#009 2 The Long Good Read #guardiancoffee009 Welcome to the Long Good Read. This is an experi- This newspaper is in beta. It's an experiment in mental, almost entirely automated newspaper that combining the Guardian's readers, writers and uses an algorithm to pick the week's best long- robots with Newspaper Club's short-run printing form journalism from the Guardian. The idea was tools, to produce a newspaper that's completely started by developer Dan Catt, print-your own unlike the daily Guardian. newspaper service Newspaper Club, the design We're only printing 500 copies, and it's just for team at Mohawk and the technology editorial team #guardiancoffee, so it needed to be quick and easy at the Guardian. We've put this together for you to to produce. 'One person, one hour' was the goal, read with your coffee. Enjoy! And please do tell us and achieving that required automating as much as what you think - what else should we include in our possible, while still retaining an editorial eye. experimental, automatic newspaper? First, the team at the Guardian wrote a small tool @thelonggoodread or to sift through the most popular and interesting
[email protected] long form content, as driven by website analytics, Spend time listening to anyone in the media in- comments and social media. dustry, you might think newspapers are dead. In A selection of these are then imported into News- fact it's just pulse of the big media businesses paper Club's browser based tool, ARTHR, and around the newspapers that is growing weaker, with they're quickly laid out into templates designed just readership and advertising revenues falling and in- for this project.