This chapter shows the review of related literature about playerunknown’s battleground mobile which covers the history of playerunknown’s battleground mobile, and game features, and variety which covers definitions of language variety, and type of variety, and also register which covers definitions, and data category register. Each section will be exposed in the following.

2.1 PlayerUnknown’s battleground Mobile

Playerunknown’ battleground mobile is a combat and survival game which the game gives real-live experience with the hyper-realistic 3D object. The history and game features of playerunknown’s battleground mobile game will describe clearly below

2.1.1 The History of PlayerUnknown’s battleground Mobile

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) is an online multiplayer battle royal game developed and published by PUBG Corporation, a subsidiary of South

Korean computer game company Bluehole. Battlegrounds was initial released for

Microsoft Windows via Steam's early access beta program in March 2017, with a full release in Dec 2017. Battlegrounds is one amongst the popular and most-played video games of all times, marketing over fifty million copies worldwide by June

2018, with over four hundred million players in total once together with the mobile version. The mobile version is named PlayerUnknown’s battleground Mobile



Following the Chinese publication deal for the Windows version, Tencent

Games and PUBG Corporation in addition, declared that they were designing on releasing two mobile versions supported the game within the country. The first,

PUBG: Exhilarating battlefield, is associate degree shortened version of the first game, and was developed by Lightspeed & Quantum Studio, an internal division of

Tencent Games. The second, PUBG: Army Attack, includes additional arcade-style elements, together with the action happening on warships, and was developed by

Tencent's Timi Studio. All versions are free-to-play, and were discharged for android and IOS devices on Feb 9, 2018. The games had a combined total of seventy-five million preregistration, and stratified first and second on the Chinese iOS download charts at launch. Following a soft launch in Canada, an English version of Exhilarating battlefield, localized merely as PUBG Mobile, was released worldwide on March 19, 2018.

PlayerUnknown’s battleground Mobile had high number of requests as a result of the gameplay is easy to play and PlayerUnknown’s battleground Mobile is more enjoyable because it is a multiplayer game thus players will win the game with their friends. The game comes with voice chat and text chat in game feature. Thus, we can still communicate with teammates, and the opposing team.

2.1.2 Game Features

Playerunknown’s battle ground mobile has 5 features that makes the game enjoy to play, which are the maps, team match mode for solo, duo and squad, arcades mode, revive downed teammates, and third person perspective (TPP) & first person perspective (FPP).


1. 5 maps; Erangel, Miramar, Sanhok, Vikendi and Livik. a. Erangel

Erangel is one of the biggest maps in the game, in being 8×8 km in size.

Erangel has a lot more water areas which make up almost 50% of the map. It is also fairly covered by foliage such as grass, trees, and shrubs. b. Miramar

Miramar is one of biggest maps in the game like Erangel, with both being 8×8 km in size. Though, Miramar has more room to explore with as 80% of the map is playable. In contrast, Erangel has more water which almost 50% of the map. The two are also fairly covered by foliage such as grass, trees, and shrubs, with around 30% of both maps covered.


c. Sanhok

Sanhok is the smallest map in size at only 4×4 km. Over 50% of the map is covered in water and it also sports the densest foliage out of all four maps, with

43% of it covered. It makes sense, as Sanhok is a swamp-jungle hybrid area. d. Vikendi

The newly-released Vikendi map is 6×6 km in size, but is almost 60% water. This is due to the map actually being comprised of three islands separated by rivers. The big percentage of water areas arenot as constricting as one might think, as most of it is frozen over. Vikendi is also the most sparsely covered map in terms of foliage, with less than 7% of its area populated by grass, shrubs, and trees.


e. Livik

The Livik map is the first exclusive only for PUBG Mobile map. This new map carries a combination of elements from the Erangel, Miramar, Vikendi, and

Sanhok maps, along with some new areas, a pair of weapons, and a new monster truck. It is also the smallest map, with 2km x 2km area with more weapons spawns as compare to the previous four maps to give more action in the game as we land on the ground.

2. Solo, Duo, Squad.

Solo game means all players playing the game individually with no team. Duo means all players playing the game with a friend, one team consist of 2 players.

Squad means all player playing the game with their team, one team consist of 4 players.


3. Arcade: Mini Zone, War Mode and Sniper Mode

a. Mini Zone The Mini-Zone Arcade mode drops 100 players inside a smaller circle that holds three times the number of weapons. Matches in this mode are expected to last around 20 minutes. b. War Mode War Mode is the first mode in PUBG Mobile where the player does not get the victory by surviving the longest but by achieving a certain number of points, earned by killing enemies and reviving teammates. c. Sniper Mode Sniper Mode is only used all variation of Sniper. It is a short game which only

25 players in the arena. There is no other weapon except sniper and the players allowed used Pistols in certain conditions.


4. Revive downed teammates.

Player can revive their teammate while they are in war. After the player is revived, they return with 10% HP.

5. Third Person Perspective (TPP) & First Person Perspective (FPP).

FPP means First Person Prospective which means you cannot see yourself but you feel like it is your real life literally. TPP means Third Person Prospective which means you will see yourself in a like someone can see you from behind.

2.2 Language Variety

Language Varieties are caused by social interaction activities undertaken by the community or a group of highly diverse and due to in homogeneous speakers. The


variety of language can be categorized based on the presence of social diversity and social function in the society activities. But Halliday differentiates language variation- based users (dialect) and usage (register). Furthermore, many varieties of language are utilized by people in different occupations or backgrounds. It is possible to have more than one language. used in accordance with the circumstances of life development. Each social level has a dissimilar language. The higher level develops more complex language. In addition, sex, age, status, and grade result as the variety of languages; those variations are influenced by the people conducting creativities due to improving the language.

There are several language varieties as follows: Dialect, Style, Colloquial,

Jargon, Slang, Register.

1. Dialect

Dialect is a variety of languages, spoken in a country that is different in a few words, grammar, vocabulary from another language. As quoted in Sri heriyanti

(2014) dialect is the varieties which are grammatically as well as phonologically different from other varieties. For examples: Javanese dialect, Ambonese dialect, etc.

Dialect was devided into a standart dialect and non-standart dialect. A standard dialect (known as a "standardized dialect" or “standard language") is a dialect that is supported by institutions. Such institutional support may include government recognition or appointment; presentation as the "correct" form of language in schools; publishing grammar, dictionaries, and textbooks that prescribe normative oral and written forms; and extensive formal literature using these variations

(process, poetry, non-fiction, etc.). There may be some standard dialects connected


with a single language. For example, Standard , Standard British

English, Standard , Standard , and Standard

Philippine English may all be said to be standard dialects of the .

A nonstandard dialect, its like a standard dialect, has complete vocabulary and grammar, but usually not recipients of institutional support. Examples of a nonstandard English dialect are Western , Southern American

English, New York English, Mid-Atlantic American English, or

Philadelphia / Baltimore English, , , Brummie, and Tyke. Joseph

Wright was designed the dialect test to compare different English dialects with other.

2. Style

As stated by wardaugh (2006) style defined as a how you choose to code what you want to say on a particular occasion. Style is the way in which the personal use individual makes in speech or writing of the language at his disposal. The choice a speaker or writer makes from among formally or informally according to the situations. For example, learning in class is less formal, ceremony use formal language, and talk with friend informal.

A. Informal Writing Style a. Colloquial – Informal writing is like an oral conversation. Informal writing may include figures of speech, slang, broken syntax, asides and so on. Informal writing takes on a personal tone as if you are speaking directly to your audience

(readers). You can use first- or third-person perspective (I and we), and you tend to address your readers using second-person (you and your) perspective.


b. Simple – Short sentences are sufficient and sometimes important to make points in informal writing. There may be an uncompleted sentence or ellipsis to make a point. c. Contractions and Abbreviations – Words are likely to be simplified using contractions (for example, I’m, doesn’t, couldn’t, it’s) and abbreviations (e.g. TV, photos) whenever possible. d. Empathy and Emotion – The author shows empathy to the reader regarding the difficulty of a thought and help them through that complexity.

Formal Writing Style a. Complex – Longer sentences are expected to be prevalent in formal writing.

You should be as complete as possible with your approach to each topic when you use a formal style. Each main point needs to be introduced, elaborated and concluded. b. Objective – State main points confidently and offer full support arguments.

The formal writing style shows limited emotion and avoids emotional punctuation such as exclamation points, ellipsis, etc., unless quoted from other sources. c. Full Words – No contraction can be used to simplify a word (in other words use "It is" instead of "It's"). Abbreviations must be spelled in full the first time they are used, the only exception being if the acronym is more familiar than the full name

(BBC, ITV or NATO for example). d. Third Person – Formal writing is not a personal writing style. Formal writers are disconnected from the topic and don't use a first-person (I or we) or second- person perspective (you).


3. Jargon

Jargon mentions to the language and technical terms used by people of the same profession or group. Jargon is a special terminology without any connotation of slang in it. Some groups of profession frequently have their own jargon, such as; the lawyer, the theologian, the linguist, etc (Ohoiwutun,2002). For example,

Doctors would use Medical Jargon. The word such as rhinoplasty, conjunctivitis, and cornea used by a doctor, and usually only a doctor would understand what the words mean, Police jargon Suspect – a person whom may have committed the police think a crime, Code eight – term that means officer needs help immediately.

4. Slang

Slang is the use informal words or expressions. Slang are used in social situation for example for friends, for people in the same social group or when chatting online. Sometimes slang can be impolite, so it is important to only use slang in the right situation. Robberts (in Sabillah, 2001) defines slang as 'a person that everyone can recognize and no one can define'. Slang is an informal and often transitory form of linguistics. For example: thanks (thx), going to (gonna).

5. Register

Register is another complicity issue in any study of language varieties.

Registers are sets of language items associated with discrete professional or social groups such as Airline pilots, bank managers, sales clerks, jazz fans, and pimps employ different registers, and so on (wardaugh, 2006).


2.3 Register

These parts were discussed about the definition of register and the data category registery.

2.3.1 Definition of Register

According to Yule (2010), register is a formal way of using language that is appropriate in a particular context, which can be recognized as situational (e.g. in church), topical (e.g. talking about language), or professional (e.g. among lawyers)

Ferguson in (wardaugh, 2006) says that people who contribute to regular communication situations tend to develop similar vocabulary, similar intonational features, and the characteristic bits of syntax and phonology they use in these situations.

Register are defined for their characteristic lexical and grammatical features: their linguistic features, but registers are also described for their situational contexts, for example whether they are produced in dialog or inscription. Whether they are communicating, and what their primary communicative purposes are one of the central arguments of the book is that linguistic features are always functional when considered from a register perspective.

2.3.2 Data Category Registry

Based on data category registery, there were six type which are explained from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO/TR 20694: 2018) shows the types of register qualifiers that can be relevant in terminology work include:

1. Bench-level register

The register of terms used in applications-oriented as different to academic or theoretical levels of language.


EXAMPLE: The end of recovery from broach is usually referred to as a puller in bench level use.

2. In-house register

The register of terms that are company-specific and not be used outside this environment.

EXAMPLE: In-house use in the field of soccer sports such as injury time.

NOTE: Internal terminology is not necessarily the equivalent of bench level terminology, as entry-level terminology can thrive at very high levels of research and development. Internal terminology is frequently the new technical the source terminology which eventually becomes widely accepted on a broader scale.

3. Neutral register

The register suitable to universal texts or discourse.

4. Slang register

An informal register of a word, or text used in spoken in everyday language and less commonly in documents.

EXAMPLE: In aviation, the phrase fly by the seat of your pants is slang for the more formal fly without instruments.

5. Technical register

The register uses to scientific texts or special languages.


6. Vulgar register

The register of a term or text type which can be characterized as disrespectful or socially unacceptable. Although vulgar register is avoided in formal technical terminology, languages with broad distribution such as English or Spanish can require the documentation of problematic terms that vary in register from region to region.