Subject: Questions to the Mayor – Priority Order (Amended) Report number: 4 Report to: Assembly Date: 18/10/06 Report of: Director Of Secretariat

Report on Olympics Local Employment and Living Wage Question No: 2103 / 2006 Darren Johnson In your role as a member of the Olympics Board, will you ask the ODA to publish figures on local employment and payment of the living wage for workers on the Olympics site in a quarterly report?

Mayor’s Report Question No: 2225 / 2006 Murad Qureshi Will the Mayor kindly update his report?

Bob Kiley TfL Consultancy Question No: 2383 / 2006 Peter Hulme Cross Given the mayor’s admission that no consolidated list of dates is kept for which Bob Kiley is paid at a daily rate of £3,200, will TfL be reviewing whether it is getting value for money from this arrangement?

London Planning Survey - ALG Question No: 2301 / 2006 Tony Arbour The survey carried out by GfK NOP commissioned by the Association of London Government shows that 54% of all Londoners oppose the extension of powers to the Mayor, are you happy to go against the wishes of Londoners?

1 Environmental Taxes Question No: 2175 / 2006 Mike Tuffrey You have stated publicly that you are in broad agreement with Liberal Democrat Tax Strategy. What are you doing to take forward the environmental tax agenda with your colleagues in the Government as well as with major business interests in London?

Transport Safer Neighbourhood Teams Question No: 2363 / 2006 Richard Barnes Do you believe that PCSOs will be as effective at tackling crime and anti-social behaviour on the transport network as a fully warranted police officer?

Charging for CCTV Footage Question No: 2226 / 2006 Valerie Shawcross What are your views on bus company proposals to charge the police for retrieval of CCTV footage?

Dollis Hill House Question No: 2343 / 2006 Bob Blackman Now that the PCT has ruled out any scheme involving the redevelopment of House and all other avenues have been exhausted, will you now honour the commitment you made before the last Mayoral election to provide a grant of £1 million towards the cost of restoring Dollis Hill House?

River Transport Question No: 2391 / 2006 Murad Qureshi Given Angie Bray’s newfound enthusiasm for expanding London’s river transport, which requires substantial subsidy far above that required for buses, where do you anticipate any resistance coming from in the future to your investment in expanding public transport in London?

Public Announcement Noise at Tube Stations Question No: 2278 / 2006 Angie Bray Is the Mayor aware that the problem which I brought to his attention regarding Earl’s Court and Putney Bridge stations appears to be much more widespread and seems to be connected to the programme of refurbishment of tube stations? Will the Mayor arrange for an urgent review by Tubelines and Metronet of the PA systems which

2 have been installed as part of the refurbishments with a view to getting them working properly and set to a sensible volume in order to alleviate the misery which residents in many parts of London are suffering from constant noise pollution?

Congestion Hot-spots Question No: 2151 / 2006 Geoff Pope What discussions have you held with London Boroughs with a view to tackling their congestion hot-spots through road pricing using ‘tag and beacon’ technology?

Taxi Emissions Equipment Question No: 2324 / 2006 Roger Evans Can you detail the test results of all the taxi emissions equipment that has been tested at the Millbrook testing centre? What is the failure rate?

Freedom Pass Restrictions Question No: 2228 / 2006 Jennette Arnold Some of my elderly constituents have raised with me that whilst they think its excellent that children up to 18 years old now have free bus passes, they would like the restriction of not being able to use their Freedom Pass until after 9 am removed. This will allow them to use their Freedom Pass to attend important hospital appointments. Will you consider this removal?

NHS Deficits Question No: 2372 / 2006 Elizabeth Howlett Does the Mayor believe that the way health service debt is structured and the high interest the government is charging on the debt in London is sustainable, and does he believe there will be an impact on the NHS’ ability to deliver quality services?

Increasing Fares Question No: 2230 / 2006 Murad Qureshi Do you agree with Andrew Gilligan’s assertion in the Evening Standard that TfL will increase fares more often ‘once they had us all on Oyster’?

3 Wheelchair Accessible Housing Question No: 2185 / 2006 Dee Doocey Is it acceptable that the target for 10% of all new housing to be wheelchair accessible, in the 2004 London Plan, was set without there being any mechanism to monitor its delivery?

Congestion Charge and Foreign Embassies Question No: 2384 / 2006 Damian Hockney How many embassies have outstanding congestion charges? If the mayor is confident in his legal advice that embassies are not exempt from paying the congestion charge under the terms of the Vienna Convention, why is he making no attempt to recover the outstanding amounts through the courts?

FOI Requests to the Port of London Authority Question No: 2231 / 2006 John Biggs How do you feel the anomaly, whereby the Port of London Authority is exempt from Freedom of Information requests and appears to have no independent complaints procedure, should be addressed? Is this an issue on which we should be lobbying for change?

Congestion Charge - CO2 Emissions Question No: 2277 / 2006 Angie Bray On the 12th July you announced proposals to vary the congestion charge according to vehicle C02 emissions. You stated that you had instructed your staff to bring these plans forward and to launch a consultation on these proposals in the autumn. When will this consultation process start?

DLR on West India Quay Question No: 2234 / 2006 John Biggs Tenants and businesses on West India Quay are expressing concern that following the Delta Junction improvements they will lose their DLR service to Bank. What steps can be taken to reassure them and what alternatives are being explored? As the North Quay area is developed with more offices the numbers of people who would have used this station would increase. Has there been adequate modelling of the alternative routes?

4 Systems Associates Question No: 2360 / 2006 Bob Blackman Please detail the reasons for the delays in the IT project being run by Systems Associates which has now been cancelled? Please detail the exact details of the costs of the contract and any termination payments made?

Park and Ride Question No: 2152 / 2006 Geoff Pope What steps have you taken to develop the proposal in your Transport Strategy to provide Park and Ride facilities close to the M25 to reduce traffic within Greater London? Can the facilities provided for the 2012 Olympics be retained as a legacy for London?

[Note: The following are priority questions, but are not in proportional order.]

Food Strategy - Trans Fats Question No: 2227 / 2006 Joanne McCartney In line with the Mayor’s recently issued Food Strategy for London, would the Mayor agree to investigate the decision of the Mayor of New York to ban the use of Trans Fats from food establishments in the city to see if a similar scheme can be introduced to London at the earliest opportunity, to aid the health of Londoners and to protect consumers from sub standard and potential harmful food ingredients?

Transport 2025 Question No: 2146 / 2006 Jenny Jones Why does the TfL document 2025 fail to include any proposals on cycling, except those which are due to be completed, or in place by 2009/10?

Free Newspapers Question No: 2179 / 2006 Mike Tuffrey Will you ask Associated Newspapers and News International to pay for recycling bins to be provided across London to cope with the new evening free sheets being distributed on the streets?


Questions for Written Answer *

LDA Developments Question No: 2104 / 2006 Jenny Jones What methods and processes does the LDA use to compare a development’s impacts on climate change, with other priorities, such as regeneration? How do these processes allow the LDA’s decisions on individual developments to keep within the Mayor’s wider targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions? * Police Community Support Officers Question No: 2105 / 2006 Jenny Jones What training and guidance are the transport PCSOs funded by TfL given on leaving cycling lanes clear? * Free Newspapers on the Underground Question No: 2106 / 2006 Jenny Jones Do you agree the distribution contracts for free papers on the tube network should take account of the environmental costs, including waste collection and recycling? * Thames Festival Question No: 2107 / 2006 Jenny Jones What was the total amount of waste produced at the Thames Festival? What proportion went to landfill and what proportion was recycled? *

Blackfriars Road Question No: 2108 / 2006 Jenny Jones What consideration has TfL given to making Blackfriars Road a 20 mph zone? * Public Carriage Office and Cyclists Question No: 2109 / 2006 Jenny Jones How many complaints has the PCO received from cyclists about taxi drivers in the last 5 years? What action does the PCO take when it receives a complaint about aggressive or dangerous driving? *

6 Making Cycling Safer in London Question No: 2110 / 2006 Jenny Jones Do you agree with the following suggestion, submitted by a constituent, for making cycling safer in London? “May I suggest that the dangers of cycling in London are often attributable to the total lack of awareness by motorists and lorry drivers of how it feels to cycle in heavy traffic. Many motorists are totally unaware of the fact that cycling is a balancing act, requires space to wobble, to balance, and to put ones foot on the ground occasionally, and so on. Therefore I would like to propose that every motorist/lorry driver should be made to attend a cycle training course as part of passing their driving test.” * Cycle Lanes on Dual Carriageways Question No: 2111 / 2006 Jenny Jones What work has TfL done to assess the potential of placing cycle lanes on dual carriageways in London? * Red Light Running Question No: 2112 / 2006 Jenny Jones How many fixed penalty notices were issued to motorists for contravening red lights in each London borough last year? * Historic Tiling at Arsenal Tube Station Question No: 2113 / 2006 Jenny Jones Why has the refurbishment of Arsenal tube station involved ripping out and discarding all the beautiful original tiles lining the foot tunnel and eastbound platform? Is there any environmental assessment of the refurbishment program to ensure that materials are preserved, reused or recycled?” * Social Housing Question No: 2114 / 2006 Jenny Jones What was the total social housing stock in each London borough in 2005/06? How many social housing units were added and how many were lost in each borough in the same financial year? * Affordable Housing Question No: 2115 / 2006 Jenny Jones What was the total affordable housing stock in each London Borough in 2005/06? How many additional affordable homes were added to the total stock of each London borough in 2005/06? *

7 Public Awareness Campaign on Rape Question No: 2116 / 2006 Jenny Jones Has a launch date been set for the public awareness campaign on rape that was included in your 06/07 budget agreement to the Green Group? * Congestion and the Metropolitan Police Service Question No: 2117 / 2006 Jenny Jones Are you aware that, according to research done by TfL’s Travel Demand Management team, the Metropolitan Police Service has the greatest Congestion Reduction Potential of any single organisation in London? What targets for modal shift are set out in the MPS workplace travel plan? How do these compare with the targets of other GLA Group organisations? * Traffic Light Schemes Question No: 2118 / 2006 Jenny Jones How many traffic light related schemes have TfL completed in each year of the last five years? How many new schemes have been proposed in each of the last five years? * Traffic Light Schemes Question No: 2119 / 2006 Jenny Jones What is the average length of time needed to complete a traffic signal related scheme? How many schemes are currently being pursued and how long would it take to complete all current schemes, assuming that no new schemes are adopted? * Cycling in the Royal Parks Question No: 2120 / 2006 Jenny Jones Is there anything more TfL can do to help the Royal Parks Authority to put in new cycle routes through Kensington Gardens and Regents Park in 2006/07? * Gyratories Question No: 2121 / 2006 Jenny Jones Can you provide a list of all the major gyratory systems on the Road Network which have been subject in the last six years to reports/consultations concerning plans to make them two way? Can you provide a list of those conversion schemes which are being actively considered and what stage those plans have reached? * Pedestrian Crossings Question No: 2122 / 2006 Jenny Jones What research has TfL carried out to investigate how many pedestrian crossings are obstructed

8 by motor vehicles during the “green man” phase and how this inconveniences and endangers pedestrians, particularly the more vulnerable ones? Will the Mayor push for the law to be changed so that it is a specific offence or contravention for drivers to obstruct toucan crossings and crossings at signalled junctions, as is presently the case for zebra, puffin and pelican crossings? * Road Danger Reduction Charter Question No: 2123 / 2006 Jenny Jones Will TfL follow the example of a growing number of London Local Authorities and adopt the Road Danger Reduction Charter? * Energy Costs on the Underground Question No: 2124 / 2006 Jenny Jones What negotiations have taken place with Tube Lines and Metronet over new trains and sub- stations to ensure that the energy bill for running the underground does not increase dramatically in the next few years? * East London Line and Energy Efficiency Question No: 2125 / 2006 Jenny Jones What steps are you taking to ensure that the East London Line Extension will have the most energy efficient trains possible and use regenerative braking systems? * Energy and Rail in London Question No: 2126 / 2006 Jenny Jones What steps is Transport for London taking to press for the inclusion of energy efficiency as part of the franchise process for rail operating companies? * Green Grid Question No: 2127 / 2006 Jenny Jones How important is the Green Grid for London and the wider Thames Gateway? What more can you do to make it happen? * Avenue Verte Question No: 2128 / 2006 Jenny Jones Will you lend your support to the Avenue Verte project, which involves completing a 350km cycle route from London to Paris in time for the Olympics in 2012? *

9 Policing in London Question No: 2129 / 2006 Jenny Jones Are you concerned about proposals to use police cells to hold prisoners and the effect that this may have on London’s policing and the Met’s resources? * Communication between and Rail Companies Question No: 2130 / 2006 Darren Johnson What can you do to ensure that rail companies and the London Underground communicate with one another so that announcements about cancellations and service disruptions are properly communicated on both rail and underground services? Recently, for example, underground services were cancelled at Stratford without any announcement being made to passengers on overground services. * Bus Noise Question No: 2131 / 2006 Darren Johnson Can you confirm the noise levels of (a) a modern double decker and (b) a bendy bus, compared to the noise levels of the old Routemaster? * London-wide Hazardous Household Waste Collection Service Question No: 2132 / 2006 Darren Johnson Proposal 62 of the Municipal Waste Strategy outlines plans for a London-wide Hazardous Household Waste Collection Service. Is the service now up and running? * Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Aviation Question No: 2133 / 2006 Darren Johnson Following your response to question 1808/2006, will you report regularly on aviation emissions from London’s airports alongside other sources of carbon dioxide emissions in London? * Draft Further Alterations to the London Plan Question No: 2134 / 2006 Darren Johnson What changes were made to the Draft Further Alterations to the London Plan on the basis of the consultation responses that you received?? * Nuclear Trains Risk Assessment Question No: 2135 / 2006 Darren Johnson Can you give an indication of when the Nuclear Trains Risk Assessment report (which you expected to be published by Summer 2006) will be launched? * 10 Climate Change and Aviation Question No: 2136 / 2006 Darren Johnson Will you instruct your European office to make available to members of the European Parliament all the information you have available on the environmental and climate change impacts of aviation? Will you lend your support to the package of measures put forward by the Environment committee to establish an airlines-only emissions trading scheme alongside a package of complementary measures to reduce aviation’s non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions? * London Unlimited Question No: 2137 / 2006 Darren Johnson What initiatives are planned to be undertaken by London Unlimited over the next 3 years? How will these be funded? * London Climate Change Agency Question No: 2138 / 2006 Darren Johnson What is the projected spending from the GLA Group budget on the London Climate Change Agency over the next three years? In broad terms how will this be allocated? * Rail Freight Facilities Question No: 2139 / 2006 Darren Johnson Why do the Draft Further Alterations to the London Plan propose removing the requirement for new freight facilities to ‘be located wholly or substantially on previously developed land’ from paragraph 3.218? * 100 Public Spaces Programme Question No: 2140 / 2006 Darren Johnson Is there a clear investment strategy to implement each of the following projects within your 100 Public Spaces Programme: Tottenham Hale, Victoria Embankment, Old Street, Brixton Central Square, and Sloane Square? Do you expect these projects be programmed in the 07/08 TfL budget and business plan? * Albert Dock Question No: 2141 / 2006 Darren Johnson Is there a clear investment strategy to implement the Albert Dock Basin project within your 100 Public Spaces Programme? Will this project be included in the LDA’s 07/08 budget and corporate plan? *

11 Bricklayers Arms Question No: 2142 / 2006 Darren Johnson What plans does TfL have for the removal of the Bricklayers Arms flyover, which is deeply unpopular with cyclists and pedestrians? * Recognising Stroke Symptoms Question No: 2143 / 2006 Darren Johnson Following the success of your ‘Saving Londoners Lives’ campaign in raising awareness of how to recognise heart attack symptoms, will you agree to lead a London wide campaign to train Londoners to recognise stroke symptoms using the FAST (Face, Arms, Speech Test)? * London’s Cycle Network + Question No: 2144 / 2006 Darren Johnson Which local authorities have not submitted bids to implement the LCN+? * Cycle Parking at Public Buildings Question No: 2145 / 2006 Darren Johnson Given the Mayor’s support for cycle parking at public buildings, would TfL be able to make funds available for cycling parking at all of London’s courts and tribunals? * Affordable Housing and Environmental Standards Question No: 2147 / 2006 Darren Johnson In your 65th Report to the Assembly, you state: ‘Once I take over responsibility for the investment plan for London’s £1.7 billion affordable housing budget no money will be spent subsidising environmentally inefficient public sector homes in the capital’. What environmental standards will you require homes delivered under this budget to meet? * Olympics ‘Eco-park’ Question No: 2148 / 2006 Darren Johnson Has a site been identified for facilities to deliver the commitment in the Olympics Bid to ‘produce clean energy from residual general waste and sewage’? * Intrepid Fox Pub Question No: 2149 / 2006 Darren Johnson Do you agree that it would be of cultural benefit to all visitors to London for the Intrepid Fox pub to be saved from redevelopment? *

12 Public Involvement in Health in London Question No: 2150 / 2006 Darren Johnson Are you concerned that plans to abolish the pan-London statutory Patients’ Forum for the London Ambulance Service will weaken patient and public involvement in health issues in London and in pan-London preventative health initiatives? What representations have you made to the Secretary of State for Health on this issue? * Hybrid and Zero-Emission Buses Question No: 2153 / 2006 Geoff Pope Why are Continental cities ahead of London in the procurement of hybrid or zero-emission buses? *

Thames Link 2000 Question No: 2154 / 2006 Geoff Pope What progress has been made towards realising the Thameslink 2000 project and what has been TfL’s recent involvement in its development? * Car Free Day Question No: 2155 / 2006 Geoff Pope How much of a success was Car-Free Day in London on 22 September? * Congestion Charge Advertising in St Albans Question No: 2156 / 2006 Sally Hamwee A current TfL advertisement displayed on billboards in St Albans promotes the Congestion Charge as resulting in ‘more people using public transport’. Why is this relevant to St Albans, what has it cost for such a display running for several weeks, and would it not be more useful to give the residents of St Albans practical information about when the Charge operates and how they can pay it ? Where else outside Greater London and its very immediate environs have such posters been displayed? * Dial-a-Ride Drivers Question No: 2157 / 2006 Sally Hamwee Are you satisfied with the recruitment process for Dial-A-Ride drivers ? Would it be typical to apply in February, be interviewed in July, and still not to have heard in September ? Could this process be investigated ? *

13 Rail and Tube Maintenance Question No: 2158 / 2006 Geoff Pope How often do TfL meet with Network Rail to coordinate rail and tube maintenance closures in order to minimise disruption? * Closures Question No: 2159 / 2006 Geoff Pope Why is the Piccadilly Line from Uxbridge to Acton Town the only line being closed at December weekends during the peak Christmas shopping period? * Turnham Green Station Question No: 2160 / 2006 Geoff Pope Will Turnham Green station be served by more Piccadilly Line trains than currently stop there, either before or after the planned line upgrade in 2014? * Heathrow Congestion Question No: 2161 / 2006 Geoff Pope Are there any plans to reduce congestion relating to Heathrow passengers travelling with bulky baggage on the Piccadilly Line? Will you consider including the Heathrow/Paddington rail services on tube maps? * West London Tram Question No: 2162 / 2006 Geoff Pope When do you expect to conduct a public opinion survey on support for the West London Tram? * Ridership Projections Question No: 2163 / 2006 Geoff Pope When TFL assessed the business cases for London trains/transit schemes, what ridership projections were made for West London-Uxbridge Road, Cross River Tram, Oxford Street, Greenwich Waterfront Transit, East London Transit, Heathrow via the A4 Hammersmith. * Henlys and Waggoners Roundabouts Question No: 2164 / 2006 Geoff Pope When will TFL be producing their delayed report on their traffic study of the A4 at Henlys Roundabout and Waggoners Roundabout, and when is implementation expected? *

14 Taxi Fares at Heathrow Question No: 2165 / 2006 Geoff Pope Are you aware that taxi drivers at Heathrow charge double rate or refuse potential passengers wishing to be driven outside the Greater London boundary, even for short journeys to Ashford, Middlesex, and will systems be put in their place to overcome this practice at Heathrow when Terminal 5 opens? * Pedestrian and Pelican Crossings Question No: 2166 / 2006 Geoff Pope Please list volume contracts that TFL have set up for the supply of standard street equipment used for pedestrian and pelican crossings * LED Displays on Buses Question No: 2167 / 2006 Geoff Pope Why does TFL not allow LED destination displays on their buses? * Carbon Dioxide Emission Targets Question No: 2168 / 2006 Geoff Pope With regard to carbon-dioxide emissions, what targets in the London plan have been set for 2010 for; A/ Private Transport in London, and: B/ Public Transport in London * Bailiffs Question No: 2169 / 2006 Graham Tope What action are you taking to ensure that bailiffs acting on behalf of TfL don’t carry out extortionate or unfair practices? * Safeguarding Personal Data on Oyster Cards Question No: 2170 / 2006 Geoff Pope What procedures are in place to safeguard personal data held on the Oyster Card control system? * Taxing Aircraft Flights Question No: 2171 / 2006 Geoff Pope Given your recent comments, do you agree that taxation of aircraft flights provides an incentive to airlines to achieve reduced carbon emissions?

15 * Parking Restrictions Question No: 2172 / 2006 Geoff Pope Although dispensation is provided for parking in restricted areas to glaziers for standard repair work and refurbishment as in MQT no. 1942/2006 on 13/09/2006, this does not cover emergency work. Will you investigate a system to cover emergencies? * Zero-Emission Fuel Cell Buses Question No: 2173 / 2006 Geoff Pope What will happen to the zero-emission fuel cell buses once the trial is completed - are they to be retained in service? Have they so far proved satisfactory? * 59 Bus Question No: 2174 / 2006 Geoff Pope It appears to Lambeth residents that the 59 bus route [Streatham Hill-Euston] operates less frequently than other routes in the area and is consequently the most overcrowded. Does this perception from residents have any basis in fact, and if so, what can be done to improve the frequency on this particular route? * Low-Emission Zone Question No: 2176 / 2006 Mike Tuffrey Given that were able to meet Euro IV emission standards by 2005, why has the Low-Emission Zone proposal been revised to make the target for London’s HGVs, buses and coaches 2012 rather than 2010 as originally suggested? * Water Resources Question No: 2177 / 2006 Mike Tuffrey Given your commitment to accommodate London’s growth within its boundaries, what representations have you made to Thames Water, concerning its plans to build a 4-mile square reservoir in Oxfordshire to accommodate growing need for water in London, which could otherwise be met by conservation, leakage reduction, and metering? * Hydrogen Buses Question No: 2178 / 2006 Mike Tuffrey How is the hydrogen used in London buses generated, and over what timescale do you envisage being able to power London’s fuel cell buses with carbon-neutral sources of hydrogen? *

16 Free Newspapers Question No: 2180 / 2006 Mike Tuffrey What arrangements are in place to collect and recycle newspapers left on TfL buses?

Aviation Question No: 2181 / 2006 Mike Tuffrey What can you do as Mayor to reduce the level of carbon emissions from London’s air traffic? * Short Haul Flights Question No: 2182 / 2006 Mike Tuffrey How many internal UK flights have GLA personnel and staff and Members elected or appointed to its functional bodies taken in each of the years 2000 - 2006? * Commercial Waste Question No: 2183 / 2006 Mike Tuffrey Has the GLA conducted and research in to what level of waste is produced annually by London’s restaurants and what proportion of this is landfilled? * Nappies Question No: 2184 / 2006 Mike Tuffrey What research has the GLA undertaken into the environmental benefits of using reusable as opposed to disposable paper nappies, and what action is being taken to change behaviour across London? * Affordable Housing Question No: 2186 / 2006 Dee Doocey What can you do to provide more family-sized, three and four bedroom affordable houses in London? Is the London Plan smart enough to ensure that developments cater to local need? * Affordable Housing Question No: 2187 / 2006 Dee Doocey Please provide figures for the number of a) three bedroom affordable homes, and b) four bedroom affordable homes, that are currently under-occupied in London. *

17 Decent Homes Question No: 2188 / 2006 Dee Doocey What proportion of London’s social housing will meet the Decent Homes Standard in 2010? * Temporary Accommodation Question No: 2189 / 2006 Dee Doocey Given that only limited progress has been made towards meeting the Government’s 2010 target to halve the number of households in temporary accommodation, how will you use your new housing powers to bring about improvement? Do you expect London to meet the target? * Empty Homes Question No: 2190 / 2006 Dee Doocey Please provide the most recent figures for the empty homes in each Borough, identifying what proportion are private property. * Empty Homes Question No: 2191 / 2006 Dee Doocey Please provide figures for the number of homes that the Empty Homes Hotline has helped return to use, per year, since 2002. * Race Hate Crime Question No: 2192 / 2006 Graham Tope How many hate crimes where the victims were Jewish, or believed to associated with Judaism, were recorded in the Metropolitan Police District in the following years: 2003/04, 2004/05 and 2005/06? * Islamophobia Question No: 2193 / 2006 Graham Tope What is your reaction to the Sept 06 YouGov poll which found that one in six Londoners has moved seats on the bus or tube to avoid sitting next to someone they believe to be Muslim? What are you doing to tackle this phenomenon in London? * Knife Crime Question No: 2194 / 2006 Graham Tope Do you think that this summer’s knife amnesty tackled the root causes of knife crime in London? *

18 Borough Funded Safer Neighbourhood Teams Question No: 2195 / 2006 Graham Tope Are the 28 Safer Neighbourhood Teams originally funded by London Borough Councils now fully funded by you? If so, when did this occur? * We Are Londoners Question No: 2196 / 2006 Sally Hamwee How many a) bus stops and b) poster board sites in London have displayed ‘We Are Londoners’ campaign material? Please list the sites used and the criteria for their selection. * Transport Safer Neighbourhood Teams Question No: 2197 / 2006 Geoff Pope Which boroughs do you envisage the new Transport Safer Neighbourhood Teams will start work on in April 2007? * Branding Question No: 2198 / 2006 Dee Doocey Can you clarify if the contract awarded to Wolff-Olins is just for the new London 2012 logo, or for the whole theme of the Games, including, for example, sub-graphics? * Olympic and Paralympic Branding Question No: 2199 / 2006 Dee Doocey Who is going to be judging the design of the logo, and how do we know it is going to take all sensibilities into account? * Logo (Paralympics) Question No: 2200 / 2006 Dee Doocey Is the logo being designed with the Paralympics in mind? * Olympic Cultural Festival Question No: 2201 / 2006 Dee Doocey Will there be a different identity for the Olympic cultural festival, in terms of the logo? *

19 IOC Approval of Branding Question No: 2202 / 2006 Dee Doocey What is the approval process with the IOC for the design of any branding? * Olympic Fine Art Programme Question No: 2203 / 2006 Dee Doocey Will there be an Olympic fine art programme? * Olympic Design Competitions Question No: 2204 / 2006 Dee Doocey Will there be competitions for designing, for example, the Olympic medals? * Olympic Design Competitions Question No: 2205 / 2006 Dee Doocey How many Olympic design competitions will there be, and will they have independent judges? * The Branding of London for 2012 Question No: 2206 / 2006 Dee Doocey What plans are in place to ensure that the branding for the London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games embraces the rich culture and diversity that exists in London? * Community Engagement Question No: 2207 / 2006 Dee Doocey What steps are you putting in place to ensure that the whole community is involved with the development of the Olympic and Paralympic Games? * Olympic Rings Compensation Question No: 2208 / 2006 Dee Doocey It has been reported that LOCOG is compensating the British Olympic Association by £4.5 million a year as a result of any new sponsors for the BOA not being able to use Olympic imagery. Is this correct, and from what budget stream is this coming? * Western Extension Question No: 2209 / 2006 Sally Hamwee What are your most up to date estimates for the income that will be generated by the Western

20 Extension of the Congestion Charge in its first and subsequent years of operation?

Bank Accounts Question No: 2210 / 2006 Sally Hamwee According to Citizens Advice, 1 in 12 households in the UK do not have bank accounts. This equates to nearly 600,000 households in London. What plans do you have in place to afford these Londoners access to the financial benefits of Oystercards? * Mayor of London Advertising Question No: 2211 / 2006 Sally Hamwee In the last financial year how many advertising campaigns paid for in part or in total by the GLA contained the ‘Mayor of London’ logo? What was the cost, both in total and to the GLA, of these campaigns? * London Advertising Question No: 2212 / 2006 Sally Hamwee In the last financial year how many advertising campaigns, paid for in part or in total by the GLA, contained the GLA “London” logo? What was the cost, both in total and to the GLA, of these campaigns? * Shameless Promotion of Yourself Advertising Question No: 2213 / 2006 Sally Hamwee In the last financial year how many advertising campaigns paid for in part or in total by the GLA contained an image of you? What was the cost, both in total and to the GLA, of these campaigns? * London Film Festival Question No: 2214 / 2006 Sally Hamwee The 50th London Film Festival starts on the 18th of October and its artistic director Sandra Hebron has stated that compared to other festivals of similar size and stature it is under- resourced. As a main funding contributor of the festival yourself, and responsible for the LDA who is another main funding contributor, what assurance can you give that next year the London Film Festival’s resources will be adequate to meet its needs? * Lokahi Question No: 2215 / 2006 Sally Hamwee Further to my question 1891 / 2006 where are the details of the Lokahi foundation’s activities publicized for members of the Assembly and the public to view? The charity’s website provides little information and is quite out of date.

21 *

London’s Living Room Question No: 2216 / 2006 Sally Hamwee Since the beginning of the financial year, how many times has the fee for using London’s Living Room and other GLA rooms facilities been waived and for what organisations? How much did these waivers cost in income foregone? * London’s Living Room 2 Question No: 2217 / 2006 Sally Hamwee How is it publicised to charities that they may book London’s Living Room and other GLA facilities for free or for a reduced fee? How is it ensured that charities of all types across all sectors know of the possibilities for free or reduced fee bookings? * Consultants Question No: 2218 / 2006 Sally Hamwee In answering my question 1903/2006 you presented data on the money spent by each functional body on consultants. Where can Assembly members and members of the public find this information (other than through a formal questions or an FoI request) since the quarterly monitoring reports do not contain it? * Consultancy Fees Question No: 2219 / 2006 Sally Hamwee According to your answer to question number 1992/2006 TfL’s expenditure on professional and consultancy fees in the last financial year was £160,500,000. However, according to the last quarterly monitoring report full year spending in TfL’s “Professional and Consultancy fees” budget line was £107,000,000. Can you explain this inconsistency? * Anne Kane Question No: 2220 / 2006 Sally Hamwee As reported in the Mayor's Decision List as MA 2473 the Mayor has appointed Anne Kane to provide consultancy services. What skills does Anne Kane have that cannot be provided by the Equalities unit, Public Affairs and/or other in house staff? * Anne Kane 2 Question No: 2221 / 2006 Sally Hamwee What is meant by “retrospectively” in MA 2473 (“To retrospectively waive the GLA’s Contracts Code of Practice in commissioning Anne Kane”)? *


TfL Consultants Question No: 2222 / 2006 Sally Hamwee How many consultants are engaged by TfL other than in connection with a specific project. How many of these consultants have been working with TfL for a) more than 6 months, b) more than 12 months? * Standard GLA Agreements Question No: 2223 / 2006 Sally Hamwee According to your answer to my question 1893/2006 regarding the Black Londoner’s Forum “Funding objectives are laid out in the funding agreement in line with standard GLA agreements”. What are these ‘standard GLA agreements’ and can you provide a copy? * Architecture and Urbanism Unit Question No: 2224 / 2006 Sally Hamwee What reassurances can you give that the Architecture & Urbanism Unit works on an open and transparent basis and does not exercise favouritism in its recommendations of architects to developers, as alleged in some press? * Bus Companies Charges to Police Question No: 2229 / 2006 Valerie Shawcross A report in the South London Press (6 Oct 06) suggests that bus companies may start to charge the police £50 per hour for the retrieval of CCTV footage. What would be the financial impact of such a charge? * Remploy Question No: 2232 / 2006 John Biggs Do you agree that Remploy fulfill a useful role in providing employment for disabled people in London? Would you also agree that while periodic review is inevitable and ‘mainstreaming’ of employment is desirable the track record on this is very mixed and there is a continuing need for the Remploy factories in London? Will you ensure that your office monitors the review and will you support me in strenuously supporting this vital resource for disabled people? * Promoting Employment of Disabled People Question No: 2233 / 2006 John Biggs Do you feel that within the GLA family we are doing enough to promote employment of disabled people, particularly those with more severe disabilities, conditions such as epilepsy, which many employers will not feel able to deal with in their workforce, and adults with a learning disability? *

23 Mobility Buses Question No: 2235 / 2006 John Biggs What role do mobility buses play now that more London buses are accessible and do you accept that they do fulfill a particular role for small numbers of people with particular types and degrees of mobility impairment? * Dial-a-Ride Question No: 2236 / 2006 John Biggs What service standards operate for Dial-a-Ride and how can these, including the numbers of declined requests, be addressed where falling short of customer expectations? * High-Level Viewing Platforms Question No: 2237 / 2006 John Biggs Do you agree with me that the provision of a high-level viewing platform, with wide but secure visitor access, at a tall building in London, such as at Canary Wharf, could, like the Empire State Building or Eiffel Tower become a highly popular visitor attraction. Should a developer be encouraged to build such an attraction in one of London’s tall buildings? * Rebuilding Opportunities for Football Clubs Question No: 2238 / 2006 John Biggs With Arsenal Football Ground rebuilt, and rumours of a new Chelsea Ground do you recognise that other major clubs in London will be likely to be looking at rebuilding opportunities, with capacities of around 60,000, in the near future? How should London’s Government help such plans and should we encourage them? * Environmental Benefits to the Knife Amnesty Question No: 2239 / 2006 Nicky Gavron Following the Metropolitan Police Services’ very successful knife amnesty, which saw over 10,000 weapons removed from the streets, would the Mayor join me in congratulating the MPS on the steps it has taken to link this excellent crime prevention work with the capital’s wider environmental agenda by working with the construction industry to recycle the knives, thus taking them off the streets forever * Gun Crime Question No: 2240 / 2006 Valerie Shawcross What message do you have for the people of Lambeth and Southwark who are both shocked and frightened by the spate of recent shootings? Do you believe that the Met are adequately targeting this crime in South London? What steps are you taking to focus resources on tackling gun crime? *

24 Cross River Tram Scheme Question No: 2241 / 2006 Valerie Shawcross What impact do you estimate that the proposed Cross River tram scheme have on the income levels of Peckham and Coldharbour ward residents ? * Cross River Tram and Reduction of CO2 emissions Question No: 2242 / 2006 Valerie Shawcross How many cars will the CRT take off the road per annum and what is the reduction in CO2 associated with this traffic reduction? * Tram to Oxford Street Question No: 2243 / 2006 Valerie Shawcross Will it be possible to extend a tram to Oxford Street without the installation of the CRT scheme? * Crystal Palace Arm of the Croydon Tramlink Question No: 2244 / 2006 Valerie Shawcross How many passengers currently use the Croydon Tramlink scheme and how many additional passengers will make use of the proposed extension to Crystal Palace? * Streatham Question No: 2245 / 2006 Valerie Shawcross What future prospects are there for extending the CRT from Brixton to Streatham? * A205 Pedestrian and Cyclist Casualties Question No: 2246 / 2006 Valerie Shawcross How many pedestrian and cyclist accidents and fatalities have occurred on the A205 between the Tulse Hill gyratory and the junction with South Croxteth Road over the previous 3 years? What steps are being taken to make this section of road safer? * Disabled Drivers and PCNs Question No: 2247 / 2006 Valerie Shawcross I recently became involved with a case whereby a disabled constituent has been subjected to bailiffs threats as a result of two unpaid PCNs (which he disputes). What compassionate policy does TfL operate to prevent the harassment of poverty-stricken disabled, invalidity benefit claimants and why is punitive action being taken against such vulnerable people without any special ‘compassionate grounds’ appeal system being in place? *

25 Diplomatic Evasion of the Congestion Charge Question No: 2248 / 2006 Valerie Shawcross For the Ambassadors of nations where their legal advisers are preventing the payment of the congestion charge by assuming the charge is a tax, could such Diplomats be asked to pay a charitable donation equivalent to their debt which could be used to offset special hardship cases as well as release them from their outstanding obligations? Would this action, if negotiated by TfL and the USA, help reduce the danger of growing anti-American feeling over this issue? * Ambulance Station 1 New Cross Road Question No: 2249 / 2006 Valerie Shawcross I have been pursuing casework with TfL since May this year about a LAS complaint regarding the yellow box outside their station at 1 New Cross Road. The ambulance staff complain that they are delayed, often by minutes, because of traffic standing illegally inside this yellow box, which is on a red route. So far there has been no follow up or enforcement action taken by TfL. How do you justify TfL’s poor casework performance in this instance? * TfL Signalling Department Question No: 2250 / 2006 Valerie Shawcross TfL Signalling department (DTO) appears to be in overload crisis - with up to one year waiting for the installation of new traffic signals being typical. This is of concern because it dramatically delays the installation of Pelican crossing schemes, which promote pedestrian safety, and I am anxiously awaiting progress on a number of schemes in my constituency. Why has this backlog developed and why does TFL seem to experience more delay and difficulty in carrying out modelling as compared to other signals departments outside London? Is this caused by ‘Red’) Lack of Resources ‘Amber’) Management incompetence ‘Green’) Over zealous and unrealistic application of technical specifications or ‘Lights Down’) a mixture of all of these? * Toilet Provisions at TfL Sites Question No: 2251 / 2006 Joanne McCartney I am sure you will agree that every effort should be made to include public toilet provision when redeveloping or planning new railway or bus stations such as the one at Edmonton Green in Enfield. Will you give an assurance that adequate public toilet provision is factored into any planned redevelopments on TfL sites in the future? * Life Long Learning for Older Londoners Question No: 2252 / 2006 Joanne McCartney Your Older People’s Strategy aims to challenge stereotyping of older people and provide a framework in which older Londoners have the support they need to lead active, healthy and independent lives. Would you agree that access to Life Long Learning for older Londoners plays an important part in this? What powers of influence do you have to encourage the provision of affordable, accessible further education courses for older Londoners? *

26 Train Operating Companies and Oyster Cards Question No: 2253 / 2006 Joanne McCartney Is the Mayor aware of the problem that Oystercard users face when trying to use their cards on some parts of the overground network, including facing accusations of fare dodging, penalties and delays due to the myriad of different terms and conditions of travel that are operated by of the various train operating companies. Given this confusing situation and the slow take up by some of the companies of the generous assistance and equipment already provided by the Mayor and TFL, can the Mayor (1) Provide the Assembly with a monthly progress report on the full introduction of the Oyster Card system to all parts of London Rail Network (2) Introduce a performance league table to show consumers the level of availability and progress on the introduction of Oyster cards by each train operators on each route. (3) Begin an information campaign on the TFL network to alert Londoners to the problem and to promote the work already done by the Mayor and TFL to assist the train operators (4) And, introduces a name & shame policy for the worst TOC’s in the hope to raise standards and improve customer choice. * CO2 Emission Reductions Question No: 2254 / 2006 Murad Qureshi How do you intend to use the alterations to the London Plan to achieve your ambitious targets for CO2 emission reductions? * Guard Railings Question No: 2255 / 2006 Murad Qureshi Following Jan Gehl’s report in 2004, `Towards a Fine City for People, Public Spaces and Public Life’, how much pedestrian guard railing has been removed by TfL from the streets of London, in order to improve space for pedestrians? * No.s 6 & 52 Buses Question No: 2256 / 2006 Murad Qureshi Please can you ask TfL to investigate the complaints from local residents about noise pollution from buses 6 & 52 travelling from Garage and advise me what action TfL will be taking to address this matter? * London Flag Question No: 2257 / 2006 Murad Qureshi With your campaigns to encourage a civic identity of being a Londoner, is it not time for a London flag similar to that which you see in Devon and Cornwall? *

27 Taxis Question No: 2258 / 2006 Murad Qureshi London Taxis International have recently signed a deal with Chinese car firm Zhejiang Geely to build 20,000 black cabs and components. Do you think that this will result in a decrease in the cost of a cab for drivers to buy or hire daily, and therefore see a reduction in the annual rise in cab fares for passengers? * Westminster Council Question No: 2259 / 2006 Murad Qureshi What are your views on the proposal by Westminster Council to pay housing tenants £100,000 to leave London? * Welcoming Migrants Question No: 2260 / 2006 Murad Qureshi Do you welcome the benefits that new migrants such as the Polish who have settled in areas such as Hammersmith & Fulham and how do you think this can be recognized? * Question No: 2261 / 2006 Murad Qureshi Do you feel that Park Royal’s future as London’s industrial heart is under threat from demands for housing? * BME Homelessness Question No: 2262 / 2006 Murad Qureshi Homeless charity Centrepoint states that the true face of homelessness is three times more likely to involve someone from a BME background and that 72 per cent of its service users are from BME backgrounds. How can London’s local authorities work with the GLA to tackle this issue? * Operation Bus Tag Question No: 2263 / 2006 Murad Qureshi How many arrests have been made under Operation Bus Tag since its launch? * Firhill Road Playing Fields Question No: 2264 / 2006 Len Duvall Given the findings of the Assembly Environment Committee’s recent scrutiny into the protection of public playing fields, would you support the efforts of Lewisham Council and the Lewisham Sports Consortium in their efforts to return the Firhill Road Playing Fields in Bellingham,

28 Lewisham to permanent use by local sports teams? * Assisting blind and partially-sighted tube travellers Question No: 2265 / 2006 Jennette Arnold I welcome the new initiative to help blind and partially-sighted Londoners access the tube at three stations including Old Street, the nearest station to Moorfields Eye Hospital. When will this initiative be rolled out across London? * Northern Line Off-Peak Timetable Question No: 2266 / 2006 Jennette Arnold Further to question 1127/2006, has the new off-peak timetable for the Northern Line now been put in place and what assessment has been made of its success in improving reliability? * Visits to City Hall Question No: 2267 / 2006 Bob Neill In your answer to question number : 1490/2006, you state that you cannot breakdown by date all visits to City Hall by Foreign Mayors, diplomats or Heads of State, because this information is not readily available. Why is this information not readily available?, when you are able to provide information on all other visitors to City Hall? * Green Guide for Students Question No: 2268 / 2006 Bob Neill In your report you state that you are to collaborate with the Metro Newspaper to produce a ‘green guide for students’, can you please provide details as to the cost of this collaboration and what budget this is to be funded from? * Meeting with Ruth Kelly MP Question No: 2269 / 2006 Bob Neill Please provide details of the meeting you held with Ruth Kelly MP on the 31st August. * Meeting with Chris Banks Question No: 2270 / 2006 Bob Neill Please provide details of the meeting you held with Chris Banks, Chair of the Learning and Skills Council on 31st August.

29 Meeting with Tessa Jowell Question No: 2271 / 2006 Bob Neill Please provide details of the meeting you held with Tessa Jowell MP on the 15th September. * Meeting with Rodrigo Chavez Question No: 2272 / 2006 Bob Neill Please provide details of the meeting you held with, Rodrigo Chavez, Venezuelan Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs on 18th September. * Meeting with Stephen Green Question No: 2273 / 2006 Bob Neill Please provide details of the meeting you held with, Stephen Green, Chair of HSBC, on 20th September. * East Croydon Station Question No: 2274 / 2006 Andrew Pelling Unfortunately East Croydon Station and its environs is an area of heightened crime. Good lighting has been provided for east bound bus passengers at their bus stops. However lighting is less effective at the bus stop for Addiscombe and South Norwood bound buses. Could TfL look at improving lighting at this bus stop so as to increase passenger confidence in using public transport safely from this stop ? * A232 / Bridle Road Junction Question No: 2275 / 2006 Andrew Pelling What progress has been made on work on improving the A232/Bridle Road junction ? * Mayoral Radio Phone-Ins Question No: 2276 / 2006 Andrew Pelling What will be done to correct the frequent tardiness with which the site is updated with upcoming Mayoral radio phone-ins ? I am sure that Croydon and Sutton residents do not want to miss the opportunity to hear the Mayor’s wise words ? * Warwick Road Entrance to Earl’s Court Station Question No: 2279 / 2006 Angie Bray What are London Underground’s plans for the Warwick Road entrance to Earl’s Court Station, bearing in mind that the Exhibition Centre is scheduled to hold the Olympic basketball event in 2012? * 30 C1 Bus Routes Question No: 2280 / 2006 Angie Bray Can the Mayor confirm that, following public consultation, the proposed extension of route C1 is to go ahead? * Ticket Desks at Earl’s Court Station Question No: 2281 / 2006 Angie Bray Recently, on a week day at 4.45 pm, there was only one ticket desk open out of 5 at Earl’s Court Station. This is a frequent occurrence due, I am told, to staff rostering problems. Given the recent fare increases, does the Mayor think that this is providing the customer with an acceptable service and offering value for money at the start of the peak evening hours? * Consultation on bus re-routing in Thurloe Square and Thurloe Place Question No: 2282 / 2006 Angie Bray Can the Mayor confirm that only 10 out of over 100 invididual addresses were consulted regarding the re-routing of buses in the Thurloe Square area, and only 6 out of over 70 in Thurloe Place? * Congestion Charge Revenue Question No: 2283 / 2006 Angie Bray Can you detail how much revenue TfL has received from congestion charge fines since the introduction of the pay next day facility? How have revenue streams changed since the introduction of the pay next day facility? * Road Rage Question No: 2284 / 2006 Angie Bray How many recorded incidents have there been of road rage since 2000 on all roads within Greater London? Can you provide a Borough by Borough breakdown? * Traffic Lights Question No: 2285 / 2006 Angie Bray Can you detail how many new sets of traffic lights have been installed on the following roads, since 2000, and how many have been re-phased; Bayswater Road, Holland Park Avenue, Cromwell Road, Fulham Road, Ladbroke Grove, Holland Road, Earls Court Road, Redcliffe Gardens, King’s Road, Chelsea Embankment, Grosvenor Road and Westway? *

31 Bus Lanes Question No: 2286 / 2006 Angie Bray Can you detail precisely how many new bus lanes there have been a) in the Greater London area since 2000 and b) in the congestion charge area since 2000? Can you also provide a year-by- year and Borough by Borough breakdown of these? * Road Capacity Question No: 2287 / 2006 Angie Bray On 12th July I asked, “What percentage of the road network within the congestion charge has been lost due to ‘continuing adjustments to capacity’ since the introduction of the scheme?” and you answered that TfL were still undertaking research, you provided the same answer to the same question on 13th September. Why are TfL unable to precisely say what the capacity of London’s road is? Why state something in the Impacts Monitoring Fourth Annual Report that you are unable to publicly verify? * Emissions Question No: 2288 / 2006 Angie Bray Can you detail, in proportional percentage terms, a precise breakdown of all the things that contribute to London’s total emissions output? * Congestion Charge Bailiffs Question No: 2289 / 2006 Angie Bray How many times have bailiffs been used to recover congestion charge debts since 2003? Please provide a) a year-by-year breakdown and b) a Borough-by-Borough breakdown. Do you not agree that the recent allegations against CCS Enforcement Services Limited serve to spoil everything your office does in order to try and fairly enforce the congestion charge? * Congestion Charge Bailiffs Question No: 2290 / 2006 Angie Bray Can you provide the precise number of complaints that have been received in respect of excessive behaviour by bailiffs when recovering debts incurred by non-payment of the congestion charge by, a) your office and b) TfL, since 2003? * Malden Rushett traffic lights, A243/B280 Question No: 2291 / 2006 Tony Arbour How will you accelerate the improvements to the dangerous junction at Malden Rushett traffic lights on the A243/B280 which have been promised over a very long period and will you set out a timetable for the works to be carried out? *

32 Social Housing Budget Question No: 2292 / 2006 Tony Arbour Question Withdrawn. * Housing Estates Question No: 2293 / 2006 Tony Arbour How will you ensure that the fears of the IPPR that new housing estates “could become sink estates of the future” are not realised? * Borough Police Targets Question No: 2294 / 2006 Tony Arbour Following the Mayor’s answer to Question No. 2075/2006, would he confirm that he considers a Safer Neighbourhood Team in every ward constitutes recognition for the achievements of the smaller BOCUs, such as those in South West London? * South West London Transport Question No: 2295 / 2006 Tony Arbour Given the poor public transport links in south west London, does the Mayor have any plans for an overall review of transport in south west London? Would a review include consideration of a tram scheme?

Thames Water Question No: 2296 / 2006 Tony Arbour With reference to Question No. 2077/2006, has the Mayor yet received a response from the Chief Executive of Thames Water? If he has, will he say what that response was? If he has not received a response, what action does he propose to take? * Thames Water Question No: 2297 / 2006 Tony Arbour In the light of Thames Water’s current performance, is the Mayor confident that Thames Water can meet the demands of his revised housing targets? * Carbon Neutral Housing Estate Question No: 2298 / 2006 Tony Arbour Have you carried out a feasibility study for the carbon neutral housing estate as reported in the Evening Standard on 27th September? *

33 Carbon Neutral Housing Estate Question No: 2299 / 2006 Tony Arbour Have you had any discussions with developers regarding the proposed carbon neutral development? * Carbon Neutral Housing Estate Question No: 2300 / 2006 Tony Arbour What is the estimated cost of a carbon neutral 2 bedroom house compared to a house which is not carbon neutral 2 bedroom house? * London Planning Survey - ALG Question No: 2302 / 2006 Tony Arbour The survey carried out by GfK NOP shows that 68% of Londoners think that there local council should be given more powers to decide whether planning permission should be granted in their local area. As this appears to be the wishes of Londoners will you be willing to discuss this with the government? * Crime Against the Elderly Question No: 2303 / 2006 Tony Arbour Given that the victims of crime are often elderly, will the Mayor agree with me that the elderly should be seen as a vulnerable group and crimes against them should be raised to the level of an “Aggravated Offence”? Will the Mayor support me in pressing for such a change in the law? * London Overground Question No: 2304 / 2006 Tony Arbour I welcome the extension of the North London Line from Richmond to West Croydon via Dalston Junction. What plans have you to extend the line south east to link Twickenham and Kingston to the District Line at Wimbledon? * Thames Gateway Bridge Question No: 2305 / 2006 Tony Arbour Given that the Public Inquiry has yet to reach a decision on the Thames Gateway Bridge, is it not a little premature to be setting up a Hosting and administering design panel for the Thames Gateway Bridge as stated in decision MA2600? * 221 Bus Route Question No: 2306 / 2006 Brian Coleman Is the Mayor satisfied that there is an efficient service on the 221 bus along its route in the

34 London Borough of Barnet? * London Underground Ltd Question No: 2307 / 2006 Brian Coleman Is it true that London Underground Ltd are in a contractual mess regarding arrangements for the removal of graffiti from LUL property, with LUL taking over three months to remove highly visible graffiti from their property when requested to do so by Borough Councils? Will the Mayor instruct LUL to permit Borough Councils to remove graffiti from LUL property, particularly bridges, and recharge LUL? In particular when will graffiti be removed from Nether Street N3 bridge adjacent to West Finchley tube Station? * Northern Line Question No: 2308 / 2006 Brian Coleman Can you provide figures for excess journey time for the Northern Line, in proportional percentage due to: A - Infraco action, B - London Underground action, and C - other /passenger action, for the two most recent periods (covering September and October 2006)? * Northern Line Question No: 2309 / 2006 Brian Coleman How many signal failures and multiple signal failures there have been on the Northern Line during the two most recent periods (covering September and October 2006)? * Woodhouse Road Bus Crash Question No: 2310 / 2006 Brian Coleman Can you update the Assembly on the full facts behind the crash between two double decker buses on Woodhouse Road, Finchley on Monday 25th September? * Bus Driving Standards Question No: 2311 / 2006 Roger Evans Can you provide a) the results from the Driver Quality Monitoring for every bus route in Greater London, b) a breakdown of these routes by Borough and c) a definition of the scoring system? * Traffic Lights Question No: 2312 / 2006 Roger Evans Can you provide a Borough-by-Borough breakdown of the 5,827 sets of traffic lights? *

35 Contracts Question No: 2313 / 2006 Roger Evans Can you detail the procedure by which individuals may, if they choose, opt-out of the trade union levy whilst under contract with a) bus companies, b) East Thames buses and c) London Underground? * Free Travel for Under 16’s Question No: 2314 / 2006 Roger Evans Can you please clearly define the term ‘misuse’ when referring to free travel for under 16’s concession, a term you have consistently given as a reason for the withdrawal of the vast majority of the passes? * Oyster Refunds Question No: 2315 / 2006 Roger Evans Why, when reimbursing an individual who has had their registered Oystercard stolen, do you provide a new card, followed separately by a cheque with the amount that was on the card at the time of the theft? Surely it would be more convenient for all concerned to provide a new card charged with the appropriate amount? Would you not agree that this approach is immensely inconvenient, and gives people the opportunity to take the money that had been put in the system, out of it? * Environmental Impact of Free Newspapers Question No: 2316 / 2006 Roger Evans Since the introduction of the new freesheets, The Londoner and London Lite, how many extra tones of rubbish have been generated, and how are London Underground and the Infracos dealing with the problem? What plans do you have to recycle this extra waste? * Elections Question No: 2317 / 2006 Roger Evans You will no doubt be aware that the 2012 Mayoral and Assembly elections will be held in very close proximity to the start of the Olympic Games. Do you think that sticking to this timetable is the right course of action? * Subsidised Cloth Nappies Question No: 2318 / 2006 Roger Evans What plans do you have to fund a voucher scheme aimed at converting parents to using washable cloth nappies? How much will this cost each Borough, and why are you pursuing this policy when the Environment Agency stated in their Life Cycle Assessment in 2005 that, ‘there is no significant difference in the overall levels of environmental impact of disposable or cloth nappies’?

36 * CCTV on Trains Question No: 2319 / 2006 Roger Evans Can you detail precisely which Underground lines use rolling stock that have CCTV installed in all their carriages? * Waterloo and City Line Question No: 2320 / 2006 Roger Evans There have been a number of well-publicized problems with the Waterloo & City Line since its re-opening. Can you please update the Assembly on how these problems are being resolved as a matter of urgency? * Bus Fires Question No: 2321 / 2006 Roger Evans How many bus fires have been recorded since 2000, and can you a) provide a year-by-year and route breakdown and b) a breakdown by vehicle type?

Crime on Buses Question No: 2322 / 2006 Roger Evans Can provide a detailed breakdown of the types of crime that have been committed on London’s Buses since 2000? Can you also provide a route-by-route breakdown? * A12 Improvements Question No: 2323 / 2006 Roger Evans Can you confirm whether there are funds for trees to be planted along the A12 Eastern Avenue to replace those that have died? Can you also confirm whether there are funds to repair the broken kerbs and central reservation? * Bus Lanes Question No: 2325 / 2006 Roger Evans Further to your answer to my question of 12th July 2006 (1752/2006) will TfL publicize which bus lanes motorcyclists can and cannot use on their website, and will TfL publicize that they are doing this, so motorcyclists can stay within the law? * Stratford Regional Station Question No: 2326 / 2006 Roger Evans Can you update the Assembly on how the ODA and TfL are proposing to find the £54 million shortfall in the development of Stratford Regional Station, as highlighted by the TfL 37 Commissioner’s report of 28th June 2006? * Stratford International Station Question No: 2327 / 2006 Roger Evans Can you update the Assembly on how talks are progressing with Eurostar as to whether their trains will stop at Stratford International Station? * Bus Driving Standards Question No: 2328 / 2006 Roger Evans Can you detail precisely how many complaints TfL have received about buses deliberately not stopping at bus stops since 2000? Can you provide a Borough-by-Borough, as well as yearly breakdown of these figures? * Fare Evasion Question No: 2329 / 2006 Roger Evans In your answers on fare evasion, you refer to `quarterly surveys of fare evasion’. Can you detail precisely what such surveys entail, and how they are conducted? * Eco-suburbs Question No: 2330 / 2006 Roger Evans Can you update the Assembly on your plans to construct an `eco-suburb’ that follows a similar model to the Dongtan project in Chongming Island, China? * Road Humps Question No: 2331 / 2006 Roger Evans Can you detail a) how many road humps there currently are in the Greater London Area, b) a borough by borough breakdown of the total number, and c) the total number of road humps by borough in 2000? * Junctions Question No: 2332 / 2006 Roger Evans Can you detail a) how many separate programs of work have there been on junctions in the Greater London Area since 2000, b) which junctions these took place at, and c) which Boroughs these junctions were in? *

38 Cycle Lanes Question No: 2333 / 2006 Roger Evans Can you detail a borough-by-borough breakdown of how many new cycle lanes have there been since 2000? * Station Assaults Question No: 2334 / 2006 Roger Evans Can you detail how many assaults there been at all London Underground stations since 2000? Can you also provide a station by station, and yearly breakdown? * Tube Late Night Opening Question No: 2335 / 2006 Roger Evans Can you provide the contents of the internal London Underground documents, leaked by the Evening Standard on 9th October, that purportedly detail the anticipated consequences of extending the opening hours of the Tube? * Tube Late Night Opening Question No: 2336 / 2006 Roger Evans Can you detail at what negotiating stage London Underground are at with Network Rail over the parts of the network that are shared, in relation to the extended opening hours? Is there any substance to the allegations that the lack of agreement could push the extended opening to 2008? * Tube Late Night Opening Question No: 2337 / 2006 Roger Evans What discussions have London Underground had with Tube Lines and Metronet to ensure the late night opening does not hinder the programme of engineering work? * Union Negotiations Question No: 2338 / 2006 Roger Evans Can you detail at what negotiating stage London Underground are at with the unions over the new pay deal? Can you update the Assembly on how these negotiations are progressing? * Hydrogen Buses Question No: 2339 / 2006 Roger Evans Can you detail who the six cities are that Transport for London have signed a deal with to find new ways to generate hydrogen for London’s buses? Can you also detail the terms of reference for the Waste to Hydrogen study?

39 * Northway Garage Planning Inquiry Question No: 2340 / 2006 Bob Blackman Please provide an update on the progress on your legal action to recover costs awarded against you in the Northway Garage Planning Inquiry (Brent). * Northway Garage Planning Application Question No: 2341 / 2006 Bob Blackman Who originally requested that you call in the Northway Garage planning application and for what reasons? * Park Station Question No: 2342 / 2006 Bob Blackman Please provide an update on the provision of non-slip surfaces for pedestrians at Station. * Queen’s Park Tower Question No: 2344 / 2006 Bob Blackman The planning application for the Queens Park Tower has been withdrawn and a new planning brief is shortly to be released for widespread public consultation. Will you agree to a development on this site which has 30% affordable housing to reduce the density and height of any buildings? * Northwick Park Hospital Question No: 2345 / 2006 Bob Blackman What action are you proposing to take to combat the threatened closure of Northwick Park Hospital and the downgrading of services at Central Middlesex Hospital? * Petts Hill Railway Bridge Question No: 2346 / 2006 Bob Blackman Please provide a progress report on the planned replacement of the Petts Hill railway bridge. * Super Casino Question No: 2347 / 2006 Bob Blackman Now that the “Super Casino” bid for Wembley has been withdrawn, what support are you providing to the bid for Greenwich or other alternative sites in London? *

40 Mayoral Powers Question No: 2348 / 2006 Bob Blackman When do you expect that the new Mayoral powers will come into operation? * North Circular Road Question No: 2349 / 2006 Bob Blackman What improvements are you proposing to make to improve traffic flows on the North Circular Road? * Wembley Stadium Question No: 2350 / 2006 Bob Blackman What discussion and with whom, have you had on the final completion date of Wembley Stadium? * Notting Hill Carnival Question No: 2351 / 2006 Bob Blackman What lessons have you learned from the operation of this year’s Notting Hill Carnival? * Land Acquisition Question No: 2352 / 2006 Bob Blackman What percentage of land now required by the ODA has now been acquired, how much has been settled by private agreement with land owners and what percentage is now still subject to the CPO process? * Wembley Stadium Question No: 2353 / 2006 Bob Blackman The FA have now established that they will need at least 6,000 car parking spaces at the redeveloped Wembley Stadium, do you support such a proposal to allow a mixed use of means of travel to the major sporting facility? * Islamic Centres Question No: 2354 / 2006 Bob Blackman What is your reaction to the announcement by the Communities Secretary that Islamic centres that promote isolationism should be closed? *

41 Non-Recyclable Waste Question No: 2355 / 2006 Bob Blackman What is your reaction to suggestions that householders should be forced to pay by weight or volume for the collection of non-recyclable waste? * Bicycle Registration Question No: 2356 / 2006 Bob Blackman You recently suggested introducing a compulsory registration system for bicycles in London, what plans do you have to promote such a scheme and what discussions have you had to promote such an unpopular initiative? * Dollis Hill House Question No: 2357 / 2006 Bob Blackman Please specify the exact details of your offer to provide GLA funding towards the restoration of Dollis Hill House and detail any and all conditions attached? * Harrow Implementation Plan Question No: 2358 / 2006 Bob Blackman What changes, if any, did you demand to the London Borough of Harrow’s Local Implementation Plan? * Rred @ Trafalgar Square Question No: 2359 / 2006 Bob Blackman Given that the café Rred@Trafalgar Square has declared itself insolvent, what changes are proposed to allow a new company to operate at a profit? * Clementine Churchill Hospital Question No: 2361 / 2006 Bob Blackman Please provide details of your response to the planning application for Clementine Churchill Hospital, LB Harrow? * Transport Safer Neighbourhood Teams Question No: 2362 / 2006 Richard Barnes Given that the Conservative Group alternative budget provided resources for the recruitment of 600 additional warranted police officers to patrol the transport network, can you advise why you are providing funding for PCSOs instead of fully warranted officers? *

42 Mayor of London Report: Black Teachers in London Question No: 2364 / 2006 Richard Barnes Why did your previous piece of research (The Educational Experiences and Achievements of black boys in London) concentrate on black boys in London? Given that evidence from the focus groups tends to suggest there is a gender difference between the educational experiences and achievements of black boys and black girls, would not including girls have lead to a more inclusive, representative, piece of work from which more legitimate conclusions in that report and this latest one could be drawn, and are there any plans to rectify this imbalance? * Mayor of London Report: Black Teachers in London Question No: 2365 / 2006 Richard Barnes The report Black Teachers in London states “Pupils will learn important lessons about who has power, authority and prestige from the composition of their school’s teaching workforce.” Does the Mayor not think that due to the demoralising policies of the Labour Government, the only lesson pupils will learn is that all teachers, regardless of ethnicity, have no power, authority or prestige? * Mayor of London Report: Black Teachers in London Question No: 2366 / 2006 Richard Barnes Following the publication of the report Black Teachers in London and the recent one on secondary school admissions, what powers is the Mayor lobbying to have over compulsory-age education in London and what powers would he like to have? Is the Mayor already pushing for a third GLA Bill giving him even more powers? * Mayor of London Report: Black Teachers in London Question No: 2367 / 2006 Richard Barnes What evidence is there that the same benefits that you claim for having teachers representative of the ethnic mix of the pupils holds true in terms of disability, sexuality and social class? * Mayor of London Report: Black Teachers in London Question No: 2368 / 2006 Richard Barnes Does the Mayor agree that Recommendation 1, Black Teachers in London, would put teachers off from coming to teach in London and add more bureaucratic burdens to the hiring process? * Mayor of London Report: Black Teachers in London Question No: 2369 / 2006 Richard Barnes Regarding Recommendation 1, Black Teachers in London, how does the Mayor believe teachers wishing to teach in London “should demonstrate their commitment to teaching in their diverse communities”? *

43 Mayor of London Report: Black Teachers in London Question No: 2370 / 2006 Richard Barnes Regarding Recommendation 2, Black Teachers in London, as Ofsted announced a revised race equality scheme just prior to the publication of this report, would the Mayor agree to withdraw, or at least review, this recommendation? * Mayor of London Report: Black Teachers in London Question No: 2371 / 2006 Richard Barnes Regarding Recommendation 4, Black Teachers in London, do you have any evidence that the Headteachers Induction Programme does not cover the issues you say it should, because none is given in the report? * Older People Strategy Question No: 2373 / 2006 Elizabeth Howlett Why does the Mayor feel that the Commission for Equality and Human Rights will be unable to ensure all groups are protected? Is it a failure of legislation or staffing? * WHO Question No: 2374 / 2006 Elizabeth Howlett What work is the Mayor involved in with the World Health Organisation? * Older People Strategy and Pensions Question No: 2375 / 2006 Elizabeth Howlett Has the Mayor had any discussions with Government over his idea of a London weighting on pensions? * Noting Hill Carnival Question No: 2376 / 2006 Damian Hockney Has the Mayor or a representative of the Mayor’s office attended a reference group meeting with the MPS and Notting Hill Carnival Ltd to discuss future Carnivals and routes and what was the outcome? * Venezuelan oil Question No: 2377 / 2006 Damian Hockney Could the Mayor tell us whether the agreement with President Chavez to supply cheap oil for London buses is the result of a full tendering procedure under the rules of the European Procurement Directive? * 44 Policing Cyclists Question No: 2378 / 2006 Damian Hockney While welcoming the idea of police preventing cyclists from behaving dangerously, does the Mayor see a danger in committing to extra costs in this area when there is pressure on MPS budgets? * LDA Land Around City Airport Question No: 2379 / 2006 Damian Hockney Does the LDA own any land around City airport which might be needed for future expansion? * Definition of Drought Question No: 2380 / 2006 Peter Hulme Cross During a hot spell in the summer you announced that Londoners must avoid flushing their toilets due to the “drought”. What definition do you use for the term ‘drought’, as opposed to a spell of hot dry weather? Is it whenever Thames Water apply for a drought order? * East London Jobs Question No: 2381 / 2006 Damian Hockney Up to 15,000 local jobs will be lost in east London due to the Olympics forcing out local businesses. Any jobs created by the Olympics will necessarily be short-term and low-skilled. In last month’s MQT you talked of your vision of closing down London City Airport after the Olympics, which will obviously mean the loss of thousands of local jobs. What advice would you give to those working class east Londoners forced out of work by your policies? Should they ‘get on their bikes and look for work?’ * Proposed Transport for London (Supplemental Toll Provisions) Bill Question No: 2382 / 2006 Peter Hulme Cross Further to his answer to my question 2099/2006, can the mayor confirm that he will not impose tolls on any roads in London other than the proposed Thames Gateway bridge?

Congestion Charge and Foreign Embassies 2 Question No: 2385 / 2006 Damian Hockney Please can the mayor supply a list showing embassies with outstanding congestion charges and the amounts outstanding. * Manchester Square Fire Station Question No: 2386 / 2006 Peter Hulme Cross How have response times been affected by the closure of Manchester Square Fire Station?

45 * TfL Board Question No: 2387 / 2006 Roger Evans A recent publication by the Liberal Democrat Treasury Spokesman, Vince Cable MP stated that Geoff Pope ‘sits on the board of Transport for London’. Can you confirm when this appointment was made? * Jack Straw Question No: 2388 / 2006 Bob Blackman Given your role in promoting social development in London, what is your reaction to the views of Jack Straw that he “prefers that Muslim women should not wear veils”? * Hand Guns Question No: 2389 / 2006 Andrew Pelling In the light of recent gun crimes in London, has the time come to allow people to possess hand guns on licence so that they can protect themselves against gun crime? * City Jobs Question No: 2390 / 2006 Damian Hockney The August issue of the Londoner states - “London is one of the world’s most diverse cities - a key reason why it is such an important international financial centre where the world’s firms invest, set up regional headquarters and list on the Stock Exchange.” On what basis is this assertion made? Has the GLA done any research into what percentage of London’s migrants in the last five years are now working in the City? * Red Light Cameras Question No: 2392 / 2006 Jenny Jones How many red light cameras are there in each London borough?