DHS Privacy FOIA Logs - FY 2018 Received 10/01/18 - 10/31/18

Request ID Requester Name Request Description Received Date

b)(6) 2019-HQF0-00001 Mckean, Aidan seeking records on behalf of client 10/1/2018

2019-HQF0-00002 (b)(6) requesting to renounce Indian citizenship 10/1/2018 seeking information regarding all "Special Event Threat Assessments" published during FY2017 2019-HQF0-00005 Galante, Paul 10/2/2018

seeking information regarding statistics of Salvadoran removals during what has happened of fiscal year 2019-HQF0-00006 Hurtado, Xiomara 2018 10/2/2018 (b)(6) requesting USCIS number 2019-HQF0-00007 10/2/2018 seeking investigative records related to a private citizen 2019-1-1QF0-00008 10/4/2018 seeking all records pertaining to his complaint 2019-HQF0-00009 10/4/2018 seeking records : 1. to identify total costs of crafting and implementing the family separation policy for FY 2018 and FY 2019 (including funds obligated for and reprogrammed to efforts related to the family separation policy in FY 2018, as well as funds requested for FY 2019); 2. to identify the programs from 2019-HQF0-00010 Evers, Austin which funds for housing and reuniting children separated from their parents have been diverted, as well as 10/4/2018 the amount of funding diverted from those programs (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/20/2018 To 10/4/2018)

seeking information regarding to: records reflecting communications of political appointees regarding the cost of the family separation policy, including: a. the availability or unavailability of budgeted, obligated, or appropriated funds; b. any evaluation, assessment, or analysis of currently available appropriations that could be used to fund implementation of the family separation policy; and c. constraints on planning for 2019-HQF0-00011 Evers, Austin funding of the family separation policy and the appropriations, budgeting requests, and costs involved with 10/4/2018 the implementation of the family separation policy between such political appointees and Congress, including congressional committees or staff

2019-HQF0-00012 Johnson, Jason seeking logs and geodata for successful delivery of presidential alert 10/4/2018 seeking copies of the letters of support issued by members of Congress to the Department of Homeland Security in support of grant applications for any of the following organizations: University of and 2019-HQF0-00013 Bruno, Frank University of Southern for the fiscal years FY2016-FY2018 10/4/2018

2019-HQF0-00014 b)(6) seeking information in reference to a court case regarding himself 10/4/2018 seeking email communications between 1) Gene Hamilton and 2) any email addresses ending in 2019-HQF0-00015 Evers, Austin .com/.net/.org/.edu/.mail (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/20/2017 To 10/31/2017) 10/4/2018

seeking the full text of the DHS request sent to the Secretary of the Interior and Interior Department to provide increased staffing on Department of Interior lands as noted in the attached Interior memorandum 2019-HQF0-00016 GREEN, MIRANDA dated May 9, 2018 10/5/2018

1. communications, including records demonstrating or related to communications, between DHS and the FBI or state and local enforcement entities relating to Occupy ICE, Families Belong Together, and similar protests and anti-ICE, proimmigration groups. 2. Records, including memos, talking points, policies or protocols, regarding any type of coordination between DHS and the FBI or state and local enforcement entities relating to these protests. 3. Communications, and records, such as memos, policies, protocols, manuals, talking points, or threat assessments, relating to these protests. 4. Any multimedia produced by, or in the possession, of DHS in the course of surveillance of the protests; and any records or communications indicating the existence of or consideration of producing such multimedia. 5. Records or 2019-HQF0-00017 Currier, Cora communication, including emails, policies, protocols, memos, operation manuals, regarding the use of 10/4/2018 social media monitoring during or before these protests, including regarding the use of social media surveillance software, including but not limited to programs such as Geofeedia, LifeRaft and Media Sonar. 6. Records or communication, received or regarding the existence, development or compilation of information by OHS, on specifically named individuals or groups associated with these protests.

1. a complete list of all databases or watch lists used by Secure Flight; 2. all criteria and guidelines for inclusion in, and/or removal rom databases or watch lists used by Secure Flight; 3. any memoranda of understanding, information sharing agreements, or any other documents between TSA and CDC, CBP, or 2019-HQF0-00018 Zhou, Enid other federal agencies concerning the exchange of data about individuals that are on Secure Flight program 10/4/2018 watch lists, 4. All documents relating to the current number of individuals on each Secure Flight program watch list

copy of the following documents identified to DHS Task Order 7ORDAD18FR0000058 (under contract 2019-HQF0-00019 Santos, Rose GS00Q140ADU108) 10/9/2018

seeking all FOIA requests received by the FOIA office from October 1, 2012 - September 30, 2018, with the following data fields: (a) Assigned request tracking number; (b) Office (where multiple components) ; (c) 2019-HQF0-00020 Long, Susan Date of request ; (d) Date request was received; (e) Track assigned; (f) Date closed (Date Range for 10/9/2018 Record Search: From 10/1/2012 To 9/30/2018)

seeking any documentation, contracts, written or oral agreements, notes on conversations communications with, invoices, payment records, directives, memorandums, emails, paper, or electronic correspondence between the Department of Homeland Security, its -based Fusion Centers in Springfield, Illinois and 2019-HQF0-00021 Adams, Eloise Chicago, Illinois and the Illinois Department of Human Services, and the Illinois Department of Human 10/9/2018 Services Kankakee County FCRC Hub and Illinois Department of Human Services Kankakee County FCRC Office

legal analysis prepared by or for the Department supporting its policy of separating families apprehended 2019-HQF0-00022 Heath, Brad at the Southwest border 10/9/2018

seeking records created since the enactment of the REAL-ID Act of 2005 of or pertaining to any grants issued by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to states, territories, or other entities for 2019-HQF0-00023 Hasbrouck, Edward implementation of the REAL-ID Act, the State-To- State (S2S) system, and/or the State Pointer Exchange 10/9/2018 Systems (SPEXS)

seeking a copy of the contract (Task Order) title page (1st page only) and the current Statement of 2019-HQF0-00024 Santos, Rose Work/Performance Work Statement (SOW/PWS) for contract numbers: HSHQDC17F00061, 10/9/2018 HSHQDC17F00106, and 7ORNPP18FR0000054

October 1, 2018 - October 31, 2018 FY2018 - DHS Privacy Logs DHS Privacy FOIA Logs - FY 2018 Received 10/01/18 - 10/31/18

seeking all records regarding the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's secretary Kirstjen Nielsen's visits to the Trump International Hotel D.C. on or around Sept. 8, 2018 and Sept. 26, 2018 and all 2019-HQF0-00025 Everson, Zach copies of receipts submitted for reimbursement of expenses at the Trump International Hotel Washington, 10/9/2018 D.C. b)(6) 2019-HQF0-00026 seeking records on herself 10/9/2018 seeking a copy of the contract (Task Order) title page (1st page only) and the current Statement of Work/Performance Work Statement (SOW/PWS) for contract numbers HSHQDC16F00077 and 2019-HQF0-00027 Santos, Rose 10/10/2018 HSHQDC16F00202

referral from DHS Office of Inspector General of 651 pages of OPS records regarding the 858 people 2019-HQF0-00029 KEEFE, BRENDAN erroneously granted citizenship by USCIS 10/11/2018

e-mail communications from September 1, 2018, through September 30, 2018, between all political appointees in the following DHS offices: a) The Immediate Office of the Secretary, including the Office of the Chief of Staff; b) The Office of Legislative Affairs; and c) The Office of Public Affairs and the following offices and persons: 1. Congressman David Rouzer or anyone from his office, including but not limited to b)(6) I 2. Congressman Mark Walker or anyone from his office, including but not limited to1(131(61 13.Congressman Richard Hudson or anyone from his office, including but not limited to(b)(6) and 14. Congressman George Holding or anyone from his office, including but not limited to (b)(6) 5. Congressman James Clyburn or anyone from his office, including but not limited tol(b)(61 16. Congressman Patrick McHenry or anyone from his office, including but not limited tcl(b)(6) and (131(61 I 7. Congressman G.K. Butterfield or anyone from his office, including but not limited tokb)(61 (131(61 18. Congresswoman Foxx or anyone from her office, including but not limited tol(b)(6) 19. Congressman 2019-HQF0-00030 Evers, Austin Walter B. Jones, Jr. or anyone from his office, including but not limited tol(b)(6) 10/11/2018 andkb)(6) 10. Congressman Greg Walden or anyone from his office, including but not limited to 1031(61 1 11 Any st if member of the House Energy & Commerce Committee, including but not limited to b)(6) 1 12. Senator Richard Burr or anyone from his office, including but not limited to b)(6) and anyone whose email ends in b)(6) 113. Senator Thom Tillis or anyone from his office, including but not limited tokb)(6) land anyone whose email ends in (KVA) 114. Senator Tim Scott or anyone from his office, including but not limited to (b)(6) (b)(6) I and anyone whose email ends in (b)(6) 1(Date Range for Record Search: From 9/1/2018 To 9/30/2018)

communications sent or received by any DHS political appointees from September 1, 2018, through September 30, 2018, that contain any of the following terms: a) Pork, b) Pig, c) Pigs, d) Hog, e) Hogs, f) Swine, g) Manure, h) NCPC, i) NPPC, j) Smithfield, k) Murphy-Brown; l). "Highland Swine"; m). "Legacy Farms"; n) "Archer Farms"; o) "O'Neel Farms"; p)"CAFO" from the following offices: i) The Immediate 2019-HQF0-00031 Evers, Austin Office of the Secretary, including the Office of the Chief of Staff; ii) The Office of Legislative Affairs; and iii) 10/11/2018 The Office of Public Affairs (Date Range for Record Search: From 9/1/2018 To 9/30/2018)

e-mail communications from September 1, 2018, through September 30, 2018, between all political appointees in the following DHS offices: a) The Immediate Office of the Secretary, including the Office of the Chief of Staff; b) The Office of Legislative Affairs; and c) The Office of Public Affairs, and i) The Department of Environmental Quality, including anyone whose email address ends in b)(6) ii) The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, including anyone whose email address ends in (b)(6) iii) The North Carolina Pork Council (NCPC), including Andy Curliss, Jan Archer, and anyone whose email address ends id(b)(6) Iv) The National Pork Producers Council 2019-HQF0-00032 Evers, Austin (NPPC), including John Weber, Neil Dierks, Michael Formica, Tom Hebert, Nick Giordano, and anyone 10/11/2018 whose email address ends in (b)(6) v) Smithfield Foods, Inc., including Michael Skahill and anyone whose email address ends in (b)(6) vi) Murphy-Brown, LLC, including anyone whose email address ends in kb)(61 I or vii) The National Pork Board, including Bill Even, Steve Rommereim, Deborah Ballance, Terry O'Neel, Brett Kaysen, Scott Phillips, Heather Hill, and anyone whose email address ends in (b)(6)

requesting copies of the Congressional Correspondence logs that are maintained by the Department of Homeland Security that lists congressional and/or governmental correspondence between the Department and Senator Cory Gardner from 2011 to the present; with correspondence from 2011 to 2015 from 2019-HQF0-00033 Casey, Kathleen Representative Gardner, and correspondence from 2015 to the present will be from his Senator Gardner 10/11/2018

copies of the Congressional Correspondence logs that are maintained by the Department of Homeland Security that lists congressional and/or governmental correspondence between the Department and 2019-HQF0-00034 Casey, Kathleen Senator David Perdue from 2015 to the present 10/11/2018

copies of the Congressional Correspondence logs that are maintained by the Department of Homeland Security that lists congressional and/or governmental correspondence between the Department and 2019-HQF0-00035 Casey, Kathleen Senator Joni Ernst from 2015 to the present 10/11/2018

copies of the Congressional Correspondence logs that are maintained by the Department of Homeland Security that lists congressional and/or governmental correspondence between the Department and 2019-HQF0-00036 Casey, Kathleen Senator from 1997 to the present 10/11/2018

copies of the Congressional Correspondence logs that are maintained by the Department of Homeland Security that lists congressional and/or governmental correspondence between the Department and 2019-HQF0-00037 Casey, Kathleen Senator Daines from 2013 to 2015 10/11/2018

copies of the Congressional Correspondence logs that are maintained by the Department of Homeland Security that lists congressional and/or governmental correspondence between the Department and and 2019-HQF0-00038 Casey, Kathleen Senator Thomas "Thom" Tillis, from 2015 to the present 10/12/2018

October 1, 2018 - October 31, 2018 FY2018 - DHS Privacy Logs DHS Privacy FOIA Logs - FY 2018 Received 10/01/18 - 10/31/18

copies of the Congressional Correspondence logs that are maintained by the Department of Homeland Security that lists congressional and/or governmental correspondence between the Department and 2019-HQF0-00039 Casey, Kathleen Senator Daniel "Dan" Sullivan from 2015 to the present 10/12/2018

copies of the Congressional Correspondence logs that are maintained by the Department of Homeland Security that lists congressional and/or governmental correspondence between the Department and and 2019-HQF0-00040 Casey, Kathleen Senator Kyl from 1987 to 1994 10/12/2018

copies of the Congressional Correspondence logs that are maintained by the Department of Homeland Security that lists congressional and/or governmental correspondence between the Department and 2019-HQF0-00041 Casey, Kathleen Senator Thomas "Tom" Cotton from 2013 to the present 10/12/2018

copies of the Congressional Correspondence logs that are maintained by the Department of Homeland Security that lists congressional and/or governmental correspondence between the Department and and 2019-HQF0-00042 Casey, Kathleen Senator Addison "Mitch" McConnell from 1985 to the present 10/12/2018

copies of the Congressional Correspondence logs that are maintained by the Department of Homeland Security that lists congressional and/or governmental correspondence between the Department and 2019-HQF0-00043 Casey, Kathleen Senator Roberts from 1981 to 1997 10/12/2018

copies of the Congressional Correspondence logs that are maintained by the Department of Homeland Security that lists congressional and/or governmental correspondence between the Department and 2019-HQF0-00044 Casey, Kathleen Senator Andrew "Lamar" Alexander from 2003 to the present 10/12/2018

copies of the Congressional Correspondence logs that are maintained by the Department of Homeland Security that lists congressional and/or governmental correspondence between the Department and the 2019-HQF0-00045 Casey, Kathleen 10/12/2018 Department and Senator John Cornyn from 2002 to the present

copies of the Congressional Correspondence logs that are maintained by the Department of Homeland Security that lists congressional and/or governmental correspondence between the Department and 2019-HQF0-00046 Casey, Kathleen 10/12/2018 Senator Cassidy from 2009 to 2015 from 2015 to the present

copies of the Congressional Correspondence logs that are maintained by the Department of Homeland 2019-1-1QF0-00047 Casey, Kathleen Security that lists congressional and/or governmental correspondence between the Department and 10/12/2018 Senator Shelley Moore Capito from 2015 to the present seeking information related to : 1. Communication directed from the Presidential Transition Team and/or Trump White House to the agency sent to, or copied to, Mr. Stephen Miller, currently Senior Advisor to the President; 2. Communication directed from the Presidential Transition Team and/or Trump White House to the agency sent to, or copied to, Mr. Kris Kobach, currently Secretary of State ; 3. . Addressed to or originating from an email ending in: (b)(6) 4. 2019-HQF0-00048 Ahmad, Hassan correspondence addressed to or originating from the Federation for American Immigration Reform; 10/12/2018 Immigration Reform Law Institute; Center for Immigration Studies and NumbersUSA (Date Range for Record Search: From 11/9/2016 To 10/12/2018)

Seeking information regarding FOIA Logs covering the Fiscal Year 2016, 2017, 2018, which includes a field showing the subjects of each request and a field for the final disposition due to a partnership between the U.S. Department of Defense, Military, Military Contractors (Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, GE, FAURECIA, Caterpillar, several Aerospace and Nuclear Federal Agencies, Military 2019-HQF0-00049 Adams, Eloise Research Laboratories (Argonne National Laboratory, SRL STANFORD RESEARCH LABORATORY and many 10/12/2018 others), Military Research Universities and Technological Institutions (BERKELEY, MIT, Tech, Wayne State

2019-HQF0-00051 .-1(b)(6) seeking records on himself. 10/12/2018 request, all documents or other records, created or obtained on or after January 1, 1985 containing the following names: Yukos; Khodorkovsky (or Khodorkovskiy); Platon Lebedev; Leonid Nev.zlin; Alexei Pichugin; David Godfrey; Steven Theede; Bruce Misamore; Timothy (or Tim) Osborne; Menate; Commercial Innovation Bank for Scientific and Technical Progress; Yugansk.neftegaz; UNG; Wincanton; Small World Telecommunication Holding; Financial Performance Holdings; Stichting Administratiekantoor Yukos International; Stichting Administratiekantoor Small World Telecommunication Holding; Stichting 2019-HQF0-00052 Rauser, Paul Administratiekantoor Financial Performance Holdings; Consolidated Nile; Brittany Assets; Fair Oaks Trade 10/12/2018 and Invest; Glendale Group; Hullcy Enterprises; Veteran Petroleum; Peter Bond; Stephen Curtis; Alexei (or Alexey) Golubovich; Vladimir Dubov; Daniel Feldman; Armen Mikayelyan; Frank Rieger; Al; George Trachonitis; Petros Demetioull; and Sergei Ketcha

1) all documents and correspondence regarding the arrest of (b)(6) in July 2016, including correspondence related to the subsequent investigation/suspension of clearance, and documents and correspondence related to subject's reinstatement in Jan 2017; including all records related to Washington Post Articles on 8 and 28 March 2018 mentioning kh)(A) 'including all correspondence between USCG and DI-IS OSCO regarding the(b)(6) case from July 2016 to October 15, 2018; 2) DHS Office of the Secretary (Secretary Nielsen and her staff, DHS OPS leadership, particularly including 1(b)(6) kb)(61 'for any documents and correspondence related to the 8 and 28 March Washington Post articles, including documents related to handling subject's employment and any investigation related to subject's employment; including correspondence related to subject's selection and 2019-HQF0-00053 (b)(6) 10/15/2018 subsequent recension of the job offer to promote subject to GS-15; including any communication or correspondence regarding deliberation on how to respond to subject's requests for status updates; any and all correspondence between the White House, as well as the Senate HSGAC, and the Office of the Secretary pertaining to the 3/8 and 3/28 Washington Post articles and subject's employment status; and 3) request any and all internal and external correspondence regarding(o)(6) 'employment status and the 3/8 and 3/28 Washington Post articles, to include any release of p)(6) IDII and notification of such releases

the following: 1) copies of all communications (including but not limited to e-mail, letters, text messages, instant messages, form submissions) between the DHS and the Department of State discussing or requesting work authorizations and/or visas for victims of human trafficking and/or sex trafficking from 27 September 2017 to 27 September 2018; and 2) Copies of all records comparing or reporting Blue Lightning 2019-HQF0-00054 Jespersen, Kirsti 10/11/2018 Initiative (BLI) reports of human trafficking that come through airlines' in-flight reporting protocols versus through the ICE HSI Tip Line from 15 July 2017 to 27 September, 2018

October 1, 2018 - October 31, 2018 FY2018 - DHS Privacy Logs DHS Privacy FOIA Logs - FY 2018 Received 10/01/18 - 10/31/18

1) Copies of communications sent by or to Mr. John Hill of the Office of Partnership and Engagement pursuant to or mentioning the immigration and visa caps determined by Congress, specifically relating to his comment at the House Homeland Security Committee hearing related to Human Trafficking where he said that USCIS is working to evaluate immigration and ensure compliance with set visa caps, but also that "we" support immigration reform. Temporal scope of this request is from 31 August 2017 to 28 September 2018; 2) Copies of communications sent by or to Kathy Nuebel Kovarik, Bill McElhaney, Tammy Meckley, and Jennifer Higgins (all from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services) pursuant to or mentioning the immigration and visa caps determined by Congress. Temporal scope of this request is from 31 August 2017 to 28 September 2018; 3) Copies of any evaluations and reports in DHS possession evaluating recidivism among victims who were trafficked as children. Temporal scope of request from 14 February 2019-HQF0-00055 Jespersen, Kirsti 2018 to 28 September 2018; 4) Copies of any documents reflecting the cost of development and 10/11/2018 distribution of Blue Campaign training materials and workshops, from inception to 28 September 2018; and 5) Copies of reports, evaluations, and communications citing or determining training, education, and fitness requirements for Victim Assistance Specialists, and copies of any evaluations of all contractors or religious organizations that offer these personnel, or hiring strategies for obtaining these personnel. (An HSI representative discussed them at and in recorded testimony at indicated that they are also involved in Continuing Presence operations. Temporal scope of request from 14 February 2018 to 28 September 2018

seeking : 1. calendars or calendar entries for Ian M. Smith between the dates of October 2, 2017, and August 28, 2018; 2. records reflecting communications, (including emails, email attachments, voicemail transcripts, text messages, messages on messaging platforms (such as Slack, GChat or Google Hangouts, Lync, Skype, WhatsApp, Signal, or Twitter Direct Messages), telephone call logs, calendar invitations/entries, meeting notices, meeting agendas, informational material, talking points, any handwritten or electronic notes taken during any oral communications, summaries of any oral communications, or other materials) with or about Stephen Miller, including but not limited to communications containing the name "Stephen Miller" or email communications sent or forwarded to, received from, copying, or blind copying (b)(6) or I(b)(6) 3. records reflecting communications (including emails, email attachments, voicemail transcripts, text messages, messages on messaging platforms (such as Slack, GChat or Google Hangouts, Lync, Skype, WhatsApp, Signal, or Twitter Direct Messages), telephone call logs, calendar invitations/entries, meeting notices, meeting agendas, informational material, talking points, any handwritten or electronic notes taken during any oral communications, summaries of any oral communications, or other materials) with or referencing the phone number (b)(6) 4. email communications with any of the following individuals/organizations, including messages where custodians or outside individuals/organizations were carbon copied or blind carbon copied. This request includes all prior messages (whether incoming or outgoing) reflected in any responsive emails and any attachments: a. Marcus Epstein; b. Devin Saucier; c. 2019-HQF0-00056 Evers, Austin Jared Taylor; d. Ben Dionisopoulos; e. Kevin DeAnna; f. Ben Zapp; g. Matt Parrott; h. Jack Donovan; I. 10/16/2018 Matthew Heimbach; j. Richard Spencer; k. Jason Kessler; I. Peter Brimelow; m. John Derbyshire; n. Wayne Lutton o. VDARE (including any emails sent to or received from an address ending in (b)(6) p. American Renaissance (including any emails sent to or received from an address endingIn (b)(61 q. Federation for American Immigration Reform (including any emails sent to or received from an a. iress ending in(b)(6) r. Immigration Reform Law Institute (including any emails sent to or received from ;s. an address ending in (b)(6) t. Center for Immigration Studies (including any emails sent to or received from an ; u. address ending in(b)(6) ; v. NumbersUSA (including any emails sent to or received from an address ending in ; w.l(h)(A) I; x. The Remembrance Project (including any emails sent to or received from an y. address ending in (b)(6) ; z. ACT for America (including any emails sent to or received from an address ; ending in01(61 I; aa. Kris Kobach (including but not limited to emails sent to or received from ith)(A) I kb)(61 'or any emails he sent from an address ending inl(b)(6) ;bb. Rep. Steve King of or any members of his staff, including but not limited to Sarah Stevens and Suanne Edmiston; 5. email communications from Ian M. Smith containing any of the following terms: a. AmRen; b. "American Renaissance" ;c. Radix d. "Richard Spencer"; e. "Jared Taylor" (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/20/2017 To 10/16/2018)

requesting the videotape of her minor daughter being patted down by a male TSA agent 2019-HQF0-00057 (b)(6) 10/16/2018 seeking information regarding incident reports processed by the Office of Management and Budget's staff responsible for handling computer security incident responses between Oct 6, 2011 and Oct 6, 2015, as well as cyber incident and response summary reports for this period which include the following summary 2019-HQF0-00058 Lange, Jason 10/16/2018 information: incident report identification number, date created, category, site, program office, summary, status, narratives, and post action reports

documents pertaining to a specific set of employees identified by the job title, or category, "Assistant Chief Counsel" within the US Immigration & Customs Enforcement various field locations. For this category of Department of Homeland Security employees, please identify what immigrant and nonimmigrant personally identifiable information (PII) within the current DHS system of records such employees are authorized to 2019-HQF0-00059 Ramsey, Brian 10/10/2018 access, identifying each system by name fully and accurately research and locate non-citizen records; 1 and, finally, what process or procedures are in place to train users, secure user access and audit unauthorized usage

2019-HQF0-00060 Pratt, John records pertaining to (b)(6) 10/10/2018

2019-HQF0-00061 Secrest, James records pertaining to 10/16/2018

2019-HQF0-00062 Bucar, Elizabeth records pertaining to 10/16/2018

October 1, 2018 - October 31, 2018 FY2018 - DHS Privacy Logs DHS Privacy FOIA Logs - FY 2018 Received 10/01/18 - 10/31/18

seeking: 1. reports, draft reports, and/or notes from Brian Murphy, the Principal Deputy Under Secretary for the Office of Intelligence & Analysis, on, about, mentioning or referring to any orders, instructions, and/or directives on, about, mentioning or referring to the Domestic Terrorism Intel Estimate and/or the Dom Terr Nat Intelligence Est (DT-NIE) and/or the DT Threat Assessment ; 2.email or correspondence from Brian Murphy, the Principal Deputy Under Secretary for the Office of Intelligence & Analysis, on, about, mentioning or referring to any orders, instructions, and/or directives on, about, mentioning or referring to the Domestic Terrorism Intel Estimate and/or the Dom Terr Nat Intelligence Est (DT-NIE) and/or the DT Threat Assessment 3. policy, orders, decisions and/or memoranda (or memorandums) from Brian Murphy, the Principal Deputy Under Secretary for the Office of Intelligence & Analysis including, but not limited to, any "Memorandum of Understanding" and/or "Memorandum of Agreement," any minutes, meeting and/or presentation minutes, and/or contemporaneous notes taken at meetings or presentations, and/or minutes and notes taken afterwards on, about, mentioning or referring to said meetings or presentations on, about, mentioning or referring to the Domestic Terrorism Intel Estimate and/or the Dom Terr Nat Intelligence Est (DT-NIE) and/or the DT Threat Assessment; 4.meetings and/or presentations made by Brian Murphy, the Principal Deputy Under Secretary for the Office of Intelligence & Analysis including, but not limited to, meeting or presentation minutes and/or contemporaneous notes taken at the meeting or presentation and/or minutes and notes taken afterwards that mention or refer to the meeting or presentation on, about, mentioning or referring to the Domestic Terrorism Intel Estimate and/or the Dom Terr Nat Intelligence Est 2019-HQF0-00063 Phillips, Joshua (DT-NIE) and/or the DT Threat Assessment; 5.discussions or correspondence between Brian Murphy, the 10/17/2018 Principal Deputy Under Secretary for the Office of Intelligence & Analysis, with DHS's Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) staff on, about, mentioning or referring to the non-release and/or non-publication and/or suspension of the Domestic Terrorism Intel Estimate and/or the Dom Terr Nat Intelligence Est (DT- NIE) and/or the DT Threat Assessment; 6. reports, draft reports, and/or notes from Brian Murphy, the Principal Deputy Under Secretary for the Office of Intelligence & Analysis, on, about, mentioning or referring to any orders, instructions, and/or directives to suspend and/or cease all work on, and destroy all copies of, the Domestic Terrorism Intel Estimate and/or the Dom Terr Nat Intelligence Est (DT-NIE) and/or the DT Threat Assessment; 7 email or correspondence from Brian Murphy, the Principal Deputy Under Secretary for the Office of Intelligence & Analysis, on, about, mentioning or referring to any orders, instructions, and/or directives to suspend and/or cease all work on, and destroy all copies of, the Domestic Terrorism Intel Estimate and/or the Dom Terr Nat Intelligence Est (DT-NIE) and/or the DT Threat Assessment; 8 policy, orders, decisions and/or memoranda (or memorandums) from Brian Murphy, the Principal Deputy Under Secretary for the Office of Intelligence & Analysis etc;

seeking information from the Policy Office and Office of Partnership and Engagement regarding : 1. emails and text messages *sent* by the Assistant Secretary, Cyber Policy or by the individual acting in that capacity that mention Apple (the technology company); 2. emails and text messages sent by the Deputy Assistant Secretary, Cyber Policy or by the individual acting in that capacity--that mention Apple (the technology company) 3; emails sent by the Executive/Administrative Assistants of the individuals identified in items 1 and 2 ; 4. emails and text messages sent by the Assistant Secretary or by the individual acting in 2019-HQF0-00064 Blutstein, Allan that capacity that mention Apple; 5. emails and text messages sent by the Deputy Assistant Secretary or by 10/17/2018 the individual acting in that capacity that mention Apple; 6. Emails sent by the Executive/Administrative Assistants of the individuals identified in items 5 and 6 above that mention

seeking information regarding his SF-86 2019-HQF0-00065 (b)(6) 10/17/2018

records pertaining to ICE's use of mobile forensic devices and technologies 2019-HQF0-00066 Scott, Jeramie 10/17/2018

seeking : emails, including any attachments, to and from the "mgmresorts.com" domain from Oct. 1, 2017, through the present; 2. emails, including any attachments, to and from the b)(6) domain from Oct. 1, 2017, through the present; 3. records related to the issuance on April 20, 2017, of a "Certificate of Conformance" certifying that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security granted to Contemporary Services Corporation, a California corporation, a "Certification" for its "Event Security Services" as an "Approved Product for Homeland Security" under the SAFETY Act of 2002, including but not limited to the corporation's pre-application and full application for the certification including any attachments, such as the required 2019-HQF0-00067 Garcia Cano, Regina 10/17/2018 safety and hazard analyses; and findings of the technical and economic reviews conducted by SAFETY Act reviewers; 4. records related to the review being conducted within the Department of Homeland Security to determine whether the mass shooting at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas on Oct. 1, 2017, was an "act of terrorism" for the purposes of the SAFETY Act of 2002

seeking information from the following DHS Officials: Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen; Former Secretary John Kelly; Executive Secretary Christina Bobb; Chief of Staff Chad Wolf; former Senior Counselor Gene Hamilton; Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Cameron Quinn Assistant Secretary, International Affairs Dimple Shah with the following search terms: a. Kris Kobach; b. J. Christian Adams; c. Public Interest Legal Foundation; d. Logan Churchwell e. Christy McCormick; f. Andrew Kossack; g. Mark Paoletta; h. Ken Blackwell; i. Heritage Foundation; j. Family Research Council; k. Connie Lawson; I. Hans 2019-HQF0-00068 Evers, Austin von Spakovsky; m. True the Vote; n. Catherine Engelbrecht; o. John Lott; p. Crime Prevention Research 10/17/2018 Center; q. Ken Block; r. Government Accountability Institute; s. Simpatico Software Systems; t. Steve Bannon; u. Breitbart News; v. Stephen Miller; w. Peter Shweizer; x. Citizens of the American Republic y. Judicial Watch; z. Tom Fitton; aa. American Civil Rights Union; bb. Susan Carleson (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/1/2017 To 10/17/2018)

seeking information from the following individuals: Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen; Former Secretary John Kelly; Executive Secretary Christina Bobb; Chief of Staff Chad Wolf; Former Senior Counselor Gene Hamilton; Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Cameron Quinn; Assistant Secretary, International Affairs Dimple Shah with the following search terms: North Carolina, NC; N.C.; Higdon; "Wake County"; 2019-HQF0-00069 Evers, Austin "Wake Cty"; Vot; ; Roll; Regist; Ballot; Clinton HRC; Illegal ;; Immig*; Citizen*; Non-Citizen*; 10/17/2018 Noncitizen*; PILF; "Public Interest Legal Foundation"

email communications (including emails, email attachments, and calendar entries/invitations) between any of the custodians listed below and any person communicating from an external email address (i.e., ending in .(0)(6) , and containing any term from column A(North Carolina; NC N.C.; Higdon; "Wake county'; "wake uty' and any term from column B ( Vot*; Roll ; Regist*; Ballot; Clinton; HRC; Illegal*; Alien; Immig*; Citizen* Non-Citizen*; Noncitizen*; PILF; "Public Interest Legal Foundation" )from 2019-HQF0-00070 Evers, Austin the following DHS officials: Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen; Former Secretary John Kelly Executive Secretary 10/17/2018 Christina Bobb; Chief of Staff Chad Wolf; Former Senior Counselor Gene Hamilton; Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Cameron Quinn Assistant Secretary, International Affairs Dimple Shah

October 1, 2018 - October 31, 2018 FY2018 - DHS Privacy Logs DHS Privacy FOIA Logs - FY 2018 Received 10/01/18 - 10/31/18

All calendars or calendar entries for any of the following individuals, including any calendars maintained on behalf of: Kirstjen Nielsen; Claire M. Grady (end date of search associated with FOIA reference number 2018-HQF0-00170, through the date of the search); Scott Krause (end date of search associated with FOIA reference number 2018- HQF0-00170, through the date of the search); Chad Wolf (end date of search 2019-HQF0-00071 Evers, Austin associated with FOIA reference number 2018- HQF0-00170, through the date of the search); Anyone who 10/17/2018 has served as Deputy Chief of Staff to the Chief of Staff (end date of search associated with FOIA reference number 2018-HQF0-00170, through the date of the search)

all employment records, including all applications for employment or application files, concerningl(b)(61 I (b)(6) Including: 1. cover letters, resumes, all prior employment verification information, all pre-employment background or background check documentation (excluding medical or 2019-HQF0-00072 Weinreb, Carly health documentation); and 2. Any documents reflecting the results of such applications, including but not 10/3/2018 limited to any offers of employment and any voluntary withdrawals by the subject

seeking information regarding active lodging contracts, Strong Bond events, conferences, BPA's and IDIQ's 2019-HQF0-00073 Cardona, Chris to include the following: 1. Award amount; 2.Venue location; 3.Vendor awarded; 4.Contract number; 10/18/2018 5.Term of award, to include options; 6. Start date; 7.End date

seeking information on a Special Agent from the Secret Service in reference to him investigating his FAA (b)(6) 2019-HQF0-00074 credentials as an Air Transport Pilot 10/18/2018

seeking emails from Gene Hamilton and Cameron Quinn containing the following search terms : "American Academy of Pediatrics"; AAP; Merkley; "Prosecution initiative"; Separat*; Famil*; Parent*; Guardian*; FMUA; ACLU; "zero tolerance"; Asylum; "credible fear"; 1158; Separat*; Deter*; Famil*; Parent*; Kid*; 2019-HQF0-00076 Evers, Austin 10/19/2018 Child*; Mother*; Father*; Guardian*; UAC*; UC*; FMUA (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/20/2017 To 10/19/2018)

records pertaining to yourself 2019-HQF0-00077 (b)(6) 10/19/2018 seeking records regarding the October 2012 HALO Corporation Counter Terrorism Summit that took place 2019-HQF0-00078 Larson, Lucas at The Paradise Point Resort in San Diego, California 10/22/2018

seeking : 1. records regarding the past or planned implementation and use of any electronic system to track instances in which at least one child is in the custody of HHS after being separated from at least one adult family member while in the custody of ICE or CBP referencing: (a) Unique identifier; (b) Event area of responsibility; (c) Title of officer who apprehended or encountered individual; (d) Title of officer who approves the separation; (e) Citizenship country; (f) Case status for adult/child; (g) Whether family relationship is verified, and by what means; 2. records related to any past, current, or planned policy, guidance, or recommendation regarding the separation of families who arrive at the U.S.- border 2019-HQF0-00079 Shepherd, Katie 10/22/2018 and ports of entry; 3. records related to coordination among CBP, ICE, USMS, and DHS regarding the processing and handling of the separation of adult family members from related minor children; 4. records related to coordination among HHS, CBP, USMS, and ICE regarding the separation of adult family members from minor children, including the separate sheltering of those minor children

1) a copy of the contract Task Order HSHQDC17F00072 (Task Order) title page (1st page only); and 2) 2019-HQF0-00080 Santos, Rose Copy of the current Statement of Work/Performance Work Statement (SOW/PWS) 10/23/2018

1) Copy of the contract Task Order HSHQDC17F00135 (Task Order) title page (1st page only), and 2) Copy of the current Statement of Work/Performance Work Statement (SOW/PWS) 2019-HQF0-00081 Santos, Rose 10/23/2018

seeking information about himself 2019-HQF0-00082 (b)(6) 10/23/2018

2019-HQF0-00083 Maliza, Johanes seeking A-File on behalf of her client 10/23/2018 seeking information on herself. 2019-11QF0-00084 (b)(6) 10/23/2018 a .csv file covering the last quarter of FY 2017, FY 2018 and the first quarter of FY 2019 of the raw, request- 2019-HQF0-00085 Long, Susan by-request, appeal-by-appeal data used in the agency's Annual FOIA Reports 10/23/2018

seeking video footage at a federal building 2019-HQF0-00086 Gonzales, James 10/23/2018 seeking records regarding: 1. or a list identifying in which detention facilities ICE detainees receive mental health treatment; 2. detention facilities there is a full-time mental health provider employed; 3. number of ICE Health Service Corps employees that are psychologists, psychiatrists, or therapists; the number of hours they works last year, and the location of their employment; 4. the number and percentage of cases in which a competence evaluation has been requested by the immigration court or by any of the parties since January 2010; 5. the total number of recorded and/or alleged suicides or suicide attempts in immigration detention facilities since January 2010; 6. the total number of people put on suicide watch or put into solitary confinement, medical segregation, or another form of administrative segregation for mental health reasons in immigration detention facilities since January 2010; 7. training guides or other records containing procedures, protocols, or guidelines used by detention staff or contractors to identify individuals exhibiting symptoms of mental illness, distress or disability in detention; 8. general policies and screening procedures for identifying individuals with mental disabilities or a past record of mental illness; 9. ICE 2019-HQF0-00087 Fialho, Christina 10/23/2018 detainees receive inpatient mental health treatment; 10. ICE detainees receive outpatient mental health treatment; 11. number and percentage of immigration detainees receiving mental health treatment since January 2010; 12. number and percentage of immigration detainees receiving mental health treatment in in-patient medical facilities and the facilities in which they were housed during treatment on September 1, 2018 and on September 1st of the previous eight years; 13. the number and percentage of detainees who have a past record of mental illness, hospitalization, or treatment for mental illness at some point prior to detention by ICE since January 2010; 14. the number and percentage of cases where ICE has released a detainee on grounds of mental disability at a post-final order custody review hearing since January 2010

seeking copies of all drafted, submitted or received SF-716 forms produced from January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2017. SF-716 forms are filed annually and may also be identified as Agency Security 2019-HQF0-00088 Best, Emma Classification Costs Estimates (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/1/2001 To 12/31/2017) 10/23/2018

requesting a name change 2019-HQF0-00089 (b)(6) 10/23/2018

October 1, 2018 - October 31, 2018 FY2018 - DHS Privacy Logs DHS Privacy FOIA Logs - FY 2018 Received 10/01/18 - 10/31/18

documents, emails, correspondence used in planning and drafting the following tweet: kb)(61 IThe tweet, from user (b)(6) sent at 1:32 PM - 23 Oct 2018, that reads ".@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are 2019-HQF0-00090 Paladino, Jason 10/24/2018 gang members or have significant criminal histories." and the two following tweets

seeking a copy of the contract (Task Order) title page (1st page only) and the current Statement of 2019-HQF0-00091 Santos, Rose Work/Performance Work Statement (SOW/PWS) for contract number HSHQDC13DE2015 10/24/2018

seeking a copy of the contract (Task Order) title page (1st page only) and the current Statement of 2019-HQF0-00092 Santos, Rose Work/Performance Work Statement (SOW/PWS) for contract number HSHQDC17F00001 10/24/2018

seeking a copy of the contract (Task Order) title page (1st page only) and the current Statement of 2019-HQF0-00093 Santos, Rose Work/Performance Work Statement (SOW/PWS) for contract number 7ORNPP18FR0000063 10/24/2018

seeking a copy of the contract (Task Order) title page (1st page only) and the current Statement of 2019-HQF0-00094 Santos, Rose Work/Performance Work Statement (SOW/PWS) for contract number 7ORNPP18FR0000072 10/24/2018

seeking a copy of the contract (Task Order) title page (1st page only) and the current Statement of 2019-HQF0-00095 Santos, Rose Work/Performance Work Statement (SOW/PWS) for contract number HSHQDC16F00167 10/24/2018

seeking a copy of the contract (Task Order) title page (1st page only) and the current Statement of 2019-HQF0-00096 Santos, Rose Work/Performance Work Statement (SOW/PWS) for contract number HSHQDC17F00001 10/24/2018

seeking records relating to results of any and all internal investigations or inquiries connected to a complaint or allegation against personnel at police and sheriffs' departments participating in the 287(g) 2019-HQF0-00097 Cooke, Kristina agreement that are reported to [email protected] and copies of complaints forwarded by ICE to the 10/24/2018 DHS Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties regarding 287 (g) facilities

communications, reports, and training documents involved in the Blue Campaign that reference or discuss dark kitchens ("dark kitchens" are confirmed to exist in Europe, and serve as non-restaurant central cooking and distribution points for online food order and delivery services; the model has been acknowledged in media as a potential endpoint for trafficked humans and for exploited vulnerable populations; dark kitchens are noted to exist in the U.S. in connection with FROLO and the 2019-HQF0-00098 Jespersen, Kirsti 10/24/2018 Marketing4Restaurants brand, and possibly in connection with the GrubHub, Seamless, and Aramark brands; for more definition, please see https://marketine4restaurants.com/darkkitchens/) and/or dark supermarkets from September 27, 2017 to October 10, 2018 (Date Range for Record Search: From 9/27/2017 To 10/10/2018)

records related to HSHQEH17F000311: Copy of the Task Order title page (1st page only) and 2. copy of the 2019-HQF0-00099 Santos, Rose CURRENT Statement of Work/Performance Work Statement (SOW/PWS) 10/24/2018

Task Order HSHQEH17F00026: 1. Copy of the Task Order title page (1st page only) and 2. Copy of the 2019-HQF0-00100 Santos, Rose CURRENT Statement of Work/Performance Work Statement (SOW/PWS) 10/24/2018

Task Order HSHQEH17F00011: 1. Copy of the Task Order title page (1st page only) and 2. Copy of the 2019-HQF0-00101 Santos, Rose CURRENT Statement of Work/Performance Work Statement (SOW/PWS) 10/24/2018

Task Order HSHQEH17F00005: 1. Copy of the Task Order title page (1st page only) and 2. Copy of the 2019-HQF0-00102 Santos, Rose CURRENT Statement of Work/Performance Work Statement (SOW/PWS) 10/24/2018 Task Order HSHQDC17F00164: 1. Copy of the Task Order title page (1st page only) and 2. Copy of the 2019-HQF0-00103 Santos, Rose CURRENT Statement of Work/Performance Work Statement (SOW/PWS) 10/24/2018

Task Order HSHQDC17F00023: 1. Copy of the Task Order title page (1st page only) and 2. Copy of the 2019-HQF0-00104 Santos, Rose CURRENT Statement of Work/Performance Work Statement (SOW/PWS) 10/24/2018

records in possession of United States Coast Guard pertaining to 1)1(61 2019-HQF0-00105 Sloan, Joseph 10/24/2018

access to and a copy of any video footage pertaining to near the location of 14 West Elm Street in Chicago, IL, and surrounding area on the dates of Saturday, January 7,2017 to Sunday, January 8, 2017 2019-HQF0-00106 Winters, Jenae 10/24/2018

all electronic communications from DHS related to the development and publication of FB0 Solicitation 2019-HQF0-00107 Kasprak, Alex Number: RNBO-18-00041 "Media Monitoring Services 10/25/2018

seeking a copy of the contract (Task Order) title page (1st page only) and the current Statement of Work/Performance Work Statement (SOW/PWS) for contract number 7ORNPP18FR0000081 2019-HQF0-00108 Santos, Rose 10/25/2018

all records regarding the development and issuance of Solicitation Number: RNBO-18-00041, including but 2019-HQF0-00109 Heimlich, Peter not limited to, correspondence, reports, and evaluations 10/25/2018

list of all individuals and other persons offering goods and services pursuant to solicitation number RNB0- 2019-1-1QF0-00110 Allison, Ewen 18-00041 10/25/2018

records, including e-mails, voicemail messages, reports, memoranda, guidance documents, instructions, training documents, formal and informal presentations, directives, contracts or agreements, memoranda of understanding, minutes or notes of meetings and phone calls, and written or electron communications) 2019-HQF0-00111 Eidelman, Vera 10/25/2018 concerning DHS's April 3, 2018 Statement of Work for Media Monitoring Services

all documents relating to government solicitation RNBO-18-00041 and digital copy of the contracting 2019-HQF0-00112 Sathiabalan, Abhishek officer's certificate of appointment (formerly called a "warrant" 10/25/2018

records related to Media Monitoring Services (RNBO-18-00041) which was posted April 3, 2018 to include 2019-HQF0-00113 DILLON, MICHELLE any documents or communications pertaining to the formulation and eventual publishing 10/26/2018

Task Order 70SBUR18F00000183 under contract HSHQDC14DE2005: 1. Copy of the Task Order title page 2019-HQF0-00114 Santos, Rose (1st page only); and 2. Copy of the CURRENT Statement of Work 10/29/2018

Task Order 7ORTAC18FR0000048 (under contract HSHQDC13DE2032): 1. Copy of the Task Order title page (1st page only); and 2. Copy of the CURRENT Statement of Work/Performance Work Statement 2019-HQF0-00115 Santos, Rose 10/29/2018 ( SOW/PWS)

October 1, 2018 - October 31, 2018 FY2018 - DHS Privacy Logs DHS Privacy FOIA Logs - FY 2018 Received 10/01/18 - 10/31/18

communication to/from either Assistant Secretary Christine Ciccone Deputy Assistant Secretary David Wonnenberg, or Deputy Assistant Secretary Uyen Dinh and either the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (use domainl(b)(6) lor the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence b1(6) 2019-1-1QF0-00116 McCullough, Irvin (b)(61 11 10/29/2018 b)(6) from January 1, 2017 to October 25, 2018 (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/1/2018 To 10/25/2018)

1. Copies of all records pertaining to the Public Charge Rule sent to or received by Michael Dougherty and Ian Smith Such records including but not limited to a search for the following terms: "public benefit" OR "Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program" OR "SNAP" OR "Women, Infants, and Children" OR "WIC"OR "Food Stamps" OR "Section 8" OR "Housing Choice Voucher Program" OR "HCVP" OR "public housing" OR "Medicaid" OR "Medicare" OR "Children's Health Insurance Program" OR "CHIP" OR "SCHIP" OR "Temporary Assistance for Needy Families" OR "TANF" OR "Supplemental Security Income" OR "SSI" OR "General Assistance" OR "three percent" OR "3 percent," OR "3%" OR "fifteen percent" OR "15 percent" OR "15%"; 2. Copies of records sent to or received by Michael Dougherty and Ian Smith that contain one or 2019-1-1QF0-00117 Spiegel, Julia more of the following terms: "public charge" OR "primarily dependent" OR "dependency" OR "self- 10/25/2018 sufficient" OR "self-sufficiency" OR "cash assistance"; 3. All records describing the processing of this request, including records sufficient to identify search terms used and locations and custodians searched and any tracking sheets used to track the processing of this request such as FOIA questionnaires or certifications completed by individual custodians or components to determine whether they possess responsive materials or to describe how they conducted searches, we also request any such records prepared in connection with the processing of this request

seeking information on behalf of her client 2019-HQF0-00118 Gibbs, Sandra 10/30/2018 1. All email communications (including emails, email attachments, calendar entries or invitations) sent or received by Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Elaine Duke (including messages where she is carbon copied or blind carbon copied) concerning the administration's response to Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria, and/or Nate, including but not limited to: a. Hurricane preparation and response efforts by DHS, the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and/or the Center for Disease Control (CDC); and b. Public statements by any administration officials (including President Trump) concerning preparation and response efforts; 2. All email communications (including emails, email attachments, calendar entries or invitations) sent or received by any political appointees* in (1) the immediate Office of the Secretary, (2) 2019-HQF0-00119 Evers, Austin the immediate Office of the Deputy Secretary, (3) or the Office of Public Affairs with the White House Office 10/30/2018 (including anyone with an email address ending in (b)(6) concerning any of the following topics related to Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria, and/or Nate: a. Emergency meal contracts, delivery, and/or ; b. Emergency fuel supplies, requests, deliveries, and/or shortages; c. Hurricane-related logistics challenges, distribution of commodities, or power restoration following the storms; and d. Hurricane threat assessments, mitigation measures, emergency preparedness, or other contingency plans from August 1, 2017, through November 1, 2017 (Date Range for Record Search: From 8/1/2017 To 11/1/2018)

any and all email communication to/from either Assistant Secretary Christine Ciccone Deputy Assistant Secretary David Wonnenberg, or Deputy Assistant Secretary Uyen Dinh and ODNI (use domain @dni.gov) from January 1 2017 to October 25, 2018, mentioning keywords "ICE", "immigration", "HSI", "authority", 2019-HQF0-00120 McCullough, Irvin "authorities", "collection", "analysis", "dissemination", "enforcement", or "Inspector General" (Date Range 10/25/2018 for Record Search: From 1/1/2017 To 10/25/2018)

seeking information about himself 2019-HQF0-00121 (b)(6) 10/30/2018 requesting information regarding: discussions that resulted in the DHS press secretary's decision to release a statement on Oct. 6, 2018 that was headlined "Statement from DHS Press Secretary on Recent Media Reports of Potential Supply Chain Compromise." (The "Statement"); documents reflecting after-the-fact discussions of the DHS press secretary's decision to release the Statement; calls placed by or on behalf of McDermott to representatives of Apple Inc. from Oct. 3, 2018, to the present; calls placed by or on behalf 2019-HQF0-00122 Voskuhl, John of McDermott to Apple Inc.'s Katherine Adams or to Bruce Sewell on behalf of Apple from Oct. 3, 2018 to 10/30/2018 the present; telephone discussions or video conferences that Thomas McDermott participated in with representatives of Apple Inc., Amazon.com Inc. or Super Micro Computer Inc. from Oct. 1, 2018 to the present

2019-HQF0-00123 Mackey, Aaron seeking information on behalf of his client 10/30/2018 any and all email communications containing the below keywords to/from a copy of all emails to/from senior managers encompassed within the required agency system for retaining emails of senior officials in a records management policy/system is described by the name Capstonekb)(6) I kb)(6) I"NVC" OR "National Vetting Center" OR "National Vetting Governance Board" 2019-HQF0-00124 McCullough, Irvin 10/26/2018 OR "NSPM-9" OR" NSPM 9" OR" NSPM nine" from January 1, 2018, to October 26, 2018 (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/1/2018 To 10/26/2018)

2019-HQF0-00125 1(b)(6) seeking records on himself 10/30/2018 seeking all records regarding : 1. Department of Homeland Security ("DHS") procedures, policies, guidelines, or instructions concerning the proper interpretation and implementation of the "foreseeable harm" standard, 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(8)(A)(i)(I), both generally and with respect to each statutory exemption; 2. communications between the DHS and (a) the Department of Justice Office of Information Policy, (b) the 2019-HQF0-00126 Mulvey, Ryan Executive Office of the President (including, but not limited to the Office of the White House Counsel), 10/30/2018 and/or (c) Congress (including, but not limited to, Members, Committees, or congressional staff) regarding the "foreseeable harm" standard, its interpretation, and/or its implementation

seeking information regarding : the results of any and all internal investigations or inquiries connected to a complaint or allegation against personnel at police and sheriffs' departments participating in the 287(9) agreement that are reported to [email protected] and copies of complaints forwarded by ICE to the 2019-HQF0-00127 Cooke, Kristina 10/31/2018 DHS Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties regarding 287 (g) facilities

2019-HQF0-00128 (b)(6) copies of any investigations mentioning himself 10/31/2018 2019-HQF0-00129 seeking information related to self 10/31/2018 seeking information related to DHS email metadata (United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team) 2019-1-1QF0-00130 Heard, Cameron 10/31/2018

October 1, 2018 - October 31, 2018 FY2018 - DHS Privacy Logs DHS Privacy FOIA Logs - FY 2018 Received 10/01/18 - 10/31/18

any and all information between OSC and yourself that pertain to USERRA DP 14-4363 disclosure against 2019-HQF0-00146 (b)(6) the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement FOIA Office 10/1/2018

email metadata for every Internet domain name owned or operated by or for Department of Homeland 2019-HQF0-00177 Sai, Sai Security, or intranet domain name owned or operated by or for Department of Homeland Security 10/26/2018

October 1, 2018 - October 31, 2018 FY2018 - DHS Privacy Logs