River Crossings - Volume 17 - Number 1 - January/February 2008 River Crossings - Volume 17 - Number 1 - January/February 2008 Volume 17 January/February 2008 Number 1 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reader’s Survey diversion project in Mississippi’s Yazoo But the Corps maintains that the project pro- River Basin carries a $220 million price tag vides vital flood protection and an economic It’s been some time since we conducted and has the potential to destroy as much as boost for a region that desperately needs it. our last Reader’s Survey, and with a new 200,000 acres of bottomland forest and other And the project’s powerful congressional Coordinator coming onboard patron, Sen. Thad Cochran soon, we felt it appropriate to of Mississippi, the Senate’s ask our readers for input as to top Republican appropriator, how we’ve been doing. So shares the Corps’ view. In please take a few moments of fact, Cochran has helped pro- your time to provide feed- vide about $50 million over back on the enclosed form or the years to get the project send a note by return email to back on the Corps’ drawing
[email protected]. As always, board. your input will help River Crossings remain focused View of seasonally flooded bottomland hardwood forest in the Pearl River In a statement, Cochran and meeting your needs in Basin, Louisiana and Mississippi. (Louisiana State University Photo.) called the project “the last keeping you abreast of impor- leg” in a long-sought flood tant natural resource issues in control plan for his state, not- the Mississippi River Basin.