Published | By Students: of Howard College. Founded 1842 BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1942 Med Can Pharmacist one Accepted Speaks To Ruth "Harris, senior pre-meds ' Mrs. Hamrick’s rumored ban on ical student, was accepted last Chapel Go-ers polding hands with inmates of week into the Bowman Gray School Smith: Hall, has caused occupants of Medicine at Wake Forest Col _ of Renfroe Hall to suggest a boycott lege in Winston-Salem, North Caro- Chapel Cutters To Be of that institution. Further devel lina. She will leave for there as Penalized; Morning opments on the Eastern front are soon as she graduates in June. Watch Series Slated being anxiously watched. ¥ Other presmedical seniors who * have been accepted for Medical Girls were urged to study “ You'll have to wait for the draft schools are Evan Lewis who will pharmacy as a result of the gov- enroll at Johns Hopkins University, to get’ you new, since no more ernment’s increasing demand for volunteers will be accepted. You Baltimore, Maryland; Vivian Gibbs, specialists in this field, in a chapel Robert Mize, and George Hagood, can still enlist in the other phases of talk this week by Dr. Leon Rich- who will go to the University of the forces though. ards, head of the pharmacy depart- » Alabama; and Claire Conerly, who ment at Howard. APO. is being misjudged by has been accepted for medical work Dr. Richards, speaking on the sub- in Washington University, St Louis, some who have gotten the idea ject “The Place of Pharmacy in Mo. that the money for the mail boxes the /National Emergency,” explained in the new postoffice was appropri- that all pharmacists are now ‘being Eddie! -— Eddic C Cantor with hi: five daughters and no sos ; just ou ‘ated by the student senate. None taught first aid. t Julian A. of the money came- from the Stu- McF ree of Calif> nia Polytechnic ‘Co lege, Sa _ dent senate, but was secured by the Six To Write |ietier — he his six n Luis gone him one daughters and But the organization itself from other ANNOUNCEMENTS uation it that McP hee heads a college which has some 90 y Che sources. The boxes belong to A.P.O. Honors Theses Chapel Attendance Colgate Digest P10 br Keooety ‘and the money for sale of the boxes President ‘Davis announced .in . 45 theirs also to be used by them chapel Wednesday a plan by Five boys and one girl of the Sen- on future service projects. which honor points will be given {ior class have been accepted by the * ® =» for students who attend chapel faculty as candidates for degrees “War time is our time"-—sang with honor. regularly, with a loss of honor “some sleepy looking student Wed: points for those who cut. hesday—It must also have robbed Beside writing an honor ‘thesis The plan will be further work- these students will be required to some of the faculty of their ren- ed on by his “cabinet,” the stand an oral- examination in their dezvous' with Morpheus from the Major said. major field before all the members way they slept through the Chapel Vocational Emphasis Week “Program Wednesday. of the faculty. It was announced that next ** Jean McDaniel, assistant editor of week is Vocational Emphasis “Major Davis wants a plan for both the Entre Noug and the Crim- Week and that this will be the son and president of Hypatia and Helen Hinkle, A. D. Pi pledge president, was presented an all- subject of the morning watch compulsory chapel now—with honor who is the only girl candidate for a event trophy in bowling at the conclusion of the Birmingham Wo- talks Every Day next week, and . points for attendance and penal ties if you don’t attend. We hope degree with honors, is an English men’s tournament which was held January 24-25 and January 31- of next Wednesday's chapel. Major. he gets a plan—for the vacant seats Feb. 1. Participating in the bowling tournament for her first year, | are a disgrace to all of us—even Candidates for the honors degree Helen knocked down the highest nuygber of pins for all three con- After discussing the history and ; those who attend feél for a speaker in chemistry are Evan Lewis, who tests, winning the main award. “romance behind drugs”, Dr. Rich- ‘or program given that has to con- has already been accepted into John ards told the students about some front empty seats. A privilege it is Hopkins Medical School; Nash Col- drugs which have become ‘scarce to go to college. We pay for it with lier; Trident, and August Lovegren, Red Cross Drive Billy Bancroft Tells because the source of supply has ‘good, hard-earned money—then president of Trident. pl been cut off by the war. throw opportunity of entertain- Billie Roberts is writing his thesis Still Underway YWCA About USO ‘ment and enlightenment away when in pharmacy while Borum Bishop, 3 _ “it comes to voluntary chapel at Trident, is writing in the field of Although the Red Cross drive for | Mr. Billy Bancroft, former How- tendance. ‘We admit thé programs economics. the city of Birmingham has offi. ard coach and now Birmingham's Sparks: New

and speakers could be improved— Bert Holmes, Trident, is a candi- cially closed, Howard's drive for executive secretary of the USO, told 5 but that can only be changed by date for a degree with honers in that organization were delayed be- the members of the YWCA in chap- Club Sponsor WA student demand for better by full mathematics. cause of exam week, it was an- el last Monday how the USO was SE


attendance. It's up to you as a stu- nounced by the school’s chairman, created and how they could help AR


ss Antoinette Sparks, instructor in AAT dent. Sue Blanton. that organization in Birmingham.

college dramatic art and sponsor of Lehi * *® * Miss Blanton said that the contri-

Howardites To Help S50 Frances Goodrich, president of the Howard Masquers, has been

butions of Howard students are be- A PRAYER CHANGES THINGS

the YWCA, announced that a mu- AAS ing paid through organizations and elected the new sponsor of Chi Del- So—to you faculty members this Local Draft Board sical sponsored by the YWCA will ta Phi, national honorary English ta much enthusiasm has been shown SR is written. In preparation for Re- be held February 28 at the East sorority, it was announced today. in the drive. All students who have AN ligious Focus Week on the campus— With Registration Lake Methodist Church. Miss Sparks, who is a Chi Delta Phi not already done so are asked to RANT _ You are requested to please begin make a contribution to the Red Anna Margaret Cowden gave the alumna; will fill the vacancy left your classes with prayer—either As a service to the national gov- Cross through their fraternity, so- morning devotional. by Miss Annie L. Boyett, former Jeading yourself or calling on ernment and to the community of stu Howard professor who is now teach- Ot dents to do so. Won't you please East Lake, twenty professors and rority, the “Y's or any other organ- Immediately after the general ization to which they belong. ing at Mercer. > heed this request—and benefit by instructors, and twenty students of YWCA, the girls of the Freshman Assisting in the campaign to raise Commission met. Plans for the an- Active members of the sorority the blessing of divine guidance Howard, will assist¥the local draft one dollar from every student who nual Speak Week were discussed met last weekend to plan the ini- through the day. board in registering young men on can possibly pay are Donald Ad- by’ Martha Patterson. Speak Week tiation serviees which are to be held Feb. 14 and 16. The college re Saturday evening, Feb. 21, at the cock, Vivian Norton, Frances Good- is to be February 23-27 and will be iceived instructions Feb. 12, in line Delta Zeta lodge on the campus. The Tich, David Drake and Jack Mec- sponsored by the Freshman Com- rexel Clancey At The Bat with promises which it made to the Honors anver — Mirion S. Powell, mission. new sponsor will start her work Presid ent of t Clendon. oman’s East Lake station of he local draft with the group when she takes part . {tudent Cover: iment Association, and Gilbert 3 In New Art Course ice Presi wnt of he Men's Stud ent Council, nt Drexel board. in this ritual. | Registering young men from 7 Candidates for membership in the te of Tec ola y students in ho AAnthof The first in a series of lectures Lawrence Tibbelt Is Good Joseph Drexel, w am. until 2 p.m. will be Dr. James bunded th colle in 91 on a new course in lithography, sorority who met Monday at chapel nat Fos oe emo Brakefield, Dr. Earl T. Burns, Dr. period include Mary Virginia Allen, which is now offered at Howard, Frank Bain, Dr. Hiden Cox, Dr. Sue Blanton, Mary Elizabeth Clap- Was presented Saturday morning in Vernon Davison, Dr. George Hess, per, Ruth Allen, Mildred Lovegren, the Campus art studio. Under thé Dr. Wallace True, Dr. Robert Kaye Markee, Audrey Welch. These direction of Joe Clancey, Lawrence Tibbett sat on a sofa in popular Tibbett believes that opera has a students were selected by compet- Birmingham artist who has had art| the Tutwiler, a rather shabby loung- future in the movies, but it may be « Works frequently itive tryouts in original writing last presented in na- ing robe over his clothes, and an- a far distant future. Unlike most semester. The entrys, submitted un-

$0 Samford University Library THE HOWARD CRIMSON Friday, February 13, 194 Fide February 13, 1942 AGE TWO — ———— i “One Foot In Heaven” Dr. P. H. Dee's And so at everybody's insistance we put away the blue Pid, went to see “One Foot In Heaven.” | - 3 Society ks iL pencil and Day, g .. ov that it was well worth the Tomorrowis Saint Valentine's We agree with most critics | So for sending greetings the time is ‘Meanderings of admission but oh sack-cloth-and-ashes! Why did price . o’kay y stoop to black mail to build a new to these we send the leading man have to Love and kisses huveh! not their soul of- —— And hope twill The old professor is starting this sents will not be able to give the “flunk Frolic” * Phi Mu Kid Barty fend. Oh, you say, the guilty ones were truly repentant and column oft by taking a loaded type- surprise party which they hag been to give up a per- writer and letting go with all bar- planning to give ... Honors Pledges noble onthe part of the minister | Greetings first to thee, or, Percy ** 2» HdByLCA. it was rels aimed in every direction. The of a new church and we must be Pratt, : get hurt in the Howard didn’t get many new « _ gona] grudge for the sake fact that he might The Lambda Chi Alpha Fratern- Alpha Gamma Chapter of Phi Mu Man of wavy locks and loud cravat, , SO recoil is not being consid eds this mid-term, but boy.oh be. honored the rushees Monday Sorority honored the new pledges May Shakespeare always hold joy the quality of those we.did get see the plan ol here goes. . . Upshot of thé whole night at the fraternity house with with a kid party at the lodge re-| © Yes, we see that but it irked us sorely to for you un- thing is a small note dropped wow! : a “Flunk Frolic.” cently. Decorations gave the party It was not you have taught us to enjoy it, * ** the beauty of giving substituted for hush money. As signed in the Crimson box this a juvenile atmosphere, too. Invitations, blue books with a and chil or to the church for the giver to so miss week with a note to the editor say- , In response te that plea in last dren's games furnished the fair to the giver grade of “F”, were written in the enter ing that she was a sissy if she week's Crimson for photograpKers tainment. the point of giving. thee, oh, Frankie Bain, form of an English exam with Hail next to didn’t run the item. The fact that to The honoree just get Howard represented by , and their dates were whole picture seemed to us a compromise between’ Since you're married things the item was not run had nothing crude English. “The picture or two in Collegiate Digest, Jane Bennett, J T. Ellis; Jane Cook recognize ain't sane. ; house carried out the church and to the dialogue of “We'll to do with the courage of the edi- the Old Professor wishes to say that The fraternity Bennett, J. R. Bennett; Winnie Mae I wonder why you're so late to class, the school-room theme and courses church will accept Holly- tor, for if the sender of the note if Tommy Hill would buy some Fulerton, Roy Chapman; Delouise the preacher and the church if the Tired, haggard, worn-down—alas! were “taught and “demonstrated in had used her thinking machinery. film for that eamera he is always Granade, Audrey Granade; and wood.” ea she would have realized the note sSmoochology,” “Campusology” and Mary od cheer we send thee, oh, Wally lugging around and do a little Louise Shirley, Gerow Hodges. seems to us, Hollywood has ail to gain and couldn’t have been run. . «The Art and Execution of A Good Members Here it True, : shooting instead of shouting, may- and their dates were: com- No names are being called, or or- Smooch.” Examinations were given Majorie nothing to lose while the church is really doing the And hope the draft will not thee be the editor's plea could be apn. Holcomb, John “Pittman; ganizations, although the note was swered. Maybe he carries the cam. in these subjects and games were Elizabeth Edwards, Hugh Quin; promising. o do; aimed at one sorority. As all are played. ; Mary Virginia to Long may conservation you guide era just for an ornament, though, Gregory, Donald Ad- In spite of our: criticism which we don’t expect you guilty. of the same charge to a slight Those attending were Bob Can- dock; June With tales of Clapper, Mathews, and I donno. Ray Jones, Hoyt 'Alver- Heaven” to come as degree, the punches are hereby be- non, Mary Auston; Tillman Gladney, agree with, we believe “One Foot in school beside. Also would like to wish Jimmy son; Mary Auston, John Robert Can- d ing aimed at all organizations, and Beverly Barrow; Ralph Edfeldt, picture as any we've seen. It is the Tarrant all the luck in the world non; Virginia Mehaffy, Charles Me- near being an all good members of them. The note was a Martha Patterson; Donald Adcock, Love anil kisses to you, Mary Holli- at Tennessee. We feel sure he will Eachern; Beverly Barrow, Tillman clever and subtle appeal Hollywood has made to the pert’ bit of journalistic endeavor Sue Blanton; Hugh Quin, Elizabeth most make All-American, for the Ol Gladney; Lois Mdrphree, Jimmy ; ; day ’ : : : stating that a certain sorority had Edwards: Jack McLendon, Phyllis church since “King of Kings”. Would that your class were as your Professor knows a real performer Lee; Ma et Lee Monroe, Bill been indulging in unfair rushing Harrison, J. E. Gammill, Helen If this represents a new trend in picture shows then name would say, when he sees one. In fact, he used Pfaff: Om Oscar tactics, the other organizations were Hinkle; Ray Bearden, Jane Math. it's Long live Pal for you to talk about, to do a bit of pigskin lugging for Lee Hurtt. ; we're all for ushering in the new era. But we believe aware of it,.were aware of how ews; James Wade, Jane Murphree. Your class would be dull without bis old Alma Mommer. in-his youth. Sara Chisolm, Sam Cooper; Elaine | Probat Foot in Heaven” to counter- long-it had been going on, and were going to take more than “One » hitn ‘no. doubt. : (I ran 100 yards in one game, but Sam Cooper, Sara Chisholm; Hoyt Denley, Wilton Vaughn; _Eunice|™ going to see that something was Tonk” and the like” ae never did catch the guy with Alverson, Mitzy McCullough; John Ward, John Ford; Darlene Franklin, |8rd act “Honky OL done about it. This note imme- fig the Now best wishes to thee, Willie ball) : Ford, Mary Dickinson; Jack Chis- Ira Patton; Mary Alice Lucius, Jack | However, it’s not the recognized bad pictures diately raised the question of why ® * ® . holm, Helen Whitehead;® Deric Ed- Chisolm; Martha Patterson, Ralph fight. The most damage Hollywood can Hull, should sorority members be so sus- church has most to interesting, never If you're a big shot in a campus gar, Margaret Ward; Howard Mec- Edfeldt. ug Sophisticated, picious of other sorority-members? to the things the church stands for are the pictures which organization and your group does Clain, Mary Elizabeth Sidgell; and Chaperons were Miss Julia Brown | do dull? ‘Have they forgotten they all are subtle evil. An example May you ever be as young as now, not have a box in the new Post Trenton Gamble and Charles Black. and Dr. William Hull, II. : has recognisable good in them and marching toward the same goal? Always a child—what a child and Office, you'd better use your in- Chaperons were Mr. and Mrs. be a plot where the leading lady while lying Under the same school colors? As of this would how! ny fluence and get one right away be- A. B. Miles. des- 4 members of the same nation? More- Beta Sigma Omicron in the arms of some body's else husband gives a little cause they're nearly all gone. Guests from the Birmingham. over, have they forgotten that How- the beauty of love. Greetings to the mid-term freshmen A few student boxes are also Southern chapter and from other gertation on strength of character or ard College has an excellent Pan- Initiates Four p available at twenty-five cents each Greek orgainzations were also the reaction on a lower intelligence than yours girls, Hellenic org: tion that would Consider Notice how the boys give them the with a returnable deposit of fifteen present. 3 ~ Beta Beta Chapter of Beta Sigma} __. a mul- immediately ve clamped a stiff which has been exposed to the high and fast living of big twills. cents for ‘a key. Omicron Sorority announce the ini- | fine on any such irregularities in ti-married crowd, when the slogan “Go to Church sonie- ‘Take this advice we thee implore, tiation of Sue Smith, Mary Eliza rushing? The Post Office, sponsored by the where tomorrow” is flashed on the screen. It’s a subtle im- {| Keep .those Howard wolves outside Willie Dean Reagan beth Glover, Carolyn Epperson and | Let's all hope there will be no Alpha Phi Omega service frater that since Hollywood sanctions both this type of your door. Lucille Poole. : plication 1 a repetition” of ‘thése petty accusua. | Dity, Will be open every day from the church then ‘the church sanctions the picture: 5.7% Entertains Students The new initiates will be honored . picture an tions, or the next blast will include 8:30 until 6:00. The general deliv: Saturday nightat a party given by| or else is a prude that won't recognize the courtesy of Hol- some names, as the old professor ery window will be open at Chapel Miss Willie Dean Reagan enter: : So to each and all the best for the the alumnae. : bo lywood. prides himself on his spy system hour and at 1:30 on Tuesdays and tained a group of Howard students Story”. It was clever, day; Thursdays and at 2:30 on Mondays, last week with an informal Valen- Consider the plot of “Philadelphia All this was done in fun, no other * & » Wednesdays and Fridays. tine party at her home in Ensley the lines wefe brilliant in spots and Miss Hepburn won the way. for her acting. The plot analized runs thus: Latest joke—Slogan of the per- The Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity Highlands. The group participated Personals academy award To any not mentioned above, this sons who have been knitting sweat- is also sponsoring the sale of de in group games appropriate for the 1. Woman leaves husband because he is a drunkard. 2. Wo- we tell, fense bonds on the campus. Det Valentine season. ogyhonals hound be dropped in the Crimi ers for soldiers has been officially x before p.m. each Tuesday to. make the | man gets drunk herself and later ridicules herself for being May you find valentine's thick as adopted as “Remember, Purl Hard- Wesson is in charge of the sale and | Enjoying the hot chocolate and Friday issue of the Crimson. a everything. goes back to husband. er.” “Easy Virtue”. 3. Woman announces his full cooperation in cakes at the party were Hubert Ray, Betty McCool and Edythe Win-| . that the art of the moving picture industry * ** helping you place your extra dimes Theresa Franks, Clarke Burkhalter, "We believe sper motored to Maxwell Field] is truly remarkable. The progress made here even in our Wendell Givens announces that and quartérs in defense stamps for Mary Helen Sartain, John Dodd, Montgomery, last Saturday, and| Overheard ive the organization which he repre. national defense. Polly Cochran, E. C. Houston, Ruby own life time is close to phenomenal. Were all the pro- were the guests at the ceremony | Franklin, Hortez Seale, Doris Shel- ducers to agree on an “editorial” policy their influence presentation of “wings” to the} would be sufficient to change the thinking of America, or Under Cover by, Ralph Longshore, Willie Dean R. A. F. . 5a Reagan, Ray Atchison, and Mary s 8 ¥ posing With the the world in normal times, within a year. =~ : Dickinson. : : ~ This is power that the church can ill afford to not Sarah Ceravelo — “Masculinity— = Betty Simonton had as her week-| not variety—is the spice of life.” end guest Marilyn Bowman from “utilize. Franklin Parker—“Guess I'm los- Delta Zeta’s Hold Memphis, Tenn. : in Heaven” and the story of the “Life of ing out. Didn't. go up to the dorm % “One Foot past week: 3 i wants to ut once during exam week.” Powers spent the Brigham Young” shows clearly that Hollywood Co- Jerry " Alabama. \L. €. Mullins—“Wait a minute, Formal Pledging end at the University of please the church going people. By FRANCES LI i i now to respond to their attempt June Ray ,and I'll recite this bal-| : It’s up to the churches RADIO SUCCESS who wouldn't be? At twilight Monday the Alpha Jackson spent the week-{ offering intelligent suggestions and recog- cony scene from Romeo and Juliet Peggy for its trade by to you.” Another Howard co-ed is writ Pi chapter of Delta Zeta held for end at her heme in Thomasville, © | Hollywool’s attempt to please, and yet not com- EFRO * % 3 A nizing Ann Weaver—*“Indeed ing a successful chapter in her life's mal pledging at the sorority lodge. promise on the higher values of ethics. not,’ this is It's good to see Efro Gatsis back The following were pledged: Phyl no new hairdo—its ambitions—this time it's Mary Vin- ‘Mary Sue Neely spent the week- just a new wash on the campus after a years ab | lis Harrison and Betty and a new uplift.” ginia Hull. “Ginny” now has a pro- Mackey who end with her parents in Leeds. | sence. Everybody is thrilled over 3 4 2 gram at 12:15 on Tuesdays and are mid-term graduates from Phil * ® = ve Miss Brown—“Don't worry—my the news of her brother's, Andrew. | ) Concerning Alpha Phi Omega Thursdays on W.BR.C. of which lips and Juanelle Stewart who.grad- Sara Ceravolo, Cathryn Wood and growl is worse than my bite.” appointment to West Point by Lu | uated from Woodlawn. she is the narrator. The program : Ann Weaver will lead Training} ' The statement was made in last week's Crimson that the Ruth Harris—“That mustache of ther Patrick. “Seeing the Americas” is composed Sara Howell will be pledged Mon- Union Conferences in five different student senate appropriated most of the money for the new Pugh Granade’s is really sleezy.” ——— of interesting information about day in accordance with a Pan-hel- in the state. : Alpha Phi Omega post office boxes. Mary, Elizabeth Walker—*I did associations our native America, the other Amer- ‘THE FUNNIEST THING YET! lenic rule, governing Howard upper- : $$ = = everything but study - We regret that our information here, though asually for American icas, and our friendly neighbor, Princeton, Duke and New York ] classmen. Literature and still got a “B”.—even Mary Ellen Yancey has been ill reliable, was erroneous. iy Canada. ‘ College invaded Smith Hall Sun | A traditional informal party fol her home in Camp Hill. | flirted.” : : information i at Be sure and tune in next Tues: day P.M. For further lowed the pledging ceremony. ! » ®t 5% The idea behind the article was not to report on the _organization’s financial status but to commend it for its The Howard Crimeon day and hear this program that is see Ann “Smith” Gatlin, Peggy Jane Bennett has returned to service to the school. so interestingly presented by one Jackson, “Molly Martin” or -| school after being ill at her home : Published every Friday 1 t of our own co-eds. Sue Neeley. Claire Connelly and Si Stanleigh Malotte Howard Heflin. We are glad that the retraction lies in this manner College and entered as ee Burt Holmes might also be able Wi | ! * % 3 “ matier at the Birmingham, “Ala., Post Office Guest Of Delta Zeta rather than in the expression of our high esteem for the Under Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. TWO FREE PASSES throw some light on the subject Katie Lee McKinney has ret . service of Alpha Phi Omega. If you can find your name some- Stanleigh Malotte furnished to Howard to continue her Editor-in-Chief iii inme Scannelly the - Assistant Editor Jean Camber McDaniel where in the local ads, go by the store CAMPUS SCENES Music for the Delta Zeta fashion after an absence of one semeste & * ia : News Eola ies Dorie Walls advertising and get your free Odell Bennett getting a big show last Frid ay afternoon. Mem: : te 2 ssistants—Martha H . Bennett, rust. is ill at passes to a downtown or local show. very Gober Advise To College Students Sara McNeil, Sara A] by the Sigma Nus, but acting bers of the sorority modeling were Martha Lou’ Elizabeth owell, Hugh Quis ; Please Finally, brethren, Edwards and Ray At ison get these either Saturday or indifferent to it all. . . . Dr. Lov® Bettye Prince, Mildred Wasson Law- Reporter-at-Large Jones Niager ® 8% eg Whatsoever things are true, | Monday so that you will be able tc gren not having one of his educ® rence, Mary Frances Hays, Kitty Feature Editor _.__ _ * Mart pe them. The Business Manager spent the : Whatsoever things are honest, Assistants— Rees Watkins, tha Sue Stokes is tion classes just because Jame ‘ussell, Sue Neely and Frances Mc- Bobbie Rhinehart ham, Tommie Hill, Geor e Bagley, Kay Sponsoring this advertising cam- Sharman, the new sports maid Daniel, wi Billy Burns as master ‘end with her family in W Whatsoever things are just, Markee: Bette Jao: Houlditch Honicron and Fran- | paign—which will be continued ‘Whatsoever things are pure, ces Galbreath for - of cep Sports Editor _____.._ Wendell Givens 1c Test of the semester. Let's really only student. ... Claire Com ollowed with Mr. Malotte playing : - Whatsoever things are lovely, Assistant—Murell Joh show our enthusiasm, whatcha say? Kathryn Finke | finding a potential job fof Tequest tunes and accompanying |M . Whatsoever things are of good report ; STR 8 ary y group singing. If there be any virtue, gi & 3% Clin Reporaen in C lapper, assisted yo : 1¢ M ean . Sugg Mary Elizabeth Clapper has really (if there be any praise, irculation Manager . em 1k onthese things. @ Faculty Adviser PF. Rothermel | “gone and done it” Her picture Lg Paul Acting Business Manager. . __ and short story will appear in next |. = resi... Frances Galbreath Sunday's paper. She's excited, but 'n, Samford University Library \


AP. H. Dee's Bulldogs Lose Tournament | Badgers Here (Hard One To An intra-mural basketball league For Saturday ~ Meanderings will open Monday with fraternity and open divisions. Winners in these Plainsmen two groups will play for the cham- Night Game

pionship. Each team ‘will play two old professor is star ng this | serts wil. not be able to give the Flunk Frolic” Phi Mu Kid Party Then Defense Falls a off by taking a lond x type sur prise party which they hag games a week. A team failing to Bulldogs Lose To and letting go with a1 bar- planning to give . . For Three Quarters, {appear or without enough players * a» . Honors Auburn After med in every direct in. The | Held By L. C. A. Pledges will forfeit the game. First games hat he might get hur! in the Jowarc didn’t Howard get man; new oo 5 The Lambda Chi Alpha :Fratern- Alpha Gamma Chapter of Phi Holds On will be played at 12:30 and the other Stubborn Fight consid:red, so eds this mid-term, but Mu is not being biy-oh ity honored the rushees Monday Sorority honored the new pledges of the whole the quality’ of those BY AL DENHAM games will féllow immediately. Howard faces the Badgers of oes. . . Upshot night at the fraternity house with with a kid party at the lodge dropped un- wow! : re- The Howard .Quintet invaded Next Week’s Schedule - is ‘a small rote a “Flunk Frolic.” cently. Decorations gave the party Spring Hill Saturday night at 8 this Monday—Lambda Chi vs Pi K A; in the Crimson Lox a juvenile atmosphere, Auburn Tuesday night and drop- P. M,, on the local court. This will to the ‘ed or say- Invitations, blue books with a and chil Preachers vs Town Boys. with a note In respoase te that plea in last | dren's games furnished the enter- ped a very hard-fought battle to the be thé first home game for the Bull- sissy if she grade of «“F” were written in the Tuesday—Sigma Nu vs Pi K Pis; hat she was a week's Crimson for photigraphers | tainment. 0 : Plainsmen, 57 to 44. dogs since the two long jaunts The fict that fom of an English exam with Boys Dorm vs Gym. run the item. to get Eoward ‘represen ed The honoree and their dates were which carried them through Ten- em was not run had 1othing by a . | crude English. ak The game was much closer than Wednesday—Town Boys vs Gym; picture 0° two in Collegiate Jane Bennett, J T. Ellis; Jane Cook nessee, Mississippi, Louisiana and of the edi- house carried out the score indicates. The Bulldogs Pi Ka vs Pi K Phi. with the courage the, Old Frofessor wishes t) say that The fraternity Bennett, J. R. Bennett; Winnie Mae Alabama. : of t:e¢ note the school-room theme and courses had the situation well in hand for Thursday—Preachers vs Boys br if the serder if Tommy Hill l would buy some | Fulerton, Roy Chapman; Delouise The team came through the trips thirking ma hinery. were taught and ‘demonstrated in the first three quarters. The score Dorm; Lambda Chi vs Sigma Nu. sed her filn for ‘hat camera he is always Granade, Audrey Granade; and with five victories out of six starts. puld ‘have realized tic note “Campusology” and at the halftime was 22.20 .in favor | The remainder of the schedule luging wound and do a little ssmoochology,” Mary Louise Shirley, Gerow Hodges. Spring Hill was one of the teams’ 't have beea run. . shoting “The Art and Execution of A Good of the Plainsmen. Howard jumped will be announced later. instead of shouting, may. Members and their dates eg Lwhich Howard felled by the way- ‘or were: into the lead early after the half hames are being calle¢, or be the editor's plea could be an. Smooch.” Examinations were given Majorie ‘Holcomb, John “Pittman; and held it till near the end of the | side by defeating them 55-38. tions, although the nile was swered. dluybe he in these subjects and games were carries the cam. | Elizabeth Edwards, Hugh : third quarter when the score was We are expecting a tough game at one sorority. As 11 are era just for an ornamen:, played. wo Mary Virginia Gregory, Donald Recreation Room though, 1] Ad- tied 3030. Auburn sank two | Saturday from the Badgers because of the same charge to i slight I donno. i Those attending were Bob Can- cock; June Ray Jones, Hoyt Alver- her: by be- straight baskets then the Bulldogs’ we're getting them on the rebound. hb. the punches are non, Mary Auston; Tillman Gladney, son; Mary Auston, John Robert Can- To Be Opened, Also would like to with Jimmy defense relaxed and they weren't Probable starters for Howard are med at all organizatios, and Beverly Barrow; Ralph Edfeldt, non; Virginia Mehaffy, Charles Mc- Tirrant +1. the luck in ‘he world able to overcome the lead that the Horace Peterson and Wheeler Flem- ° ers of them. The rote ‘was a Martha Patterson; Donald ‘Adcock, Eachern; Beverly Barrow, Tillman All students are invitedto attend at Tennersze. We feel sue he will Plainsmen had gained. ing, forwards; Deric Edgar, center; bit of journalistic e)deavor make All-American, Sue Blanton; Hugh Quin, Elizabeth Gladney; Lois Mdrphree, Jimmy the gala opening of the B. S” U. sororiy® had for the Old Al Denham and Abe Epsman, lo that a certain P'ofessor tnows a real performer * Edwards; Jack McLendon, Phyllis Lee; Margaret Lee Monroe, Bill All the Howard boys played a recreation. room at Chapel period, indulging in unfair 1ushing Harrison, J. E. Gammill, Helen good game and if they hadn't let up Monday, Feb. 16. Any organization when he sies one. In fac: he used Pfaff; and Florrie Thompson, Oscar We're expecting all the students : s, the other organizatios were fiszz the last quarter the score would or individual who would like to tc do a nit of pigskin I gi Hinkle; Ray Bearden, Jane Math- Lee Hurtt. : 10 be at the game. to help build up sof it, were aware of how ¢ws; James Wade, Jane Murphree. probably have been reversed. Deric donate a-gainé may do so because it -Sara Chisolm, Sam Cooper: Elaine a good spirit for a good team. it had been going on, a) 1 Were [7 Sam Cooper, Sara Chisholm; Hoyt Denley, Wilton Vaughn; Eunice Edgar and Al Denham led the How- is stressed that the room is open to see that something was Alverson, Mitzy McCullough; John Ward, John Ford; Darlene Franklin, ard scorers with eleven points each. to all members of the Howard cam- about it. This note imme- Ford, Mary Dickinson; Jack Chis- Ira Patton; Mary Alice Lucius, Jack Horace Peterson racked up ten pus. raised the question ¢f why §E63 holm, Helen Whitehead; Deric Ed- points. For Auburn, Frank Manci Working with Audrey Granade, Annual Tournament . Chisolm; Martha Pattersoy, Ralph sorority members be i) Sus- gar, Margaret Ward; Howard M Edfeldt. with 20 points and Shag Hawkins chairman of the committee in s of other sorority-m ntbers? with eleven points, were the out. charge of the recreation room, is Begins Monday organizat cn and Clain, Mary Elizabeth Sidgell; Chaperons were Miss Julia Brown they forgotten they :ll are £2. standing players. Sara Williams and Curtis Nelms. rot have a‘box Trenton Gamble and Charles Black." and Dr. William Hull, IL. a 5 Announcements will be made later The annual Badminton tourna- hing toward the sam: goal? Cffice, you'd Chaperons were Mr. and Mrs. ir the same school col)? As ; as to the hours when the room will ment which is open to all Howard fuence and get one A. B. Miles, Eyes Indicate bers of the same nation? More- Beta Sigma Omicron Brown eyes indicate warmhearted- be open for use during the week. students will begin at 12:30 Monday, cause they're nearly Guests from the Birmingham- February 36. have they forgotten thi: How- Southern chapter and from other ness, black a desire for power, ha- A few student {E855 Initiates Four ze., a merry, Any student desiring to partici ollege has an eycellent Pan- Greek orgainzations were also disposition, blue, opti- How Fungus Lives ¢vailable ut twenty-five ven mism, gray, wisdom, green-gray, pate should sign the notice on the nic organization that ‘would v7ith a returnable deposit o present. : ~~ Beta Beta Chapter of Beta Sigma A fungus lives by two means: ei- diately have clamped 31 stiff astuteness and talent according to ther as a parasite or as a sapro- bulletin board in Main or notify cents for 4 key. Omicron Sorority announce the ini- on’ any such irregulariies in’ a student of the subject. phyte. Gene Grogan. tiation of Sue Smith, Mary Eliza ng? Willie Dean Reagan beth Glover, Carolyn Epperson and Alpha Phi Omega 's all hope there wil he no mii Lucille Poole. rity, wil. be open ition of ‘thése petty iccusua- - The new initiates will be honored 230 until 6:00. The gen: Entertains Students or the next blast will irclude Saturday night at a party given by ory window will be ope: names, as the old yrifessor Miss Willie Dean Reagan enter- the alumnae. bs himself on his spy ivstem tained a group of Howard students 'Thursda;s and at 2:30 on Mondays, last week with an informal Valen- ® 8 nn ‘Wednesdays and Fridays tine party at her home in Ensley pst joke—Slogan of 'h: per The A pha Phi Omega Fraternity Highlands. The group participated / } ional who have been knitting rwéat- s also sponsoring the sile of de in group games appropriate for the for’ soldiers has been of icially lense bends on the eatdpus. Dee Valentine season. on Hho Pfr or heels, heels, are "low down” gd as “Remember, Purl Hard: Wesson i3 in charge of the sale Enjoying the hot chocolate and |¥r iday issue of the Crimson. announc-s - his full coop aration | | cakes at the party were Hubert Ray, Betty McCool and Edythe Win- * & helping :7ou place your extra: Theresa Franks, Clarke Burkhalter, sper motored to Maxwell Field, on spring's new styles dell Givens announ‘e; that and quatérs in defense stamps for Mary Helen Sartain, John Dodd, Montgomery, last Saturday, and organization which hh?» i‘epre- national defense. Sn Polly Cochran, E. C. Houston, Ruby were the guests at the ceremony bhp Franklin, Hortez Seale, Doris Shel- presentation of “wings” to the by, Ralph Longshore, Willie Dean R. AF. Reagan, Ray Atchison, and Mary Wid id ® + * - ‘ Dickinson. - Betty Simonton had as her week- end guest Marilyn Bowman from Delta Zeta’s Hold Memphis, Tenn. : ss * Jerry Powers spent the past week- By FRANCES GALBRIATH Formal Pledging end at the University of Alabama. Cds La PIO SUCCESS co- 1who wouldn't be? At twilight Monday the Alpha Peggy Jackson spent the week. | other Howard co-ed is writ Pi chapter of Delta Zeta held for- end at her home in Thomasville. ! a successful chapter in ie: life's mal pledging at the sorority lodge. $ * 3» ootwear itions—this time it's Mary Vin It's good to see Efro (iafsis _ The following were pledged: Phyl Mary Sue Neely spent the week- a Hull. “Ginny” now his n pro- on the campus after a years lis Harrison and Betty Mackey who end with her parents in Leeds. =~ are ‘ m at 12:15 on ‘Tuesdays -and (sence. F.7erybody is thrilled © mid-term graduates from Phil . s Lo red trimmed lips sdays on W.BR.C. cf ‘which | the news of her brother s, Andre and Juanelle Stewart wha. grad- ‘Sara Ceravolo, Cathryn Wood and open back oxford per- > ¢ vated forated. Platform is the narrator. The program appointrient to West Point by L from Woodlawn. B Ann Weaver will lead Training ther Pa rick. i ; Sara Howell will be pledged Mon- heel. Also eomes in black patent sandal ping the Americas’ js oriposed Union Conferences in five different royal blue suede trim- Sn day in accordance with a Pan-hel- with walking heel. interesting information abou! associations in the state. med with beige. lenic rule, governing native America, the other Amer: THE FUNNIEST THING YET! Howard upper- - .® (above) classmen. fect, Per. , and our friendly nie jhbor Princeion, Duke an ‘Mary Ellen Yancey has been ill - forated trim. Open ada. | 4 College invaded S A traditional informal party fol- Camp Hill at her home in toe style. So - lowed the pledging ceremony. b '§ and tule in next Tues- day Pl! For further : ! « 2 ® fortable! (below) and’ hear this prograry iat is see Arn “Smith” Janne Bennett has returned to interestingly presented Lt: one Jackson, “Molly N Stanleigh ‘| school after being ill at her home in pur own co-ed:. Sue Neeley. Claire C Malotte Heflin. « 8 # featured at SE Burt Himes might al Guest Of Delta Zeta O FREE PASSES throw j)me light ¢ : Katie Lee McKinney has returned you can find your na ne some- ———— Stanleigh Malotte furnished the to Howard to “continue her studies pre in the local ads, go by th i store music for the Delta Zeta fashion after an absence of one semester. : ¢ 8 * ertising and get you:@ i free Odell Bennett show last Friday afternoon. Mem: her ses to a downtown or Ic cal show by the {jigma Nu . bers of the sorority modeling were Martha Lou Gober is ill at ase get these either Sa wi¢ay ot indiffe tnt to it : Bettye Prince, Mildred Wasson Law- home. ; day so that you will te ible tc gren rot having rence, Mary Frances Hays, Kitty 0% 8 & week- them. The Busines; Manager it tion clisses jus Russell, Sue Neely and Frances Me- Bobbie Rhinehart spent the msoring this advertisng cam Sharm an, the Daniel, with Billy Burns as master end with her family in Wilsonville. gn—which will be ¢ontiniiad fo! of ‘ceremonies. An informal party i ss i was al s:nf. blue calf, too! (above) rest of the semester. Lt": really only :tudent. followed with Mr. Malotte playing | Ww our. enthusizsm, wha te) ii say! findiny a p Tfequest tunes and accompanying Meadows just gt loat loaf In in Biologybiology lab. Jab brothir.... group singing. : Gran: de: Smith's sister, Gene, a senior y Elizabeth Clapper ja: reall: Sara Williams returned to school Sue visited Howatd College pne and done it” Her pictur: Brock. , . . Ex _ Tuesday after several days spent | Saf 1 short story will apne: r a1 pex: ® her home in Thomasville. Loveman .: | nday’s paper. She's ex:ita:i, but! ~ “ } ) Samford University Library Ey

- £ a in this Metro-Goldwyn-| Howardites || Mager musical. Donald Meek, Alex- | (Continued from Page 1) andér Woolcott and Luis aa REVIEWS | are included in this versatile cast, ‘be 2 “arrow tie beauty” part. OVIE meio . Asked which was his favorite role Have you found YO AT THE STRAND }in opera, Mr. Tibbett named one NAME in an ad this ous in which the character was very no- If you have, go by thal | Nk TE EMPIRE '|Award winner for her performance When a married man poses as a {bachelor and an authority on mar- ble. He said he got tired. of playipg store Sat. or Mon. and col. wel in this picture, : When a vom Yoves = wl riage the situation promises a good wicked men. lect your 2 FREE MOVIE When someone suggested that we _ imough 4 be willing to die for him, AT THE LYRIC. : {many laughs, and with Robert PASSES 111 had bothered him long ough, Mr. | he is supplying the elements of America’s box-office king and his Young as the “sucker” and Ruth Tibbett said, “Oh, no, a me asl] his pretty wife, they ably ‘the key girl friend, and Hussey as heer drama. And this is many questios as you like!” All} sdtuation jin “Suspicion,” unique , return to the screen fulfill this promise in, M-G-M’s Professors and instructors on the “Married Bachelor,” now playing this, when it was around ten o'clock 2 pm. until 9 pm. shift include irama co-starring and for the seventh time together in Tuesday night and he had been on fodn Fontaine. “,” which is be- at the Strand Theatre. Dean 1. R. Obenchain, Miss Antion. Bob. Young is bombarded. with a train for hours. He had walked ette Sparks, Miss Brown, Miss Myra The gripping. plot. revolyes: about ing held over. another week from intq that hotel lobby looking old she strange romance of the reckless | the Alabama. "It's. playing at. the complications when the wrong Dunham, Dr. L. A. Lovegren, Dr horse wins and in order to pay off land tired. But somehow he was sheep .of a famous family and Lyric Theatre now. enough: of an actor to pose for pic- William Hull, Dr. John Xan, M: his bet t6 a New York gangster, he John Moore, Dean 'William Dale, ie repressed country heiress whom Headed by this incomparable pair tures, talk to reporters an hour, and poses as a bachelor and authority | and Mr. Louis Gunther, registrar se marries, His own Tnisdeeds, plus are more than 200 of Hollywood's look ten years younger than he had on marriage. Surprisingly endugh, her imaginative suspicions, make outstanding youngsters, - intluding when he arrived!—J McD. ; The following students will help for the many tense moments in the Virginia Weidler and two dancing the ladies of the nation take him the 2 to 9 p.m. shift: Louise Parker, to their hearts and he becomes the Joyce Brown, Ruth Fitzpatrick amnfolding of the story. . newcomers from the New York . : Alfred Hitchcock = directed the stage, Ray McDonald and Richard “heart-beat of 1941.” Now, with a Tibbett Edythe Winsper, Claire Connerly, ' RKQ. Radio production, with Sir wife on the sidelines, this can be (Continued from Page 1) Lois Murphree, Helen Cagle, Milton Cedric Hardwicke, Nigel Bruce and Fay Bainter, an Academy Award embarrassing. It is especially so for Donald, Mary Frances Hayes, Eyra Pope, Nona Kirkland, and Carolyn winner, heads the adult starring Young when his publisher, Lee Dell Petrea, and Katherine Gwin. Clemmer. Dame May Whitty featured. Joan Fontaine was recently nom- cast. Miss Bainter plays the part of Bowman, discovers the charm of nated .. as a , possible Academy Jonesy, secretary to a big Broadway Bob’s wife. ‘East Lake Directory

: AT THE RITZ Before an enthralled audience, Of Loyal Howard. ‘Supporters “Sundown,” one of the most roman- Soil tic and adventurous films in the history of motion pictures, had its BOB'S BIKE AND AUTO first local showing last night at the For the Best: in Foods is. REPAIR SERVICE Trade at Ritz Theatre, through United Art- Mary Louise Shirley The ‘real ‘frath--The Rev. Right newed on the campus. About the ist's release. Produced by Walter Ray Atchison Hororable Brother Dave Horman “Bring your troubles to us” best ron any table is Rev. “Jelly Wanger and directed by Henry sat with a satisfied confident smile, 7705 First Ave, N Belly” Benneit. Some other good Hathaway; “Sundown’ emerges as Small Grocery almost a beam, ‘on his face at the _ Phone 9-9207 players are Bob ‘Cannon, Charlie a tense and exciting story, acted to. chieeker * broad! in" Mir. Bowden's the hilt of a star-studded cast, lead |. Ee 'Niager, Jack McLendon, Wendell

Store. He was the champ. He had by lovely Gene Tierney, in her first defeated everybody: inthe commu Givens, and Deric Edgar. . One OPEN ALL NIGHT . nity who had a reputation for play- ‘starring role. football player besides a fowa more, Taken from the Barre Lyndon ing: checkers. He looked around the After a Date or the Movie Eat a Delicious Meal At who is a good student, a goed boy, novel, which was serialized in the room for more victims and saw Brother: Barnard Langley, looking and ‘well liked by his team mates is Saturday Evening Post, the film very timid and unobtrusiye, sittirig James “Gopher” Sharman, also tells the story of six white men JACKSON CAFE and ore beautiful girl isolated in scrooched up in a big red. chair, president of the junior class. . . "la lonely military outpost in East cating a penny Baby Ruth. Brother Always together, always holding Homan boomed. from -the checker Africa. Look Your Best at School soard “Brother Langley, of course hands in each others pockets are Top credit goes to beautiful, al- Go To Ralph Johnson and Betty Johnsom. Wave and Shampoo [ know you're merely an amateur luring and mysterious Gene Tier- They're no kin yet! © . Mrs. Holl} STANDARD CLEANERS At Low As . : sut you must learn to play from a ney, sharing honors with Bruce day couldn’t get along without her 25¢ A naster. Come on over to the board Cabot, George Sanders, Joseph Cal- Just off the campus for clean- very sweet and right cute wr ing you'll be proud of. TO ; § a4 ind I'll ly teach you a few leia, Cedric Hardwicke, and Regi- Gertuade Beauty Shoppe ments Loe f the game Asa] | Doris Jean wa LR. Bir oe Cash and Carry Prices 22 No. 77th ! | talking to a promisi = kt

‘I'd like to try, Mr. Homan,” rR At transferred to ons school this Langley replied in his timid voice. AT THE EAST LAKE last semester from here. He said After six games the great teacher, Sat. (Feb. 14)—"Ragtime Cowboy one reason was that Howard was AIRPLANE i 8 » Brether Homan, got up uncertainly, Joe” with Johnny Mack Brown. “STUDENTS BUILD i' 38% H 3 too divided—the preachers and frats i Ie : A : wiped the sweat from his fevered DOUBLE FEATURE. MODELS” Le | against each other, the sororities igi 8 = wow and went home to study Eng- Sun. Mon. (Feb. 15-16)—"A Yank in 18 against each other — Of course, This is the title of an article Feb. 11 in the BIRMINGHAM 1 be As Literature without having won the R. A. F.” starring Betty Gra NEWS in which Secretary Knox has that students throughout the state Il that's not so . .. Austin Dean has ‘1 game. Brother Langley ate an- a new car. He says it pushes better ble and Tyrone Power. : odel aiplanss. & be used to train its ‘combat forces in aircraft recognition, |B 1 3 ther: Penny Baby Ruth. than any car he ever saw. He does- Tues.-Wed. (Feb. 17-18)—"The Smil- ing Ghost” with Wayne Morris DO YOUR PART FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE 5 n't know how it runs yet. He calls EL 8 Interest in ping pong is being re: and Brenda Marshall. ALSO i : it the Galloping Goese. . .. Carl 4 WE HAVE THE SUPPLIES YOU NEED Cooper has a car too ‘but it runs DOUBLE FEATURE. ; Airplane I . The two best story tellers and Thurs.-Fri. (Feb. 19-20)—“The Par- | Morgan Radio Service and Model remembers on the campus are son of Paramint” with Charlie Supplies Ruggles, Ellen Drew. CON- ‘Gerow Hodges and Woodrow Tay- 8004 1st Ave., No. Phone 9-498 | lar. .. . She's dependable. Those STANCE BENNETT COSMETIC words mean a lot. You can say them GIFT NIGHT.

about Libby Rhea McDonald, and Sara Sugg, and Betsy Barnes. . . .| JIVE WITH THE SWEET Take you ma home groceries FOR MEN ONLY! If all preachers were as good rep- from your local resentatives of the ministerial asso- Glenn Miller has hit a new high To get that real dressed-up ap ¢iation as Billy Stephenson, you with his recordings of “String of Myrtice Thompson pearance, have your hair cut at ‘wouldn’t hear as many criticisms of Pearls” and “Moonlight Cocktail.” that organization. . . “You go your Bringing up the “sweet swing” part HILL'S Tucker's Barber Shop . is Bing Crosby's “Blues In The {way and I'll go crazy,” sO sang —————.

Night” and “I Don't Want to Walk a—— John Pittman to some girl, the girl — | _ you're thinking about, the other Without You.”

day. ... Jay Walker Bynum has LET’S GO TO OKIE DOKIE has quit his girl back home. So feel Prove is a good pretender of free, “girls to go after him. He's a deafness? Meet your Howard friends there big prize. . . Wennie Brooks should . be on some one’s basketball team. Valentine's Day is Saturday? DOKIE SANDWICH SHOP | He's pretty good. I'm hungry? OKIE

Seen: Mack Brayer with a cute Boys what do you think about blond Friday night, but well cha- Marien Albright’s motto “Don’t give Trade with a Genuine Howard |

peroned. up the ship”? It seems to have Students and Faculty: eid Booster YY Stanley Hand making Phi Mu worked. June Ray Jones “We Have Your Needs” Rarely has ome perfect vis- | party with another man’s woman— wonders why a certain al Doris Walls Fraternity brother love eh? not ever date. Maybe it’s because TTT

School Supplies A ion~—rany see well but with rushing Phyllis. TP PIGGLY WIGGLY Jack McLendon of a Cleburne County gal. . | Ar a

a join af Remember, Jack, girls can’t thur Dowell has a prospective soul- PP serious muscular strains. and

fraternity. : mate in Joe Cushman, a University lh George Stribling going gallantly transfer. Joe says he has never Candies — Always Fresh Headquarters For

| Have your eyes examined. ~ ha

on chruches. had a girl in lab. He adds that per- HOWARD COLLEGE a

Dean Obenchain’s class in The TT STATIONERY

fume, cosmetics, and lab just don’t Qo . D. ELLARD

Family increasing rapidly in size. mix. . Seen about: Nash Collier a 35¢ — 60c — $1.10 .. Could the war set the girls and boys Variety Store and Catherine Word running to DRUG CO.

to thinking? make the dead line at Smith Hall at LANIER ah | The whole Howard College at 12:30. . . Watch next week’s issue PO 80th and 2nd Ave, So. .

town Saturday night. for “Just Imagine” Column, ;

Did you. know that: . Mr. Berry was more than just || About 3 of the girls on the cam-|peeved over the results of his ama- BUY A WATCH ‘pus have red sweaters? Jos translation of a letter in ON THE LAY-AWAY { Ira Pattow is an expert on Foo Spanish his office ‘received. He really thought it insulting until |e most courteous tet 10 him. 8301 L 1st yu No.

Samford University Library


(Continued £ om Pe ge 1 ’ farrow tie heauty” pari. « © d which was his fa mri e Toy pera, Mr. Tihbett ranel ors ich the char: cter wi is very no- e said he got tirecl o! playing} ed men, n someone suggest ¢ that var) Hoth sred him long @R0gY, M1. eI htt said, “Ob, mo, 15% ine ail]!

questiois 35 you like” All Tr hdl bE VTE when it was sround bn ¢’clock tors on the day night ancl he hit been on i rn shift include “for hours He hii valked that hotel 1obby kirg old tte Sparks, Miss Brown, umrham, Dr. L. a tired. But somehiti ho was villim Hull, Dr. John Xan, = gh of an actcr to pcre for pic- john Moore, Dean William talk to repo‘ters ar hour, and Dale, ten years younger flan be had nd Mr. Louis Gunther, registrar, The: following students will help h- he aivived: MeL | he —— I 2 to 9 p.m. shift: Lou se Parker, loyce Brown, Ruth ¥ itzpatrick. Tibet idythe- Winsper, Claire Connerly, (Continued from Pz ge 1) ,ois Murphree, Helen Cale, Milton 1d, Mary Frences Hiyes, Ey:ra ope, Nona Kirkland, and Carolyn Petrea, and Katherd ie Gwin. lem mer. Wd nin it eins East lake Dirprtory Of Loyal Howard “Supporters simon 1 Linnie 10 —————, or the Beit in |'oods ORS BIKE AND AUTO Trade at : REPAIR SERVICE Mary Louise Shirley Ray Atchison “Bring your troubles to us” Small Grocery

OPIN ALL NIGHT ii After a Date or the Movie at a Delon Men A¢ JACKSON ¢ AFE

Smm————— Look Your : Go To : : : Best at School ‘Wave and Shampoo They Just Can't Wait Co-eds at Colby College, Maine, tried to rush construction on their new STANDARD CLER th At Low As ium ALhelping lay bricks after the comerstone- tly. Left Weeks, Shire iy Neivien off the canpus | »* €l:an- Maxwell, Ann ale ov tor og yd Ro ight ave: Mary esting hidey ¥ the silver comerstone trowel you'll be proud "1. for her work. Collegiate Digest Photo by Gray

“STUDENTS 10 BUILD AIRPLANE. MODELS” This is the title of 'n article appearing Feb. 11 in the minum oran EWS in which Secreta y Knot has asked tiat students throughout uild model airplanes. These models are to |: used to train its « arbat forces in aircraft recognition, § c. DO YOUR ART FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE WE HAVE THE SUPPLIES YOU NEED | organ Radi» Service and Model Airplane Supplies p04 1st Ave. No. Phone 3-4912

ke you ma home m your local To real resol -up ] Myrtice Thomps 1 To get that have your ha et HULLS |

m———— —————— —— S——————.— _—— Em ET’S GO TO OKIE DOKIE Meet our Howarc. friends there OKIE DOKIE SANDWICH SHO?

EE — i

udents and Faculty “We Have Your Needs” | School Supy lies PIGGLY WIGGLY

0d Candies «= Alwsys Fresh . D. EKLARD Variet Spore Next to Pcstoffice idg.

Eyes Watch the Skies — This William & Ma Col student of the : Comp limen i: SEtiers whos work altemately. ons 94-hour (Mary Colle srt ne of the 80.00 plane Va. The lookout post is manned by co-eds during the day and at It connected Gibbs direct wire to army bY tlscing tow dev and uum athe. Js somectedbn Drug Co. Fen-s0 that plaves can: a. ‘Collegiste Digest Photo by Rose 8301 1s: Ave. (0. Samford University Library




CA RA rior







raduated from

tl Stetson University, Deland, Fla. his Seeing-Eye dog, Katie, | |

RE I, was honored with a de ee of Canine Fidel oth are familiar to students on the campus where mett,

Es 4 though blind, is now Dj: rector of Publicity.

a w C-Men Welcome Sea- men — University of Chi- cago lettermen welcome some of the 500 coast guardsmen to their campus ] dormitory, Burton Court, | where the seamen livewill # until their basic trainin period at the nearby U. S

— Coast Guard station is com- pleted. Acme

a a 8 Be Badts, Boots, Boots! — Initiates of the Turf and Tanbark riding club at Ward-Belmont School, Nash- ville, Tenn., Re that Kipling didn't have a wa on all of them for they had to spend consider time polishing members’ boots during the club party.

Plays ing Role — Miss Bobette Ryan, New I — When a recent snowstorm blanketed Coll Women junior, gets her first ex- Heldalillp —y Hiro Kono, Hawaiian student at Be Cr ee Jo ro she College, literally got his first taste of snow. ys the leading feminine role in Berkeley Hailing from the pi country, Kono never saw "which will be presented by the Little “show fall until the recent blizzard. He liked it so well Theatre Workshop under the direction of Pro- he actually ate the stuff up. fessor Jane Inge.

Move to “Freeze” Grid Rules — Taking time out from sesiof TORPEDO - BOAT of the rules commi “Nati Collegiate Athletic Association DESIGNER IRWIN apis Chairman Walter ey Oe uatel Sotesiate scores with Coach Lou Little of Columbia, Ae compares SLR 4a PR of ball referee. left, and Wilmer Crowell, oti ==» oo division, A move to “freeze football rules for the duration for beselill ROSA 5” ""c! « Co. of college players in army camps was forecast by Okeson. 2 mA THE SMOKE OF SLOWER- BURNING CAMELS CONTAINS


a 8% LESS NICOTINE sn COUNTRY’S DEFENSE than the average of the 4 other largest-selling citaretie tested — less than any ot thew —_. LR 1144710, Carolina By Buying : Tobacrs Company. Winston-Salem, North a Yael


a dha al diddy, IAI TERI INL tiie.

p—_— and BONDS TODAY

BE Samford University Library


their campus dormitory, Burton Court, e the seamen will live until their basic Sie yainin oe

GL Tay A

TEST PILOT BILL WARD Tested the new Curtiss SB2C-1 dive- bomber for the Navy.

TANK TESTER CHARLIE DEWEY — He tries out the Army's new tanks at Aberdeen proving ground. IN THE ARMY~ IN THE NAVY- , IN THE MARINES—- IN THE COAST GUARD- Actual sales records in Post Exchanges, Sales to “F Colles G od Rules I. @ : Commissaries, Ship’s Stores, Freeze” e Gin s — Taking time out “8 ORPEDO. x ip’s Service Stores. committes of ‘he Ne tionel Collet Athletic Bi ESIGN vn IRWIN gh an Walter Okeson, center, of ee show - Lehigh University, Fe HASE. P-T boats yr, 4% SHENG with Coach Lou Little of Columbia, let, and Wilmer El itvion | un the favorite cigarette a ! ae. A mcve to “freeze” football rules foroy p50 duration for SQ lectric Boat Co. a jo is Camel. | ege players in amy ams as forecast | | by Okeson. aml ME SMOKE oF sLowen. BURNING Ll 4 Faaanl K iY SURNING 5% EF tet ves VE BRON Loy : | |\ | ID }% TL EEE b/ 0 | slowe ( thes Camel is the favorite. | I CQU R b. A bls | than the average of the 4 oer largest: -selling tx a hcsvemanis Ph : qo _ Cigarctics tested — less than any of them —sccording | . BB < | '0 independent scientific tests of the smoke itself? A 4 : . R. J. Reymeids TobstveCompeny, Winston-Salem, Korth Caroline

oo, i 3



Samford University Library



wae vo AR SAIN BONS Hh aEWN Peidaw Rabassane 12 1 QA : ; is ——— EE




The “Skaters’ Waltx** was tops for toi during the recent cold spell at Wockintien State College and these four students were among the many who took advantage of Jack Frost's wintery invitation to don their blades. : Score — Wingman Jack Ruhl and Capt. Bob Petaja (6) ech, Houghton, Mich., draw Goalie Louds of Michigan then drive the puck into the net for one of the points | ichigan 4-1. Collegiate Digest Photo by Levinson Break T


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re a Air Raid Drill — Students of Lindenwood College, women's school at & Slvumbered — In Charles, Mo., huddle in their bomb-proof shelter, one of the heating-fiee @Pouthern Baptist Sl of Wik For Training for Winter Battles — First R( tunnels that form a network under the campus, during a practice dill. #1 co-eds. Among the prettiest of cadets using nearby Lake Mendota for a t lege authorities explained that the drill was “purely educational”, but gave @llichell, daughter 1 the town's chief themselves in a Frigid climate, and practici explicit instructions on what to do in the event of actual danger. roe Collegiote Digest Photo by Gallimore recently at the University of Vemont. Skit

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Score — Wingman Jack Ruhl and Capt. Bob oi Michae 6) ' th; Houghton, Mich., draw Goalie Louds hen drive the puck into the net iy onehig J points Willie Rothman, University of Wyoming star, dribbles through Leo higan 4-1. Collegiate Digest Photo by Levinson Break Throug. Levine, leh, gr Husld peasy Ci College of New

iS, i i mt a pad it \ IG A a HA d Drill — Students ¢/ Linc woud College, women's 1 civol atSt. umbered — In all of Wake For- Mo., huddle in their bomts-proof che lter, one of the. he aling-pive pipe Mem Baptist college for men, Training for Winter Battles — First ROTC ski patrol was formed this winter at the University of Wisconsin. Eighty student § at form a network u: der the campus, during a practice dri 1 {1 co-eds. the prettiest of cadets, using nearby Lake Mendota for a training field, are receiving instruction in basic military formations, leaming to care for horities explained that the rill was "purely educational’, byt gave chell, me or the town's chief themselves in a frigid climate, and practicing principles on snow and in wooded terrain. A similar detachment was formed instructions on what to do in the event of actual danger. Acme Collesiete Digest Photo by Gallinore recently at the University of Vermont. Shr oon ot or ot ghia sy may come from these groups.









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“> Thousands Trade Their Services to Uncle Sam p——— Opportunit




iii; = oy URING the 1941-4 school year about 500,000 different students are an - : EE - Ti I SEE MR ilence bepween theif being sble to tay n school snd co hr


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Gl universities : the continental , Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. All of the pa icipat


ial are bona fide, tax-exempt, non-profi institu- ly controlled while others are privately controlled.

ll various schools and coll are mainly for work ‘program. They select the students on the and demonstiated scholastic ability — no student be- NYA j cannot perform or maintain sati : three- job of a normal curriculum. The ain safifactory 3

IE on which the students work — care being taken to find use- cles ich are of value to the students and do not displace regular em- es o& mt ™N ; ama of the institution. Students are assigned, wherever possible, to FENES 1 : WAN & Ee ; projects that are in line with their major interests and aptitudes. Pictures on §§ “ students perform. 3 : 3 ah ¥s : 1 MA opposite page illustrate the variety of jobs

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dig A Hays State College (Kansas) student gains le students often ask for outside work. This o-ed is majoring in chemistry an is one is helping to build a schoolhouse. tion by helping her professor in the

ory practical experience by paring an experiment for class.

sgt working at the experi- tee mental farm and at the Biter mosey comet - 2 I YA Aids DEFENSE Now, in time of emergency, NYA is sontibuting to a E stiong America by preparing 4 out-of-school youth for jobs 3 vital defense industries. Im- rediate objective of this un- +) dertaking is the preparation ot 365,000 young people for A Yale graduate student works at determining orientations of defense jobs. Primary objec- single crystals of brass by means of X-ray apparatus. Gradu- ive is to provide out-of- les are usually assigned to research work in their particular hool youth who are in need of jobs with the practical ex- perience they need for even- ual private employment. Last year the NYA spent $157 - 59,000 in carrying out its DIogram. ;


a Under the supervision of his professor a Yale Nii student drafts plans for the construction of ink scientific apparatus. NYA Photos These Univer NYA students research surve: mobility of p

Daye } Negrostudenis otJelferson College help with odd

Cis i jobs at the school’s Fre hh A Chicago area, tion during wa Ce




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rsaAOR 1 3 school youths leam to repair motors at Lewis Institute. Soon ® tt . ready to step into work. fica 4 aoerates On Wom

seEk i out Norery books and restores A future dentist removes plaster teeth from i ness. : : ba molds. Later he and his fellow students will use for c CARRIERS Samford University Library A,


















gp. State College sty end sans i| i outs This co-ed is majoring in chemistry and is furthering her own educa- This Geor >rgetown University | jd : gt Students She v atk [or outside schoo work, tion by helping her medical student he poh)etience by , 01! professor in the laboratory. is shown pre- able to complete his studies because of the help he tf | ; paring an experiment for class. has heceivo through the NYA. mee and at the IEE| AREER : RY| A Aids J DEFENSE | ow, in time of emergency, |e NYA is cobiibuting to a i ong America by preparing #ol-school youth for jobs i vital defense industries. Im- Kidte Objective of this un-

tataking is the preparation 365,000 young people for dense jobs. Primary objec- ive is to provide out-of- hool youth who are in need i’ jobs with the practical ex- | rience they | | 2% i need for even- on A | al private employment. | Last vid ar the NYA spent $157 - 9,000 in carrying out ifs ogram. Under the supervision of his professcra Yale st scent 41:6 plas for the consinsetion of . | scientific: ¢ pparatus. ; ' : : NYA Phat TheseNY srdents U ar ty Condit of Chicago | | , research survey to determine the ) help with odc * mobility of physicians in the y RL a Chicago ares, valuable informa- gets a showe’ | ih

. fee B® tion during wartime. He's eaming while he learns a trade. His skill in running this Jathe will benefit Unce Same, who is paying for his training. sHEERE


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¥REETT ok school youths leam to repair motors at Lewis Institute. Soon

Ibe ready to step into defense . work. RIENY

rvolA luture 35; La denti-tof he ancl removes his fellow , sts teeth for classrcom work. Samford University Library

Published By Stude BIRMINGHAM, ALAB HOLA Eirana Soi Allo Wie (

Start Feb. 27 Scheduled; Spring Holidays Cancelled Competitive class editions of the next week with | Crimson will begin Howard will have two six-weeks George Bagley as senior 4 editor.|eyargs i] and a final in the spring spri Bagley is an advanced journalism term instead of the usual mid- student anil a regular columnist for | som ester and final exam, it was an- the Crimson. | nounced by Dean P. P. Burns, The Junior edition will be in the | The change in schedule includes hands of Frances Galbreath. She | cancellation of the spring vacation besides being the author of the | Which was announced in the cata-| Co-Ed column and acting business | log, in accordance with the desire manager of the Crimson has had | of the college administration to ac- much newspaper make-up experi- | celerate the college program wher- ence. | ever possible because of the na- Wendell Givens, editor of the tional emergency and in line with 1941-42 Bull Pup and sports editor i the rest of the colleges in the coun- of the Crimson will be in charge [ try. of the sophomore edition. Givens “Also a major factor in the an advanced journalism student, is situation,” Dean Burns said, “is employed by the, sports department fact that Howard began a week late of the Birmingham Age-Herald. last fall because of the polio epi-} Mary Pearson, secretary of the demic.” - The six-weeks exams will come . freshman class, will have charge of the frosh issue. Wednesday and Thursday, March|™ Any student desiring to be on his 11 and 12, and on Wednesday and| class staff should contact his class Thursday, April 2627. Final exams editor immediately. Suggestions or will be held Tuesday through Fri- ideas will be welcomed. day, May 22-23. The editions will be judged by Commencement exercises will be- outstanding journalists of the state gin with the president's reception and the winning editor will be pre- Saturday night, May 30, .and end sented with a silver loving cup. with the alumnae luncheon at noon Monday, June 1. — Weekly Musical Dr. Harold Sanders Starts Monday Speaks In Chapel , A program of recorded music will be presented in the Delta Zeta “Every vocation should be an

Lodge February 23, at chapel period. avocation, and man’s real vocation FREE should be to do the will of God,” The program will be a regular fea- Dr. Harold Saunders, pastor of the ture on Mondays at 10:30 in the fu- ture, and is sponsored by Dr. Wil- Norwood Baptist Church, told stu- liam Hull and Dr. Hiden T. Cox. dents in chapel Wednesday, Feb- ruary 18. Dr. Hull asks that any students One of the principal speakers for | having records of classical music Viocational Emphasis Week, Mr. | which they would like to lend for ESEEAN Sanders spoke on the subject “Mak | one day please get in touch with ing My Vocation a Divine Partner- him or Dr. Cox. Efforts will be

| ship.” He spoke of God as the made to Asked For — Frances Worley, No. Texas State Tea play music which is re chief executive of the world and co-ed, holds 108 letters winch irks there weote: tnd set to Pid quested. senior partner in every man’s busi: ness. ; U.S. Army. Private Reed had written to the college pre He told the students that making per cent of those who voted prefer Garland Moore Gets God the center of one’s life settles emergency. He added he'd i Vide Wo all problems of means and ends, Lieutenant’s Rating and eliminates competition, for no} two people can compete for the ‘

Garland Moore, who was a How- JO work that God has planned for ard student last year, received his them. : licutenant’s commission last week. Mr. Sanders spoke of heaven as Lt. Moore who has been working Economy” and said that] with the War Department the “Next in Wash- the tried and prov- |: ington, D. C., God would use received his commis- this economy for the} Sion in the en workers of infantry but has since work in the next. = been transferred to the Signal will is to be done in Corps. “Since God's Sander’s said, “To Lt. Moore the universe,” is the son of Mr. and make ‘the will of God our vocation | El Yo oy ers Jou hve wsdoubtsdly taken pictures duing Mrs. J. W. the pest your of which Moore of Tarrant City, puts us in tune with the universe and a brother of Jack Moore, How- instead of against.” \ atEdCB hole YOu Oppa eC LL ard student. open to all student Three Howard Boys Howard Students In the spring, an entire issue Get C.P.T. License| of Collegiste will’be devoted to the presentation Visit of the prize-winning prints. Later, the photos will Southern received og Three Howard students tars in oll sections of the county. Sshbited st leading college art con Ann Weaver, Mary Virginia Al- their private pilots license recently len, and Louis Armstrong repre- in connection with the Civilian}

350 sented | A twenty-five ‘dollar prize the Howard BS.U. at a Pilot Training program of which Dr. I awaits the best photograph sebmitied nd | is director at How-{ TUS Meeting with the Birmingham- John R. Patty

"4 totaling fifty dollars will be distributed. Deadline TTT uated 2uthern Baptist students Feb. 13 ard “ A wd other prizes 7 Miday meeting of the Southern The aviation students are Bob | : ru am. This was the regular Galloway, Jack Moore, and Ralph}

PB Johnson. ; 9 Salon Competition Rules that tem- A Following the devotional given Dr. Patty announces pilot's A by Mary Virginia Allen, Ann porary deferment, a private Fore hte so of wil Bs wowivd. Fv Weaver spoke on the functions of license upon satisfactory completion place winners in each division receive cash award oon ¢ BSU. as serving to link the of the course, and preliminary train: and third place winners, $3 and $2. uss, College students with their before entering the Army Air

I local ing 5. There Is entry foe, each individual may submit many a ot Shurechy An open discussion fol Corps or Naval Air Service, Photos es be apply wishes, Pholos will 06 voto rent a2 mom : owed the talks givenhy the How- possible for the boys who ard visitors, © one of the several’ qualified a

I the Spring Civilian cants in : Training Program. Boys 18 to est s Annual rating if Photo Salon Competition Now! who have sophomore will» (Continued on Page Four) Samford University Library aeE55ossndno

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