Agricultural Systems in Ethiopia Tr\A
E. Westphal Department of Tropical Crops andLaboratory ofPlant Taxonomy and Plant Geography, AgriculturalUniversity, Wageningen in collaboration with J. M. C. Westphal-Stevels Agricultural systems in Ethiopia Joint publication of the College of Agriculture, Haile Sellassie I University, Ethiopia, and the Agricultural University, Wageningen, the Netherlands Centrefor AgriculturalPublishing and Documentation Wageningen - 1975 1 11t r\ A Abstract WESTPHAL, E. (1975)Agricultura l systems in Ethiopia. Agric. Res. Rep.(Versl .landbouwk . Onderz.) 826, ISBN 90 220 0556 9, (x) + 278 p., 16 figs, 103 photographs, 10 maps in separate cover, 9 tables, ZZZ refs, 2 appendices. Theboo k isth esecon d in a series of publications on Ethiopian useful plants. It treats the agricultural systems in Ethiopia: the seed-farming, ensat-planting and pastoral complex, and shifting cultivation. Specialchapter s are devoted to thegeography , climate,soils ,natura l vegetation, ethnicgroup s and languages, agriculture, markets, food and nutrition, and useful plants. Tables, photographs, and indices on subject and scientific plant names are added; 10detaile d maps are included in a separate booklet. JÛÏSLIOTÏÏBEjr DER I.ANDBOUWHOGESCH004 ISBN 90 220055 69 Coverplate: fields in the Chercher Highlands of Hararge with sorghum, t'ef, sweet potato and ch'at (E. Westphal). © Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation, Wageningen, 1975. No parts of this book may bereproduce d and/or published in any form, by print, photoprint, micro film or any other means without
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