ASB Agenda November 28, 2018
BRAZEAU COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SERVICE BOARD MEETING November 28, 2018 BRAZEAU COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SERVICE BOARD MEETING AGENDA DATE: November 28, 2018 TIME: 10:00 a.m. PLACE: COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, EOC ROOM Call to Order Present 1. Introductions 2. Addition to and adoption of the agenda (Page 1) 3. Nomination of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson 4. Adoption of the minutes of the ASB Meeting of October 17, 2018 (Pages 2-9) 5. Business Arising 6. 11:00 a.m. Public Input Session 7. Agriculture Reports for October/November 2018 a) Manager of Agricultural Services and Assistant Agricultural Fieldman (Pages 10-12) b) Members Reports c) Alberta Key Contact Report – T. Bozic (Page 13- 14) 8. Old Business 9. New Business a) ASB Orientation (separate handout to be provided at the meeting) b) ASB Bursary (separate handout to be provided at the meeting) 10. Correspondence/Items for Information a) 2018 Meeting Schedule (Page 15) b) 2019 Meeting Schedule DRAFT (Page 16) Adjournment Page 1 MINUTES OF THE AGRICULTURAL SERVICE BOARD HELD AT THE BRAZEAU COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, EOC MEETING ROOM, IN DRAYTON VALLEY, ALBERTA ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2018. CALL TO ORDER S. Wheale, Vice-Chairperson called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m. PRESENT S. Wheale, Vice-Chairperson B. Guyon, Reeve A. Heinrich, Councillor B. Gabrielson, Member at Large D. Movald, Member at Large T. Bozic, Key Contact, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry D. McCann, Manager of Agricultural Services N. Chambers, Recording Secretary ABSENT M. Schwab, Chairperson L. Wentland, Member at Large L. Chambers, Director of Community Services W. Noga, Assistant Agricultural Fieldman GUESTS Brandy Fredrickson, Drayton Valley and District Chamber of Commerce ADDITIONS TO AND ADOPTION OF AGENDA Additions and Adoption of Agenda 130/18 Moved by A.
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