7 WEIRD AND WONDERFUL FACTS ABOUT HATS What did the top hat of 1798 have in common with the modern car? Find out in our article - 7 weird and wonderful facts about hats! FACT 1 FACT 2 The original hat Top idea George Dunnage, the inventor of the top hat, also patented a way of ventilating them. He designed The earliest hat on record comes from a cave a unique version of this famous hat featuring a painting found in Lussac-les-Châteaux in central top which lifted off, just like a car sunroof! This France, which is 15,000 years old! was designed to keep the wearer’s head cool. FACT 3 FACT 4 The real Master of cowboy hat the kitchen Cowboys in the American West actually A chef’s hat traditionally has 100 pleats, wore bowler hats because they were strong which represent the 100 different ways an and didn’t fall off easily. The bowler was egg can be prepared. They were adopted originally designed in 1849 as a riding hat by two of the first celebrity chefs, Marie- to protect gamekeepers from hitting their Antoine Carème and Auguste Escoffi er, to heads on low-hanging branches! show who was boss in the kitchen. www.hatson4ben.co.uk
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