4 vols, vol I. half bound, vols II., III., • 853 South Sea Islanders. Further Corres­ and IV. boards, RARE, £6 10s. 1807-16 pondence respecting the Deportation of South There are 2 views of Sydney in 1802, now very curious Sea Islanders, presented to Both Houses of and interesting, and a large folding map of Austra• Parliament by Her Majesty ; 6 parts, folio, blue lia, very curious from the French names g-iven to covers, 15s. 1871-72-83-84 nearly all the places, Napoleon, Berthier, Jerome, Treats Talleyrand, Rivoli, Rabelais, &c. on New South Wales, New Zealand, Fiji, Queensland, Tasmania, South Australia, Victoria, 841 Peron ( Naturaliste, e,; Voyageu1· aux Western Australia ; also Further Correspondence Terres Australes) Sa Vie, Appreciation de ses respecting New Guinea, and other Islands, and Con·· Travaux, et Analyse raisonnee de ses Recherches, vention at Sydney of Representatives of the Austra­ par M. Girard; 8vo, printed wrappers, uncut, lian Colonies. 7s. 6d. 854 St. John (Spencer) Life in the ]forests of Paris, 1857 the Far East, numerous coloured plates and 842 Pinkerton (J.) Modern Geography, a maps; Description of the Empires, Kingdoms, 2 vols, 8vo, half calf gilt, 16s. 1862 States, 855 Colonies, Oceans, Leas, and Isles in all parts of Satutes of New Zealand, 21 ° et 22° the World, Victoria, in Second Session of Second Parlia­ with numerous maps by Arrowsmith; ment of New 2 thick vols,4to, 9s. 1802 Zealand ; folio, half law calf, 18s. A considerable portion is given to AUSTRALASIA; Auckland, 1858 I. New Holland; II. New Guinea; III. New 856 Stephens (J.) History of the Rise and Britain and New Ireland, with the Solomon Isles; Progress of SoUTH AUSTRALIA, -with particulars IV. New Caledonia and the New Hebrides; V. New of its Soil, Climate, Productions, Zealand and Van Diemen's Land; also POLY· &c., and a NESIA : I. The Pelew Islands; II. The Ladrones ; full Account of the ; III. The Carolines; IV. Sandwich Isles; V. The -map and plates; 8vo, cloth, lOs. 1839 Marqeesas; VI. Society Isles; VII. Friendly Isles; 857 Stewart (C. S.) Visit to the SouTH SEAS also B(?TANTY of the Asiatic Isles, Australasia, Polynesia, 5 pp. in the U.S. Ship Vincennes, with Notices of 843 Powell (W.) Wanderings in a Wild Brazil, Peru, Manilla, Cape of Good Hope, and Country, or Three Years among the Cannibals St. Helena, portrait; small 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d. 1837 of NEW BRITAIN, with map and many illustra­ 858 Stirling (P. J.) The AUSTRALIAN and tions by Medland; 8vo, cloth, 9s. (pub. 18s.) 1883 CALIFORNIAN GOLD DISCOVERIES, and their Very readable, entertaining, and useful work of a man Probable Consequences, -or Inquiry into the who thoroughly understands his subject.-Wltitehall Review. · Laws which determine the Value and Distribu­ An excellent and uncommonly good work.-Public tion of the Precious Metals, with Inquiry into Opinion. . the Effects of the American Mines on European 844 Pritchard (W. T.) POLYNESIAN REMI­ Prices in the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries; NISCENCES, or Life in the South Pacific Islands, post 8vo, cloth, 5s. 1853 tinted engravings; Svo, clotli, 9s. · 1866 859 St O W (J. P.) SOUTH AUSTRALIA, its 845 [Pu~eley (D. )] Rise and Progress of History, Produotions, and Natural Resources, AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, and NEW ZEALAND, from large Map OJ South Australia, and Plan of Authentic Sources, Official Documents and P1::r­ Adelaide in 1837, 49 plates Statistical, Summaries, sonal Observation in the Colonies, Cities and maps of Australia, P. Adelaide, and 3 weather Provinces; post Svo, cloth, 6s. 1857 maps; 8vo, cloth, 5s. 1So3 ASHTON NIELD, BOOKS RELATJNG TO OCEANIA. 45

861 Taylor ( Rev. R.) TE !Ku A MAUI, or 873 [Wakefield] ENGLAND AND AMERICA, a New Zealand and its Inhabitants, their Origin, Comparison of the Social and Political State of Manners, Customs, Religion, Songs, Proverbs, both Nations; 2 vols, 8vo, uncut, 4s. 1833 Language, &c., map and numerous illustrations, 874 Walpole (Hon. Fred.) including COLOURED PLATES of Natural History; Four Years in the Pacific in H. M. S. Collingwood, from · 8vo, cloth, 18s. 1855 1844 to 1848, plates; 2 vols, 8vo, cloth; 14s. 1849 862 ---Another copy, wanting- one plate, 9s. 1855 875 Westgarth (W.) Victoria, or the Australian 863 Thomson (Arthur Gold Mines in 1857, with Notes on S., M.P.) The STORY the Overland Route OF NEW ZEALAND, past from Australia, via Suez, and present, Savage and 2 maps and plan Ciyilized, numerous plates; 2 vols, of Port Philip; thick post 8vo, post 8vo, cloth, cloth, 7s. 6d. 14s. 6d. (pub. 24s.) 1859 1857 876 --- Colony of Victoria, its HIS­ 864 Tyerman and Bennett's Missionary TORY, COMMERCE, and GOLD MINING, its Social Voyages and Travels in the SouTHSEAISLANDS, and Political Institutions, with Remarks on the China, India, &c. compiled by James Mont­ other . AUSTRALIAN COLONIES, coloured map; gomery, portraits and plate.<;; 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, thick 8vo, cloth, 9s. 1864 7s. 6d. (pub. £1 16s.) 1831 877 ---- Australia, its Rise, Progress, 865 Van Dieman's Land. The History of and Present condition, folding map ; sm. 8vo, the Island of Van Dieman's Land from the year cloth, gilt, 5s. 1861 1824 to 1835 inclusive, to which is added a few 878 Wilkinson (G. B.) SouTH AusTRALIA, words on Prison Discipline; sm. Svo, half cloth, its Advantages and Resources, a Description of RARE, 36s. . 1835 the Colony, and Manual. of Information; er. 866 --- Coloured Chart from the most 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d. 1848 Authentic Documents extant, size 24 by 31 inches, 879 Williams (John, the Apostle of Polynesia) mounted on linen and folded in cq,se ( spotted by Narrative of Missionary Enterprises in the damp)~ 4s. 1826 South Sea Islands. portrait, plate in oil colours, 867 Victorian Government Prize Essays, and numerous illustrations ; 8vo, cloth, BEST with map of the Colony; 8vo, stiff covers, I Os. EDITION,, 7s. 6d, 1838 Melbourne, 1861 880 Wilson (George H.) ENA, or the ANCIENT _868 Victorian MAORI (a New Zealand Story); er. 3vo, cloth, 1861 Exhibition Catalogue, 5s. with Essays on the Ptogress, Resources, and 1874 Physical Characteristics of .the Colony ; 8vo, 881 Wilson (Mrs. Robert) NEW ZEALAND, and stiff covers, 5s. Melbourne, 1861 other Poems; small 8vo, cloth, FIRST EDITION, · On Collection and Storage of Victoria-On the Agri­ 6L l~l cultu,re-Origin and Distribution of Gold in Quartz 882 Wilson (Capt. H.) Account of the Pelew Veins-Development of Resources of Colony. Islands, and his Shipwreck in "The Antelope," . 869 Vogel's (Sir Julius) bfficial Handbook by Keate,' plates deficient; 8vo, boards, un(',ut, of New Zealand, Describing the several Prov­ 2s. 6d. 1789 inces, maps and views; 8vo, ls. 6d. 1875 883 Wilson (Capt. Jas.) Missionary Voyage . 870 WAKEFIELD (Edward Jerningham) to the Southern Pacific Ocean, in the years 1796- ILLUSTRATIONS TO ADVENTURES IN 7-8, in the Ship Duff, with Appendix on the NEW ZEALAND, LITHOGRAPHED FROM 0RIG­ Natural and _Civil State of Otaheite, and Dis­ ,INAL DRAWINGS TAKEN ON THE SPOT, 16 beautiful course on the Geography and History of the large plates, in tinted lithograph, including three South Sea Islands, maps, charts, and fine views Botanical ones, COLOURED AFTER NATURE ; imp. by Landseer; royal 4to, 12s. 1799 folio; half morocco, RARE, £7 10s. 1845 "Capt. Wilson gives the most minute account we have There are large views of Port Nicholson and Wellington, of Otaheite ; he also visited the Friendly and Sand­ also of Town and Harbour of Nelson, and Plain of wich Islands, the Marquesas, &c.''-Pinkerton. the Ruamahanga, near Wellington. and Town of 884 Withers(WilliamBramwell) New Plymouth The History in 1843, eaclt 4 /eet 8inches long. of Ballarat, from the First Pastoral Settlement 87i Wallace (A. R.)The Malay Archipelago, to the Present 'lime, with Appendixes and the land of the _Orang-utan and the Bird of Original Documents, long folding view, (with Paradise, a Narrative of Travel with Studies of figured references), plans, views, portraits, and Man and Nature, plates, maps, and woodcuts; othe1· illustrations; 8vo, cloth, RARE, 30s. post 8vo, cloth, 6s. 6d. 1872 Ballarat, 1870 872 Western Australia, describing the Con­ 885 Yate's Account of New Zealand, and dition and Prospects of the Colony, and some of the Formation and Progress of the Church Account of the \\Tes tern Australian Company's Missionary Society's Mission in the Northern Settlement of Australind, with map; sm. 8vo, Islands,portrait and plates; er. 8vo, clo_(h, 3s.6d, cloth, 7s. 6d. ' 1842 1835 The map is apparently the one issued with the book, 886 YOU n g ( Rev. R.) Journal of a l)eputation but is only that portion of a map of the Continent. from the Wesleyan Conference to Australia and Two other maps are inserted of explorations about Tas1nania, with a Visit. Roebuck Bay, &c., and about Glenelg River, &c., to the Gold Fields ,· both up to 1864 , and compiled at Perth, 12mo, cloth, 2s. 6d. 1858 30, Park Street, BRISTOL. 46 BIBLIOTHECA GEOGRAPHICA ET HISTORICA AFRICA. 887 Adams's Notes of a Naturalist- in the 898 Caillie (Rene) Travels through CENTRAL Nile Valley and Malta, their Natural History, AFRICA to TIMBUCTOO, and across the Great Geology, and Archreology, plates,· 8vo, cloth, Desert to Mo&occo, portrait and Views oj Tim. 4s. 6d. (pub. 12s. 6d.) 1870 buctoo, &c., from Sketches by the Author; 2 vols 888 ALVAREZ (Franciscus) Warhasstigcr in 1, 8vo, half calf gilt, 7s. 6d. 1830 Rericht von den Landen auch Geistlichem und 899 Campbell ( Rev. J.) Missionary Travels Weltlichcm Regiment des Mechtigen Konigs in in South Africa (his second journey), map d11d ETHIOPEN, den wer PRIESTER JoHAN nennen, coloitred plates ; 2 vols, 8vo, boards, 5s. 1822 -wie solches durch die Kron Portugal mit 900 Conde, Historia de la Dominacion de los besondern vleis erkundiget worden, with curious Arabos en Espana, sacada de varios Manuscritos old woodcuts; folio, (l;otbic '.JLettert large clean y Memorias Arabigas, plates of Arabic inscrip­ copy in half vellum, VERY RARE, £6 10s. tions; 3 vols in 2, sm. 4to, calf gilt, FINE COPY, Eissleben, MDLXVI BEST EDITION, 9s. Madrid, 1820 The value of this very rare volume has at least trebled Interesting History of this splendid and Romantic during the last few years. The Portuguese edition Period which produced the Alhambra and the of Lisbon, 1540, sold for £54 at the Sunderland Sale, Mosque of Cordova, of which we have hitherto an_d was afterwards marked £63. Alvarez went with known hardly anything, except from hostile and a Portuguese Embassy to Prester John, in 1520-27. limited Spanish .Accounts. 889 Andersson (C. J.) Lake Ngami, or 901 Congo et Angola Regna, COLOURED MAP, Explorations and Discoveries during Four Years' with vignette title of Venus, Neptune, Mermaids, Wanderings in the Wilds of South Western &<;.,· size 19! by 16! inches, 7s. 6d. Africa, map, tinted plates, and wood engraving8; Amst., J. Janson, a~out 1640 1:oy. 8vo, cloth, 9s. (pub. 30s.) 1856 902 D'Anville ( Map drawn from his Map of) 890 ANGAS (G. W.) KAFIRS, Illustrated Co AST OF GUINEA, between Sierra Leone arid in a Series of Drawings taken among the the crossing of the Line, 18! by 9 inches, with Amazula, Amaponda, and Amakosa Tribes, margins, 4s. 6d. 1788 wit,h Portraits of the Hottentots, etc., 30 large 903 De la Rochette's Map of the Dutch plates, COLOURED LIKE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS ; Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, finely en­ imp. folio, half red morocco, RARE, £11 1Os. 1849 graved, with vignette of Hunting the Elephants, 891 Arrowsmith's Large COLOURED MAP of size 13 by 20 inches, mounted on linen and folded, Africa, dedicated to the British Association for 5s. 6d. discovering the Interior Parts of Africa, with 1795 large embtematical Vignette, size 58 inches by 904 Dufton (H.) Narrative of a Journey 50 inches, mounted on linen and folded in a case, through ABYSSINIA, with Appendix on the SCARCE, 7s. 6d. 1820 Abyssinian Captives Question, folding map; post 8vo, cloth, 3s. 1867 892 Aubertin (J. J.) SIX MONTHS IN CAPE COLONY and Natal, and One Month in Teneriffe 905 Fa Icon bridge (Anna Maria) Two Voyages and Madeira, illustrations and map ; post 8vo, to SIERRA LEONE in 1791-2-3, with a Letter to cloth, 5s. 1886 Henry Thornton, M. P. ( Chairman of the Direc­ tors of the ); post 8vo, 893 Baker (Sir S. W.) ALBERT N'YANZA, half calf, 3s. Great Basi~ of the Nile and Explorations of the 1794 Nile Sources, maps, illustrations, and portraits ; 906 Glas (G.) History of the Discovery and 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, 10s. 6d. 1866 Conquest and Description of the Canary Islands, translated from the Spanish, with 894 Barr~w (J.) Travels into the Interior of Account of the South Africa in 1797-8, with Inhabitants, &c., folding map observations on the and chart; 4to, half bound, uncu~ 9s. 1764 Geology, Geography, Natural History, Inhabi­ With collection of all the extant words. of the ancient tants, and Productions of the Country, large inhabitants, and account of the adventures of Betan· folding coloured map, &c. ; 2 vols, 4to, calf gilt, cour and Herrera, the Holy Brotherhood, a Miracu­ 10L6~ . l~l lous Image, &c. 895 BELZONl'S Narrative of the Operations 907 Gorringe (H. G., Commander U. 8 .. and Recent Discoveries in EGYPT and NUBIA, Navy) Egyptian Obelisks, recording to the portrait ; 4to, AND THE SCARCE FOLIO ATLAS OF most minute particulars the Operations of Re­ FINELY COLOURED PLATES; together 2 vols, moving, Transporting, and Re-erecting these boards, uncut, £3 10s. (pub. at £8 8s.) 1820-21 immense Monuments, with 50 beautiful plates; 896 Brown (E. ,formerly Merchant in London) roy. 4to, cloth, eleqantly and suitably gilt, new, Travels and Adventures, in France and Italy, 16s. 6d. (pub. £2 2s.) 1885 The removals, transporting, and re-erecting, are of the the Levant, Malta, EGYPT and ABYSSINIA, with Vatican, Paris, London, and New York Obelisks, curious Historical Passages and Disquisitions; with the respective appliances used in each instance. 8vo, calf, 4s. 1739 There is also a record of all the known Egyptian Obelisks, with the ancient mode of quarrying, moving, 897 Bruce's Travels in Egypt, Nubia, and placing them. Analysis of materials, metals, &c. Abyssinia, &c., to discover the Source of the Nile, numerous engravings by Heath,· 5 vols, 4to, 908 Gray's ( Bishop of Capetown) Journal of calf, neat, 24s. 1790 Three Months' Visitation, with Account of his A large portion of this valuable work is devoted to the Voyage to TRISTAN D' ACUNHA, COLOURED VIEWS; N:\t11f:\I History of Abyssinb, 12mo, cloth., 3s. 1856 ASHTON NIELD, BOOKS RELATING ·To AFRICA. 47

909 Hoskin~s (G. A.) Winter in Upper and 920 Memoranda illustrating the Tombs and Lower Egypt, coloured plate of Temple of Philre, Sepulchral Descriptions of the Egyptians, with and vignette of Menmorium, Thebes; 8vo, new Remarks on Mummies and the Process of Em­ half calf gilt, 8s. 6d. 1863 balming, plate; 8vo, board~, scarce, 5s. 1822 910 Head's ( Major ~F. B.) Life of Bruce, 921 Mercator's Guinere Nova Descriptio, fine the African Traveller. portrait and map; 12mo, old map, 19! by 14 inches, with margins, and old cloth, 2s. 6d. (pub. 5s.) 1830 French description printed on the back, 5s. 1609 911 Hopley (Edward) Under Egyptian Palms, 922 Moore's Travels into the Inland Part!!! or Three Bachelors' Journeyings on the Nile, of Africa, a Description of the several Nations frontispiece and vignette; er. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 1869 for the space of 600 miles up the River Gambia, 912 Hore's Lake Tanganyika, a Paper read with Capt. ~tibbs's Voyage up the Gambia in before the Royal Geographical Society, with 1723, map of the River and copper-plates ; 8vo, coloured maps ; 8vo, sewed, 2s. 1881 calf, 7s. 6d. N.E. 913 Lander's Expedition to Explore the 923 OGILBY (J.) AFRICA, being an Accu­ Course and Termination of the Niger, portraits rate Description of the Region of Egypt, Bar­ and engravings; 3 vols, 12mo, half morocco neat, bary, Lybia, and Billedulgerid, the Land of 3s. 6d. 1832 Negroes, .Guinea, .lEthi~pia, and the ~byss­ 914 Large Coloured Map of Africa, inians, with all the adJacent Islands m the showing MADAGASCAR and other lslandl in the Mediterranean, Atlantic, Southern and Oriental Indian Ocean, and on the West Part of Brazil, Sea, with their Customs, Manners, Religions, by H. Moll; size38 in. by23in.,5s. N.D. (1716) Governments, Trade, and Wonderful With the courses of Navigation marked, also prospects Plants, of Table Mountain, Cape Coast Castle', James Fort Beasts, Birds, and Serpents, with 83 fine copper­ at St. Helena, &c. plates by HOLLAR and others, including folding 915 LAYARD'S BIRDS OF SOUTH plates of maps, various views, including Alexan­ A F R I C A, New Edition, almost entirely re­ dria, Cairo, Tangiers, the Caravan of Mecca, written by R. B. SHARPE, F.L.S., :B'.Z.S., 12 Customs, Ceremonies, Negroes, and other Natives, COLOURED PLATES; royal 8vo, half morocco, new, thick folio, calf, £2 2s. 1670 £2 2s. 1875-84 924 Pananti's Residence in ALGIERS, with 916 Le Mai re, Les Voyages du, aux Isles biographical Sketches of the Dey and his Minis­ Canaries, Cap-Verd, Senegal, et Gambie, par M. ters, Anecdotes of the vVar, etc., with Notes Dancourt, Directeur-General de la Campagnie and Illustrations by BLACQUIERE, coloured front, Royale d'Affrique, folding map and 5 curious and map, etc. ; 4to, boards, 12s. 1830 plates; 12mo, calf gilt, RARE, 32s. Paris, 1695 917 Livingstone's Missionary Travels and 925 Park (Mungo) TRAVELS in the INTERIOR Researches in SOUTH AFRICA, including his 16 OF AFRICA, 1795-97, with his subsequent :Mission Years' Residence in the Interior, &c., maps and and Life, numerous plates and maps; 2 vols, 4to, engravings; thick 8vo, half calf neat, 7s. 6d. 1857 half morocco, 14s. 1799-1815 With Geographical Illustrations of Africa by Major 918 Ludwig Salvator ( H.I.H. Archduke of Rennell. Austria) The Caravan Route between EGYPT 926 Pope (H. E.) The Corsair and his Con­ and SYRIA, translated from the German, 23 queror, a Winter in ALGIERS; post 8vo, cloth, full page illustrations by the Author; 8vo, cloth 3s. 6d. Bentley, 1860 gilt, as. 6d. 1881 927 Pringle (M. A.) Journey in East Africa, 919 M A p $. FOURTEEN VERY INTERESTING towards the Mountain of the Moon ; stout 8vo, RICHLY COLOURED EARLY MAPS of the Myste­ printed red cloth, 4s. (pub. 12s. 6d.) 1886 rious Continent, with curious vignettes, apparently printed about 1690, sizes vary_ing from _16! by 13:l­ 928 PRISSE (E.) ORIENTAL ALBUM. inches to 12 by 8 inches, with margins, RARE, Characters, Costumes, and Modes of Life in tho 28s. Leide, N.D. VALLEY OF THE NILE, from Designs taken on L' AFRIQUE suivant Jes Messrs. de I' Academic Royale, the Spot, with descriptions by J. A. ST. JOHN, witk /in;ly engraved small vignette of Elephants, with 31 VERY BEAUTIFULLY-COLOURED FULL-PAGE Crocodile, &c.-Voyages de Van den Brock

932 Rochette (La) The DuTCH COLONY of the 935 St. Helena. ADescription of the Island, CAPE OF Goon HOPE, finely engraved map, with its Structure, CU.mate, Nattira.l" History, and spirited vignette of Elephant Hiinting, 19£ by 13 Inhabitants, folding. view; sin. 8vo,. boards, inche8, 5s. . Faden, 1795 uncut, 3s. 1805 933 Salt (CoitSul) Voyage to Abyssinia and 936 Tully (R.) Narrative of Ten Years' Resi- Travels into the Interior, under the Orders of dence at TRIPOLI in Africa, with Authentic the British of Africa, and Account of the Aboriginal and Turks, map and coloured plates ; 4to, half African Tribes from Mozambique to the Borders calf, 12s. 1817 of Egypt, with Vocabularies of their Languages, maps andnumerous.Pneplates(2mapsdeficient); 937 WILKINSON (Sir G.) ANCIENT royal 4to, cloth, 7s. 6d. (pub. £5 5s.) 1814 EGYPTIANS, the Manners and Customs of 934 Slave Trade, Buxton's ( Sir T. F.) The , the, BOTH SERIES, with numerous engravings,· Slave Trade and its Remedy, folding map; thick ISOME COLOURED ; 6 vols, 8vo, cloth gilt, £3 10s. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 1840 1841-42 ADDENDA. America, Asia, Africa, Australia. 938 AFR I CA.-BROADLEY ( A. M., Corres­ 944 Anson (Lord) VoYAG:&RouNDTHEWORLD ~bndent of the Times during the Wm· in Tunis), in the Years from 17 40 to 17 44, with Charts of TUNIS, Past and Present, with a Narrative of the Southern part of SouTH AMERICA, part of the 'tf1e French Conquest of the Regency, with PACIFIC OCEAN, and of the Track of the Centurion numerous illustrations ancl map.!; 2 vols, 8vo, round the World; 8vo, old cal,/, 3s. 1748 -cloth, 7s. 6d. (pub. £1 5s.) "A standard work on Tunis has been long required. 945 Asiatic Journal and MONTHLY REGISTER This deficiency 11as been admirably supplied by the for BRITISH INDIA and its DEPXNDENCIES, FROM author."-Monzing Post. THE COMMENCEMENT in 1816 to 1827 ; 24 vols, ,939 Monteiro (J.), ANGOLA and the Svo, half bound, UNCUT, 36i;,. 1816-27 .R,IVER CONGO, with full-page illustrations ; 2 vols, · Containing original communications, Memoirs efEmi­ ppst 8vo, cloth, 6s. (pub. 21s.) Macmillan nent Pe1sons. History, Antiquities, Poetry, Natural · · The first detailed account of an interesting and rich part History, Geography, Review ofPublications, Debates, of tropical Africa. The result of many years' travel Appointments, Birt/is, llfarnal{es, &>c., India, ancl exploration. Military, and Coaumercial Intelligence, etc. 1MO ALMANACH DE GOTHA, from 1858 946 AUSTRALIA. BRonrn(W.)PITCAIRN's to 1887, inclusive, numerous portraits of Royal ISLAND and the ISLANDERS in 1850, portrait and. ai1d illmtrious personages; 28 vols, l 6mo (wanting plates; post 8vo, cloth, 4s. 6d. 1851 1870-1), cloth, £3 15s. Gotha, 1858-87 ,941 A M E R I CA. -SCHOMBURGK (R. H.) 947 Grey (SirG.) Two Expeditions of Discovery in NoRTH-\VEST and WESTERN V;:Ews IN THE INTERIOR OF GUIANA, 12 large d1:awing~ on stone by Bentley, with Descriptions; AUSTRALIA, with Observations on the Condition h1?P· folio, half bound, 16s. 1841 of the Aborigines, &c., with 2 large folding maps A little soiled and plates water-stained. aud numerou8 plates, SOME QOLOURED ; 2 vols, ,.'..942 --- Mather (Increase) Practical Svc, cloth, £2 2s. 1841 1'ruths Plainly Delivered, Wherein is Shewed­ 948 Saunders (Edward) Ou& Aus- !. · That true Believers on Jesus Christ shall as TRALIAN COLONIES, Notes of ,vhat I Saw,. certainly enjoy Everlasting Life in Heaven, as Heard, or Thought, during a Visit to AUSTRALIA,. if they were there already ; II. That there is a VAN DIEMAN's LAND, and NEw ZEALAND in, blessed Marriage between Jesus Christ the Son 1852-3; sm. 8vo, wrappers, UNCUT, 4s. 6d. of God and the true Believer; III. That Men Bath, 1853: are... frifinitely concerned, .. ,not only to hear the Voice of Christ, but that they do it To-Day; 949 Ellis (W.) Authentic Narrative of a.. IV. The Work of the Miuistry;'described in an Voyage by CAPTS. CooK and CLERKE, in the, Ordination Sermon, by 'Incr~ase Mather, D.D.; " Resolution " and " Discovery," in search of a·. 12mo, old calf, RARE, £2 lOs. NoRTH-\VEsT PASSAGE, between the Continents Boston, N.E.: Printed by B. Green for Daniel of AsIA and AMERICA, with Account of the Henchmann, and Sold at ,his Shop, 1718 Death of Capt. Cook, map and plates; 2 vols, 8vo, boards, UNCUT, 15s. 1782. 943 , Parker (Adniiral Sir Peter, captured Rhode Island in 1776, Savannah in 1778, 950 Graul (C., D.D.) KAIVALJANAVANITA, a,, Commander of the Fleet 1799) a very BEAUTIFUL Venanta Poem, the Tamil Text with a Transla-. FULL-LENGTH PORTRAIT, painted by F. L. Abbott tion, Glossary, and Grammatical Notes, with, and beautifully engraved in COLOURED MEZZOTINT Outline of Tamil Grammar, Specimens of Tamil by V. Green, Mezzotint Engraver to His .Majesty Structure, and Comparative Tables of the Flex­ ( full uniform, with ships behind), 15£ by 22i ins., ional System in other Dravida Languages ; Svo, VERY. SCARCE, £5 5s. boards, 4s. 6d. 1855., ASHTON NIELD, 30, Park Street, BRISTOL.