

HANNAH KIM | theaccolade* BROKEN BOUNDARIES As the 20th anniversary of Sexual Assault Awareness Month approaches in April, !e Accolade investigates the impact of unwanted contact or harassment during the coronavirus pandemic. See pages 2-3.

*Led by The Accolade’s special sections editor Hannah Kim (center), the rest of the staff joins her in holding out their left hand to show support for victims of sexual assault. 2 February 19, 2021 BROKEN BOUNDARIES the accolade Treating controversial Media issues in ‘fair, ethical manner’ overselling

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the content of this ar- illicit ticle, we strongly encourage you to con- tact us at [email protected]. If you wish to report any cases of sexual misconduct, please talk to a trusted adult. content This is a safe school. As editor-in-chief, I’ve had the oppor- ERIN LEE | theaccolade tunity to speak with our administration MARKETING INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR: An artist's rendering of the South Korean comic book cover, Painter frequently, and as a Sunny Hills student, of the Night. The series, which features an artist forced to illustrate erotic scenes, has recently grown in popularity. I can attest that sexual misconduct is NOT a rampant problem on campus. If you have any questions, comments For the full story, go to complexity, the fact that the protagonist is Nevertheless, it’s or concerns about the content of this arti- shhsaccolade.com/category/ encaged in a sexually violent prison sky- still a serious issue cle, we strongly encourage you to contact special-sections rocketed this manhwa to the No. 1 spot. in our society. In an us at [email protected]. If you As for “Game of Thrones,” the sexual April 2019 survey, wish to report any cases of sexual mis- global fanbase, the entertainment industry violence combined with the intricate Stop Street Harass- conduct, please talk to a trusted adult. glamorizes sexual violence, gathering plot caused the show to receive the most ment found that 81% an immense following for such topics. Emmys in TV history. The inclusion of of women and 43% of Internationally renowned South However, no matter how promising or such scenes only proves that producers men participating in Korean import Painter of the Night and successful, the media must stop glorify- disregard the trauma of real-life victims. tylerPak Editor-in-Chief the study experienced 59-time Emmy award winner “Game of ing portrayals of sexual harassment that Sexual violence may not be the focal some form of sexual Thrones.” create an illlusion that such obscene acts point of this series, but it certainly height- harassment or assault in their lifetime. Both examples bla- are acceptable in society. ened its popularity beyond the typical Based on these numbers, I think it’s fair tantly portray sexual After some quick research on these fantasy story. to say that, statistically, many of my harassment and rape media, I came to the conclusion that this It is clear that the absence of such peers will one day have to deal with culture. In fact, the type of violent and inappropriate content sexual harassment would not have gotten such misconduct. key to their success is exactly the point that has increased its these pieces the notoriety and fame they may have been the popularity, and that without such depic- possess now, which only emphasizes the matter based on two additional factors: normalized sexual tions, these works would fail economi- this past summer, the superintendent of rebeccaChoi violence that strange- cally. normalization of sexual violence today. Web Managing Editor ly appeals to various In Painter of the Night, the purely his- The attention and popularity such content District emailed a notice to all parents audiences wordwide. receive only numbs the impact and trau- and students regarding the “social media Whether it is creating a plot where era revolves around the sexually inappro- ma of sexual assault further and further. conversations regarding negative student a painter is forced to illustrate explicit priate situations Baek Na-kyum is caught Therefore, I choose to stay away from experiences in the District … related to in when he is forced to paint erotic scenes allegations of sexual assault, harassment depicting over 50 rape scenes in an for noble Yoon Seung-ho, despite Baek’s well since that is the only way to prevent and other conduct of a sexual nature.” acclaimed TV series or releasing songs clear reluctance. Although other side the entertainment industry from glamoriz- Though we waited eight months to with obvious misogynistic intent to a plotlines may exist to make for an overall ing and normalizing sexual trauma. report on this topic, we realized that 2021 because Sexual Assault Awareness Month is in less than two months. Center celebrates 20th year of raising special section pages titled “Broken Boundaries” with one goal: to educate our readers about what sexual assault awareness about sexual assault issues is and how to responsibly report such misconduct. HOPE LI For the full story, go to gram handle, @nsvrc. shhsaccolade.com/category/ We could’ve chosen a “safe” topic to Opinion Editor “We’ll have an Instagram contest report on such as Valentine’s Day, but special-sections called, ‘The 30 Days of SAAM,’ which has daily prompts to use your Instagram assault because the district’s publications If you have any questions, comments or today’s front-page news because of the platform to highlight SAAM and to also concerns about the content of this article, #MeToo movement nearly four years ago. raise awareness,” Palumbo said. to decide what goes into our publication we strongly encourage you to contact us at “Unfortunately, it's not talked about Upon the mention of the words, “sexual so long as we “treat controversial issues [email protected]. If you wish enough, not only in terms of the fact that assault,” many assume that they’re refer- in a fair and ethical manner.” Addition- to report any cases of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment and assault are prev- ring to physical violence. But the expres- ally, ignoring this would mean failure to please talk to a trusted adult. alent, but that it often impacts people sion covers a larger scope of misconduct. abide by another section of the publica- directly,” said Laura Palumbo, the com- Because attempted rape and rape in- tions policy: “to print news and feature October’s Breast Cancer Awareness munications director for the National Sex- volve attempted or unwanted physical articles dealing with topics of interest to Month features a pink ribbon to remind ual Violence Resource Center [NSVRC], contact, the act falls under sexual assault. student readers.” Americans that this disease is the second which is recognizing the 20th anniversa- Sexual harassment, though, may include Though this is unprecedented, my top leading cause of cancer death in women. ry of national Sexual Assault Awareness sexual assault. editors and I have agreed to include the Also in October, AIDS Awareness Month [SAAM] in April. “Often times the words, ‘sexual ha- same message at the beginning of each Month utilizes a red ribbon to draw atten- Originally created in 2001 by the NS- “Broken Boundaries” article. tion to the more than 30 million people VRC to educate and raise awareness for verbal harassment as well as harassment I hope when you are done reading who have died from AIDS-related illness- sexual misconduct, Sexual Assault Aware- based on someone’s gender identity or these pages, you will agree that we have es since the start of the epidemic in 1981. ness Month will occur virtually like last sexual orientation,” she said. “But sexual But not much is known about a teal year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. harassment can certainly include unwant- content that meets professional standards stripe used to shed light on questionable ed touch and can escalate to a physical as- conduct that has come to the forefront of shed light on the issue through its Insta- suault in a sexual assault.” the accolade BROKEN BOUNDARIES February 19, 2021 3

SUPERINTENDENTDistrict head responds to students' online sexual assault WEIGHSallegations, petitions for changeIN

NEVYA PATEL involved minors. SUMMER OF SOLIDARITY: Asst. Business Manager Nevertheless, assistant prin- A CHRONOLOGY cipal Hilda Arredondo — the If you have any questions, June 25: a female student administrator who usually works comments or concerns about the claiming to be from the Fullerton with local authorities to investi- Joint Union High School District content of this article, we strong- gate allegations concerning what ly encourage you to contact us at sexual harassment allegation on the superintendent had described [email protected]. If Instagram; it gained traction within as “conduct or misconduct of a hours. you wish to report any cases of sexual nature” — offers advice sexual misconduct, please talk to Within a few days, many others to anyone dealing with sexual ha- a trusted adult. claiming to be alumni from the rassment or assault or any type of FJUHSD or students begin sharing their own experiences with sexual bullying or cyberbullying. For many students who misconduct on Instagram. “I would advise students that checked their school emails face any type of harassment to not June 28: six claiming to be from during the summer, this an- the FJUHSD create a change.org engage in a verbal [or] written al- nouncement from the superinten- petition seeking a response from tercation,” Arredondo said. “Stu- dent of the Fullerton Joint Union - dents should report the incident sault allegations. High School District [FJUHSD] and not continue communication did not come as a surprise. June 30: superintendent Scott with the individual.” Emailed July 1 at 1:51 p.m. via Scambray sends an email re- Many students said they had FORMAL RESPONSE: Superintendent Scott Scambray's sponse to all FJUHSD students, Aeries communication, FJUHSD - digital notice to the community dated June 30, addressing the parents and guardians addressing superintendent Scott Scambray’s the issue. cials to weigh in on the social me- "negative student experiences in the District." two-paragraph statement ad- dia buzz. dressed to “Students, Parents/ District takes all complaints re- contact their site principal.” reprinting any of the online ma- “I am glad that the district was Guardians” on June 30 went ceived seriously.” Since that statement, no sub- terial that the superintendent had able to put up a ‘face’ and act as straight to the point: It ends with the following plea: sequent emails have been sent to alluded to or contacting any of the they care because I think that is “The Fullerton Joint Union “The District is actively re- provide any updates to students, people named in those social me- a feat in itself.” junior Donghyun High School District is aware of viewing the information posted in parents or guardians. dia posts would hinder any inves- Kim said. “[Nevertheless], my two petitions circulating and so- the petitions and on social media The Accolade has reached out tigations that SH administrators reaction to the superintendent’s cial media conversations regard- to take appropriate steps. The Dis- - may be working on. email was pretty lukewarm, and I ing negative student experiences trict requests that any current and mine if any such investigations was not all that impressed.” in the District, and in particular former students who believe they had occurred regarding students elaborate on anything that the su- related to allegations of sexu- have been subjected to conduct or enrolled on this campus, and af- perintendent wrote about, citing For the full story, go to al assault, harassment and other misconduct of a sexual nature and ter the staff’s top editors met with - shhsaccolade.com/ conduct of a sexual nature. The such conduct relates to school to administrators, it was agreed that tions and social media postings category/special-sections Social media not best outlet to report sexual misconduct

KATE YANG For the full story, go to with the student and witnesses shhsaccolade.com/ and then begin investigating with Asst. Feature Editor category/special-sections my admin team and director at the district.” If you have any questions, this issue. Sophomore Sierra Chavez, comments or concerns about the Aside from the public service who has never had an encounter content of this article, we strong- posters plastered inside class- with sexual misconduct on or ly encourage you to contact us at [email protected]. If knows about the protocols she you wish to report any cases of how to report incidents of harass- would follow if anything inappro- sexual misconduct, please talk to ment and discrimination under priate happened to her. a trusted adult. the Safe Schools Policy located “My parents and I speak very in the Sunny Hills Student Hand- openly and honestly about this More than 60% of all sexual book, which is available on the subject matter,” she said. “Be- assaults — attacks or attempted school website. attacks aimed toward unwanted Though the protocol is also would be able to easily overcome sexual contact — are not report- posted on the Fullerton Joint the situation with their guidance.” ed to authorities, according to the Union High School District web- Principal Allen Whitten is Bureau of Justice Statistics from site, Arredondo urges students aware of the peer pressure that 2002. who feel they may have been some students may face to remain Assistant principal Hilda victims to report cases of sexual silent or post their frustrations on Arredondo wants to ensure that assault, misconduct, harassment social media, but he still encour- students know what to do if they or abuse to any adult or school ages all to speak to a trusted adult. ever become a victim of such employee as soon as possible. “Our goal is a harassment-free misconduct. “All staff members are man- environment where students “I think the fear of reporting it dated reporters and must come can enjoy learning and focus on and not knowing who to report it to inform an administrator after school,” he said. “Sunny Hills to may contribute to students not hearing of an incident from a will continue to do all we can to knowing what to do,” said Arre- student,” she said. “From there, protect and support our students dondo, who investigates such re- I work with the Fullerton police's and address harassment [or as- ports and educates students about sault] claims head on.” 4 February 19, 2021 NEWS the accolade !"#$%&'($')$'(*+'',"'-$.*#/+'* (,*%$(&%$*+0$%*.&1*2$+%.*,3*.$%4&-$ MICHELLE SHEEN Copy Editor - menting a 1-to-1 ratio of chrome- After six years of leading with Sunny Hills following in superinten- dent, Scott “He stepped up and said we could do it, and we found the a n n o u n c e d through an - email sent to tioned than a lot of high school teachers and parents of stu- Scott Scambray dents that he - istry teacher Andrew Colomac “I’m excited and scared at the and at home was the superinten- - NEW TECHNOLOGY: FJUHSD superintendent Scott Scambray (right) watches as students - - receive their chromebooks in the Sunny Hills Lyceum on Jan. 5, 2017. Scambray spearheaded tor for 36 years and a superinten- the district’s transition to provide each student with a device to serve as an electronic textbook. dent for 13 of those years, so I felt “It was almost like he was see- as assistant principal at Rancho - Verde High School, principal at Moreno Valley High School and Before his six years at the assistant superintendent at the Val changes to the district that stu- dents, teachers and administrators career in Fresno as a math teach- of which are located in Moreno Sunny Hills senior Jenna planned after his last day working Beining, who is halfway through - action as the district’s leader at Bullard High School for nine was when he proposed that the School District in Central Cali- Retiring >> Page 6 Art teacher, IB coordinator DIVYA BHARADWAJ - It was a month into the 2020-2021 - school year — one that started with Sunny Hills students learning from home again like March when the COVID-19 pandemic mentor through high school and play a part Art teacher and International Baccalau- in laying the foundation for students’ fu- reate [IB] coordinator Brian Wall recalls getting a text message from one of his for- mer IB students, Cecilia Lee, who’s in her Lee, a 2020 graduate and a molecular, “Cecilia … asked if I got something accolade - IVY LEAGUE RECOGNITION: International Baccalaureate coordinator Brian Wall holds up the 2020 Yale Educator Award outside of his classroom. Because of the working relationship she - - 1 was not something that Lee needed from she faced, such as with her classes, her col- - Principal Allen Whitten said he was no- or, Wall said he plans to maintain his focus “Congratulations! We are pleased to an- - - - cynical and unhappy until I got to know - “It’s no surprise to me that he was rec- - dergraduate Admissions, recognizes teach- For the 2020-2021 school year, 317 and parents, I work with amazing col- ers and counselors from around the world teachers that makes a huge impact in a lot leagues that I look up to, and we are sup- who inspire and support their students to the accolade NEWS February 19, 2021 5 Majority of students opt for taking AP tests online

YEIHN LEE HANNAH KIM | theaccolade CLASS IS IN SESSION: Senior Caleb Wong (above) works on math homework for his fourth period AP Calculus BC class On the same day, social science teacher Robert Bradburn (be ANDREW NGO | theaccolade low) teaches his AP Human Geography class with four students JOT IT DOWN: Yeadam Kim takes notes in his cide which format they would like to take the AP exams they’ve IB English Higher Level class GRACE JOHNSON | theaccolade

Dance teacher, guidance technician voted employee of the year LAUREN JUNG HANNAH KIM | theaccolade CONGRATULATIONS: Keeping with the campus’ health and safety protocol of remaining six feet apart, principal Allen Whitten (center) leads a ceremony Employee awards >> Page 6 6 February 19, 2021 NEWS the accolade Senior class president organizes o!-campus Senior Sunrise event ANTHONY KEEM Staff Reporter theaccolade "le photo ENJOYING THE SHOW: Class of 2014 students react to the movie they were watching in the to not be able to have one because of the coronavirus pandemic. Some seniors, however, are The Ac- colade

FROM PAGE 5 FROM PAGE 4 be reached for comment, but those who knew her while she at- EMPLOYEE RETIRING tended Sunny Hills noticed that she was discreet about her being AWARDS member, had fond thoughts of related to the superintendent. Scambray. “At "rst I didn’t know she was “In his "ve years here, he the superintendent’s daughter,” transformed our district and senior Riley Godfrey said. “She improved our high school expe- didn’t usually tell anyone, but it rience in so many ways,” Beijing seemed like everyone already said. knew. ... She was a pretty good So while many people in the friend.” FJUHSD will miss Scambray, While last year’s in-person the school board hopes to "nd a graduation at all FJUHSD cam- leader who will ful"ll the super- puses got canceled because of the intendent position as Scambray coronavirus pandemic, Scam- Image printed with permission from Allen Whitten CELEBRATION TIME: Dance teacher Leiana Volen (left) had. bray is hopeful that he’ll be able and guidance technician Evelyn Casillas hold bouquets inside Superintendent candidate in- to celebrate his last daughter’s the Sunny Hills gym where principal Allen Whitten surprised terviews will be scheduled for graduation from Sonora. them on Jan. 29 with the announcement that each has received May with the hope that the new “I have not given up on the district head will start his or her idea of having in-person gradu- term on July 1, Buchi said. ations,” he said. “COVID [pos- Many students are familiar itive] numbers are declining so with the superintendent because there is still the possibility.” his three daughters either have Like the students, teachers graduated from or still attend an and administrators, Scambray FJUHSD high school (the "rst said he will miss being superin- two have graduated from Sunny tendent but would like to o!er Hills, while the youngest had at- this farewell message: tended Sunny Hills the "rst two “#ere are so many great years before transferring as a ju- things that go on every day and nior to Sonora, where she will be on every campus here in the dis- graduating in May). trict,” he said. “Keep up the good Victoria Scambray could not work.” the accolade OPINION February 19, 2021 7


the accolade Editor-in-Chief Tyler Pak Managing Editor Elijah Jhee Web Editor-in-Chief Andrew Ngo Web Managing Editors Annie Bang Rebecca Choi Special Sections Editor Hannah Kim News Editor Aaliyah Magana Assistant News Editor Alice Shin Opinion Editor Hope Li ALIYAH AHMAD | theaccolade TO RUN OR NOT TO RUN?: Several athletes in the cross country program chose not to show up Feature Editor Charis Lee Assistant Feature Editor Kate Yang Entertainment Editor Hanna Oltman Sports Editor Real wins lie in our athletes’ health Kristima Aryal The Accolade editorial board unani- and posing hazardous threats to our health, Even if more sports events returned, the Assistant Sports Editor mously agreed to respect a player’s de- the Editorial Board unanimously supported possibility of teams lacking players for games Grace Johnson cision to not participate in a sports event players’ coronavirus-related decisions to stay creates a grim, post-apocalyptic feel at mim- Copy Editor because of COVID-19 concerns. home Feb. 3, rather than competing for the icking normalcy where none exists. Michelle Sheen With over three months left before the end sake of commitment. While some board members felt hopeful for Assistant Copy Editor Commitment to a high school sport — the future of athletic events amid COVID-19, Lauren Jung sporting event Feb. 3 as the California Inter- while respectable — no longer has merit if a - Business Manager scholastic Federation worked with state health student athlete’s life is at risk after contracting ness from the dragged on pandemic. Umbert Caseres COVID-19 from a sports meet. Although many of us see the end-of-the-se- Assistant Business Managers Daniel Kong runners to begin their season, which normally Athletes especially should be cautious of Nevya Patel begins in the fall semester. a virus infamous for attacking the respiratory Photo Editor While we’re glad our boys varsity team system. If a player tested positive for the coro- limping, not joyfully sprinting, toward the end Brianna Zafra defeated the Coyotes, it’s disheartening that navirus after participating in a sports event in of the 2020-2021 school year. Graphics Editor all other levels of competition had to forfeit the name of commitment, not only would they Erin Lee - The Accolade editorial board is made up Online Graphics Editor Cross country head coach Jacob Holloway Karen Lee said many of his athletes opted out of com- their athletic performance in the future. with the guidance of adviser Tommy Li. If you Page Editors peting because of COVID-19 concerns; as of It’d also be hypocritical of us to criticize have a question about the board’s decision or Krishna Thaker Feb. 3, Orange County had 258,000 positive an issue for the board to discuss and write Staff Reporters cases and 3,617 COVID-19-related deaths. 44 Accolade about, please send an email to theaccoladesh- Divya Bharadwaj Dominique Chang With these statistics challenging normalcy when hybrid learning started again Tuesday. [email protected]. Hanna Jung Anthony Keem Minjeong Kim Alice Lee Henry Lee Yeihn Lee Esther Oh COVID-19 vaccine worth a shot for me Andrew Park Sydnee Tallant After a customary Friday news got dinner. Krishna Thaker night dinner with my aunt, who COVID-19 I scanned her body for any Rachel Yun Rida Zar has been a nurse practitioner for after being symptoms and luckily didn’t see Illustrators - vaccinated any signs of fatigue, fever or Jacqueline Chang bers gathered around her living — what if Ngan Dang room and began talking. she’ll get the CDC. Andrew (JungHyun) Lee “I’m getting the vaccine on the virus While she shared later on that Photographers kristimaAryal Aliyah Ahmad Tuesday,” my aunt began. too? Sports Editor she experienced some mild chills Kristel Laceste My younger, eighth-grade What if and soreness around her left arm, Audrey Seo brother and I made eye contact she gets the virus, then passes it Web Videographer with each other and glanced back to others? she said that it did not hinder her Sylvester Seo at her. Of course, we had all gotten work in any major form. Social Media Managers Isaac Choi Everyone seemed to share the vaccines before from the tetanus All my family’s doubts Gianne Veluz same sentiment — we were all vaccine required by the Cali- seemed to roll away. Adviser nervous and anxious for her as fornia immunization laws for stu- The California government Tommy Li dents to receive before attending website states that the plan is Unless speci!cally stated, advertisements in !e Accolade are inserted by commercial ven- family to take the vaccine. to vaccinate all counties by the tures solely for informational purposes and not However, my aunt, Sarita shot. summer and, hopefully, we will by Sunny Hills High School. !e Accolade will not print advertisements that violate school But this time around, the situ- all be waiting in line to take the regulations or U.S. laws. chemists at Moderna, the com- vaccine when the time comes. !e Accolade is produced by the pany which manufactured the It wasn’t just a cold; it was Advanced Journalism class of Sunny Hills High School two injections of the vaccine she a virus that had killed over hand experience with the new (714) 626-4225 Copyright 2021 would take starting Dec. 29. 443,000 and plagued over 26.4 vaccine, I suggest that those cur- Image printed with permission from Although the Federal Drug million Americans, according to rently eligible to take it for the Sarita Shivakoti Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, this issue was created as Administration approved the the Center of Disease Control health of not only themselves but MY SHOT: Nurse prac- a PDF !le posted on the school inoculation on Dec. 18, my head and Prevention [CDC] as of Feb. for their family and the people in titioner Sarita Shivakoti website, sunnyhills.net, and !e Accolade’s online news website, 2. their country. prepares to inject an eligi- shhsaccolade.com. What if she has a sudden Knowing my aunt’s experi- ble patient with Moderna’s !e Accolade welcomes signed letters to the editor with full name and grade level allergic reaction? family went back to her house - COVID-19 vaccine Jan. 24 at emailed to [email protected]. I heard some people on the for yet another Friday night dent enough to give it a shot too. Soka University in Aliso Viejo. "e sta# reserves the right to edit. 8 February 19, 2021 OPINION the accolade


JACQUELINE CHANG | theaccolade I have the drive to drive Yellow light means wait I got my driver’s license last week Just like we always talked about I still see your face in ‘Cause you were so excited for me the white cars, front yards - - attention to the reputed the aliceShin aliceLee Asst. News Editor Sta! Reporter dream school, Boston College, located in - - - Although a college education doesn’t After more driving practice, I plan on - er institution of learning increases the - mored relationship with Sabrina Carpen- - “On average, a college graduate with Although I’m tempted to do so, I would - prefer not to because if an accident hap- “She is not allowed to get her license greatest inconveniences of needing a ride to go to places, so I proceeded to per- watch some YouTube videos featuring the kinds of car crashes that I watched while electric car — the latest version of the Just thinking about doing activities For the full story, go For the full story, go to shhsaccolade.com/ however, after a couple hours of mulling to shhsaccolade.com/ category/opinion category/opinion Letters to the editor Reader response to the Dec. 14 spe- cial section recapping the election: - Just like PTSA Grad Nite committee - Krishna Thaker’s article, “Get rid of the chairwoman Nivie Jhawar said though, “A work during passing periods and after Electoral College,” was informative and been a “waste of summer” since the writer It did a great job at making people aware has an interest in politics and involved him- of the problems that we have in the voting I liked how he involved emotions to qualities of online school, I still hope to heighten suspense for readers and further — Brian Lemus, freshman learn something important from it and was able to point out alternatives to the shared his passion for politics and said he - — Chirag Agarwal, sophomore inspired me to see a brighter future, espe- — Chloe Kim, freshman Reader response to other sections in Through this whole coronavirus disas- — Amber Lee, freshman the Dec. 14 issue: ter, online school is more stressful than I The Accolade welcomes signed letters For Katie Lee’s article, “Grad Nite can- to the editor with full name and grade level emailed to [email protected]. heartbreaking since he was so assiduous since middle school was easier, and online the accolade FEATURE February 19, 2021 9 Site tech retires middle of year KATE YANG SITE TECH'S TENURE For the two years she’s spent co-advising the Sunny Hills eS- August 2017: hired as ports team, Sonya Joyce has always site technician reminded her team members to play with respect, dedication and February 2018: voted con!dence. employee of the year “Win or lose, she gave us so much positivity and reminded April 2019: co-adviser us how important it was to stay of school's League of humble,” said senior top-laner Legends national cham- Erik Lee, who has known Joyce pionship team for one year. theaccolade !le photo "rough a Discord message Jan. 22, 2021: last INCREDIBLE FEAT: sent out on Jan. 12, Joyce, who day as school's site worked as the school’s site techni- technician cian for three years since August Joyce was a guiding hand to the memories we made celebrating al relationships with every sta$ 2017, announced to her eSports en that have forced me to reassess SH team toward bringing home a wins for each of the teams.” member on this campus and sup- students that as of Jan. 22, she my responsibilities and ability to California Interscholastic Federa- Only six months a#er her ini- ports them on such a high level will retire from her campus job, continue to hold my position at tion [CIF] Championship Cup in tial employment in the 2017-2018 with issues beyond just their tech- meaning she will also no longer Sunny Hills.” the 2020 fall season and a North school year, Joyce was so respon- nological needs.” volunteer as the eSports team Even a#er such recognition, America Scholastic Esports Fed- sive to the sta$s’ technology needs Joyce hopes that the next per- co-adviser. Joyce tackled the challenge of eration League of Legends high that she earned the most votes for son to !ll her role will remember Besides that post, Joyce of- co-advising the eSports team in school championship April 2019. classi!ed employee of the year. to work with a positive attitude. fered !e Accolade this additional 2019 when the program barely “Her enthusiasm is conta- “I think everyone on campus “For the next lucky site tech- statement: “My answer as to why began. gious,” Deister said. “She made could agree she was the perfect nician, put the teachers and stu- I am leaving is because there have With computer science teach- advising the team so much eas- nominee,” principal Allen Whit- dents !rst, because their needs are been a few factors that have aris- er Myra Deister as her co-adviser, ier, and I will always cherish the ten said. “She has built person- why we are here,” she said. Freshman takes on youth editor role for Observer

DIVYA BHARADWAJ More than a month into the 2020-2021 school year, Vudoti was not shy to send an email to all the teachers introducing her role for the Observer. Editor” response nearly seven years ago to her local newspaper — the 43-year-old teachers feel about the impending school Fullerton Observer — reopening to in-person classes,” she wrote about a story on babysit- - ters, freshman Francine sues, the students have shared their votes Vudoti had no idea that her on learning options. Hope you could share opinions would lead to her your voice, too.” One of Vudoti’s fellow teen Observer journalism. Francine Vudoti writers has nothing but praise for Vudoti. The Observer’s editor at the time, Sharon Kenne- could write for a newspaper and on top dy, liked what she saw in Vudoti’s words of that take charge of a whole section for younger writers,” said sophomore Alexan- position as a kid columnist. Compiled by Charis Lee dria Kim, a fellow teen Observer reporter. SHE'S GOT ISSUES: serve our community through my writing Fullerton Observer write for the paper myself.” so I value my role as a columnist,” said the Vudoti hopes to contribute to the Ob- freshman, whose only journalism training the youth page, which I named, ‘Young Sunny Hills principal Allen Whitten server after high school as a mentor to the has come from her personal experience Observers,’ and I believe I am in the pro- said he has never met Vudoti in person but on the job though she’s beginning to learn cess of achieving this mission.” has granted either Zoom or email interview But does she plan on taking her journal- about the craft from her current editor. As the youth page editor, Vudoti decides requests from her. ism experience to the next level, like to The Once she familiarized herself with which stories will be published in the paper - Accolade, or the the local newspaper — published twice a and reports to the Observer’s chief editor. ticles for the Observer- ? month and distributed at various shops and stores — Vudoti created a youth section for sharing of information such as article dead- really well-done; in fact, I even included career in journalism because I want to ex- writers by pitching her mission in the fall lines, guides for monthly themes, events to one of them in our school newsletter.” plore the computer science pathway, but of 2018 to the now-retired Kennedy, who cover, special assignments and article sub- it can be a side gig or volunteer work,” loved the idea. missions,” she said. teacher, Mike Paris, remains impressed Vudoti said. Since her initial involvement with the- opportunity of getting their voices heard, newspaper as a third-grader, Vudoti has - gaining experience and developing interest amassed a variety of articles about trends, one of any age, let alone a freshman in high has to do some community service to gain pets, book reviews, comic strips, events - writing experience and acquire leadership about it, and I got the approval to launch and national holidays. dent in every area.” skills," said her mother, Fran. 10 February 19, 2021 FEATURE the accolade Students optimize online platforms, outdoor hangouts to maintain contact with friends

CHARIS LEE from one another. Feature Editor “It wasn’t that hard to commu- nicate, if you couldn’t hear some- one you just asked them to repeat Zoom movie nights, picnics six their question,” Parra said. “We feet apart, and socially distanced stayed at least six feet away from shopping at outdoor malls. Such each other at all times.” activities are now the hallmarks of pandemic-proof hangouts as stu- TAKE A HIKE dents !nd creative ways to meet Freshman Arum Han also with friends in safe, coronavi- chose outdoor festivities and hiked rus-friendly environments. on various trails during quarantine Since the pandemic began in over the summer. March of 2020, the prolonged “It was pretty di$cult to hike quarantine challenged students to with masks the whole time since it adapt their hangout methods to was so hot, but at the same time, follow social distancing guidelines I was just relieved to go outside,” and other precautionary measures. Han said. Unable to see her friends for ESCAPE GLOOM WITH ZOOM !ve months a%er the quarantine Junior Jessie Park uses Face- began in March last year, Han was Image printed with permission from Jessie Park Time and Discord frequently to DIGITAL HANGOUT: Junior Jessie Park (left) and her online friends whom she met through relieved to see her peers and spend catch up with her friends and tries TikTok chat on FaceTime on Nov.6 and have a mini photoshoot with their plushies. time with them. to enjoy the time spent with them “Right a%er COVID hit I didn’t despite the hangouts through animals, and it turned into a mini with many people in one setting a mask,” Worrell said. really get a chance to FaceTime mostly virtual communication. photoshoot. It sounds silly but in and always has hand sanitizer and them or call them, but a%er we “Not being able to see my the moment, we were having so antibacterial wipes on hand. FUN IN THE SUN adjusted a little more, I called my friends in real life de!nitely sucked much fun and laughing.” “I felt safe hanging out with As for outdoor shopping malls friends for the !rst time in like !ve and [was] unfortunate, but that my friends [because] I really only and activities, junior Brandon Par- months,” she said. “It was the lon- did not stop me from communi- NO NITPICKS WITH PICNICS see two [or] three people outside ra practices pandemic-proof hang- gest period of time I hadn’t spoken cating with them,” Park said. Like Park, senior Rebecca Wor- of my family during quarantine,” outs through outdoor sports and or seen any of my school friends.” One particular online activ- rell also chooses safer alternatives Worrell said. “One of them works social distancing in public places. Han hopes to see her friends ity Park enjoyed was a sponta- by hosting Zoom calls and meet- in a clinic and the other has family “[My friends and I] went to #e again soon and would want to neous stu"ed animal photoshoot ing her friends for outdoor picnics. in the medical !eld, so they both Source [OC], where we ate lots of spend a whole day at the beach through FaceTime that took place “I met with my two [close] get tested frequently.” food while keeping a safe distance,” once lockdown restrictions and on Nov. 6. friends at the park for my birth- Worrell’s parents were also Parra said. “We ate outside on the coronavirus bans are li%ed. “My friends and I were chill- day,” Worrell said. “We were nat- eased knowing that her friends are big stairs at #e Source.” “When COVID cases die down, ing and one of them noticed my urally social distancing and [kept] cautious around one another. #ough slightly more di$cult I would like to hang out with my stu"ed animals so I showed them our masks [on] when we weren’t “My parents don’t mind me go- to maintain, friendships seem to friends again, but in the meantime, all of mine,” Park said. “#ey pro- eating.” ing out as long as I follow COVID persist past the masks, six-foot I want to be safe by using Zoom or ceeded to pull out their stu"ed Worrell makes sure not to meet preventative procedures and wear distance, and prolonged time away talking online,” Han said. Flu"y friends ease quarantine blues ANTHONY KEEM helpful for him.” of connecting with another being, Though Kim’s sleep often something that has contributed to gets cut short because of bark- After a month of anticipation the trend of pet adoptions. ing in the middle of the night, and careful planning, freshman he still is grateful for his dog her quest for a quarantine com- - closer together. panion come to an end. For Cho, adopting a two- with it,” Chung said. downstairs with the dog, which She also said that pets can - pression and stress, all of which - there’s a lot of work in caring for together.” - test when he adopted a then nine- - en’t been seeing people in person dents are up for the challenge September. of taking care of a pet, there is no better time than quarantine to Despite the new responsibil- adopt an animal. that wasn’t online,” Kim said. “He transferred from Beachwood well-being and that quarantine Middle School to Parks [Junior feelings of stagnation,” Chung was the right time to adopt a pet. Licensed therapist Susan - - son interaction with a pet was during this time of crisis.” the accolade ARTS&ENTERTAINMENT February 19, 2021 11 ‘Minari’ "lm has helped me appreciate my ethnic identity andrewPark Sta! Reporter Image printed with permission from Net!ix NIGHT OUT AT THE BIG APPLE: Upon bringing his girlfriend to a cookie bakery during a school trip to New York, Last of ‘To All the Boys’ trilogy goes nowhere with simple plot HANNA OLTMAN Entertainment Editor 12 February 19, 2021 ARTS&ENTERTAINMENT the accolade Net!ix’s ‘Fate: "e Winx Saga’ disappoints ANNIE BANG Web Managing Editor

Serving as the ultimate disappointment for Winx Club fans, the newest addition to the Winx franchise does more damage than good in the world of magic and fairies. - ic children’s show “Winx Club,” “Fate: The Winx Saga” fails to live up to the 2004 original, resulting in a cringeworthy rendi- tion of the fantastical drama series. show consists of one season with six, hour- long episodes following Bloom (Abigail Cowen, “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina”), a 16-year-old girl who enters a new world after recently discovering her identity as a for fairies, Bloom and her roommates face a series of trials regarding friendships, ro- Image printed with permission from Net!ix mance and monsters called the “Burned MODERN MAGIC: The Winx Club fairies — Musa (left), Stella, Bloom, Aisha and Terra — walk through the gates of Ones” that threaten their existence. Though Bloom enters Alfea as a com- plete newcomer to a world of magic after cast. Had the show gone by a separate name living her entire life on Earth, her blatant Not only did the lack of diversity create or franchise, the publics’ reactions would ignorance toward the advice given to her a cast of characters foreign from the origi- by those more knowledgeable acts as the nal series, but those behind the show failed - of the criticisms stemmed from the failure to consider the potential contributions they complish transitioning the Winx franchise to reach the expectations of the original series. The protagonist’s fallibility makes could have made to the predominantly to accommodate young adults. With vices show, the plot and characters would have - like drug use on clear display along with Bloom gets herself stuck in self-induced acters greeted returning viewers, another violent scenes, the (TV-MA) series clearly problems. case of unfortunate whitewashing was add- - at rebranding the franchise with a more Prior to its debut, the show received ed to the industry. ture audience. mature aesthetic, its faults came primarily backlash because of the whitewashing Another perceived fault of the show sur- However, the mature scenes do little to from disappointing Winx Club fans with within the cast. While the original Winx rounds the lack of “fashionable” clothing advance the plot, serving as an unneces- a mediocre cast and failed expectations. Club showcased a variety of skin tones and from the characters. The original Winx se- With its shoddy shot at a real-life remake, ethnicities ranging from Asian, Hispanic ries’ attention to the clothing choices made perhaps “Fate: The Winx Saga” should and Black characters, the live action ver- the show known for trendy and stylish a cliche, teenage angst version of the orig- have stayed in the drafts rather than ruining sion disappointed with a dominantly white inal. the valued childhoods of many.

Rodrigo’s No. 1 song, ‘Drivers License,’ revs DRIVING UP up SH students’ emotions, past heartbreaks THE DRAMA Olivia Rodrigo HANNA JUNG In her “Drivers License” smash hit, Rodrigo laments For most teens, having a license comes the end of a rela- with the freedom to drive around with tionship, she had with actor Joshua friends and make great high school mem- Bassett. ories. For 18-year-old Olivia Rodrigo, it turned out to be much more. Actress and singer-songwriter Rodri- go released her debut single “Drivers Li- cense” on Jan. 8, and just 72 hours later, it Joshua Bassett broke the Spotify record for most streams The 20-year-old in a single day at 15.17 million streams. actor, rumored to be dating actress “I think it’s so inspirational as a person Sabrina Carpenter, of color.” sophomore Camille Janice said. is assumed to be the “Many of her idols have started to [notice] person behind Rodri- her work (artists such as , Cardi B. go’s heartbreak. and ), and I think that’s so KAREN LEE | theaccolade cool.” TUNE IN: An artist’s rendering of Olivia Rodrigo in a scene from her music One of the main factors that contributed video based on her song, “Drivers License,” which has set streaming records. to the song’s success was the controversy Sabrina Carpenter regarding the alleged love triangle between omore Jacky Woo said. “The song itself passing through a suburban neighborhood. It’s presumed that Rodrigo, her “High School Musical: The is really good and almost relatable, but it The relatable lyrics then transitions into an this 21-year-old for- Musical: The Series” co-star Joshua Bas- makes it a lot more meaningful since [her mer star is the “blonde sett and Disney Channel child star, Sabrina followers] got to witness the whole situa- girl” who’s “so much Carpenter. tion on social media.” For the full story, go to https://shh- older” in Rodrigo’s “I’m so invested with the drama and the The music video of the hit single fea- saccolade.com/category/ae/ song. Easter eggs dropped in the song,” soph- tures the singer driving in her car by herself, the the accolade SPORTS February 19, 2021 13 CIF cancels all championships for fall sports Athletes, coaches disheartened by decision to ax playo!s RACHEL YUN Staff Reporter SEASON END DATES FOR FALL SPORTS Right-side Senior wing Rebecca Hodge walked into her Golden West club volley- ball practice. But before getting into her warmups, Girls volleyball her coach, Lauryn Win, gathered the team Saturday, March 27 and announced that the California Inter- scholastic Federation-Southern Section Girls/boys cross country [CIF-SS] would be canceling their play- Saturday, March 27 offs. “When I heard the decison I was pretty Girls/boys water polo disappointed, but I’ve pretty much antic- Saturday, March 27 ipated it happening," Hodge said. "I was still shocked because I’ve played club vol- Football leyball and worked really hard so I could Saturday, April 17 perform my best at the playoffs.” The senior’s volleyball team along with the Sunny Hills’ football, girls and Source: California Interscholastic Federation-Southern Section Compiled by Kristima Aryal boys water polo and girls and boys cross ANDREW NGO | theaccolade country teams will not have a chance to vie JUMP TO IT: While social distancing, senior defensive-back Brandon Roberts Even in the midst of an uncertain sea- for a championship, after a Jan. 20 update - son, athletic director Paul Jones is remain- from CIF-SS removing playoffs for the ing optimistic. “fall” sports. “I’m hopeful that the students will have The original decision comes after all during the “fall” sports season will be use- cellation from his coach. "Our team was the opportunity to play because it doesn’t Southern California counties consistently ful to our schools in the effort to have a motivated knowing that there is still some- feel like a high school year without sports remained in the purple “widespread” tier. regular season,” CIF-SS commissioner of one to beat.” and being the athletic director, it's been “CIF is not the bad guy actually — CIF athletics Rob Wigod wrote in a Jan. 20 Disheartened for their seniors, some tough,” Jones said. is trying to get us to play,” football head press release. coaches are planning to hold a special on- Many SH athletics are staying motivat- coach Peter Karavedas said. “This is life; For many athletes, the cancellation of line event for their graduating athletes. ed despite the cancellation and practicing things happen beyond your control and you the playoffs did not come as a surprise. “I was disappointed for the senior run- after school while still respecting the so- can’t dwell on things you can’t change.” “I’m just disappointed — it's unfortu- ners, but we're holding a Zoom celebration cial distancing protocols. The CIF-SS released multiple exten- nate that our team couldn’t have another to recognize all members, and seniors will “I’m still going to give it my all at each sions upon the “fall” sports’ end dates to chance to prove that our success isn’t just receive unique gifts,” head cross country practice; with a sport sometime you just allow for local district-wide league sched- a one year thing but winning is part of our coach Jacob Holloway said. “The overall have to keep your goals small,” water polo ules to form. culture,” said football linebacker senior goal of developing resilient student-ath- goalie junior Mary Rovira said. “Under- “The additional week now available - letes is still very much in play.” promise but overachieve.” Cross country becomes !rst to start in 2020-2021 HENRY LEE Staff Reporter STATS & WHAT'S NEXT After months of delays and changes to Boys: SH 44, Troy 19 (loss) statewide high school sports competition, season record 1-1 Girls: SH 50, Troy 15 (forfeit loss) Hills to organize a California Interscho- season record: 0-2 lastic Federation-sanctioned athletic event Feb. 3 with the only eligible team of boys defeating Buena Park High School. Up next: SH vs. Fullerton “It’s been a tough year for sure — we 2/24 at home had to shut a lot of practices,” boys and girls cross country head coach Jacob Hol- Complied by Kristima Aryal ALIYAH AHMAD | theaccolade loway said after the two-hour meet that FINAL STRETCH: - started at 3 p.m. “I hope that competition to Buena Park because each Lancer group provides a spark of motivation for some lacked the seven required runners. who were lacking.” Nevertheless, one girl and four boys in frosh/soph were still allowed to race “The reality is we did not have enough four days after a Jan. 30 cross country con- against Buena Park runners, though the people to actually compete,” Holloway consisted of six laps around the SH track test between two Riverside schools in what Lancers’ scores were not counted. - - “It is more of a roll of the dice this year sults.” The Lancers will next face off against tioned athletic event in Southern Califor- because we don’t know who is necessarily No outside spectators, such as family Fullerton on Feb. 24 from 3-5 p.m. at nia since the COVID-19 pandemic started running for each team, and it might change and students, were permitted. home. last March, according to an Orange County week to week,” said Holloway, who took The meet also took place at the Sunny Register article. full reins of the sport this season a year af- Although the meet was open to all lev- ter he was hired to work with the JV cross occurred since the mid-1990s, according to RELATED STORY els of cross country runners, Holloway said country squad. Sunny Hills alumni Facebook posts. Staff Editorial: Athletes sitting out over his girls varsity runners and boys frosh/ Holloway said he had to switch ven- COVID-19 worries is the right thing to do. soph and girls frosh/soph, which also make team at the other levels, the head coach ues because public parks are not allowing See Opinion, page 7. up the junior varsity squad, had to forfeit maintained an optimistic attitude. event registrations. The three-mile route 14 February 19, 2021 SPORTS the accolade Game Ball Pak re!ects on starting boys v-ball team GRACE JOHNSON Asst. Sports Editor pus. “Joseph contacted me on many Senior Joseph Pak will never occasions as the president of the forget April 28, 2019. After campaigning since his professional and respectful in his freshman year for the Sunny Hills approach,” principal Allen Whit athletic department to offer the ten said. school history, Pak was told that when Whitten informed him that “Forming a team is a compli school year. cated process,” Whitten said in a Driving home after practice, 2017 Accolade feature on Pak’s Pak had a huge smile on his face. come up to me to form CIF teams. which he had worked so hard for, full support from parents and the “I was crazy excited, in dis [Anaheim] Ducks organization hockey team were told ‘No.’” Image printed with permission from Joshua Pak what was to come,” the outside Instead of doing nothing, Pak SPIKE: Senior Joseph Pak (left) keeps his eyes on the ball in the Sunny Hills gym during the hitter said. “I am just so thankful boys volleyball game aganist Crean Lutheran High School, which ended in a 1-3 loss. Pak (right) to God and the people around that he formed in 8th grade to high gears up to serve the ball during the Feb. 25, 2020 game. school and arranged matches Pak’s passion for this sport Although the inaugural sea part of a coaching staff,” he said. started after watching the anime High School. many others. “Joseph and his whole fam “One day he asked me if I 1, 2020, the rising cases of skills and play competitively in a er, he took inspiration from the wanted to come and play with league.” main character, Shoyo Hinata, him, and I couldn’t stop,” oppo lation of the remainder of the sea But one thing is clear: Despite said. "His enthusiasm was a real son said. “He is a natural leader and really understands his team season getting canceled,” Pak Late in Pak’s sophomore year, mates.” recognize Pak’s dedication. super underplayed sport in the former athletic director Jon Caf “Literally, we would never U.S. and for Hinata he never frey surprised Pak with the news and science teacher Jack Adams lem so I prayed and changed my recalls Pak’s dedication. mindset. not come to this school,” he said. school, and that motivated me,” ality. “You can 100% count on him. “I will push for Joseph's face to Pak said. “It felt so surreal — this team So when Pak arrived at Sunny gave us a new motivation to con who I would make team captain: Pak intends to continue playing tinue playing," he said. Joseph has not only proved ams said. sport here.”

Updated rules allow New addition to boys, girls golf HENRY LEE Fenstermaker said he plans to already noticed his impact on the remain in his capacity as an assis team. Staff Reporter for sports to return tant coach as long as Enrico needs “I think he is managing all of and wants him to. Nearly six months after He’s the Associated Student “I just needed to come in and schedule in his mind,” junior var rate of seven per 100,000. As shore up the lower level and help sity golfer freshman Prysilla Ahn sons were initially supposed social science teacher who was out with some additional coaching said. to start, the California De has a daily case rate of 20.7 and coverage,” he said. “I may run “He knows [his priorities] cases per 100,000 people, ac some practices or help with some when doing all of these activities.” updated its youth sports cording to the Orange Coun termaker is throwing his hat — or girls matches on supervision or Ahn said Fenstermaker assists guidelines to allow seasons ty Health Care Agency. scheduling.” in the driving range practices on to compete in counties with a Athletes and coaches will Although he knows adding an Wednesdays, and she sees how in as the interactive the new assistant coach assistant 100,000 residents. larly tested every week. coach for "We are now prepared to to his already lengthy coaching cause our practices are orderly enter another phrase of this ing testing resources free of and girls charge to all schools,” CIF golf pro for almost a year," Califor State commissioner Ron grams. David Fenstermaker confused on how to practice in a nia Interscholastic Federa Nocetti said in an Orange “Coach County Register article. [Scott] En High School in 1992. Fenstermaker sees the Lancer “If they couldn’t provide rico asked me if I could help out “He helps kids with their last semester with the lower level swings, putting and course man ing at a high level. Previously, teams could friends with Fenstermaker since coaching staff with coach Enrico 2001. tices until counties reached — Andrew Ngo, and coach [Ron] Newton, and I am “He's a great teacher, and that said. “I think the program is po the orange “moderate” tier, going to help wherever they need really shows in his coaching.” me.” Several Lancer golfers have the [Freeway] League and in CIF.”