Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Volume 23, Issue 1, July 2019 Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Volume 23, Issue 1, July 2019 (72-85) ISSN 1410-4946 (Print), 2502-7883 (Online) doi: 10.22146/jsp.37586

Television and National Identity: An Ethnography of Television Audience in the Border of Indonesia-

Rizki Briandana Faculty of Communication Science, Universitas Mercu Buana (email: [email protected])

Abstract Television has a strategic position in constructing national identity. As part of the everyday life of the community, television provides a community-driven medium to construct its identity. In relation to the existence of mass media in the community and the issue of forming a national identity, there are unique problems that exist in the Sebatik Island of the Indonesian and Malaysian frontiers. These Indonesian people have no access to the broadcasting media, especially television, from Indonesia. This situation has persisted for several years, so the citizens of Sebatik Island use television broadcasts from Malaysia as their primary source of media communication. This study aims to examine how the people of Sebatik Island construct their national identity through the Malaysian television programs they watch daily.The methodology used in this study is ethnography with data collection techniques through observation and interviews of eight informants in September 2017. The result shows that the “mixed national identity” of Sebatik society is infl uenced by various factors and one of them is Malaysian television. Malaysian television programs also play a role as a socialization agent, among with other agents such as the presence of the community, the country, the organization, the culture, and the ideology.

Keywords: national identity; television; border; ethnography

Introduction Morley (2005) point out that society can tap into Media is one of the key elements in the the message and meaning obtained through life of a society that can be gained anywhere television programs in order to understand the and become an integral part of the community daily activities of their life. This is done by the experience (Kim, 2008); (Morissan, 2016). community through a process of interpretation Gauntlett (2008) emphasized that media is a focused on their subjective experience in vital element of a society, as today’s society lives understanding any given phenomenon(p. in a world that places the media as a necessity 211). In this interpretation process, people to living a normal life. This requirement have the freedom to create meaning and act in refers to the fulfi llment of the basic needs of accordance with the meaning created through the community toward the media, namely their understanding of the content displayed information, education, and entertainment by the media (Halkoaho, 2012). (McQuail, 2010). From the conceptual aspect, Basically, the image and meaning of Rashid, Rahman, and Butt (2017) argue that national identity and culture displayed through people use the media in various ways for television broadcasts are valuable assets in the diff erent needs (p. 35). This refers to community process of forming and developing community interpretation activities in which Brunsdon and identity (Rashid et al., 2017). Hence, the mass

72 Rizki Briandana: Television and National Identity: An Ethnography of Television Audience in the Border of Indonesia-Malaysia media plays an important role in uniting Malaysian television programs are rich with nations to help nurture the various elements ideas related to Malaysia’s national identity that exist within society to ensure the integrity (Chong Lee, 2014). of a nation (Mcmillin, 2016). According to Anderson (2006), national Public broadcasting has become one identity is developed through various forms of of the important issues that arose related to communication. As Barker (2008) pointed out, discussions about the border areas of Indonesia the media encourages viewers to imagine an (Yusuf, 2015). The Chairperson of the Indonesian event by crossing the boundaries of time and Broadcasting Commission stated that there space in order to pose the concept of race and was a problem with uneven information nation through the media content shown. needs, especially for people residing in those Identity is not static, but dynamic. Identity border areas(Riyanto, 2012). Until now, is something that needs to be built, formed, and both information and entertainment in the renewed continuously (Mulyana, 2017, p. 58). border area was dominated by broadcasting Identity formation involves the relationship institutions from neighboring countries between authorities that refers to the authority (Widiastuti, 2016). that establishes the construction of the social Among the problems of public relationship. Anderson (2006) also argues that broadcasting that have occurred in various national identity is constructed intrinsically border areas throughout Indonesia, Sebatik through various forms of communication, and Island is an area that requires a great the role of the media is important in building urgency to pay attention to (Widiastuti, the social identity of a person or social group, 2016). This is related to the fact that there especially in regard to race. Through this lens, are villages that have absolutely no access the media is seen as the construction agent and to Indonesian television broadcasts (Riza, the reality of the media is the reality built in an 2014). The television programs watched by eff ort to fulfi ll various interests (Barker, 2003). Indonesians in the Sebatik border area are from In today’s modern era, the media plays Malaysia, the specific Malaysian television a major role in every social dimension of channels accessible to that community being society. Thus, a social analysis of modern TV1, TV2, and TV3 (Marti, 2013; Riza, 2014). society always involves the analysis of media’s Meanwhile, the Malaysian television channels roles in the social interaction processes. In this made available to the Sebatik people are context, mass media plays an important role Malaysia’s primary television channels with in constructing of national identity. Seiter, high viewership rates (Chong Lee, 2014). Rofi l, Borchers, Kreutz ner, and Warth (2013) stated Syed, and Hamzah (2016) stated that Malaysia’s that the development of national identity media, particularly television and radio, is rich cannot be well understood without taking with content related to Malaysia’s national communication into account. In relation to identity (p. 45). This is because Malaysian the role of communication, television-viewing broadcasting policies are established to ensure practices can be regarded as routine activities public and private television programs aimed performed by one person on a regular basis. at strengthening local identity and culture Watching television is one of the norms of daily (Latif, Mahmud, & Salman, 2013; Rahim & life nowadays (Kim, 2008b). Consequently, Pawanteh, 2010). In addition, television in television usage has been classifi ed as a daily Malaysia plays a large role in the process of routine of community life, and the use of which establishing local cultural identity (Rofi l et al., creates special patt erns that move dynamically 2015, p. 62). Thus, the idiosyncratic identity in in everyday life of society.

73 Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Volume 23, Issue 1, July 2019

To understand the relationship between Researchers used the constructivism the audience and television media in the paradigm, hence the purpose of theoretical Sebatik region, particularly in relation to the development in this paradigm is to produce construction of national identity, the study evidence, perspectives, and explanations of audience and media interaction should be of certain social events so that researchers carried out naturally. This research is in line are able to reveal the interpretation with Kitley’s (2000) thinking that emphasizes and understanding system in the social the importance of understanding the context environment (Jankowski & Jensen, 2002). of watching television, where the physical and social space of the subjects can form special Ethnography Audience patt erns in building national identity. There This research uses the ethnographic is an interest in studying the construction of method of the audience. Pastina (2004) states national identity, as the identity and image that an audience’s ethnography is based on of Sebatik’s society must be understood in a fi eldwork and data collection practices; data wider context by taking into account the role analysis is performed simultaneously (p. of television content in aff ecting the process. 87) . Based on this background, the purpose This approach involves observations of this study is to analyze how the Sebatik into the interaction process using the media community constructs their national identity and it invites the audience to openly talk through Malaysian television. about its role as much as possible. The research was conducted from September to Methods December 2017, and the goal was to document This study uses an audience ethnographic the activities of the subject’s subject matt er method that implements interviews and and understand the viewing experience observations as data collection techniques. The from their own perspective. In addition, observation method is used to analyze activity this approach also aims to conceptualize the and routine in television usage. Meanwhile, conduct of the subject of the perpetrator as an interviews were used to analyze the construction expression of a particular social context. The of national identity through the Malaysian main strengths of ethnographic approaches television programs that were watched daily. are the contextual understanding of the The collected data will be analyzed relationship between the diff erent aspects descriptively and inductively demonstrated of the observed phenomena (Jankowski & by using open coding, selective coding, and Jensen, 2002). The researchers conducted an axial coding (Benaquisto & Given, 2008). Data in-depth analysis of the viewing experience processing will conclude by combining the as an eff ort to understand why and how the results of various data collection techniques citizens watch television in their daily lives. from multiple sources. In this research, the involvement of Data collection is focused on the issue researchers is active participation in the of national identity for the Sebatik Island lives of the informant’s family. Through this community as part of the Indonesian community observation, investigators can participate in with special circumstances. This unique situation routine subjects by researching what they are encourages the formation of a community that doing, listening to what they say, and asking has diff erent characteristics and identities apart others near the informant over a certain from other communities in Indonesia. period of time (Mulyana, 2008).

74 Rizki Briandana: Television and National Identity: An Ethnography of Television Audience in the Border of Indonesia-Malaysia

Figure 1. Sebatik Island, Border Indonesia-Malaysia

Source: Profi le and dynamics of broadcasting in border areas (Riyanto, 2012).

Research Subject 2010). Observation methods are particularly The location and subject of this study suited to investigate the process of building a was conducted on Sebatik Island, North national identity of the audience and television- Kalimantan. Sebatik Island is the outlying watching activities. Participation observation is island in Indonesia adjacent to Malaysia. The done by being together with the subjects being uniqueness of Sebatik Island is that this island studied and performing the assignment with is owned by two countries; Indonesia in the them (Lindlof & Taylor, 2011). Meanwhile, south and Malaysia in the north. there are 8 interview informants representing Figure 1 shows the location of the study their respective villages in Sebatik Tengah area located in the Sebatik Island region, North in this study. Borneo, the area adjacent to the Malaysian state The focus of this study is on the in the Sebatik Tengah region. In this study, the community representing the three villages in sampling process will focus on three villages: Sebatik Tengah (Maspul, Bukit Harapan, and Maspul, Sungai Limau and Bukit Harapan. Sungai Limau). Informant selection is based on The justifi cation for the selection of these three the following criteria: villages was that these three villages did not a. Informants are Indonesian citizens and have access to Indonesian television for a long part of Sebatik Island society in North period of time. Kalimantan. b. Informants who have no access to Primary Data Indonesian television broadcasts. This study uses two data collection c. Informants have Malaysian television techniques, namely observation and interview. access. Observation is observation through participant d. Informants have watched Malaysian observation, while engagement observation television programs for a long time refers to a process that requires social (minimum 2 years). interaction between the researcher and the subject of the assessment. This interaction After determining the criteria for the aims to fi nd data systematically (Watson & Till, informants, the researcher conducted a pre-

75 Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Volume 23, Issue 1, July 2019 eliminary study to obtain informants who met inner motivation for watching television is to the specifi ed criteria. This pre-eliminary study get information, entertainment, or educational includes 1) collecting data from the Village resources. These three things are also said to Head to fi nd out residential areas that do not be the main motivation of the Sebatik Island have access to Indonesian television broadcasts, community. Interestingly enough, in the and 2) brief door-to-door interviews with absence of limited access to the media, Sebatik residents recommended by the Village Head’s society is very interested in Malaysian media. data. This attraction is also driven by external motivations related to the dependence of the Results Sebatik Island community on Malaysia to The people in Sebatik have to spend a various aspects of their lives. lot of money on obtaining public broadcasts Furthermore, this dependence encourages from Indonesia. For many years the Sebatik them to have suffi cient knowledge and resources community has had no access Indonesian in interacting with the Malaysian community. television broadcasts. This diffi culty is due to Through Malaysian television broadcasts, the the lack of facilities and infrastructure that the Sebatik community feels that their need for government should have provided. Referring such knowledge can be met. In addition, the to Indonesian Law No. 32/2 Year 2002 on motivation for watching Malaysian television Broadcasting, broadcasting in Indonesia must broadcasts was also intended to make the be carried out with the principle of fairness and broadcast a social reference. equality for all Indonesian people. Moreover, Second, the duration refers to the time the media needs to consist of information spent watching television. In this study, the sources, entertainment, and education. duration of television viewing was identifi ed Aside from the lack of Indonesian based on them observations made of the Sebatik television broadcasting access in Sebatik, Island community. The fi ndings showed that the geographical position and the power of the Sebatik community spent 8 to 10 hours broadcast emissions from Malaysia enabled a day watching Malaysian television. This the people of Sebatik to be loyal audiences for activity is divided into three main times: in Malaysian television programs. the morning between 8am to 12pm, which Based on the observation data it can be is usually dominated by women. Children concluded that television is part of the daily who are just coming back from school and life of Sebatik society. Watching Malaysian watching television from 2 to 5pm dominate television is one of the daily routine activities the afternoon session. In the evening session, that can be seen almost in every home on Sebatik from 6 to 10pm, the head of the family normally Island. In more detail, television-viewing controls what the family watches. practices among Sebatik Island communities Based on the three main times for can be seen through fi ve indicators. According watching television shows, each family member to Andrejevic (2008), television watching has their own program options. Generally, the consists of (1) internal and external motivation, most engaging program for adults is drama, (2) television viewing time, (3) frequency news, and religious programs. For example, of television watching, (4) att itudes, and (5) the most popular drama programs on Sebatik interest (cognitive process). Island are “SebenarnyaSayaBukanIsteriDia”, First, internal and external motivation “Bibik-Bibiku”, “Lara Terindah”, “Akasia”, refers to what motivates a person to watch “Samarinda”, and “Tiga Hari Menanti Mati”. television (Stockmann, 2016). In general, one’s For news programs, most informants watch

76 Rizki Briandana: Television and National Identity: An Ethnography of Television Audience in the Border of Indonesia-Malaysia the news show called “BulletinUtama”. that most of the people of Sebatik have a positive Meanwhile, the programs that children are att itude toward the Malaysian television shows interested in are cartoon programs such as they watch. This positive att itude relates to the “Upin-Ipin”, “BoBoiBoy”, and “Ejen Ali”. role played by Malaysian television broadcasts Sebatik’s favorite television programs that cater to the needs of the Sebatik community vary by age and gender, especially in the family as a source of entertainment, information, and context. This distinction provides an overview education. Additionally, this positive att itude of how Malaysian television broadcasting gets is also a major factor aff ecting the acceptance its place in the hearts of the audience and meets of the Sebatik community in terms of the the viewing needs of the Sebatik community. various meanings and values in each television Third, the frequency of watching program they watch every day. television refers to the frequency of how Fifth is interest. In this context, interest often the Sebatik Island community watches can be seen from two diff erent perspectives. Malaysian television programs. Based on fi eld The fi rst perspective is to look at interest as data it was found that the Sebatik community a pull factor for one to observe the response watches Malaysian television daily and this to a particular object (Rofi l et al., 2016). The activity is part of their routine activities. This second perspective evaluates interest as a result routine has been practiced for many years. Most of an increasingly rewarding experience by Sebatik Island people have watched Malaysian individuals (Rofi l et al., 2016). television shows since childhood and have a In the context of the Sebatik community, viewing experience that cannot be extinguished watching TV programs in their everyday life from their memory even when they become refers to the second perspective of interest. adults. This finding is in line with Morley This is because the activity is seen as a product (1992) which states that television watching is built through the Malaysian television viewing a routine activity that fi lls everyday life and is process. The Sebatik community has much done throughout the day (p. 47). The practice interest in the various messages, themes, of watching television is one of the routines in and values in the programs they watch every the daily activities performed (Morley, 1992). day. The interest arising from watching Therefore, television watching becomes a television was due to the positive att itude of cultural practice covering the scope of time and the community toward Malaysian television space for the Sebatik community. programs. Therefore, interest in television The high frequency of watching Malaysian viewing among the people of Sebatik Island television for the Sebatik community made serves as a cultural practice that is within the them more knowledgeable about Malaysia. scope of both time and space. Television viewing This is evident from the results of the study activities have led to further interaction between showing the vast knowledge of the Sebatik Sebatik society and Malaysian television Island society on the development of Malaysia programs. Specifi cally the television-watching in terms of economic, political, social, and activity caused the people of Sebatik to make cultural ideals as compared to the development Malaysian television shows watched as their of their own country of origin, Indonesia. daily guide for life. These include cultural, Fourth is att itude. Att itude in this study social, economic, and political aspects. refers to the att itude of the Sebatik community Based on the results of the study, toward the Malaysian television program. informants give the names of actors/fi gures This att itude can move towards the positive or they are interested in Malaysian television negative (Andrejevic, 2008). The fi ndings show program, such as Izzue Islam, Adi Putra, Maya

77 Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Volume 23, Issue 1, July 2019

Karin, P Ramlee, Rosyam Nor, Siti Nurhaliza, parabola house,” (Sabarina, personal Safi q Rahim, Safee Sali, Ustaz Kazim Elias, Azli communication, October 4, 2017). Khairi , Razali, and Kamarudin Mape. Each of these fi gures represents the various values and Lack of access to Indonesian television roles associated with the values of Malaysia’s caused the Sebatik community to watch national identity. The fi ndings are consistent Malaysian television as the premier television with the study conducted by Ang (2013), which broadcasting option for a long period of time. states that television watch routines can create The practice of watching foreign television interest in a person and thus the fi gure is used encourages societies to form diff erent views as reference for the daily life of Sebatik society. regarding the content they watch in their daily Entertainment programs, news, and lives, whether the genre of the show is in the information related to social, political, economic form of a drama, reality TV, news, or other upheaval of Malaysian culture make Sebatik Malaysian program content. people more aware of the current development According to informants, the daily of Malaysia compared to the development of routine of the use of this media has been Indonesia. In addition, the Sebatik community interesting to note. Among the things they get found that Malaysian television broadcasts is that they can positively accept the values were interesting and that they encouraged found in every Malaysian television program the formation of psychological and emotional they watch. This is in line with the opinion relationships with Malaysia. expressed by the informants. The admission of other countries to “I like watching drama, cooking, and the Sebatik community is not eliminating religious programs. The majorities are all good. I do not know about their desire to access Indonesian broadcasts. Indonesian television, because Informants also say they want to know the I never watched,” (Ira, personal developments in their own country. The communication, October 5, 2017). informant states: “70% in Maspul village watching “For me the Malaysian television Malaysian television programs. So program is bett er than Indonesia, 30% is just the middle class and although at home I’ve been using above who can watch Indonesian parabolic antenna, but every day I broadcasts.We cannot watch always watch Malaysian television,” Indonesian TV channel, we honestly (Darman, personal communication, want to watch Indonesian TV,” October, 5 2017). (Agus, personal communication, October 4, 2017). “I have never watched the broadcast of Indonesia, so for me Malaysian “Information about Indonesia we television is very good and I really did not get through by the media, enjoy it,” (Yoswes Wasi, personal but through discussions at the communication, October 6, 2017). village offi ce,” (Sarifudin, personal communication, October 5, 2017). “The most interesting of Malaysian television broadcasts are their “We really miss the Indonesian TV language, actors, and social life. channel, because we want to know Life is good, good roads, nice cars, how the development of Indonesia. nice house. We are so glad to watch If I want to watch Indonesian TV it.I like to watch news on Malaysian broadcasts just sit in a neighbor’s television. I also support the UMNO

78 Rizki Briandana: Television and National Identity: An Ethnography of Television Audience in the Border of Indonesia-Malaysia

and parties,” watched through a documentary (Suisno, personal communication, program,”(Yoswes Wasi, personal October 4, 2017). communication, October 6, 2017).

When interpreting Malaysian television “Songs in many Malaysian dramas programs, the Sebatik community enjoys I memorize. If Indonesian song I do television content as a perfect social picture not know. Otai song, for example Awi, ‘where did it disappear’ was of life. This is because television viewing is a dream... the mystery of the dream considered far bett er than the reality of real is it? ‘Where did you disappear society. In addition, based on the informants, myself?’ Otai songs also slam ya, Malaysian television att racts the audience’s from Zamani,”(Suisno, personal emotions when they saw a sad or happy communication, October 4, 2017). show. This shows the dynamics of Malaysian television program, as the informants can “Regarding the currencies, in fact feel the emotional impact of watching. Some society is using the ringgit because it is used in their daily lives. With informants have stated that watching is an the practice of watching Malaysian entertainment platform for the public as added TV broadcasting using the ringgit so information and personal satisfaction when we are using the ringgit,”(Sarifudin, discussing ongoing television shows or after personal communication, October the television program is over. The preferred 5, 2017). television programs are then the subject of informal discussions with family members The Sebatik community understands that and friends. In this regard, broadcast media, the television programs they watch bring up particularly Malaysian television, plays a concepts of Malaysia’s national identity and large part in education, entertainment, and that these values can shape their own identity. information dissemination. Based on the This is explained through the following quotes: opinion of informants on information obtained “I see that television has a role in from television, the information is used as a shaping the identity of the society as they watch Malaysian television reference in carrying out daily life activities. every day,”(Mardin, personal “I heard Negaraku national anthems communication, October 7, 2017). every day through Malaysian television, if Indonesia Raya song I never heard, except for events in “Television plays an important role the sub district” (Mardin, personal in shaping a person’s character. communication, October 7, 2017). The present values are not the absolute hegemony of Indonesia. On the other hand, these values “I always watch Malaysian news, are the result of interventions from so I know Malaysian leaders, Malaysian television broadcasts if Indonesian leaders really do that shape the behavior of society in not know,” (Asma, personal Sebatik,” (Abdul Salman, personal communication, October 5, 2017). communication, October 6, 2017). “Malaysian history I know of Mahatir Muhammad who was the Based on the fi ndings it can be concluded first leader. Along with the good that the broadcasting situation in Sebatik is less actor P-Ramlee, I have seen from the interfering than the Indonesian government. Malaysian documentary. I usually Therefore, there are many values of Indonesia’s

79 Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Volume 23, Issue 1, July 2019 national identity that are not understood by these interactions are often linked to their daily the Sebatik community. On the other hand, the situation. Based on these fi ndings, it was found people of Sebatik use television from Malaysia that television text plays an important role in so that Malaysia’s national identity values are the social life of the Sebatik community. This bestowed on them. Television media should fi nding supports the study of Morley (2003), serve as a social institution that can be used who states that television content is interpreted as a reference for the people living on Sebatik by informants according to their own priorities Island, especially in defi ning who they are. (p. 201). In this study, informants stated that the information obtained from watching Discussion television shows was used as reproduction Malaysia Television Programs in Sebatik material when socializing with the community. Daily Life As the only television broadcast of choice The results show that the Sebatik for the people in Sebatik, it was found that community enjoyed the television programs Malaysian television programs had fulfi lled being watched. For them, the enjoyment of their need as an information channel. In watching television is entertainment and a key addition, Malaysian television also cater to their source of information for them. In addition, the entertainment and education needs. In short, people of Sebatik enjoy discussing the content the Sebatik community has a high dependence of current television programs they have just on Malaysian television channels because the watched. This coincides with Gray’s (2012, p. Sebatik community has long been watching 256) statement which clarifi es that an important Malaysian television. However, as an active part of television watching is the content that is audience, the Sebatik community still has watched throughout the day. For informants, control over content selection and how they watching television is not a passive process. They benefi t from the information they receive. do not just sit quietly in front of the television and From the various meanings and values receive everything that is delivered on television contained within each television program alone. An audience can also choose to engage in watched, the people of Sebatik can choose the discussions related to the content of the television meaning and value they receive, and they can being watched. In these discussions, they even negotiate to adapt it to their situation discussed issues that are being communicated as a border community. Thus, this media through television, whether it is the latest news, interpretation process refers to Fish’s (2004) the characters of a drama, or politics. The content concept that states that there is no true and of the television program was then a source of absolute interpretation. According to Fish discussion among informants. An analysis of the (2004), that interpretation is not objective or fi ndings shows that there are informants who socially vacated. The meanings of a person discuss the television content they are watching. are often related to the social or community For example, informants discussed Malaysian context in which they live in and are not from television content such as kidnapping news by the outside. Fish (2004) also states a concept of the Abu Sayyaf group, political confl icts, and interpretive and translation communities that the plot of the drama “Bibik-bibiku”. In the are part of the community after agreement is discussion it was found that informants did reached on a construction (p. 167). Similarly, not directly touch upon matt ers relating to the the way in which the community lives is Indonesian state. actually not a refl ection of the reality outside Interaction between audience and the community but a construction that is television is a social dynamic revealing that formed based on the consensus of the reality

80 Rizki Briandana: Television and National Identity: An Ethnography of Television Audience in the Border of Indonesia-Malaysia they experience and it remains strong so long audience where the Sebatik community takes as the community remains confi dent of it. This in the meaning of the programs they watch. The is in line with Iser (2012), who emphasizes the fi ndings show that informants love and have a hermeneutic process as “The Act of Reading” positive view of Malaysian television. They also in the process of producing meaning. In this practice much of what television has brought into process of interpretation, people who are their lives. This fi nding is in line with Triwardani actively involved in the process give meaning (2013), which proves that the interaction between to a text through the process of interpretation television and society produces various forms of which goes on continuously. This process social and cultural activities; for example, the use is formed through the result of interaction of the Ringgit currency in the economic activity of between the text and the reader. The views the Sebatik community. Although the people of of Iser (2012) and Fish (2004) are based on the Sebatik have a good understanding of Malaysia’s existence of diff erences between the world and information and development, they do not know culture owned by the Sebatik community with of the developments of their own country. These Malaysian television content makers. television-watching activities are their way to The process of interpretation is seen as “escape” from the reality of their lives. In other a unique process and is a major focus that can words, everything displayed on television makes be holistically analyzed. Watching television the Sebatik community forget about the problems programs is not about the impact that the they face by envisioning the luxurious and perfect mass media can have on them, it’s about the life they watch on television. meaning formed through the interactions The results of the analysis on the drama that occur between television content and program by the audience show a sense of emotion the audience. In the context of the interaction (emotional tone) such as the joy, pride, sadness, between the Sebatik society and the Malaysian or anger caused by the scenes shown in the television program, the community has made drama program. In this context, when a person Malaysia watch television activities as a routine is touched by his/her emotions due to watching a activity for a long time. This is evidenced by drama, the audience has reached a level of deep the findings from various studies showing emotion. This deep emotional level is one of the that the Sebatik community is fond of the forms of expression in one’s psychological aspect social life displayed in Malaysian television, as when they know something with feelings (Bignell informants feel close to the culture displayed & Lacey, 2014). This emotional atmosphere is on the television broadcast. In addition, most also parallel to Ang’s (2013), concept stating that informants also emotionally enjoyed watching viewers can be emotional because there is a strong scenes in a sad or happy Malaysian drama. linkage between the program’s content and the For children who watch Malaysian television audience (p. 179) . The Sebatik community can be broadcasts, they were found to be using a lot recognized as a loyal Malaysian audience because of terms used in the cartoon programs they they can deeply relate to the content presented watch on Malaysian television. This is evident in the drama. by the observation that the word used by young In regard to news programs, political children in Sebatik is based on the dialogue content is one of the aspects expressed by of Malaysian cartoons, such as “betul..betul.. informants. As a source of community civic betul..” in the cartoon “Upin-Ipin” or “bo..bo.. participation, informants’ knowledge of boy” from the cartoon “Boboboy”. linking Malaysian political issues to economic- In addition, the analysis results also political factors has helped their social activities shows social and cultural activity among the (Livingstone & Markham, 2008, p. 360). In

81 Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Volume 23, Issue 1, July 2019 addition, some informants have also expressed agent in the construction of a national identity. support for the UMNO and Barisan Nasional The influence of this media led the Sebatik parties. This support is highlighted through community as an audience who was interested their positive outlook on UMNO political in programs, fi gures, and cultural products party leaders and Barisan Nasional, which derived from Malaysia. The social construction are featured in Malaysian television news. process that takes place in this situation takes This suggests that the att ention and interest a long time and is done so slowly. As a social of informants to Malaysian politics is very agent, Malaysian television off ers a variety of high. Although the Sebatik Island community values and characteristics that are very similar does not have the right to vote in elections in to the national identity of Malaysia. Generally, Malaysia or be involved further in their political mass media content, especially Malaysian decisions, they are still willing to reach the level television, is planned and produced with of support for the political parties in Malaysia. strong national identity characteristics with The analysis results show how informants the aim of disseminating national ideology for use television-viewing experiences to build their Malaysian society (Rofi l et al., 2016). national identity. The activity of watching the Referring to this analysis, this study Malaysian television program studied in this is an essential basis for understanding and research is an exploration to seek a more in-depth identifying the construction process of the understanding of the construction of a national national identity of the Sebatik community. identity. This also supports the study of Morley This is demonstrated in Figure 2. (2003), which states that television can be seen as The construction of the national identity a technology integrated into the construction of of the Sebatik community was done in four the practice of daily life in a society. stages. First, there is the construction process that goes through television broadcasts. At this Construction of National Identity stage, the Sebatik community was able to use The results of the analysis show that the interpretation of television content viewed Malaysian television is a powerful social as a reference in forming their att itudes and

Figure 2. National Identity Construction of the Sebatik Community

Construction External Internal Process

Construction of Sebatik Community’s National Image Verification of Construction Media Usage Identity Process Construction Construction

Through Process Malaysian Television Program

Source: Based on research fi ndings.

82 Rizki Briandana: Television and National Identity: An Ethnography of Television Audience in the Border of Indonesia-Malaysia behaviors. Secondly, the use of mass media This unique national identity refers to the is the main choice. At this stage, the Sebatik existence of mixed cultures between Indonesian community makes Malaysian television the and Malaysian ideals, such as the use of mixed only choice in media use. Third is image language among the original ethnic languages construction. At this stage, the image formed of Indonesia (Java, Bugis and Flores) with through the Malaysian television broadcasts Bahasa Malaysia. Secondly, there is the use of process is likely to be positive. In general, there Malaysian cultural products such as clothing is perception of the Sebatik community that and media, such as television shows and the portrayal of life displayed in Malaysian popular songs. Third is the understanding of television programs is an ideal form of life. Malaysian symbols, such as Ringgit currency, Fourth is the verifi cation of the construction the national anthem “Negaraku”, Malaysia’s process. At this stage, the people of Sebatik fl ag, recent political issues, and products made participated and were willing to engage in in Malaysia. the process of constructing a national identity. This process involves viewing Malaysian Conclusion television broadcasts with the perception This study demonstrated that identity that Malaysian television broadcasts are construction needs to be understood by looking able to meet their needs for information, at one’s daily experience. This is because an entertainment, education, and role as a source individual interprets messages based on their of discussion information in interacting with social experience. The national identity of the the Malaysian community. Sebatik society is uniquely constructed through The construction process of the national their daily lives infl uenced by various factors, identity of the Sebatik community involves the namely; (1) geographical location, (2) economic role of Malaysian television in their daily lives. activity, (3) social-cultural equality, (4) lack of As part of Sebatik’s daily life, television plays references regarding the national identity of an important role in every social dimension of Indonesia, and (5) television as the main source society where Malaysian television is used as of reference. All of these factors indicate that a major source of reference in constructing the television is not the only factor aff ecting the national identity of the Sebatik society. construction process of the national identity The Malaysia television channels of the Sebatik society. However, if studied that exist in the private space of the Sebatic more closely, the role of Malaysian television community allows for the construction process program on the Sebatik community is “the to take place in a more personal context. Thus, main point” in the process of forming a national the interpretation of the national identity values identity for every individual. The mass media found in Malaysian television broadcasts is also that existed in the society of Sebatik also played shared with fellow family members through the a role as an agent of socialization along with television-watching activities and discussions other agents, such as the presence of society, that occur amongst themselves during the state, organization, culture, and ideology. watch routine. This highlights the important The audience’s perspective toward mass role of television in the construction of their media as a socialization agent is an important national identity even more so when the Sebatik element to be examined as the media content of society chooses to use their interpretation as an Sebatik carries the national identity of a foreign interaction reference in the social world. country; Malaysia. This situation becomes more These four processes led to the formation challenging when socialization agencies in of the unique identity of the Sebatik society. Indonesia, such as education departments and

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