Submitted on- 1/30/2017 Name of Event - The Loss of Cultural Facilities and Sanctuaries in the Lower East Side: CHARAS Date of Event - 1/17/2017 Location of Event - 710 East 7th Street, NY, NY 10009 Borough – Manhattan Event Host/s or Sponsor/s - Loisaida Inc, Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation Event Contact/s -
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] What type of engagement was this? - Organizing meeting to preserve CHARAS How many people attended the event? (Overall) - 75- 100 Who were the attendees? - NYC Residents, Seniors, Parents / Guardians / Caregivers, Foreign-born / Immigrant Community, Youth (18-25 yrs), Artists and culture bearers (e.g. visual artists, musicians, poets, dancers, performers, etc.), Creative workers and makers (e.g. crafts people, weavers, carpenters, jewelry designers, etc.), Arts Administrators, City of New York Employees, Educators / Teachers / Teaching Artists, Business Community (e.g. small business owners, merchants associations, BIDs, etc.), Social Entrepreneurs Please provide some demographic details about the attendees - The group was all ages, races, ethnicities, genders, and classes. What activities/ material from the CreateNYC Toolkit did you use to engage people? - Infographic (Understand what NYC’s cultural planning process is all about), Issue Areas Poster (Prioritize topics and questions that are most important to you), Represent My Community Worksheet (Identify cultural experiences, assets, and needs in your neighborhood) Briefly describe any other activities, strategies or materials that you used to gather input - The event was focused around gathering input on the future of the iconic and influential PS64 CHARAS. We took the opportunity of so many stakeholders gathering to channel input through the surveys.