Air Force. B50 Circumnavigates Globe Nonstop in History-Making Event
- Today's Guess terday's Score Mr. Weatherman, blushing, says: in," says :Ma r. Weather- showers today, cleaKag late after- should eat his hat." Raised soon. Cooler. High 53Low in I morning 10n the San Carlos 40's. Sierra winds crusting snow Peat bog.. Wind SW. Noon tem- artan perature 55. Pick a mudder Is for week-end sliding, San Jose State College the first. Volume XXXVI I San Jose, California, Thursday, March 3, 1949 Number 93 TWO MORE JUSTICES FOR STUDENT COURT Desperado Meets Victim Air Force. B50 Circumnavigates Globe Auerbach and Taylor Nonstop in History-Making Event Are Named to Court Holmberg and Hennessy Elected Warns of Cut in ECA Funds To Executive Positions In Junior World Girdlers Use 94 Class; Passey Goes to Council Hours to Secure Record By GEORGE STRATTON James Taylor and Audrey Auer- FORT WORTH, Tex. (UP)"Lu’cky Lady II," a United States Air- bach are the two newest members the first non-stop around- force 8-50 bomber, yesterday completed Enrollment of the Student Court, as a result the-world flight in history. Ninety-four hours and one minute after she took off from Cars- Standing of yesterday's run-off elections. well Air Force base here last Saturday, the great four-engine bomber They beat out, Dean Price and came home again out of a haze Angie Panelli for the position of hanging in .the west. 6762 Total Junior Justice. It was estimated that she had Enrollment for winter quarter Kerr Calls Tom Eddy, chief justice of the flown 23,452 miles, almost the dis- of 1949 now totals 6762, accord- Court, expressed disappointment tance of the earth's circumference ing to College Registrar William at the low turn-out for the ballot- at, the equator, without any major Play Sets H.
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