Gulf of Mexico Science Volume 14 Article 3 Number 2 Number 2

1996 Feeding Guilds Among Artificial-Reef Fishes in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Brian D. Nelson University of West Florida

Stephen A. Bortone University of West Florida

DOI: 10.18785/goms.1402.03 Follow this and additional works at:

Recommended Citation Nelson, B. D. and S. A. Bortone. 1996. Feeding Guilds Among Artificial-Reef Fishes in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf of Mexico Science 14 (2). Retrieved from

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Gulf of Mexico Scimce, 1996(2), pp. 66-80

Feeding Guilds Among Artificial-Reef Fishes in the Northern Gulf of Mexico


To examine the diets of 25 demersal artificial-reef-associated fish , 540 fishes were collected with spears and hand-nets off Panama City, Florida, in the summer of 1993. Fishes were preserved whole in the field. Stomach contents were later analyzed by frequency of occurrence, numerical abundance, and percent volume. These measures were combined into an Index of Relative Importance (IRI). The data set was then analyzed with cluster and detrended correspondence (DCA) analyses. Forage items of the reef fishes were dominated by fishes, xanthid crabs, unidentified items, squids, polychaetes, and penaeid shrimps. The DCA and cluster analysis revealed that these 25 artificial reef fishes could be organized into seven feeding guilds: lower structure pickers, ambush predators, lower struc­ ture crustacean predators, upper structure pickers, upper structure predators, water column pickers, and reef-associated open-water feeders. All of the demersal gamefish in this study were in the same feeding guild (i.e., reef-associated open­ water feeders). Species in this feeding guild were associated with artificial reefs diurnally and foraged away from reefs nocturnally. Our data indicate that many important artificial-reef-associated fishes in the northern Gulf of Mexico obtain most of their energy foraging away from the artificial reef structure.

rtificial reefs attract and retain fish assem­ Researchers studying both coral and artifi­ A blages soon after deployment (Gascon cial reef ecology have called for further ex­ and Miller, 1980; Brock and Norris, 1987; amination of the trophic dynamics of reef fish Bohnsack, 1991). Moreover, they have tremen­ assemblages (Bohnsack and Sutherland, 1985; dous potential in the management of habitat­ Bohnsack, 1989;Jones et al., 1991). Research­ limited species (Polovina, 1991). However, the ers in other fields have found that studying trophic habits and competitive interactions of functional groups of organisms can provide in­ artificial-reef fish assemblages have not been sights to food web dynamics. Utilization of the studied extensively. Most studies thus far have guild concept has been a useful approach un­ characteristically focused on only a few species der these circumstances. Austen et al. (1994) (Bohnsack, 1991). Bailey-Brock (1989:580) de­ reviewed the importance of the guild concept scribed several possible feeding schemes for in fisheries management and indicated that if Hawaiian reef fish on an artificial reef; these statistically delineated guilds based on key re­ include feeding, " ... on the developing ben­ sources (described as a "super species") were thos, foraging over acljacent natural reefs, uti­ used, then guild management could be effec­ lizing both feeding grounds, and some may use tive in managing fisheries stocks. the reef solely for cover and forage some dis­ Root (1967) provided ecologists with a con­ tance from the reef." Information on coral ceptual tool to examine how groups of organ­ reef fishes indicates the importance of the soft­ isms interact. He introduced the term "guild" bottom communities surrounding reefs as a to ecology and defined the term as a group of source of prey organisms Qones et al., 1991). organisms that use the same resource in a sim­ Bohnsack (1989) reported that fishes associat­ ilar manner. This term is not limited by taxo­ ed with artificial reefs feed both on organisms nomic boundaries (Root, 1986). If, for exam­ associated with the reef structure and on the ple, avo organisms being studied use the same surrounding benthic communities. Although food resources in a similar manner, they are studies of artificial-reef fish foraging have been considered members of the same feeding guild conducted (Davis et al., 1982; Hueckel and (Gerking, 1994). For the present investigation, Stayton, 1982; Steimle and Ogren, 1982; a feeding guild will be considered as a portion Hueckel and Buckley, 1987; Ambrose and An­ of the reef fish assemblage that uses similar derson, 1990), the results provide no clear par­ prey items without regard to feeding morphol­ adigm. It is still unknown where most of the ogy. While guilds can be based on several fac­ prey organisms for reef-associated predatory tors or combinations of factors (diet, mor­ fishes originate. phology, behavior, etc.) we have chosen to ex-

© 1996 by the Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium of Alabama Published by The Aquila Digital Community, 1996 1 Gulf of Mexico Science, Vol. 14 [1996], No. 2, Art. 3 NELSON AND BORTONE-FEEDING GUILDS AMONG ARTIFICIAL-REEF FISHES 67

amine diet directly because literature reports likely to bias the stomach contents by regurgi­ are contradictory on the usefulness of mea­ tation or feeding during collection (Randall, sures such as feeding morphology in determin­ 1967; Bowen, 1983; Helfman, 1983). ing guild membership (e.g., Weins, 1977; Vitt Once captured, fish were placed into mesh and De Carache, 1995), especially in fishes bags and retained by the divers for the dura­ (Zaret and Rand, 1971). tion of the dive (typically not more than 20 The present study was designed to examine min). All fishes were chilled in an ice brine for the prey taxa of 25 of the most common de­ 15-20 min to anesthetize them before fixation mersal artificial-reef assemblage fishes in the and to reduce the possibility of regurgitation. northern Gulf of Mexico, compare the relative Fishes were subsequently fixed in 10% Forma­ importance of various prey taxa in the diets of lin-seawater. Before immersion in the Forma­ these reef fishes, determine the guild mem­ lin-seawater solution, however, larger fishes bership of these fishes, and comment on the had their body cavities slit open to facilitate partitioning of resources among them. The re­ fixation and minimize digestion. After fixation sults of this study provide information on the for 7 d, samples were rinsed in tap water for diets of the most common artificial-reef assem­ 15 min to remove excess Formalin, and stored blage fishes, preliminary data that will lead to in 40% isopropyl alcohol. an enhanced understanding of where artificial­ In the laboratory, fishes were measured to reef assemblage fishes feed (which will, in turn, the nearest 1.0 mm (fork length, FL) and contribute information on the optimal spacing weighed (whole body, wet weight) to the near­ of artificial reefs), and a guild structure that est 0.1 g. The gape (maximum distance be­ can then be examined more directly by fish tween the jaws when forced open) of each fish ecologists studying competition and resource was measured with calipers to the nearest 0.1 partitioning. mm. The stomachs were then removed. For fishes without a distinct stomach (e.g., Halicho­

METHODS eres bivittatus) the first quarter of the gut was considered the stomach (Hueckel and Stayton, Fishes were collected from artificial reefs 1982). On removal, a stomach fullness index composed of bridge rubble off Panama City, (SFI) was determined for each stomach (0-5 Florida (Fig. 1). The reefs were 2-5 km from highest subjective score). The stomachs were shore and in shallow water ( <22 m). Each reef stored in 40% isopropyl alcohol until identifi­ site selected for this study had an established cation and analysis could be completed. Stom­ benthic community including hydroids, bar­ achs without contents (SFI = 0) were noted nacles, and algae. Individuals of 25 resident de­ but not retained. mersal fish species were collected that repre­ The stomach contents for each fish species sented common artificial-reef assemblage fish­ were removed and sorted into various taxa. es in the northern Gulf of Mexico (Bortone et Prey groups were then identified to the lowest al., in prep.). However, the inclusion of a given practical taxon. Voucher specimens for each fish species in this study was not necessarily prey taxon were retained for identification. due to its actual numerical abundance, but to Bowen (1983) stated that in most studies of the divers' ability to collect representatives of predator-prey interactions, order or family is a that species. low enough taxon for prey identification and All fish collections were made by divers using little information is gained by identifying to SCUBA. Collections generally occurred in the the species level. For each taxon, the number morning hours (0700-1200 CDT) to take ad­ of food items was recorded. If the items were vantage of the nocturnal and crepuscular feed­ not whole, particular parts were counted to ing habits predicted for diurnal reef inhabi­ roughly estimate the number of organisms tants (Hobson, 1973). Because most fishes (e.g., eye stalks, claws, or opercula). If the item were being collected in the morning hours, di­ was not recognizable as an individual but could gestion of stomach contents was expected to be identified as belonging to a particular taxon be minimal. Also, to minimize variation in food (e.g., sponges), the taxon was divided into bite habits owing to seasonal differences, all fish sized clumps based on gape information, to es­ were captured in July and August 1993. The timate number of individuals. primary collection technique was spear fishing Volume, percent frequency of occurrence, with multipronged spears of various sizes. and numerical abundance were determined Hand-nets and small drop-nets were also used for each prey item. The taxa volumes were pri­ on a limited basis to collect fish. Several au­ marily determined by water displacement in a thors have identified these methods as the least graduated cylinder to the nearest 0.1 ml. The 2 DOI: 10.18785/goms.1402.03 Nelson and Bortone: Feeding Guilds Among Artificial-Reef Fishes in the Northern Gulf 68 GULF OF MEXICO SCIENCE, 1996, VOL. 14(2)

N 1 WestBay 30° 15'

PanamaCify 30° 10' • Gulf of Mexico

• • •• United stan.. of Ame!lca • DetaRed area

Fig. 1. Map of the study area in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Filled circles indicate sample locations.

volume of a taxon was the total volume of wa­ taxa divided by the total number of prey items ter and prey items minus the volume of water per stomach (Hyslop, 1980). The percent vol­ delivered from a burette. For items such as ume (%V) was calculated as the percent, by eggs, volumes were calculated based on micro­ volume, each item contributed to the total vol­ scopic observations; the area covered by the ume of the stomach contents (Hyslop, 1 980). eggs (on graph paper) was multiplied by the From the above information (i.e., %0, %N, mean diameter of the eggs to give volume and %V), an Index of Relative Importance (Windell, 1971). (IRI) was calculated for each prey taxon for Frequency of occurrence (%0) was calculat­ each species (Berg, 1979; Hyslop, 1980; Levy ed as the number of stomachs containing at and Yesaki, 1982). The IRI was calculated as: least one food item of a group divided by the IRI = (%V + %N) %0. total number of fish examined per species (Bowen, 1983). Numerical abundance (%N) The IRI was used because each of the three was calculated as the number of prey items per calculated variables above have certain biases

Published by The Aquila Digital Community, 1996 3 Gulf of Mexico Science, Vol. 14 [1996], No. 2, Art. 3 NELSON AND BORTONE-FEEDING GUILDS AMONG ARTIFICIAL-REEF FISHES 69

that can be reduced by using this index (Hys­ mnbrosus (77.3%); gulf toadfish, beta lop, 1980). The IRis for all prey taxa were av­ (32.6%); whitespotted soapfish, Rypticus macu­ eraged for each predatory fish species to pro­ latus (65.9%); and belted sandbass, Serranus vide a manageable data set. The percent IRI subligarius (58.7%). Polychaetes were preferred was calculated as the IRI value for that prey by pigfish, Orthopristis chrysoptera (24.8%), and item divided by the sum of IRI values for all cocoa damselfish, Pomacentrus variabilis prey items of that species. This provided a data (32.3%). Barnacles were preferred by striped matrix appropriate for multivariate analyses. burrfish, Chilomycterus schoepfi (49.8%). Spong­ For analysis, the fish species were considered es were preferred by Atlantic spadefish, Chae­ operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and the todipterus faber (50%), and hermit crabs were prey taxa were considered characters ordinat­ preferred by red grouper Epinephelus mario ed by mean IRI values. The matrix was ana­ (100%). lyzed with two-way indicator species analysis There were no clear prey preferences (an (TWINSPAN; Hill, 1979a), detrended corre­ IRI of <25 for any one item) for 6 of the 25 spondence analysis (DCA) using DECORANA fish species examined (i.e., Calamus sp., Diplo­ (Hill, 1979b), and cluster analysis using dus holbrooki, Haemulon plumieri, Halichoeres biv­ UPGMA (unweighted pair-group method, ittatus, Lagodon rhomboides, and Monacanthus his­ arithmetic averages) clustering on Bray-Curtis pidus). Porgies, Calamus sp., consumed xanthid coefficients with NTSYS-pc software (Rohlf, crabs, polychaete worms, bivalves, and gastro­ 1989). pods. Spottail pinfish, D. holbrooki, consumed sponges, polysiphonia, and ectoprocts. White RESULTS grunt, H. plumieri, consumed gastropods, xan­ thid crabs, and fish, while slippery dick, H. biv­ A total of 540 fish, representing 25 species, ittatus, consumed gastropods, bivalves, and were collected for this study in July and August xanthid crabs. Pinfish, L. dwmboides, consumed 1993 (Table 1). Two species were only repre­ fish, portunid crabs, and bivalves. Planehead sented by a single individual [Epinephelus mario filefish, M. hispidus, consumed several encrust­ (red grouper) and Lachnolaimus maximus (hog­ ing organisms while over 50% of its stomach fish)]. Only one species was collected that had contents were unidentified material. no stomach contents (L. maximus). Six of the 44 prey taxa dominated the stom­ The prey of the artificial-reef assemblage ach contents among the 25 fish species exam­ fishes belonged to 44 taxa recognized in this ined. These taxa were: fishes (25.9% of the to­ study (Table 2). The food items belong to two tal IRI for all fish families combined), xanthid algal divisions-Chlorophyta and Rhodophy­ crabs (16.3%), unidentified items (10.5%), ta-and eight phyla-Porifera, Cnidar­ squids (6.7%), polychaete worms (5%), and ia, Annelida, Mollusca, Arthropoda, Ectoproc­ penaeid shrimps (2.1%). ta, Echinodermata, and Chordata. Each algal Algae were poorly represented among the division was represented by a single family prey taxa. Only three fishes consumed algal ( Cladophorales and Rhodomelaceae). The an­ material (i.e., D. holbrooki, P. variabilis, and R. nelids in this study were all polychaetes. Three aurorubens). The consumption of algal material molluscan classes (bivalves, gastropods, and by R. aurorubens represents a single occurrence cephalopods) were found as prey items. The among nine fish and is probably a case of in­ arthropods were most often represented by cidental consumption. The consumption of al­ barnacles and decapods; the echinoderms gae by D. holbrooki and P. variabilis was more were represented by two groups, brittle stars likely intentional since algae comprised 18.8% and sea urchins; and the were dom­ and 11.8% of their diets, respectively. Both D. inated by nine fish families. holbrooki and P. variabilis were not considered Sixteen of the 25 fish species had a domi­ obligate herbivores because they had other nant prey item (i.e., an IRI > 25; Table 2). items in their diets that were more important Fishes were a preferred item by the two-spot than algae. cardinalfish, Apogon pseudomaculatus (50% of To obtain a perspective on how these fishes total IRI); tom tate, Haemulon aurolineatum interact, the artificial-reef-associated fish were (33.9%); gag, Mycteroperca microlepis (100%), clustered using the Bray-Curtis and two-way in­ grey snapper, Lutjanus grise us ( 79.2%); gulf dicator species (TWINSPAN) clustering algo­ flounder, Paralichthys albigutta (100%); and rithms. The resulting dendrograms were com­ greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili (60%). Xan­ pared using resource overlap values (Morisita's thid crabs were preferred by the bank seabass, modified index; Pianka 1973). This compari­ Centropristis ocyurus (34.8%); cubbyu, Equetus son was performed by averaging the resource 4 DOI: 10.18785/goms.1402.03 Nelson and Bortone: Feeding Guilds Among Artificial-Reef Fishes in the Northern Gulf 70 GULF OF MEXICO SCIENCE, 1996, VOL. 14(2)

TABLE 1. Summary statistics for the fish collected and the presence of stomach contents. Abbreviations here are used throughout the tables and figures. SD = Standard deviation.

Num- her of fish with Num- con- ber Mean .Mean .Mean tents %with Abbre- of length mass gape pres- con- Species viation fish (mm) SD (g) SD (mm) SD ent tent'i Apogon pseudomaculatus APSE 11 88.82 10.93 13.26 4.81 15.09 3.57 4 36 Balistes cap1iscus BCAP 29 238.55 35.09 329.27 124.42 9.60 4.27 13 45 Calamus sp. CASP 9 250.89 21.39 414.11 131.99 14.22 4.55 3 33 Centrop1istis ocyurus COCY 32 172.03 45.93 88.74 86.68 19.58 4.92 18 56 Chaetodipterus faber CFAB 21 257.29 47.54 602.50 284.43 11.50 2.37 2 10 Chilom)•ctents schoepji CSCH 13 233.31 35.44 437.75 189.12 14.60 6.67 6 46 Diplodus holbroold DHOL 22 180.14 26.76 156.30 76.68 8.84 2.81 15 68 Epinephelus mario EMOR 375.00 771.30 33.50 1 100 Equetus umbrosus EUMB 36 179.06 33.42 91.64 56.31 14.75 3.54 19 53 Ilaemulon aurolineatwn HAUR 38 122.92 15.72 35.22 16.11 21.91 3.24 13 34 Haemulon plumieri HPLU 33 171.61 45.04 142.76 170.78 27.88 9.53 12 36 Halichoeres bivittatus HBIV 31 162.77 26.89 51.14 27.37 7.99 1.39 19 61 Lachnolaimus maximus LMAX 1 240.00 330.20 21.10 0 0 Lagodon rhomboides LRHO 27 194.59 44.83 160.56 120.88 10.07 2.61 14 52 Lutjanus gliseus LGRl 4 266.50 21.01 331.25 128.86 18.78 2.20 3 75 Monacanthus hispidus MHIS 4 247.75 2.05 273.40 9.57 8.58 0.75 3 75 lviycteroperca microlepis MMIC 3 458.67 83.73 1,102.07 369.10 42.63 5.00 1 33 Opsanus beta OBET 32 302.41 57.53 765.52 522.96 18.28 5.63 8 25 Orthoplistis ch1ysoptera OCHR 39 169.00 14.57 72.63 21.61 12.25 1.88 7 18 Paralichthys albigutta PALB 11 335.36 72.08 319.85 177.12 21.96 5.75 3 27 Pomacenlrzts vmiabilis PVAR 33 107.52 13.69 42.44 15.84 7.26 1.35 28 85 Rhomboplites aurorubens RAUR 40 119.98 7.22 27.69 4.58 12.53 1.31 9 23 R)'/Jficus maculatus RMAC 33 197.42 24.40 145.82 56.81 16.08 4.78 11 33 Se1iola dumnili SDUM 5 274.40 39.09 423.88 225.81 20.56 5.00 5 100 Serranus subligmius SSUB 32 88.16 8.06 14.70 4.15 11.91 2.15 25 78

overlap values for obvious clusters in the den­ ers) contains D. holbroold and L. rhomboides. drogram. The highest resource overlap Guild E (upper structure predators) contains (>0.75) occurred between R. maculatus and C. H. aurolineatmn, H. plumieri, and 0. chrysoptera. ocyurus (0.754); R. maculatus and E. umbrosus Guild F (water column pickers) contains P. var­ (0.779); S. subligarius and E. mnbrosus (0.968); iabilis. Guild G (reef-associated open water and L. griseus and R aurorubens (0.824). The feeders) contains R. aurorubens and S. dumerili. lowest dietary overlap occurred among com­ A detrended correspondence analysis binations of species with M. hispidus, which had (DCA) based on the IRI value for food items a dietary overlap with only one other species of each fish species was also used to help de­ (C. oryurus, 0.062). lineate factors associated with the guild rela­ The Bray-Curtis cluster analysis dendrogram tionships. Figure 3 indicates the arrangement (Fig. 2) was found to have a high average diet of guilds in the physical habitat. Axis 1 repre­ overlap within groups and was used along with sents foraging distance away from the reef cen­ DCA to identify guilds and their associated fac­ ter and axis 2 represents foraging height from tors of fish species for which more than five the substrate (lower), up onto the reef struc­ stomach samples were obtained. At 75% dis­ ture and into the water column (higher). In similarity in diet, we recognize seven guilds. Figure 3, the sum of the eigenvalue loadings Guild A (lower structure pickers) contains B. for axes 1 and 2 were 0.693 and 0.562, respec­ capriscus, C. schoepfi, and H. bivittatus. Guild B tively. (ambush predators) contains 0. beta. Guild C (lower structure crustacean predators) con­ DISCUSSION tains C. ocyurus, E. umbrosus, S. subligarius, and The diets of most of the 25 species of fishes R maculatus. Guild D (upper structure pick- correspond well with the previously published

Published by The Aquila Digital Community, 1996 5 Gulf of Mexico Science, Vol. 14 [1996], No. 2, Art. 3 NELSON AND BORTONE-FEEDING GUILDS AMONG ARTIFICIAL-REEF FISHES 71

Percent Dissimilarity 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20



OB~ B .------COCY



- - HA~ '-- HPLU E

---i OCHR



Fig. 2. Dendrogram of the cluster analysis (UPGMA clustering of Bray-Curtis coefficient) for all fish species with five or more stomach samples. The letters indicate guilds: guild A, lower structure pickers; guild B, ambush predators; guild C, lower structure crustacean predators; guild D, upper structure pickers; guild E, upper structure predators; guild F, water column pickers; guild G, reef-associated open-water feed­ ers. Fish abbreviations as in Table 1.

accounts (Table 3). It is because of this corre­ invertebrates (both attached to the reef and in spondence that we believe we can comment on the surrounding substrate) for capturing the the guild structure with sample sizes as small energy to drive this system. as five stomachs. The notable exceptions to the To examine the question of how so many correspondence are P. variabilis and D. hol­ fish species can use so few key prey resources, brooki. Based on the dietary reports of Randall the data were analyzed to determine patterns ( 1967), it would seem that algae may be more of association. The DCA of the feeding data important as a prey item than shown herein. indicates the importance of foraging distance In any case, we do not believe that these two from the reef and the height at which the or­ fish play a major role in moving the energy of ganism. forages (from sand up the structure primary production through the food web. D. into the water column). The various areas holbroohi was not found as a prey item and P. where fish feed in relation to artificial reefs in vmiabilis, when found, was not an important different environments have been discussed by prey item. Due to the lack of obligate herbiv­ several authors (Hawaii-Bailey-Brock, 1989; orous fishes as prey, we suspect most of the Washington-Hueckel and Stayton, 1982; trophic energy in the artificial-reef ecosystem Hueckel and Buckley, 1987; South Carolina­ comes from phytoplankton, which would imply Steimle and Ogren, 1982). These studies the importance of filter feeding bait fish and found that adjacent, soft-bottom communities 6 DOI: 10.18785/goms.1402.03 Nelson and Bortone: Feeding Guilds Among Artificial-Reef Fishes in the Northern Gulf ....:r ~

TABLE 2. Percent of the mean total Index of Relative Importance (IRI) of each prey taxon for each artificial reef fish species examined. Fish species abbreviations are as in Table 1.

Fish species Prey items APSE BCAP CASP COCY CFAB CSCH DHOL EMOR EUMB HAUR HPLU HBIV LRHO LGRI MMIC MHIS OBET OCHR PALB PVAR RAUR RMAC SDUM SSUB Algae 3.5 5.4 Cladophorales 3.1 9.3 Polysiphonia 15.7 2 Demospongiae 50.0 25.4 8.3 16.5 1.1 1.7 ~ Hydrozoa 10.1 0 Polychaeta 18.8 5.0 8.2 6.8 6.0 24.8 32.3 1.0 1-:rj Gastropoda 6.3 8.9 20.5 s::: Crepidulidae 7.9 ~ :X Nassaridae 18.0 H 0 Potamididae 2.9 1.7 20.3 0 Bivalvia 6.3 9.1 5.4 23.9 10.7 3.9 en Arcidae 8.0 0 H Glycymeridae 14.6 17.6 z~ Mytilidae 4.3 4.7 8.3 0.8 0 Pecrinidae 2.0 ~ Veneridae 17.5 2.9 5.7 5.5 ..... Balanomorpha 2.1 49.8 5.5 1.2 5.5 4.9 < 0 Dendrobranchiata 8.8 1.7 8.6 r-' Alpheidae 8.3 4.7 ..... Penaeidae 9.4 11.5 3.2 9.3 3.9 11.2 2.4 Brachyura 12.3 14.1 -;::;"'" ~ Majidae 9.1 Paguridae 1.1 100.0 1.7 5.4 0.8 Portunidae 5.8 0.8 Xanthidae 17.9 19.1 34.8 17.6 77.3 12.5 22.2 10.4 8.6 32.6 12.6 65.9 58.7 Ectoprocta 10.7 4.5 1.5 21.1 0.3 Amphipoda 15.6 2.1 Ophiotrichidae 1.0 9.3

Published by The Aquila Digital Community, 1996 7 Gulf of Mexico Science, Vol. 14 [1996], No. 2, Art. 3 NELSON AND BORTONE-FEEDING GUILDS AMONG ARTIFICIAlrREEF FISHES 73

are important foraging areas for some fishes. Jones et al. (1991) and Posey and Ambros~e (1994) discussed similar situations for fishes and forage areas on coral and temperate rocky reefs, respectively. Some studies have shown that fishes feed on reef-related organisms. For example, Hueckel and Buckley (1987) found that fishes became


,...., 0 New York and South Carolina. Their results c

400 r------.





------r:·------i c Q) RAUR Q_ 0 CD G 0



-200 DHOL·0 F .;. Higher -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400

Axis 1 Fig. 3. Scatter plot of the eigenvector loadings for the first two DCA axes for all fish species with five or more stomach samples. Guild definitions as in Figure 2. Fish species abbreviations as in Table 1.

A third set of studies examine fish foraging Fraser et al. (1991) examined the impact away from the reef structure and how these that a predator may have on the abundance of fishes can create "halos" of decreased abun­ forage items in the communities surrounding dance among benthic prey around reefs. Davis an artificial reef. They found that gray trigger­ et al. (1982) examined the impact of man­ fish (B. capriscus) reduced the abundance of made structures on the surrounding sand bot­ sand dollars around artificial reefs. While the tom community and found that foraging by overall importance of sand dollars in trigger­ reef-associated fishes profoundly changed epi­ fish diet is unknown, this study does suggest a faunal community structure. For example, the link between the reef assemblage and the sur­ sea pen, Stylatula elongata, had a significantly rounding benthic communities. lower abundance and less evidence of fish for­ Lindquist et al. (1994) studied the food hab­ aging damage (i.e., missing polyps) near the its of fishes associated with artificial reefs off reef. This study did not examine fish foraging North Carolina. They concluded that the sand­ on organisms attached to the reef, only on the substrate-associated organisms that occurred benthic community around reef structures. around reefs are probably an important source Ambrose and Anderson (1990) examined of energy to the associated artificial-reef fish the physical influence of artificial reefs and assemblage. Moreover, they warned that a nec­ their associated fishes on the surrounding in­ essary amount of surrounding sand bottom fauna. They found that currents moving may be essential to support the reef-associated around artificial reefs can influence infaunal fishes that forrage over the sand substrate. Po­ communities via scouring, which changes the sey and Ambrose (1994) also found a similar physical habitat immediately adjacent to the situation near a natural rock outcrop off North reef. This change in habitat led to changes in Carolina. They noted a trophic link between abundance (both increases and decreases) for the fishes associated with the rock outcrop and only 13% of the examined fauna in the study the soft-bottom community 10-75 m from the area. Ambrose and Anderson (1990) also reef. found that reef-associated fishes influenced Randall (1967) reported that luganids tend­ the abundance of infaunal organisms. ed to seek cover on coral reefs by day and to

Published by The Aquila Digital Community, 1996 9 Gulf of Mexico Science, Vol. 14 [1996], No. 2, Art. 3 NELSON AND BORTONE-FEEDING GUILDS AMONG ARTIFICIAL-REEF FISHES 75

forage out over sand and grass flats by night. (guilds D-F). If the apparent environmental He also indicated that bothids foraged on the associations with feeding guilds in the DCA are sand flats around coral reefs; furthermore, he correct, then this branching also separates low­ described S. dunze1ili as a roving predator. er reef fishes (Guilds A-C) from those on the Grimes (1979) and Sedberry and Cuellar upper reef (guilds D-F). (1993) reported on nocturnal foraging of R. The prey of the open water feeders in guild aurorubens away from reef structures off the G (e.g., Seriola dume1ili) was dominated by fish Carolinas. These reports support part of the and squid. There was some dietary overlap pattern depicted in Figures 2 and 3 by con­ with the upper structure predators (guild E). firming that members of guild G tend to feed However, the greatest overlap for these fish is the farthest away from reef structures. within their own guild. The overlap between The explanation of the second trend (i.e., guilds G and E may be clue to the fact that feeding height above the reef structure) sug­ most fish (as prey items) could not be identi­ gested in the DCA is supported by several au­ fied to family or species. Identification of food thors based on the following literature reports: fish taxa would allow for a differentiation be­ Levins (1968) argued that, by segregating in tween a prey species from open water and one multiple directions, species can minimize re­ from the reef. source overlap. Randall (1967) reported that Two of the three lower structure guilds are fishes of the family Apogonidae (cardinal fish­ dominated by a single prey species. Both the es), members of guild F, fed some distance ambush predator (guild B, Opsanus beta) and from the substrate. Furthermore, Wellington the lower structure predators (Guild C, Equetus and Victor (1988) found that some species of umbrosus) consume large amounts of xanthid damselfish (Pomacentridae) "cultivate" algae crabs, Pseudomedaeus agassizi. This crab is typi­ in defended territories. It may benefit individ­ cally associated with both natural and artificial uals to establish their territories higher on reef reefs (Williams, 1965). Members of guild C structures where "cultivated" algae could cap­ show a high degree of internal resource over­ ture the most light energy. While it has been lap, exemplified by Serranus subligarius and its reported that P. vmiabilis (guild F) fed predom­ feeding overlap with E. unzbrosus (96.8%). inantly on algae (Randall, 1967); that was not There was also a high degree of overlap be­ found to be the case here. While we do not tween R maculattls and 0. beta. Opsanus beta is offer a definitive reason for the difference in not included in guild C because its diet is also diet, the selection of the prey items found is similar to Balistes capriscus due to the consump­ probably due to the damselfish's normal posi­ tion of whole urchins (Arabacia punctata) and tion on the reef and may represent the typical the single occurrence of two prey taxa: a gas­ diet where or when algae is not available in tropod of the family Crepidulidae and a single sufficient quantities. S. subligmius. These may not be normally tar­ Further argument for spatial and temporal geted food items. The gastropod was found in segregation by species and guilds comes from a stomach containing a large hermit crab, shell the observations of project divers during col­ and all; the snail was probably attached to the lection that P. vmiabilis was often found high crab's shell at the time of consumption. The S. on the reef structure. Oppositely, divers most subligarius was intact and undigested. Although often observed members of guilds B and C low care was taken in handling captured speci­ on, or even under, reef materials. Additional mens, it may have been consumed after cap­ support for a complex three-dimensional spac­ ture. If so, it may represent a case of "net feed­ ing of the feeding guilds can be found in re­ ing." ports of tropical stream fish feeding guilds. Guild A is not dominated by a single prey Zaret and Rand (1971) reported a guild struc­ taxon as are the other guilds. The dominant ture that varied both in food habits and in prey items of the lower level pickers were bar­ physical position in a stream. nacles, bivalves, and fish. The first two items The cluster analysis, also based on diet, also can be easily picked from the reef or the sand reveals spatial trends similar to those suggested at the edge of the reef (depending on the bi­ by the DCA. The first branching in Figure 2 valve species). The consumption offish (28.7% divides guild G from other species. Guild G IRI) by B. capriscus is not as easy to explain. consists of the major piscivores that may swim Perhaps they steal bait from fishing lines, con­ the farthest from the reef in search of food. sume small fish, or ingest fish parts remaining The next branching separates fishes who fed from the feeding activities of larger predators. heavily on crustaceans (guilds A-C) from those The diets of the members of guild A overlap which fed on a broad variety of organisms with those of fish in other guilds. 10 DOI: 10.18785/goms.1402.03 Nelson and Bortone: Feeding Guilds Among Artificial-Reef Fishes in the Northern Gulf 76 GULF OF MEXICO SCIENCE, 1996, VOL. 14(2)

TABLE 3. Summary of prey items fi·om various sources of species examined herein. 1-This study; 2- Randall (1967); 3-Fraser eta!. (1991); 4-Adams (1976); 5-Wilson eta!. (1982); 6-Bullock and Smith (1991); 7-Grimes (1979); 8-Sedberry and Cuellar (1993); 9-Heck and Weinstein (1989); 10-Hastings (1978); 11-Hastings and Bartone (1980); 12-Sedberry (1989); 13-Stoner (1980). Asterisk(*) indicates prey items of particular importance.

Hydro- Antha­ Poly­ Gastro­ Cepha- Chi- Taxa Algae Sponges zoans zoans chaetcs pods Bivalves lopods tons Apogonidae 2 Apogon jJseudomaculatus Balistidae Batistes capriscus l\1onacanthus hispidus 2 1 1 Bat:rachoididae 5 4, 5 Opsanus beta 1 Bothidae 2 Paralichthys albigulla Carangidae Seriola dumerili 1 Diodon tidae 2 2 Chilom)'Cterus schoepji 1,4 1, 4 Ephippidae Chaetodipterus Jaber 1, *2 Grammistidae Rypticus maculatus Labridae Haliclweres bivittatus 2 2 *1 Lachnolaimus maximus 2 2 Luganidae Rhomboplites aurorubens 7 1, 7,8 Lutjanus griseus 1 Pomacentridae Pomacentrus variabilis 1, *2 *1, 2 Haemulidae Haemulon aurolineatum 2 1 Haemulon plumieri 2 *1 Orthopristis clu)'soptera 1 Sciaenidae Equetus umbrosus Serranidae Centropristis ocyurus 6 1 Epinephelus moria 6 6 jVfycteroperca microlepis Serranus subligmius Sparidae Calamus sp. 12 1, 2, 12 1, 12 1,2, 12 Diplodus sp. *2 2 2 Diplodus holbroolli 1 1 Lagodon rhomboides 1 13

The upper structure pickers, guild D (e.g., Guild E, the upper structure predators (e.g., Diplodus holbrooki), fed predominantly on Orthopristis chrysoptera), is composed of fishes sponges and unidentifiable items. This group with unclear feeding preferences. Fish are im­ is equipped with dental and pharyngeal struc­ portant prey items, as are gastropods and un­ tures for picking and grinding food from up­ identified items. All three species in this guild per portions of the reef. The diets of guild D have at least 50% dietary overlap with Lagodon members overlap each other more than they dwmboides from guild D. Most of the overlap overlap fishes outside the guild. was presumed due to large amounts ofuniden-

Published by The Aquila Digital Community, 1996 11 Gulf of Mexico Science, Vol. 14 [1996], No. 2, Art. 3 NELSON AND BORTONE-FEEDING GUILDS AMONG ARTIFICIAL-REEF FISHES 77

TABLE 3. Extended.

Am- Sand Bar- Xanthid Other phi- Cope- Iso- Ecto- dol- Ur- Ascid- Fish Uniden- Crustaceans nacles crabs crabs pods pods pods proct~ Echinoids lars chins ians eggs Fishes tified *2 2 2 1 *1 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 4,5 5 *4 1 1 1 2 *2 *1

*1, *2 2 2 4 1 4


6 *1,6 6 1, 6

1 1 2 2

7,8 7 *1,8 *2 *1, 2, *9

2 1 1, 2

2 1 9 *2 2 1 1, 4 4 4 *1

*2 *1

1, 6 *1, *6 6 6 1,6 *2,6 *1,*2 6 4,6 *1,*2,4, 6 6, 10, 11 *1 6 1,6

12 *1 2 12 2, 12 12

2 13 I, 4, 13

tified food items. Even discounting the uniden­ The feeding strategy of the fish in this guild tified prey, there was little overlap within the differs from the pickers because the pickers guild. These fish are apparently generalists in use their teeth to scrape off what they con­ contrast with the lower structure predators. sume. Guild F had wide prey preferences. Guild F consists of fish that apparently swal­ Our inability to assign C. faber, P. albigutta, low individual organisms whole from the water and M. microlepis to any particular guild was column or off the structure while remaining most probably due to the low percentages of very close to cover (e.g., Pmnacentrus variabilis). individuals of these species with stomach con- 12 DOI: 10.18785/goms.1402.03 Nelson and Bortone: Feeding Guilds Among Artificial-Reef Fishes in the Northern Gulf 78 GULF OF MEXICO SCIENCE, 1996, VOL. 14(2)

tents. E. moria and L. maximus were only pres­ guild management has been in use, either in­ ent as single individuals. lv!. microlepis and E. tentionally or unintentionally, in fisheries for lllOiio were outliers in our initial analyses. We some time (Austen eta!., 1994). If further eco­ believe that they belong to guild G based on logical investigations of the reef-associated published reports of their diets. Chaetodipterus game fishes continue to show similar life his­ faber and P. albig;utta were tentatively assigned tories, ecological requirements, and limita­ to guilds E and G, respectively. At the 75% lev­ tions, then managing either resources or re­ el of diet dissimilarity, they each represent in­ cruitment for any one species will, in theory, dependent guilds. They were assigned to their benefit all guild members. If this guild is hab­ respective guilds based on dietary overlap. itat-limited (i.e., larval production produces Lachnolaimus maximuswas represented by a sin­ more potential recruits than there are avail­ gle individual with no stomach contents. Based able microhabitats), then one solution could on Randall's (1967) description of the diet of be to provide more microhabitat. This would L. maximus, it should belong to the same guild be in the form of artificial reefs (functioning as H. bivittatus (guild A). Unfortunately, the as predator refugia) with sufficient foraging commercially and recreationally important red space between reefs to assure an adequate snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, was not collect­ amount of sustainable forage items. Moreover, ed as part of this study because they were not growth rates among artificial-reef-associated observed on our study reefs. Based on the di­ fishes may become impaired if suboptimal con­ etary descriptions of Bartone et a!. (1981) and ditions occur as a result of overforaging by the Parrish (1987), it would seem that red snapper attracted biomass (Sogard, 1994). Thus, prop­ are members of the open-water feeding guild er spacing of artificial reefs may be paramount as well. in the design and placement of structure to The high levels of resource overlap both manage fisheries. within and between some feeding guilds raise questions regarding resource partitioning. AcKNOvVLEDG!viENTS While we have no definitive answers regarding these questions, we can offer some possible hy­ We thank the following divers for their assis­ potheses for consideration: (1) spatial parti­ tance: Barbara Manley, Robin McCall, Kristi tioning-fishes could be feeding on the same Taylor, Robert Turpin, and Ken Haller. We also resource on different parts of the reef or de­ thank Charles D'Asaro and Sandy Miller of fending different feeding territories; (2) tem­ UWF and Richard Heard, Sara LeCroy, and poral partitioning-fishes might be using the Jerry McLelland of the Gulf Coast Research same resources but at different times; or (3) Laboratory for their assistance with identifica­ resource flooding-fishes may prey on the tions, and Joe Ely for his statistical help. Rich­ same food item when it is extremely abundant ard Cody, Sneed B. Collard, Paul V. Hamilton, and shift to another food item when that abun­ and Amanda Roberts reviewed earlier drafts of dant item's density is lower. the manuscript. We especially thank Amy Nel­ This study has described the diets of the son for her support and guidance throughout most common artificial-reef assemblage fishes the project. This study was supported by a in the northern Gulf of Mexico. A potential grant from Florida Sea Grant College (No. guild structure for these fishes has also been R/LR-B-35) awarded to SAB. outlined. The guild structure could change over time due to seasonal or ontogenetic shifts LITERATURE CITED in diet (see Winemiller and Pianka, 1990). This study could be strengthened by year­ ADAMS, S. M. 1976. Feeding ecology of eelgrass fish round sampling and sampling over a broader communities. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 105(4):514-- size range of fish. If the guild structure pre­ 519. sented here remains as more data are collect­ AMBROSE, R. F., AND T. W. ANDERSON. 1990. Influ­ ed, then the reef-associated gamefishes (snap­ ence of an artificial reef on the surrounding in­ pers: L. griseus, L. campechanus, and R. auroru­ faunal community. Mar. Bioi. 107:41-52. AusTEN, D.J., P. B. BAYLEY, AND B. W. MENZEL. 1994. bens; flounder: P. albig;utta; amberjack: S. dumn~ Importance of the guild concept to fisheries re­ ili; and probably the groupers: M. microlepis search and management. Fisheries 19(6):12-20. and E. modo) could be candidates for a guild BAILEY-BROCK, J. H. 1989. Benthic community de­ management plan. velopment on an artificial reef in Hawaiian waters. It has been argued that managing for a guild Bull. Mar. Sci. 44:580-591. is easier than managing for a single species BERG,]. 1979. Discussion of methods of investigat­ (Severinghaus and James, 1986). Moreover, ing the food of fishes, with reference to a prelim-

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