REPTILES ____ Northern Banded Water Snake Nerodia Sipedon Sipedon Reptiles and Amphibians That Occur in Indiana

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REPTILES ____ Northern Banded Water Snake Nerodia Sipedon Sipedon Reptiles and Amphibians That Occur in Indiana The following list identifies those species of REPTILES ____ Northern banded water snake Nerodia sipedon sipedon reptiles and amphibians that occur in Indiana. They are TURTLES (Order Testudines) ____ Rough green snake Opheodrys aestivus (SC) ____ Smooth green snake Opheodrys vernalis (SE) ____ Midland smooth soft-shell Apalone mutica mutica alphabetically arranged by scientific name. Some ____ Bullsnake Pituophis catenifer ____ Eastern spiny soft-shell Apalone spinifera spinifera species occur over most of the State. Others have a very ____ Graham’s crayfish snake Regina grahamii (H) ____ Snapping turtle Chelydra serpentina ____ Queen snake Regina septemvittata limited range. ____ Alligator snapping turtle Macroclemys temminckii (SE) ____ Eastern massasauga ** Sistrurus c. catenatus (FL,SE) This list was compiled from several sources, ____ Midland painted turtle Chrysemys picta marginata ____ Midland brown snake Storeria dekayi wrightorum ____ Spotted Turtle Clemmys guttata (SE) including the Peterson Field Guide to Reptiles and ____ Northern redbelly snake Storeria occipitomaculata ____ Blanding’s turtle Emydoidea blandingii (SE) Amphibians of Eastern/Central North America (1998), ____ Southeastern crowned snake Tantilla coronata (SE) ____ Common map turtle Graptemys geographica ____ Butler’s garter snake Thamnophis butleri (SE) the Revised Checklist of the Vertebrates of Indiana by ____ Mississippi map turtle Graptemys kohnii ____ Eastern plains garter snake Thamnophis radix T. P. Simon, J. O. Whitaker, J. S. Castrale and S. A. ____ Ouachita map turtle Graptemys ouachitensis ____ Red-sided garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis ____ False map turtle Graptemys pseudogeographica Minton published in 2002 by the Indiana Academy of ____ Eastern garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis ____ Eastern mud turtle Kinosternon subrubrum (SE) Science, and the web site of the Indiana Department of ____ Western ribbon snake Thamnophis p. proximus (SC) ____ Hieroglyphic river cooter Pseudemys concinna (SE) ____ Eastern ribbon snake Thamnophis s. sauritus Natural Resources. ____ Common musk turtle(Stinkpot)Sternotherus ordoratus ____ Northern ribbon snake Thamnophis s. serpentrionalis ____ Eastern box turtle Terrapene carolina carolina ____ Lined snake Tropidoclonion lineatum (H) ____ Ornate box turtle Terrapene omata ornata (SE) ____ Western smooth earth snake Virginia valeriae elegans ____ Red-eared slider Trachemys scripta elegans Valuable comments and suggestions were provided LIZARDS (Order Squamata, Sub-order Lacertila) AMPHIBIANS by Katie Smith, Scott Johnson, John Castrale and Roger ____ Six-lined racerunner Cnemidophorus sexlineatus SALAMANDERS (Order Caudata) Hedge of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, ____ Coal lizard Eumeces anthracinus (H) ____ Streamside salamander Ambystoma barbouri Dr. John Whitaker of Indiana State University, and Dr. ____ Five-lined skink Eumeces fasciatus ____ Jefferson salamander Ambystoma jeffersonianum Ralph Grundel of the USGS Lake Michigan Ecological ____ Broadhead skink Eumeces laticeps ____ Blue-spotted salamander Ambystoma laterale (SC) ____ Western slender glass lizard Ophisaurus a. attenuatus ____ Spotted salamander Ambystoma maculatum Research Station. ____ Eastern slender glass lizard Ophisaurus a. longicaudatus (H) ____ Marbled salamander Ambystoma opacum Errors and omissions are solely my responsibility. ____ Common wall lizard Padarcis muralis (H) ____ Smallmouth salamander Ambystoma texanum Comments are welcome and will be considered toward ____ Northern fence lizard Sceloporus undulates ____ Eastern tiger salamander Ambystoma tigrinum future revisions. ____ Ground skink Scincella lateralis ____ Green salamander Aneides aeneus (SE) ____ Eastern hellbender Cryptobranchus alleganiensis (SE) (FT) = Federally Threatened species. SNAKES (Order Squamata, Sub-order Serpentes) ____ Northern dusky salamander Desmognathus f. fuscus (FE) = Federally Endangered species ____ Northern copperhead ** Agkistrodon contortrix ____ Southern two-lined salamander Eurycea cirrigera (FL) = Candidate for Federal listing. ____ Western cottonmouth ** Agkistrodon piscivorus (SE) ____ Longtail salamander Eurycea l. longicauda ____ Midwest worm snake Carphophis vermis helenae ____ Cave salamander Eurycea lucifuga (SE) = State Endangered species (Bold). ____ Northern spring salamander Gyrinophilus p porphyriticus (H) (ST) = State Threatened species. ____ Northern scarlet snake Cemophora coccinea copei (SE) ____ Kirtland’s snake Clonophis kirtlandii (SE) ____ Four-toed salamander Hemidactylium scutatum (SE) (SC) = State species of special concern. ____ Blue racer Coluber constictor foxii ____ Common mudpuppy Necturus maculosus (SC) (H) = Hypothetical species that may occur but has ____ Northern black racer Coluber c. constrictor (H) ____ Red-spotted (Central) newt Notophthalmus viridescens not been confirmed. Species do not recognize ____ Southern black racer Coluber c. priapus ____ Redback salamander Plethodon cinereus ____ Timber rattlesnake ** Crotalus horridus (SE) ____ Eastern zigzag salamander Plethodon d. dorsalis political borders. They can arrive in Indiana ____ Northern ringneck snake Diadophis punctatus edwardsii ____ Northern slimy salamander Plethodon glutinosus by accident such as in shipments of flowers or ____ Black rat snake Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta ____ Ravine salamander Plethodon richmondi other products (Greenhouse Frog) or by ____ Gray rat snake Elaphe obsoleta spiloides ____ Northern red salamander Pseudotriton r. ruber (SE) hitching a ride in our vehicle as we travel ____ Western fox snake Elaphe v. vulpine ____ Midland mud salamander Pseudotriton m. diastictus (H) ____ Western mud snake Farancia abacura reinwardtii (SE) ____ Western lesser siren Siren intermedia nettingi around the country. ____ Eastern hognose snake Heterodon platirhinos ____ Prairie king snake Lampropeltis c. calligaster FROGS and TOADS (Order Anura) ____ Black kingsnake Lampropeltis getula nigra ____ Blanchard’s cricket frog Acris crepitans blanchardi ____ Red milk snake Lampropeltis t. syspila ____ American toad Bufo americanus ____ Eastern milk snake Lampropeltis t. triangulum ____ Dwarf american toad Bufo a. charlesmithi (H) ____ Northern copperbelly Nerodia e. neglecta (FT,SE) ____ Fowler’s toad Bufo woodhouseii fowleri ** = venomous species of snakes ____ Diamondback water snake Nerodia rhombifer ____ Eastern narrowmouth toad Gastrophryne carolinensis (H) ____ Midland water snake Nerodia sipedon pleuralis ____ Bird-voiced treefrog Hyla avivoca (H) ____ Greenhouse Frog Eleutherodactylus planirostris (H) Information and frequently asked questions ____ Cope’s gray treefrog Hyla chrysoscelis ____ Green treefrog Hyla cinerea (H) regarding Indiana’s Native Reptiles and ____ Eastern gray treefrog Hyla versicolor Amphibians and Indiana Regulations relative ____ Mountain chorus frog Pseudacris brachyphona (H) ____ Northern spring peeper Pseudacris c. crucifer to reptiles and amphibians can be found on the A Field Checklist ____ Western (Striped) chorus frog Pseudacris t. triseriata web page of the Indiana Department of ____ Upland chorus frog Pseudacris t. feriarum ____ Northern crawfish frog Rana a. circulosa (SE) Natural Resources at the following URL of Indiana’s ____ Plains leopard frog Rana blairi (SC) ____ Bullfrog Rana catesbeiana ____ Green frog Rana clamitans melanota Reptiles ____ Pickerel frog Rana palustris ____ Northern leopard frog Rana pipiens (SC) ____ Wood frog Rana sylvatica and ____ Southern leopard frog Rana utricularia ____ Eastern spadefoot toad Scapiopus holbrookii (SC) Amphibians Field Notes Date: _________________________ Time: _________________________ Location: ______________________ ______________________________ Observer(s): ____________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Behavior and other notes: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Compiled by Ronald A. Weiss, Ed. D., MBA, MST Chipper Woods Bird Observatory Revised January 2013 .
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