anti-racket OPERATORI ECONOMICI ANTIRACKET businesses 11/2013

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Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 2 22/11/13 16:25 A guide for the critical anti-racket consumer

The needs of freedom and security are immanent in society. There are places in my country, , where every day you fight battles to reassert them. Many are the ways and the tools to do it. The guide for the critical anti-racket consumer makes an important contribution in this regard. It is much more than a list of economic and commercial operators who refused to pay the “pizzo” (protection money) in the four regions of Calabria, Campania , Apulia and . It is a platform of civil "resistance" to Evil. A hundred pages of enormous ethical implications where you can find the names and references of shops, businesses where you can buy what you need, sure to contribute to the healthy market economy. An editorial project realized thanks to a clever use of European structural funds . It makes me proud to think that a great nation like the United Kingdom has decided to pay heed to this initiative and encouraged it by translating this book into English and disseminating it among foreign nationals who travel to Italy. This collection is a true guide, a "good practice " which adds to the intense and fruitful investi- gative and judicial co-operation between Italy and the United Kingdom with the dual objective of defeating criminal organizations and contributing to the economic recovery in Southern Italy.

Angelino Alfano Minister of the Interior


Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 3 22/11/13 16:25 My first contact with the anti-extortion racket movement goes back to 2012 when, dur- ing an official visit to Palermo, I met the young people of Addiopizzo. I was struck by the dedication and energy demonstrated by young people of different social backgrounds and without any political affiliation, who had decided to react, organising themselves in an in- dependent manner to change an unacceptable reality. That reality, which they so effectively hit out at with their assault of stickers, proclaiming, "An entire people that pays pizzo is a people without dignity." I remember offering myself to them in an interview as "spiritual ally". Some months later, again in Palermo, I met the representatives of LiberoFuturo and Liberi professionisti: courageous businessmen and professionals who decided to put their skills at the service of the fight against organised crime. On that occasion I met Tano Grasso, founder and driving spirit of the anti-racket network. He described how the movement was structured throughout the country and the many initiatives it was involved in. We said goodbye with a promise to collaborate together on a common project. One year later, this undertaking has taken shape in the guide that you have in your hands, the English version of “La guida per il consumatore critico antiracket”, which has been endorsed and translated by the British Embassy. This catalogue of one thousand 'clean', responsible businessmen and shopkeepers that have reported extortion or have never paid it is a significant encouragement for consumers. By choosing them, we can support honest operators who have decided to show themselves publicly, putting themselves in the front line to create a different society. The decision to collaborate with the anti-racket movement has not been dictated by a sim- ple sharing, at a personal level, of the movement's goals. The United Kingdom, the Embassy and the Consular network, whose work I lead, are engaged with Italy at many levels to share information and experience, and to fight together against transnational organised crime. The anti-mafia legislation passed by Italy, the fruit of years of bitter experience in the fight


Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 4 22/11/13 16:25 against the mafia and other criminal organisations, has been examined with great attention by our country’s politicians and experts, with a view to applying many of the lessons that Italy has learned in our own context.

The United Kingdom Crown Prosecution Service has for several years now deployed a Judicial Liaison Officer to the Italian Ministry of Justice: this judge is in direct and daily contact with courts and prosecutors in all parts of Italy. Italy has also posted an officer with similar functions to the UK. Our National Crime Agency, in some respects the equivalent of the Direzione Investigativa Antimafia, have two officers, with support staff, posted in our Embassy in Rome, who work daily with Italian police forces to carry out investigations into crimes that affect both our countries. However, with all this good work being done by police, prosecutors and courts, it is clear that the breeding ground of crime needs to be attacked by developing a public attitude which is prepared to stand up for the culture of legality. It is very striking how strongly Italian civil society - also including commerce, industry and business, as this guidebook shows - is participating in this essential work. I will be happy to ensure that our authorities, and also the public, in the United Kingdom, has the chance to find out more about your encouraging range of activities and I would be pleased if our embassy could continue to play a role in supporting your efforts. It has been a privilege to collaborate in this initiative and I would like to wish all those involved, most sincerely, the strength, courage and perseverance you will certainly need to bring this excit- ing work towards the success it so richly deserves. May the next edition of this booklet be identical with the entire Yellow Pages directory!

Christopher Prentice, British Ambassador to Italy


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Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 6 22/11/13 16:25 Speaking about Critical Consumption and the campaign ‘Pago chi non Paga’ [pay those who don’t pay] means talking about the responsibility of the free market. It is through a renewed economy that we will be able to fend off the interests of the Mafia. Those who pay protection money not only take money away from themselves and their own families but also damage those businessmen who have found the strength to go to the police. Part of the money goes into the pockets of those offering ‘protection’ with the effect of adding wealth to the Mafia and, most of all, reinforcing their control of the territory. For this reason even buying just a pair of jeans, a coffee or whatever else where protection is not paid, is never a neutral factor: it is a true act of liberty. This catalogue of 'clean', responsible businessmen and shopkeep- ers is a significant encouragement for consumers, certain that they are choosing honest operators. The producers of goods and services that have reported extortion or have never paid it, have decided to show themselves publicly, putting themselves in the front line to create a different society. Choosing to use them, means helping them and ourselves, along the path of emancipation. A simple gesture, multiplied by hundreds or even thousands of consumers, becomes an extraordinary measure for removing resourc- es from the Mafia and rewarding those clean operators who, among many difficulties, observe the rules and do not aid the criminal phenomenon. This list is guaranteed by FAI with its reputation and credibility from over 20 years of anti-racket work in Italy. It is a list of hope. The pioneers are leading the way now but they are few, just like the followers of Garibaldi. To win the war will take many people’s support. Help us so that this hope can become a reality of freedom for everyone.

Silvana Fucito Consumo Critico project coordinator


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Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 8 22/11/13 16:25 The revised entries here are taken from the text by ANTIRACKET T. Grasso “An anti-racket glossary” published in book form by N. Daniele, A. Di Florio, T. Grasso “The Camorra GLOSSARY and anti-racket”, Felici publishers, 2012.

Addiopizzo. “An entire people that pays extortion is a people without dignity”. One morning at the end of June 2004 many Palermo shopkeepers read these words written on a sticker with a black border of mourning, as they opened their shutters. Vittorio, one of those who put up the stickers, tells us how the initiative came about. “The phrase on the sticker came to us simply during a chat in a café. We were fantasizing about opening some premises, even though we didn’t have the money to do it or have a business plan; then someone raised his voice and asked, ‘but what if they then ask us for protection money?’ That was where the idea of the sticker was born.” The seven ‘sticker fixers’ at the time had an average age of 25, but nevertheless the initiative was a watershed in the city of Palermo. It was the most innovative experience, after that of creating the anti-racket association, in the struggle against extortion. For the first time the issue of the struggle against the protection racket was faced as something that involved citizens and consumers alike, rather than just a problem limited to shopkeepers. If ‘protection’ is a means of control of territory, the silence of shopkeepers and businessmen is an issue that must involve the entire community. This is the point of departure of the new strategy of Critical Consumption and it is in this perspective that the confrontation with the Mafia takes place at a daily level. If the Mafia is most of all an aspect of every-day life operating in a social role, the citizen, the consumer, makes an every-day gesture of opposition. In the difficult Palermo situation Addiopizzo has played a decisive role, together with FAI, in the birth, finally, of the anti-racket association Libero Futuro. Thanks also to Addiopizzo a reversal has started to take place in the way the acquiescence of business people is considered. Today people are beginning to disapprove of those who pay protection money, while 20 years ago it was considered normal. The shopkeeper who was found guilty of aiding the Mafia was considered as being a twofold victim (a victim of the Mafia and a victim of the State that condemned him). Today there is a different common sentiment and this is due, to a large degree, to those young people that put up stickers.

Anti-racket associations. For more than twenty years a system of looking after victims of extortion has been tried and tested. The phenomenon of creating associations resolves the main weakness of busines- smen: their isolation. No longer is it one person who on their own reports the crime, but many who do


Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 9 22/11/13 16:25 it together. The association is a valuable tool both in collaborating with the forces of law and order, and in following each witness over time, with his business problems, family and safety. With the term ‘anti- racket’ a line is drawn between a ‘before’ and an ‘after’. This word begins to acquire a certain significance from a particular historical moment. Before this moment there had been business people who had opposed the protection racket, sometimes at the cost of their lives, but only in the years 1990-91, with the coinciding experiences of Libero Grassi and the birth of the first anti-racket association at Capo d’Orlando, did the term ‘anti-racket’ begin to mean a specific movement of civil society, mainly made up of businessmen and shopkeepers, that set up in an organised sense, the reporting of extortion. The two initiatives, the public denunciation by Libero Grassi in Palermo and the collective rebellion by the shopkeepers at Capo d’Orlando, took place, though quite independently of each other, in the same period. The experience at Capo d’Orlando became a model to follow: in many towns in eastern Sicily other bu- sinessmen formed anti-racket associations. With associations being created in Puglia and Calabria the movement took on a national character. The model appeared successful because for the first time the extortionists could be reported without risk to one’s own life, thanks to the collective denunciation. The bloody epilogue in Palermo became a bitter lesson for everyone: one is killed when one is alone and isolated. This was the condition in which Libero Grassi found himself. This was a lesson to be put to the best possible use: it was necessary to avoid anyone becoming exposed to loneliness and isolation – this was the force of the associations. This historic novelty immediately caused a huge rise in the number of reports of extortion being made to the police. In the years subsequent to 1991 the number of businessmen turning with confidence to the police increased immensely. This increase in reporting events to the police, most of all in particular areas, brought about a reduction of the phenomenon (for example in some areas of the province of , Syracuse and Brindisi) with benefits for the entire community, not only for those who had reported the facts and freed themselves from the racket. The main goals of the anti-racket associations are: (1) to guarantee the safety of those who report attempts at extortion, since violence is not an option if many react (if it is one individual who rebels it only requires that one person be taken care of and the problem for the Mafia is resolved); (2) to provide a tool for collaboration with the police and judicial authorities. In fact a good result is only obtained when it is possible to establish that virtuous relation that allows, on the basis of reciprocal trust, the circulation of information and the best strategy for protection of those who


Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 10 22/11/13 16:25 expose themselves and the territory where an association is active. In addition, the association is an instrument for promoting the consensus of the community and other businessmen, which is indispensable for facing those critical moments. It is necessary also to consider that when people form a large group they acquire a certain contractual capacity (they become a ‘force’) both with local and national institutions, something which is fundamental when things get difficult. Law no. 44/1999, for example, was the result of a great battle by the movement. The association, finally, resolves a problem that no law can ever resolve: the fear of those intimidated by the Mafia. Fear is the Mafia’s strongest weapon and the point of greatest weakness for the businessman. When one is subject to intimidation, fear reaches a very high level: but if this experience can be shared with other colleagues, the fear diminishes to more normal levels, the individual gains strength and it is easier to report to the police. Today, the associations are recognised by a parliamentary law (article 13, para.2 of law no.44/1999 and ministerial decree no. 220/24.10.07) and are subject to periodic review by the prefectures of police.

Critical consumption. In meetings with children in school there is always one question: “what can we do, school children who do not have a shop?” How can someone who is not a shopkeeper contribute to the struggle against protection rackets? Simple: since all of us are consumers there is a way for us to become conscious consumers. In Mafia territory, the place where you buy goods or a service is never something neutral: if you buy a pair of jeans at a shop which regularly pays protection money to the Mafia, in reality, the consumer unknowingly contributes to financing the Mafia, and, most of all, to reinforcing its control of the territory. Thus, buying in a shop that has denounced the Mafia or refuses to pay protection money, guarantees the consumer that none of his money will go to the racketeers. In this way, the individual responsibility of the consumer is activated. Today, thanks to anti-racket associations, a directory of shops is available where the consumer can buy with total peace of mind.

Extortion (racketeering, protection). There can be extortion without the Mafia but there cannot be Mafia without extortion. But not every form of extortion is a racket. The protection racket, in being the main instrument that the Mafia has to exercise control of the territory, has certain characteristics that, among other things, distinguish it from other simple extortion activities. In the first place, the request for protection money cannot be occasional but is repeated regularly. The Mafia organisation demands payment according to regular deadlines (every month or every four months,


Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 11 22/11/13 16:25 coinciding with Christmas, Easter and Ferragosto). The submission of the businessman represents an important source of profit and, most of all, the most efficient means for reinforcing the subservience of the businessmen. Secondly, the extortion cannot be limited to only some businesses. If in a neighbourhood there are one hundred businesses, the request for protection money cannot be made only to five of them: it must be as much as pos- sible a blanket operation. Thirdly, the exact sum of the protection money must be calculated according to rules that, in a certain sense, can also be ‘shared’ by the victims. If the fundamental principle is one of proportionality, the owner of a clothes shop will never pay as much as the owner of a construction firm. These three characteristics, when they appear together in the same territory, constitute a protection racket. It certainly is not a coincidence that in the history of the Mafia, racketeering has been the oldest and most unchan- ging of its criminal activities. It is a constant that accompanies the Mafia throughout all its transformations and in its search for new criminal frontiers. A constant within an incredible mobility. Imagine the turnover of a Mafia family from its income: the overall income of criminal activities (we will not consider legal income here) is 100. The income from protection rackets is 5: the risk attached to obtaining that 5 is in inverse proportion to the result (they run much more risk of being arrested for extortion than for drug trafficking) . Protection rackets require a higher personal exposure of the Mafioso and there is always the risk of being denounced or identified. Thus, on the basis of the risk/profit ratio this criminal activity should not be worthwhile. Nevertheless, the Mafia cannot do without this income because it cannot do without racketeering. The racket is the moment in which the identity of the Mafia and the Mafioso is created. The racket is the essence of the Mafia. It contains, in a complete sense, all the components of the Mafia phenomenology. It is a crime that can be carried out, only if those perpetrating it manage to instil significant fear, and do so continuously. No one can present themselves in a shop to demand protection money if they are not well known to be able to unleash their violence and also contain that of others. This capacity to intimidate must and can, only develop in a territory where personal security and that of personal goods is uncertain, or is at least perceived to be so. The intimidation is successful if the victim participates in a conspiracy of silence, because the racketeer requires that his personal risk be kept to a minimum. The victim must be more inclined to endure paying protection than to denounce the extortion to the police. The most famous supergrass, Tommaso Buscetta, has offered us a synthesis: “When I present myself to you, you must feel my threat, but you must feel it in a veiled manner. I will always come smiling and you know that behind that smile there is a threat that hangs over your head. I will not come to you and say: I’ll do this or that. If you understand, good; if not, you will suffer the consequences.”


Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 12 22/11/13 16:25 FAI (Italian Anti-racket Federation). This is the real force of the anti-racket movement. The Federation does not do anything other than what the single associations do on their own territory: they put together all the businessmen who denounce extortion, while the FAI puts all the associations together. In this way, through an organisational mechanism, the movement is made stronger, and gains the au- thority with which to interact at all levels with the institutions and, most of all, offer to all those victims of extortion who have not yet reported their situation to the police, a safe point of reference and support. It is no coincidence that the FAI initiatives have been decisive to ensure that parliament adopted new and more effective laws for supporting victims and combating the crime (from the first anti-racket law to the law against usury, from law no. 44 to the one on the obligation to denounce to the authorities). Most of all, the Federation guarantees to the forces of law and order and to the judicial authorities, a certain rigour and seriousness, based on a method which has been tried and tested in over twenty years of experience.

Solidarity fund (law no. 44 / 1999). Intimidation is the communication tool of the Mafia, the specific way to ‘communicate’ with the businessman, with the goal of increasing the level of fear and to represent a threat to the company, the sole source of support for the businessman. To be effective intimidation must exert force on the businessman’s weak points, which are essentially two: the goods (company) and his life. As far as damage resulting from an attack and the loss of the value of the company is concerned, the solution comes from the anti-racket law. With the compensation for the damage, on the basis of the national law, the force of intimidation is wiped out: it is made useless. If the state, with its law, compensa- tes entirely for the damage suffered (both direct damage and loss of earnings) the force of intimidation disappears. If, with compensation, one can actually improve one’s own business, from the point of view of the Mafia, the attack becomes a boomerang. The fear of the businessman to see his business activity destroyed, and with it the fruit of a lifetime’s work, does not function any more. Thus, those who report extortion have an insurance policy on their economic life from the state. A decisive factor in the success of this legislation is the rapidity in payment of the compensation: keeping a business that has been destroyed, closed for a long time, has a devastating effect. Even worse than the absence of conviction of those responsible, the damaged premises exposed to the daily view of everybody, only serves to increase fear and distrust. If compensation has a strategic value, since it cancels one of the possible inhibitions to reporting the crime to the police, it represents, however, only a partial answer because it alone can not resolve the pheno- menon. Thanks to the initiatives of the anti-racket associations, useful anti-racket legislation to support


Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 13 22/11/13 16:25 victims and to encourage wider collaboration with the forces of law and order has been constructed. There have been various changes made to the law, also on the basis of changes in the phenomenon itself. Luckily today, with the Solidarity Fund, it is possible to guarantee compensation for all the damage sustained by a businessman for opposing the racket and this takes place, very often, relatively quickly.

Obligation to report to the police. In December 2007 the FAI formalised a proposal to make it obligatory to report extortion to the police, on pain of administrative sanctions. This was put forward as a bill fol- lowing popular support. In the last legislature, in the security decree, sanctioning businessmen involved in public works who acquiesce [in a protection racket] became a state law. It is an important start on a path that could lead to other sectors, a path that requires a certain restraint in terms of speed, indispen- sable in order to gain the cooperation of the business associations. Civil sanctions are easier to apply and more effective, both in respect to criminal convictions and reward schemes. The new law (art. 2 paragraph 19 "provisions for public security" law no. 94/15 July 2009), intervenes to rebalance market competition, hitting those who enjoy a position of advantage thanks to collaboration, and removing resources from the community to the advantage of the Mafia organisations. Whoever wins a contract, for example to construct a new primary school, and pays protection money, is using taxpayers' money to finance the Mafia. Acquiescence [with protection rackets] in this context, acquires greater importance since it hi-jacks public money to finance something that harms the community itself. This is a first and decisive step forward that takes advantage of a change that has taken place in the 'public conscience', which sees acquiescence in a more negative light. It was seen as a good moment to intervene on the aspect of public works contracts, since the justification for acquiescence is much less problematic. The company that wins a contract (public money) and allows itself to be conditioned by the Mafia, uses community money to feed a Mafia phenomenon and compromises business freedom. There are few doubts that such behaviour needs to be sanctioned. The law intervenes in the 'code for public contracts' (Decree no.163/12 April 2006) and concretely excludes from the tendering process for public works, supply and service contracts (including subcontracting), all those who have been victims of blackmail and extortion but have not denounced the fact to the authorities. The relevant facts are those taking place in the three years up to the date of publication of the tender. The measure becomes active from the moment that there is a request for the individual to be sent for trial.


Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 14 22/11/13 16:25 Strategy. Over these years it has always proved difficult to convey, most of all to the media, that the phe- nomenon of anti-racket associations is not just one of courage, but is most of all "strategy" (and not just judicial). In short, courage is a fundamental element but does not in itself explain the entire phenomenon of opposition to protection rackets. In the two decades of the anti-racket associations, the movement has combated the idea, still quite widespread, that the only alternative to acquiescence is heroism. To pro- pose this alternative or contrast, these days, is quite wrong: until 1991 it was perhaps true, that resisting attempts at extortion meant death. But today this is not the case. This is not a theoretical hypothesis, it is the history of many denunciations and many trials held with the support of the associations, where there has not been any reprisal taken against the businessmen who have testified. An alternative exists to resignation to the inevitable coexistence with the Mafia: between denunciation and heroism there is the great experience of the anti-racket associations. Even when the results are appreciated one feels that within the recognition of the value of the anti-racket movement it is the appreciation of the courage of the individual who has denounced the crime that prevails, without understanding that the courage and the overall achievement is the effect of the model itself. There has been growth in the number of crimes being reported to the authorities: this is the result of the effectiveness of the movement. It is with this that solitude and fear are beaten, that there is increasing faith in the institutions, that those involved feel protected in those 'cold' moments, far removed from the events of the trial. We repeat: courage is only one of the elements in the fight against the racket. The association is the sum of the individual responsibility of the businessmen plus the 'intelligence' of a strategy. But even when courage is to the fore, the intervention follows a precise strategy: the anti-racket network promotes and organises the courage of businessmen.


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Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 16 22/11/13 16:25 Regulations for businesses wishing to become members (Approved in the FAI Presidency of consumo critico Office meeting of 15 October 2012)

1. Membership of consumo critico by business operators requires a request to be filed on the proper form supplied by the FAI. 2. Membership requires the proposal by the president of the anti-racket association where the company operates. In the absence of such the closest association geographically (eg. for businesses in Trapani the proposal must be made by the president of Libero Futuro, those of Caltanissetta by the president of the association at Gela). 3. In the case of businesses which are not members of any anti-racket association but are being assisted by the FAI helpdesks or any other FAI structure, the proposal can be made by the helpdesk manager or directly by the area manager of the "Anti-racket network" project. 4. The membership request is only activated after approval by the area manager. 5. The verification of the requirements set out in the Declaration (points 1-2-3 of membership form) must be carried out in the same way as when a businessperson becomes a member of an anti-racket asso- ciation. In the case of there being particular doubts over the truthfulness of the declaration, the area manager, on the basis of the authorisation granted by the prospective member, can formally request the relevant details for anti-mafia certification from the local state police. 6. Membership to the Consumo Critico directory is valid for three years (2012/2015). Its duration is the same as for the PON project, and is explicitly indicated in the sticker given to the businessperson. 7. The proposers (Association Presidents, Area Managers, Office Managers) have the obligation to oversee that membership conditions are observed during the membership period. In the case that membership requirements are broken the Project Coordinator will take action to remove the individual from the list, while communicating the fact to the interested party.


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go ries a bl e of p r od uct cate T 18

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 18 22/11/13 16:25 Calabria Textiles, clothing, accessories and footwear 25 Hotels, B&Bs and holiday resorts 25 Food and wine shops 25 Antique shops 25 Furnishing, furniture, interior design, artisans, carpenters 26 Sports equipment 26 Cultural associations and parishes 26 Miscellaneous businesses 26 Body shops, automobile repair shops, car and motorbike spare parts dealers, petrol stations, car washes, garages, roadside assistance 27 Farms and olive oil presses 28 Cafes, pastry/ice-cream/chocolate shops 29 Car and motorbike dealers, car rentals 29 Construction, engineering, electrical systems firms 29 Electrical household appliances 30 Chemists, herbalists and sanitary equipment shops 30 Ironmongery and industrial supplies 30 Renewable energy 31 Jewellers, watchmakers and goldsmiths 31 Electrical and hydraulic systems, air conditioning, burglar/fire alarms 31 Computer, electronics and telephony shops 31 Bookshops, stationery, newsagents, comics, music and video shops 31 Gift shops, toy shops, wedding lists 32 Opticians, camera shops and photographers 32 Gyms, diving centres, sports clubs 32 Hairdressers, beauticians, perfumers 32 Professional studios 32 Pubs, discos, bars, cafes, pastry and ice-cream shops 33 Restaurants and pizzerias 33 Schools, vocational schools, driving schools 34 Services for businesses 34 19

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 19 22/11/13 16:25 campania Textiles, clothing, accessories and footwear 37 Travel agencies 39 Hotels, B&Bs and holiday resorts 40 Food and wine shops 40 Antique shops 42 Furnishing, furniture, interior design, artisans, carpenters 42 Sports equipment 43 Cultural associations and parishes 43 Miscellaneous businesses 43 Body shops, automobile repair shops, car and motorbike spare parts dealers, petrol stations, car washes, garages, roadside assistance 44 Coach and bus services, car rentals 45 Farms and olive oil presses 45 Cafes, pastry/ice-cream/chocolate shops 46 Footwear and leather goods 47 Stationery shops, office supplies 47 Household articles and gadgets 47 Dairies 47 Wellness centres, hairdressers 47 Fair-trade shops 47 Social cooperatives, sustainable development 48 Construction, engineering, electrical systems firms 48 Electrical household appliances 51 Chemists, herbalists and sanitary equipment shops 52 Ironmongery and industrial supplies 52 Jewellers, watchmakers and goldsmiths 53 Electrical and hydraulic systems, air conditioning, burglar/fire alarms 53 Plastics, wood, metal and chemical manufacturers 53 Computer, electronics and telephony shops 53 Laundromats and dry cleaners 54 Bookshops, stationery, newsagents, comics, music and video shops 54 Chandlery 55 Gift shops, toy shops, wedding lists 55


Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 20 22/11/13 16:25 Funeral directors 55 Opticians, camera shops and photographers 55 Gyms, diving centres, sports clubs 55 Bakeries 56 Hairdressers, beauticians, perfumers 56 Florists 56 Professional studios 57 Pubs, discos, bars, cafes, pastry and ice-cream shops 57 Restaurants and pizzerias 58 Betting shops 59 Schools, vocational schools, driving schools 59 Services for businesses 60 Banking and insurance services 60 Advertising and PR 60 Tobacconists 60 Leisure centres 61 Print shops and silk screen printing services 61 APULIA Textiles, clothing, accessories and footwear 63 Hotels, B&Bs and holiday resorts 63 Furnishing, furniture, interior design, artisans, carpenters 66 Miscellaneous businesses 66 Body shops, automobile repair shops, car and motorbike spare parts dealers, petrol stations, car washes, garages, roadside assistance 66 Farms and olive oil presses 67 Cafes, pastry/ice-cream/chocolate shops 67 Footwear and leather goods 67 Stationery shops, office supplies 67 Wellness centres, hairdressers 67 Car and motorbike dealers, car rentals 67 Construction, engineering, electrical systems firms 67 Jewellers, watchmakers and goldsmiths 67 Computer, electronics and telephony shops 68


Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 21 22/11/13 16:25 Funeral directors 68 Opticians, camera shops and photographers 68 Playgrounds and games 68 Florists 68 Pubs, discos, bars, cafes, pastry and ice-cream shops 68 Restaurants and pizzerias 68 Advertising and PR 69 SICILY Textiles, clothing, accessories and footwear 71 Farm holidays 74 Hotels, B&Bs and holiday resorts 74 Food and wine shops 75 Furnishing, furniture, interior design, artisans, carpenters 76 Sports equipment 78 Miscellaneous businesses 78 Body shops, automobile repair shops, car and motorbike spare parts dealers, petrol stations, car washes, garages, roadside assistance 79 Farms and olive oil presses 80 Cafes, pastry/ice-cream/chocolate shops 81 Footwear and leather goods 82 Stationery shops, office supplies 82 Household articles and gadgets 83 Dairies 83 Wellness centres, hairdressers 83 Car and motorbike dealers, car rentals 83 Construction, engineering, electrical systems firms 83 Publishers, art galleries, cultural services 85 Electrical household appliances 85 Chemists, herbalists and sanitary equipment shops 85 Ironmongery and industrial supplies 86 Renewable energy 87 Jewellers, watchmakers and goldsmiths 87 Electrical and hydraulic systems, air conditioning, burglar/fire alarms 88 22

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 22 22/11/13 16:25 Plastics, wood, metal and chemical manufacturers 88 Computer, electronics and telephony shops 88 Laundromats and dry cleaners 89 Bookshops, stationery, newsagents, comics, music and video shops 89 Chandlery 90 Gift shops, toy shops, wedding lists 90 Opticians, camera shops and photographers 91 Gyms, diving centres, sports clubs 91 Bakeries 91 Hairdressers, beauticians, perfumers 92 Florists 92 Professional studios 92 Pubs, discos, bars, cafes, pastry and ice-cream shops 93 Sales representatives 93 Restaurants and pizzerias 93 Betting shops 95 Schools, vocational schools, driving schools 95 Services for businesses 95 Banking and insurance services 95 Advertising and PR 96 Tobacconists 96 Leisure centres 96 Print shops and silk screen printing services 96


Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 23 22/11/13 16:25 155/ Calabria DIRECTORY of t h e anti-racket businesses 24

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 24 22/11/13 16:25 Textiles, clothing, accessories Food and wine shops and footwear Beverage Fazzari Benetton SS. 536, Km 62,600 Via Lomoro, 150 Cittanova (RC) Gioia Tauro (RC) 0966 661805 Crapella Tessuti 347 5660979 Via E. Toti, 179 0966 655794 Lamezia Terme (CZ) [email protected] Kaos snc di Suriano & Veltri Centro Bibite Via Margherita, 111 Garritano Luigi & F.lli snc Amantea (CS) Via Europa, 4 Piluso Fedele & C. sas Amantea (CS) Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 56 0982 46159 Amantea (CS) 0982 41004 La Bottega di Pina www.pilusoabbigliamento.com Via Addolorata, 38 Feroleto Antico (CZ)

Hotels, B&Bs Paola M.G. srl and holiday resorts Via del Progresso Lamezia Terme (CZ) Grand Hotel Lamezia 0968 359038 Piazza Lamezia 0968 455014 Lamezia Terme (CZ) [email protected] [email protected] www.grandhotellamezia.it Pasta Fresca di Tucci Natale & C. snc Hotel/Ristorante Casalnuovo Viale Merano, 103 Via Adda, 72 Cittanova (RC) Lamezia Terme (CZ) 0966 655821 - 0966 655859 - 0966 655527 0968 26386 www.hotelcasalnuovo.it Siriani & Nicastri sas Hotel Caligiuri Contrada Grima Piazza della Vittoria Lamezia Terme (CZ) Decollatura (CZ) 0968 97250 0968 63292 Hotel Mommo Via Commendatore Vincenzo Grio, 32 Antique shops Polistena (RC) 0966 932233 L’antiquario 0966 940682 Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 100 [email protected] Amantea (CS) 25

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 25 22/11/13 16:25 Furnishing, furniture, interior Associazione design, artisans, carpenters Comunità Progetto Sud-Onlus Via A. Reillo, 5 Arredamenti Tropea Sas Lamezia Terme (CZ) di Tropea Fernando & C. www.comunitaprogettosud.it Via S. Giovanni Lamezia Terme (CZ) Pro-Fondazione C. Ruggiero Via Marvasi, Camu Srl Cittanova (RC) Via Milite Ignoto, 23/ 31 [email protected] Lamezia Terme (CZ) [email protected] 0968 21642 - 0968 442346 0968 201667 [email protected] Miscellaneous businesses Cosmarredi snc Audio Video Service snc Via Nazionale, 182 Via Garibaldi, 68 Cittanova (RC) Cittanova (RC) 0966 653233 - 0966 653315 0966 661646 [email protected] 0966 655745 www.cosmarredi.it [email protected] FA.MO.SA. Celma sas Via Bonacci Via della Vittoria, 13 Decollatura (CZ) Lamezia Terme (CZ) [email protected] Fusco Legno srl Viale Pertini, Eurotendaggi di R. V. Cinquefrondi (RC) Via Friuli, 11 0966 943125 Cittanova (RC) 0966 660427 Sports equipment Falvo Salvatore Modasport Via dei Bizantini, 287 Via Margherita, 132 Lamezia Terme (CZ) Amantea (CS) 0968 462518 - 0968 462518 Foto Color Emme Cultural associations Via Marvasi Diomede, 22 and parishes Cittanova (RC) 0966 653576 AIAC associazione ingegneri e architetti Cittanova Giovinazzo Angelo Via Marvasi, Via Tevere, 1 Cittanova (RC) Cittanova (RC) www.aiacweb.it 0966 660888 26

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 26 22/11/13 16:25 Hippocampus & Dintorni Autoforniture Mangiardi Via N. Nicotera, 18 Via del Progresso, 192 Lamezia Terme (CZ) Lamezia Terme (CZ) 0968 24382 - 0968 24382 M.C.M. srl [email protected] Via Provinciale, Contrada Castagnara snc www.mangiardiautoforniture.it Cittanova (RC) 0966 660847 - 03821850158 Biesse Car Wash [email protected] | www.moranocostruzioni.it Via dei Bizantini, 180 Lamezia Terme (CZ) Meridiana Mediazioni sas 0968 461919 - 320 1933903 Via Fehr Enrico, 18 [email protected] Cittanova (RC) 0966 653951 Butera Service srl Via dei Bizantini, 209 A Pisano Giuseppe Lamezia Terme (CZ) Via Sole, 10 0968 461285 - 320 1933903 Polistena (RC) [email protected] 0966 931320 - 337 876497 Center Car srl Tigani Foto Via Fausto Gullo, 16 C.so Italia Polistena (RC) Cittanova (RC) 0966 949604/ 931057 Zappia-sinergie per l’agricoltura [email protected] Via Marx Carlo, 68 F.lli Derna Snc Polistena (RC) Corso Umberto I° 0966 931227 Platania (CZ) Body shops, automobile repair 0968 205652 shops, car and motorbike Filippone Giuseppe Gomme spare parts dealers, petrol Via Pio La Torre, 85 stations, car washes, garages, Polistena (RC) roadside assistance 0966 932116 A e M Snc di Carpentieri Michela & C. Full Service srl Via Timavo Via Scarpino, 1 Lamezia Terme (CZ) Lamezia Terme (CZ) 0968 448878 0968 462685 [email protected] Furgiuele SAS di Furgiuele Luciano & C. Auto Roperto Località Oliva, 90 Via Piano delle Rose, 66 Amantea (CS) Decollatura (CZ) 0982 424445 - 0982 48907 0968 63346 [email protected] [email protected] www.furgiuelesas.it 27

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 27 22/11/13 16:25 Fusto Mario Luddeni Vincenzo & C. snc Corso Nicotera, 84 B Via Catena, 105 Lamezia Terme (CZ) Polistena (RC) 0968 22991 - 336 917849 0966 932576 Fusto Salvatore Officina Meccanica Saladino Vincenzo Corso Nicotera, 110 Via S. Raffaele, 112 Lamezia Terme (CZ) Lamezia Terme (CZ) 0968 22991 - 336 329915 0968 453352 - 368 651157 [email protected] [email protected] Giògodino srl Pronto Interventi Sida Via Arturo Perugini, 8 di Butera Francesco Lamezia Terme (CZ) Via dei Bizantini, 209 0968 463439 - 0968 463439 Lamezia Terme (CZ) www.giogodino.it 0968 461131 - 0968 464591 [email protected] Gualtieri srl www.sidaonline.it Via del Progresso, 318 Lamezia Terme (CZ) Sida srl 0968 200435 Via dei Bizantini, 166 339 8405456 Lamezia Terme (CZ) 0968 200435 0968 461131 - 0968 464591 [email protected] | www.sidaonline.it [email protected] Insana Domenico Sport carrozzeria snc di Emilio e Carmine Talarico Viale Nazionale, 214 Contrada Zupello, 33 Cittanova (RC) Lamezia Terme (CZ) 0966 660120 0968 436000 - 0968 430455 0966 660120 [email protected] Sud Lavaggio srl Contrada Carrà Cosentino Lamezia Gomme sas Lamezia Terme (CZ) Via Milite Ignoto, 12-14 0968 462187 Lamezia Terme (CZ) 0968 21120 Sud Lavaggio Srl 0968 201828 C.da Carrà Cosentino Lamezia Terme (CZ) Lamezia Trucks srl 0968 462187 - 335 5281194 Via dei Bizantini, 176 Lamezia Terme (CZ) [email protected] Farms and olive oil presses Luddeni Aurelio Elettrauto Azienda Agricola Raso G. Via F. Gullo, 8 Viale merano, 18 - Cittanova (RC) Polistena (RC) 0966 660547 0966 932159 [email protected] 28

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 28 22/11/13 16:25 Caputo Bruno Construction, engineering, di Caputo Francesca & C. sas electrical systems firms Via del Progresso, 532 Lamezia Terme (CZ) Aiello Costruzioni srl 0968 453830 - 335 6279811 - 0968 453830 Via E. Toti, 89 A [email protected] Lamezia Terme (CZ) Le Terre del Duca 0968 23776 di Caputo Francesca & C. 0968 23776 società agricola semplice www.aiellocostruzioni.com Via del Progresso, 532 Casaé F.lli Laruffa srl Lamezia Terme (CZ) Via Catena, 36 0968 453830 - 0968 453830 - 335 6279811 Polistena (RC) [email protected] 0966 931570 Luccisano Vincenzo www.casae.it Via A. De Gasperi, 69 Cittanova (RC) Color Casa di Caruso Girolamo Via Roma, 51 Cittanova (RC) Cafes, pastry/ice-cream/ 333 2305267 chocolate shops Condello Vincenzo Bar Italia Via E. Fermi Via Trieste Cittanova (RC) Polistena (RC) 0966 943559 De Masi Tecnologie Via Oberdan, 18 Golden Black Cittanova (RC) Via Trento 0966 653150 - 347 5144619 Lamezia Terme (CZ) 0966 653150 0968 447326 [email protected] Ditta Guerrisi Michelangelo Via Quattro Novembre, 1 Car and motorbike dealers, Cittanova (RC) car rentals 0966 653537 Celma sas Edilferr di Raso Rocco Strada Provinciale, Contrada Valle Via della Vittoria, 13 Lamezia Terme (CZ) Cittanova (RC) [email protected] 0966 645686 - 0966 645705 [email protected] | www.edilferr.it Ventra sas di Ventra V. & C. Viale Merano, 143 Euromarmi F.lli Politi s.r.l. Cittanova (RC) Via Provinciale Cittanova (RC) - Rizziconi 0966 660600 - 0966 655547 Cittanova (RC) [email protected] 0966 612333 29

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 29 22/11/13 16:25 Eurotendaggi di R. V. Larosa Elettromeccanica Via Friuli, 11 Via Campagna Nuova, 13 Cittanova (RC) Polistena (RC) 0966 660427 0966 931716 - 337 984465 - 0966 932820 Fabbrica Serrande MA.C.E.RA. di Raso G. di Raso Girolamo Viale Merano, 20 - Cittanova (RC) Via E. Fermi, 32 0966 660547 - [email protected] Cittanova (RC) 0966 660547 - 0966 660547 Mari & C. snc www.raso.it Via Ginestre, 41 - Amantea (CS) G.D.M. Costruzioni 0982 46337 Via Oberdan, 18 Meridiana Energy Saving s.r.l. Cittanova (RC) Via Nazionale, 125 0966 653150 - 339 3210495 Cittanova (RC) [email protected] www.demasimprese.it Pisano Giuseppe Gierre Serramenti Via Sole, 10 Polistena (RC) Via Primavera, sn Cittanova (RC) 0966 931320 - 337 876497 0966 660265 - 0966 660265 www.raso.it Electrical household Gullone Impianti di Massimo Gullone appliances Viale Merano, 44 Cittanova (RC) Elettrodomestici Fazzalari 0966 660297 Via Rocco Gentile, 8 [email protected] Cittanova (RC) - 0966 653787 Impresa Gangemi S. Via archimede, 17 Chemists, herbalists Cittanova (RC) and sanitary equipment shops 0966 661801 - 0966 661801 Isoedil Sas di A. Matarazzo & C. Farmacia Dr. Mallamo Antonio Località Fornaci Via Marconi, 228 Lamezia Terme (CZ) Lamezia Terme (CZ) 0968 461337 [email protected] www.isoedil.net Ironmongery and industrial supplies L’Edilizia F.lli Chirico Snc Via G. La Pira Casaé F.lli Laruffa srl Lamezia Terme (CZ) Via Catena, 36 - Polistena (RC) 0968 462514 0966 931570 | www.casae.it 30

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 30 22/11/13 16:25 Mari & C. snc Electrical and hydraulic Via Ginestre, 41 systems, air conditioning, Amantea (CS) burglar/fire alarms 0982 46337 A.L.T.E.T. Impianti Elettrci di Aretino Antonio Renewable energy Località Acquavona, 6 Stella Costruzioni Srl Platania (CZ) 0968 205718 Via G. Marconi Lamezia Terme (CZ) Novatermica snc 366 3320963 Via Croce, 10 - Polistena (RC) [email protected] 0966 931740

Computer, electronics Jewellers, watchmakers and telephony shops and goldsmiths Fazzalari Maria Pia Gioielleria Basso sas Via Cav. Gentile, 8 Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 64/ 66/ 68 Cittanova (RC) Amantea (CS) 0966 653787 - 0966 660426 0982 41120 Larosa Elettromeccanica www.bassogioielli.it Via Campagna Nuova, 13 Polistena (RC) Gioielleria F.lli Italiano 0966 931716 - 0966 932820 - 337 984465 Corso Italia, 57 Telematic Net Cittanova (RC) Via Nazionale, 153 0966 660004 Cittanova (RC) 0966 655626 0966 655561 - 328 6036638 - 0966 655561 [email protected] [email protected] www.gioielleriaitaliano.it www.telematicnet.it Giolleria Versace sas Via Comm. Griò, 44/48 Bookshops, stationery, Polistena (RC) newsagents, comics, music and 09666 931693 video shops R. Creazioni Cartolibreria Furfaro Via Garibaldi, 3 Piazza Garibaldi,9 Cittanova (RC) Cittanova (RC) - 0966 660771 0966 655832 - 347 1271685 Cartolibreria Morabito [email protected] Via Galileo Galilei www.rcreazioni.it Cittanova (RC) - 0966 655869 31

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 31 22/11/13 16:25 Elios Gyms, diving centres, Via Grimaldi, 101 sports clubs Cittanova (RC) - 0966 653830 A.S.D. Energj Zone Libreria Gioacchino Tavella Via Mazzini, 19 Via Crati, 15/ 17 Lamezia Terme (CZ) Lamezia Terme (CZ) 0968 28555 ASD - Karate Team Cittanova Viale Merano, 18 Video Club di Zito Marcella Cittanova (RC) Largo Savoia, 12 0966 660547 Cittanova (RC) 328 6537155 349 5959715 www.karatecittanova.it

Gift shops, toy shops, Hairdressers, beauticians, wedding lists perfumers Cartolibreria Morabito AR Hair Studio Rocco Via Galileo Galilei Via Roma, 19 Cittanova (RC) - 0966 655869 Cittanova (RC) Elios 0966 653554 [email protected] Via Grimaldi, 101 Cittanova (RC) - 0966 653830 Hair Design Danilo-Nicola Sas Ertè Regali Via dei Mille, 61 Lamezia Terme (CZ) Corso Italia, 60 0968 21498 Cittanova (RC) - 0966 662090 Gioielleria F.lli Italiano Mercuri Maurizio Corso Italia, 57 Corso G. Nicotera Cittanova (RC) Lamezia Terme (CZ) 0966 660004 - 0966 655626 [email protected] | www.gioielleriaitaliano.it Professional studios Giolleria Versace sas A.I.A.C Via Comm. Griò, 44/48 Cittanova (RC) Polistena (RC) - 09666 931693 AIAC associazione ingegneri e architetti Cittanova Opticians, camera shops Via Marvasi, and photographers Cittanova (RC) www.aiacweb.it Vision Ottica Rocca Via Turati, 26 Arch. Morano Maria Teresa Lamezia Terme (CZ) Via Marta Luzzo, 31 0968 24827 Lamezia Terme (CZ) 32

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 32 22/11/13 16:25 Geometra Tommaso De Pace Studio Cons. Raso Luciano Via Boccioni, 5 Via Guido Rossa Lamezia Terme (CZ) Cittanova (RC) 0968 412127 0966 653664 - 338 8168828 0968 419655 [email protected] [email protected] Studio di Consulenza del lavoro Laboratorio Analisi Cliniche F. De Pace Alessio Cavaliere C.da Fontanella Via Cavaliere Domenico, 16 Lamezia Terme (CZ) Cittanova (RC) 0966 382190 Studio Odontoiatrico Cataneo 0966 661712 Via Volta, 9 - Lamezia Terme (CZ) 0968 442900 - 0968 447948 - 393 9818171 Laboratorio Odontoprotesi [email protected] Via Volta, 9 Lamezia Terme (CZ) Studio tecnico di progettazione 0968 26269 Via Nazionale, 190 - Cittanova (RC) 0968 445691 347 0733000 Nova Domus srl [email protected] Via Boccioni, 5 Lamezia Terme (CZ) Pubs, discos, bars, cafes, 0968 412127 0968 419655 pastry and ice-cream shops [email protected] Dolceria Pugliese Rag. Colelli Maria Piazza Garibaldi, 14 Via U. Boccioni, 5 Cittanova (RC) - 0966 653420 Lamezia Terme (CZ) Restaurants and pizzerias 0968 412114 0968 419655 Hotel/Ristorante Casalnuovo Studio Commerciale Dott. Carere Viale Merano, 103 Via Murat, 29 Cittanova (RC) Lamezia Terme (CZ) 0966 655821 - 0966 655859 - 0966 655527 0968 25245 www.hotelcasalnuovo.it Studio Commerciale Dott. Carere Hotel Mommo Via Formiti, 11 Via Commendatore Vincenzo Grio, 32 Lamezia Terme (CZ) Polistena (RC) 0968 25245 0966 932233 - 0966 940682 [email protected] Studio Commerciale New Deal Via Po, 28 Rua Sao Joao Cittanova (RC) Via S. Giovanni, 3 - Lamezia Terme (CZ) 0966 661086 - 0966 655081 0968 25486 [email protected] [email protected] 33

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 33 22/11/13 16:25 Schools, vocational schools, M.C.M. srl driving schools Via Provinciale, Contrada Castagnara snc Cittanova (RC) Autoscuole Mannarino snc 0966 660847 - 03821850158 Via Cappuccini, 4/ 5 [email protected] - www.moranocostruzioni.it Amantea (CS) Nolidea di Costantino Gregorio Via del Progresso, 344 Services for businesses Lamezia Terme (CZ) 0968 453831 Audio Video Service snc 0968 458014 Via Garibaldi, 68 [email protected] Cittanova (RC) 0966 661646 - 0966 655745 Novatermica snc [email protected] Via Croce, 10 Polistena (RC) Beverage Fazzari 0966 931740 SS. 536, Km 62,600 Cittanova (RC) Paola M.G. srl 0966 661805 - 0966 655794 - 347 5660979 Via del Progresso [email protected] Lamezia Terme (CZ) 0968 359038 Giovinazzo Angelo 0968 455014 Via Tevere, 1 [email protected] Cittanova (RC) 0966 660888 Pronto Interventi Sida di Butera Francesco Gualtieri srl Via dei Bizantini, 209 Via del Progresso, 318 Lamezia Terme (CZ) Lamezia Terme (CZ) 0968 461131 - 0968 464591 0968 200435 - 339 8405456 - 0968 200435 [email protected] [email protected] www.sidaonline.it Gullone Impianti Sida srl di Massimo Gullone Via dei Bizantini, 166 Viale Merano, 44 Lamezia Terme (CZ) Cittanova (RC) 0968 461131 0966 660297 0968 464591 [email protected] [email protected] www.sidaonline.it Laboratorio Odontoprotesi Via Volta, 9 Studio Commerciale Dott. Carere Lamezia Terme (CZ) Via Murat, 29 0968 26269 Lamezia Terme (CZ) 0968 445691 0968 25245 34

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 34 22/11/13 16:25 Studio Commerciale Dott. Carere Via Formiti, 11 Lamezia Terme (CZ) 0968 25245 Sud Lavaggio srl Contrada Carrà Cosentino Lamezia Terme (CZ) 0968 462187


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Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 36 22/11/13 16:25 Textiles, clothing, accessories Anpar srl and footwear Via 4 Novembre, 201 Ercolano (NA) Abbigliamento TO BE TOO 081 7322486 Via Ascania, 19 - Napoli Braian & C. Abbigliamento Cozzolino Via Trencia, 30 Napoli Via Pignasecca, 40/41 - Napoli 081 5882846 081 5422168 Calzature Queen’s Dragon Abbigliamento Ilaria Violetti Via Cervantes, 74/76 Via Ercole Cantone, 55 Napoli Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) 081 8449172 Calzature Sannino Corso Italia, 11 - Ercolano (NA) Abbigliamento Leonardis 081 7321483 Via Ascania, 19 - Napoli [email protected] Adam’s Shop www.vendita-scarpe.it Via R. Bracco, 65/ 69 Ciro Abbigliamento Napoli Corso Italia, 84 081 5510741 Ercolano (NA) Alessia Bags di Alessia Scarano 081 3650872 Via IV Novembre, 34 B Confezioni Vip sas Ercolano (NA) Via G. Marconi, 111 - Ercolano (NA) 081 7396796 - 7771053 081 7397508 [email protected] | www.alessiabags.com Cooperativa Sociale Altri Orizzonti Amirante by jerry e. masslo casa di alice. Via Pignasecca, 30 località Baia Verde | Castel Volturno (CE) Napoli 081 8167001 081 5523014 - 338 1466109 [email protected] Ammirati Dieci e Lode Via Ercole Cantone, 1 C.so S. Giovanni, 252 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Napoli Anna Guarda 081 5590186 Piazza Trieste, 18 Due Passi sas Ercolano (NA) Via Rossi,140 (Centro Commerciale) 081 7322139 Volla (NA) 081 7731848 Annunziata Uomo Via Felice Terracciano 119 Due Passi sas Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Via Argine (Centro Commerciale Auchan) 081 8036308 - 081 8036308 Napoli 37

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 37 22/11/13 16:25 Due Passi sas Follie Piazza Primavera Abbigliamento giovane uomo/donna, jeans Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Via Toledo, 1 - Napoli 081 8034921 081 5523453 | [email protected] Dynamic Srl Follie Via Madonnelle, 33/47 Abbigliamento giovane uomo/donna, jeans Napoli Via Tarsia, 63 - Napoli Eleganza 081 5523453 Corso Resina, 316 [email protected] Ercolano (NA) Formisano srl 081 7775204 Corso Garibaldi, 131 Erre Due sas Napoli Via IV Novembre 19/ 21 Giglio Rosso snc Ercolano (NA) Via Roberto Bracco, 73/ 75 081 7775511 Napoli Erre Due sas 081 5522571 Via IV Novembre, 28 Graffiti Ercolano (NA) Via IV Novembre, 41 081 7775511 Ercolano (NA) Erre Due sas Via IV Novembre, 40 Graffiti C.so Italia, 27 Ercolano (NA) 081 7775511 Ercolano (NA) F.N. di Furente Nunzia Intimo Antonietta C.so Italia, 45 Viale Alfa, 68 Ercolano (NA) Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Faser srl Intimo Mary di Staiano Maria Via Toledo, 195 Viale F. Grimm, 13 Napoli Napoli 081 5521501 081 7731302 Fashion Store La Botteguccia Via Indipendenza, 7 Via F. Terracciano 48 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) 081 8037678 Mediterraneo Store Flora by Bianco e Blu Abbigliamento etnico Piazza Trieste, 19/20 via Felice Terracciano, 204 Ercolano (NA) Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) 081 0484759 081 8035830 38

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 38 22/11/13 16:25 Picone s.a.s Travel agencies Abbigliamento per uomo, maglieria, camice- ria, cravatte, pantaloni A.T.I. Viaggi s.r.l. Via Armando Diaz, 22 - Napoli Via IV Novembre, 12 I° traversa 081 5521190 Ercolano (NA) 081 7397587 - 081 7772872 Picone s.a.s. Abbigliamento per uomo, maglieria, camice- Company Travel Agenzia srl ria, cravatte, pantaloni Via Rua Catalana, 118 Corso Umberto I, 117 - Napoli Napoli 081 204660 081 5523840 Pignatiello Kids Dedalus Centro Viaggi Rivenditore autorizzato Dolce Gabbana, Piazza Monteoliveto, 2 Armani,Moncler, Jekerson, 1 classe Alviero Napoli Martini, Fred Perry, Carlo Pignatelli, Simo- netta, Monnalisa, Refrigiwear, Belfast, Laura Ideal Travel Biagiotti, Brooksfield, Bikkembergs, Levi’s, Corso Garibaldi, 388 Iceberg, Tommy Hilifiger, Majoral Napoli Via Vittorio Emanuele, 46 081 5513336 - 081 5527996 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) [email protected] 081 8032763 [email protected] [email protected] www.idealtravel.it www.idealvacanze.it Piper Moda Piazza Pignasecca, 22 Marytour Sas Napoli Via Ferdinando del Carretto, 40 081 5527404 Napoli 081 5510512 - 081 5523291 Sacco Store di Andrea Sacco [email protected] | www.marytour.it Via F. Terracciano, 2/4 Viaggi Insoliti per conoscere il Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) mondo 081 8849634 Via Monte S. Michele 2/C [email protected] | www.saccostore.it Napoli Sannino Sport 081 7545178 - 081 7545178 C.so Italia, 42 - Ercolano (NA) [email protected] 081 3427497 www.vipconoscereilmondo.com Siam s.r.l. Viaggi Insoliti Via D. Colamarino 2/4 per conoscere il mondo Torre del Greco (NA) Piazza Silvagni 21 081 8819006 Casagiove (CE) 082 3469860 - 081 7545178 Simon’s Store 0823 469860 - 081 5527878 Via Madonnelle, 91 0823 469943 - 5527905 Napoli [email protected] 081 3426638 www.vipconoscereilmondo.com 39

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 39 22/11/13 16:25 Viaggi Insoliti Food and wine shops per conoscere il mondo Via Ponte di Tappia, 43 A.R. Russo Michele & C sas Napoli Corso S. Giovanni a Teduccio, 58 081 5527878 - 081 5527905 Napoli [email protected] 081 7523108 www.vipconoscereilmondo.com Alimentari Ferrara srl Piazza Pignasecca, 52 Hotels, B&Bs Napoli and holiday resorts 081 5514323 Albergo La meta s.r.l. Alimentari IA.CAR. e Guagliune sas Via F. Terracciano, 186/ 216 Via Cervino, 4 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Trentola-Ducenta (CE) 081 8033973 331 3187503 [email protected] Alimentari Iacomino B&B Le Terrazze di Neapolis Corso Resina, 194 Ercolano (NA) Via Atri, 31 081 7390104 Napoli 081 456997 Alimentari Russo di Russo [email protected] Salvatore www.leterrazzedineapolis.com Via Pignasecca, 42 Bed and Breakfast Portanova Napoli 081 5518042 Via Portanova,38 320 8038645 Napoli 081 19979283 - 3492803912 Alimentari Sepe [email protected] | www.bbportanova.it Via Panoramica, 51 Belle Arti Resort Ercolano (NA) Via S. Maria di Costantinopoli, 27 - Napoli Bottega dei Sapori e dei Saperi 081 5571062 della Legalità [email protected] | www,belleartiresort.com Via Raffaele De Cesare, 22 Hotel Neapolis Napoli 081 7643575 Via Francesco Del Giudice, 13 [email protected] Napoli 081 4420815 - 081 4420819 Carni Iorio di Esposito Gelsomina [email protected] | www.hotelneapolis.com Via Botteghelle, 420 Napoli Quinson Cafè Bed and Breakfast 081 5613514 Via Marigliano (NA), 5 Somma Vesuviana (NA) Caseificio Regno Bianco 339 368106 - 081 8996663 - 081 3080085 Via Diocleziano, 432 [email protected] | www.b-bquinsonmotel.com Napoli 40

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 40 22/11/13 16:25 Coloniali Torrefazione Giemmevi sas Viale Alfa, di Maddaloni Vittorio & C. Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Via Tironi di Moccia, 21 081 8841330 Ercolano (NA) 081 7322389 Debora sas Via A. Moro, 4 I Grandi Sapori Ercolano (NA) Via IV Novembre, 13 081 7771610 Ercolano (NA) Di Meglio Nunzia Il Mondo dei Surgelati Via Botteghelle, 414 Via Aveta, 14/A Napoli Ercolano (NA) 081 3447075 Doppio Zero [email protected] Piazzale Darsena, 19 Castel Volturno (CE) Ittica Dell’Ovo sas Corso S. Giovanni a Teduccio, 274 - Napoli Du.ca.distribuzione Bibite srl 081 5593020 - 3383427883 corso San Giovanni a Teduccio, 155 Napoli La Boutique della Frutta 081 7523621 Via Madonnelle, 115-117 Napoli Enoteca Vineapolis 081 7741131 di Esposito Salvatore Viale Campi Flegrei, 22/A La Fruttiera Napoli Parete (CE) (CE) 081 5702549 [email protected] La Nuova Sosta sas Via Caiazzo, 26 F.lli Ragosta Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Via Madonnelle, 55 081 8036627 Napoli Macelleria Centro Carni Sara Fratelli Varriale snc V.le Campi Flegrei, 21/A Via Pignasecca, 6 Napoli Napoli 081 5702494 081 5510319 Macelleria Liberti G. Fruttivendolo alla primavera Via G. Marconi, 29 Viale Campi Flegrei, 21/B Ercolano (NA) Napoli 081 7774413 Fondo Montebello s.r.l. La Fattoria Biagino Via Maestri del Lavoro, 9 Produzione miele e derivati Maranello (MO) Via Bisignano III, 46 - Napoli 0536944063 - fax 05369440671 081 19573091 – 081 5721508 [email protected] [email protected] 41

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 41 22/11/13 16:25 Macelleria Pignasecca Supermercati f.lli Iasevoli Via Pignasecca, 52 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Napoli 081 8849643 081 5522858 [email protected] Macelleria Romano dal 1968 Supermercato Euro 2000 Via Madonnelle, 93/a Via S. D’acquisto, 88 Napoli Parete (CE) (CE) 081 7731680 [email protected] Vigna Rosa s.r.l. G. Di Vittorio - Marano di Napoli (NA) (NA) Macelleria, Gastronomia Puca 081 5866910 - 081 5866910 C.so Italia, 93 [email protected] San Marcellino (CE) Vigorito s.r.l. Minimarket di Escalona Monica Via Benedetto Cozzolino, 17 Via Caio Asimo Pollione 57/59 Ercolano (NA) Napoli 081 0144930 081 5708928 Minimarket di Mautone Adelaide Viola 1936 s.a.s C.so Vittorio Emanuele, 140 Via IV Novembre, 129 Ercolano (NA) Torre del Greco (NA) Minimarket di Zinno Salvatore Via Panoramica, 113 Antique shops Ercolano (NA) Antonio Cantone s.a.s Panificio Caputo Arte presepiale Corso S. Giovanni a Teduccio, 470 Via B. Croce Napoli Napoli 081 7523119 081 7810018 [email protected] Più Fresco del Fresco Via Roma, 484 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Furnishing, furniture, interior Polleria Greco Filippo design, artisans, carpenters P.le Scura 58 Aca San Napoli Via G. Marconi, 37/39 - Ercolano (NA) 0815524845 081 7390600 - 081 7390600 Rambeer [email protected] Via A. Righi, 11 - Napoli www.arredamentiacasan.com 081 5707752 - 081 5707752 Atelier Gran Calà Salumeria del sole Via Madonnelle, 97 Via Libertà, 286 - Portici (NA) Napoli 0810491066 081 7748027 42

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 42 22/11/13 16:25 Creta e Caffè Zimmo Mobili Via Mariano D’Amelio, 12 - Napoli Via Panoramica, 284 081 5607020 Ercolano (NA) [email protected] | [email protected] 081 7395772 www.cretacaffe.it Mariano Mobili Sports equipment Via Panoramica, 284 Sannino Sport Ercolano (NA) C.so Italia, 42 - Ercolano (NA) Mario Gallinoro di V. Gallinoro e 081 3427497 C. sas Via Augusto Righi, 15 Cultural associations Napoli and parishes 081 5612391 - 338 2366787 [email protected] Fondazione Pietrasanta Piazzetta Pietrasanta, 19 Materassi Russo s.r.l. Napoli Santa Maria Capua Vetere (CE) [email protected] 0823841965 www.fondazionepietrasanta.com Materassi Russo srl Liceo musicale G. Paisiello Via Giuseppe Avezzana Via Giorgio Imbriani, 40 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Santa Maria Capua Vetere (CE) 081 8036355 - 081 8036355 0823 843668 - 329 7744175 [email protected] 331 6531444 www.liceopaisiello.it [email protected] www.materassirusso.it Miscellaneous businesses Nova Domus s.r.l. Via Aosta, 5 Ambiente Solidale Soc. Coop. Castel Volturno (CE) Onlus 081 5095338 C.so Garibaldi Portici (NA) [email protected] 081 2561161 www.nuova-domus.com CO.TO.TEX sas Panariello Produzioni s.a.s. Via Murelle, 13 Via Circumvalazione, 111 Napoli Torre del Greco (NA) 081 7500128 081 3625662 - 081 8471335 Cozzolino Anna Russo Fabio Via IV Novembre I traversa dx 13 Via Eurialo, 70 Ercolano (NA) Napoli 081 7322820 43

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 43 22/11/13 16:25 De Luca Carmela Casalinghi P.A. Metal iale Campi Flegrei, 65 Via Murelle, 13 Napoli Napoli 338 8050509 Debora sas Via A. Moro, 4 Perfetto srl Ercolano (NA) Via Diego Prisco, 3 081 7771610 Sant’Antimo 081 8335368 - 081 5052568 F.D.L. Imballaggi s.r.l. Via M. Basile, 22 Perfetto srl Parete (CE) Via Madonna del Pantano, 20 393 9379247 Villa Literno [email protected] 081 8335368 - 081 5052568 Fondazione Pietrasanta Pirelli Re Piazzetta Pietrasanta, 19 Via Montagna Spaccata, 367 Napoli Napoli [email protected] 081 2416749 - 081 2410674 www.fondazionepietrasanta.com [email protected] www.napolipianura.pirellireagency.com Formisano Antonio Daniele Via B. Cozzolino Show Bowl srl Ercolano (NA) Via Augusto Righi, 17 Napoli Gus Vetro s.r.l. 081 5704136 Via Pazzigno, 117 www. showbowl.com Napoli Stabilimento Balneare Lido Fortuna Imballaggi AZ 2 s.r.l. Via Di Pozzuoli (NA), 13 Via Fratelli Bandiera, 3 Napoli Parete (CE) 081 6100707 Materassi Russo s.r.l. Textiles Recycling Santa Maria Capua Vetere (CE) Via Mazzini, 19 082 3841965 Torre del Greco (NA) Nocerino s.r.l. C.so Umberto I, 30 Body shops, automobile repair Ercolano (NA) shops, car and motorbike Omnianfin s.r.l. Unicard spare parts dealers, petrol Via Portanova, 38 stations, car washes, garages, Napoli roadside assistance 081 19244690 - 328 0972004 081 19244690 Acerra (NA) Revisioni s.a.s. [email protected] Via Ancona, 1 - Acerra (NA) www.unacard.it 0818859306 44

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 44 22/11/13 16:25 Autolavaggio La Palma Verde Ristaldi di Napolitano Francesco C.so Umberto I, 47 Via F. Imparato, 73 Ercolano (NA) Napoli 081 7524413 Autoricambi Planet Tuning Via E. De Nicola Service Car sas Trentola-Ducenta (CE) Via Reggio Emilia, 1 081 19179460 - 338 4921280 Castel Volturno (CE) Caoli 081 5094091 - 081 5097767 di Cazzato Salvatore Stazione di servizio IP S4845 C.so Resina, 338 Via Panoramica, 132 Ercolano (NA) Ercolano (NA) Euro Farm NKL Stazione di servizio Romino Via Marconi, 29 Massimo Trentola-Ducenta (CE) Via Panoramica, 2 081 8141343 - 338 1442270 Ercolano (NA) 081 8141343 081 7393519 info/[email protected] Stazione di servizio G. A. Ricambi & Vernici srl Tarantino Marco Via Verdi, 31 Via G. Marconi Portici (NA) Ercolano (NA) Garage La Perla 2 081 7774163 Via S. Ferrara, 4/H Napoli Visco Gennaro 081 5707458 Via Murelle, 13 Napoli Garage La perla 2 081 5591463 - 081 5599158 di Ciotola Salvatore Via S. Ferrara, 4/H Napoli Coach and bus services, 081 5707458 car rentals Officina meccanica PLANET CAR s.r.l. Angelo Della Volpe Via TaverNola (NA), 163 - Napoli Via E. de Nicola 081 7515607 Trentola-Ducenta (CE) [email protected] 081 8145858 - 333 6531376 Planet Tuning Farms and olive oil presses E. DE NICOLA Trentola-Ducenta (CE) Azienda Agricola Paolo Messano 081 19179460 Piazza Luci Bello, 11 [email protected] Lustra (SA) 45

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 45 22/11/13 16:25 Vigna Rosa s.r.l. Caffè Moka G. Di Vittorio Via Cervantes Marano di Napoli (NA) Napoli 081 5866910 081 5510049 [email protected] Caffetteria Basco Via IV Novembre, 158 Cafes, pastry/ice-cream/ Trentola-Ducenta (CE) chocolate shops 081 8142590 Accademia del Grano Caffetteria De Lucia Via Alessandro D’alessandro, 2/a Via F. del Carretto, 47 Napoli Napoli 081 0361486 081 5520069 Antica Pasticceria Carraturo Caffetteria Royal Via Casonava, 97 - Napoli Via E. De Nicola 081 5545364 Trentola-Ducenta (CE) Arcades 80055 Claiton sas Via università, 119/121 Romanelli Lounge Cafè Portici (NA) Via Benevento, 122 081 7760028 Casalnuovo di Napoli (NA) 081 8429699 Bar degli Amici facebook - romanelliloungecafè Via Madonnelle, 1 Napoli Coloniali Torrefazione Di Palma 081 7731144 Viale Alfa Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Bar Fire Sas 081 8841330 Via Prov. Madonnelle, 85 Napoli Ercolanium sas & C. II Traversa mercato, 15 Bar Mexico Ercolano (NA) Via A. Locatelli, 65 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Gran Caffe’ Flegreo 081 8034700 - 081 8842637 Via Ascanio Napoli Bar Roscir 081 2303489 C/so Italia, 64/66 Ercolano (NA) Pasticceria Daniela s.n.c. 0817390165 Via Armando Diaz - Portici (NA) 081 7752827 Caffè Diaz Via Tribunali, 25 Waikiki Napoli Via Tiziano, 11 - Portici (NA) 081 292383 081 476310 [email protected] [email protected] 46

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 46 22/11/13 16:25 Footwear and leather goods Dairies Calzature Enzo Caseificio Regno Bianco Via Pignasecca, 16 Via Diocleziano, 432 Napoli Napoli 081 5514763 Caseificio Ponte a Mare Giglio Rosso Via Domitiana, Km 34,070 Via Roberto Bracco, 73/75 Castel Volturno (CE) Napoli 0823 851525 - 0823 1878504 [email protected] | www.ponteamare.it Stationery shops, office supplies Wellness centres, hairdressers Amodio snc Centro Estetico SO.MAG. Via Port’Alba Via Nazionale, 664/B Napoli 081 446366 Torre del Greco (NA) 081 8475713 CM Cartoleria di C. Maglioli Via Università, 81 - Portici (NA) Sun Faschion 392 1046074 Via Fontana Blue, 35 Castel Volturno (CE) Household articles Tesone Sabatino and gadgets C.so S. Giovanni a Teduccio, 46 - Napoli Ferramenta Gibierre s.n.c. Via Domitiana Km 36+400 Fair-trade shops Castel Volturno (CE) Cooperativa Sociale Altri Orizzonti La Casalinga by jerry e. masslo casa di alice. Vico Gardinetto a Toledo, 17 località baia verde Napoli Castel Volturno (CE) 081 0385271 081 8167001 Rosmery s.a.s. [email protected] Viale Acacie 162 Seme di Pace Coop. Sociale Castel Volturno (CE) Via Università, 63-65 - Portici (NA) 081 5097527 081 0500044 - 081 7753786 Supermercato “Euro 2000” [email protected] Via S. D’acquisto, 88 Società Cooperativa Zahir Parete (CE) Via F. Terracciano Vigorito s.r.l. Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Via Benedetto Cozzolino, 17 - Ercolano (NA) 081 8035830 081 0144930 [email protected] 47

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 47 22/11/13 16:25 Social cooperatives, AET Impianti sustainable development di Salvatore Cantone Via G. Pascoili, 4 Cooperativa Sociale Uomo Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Via G. Marconi, 107 081 5308279 - 081 8990211 Parete (CE) [email protected] 081 5030216 www.aet-impianti.it [email protected] Alboreto e novità Cooperativa Sociale Altri Orizzonti Via del Grande archivio, 32 by Jerry E. Masslo Casa di Alice. Napoli località Baia Verde - Castel Volturno (CE) 081 282008 081 8167001 [email protected] Arca Costruzioni Via Giovanni XXIII, 32 Cooperativa Sociale Torre del Greco (NA) Figli in Famiglia Onlus www.arcacostruzioni.it Via Ferrante Imparato, 111 Napoli Arketipo s.r.l. 081 5593124 - 081 5597498 Via Carillo Guerra [email protected] | www.figliinfamiglia.it Napoli 081 5491511 Irene 95 Cooperativa [email protected] di solidarietà sociale arl onlus Corso Campano, 106 - Marigliano (NA) Barone Colori s.n.c. 081 8416349 Strada provinciale Trentola-Ischitella [email protected] Trentola-Ducenta (CE) www.irene95.it 349 5332641 Società Cooperativa Zahir C. & C. Costruzioni srl Via F. Terracciano Via Arco di Polvica, 12 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Napoli 081 8035830 081 7402245 - 335 6602173 [email protected] C.G.F. s.r.l. C.so Umberto I, 56 Construction, engineering, Pollena Trocchia (NA) electrical systems firms 081 8971513 A.B.R.A.M. Ceramiche Edilvit srl Via Lazio, 105 Via Marconi, 82 - Parete (CE) Napoli 081 5035264 - 081 5030778 081 7540371 [email protected] [email protected] www.ceramicheedilvit.it Aesse Sud COGEIS s.r.l. Via Repubbliche Marinare, 80 - Napoli Via R. Morghen, 181 081 5592300 - 081 7520069 Napoli 48

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 48 22/11/13 16:25 Costruzione Valletta Edilizia Sposito Via Dante Alighieri, 4 Corso Di Vittorio, 77 Trentola-Ducenta (CE) Acerra (NA) 081 8140257 - 338 5221928 335 6230314 D’Angelo Costruzioni srl Ediltecna srl Via Portanova, 38 Via Nazionale delle Puglie Napoli Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) 081 203571 - 349 2803912 335 8228910 [email protected] 081 8424982 www.dangelocostruzioni.com Efferre Costruzioni De Vivo Vincenzo Via Pietro Mascagni, 33 - Napoli Via Murelle, 13 081 5602894 Napoli 081 5602894 081 7524539 - 338 2101393 [email protected] Del Prete Costruzioni srl Eltec impianti Via R. Del Gatto, 18 Via Aurora, 78 Torre del Greco (NA) Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) 081 8825544 081 8038399 Edil Clean 333 5865108 Via Po, 16 [email protected] Trentola-Ducenta (CE) www.eltecimpianti.it 3341227984 Filosa Gaetano Edil Pierrè s.r.l. C.so Umberto I, 60 - Pollena Trocchia (NA) Via Avezzana, 59 081 5312606 - 081 8971396 Torre del Greco (NA) 081 3580216 - 347 7908722 General Sell Paint srl Via Paolo Borsellino, 123 EDIL RO.VI. sas Casandrino (NA) Via B. Cozzolino, 130 081 7763153 - 081 7762134 Ercolano (NA) [email protected] 081 7395880 Gicost s.r.l. Edil Ronza s.n.c. C.so C. Battisti, t Via IV Novembre, 327 Cardito (NA) Trentola-Ducenta (CE) 081 8140433 - 338 1893044 Giofab Via Cimarosa, 8 EdilFutura snc Trentola-Ducenta (CE) Via Monte doro, 26 338 2783736 Ercolano (NA) 081 8827152 - 339 1300687 Giordano Costruzioni [email protected] Via Duomo, 89 - Napoli www.edilfuturacostruzioni.it 081 291172 49

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 49 22/11/13 16:25 Habitat & House s.r.l. M.T.C. Metano Tecnocolor Via G. Marconi, 40 Ristrutturazione fabbricati, impianti elettrici, Torre del Greco (NA) idrici, riscaldamento e condizionamento, [email protected] trasporto ed utilizzo gas, pavimenti in resina, www.habithouse.it deumidificazioni, sistemi compositi. Via G. Ferraris, 66/G Hoist Napoli Via Manzoni, 155 - Napoli 081 5845376 - 081 19363428 081 281030 www.mtcsnc.it Ilarius Costruzioni Mario Gallinoro Via Primavera, 22 di V. Gallinoro e C. sas Sant’Antimo Via Augusto Righi, 15 Napoli Impresa edile di Nocerino Mattia 081 5612391 - 338 2366787 Via Trentola, 174 [email protected] Ercolano (NA) Marvid s.r.l. Ing. Foggiano Agostino Via Otranto, 3 Lavori edili di costruzione e ristrutturazione. Napoli Progettazione e realizzazione di impianti solari termici. Monaco Salvatore via Carlo Carrà, 5 - Napoli Pozzuoli (NA) [email protected] N.E.T. Costruzioni Ing. Marco Molinaro di Luigi Giorgione Via Posillipo, 23 - Napoli Via Alcide De Gasperi, 5 081 5757190 Torre del Greco (NA) [email protected] 338 4706802 Jole srl PDP Building Via Figliola, 3 Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 5 San Giorgio a Cremano (NA) Torre del Greco (NA) 335 6998724 Priman s.r.l. 081 7712681 Via Felice Cavallotti [email protected] Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) www.jolesrl.com Reficio LA.GE.CO V. Umberto I, 151 Via Trentola, 174 Mariglianella (NA) Ercolano (NA) 081 8855557 M.C.V. Vigorito srl Rest. Cost. srl Via Sac. Benedetto Cozzolino, 116 Via Cervantes, 55 Ercolano (NA) Napoli 081 7391652 081 5515622 081 7779478 [email protected] 50

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 50 22/11/13 16:25 Restarting s.r.l. Tecnomontaggi srl Via B. Cellini, 32 Serramenti, montaggio di facciate in Spider Portici (NA) Glass. Riparazioni e manutenzioni su arredi di 0817773474 cabine e corridoi nel settore navale e grandi opere Rocco Costruzioni Edili Via Murelle, 13 - Napoli Via Massimo Troisi, 2 081 5591203 Portico di Caserta (CE) www.tecnomontagginavali.com 338 3216929 [email protected] Tekton srl Via Severino Boezio, 17 Russo Ferruccio costruzioni Napoli Recupero facciate di interesse storico - 335 6678048 - 081 2428910 ristrutturazioni interne Via Ponti Rossi, 76 V.D.S. srl Napoli Via Pazzigno, 117 081 745143 Napoli 081 75223700 - 081 5590659 - 081 7524354 Sami Sud sas [email protected] Via Prov. San Gennaro, 69 Napoli V.X.A. srl 081 2301025 - 338 6269804 Via Boario, 17/19 [email protected] Nola (NA) www.samisudsas.it 081 5127095 Slam sas V.X.A. Two Via Pazzigno, 6 - Napoli Via Madonna della Stella, 19/21 081 7520591 Castello di Cisterna (NA) [email protected] 081 8031911 Smean LTD Vindice Renato Corso A. Lucci, 122 Via Vicinale Ancogna, 12 Napoli Napoli 081 281030 - 283060 333 3487412 [email protected] | www.smean.it Smin srl Electrical household Via Napoli, 189 appliances Pozzuoli (NA) 081 6100760 - 081 6171471 Elettrocasa Annunziata sas [email protected] Via Nazionale, 187 Torre del Greco (NA) Soltec srl 081 8826888 - 081 8823531 Corso Umberto I, Parco Italia 82/B Marigliano (NA) Ellegi Sas 081 8855699 - 081 8415278 Via Botteghelle [email protected] Napoli www.soltecsrl.com 081 5613510 - 081 5613513 51

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 51 22/11/13 16:25 Chemists, herbalists Andrisani Carmine fai da te and sanitary equipment shops Fai da te, utensileria, giardinaggio, ferramen- ta, articoli tecnici, Leica, Savichem, Catene Euro Farm NKL motoseghe Via Marconi, 29 Via Luca Giordano, 44 Trentola-Ducenta (CE) Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) - 081 8032869 081 8141343 - 338 1442270 [email protected] info/[email protected] Barone Colori s.n.c. Farmacia Assini Strada provinciale Trentola-Ischitella Via Madonnelle, 112 Trentola-Ducenta (CE) Napoli 349 5332641 081 7731310 Caruso [email protected] di Chianese Domenico Farmacia Buonaiuto Vico S. Giuseppe e Cristofaro, 5 - Napoli Piazza Pignasecca, 3 333 6621752 Napoli EDIL RO.VI. sas 081 5514231 Via B. Cozzolino, 130 - Ercolano (NA) Farmacia Ciro Rosario Cantone 081 7395880 Via Pisciarelli, 45/47 Ferramenta Gibierre s.n.c. Pozzuoli (NA) Via Domitiana Km 36+400 081 5700660 Castel Volturno (CE) Farmacia De Pasquale s.n.c. G. A. Ricambi & Vernici srl Via Beneduce, 1 Via Verdi, 31 Torre del Greco (NA) Portici (NA) Farmacia Pagano General Sell Paint srl Via Botteghelle, 492 Via Paolo Borsellino, 123 - Casandrino (NA) Napoli 081 7763153 - 081 7762134 [email protected] Uditok sas Via Ponte di Tappia, 35 Guadagnoli s.r.l. Napoli Via Arturo Consiglio, 32/e - Ercolano (NA) 081 5522397 - 081 5510616 081 7771617 - 347 7172810 [email protected] | [email protected] | www.uditok.it [email protected] Kromax srl Ironmongery Via Meucci, 33/35 - Casavatore (NA) and industrial supplies 081 7371859 - 081 7382789 - 081 7362348 [email protected] Aesse Sud [email protected] Via Repubbliche Marinare, 80 [email protected] Napoli [email protected] 081 5592300 - 081 7520069 www.kromax.it 52

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 52 22/11/13 16:25 M.C.V. Vigorito srl S.V. Gioielli Via Sac. Benedetto Cozzolino, 116 San Pietro, 30 - Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Ercolano (NA) 081 7391652 - 081 7779478 Sorrentino Corso Umberto I°, 383-385 Master ferramenta Napoli Via Domitiana Km 32,900 Castel Volturno (CE) Stizzo Gioielli 081 5097252 Via 4 Novembre, 96 [email protected] Ercolano (NA) www.masterferramenta.com 081 7775957 www.stizzogioielli.it Porsenna Mario Via IV Novembre, 15 Ercolano (NA) Electrical and hydraulic 081 7393532 systems, air conditioning, V.X.A. srl burglar/fire alarms Via Boario, 17/19 AET Impianti Nola (NA) di Salvatore Cantone 081 5127095 Via G. Pascoili, 4 - Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) V.X.A. Two 081 5308279 - 081 8990211 Via Madonna della stella, 19/21 [email protected] Castello di Cisterna (NA) www.aet-impianti.it 081 8031911 Plastics, wood, metal and Jewellers, watchmakers chemical manufacturers and goldsmiths DSC di Salvatore De Vivo Cloè Via Murelle, 13/E Corso Europa, 210 - Marano di Napoli (NA) Napoli 081 7527666 - 081 7524082 Franchi Gioielli Via Pignasecca, 45 - Napoli Il Punto d’Oro Computer, electronics Via Madonnelle, 75 - Napoli and telephony shops 081 5615088 A.Z. Ufficio srl [email protected] Via S. Tommaso D’Aquino, 94 L’Orafo Napoli Gioielli, orologi e argenteria 081 5522530 Via San Pietro, 30 - Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Fastcom Oliviero Cristina Via Felice Terraciano Via 4 Novembre, 10 - Ercolano (NA) Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) 081 7390321 081 6588531 53

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 53 22/11/13 16:25 Future Office di Carlo Toscano Laundromats and dry cleaners Via F. Terracciano, 233/235 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Lavanderia Liliana Via IV Novembre, 1° traversa 39 081 8032584 Ercolano (NA) [email protected] 081 7718787 www.networkoffice.it 081 7771872 Labscom di Gaetano Marzano Corso Garibaldi, 284 Bookshops, stationery, Portici (NA) newsagents, comics, music and 081 19364455 - 081 2142428 video shops [email protected] www.lab-s.com Carta Più Via Nuova, 40- Castel Volturno (CE) Stand By snc 0823 765131 Piazza G. Salvemini, 13 Cartolibreria Peter Pan Napoli Via A. Gramsci, 11 - Parete (CE) 081 2303468 081 5030845 [email protected] [email protected] Tekno In Diapason Corso Italia, 85 Via Guantai Nuovi, 7/9 - Napoli Ercolano (NA) 081 5514237 081 7776807 - 081 7394589 [email protected] Diapason New Media sas Vico Lungo Teatro Nuovo, 33 www.teknoin.it Napoli Telemania di Lipone Aniello 081 5514237 Via Panoramica, 41 333 1964169 Ercolano (NA) Edicola Balocco 0817393141 Via Eurialo 74 TLC Informatica Napoli 081 7624552 di Tommaso Livorno Via Cosimo Miccoli, 89 F.lli Amodio Cartoleria snc Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Via Port’Alba, 24/26 - Napoli 081 0116196 - 338 1640574 081 446366 TMC Informatica Il Papiro Via Mauro Leone, 49 Corso Mesina, 240/A Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Ercolano (NA) 081 8030152 Infopoint s.n.c [email protected] Viale degli Oleandri, 59 www.vodafoneomnitel.it Castel Volturno (CE) 54

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 54 22/11/13 16:25 Libreria Decart di Mondola E. Opticians, camera shops Via IV novembre, 39 and photographers Ercolano (NA) 081 7775970 Foto & Foto P.za Municipio, 9 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Chandlery 081 8031682 [email protected] Boat Service Napoli s.r.l. Via Augusto Righi, 15 Foto Ottica Immagine Napoli Piazza Trieste, 5 - Ercolano (NA) [email protected] 081 7391345 www,boatservicenapoli.it [email protected] www.fototticaimmagini.com Gift shops, toy shops, Ottica Buonaurio wedding lists C.so Umberto I, 119 Napoli La Girandola srl 081 261155 Via Toledo, 400 Napoli Ottica Coiana 081 5521553 Via Madonnelle, 19 - Napoli New Crystal di Marco Aprea Ottica Riccardi B. Napoli Di Riccardi F. 081 7735741 C.so Umberto I, 111 [email protected] Napoli www.newcrystal.it 081 5526010 Stop and Shop di D’Auria Gianluca Ottica Scognamiglio Piazzale Darsena, 31 Via IV Novembre, 32 Castel Volturno (CE) Ercolano (NA) - 081 7772167 081 0602626 Ottica Viscovo 333 5349672 Via Madonnelle, 81 - Napoli 081 7747035 Funeral directors Dell’Anno s.r.l. Gyms, diving centres, C.so S. Giovanni a Teduccio, 233 - Napoli sports clubs 081 7523000 - 3487833103 A.S.D. Kodokan Sport Napoli RUSSO MARZANO s.r.l. Piazza Carlo III°, 1 - Napoli Via nazionale, 66 081 7510972 Torre del Greco (NA) [email protected] 081 8825278 www.kodokanclubnapoli.com 55

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 55 22/11/13 16:25 Campi Moscato Hair Salon Via Marittima, 12 Via S. Antonio, 41 Ercolano (NA) - 081 7773191 Trentola-Ducenta (CE) Scuola di danza La Perì Mode’s Parrucchiere Via A. Gramsci, 1 Via Pollione Caio Asinio, 43 - Napoli Castello di Cisterna (NA) 081 7628953 081 8035494 Parrucchiere Gennaro Cardone Via I. Lioneo 44B - Napoli Bakeries 081 5700183 Accademia del Grano Primo Shop Via Alessandro D’alessandro, 2/a Via IV Novembre, 1Tr. dx 13 - Ercolano (NA) Napoli 081 0361486 Ruocco Via IV novembre, 35/37 - Ercolano (NA) La Casa del Pane s.r.l. 081 7390243 Via II Traversa Mercato, 46 - Ercolano (NA) 331 3878928 S. D. Parrucchieri Via Madonnelle, 43 - Napoli 081 7731643 Hairdressers, beauticians, [email protected] perfumers Xenon di Bottone Massimo Acconciatore per Uomo Via S.M.La Nova - Napoli Luigi Coppola 081 5523729 Via Madonnelle, 53 Napoli Xeron di Bottone Francesco Via Maddaloni, 3 - Napoli Barberia Perno Via Madonnelle, 17 - Napoli Florists Barbiere Sandomenico Via Madonnelle Agrotecnica di Giuseppe Di Marino Napoli via Carlo Petone, 26 - Parete (CE) 389 7825072 Centro Estetico Maya Via Venuti, 33 Il Vivaio s.a.s. Ercolano (NA) Via Oleandri, 75 - Castel Volturno (CE) 081 5095598 Cozzolino Anna Via IV Novembre I traversa dx 13 La Mimosa Ercolano (NA) Via Domitiana Km 37.850 081 7322820 Castel Volturno (CE) Donna 2000 Nocerino s.r.l. Via Di Niso, 106 C.so Umberto I, 30 Napoli Ercolano (NA) 56

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 56 22/11/13 16:25 The Flowers Store Studio Legale Avv. Giovanni Zara V.le Campi Flegrei 22 Corso Europa 5° Trav. 6 Napoli Casapesenna (CE) 081 6173795 081 8903930 - 335 5452452 [email protected] Studio Legale Avv. Roberta Rispoli Professional studios Via Mergellina, 50 Napoli D’Ambrosio Olga 081 0139320 - 335 8150895 Via Madonnelle, 105 - Napoli 081 7611499 081 7733966 [email protected] Dr. Delle Donne Daniele Studio Professionale Psicologia/ Via G. Mazzini, 146 Psicoterapia Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Via C. marciano, 23 339 2413777 Sant’Anastasia (NA) Dr. Falco Pietro 081 5312169 - 347 7763054 Via Marconi, 203 Parete (CE) 081 5035983 [email protected] Pubs, discos, bars, cafes, pastry and ice-cream shops Geometra Rosario D’Angelo Via Portanova, 38 - Napoli Bambusa Pub 081 203571 - 349 2803912 Viale delle Acacie, 82 [email protected] Castel Volturno (CE) 0823 1686017 - 345 2575274 Studio commerciale [email protected] Viale Kennedy www.bambusa.it Trentola-Ducenta (CE) Studio Commerciale Siciliano Bar del Pino Sannino Via Agnano Astroni, 256 Via Ex Aeroporto 30/32 Napoli Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) 081 5702851 081 8851581 Bar Nunzia Studio Legale Avv. Assunta Striano di Giuliano Raffaele Via libertà, 37 Via IV Novembre 1° traversa, 41 Portici (NA) Ercolano (NA) 081 7888770 081 7390727 Studio Legale Avv. Clelia Triglio Bar pasticceria D’Orsi Via Cervantes, 55/5 Via Salvador Dalì, 17 Napoli Napoli 081 4203206 - 347 6473528 081 7261075 57

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 57 22/11/13 16:25 Bar San Pedro Quinson Cafè Bed and Breakfast Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Via Marigliano, 5 - Somma Vesuviana (NA) 081 3296825 339 368106 - 081 8996663 - 081 3080085 [email protected] [email protected] www.b-bquinsonmotel.com Bar Sandomingo snc Show Bowl srl Viale Campi Flegrei, 1 - Napoli Via Augusto Righi, 17 081 5701700 Napoli [email protected] 081 5704136 www.sandomingo.it www. showbowl.com Bar Seccia Antonio s.a.s. Via Monte Oliveto, 29 Restaurants and pizzerias Napoli Agropoli Cooperativa Sociale 081 5522351 Via Po, 12 Caffetteria Vicky San Cipriano d’Aversa (CE) 081 8921807 Via Leonardo da Vinci, 42 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Bupy & Didda 081 8033670 - 081 19660468 Via Madonna Stella Traversa Raffaello I Castello di Cisterna (NA) Crazy Horse 081 884671 Piazzale Darsena, 1 [email protected] Castel Volturno (CE) Castel Nuovo srl 081 5093323 Piazza Francesi, 42 Dragonfly Pub Napoli Largo proprio D’Arianiello, 11 Ciro a Mare Napoli Spiaggia delle Mortelle 081 449077 Portici (NA) [email protected] [email protected] www.dragonflaypub.it F.lli Cuorvo s.r.l. Via Roma, 311 La Bavarese Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Via Astroni, 241 - Napoli 081 5703466 F.lli Gargiulo sas [email protected] Via Conte di Ruvo, 11-12 Napoli Labyrinth srl La Bavarese Via G. Mazzini, angolo Via F. Terraciano Via Astroni, 241 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Napoli 081 8038550 081 5703466 http://stafflabyrinth.spaces.live.com [email protected] 58

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 58 22/11/13 16:25 La Locanda del Grifo Viva lo Re Via Francesco Del Giudice, 14 Corso Resina, 261 - Ercolano (NA) Napoli 081 7390207 081 5571492 [email protected]. [email protected] www.vivalore.it www.lalocandadelgrifo.com Maccheroni Sas Via Madonnelle, 23 Betting shops Napoli 081 5616326 Bar Mexico www.maccheroniristorazione.it Via A. Locatelli, 65 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) O Calamaro by Maroalda 081 8034700 Viale Campi Flegrei, 30 081 8842637 Napoli 081 5704387 Caffetteria Basco 081 5709738 Via IV Novembre, 158 Pizzeria La Notizia Trentola-Ducenta (CE) Via Michelangelo da Caravaggio, 53/55 081 8142590 Napoli 081 19531937 Ricevitoria Lotto Celeste Ausilia [email protected] Via F. Del Carretto 10/12/14 Napoli Ristorante Forchetta d’oro snc - Spiedo D’oro Scomesse Sportive Intralot Via P. Scura, 52 Via IV Novembre, 120 Napoli Trentola-Ducenta (CE) 081 5526111 Tabaccheria Trotta Ristorante Castel Nuovo di Grasso Cosimo & C. sas C.so S. Giovanni a Teduccio, 232 Piazza Francese, 42 Napoli Napoli 081 2241090 081 5515524 081 7523346 Ristorante Pizzeria Carboni Via Silio Italico, 55 Schools, vocational schools, Napoli driving schools 081 7621964 [email protected] Liceo musicale G. Paisiello www.pizzeriatrattoriacarboni.com Via Giorgio Imbriani, 40 Trattoria da Nennella Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Vico Lungo Teatro Nuovo, 105 081 8036355 Napoli [email protected] | www.liceopaisiello.it 59

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 59 22/11/13 16:25 Services for businesses Banking and insurance services Balè srl Agenzia Assicurativa Via Alessandro Manzoni, 241 di Angelo Pezone Napoli Via N. S. Antonio, 41/A 081 0320734 Trentola-Ducenta (CE) 345 2334585 081 8145878 338 2366787 [email protected] Allianz spa www.baleitalia.it Via F. Terracciano, 29 CO.TO.TEX sas Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) 081 8842777 - 081 8846840 - 081 8034118 Via Murelle, 13 - Napoli 081 7500128 Assi Progetto snc Conf. Dati srl Via Porzio, 4 - CD IS. G5 INT. 5 Via Trencia, 62 Napoli Napoli 081 7875757 081 7264566 [email protected] Advertising and PR www.confdati.it Linkspot & Service s.r.l. Geometra Rosario D’Angelo Viale Augusto, 148 - Napoli Via Portanova, 38 081 19560596 Napoli 081 203571 Tipografia Graficamato 349 2803912 Via Giannone, 157 [email protected] Marigliano (NA) 081 8852976 Labscom di Gaetano Marzano 081 19313917 Corso Garibaldi, 284 - Portici (NA) 081 8415795 081 19364455 [email protected] 081 2142428 www.graficamato.it [email protected] www.lab-s.com Smean LTD Tobacconists Corso A. Lucci, 122 - Napoli Bar Mexico 081 281030 Via A. Locatelli, 65 081 283060 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) [email protected] www.smean.it 0818034700 0818842637 TLC Informatica di Tommaso Livorno Ricevitoria Dolciarie Via Cosimo Miccoli, 89 Via IV Novembre, 89 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Ercolano (NA) 081 0116196 - 338 1640574 081 7393770 60

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 60 22/11/13 16:25 Tabaccheria Caputo Tabaccheria Trotta Ricevitoria 02 C.so S. Giovanni a Teduccio, 232 Via Vittorio Emanuele, 98 Napoli Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) 081 2241090 - 081 7523346 081 3177117 Leisure centres Tabaccheria Giampaglia Corso Resina, 230/B - Ercolano (NA) Scuola di danza La Perì 081 7779094 Via A. Gramsci, 1 Castello di Cisterna (NA) Tabaccheria Gianluca Grasso 081 8035494 Via Roma, 57 Parete (CE) Show Bowl srl 081 5036839 Via Augusto Righi, 17 [email protected] Napoli 081 5704136 Tabacchi Errico Carmine www. showbowl.com Via Pignasecca, 28 Napoli 081 5528776 Print shops and silk screen printing services Tabacchi Francesco Marigliano Riv. 04 Servizi Globali s.r.l. Via V. Emanuele, 15 Via Principe di S. Nicandro Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Napoli 081 8037855 081 5722338 [email protected] [email protected] Tabacchi Nugnes Tipografia Buy Quick Creations Via S. D’Acquisto soc. coop. Parete (CE) Via M. D’Antona, 4 Tabacchi Palm Beach s.a.s Lusciano 081 8125270 Viale Rosmary C. Comm. Fontana Blue [email protected] Castel Volturno (CE) www.buyquick.it 081 5093651 [email protected] Tipografia Graficamato Tabacchi Volpe - Riv. 02 Via Giannone, 157 Marigliano (NA) Via. V. Emanuele, 98 081 8852976 - 081 19313917 - 081 8415795 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) [email protected] Tabbaccheria De Luca www.graficamato.it Via A. Diaz, 76/78 Portici (NA) 081 273255 - 333 7300674 61

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 61 22/11/13 16:25 85/ APULES DIRECTORY of t h e anti-racket businesses 62

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 62 22/11/13 16:25 Textiles, clothing, accessories Hotels, B&Bs and footwear and holiday resorts Atelier Sposa Mareblu Bitonto (BA) Vieste (FG) [email protected] 0884 701058 www graziasalerno.it www.vacanzemareblu.it La Cartera s.n.c. Baia dei Lombardi VITTORIO VENETO N.115 Via La Salata Adelfia (BA) Vieste (FG) 080 4593770 [email protected] C.v. Baia Degli Aranci wwwlacartera.it Lungo Mare Europa ,48 Vieste (FG) Lilliput 0884 706591 - 0884 705064 Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi, 9 [email protected] Vieste (FG) www.baiadegliaranci.it 0884-708105 Cala Azzurra Vacanze Masciopinto Boutique sas Lit. Vieste (FG) - Peschici km. 5 via xx settembre 9/11 Vieste (FG) Molfetta (BA) 0884 706588 - 0884 704504 080 3974300 [email protected] | www.calazzurra.it [email protected] Cala Molinella Residence Residence Villantica Località Molinella, 11 Struttura alberghiera con boutique annessa Vieste (FG) (Boutique Preziosa) 0884 705755 Località Piano Grande [email protected] Vieste (FG) [email protected] Camping San Pablo srl www.residencevillantica.it Litoranea Vieste (FG) -Peschici km. 4.5 Vieste (FG) Robles a.r.robles 0884 706369 - 0884 704238 Bitonto (BA) [email protected] www.villaggiosanpablo.it Troiano E Ascoli snc via Madonna della liberta, 25 Capo Pugliese Vieste (FG) Località S. Maria Di Merino, 088 4708856 Vieste (FG) [email protected] 0884701577 - 0884707984 info@capoVieste (FG).it Villantica Troiano Michele Piano Grande Sn Capo Vieste (FG) Vieste (FG) Litoranea Vieste (FG) - Peschici Km 8 340 2744084 Vieste (FG) villantica@Vieste (FG)online.it 0884 706326 63

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 63 22/11/13 16:25 Delfino Hotel Residence Santa Maria Peschici km. 6 Litoranea Vieste (FG)- Peschici Km 7 Vieste (FG) Vieste (FG) 0884 706168 0884 702645 [email protected] [email protected] www.residencedelfino.com www.villaggio-santa-maria.it EDILVieste (FG) S.r.l. I Tesori del Sud sas Località Mandrione Residence Vieste (FG) 0884708651 Vieste (FG) [email protected] 0884 328105 www.passodellarcipreteresidence.it [email protected] www.itesoridelsud.it Fara del Falco Nelle immediate vicinanze: Grotte marine, I.D.R.A. SAS isole Tremiti, Monte Sant’Angelo, S. Giovanni Contrada Intresiglio, 46 Rotondo, trulli di Alberobello, grotte di Castel- Vieste (FG) lana, Zoo Safari di Fasano> 0884 705547 Località Delfino Vieste (FG) [email protected] 0884 705796 - 0884 701213 www.villaggioidra.com [email protected] Lafayette Srl www.faradelfalco.it ss.16 Km 781+400 cala arena Hotel degli Aranci srl Giovinazzo (BA) Piazza S. Maria delle Grazie 10 080 3947022 Vieste (FG) [email protected] 0884 708557 - 0884 707326 [email protected] Le Diomedee srl www.hotelaranci.it Litoranea Vieste (FG) -Peschici km 5,5 Vieste (FG) Hotel Falcone 0884 7006472 - 0884 705558 Lungomare Enrico Mattei, 5, [email protected] Vieste (FG) 0884 708251 Le Orchidee srl fax 0884 708252 Località S. Maria di Merino [email protected] Litoranea Vieste (FG) - Peschici Km 6 www.hotelfalcone.com Vieste (FG) Hotel I Melograni 0884 708256 0884707326 Lungo mare Europa, 48 [email protected] Vieste (FG) www.leorchidee.it 0884 701088 0884 705064 Lido Helios [email protected] Lungomare Europa www.imelograni.it Vieste (FG) 64

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 64 22/11/13 16:25 Lido Oasi Residence Alba Chiara Lungomare Enrico Mattei, 13 b Contrada Defensola, 8 Vieste (FG) Vieste (FG) 0884 271789 - 0884 708974 0884 706528 [email protected] www.lidooasi.it Residence Piano Grande Strada provinciale 52 bis Km 7 Lido Tre Stelle snc Vieste (FG) Lungomare Enrico Mattei 0884 70.62.84 Vieste (FG) 0884 700941 /www.pianogranderesidence.com [email protected] Residence Piccola America www.lidotrestelle.it Località S. Maria di Merino Martur Ss.r.l Vieste (FG) Via Giosuè Carducci, 5 0884 706244 Vieste (FG) 0884 701697 0884 700003 [email protected] www.piccolaamerica.com Oasi San Lucia Residence Villa Candida Vieste (FG) Ristorante box 19 0884 706470 - 0884 705061 Contrada Defensola Porticello Residence Mare Vieste (FG) Località S. Lucia Residence Villa Candida s.r.l. Vieste (FG) Località Defensola 0884 706125 - 0884 704042 Vieste (FG) PORTICELLO VILLAGGI srl 0884 701852 Via Litoranea Km. 3 [email protected] Vieste (FG) www.residencevillacandida.com 0884 706444 - 0884 704042 [email protected] Residence Villa Le Macine www.villaggioporticelloVieste (FG).com Contrada Piano Grande Vieste (FG) Punta Liunga s.r.l 0884 706170 Località Defensola [email protected] Vieste (FG) 0884 706031 - 0884 706910 www.residencevillalemacine.it [email protected] Residence Villantica Residence Alba Chiara Struttura alberghiera con boutique annessa Contrada La Defensola, 8 (Boutique Preziosa) Vieste (FG) Località Piano Grande 0884 706528 - 0884 222008 Vieste (FG) [email protected] [email protected] www.residencealbachiara.it www.residencevillantica.it 65

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 65 22/11/13 16:25 Rosiello Vacanza Casarredo contrada Coppitella, 7 Via Pizzomunno, 5 - Vieste (FG) Vieste (FG) 0884 707988 0884 706041 - 0884 702392 [email protected] Climasud via Leonardo Da Vinci,4 - Bitonto (BA) www.appartamentivieste.it 0803744145 Scarano srl climasudBitonto (BA)@gmail.com Contrada Molinella, 15 - Vieste (FG) Trattamento dei Dati D Editors Srl 0884 702702 Via Roberto Rossellini 12 - Bisceglie (BT) [email protected] | www.viestemare.it 080 3986038 Spiaggia Lunga srl [email protected] | www.deditors.com Località Santa Maria Di Merino Litoranea Vieste (FG)- Peschici Km 7,5 Miscellaneous businesses Vieste (FG) Dei Bevitori, Poeti e Viaggiatori 0884706171 - 0884705308 Vieste (FG) [email protected] | www.spiaggialunge.it Contract Line Srl Vilaggio Turistico Santa Maria Santa Maria di Merino, 30 - Vieste (FG) Litoranea Vieste (FG)-Peschici (SP52) Km.7 0884 701523 Vieste (FG) 0884 702645 De Blasio Investigazioni [email protected] Modugno (BA) 080 9644912 Villa Agrimare [email protected] Località Piano Grande - Vieste (FG) www.pegasosecurity.it 0884 702146 [email protected] | www.villaagrimare.it Tempocasa Vittorio Vento Villaggio Passo dell’Arciprete Andria (BT) Contrada Defensola Località Mandrione 0804593706 Vieste (FG) [email protected] 0884 708651 - 0884 706643 [email protected] Body shops, automobile repair www.passodellarcipreteresidence.it shops, car and motorbike spare parts dealers, petrol stations, car washes, garages, Furnishing, furniture, interior roadside assistance design, artisans, carpenters L’AUTOCCASIONE Alfonso Valentini via Derna 40/42 Via G. Marconi, 105 - Mesagne (BR) Terlizzi (BA) 0831 082363 - 0831 082364 080 9141022 [email protected] [email protected] www.alfonsovalentini.it www.lautoccasione.it 66

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 66 22/11/13 16:25 Farms and olive oil presses Wellness centres, hairdressers Azienda Agricola Il Bello è Essere Contrada Lama di Mucci s.p.231 ex S,s.98 km Via Mons. Calamita N.7 29.800 Bitonto (BA) Andria (BT) 333 5005930 3395430088 [email protected] Car and motorbike dealers, car Oleificio F.lli Vieste (FG) rentals Località Piano Grande Vieste (FG) Muri Rosa 0884 706170 Piazza Garibaldi, 29 [email protected] Mesagne (BR) www.oleificiovieste.com 0831 775462

Cafes, pastry/ice-cream/ Construction, engineering, chocolate shops electrical systems firms Bar Twetytwo F.P. Immobiliare srl Via Margherita Di Savoia, 22 Via Canna della Battaglia, 12 Molfetta (BA) Gravina in Puglia (BA) 345 3533304 080 3261015 [email protected] [email protected]

Footwear and leather goods Feba Costruzioni srl Via Repubblica Italiana 7/A Nacci Mario Matteo Bitonto (BA) Tenente Ugo Granafei, 105 360 510191 Mesagne (BR) [email protected] 0831 778430 Impresa Edile Ayroldi Ristrutturazioni edilizie in genere Stationery shops, office viale Pio XI, 40/24 supplies Molfetta (BA) 3281862153 Renovato snc [email protected] Via XX settembre 7/C Molfetta (BA) Jewellers, watchmakers 080 3354645 and goldsmiths [email protected] Scuola Ufficio Antonacci IERVOLINIO MARIO Via Carmine, 78 Via Santa Maria Di Merino, 34 Mesagne (BR) Vieste (FG) 0831 778256 0884 701414 67

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 67 22/11/13 16:25 Computer, electronics Florists and telephony shops Di Grumo Piante & Fiori De.co.snc Contrada Parco sn Via XX Settembre, 20 Terlizzi (BA) Molfetta (BA) 347 5722992 080 9900724 [email protected] Pubs, discos, bars, cafes, Elettroccasione s.a.s pastry and ice-cream shops Viale Roma, 2 Terlizzi (BA) Ghibly Lounge Cafè 080 3519467 Via Giacomo Matteotti, 108 [email protected] Bitonto (BA) wwwelettroccasione.it [email protected] H3G Via Respa, 29 Restaurants and pizzerias Molfetta (BA) 0803355268 Ebbrodiblu Restaurant [email protected] c/o Villaggio Cala Azzurra Litorale Vieste, Peschici Km 5 Funeral directors Vieste (FG) 0884 708040 Agenzia Funebre Romano s.n.c. [email protected] Tenente Roberto Antonucci, 2 Mesagne (BR) Mezzaluna 0831730454 Contrada Molinella Sn, [email protected] Vieste (FG) www.onoranzefunebriatofromano.it 0884701733 [email protected] Opticians, camera shops and www.mezzaluna-vieste.it photographers Residence Villa Candida Superottica Srl Ristorante box 19 Via Luigi Struzo, 33 Contrada Defensola Bari Vieste (FG) 0805429950 Ristorante Pelikano Beach Lungomare Enrico Mattei Playgrounds and games Vieste (FG) Draguth Games srl 0884 702489 Località Calma, 23 [email protected] Vieste (FG) www.pelikanobeach.it 68

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 68 22/11/13 16:25 Advertising and PR Comercio Servizi Via Stoccolma, 23 Altamura (BA) Flash Articoli Pubblicitari Di Guarini Giovanni Via FedericoII Svevo, 64 Mesagne (BR) 0831 772266


Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 69 22/11/13 16:25 472/ Sicily DIRECTORY of t h e anti-racket businesses 70

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 70 22/11/13 16:25 Textiles, clothing, accessories Camomilla Italia Capo d’Orlando and footwear Via Vittorio Veneto Capo d’Orlando (ME) Accolla Salvatore 0941 914828 C.so Gelone, 96 Siracusa Camuti Anna Via T. Tasso, 46 AEIOU Patti (ME) Via Campidoglio, 28 Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) Carpisa 0941 702856 Via Campidoglio, 73 Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) AND di Scibona Patrizia 0941 703568 via Muscara, 111 Piazza Armerina (EN) Carpisa Capo d’Orlando 0935 684685 Capo d’Orlando (ME) Artigli 0941 914827 Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) CHARME 0941 701001 di Grassia Alessio Domenico Bata Via Gen. Muscara, 23 Piazza Armerina (EN) Via Medici 0935 187077 Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) 0941 722627 facebook.com/charme Bata COCCOLE Via Campidoglio, 73 Via dei Platani 19 Santo Stefano di Camastra (ME) San Cataldo (CL) 0921 339589 349 5957457 Blooker Colica Rosaria Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) Via Piave, 24 C.C. Agorà - Via Medici Capo d’Orlando (ME) 0941 901737 Bonina Abbigliamento Via Kennedy, 11 Ditta Blancato Augusto (ME) Via R. Margherita, 1457/ 147 0941 561225 Sortino (SR) 0931 952864 Boutique uno + 1 Via Vittorio Veneto, 64 DONNA SPOSA Capo d’Orlando (ME) Via Gen. Muscara, 28 0941 901192 Piazza Armerina (EN) 0935 686388 Camomilla Italia Via Campidoglio, 73 Dorabella Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) 0941 701001 0941 723438 71

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 71 22/11/13 16:25 ETHOS srl Intimo Merceria sas Viale Mario Gori, 369 Via Vittorio Veneto, 49 Niscemi (CL) Capo d’Orlando (ME) 0933 958115 0941 902278 [email protected] FONTE ANNARITA Via Garibaldi, 104 INTIMO PER TE di Arnone Teresa Lentini (SR) Corso Sicilia, 78 San Cataldo (CL) Formica Baby sas 0934 577049 Via Nazionale, 131 (ME) J.U.J. Abbigliamento 090 9911211 via Samperi,324 Niscemi (CL) Fortunata Maria Concetta C.so Gelone, 14 L’angolo dell’intimo Siracusa Via C. Colombo, 96 Patti (ME) GENERICO Abbigliamento Donna Corso Umberto,48 La vie en rose Licata (AG) Via Medici, 140 Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) Girotondo di Lollo Graziella 0941 721931 Via P. Pio, 8/c Patti (ME) Legea point 0941 22842 Viale Trieste, 136 [email protected] Caltanissetta Gold & Pride di Ernesto Formica LINEA DONNA di Balistreri snc via Roma,336 Via Cumbo Borgia, 60 Enna (ME) 090 6581114 - 392 9249058 M.C.E CO SAS di Marchese Patrizia Horme Corso Sicilia,51/53 San Cataldo (CL) Via Marina Garibaldi, 29 0934 577267 | [email protected] Milazzo (ME) 090 9281819 - 090 9281819 M.V. Sport Horme Luca’s Calzature Via San Gregorio Capo d’Orlando (ME) | 339 4128153 Via Cumbo Borgia, 58 A Milazzo (ME) Mazzarella Giovanni 090 9283037 - 0909281819 - 090 9283045 Via Gen. Muscara 49/51 Piazza Armerina (EN) Il Bonsai Azzurro Via XV Maggio, 30 Melange Alcamo (TP) Via Dante, 51/53 320 3225788 Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) [email protected] | www.bonsaiazzurro.it 090 9798249 72

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 72 22/11/13 16:25 Merceria e Dintorni Original Marines Via Vittorio Veneto, 91/93 Santo Stefano di Camastra (ME) Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) 0921 339288 0941 1950319 PAPER MOON sas NEW LIBERTY Via Garibaldi, 178 Via Gen. Muscara 4/6 Lentini (SR) Piazza Armerina (EN) Pelletteria Delizia Officine Linkart Via Garibaldi, 41 Via G. Marconi, 10 Pachino (SR) Castellammare del Golfo (TP) 0931 594246 338 5989190 [email protected] 334 8308041 [email protected] Promotion Shoes Olimpia Sport Via Umberto I, 118 Via XXV luglio, 45 Milazzo (ME) Pachino (SR) 090 9283045 0931 591833 RIGAL s.r.l. 0931 592234 Via Garibaldi, 24, 26 Olimpia Sport 2 Lentini (SR) Viale Aldo Moro, 25 Pachino (SR) RISIKO via Muscara,33 Olimpia Sport 2 Piazza Armerina (EN) Via Nunzio Costa, 5 Pachino (SR) Ruggeri Carmelo e Figli sas Piazza Giuseppe Mirenda Original Marines Brolo (ME) Via P. Pio, 10 0941 561164 Patti (ME) 0941 240829 San Lorenzo Srl Via Cappuccini, 125 Original Marines San Marco d’Alunzio Via Asmara, 10 0941 797853 Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) 0941 723447 Sorbino Original Marines Via Campidoglio, 73 Via Vittorio Emanuele,74 Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) Santo Stefano di Camastra (ME) 0941 914897 0921 331858 - 0921 339288 [email protected] Original Marines Sorbino Nicosia (EN) Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) 0935 647126 0941 723447 73

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 73 22/11/13 16:25 Tanto di Cappello Monte Conca Via Epicarmo, 25/a Via Rimembranza, 18 Siracusa Milena (CL) www.tantodicappello.eu 366 5369300 - 338 4830744 www.agriturismomonteconca.com Tulha Via Risorgimento, 107 Santa Marina Salina (ME) Hotels, B&Bs 090 9843155 and holiday resorts [email protected] Atelier sul mare Urban J. Via Cesare Battisti Via Campidoglio, 6 Tusa (ME) Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) 0921 334295 | 0921 334283 0941 721355 [email protected] Veneziano Donatello s.r.l. www.ateliersulmare.it C.so Gelone B&B Cala Pisana Siracusa Contrada Cala Pisana, 45 Yamamay Lampedusa e Linosa (AG) Via Campidoglio, 47 0922 975444 - 338 8431253 - 0922 975444 Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) [email protected] 0941 702343 www.paolaemelo.it Yamamay Casa Bettina Piazza Armerina (EN) Via Mauro Rostagno, 23 0935 682038 Erice (TP) 333 2956669 338 7043472 Farm holidays [email protected] www.casabettina.it Agriturismo Fiume Carrubba Tutto In 1 Coop Soc. Coop. R.L. 1 Fomir S.P. 9 Sortino - Carlentini - Km 5 Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) Sortino (SR) 0941 722627 0931 1845169 - 0931 953277 [email protected] La Tartaruga srl Lido San Gregorio, 41 Agriturismo Sacre Pietre Capo d’Orlando (ME) C.da Fusco, Valle dell’Anapo 0941 955012 - 0941 955056 Sortino (SR) [email protected] 339 4476996 www.hoteltataruga.it La Frescura agriturismo R.M.G SRL via per Floridia, 50 Via A. Volta, 10 Siracusa | 338 9401937 Capo d’Orlando (ME) [email protected] | www.lafrescura.com 0941 911111 74

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 74 22/11/13 16:25 Sait Hotel Coop 25 aprile (ME) Lungomare Mazzini, 11 Mazara del Vallo (TP) Trapani Tour 0923 909768 Via Garibaldi , 71 [email protected] Trapani 0923 360431 Coop 25 aprile 0923 309994 Via Tripoli, 28 [email protected] Trapani www.trapanitour.it 0923 873367 [email protected] Villa Romana www.coop25aprile.it Via Playa Patti (ME) Decimo Bomboniere 0941 361268 Via Vittorio Emanuele, 23 Brolo (ME) 0941 561212 Food and wine shops Ditta Casale Bottega del lago Via Piemonte, 8 viale dei Miti, 12 Messina Enna 090 2938413 0935 541805 Dolci Tradizioni Barreca Giuseppe & C. sas Via Durando, 6/8 C.so Gelone, 47/51 Pachino (SR) Siracusa Eurocarne da Pippo Bucolo Alimentari Via Trento, 36 Via Umberto, 199 Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) Giardini-Naxos (ME) 0941 703189 0942 51168 La Fungaia CIEFFEGI srl Via Brancifordi via Gen. Muscara, 22 Raccuja (ME) Piazza Armerina (EN) 0941 663594 Coop 25 aprile Lemons & Co. Corso dei Mille, 66 Via Verdi, 23 Alcamo (TP) Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) 0924 503810 [email protected] Libera Terra Mediterraneo Via San Rocco, 1 Coop 25 aprile Erice (TP) Via Mare, 139 091 8577655 Campobello di Mazara (TP) 091 8579541 0924 912555 [email protected] [email protected] www.liberaterra.it 75

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 75 22/11/13 16:25 Macelleria Faranda Salumeria De Masi Corso Matteotti 36/38 Via Marco Polo, 418 Patti (ME) Messina 0941 22707 090 625032 - 329 3724910 [email protected] Salumeria del Corso Macelleria Trimarchi Odori e Sapori Viale Europa, 219 San Cataldo (CL) Messina 328 2087508 090 716971 Supermercato C4 snc Magia di Sapori Via Gen. Muscara 105 Piazza Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa Piazza Armerina (EN) Brolo (ME) Supermercato GI.SA. 0941 562246 Via della Vittoria (RG), 101 Mercatino del Pollo Francofonte (SR) Cotrso S.ten Spina. 19 Traiduemari Licata (AG) | 0922 77491 Via Torre, 124 - Torre Faro Nucifora Lucio Messina Via Duranda, 9 090 621650 Pachino (SR) 0931 846648 Furnishing, furniture, interior Pane e Dolci design, artisans, carpenters Via Trieste 12/16 Pachino (SR) Arredamenti Capizzi Via Kennedy, 30 Pescheria Zeta G.M. Patti (ME) S.S. 114 Km 3,913 Contesse 0941 361741 Messina [email protected] 090 7381055 - 347 6062737 Arte Oro Punto Carni Via Umberto I, 140 S.S. 114 Km. 5,600 Pistunina Milazzo (ME) Messina 090 9282278 090 621799 - 090 621999 Artigianlegno Fazio River Bar Ctr Scafone Tiranni, 19 Via C. Colombo, 97 Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) Patti (ME) 0941 721154 - 3319535105 0941 367436 [email protected] Salumeria Bontà Nostra Cammisuli Giuseppe Via Gen. Liotta C.da Cozzi Sp. Pachino Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) Pachino (SR) 0941 701705 0931 597747 - 0931 597747 76

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 76 22/11/13 16:25 Ceramiche Melita srl Galleria Prestige Via Trieste, 61 Piazza Europa Unita, 11 Patti (ME) Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) 0941 243171 090 9798124 [email protected] 090 9798817 www.ceramichemelita.it info@ galleriaprestige.it Decimo Bomboniere Giri Girando Via Vittorio Emanuele, 23 Via Principe di Piemonte, 14 Brolo (ME) Sortino (SR) 0941 561212 Impresa Artigiana DI STEFANO MOBILI sas di Ramondetta Giuseppe Via G. Fava, 47 Via I Maggio, 12 Enna Sortino (SR) www.pianetadesign-com Maria Parisi Arredamenti Ditta Blancato Augusto Via C. Battisti, 345 Via R. Margherita, 145/147 Messina Sortino (SR) 090 2924311 0931 952864 [email protected] Dovì Design Mohamed Tappeti Via Catania, 8 Via Minniti, 30 Patti (ME) Milazzo (ME) 0941 317045 090 9283386 E20d’arredo Via Umberto, 337 MP Arredi Giardini-Naxos (ME) Contrada Coco www.e20darredo.it Francofonte (SR) Eureka! Office Forniture Ninart Ceramiche Artigianali Via C. Battisti, 167 Corso Matteotti, 147 Messina Patti (ME) 090 710893 0941 1901057 0941 050147 Fabio Cardella [email protected] Viale Europa IS 58, 45 www.volarenet.eu/ninart/ninart/ Messina 090 2922475 Riccardo Sidoti Srl 090 2934673 Via Giardini [email protected] Montagnareale (ME) fabiocardella.it 0941 315037 Galleria Prestige Salonia Giuseppe Via Nino Ryolo, 6 Via S. Francesco, 3 Milazzo (ME) Sortino (SR) 77

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 77 22/11/13 16:25 THUN ALRS Consulting di La Rosa A. Piazza Armerina (EN) Via Nino Ruvolo, 31 0935 89275 Milazzo (ME) 090 2512027 Velvet Stone 090 2512028 Via Don Bosco, 93 San Cataldo (CL) Bevande Di Pietro 353 3867998 Via F. Giarnino, 167 [email protected] Francofonte (SR) www.velvetstone.it Bonina Tiziana Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) Sports equipment 393 0026417 Brezza Marina snc Legea point Via G.Fava, 9 Viale Trieste, 136 Enna Caltanissetta Consorzio Centro Commerciale Olimpia sport 2 Naturale I Putiara Viale Aldo Moro, 25 Tutta Via Roma Pachino (SR) Enna Olimpia sport 2 Consorzio di Tutela Valli Belicine Via XXV Luglio, 45 Via Castelvetrano (TP) Pachino (SR) Partanna (TP) Olimpia sport 2 0924 922768 - 347 3759244 Via Nunzio Costa, 5 [email protected] [email protected] Pachino (SR) Dario Costa Via Cumbo Borgia, 53 Miscellaneous businesses Milazzo (ME) Acropolis soc. coop. Difar sas Via Libertà, 95 Via Maddalena, 2 Sortino (SR) Torregrotta (ME) 0931 957400 090 9912376 [email protected] www.difar.it Agriturismo Fiume Carrubba Dott. Giovanni Biondo Tutto In 1 Coop Soc. Coop. R.L. 1 Società Cooperativa Sociale S.P. 9 Sortino - Car Lentini - Km 5 Largo Grazia, 5 Sortino (SR) Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) 0931 1845169 090 9799434 - 337 741992 - 090 9799434 0931 953277 [email protected] [email protected] www.coopdottbiondo.com 78

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 78 22/11/13 16:25 EKO BOLLE di Maurizio di Lecce Technoson Biocomunicazione Via Gen. Muscara 78/81 Via Giorgio Rizzo, 63 Piazza Armerina (EN) Milazzo (ME) 3286363860 840 502029 Foto Pidonti Technoson Biocomunicazione Via Libertà, 2 Via Papa Giovanni, 139 Brolo (ME) Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) 0941 561104 TSPC SRL Grotte Beach Piazza Armerina (EN) Piazza Grotte 0935687356 Patti (ME) 389 1013881 Iacopinelli Paolo Body shops, automobile repair via A. Moro,5 shops, car and motorbike Licata (AG) spare parts dealers, petrol 0922 804999 stations, car washes, garages, [email protected] roadside assistance La Terra Giuseppe Arfò e Vasile C.da S. Antonio, 114 Via Cavour, 195 Francofonte (SR) Pachino (SR) Le Mille Idee Autoricambi Tusa Niscemi (CL) Via G. Garibaldi, 51/53 Mohamed Tappeti Pachino (SR) | 0931846794 Via Minniti, 30 D’Amico sas Milazzo (ME) Via Piave, 19 090 9283386 Capo d’Orlando (ME) Peperosa Profumerie 0941 901275 Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 39 Distributore Carburanti Ranno Lino Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) Viale Giardino, 27 090 9791219 Sortino (SR) Peperosa Profumerie 0931 956386 Via Kennedy, 411 Elettrauto Arfò - Vasile Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) Via Cavour, 195 090 9763749 Pachino (SR) Plast Project 0931 594211 Contrada Borgesia Francofonte (SR) Eni Stazione di servizio Via Nazionale S. Biagio Technoson Biocomunicazione Terme Vigliatore (ME) Patti (ME) 090 9740311 79

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 79 22/11/13 16:25 EUROCARROZZERIA IN TAMOIL Stazione di servizio C.da Pianetti Via Sotto Corso, 5 Pachino (SR) Butera (CL) 0931 593200 0934 347956 0934 348077 F.lli Signorino Via Consolare Antica, 714 Capo d’Orlando (ME) Farms and olive oil presses 0941 914125 Agriturismo Sacre Pietre Gennuso Carmelo C.da Fusco, Valle dell’Anapo C.da Chisa Mulino Sortino (SR) Pachino (SR) 339 4476996 0931 594402 Aip Olivo Latuauto srl Via Pergusa, 110 Via Placida, 78 A Enna Messina 0935 24182 340 2534540 0935 504710 [email protected] Motonautica Moschella [email protected] Via Umberto, 435/491 www.aipolivo.it Giardini-Naxos (ME) Antico Frantoio Vallone Officina Aprile Contrada Fontana della Pietra Via G. Pascoli Alcamo (TP) Pachino (SR) 0924 25087 0924 514476 Rifornimento IP [email protected] Via Kennedy, 259 www.frantoiovallone.it Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) 090 9761014 Azienda agricola biologica Cammarata Sidoti Giovannina Contrada Chiapparia Via Mario Giardino, 27 San Cataldo (CL) Sortino (SR) 335 6524913 0931 956619 338 3589528 0931 956015 0934 551254 [email protected] Silcar Srl www.aziendacammarata.it Via Fonte di Venere, 29 Terme Vigliatore (ME) Azienda agricola 090 9781479 Messina Giuseppina 090 9782442 Sciacca (AG) 335 6067746 Sport Cars Sca 091 6114752 Piazza Armerina (EN) [email protected] 80

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 80 22/11/13 16:25 Azienda agricola Montalbo Cafes, pastry/ice-cream/ Via Ricasoli, 20 chocolate shops Campobello di Licata (AG) 0922 877604 Amato Liboria BAR 0922 877604 Niscemi (CL) [email protected] Arte Bianca di Puglisi Loretana www.aziendamontalbo.it Via D. Alighieri, 1 Azienda Agricola Salemi Pina Palazzolo Acreide (SR) C.da Monte Mussuto 0931 883490 Sortino (SR) Bar A Marinnuzza I gelsi e la talpa di La Rosa Francesco Contrada Palmieri, 1/Z Lia largo Spasimo, 40 Alcamo (TP) Niscemi (CL) 0924 503905 393 1048955 0924 503905 Bar Commercio [email protected] Niscemi (CL) La Bottega 333 7205744 Corso Umberto I, 5 Bar Fortuna Sortino (SR) viale M. Gori, 309 La Frescura agriturismo Niscemi (CL) via per Floridia 50 Bar Jolly Siracusa Corso Umberto, 63 338 9401937 Licata (AG) [email protected] www.lafrescura.com Bar Sport Via N. Sauro Lorena Cannizzaro (ME) Via Garibaldi, 1/H Vittoria (RG) Barracuda 0932 865970 - 0932 865970 Viale Mario Gori, 275 Niscemi (CL) Monte Conca Via Rimembranza, 18 Barreca Giuseppe & C. sas Milena (CL) C.so Gelone, 47/51 366 5369300 - 338 4830744 Siracusa www.agriturismomonteconca.com Caffè Sicilia Petralito Corrado San Cataldo (CL) Via Roma, 19 0934 1904640 Portopalo di Capo Passero (SR) [email protected] Salemi Maria Caffè Del Centro Via P. Micca, 11 Piazza S. Cataldo Sortino (SR) Enna 81

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 81 22/11/13 16:25 Caffè Epoca di Laudani Giuseppa Southern Coffee Via XX Settembre, 70 Via Gen. Giancio, 60 Niscemi (CL) Piazza Armerina (EN) 0933 955440 - 393 2509113 Caffetteria di Diana M. SAS Via Gen. Ciancio, 94 Footwear and leather goods Piazza Armerina (EN) Aliano Calzature Cassero Bar G. Verga Via Garibaldi, 84 Via Mario Gori, 351 Lentini (SR) Niscemi (CL) 095 905780 [email protected] Filetti Maurizio Coffee Hour Via Gen. Muscara, 19 Via Gen. Muscara Piazza Armerina (EN) Piazza Armerina (EN) Frengi Calzature Diamante viale Gori, 347 Viale Mario Gori Niscemi (CL) Niscemi (CL) Maia s.r.l. Gelateria Amunì Via Carabelli, 2/B Via Caduti Nassirya, c/o centro commerciale Belicittà Siracusa Castelvetrano (TP) 0931 24707 0924 45609 - 091 7794299 [email protected] [email protected] | www.gelatigallo.it Hollywood Millepiedi di La Rosa Franco Via Mario Gori, 329 Via Gori, 355 Niscemi (CL) Niscemi (CL) Milk & Coffee Paper Moon sas Via Gen. Garta, 2 Via Garibaldi, 178 Piazza Armerina (EN) Lentini (SR) Milk and Coffee Pelletteria Delizia C.so Gelone Via Garibaldi, 49 Siracusa Pachino (SR) Mojito’s Cafè 0931 5944246 Via 28 giugno, 5 Terme Vigliatore (ME) 090 978141 Stationery shops, office supplies Rock Cafè Via Gela, 355/359 Archimede Licata (AG) Via Plebiscito 328 6567951 Pachino (SR) 82

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 82 22/11/13 16:25 Archimede Wellness centres, hairdressers Via Umberto I, 5 - Brolo (ME) 094 1561279 Avant Gard Via S. Caterina dei Bottegai Buscemi Sebastiano Messina Piazza V. Emanuele, 19 090 57971 Enna | www.libreria buscemi.it Centro Estetico Paola Calafiore s.r.l. V.le San Martino 321 Via Epicarmo, 11 - Siracusa Messina 090 695763 Cartolandia di Basile Concetta Via S. sebastiano, 1 Coiffeur Elena Palazzolo Acreide (SR) Via C. Battisti 329 Messina Cartolibreria 090 2924173 Via XX settembre, 77 Niscemi (CL) [email protected] Car and motorbike dealers, Idee & Sviluppi di Parisi S. car rentals Via Nazionale S. Biagio Latuauto srl Terme Vigliatore (ME) Via Placida, 78/A Messina 340 2534540 Household articles and gadgets Motonautica Moschella Via Umberto, 435/491 Home Light srl Giardini-Naxos (ME) Via Gen. Muscara 69/71 Piazza Armerina (EN) Motor Shop Alex Bruno Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 2 Idea Casa Brolo (ME) Viale Mario Gori, 249 0941 561016 Niscemi (CL) www.motor-shop.it Regal Casa Pri.S.Auto Srl Viale Mario Gori, 299 C.da Giancola, 48 Niscemi (CL) Sant’Agata di Militello (ME)

Dairies Construction, engineering, electrical systems firms Azienda agricola biologica Cammarata Contrada Chiapparia Aldo Bronte San Cataldo (CL) Via Caltnissetta 335 6524913 - 338 3589528 - 0934 551254 Butera (CL) [email protected] | www.aziendacammarata.it 360 447601 - 0934 348854 83

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 83 22/11/13 16:25 Amata Costruzioni Srl Ferrigno Antonio Enzo C.da Pirato, 19 Fornitura e messa in opera di calcestruzzi; Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) inerti da costruzioni, sabbia, pietrisco. Noleggio macchine movimento terra CEA di Dentice Vincenzo Viale della Regione, 25 Via Gen. Muscara, 101 Mazzarino (CL) Piazza Armerina (EN) 0934 385415 [email protected] Costruzioni Edili Geom. Fiorenzo Rio Via P. Gaetani, 146 Gaglio Color Sortino (SR) Via S. Antonio Abate, 36 Patti (ME) DE. CAF. snc Contrada Acquasanta ICA snc di Giompaolo G.ppe e Figlio Gioiosa Marea (ME) Via Nazionale, 116 0941 362703 Palazzolo Acreide (SR) 091875233 - 0931875000 Diade srl [email protected] Via San Giacomo, 19 www.icagiompaolo.it Messina 090 674513 Il Mercatone della ceramica S.S scorrimento veloce CL-AG km 50 Ecosud Srl San Cataldo (CL) Via S. Giovanni, 125 0934 930450 Patti (ME) [email protected] 389 0297463 [email protected] www.il mercatonedellaceramica.it Etna Design C.da Playa Il Mercatone della ceramica - Patti (ME) Trapani Strada Mazzara- Erice, 2 0941 050302 Trapani 339 8110233 0923 554061 [email protected] 091 6710930 F.lli Raimondi [email protected] di Antonino Raimondi & C. sas [email protected] Zona Industriale Regionale, diramazione viaria E www.il mercatonedellaceramica.it Pace del Mela (ME) Impresa Artigiana [email protected] di Ramondetta Giuseppe info@frhome-eu Via I Maggio, 12 www.fratelliraimondi.com Sortino (SR) www.frhome.eu Impresa Edile F.lli Micciulla Snc Fazio Costruzioni Via Cavarretta, 92 Via A. De Gasperi Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) Patti (ME) 0941 726493 339 3124558 [email protected] 84

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 84 22/11/13 16:25 Impresa edile Nicotra Mariano Sicania News Via Petrolo, 3 Complesso Zeta Via Mosca, 46 Messina Ribera (AG) 090 7381055 - 347 6062737 348 5308946 [email protected] Impresa Gugliermotta Gilormello www.sicanianews.it Via Ottorino Respighi, 10 Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) 0941 702081 Electrical household Pitruzzello Alfio appliances Via Sebastiano, 51 Sortino (SR) Degrande Giuseppe 0931 952822 Via Nicolò Zocco, 6 Palazzolo Acreide (SR) Rilferro Artigiana srl C. da Albinelli Sortino (SR) Chemists, herbalists and sanitary equipment shops Zeta Costruzioni sas di De Luca Orazio & C. Difar sas Via Marco Polo, 73/75 Via Maddalena, 2 Messina Torregrotta (ME) 090 2936342 090 9912376 www.difar.it Publishers, art galleries, Erboristeria Natur cultural services Via Umberto, 261 Giardini-Naxos (ME) Armenio Editore Via C. Colombo, 38 Erboristeria Phito Emporio Brolo (ME) C.so Gelone, 98 0941 565334 Siracusa 0941 563794 Farmacia Buscemi Aspen Comunicazione via M. Gori, 180 Edizioni - Agrisicilia Niscemi (CL) C.da Catoi, 1 [email protected] Alcamo (TP) 091 7832906 Farmacia Collica snc [email protected] Via XXVII Settembre, 23 D Capo d’Orlando (ME) Flaccovio 0941 901252 - 0941 912905 c/o Aeroporto Falcone e Borsellino c/o Aeroporto Falcone e Borsellino Farmacia De Francesco Cinisi (PA) Via Garibaldi, 493 091 6525052 Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) www.flaccovio.com 090 9762558 - 090 9762296 85

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 85 22/11/13 16:25 Farmacia delle Terme Maira Aldo Via Nazionale Terme, 178 San Cataldo (CL) Terme Vigliatore (ME) Para’ Sante’ Silluzio Farmacia Giudice Erboristeria Sanitaria Via Garibaldi, 2 Via Principe di Piemonte, 38 Lentini (SR) Sortino (SR) 095941380 0931 953558 Farmacia Gugliotta Via XX Settambre, 46 Patti (ME) Ironmongery 0941 21127 and industrial supplies 0941 21127 Castrovinci snc Farmacia Novello snc Via Mazzini, 16 Corso N. Costa, 105 Brolo (ME) Pachino (SR) 0941 561060 Farmacia Pollara Colorando Di Rizza Via Gramsci, 9 Piazza Mazzini, 4 Lentini (SR) Enna 095 7836532 Colorando Di Rizza Farmacia Stracuzzi Via Roma, 460 Via Medici, 101/A Enna Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) 0941 701825 Colorando Di Rizza Via Piersanti Matarella, 53 Farmacia Tafuri snc Enna P.zza V. Emanuele, 26 Pachino (SR) Elettrosud spa 0931 846085 Contrada Sirò Farmacia Tanteri Brolo (ME) 0941 561296 via Roma, 269 0941 562694 Enna www.elettrosud.it Farmacia Venuto Dott.essa Angela Via Longano, 1 F.lli Capodieci Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) Vincenzo & Antonio s.r.l. 090 9795312 - 090 9796743 Via Epicarmo, 24 Siracusa Fregapane Giuseppina Corso Umberto, 3 Ferramenta Crispi Licata (AG) Viale Dante 0921 774332 Palazzolo Acreide (SR) [email protected] 0931 883777 86

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 86 22/11/13 16:25 Ferramenta Indriolo Arte Oro Via Vittorio Veneto, 70 Via Umberto I, 140 Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) Milazzo (ME) 0941 722431 090 9282278 Ferramenta Rabito Salvatore BRASS Niscemi (CL) Via V. Emanuele Brolo (ME) Sicil System 0941 563243 Via Nazionale, 78 Terme Vigliatore (ME) Comigliaro Gabriella 090 9781026 C.so Gelone, 85 Siracusa Renewable energy Elepreziosi Via Garibaldi, 110 Centro riciclaggio inerti Lentini (SR) di Salvatore Di Trio Via Luigi Sturzo, 77 Gioielleria Piccione s.r.l. Butera (CL) C.so Gelone, 10 338 5802928 - 0934 347689 Siracusa [email protected] Gioielleria Adamo www.riciclaggioinerti.it Via Garibaldi, 12 Easus Energy Patti (ME) Via San Liborio 30 Gioielleria F.lli Barresi Valguarnera Caropepe (EN) Viale Sebastiano Franco, 31 0935 958233 Francofonte (SR) [email protected] - www.easus.eu Gioielleria Laboratotio La Cagnina Officina Elettrotecnica Puglisi Luigi Corso Umberto, 25 Via Eloro Licata (AG) Rosolini (SR) 0922 771810 0931 857133 [email protected] Gioielleria Nicosia Via Medici, 11 Milazzo (ME) Jewellers, watchmakers 090 9223550 and goldsmiths Gioielleria Sollami A.C. di Alessio Conti Corso V. Emanuele, 7 via Filippo Guccio, 21/23 Licata (AG) Piazza Armerina (EN) 0922 772798 | [email protected] 0935 680061 Gioielli Pafumi Arena Giovanni Via Umberto, 236 Via Garibaldi, 83 Giardini-Naxos (ME) Lentini (SR) 0942 56066 87

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 87 22/11/13 16:25 Gioielli Pafumi Electrical and hydraulic (ME) systems, air conditioning, 0942 625035 burglar/fire alarms Guarrera Alfio RM DI G. Pontillo & C sas Corso Umberto, 22 Corso Umberto, 31 Sortino (SR) Licata (AG) 0931 953585 Tecno System di Santoro Fabio L’arte Orafa Via Madonna D. Grazie, 15 Via Gen. Muscara, 35 Palazzolo Acreide (SR) Piazza Armerina (EN)

Lao gioielli Plastics, wood, metal and Corso N. Costa, 160 Pachino (SR) chemical manufacturers LAO sas Belfiore Antonio C.so N. Costa, 160 Via F.lli Bandiera, 26 Pachino (SR) Torrenova (ME) 329 5712872 Patanè Gioielli Via Nazionale, 228 Terme Vigliatore (ME) Computer, electronics 090 9782549 and telephony shops Reina Gioielli Acropolis soc. coop. Via XX settembre, 77 Via Libertà, 95 Niscemi (CL) Sortino (SR) 0931 957400 Rosangel [email protected] V.le San Martino, 278 Messina Area Informatica 090 696846 - 090 635093 Corso Umberto, 108/110 Licata (AG) Scrudato Gioielleria Corso Umberto,66 Computer Shop Licata (AG) Via Emanuele III, 126 0922 772280 Brolo (ME) 0941 563205 Silver Gold Via Roma,265 Dieffe srl Enna Via Gen. Giancio, 98 Piazza Armerina (EN) Taormina (ME) Gioielli snc 0935 687547 di Rosita Taormina (ME) via Gen. Muscarà, 11 Elettrodomestici Pettinato Piazza Armerina (EN) Via Vittorio Emanuele, 140 0935 684130 Giardini-Naxos (ME) 88

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 88 22/11/13 16:25 Gammeri Eugenio [email protected] | www.amanei.com Via Liberta 42/46 Archimede Brolo (ME) Via Plebiscito Pam Ufficio srl Pachino (SR) SS114 Km.5,600 - Filangieri Artigrafiche Zuccarello Messina Via Liotta, 24/26 090 671001 Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) PC Center 0941 701202 Ragusa Cartolibreria Minerva sas Petrisi Mediastore Via Roma 386 Via Campidoglio, 42 Enna Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) Edicolè Antica Libreria 0941 1701191 Piazza Matteotti, 8 Printer Top Capo d’Orlando (ME) Via Costa di Pozzo 0941 901900 Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) Fantasilandia 0941 706084 Via Medici, 107 Sciveres Sinergy Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) 0941 703676 Corso Umberto, 19 - Sortino (SR) Flaccovio Sciveres Sinergy c/o Aeroporto Falcone e Borsellino Viale Mario Giardino,58 - Sortino (SR) c/o Aeroporto Falcone e Borsellino Cinisi (PA) Laundromats and dry cleaners 091 6525052 www.flaccovio.com Clean Life Frontini Laura Via Gen. Muscara, 83/85 C.so Gelone - Via Bacchili Piazza Armerina (EN) - 338 8213214 Siracusa Lavanderia Top Service Libreria Bucolo Via Kennedy, 456 Piazzetta Leone, 3 Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) Taormina (ME) 0942 24873 Bookshops, stationery, Libreria Bucolo newsagents, comics, music and Via Umberto, 292 video shops Giardini-Naxos (ME) 0942 571316 Amanei Via Risorgimento, 69 Libreria Diana Santa Marina Salina (ME) C.so Gelone, 57 090 9843488 Siracusa 89

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 89 22/11/13 16:25 M.V. Sport Galleria Prestige Via San Gregorio Via Nino Ryolo, 6 Capo d’Orlando (ME) Milazzo (ME) 339 4128153 Galleria Prestige Pitruzzello Antonio Piazza Europa Unita, 11 Corso Umberto, 106 Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) Sortino (SR) 090 9798124 - 090 9798817 info@ galleriaprestige.it Punto & Virgola Via Plebiscito, 11 Giri Girando Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) Via Principe di Piemonte, 14 328 8266330 Sortino (SR) RE.SA SRL Il Fiocco Piazza Matteotti Via Umberto, 283 Capo d’Orlando (ME) Giardini-Naxos (ME) Il Particolare Chandlery Piazza Bovio,5 Enna La Playa Linea Mare 0935 24488 di Palmieri Salvatore & C. Sas Zoan Industriale Acqusanta 1/B LAO sas Gioiosa Marea (ME) C.so N. Costa, 160 0941 368580 Pachino (SR) P.S. Group Italia Srl Lucmi di Mariella Failla Zona Industriale Acquasanta Pelletteria, Alta Bigiotteria, Oggettistica, Articoli da regalo Gioiosa Marea (ME) Piazza G. Verga, 16 0941 368580 Sortino (SR) Orefice Gift shops, toy shops, Via Roma,224 wedding lists Enna CENTRO BABY di Vinci Antonio Sciveres Sinergy Via R. da Lentini Corso Umberto, 19 Lentini (SR) Sortino (SR) Decimo Bomboniere Sciveres Sinergy Via Vittorio Emanuele, 23 Viale Mario Giardino, 58 Brolo (ME) Sortino (SR) 0941 561212 Vizi e Profumi Eolo di Traina Rosa Maria Via C. Colombo Corso Umberto, 43 Patti (ME) Licata (AG) 339 8628063 - 347 5033647 90

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 90 22/11/13 16:25 Opticians, camera shops and Ottica Ioppolo photographers Via Vittorio Emanuele III, 37 Brolo (ME) F.lli Cappa snc 0941 562459 Via F. Crispi, 7 Capo d’Orlando (ME) Ottica Nuova snc 0941 901077 Via Gen.Muscara,47/49 Piazza Armerina (EN) Gruppo Franco Ottici srl 0935 682560 Viale Mario Gori, 331 [email protected] Niscemi (CL) Ottica Nuova snc L’Occhialeria Caltanissetta di Giorgio Peritore 0934 553035 Corso Umberto, 17 - Licata (AG) [email protected] 0922 773098 [email protected] Ottica Quattrocchi Via Gen. Muscara, 45 Optical Piazza Armerina (EN) Via Medici, 349 Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) Ottica Zappulla C.so Vittorio Emanuele Optottica Romano Palazzolo Acreide (SR) Piazza Sen. Marescalchi, 8 0931883055 Piazza Armerina (EN) Ottica Bottino Via Marsala, 1 Gyms, diving centres, Pachino (SR) sports clubs 0931594344 New Generation Fitness Ottica Buccheri Corso Aldo Moro, 67 Piazza G. Verga, 11 San Filippo del Mela Sortino (SR) 0931 952053 Bakeries Ottica Cimino Via Garibaldi, 10/12 La Pagnotta Lentini (SR) San Cataldo (CL) 0934 571559 OTTICA di Maria Grazia Gorgone Pane Dolce Puccia Via Veneto, 23 Via Durando, 6/8 Capo d’Orlando (ME) Pachino (SR) 09311883111 Ottica Giannetto Via Operai, 113 Panificio Pizzo Adriano Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) Via Nazionale, 37 090 9701521 Palazzolo Acreide (SR) 91

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 91 22/11/13 16:25 Hairdressers, beauticians, Florists perfumers Gregoli Fiori Coiffeur Immagine Donna Via Garibaldi, 13/17 Via Trieste, 28/A Patti (ME) Patti (ME) 0941 21427 [email protected] 0941 22902 immagina.donna.patti(ME)@virgilio.it Il Giardino dei Fiori Via Duomo Dario Costa Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) Via Cumbo Borgia, 53 0941 727108 Milazzo (ME) La Gardenia d’Oro Free Style Via Vagner Piazza Marconi Brolo (ME) Patti (ME) Passione Animali 0941 22259 Via Conte Ruggiero 16/18 Free Style Piazza Armerina (EN) Via XX Settembre, 26 388 7330298 Patti (ME) Petali e Capricci 0941 22170 Via Umberto, 176 Gero’s Giardini-Naxos (ME) Via Vittorio Emanuele Vivai La Mimosa Capo d’Orlando (ME) Via Rio Rosso, 1 0941 914818 Milazzo (ME) 337 968378 Il Bello delle Donne 3687874546 Patti (ME) 0941 362056

Pleasures professional studios Via F. Crispi, 20 Capo d’Orlando (ME) Confarfidi 0941 912600 Piazza Duomo Semplicemente Donna Messina 090 679870 Via Consolare Valeria, 74 Giardini-Naxos (ME) GEOSTUDI-SPG Sant’Angelo di Brolo Vizi e Profumi Via Diaz Via C. Colombo Sant’Angelo di Brolo (ME) Patti (ME) 328 2659672 339 8628063 - 347 5033647 [email protected] 92

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 92 22/11/13 16:25 [email protected] Piazza Armerina (EN) 0935 686111 Studio Commerciale Rag. Margherita Rinaldo La Fisca Rosario Via Catania, 20 San Cataldo (CL) Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) 0941 722572 La Focacceria [email protected] Via A. Doria Gioiosa Marea (ME) Studio dentistico Barbato 333 5694337 Via Abramo Lincoln, 8 Pachino (SR) Moonlight Cafè Via Etnea, S/N Studio dentistico Rubera Carlentini (SR) Via G. Pepe, 1 095 998062 Pachino (SR) Pane e Dolci Studio dentistico Scala Via Trieste 12/16 Via Cassar Scalia, 104 Pachino (SR) Pachino (SR) Ritrovo Christian Studio Tecnico Messina Via Carducci, 26 090 621650 - 347 1737304 San Cataldo (CL) Ritrovo Gianfranco Napolitano [email protected] & C. sas Studio Tecnico Professionale Zona Artigianale ASI, Larderia Via Delle Filande, 8 Messina Capo d’Orlando (ME) 392 9164091 River Bar Pubs, discos, bars, cafes, Via C. Colombo, 97 pastry and ice-cream shops Patti (ME) 0941 367436 Bar Sesto Senso Via Umberto, 430 Giardini-Naxos (ME) Sales representatives Café Latino La Cava Vincenzo Via Verdi, 19 Via Fontana - Fraz. S. Maria Brolo (ME) (ME) 0941 562230 328 3167349 Dolci Tradizioni Via Durando, 6/8 Restaurants and pizzerias Pachino (SR) Agriturismo Fiume Carrubba Dolciumi Zingale Tutto In 1 Coop Soc. Coop. R.L. 1 Via Muscarà, 8 S.P. 9 Sortino - Carlentini - Km 5 93

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 93 22/11/13 16:25 Sortino (SR) | 0931 1845169 - 0931 953277 La Fontana [email protected] di Cocilovo e Cascino Piazza Armerina (EN) Antica Filanda C.da Raviola La Tartaruga srl Capri Leone (ME) Lido San Gregorio, 41 0941 919704 Capo d’Orlando (ME) [email protected] 0941 955012 0941 955056 ANTICHI SAPORI di Nanearo Maria [email protected] via N. Gori www.hoteltataruga.it Niscemi (CL) Le Siciliane Atelier sul mare Via Umberto I, 49 Via Cesare Battisti Capo d’Orlando (ME) Tusa (ME) 0941 911171 0921 334295 0921 334283 Mangia E Gusta [email protected] Via Gen. Garta, 12 www.ateliersulmare.it Piazza Armerina (EN) 0935 688509 Café Latino Via Verdi, 19 Marcello Arcarese Brolo (ME) Caltanissetta 0941 562230 [email protected] Centro Nautico Roccalonga Pizza più Via del Cantone Via XXVII Luglio Castelvetrano (TP) Messina 0924 46622 090 2931049 Costa Sicana Ristorante Ristorante Da Matteo Ctr Giancola, 18 Piazza Melitta Damiano, 2 Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) Capo d’Orlando (ME) 0941 706077 0941 955029 [email protected] www.ristorantedamatteo.it www.ristorantecostasicana.com Ristorante trattoria Bovaro Il Grande pino Contrada Sambuco, 1 C.da S. Giuseppe Patti (ME) Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) 0941 661049 - 0941 660309 0941 703109 Ritrovo Gianfranco Napolitano La Cascina & C. sas C.da Oliveto snc Zona Artigianale ASI, Larderia Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) Messina 0941 726193 392 9164091 94

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 94 22/11/13 16:25 Trattoria da Luciana Butera (CL) C.da Sambuco, 1 338 5802928 San Piero Patti (ME) 0934 347689 0941 661049 [email protected] www.riciclaggioinerti.it Betting shops Enneci Soc. Coop. SOGGEA Cortile Pucci, 4 Via Filippo Paladini, 78 Butera (CL) Caltanissetta 333 4512012 0934 584605 0934 347817 [email protected] [email protected] Medicredit Schools, vocational schools, Via Medici, 242 A driving schools Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) 0941 702948 Autoscuola F.lli Santo 0941 723789 Via R. Margherita, 86 329 2410266 Sortino (SR) Officina Elettrotecnica Puglisi Luigi Autoscuola Licata Via Eloro Corso Umberto, 121 Rosolini (SR) Licata (AG) 0931 857133 3202689204 [email protected] Autoscuole Muscarà srl Via Gen. Muscarà, 29 Banking and insurance services Piazza Armerina (EN) AeC srl Up Via Risorgimento, 129 Services for businesses Messina 090 671703 Acropolis soc. coop. 090 6406496 Via Libertà, 95 Sortino (SR) All Risks Broker srl Up 0931 957400 Via E. Martinez, 11 [email protected] Messina 090 6010191 - 090 6413447 ALRS Consulting di La Rosa A. www.allrisksbroker.com Via Nino Ruvolo, 31 Milazzo (ME) Assichiara snc 090 2512027 Via Piave, 137 090 2512028 Capo d’Orlando (ME) 0941 911069 Centro riciclaggio inerti 0941 912668 di Salvatore Di Trio Via Luigi Sturzo, 77 Medicredit 95

Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 95 22/11/13 16:25 Via Medici, 242 A TAMOIL stazione di servizio Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) Via Sotto Corso, 5 0941 702948 Butera (CL) 0941 723789 0934 347956 - 0934 348077 329 2410266 Leisure centres Salvatore Fazio Agente Intermediario Groupama Agriturismo Fiume Carrubba Tutto In 1 Assicurazioni Spa Coop Soc. Coop. R.L. 1 Via Catania, 20 S.P. 9 Sortino -Carlentini - Km 5 Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) Sortino (SR) 0941 722572 - 335 6589033 0931 1845169 - 0931 953277 [email protected] [email protected] www.gan-santagata.ord Compagnie Du Soleil Corso Sicilia, 2 Advertising and PR San Cataldo (CL) [email protected] eGlob Via Lido Azzurro, 5 Lampedusa e Linosa (AG) Print shops and silk screen 393 9873135 printing services [email protected] www.eglobarts.com Artigrafiche Zuccarello Via Liotta, 24/26 PMG Pubblicità Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) di Cammarata Enzo Pio 0941 701202 via Puccini, 3 San Cataldo (CL) Centro Copie 0934061240 Via Mandanici, 79 [email protected] Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) Serisprint Tobacconists Via Massana, 1 Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) Aiesi Maria 0941 702128 Viale Mario Gori, 183 Niscemi (CL) Tipografia Paparone Via Tripoli [email protected] Capo d’Orlando (ME) Tabacchi 0941 901132 Via Campidoglio, 34 www.tipografiapaparone.com Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) 0941 701120 Tipolitografia F.lli Tumino Via Carlentini, 3 Tabacchi CARUSO Sortino (SR) Via Murganzio, 124 Lentini (SR)


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Interno_GDEF1611EN.indd 97 22/11/13 16:25 Translated by John Purtell and Giulia Riccio British Embassy Rome

Artwork and layout Fausto Gristina and Giovanni Zuccarello

Palermo, November 2013


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