
1 Avenging A Screenplay by Dave DeWitt based on the novel published by Rio Grande Books. ©2011 Dave DeWitt

Not for distribution or resale. For reading purposes only. Contact: [email protected]



1. INT. OFFICE – DAY (FALL, 1880)

In the “war room” of the 9th Cavalry at the Palace of the Governors in Santa Fe, three cavalry noncoms, dressed in blue uniforms without caps, are clustered around a desk with Phelps Electro-Motor Telegraph machine, which is printing out a message on a thin tape of paper. Two ANGLO SERGEANTS are standing; the Hispanic sergeant ROBERTO is seated.

ANGLO SERGEANT 1 Jesus Christ! Look at that.

ANGLO SERGEANT 2 I'd better show it to the general.

ROBERTO I'll take it to him--

ANGLO SERGEANT 1 Go to hell, Mexican!

ROBERTO (mutters) Hijo de puta...

ANGLO SERGEANT 2 Speak English, asshole!

VOICE (O. C.) Bring me the goddamned telegram, Gonzales!

Roberto tears off the tape of paper out of the telegraph and stands up, grinning at the two Anglos. He walks out the door, down a short hall and looks into the adjoining office. Seated is COL. EDWARD T. HATCH, commander of the 9th Cavalry. He has graying hair and a mustache and is dressed in a three-piece dark blue suit with shoulder straps. Roberto hands him the telegram.

ROBERTO Good news, General.


HATCH Fetch Captain Loud.



CAPT. JOHN LOUD is reviewing troops on the Plaza. Roberto hurries up to him and talks briefly to him (MOS). Loud dismisses the troops and turns toward the Palace of the Governors.


Loud is with Hatch in his office. Hatch gives the telegram to Loud and makes a futile attempt to suppress his sudden elation. His right hand slaps the desktop as if smashing a troublesome insect and he grins broadly. Loud returns the grin.

HATCH We should inform the staff.

LOUD You should make the announcement yourself, General. Why don't you join us in the mess for lunch? I will instruct your staff officers to be present.

HATCH What's for lunch, John?

LOUD Venison chile and beans for you, General. Pork cutlets for the men who don't eat chile.

HATCH The sissies, you mean. Yes, I'll join you and the other officers in the mess promptly at noon.


In a small dining room decorated with American flags and Navajo rugs on the walls, the nine officers are chatting. There is a SERGEANT standing by the door. Hatch enters the mess.


The officers rise to attention.

HATCH At ease, gentlemen.

The officers sit silently and are attentive. Hatch moves to a lectern at the front of the room.

HATCH Before we eat, I have a brief lecture....

The officers groan good naturedly. Hatch grins.

HATCH First, the good news. Victorio is dead.

The officers applaud and one exclaims “All right!”

HATCH But of course, all of you knew that. It's impossible to keep a secret at here at headquarters. Second, the end of the campaign against Victorio represents a tremendous victory for the Ninth and Tenth Cavalries--despite the fact that the Mexicans actually finished off Victorio's forces. Maybe now the goddamned newspapers will let up on us. I'm tired of being called a “political colonel” and a “total incompetent.”

Hatch pauses while a shy, plump, Mexican woman about forty years old places mugs beside each plate on the tables.

HATCH: The Ninth has successfully executed my military strategy: to subdue Victorio and put him out of business. We had to use some unusual methods to do that. We recruited and deployed Indian scouts to track down and kill their own kind. We sent our Negro troopers, known for their incredible endurance, against the tough . The result was that Victorio's men fled back to

5 Mexico... for the last time.

The Mexican woman interrupts Hatch by carrying in a tray filled with bottles of Anheuser-Busch lager beer and distributing the bottles to the officers. None of the staff make any attempt to pour their beers into the mugs, and Hatch ignores the presence of the beer that was set before him.

HATCH In retrospect, the biggest problem we had was that we could not prevent the Apaches from getting arms. They were easily resupplied with guns and ammunition--in fact, the Apaches were sometimes better armed than our own men. Over four hundred people died by the hand of Victorio's Apaches, but not in vain. Because of their efforts and ours, New Mexico Territory is safer than it's ever been before.

His staff breaks into applause again. Hatch lifts his bottle of beer and inspects it.

HATCH Now what is this? You gentlemen know that alcohol is prohibited at headquarters.

LOUD We thought that a toast was in order, general. And it's socially unacceptable to toast victory with coffee.

HATCH You'll make a good politician, Loud. Carry on.

Loud rises to attention, holding up his bottle of beer.

LOUD Gentlemen, pour your beers. I propose a toast to our commander on the occasion of the fortunate demise of Victorio!

The officers cheer and raise their mugs high in a salute to Hatch, who smiles and then drinks with them. The Mexican woman serves the food and they begin eating.

LOUD General, shouldn't we inform Governor Wallace about Victorio?

HATCH Yes. I'm going to send him a telegram at Crawfordsville this afternoon. In fact, captain, see to it.

6 LOUD Yes sir. I was thinking that perhaps the governor might enjoy hosting a reception at the Adobe Palace to celebrate the return of peace.

Hatch pauses, a spoonful of red chile near his lips.

HATCH Now that's an interesting notion. But Governor Wallace won't return from Indiana until after the election next month. He won't even be here when President Hayes visits."

MAJOR JAMES LEE, the quartermaster of headquarters, looks up from his pork cutlet.

LEE Why not make the reception a Christmas Ball? The wives would love that. And it could be a publication party, too.

HATCH Excellent idea, Major. Make it so. Gentlemen, by order of the commander, the remainder of this afternoon is declared a holiday.


Hatch leaves the headquarters compound and walks under the portal of the Adobe Palace on Palace Avenue, which is extremely dusty from the lack of rain and the heavy horse and wagon traffic. Several Indians from nearby pueblos are selling pots and turquoise jewelry which is spread out on their blankets. A man and his wife, both over-dressed for the territory and looking like they just got off the stage, are prospective buyers of the handicrafts. Hatch turns left on Washington Avenue and strolls the short half-block to the commander's residence. It is a two- story frame structure with a white picket fence enclosing the yard and garden. Hatch enters the house. His wife, EVELYN is in the kitchen peeling roasted green chile.

EVELYN Ed! What are you doing home so early?"

HATCH I declared the rest of the day a holiday.

He kisses her on the cheek.

7 EVELYN What's the occasion?

HATCH The end of Victorio.

EVELYN He's dead?

HATCH Quite dead. The Mexicans caught up with him and his band and killed nearly all of them.

EVELYN Thank God. Sit down and tell me all about--”

She is interrupted by a loud knocking on the door. Hatch opens the door, sees who it is, and steps out on the porch to confront CHARLES GREENE.

HATCH (coldly) Good afternoon, Mr. Greene.

GREENE Afternoon, general. Your office said I might find you here.

HATCH You found me. What do you want?

GREENE An interview.

HATCH Oh? About what?" CONTINUED:

GREENE What else? The death of Chief Victorio. I'd like your reaction, general.

HATCH My reaction? I'm pleased, of course.

GREENE But disappointed that you didn't kill him yourself?

8 HATCH Not at all. We were not fighting a duel, mind you. It was a military action.

GREENE And a frustrating one--

HATCH (irritated) Listen, Greene, you wrote that I was incompetent, yet look at the results: my men chased him out of the territory and now he's dead. How can you get any more competent than that?

GREENE I apologize. Now we have the chance to rectify that.

HATCH Are you saying that if I cooperate with you and give this interview you will finally tell the complete story of our strategy?

GREENE Of course. Would you say, general, that the Apache threat to the Territory of New Mexico has ended?

HATCH Yes, definitely.



Twenty minutes have passed. Evelyn is cleaning up the kitchen. Hatch opens the door and walks inside, shaking his head.

HATCH Damn all the reporters.

EVELYN I peaked out the window and saw Mr. Greene. I heard what you told him.

HATCH All I can do is hope that he writes the truth. I couldn't just ignore him.

9 EVELYN Of course not. You were very polite, Ed.

HATCH I have to play politics. But on a different subject, we're going to throw a publication party for Lew and his book BEN HUR around Christmas time. Since he told me that his wife swore she would never set foot again in this “God-forsaken land,” would you be the hostess for this gala event?

EVELYN I'd love to.



In the middle of the Sonoran Desert we see an encampment of wikiups and a assortment of motley-looking and morose Apaches being guarded by soldiers with rifles. There are some fires burning, tended by Apache women with children.


In one of the wikiups, two Apache men are talking softly. One is an old man, NANA, and the other is younger, THE DREAMER. Because of the heat, they are dressed in loincloths and loose-fitting blouses.

NANA And when I returned with the ammunition to the place the Mexicans call Tres Castillos, most of our band was dead, but a few had escaped.

THE DREAMER And Victorio?

NANA He killed himself with his knife.

THE DREAMER (grunting with pleasure) Good.


10 (nodding) Yes. At least the Mexicans didn't kill him.

THE DREAMER You have come because you need help.

NANA We need warriors, but we also need a shaman.

THE DREAMER That means you have a plan.

NANA (nodding) I will tell you.

THE DREAMER All I have are these....

The Dreamer opens a folded, ratty-looking blanket and reveals two knives. Both men smile.

THE DREAMER Do you know the the White Eyes call Chihuahua?

NANA Yes. He is a Blue Coat scout and therefore our enemy.

THE DREAMER Don't be so sure of that, Grandfather. He is here now visiting his wife and children. We should talk with him, tell him of your plan. He might help us.

NANA (reluctantly) If you think so.


Under the light of the moon, Nana and The Dreamer are seen riding quickly away from a farmhouse. Each is carrying a rifle, canteens, a small pack, and leading another horse.


At dawn, Nana and The Dreamer are riding horses at a trot and leading two others that are unsaddled but carrying small packs on

11 their backs.. As they are riding, The Dreamer hands Nana some carne seca and Nana starts chewing on it.

NANA They will come after us.


NANA Let's find a place.

They ride off at a faster pace for several minutes until Nana points slightly to his right.

NANA There.

They pull up the horses at some very low sand dunes ringed by mesquite bushes. It is now fully light. Nana looks in the direction they just came from.

NANA They are coming.

THE DREAMER. I am ready.

They dismount and tie up all four horses to mesquite trees. Nana noticeably has a bad limp with his right leg.

NANA Begin the prayer.

The Dreamer slowly turned in a 360-degree movement.

THE DREAMER On this earth Where we live, Ussen has the Power. He gives this Power to us For locating ammunition. We now search for that ammunition Which only Ussen the Great Can give to us.


12 (facing the dunes) Right here at this place I become a mirage. Let them not see me For I am of the sand.


Four soldiers, led by an Apache scout, are riding fast through the desert when the scout pulls up his horse. They others follow.

SCOUT (pointing) Horses.

CAVALRY SERGEANT Where are the two renegades?

No one answers him, so they move up slowly toward the tethered horses. One of the tethered horses snorts. The sound of a quail calling comes from nowhere and then Nana and The Dreamer explode out of the sand, firing their rifles. All of the soldiers are knocked from their horses, but the scout rides away at a gallop. Nana calmly shoots him in the back.

NANA Traitor.

Nana and The Dreamer slice the throats of all five of them and search the bodies, retrieving ammunition which they place into two saddle bags. Nana retrieves a pocket watch from one of the soldier's pocket, yanks off the chain and puts the chain into a saddle bag. The Dreamer leaps onto the back of one of the soldier's horses and retrieves the two horses that have broken their tethers and run away. They load the corpses across the backs of horses and carry them a short distance to a narrow, deep arroyo. They dump the dead in the arroyo and then rolled heavy stones over them.

THE DREAMER Ussen has blessed us. Let us pray for continued invisibility.

EXT. - DAY Six days have passed and now Nana and the Dreamer are on seemingly hidden trails that wind up the Blue Mountains through increasingly dense forest. They see a jaguar and then green

13 parrots with red and yellow heads eating pine cones. Nana leads The Dreamer to a wide stream. Nana taps a hand over his open mouth to make a haunting song and they cross the stream.

EXT. - DAY Hidden among some rocks and watching the approach of Nana and The Dreamer is the boy ISTEE. He takes out a piece of mirror, turns around, and sends two flashes up the mountain. The flashes are received by , a woman warrior, wearing a leather coat with fringe and man's trousers, who immediately begins running up the mountain.


At the Apache camp in a mountain park in the forest, Lozen runs up to KAYTENNAE, a young, strongly-built warrior who is playing the game of hoop-and-pole with another warrior, MANGUS.

LOZEN Grandfather is coming!

KAYTENNAE Good. Go and tell Grandfather's wife.

EXT. - DAY Nana passes Istee's position and makes the quail call. Istee returns the call, smiling. Nana leads The Dreamer into the camp.

NANA Here is the stronghold of my people.

The nineteen survivors of the Tres Castillos battle, except for Istee, gather to watch Nana ride into camp with his captured horses--and the stranger. Kaytennae moves forward and seizes the bridle of Nana's mount.

KAYTENNAE What have you been doing, Grandfather?

NANA Killing Blue coats.

Kaytennae claps his right hand over his mouth in the Tcihene gesture which means "what a speech!" Nana dismounts, stiff and sore from all the days on horseback, but tries not to let his discomfort show. Nana indicates The Dreamer with a brief nod in his direction.

14 NANA Here is the one from San Carlos who can bring the dead to life. He will join us for a while as our shaman. Someone should build a wickiup for him.

Nana limps over to one of the horses and opens the saddlebags to reveal the packets of rifle shells. The small crowd immediately responds with murmurs of "um, um."

KAYTENNAE I see you have not lost your Power.

NANA Victorio and our people are gone because they ran out of ammunition. That is why they only killed ten Mexicans while the Mexicans killed so many of us. As long as I live, the Tcihene will never lack ammunition.

Nana leaves the pack animals and slowly walks over to where his wife, NAH-DES-TE, wearing a colorful blouse and long skirt older Apache woman is standing. He embraces her.

NAH-DES-TE (in a subdued voice) I am glad to see you again, husband.

Nana releases her and turns to his people.

NANA Today we shall rest, but tomorrow will be a day for feasting to welcome our guest. Also, I wish to call a council to consider a vengeance war against the Mexicans and White Eyes. In my parfleches the women will find corn we brought all the way from San Carlos. It is now sprouted and ready to make tizwin to DRINK with our feast.

After his brief speech, Nana limps off to his wickiup, followed closely by Nah-des-te. But before they reached their destination, Nah-des-te ran back to the pack animals and retrieves the sprouted corn from Nana's parfleches.

NAH-DES-TE If you want tizwin tomorrow night, I must start it tonight.


15 Kaytennae carries his rifle, ammunition, and the head and antlers of a deer. He joins Mangus and the the two boys Istee and KAYWAYKLA, who is Istee's age. The four of them move to where the horses are tethered, and together they place bridles and buckskin saddles on the mounts they had selected for the day's hunt. Istee and Kaywaykla are obviously excited. The two men carry rifles; the two boys carry traditional bows made from wild mulberry saplings and arrows fashioned from desert broom branches and tipped with flint points.

KAYTENNAE Let's move out.

As they ride out of camp they hear Nana singing the Morning Song. Kaytennae is smiling broadly and gives the quail call as they pass the position of the lookout, who is up in a tree. The hunting party works its way through tall pine forest and finally Kaytennae gave the signal for them to dismount and tie the horses. They are on a forested ridge that overlooks a park similar to the one the Tcihene are camped in. Below, clearly visible in the early morning light, is a small herd of deer feeding on the grass in the park. He checks the slight breeze by throwing up a small bird's feather, and it blows away from the deer. Mangus leads the two boys away from the ridge to the right, where the park narrowed and turned into a canyon. Kaytennae places the deer head on top of his own and ties it tight with the flaps of skin on either side. With his rifle hidden by his right leg, he moves slowly down the slope and into the park in a manner resembling a grazing deer. He carried a stick in his left hand, enabling him to stoop over periodically as if feeding on the grass. The herd ignores him. Kaytennae rises quickly and shoots the largest buck, which topples immediately. The rest of the herd, startled by the rifle shot, runs toward the end of the park and a few seconds later Kaytennae hears the report of Mangus' rifle. He removes the deer head and follows the trail of the herd until he finds the rest of his hunting party.

MANGUS I killed a doe, and the young warriors-to-be killed a buck with their arrows.

KAYTENNAE We have been blessed by Ussen.


We see Kaytennae place the severed head of his kill to the east

16 and proceeds with the ritual of butchering the animal.


Mangus instructs the boys on how to butcher and they begin to help.

ISTEE Did we do well?

MANGUS (grinning) You will be warriors very soon.


Kaytennae turns the carcass of the deer over, skins the other side, and carefully brushes the body with the skin in the four directions. He looks down at the carcass.

KAYTENNAE When you see me again, do not be afraid. May I be lucky with you all the time.


We see the hunting party, on foot, leading the horses covered with deer parts attached by woven yucca strings. They are surrounded by their people as the enter the camp.



A horse-drawn carriage approaches the Plaza on San Francisco Street. Driving the carriage is ANGUS GRANT. His wife, JANICE, is seated beside him they are dressed up but wear thick coats. There is snow on the ground and Plaza. Each of the four-sided lanterns atop tall standards creates its own floating island of greenish-yellow brilliance and casts an eerie glow over the bare cottonwoods on the plaza. Outlining the edges of the Plaza are hundreds of farolitos, little paper sacks with glowing candles inside them. Guards are patrolling the Plaza and are stationed in front of the Palace of the Governors.

17 JANICE Oh Angus, look at the beautiful lights.

ANGUS Gas is obsolete or soon will be for lighting. Edison's already developed the bulb. It won't be long before I'll be installing electric lights in Albuquerque.

JANICE: (exiting the carriage) Now be nice.

ANGUS I'll be right back.

He pulls away as other carriages arrive.

JANICE (to a guard) Are you expecting trouble?

GUARD No ma'am, but we be ready if there is any.

Angus hurries up to the Palace and joins Janice.

JANICE Imagine, armed soldiers patrolling the Plaza. I feel so safe.

ANGUS Welcome to the “Land of Enchantment,” as the Bureau of Immigration now calls this useless territory.

INT. - NIGHT The chamber of the House of Representatives is decorated with a large Christmas tree, American flags alternating with two different kinds of wreaths: some fashioned from chile pods and others from piñon branches. Long, draped tables are covered with food of every description, and an orderly behind a temporary bar dispensed champagne, New Mexico wine, and beer to the guests. In the adjoining library, the Ninth Cavalry Band of all-black musicians is alternately playing music from Strauss'Die Fledermaus and Christmas carols like “Joy to the World. Officers from district headquarters are saluting the guests as they arrive and motioning them down the hall to the right, where the reception line awaits them. In line to greet the guests are



WALLACE (at a podium, speaking loudly) Thank you for coming this evening. With us tonight to deliver the invocation is Archbishop Lamy.

Lamy approaches the podium.

LAMY Lord, we are gathered here tonight to reflect on another year during which You have allowed our survival in New Mexico Territory. We also celebrate the birth of the Saviour, Jesus Christ, whose day is just a week away. Thank you, O Lord, as we recite your prayer.

Evelyn whispers in Hatch's ear, and he leaves the chamber as Wallace begins to address the guests.


In the governor's office are Loud, LT. JOHN GUILFOYLE, and other cavalry officers.

HATCH (to Loud) You needed to see me?"

Loud hands Hatch a bottle.

LOUD Your beer, general.

HATCH Why thank you, John. Welcome to Santa Fe, gentlemen.

Hatch begins to shake hands with the officers, but he's interrupted by Guilfoyle, a clean-shaven, intense man in his late twenties.


19 General, we need to speak with you privately sometime tonight.

HATCH Oh? What about?

GUILFOYLE Apaches, sir."

HATCH (rolling his eyes) What else? All right, lieutenant, give me a chance to taste this food and socialize for a while and then we'll talk.


In the chamber, Roberto is acting as a waiter, bringing trays of beer and wine to the guests. He offers the tray to a group of sergeants.

SERGEANT 1 Thanks, taco bender.

ROBERTO (mutters) Chinga tu madre.

SERGEANT 2 Mexican, I'm reminding you again: speak English.

ROBERTO My mother's side of the family moved to New Mexico in 1651, asshole. When did yours get here? Last week?

Wallace is at the bar with the Grants.

WALLACE No, we are not expecting a band of Apaches to attack. The guards on the Plaza are on the lookout for Billy the Kid, Mrs. Grant.

JANICE Good heavens!

WALLACE (chuckling) I offered a five hundred dollar reward for his capture and his response was to put the same bounty on my head. I seriously doubt

20 that he has the money.

ANGUS Well, the good news is the end of the Apache threat—if you believe the newspapers.

WALLACE (in a speech to his constituents) In this rare instance, I do. With Victorio dead, the Apaches have no leader. For too long the Apaches preyed upon the peaceful settles of this territory despite all our attempts to control them. Kindness makes no impression on them. They remain what they were when the Spaniards found them--cunning, bloodthirsty, and untamable. But now, they're also defeated.

Applause from the guests around Wallace.

Hatch is at the buffet with Evelyn and MARY LOUD, a stout and abrasive woman.

HATCH (to Evelyn) My dear, you did a wonderful job of organizing this celebration.

EVELYN I enjoyed every minute of it--

MARY (interrupting, sarcastically) Imagine, oysters, salmon, and fancy desserts. One might assume that civilization has finally has reached the wilderness.

EVELYN Now Mary, remember that this year we've seen the railroad arrive, plus gas lighting. Lew says his office will soon have a telephone! We must have patience and--

MARY What I can't understand is this. If Santa Fe is the oldest city in this country, why is it so primitive? You'd think it would be old and cultured, like Rome or Paris.

EVELYN (laughing) It's not that old, and besides, Mary, Santa Fe has charm and character. There's a tradition of arts and crafts here, and I know of at least one transplanted Eastern artist who says the

21 scenery is marvelous and the light for painting is the best in the world. Maybe someday we'll even have an opera here.

MARY (nearly choking on an oyster) What a sense of humor you have, Evelyn. New Mexico isn't even a state and there aren't twenty people here who could appreciate an opera.

Shaking his head, Hatch moves away from the women.


In Wallace's office, Hatch and Guilfoyle, seated, are in conversation.

HATCH Now, lieutenant, what's on your mind?

GUILFOYLE Well, sir, I don't think we've heard the last from Victorio's band of renegades.

HATCH (frowning) How so?

GUILFOYLE I've learned that not all of Victorio's band were killed at Tres Castillos. Some of them, including Nana, escaped and ambushed General Terrazas, who was nearly killed. And, sir, it looks like it was Nana's band that attacked Perry in Texas.

HATCH Nana? That's ridiculous.

GUILFOYLE But sir, my scouts insist that Nana is commanding what's left of Victorio's band, and that he's even found reinforcements.

HATCH (haughtily) I am not concerned with Nana, Lieutenant. That prehistoric savage is well over eighty years old. In fact, he is palsied, senile, decrepit, half-blind, and crippled with rheumatism. This relic ran the squaw camp of Apache hangers-on while Victorio took on my entire Ninth Cavalry. I doubt that Nana is a threat to the

22 Territory of New Mexico. Let the Mexicans take care of him.

Wallace walks in.

WALLACE (with a smile) Am I interrupting?

HATCH The lieutenant was just leaving.

Wallace, carrying a very thick book, takes a seat behind his own desk as Guilfoyle leaves.

WALLACE Ed, I want you to have this but I didn't dare give it to you in front of all those people. I only have a few extra copies and of course everyone would want one. I'd rather they bought their own copies.

Hatch rises and takes the book. The title reads BEN HUR: A TALE OF CHRIST. Hatch opens it and reads the inscription aloud.

HATCH To my good friend and ally, Edward Hatch. I hope this book entertains and inspires you. Lew Wallace. Why Lew, I don't know what to say except thank you. What a thoughtful gift for Christmas.

WALLACE Something to remember me by. The first edition is nearly sold out.

HATCH I promise you that I'll read it cover to cover.

WALLACE (joking) Perhaps it will lead you out of this wilderness. It certainly did that for me.

HATCH You must have heard from the President. Where is your new posting?

WALLACE Constantinople. Susan is very pleased.

23 HATCH Lucky you. All I can hope for is Kansas.


In the library, the band is taking a break and Guilfoyle is talking with fellow lieutenants CHARLES GATEWOOD and GEORGE WASHINGTON SMITH.

GATEWOOD Well, did he believe you?

GUILFOYLE Not really. He's still celebrating the death of Victorio and here I am predicting more trouble. He doesn't think Nana is any kind of threat at all.

GATEWOOD General Hatch is an optimist. I have a theory that Nana was the brains behind Victorio. I was at Hembrillo, remember? The Apaches played plenty of tricks and made us look like fools. None of our men ever saw Victorio, although one of my scouts spotted Nana. He told me he didn't even think Victorio was there at Hembrillo.

GUILFOYEL (shaking his head in disagreement) Then where was he?


SMITH I hope Nana dares to show his face again in this territory. I've got a bullet with his name on it right here.

Guilfoyle and Gatewood laugh.

GATEWOOD I have an idea. In a while, why don't we slip away from this reception and pay a visit to Teresa's place?

GUILFOYLE Good idea.


24 Who is Teresa?

GATEWOOD A professional acquaintance.

GUILFOYLE (grinning) The entertainment profession.

INT. - NIGHT In the parlor, Loud is talking with his wife Mary and ELOISA OTERO. Behind them on the buffet table are oysters on the half shell resting on beds of ice, platters of sugar-cured ham, baron of beef, roasted venison and antelope, and leg of mutton with caper sauce. Three half-eaten roasted turkeys are next to platters with small dishes filled with relishes and vegetables of all descriptions, and the desserts flan, Boston cream cakes, coconut jumbles, and ginger snap pyramids.

ELOISA I'm stuffed.

MARY (jealously) With a figure like yours, the stuffing won't show.

Guilfoyle walks up to them and addresses Loud.

GUILFOYLE Excuse me captain, but can I have a word with you?

Loud nods and they move off away from the crowd and converse in lowered voices.

LOUD What is it, lieutenant.

GUILFOYLE I warned the colonel that I thought that what's left of Victorio's band is on the move again, with Nana in charge, but he didn't believe me.

LOUD Highly unlikely. That old man couldn't lead a donkey. The Warm Spings Apaches are history.

25 GUILFOYLE (throwing up his hands in frustration) Well, don't say I didn't warn you. And why does everyone call him “general” when he's only a colonel?

LOUD (defensively) That was his brevetted rank in the War. It kinda stuck.

GUILFOYLE Well it's not militarily correct.

LOUD Lieutenant, forget it. That's an order.


EXT. - NIGHT Hatch and Evelyn are leaving the Palace, with the sound of "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" fading and the snow falling heavily, further diffusing the light from the gas lamps.

EVELYN (snuggling up to Hatch, who puts his arm over the shoulder as they walk home. How romantic. You build up the fires and I'll wait for you in bed,

HATCH And continue the celebration?

EVELYN Can you think of anything better on a snowy winter night?"

HATCH Certainly not, my love.


In a small bed in a small room lit only by a single candle and the light of a small fire in the fireplace, Guilfoyle lies with PATTY. She jumps out of the bed in a frilly nightdress embroidered with Christmas angels, opens the window and fills their glasses with snow.


26 Well, well, look who's here.

GUILFOYLE (holding up a bottle half-full of whisky) Who's that?

PATTY One of Teresa's best customers, governor Wallace.

GUILFOYLE (taking the drink from Patty, who gets back in bed with him) A regular, huh?"

PATTY (teasing) I had him last week, but he smells funny. I prefer soldiers-- young ones, like you.

GUILFOYLE (holding up his glass) Here's to soldiering! Merry Christmas, darling.

PATTY (kissing him) Let's do it again!


4. EXT. - DAY

In the Tcihene camp, we see the women preparing for the feast. Nah-Des-te is directing the making of tizwin, corn beer, by adding the boiled crushed corn sprouts to fermented mescal juice in several large pottery jars. Lozen and other women are in the scrub forest further down the mountain collecting juniper berries, quail's eggs, and mesquite beans. One pretty girl, JACALI, becomes the center of the camera's attention. She exchanges glances with Istee, who, along with Kaytennae, are on guard duty to protect the girls and women.


Nana and other warriors are building a structure by a small pond, a dome-shaped sweat lodge that is started with a framework of

27 supple oak branches and covered with deer skins. It has a skin door flap. The Dreamer stands a little way away, watching them. Alternating with the work, we see Nana turning in four directions and praying MOS. Then he builds a fire just outside the door of the lodge and surrounds the blaze with four large rocks. He gestures for The Dreamer to join him. Together they use sticks to push the hot rocks into the lodge. Nana and The Dreamer rub crushed piñon needles over their bodies and tie wild sage branches around their heads. They strip to loin cloths and enter the lodge.


Inside the lodge, they carefully seal the door so the heat will not escape. Nana ours water over the stones, creating a little steam. They sing songs about the sweat bath, the earth, the sky, and lost lands of the Tcihene and White Mountain people. When the heat becomes so intense they felt their skins would catch fire, they hurry out of the lodge and bathe in the pond.


In late afternoon, Tcihene assemble at the main fire. Nana has changed his clothes and is dressed as elegantly as possible under the circumstances--in a bright red cotton shirt with a buttoned corduroy waistcoat, boot-length buckskin moccasins bound above the calf, a beaded necklace, and a neckerchief tied with a silver concho. He also wears long silver watch chains that dangle from his pierced ear lobes.

NAH-DES-TE You look very handsome, my husband.

Nana looks away from her, smiling. Nah-des-te, assisted by Jacali, first passes around gourd cups of the corn beer tizwin to everyone, and then begins to grill the venison steaks, which are skewered on green branches and held over the hot coals of the fire. Jacali carefully removes deer stomachs from the hot stones, places them on thin, flat stones and they are passed around, first to Nana, then to Kaytennae, and then to Lozen. Opened with a knife they are seen to be a kind of blood sausage with mountain onions and wild chile pepper berries. Nana takes a taste.


28 We thank Ussen for food so much better than that at San Carlos.

The Dreamer begins a soft laugh and the others follow. Mats of woven yucca leaves piled high with food are passed around so the people could help themselves to the other Tcihene delicacies: roasted and sun-dried mescal mixed with juniper and sumac berries, mesquite bean pancakes and boiled quail's eggs. When they were done, the venison steaks are eaten right off the cooking sticks. The final dish of their feast is a concoction of dried prickly-pear fruits with piñon nut and yucca pulp pudding, and Nana smacked his lips in satisfaction as he eats it with a yucca-blade spoon. Istee and Jacali exchange occasional glances.

NANA (rising to his feet) It is time for those of us who are left to decide what to do. We must call a council and choose whether or not to begin a vengeance war. To help us with our choice, our guest and new shaman will perform a ceremony.

He sits down abruptly and The Dreamer rises to his feet. He wears a white cotton shirt, a two-string medicine thong strung with turquoise, shells, and beads, and a medicine hat decorated with the horns and fur of a pronghorn. His left hand is painted with the sun symbol and holds a small gourd rattle. In his right hand was a medicine tray with cattail pollen, paints, and a large pile of herbs upon it. On his knees, Nana leans over and traces a cross of pollen on The Dreamer's moccasins, and lifts up to him the four ceremonial gifts which mean that he has been accepted as the band's shaman: downy eagle feathers, a perfectly cured buckskin, a large piece of turquoise, and an abalone shell. The Dreamer leans over and marks Nana's face with cattail pollen, and Nana does the same to his. The shaman then smokes a cigarette of wild tobacco, slowly puffing the smoke to the four directions.: north, east, south, west. When the cigarette is gone, he shakes a gourd rattle as he speaks.

THE DREAMER Everything in our world--the animals, the plants, the stars in the sky, lightning--has a Power behind it which makes it do the things it does. But we can see only a small part of this Power. It makes me humble when I remember that Ussen has, in His wisdom, given Power to the most innocent-appearing things that live in our world. The ordinary, sharp-spined mescal has the Power to feed us, to keep us alive. Recently I have discovered another such sacred plant, one previously unknown even to shamans. Here is how it happened. I met a Lipan man at San Carlos who told me

29 this story. A few years ago his people had been dying off because of some disease of the White Eyes and no cure had been found. So while on a horse raid, this Lipan man decided to pray to any beautiful plant he saw, hoping that a cure-plant would reveal itself. Some time later he came upon a place where many small cactus plants were growing. The plants were covered with hundreds of beautiful pink flowers, so the Lipan man prayed to the flowers, telling them how pretty they were, and how he wished that his people were as plentiful as all the blossoms. Then one of the cactus plants spoke back to the Lipan man. “Pull me,” it told him, “Take me home and make a wickiup with the door to the east. Then eat me, and let those others who have an interest also eat me.” The Lipan man hurried back to his people and told the chief what had happened. They decided to feed the cactus plants to everyone in the tribe, but were afraid that there were not enough plants to go around. Miraculously, as the people took the plants, the pile of them never diminished and there was enough for all. After they ate the plants, their sickness went away and people recovered.

The Dreamer pauses and slowly gazes upon each of the faces surrounding him. Then he moves his hand over his medicine tray and retrieves some small, wrinkled buttons that resembled pieces of pronghorn sign.

THE DREAMER It is these small things that have such great Power. They can cure disease. They can make us so powerful that we never tire, never are hungry or thirsty, and never feel the White Eyes' bullets. By eating this plant, its Power is loaned to us for a time, and we must learn from the visions it gives to us.

The Dreamer places four of the buttons in the outstretched hand of Nana, who takes them and passes them to the other warriors, including Lozen, and each takes four buttons.

THE DREAMER It is called peyotl and it is very bitter. Chew them until they are soft and then swallow them. Later, some of you may vomit, but that is normal. Clear your thoughts and listen to me. It will take some time before you feel the Power of the peyotl. During that time, Grandfather will conduct a council meeting.

Nana rises and takes the place of The Dreamer as the center of attention.

NANA and usually by now we would be camped in our ancestral lands

30 at Ojo Caliente. I do not need to tell you that we must take action or our band will be indeh--dead and gone. I know you are looking to me for leadership, but before I tell you my thoughts, I would like to hear from you. What can we do, Tcihene?

There is an uncomfortable silence around the fire for a few moments before SÁNCHEZ, the one who had lived for a time with the Mexicans, rises.

SÁNCHEZ I think we should consider returning with our shaman to San Carlos. If we do that, maybe the White Eyes will give us back our land at Ojo Caliente as they have promised.

NANA (scornfully) I would sooner have you shoot me dead right here!

Sánchez hangs his head and cannot meet Nana's gaze.

NANA Talking does not work with the White Eyes. They ill never give us back Ojo Caliente and like Victorio, we must refuse to return to San Carlos and die like flies. It is a hateful place, a burning desert with only cactus, rattlesnakes, scorpions, rocks, and insects. White Eyes want to turn us into them--thieves and liars. We will become weak and impotent from their diseases and vices. I prefer death in battle to slavery and starvation!

Kaytennae stands up and addresses the band. He wears a Mexican's jacket with a cartridge belt draped from his shoulder and concho belt.

KAYTENNAE We know the Blue Coats have marched into Mexico and joined the Mexicans against us. Maybe we should just hide for a while. I have heard that further south of here and to the west, the Nednhi people have a stronghold even better than this one, and that their nantan Juh welcomes people of all bands to join him. We could go there until our strength in numbers and weapons increases. I have heard that Juh's stronghold has plenty of water and game and it is safe, with only one zigzag path leading to the top of a tall, flat-topped mountain.

NANA Perhaps our shaman can tell us of Juh.

31 THE DREAMER (remains seated) He is strong and stubborn but a man of his word. I have not been to his stronghold but I have heard that it cannot be found by the Mexicans or Blue Coats--much less be taken by force.

We see a series of shots that reveal more warriors getting up to speak and their gestures reveal disagreements MOS. Istee stares into the fire and we see a montage of shots--the flames seemed to have traces which extended far into the darkness, revealing strange shapes and shadows. Kaytennae, who has also been steadily drinking tizwin, sees colorsthat are brighter and Nana's red shirt seems to glow. Lozen stands, and sways slightly. She is dressed like a warrior in trousers, shirt, and vest. Her long hair is secured by a headband in the manner of men and her presence is powerful.

LOZEN (slurring her words slightly) All of this talk about hiding or returning to San Carlos is for cowards! Are we not the Tcihene, the feared Red Paint People who kill White Eyes and Mexicans? Have not these enemies driven us from our lands and killed our greatest nantans, including my brother Victorio? Are we going to run and hide forever? I call for a war of vengeance! We should return to the north and kill every enemy we can find!

Her vehemence startles the band, some of whom involuntarily cover their mouths with their hands. Nana indicates his satisfaction with a grunt and The Dreamer begins to shake his gourd rattle. Istee stares at the fire and sees the flames divide into different colors--blue, green, red, yellow--and the tips of the flames became arrows complete with feathers shooting out into the night sky. He was so entranced by the brilliantly colored flames that at first he barely comprehended the words chanted by The Dreamer, who held up a large, circular medallion that reflected the light from the fire. He swung the medallion back and forth on a silver chain as he spoke.

NANA (rising) Many years ago, I was sent to the White Eyes' stronghold that is called “Washington. I saw such wonders that I was certain I was in the Underworld--but I wasn't, and there is a lesson here. Tcihene, you must be brave when you think of the dead. This is not a dream but a demonstration of one shaman's Power. So stare into the fire now and remember the great nantans killed by the

32 enemies who invade and steal our land. Do you remember Cochise, nantan of the Tsokanene ? Do you see that tall man, his face painted red, black hair streaked with gray, his body ravaged by the disease of the White Eyes? Now, look there, into the stars and see his body wedged into a crevice for burial, rocks sealing his spirit back to the mountain he worshiped.

NANA I see him!

The image of the Cochise he remembers floats in the the sky. The others of the band cannot not see his form--only pulsating patterns and colors in the night sky. The stars began to assume shapes and move to the rhythm of the gourd rattle.

THE DREAMER Do you remember the great nantan Mangas Coloradas? Look into the fire and remember how the Blue Coats shot him while he was tied up. Remember how they scalped him, and then cut off his head, and then boiled it down until it was just a skull! Now look into the sky, Tcihene, and see Mangas Coloradas!

Those who had known the Mimbreño chief--including Nana, Kaytennae, Lozen, and Nah-des-te--gasp at the horrible apparition that hovers above them. Weaving back and forth in the night sky was a giant warrior holding in his hands his own severed head.

MANGAS (screaming) Father!"

He falls over on his side, covering his eyes with his hands and begins moaning. Lozen rushes to his side and attempts, but Mangas begins to vomit uncontrollably and those close to him scurry away.

THE DREAMER Hear me now, Tcihene! Look into the fire and remember your own great nantan Victorio, how he killed himself with his own knife rather than allow the Mexicans to kill him. Imagine his face, his Power. Now, Tcihene, look to the sky and see the return of Victorio!

Since everyone around the fire had known Victorio, his image is there among the stars for all to see--proof that The Dreamer has the Power to bring the dead to life. There were gasps from the band but no screams; a knife protrudes from his chest, the

33 apparition of Victorio floats above them, rifle in one hand, a bar of White Eyes' gold in the other.

ISTEE Father!

LOZEN Brother, tell me what to do!

Everyone present hearS the ghostly voice of Victorio clearly ring out across the Blue Mountains.

APPARITION OF VICTORO Avenge me, my people! Kill all of our enemies! Avenge me!

LOZEN (wailing)

Nana begins pounding a small drum with his hand in rhythm to The Dreamer's rattle

THE DREAMER (chanting) The great nantan has called for a war of vengeance. Who among us will join in the war dance? Who among us will avenge Victorio?

The chant was a signal to the men, who, despite the grip of the peyotl, were able to find their rifles and bullets. Kaytennae, who was hallucinating intensely, rises to his feet and gestures to Mangas, Lozen, and Istee. Facing each other in two pairs, the warriors dance in place to the rhythm of Nana's drum. Then they dance toward each other, changed sides of the fire, turned around, and change sides again--a total of four times.

NANA (praying) Ussen, help us avenge Victorio and kill all our enemies. Will you give us the White Eyes nantan named Hatch so that we may shoot him in the head? Will you let us trap the buffalo soldiers and enemy scouts and kill them all?

Nana struggles to his feet and fires his revolver four times and then joins the warriors in the dance. There is no trace of his limp.


34 At dawn, Istee and The Dreamer are watching Nana make poison. He takes a bloody, rotted deer's spleen and mixes the putrid mess with nettles and prickly pear spines in a bowl. Then Nana turns over some rotting logs, locates some spiders, and crushes them with his feet.

NANA (looking at the crushed spiders and then at Istee) Hatch killed you, spider. On our arrows they will help kill the Blue Coats.

He carefully adds the crushed spiders to the spleen mixture and mixes it well.

NANA If only a pregnant woman would fart in it...it would really be deadly.

A large owl flies silently over them.

ISTEE Oh no, we are being visited by the Ghost of the Evil Dead. My father used to say that is a sign that someone is going to die.

THE DREAMER He was right. See how the owl is flying north to find the White Eyes? It is leaving our camp and visiting theirs.


In the middle of camp, Nana is addressing the Tcihene.

NANA Here is the plan. The women and children will go to Juh's stronghold. I will lead Lozen, Kaytennae, The Dreamer, and twelve others of you warriors to go to and recruit our brothers for the vengeance mission. Then you will go to Victorio's cache and pick up supplies. We will trade the gold and silver for more weapons, build up our forces, and kill every White Eye we can find. We will then retreat to Juh's stronghold and then leave to reclaim out homeland at Ojo Caliente. The novice Istee will join the warriors on this mission.

Istee's eyes widen and he shakes his head. Lozen comes up to him and places her hand on his shoulder.

35 NANA Gather your weapons and say your farewells. We leave now.


The mounted war party with pack horses, led by Nana, moves out of the camp with the others watching. As Istee passes Jacali they exchange glances again but no words are said.


5. EXT. - DAY

Guilfoyle and chief-of-scouts BENNETT are on horseback moving toward the Mescalero Apache Reservation in the settlement of Blazer's Mill near the town of Mescalero. With them are some and a driving a wagon that carries another, wounded, buffalo soldier lying in the back. They are in tall pines but the temperature is very hot. The agency headquarters at Blazer's Mill looks as if it should have been back east somewhere. The ten or so log buildings have pitched roofs and the agency grounds are neatly groomed and surrounded by white picket fences. On the porch of the main headquarters building are some Mescalero Apaches apparently in a meeting with the Indian agent, LLEWELLEN, who ignores his visitors. He is dressed in a suit and tie.

GUILFOYLE We have a wounded soldier here.

LLEWELLEN (irritated) Take him to the clinic.

Llewellen points to a nearby building, and the wagon driver moves toward it.

GUILFOYLE Could I have a minute of your time?


GUILFOYLE (sternly)

36 Now!

Guilfoyle dismounts and Llewellen reluctantly leaves his meeting and gestures for Guilfoyle to follow him to some nearby trees.

LLEWELLEN What's your problem?

GUILFOYLE Your attitude. Look, I'm under orders from colonel Hatch to track down renegades.

LLEWELLEN This reservation is a sanctuary, lieutenant. Your so-called renegades surrender here for protection, but they won't if the U.S. Army keeps hounding them all the time.

GUILFOYLE Those “so-called” renegades just shot one of my men and you're going to help us, by God. Now, where's that telegraph so I can inform the colonel?


Guilfoyle and Llewellen are in the headquarters building watching an orderly use the primitive telegraph key when Bennett enters and addresses Guilfoyle.

BENNETT Just like you thought, the leader of the renegades is Nana. Some of these told my chief scout, Chihuahua. They said Nana was leading a band of Victorio's men--survivors of the Tres Castillos battle.


BENNETT It's worse than shit. It seems that about twenty-five Mescaleros have deserted the agency here and are riding with Nana.

LLEWELLEN See what I mean? Look at all the trouble you're causing. I order you to leave this reservation.


37 (stiffly) I remind you, sir, that you are no longer a major in the Army but rather a civilian. We've got to ask the colonel what he wants us to do.

Llewellen turns as if to leave the office but his way is blocked by Bennett, who draws his knife out of its sheath.

BENNETT Look here, Mr. Agent, if I hear one more word out of you, I'm going to stick this up your ass. Now send that goddamn telegram.

GUILFOYLE Calm down, Bennett.

LLEWELLEN I don't like to be threatened, lieutenant. I'm reporting this incident to Washington.

GUILFOYLE Say hello to to the president for me.

LLEWELLEN You realize that Nana was on his way here to surrender and your forces scared him away.

Guilfoyle rolls his eyes and quickly leaves the office, followed by Bennett. They walk over to the clinic.


Guilfoyle is outside under the trees with Bennett, the Apache scout CHIHUAHUA, and the buffalo soldier MOSES WILLIAMS.

GUILFOYLE We have our orders. We're sending packer Burgess in the wagon to Fort Stanton to get the bullet removed from his leg. The colonel has directed that we take twenty men from Company L here and move on to Hembrillo Canyon, where he thinks Victorio had a cache of weapons. On the way, we're going to try to cross Nana's trail. Let's move out!


In the tiny settlement of Laguna Springs, on the edge of the White Sands, Guilfoyle, Bennett, and Chihuahua stare down at two

38 bodies in a corral. The rest of the soldiers are searching the settlement. The bodies are horribly mutilated, slashed head-to- toe with knife cuts—and they have been castrated.

GUILFOYLE My God, I always heard that Apaches never did this sort of thing.

BENNETT They do now.

GUILFOYLE Ask Chihuahua what's going on.

Bennett speaks in dialect to Chihuahua.

CHIHUAHUA Mangas Coloradas.

GUILFOYLE What does he mean? Mangas has been dead for years.

BENNETT That's the point, sir. After our troopers killed Mangas in Arizona, they cut off his head and boiled it down to just a skull. I heard some doctor wanted to study it. This mutilation is the Apache's revenge for Mangas.

WILLIAMS (O.S.) Lieutenant!

Guilfoyle and Bennett run in the direction of the call and enter the farmhouse.


The three of them stare down at the body of a Mexican woman whose throat has been slashed and her breasts sliced off.

GUILFOYLE (nearly retching) Those bastards can't be far off. Let's go.

WILLIAMS What about buryin' these folks?


39 That's what the Apaches expect us to do—while they get away. Now, move.

WILLIAMS Yes, sah!


Guilfoyle's men and the Apache scouts ride hard toward the White Sands, with the San Andres mountains towering behind them and partially obscurred by the dark clouds of a thunderstorm. They pull up at the edge of the sands. Bennett points into the sands.

BENNETT There they are!


Guilfoyle gets Chihuahua's attention and makes a sweeping motion of his arm to indicate a flanking movement. Chihuahua shouts something at his fellow scouts and six of ride off toward the mountains in an attempt to surround the renegades. More of Nana's men appear from behind the dunes and begin firing at the troops.

GUILFOYLE It's a trap. Return fire.

His black troopers quickly lay down a withering series of shots, but the renegades simply disappear. The wind picks up, blowing sand everywhere. Then we see about ten of Nana's band riding through the dunes. The cavalry rides hard after them, joined by the scouts. The wind increases in intensity and suddenly the rain begins and soon it's a downpour. Surrounded by dunes and with a visibility of only a few yards, the troops stop and wait for the rain to end.

BENNETT Looks like Nana and nature outfoxed us this time, lieutenant. Orders, sir?

GUILFOYLE (rain dripping off his cap) Let's join up with Williams and the pack mules and head to Hembrillo Canyon.

40 INT. - DAY

In the Hatch house in Santa Fe, Evelyn is in the kitchen making dinner but she is hindered by two playful kittens who are having a wrestling match at her feet. Hatch walks in and kisses her on the cheek, then looks down at the kittens.

HATCH Got some help there, I see.

EVELYN They're into everything. Because they're both so pushy, I decided to call them Grant and Sherman.

HATCH My former commanders would be honored, I'm sure.

EVELYN How was your day?

HATCH (removing his suit jacket and taking a seat at the kitchen table) I reviewed the troops.

EVELYN And they're still there.

HATCH Yep. And I had a meeting with governor Sheldon.


HATCH I told him about renegade activity down south but he didn't seem very interested. All he wanted to talk about was statehood. Six weeks in office and already he's tired of being governor of a mere territory.

EVELYN Ed, give him a chance.

HATCH Oh, I received a letter from Lew Wallace today.

41 EVELYN (surprised) You did? Where is it?

HATCH All the way from Constantinople. Here, I'll read you the best part. “Then, while I was off touring the Blue Mosque, the sultan sent over a beautiful golden-haired slave girl--and a note, which Mrs. Wallace opened, thinking that the slave was intended for her use. The note said, 'I am sending this lovely creature with my compliments. I trust she will be welcome assistance in your daily toilette. She will gladly assist you in your bath.' Needless to say, Mrs. Wallace promptly returned the gift to the sultan.”

EVELYN (laughing) A funny letter from Lew and you haven't read a chapter of his book. Shame on you.

HATCH Wrong. I've read three chapters.

EVELYN And how many pages is that?

HATCH Thirteen.

EVELYN But the book is over five hundred pages long.

HATCH (shaking his head) I truly respect Lew Wallace both as friend and author, but his novel is boring.

EVELYN That's because it didn't start with battle. Just give it a chance. It gets better.


At dusk, Guilfoyle's Apache scouts lead the troops party through a narrow passage in the towering rocks and into a small, secluded canyon. Waiting for them beside an inviting spring is Chihuahua

42 and the two other scouts.

GUILFOYLE (irritated) It's about damned time.

Without waiting for orders, Bennett urges his horse forward into a trot. After he reaches his three scouts, he begins questioning them in a loud voice. When Guilfoyle pulls up, Bennett turns and faces him.

BENNETT Chihuahua says he's been waiting here two hours for us. Nana's whole band is camped at Hembrillo Canyon, about a half-hour's ride from here. It's too late today to mount an attack--it'd be after dark by the time we got there and all the men are tired. It's best to wait until morning and surround their camp.

GUILFOYLE Well, shit, I hoped we could end this chase today.

BENNETT Why don't we make camp here and send Chihuahua to watch Nana's camp and make sure they don't attack tonight.

GUILFOYLE (doubtfully) A night raid? I've never heard of Apaches doing that.

The chief scout pauses and spits tobacco juice on the ground.

BENNETT With our luck, lieutenant, tonight would be the first time.


Guilfoyle's troop is camped beside a small spring. The camp is split up into three factions. The scouts have built their own fire away from the black troopers and Guilfoyle and Bennett are sitting beside their fire, passing a flask back and forth. They are interrupted by Williams.

WILLIAMS Sorry, sah, but all de men got de shits. Cramps and shits.


43 Let's have a look. Did you eat something bad?

WILLIAMS Nah sah, but we drank from the spring.

Guilfoyle and Bennett walk over to the troopers' fire and see that the men are in severe discomfort. Some are vomiting, others are running off into the dark.

GUILFOYLE (to Bennett) Check the spring. These men are in no condition to fight.

Bennett walks into the darkness while Guilfoyle moves to talk to individual trooper MOS. Bennett returns, shaking his head.

BENNETT The spring has a medicine taste, or somethin' like it. Epsom salts, my mama called it. She used to feed it to us kids to clean out our innards.

GUILFOYLE A damned laxative. Just what we need in the middle of an Indian war.

Bennett suddenly laughed.

BENNETT I've heard of bein' scared shitless, but this is ridiculous.

GUILFOYLE Shut up and go ask the scouts if they know anything.

Bennett moves into the darkness again while Guilfoyle takes another gulp from his flask.

BENNETT (moving quickly toward Guilfoyle) We're in serious trouble, lieutenant. All the scouts are gone.

GUILFOYLE Gone? You mean deserted?

BENNETT Looks that way. I guess we'll know for sure in the mornin'.


44 Fuckin' Chihuahua. He set us up.

BENNETT Let's go talk. I've got an idea.

They move off and Bennett starts talking to Guilfoyle MOS.



Istee is on guard at the Tchihene camp. He is holding a rife and looks nervous. We hear the quail call O.C. and a stranger appears in front of him. Istee points his rifle at him.

ISTEE Stop and speak.

STRANGER I am the one the White Eyes call Chihuahua. I wish to speak to nantan Nana.

ISTEE Grandfather said you were a scout for the Blue Coats.

CHIHUAHUA I will explain everything to Nana. Are you the son of Victorio?

ISTEE Yes. How did you know?"

CHIHUAHUA You look like him. Will you let me pass?


Istee makes the call of the dove and Sánchez was at his side.

SANCHEZ We consider you an enemy,

CHIHUAHUA I have the Blue Coats trapped. Let me tell Nana about it so he can decide what to do.

45 SANCHEZ Only if you give us your weapons,

EXT – NIGHT Istee and Chihuahua approach Nana at the campfire.

ISTEE Grandfather, we have a visitor.

NANA Well, where have you been?

CHIHUAHUA Tricking the Blue Coats, nantan--as you requested. Sit and take some food. Where are your warriors?

CHIHUAHUA Out there, beyond the first ridge.

NANA Bring them here and offer them our hospitality. Even more reinforcements have arrived. What has happened?

CHIHUAHUA We guided the Blue Coats to the spring that we put the medicine water in. The Buffalo Soldiers and their horses drank the water and got sick. I think we should attack at first light.

NANA You have done well. Tell me of this White Eye lieutenant.

CHIHUAHUA He is called Guilfoyle and his men respect him.

NANA Is he a warrior?

CHIHUAHUA Yes. His men follow him without question and they are not cowards. Even sick they will fight to the death.

NANA Even though we hate them, we must respect our enemy.


46 We have them trapped.

NANA We will take care of them in the morning. But first, you must help me with the Mescaleros.


Nana and Chihuahua, holding torches, are moving through a dark passageway in the rock. They enter a large chamber with stacks of gold bars.

NANA For many years Victorio, Cochise, Mangas Coloradas, and I raided wagons, mail trains, and ranches from San Carlos to the land of the Comanches, Often we found gold and silver that the White Eyes had taken from the earth in defiance of Ussen. Victorio did not want to touch it, but also he did not want to leave it for the White Eyes to find and use as money. So we cached it here.

CHIHUAHUA What do you want me to do, Grandfather?

NANA The Dreamer has a plan to buy our land back with this gold. But the Mescaleros will not help us because they fear the gold. We are having a council with them. Support me and the rest of the Tcihene.

CHIHUAHUA I will listen, but I cannot promise that I will ride with you and the gold.


The Tcihene and the Mescaleros are around the fire. The leader of the Mescaleros, COMESCU, is standing in front of his men.

NANA You called this council, so you begin it.

COMESCU My warriors wish to help the Tcihene in the fight against the White Eyes, but they believe it is bad luck to ride with a woman warrior.

Nana begins to laugh softly and one by one the Tcihene follow his

47 lead except Lozen.

NANA We are laughing because it is obvious you have never been on a raid with Victorio's sister. Let me tell you about her. When she was very young she was not interested in women's work but in the ways of warriors. She learned to ride horses, to shoot arrows with great accuracy, to track enemies and to kill them. One day she was riding in the mountains alone and she met the Gray Ghost.

The Mescaleros gasp.

NANA Even though the Gray Ghost left our land and moved west, she had seen him and afterward no other man interested her. She refused offers of marriage and chose to ride as a warrior beside her brother. And this woman became one of our best warriors. She is an expert roper and shooter. In addition, she has the Power to locate the enemy. She stands with arms outstretched, palms up, and prays to Ussen. You will accept her as a warrior, or you may return to Mescalero with my regrets, but not my hatred.

COMESCU We did not know all these things you tell us. We accept Victorio's sister as an honored warrior. But there is another matter that bothers us, and that is the gold in the cave. As you know, nantan, we hate the White Eyes' lust for gold, and we hate the miners who have taken our land to grub it out of the ground. They lie, steal, cheat, and kill for it. They incur the wrath of the Mountain Spirits by taking it from the mountains. It is the essence of the Sun, of Ussen himself, and thus is forbidden to our people. Leave the gold where Victorio hid it.

Comescu sits down and The Dreamer rises.

THE DREAMER They call me The Dreamer, the one who summons the dead, and I speak to you as shaman of the Tcihene. You must believe me when I tell you that the White Eyes worship a thing called “money.” And gold is their money. We must ask ourselves what Ussen would wish for us. For this gold, which has already been stolen from the earth and cast into bars and coins to stay in the cave forever, or for it to help us regain the land which is rightfully ours.

Comescu stands.

48 COMESCU The plan might work, and I will ride with you. But I will not touch the gold. My warriors can decide for themselves and anyone who does not wish to join the raid with the Tcihene can return to Mescalero without fear of disgrace. Agreed?

NANA Yes. We will attack the Blue Coats at the spring of medicine water at first light."


Nana is speaking to Istee.

NANA It is time to divide our forces. There will be many chances to kill the White Eyes on this raid, but it is important to move the gold and our supplies out of their reach. You and The Dreamer will lead the mules and the spare horses in the direction of the Black Mountains, and soon we shall catch up to you. Ride fast and send scouts ahead to watch for other war parties of Blue Coats.


Nana and Chihuahua are high above the Blue Coat’s camp.

CHIHUAHUA There is no camp fire.

NANA They know we are coming for them.

They ride slowly down the mountain toward the camp. Mangus and Sanchez ride up.

NANA How many lookouts?

MANGUS We saw no lookouts.

NANA I think it’s a trap.


49 Look!

Shots ring out and Sánchez tumbles off his horse.


Nana and his warriors, on foot, work their way up the steep grade and then, on Nana’s hand signal, take their positions. Nana uses his mirror to flash a signal.


Lozen and her men, higher up the slope, open fire and we hear a scream O.C. But they receive return fire and duck back into the rocks.


Chihuahua shoots a flaming arrow up the slope and it lands in a pile of stacked-up tumbleweeds, instantly catch them on fire. There are flames and smoke everywhere. When the smoke clears, the Tcihene warriors have vanished.


Chihuahua and his two fellow scouts creep slowly toward the tethered horses. From rocks behind the horses, Buffalo Soldiers jump out firing. The scouts quickly ride away, but Chihuahua is jumped from behind and is bludgeoned with a rifle but to his head.


Lozen, Comescu, Mangus and Nana and are holding impromptu battle council.

NANA Chihuahua has been captured and the Blue Coats have divided their forces. We would have to stay here for days to drive this group out of the rocks and to track down the other group. I say we move on to other battles.

COMESCU I agree. Raiding is better than fighting this kind of White Eye battle.

50 NANA Here is the plan: Victorio's sister will stay here alone and keep the Blue Coats pinned down in those rocks for as long as she can. Then she will vanish and the soldiers will think she has left with us. When the Blue Coats move from this place, they will probably go to a fort and resupply. She will track them and free Chihuahua--if he is still alive. If he is dead, she will rejoin us.

LOZEN I will do as you say, Grandfather--and I will bring Chihuahua back to you."

NANA I know you will. We will be raiding all around but heading in the direction of Ojo Caliente.

LOZEN I will find you,

NANA Let's go home.


7. EXT. - DAY

In the rocks above the canyon where the troops were camped, Guilfolye and Bennett and other troops are firing downhill.

BENNETT We've got 'em pinned down, sir.

A fusillade of return fire causes everyone to duck behind the rocks.

GUILFOYLE (grinning) Are you sure, Bennett?

BENNETT Well, they're not making much progress up the slope.

Guilfoyle looks across the rocks and spots Williams. He makes a sweeping motion with his left arm.


51 (yelling to his troopers) Move down and keep firin'!

BENNETT You're going to try to surround 'em.

GUILFOYLE That's the idea—in theory anyway.

More gunfire from the Apaches below, and one of Williams' men screams and falls. Guilfoyle and Bennett return the fire. Smoke begins to surround them.

BENNETT What in hell?

GUILFOYLE Tumbleweeds. Somehow they set them on fire.

BENNETT I can't see anything.

GUILFOYLE (grimly) Well, Nana's band can't either. Watch your back.

We see through patches of smoke the black troopers moving quickly down the slope and disappearing into the rocks and scrub brush.

GUILFOYLE (as the smoke clears) What's going on?

BENNETT They've stopped shooting.

GUILFOYLE I noticed that immediately.

He takes a shot. There is no response. He turns to Bennett with a puzzled look. Bennett shrugs his shoulders.


Guilfoyle and Bennett are searching the bedrolls that we supposed to simulate sleeping soldiers. Williams approaches them with a grin on his face.

WILLIAMS Have we got a su'prise for you, sah!

52 GUILFOYLE What's that?

WILLIAMS My men done brought you a present.

Privates WALLYE and JACKSON approach with a tied-up Chihuahua between them.

GUILFOYLE Good work, men--

BENNETT You fuckin' deserter!

Bennett rushes Chihuahua and kicks him in the groin. Chihuahua starts to collapse but the troopers hold him up.

GUILFOYLE Stop it, Bennett!

Bennett starts kicking Chihuahua.

GUILFOLYE Separate those two, sergeant!

Before Williams can do that, Bennett twirls Chihuahua around and pushes him face-first into a patch of prickly pear cactus.

BENNETT You'll hang for this, you asshole heathen!

GUILFOYLE Enough! The Apache will be punished for what he did.

BENNETT (snarling) Let's just shoot the fucker right now and be done with it. Who'll ever know?

GUILFOYLE I'd like nothing better, but you know it's against regulations. If just one of our men says a word, it'll be you and me on trial for murder.

BENNETT Okay, okay, I just lost my temper. Sorry, sir.


53 (smiling) I understand. Just control yourself.

Williams and Walley pull Chihuahua out of the cactus and are plucking the spines from his face and neck. Chihuahua does not flinch or make a sound.

GUILFOYLE How badly is the prisoner wounded, Private?

WALLEY (proudly) I done shot him twice, sah, but nothin' too serious.

Guilfoyle looks around at his men.

GUILFOYLE All right, listen up. We need reinforcements and supplies, but we also need to find Nana. We're going to head to Fort Craig and also follow the Apaches' trail so long as it's in the same general direction. Sergeant, give the orders to prepare to mount up. Bennett, check the maps for the location of the nearest safe spring.


BENNETT Looks like I'm going to have to find some new scouts.

GUILFOYLE I suggest you select the next ones more carefully. Scouts who don't poison the springs, desert our troops, and then shoot at us.

BENNETT What we need are some Navajos, traditional enemies of the Apache.

GUILFOYLE That's a good idea. When you get to Fort Craig, send a telegram to General Hatch and ask him to get us some from Fort Wingate.

BENNETT Me? What about you?

GUILFOYLE Take the men and head to Fort Craig if you can't track Nana's band. I'm going to stay here for a while and look around. I'll catch up later.

BENNETT (suspiciously) What are you looking for?

54 GUILFOYLE Something's not right about this. Nana has a new trick and I'm going to find out what it is.

The troopers move out. Guilfoyle and Walley remain behind with their tethered horses.



Around a small campfire, the Tcihene are finishing dinner of dried meat and mescal cakes.

KAYTENNAE Grandfather?

NANO Yes, son of Victorio?

ISTEE You promised you would tell us Coyote stories.

The warriors show their agreement by clapping their hands and whistling.

NANA I will tell of Coyote, and then we will play the moccasin gambling game. It is a good time to tell of Coyote's trickery with women. Early in his life Coyote learned that women were very dangerous, and here is how it happened. Coyote found a very pretty woman and tried to have sex with her. He was just about to put his penis into her when he looked down and saw teeth in her vagina. He thought about what those teeth could do to his penis and he was afraid. So he grabbed a stick and a long, thin rock. Instead of putting his penis inside her, he put the stick in it and her vagina chewed the stick up into little pieces. Then he put the rock in there and all the teeth were knocked out and her vagina became like all women's are now. Then he had sex with her safely.

Everyone laughs and cheers Nana on. He waves them to silence.

NANA The woman said, “Now I shall be worth a lot and men will give me

55 many horses and gifts to marry me.” And that is why we men give horses and gifts when we marry women today. But Coyote was not content to have just one woman; he wanted all women, even those forbidden to him by Ussen. Once when he was a married man he was camped near his mother-in-law, but of course never looked at her. One day Coyote told his wife he was going hunting and he left the camp. Not far from the camp he saw a rabbit and chased it, but it ran into a hollow log. Coyote did everything he could to get that rabbit, but he could not reach it. Coyote returned to camp and told his wife to ask her mother to try to get the rabbit, saying that maybe her arm was longer than his. Coyote's wife showed her mother the log and then returned home. Coyote made excuses about leaving camp and pointed to a nearby mountain. “I'm going to hunt in that direction,” he told his wife. But Coyote circled back and returned to the log just as his mother- in-law was crawling into the log. She was about halfway inside, reaching for the rabbit when Coyote ran up to her as fast as he could. While she was stuck in the hollow log, he stuck his penis into her from behind and she didn't know who did it!

Nana is again interrupted by laughter and he waits patiently until it subsides.

NANA Coyote's mother-in-law was angry and she looked around for tracks to see who had tricked her. When she found them she measured them with a stick and took the stick back to her wickiup. Then she called for her daughter and told her the story. She gave the stick to her daughter and told her to measure her husband's feet. Coyote was stretched out on his bed, singing and pretending to be innocent. Soon his wife came in and without saying a word began to measure his feet. He looked up and said, “What are you doing? What is the matter with you?” His wife said, “While my mother was trying to catch that rabbit, someone played a trick on her and had sex with her! She thinks it was you!” Coyote thought quickly and then said, “You are talking like a witch. Your mother is lying. Leave me alone and don't bother me with witch talk.” And so Coyote got away with having sex with his mother- in-law.

Everyone laughs again.

NANA That is all. Now it is time for the moccasin game.

Nana chooses five warriors for each side of the fire, and they donate their moccasins each. Nana makes them close their eyes while he places a bone in one of them. We see them playing the guessing game MOS.

56 EXT. – DAY

The Dreamer and Istee are riding across a bleak desert with pack mules. The mules are weighted down and moving slowly.

ISTEE Why do our people become scouts for the Blue Coats?

THE DREAMER Hiring scouts is a White Eye trick. It is difficult to understand for someone like yourself, who has never lived on a reservation. Our warriors are penned up like goats, with nothing to do. They are not allowed to hunt or to raid. Then a Blue Coat officer will come to them and say, “We will make you a scout, pay you money, give you a rifle, and allow you to leave the reservation. All you have to do is help us track down some Navajos or Comanches, your old enemies.” The warriors say yes, and then they are trapped--they must do everything the Blue Coats order them to do or they will be called deserters or traitors and will be shot or hanged. So then the Blue Coats send these scouts against their own people.

ISTEE But how can Chihuahua be our enemy one moment and our friend the next?

THE DREAMER (chuckline)He was never our enemy--he just pretended to be. We never worry about Tcihene or Mescalero scouts, only Navajos and Jicarillas. GORDO rides up.

GORDO A wagon is coming.

THE DREAMER Are you ready to kill the enemy, young novice?

ISTEE But novices don't get to fight until their fifth raid.

THE DREAMER This is not a raid. This is war. Take off all your clothes.

Istee obeys, stripping to just his loin cloth. The Dreamer pulls some White Eye clothes from a mule's pack and helps Istee dress in them, taking care to fold his long hair under a floppy hat. With water from a rawhide canteen, he removes the war paint from

57 Istee's face. Then he takes his knife, slices a vein in the shoulder of a mule, and catches the spurting blood in a gourd dipper. He throws the blood over Istee.

THE DREAMER Now you look like a Mexican who has been knifed and shot by the Tcihene on the warpath. Here, put this under your shirt.

He hands Istee a revolver.

ISTEE I am the bait.

THE DREAMER Yes. Can you now tell the difference between a Mexican and a White Eye?


THE DREAMER Now you must learn two enemy words. If you see a Mexican in the wagon, you say “ayuda”; if it is a White Eye, you say “help.” Say these words several times out loud. We leave now.

Istee mounts his horse.

ISTEE Ayuda, help. Ayuda, help.


Istee waits beneath a large growth of mesquite bushes. A wagon pulled by mules approaches and stops nearby. Two White Eyes are riding up front, a man and a YOUNG GIRL.

ISTEE (moaning) Help, help.

YOUNG GIRL Look, Daddy, someone's hurt.

The man moves the wagon and stops directly in front of Istee, who leaps to his feet and pulls the revolver out of his shirt. The man reaches down to pick something up and Istee shoots him three times. The girl begins to scream as her father's body tumbles out of the wagon. The Dreamer emerges from the mesquite and nods.


58 Why didn't you shoot her too?

ISTEE (embarrassed, looking away) I don't know. Are warriors supposed to kill little girls?

THE DREAMER (laughing) Only if they are shooting at me. But Nana would have killed her. Let's see what's in the wagon.

With the girl sobbing, the two of them search the wagon, finding trader's goods. They are interrupted by the arrival of the pack train, and Gordo and Cadete join in the ransacking of the wagon.

ISTEE Shall we set the wagon on fire?

THE DREAMER No. If there are Blue Coats around, the fire would lead them to us. We will use the wagon to move the gold.

ISTEE And the girl?"

THE DREAMER stares at the girl's shivering form sprawled atop her father's body.

THE DREAMER We'll take her too. If we leave her here, she will certainly die.


By the light of a small campfire, Istee is sleeping next to the girl but not touching her.


9. INT. - DAY

Hatch is cooling his heels in a chair outside of the office of GOVERNOR SHELDON at the Palace of the Governors. He is fidgeting, shuffling through papers. An AIDE comes up to him

AIDE The governor will see you now.

59 HATCH (grumpily) It's about time.

Hatch follows the aide into Sheldon's office. Sheldon is seated behind his desk, reading reports.

HATCH Good morning, governor.

SHELDON Not too much good about it, colonel.

HATCH I imagine there must be a reason you've interrupted my morning and requested my presence here.

SHELDON Indeed there is. I had a visitor this morning, a newspaperman by the name of Greene. He brought me this.


SHELDON What I want to know, colonel, is why I had to learn this bad news from a Las Cruces newspaper rather than from the Army headquarters less than a block from my office.

HATCH (officially) I am waiting for Lieutenant Guilfoyle, who is chasing the Apaches, to report in. After I have all the facts, I intend to send you a full report.

SHELDON (raising his voice) But I seem to be the last person to know these things!

HATCH And if you had been the first to know, what would you have done about it?

SHELDON (looking away) I'm being deluged with reports of Indian atrocities. Here's one that says the entire Mescalero tribe has escaped the reservation.

HATCH (shaking his head) Not true. I had a telegram from Agent Llewellyn yesterday, and he said that only about twenty or

60 twenty-five Mescaleros had joined Nana.

SHELDON What about this report that says two towns near Fort Selden were sacked and twenty-seven of twenty-nine inhabitants killed?

HATCH No verification as yet. I wired Colonel Parker and he reported that there were no raids near his fort. Just rumors, I'd say. As far as we know, Nana's band has killed four soldiers and about six civilians. We've heard tales that sixty Apaches were seen at Acoma, that another bunch shot up Socorro and killed six people, but I don't have enough troops to check them all out. Every little town in the territory is screaming for protection, but the Army's job is to catch Nana.

SHELDON I suppose you know that I'm well acquainted with Mr. Robert Lincoln, the Secretary of War. Of course, I wouldn't want to bother him with a minor issue such as this. But if these raids continue, I'm afraid I must.

HATCH (smiling)Go ahead--maybe he'll send me some badly needed reinforcements. Mr. Governor, let me explain the situation. Nana's band is small and it moves very fast. I have my best Indian scouts, companies A and B, chasing Nana this very moment--"

SHELDON Remember, colonel, I was a brigadier general in the Union Army and have extensive military experience. How difficult can it be to find this Nana? And how many more innocent citizens will this merciless renegade murder and torture before your men catch up to him?

HATCH I assume those are rhetorical questions, governor. Don't forget that the Territory of New Mexico is nearly three times the size of your home state of New York--and much less civilized.

SHELDON (smiling weakly) No need to remind me--how well I know. Back in Washington New Mexico is called 'a large, underfed tick on the backside of America..' And now I'm the tick's leader. Just help me get rid of all these complaints.

HATCH It's my top priority. I'm mobilizing all my troops at this very

61 moment and we're setting a trap for the hostiles. The Ninth Regiment of Cavalry and the Fifteen and Sixteenth Regiments of Infantry will soon be in the field and it's only a matter of time until we kill Nana and his men or drive them back to Mexico.

SHELDON (relaxing) Thank you, colonel. Sorry I interrupted your work. Just, please, keep me informed.

HATCH I'll assign Captain Loud the responsibility of giving you a daily report.


In Hatch's new office at the Exchange Hotel, Hatch is giving Loud orders.

HATCH Call a meeting of my general staff. Have Sergeant Gonzales join us.

LOUD Yessir.


Evelyn is knitting. Hatch, across the table from her, throws a newspaper down.

HATCH Look at this hogwash.

NEWSPAPER HEADLINE FROM THE DAILY NEW MEXICAN Hatch Reneges on Promise to End Apache Threat!

EVELYN (scolding) Now Edward, you're getting all worked up over nothing. Just relax--dinner will be ready--"

HATCH Over nothing? This man Greene is out to ruin my reputation and you say it's nothing?"

EVELYN (conciliating) I just meant that there's nothing you can do about it. Freedom of the press and all that.


62 There is something I can do about it.

EVELYN (smiling) You can't court martial a civilian.

HATCH No, but I can kill an Apache or two.

EVELYN I thought you had troops to do that.

HATCH Well, they're not getting it done, so I'm taking the field.

EVELYN Edward, you are nearly fifty years old. You're in good shape for a man of your age but I hardly think you're up to chasing Indians for weeks in the New Mexico sun.

HATCH Calm down, my dear. The word “field” merely indicates that I am not going to sit on my backside here in Santa Fe and take abuse from the newspapers. Today I'm issuing Special Order 96, which directs various units of the Ninth to move to forts in the southern part of the territory. I'm moving my headquarters to Fort Craig.


HATCH Tomorrow.

EVELYN I'll pack your bags tonight.


In Hatch's office, his staff is assembled along with Roberto. Hatch is holding a piece of paper.

HATCH First, an item of note. In his last official act as governor of this territory, Lew Wallace issued a proclamation. “I agree to the request of the Santa Fe Railroad to proclaim the name of Hatch's Station for a town between Rincon and Deming in honor of Colonel Edward Hatch's exemplary service to the people of New Mexico."

63 His men applaud politely.

HATCH To deal with the Apache threat, I am taking to the field and moving my headquarters to Fort Craig, taking the train tomorrow. Loud, you are in charge here. Sergeant Gonzales, you will accompany me as my aide.

ROBERTO (smiling) Yessir, I'd be honored, sir.


Roberto with the other sergeants, laughing at them MOS. A train leaves the Lamy station. We see Hatch and Roberto sitting side- by side, Hatch speaking to Roberto MOS.



Apache band, led by Nana and Kaytennae rides fast into a small settlement, shooting men, women, children, horses...Kaytennae firing at an elderly man who is running away....Nana, holding a baby by its feet, bashing its head into a fence post...Kaytennae, ransacking a house, surprised by a teenage boy, turns around and guts him with his knife, grinning all the time...Nana shoots a little girl holding a puppy...Headline: APACHES KILL NINE IN GARCIA...Headline: WHERE IS THE CAVALRY?...Nana's band riding out of a town that is burning....Nana's band meeting up with The Dreamer, Istee, and the pack mules....


Nana and The Dreamer riding side-by-side. Nana turns and looks at Istee, riding behind him.

NANA And Victorio's son?

THE DREAMER He made his first kill. He is a warrior now.

NANA Good. (looking at the White Eye girl) And her? Why is she still alive?

64 THE DREAMER (joking) She is a wife to all of us.

Nana looks at him askance, then grins.

NANA If she gets in the way, I will shoot her.

THE DREAMER As you wish, grandfather. Victorio's son watches out for her.

NANA We have not seen any Blue Coats....

THE DREAMER Very strange.

NANA (grinning again). Be patient, my friend. They may find us in Ojo Caliente.

THE DREAMER Soon I must return to San Carlos. My people need me.

NANA Go with Ussen, but kill more White Eyes first.

THE DREAMER Agreed, grandfather.


The Dreamer calmly ambushes two Hispanic farmers hoeing a field...Istee watches Nana shoot a grandmother then rushes behind a tree and vomits...Nana notices this...Apaches steal horses from a corral and herd them away...They pass by a barn and a Hispanic in the hayloft shoots Gordo, who falls off his horse...The Apaches burn down the barn with people in it. Istee looks on, horrified....


Istee sits with the girl away from the rest of the band who are around the campfire. Nana approaches and shoos away the girl.

NANA You are not having fun.

Istee looks away.

65 NANA This is war. You are a warrior now. You are Victorio's son, the son of our greatest warrior.

ISTEE I know, grandfather.

NANA Then what is wrong?

ISTEE (frustrated) Why are we killing women and children? They have done nothing to us.

NANA They are living on our land.

ISTEE (bitterly) I thought the Blue Coats were our enemy, not children.

Silence between them.

NANA Kill with us or leave us.

ISTEE (looking down) Yes, grandfather.


11. EXT. – DAY

Among the rocks, Guilfoyle and Walley are looking at a map, then Walley notices something to his right.

GUILFOYLE According to the map, this small peak is called “Soledad”-- solitary. A fitting name don't you--”

WALLEY (interrupting) Sah, look over there.

GUILFOYLE What is it?

66 WALLEY Tracks. Moccasins, not boots.

They follow the tracks to the top of the peak where Walley points to a dark crevice tucked away under a large rock ledge. Guilfoyle squeezes his body between the rocks and into a shallow cave with a wall painting of Indian designs. There is a slanted shaft with a rope hanging into it. He drops a rock down the shaft and listens to it him.

GUILFOYLE (calling out of the cave) Private, I need some torches.

WALLEY Torches, sah?

GUILFOYLE I found a cave. Use your knife and cut me some branches from the bushes. We'll see which ones burn the best.


Guilfoyle and Walley are in the cave; Guilfoyle is holding a lit torch, with several unlit ones in his belt.

GUILFOYLE This may take some time. Stay on watch until I come back.

WALLEY Yes, sah.

Guilfoyle throws the torch into the shaft, grabs the rope, and slides down it, bracing his feet on the sides of the shaft.


Guilfoyle is in a larger cavern holding a lit torch. He moves deeper into it, crossing a small, empty stream bed, and into a larger cavern.


He sees a human skeleton with bones of the hands tied behind the back with a rotting rope. Nearby are Wells Fargo chests, trunks, and other wooden boxes. Across the room are dozens of other skeletons chained to wooden posts. He opens one of the chests and finds gold and silver coins and some loose jewels. He pockets some of them, and notices a long stack of metal bars covered with

67 buffalo hides chest-high. He takes a single bar about six inches long and two inches thick and places it in his pocket with the coins and jewels, a grin on his face.


In the shallow cave, Walley helps Guilfoyle out of the shaft.

WALLEY I was about to go lookin' for you, sah.

GUILFOYLE No need, private.

WALLEY Find anythin'?

GUILFOYLE (shaking his head) Nothing of interest. If the Apaches ever used this place, they took everything with them. Let's get out of here.

While Walley goes to fetch the tethered horses, Guilfoyle steps into the sunlight and pulls the bar out of his pocket. He spits on it and rubs some of the dirt and soot off it and reveals the letters LaRUE. We see that the bar is solid gold.


Guilfoyle and Walley ride though the gate of Fort Craig and dismount on the parade grounds. They are greeted by the fort commander, Captain JOHN BEAN. They salute him and he returns the salute.

GUILFOYLE Second Lieutenant John Guilfoyle and Private Walley reporting, sir.

BEAN I'm Captain Bean. Glad you made it safely. Chief-of-Scouts Bennett is here with the prisoner, who's locked up. Are you hungry?


In the messhall, Guilfoyle, Bennett, and Bean are eating steaks that they must cut with Bowie knives. They are interrupted by “Captain” JACK CRAWFORD, A tall, thin man with a handlebar mustache and long, curly locks that flow from beneath a wide-

68 brimmed hat.

CRAWFORD Beggin' the captain's pardon....

BEAN (annoyed) What is it, Crawford?

CRAWFORD With the captain's permission, Maria and I would like to organize a little celebration tonight for these noble fighters against the heathen Apache.

BEAN (relenting) Sure, sure, fine with me. Lieutenant Guilfoyle, do you think your men would enjoy some entertainment?

GUILFOYLE (amused) Yes sir.

BEAN (grinning) Make it so, Captain Jack.

Crawford leaves and Bean turns to Guilfoyle and Bennett

BEAN That's Captain Jack Crawford, a poet.

BENNETT “A poet?

BEAN He's what you might call a wild west character--used to be a scout for General Crook and later Buell. Claims he saw action against the Sioux and the Apache but I never found anyone who saw him fire a shot. He dresses like his hero, Buffalo Bill Cody, and even wears his hair and handlebar mustache the same way. Lately he's been promotin' gold mines in the Black Range to rich investors from Denver.

Guilfoyle rolls his eyes and laughs.


The parade ground, lit by torches, is crowded with soldiers both white and black. Captain Jack is standing on a table. Seated beside him gently strumming a guitar, is MARIA.


69 Tonight we are assembled to honor the Indian Scouts of Company B, Ninth Cavalry, led by Lieutenant John Guilfoyle. As you know, they have spent the last two weeks chasing and fighting the deadly Apaches, who are led by that crafty old chief, Nana. Twice these soldiers of Company B have engaged the enemy and twice they have emerged victorious. But the Apaches have not given up yet, so there will be more battles to come. The first poem tonight honors those brave men who must face death on a daily basis. It's called, “Who the Heroes Were."

Crawford stares at the moon for a few seconds.

CRAWFORD I've heard men say they were just as cool In the heat of battle as they would be In a quiet seat in a Sabbath school, But they couldn't find a believer in me. I never flinched, never shirked a call, But several times in the war swept South, If I'd been shot through the heart, the ball Would have had to hit me square in the mouth!

The soldiers chuckle.

CRAWFORD It's the silliest sort of talk we hear-- And hear from soldiers of solid worth-- That they stood in the front and felt no fear When the rumbling of battle convulsed the earth. I hold that our bravest men were those Who felt alarm at the cannons roar, Yet never rearward turned their toes, But stood like men till the fight was o'er.

Crawford bows during during the polite applause.

GUILFOYLE (whispering to Bennett) I think we've found the perfect punishment for Chihuahua. Instead of hanging him, we'll tie him up and have Captain Jack recite poetry to him for hours on end. Maria gives him a dirty look.


At the train station in Socorro, Hatch and Roberto are packing saddlebags. Hatch places his copy of BEN HUR into one. Bean and Guilfoyle and a group of black soldiers ride down the street and greet him MOS. Hatch makes a brief stop at a saloon and buys two bottles of whiskey, places them in his saddlebag and rides off

70 with the rest of the soldiers.


In the officers' mess, Hatch is holding a staff meeting with Bean, Guilfoyle, Bennett, and five other officers. There is a map of New Mexico Territory on an easel. Captain Bean points the San Mateo range on the map.

BEAN The last word we have is that Nana's approximately here. Three days ago, a group of miners from the towns of Winston and Chloride, along with some Mexican farmers, attempted to track down Nana. They rode up into Red Canyon and were promptly attacked by the renegades. The Apaches killed two of the vigilantes, wounded seven, and took all their horses. They were damn lucky all of them weren't killed.

HATCH Amateurs and fools.

Guilfoyle points to the Black Range.

GUILFOYLE Since the area around Ojo Caliente is his band's homeland, it makes sense to me that Nana's headed there.

HATCH Good thinking. We have a small post at Ojo Caliente. I'll send reinforcements. In two days time, Lieutenant Valois will lead his men south from Fort Wingate while Lieutenant Smith is moving his troops north from Fort Cummings. Hopefully, with Guilfoyle pursuing from the east, we'll trap the renegades in the Black Range.

CRAWFORD Or, they'll move west through the Mogollon Range into Arizona.

HATCH If they do that, they'll be General Willcox's problem. Our duty is to remove the renegades from the Territory of New Mexico. If they cross over to Arizona or Mexico, we have done our job. But still, I'd rather kill or capture them here.


Bean and Hatch enter the guard room and exchange salutes with Williams, who rises from a chair directly on top of a wooden trapdoor that was built into the hard dirt floor.

71 HATCH Let's see the traitor.

Williams moved the chair and lifted the trapdoor. A short stairway provides access to a dimly lit dungeon consisting of six solitary confinement cells measuring about six feet tall, three feet wide, and five feet deep. In the cell closest to the stairs, a bound Chihuahua sits staring silently at Hatch. An untouched plate of cold beans rests on the floor outside the cell.

HATCH The charges against you are mutiny, desertion, treason, and murder. You will be tried, convicted, and shot.

Chihuahua remains silent. Hatch reaches down, picks up the plate of beans, and flips it vertically through the bars. The metal plate strikes Chihuahua on the forehead and the beans splatter on his face, but the Apache never moves.

HATCH Don't forget to eat your last meal.


In the crude barracks, Williams and Walley are talking.

WILLIAMS To hell with a court martial. We otta just shoot the traitor like Bennett said.

WALLEY He d'serves a fair trial."

WILLIAMS He deserves shit! He's a fuckin' traitor.

WALLEY But sarge, de army made 'im a slave! Made 'im fight 'gainst his own people.

WILLIAMS You mind youh tongue, boy. This be a white man's army and youh just a no-count niggah.

WALLEY Well, anyways I'se a free niggah. Dat 'Pache, he still be a slave.

72 WILLIAMS Shut youh mouth, private. Dat's an ordah!

Walley give him a dirty look.


Hatch and Guilfoyle are sitting at a small table, a bottle of whiskey between them and two shot glasses.

HATCH I'm going to court martial and hang Chihuahua as quickly as possible--with Mescalero witnesses present so all the Apaches will get the message that we will not tolerate renegades or traitors.

GUILFOYLE There's one thing I forgot to mention, general.

He reaches into his boot and takes out a small, cloth-wrapped bundle and places it on the table in front of Hatch, then slowly unwraps it until the gold bar glistens in the light of the oil lamp.

HATCH My God. Where did you get this?

GUILFOYLE In a cave at that peak in Hembrillo Canyon. I think it was one of Victorio's caches. There's hundreds more like it stacked like firewood. A fortune, sir."

HATCH Who is “LaRue?”?

GUILFOYLE I have no idea.

HATCH And what do you propose we do about this treasure, lieutenant?

GUILFOYLE Who owns the gold? The Army?

Hatch tops off each glass with whiskey.

HATCH I'm not a lawyer, but I'd say the first person to recover it owns it. I'm not sure that the U.S. Army has anything to do with it,

73 unless it was stolen to begin with. Does anyone else know about this gold?

GUILFOYLE Definitely not.

HATCH Good. Damn, it's a shame Lew Wallace isn't still governor. He was treasure-happy, you know. He would have told everyone he was going to Washington, then he’d have doubled back and personally recovered the gold. He would have found a way to sell it and then split the money with us.

GUILFOYLE But what do we do about it now?"

HATCH Nothing.

GUILFOYLE Nothing, sir?

HATCH That's right. Until we solve this Apache problem, the treasure will stay right where it is. Tell no one--that's an order.


Hatch picks up the gold bar.

HATCH And I'll take this for safe-keeping.

Guilfoyle has a stunned expression on his face.


12. EXT. – DAY

Lozen on horseback wades across a shallow spot in the Rio Grande and follows a well-worn path through the bosque. She spots some Mexican women washing clothes in the river, dismounts, tethers her horse behind some brush and she hides behind a large cottonwood tree and waits. A noise on the trail alerts Lozen that someone is coming. A Mexican woman carrying a basket is taking the trail to the river

74 to wash clothes. Lozen waits until the woman passed her, then silently follows. When the woman reaches the river, she dumps the clothes out of the basket and onto the ground, then begins to wash a shirt in the river. Lozen springs from concealment and runs to the river bank, knife in hand. The Mexican woman hears her and turns around, but before she can scream, Lozen is on top of her and quickly slits her throat. She dragged the dying woman into the brush and strips off her clothes. Then she fetches the basket and rummages through it for anything else of use. She finds a small blanket and ties it over her head in the Mexican style, and hides her knife under the waistband of a long skirt. In a few minutes, a disguised Lozen is again atop her horse and wades back across the river. She ties up the horse and walks the rest of the way to Fort Craig. The gate to the camp is wide open. Moving in a purposeful manner with her head down to avoid eye contact with anyone, Lozen shuffles into the camp and immediately turns to her left to avoid some mounted Blue Coats who were leaving. Several dozen more Blue Coats are marching back and forth in the center of the fort to the orders of another. The only two Mexican women she sees are sweeping dirt from doorways, so she finds a broom leaning against a wall, takes it, and imitates them while she observes the movements of the enemy and tries to locate Chihuahua.

LOZEN Makes quail call.

Getting no response, she works her way around the inside perimeter of the fort, giving the quail call when no one is near her. She moves past the corral and notes the twenty horses standing around inside it. She moves on to sweep in front of another building.

LOZEN (Makes quail call.)

CHIHUAHUA, O.C. (Returns quail call.)

Lozen looks down at her feet, realizing the call came from beneath the ground. Without hesitating, she walks up to the door, fumbles with the latch until it releases, and enters the building.


A buffalo soldier who sleeping in a chair wakes up and mumbles something unintelligible to her.

75 LOZEN Buenas días.


The guard closes his eyes. Lozen turns her back to the guard and, sweeping with one hand, she reachs under her skirt with the other to free her knife. With both hands holding the knife and broom together, she sweeps her way behind the guard. Lozen slashes the buffalo soldier's throat twice so his voice will not work and then stabs him twice in the heart. to kill him. He makes quite a bit of noise as he falls off his chair and thrashes about on the floor. Lozen moves behind the door and waits in case anyone had heard the noise. But no one opens the door, so she drags the body of the buffalo soldier into a corner and uses her knife to pry open the door in the floor. She climbs down the steps and sees Chihuahua hunched over in a small cage made of metal bars.

CHIHUAHUA Where have you been?

LOZEN Can you walk?

CHIHUAHUA I can walk and ride, but I cannot climb.

LOZEN How do I get you out of here?

CHIHUAHUA Around the guard's neck is a metal ring. On the ring is a piece of metal that will open this door.

LOZEN How does it work?

CHIHUAHUA See the hole in the door? You put each metal thing into it just as a man would put his thing into a woman. Soon you will find the right one and learn how it is done.

Lozen smiles and one after another, she tries to fit the keys in the hole. The fourth key works and after she turns it to the right, the door with bars creaks open. Chihuahua climbs out of the cage and Lozen helps push him up the steps. Once out of the

76 hole, he limps over to the body of the dead buffalo soldier and begins to search it.

LOZEN Now you walk like grandfather.

He straightens up and passes her a box of matches.

CHIHUAHUA We can start a fire.

LOZEN I will find a place.

CHIHUAHUA I will wait here until the fire starts and then run to the corral.

LOZEN Choose a good horse for me.


She moves across the grounds as quickly as possible without attracting attention to herself and opens the door to a building. There is no one inside so Lozen rummages around to find anything that can burn. She finds many large pieces of paper with White Eye writing on them, cuts them into shreds with her knife, and scatters them about the room. She finds an oil lamp and dumps the oil onto the papers and then piles several chairs and boxes on top. Then Lozen lights a match, and throws it down, where it immediately catches the oil on fire. The door bursts open and a White Eye with hair longer than hers sees Lozen and the fire at the same time, screams something unintelligible, and lunges toward her. She dodges aside, brings her knife up into his stomach and barely has time to pull it out before the man falls face-forward onto the floor. Lozen quickly conceals her knife and calmly walks out the door and toward the corral. She was about halfway across the grounds when some of the marching Blue Coats begins to yell and point at the smoke coming out the door of the building. She forces herself to be calm and not run as the soldiers rush past her. She opens the gate to the corral. Chihuahua is not there, but a large roan mare with a bridle is tied to a post. In no time she is on the mare's back and rides out the gate, leaving it open so the other horses will follow, which they do. Chihuahua is waiting for her just outside the gate and they ride off at a fast gallop. She leads him south to the place where her other horse iss tethered, and after recovering it, she turn west.

77 CHIHUAHUA Where are we going?

LOZEN Grandfather said to meet him at Juh's stronghold. But I know I can find him at Warm Springs. We will go there.

That night they camp in the foothills of the San Mateos. By the light of a small fire, Lozen cleans Chihuahua's wounds with water and herbs and then binds them with some of the clothing she took from the Mexican woman.

LOZEN You will live.

She gives him half of the dried deer meat in her parfleche. Later, they sleep side by side but neither one touches the other.


13. INT. – DAY

In the “war room” of 9th Cavalry headquarters, Loud is dictating a telegram to Hatch to the telegraph operator, who writes it down.


General Pope has met with acting president Arthur and the secretary of war. Governor Sheldon was there too. We had a telegram from the general, who said--”

Loud picks up a long telegram.


--this is addressed to you, by the way. “Governor Sheldon is extremely distressed and is calling for your replacement. I told him that everybody knows that the Apaches are a miserable, brutal race--cruel, deceitful, and wholly irreclaimable. I also said that the Army had every confidence in your ability to resolve this matter of the renegades. But this time I have no Joint Resolution of the New Mexico legislature praising you, so I must have some support from you personally. I want you to come to Washington as soon as possible and speak with Sec. Lincoln so he can hear your side of this matter.” Here in Santa Fe, Sheldon

78 apparently thinks he is commander of the Military District of New Mexico. He has convinced the legislature in emergency session to authorize a paid volunteer force of one thousand men to fight the “Apache menace.” A later telegram from General Pope said that if you cannot come to Washington, quote, “I must show secretary Lincoln that some definite progress is being made. I want you to prepare a complete report about everything that is happened so far, plus your recommended action, and forward it to me within one week."

Loud puts the telegram down and picks up several newspapers.

LOUD “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, general, but a headline in the Rio Grande Republican reads: IS NANA AVENGING VICTORIO? A recent editorial in the Silver City Daily Southwest said: "We are dreaming of a golden age--a future empire--and filthy, dirty, lousy Indians have us in a state of siege." A recent editorial in the Silver City Daily Southwest said: "We are dreaming of a golden age--a future empire--and filthy, dirty, lousy Indians have us in a state of siege." Greene in the Daily New Mexican writes, “Every day's dispatches adds to the fearful list of those killed and captured by the sneaking, murderous redskins. Make every Apache in New Mexico a good Indian, and then only can we enjoy a lasting peace." He means, of course, a dead Indian." He goes on, "The people of New Mexico demand of the United States government either the removal of General Hatch or that they be permitted to deal with the Indians as they may find necessary, even to extermination." And finally, general, the New York Sun, is taking the side of the Apaches and ran a story claiming that your troopers had burned alive two members of Nana's band and used quote "torturous practices" to extract information from Apache women and children.

Loud sets the papers down.

LOUD I am awaiting instructions from you. Sheldon is back and holding a press conference in a few minutes, so I've got to go. Good luck, general.


At the ballroom in the Palace of the Governors, Sheldon is at the podium taking questions from the packed room.

Greene stands and Sheldon nods at him.


79 Sir, have you heard from Colonel Hatch?

SHELDON No, I have no earthly idea where he is or what he's doing.

Loud stands up among his contingent of officers.

SHELDON Captain?

LOUD I have heard from the general. He's at Fort Craig leading a combined force from Forts Wingate and Cummings as well as his own scouts. They are moving toward the Warm Springs Apaches homeland at Ojo Caliente where they will engage Nana's band.

SHELDON And so far, captain, how many Apaches has the army killed?

LOUD (looking away) One.

SHELDON And how many citizens of the territory have been killed?

LOUD Well, sir, reports are incomplete so we--

GREENE (interrupting) More than fifty dead! Counting the women and children.

LOUD An exaggeration! We think--

SHELDON Silence! We need action, not army thinking.

A man in a suit stands and Sheldon acknowledges him.

MAN Johnson, sir. Albuquerque Journal. From what I've heard, the army should provide Hatch with personal bodyguards to protect him from mob action in any town in New Mexico, even the one named after him!

Laughter and applause breaks out the room and Sheldon gestures open-handed for quiet.

80 SHELDON As you know, in an emergency session, the territorial legislature approved my plan to create a volunteer militia to fight the Apaches since the U.S. Army is incapable of doing that. As commander of that militia, I am appointing Major John Shivington, U.S. Army retired. Major Shivington distinguished himself by defeating Confederate troops at the Battle of Glorieta Pass and then stayed in New Mexico after he retired. Major?

A man about 60 in full Army uniform walks to the podium from the back of the room. As one, Loud and his officers march out of the room. Silence descends upon the room.

SHIVINGTON As usual, they retreat.

Laughter and applause ring out.

SHIVINGTON I have never heard of a commander in the middle stages of a military operation being recalled to Washington, but in the case of Colonel Hatch, it is necessary. Until that happens, I will recruit as many men as I can in Santa Fe, Las Vegas, and Albuquerque and lead them to defeat the Apache renegades.

Greene stands up.


SHIVINGTON Yes, Mr. Greene.

GREENE Do you have any experience fighting Indians.


GREENE Then what makes you think you can do a better job than Colonel Hatch and the Ninth Cavalry?

The room dissolves into semi-chaos with equal amounts of booing and applause. Shivington stands with a bewildered look on his face.


81 In the telegraph room at Fort Craig, Hatch is tapping out a message on the telegraph key, a smile on his face.


In the Department of War Building in Washington, D.C., a clerk is transcribing a message from the dots and dashes from the telegraph machine.




14. EXT. – DAY

On a hill with a White Eye settlement below in the valley, The Dreamer is talking with Istee MOS. The two move away from each other and Istee walks to where the horses are tethered and selects one. He leads it over to where the girl is sitting beneath a tree and gestures for her to stand up. Using gestures, Istee points first to her, then to the horse, and then points in a direction away from the settlement. The girl nods and Istee helps her mount the horse. He gives her a package wrapped in cloth and a canteen. As the girl rides away, she smiles and gives Istee a little wave with her right hand.


Nana's war band moves slowly down the hill toward the settlement, Nana and Kaytennae in the lead. Nana turns around and looks over his band.

NANA Where is the girl?

KAYTENNAE (deadpan) She escaped.

Nana laughs.

82 NANA Let's kill some White Eyes. Ride fast and shoot anyone who moves.

The first to die is a farmer feeding hay to his milk cow. Comescu shoots him in the back as he runs for his small house, then begins firing into the house. The sound of the shots lures two men with rifles into the streets, but Nana's and The Dreamer's horses trample them before the can get off a shot. Kaytennae and Istee begin releasing horses from the corral. Shots ring out from other houses and Nana's horse is shot out from under him. Despite his age and bad foot, Nana manages to land on his feet and immediately charges the house where the shots originated. He makes it safely through the gunfire to the side of the house, sticks his rifle around the corner and through the window, and begins shooting. Screams issue from inside the house and Nana signals Comescu and another warrior to storm the front door. Inside they find a dead man with his wife and two children huddled in the corner. The warriors drag them outside and shoot each of them in the head while Nana searches the house and finds eight large boxes of rifle bullets. Kaytennae and Istee have similar success in two houses where they find no people but several pistols, rifles, and ammunition. Soon the shooting ends and Comescu brings a new horse for Nana, is was passing out ammunition to his warriors.

KAYTENNAE Ten White Eyes killed, grandfather.

Istee is startled when Nana cries out loudly in triumph.

COMESCU We captured many horses and found some tobacco. And I took some mezcal.

NANA Don't drink any of that until we camp.

Nana limps over to a woodpile, pulls an axe out of a log, and carries it to the body of a White Eye lying in the dust. Silently, Nana calmly chops the head off the corpse. Kaytennae hurls his lance, which sticks in the dirt next to Nana's left foot. Nana impales the head on the army bayonet that serves as the point of the lance and sinks the other end into the soft earth. The warriors laughs as the head sways in the wind but Istee looks away nervously.


83 That avenges Mangas Coloradas.

He lifts his loin cloth and urinates on the headless corpse.

NANA Burn all the houses.

Comescu quickly makes a fire and soon the warriors are carrying torches to each of the adobe houses. Istee grabs a torch and runs into a house, but he hesitates when he sees a strong box filled with a number of thick sticks. He takes one, exits the house and shows it to The Dreamer.

THE DREAMER Good. These are big noise sticks that destroy things. Watch.

The Dreamer goes into the house, returns with the strongbox and pulls out a stick and fastens a cap and fuse onto it. He gestures for everyone to move back from the house, lights the fuse with Istee's torch and throws the stick through the broken window. He runs back to the band and covers his ears. A few moments later, the house is blown apart by an enormous explosion. The warriors laugh and shout with pleasure.

NANA Can the big noise sticks be moved safely?

THE DREAMER Only if they are carried like a baby.

Quickly, The Dreamer finds some slabs of wood. With rawhide thongs, he fashions a rough cradleboard and ties the sticks onto it. The caps and fuses fit easily into a leather pouch.

THE DREAMER Who will carry our baby?

NANA Victorio's son will have the honor.

THE DREAMER If you drop the baby, you won't live long enough to hear the big noise.


Nana stops his band at some railroad tracks and points up at the telegraph wires.

84 NANA I don't know how the White Eyes do it, but Victorio told me they send messages along those metal ropes up there. Cut them.

Comescu quickly climbs a pole and cuts the wires with a hatchet.


In the growing dusk, the Tcihene band camps near a towering mesa with a pueblo settlement on top. Istee is sitting next to The Dreamer, who is smoking tobacco in a small clay pipe.

ISTEE (showing a tube to The Dreamer) Look what I found. I call it a “far-sight” because when you look through it, distant things appear to be close.

THE DREAMER This will be useful. The White Eyes call it a “telescope.” We can use it to count the number of Blue Coats chasing us.

Istee laughs and then turns serious.

ISTEE Why does grandfather cut up the bodies of the dead White Eyes? I was taught to avoid the blood and scalp of an enemy, and never to cut up a dead person because he would have to wander through the Underworld in that condition.

The Dreamer was is silent for a moment and passes the pipe to Istee, who glances in Nana's direction.

ISTEE I am not allowed to smoke.

The Dreamer laughs.

THE DREAMER You are no longer a boy, no longer a novice. You have become a warrior and now can smoke, marry, and have children.

Istee takes a few puffs on the pipe.

THE DREAMER In the early days, before the Mexicans and White Eyes invaded our lands, scalping and cutting up of enemy bodies was never done for the very reason you said. But many years ago the Mexican army paid money for every Chiricahua scalp that was brought in. That

85 is why some--but not all--of our chiefs and warriors began scalping the enemy.

ISTEE But grandfather chopped off the head--

THE DREAMER (sharply) If you will listen patiently, I will tell you the story. You know of one of our greatest leaders, Mangas Coloradas. After he was captured by the Blue Coats, they tortured him by burning his feet with red-hot bayonets before they shot him. Then they scalped him and buried his body. Two days later, the Blue Coats dug up his body and cut off his head, which was very large. They boiled the head in a big black pot until just the skull was left. His skull was sent as a gift to the White Eye chief in Washington. Grandfather was taking his revenge for that.

ISTEE I will never do that! And I don't like the killing of women and children either.

THE DREAMER You would do it if you you had enough hatred.

ISTEE Is hating part of becoming a warrior?

THE DREAMER No, hating is the result of having our land stolen from us and being made slaves. Besides, you know that the White Eyes and the Mexicans are not human beings as are all of our people.

ISTEE What are they?

THE DREAMER Devils that you must learn to hate. Pick one, like the Blue Coat leader Hatch. Hate him enough and you can kill anything.

ISTEE (reluctantly) I will try to hate Hatch.

Nana suddenly appears beside them.

NANA Get some rest. We have a very long ride tomorrow.

ISTEE Another raid, grandfather?

86 NANA No. We have food and ammunition. Tomorrow, we go home to the Warm Springs.

Nana leaves. The Dreamer hands Istee a little bundle wrapped in cloth. Istee unwraps it and sees that it is small, gray pieces of peyotl.

ISTEE I don't understand.

THE DREAMER You will need it to obtain your Power when we return to the Blue Mountains.


15. EXT. – DAY

Hatch and Bean are having breakfast in the officers' mess at Ft. Craig.

HATCH I need a detail of five troopers with plenty of water to accompany me and Sergeant Gonzales to Engle.

BEAN Why Engle?

HATCH It doesn't make sense to go north to Socorro to catch a train heading south.

BEAN (smiling in relief) So you're leaving us?

HATCH I stayed up late plotting Nana's movements. I think I know where he's heading and how to trap him. I'm moving field headquarters to Fort Cummings.

BEAN Didn't Nana attack some town up near Albuquerque? What makes you so sure he's not heading north?


87 Patterns, captain, patterns of movement. The attack on Garcia, which is actually closer to Laguna Pueblo than to Albuquerque, was just a feint. I think the old-timer was trying to get us to concentrate our forces around Fort Wingate, while he was off thumbing his nose at us as he rode south to Ojo Caliente. After I leave, I want you to send a wire to Captain Hunt at Fort Cummings and tell him to be on the lookout for hostiles in the area.

BEAN Well, he's got both Guilfoyle and Smith on patrol down there. Plus another unit under Taylor's command from Fort Bayard. Also, remember that Companies B and D of the infantry should be in the area soon. The tracks up by Raton have been repaired. In fact, you may be riding on the same train with them.

HATCH Excellent. Tell Hunt to send out a fourth unit under the command of Captain Dawson to patrol the border. Dawson will be supported by B and D companies as soon as they arrive.

BEAN Yes, sir. Anything else?

HATCH (pausing) Just forward all telegrams from Washington and Santa Fe to me. Oh, and send a wire to the depot at Engle and have them hold that train for me.


Hatch and Roberto are sitting side by side in a moving train car. Hatch is reading BEN HUR.

ROBERTO Is it a good book, sir?

HATCH I'm only reading it because I promised my friend Lew that I would.


HATCH It's too long and there's not enough action. The chariot race was good, though.

The train slows while passing through a small settlement and stop

88 at a primitive depot to let off passengers. A sign with half of a ristra with broken chile peppers hangs from the sign.


ROBERTO We've stopped in your town, general.

HATCH (keeps reading) So?


The train slows and stops at Cooke's Spring. Waiting are CAPTAIN HUNT with four troopers and an extra horse. Hatch and Roberto leave the train and receive salutes.

HATCH (returning the salute) Any good news?

HUNT Not much. I got the telegram from Bean and deployed my forces as instructed. Where are companies B and D?

HATCH Your guess is as good as mine.


Fort Cummings is surrounded by a tent city outside the walls of the fort. The fort itself is falling apart, a near-ruin with crumbling adobe walls.

HATCH Why didn't you tell me the fort was in such bad shape?

HUNT General, I reported this several times to Captain Loud. He wired back that there was no money to repair a fort that would just be abandoned after the Apache threat is contained.

HATCH Damn. I despise sleeping in a tent.

HUNT You can share one with Colonel Parks. He's on the next train from Fort Selden.

89 EXT. – DAY

Guilfoye and Bennett, mounted, are talking with a Navajo Scout. The Buffalo Soldiers are dismounted and resting, drinking from canteens. The scout rides away.

BENNETT Buffalo Grass says he's lost the trail of Nana's band.

GUILFOYLE (sighing) More luck, all of it bad. Now what?

BENNETT Our men have been riding hard. They need a rest.

Guilfoyle unfolds his worn map and studies it in silence and then looks up.

GUILFOYLE Lake Valley is the closest town, so let's head there.

A few scattered cheers break out from the nearest troopers.

BENNETT There's a few saloons there, and a lot of silver.

GUILFOYLE A mining town.

BENNETT Only the richest silver mine in the west. It's called the Bridal Chamber. There, they don't have to blast the silver out of the ground. The vein's so rich that they saw out the horn silver in big blocks. You can light a match, hold it up to the vein, and the silver just melts right off. It's so pure it's worth a dollar an ounce.

GUILFOYLE That's a lot of money,

BENNETT No shit. They've already recovered over a million ounces with no end in sight.

GUILFOYLE If we have time, I'd like to see that mine.


Hatch is in his tent, drinking alone and reading BEN HUR by the light of an oil lamp.

WALLEY (OC) Colonel Parks to see you, sah.

Hatch immediately opens the flap and greets his friend.

HATCH Dick, good to see you. Come in.

They shake hands and PARKS follows him inside and drops a bedroll on the ground.

PARKS I guess we're bunking together. Your fort is falling down, Ed. And I thought Fort Selden was bad.

HATCH (smiles) This posting is temporary, as you well know. Old Fort Cummings will be decommissioned soon. Have a seat. I know it's hot. Want some whiskey?

PARKS Please.

Hatch pours him a shot, looks out the tent, flap, secures it, and then spreads out a map of southern New Mexico Territory on the small table.

HATCH I'm thinking about retirement.

PARKS (disbelieving) Bullshit. What other kind of work do you know besides soldiering?

HATCH None, and that's the point. I wouldn't even be thinking about it unless I thought I was going to become very wealthy.

PARKS Is that why you asked me here?"

HATCH Yes. I need help. You're the only army man in New Mexico I completely trust. I have found an easy way for both of us to

91 become suddenly rich. Are you interested?

PARKS Is it legal?

HATCH I believe so.

PARKS Then I'm very interested.

Hatch reaches into his boot, retrieves the gold bar, and places it in the middle of the map. Parks responds with a low whistle.

HATCH I know where lots of those bars are. I need your help to retrieve them and move them to a safe place.

PARKS How many bars?

HATCH Tons of them.


Hatch and Parks are talking MOS. Parks flips the map over and traces the outline of the bar with a pencil and then begins to multiply numbers.

PARKS Does your sutler's store have a scale?

Hatch takes the bar and starts to leave the tent.

HATCH I'll be right back.


Hatch and Parks are sitting at the table with the gold bar sitting on the back of the map. Parks is again multiplying.

PARKS The seventeen thousand-odd bars weigh forty-three thousand two hundred pounds, nearly twenty-two tons. So we'll need at least thirty wagons.


92 Or ten wagons making three trips each. Look, multiply those forty-three thousand pounds by sixteen.

PARKS (looking up after multiplying) Six hundred ninety one thousand, two hundred. Ounces, I presume.

HATCH Yes. Now multiply that number by a conservative twenty-two dollars.

PARKS The total value of the gold is fifteen million, two hundred and six thousand, four hundred dollars. Give or take a couple of million. But how do we move it? We're going to have to use the troops at our disposal to move all that weight.

HATCH Okay, so we may be technically breaking the law by using army troops. It's a risk we'll have to take. I have a plan, Dick. Guilfoyle told me that those bars are so dirty you can't tell they're gold until you clean them up. Let's invent a military mission to recover lead for bullets. We'll send wagons from here and Selden up to Hembrillo Canyon, put the bars in burlap sacks, load the “lead” and carry it to Rincon, which is only thirty miles away. We can store it there under guard and send wagons back and forth to Victorio's peak. I'll commandeer a couple of freight cars and transport the 'lead' to Santa Fe, where I'll store it in a secure warehouse.

PARKS What's our cover story?

HATCH After we retire from the army, we'll open our own mining company. We'll spread the rumor we're backed by Lew Wallace--everyone knows what an interest he had in gold mines. We'll buy up depleted mines for next to nothing and tell everyone we have new techniques for gold recovery. Since the name LaRue is already on the bars, we'd better call our company “LaRue Mining Corporation.”

He lifts his glass in a toast.

HATCH To a successful operation.

Parks briefly touches his glass to Hatch's.

93 PARKS This is going to be fun, general.

HATCH And profitable, colonel, highly profitable.


16. EXT. – DAY

Nana's band is riding south, with mountains in the distance ahead of them. Comescu rides toward them from the direction of the mountains and all the Apaches rein in their horses.

COMESCU Blue Coats, waiting for us in Crow Canyon.

NANA We must divide up.

He points to Kaytennae.

NANA Take the extra horses, the one who dreams, the son of Victorio, and six more warriors and take the long way to the warm springs.

He makes a sweeping motion to his right.

KAYTENNAE And you, grandfather?

NANA Killing Blue Coats and sheepherders.

ISTEE Sheepherders?

KAYTENNAE Navajo scouts.

NANA (to Istee) Take care of the baby.



Apache sharpshooters pick off mounted soldiers in a canyon; a Buffalo Soldier, well positioned, pins down part of Nana's band with accurate shooting, killing two of his warriors and escapes and joins the retreating cavalry troops. Nana flashes signals to the sharpshooters; they retreat, join up with Nana and the band moves in a direction opposite to the soldiers. They attack a small ranch and find only a mother with three children, who flee into the house. Comescu sets the house on fire and the Apaches shoot everyone as they run out of the house. Nana is carrying the body of a young boy and spots a meat hook hanging from a wooden crossbar and impales the boy on it by the back of his head. The warriors laugh, then release horses from the corral and herd them away from the ranch.


Kaytennae's band is observing Blue Coats moving in and out of adobe huts beside the warm springs.

THE DREAMER We will attack tonight.

KAYTENNAE But we never fight in darkness.

THE DREAMER All the more reason to surprise them. These are not normal times.

KAYTENNAE We should wait for grandfather. He will know what to do.

THE DREAMER And who will you wait for when he is gone?

KAYTENNAE (nodding) Do you have a plan?

THE DREAMER Later tonight the moon will be nearly full, so we will be able to see the enemy.

ISTEE Even the black-faced buffalo soldiers?

KAYTENNAE Aim for the teeth.

95 THE DREAMER (shaking his head) We will use our old weapons, arrows and knives. We don't want to wake up the enemy with gunfire.


Under a nearly full moon, the Apaches slowly approach the camp. Two Blue Coat sentries are dispatched with arrows. Kaytennae and three men enter the largest of the mud buildings. The Dreamer, Istee, and two other warriors enter another building while the rest of the band moves into the third building. Istee draws his knife as the shaman slowly opens the wooden door. The faint light of the moon passing through a single small window illuminates five vague shapes asleep on the floor. By pointing, The Dreamer indicates who Istee should attack, then moves silently into position over his victim. Gun shots and screams ring out from next building and startles them.


The Dreamer stabs his victim and as Istee starts his attack, the buffalo soldier suddenly sits up, shouting with rage and pain. A powerful blow catches Istee on the side of his head and the huge soldier begins to strangle and head-butt him. A fierce struggle ensues in the semi-darkness. The Dreamer pulls a revolver from his belt and calmly executes two soldiers with single shots to the head. Then he turns and sees Istee slump to the floor and the huge buffalo soldier turns and and faces. The soldier reaches for a rifle propped against the wall and The Dreamer shoots him twice to his heart and stomach. The dying soldier then falls atop Istee's body.

THE DREAMER (to the others) Go help the others!

The Dreamer checks Istee and finds that he is breathing. He leaves him lying there and goes outside. Kaytennae and the others have the large building surrounded and are firing shots through the two windows. The buffalo soldiers return the fire sporadically.

THE DREAMER What happened?

KAYTENNAE They were not all asleep. One of them saw us when we went inside and started shooting. Two of our people are wounded.

96 THE DREAMER Smoke them out.

The warriors build a fire and throw burning pine branches through the windows. Coughing buffalo soldiers come out shooting but are slaughtered by gunfire from the Apaches. The Dreamer, carrying a torch find, finds Istee awake but groggy, his face covered with blood. The Dreamer helps him out of the building and they approach the bodies laid out in a row. They stop at one of the bodies, and The Dreamer points down.

THE DREAMER Your friend.

ISTEE (eyes wide) He is as big as a bear.

THE DREAMER Ussen has smiled upon you.


Istee awakes to find Lozen looking down at him.

ISTEE (groggily) Where have you been?

LOZEN Fooling the Blue Coats, nephew. Are you hurting?

ISTEE My neck and face.

LOZEN The warm water will cure you. Grandfather is here.


The entire war party assembles beside the pool of warm water fed by an underground spring that bubbles up in the middle of it. Nana raises his arms as if to embrace the landscape as far as the eye can see.

NANA Ussen gave us this land. Through our forefathers It has come to us. It was our land

97 Before the White Eyes came; It is still our land. The Warm Springs soothe us And protect us from harm. Thank you Ussen for this warm water And the land around it.

The Tcihene and Mescalero warriors begin to undress and The Dreamer moves over beside Istee.

THE DREAMER Don't foul the warm springs with enemy blood. Wash the blood off downstream and leave your clothes in the stream so they will be clean. Then you may enter the pool.

Istee walks a considerable distance from the pool and follows the shaman's instructions. He returns to the pool naked, found a spot in the crowded pool, and sinks beneath the soothing water. Comescu is drinking from a bottle of whiskey, recounting the raid at the farm house.

COMESCU (laughing) And then grandfather hangs the little boy on the hook for the Blue Coats to see.

ISTEE That is wrong. The boy did nothing to harm us.

Silence descends over the group.

KAYTENNAE Young warrior, do not speak of grandfather that way.

ISTEE When will this war be over? Haven't we avenged my father enough?

NANA There are Blue Coats everywhere. If we stay here, eventually they will trap us.

KAYTENNAE Where shall we go next?

THE DREAMER I know where I must go. It Is time for me to return to San Carlos and show the bar of gold to the blue coat nantan.

NANA He is right. It is time for us to move south.

98 ISTEE Then it is over? No more raids? No more killing of women and children?

NANA (sadly) We can never kill all the Blue Coats. That is a job for Ussen.

ISTEE Then why doesn't He do it?

THE DREAMER Maybe He thinks that's our job. Maybe He has more important things to do. Or just maybe...the White Eye god is more powerful than Ussen.

ISTEE (shocked)The White Eyes have a god?"

THE DREAMER Yes. He is called “Jesus.” He was killed by his enemies but came back to life three days later--that is how powerful he is.

ISTEE Do you think that someday Ussen will defeat Jesus and then we can kill all the White Eyes?"

The Dreamer laughs.

THE DREAMER You ask good questions, young son of Victorio. When you get to Juh's stronghold you should ask the Mountain Spirits for your Power. Maybe they will give you all the answers to the questions you ask.


At sunrise, the band is mounting their horses. Istee is struggling with the cradleboard.

NANA Be gentle with the baby.

ISTEE (grumbling) I am tired of this.


99 (chuckling) Do not worry, you will not have to carry it as far as Juh's stronghold. We'll leave the baby at our cache in the Flower Mountains until we need it.

After the warriors are mounted, they all ride off to the south except for The Dreamer, who turns west in the direction of San Carlos. Istee pulls up his horse and waves farewell to the shaman, but The Dreamer is lost in his own thoughts and does not see him.



17. EXT. – DAY

Guilfoyle and his troops ride into the dusty, ramshackle mining town of Lake Valley and a man runs up to them.

MAN Thank God you're here! The 'Paches attacked two ranches—killed Perry Owlsey and burned his house down—we're goin' after them— gonna help you get those murderin' bastards--

GUILFOYLE Hold on! Who's going after them?

MAN The miners' militia, that's who.

GUILFOYLE Where are they now?

MAN The 'Paches? Damned if I know.

GUILFOYLE (irritated) No, the miners.

MAN Over at Cotton's Saloon. I was headin' that way myself.


Guilfoyle and Bennett stride into the saloon and interrupt a loud meeting in progress. Perhaps thirty noisy miners are crowded into

100 the room, all angry and near-drunk. When they spot Guilfoyle's uniform, a burly man wearing a vest separates himself from the crowd and walks aggressively toward Guilfoyle and Bennett.

MAN You army bastards are supposed to protect us and look what's happened. Instead of fightin', you come drinkin!

GUILFOYLE And who the hell are you?

MAN Name's Daly. I'm the super of the Lake Valley Mining Company-- and commander of our volunteer militia. If you'd do your job and kill those sons a bitches, they wouldn't be raidin' our town.

GUILFOYLE Well, my men have been chasing and fighting the renegades for two months now--

DALY Your niggers can't fight. They can hardly even put their pants on.

The crowd hoots with delight. Bennett draws his revolver and points it at Daly, drawing the hammer back.

BENNETT Permission to kill this asshole, sir?

GUILFOYLE Nah, then I'd have to file a damn report about it.

An Indian walked into the saloon and thirty men reach for reached for their guns.

GUILFOYLE At ease! Can't you see he's Navajo?

MINER How can you tell?

Bennett walks up to the Navajo scout. They confer in a mixture of Navajo, Spanish, and English for a few moments and then the scout leaves bar.

BENNETT One of Smith's scouts--he located Nana's trail heading into Gavilan Canyon.

101 DALY Let's go!" shouted Daly.

GUILFOYLE Wait a minute. This is a job for the army, not civilians.

DALY You've had your chance, lieutenant. Now it's our turn and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

Guilfoyle and Bennett follow the miners out of the saloon.


The troopers are following the miners, now a disorganized mob riding as fast as they can for the mountains.


The troopers and the miners pull up at the mouth of Gavilan Canyon, which is very narrow with steep walls.


(shouting to Daly) It smells like an ambush to me. Let me send some scouts in there first.

DALY And let them get away? No wonder you chicken-shit soldiers never get anything done.

The miners ride single-file into the canyon with the troopers following. Intense rifle fire rains down upon them seemingly from all directions. Daly and five other miners are shot off their horses and more are wounded.

GUILFOYLE Take cover, take cover!

His orders are too late to save some of his troopers, who tumble off their horses. Guilfoyle, Bennet, and Williams begin to drag the wounded men to nearby rocks. As Williams finishes his rescue, he glances back and sees a young Apache boy rise from behind a rock and calmly shoots Guilfoyle.

WILLAMS Fire and retreat!

102 EXT. – DAY

Williams and the troopers are guarding the mouth of the canyon and the shooting has ended. A patrol of about fifty men under the command of Lieutenant GEORGE WASHINGTON SMITH arrived at William's position. Williams quickly explained what had happens. Williams and Smith confer MOS.

SMITH Volunteers to go into the canyon? The renegades are probably gone. I'm sure they must have seen us coming.

A chorus of “Yes sahs” rings out and Smith leads them back into the canyon slowly and carefully. Except for the wind, there is silence in the canyon. All that is left are the bodies of the miners and soldiers. The horses are gone.

WILLIAMS Sah, over here!

Smith joins Williams, who points to a naked body. It is Guilfoyle, castrated and mutilated with numerous knife cuts and his eyes gouged out. Nearby is the body of a black soldier, whose nose and mustached upper lip are sliced off and hang from a nearby cholla cactus.


18. EXT. – NIGHT

The Tcihene and Mescalero warriors finish their dance in front of a large fire and sit on blankets to listen to Nana address the war council.

NANA Last night, I fell asleep and dreamed that I was trapped by the largest rattlesnake I had ever seen. And the rattlesnake had many brothers with him, all equally deadly. I wished that I had Victorio's sister with me so she could use her Power over the snakes, but I was all alone. I tried to run away from the snake, but he sprouted four legs and I could not outrun him. You know that the rattlesnake has four legs, but no one can see them except people like Victorio's sister, who know the snake. The legs are made of turquoise and are shaped like balls, and that is how the snake rolls along with such speed. I could not escape from the snake, so I had to stand and fight. All I had with me

103 was my knife and I knew that I only had one chance to save my life from the snake's poisonous mouth. When the snake struck at me, I pretended I was a snake too and whipped the blade of my knife in a little circle, cutting off the snake's head. The body of the snake still tried to attack me, but it could not hurt me without the head. All the other snakes slithered away and left me alone. What do you think the dream means?

COMESCU (drinking from a bottle) Stay away from rattlesnakes?

Laughter rippled through the warriors.

LOZEN Don't be stupid. Grandfather said the other day there are so many Blue Coats and so few of us that we can never kill them all. Ussen sent Grandfather a message: cut off the head of the Blue Coats and we have a chance to win our land back.

Chihuahua stands up.

CHIHUAHUA I ask the council to allow me to kill the snake called Hatch.

LOZEN How will you do that?

CHIHUAHUA I will think of a way.

NANA You won't have to. I have a plan.

KAYTENNAE You are thinking of a small war party?

NANA Yes. Four warriors, no more. The rest of us will head to the Blue Mountains. We are almost finished here. Our Mescalero brothers can go home. At least they still have a home near the White Mountain, even though it is controlled by the White Eyes.

KAYTENNAE I will help kill the snake.



104 And I.

NANA And who will cut off the snake's head? Who will finally avenge Victorio?

He turns and stares directly at Istee.

ISTEE (defiantly) I will!

COMESCU (angrily) I am a more experienced fighter than Victorio's son. I will take his place. He is little more than a novice.

Several shouts support Comescu's stance. Nana looks around and silence descends over the assembled warriors.

NANA (to Comescu, gently)

What you say is true. But you are not Victorio's son. The honor belongs to him.


Istee is sitting by himelf a little distant from the rest of the warriors. His bedroll is unwrapped and next to him. Lozen approaches him

LOZEN Are you feeling better, nephew?

ISTEE (smiling at her) My neck and face no longer hurt, aunt.

LOZEN (seriously) Are you ready to cut the head off the snake or do you wish to return to the Blue Mountains?


LOZEN You have grown up on this raid. Some day you will be a fine leader of the Tcihene people.

ISTEE But I sometimes disagree with grandfather--

105 LOZEN That is allowed. Grandfather actually admires that. You speak with your own mouth, not with another's.

ISTEE I will not kill women and children.

LOZEN You won't have to. Just one little snake.


The four warriors receive instructions from Nana MOS.

NANA Don't forget the baby. You will need him.

Istee goes to fetch the cradleboard, returns, and the warriors mount their horses.

NANA Ride swiftly and safely. We will wait for you at Juh's stronghold.

The warriors ride off.


The warriors are under a wooden railroad trestle.

LOZEN The snake will ride the iron horse and will pass over this bridge.


LOZEN In a few suns.

KAYTENNAE How do you know this? LOZEN (smiling a little) My Power tells me.

CHIHUAHUA Your Power can read minds?

106 LOZEN (smiling more broadly) My Power is now grandfather, who told me what to do.

She hands a bundle wrapped to Chihuahua.

LOZEN Go to the fort and place this where the snake can see it.

She gives him Istee's telescope.

LOZEN Watch the fort with this. When the snake leaves the fort for the iron horse station, ride like the wind to where he--

She points to Kaytennae.

LOZEN --is waiting. He will ride like the wind to us, and we will be ready with the baby in place. We will meet you at our cache in the Flower Mountains.

CHIHUAHUA (grinning) Your Power is as wise as he is old. A good plan.


Chihuahua and Kaytennae ride off. Lozen watches them, then turns to Istee.

LOZEN Let's take care of the baby.


A few days later, Katennae rides up to Lozen and Istee's small camp overlooking the tracks.

KAYTENNAE The iron horse approaches. The snake is riding it.

LOZEN Good. We are ready. Go up there--

She points to the top of the ridge.

LOZEN --and wait. When you see the iron horse, flash us a signal.

107 KAYTENNAE Good killing, sister and son of Victorio!


19. EXT. – DAY

A troops of cavalry rides into the tent city. The mounted leader salutes a sentry MOS and speaks with him. The sentry points in the direction of the largest tent. The troop rides over to the tent and dismounts.


Inside the large tent, the operations center of Fort Cummings, Hatch, Hunt, and Parks are meeting with other officers. Lieutenant Smith approaches them and salutes.

SMITH Lieutenant George Washington Smith reporting. Permission to speak, sirs?

HATCH Granted.

SMITH I have good news and bad news.

HUNT At ease, lieutenant. Give us the bad news first.

SMITH I regret to report that Lieutenant John Guilfoyle has been killed. Shot by the Apaches in Gavilan Canyon.

HATCH Damn! One of my best men.

HUNT And the good news?

SMITH My scouts and troopers tracked the renegades past the Florida Mountains and stopped once we reached west side of the Tres Hermanos range. The Apaches were still riding south, so they

108 obviously entered Mexico.

HATCH (grinning) Excellent. Good job, lieutenant. That's the best news I've heard in months. You and your men are granted a week's leave.

SMITH Thank you, sir.


In the tent that served as the telegram office, Hatch is speaking to a corporal.

HATCH I want to send the same telegram to three different places, to Washington, Fort Leavenworth, and Santa Fe.

CORPORAL All lines seem to be up and working, sir.

HATCH Write this down. "Forces of the Ninth Cavalry and the Thirteenth and Fifteenth Infantries have defeated the renegade Nana and have driven him and his men out of the Territory of New Mexico. This Apache is no longer a threat to the citizens of the United States. Complete report follows. Colonel Edward Hatch, commanding Ninth Cavalry, Territory of New Mexico.”


HATCH Send it first to General Pope in Washington, then to headquarters at Leavenworth, and finally to Governor Sheldon in Santa Fe, care of Captain Loud. Oh, and if you can, make sure a reporter named Greene gets a copy at the Daily New Mexican in Santa Fe.

CORPORAL It will go out immediately.


Inside the operations tent, Hatch and Hunt are talking when Smith walks up to them.

HATCH I thought you were off-duty.

109 SMITH (seriously) You should see this, sirs.


Smith, Hatch, and Hunt, with a guard of five troopers, ride up the slope overlooking the tent city. Smith calls a halt at the top of the ridge. They dismount and Smith points to a strange object. It is a scarecrow of sorts, made of yucca stalks. The crude figure is propped up against a cholla cactus and is wearing a woman's calico dress. On the crude head is an officer's cap, and a gun belt and holster is strapped over the dress.

HATCH A parting insult, wouldn't you say?

SMITH It's probably Guilfoyle's holster. His body was naked when we found it.

HATCH Destroy that thing and take the belt and holster to the quartermaster.


Hatch and Hunt are eating at the officers' mess.

HATCH I'm returning to Santa Fe. When is the next train north?

HUNT In two days, general. Deming to Belen. There you can change trains for Lamy and Santa Fe. Sorry to see you go.

HATCH My job is done here. I just got word that I'm being transferred. Probably back to Leavenworth. I may retire from the army.

HUNT Good luck to you, general.


At the train depot at Cooke's Spring, the train is stopped. Hatch, Parks, and Roberto are on the platform, Roberto separated from the two colonels.

110 HATCH After you get Fort Selden in order, come up to Santa Fe for a planning session. We can relax a little now.

PARKS I'll say. But we have some work ahead of us.

HATCH But good work, Dick.

HUNT You take care, general.

The two men shake hands and Hatch and Roberto board the only passenger car on the train.


In the moving train, Hatch and Roberto are sitting side-by-side. There are only seven other passengers, including a mother with a young son and daughter. Hatch pulls out BEN HUR and begins reading.


In the train locomotive's cab, the two engineers are looking out the front windows when an explosion goes off in front of them.

ENGINEER 1 What the hell?

ENGINEER 2 It's the trestle! Stop this thing!


The locomotive plunges into the arroyo and the rest of the train cars derail and are scattered over the desert. The passenger car is on its side, dust everywhere. The door opens and Roberto crawls out and assists Hatch and the other passengers to apparent safety. Lozen, Istee, and Kaytennae ride up through the dust and begin shooting their rifles. Istee shoots Hatch and Roberto and the other passenger soon fall. The only survivors are the mother and her children.


Loud knocks on the door of the Hatch house in Santa Fe. The door

111 opens revealing Evelyn.

EVELYN John! So good to see you. Please come in.

John pulls an envelope out of his pocket and hands it to her.

LOUD I can't stay long. Things are happening fast and furious.

EVELYN I've heard rumors.

LOUD From the general, Evelyn. He sent it by courier. I don't think he trusts the U.S. Mail.

Evelyn begins reading the letter.

EVELYN Listen to this: “As you probably know, we chased Nana out of the territory and then President Garfield died shortly afterwards. Those two events caused a lot of changes. After President Arthur took over, he ordered a reorganization of the Division of the Missouri. The most significant change is that the headquarters of the Ninth is being moved to Fort Riley in Kansas. But Kansas is no better than New Mexico and I know you love our home in Santa Fe. I am considering retirement rather than relocation. I'll be home soon and we can discuss the situation.”

LOUD I'll be darned. He is interrupted by a knock on the door.

VOICE O.C. Captain Loud?

LOUD Excuse me for a moment.

Loud leaves while Evelyn continues reading the letter. Loud returns carrying a telegram.

LOUD I have bad news. Evelyn, I hate being the one to tell you this....

EVELYN (gasping, hand over her mouth) Oh, no.

112 EXT. – DAY On the plaza in front of the Palace of the Governors, a soldier lowers the flag to half-mast.


20. EXT. – DAY

By way of a narrow, zigzag trail, Lozen, Kaytennae, Chihuahua, and Istee arrive at Juh's stronghold in the Blue Mountains. It is situated on a wide, flat, grassy park that juts out from tall peaks that rise behind it. On every side of the park are sheer cliffs. A stream runs through the camp, and over a cliff in a spectacular waterfall. There is a mixture of many wickiups and teepees in the camp. Nana and Nah-des-te move forward to greet them.

NANA Where have you been? Did you meet the fanged one?

LOZEN Yes. He now lives in the White Eye's Underworld thanks to Victorio's son.

NANA (smiling) Join us for the feast and dancing.

KAYTENNAE Where is Juh?

NANA With at San Carlos, meeting with The Dreamer. They will be here soon.


Kaywaykla is showing Istee around the camp.

KAYWAYKLA You have to see this.

He leads Istee over to a cage woven out of thin branches. Inside is a large green bird with a red and yellow head and a large beak. The bird drops the pine cone it was eating, cocks its head, and looks at Istee.

113 PARROT Where have you been?

Istee is startled.

PARROT Call me Pretty Boy, Pretty Boy.


ISTEE Hello, Pretty Boy.

PARROT Your shit!

Istee and Kaywaykla laugh.

KAYWAYKLA I taught him to say that. But Grandmother hates this bird. Because it talks, she says there must be a witch inside it. I don't believe that.


Juh, a very large Chiricahua arrives on horseback with GERONIMO, a man even older than Nana. They have a large herd of horses that move over to the stream to drink. They are greeted by a large, silent crowd with Nana at the front.

NANA Where have you been?

JUH Surrounded by sadness. The Dreamer is indeh. The Blue Coats hanged him.

NANA (stoically) Tell us.

GERONIMO Bring us tizwin and we will tell the story.


Sitting around the fire sipping tizwin, Geronimo looks around at the warriors.

114 GERONIMO The Dreamer arrived at San Carlos with the bar of gold and showed it to the Blue Coat leader known as Colonel Carr. He told Carr that Grandfather had much more gold he wanted to trade to the Blue Coats in return for the land at Warm Springs. Carr told him he would have to ask the Great White Eye Chief in Washington. He took the bar of gold from The Dreamer and it was never seen again.

NANA Our plan did not work.

GERONIMO No, but The Dreamer had another one. He wanted to give our people their pride back, so they would rise up and fight the White Eyes who made them slaves. So he asked for permission from Carr to hold dances. We were surprised when Carr said yes.

JUH But The D-D-Dreamer's dances were new.

GERONIMO Yes. The Dreamer moved from San Carlos to the river known as Cibecue and hundreds of followers went with him. Before the dances, he gave the dancers the plant known as peyotl, and they would see many strange sights--even our chiefs who came back from the dead.

NANA We know that plant.

GEROMINO Some of the dancers drank too much whiskey and attacked the Blue Coat guards. Carr ordered The Dreamer to stop the dances, but The Dreamer refused. The Blue Coats came with a very large force and arrested The Dreamer. The White Mountain people demanded his release, but Carr refused. The big man and I led an attack against the Blue Coats, but they hanged The Dreamer before we could save him. Then we killed most of the Blue Coat force in a great battle. But we knew that they would soon be back with ten times as many soldiers, so we took what horses we could and rode back here.


The warriors are dancing the round dance. The men, all beating on drums, dance closely together and circle the fire while singing songs.

115 CHIHUAHUA I've been wandering around, Wandering around; When I got home, Everyone had moved away!

Laughter comes from the crowd watching the dancers. The drumming dancers stop and women move toward the group of men to select their partners for the next dance. Jacali moves toward Istee and links her arm with his. A soft drumming begins.

JACALI (softly) You have been staring at me all day.

ISTEE I thought you were staring at me.

JACALI (giggles) Maybe I was. Do you have anything to pay me for this dance?

ISTEE I do, but you will have to wait until the dance is over.

The line of dancers separates into two lines, the men facing the women. Each line moves four steps toward the other, then four steps back, over and over. Jacali and Istee touch hands when they are close. The rhythm of the drumming changes and then ceases. Istee and Jacali move away from the fire and find a good spot to watch the rest of the dancing.

ISTEE Here is your payment for the dance.

He gives her a thin leather belt with delicate silver shells sewn on it. Jacali's eyes go wide with delight.

JACALI It is very beautiful. I will wear it every day.

Soon the dancers enter the clearing and a collective sigh rises from the audience as they circle the fire. Four of the dancers are dressed like the Mountain Spirts, in yellow buckskin skirts, knee-high moccasins, and dark leather masks. Their chests, shoulders, and arms are brightly painted lack, white, and yellow. The dancers wear carved and painted wooden headdresses that rose like horns from their skulls, were painted with snake designs, and decorated with downy eagle feathers. They carry flat sticks

116 painted with zigzag lines.


Istee and Jacali are sitting together, holding hands and watching the dancers when Juh and Nana come up to them. They quickly pull their hands apart but Nana smiles at them.

NANA (to Istee) Since your father is gone, I decided to act in his place. Everyone has seen the way you two look at each other. Now you dance together and hold hands. I have asked our nantan here if he thinks a marriage between you would be a good thing.

JUH (to Jacali) And since your father is gone, I will take his place. I think a marriage is a good thing. (to Istee) Do you wish to marry my daughter?

ISTEE (flustered, taking Jacali's hand again) Yes.

JUH (to Jacali) Do you wish to marry Victorio's son?

Embarrassed, stares at the ground and nods her head.

JUH In times like these we cannot indulge in lengthy courtships or games of flirtation.

NANA That is right. The son of Victorio has proved himself to be a good warrior. Let's hope he's as good as a husband.

ISTEE When is the ceremony?

JUH When do you want it to be?

ISTEE After I have spent four days alone with the Mountain Spirits. I want to see what Power I am granted.

NANA If any. Tell the big man what presents you have to give.

117 ISTEE I have two good horses I captured on our raid.

JUH Good. It is all arranged, then.

JACALI I am very happy.

ISTEE I am too. I came only to dance but found a wife.

Jacali laughs.


In a sweat lodge, naked except for loin cloths, Nana, Juh, Geronimo, and Kaytennae.

NANA (to Geronimo) What will you do now?

GERONIMO I will fight no more. There is no way to kill all the Blue Coats and White Eyes and Mexicans. We must save as many of our people as we can.

KAYTENNAE No! You cannot give up. We have more battles to fight.

GERONIMO You are being foolish. Do you want all of us—and your wife—indeh?

KAYTENNAE I will hear no more of this, old man. I will never surrender and will fight to the death! I am taking my people and leaving this camp.

Kaytennae exits the sweat lodge with dignity.

GERONIMO He's right about one thing. I am too old.

NANA (nodding) I am too.

JUH (looking at Geronimo and then Nana and smiling) Tell me what to

118 do, old grandfathers.


Rain is falling lightly when Istee begins his journey up the mountain. He wears only a loincloth carries a buckskin pouch. He trots up the steep trail.


Istee sits beside a tree that has been struck by lightning at the top of the mountain. The rain has stopped but there are rain clouds below him. He reaches into his pouch, pulls out pieces of peyotyl and begins to chew them. He lies down and closes his yes.

VOICE O.C. Istee!

Istee opens his eyes and leaps. He looks up and sees a vulture perched in the tree. The vulture looks at him and cocks his head.

VOICE O.C. Istee! Istee! Istee!

ISTEE It speaks to me!

VOICE O.C. (seemingly from the vulture) Don't be afraid. The other animals sometimes say bad things about me because I eat dead animals. But Ussen has forbidden me to kill anything, so I must eat only what others have killed. But in His wisdom Ussen has allowed me to fly very high and has given me the Power to see very far and to find things. What do you desire?

ISTEE Something good for my people.

VOICE O.C. Well, I will give you the you Power to foresee the future, but no one will believe you at first. Only after a few things you have predicted come true will they finally listen to you.

ISTEE I accept the Power offered to me. How do I call for it?

VOICE O.C. Pray first and then close your eyes and sleep...and dream.

119 Istee's mouth moves MOS and he lies down again and closes his eyes.


The Tcihene warriors and women are surrendering to the Blue Coats and then riding on a train... Nana, Geronimo, Lozen, Kaywaykla, Jacali, and even himself...the train takes them to a camp where they live in wooden houses and eat White Eye food...Buffalo soldiers in uniform receive medals from a White Eye in a suit in front a big white house...Geronimo is at a White Eye rodeo and he is paraded around and treated like a prized horse... At Mescalero, he and Jacali live with their children in a wooden house but they are smiling and happy...Mescalero looks like a White Eye town, and the Mescaleros and Tcihene wear White Eye clothing and speak the White Eye language...They ride around in metal wagons that move without horses to pull them...Snow is falling and White Eyes are being carried by metal ropes to the top of the sacred White Mountain and are sliding down on the snow with pieces of wood attached to their feet...The Mescaleros and Tcihene, dressed as White Eyes, hold a council and are laughing and having a good time, as if they have won the war after all...Then a large building with a sign “INN OF THE MOUNTAIN GODS” and inside there is gambling going on, but it is not with moccasin games but rather games played with wheels and pieces of the White Eyes’ paper and coins....And the Mescaleros and Tcihene are counting the “money” they have won from the White Eyes and are laughing about it.

Istee awakens and sees that the vulture is gone.