March 2020 Contents Àh$Mez {V{W : 14-05-2020

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March 2020 Contents Àh$Mez {V{W : 14-05-2020 ¶y{Z¶Z Ymam UNION DHARA AZwH«$‘{UH$m OZdar-_mM©, 2020 January-March 2020 Contents àH$meZ {V{W : 14-05-2020 ‘w»¶ ‘hmà~§YH$ (‘mZd g§gmYZ) · n[aÑí¶ 3 · goÝQ´>a ñàoS : >bmhm¡b Am¡a ñnr{V 38-39 ~«Ooída e‘m© · g§nmXH$s¶ 4 · HR Intregration in successful Chief General Manager (HR) Bank Amalgamation 40-42 Brajeshwar Sharma · g§dmXXmVm gå‘obZ 5 · {db¶/g‘m‘obZ ‘| ‘mZd 43 g§nmXH$ · gm{h˶ OJV go... 6-7 S>m°. gwb^m H$moao g§gmYZ nj · H$mì¶Ymam 8-9 Editor · Triveni Sangam... 44-45 Dr. Sulabha Kore · {db¶-g‘m‘obZ/The Rebirth 10-11 · Union elite - a niche banking 46-47 g§nmXH$s¶ gbmhH$ma · The Amalgamation of banks 12-13 A{dZme Hw$‘ma qgh · AmAmo, {‘b OmE§ h‘... 48 · ew^‘ñVw 14 Ho$. nr. AmMm¶© · Merger/Amalgamation of Banks 49-51 {ZVoe a§OZ · {eIa H$s Amoa... 15 · ^maVr¶ AW©ì¶dñWm na 52-53 Zdb {H$emoa Xr{jV · h‘mao H$bmH$ma 16-17 ~¢H$m| Ho$ {db¶Z H$m à^md Editorial Advisors Avinash Kumar Singh · h‘| Jd© h¡ 18 · ¶y{ZdZ 54-55 K. P. Acharya · Iob OJV go... 19 · Role of Employee in Merger/ 56 Nitesh Ranjan Amalgamation · EH$ ‘O~yV Ed§ ~‹S>r Q>r‘ 20 Naval Kishor Dixit · · Cultural Integration & 21 MaH$ H$m H$moZm 57 Printed and published by Dr. Sulabha Kore Amalgamation · on behalf of Union Bank of India and godm{Zd¥Îm OrdZ go... 58-59 printed at JAYANT PRINTERY LLP · Amalgamation of Banks 22-24 · Face in UBI Crowd 60-61 352-54, Murlidhar Temple Compound, Near Thakurdwar Post Office, · ~¢H$m| H$m {db¶Z (Merger) 25 · Contest No. 153 Contest N62 J.S.S. Road, Mumbai-400002. Ed§ g‘m‘obZ (Amalgamation) · Merger of PSBs 63-64 and published at Union Bank Bhavan, · ASK Enabling Excellence 26-28 ’Nariman Point, Mumbai-400021. · nwañH$ma Am¡a gå‘mZ 65 Editor - Dr. Sulabha Kore · Union – The Story Of 29-31 · g‘mMma - H|$ÐrH¥$V 66 E-mail : [email protected] Amalgamation / ~mb à{V^m Our Address : Union Dhara, · g‘mMma Xe©Z 67-73 · 11th Floor, Union Bank Bhavan, Amalgamation of PSBs 32-33 · hoëW {Q>ßg / 춧OZ 74 239, Vidhan Bhavan Marg, · Amalgamation – 34-35 Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021. the Marriage · AmnH$s nmVr 75 E-mail : [email protected] Mob. No. 9820468919 · g‘m‘obZ - EH$ ZB© ewéAmV 36-37 · Back Cover 76 Tel.: 22896595 / 22896545 / 22896590 Bg n{ÌH$m ‘| 춳V {dMmam| go à~§YZ H$m gh‘V hmoZm A{Zdm¶© Zht h¡. Designed and Printed at JAYANT PRINTERY L.L.P., Mumbai-400002. n[aÑí¶ PERSPECTIVE {ච¶y{Z¶ZmBQ²g, Dear Unionites O~ VH$ ¶h n{ÌH$m AmnHo$ nmg nhþ±MoJr, V~ h‘mam ¶y{Z¶ZmBQ> By the time this magazine reaches you all, our Unionite n[adma nyd©-Am§Y«m ~¢H$ Am¡a nyd©-H$m°nm}aoeZ ~¢H$ Ho$ Z¶o gXñ¶m| family would be 75000+ with coming of new members from erstwhile Andhra Bank and Corporation Bank. With Ho$ gmW 75,000+ hmo OmEJm. BgHo$ gmW hr, h‘ é.15 bmI this, we have become the fifth largest public sector bank H$amo‹S> Ho$ H$mamo~ma {‘l Ho$ gmW gmd©O{ZH$ joÌ Ho$ nm§Mdo ~‹S>o ~¢H$ (PSB), having a business mix of `15 lakh crore, a Pan India ~Z OmE§Jo VWm nyao ^maV ‘| 9600 go A{YH$ emImAm| Ho$ ZoQ>dH©$, network reach with 9600+ branches, 13500+ ATMs, 11000+ 13500+ EQ>rE‘, 11000+ ~¢qH$J g§nH©$XmVmAm| g{hV h‘mam 12 Banking Correspondents making us serve a 12+ crore large H$amo‹S> go A{YH$ H$m ~‹S>m J«mhH$ AmYma h¡. Kaoby A{J«‘m| ‘| h‘mam customer base. Our market share in domestic advances ‘mH}$Q> eo¶a XmoJwZo d¥{Õ Ho$ gmW 6.36% hmo J¶m h¡, {OgZo h‘| has grown 2X to 6.3%, making us the third largest PSB. We gmd©O{ZH$ joÌ H$m Vrgam ~‹S>m ~¢H$ ~Zm¶m h¡. H$mamo~ma Am¡a ‘mZd have minimal network overlap, and complementary gj‘VmAm| ‘| h‘mao nmg H$‘ go H$‘ ZoQ>dH©$ Amodab¡n h¡ Omo Hw$N>oH$ strengths in business and human capabilities that helps the {hñgm| H$mo ~‹S>m H$aZo Ho$ {bE ‘XXJma gm{~V hmoJm. Amalgamated Entity to be larger than sum of parts. g‘m‘obZ Zo VrZm| ~¢H$m| H$s CËH¥$ï>Vm H$mo EH$ gmW bmH$a EH$ ~ohVarZ Amalgamation is an opportunity to build even better g§JR>Z ~ZmH$a h‘| J«mhH$m| H$mo g‘J« ê$n go godm àXmZ H$aZo H$m organization by pooling the best of three banks and serve Adga {X¶m h¡. hmb hr ‘| g§nÞ ZoV¥Ëd {eIa gå‘obZ ‘| Cƒ à~§YZ customers holistically. The Top Management team recently dJ© H$s Q>r‘ Zo h‘mao {dOZ H$mo dmñV{dH$ ê$n XoZo hoVw ñQ´>¡Q>Or {Z{üV met in Leadership Summit to deliberate on our shared H$aZo VWm h‘mao gmPm ^{dî¶JV AmH$m§jmAm| na MMm© {H$¶m Wm. aspirations of future and strategize towards realizing our h‘mao g‘J« J«mhH$ àñVmd H$mo ~ohVarZ ~ZmZo hoVw AnZr Hw$ebVm H$mo vision. Our focus will be on raising efficiencies to improve our overall customer proposition. We have accordingly ~‹T>mZo na h‘mam µOmoa hmoJm. VXZwgma, h‘Zo AnZo g§JR>ZmË‘H$ T>m§Mo revamped the organization structure to better harness the H$mo ‘mZd g§gmYZ Ho$ g‘¥Õ JwUdÎmm nyb H$mo ~ohVarZ VarHo$ go geº$ rich talent pool of human resources. New investments are ~Zm¶m h¡. {S>{OQ>b ~¢qH$J H$mo ~‹T>mZo, h‘mao ‘mZd g§gmYZ H$mo {’$a go being made to lead digital banking, reskilling our human H$m¡ebnyU© ~ZmZo Am¡a H$mamo~ma VWm bm^àXVm H$mo CÞV H$aZo hoVw Z¶o resources and improving business and profitability. Mire ê$n go {Zdoe {H$¶m Om ahm h¡. ñQ´>¡Q>Or nona Ho$ O[aE AmnH$mo Bggo details will be shared with you soon through a Strategy g§~§{YV OmZH$mar erK« hr àmá hmo OmEJr. Bg ~rM, '¶y{Z¶Z Ymam' Paper. Meanwhile, this "Union Dhara" special will help H$m ¶h {deofm§H$ AmnH$mo g‘m‘obZ Ho$ {d{^Þ nhbwAm| VWm g^r apprise you of various aspects of Amalgamation and the ñQ>oH$YmaH$m| H$mo ^{dî¶JV Adgam| Ho$ ~mao ‘| OmZH$mar àXmZ H$aoJm. opportunities ahead for all stakeholders. Am‘Vm¡a na AnZo OrdZ Am¡a AnZo H$m‘ H$mo boH$a àmá hmoZo dmbo The Covid-19 disruption has meant near term challenges Z¶o Adgam| H$s ewéAmV hmoZo Ho$ gmW hr H$mo{dS> -19 g§H$Q> Zo h‘mao for our health and well-being while opening new g‘j AnZo ñdmñ϶ Am¡a gwajm H$mo boH$a MwZm¡{V¶m| H$m A§~ma bJm opportunities to organize our work and life in general. As {X¶m h¡. EH$ g§JR>Z Ho$ ê$n ‘|, Amn g^r H$mo gwa{jV aIH$a Xoe an organization, we are taking all necessary measures to H$s godm H$aZo hoVw h‘ g^r Amdí¶H$ Cnm¶ AnZm aho h¢. Bg {dfmUw keep you all safe and help serve the Nation. The bankers Ho$ {déÕ ¶wÕ ‘| ~¢H$g© Am{W©H$ g¡{ZH$ Ho$ ê$n ‘| gm‘Zo Am¶o h¢ Am¡a have been economic soldiers in the war against virus. We Bg ¶wÕ ‘| h‘ erK« hr {dO¶ àmá H$a|Jo. will win the war, sooner than later. gwa{jV a{hE, gmdYmZr ~a{VE. Stay safe and take care. ew^H$m‘ZmAm| Ho$ gmW, With best wishes, amO{H$aU a¡ Or. Rajkiran Rai G. ¶y{Z¶Z Ymam, OZdar-‘mM© 2020 03 g§nmXH$s¶ EDITORIAL {චXmoñVmo, Dear Friends, ¶y{Z¶Z Ymam H$m ¶h dV©‘mZ A§H$ O~ VH$ AmnHo$ nmg By the time, the current issue of Union Dhara nhþ§MoJm, h‘mam ¶y{Z¶ZmBQ> n[adma nyd© - H$m°nm}aoeZ ~¢H$ Am¡a reaches you, our Unionite family would be bigger and richer with new members of the erstwhile nyd© - Am§Y«m ~¢H$ Ho$ Z¶o gXñ¶m| Ho$ gmW ~‹S>m Am¡a g‘¥Õ Corporation Bank and the erstwhile Andhra Bank. n[adma ~ZoJm. Bg g‘m‘obZ Zo BZ VrZm| ~¢H$m| H$s CËH¥$ï>Vm This Amalgamation has given us an opportunity H$mo EH$ gmW bmH$a h‘| ~‹S>o Am¡a geº$ g§JR>Z Ho$ ê$n ‘| to build a bigger and stronger organisation by g‘J« Ñ{ï>H$moU Ho$ gmW J«mhH$m| H$mo ~ohVarZ godm àXmZ H$aZo pooling together the best of these three banks H$m ‘m¡H$m {X¶m h¡. ¶h {db¶Z {d{^Þ H$m¶© g§ñH¥${V Am¡a and serve customers with a holistic approach. This àH¥${V Ho$ bmoJm| H$mo EH$ gmW {‘bH$a EH$ hr bú¶ àmá H$aZo merger brings people of different work culture hoVw h¡. Bg JR>~§YZ H$m VmZm - ~mZm AnZr {d{eï> nhMmZ, and ethos together to work towards a common {deofVm Am¡a ‘O~yVr Ho$ VrZ AbJ - AbJ YmJm| go ~ZH$a goal.
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