Lawrencetibbelt Is Good
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Published | By Students: of Howard College. Founded 1842 BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1942 Med Can Pharmacist one Accepted Speaks To Ruth "Harris, senior pre-meds ' Mrs. Hamrick’s rumored ban on ical student, was accepted last Chapel Go-ers polding hands with inmates of week into the Bowman Gray School Smith: Hall, has caused occupants of Medicine at Wake Forest Col _ of Renfroe Hall to suggest a boycott lege in Winston-Salem, North Caro- Chapel Cutters To Be of that institution. Further devel lina. She will leave for there as Penalized; Morning opments on the Eastern front are soon as she graduates in June. being anxiously watched. ¥ Other presmedical seniors who Watch Series Slated * have been accepted for Medical Girls were urged to study “ You'll have to wait for the draft schools are Evan Lewis who will pharmacy as a result of the gov- to get’ you new, since no more enroll at Johns Hopkins University, ernment’s increasing demand for volunteers will be accepted. You Baltimore, Maryland; Vivian Gibbs, specialists in this field, in a chapel Robert Mize, and George Hagood, can still enlist in the other phases of talk this week by Dr. Leon Rich- who will go to the University of the forces though. ards, head of the pharmacy depart- » Alabama; and Claire Conerly, who ment at Howard. APO. is being misjudged by has been accepted for medical work Dr. Richards, speaking on the sub- in Washington University, St Louis, some who have gotten the idea ject “The Place of Pharmacy in Mo. that the money for the mail boxes the /National Emergency,” explained in the new postoffice was appropri- that all pharmacists are now ‘being Eddie! -— Eddic C Cantor with hi: five daughters and no sos ; just ou ‘ated by the student senate. None taught first aid. of the money came- from the Stu- t Julian A. McF ree of Calif> nia Polytechnic ‘Co lege, Sa Six To Write |ietier — he his six n Luis _ dent senate, but was secured by the gone him one daughters and But the organization itself from other ANNOUNCEMENTS uation it that McP hee heads a college which has some 90 y Che sources. The boxes belong to A.P.O. Honors Theses Chapel Attendance Colgate Digest P10 br Keooety ‘and the money for sale of the boxes President ‘Davis announced .in . 45 theirs also to be used by them chapel Wednesday a plan by Five boys and one girl of the Sen- on future service projects. which honor points will be given {ior class have been accepted by the * ® =» for students who attend chapel faculty as candidates for degrees “War time is our time"-—sang regularly, with a loss of honor with honor. “some sleepy looking student Wed: points for those who cut. hesday—It must also have robbed Beside writing an honor ‘thesis The plan will be further work- these students will be required to some of the faculty of their ren- ed on by his “cabinet,” the stand an oral- examination in their dezvous' with Morpheus from the Major said. major field before all the members way they slept through the Chapel Vocational Emphasis Week “Program Wednesday. of the faculty. It was announced that next ** Jean McDaniel, assistant editor of week is Vocational Emphasis “Major Davis wants a plan for both the Entre Noug and the Crim- Week and that this will be the compulsory chapel now—with honor son and president of Hypatia and Helen Hinkle, A. D. Pi pledge president, was presented an all- subject of the morning watch . points for attendance and penal who is the only girl candidate for a event trophy in bowling at the conclusion of the Birmingham Wo- talks Every Day next week, and ties if you don’t attend. We hope degree with honors, is an English men’s tournament which was held January 24-25 and January 31- of next Wednesday's chapel. Major. he gets a plan—for the vacant seats Feb. 1. Participating in the bowling tournament for her first year, | are a disgrace to all of us—even Candidates for the honors degree Helen knocked down the highest nuygber of pins for all three con- After discussing the history and ; those who attend feél for a speaker in chemistry are Evan Lewis, who tests, winning the main award. “romance behind drugs”, Dr. Rich- ‘or program given that has to con- has already been accepted into John ards told the students about some front empty seats. A privilege it is Hopkins Medical School; Nash Col- drugs which have become ‘scarce to go to college. We pay for it with lier; Trident, and August Lovegren, Red Cross Drive Billy Bancroft Tells because the source of supply has ‘good, hard-earned money—then president of Trident. pl been cut off by the war. throw opportunity of entertain- Billie Roberts is writing his thesis Still Underway YWCA About USO ‘ment and enlightenment away when in pharmacy while Borum Bishop, 3 _ “it comes to voluntary chapel at Trident, is writing in the field of Although the Red Cross drive for | Mr. Billy Bancroft, former How- tendance. ‘We admit thé programs economics. the city of Birmingham has offi. ard coach and now Birmingham's Sparks: New Bert Holmes, Trident, is a candi- 5 and speakers could be improved— cially closed, Howard's drive for executive secretary of the USO, told but that can only be changed by date for a degree with honers in that organization were delayed be- the members of the YWCA in chap- Club Sponsor WA student demand for better by full mathematics. cause of exam week, it was an- el last Monday how the USO was SE ASSO attendance. It's up to you as a stu- nounced by the school’s chairman, created and how they could help AR a ss Antoinette Sparks, instructor in AAT dent. Sue Blanton. that organization in Birmingham. college dramatic art and sponsor of Lehi * *® * Miss Blanton said that the contri- Howardites To Help S50 Frances Goodrich, president of the Howard Masquers, has been PRAYER CHANGES THINGS butions of Howard students are be- A the YWCA, announced that a mu- AAS ing paid through organizations and elected the new sponsor of Chi Del- So—to you faculty members this Local Draft Board sical sponsored by the YWCA will ta Phi, national honorary English ta much enthusiasm has been shown SR is written. In preparation for Re- be held February 28 at the East sorority, it was announced today. in the drive. All students who have AN ligious Focus Week on the campus— With Registration Lake Methodist Church. Miss Sparks, who is a Chi Delta Phi _ You are not already done so are asked to RANT requested to please begin Anna Margaret Cowden gave the alumna; will fill the vacancy left your classes with prayer—either As a service to the national gov- make a contribution to the Red Cross through their fraternity, so- morning devotional. by Miss Annie L. Boyett, former Jeading yourself or calling on ernment and to the community of stu Howard professor who is now teach- Ot dents to do so. Won't you please East Lake, twenty professors and rority, the “Y's or any other organ- Immediately after the general ization to which they belong. ing at Mercer. > heed this request—and benefit by instructors, and twenty students of YWCA, the girls of the Freshman Assisting in the campaign to raise Commission met. Plans for the an- Active members of the sorority the blessing of divine guidance Howard, will assist¥the local draft one dollar from every student who nual Speak Week were discussed met last weekend to plan the ini- through the day. board in registering young men on can possibly pay are Donald Ad- by’ Martha Patterson. Speak Week tiation serviees which are to be held Feb. 14 and 16. The college re Saturday evening, Feb. 21, at the cock, Vivian Norton, Frances Good- is to be February 23-27 and will be iceived instructions Feb. 12, in line Clancey At The Bat Tich, David Drake and Jack Mec- sponsored by the Freshman Com- Delta Zeta lodge on the campus. The rexel Honors with promises which it made to the new sponsor will start her work anver — Mirion S. Powell, Presid ent of t Clendon. mission. oman’s East Lake station of he local draft with the group when she takes part . {tudent Cover: iment Association, and Gilbert 3 In New Art Course ice Presi wnt of he Men's Stud ent Council, nt Drexel board. in this ritual. | Registering young men from 7 Candidates for membership in the te of Tec ola y students in ho AAnthof The first in a series of lectures Lawrence Tibbelt Is Good Joseph Drexel, w am. until 2 p.m. will be Dr. James bunded th colle in 91 on a new course in lithography, sorority who met Monday at chapel nat Fos oe emo Brakefield, Dr. Earl T. Burns, Dr. period include Mary Virginia Allen, which is now offered at Howard, Frank Bain, Dr. Hiden Cox, Dr. Sue Blanton, Mary Elizabeth Clap- Was presented Saturday morning in Vernon Davison, Dr. George Hess, per, Ruth Allen, Mildred Lovegren, the Campus art studio. Under thé Dr. Wallace True, Dr. Robert Kaye Markee, Audrey Welch. These direction of Joe Clancey, Lawrence Tibbett sat on a sofa in popular Tibbett believes that opera has a students were selected by compet- Birmingham artist who has had art| the Tutwiler, a rather shabby loung- future in the movies, but it may be « Works frequently itive tryouts in original writing last presented in na- ing robe over his clothes, and an- a far distant future.