
S far 11 01 1


s. WEATHER BUREAU, 19. 24 Q6 tj. Jnly Last Honrs' Rainfall, trace. SUGAR. Degree Test Centrifugals, 4.36c Per Ton, $87.20. Temperature, Max 80; Min. 70. Weather, cloudy. 83 Analysis Beets, lis. 7ud. Per Ton, $89.20. HjsTAttJMSHKD JULY 2, 1854.




r v FLEET AT FIJI PORT Official of the Yachts Gwendolyn II., Lady Maud and Hawaii Come in Time The following are the complete statements of the time of the several yachts: Within a Few Hours of Each Other LURTJNE.

. y & Admiral Poore Will Accompany Admiral Local Craft Last. Finish Honolulu .... Juiy i Hours nun. 4dy2 see. Sperry Start San Pedro t. Juiy 4 IZ hours U'J nun. 00 sec. to Auckland Former Commander ' 13 days 21 hours 31 min. 43 V. sec. GWENDOLYN of the Georgia Is Dead. The second transpacific yacht race brought to the Nuuanu street wharf IL yesterday afternoon when the whistle u1y Ob sec. f from San Pedro to Honolulu was finish- Finish Honolulu hours 3s min. sounded for the sighting of the Hawaii. Start San Pedro July 4 12 hours 00 min. 00 sec. 1 ed at 3 o'clock, 23 minutes, and 30 sec- The launch which had just brought the i ! Lady Maud in, started out again with (Associated Press Cablegrams.) onds, yesterday afternoon, when the .the Yacht Committee aboard, augment- Elapsed time J aays zx nours ds mm. Ub sec. '- -f AUCKLAND, New Zealand, July 20. Admiral Poore, with two vaxshlp, yacht Hawaii crossed the finish line ed by a number of others who were in- Handicap 17 hours 30 min. 56 sec. terested in the Hawaii. The launch met will meet the American Atlantic fleet at Suva and accompany it here. Thej abreast Diamond Head, 15 days, 3 the yacht soon after she crossed the i Corrected time flays 4 hours 07 min. 09-J- sec. entertainment planned in New Zealand is an elaborate one, Parliament having "hours, 23 minutes and 30 seconds after finish line. A cruel jest had been ....14 agreed on by those on the launch at the LADY MAUD. arranged to adjourn for the ten days that Admiral Sperry and bis men are the starting gun was fired at San Pedro. in port. ' expense or captain warns ana jus Finish Honolulu .' July iy IS hours 07 min. 0 sec. crew. Coming up alongside the yacht, At Sydney the program prepared includes a series of Of course the winner of the race was San Pedro July hours 00 min. 00 sec. receptions, a review with mock anxiety Harris was asked Start ...... 412 of troops, and excursions. I ertain early yesterday morning when he had seen any of the other yachts, if The festivities at Melbourne will have as features horseracing and prix f the time allowance of the other-entrie- s as though they were not all three safe- Elapsed time lo aays 1 hour Or min. 07 sec. ly moored in the harbor. Harris jump- fights, Burns, Squires, and Lang having agreed 'to be there during the stay of Lur-lin- e. Handicap 8 hours 09 min. 56 sec. expired, after the arrival of the ed at once to the conclusion that they ...... the American ships. The arrival of the Gwendolyn II had not yet been sighted, and that therefore the Hawaii was a winner. Corrected time 14 days 15 hours 48 min. 074 sec. 10 o'clock yesterday 1 ' a little before Both captain and crew found expression HAWAII. morning and of the Lady Maud at 1 joy in merry dancing and MARINES ARMING FOR SERVICE. for their sec. o 'clock, fixed the order of the contest- capers on the deck until they were un- Finish Honolulu ., .. July 19 Id hours 23 min. 30 deceived. Start San Pedro ...... '...... July 4 12 hours 00 min. 00 sec. ants in the race. - Allowing for handi- The committee boarded the yacht and COLON, Panama, July 20. The cruiser. Des Moines arrived here yesterday caps the four yachts take position in was from Guantanamo with one hundred and fifty marines, who have received order by the time the Hawaii in the Elapsed time 15 clays 6 hours 26 min. 50 sec. the order in which they arrived harbor there had been much interchange to hold themselves ready for field service. is believed they are to bet Handicap o hours 61 min. O) sec. It that line, first; Gwendolyn II, second; Lady of interest between yacht crew and sent to Honduras on the Des Moines. Maud, third, and Hawaii, fourth. committee. 14 days 18 46 00 sec. was really a remarkable race, and There was a big crowd at the wharf Corrected time .. hours min. It to see the Hawaii arrive and the great- that in a great many respects. On a est interest was manifested. The yacht GEORGIA'S FORMER CAPTAIN DEAD. voyage of 2232 miles the fouj--yach- ts was no sooner moored than she was starting at the same time-teache-d this crowded with people anxious to learn NEW YOKE, July, 20. Captain McCrea,. the former commander of the port all within a period, of thirty hours, all about the voyage from the men who bat sailed her. There was regret that the B tleship Georgia, died here yesterday of Blight's disease. and three of them .within a period of Hawaii had not won the race, but there Three attleships in six hours. Thte shows a remarkable was no envy of the yachts that had equality among the boats that made it beaten her, nor criticism of those who MAINE AND ALABAMA REPORT. a great race. It is probable that there had sailed her. The crew of the Hawaii all express L liave never been yacht races over so ed themselves as gratified with the trip From ahaina Roadstead ? long a" course where the finish: was so in the highest degree. And every one MANILA, July 20. Wireless communication has been established with th - dose. Such a close finish too, may well of them is, xf possible, a more loyal battleships Maine and Alabama, which will arrive here at noon today. dull the sting of defeat. partisan of the Hawaii than ever. They Three of the battleships of Admiral Emory's squadron, the Ohio, Virginia, all are convinced that she is a great Where it was so close that a slight craft. and Louisiana, arrived yesterday afternoon from Lahaina and anchored outside advantage of wind or weather or gear "It was the event of my life," said the harbor. The Missouri was left behind to complete coalinsr. With the REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN or crew might win the Tace, no naviga- Kay Kietow, a volunteer member of the tor who has given conscientious service crew. "Both the voyage up and the twelve vessels already in Honolulu, this brings the fleet up to fifteen vessels. need feel any reproaches. return were splendid in every way. I The vessels left Lahaina yesterday morning. LEADER CALLS CONFERENCE Captain Harris returns more strong- wouldn't have missed the trip for a On the morning of July 16 the Ohio, Virginia, Louisiana and Missouri left good deal. We were most delightfully the main part of the fleet after passing the Leper Settlement and went to La ly convinced than ever that the Hawaii treated at San Pedro, and our relations COLORADO SPRINGS, July 20. Franx IL Hitchcock, Chairman of the is a great craft in any but light breezes. with our competitors, whom we met haina, where they were to coal from colliers. The officers and men were en of Republican Campaign Committee, has called a conference of the party leaders "We lost the raee right at the start," there, were most pleasant. Captain tertained by the Maui people, who had organized committees to take charge handled Hawaii to get of the Western States to discuss plans for the campaign. lie said, "when we were becalmed and Harris the the looking after the fleet people, ashore. most out of her. She is a splendid When the fleet departs from Honolulu Wednesday evening it will comprise idle near Ste. Clemente, while the other race : vessel. She will win that yet." goes to Lahaina, vessels all got away, 150 miles to the The Gwendolyn is one of the most its full strength of sixteen battleships, unless the Nebraska TAFT NOW A UNION MAN. westward of us. They caught the interesting of the four yachts. She is as originally planned. a great deal smallest of breeze before we did. It was one of the the lot, yawl rigged, and in many respects is July 20. William IL has been elected an the accidents and chances of the game. HOT SPRINGS, Arkansas, Taft a wonder. She carries three, and a half TWO FiEW MOTORS HUSTAGE RESCUES honorary member of the Steam Shovelers Union in recognition of the work hev r But from the time we caught a breeze tons of outside ballast and four tons accomplished two days out, we gained steadily. Of inside. She was built by her owners, has at the Panama canal. Hawaii needs tuning up. Captain Lloyd Johnson and his brother, FOO course, the Dean Johnson, and she was in the KWU STATION We were nineteen days going up and storm off Mendocino, in which it was AORon some days in San Pedro harbor without reported she had gone down. For QUEBEC CELEBRATION having the yacht's bottom cleaned. It seventy-nin- e hours she was hove to, but Two big motors for the Kahuku Curtis Hustace rescued a drowning growth there is is surprising how much she rode out the storm, staunch and S. sailor yesterday afternoon at Waikiki, on her bottom. You can't put a pin strong, and won second place in this wireless station arrived on the S. TO OPEN WITH PARADE "between the shells, they are so thick race. Lurline yesterday, and when installed g"ing out from his home after the Eed-fer- n, si 'ung man and after diving and on her bottom. Her navigator is Captain Joseph it is anticipated by Expert Isbell that "If we could only have got a good who helped to build her and bi g him to the surface, towing him QUEBEC, July 20 The celebration of the three hundredth anniversary of breeze on her beam how she would have knows every plank and bolt in her. they will assist largely in the plan to to shore- - where Dr. W. G. Eogers the date when Champlain landed on the present site of this city will begin to- gone! Hawaii is all right. She is Those who brought Gwendolyn The the establish wireless communication with an electri- day, celebration, to be opened by a historical parade. The ofj g br ught him to. The man, the a fine boat. Her steadiness is sotre-thin- here are Captain Lloyd Johnson, Jo- wonderful. She behaves well. seph Kedfern (navigator), Dean John the Coast. The Kahuku station was cian from the Kentucky, had got out Wales, who is to be the guest of Canada during the celebration, is expected to On thewind she is a marvel. son, Henry Heinike, W. B. Jack, Ed- built by Mr. Isbell as his first step of his depth in the channel in front of arrive on a British man-of-w- ar on Wednesday. "The'trip has been a good one. 1 ward Russell, and two others. the Moana, Waikiki side of the pier. praise for those who The owners of the Lady Maud de- toward long-distanc- e wirelessing. New have nothing but and, becoming exhausted, sank. There In 1608, Samuel de Champlain landed on the site of the present city of were with me on th trip. We did our serve the greatest possible credit in apparatus is being added and every best. We did not get the trade winds the world for entering and sailing her were others swimming around him, but Quebec, establishing' a military and trading post there, leading to the later until the tenth, and we never got them in the race. She is owned by John effort will be made to annihilate space none seemed either to have noticed his establishment of the headquarters in the new French possessions of the Recollet strong. I believe that had we gone Kyle and his son, Wilbur, and though until the 2100 miles between here and danger or to know what to do. Young and Jesuit missions. This was the first regular French settlement established farther south so as to get the trades not quite finished, and not furnished California will be within wireless in Canada. race, was put Hustace swam out to the rescue, reach vnore on our beam we would have done or found for such a she radius. better. But we did not go farther south in so as to make the race possible. The ing the sailor just in the nick of time. because of the advice wind race had been declared off when the Dr. Rogers worked over the man for of the chart VETERAN we .carried. entry of the Lurline, the Gwendolyn OFFICERS ATTEND POI an hour before he brought him around TRIPLE TRAGEDY IN PORTLAND. and the Lady Maud made possible. "When we sighted ITalawa, Molokai, it LUNCHEON. to partial consciousness, showing the we found Although the "city of San . Diego was that our chronometer was sailor had had. Oregon, July 20 David Conelli, cook of the Arlington three minutes out. I expected to pick appealed to, she did not respond very Numbered among the officers of the very narrow escape the PORTLAND, the Kyles, son, first time that this Club, yesterday murdered Mrs. Sharp and an unknown man and then committed Tip Halavra at six o'clock last night. heartily, and the father and visiting fleet are about thirty veterans This is not the own resources to put the aighteen-year-ol- d tragedy. I Instead it was midnight. We made a taxed their youth has distinguish suicide. It is believed that jealousy prompted the good landfall, all right, but we did not Lady Maud in the. race. of the service, officers who had visited H ed himself as a life saver, twice before make it as soon as we expected by six She is a new vessel, built by the this port before, some many H "hours." Kyles in San Diego. This is her maiden of them having brought drowning men ashore, f The Lady Maud had just been (Continued od Page Five.) times, some as long as twenty years his bravery in this regard entitling him CHINESE TO FORMALLY ago, and all of these find many friends to some recognition on the part of those delight honoring heroes. among the kamaainas of the city, who in Immediatelv after the accident the THANK AMERICANS h BURSTING STEAM PIPE These officers, as many as were able to 1 buoys marking the deep channel were 1 leave their ships Saturday, were enter- replaced7 having been torn loose from PEKING, July 20. Tang Hao Yi, the former Governor of Mukden, has tained by a number of Honolulu ma INJURES KEARSARGE MEN their moorings some days ago. been appointed a special representative of the Chinese Empire to go to Wash- trons at a poi luncheon at the home of ington to thank the American government for remitting the unpaid balance of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Damon, the affair the Boxer indemnity. An aceident aboard the battleship Kearsarge on Saturday afternoon dis- being one for the renewing of old friendships and for abled the engines of that vessel for nine bourn, during which there was not the occasion for remin- Program Today iscences and stories of the days Iower enough aboard the great craft to develop' electricity for the lighting or that TURKISH TROOPS REVOLT. are gone in Honolulu. During the af- to run' the ventilating fans. As a A. 51. 9 o 'clock, excursion Oahu result of the accident there are five injured fair the band from the flagship Connec- & to CONSTANTINOPLE, Jnly 20. Seven thousand troops stationed at Monastir men in the battleship's sick bay. ticut was Railway Land Company Pearl 1 present and played. 7 Harbor and Pineapple Fields, went out in revolt yesterday . The for-vrar- d Wahiawa I accident was tie nrting of a 6teani pipe, which connected the x II starboard boiler with tlie dynamos, the escaping Fare, 75c. round trip. Iroquois and stam acalding five of SPERRY AT THE LOCHS. WIPED OUT. - the members of the enginiers' crew, injurk'a auto excursion to Pearl Harbor. 9:30, AUSTRIAN VILLAGE -- the of three of the men being Admiral Sperry 4f serious. and his 6taff spent Pearl Harbor trip to officers. VIENNA, Jnly 20. A village near here was destroyed yesterday in yesterday at Tearl Harbor, inspecting Jt. 1:30, baseball Aala i'arlc. To repair the damage it as necessary to draw the fires of all the boilers flood, twenty-tw- o of the villagers being killed. the site for the proposed Naval Station 3:00, polo, Kauai versus Honolulu, at : . : and allow everything to beeome cold, the steam being cut off from two o'clock and going about the lochs. The trip Kapiolani Park. 7:30, boxing match, -- in the afternoon until nearly midnight. second tug-of-wa- r. at Sports pavilion. STORM DAMAGE IN SPAIN. was made aboard the naval tug Iro- It was reported yesterday that the injured men were doing well, and 30, Advertiser's dinner to fleet cor MADRID, July 30. Storm have done great damage In the valley of that quois. The Admiral and partv returned respondents. Saa- - the hurts to none of them were likely to prove fatal. 8:00, sailors' ball, early last night from their trip. siue Jioiei. the Ebro.

" X JL IlllMi '.


- " - ". t V . - - wnnn hi iiiiiufiiT "Iii'iwii IS 1 II, IS We have just received a Sample Line of fine Trunks, Bags, and Suit Cases direct from the factory, and are offering them to you at sell- ing prices this week. They are all select goods, of the finest -- make and material. They - . ' , l Sjv will suit the most fastidious in regard to appearance, and will wear to the satisfaction of the most economical. Call and inspect them. They are on sale.

It Fort Street, opp. Catholic Church. JUST ARRIVED ; 'N'T

- " The acknowledged standard of . , - ....

3 ligh-Gla- ss American Gars ' Photo by L. George Thompson. WRAPPING PAPER, T NOEMAN (JACK) DENSHAM Press Correspondent who sailed with Hawaii's crew. PAPER BAGS, TWINES On Display at Our Garage. Come and See it. PflESS GDHRESPORDENT GARFIELD TELLS OF American-Hawaiia- n Paper & Supply Co., Ltd. ARRIVES FEELING IN CORNER FORT AND QUEEN 8TS. V.;- - y HAMM-YOUN- GEO. VON G COMPANY, LTD. The Ilawaiian yacht Hawaii brought SAN FRANCISCO, July 8. James R. a. GUILD. General Manager. Telepnn 411 back with her yesterday another guest Garfield, secretary of the Interior, who AGENTS for the city, Norman Densham, press arrived on the cruiser St. Louis Mon- correspondent, who joined the yacht at day nig-h- t after an official visit of two San Pedro to make the run to Hono- weeks to the Hawaiian Islands, was :EC0 very much interested yesterday in il lulu as the representative of the Ad- vertiser and the Los Angeles Examiner. learning what the city had done to- Mr. Densham will be in Honolulu for ward acquiring the Hetch Hetchy wa- some days before returning to the ter supply system. When he was told Coast, being registered at the Alex- that the first payment of $10,000 for se- ander oung Hotel. He is a well-know- n CO writer on things and curing the property owned in the val- nautical, ley by Elmer Smith had been raised J his log of the Hawaii's rim will appear by popular Ht in the Advertiser this week, beginning subscriptions he was very "The Badger" today. much pleased and said: "That is bully. I am glad the city is going ahead with the proposition. Per- CORNER sonally, I have . not given the matter BEING much thought since I was here last. It Extinguisher Willi is now in the hands of the people of 1 frire ? San Francisco." S IISITED BT SAILORS What recommendations he will make A. GILMAN, Agent as the result of his investigations in the 5' f J. Hawaiian Islands the secretary very King and Bethel Streets ! frankly said he was not at liberty to i One of the show places in the city divulge. He reiterated his statement f ! j dis- that the islands are quite free of which is being visited by very many turbance, industrial or political. of the sailors ashore is the Aquarium, He was told that a number of the at "Waikiki. On Friday the number of Hawaiian delegates to the national con Ladies' Department Gents' Department J- - bluejackets who found their way out ventions had expressed a hope while so journing in this city that a plank would to fish hundred, the tanks was about four be introduced into the party platforms J& E 8 (fit while on Saturday, the free day, calling for a revision of the exclusion fully a thousand of the boys marveled laws, so far as the islands were con- Grass Linen, Chinese Silk, Em- Ready-mad- e Suits, $7 up; at the colored fishes. Yesterday be- cerned, the reason being given that tween six and seven hundred paid their oriental laborers were vitally necessary broidered Waists, Pongee Straw Negligee for the prosperity of the great planta- Shirt and Felt Hats, way in, and it is expected that at least ' adds very much to the appearance of a building1. A Beautiful a thousand more will visit the Aquar- tions. and Japanese Silk, Embroidered and Full-dres- s Shirts, nand-em-broidere- d ium this week. "In the islands," the secretary an-- Hand-embroider- , design is pleasing to the eye or passersby, as well as a source of The sailors are missing swered, "I heard nothing of such aj Table Cloths, Silk Shawls, Silk Shirts, Balbrig-gan- one of the proposition. There was absolutely no oldtimers Hand-embroider- satisfaction to the occupants of the house. of the tanks, the big, barna- Fans, Silk ed Woolen and Linen Under- V cled turtle used to swim agitation along these lines." that leisurely Concerning the importation of Portu- i Our designs are handsome, and suitable for different styles about and which was known by everv guese plantations, Handkerchiefs, in wear, Socks, in assorted colors child in the city. The turtle escaped laborers into the Klr; of architecture. Garfield said: assorted sizes, colors and designs, and designs; Neckwear and Shoe DRl during the big high tide three weeks "We have stopped all that. The Intro- I ago and is now enjoying j Then you may have a great variety of finish es Antique his liberty duction of the Portuguese and other Fine Muslins, Alpaca Skirts, Trunks, Suit Cases and Valises, somewhere in the broad Pacific. At foreign laborers was undertaken by Copper, Old Brass, Oxidized Silver, Verde Antique, and many the high tide period the waves smash- private enterprise and was contrary to FROM $3 TO $7. Gents' and Ladies' Panama Hats. ed in the trap of heavy boards placed 1 others. Samples on display. You can have patterns that are the alien 'contract law. Further dis- P..".J R by Manager Potter across the overflow cussion of this problem will be heard individual. exit of the tank, and it is surmised that at the meeting of the next Congress. n the waters rushing out carried the At present there is no agitation on the Call and have a talk with our salesman about it. turtle along with them to open water. subject." The escape was noted after only a few Garfield left last night for the north. minutes had elapsed and Manager Pot- stop inspect Stu . He will at Portland and LEWERS & COOKE, LTD. ter at once got out his boat to attempt the reclamation projects along the to locate and recapture the big pet, who Willamette and the Indian reserva- SOUTH KING STREET Telephone was so tame that it was thought he tions. He will visit Idaho, Utah, Wy- ESTABLISHED 1870 177 775 would hang around close to his old oming, New Mexico and Kansas before An home. The turtle had made other ar returning to Washington. rangements, however, and has not been seen since. THE BOY WHO DIDN'T PASS. B T HRURR

A sad-face- d little fellow sits alone in STATIONER, BOOKSELLER AND PUBLISHER COUNTY deep disgrace. II There's a lump arising in his throat, tears streaming down his face; 1063 FORT STREET, HONOLULU a 4n11 HAS THREE BIOS He wandered from his playmates, for Br1 o n4 Mat HAWAI-IAN- A. YY Ilk 11 1114 IlUIWlflUAiYia U he doesn't want to hear HEADQUARTERS FOR Their shouts of merry laugher since Among which visitors and-resident- The Island of Hawaii is becoming the world has lost its cheer; find THE most delightful spot for He has sipped the cup of sorrow, he will HAWAII- musical, or, at least, more so than it has drained the bitter glass, AN ANNUAL the best all-roun- d and change. has been in the past, for it now has And his heart is fairly breaking; he's hand book of information pertain- a rest a three bands running, one at Hilo, an the boy who didn't pass. ing to these islands, not only of other in Kona, and the other at Kau. present conditions and progress, Sixty miles of delightful scenery on the line When a steamer carrying some distin In the apple tree the robin sings a: guished people went to Xapoopoo re- cheery little song, but of their interesting past, and cently, the Kona band was taken But he doesn 't seem to hear it, show- as such has had official and com- of the Oahu Railway and fine meals and aboard. The bandsmen played often, ing plainly something's wrong; mercial recognition for over a and, according to reports, dis- Comes his faithful little spaniel for a made a quarter century, as also for its re- tinct hit with Honolulans. It is di- romp and bit of play. and accommodations at the end. rected by a former Kamebameha But the troubled little fellow sternly liability and ready reference qual- student. The Kau band is said to play bids him go away. ities. It is the only work publish- under the leadership of Senator Hewitt All alone he sits in sorrow, with his ed furnishing the Islands' statis- of a tangled mass, v ST. CLAIR BIDGOOD, Manager. Waiohinu. hair distance The County of Hawaii is reported to And his eyes are red with weeping; tics embracing tables of pay $50 a month toward the support he's the boy who didn't pass. in and around the islands, eleva- of each of these county bands. The tions, population, school, church, people of the Kona and Kau districts How he hates himself for failing, he vital, taxes, import and export, enjoy their bands, and the money is can hear his playmates jeer, in- considered well spent, For they've left him with the dullards domestic produce, immigration, 444 .. gone ahead a half a year; surance, government receipts, ex- Eugene Walter, the extraordinarily And he tried so hard to conquer, O, penditures and bonded debt, mete- successful young playwright, said at a he tried to do his best, orology, rain fall, sugar crops, recent But now he knows weaker, yes, dinner in his honor in New he's plantations, agencies, etc. (f a. York : and duller than the rest. "The playwright, to succeed, must He's ashamed to tell his mother, for Its special papers each issue cover historic research, folklore, remini- make his point inevitably. Every point, he thinks she'll hate him, too scence, despription, fauna and flora, agricultural and commercial develop- by fair means or foul, must be cap- The little boy who didn't pass, who ment, etc., and retrospect of the year's events and progress, a book of over : tured. Not a loophole, to failed of getting through. Hi for failure 200 pages. 75 cents or 80 cents postpaid. ? creep in, may be Price Ri left." Le- D.N Mr. Walter smiled. Oh, you who boast a laughing son and HAWAIIAN FOLK TALES. The only collection extant of native 'In fact," said he, "the playwright . speak of him as bright, gends covering their mythology, origin, migration, barbaric customs and must be as sure of his point as was And yon who love a little girl who intrigue in love and war. Compiled by Thos. G. Thrum. A neat 8vo of the young lady who took advantage comes to you tonight half-ton- e or $1.90 efcf of the present Leap year to propose. With smiling eyes and dancing feet, 174 pages, with 16 full page illustrations. Price $1.75 " 'She didn't give me a chance,' her with honors from her school, postpaid. THAT IS THE BUTTER FOR YOUR TABLE. husband explained afterwards to a Turn to that lonely little boy who HISTORY OF THE LATER YEARS OF THE HAWAIIAN MONARCHY friend. She said, "Will you marry mef thinks he is a fool AND REVOLUTION OF 1893, by Prof. W. D. Alexander. Price $1.50 or MAY WE SUPPLY YOU WITH IT? Have you any objection!" Thus, And take him kindly by the hand, the il whether I said yes of "no, she bad me dullest in his class, $1.65 by mail. BOLD AND GUARANTEED BY cornered.' lie is the one who most needs love, EARLY NORTHERN PACIFIC VOYAGES, by Peter Corney, 12mo. 133 " 'Well, you might have kept silent,' the boy who didn't pass. pages. Price $1.00. Press. said his friend. Detroit Free BIRDS s,x THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, with notes on their habits, by " 'That is what I did,' the other re- C. Q. Yee Hop 8l Go. H. W. Henshaw, 8vo. paper, 146 pages. Price $1.00. plied, and she fl ung herself on my A brown horse with boot on left leg TELEPHONE 251. breast murmuring that silence gave has been lost. Return or notify 1472 Together with Histories, Travels, and Miscellany of out of print issue consent.' " Thurston avenue. Reward. as well as the variety of current works.

11 . 4'


I Starters From Moana pier: A. L. C. i Atkinson. From ling opposite Brown's i residence: Harry Rycroft. POLO TQUBNEY HAWAIIAN WATER Timekeepers Frank Kruger, Merle V olinscn. i- - Kichard E. Wright. -- : wl i Judges of Surf riding A. A. Wilder, SPORTS DELIGHT ,S. M. Kanakanui, Kobt. Atkinsia. BEGINS TODAY 'a COLLEGE WIDOW TO GREAT CROWD Kauai and Oahu to Do Battle BE SEEN AT OflPHEU for Championship of Territory. The attraction for the first three The Waikiki Gala Event in Which the nights of this week at the Orpheum, Regatta a beginning tonight, will be George The polo tournament between tbo ii Ade's charming comedy of college life, Kauai and Oahu teams starts at Kapio-la- ni Sports of Old Hawaii Are Gloriously "The College Widow." This famous Park at 3 p. m. today. play will be presented In first-cla- ss A steam roller and two water carts Brought Back Into Favor, style with every attention to detail, were at work on the field all day yes- new scenery by Marshall and demons. terday levelling the lumps cut up by The play has a long cast and requires the cowboys during their carnival. more lAUNCHINGt A CANOE TOR RACE PRACTISE. than the full strength of the The Kauai horses are quartered company, Mr. Sonny Cunha being at Old "Waikiki presented the gayest their time at the coaling docks. Later called upon to play a fat part. Lemon's stables and the Honolulu acene yesterday that its sands have three more battleships hove in sight, The College Widow" under the man string at the Government stables. They Louisiana, Virginia and Ohio ar- swamped, and an enthusiastic bather fleet won a cash prize and that was agement years, re- the of Henry Savage, has had a are all in fine shape and in readiness to shown for the Hawaiian anchoring rea canoe a i ue. riving from Lahalna and seized tne outrigger oi tne muuiu prolonged existence In this country. j two-paddl- but battle for the honors today. gatta pulled off before the Seaside and with the four battleships in the bay. and almost capsized it. Nevertheless. ine d canoe .Moana attracting what is probably the Another thrill was added to the af- it was an exciting race, and one tnat race was won by the Kalahikala and refined humors. It has had the long- The teams follow: I ternoon by the arrival of the yacht the men in white ashore sought to en- the Hikipaluka. est any Kauai C. A. Rice, Arthur Rice, C. ! largest crowd that has ever gathered Ha. continuous run of comedy ever i waii, which rounded Diamond Head core. The boys' surfing contest was won known on the Amrican stage. A. Dole, J. Malina. at the swimming beach. There were com- and stood past with all sails set, The four-paddl- e canoe race, the by Lane Webster and Harrv Steiner. The original engagement was for Oahu W. Dillingham, J. Fleming, G. hundreds of sailors taking in the Angus, G. ing in last in the race, it is true, but fourth event, was by long odds the most j and the modern Hawaiian canoe sailing 1500 performances, and its revival in P. Denisoji. port, more hundreds of haoles from still close enough on the heels of the nlncolir unnt patpil and Pxi5tin(r Each raffi Viv thp K"irlrolino on1 Ya TiTamnlKi. i New York last spring turned out to be The second game will take place on flyers make who saw me-boa- ts. Wednesday this and other islands and tourists and other to those her club put its best men in the fastest , meha. This race was started from the the greatest of the season in the afternoon at the same tima finish proud of the Hawaiian craft. The Outriggers' picked crew, j Outrigger Club tropo'ist. where it was greeted nightly and place. In the event of each team malihinis in crowds, but the majority yes- beach, more than a The street car service to Waikiki Atherton Gilman, Lane Webster, Ken- - j dozen white wings being by large and enthusiastic audiences for winning a game, a decider will ba of those who lined the sands and en- very ex- entered, the terday was good under the nv Brown and Zen. Genovas, manned Hawaiian flag flying from the mast of twenty weeks. "The College Widow" played. strings of J Wednes-Wall- gaged in the sports were Hawalians. ceptional circumstances, Walter Dillingham's Malolo, while Dr. eae The three war vessels wU1 be repeated Tuesday and 's five being run between of the It was the Hawaiiaijs turn to enter- four and cars canoe, the Halekulani, and the ; Lahaina fleet oassed aeross the horizon evenings with a family matinee FLEET BOXING TONIGHT. switches. There was a jam at the end were in Wednesday. tain the visitors ashore, just as it was Kamehameha's Keawamalie, during the running of this race, which The rrogram old fishmarkct of the regatta, but there was no con- charge of some of the best native pad Madame Blanche Arral will make at the the Hawaiian day for fruit distribu- fusion among the car officials and the was straight out and back, but the tonight will be as follows: dlers in Hawaii. It was a splendidly - her last appearance in Honolulu, on among afloat, and big crowd was taken away quite as ex- bobbing flecks of canvas held the at- tion the sailors bunched race from start to finish, down Tuesday evening. There is a brisk Tug-of-wa- r. peditiously as could have been ex- tention of the crowd. Some of these College s Tight royally did the sons and x to Brown's and back, and the Outrig- canoes on demand for seats for "The Jack ..ltfFadden vs. Young Nelson, pected. the return course took the Widow," would be advisable to book ters of the soil turn out and grow en- gers won, not hands down, but by a largest rollers and surfed for long dis- it six rounds, 126 pounds. good honest length, with the Haleku- early. Kid Cabral vs. Young Heine, six thusiastic over the revival of their old THE RACES. tances, the winner catching a long roll HI lani at their heels. swent to rn rounds, 122 pounds. ports of the surf. Promptly at o'clock a signal gun er that her ud the beach a iip tr fs-y- two Even the appearance of the yacht quarter of a mile nearest ip if rff Tomorrow night the bouts will be: On the beach and moving about was fired and fourteen small boys rush- ahead of her nf ir Hawaii, which 'put her nose around Dia- competitor. S Fredericks (Illinois) vs. Bennett throngs during ed to their canoes; the war vessels were al- (Kansas), 117 pounds. amid the of bathers the mond Head during this race, did not Scarcely less exciting was the run of Coming Events six rounds, afternoon were at least half a hundred forgotten. together distract the attention of the Murphy vs. Piatt (Fort Shafter), six Master Arthur Gilman, who had en- the big canoes in the closing event of e apr i 154 outrigger great- eaper multitude. r r r f r r rounds, pounds. Hawaiian canoes.'the was home with mumps, the day. A dozen, perhaps, went out ar tered, at the single-paddl- e canoe race was July 20 Water carnival, at Hotel The will start promptly at so champion of The to the big waves. One by one, how est fleet of these picturesque craft the little surfrider last participated in by the crack native j Baths, 8 p. m. 7:30 p. ra. ! ever, they fell behind, aside or Honolulu has seen together at any year, Harold Hustace, took his place in --...111 C I, n,l ... It nMnfliap turned 21 Seaside Baseball League - that " J yi T ( I Tin li July good canoe Malolo, and Master Ar- cwomriArl ti smlr Well"-"- D"f 'a TiIif one time' since the, days when the ca- the bunched event. A. S. Eobertson's meeting, 5 p. m. POPE PIUS BEADS NEWSPAPERS. Brown of Seaside Hotel sought : ed koa Halekalani, Prince "Cupid's" thur the Leahi won, with Pukai in the Leipi- - 1, July 20, 22 Polo tournament. noes were depended upon to do the white-rimme- d ' is news- to man the Lelea. Two of his crew had a .T ,K Anio! , "A," and Brown long July 25 'Baseball, Punhous vs. St. Pope Pius a firm believer in waterway transportation of the peo- disappointed him, and his canoe was talo black Alabama held the wave. They paper reading. His favorites are two ple. in the Hanamikiai third.. Louis (postponed game); Keios ls. The number of surfboard riders left on the beach. Master Kichard came in almost to the beach before a ' provincial sheets, Venice Dlfesa and In the water, at one time as many as CONTEST. Santa Claras. Herbert, however, got together a crew SURFBOARD wall of foam, with the Alabama well August 1 White Sox dance, K. of Vicenza Verico. The latter paper ha sixty within the four hundred yards of of junior members of Outrigger lead so great- - has read nearly all his When Outrig- the Tht snrfhoard contest was the sixth in the and ended the P. Hall. life. ha surf, with the members of the Club, while "Major" launched in the .b.it;. of water ever held at became patriarch of Venice he hap- too-seldo- m and most thrilling event. At a signal !est sPort August 12 Puunene tennis cup play. ger Club, big and little, riding the full-bloo- d Lei Ilima a load of stalwart . V aili.lil.1 pened to make the acquaintance of tha from thA nniiffefl' fifanrl ahnnf twontv I rollers or coasting in on the "" """"" J d Hawaiian boys. The little paddlers sprang""""Jupon The following-name- gentlemen were editor of the Difesa, then a struggling smaller waves, standing, balancing, sent canoes spinning in contestants their surf MONROE CHALLENGES. spec- their from front boards and launched them in the break- in charge of the arrangements: daily. The editor's views pleased his diving and performing, was a of Arthur Brown's lanai, and the ka- A. Walk- hearing tacle that delighted the strangers and ers. A long swim out to great blue Regatta Committee Sam William Monroe (colored) challenges eminence, and of the editor's naka crew took the lead, with the Hus- and excitement began. er, O. L.' Sorenson, Geo. H. Angus, any ioO or 154 pound man in the Ter- high character he offered him his aid. Induced enthusiasm among the Hawa- tace canoe close at its heels. There billows, the who watched. Surfers were hurled backward over Alexander Hume Ford (secretary of ritory. The patriarch's liberality and active lians was a close finish at the Moana pier, committee). support soon gave the Difesa a very Altogether there were between four with 4 in waves and their boards sent high in specta- "Major" still the lead, the caught wave and came JudgeEi A. A. Wilder, S. M. Kana- U. S. standard drilling for white wide circulation, and it is now so prof and five thousand interested winner of the cup, which the Hawaiian air; others the B. is one of tors of the Hawaiian regatta giv- rushing on, now lost in foam, now kanui, Robt. Atkinson. Navy blouses and suits at F. Ehlers itable that it regarded as the best boy promptly, demanded cash" and & Co., King great "in d Course A. S. Robertson, Fort street, between and most solid institutions of the en on the beach, the crowd being ten v leaping to their feet, two Clerks of received it. ! twelve deep from the bandstand lads always to True, they Eli Crawford. Hotel. By the piece, 10c. per yard. city. end The race of day came next, the front. In the Moana grounds, where Kapellmeister the the had the longest and thickest boards to signal man of the New Jersey stationed Berger waved his baton known to Waikiki. Harold Hustace, " " ... j, 1111 m mi! mi n Ij 'I ""-.- n " psalm tunes, clear across the sands to at the judges' box at the Moana pier the champion surfer of last year, turn- uj.i.uy ""J W""ii"". j f " the extreme Ewa limits of the Seaside, flashed his flags to the man stationed ed in vain on his diminutive board to --while clear as as the Brown place, at the Outrigger Club grounds, and far six-padd- ride backward and did his usual fancy opposite which was the starting point, about a dozen le canoes shot stunts, but the great, long boards of w there were many who watched. On out from the beach. All of them reach- Kenneth Winter and Sam Wight kept A the Seaside grounds Kaai's orchestra ed the starting point in safety save the the waves long, long after the smaller on Maunapaiapu, which capsized roll- played, the music proving a great and boards disappeared behind the rollers. to the sailors. The bluejack- ed completely over with its polyglot crew, its captain, Akemomona,. protest- The effect from the beach of these two ets were entranced, standing around youths coming ever forward on the the hau tree-platfo- rm twenty deep, ing that someone had "fixed" his out rigger. waves was thrilling in the extreme, and crowding in close to the players and it is safe to say the fashion in hanging over the backs of their chairs It was a beautiful race the red that sweaters and the Hawaiian flag of the boards, which has followed that of the lest one note of the hula airs be lost, Hustace boys a year past, will now applause each selec- Outrigger Club canoe forging to the for while their after turn to something long, thick and nar- tion was an inducement to the mu- front until fouled by a rival in the keep playing race; then 'A," Prince Cupid's canoe, row. Harold Hustace will allude to sicians to on until forced them in as demon- to stop from pure exhaustion. entered by the Kamehamehas, and Ar- vain canoes and regatta ap- thur Brown's Alabama took the lead. strate that he can stand and paddle The headquarters for the upon his peared to be the grass house of the The race was to Brown's and back, rivals' boards, but the long Outrigger club, which had been taken and the up-stret- was a splendid chase type of surfboard will come to stay', possession of by the Hawaiian women by the fouled Keomoku to catch the and their exponents of yesterday will who paddled in some of the races. It leader. It passed one canoe after an- receive medals from the fleet commit- was in front of the club houses that other in splendid style, and to the cheer- tee in lieu of a divided cup. four-paddl- the canoes were pulled up on the ing thousands it seemed as though the There was a e, flat-bottome- d sands and it was from the lanais of Outriggers might win after all, bnt at canoe race, won by the Kalikianaia, the thatched quarters that the "wela the finish the Keomoku was seen to be and a three-paddl- e, flat-botto- canoe lea haos" rang loudest when a favorite almost tied with the Alabama, which racg forr women that brought every crew paddled for a lead and the came in second, nearly a length be- man awl many ladies down to the very "auwes" were the deepest when an hind Prince Cupid's white rimmed edge of the beach. This was won by outrigger swung into pilikia or a surf "A." The visiting Kamehamehas won the Kalahikiola. of the Kamehameha prize old-sty- "board rider lost his balance. the big cash of the day, and the Aquatic Club. Then there was the le , "With so many along the beach and in shouts of rejoicing that went up from koawood sailing race from Wai- the water it was to be expected that the hundreds of Hawaiian men and kiki to Castle's point and back, a vi- there would be accidents, but fortu- women encamped about the grass houses sion of white butterflies, won by the nately these were very few. The or- on the Outrieger Club grounds compen- Lanakila, Harry" Harris' boat. sated losers, two-paddl- der of the big crowd was excellent and the who were merely in it A race for e canoes was there was little call for the services of for a cup. - won by the Hanamikioi, with the either the police, under Captain Park- The third race was one that delighted Leahi second and the Malolo third. er, or of the sailor patrolmen, who and pleased the visitors from the fleet. The great event looked forward to " ' - '. .. . twenty. were present to the number of A dozen ouxom Hawaiian women, in by the officers of the fleet was so suc- . were other things taking place led, in r7 There white, and in blue, cessful to on manned three that it had be repeated. The within sight of the thousands the dainty little canoes and paddled six-padd- to enjoyment of out canoe race between the "beach that added the from the Outrigger beach. The little crews from the Connecticut, Vermont the afternoon. Early In the program cockleshell canoes bobbefl over movement among bat- the and New Jersey licited a protest from there was a the waves, battled with the Urf, and as the boys from the Kansas because they tleships anchored beyond the reef, four the starting gun was fi?ed from had from inside moving out the been left before they reached the of the vessels judge's stand they got in or- to anchorage four which had "busy" real starting post, and another race was and the earnest The girls in blue took the ganized to hap- SCENE FROM THE "COLLEGE WIDOW." so far remained outside moving in for lead include them. Thus it and kept it. The whites almost pened that every crew entered by the

The House of Stapfes The House of Staples



T ZIttrCG3t2CZZZjLZt T r"VTTFrrv-- l yCSgJgia. 3EES3AY, SVZ

THE SIBERS SIC8IL Pa ific Commercial Advertiser FLEET MANEUVERS KODAKS A Strong Combination A KOEIOKG PAPKH. Slit; wsj&fskm f mi if si 2a.Bt :or Summer Comfort 4 f ji Liiiiaii off tuta&jEiKx5j list SUPPLIES if H Electric Limits JX?2. T322 2PT23EZS FLEET. Tfc w&rl.i, --will JLwst c xarpssiaxt ts An Electric Fan wuii rB is - j feat jiL- aJL Tie t ieft its xs- - IZttbtutlti'e tmaisuw 4 oci3 Sxteresi tirraw&g tf twJv iBJeJy-- We iT grsry(,trjiig tin ttI 4 will tcwS itie JTlet Beefcusv f this it wofcifl 1 wi lear uct .deeoctiM f fp.ur fijssitijME. T2ae f:ikUB is fkt And Pure Ice - ana- oS$ - in mnv' 3 f2aee, Je falkmark it if, Heave the jMsl&e ooicfert ta&s (&rtrofi Jifwr the Sjhj- 13 1,. AH sre f lie ia- jatti-- S .pf jrcl-Ii- wlr tfcey are, 4 t3j e w& fie ftesw 'iJtliir Ktifie 1 ruse;! ibeasu 'as 4ie 'weiher nsy Iwpito& of to eosce lewn. ie Octsife 12ie 2jade si rsa toto f$emeA Adttijal TJry d tie ma f AdsiiriJ iitMig tls&s lis ,ge4 jisja BEjjiSiee tie f tt a log isixtk.. Ti log ws r. tlue'k SliaS The Hawaiian EIo:tric Go., Ltd fwijei.-sp- j rJ2J period f only iertj-t- 42 r six weeki; .d it a c&vfviittr S&e liipf Is leave c maj praetSeaM f tie aKH67 Kzr.g St, ssx Alsica. Pbcac 35a. ' x i- . f pv&S iwpitjiJit la j$e ..luclll Sien sad tfctt i.e ostlsj If jturvjQ Try iij? to lie ssr Biiie iis i $fin - n. t 5.a.fJi.afca pd. A .taws Irwa tie a 0 2La5 iBfrit tie t a tad-- 1 w-e;- iie Alo, it wotH I to yrerre tie poaxaiiofl f lie ictiraaitt lit-- rtii. mesiwiXie Ji-- j51cKt ti&asEittrs mv totAubd re lc333 to aafi ot fir lie ttiieij.p fie. lia 8k lirb5js axawastr to iseaxci f itie. Limited. 4 ws tiat camSed jJiiote. TSTteQe tie rprt ATST2ALA2IA AJH .THE JTLBIX Street.

Isa-- e jtiJieSte Aje Cajelj w.-3- i Great Hr&t'ta fca sent . fieet to 2rw Zes2S ss4 Ajsrtrslie, pilot err ff -- i4e - f tie eomo. id pf fcw tie fjuted i Atlajetie e twJks a Jie sie Com3fSieBt lie fiar- - ito to reel. I tie Sei to a&d s Aueilas.d lox.g ago, r&a it pkotograpiabd four jto- ij-e- l&xjrufc.?e; i '!"-- ' tifed nay p'Sot teUd j&3 jc aiKred cruiseJ;, f lie AustraEaii ettdr sd jaud5 tiem 5s i Cuisine par excellence. Us jAetorisJ f Ameriesa jcrJ rMtstiwa. Tie soasz-- 1 53a' e sweiaae 41ai crul&e. pnfs f.ortte tie Breakfast " T . - . ; , 3foaa.tioa tfca-- t Kiwt Cfcalntoaswa fcad 1 ti4r ciief isrWe, secaj a33 t-- Iwpte titir rtMics is 5rtat- ISiae d3cty Wiiti a gxma f relief Luncheon Dinner 4-- Otxwgia. &BXwraiK4' FEtoa. Ajq-&st-ou JSt&aiM, the itres Sie es, a liet irSl le t2iB!j w tieaa. li list BOTEL KEA2 STREET jki'Jat its erer irij.te4 AurtrsdatiKS was on Ms vay. Them eases a. FRT Amriz.& ItiJ.ii;j i'lie', toot, toot trvca tie Wioo5a aa Pilot ar.Ei gy-5y- i-t- r H. F. & CO. fks&e y-f- t!vt AS-aspi- WOMAN wleu g f sr west t J.ofcu&oja toofc Ms d&rliir. ral LniflgsHi and Jongclaos, Props. 4 JfrS, ti:e rr if is4e Irr Xsite4 war-- j.erry Trxew ia.t aiH lie p&vis g disciiirjrfed. sJups'i tie vJoiJ eu 'luris ti Clwl Ws? c?cr rsumr were tlere erci-j- itnA af2y jtSLjjc Tie OsMsaawticut" tsea al3- - 4 Isttejr, t i&d a great Jren " cte f tie Sdaey, w-w- o w--j- w a-ia ie-3a- a CeSrte ' Jkleo w w OPTIGAL s sjBf.-aiiij- r geawaM r.ej4itfl, AuitraJi will tie Souti. Tils nxteact, "T'JZwk We letter at & J.9 losKJt g&'it," auafl also tdll ti 42re-tio- o b2l s yfcit, bw bsw teager t&ey are t get Jet t&ati wish the saraJ prsrew tiat ti 15 Mjs wre to steer- - Department re-- J "itet they're all ap. 1 ttt ihx ago, turf tUvzg H their U't-- f sjasj-saii-y ytHb a tisdr.'-- rat iavjig ma-k- mx of th pil&ts to a " ft-r4- f siimate. JTtrar Us.der Ciarge in psJf., j4 Ww us3i tiej sisije tie demoeratie ititslkju. Frosa where tiey stood to tie Amer tie cf Arsotier Car Load Just Received, of f AifcrJ. U J4'at3o at work ia tie eelaaeas of tie lea' sc3sj4t cw-aJ- just 5istto- - tie tiy . Autraifi ae4 is varhjv riet'l irlar wiiea iar est tit As lie octJ2s of tie CoEEtllc-at- Dr. F. Schurmann e Cta y ftise tfee i5j.' scent tluf frtJ-a-jf, vf fetUng ti A&rtraliasi lsAisriesiis iy. Tie OPTICIAN amd OCCUL1ST gol Mr?s ai ti ib3 m tie pJSot Wat cwaikl se oaJy trrctb8iH3g of tkm tiem tbat tfc 4tm&g of Brtri will ttooe, at a bt aa liy New cf refracting Garland Stoves for rery , watcfc4 tiey rea2ie4 wij'le waJt-SugJa netted and langes cat tiat, as.d testing cf eyes. Zzara-iaatioE- S tie log, i5p fca-- Jaeld $ta g charge. to I'jr.-- 15ae, an4 cade free f 5o3tloa tie tiat Otsx factory ca tie premises TIEE FEEIL OF TEAJDE3HJS10BXI5M. Si Ket made tiat cw start to cUy qsSpped tie fog" iauk tie lormatiob waa per- is f to execcts GARLAND GARLAND Admiral MlviJJ, cot Wic jo jiitks or ia tie aethe jwryke of tie gov-erumtn- it, as durtog jasKag dowa all lals cf icc2t cjptlcsl fect tie tie wcrk. - - - U net oLJjg;4 to uci fcis rorl aiiiy, lis. )aU to a4ora pslfllc 4i; 2St bay-- ' And, as one p'lot aaM; ; tte a4or o3ao-f- c fi;Ji tiost of its toie eaJi for, "Tiy dosae Jt all with Vaelr mirejus." a4 "Aud fceaIs, volunteered y Wood Stoves Bans ist rrfJy get, JaUl lie ia epreel ii iew oa, persl:iiis tra3aio3si?ja tiir jt jt G bs ia a ray wfeki BttJ Lb to tie rt-j-t of every jk so vlo ia a isiM of li Steel Ovens AH Sizes ia Stock ' H. F. Wicbnian Go. Jai-o-r & from Bea tie ssloe woa't let a alsiU4 worksjaa teaea bU tra4e to TOLD' ADMlBAL TO, from lefs owa hi, i tie re-o- tie Usii4 JttaitiJfjSIlt ItAj,1.1) eostrat for UKITED Up for tie Iraz)5aa ua-y- . We iave tie as4 iroa is tie irorJ 1 LEADING JEWELE25 rig&t tl ) i:fe. We iave tie limber wiiei Kag5aa4it'iut iasport, tat fceeaase tie CALL BUMBDATMftf, A2D OPTICIANS , . talwr ttcioas tare pt tilr rtrietiva oa tie tsvmi;r ot appreetiees, kiUe4 ,1 - $45 uo lair i Mttiti so arr ia tie lTet4 ?i5aU- tit it eot forty pr ct; i&ore to ivlhl a i?p f Ajaerf& tiaa it 4Mr ia Great hntz'm or Geraiagj. Admiral Emory tood on the gang- at CASH INSTALMENTS Si-fc- OR "Oae appreotke to ever for kins2Sf2.?!Lr tie labor cciec way mi tie Georgia, yenerday morning, are jf,fcrae4L to allod ia tie tthiyhu'iUUeg iraht ?.Ja &,me ttnAe tier do ot says the Ban Fra&cio Call of tie Ilia, Pictures $tiWw'ev npprettti nulem the lattr pay .Jarge mm to tie trJ-ejaio- s. The brilliant In his uniform, surrounded by HOLLYWOOD PHOTOGRAVURES Hlstsr ijiiUjiii wast to raUe iragts ly tfe sfcer of workasea, Tiej a audy consolation of marine stars. COPLEY PRINTS Jstit HiSBJijel Cotepers iia allies a tooasrai3g Hldeboys stood at blank and respectful E. O. Hall & .Son, Ltd. a4 Tve'ontru:te4 Pacific Pleture Framing Go whifkksmM,'!,oto i4k s4 H Jaior at a ery isop&ortune time, Dur'wg tii attention. The txeun was ready to Second Floor, Take Elevator perio4'f tSaaaeiai 4epret5ioa a t50,XXJX0 eofetrat -- ul4 Lave Leea a great pSie. It was an iropoislng spectacle, UZ0 XUUANU STREET one keeping tMaK.to tee Awerleaa wBale r in with the dignity of an Xie ooioa i4ea that tie Amerteaa is a sofe ?SicIei8t workasaa tiaa tie admiral's inspection. or (Citrwaa i o Joeger tre. Tie Efig!5imaa, cot as iade-- Alongside came a begrimed and - jea4i$ a tie Amerkaa workajaa, ia witting to:'wck.tiarr a 'gzffer,' m ral!4 greae-jattre- d laujxn. It chugged up DURING Tho iis tuifi'- - is to gaff or sptir sea oa t rork. There U one gaffer with a whirl and a. snort, knocked a leae tie chip out of the gangway and, amid the to every tr or Cfto roea. We have the ame thing io this eooatry ia tie impressive Kilence, a tousled bead was aerof .sakiH4 labor, fcot our ki!Je4 workmen reeut mb sorviioa- - Tie shoved out of the porthole. yeselt'ls the i8rn?a4 eoiet of laior. Germany is tie country that mot strktly "Kay, feller yelled the owner of the WEEK eafoNs,apprestie lars.; sooa this will show results ia Germany having tousled head, addreKing Admiral A4 Emory. "Just hike back and tell the tie wont Vilf al webaeis of the woril. our Cafe will be open every bumboatman I am waiting for him." Offer the Mill fol l see a future for this eooatry similar to that of Spain and Ttaiy, There There was a gaap from the marine night after the show. to Trade Their Products, including the tie tra4e guilds ia tie towns became so strong an4 doroineering tiat tie nobility stars. The bo'sun dropped his pipe. A The Cafe will be rather taxed lowing Celebrated Brands: rttuUl ot iovet its eapitaL Boca tie labor anions will keep the capitalist from sideboy choked hysterically. daring stay "What Is that?" thundered the ad- the of the fleet, but "GOLDEN GATE,' "SPERRY," "DRIFTED SNOW," favesting la railroaJ, iine, or naanafaetory. At the bottom of all is re-- it tie miral. we have engaged an extra force MAPLE LEAF," SOUND RING," "RED SHIELD," ttriitSoa of the number of apprentices. "Just tell the bumboatman the fel- of waiters, and. onr regular pa- Wbat hooI4 the LSte4 Btates do to make sure of the next ship contract ler wot fsella pies an things to the trons will receive special and other Family and Baker Flour. Also from Chile, or Peru, or Argentina! Kvery State should 'pass a law prohibiting sailors tell him that I am ready for trades-nnion- him. Be a good feller. I've got to get BRAN, SHORTS, MIDDLINGS, ROLLED BARLEY, and tfca 'restrletions by s of tie number of apprentices, and tie United back to shore." Htates should admit all skilled workmen. Then we will become the shipbuilding A petty officer ran down the gang- the famous CAPITOL MILLS CEREALS. country ef tie world, because we have the steel, the timber, the men of brawn, way and in one minute whispered into A. Y. CAFE The Sperry Products have been for over fifty years the and the men of brains." the tousled one's ears Just what man was, tanaaf a ot quality tor the Pacific Coast. Tt a curious but wsmistakable ner of idiot he told him to sheer Is fan that the tyranny of trade and labor off and that;. If came back he would J unions in tie United Btats today is more serious and threatening than that be killed repeatedly. When the bo'sun of which the Americans of 1770, complained ia their Declaration of Independ piped, the sldeboys saluted, the marine UNITED STATES I It is more serious beiae it more closely invades private rights. It stars became fixtures and Admiral j ' ent Emory, red in the face, stepped into r Ask your Grocer for them. dictates how a man shall conduct his private business; whom be shall or shall his launch. 11 ot employ; how much or how llttJe he shall produce, and what he shall pay; and, until the government interfered, it menaced him with the blacklist and CONNECTICUT SAILOR KNOCKED Robert Innes Lillie. metoyeou, ah mm, tasen witn its corrupt interference with politics, ita UNCONSCIOUS. ARMY 1 RESIDENT MANAGER. courts 1 1 1 enmity toward the restraint of and militia, makes it a more dangerous A sailor from the Connecticut, who to liberty and the pursuit of Honolulu Office: Office: obstruction happiness today than were King George was bathing off the Seaside yesterday Hilo and his ministry one hundred and'thirty-tw- o years ago. Robinson Bldg.AQueen St. Spreckels Bldg., King St afternoon, ran full tilt into one of the 11 wire guy ropes holding the dancing If Secretary Garfield ever had any of that intense enthusiasm for the Latin floor decorations ;n place, the wires labor proposition which has been laid to him, he running from the posts down to iron succeeded in keeping it from pegs driven Han Francisco reporters. in the sand just above high the lie was 'asked concerning such importations, and water mark. He was running rapidly replied: "We have stopped all that. The introduction of the Portuguese and along the sand at the time and the other foreign laborers was undertaken by private enterprise, and was contrary force with which his face struck the to the alien contract law. Further discussion of this problem will be heard at wire knocked hirn mieonscions for some :? ' the meeting ef the next Congress, At present minutes. These wires should be wrapped APPI Rl ITTFi there is no agitation on the to make them distinguishable and there I ILiiu I 1 1 ILtl o o ubjeet," We had been almost prepared, before this blow fell, to see Secretary should also be something placed over 1 Claroeld return by Heptember at the head of the 100,000 Diegos the pegs some im- Home-iEad- e Manuels and iron before surfer is Apple Buf-ter- , when it is made just right, "can't be who were coming to save the remnant of our Americanism. paled on one of them. beat." There's something about it that is so satisfying. THE KINO LAUGHED. I Vesterday's hookupu was one of the best things The HEINZ WAY e home-ma- e no failure, done for the fleet. Tt was A curious court story went the Per Yard by is th way; only there is New England donation party with aboriginal the frills, and as a result of it every rounds nonie little time affo about a no difference between one cpn and the next they are all made the same man on the ships in port got a taste of some of Hawaii's fruit and sugar cane ovely foreigner, one of whose verbal gave , '" and with it the aloha of the unidentified giver. Ilookupus were very common slipn King Edward occasion for a way. hearty laujfh. A very lively person Piece. when the Kings and Queens of Hawaii were In authority, but the last previous age with a delightful accent, she made It comes in Che HEINZ SANTTAEY TTN, which is so constructed tdg one occurred about sixteen years ago, when the native people turned out to sut-- a favorable impression upon the honor Admiral George Brown. At that time chickens, ducks and pigs were king that he asked her to be his part- that it is impossible for the contents to become taiated. added to fmlt, and the Admiral had a kiss from each wahine. ner t bridge. "But. sir." bi I really know rjlav;"' 4. . don't how to TRY A CJ.N AND SEE FOB YOUBSELT GBOCEBS. The king would take no denial, how- Ali Our eompliments to the three battleships from Lahaina, and will they send ever, and she became rather embar- their officers and men ashore to play in our yard? rassed. "I assure you, sir," she said, x comu not iiiidk of tilavincr. I don 't-- know the difference between a king and a H. HAIjKFELD LTD. Here's to the lairlinc! Bhe may bo a bit old, and may not have bad a knave." Them wn & CO., ward silence, re.-ili,- ! for a designer, but she goes some. and then she trownlhicld vm.ii hue nan said and was r.oveml ; MMMM j -- with 1 i- confusion. Tho king, of course, U, . L11LL1IU U UU DISTEIBUTOES. lauirhed off. tAlta it and now - - .MV BtUI r The Hawaii had Upton luck. with gusto. Fort Street between Hotel and King THE PACIFIC OOMMEEXflAIi ABVEBTISEK, HOKOLTJLTJ, MONDAY, JTTLT 20. 1908.

out reef in mainsail at 1 p. m.; fresh trifle more than thirty-fou- r davs. the tr , - " breeze, moderate sea; lat. 21 deg. 6 xiawau nas shown that she 19 a 'very YACHTS CROSSED min. N., long. 154 deg. 50 min. W.; auiw era-goin- g yaent ana when she has THREE distance, 187 miles. run unto a hard blow she is also shown Noon July 18 to noon July 19 Pick- that she is very fast under those con- ed up Maui 4 p. m.; main topsail jibed ditions. Captain Harris did a very at 8 a. m. and earried away topmast. ciever piece or navigation under the Crossed finish line 1 o'clock 7 minutes circumstances, as the chart will show FINISHING LINE HESTER 7 seconds. and certainly weaned all the speed pos- EHETJf IIAWAIL sible from her. It is a close decision whether the Hawaii would not have A Oh "swift to go and slow ta.eome," come Tooth - within her time allowance from What of your wind driv'n speed f the Lurline she had you bore, if not been left What of the hope and loveJ at the start, for a full day elapsed be- A people 's loyal creed f tween the time when the Lurline causht e (Contlnued from Page One.) breeze. Carrving all possible sail. Yet, as a mother soothes her boy wind as the and we moderate had our sails drawing trip, and, indeed, her interior is not Clouuy and overcast weather; Who fails to win a prize, sieaaiiy. is the ideal dentifrice. sea. Oh slow to eome, we cannot blame, it yet finished nor all the painting on her 31 min. THE interior done. July 10, noon Lat. 26 deg. But only sympathize. . HAWAII'S LOG. arrests and prevents decay in The Lady Jfaud N., long. 130 deg. 30 min. W. Course, The following is unofficial log brought the largest 79 185 miles. Cloudy the of company of any of the yachts. Aboard S. W. Distance, Well shipmates all, the yachts are in, yacht Hawaii teethimparts an agreeable fra ; N. to NE. wind. during the race from San her is John Kyle, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur and overcast unsteady With bow and stern lines fast; 6:30 p. m. set the spinnaker. NE. All snug their sails with tautened brails Pedro to. Honolulu, starting July 4th, grance to the breathneutralizes Kyle, Miss May Daniels, a cousin of day. "Wilbur Lew swell running throughout the The first and, yes, the last. 1908, as kept by Norman Densham Kyle; Captain B. Harris, noon 25 deg. 56 min. sailing master; Ed. July 11, Lat. do not all acids destroys all germs and Schartz, James 133 deg. 31 min. W. Course, fol- I know as I sit and write Jessop, George Lane, Bone, N., long. With her squaresail spread to the which yacht Herbert 68 W. 175 miles. Un- will . win the race. But, mouth William Simpson C. D. S. Distance, lowing wind keeps the sweet and clean. and Ledger. NNE. to NE. breeze. Misty and well I know that my loyalty can never The crew entirely composed of vol- steady And every sheet slacked free, cnange is eloudv weatbef: NE. swell. .tivery- - its place and, if British hearts Dentists strongly recommend unteers. Only one of them had ever The yaeht Hawaii came sailing by be made, of oak as they say, it must been to sea before or could when thing set; all sail carried. A trifle leisurely. Boradent Tooth Paste because it is steer July 12, noon Lat. 24 deg. 42 min. be that mine is part of the sturdy they "first started. They have learned 136 deg. 20 min. W. Course, riDS Deneatu the Hawaii's water line. a g6od deal on this voyage. Captain N., long. The Northeast trades blew lazily made with a milk of magnesia S. 73 W. Distance. 163 miles. Moder- - Nor flecked the sea with foam; So let me write that you all may read, - ! Harris, the sailing master, speaks in winds. NE. base - the greatest antacid the highest terms of their willingness. ate, unsteady NNE. to NE. But, though she's late, at any rate in serious or lighter vein, swell; cloudy weather; passing swells. good to have her home. Victor or vanquished though she may be, "It was a green crew," said Captain 24 deg. 10 min. It's known to dentistry. Ask Lew B. Harris." one of the bovs Julv 13. noon Lat. iiow we brought her home again "Only N., long. .139 deg. 39 min. W, Course, your dentist. had ever been to sea before. They had Oh "swift to go and slow to come," Crew of the yacht Hawaii: Captain S. 81 W. Distance, 191 miles. NE, Though tardily you came to be taught everything. But they breeze, light. Overcast and Harris (substitute "The old man," to ENE.. sun-kisse- B were willing. Back from the d land beyond "Gaffer," or anything you like when At Jraniiia 2$ Mb light winds Maud can cloudy. Carrying all sails. You need not suffer shame. 'In the Lady July 14, noon Lat. 23 Aeg. 41 min he is not listening); mate, Contraband beat them all. She is a wonder. We W. Course, Bin, the Pride of the Port; steward, more or less trouble with our upper N., long. 142 deg. 51 min. We know the cause that held you back V tad S. 80 W. Distance, 180 miles. Moder Mr. Hamilton, Lor' love him; starboard running gear. - It carried away fre- v.ound on the reel you bore, watch, Harmless Harry ("Handsome" quently, and our topmast ate NE. to ENE. breeze: fair weather; The hold of the glistening silken thread yesterday later scmallv: rough sea. All sails car was suggested but tabooed as quite in carried away." - Made fast to the other shore. effectual) ; S. S. S., which stands ried. N.-D- for "We admired the spirit of the peo- 13 min. J. Serenely Smiling Sam, and has nothing of July ,15, noon Lat. 23 deg. ple Hawaii," said John Kyle, the 59 W. Course, to do with a certain well advertised principal owner of Lady Mand, N., long. 145 deg. min. the R 81 W. 175 miles. Fresh BY J. N. DENSHAM. patent medicine; Redundant Raymond ' and so' we determined to enter the Distance. ENE. to E. breeze; squally weather; So as the Hawaii concerned (he is for ever repeating himself) and I Lady Maud, unfinished as she was, so far is' Jack the Jingler. cross seas. y as to make a race possible. am a the race-ma- be summed up in a few I 1 22 deg. 20 min Cherry-fac- e teacher of swimming, and have been July 6, noon Lat. Port Watch: Charlie. 149 4 WV Course, words. Two days of ealm, nine days of All-da-y for many years. My son and built N., long. deg. min. Alexander (this refers to his I p S. 63 W. Distance, 194 'miles. Fresh light winds and four days of good blow appetite), and Deep-slee- Daniel the yacht for our own pleasure. She heavy is not even fitted with proper sails. ENE. winds; squally weather; with the wind dead aft when, by all July 4th. The start of the race was Those she has are the old sails of the cross sea. precedent, it should have been on the set for midday and we were all ready July 17, noon Lat. 22 deg. 55 min. to get under weigh by 11 o'clock.' That A book of eighty pages containing matter of Anemone cut down, and they do not V. quarter. interest to fit properly. The city of San Diego N., long. 152 deg. 3 min. Course, is all but Ray and Harry, who had S. 62 W. Distance, 187 miles. Fresh During the first two days the Hawaii gone after ice. The ice man was cele- visitors to the islands can be had at this office for did not respond very enthusiastically rough to because ENE. winds and squally, weather; made 125 miles, and most of that dis- brating and did not deliver, so the to the proposal send her, seas; part, moderate weath she was, not finished, at that time. But cross latter tance was made during the first and clubhouse was looted and 100 lbs. son and determined she should er. Carrying all possible sail. time. brought aboard. As soon as the dinghy FIFTEEN CENTS jny I July 18, noon 20 deg. 56 min last four hours of the After igo in order might be a race Lat. was hoisted aboard we shortened anchor that there 155- - 17 Course, leaving San Pedro it was clearly shown and that the people of Hawaii, after N long. deg. min. W. got main and foresails on her, then miles. Light light-weathe- r No publication pertaining to Hawaii contains as much spending so much money for a yacht, S. 89 W. Distance, 186 that she was no boat, for hoisted the hook, set jib and staysail should not have the disappointment of breeze, with heavy squalls. Off Maui, the Lurline ran rapidly through her and stood off on the starboard tack. - good meat as this. Each page is illustrated from original no race. San Diego had contributed heavy seas. lee and both the Gwendolyn and Lady The outer harbor was alive with sails " 19 Diamond Head at photographs taken especially for this work. The text, by $300 at last accounts to fit out the Julv Passed gleaming brightly in the tardy sunlight 9:38:06 a. m.; ofS one mile. Distance, Maud gained on her during the run Miss Mary H. Krout, one of the best known of writers on the Lady Maud. The balance we and our heavy that had just managed to pierce the 144 miles. Light breeze and to the east end of Catalina Island. over-hangin- g friends put up." ,: Carrying all fog. The South Coast mainland is of peculiar interest to persons visiting Hawaii as "Oh, we enjoyed every minute of! squalls during the night. Night fell with the Lady Maud well Yacht Club had turned out in full to the trip," said Mrs. Wilbur Kyle and possible sail. in the lead and going strong with a do us honor and the bluff above the it touches business and social life. Various industries are Miss Daniels, the two women who came LOG OF TEE LADY MAUD local draft off the island. The Lur- harbor was lined with crowds of peo- mentioned in a way which makes it pleasant reading for on the Lady Maud. was delight ple who had come from all over South- "It The following is the log of the Lady line and Gwendolyn were beginning to . ful. Of course, there isn't much room. ern California to witness the harbor I everyone. But we remained on deck most of the Maud, Captain Lew B. Harris, sailing feel the breeze, and the Hawaii was eelebratidn arranged by the city of time, and just enjoyed everything. We master: rolling round in the doldrums. - San Pedro, of which the start of the A CAPITAL SOUVENIR AT TRIFLING COST A of are going back in her. trip this July 4 11:30 a. m., r, all When daylight broke Sunday morn- yacht race was the main feature. kind is the most health-givin- g under- plain sails set, waiting for the gun; 12 ing none o the other yachts were Ten minutes before the big race start- one of these books. They taking that one can think of." 45 twenty off Do not leave Honolulu without probably; noon, first over the line, seconds in sight ana there seemed little chance ed, smaller yachts were sent The Lady Maud will stay Gwendolyn 2 on a islands green in your memory for years to come. after the gun. minutes, ' to raee to Catalina Island. This will keep the in these waters for ten days or so, and Hawaii 2 minutes 50 seconds, Lurline of passing San Clemente Island start gave us the exact time and, ten will then sail baek to San Diego. Soon 4 minutes 5 seconds; breeze SW. by S.; windward. This island lies about thirty seconds before the final gun was fired, mooring the Nuuanu avenue miles to the southeastward of Catalma after at steering SE. 2 8, Lurline passes us, we were to windward of the stake boat Hawaiian Gazette Company, Ltd. wharf, the whole party went out to Gwendolyn also; holding Hawaii; com- and forms a windbreak which oftea and all raady to cross the line. enjoy the aquatic sports at Waikiki. menced the sea log. shuts off the westerly wind from the channel between it and the mainland. Thii dainty little Gwendolyn II nosed Publishers. GvElsrDOLyN Noon July 4 to noon July 5 1 p. m., bs with" a and took the LOG OF. THE t II. , All day Sunday we rolled around pagf rapfnll I Lurline 1 mile ahead; Gwendolyn 4 start while the Lady- - Maud crossed to "following is log of the 4 with only a few baffling puffs to give The the mile and Hawaii mile astern; us headway, and a strong current was leeward of her and two seconds ahead Gwendolyn II., Captain Joseph Kedfern, p. m., Lurline and Gwendolyn mile of usi The Lurline came behind, her Ha- setting us rapidly to leeward. By noon navigator: on port bow, Gwendolyn leading; Captain Harris gave up all hopes of masts towering above us as, she gained waii 1 mile on port quarter; 8 p. in., rapidly in the light breeze. only get some wind, we were ol-- weathering Clemente Island and we saw ter about south and east from Catalina could is July 4, noon Crossed the line f ! all the boats on the port quarter, very The starting line lay north and south just about as good a position as they, lowing the starting gun. little breeze; took in balloon jib and that we would be lucky to get from thirty miles. Mi atsim or.' Skid-bladn- ir and we kept to the eastward for two we were nearer to the trade winds. July 5, noon Had very light winds, set jib; 4 a. m., off port beam under its lee by nightfall. The We were, then, in a big wind pocket for Lurline Bide miles to where there was a stakeboat We all wrote letters, which wera V-- came from the other of the Catalina due to windward, the pre with calms. i mile; 8 a. m., Lurline and Gwen- which we must pass to starboard. The taken aboard the Skidbladnir, and bhe July 6, noon Lat. 31 deg. 18 min. dolyn astern; 12 noon, Lurline on star- island under power and sent a boat vailing wind being west by north; alongside. Captain object1 of this was to give the people left us with the situation very mnca . Garbutt said that Clemente to the south, and the main north, , long. 119 deg. 40 min. west. board quarter, Gwendolyn on por on bore a chance to see the yachts relieved and gloom lifted, at any 41 1 he had left the other three yachts all land to north and east. The recog- the Course, S. W. Distance, 127 miles. quarter, mile distant; lat. 32 deg. under sail. the rate, for the time beiag. .Carrying all plain sail. Wind, WNW,; 50 min.; long. 118 deg. 17 min.; dis- bunched together about thirty miles to nized way of eluding this has always windward, on the other side of the After rounding the 6takeboat, we well to Before sundown the strong current westerly swell. At 4 p. m., Lady Maud tance, 56 miles. b.een to run off the wind until many to leeward and 5 6 5 island, and that they had caught a hauled our wind and steered" well east where there are had set us miles in company; exchanged time and posi- Noon July to noon July a. m., leeward of Clemente, mainland, and what faiat tion. sail on port bow, 3 miles, supposed to northwest breeze. of south so as to keep clear of the generally light airs enough to take you towards the All that night we had practically no east end of Catalina Island, where there open sea and clear Stfind. breeze there was seemed ready to di July 7, noon Lat. 30 deg. 1 min. be Gwendolyn; set ballooner and gaff out into the any moment. noAh, topsail; 12 noon, Gwendolyn 1 miles wind and we were klad to find our is usually a dangerous calm spot. The Captain did not do this for the at long. 121 deg. 20 min. west. Harris be Continued Our Soext.) 51 on port 31 20 selves out of sight of Clemente Island Lurline soon passed us to leeward, while reason ' Capt, Sin-- j (To in Course, S. W. Distance, 134 miles. bow; lat. deg. min. N., very sufficient that . t Unsteady moderate W. to WNW. long. 119 deg. 37 min. W.; distance, on Monday morning. From that time the smaller yachts were strung out to clair of the Lurline was making for breeze. Lady Maud in company on lee 113 miles. on we were never without wind of some windward of us, headed up to make the northerly end of Clemente. The beam, distant about seven miles. Car- Noon July 6 to noon July 7 1 p. m., kind, but it was often so light that the for Avalon, the finishing point of their latter 's reason for doing this was, DRAGGED DOWN ried all plain sail throughout the day. Gwendolyn on starboard beam 100 Hawaii scarcely moved through the race. probably, that one week before on hi BliWl Cloudy and overcast; NE. swell. fathoms off; compared chronometers; water and the taffrail log had a The wind was very light, as I had return from San Diego, under identical Julv 8. noon Lat. 28 dee. 34 min. 9 xi. m.. Gwendolvn 1V miles astern; sinecure. expected, having watched the barom- weamer jnoicauons, ne u iaiu m mo - m-- , star-S- . day we expected to Sam N., long. 124 deg. 2 min. W. Course, i Gwendolyn 4 miles off Eaeh the wind eter fall during the past two days, a doldrums for twenty-fou- r hours off the Hundreds ot tuners In the 56 W. Distance, 157 miles. Carry- - j board quarter; last we saw of her; veer to the northeast and blow freshly sure indication during tiie summer in southeast end of Clemente island. Plight. !at-- 29 !eg. 49 over quarter, refused ing all possible sail. Wind W. to WNW. N., long. 121. deg. the but it toveer San Pedro waters that the westerly There was dull gloom aboard that min-- " 126 and blew freshly, We throughout the day. Misty, and.17 distance, miles. anything but will not come up to full strength. There night. We banged around in the swell snnallv. ioon iuiy i to noon juiy 8 Jrresn had one day of steady northwest wind wrere hundreds of power craft to lee Mrs. John H. Cole, or K Arilngtoa I with not a of wind to give steer Q v, T. OT Ann vr 1 breeze and squalls, before we breath rain smooth sea: ran into the trades. That ward of us, and these kept up a regular way, while head sails flapped street, South Framlnsnam. Mass., wu ; lat. 28 deg. 15 min., long. 123 deg. 50 was July 9, and, with wind scarcely age the 127 deg. W. Course, S. 59 W. pja the bombardment of salutes, which kept in vigorous expostulation and the main for years a martyr to klndnejr trouble, wnm. w.; distance, ion mues. . the beam, and wind blowing tance, 183 miles. First NNW. to jft abaft the one man busy at our cannon contin irascibly the confining cure In Doan' Aoon July is to noon July 9 Got the no more than ten or eleven miles an boom jerked at but at last found a ually returning the compliment. We boom tackle. We imagined everything Kidney Pills. She writes: trade winds at 3 p. m. in lat. 27 deg. hour, we logged 190 miles on the chart. were greatly surprised at the way the Backache was evil. We saw those three j suffered greatly with periodica 58 min. N.? long. 124 deg. 6 min. W.; This was distinctly encouraging. It Lady forged in that "I Ayer's Maud ahead the light yachts skimming by the north end of headache, terrible bearing-dow- n pain 32 noon, lat. 26 deg. 40 min. N., long. showed that the yacht was fast whsn air. She has the appearance of being 126 deg. 33 min. W.; distance, 173 she had wind to amount to anything, Clemente out into a strong breeze that and a whole train at minor symptom. designed tor anything but a sott had already blown them a hundred My back was always weak and th is a miles; 12 noon, spinnaker halyard block and, if she could do that much. with a breeze, but she slipped along through carried away. miles on their course. j kidneys terribly disordered. I could pretty good light, wind on the beam, she must sure- the water and kept steadily ahead of morning Noon July 9 to noon July 10 At 8 ly be very much breeze was bad enough for the others. not rest at night and in the traveling faster with the us. Perhaps I was looking a trifle dis- It get up feeling ill, Ured, and dia-- p. m. spanker throat halyard parted, coming over her quarter sails but was in even sorrier plight for , would and all consolate at seeing everything else I - lowered sail and repaired; gaff topsail drawing to best advantage. the pitiless swaying of the yacht in a couraged, and without the least arabi- sheet strung out in front of us, for Captain tlon to go about my household duties Better parted, lowered mainsail, sowed - We really kept up hope until July Harris slapped me on the shoulder and calm had its usual effect and I felt bot-tl- and topsail main- If I sat down I felt as though I never take a e bent sheet and set 14th. That day we ran into the true said, get disheartened, Jack. very seasick. I went to Sam and told sail at 11 a. m.; 9 "Don't - wanted to get up again; I grew this hove to from to 11; ot sym- with trade winds, that is true as to direc- The Hawaii wasn built for a five-kn- him my troubles. Sam smiled lat. 26 deg. 7 min. N., long. 129 deg. 't That. i a wnrnlfrfnl nmilA and haggard and developed deep cir-- tion but very much lacking in force. we nathotiallv ses you when 50 min. W.; breeze; wait till get in the beneath my eyes. My appetit-expres- distance, 180 miles. With the wind dead aft, the Hawaii trades and then watch the log spin." of Sam's." He speaks but little but,c,e8 you go away Noon July 10 to noon July 11 Stow every grade of feeling, desire rew les as dfy Wen' made' very poor time in the light breeze This suggested the following jingle: anaJe' not enough from home. It ed jib, heavy sea, vessel laboring; sail and we and comment merely bv smiling. He until at last I did eat t on the knew that the other yachts must keep a child alive. may save yxu a long Illness. And if starboard bow, ship standing be making nearly twice the speed under "Cheer up, my lads, the wind is light, smiles before meals and when he rises 25 I "During all this time I was doctor- you are not going away, keep it with north; lat. deg 10 min. N., long. the same conditions. When the trade Fair weather boats are they; and a devout grace has been said. He 132 deg. 54 min. W.; distance 173 miles. On sea like glass they quickly pass, ing and dosing myself with first one you, always, in the house. winds made up their minds to blow smiles when there is no wind and one my Noon July 11 to noon July 12 Eain For this is not our day. can hear most dreadful maledictions remedy and then another until squalls, light breeze, with any vigor, it was too late and we the Stomach fairly rebelled. I called In a heavy swell from had no chance to make up the loss of But wait until, the islands passed, falling on the head of the clerk of the NE.; had sailed 1168 miles, an average We hit the northeast trades, weather. you were to tell Sam that doctor but soon saw that he did not V of 146 miles a day; Diamond tne hrst two days and the light winds If understand my case. Well, you may Head since. And then, indeed, we'll show them the boat was sinking he would smile bears S. SO W. 1210 mile's; lat. 24 deg. speed; see believe I was in despair for I had come 36 - Our biggest day's run was 201 miles and you would sudden apprehension min. N.. lone. 136 dee. 7 min V Cheer up, my merry blades." a to to that state where I did not care what distance, 1S2 irom noon July 16th to noon July 17th. growing into determination die happened, when friend me miles. becomingly, all in that smile. a told what Noon July 12 to noon July 13 Spin- The wind was fresh and the sea had The swift little launch Orient and a fine remedy and cure for kidney dis- arsaparma not draw-bucke- t naker halyard parted 10:30 p. m.; 6 had time to get nasty so that the the steamer Hermosa were the last to Sam fetched the and a ease Doan's Backache Kidney Pill a. m. set spinnaker: 9 a. m. topsail steering was comparatively easy and salute us and then we were able to glass. We went to the supposititious were. bought box and before I bad she I a is the best family medicine you can sheet parted; overhauled sheets and re- kept an even course. Our log show- give more attention to what was ahead. lee side and Sam handed me a glass taken all of it I felt much better, my set sail; lat. 24 deg. 5 min. long. ed much greater distances on the fol- By 3 o 'clock we were approaching of sparkling sea water. I drank and back feU stronger and rested much have. A thorough course of treat- X., lowing I 139 21 days but the sea was high and lee of Catalina and the wind was was cured. . have tried this sovereign ment with it makes good red blood, deg. min. W.; distance, ISO miles. the I easier at night and was not troubled Noon July 13 to noon 14 7 she yawed badly, making her cover a dropping fast. The Lurline was ahead remedy for ten years and have never nightmafres wakeful- old color back to the lips, July p. with and fits of brings the m., spinnaker outhaul - carried awav: much greater distance" than the chart and to windward about two miles. The known it to fail. Yes, it is strenuous, ness as formerly. After that first box fills out the cheeks, and gives the stowed the sail; lat. 23 deg 39 min. N., showed. Lady Maud was directly to windward but very effective. was gone I bought another and stltt perfect "health. long. 142 deg. 45 min. W.: distance. Those last few days showed one about one mile and the Gwendolyn dead Sundav morning (Julv 5) broke with each one helping me and glow of very another, Perhaps you suffer from the en- 390 miles. tains plainly and that is that the ahead about one and a half miles. We a thick jall of fog hiding the sky making me stronger and better, until Noon July 14 to noon 15 1 p. Hawaii is a wonderful sea boat. With J rolled around in this position till nearly and prospeets for wind were very poor. By that time feebling effect of a prolonged spell of July I had taken twelve boxes. m.. spinnaker tearing, took it in; heavy ail tne roiling and yawing there were sundown. Then the Lady Maud caught About 10 o'clock the sun struggled not a vestige of my oil trouble re- so, Ayer's Sarsapa-rill-a warm weather. If seas; squally; 12 midnight, boom tackle few times when the fiddles were really a slant of wind off the island and through and an imitation breeze came; mained and it Is the greatest pleasure will vitalize your blood and give block carried away; fixed block and needed on the table and, sitting in the forged ahead of the Lurline until she along from the south. We made an! to my life to say that Doan's Eackachs you renewed force, vim, and energy. bent tackle; 2 a. m., gaff topsail sheet cabin, it seemed as though it were im- was nearly hull down. The Lurline attempt to pass the northeasterly end; Kidney Pills saved me from an early parted; 5 a. m., hove to, single reefed possible that we were spinning along caught some of the puff and followed, of Clemente. but gave it up and head breakdown." Sarsa-paril- As now made, Ayer's la mainsail and wore ship, standing to before a good breeze in a high sea. while, the Gwenddlyn managed to spank ed southeast for the lower end. About 1 Doan's Backache Kidney Pills ar on The 60 contains no alcoltol. southward port tack; heavy sea and ease with which the yacht wa into it and all three of them drew 4:30 p. m. we descried the schooner j for sale by all dealers. Price cents squally; lat. 22 deg. 52 min. N., long. jibed was a great advantage "to her and away heading to the northward of power yacht Skidbladnir heading forj per box, six boxes for $2,50, or mailed There are many imitation 145 deg. 41 min. W.; distance 170 miles. must have made quite a little difference Clemente Island. us and waited anxiouslv till she came; on receipt of price by the Holllster SarsapariHas. Noon Julv 15 to noon Julv 16 Rtronsr if the race had been closer. The wind So that you may understand our po- up under our lee Capta in Garbutt gave Drug Co., Ltd., Honolulu, wholesals trades; squally, sea from NE.; lat. 21 while blowing dead aft, was not steady sition, an explanation of the position us good news through the megaphone. agents for the Hawaiian Islands. Be sure you get "AYER'S." deg. X., long. 148 deg. 8 min. W.; dis- enough to allow us to hold a true course of these two islands is in order. From The other three yachts were bunched 4, tance, 178 miles. so that we had to run on the port jib San Pedro to San Diego the trend of together about twenty miles to wind- At Silva's Toggery gentleman will Ayer Ce.. Low!!, Mat., U.S.. Prepri by Dr. J. C. Noon July 16 to noon July 17 1 p. for a watch half a point or so off the the shore of the mainland is roughly ward of us. They lowered a boat and find everything needed in their, ward- - m.. wore ship; 4 a. m., tiller rope part- course and Both and Clemente Captain Garbutt came aboard. He said robe from socks to suits of clothes. AYEB-- 3 PILLS, tho'beft family laativ. then make jrp the loss by southeast. Catalina ed; lat. 21 deg. S min. N., long 151 jibing over and an. run practically parallel to the mainl- that they had a fairly good northwest The quality of the Silva goods is not deg. 30 running equal min. W.; distance, 1SS miles. amount off the course on the other jibe. and.- The former is twenty-fiv- e miles wind when he left, but that it was surpassed. Ivnox hats are to be had at K0IXI8TER DRUG CO, AGENTS. Noon July 17 to noon July 18 Shook By sailing five thousand miles in a due south from San Pedro and the lat- - dying out. This meant that, if we the Toggery. MONDAY, JULY 20. 1908. 6 THE PACITTO COMMERCIAL ADVERTISERHONOLULU, AMERICA MARU. T. K. K. S. S., Castle & Cooke, Ltd. Meetings Filmer, ar. Hon. from Yokohama, Fraternal Meetings Fraternal July 16 and sailed for S. F. shipping and oousojoaoa ANNIE E. SMALE, Am. schr., ar. Ma- - MERCHANTS. ENCAMPMENT NO kaweli from Hon.. July 2. EQ2?3 ST. SOSS2, LODOZI POLYNESIA MARINE Sugar Factors and Ceceral 07 ANNIE JOHNSON, Am. bk., from S. Luuua IO.O.F. Friday Agents. Vuti iTirr trtt and third ; . . . July 4. UitU IrmrtL M - f HAnih mk 1 an n vi in F. for Hilo, p. fry hmiI ul Eknt7 th. . E. Ha. r Odd Fellows' Hall, Fort Street LLDDY BACK AGAIN. ANDREW WELCH, Arc. bk., from REPRESENTING Tisitiits fcretkan rilallj ixrlUi. to Viaiting brothers cordially innta Hon. for S. F., June 25. to silver-tongue- New England Mutual attead. aliens. Jos. T. Liddy, the d Sail- Lift Ixncrasa J. B. COLLI1ML W. P. K. MEN UGH. C. P. AURORA, Am. bkt,, Samuelson, ar. Company of Boston. A. . DIKWAT, 7. Lb li. LA PIERRE, Scrib. ors' Union agent, who was agent here S. F. from Hilo, June 20. Aetna Fire Insurance Co. McDONALD, Am. schr., ar. EXCELSIOR LODGE NO. F. for fhat organization until a few ALICE National Fire Insurance Co. LODoa xro. LLO.O. from Hon., July 5. " - - " esuitg was Meets every Tuesday evening, at months ago, is in town again, return- Port Townsend Citizens' Insuranc Co. (Hartferi Rat ami Uat ,tfRat ita (xtr. S. S., from Yokohama for VU rry mmbI Tm4t S-"- iST:80. in Odd Fellowa Hall, Fort ALESIA, Insurance Co.) taO, YUM7r4 Itrttt, at 7:0 . . VilitiM Street, visiting brothers cordially ing as a passenger yesterday on the July 17. t.r eordiaUr to attaai. Hon., Protector Underwriters of tk PtoaJa ftrlkra iaTi4 S. S. Lurline. Mr. Liddy has re-- i 8AKT7BL U WOXe. CO. H. B. BKOWN, If O. been BOREALIS, Am. schr., ar. Mahukona of Hartford. WONG mc CH0H3. X. il L I I. Ii.Ii.LA PIERRE, Sea. elected to the same position, and once from S. F., June 20. more the waterfront will be enlivened BUCKANIA, Br. S. S., from Hon. for BAR2IONY LODGE NO. 3, L O. O. F. July 15. by Liddy speeches, and the newspapers j Lahaina, Meeta every Monday ereninc. at schr., New- 7 SO in ClAA Follnwa' H.ll JPnrt will be embellished by his wonderful CRESCENT, Am. from yon do not keep a eook, or May 25. Id Kona If DUm. Visiting UlUUiCI CWIUW literary productions. When Liddy de- castle, for Hon., Coffee if you do, get a gas stove. Your nmtea to attend. he made CARRADALE, Br. sp., from Newcastle J. LIGHTKOOT. N. G. parted farewell addresses 4. e for Hon., June mother or your wife is the one E. B. HENDRY, See. which were Tom Fitch-lik- in their WANTED 1 10 P M S" Hn-- BAG OR XAGI in the house who is entitled to composition, and the waterfront was CHI?A' CS" frm fr FACTFIO BEBEKAH LODGE NO. 1, really sorry to lose him. Yokohama, June State Quality and Price to consideration because she spends I O. O. F. CORONADO, Am. bkt., Potter, from a lot of time in the kitchen. Meeta erery second and fonrtk BROUGHT NAVY SUPPLIES. Hon. for S. F., July 7. Thursday, at 7:80 m., Odd FbI-- A.-- S. S., ar. t. The Matson line S. S. Lurline ar- COLUMBIAN, Colcord, McChesney Coffee Go. r lows iau. visiting uebekana are Salina Cruz from Hilo, July 6. oraiauy lnntea to attend. morning AUCTION SALE FLORENCE N. G. rived yesterday from San S. S., ar. S. P. LEE. CARAVELLAS, Fr. 16 MERCHANT ALICE NICHOLSON. Sacy. Francisco, and after taking on a cargo from Hon., June 25. STREET. rJ 1 CULGOA, U. S. S. supply ship, ar. Hon. OLIVE BRANCH BEBEKAH LODGE of sugar will depart at p. m. today HONOLULU complete a cargo frem S. F., July 10. ... , , NO 2, L O. O. F. for Hilo to of 7000 ."-""- . . CHAS. E. FALK, Am.jichr., from Grays Coffee Roasters to the Trad Meeta every first and third. Thnre-S- tons for San Francisco. The trip down Fine Residence Property Fel-9,.- -' 17. - day, at 7:30 p. in Odd was only Harbor for Hon., July Iowa' Hall. Visiting Bebekahs are pleasant, and the Hilonian DEFENDER, Am. schr., from Honoipn was sighted. Fifteen passengers were KVONG MUG CHONG FRANCIS BINDI', N. G. on fhe among whom was for San Francisco, Julv 2. GULICS AVENUE CO. 8ALLIK L. WILLIAMS, Secy. list, James DESPATCH, Am. S. S., from Hon. for Wakefield of T. H. Davies & Co. The S. F., July 14. 1024 Nuuanu Avenue , cargo amounted to about 1500 tons, in- OCEANIC LODGE NO. 371. F. & A. M. EDINBURGH, Br. bk., from Leith for July 1908 A Meeta on the last Monday of each cluding several big pieces of machinery 1. Saturday, 25, at Masonic Temple, at 7:30 p. Hon., July A.aaonth. for the Hawiian Electric Company, one S. sa. V miting brethren are cordially in tons. E. F. WHITNEY, Am. bk., ar. F., 12 O'CLOCK NOON GRASS CLOTH GRASS xvited to attend weighing twenty 19. HKS3 'ffv also a considerable cargo from Kahului, June M. M. JOHNSON, T. M. There is of M. Nav. Co.'s S. S., At my Salesroom, 847 Kaahumanu St. TABLE COVERS DOYLIES W. H. GOETZ. Secretary. supplies for Admiral Sperry's fleet, in- ENTERPRISE. . ar. .8. F. tfrom Hilo, July 14. Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, Gulick avenue; area, cluding provisions and engine-roo- m TYHATTT gp.. Quick. 21,000 square CHAPTER NO. 2, O. E. S. . EDfWARD SEWALL, Am. feet. Meeta every Monday extras. third of each I from Hon. for Delaware Breakwater, Oahu Ice & Electric Co. aoonth, at 7:30 p. zn in the Masonic A LIVELY HARBOR. April 6. yon will reduce the discom- Temple. Viaitina sisters and brothers F. MORGAN. and i . . . Am. sp., JAS. A j i With the four "yachts which partici- FALLS OF CLYDE, Larsen, AUCTIONEER. fort to a greater extent than yon CLARA M. SCHMIDT, W. M. from Hon. for Monterey, July 8. in the transpacific race from San ICE delivered at any part t&a can imagine. The heat can be ADELAIDE M. WEBSTER, See. pated FOOHNG STJEY, Am. bk., Banfleld, f Irm-gar- city. Island orders promptly gffitft Pedro to this port moored in the d Break- regulated and kept where it will ALOHA CHAPTER NO. S, S. from Eleele for Delaware TeL S28; P. O. Box 600. Ofllos, LEI O. E. slip and with the activity along water, May 22. do the most good. The meals Meeta at the Masonic Temple every walo. A ft second Saturday of each month, at 7:80 the rest of the wharf line where the FLAURENCE WARD. Am. schr. aux., will be better cooked and every p. ao. Viaiting sisters and brothera are are Piltz, ar. Midway from Hon., July JJ eoraiauy innted to attend. battleships docked, and with several one in the house more contented. ' MINNIE FRAZEE, W. M. steamers arriving from island ports, the 13. "We sell them on little-at-a-tim- e LOUISE A. TRUE, Secy. harbor held the center of the stage for GLACIER, U. S. S., ar. Hon. from a KOA DESKS payments. Come in and talk it excitement yesterday. The yacht Lur- F., July 7. and LADIES' AUXILIARY, A. O. XL, line, arriving Saturday, moored at the GEO. E. BILLINGS, Am. schr., Birk- - FOUR POSTERS over. "DIVISION NO. 1. street end of the Irmgard wharf, and holm, from Eleele for Sound, June Meeta every first and third the Gwendolyn and the Lady Maud, in 26. Tuesday, at 8 p. m., in V. C. ar. S. B. U. HalL Fort Street. the order named, and as they arrived, GERARD TOBEY, Am. bk., WING CHONG CO. -- Honolulu Gas Co., Visiting aisters are cordially moored makai of he Lurline, the Ha- F. from Hilo, June 9. Auction Sale King and Bethel invited to attend. waii, arriving last, being tied up be- GEORGE CURTIS, Am. bk., Her- MRS. K. CO WES, Prea. LIMITED SIR JOSEPHINE DILLON, Sec. tween the Irmgard and Maunaloa bert, from Hon. ar. S. F., June L J wharves. H. C. WRIGHT, Am. shr., from S. F. 1TYSTIO LODGE NO. 2. K. of P. KLNAU EXCURSION. for Mahukona, July 16. Real Estate Bishop M. N. Co. S. S., Valuable Gun Lee ToI Co. Street Meeta on the second and fourth Tuesdays of HILONIAN. John ' eacn monm ai ' :') The Kinau arrived yesterday from son, from Hon. for S. F., July 14. LILIHA HEIGHTS. o'clock in K. of P. Hal9 corner Fort Kauai with a special crowd of passen- HONOIPU, Am. schr., from Honoipu Contractors, Builders, Painters and Beretania. Visiting brothera cordi- xthe property C. B. ally invited to attend. gers aboard, who came to see the fleet for- - R. F., June 25. ' Fronts of Dr. W, L. LYLE, 0. C. and take in the Waikiki regatta, inter- HELENE, Am. schr., Thompson, ax. Cooper. Near the Country Club Golf KOA FURNITURE TO ORDS2L F. WALDBON, K. VI. H. B. 8. national ball games, and, in addition, S. F. from Hon., June 10. Coarse. THOENE the racing yachts. The crowd remain- HOLYWOOD, Br. bk., ar. Hon. from King Street, near Nuuana CONTRACTOR HONOLULU TEMPLE NO. 1. PYTH- IAN SISTERS. ed here during the day and returned Junin, May 7. Saturday, July 25, 1908 House Painting General Jobbing Meeta every first and third Monday, at last night to Kauai on the Kinau, the IRMGARD, Am. bkt., from S. F. for 12 o'clock noon N W p. vessel making a special trip. E Carpentering 7:80 ml at Knights of Pythias HalL lion., July 18. At my salesroom, S47 Kaahumanu St. Fort and Beretania streets. All visi- ' IROQUOIS, U. S. S., Carter, ar. Hon. . Repairing Furniture a Specialty tors cordially invited to attend. SHIPPING NOTES. I am instructed by Robt. Hair, Esq., MARTHA AhRFNS. M..E. C. from Pearl Harbor, July 2. trustee, to offer for pale as above 1124 UNION ST. Telephone 422, SALLIE L. WILLIAMS, of R. & S. The Niihau brought the following INCA, Am. schr., from Newcastle for freight from Anahola: 6000 bags M. S. Hon., May 16. Franklin Autos OAHU LODGE NO. 1, K. of P. sugar, and sundries. INDRAVELLI, Br. S. S., ar. Hon. from Two Houses and Land Meets every 1st and srd Friday at four-maste- d Ying A bark was sighted at Wellington, N. Z., July 16. - 40,000 being Vah Chong to. 7 ;30 o'clock, Pythian Wall, corner Bere Area Bquace fsit. a rcr SILENT CAMERON. 4Bi tania ana iron streets, visiting Drotn-er- s sundown last evening, probably the JOHN ENA, Am. sp., Madsen, from tion of Grant 3050 and beinqr Lots 17 King1 Street, Ewa of Flshmarkel cordially invited to attend. Alexander Isenberg, from Europe. Hon. for Delaware Breakwater, and 18, Block 4, Puunut Tract. No Noise onf any Speed. A. DEERING, 0. O. May 9. :i DRY' GOODS and FURNISHING J. W. WHITE, K. R. 8. Over a thousand cocoa nuts arrived A SNAP! A chance for a large Come and M It. GOODS of EVERY DE- -; on the Mikahala yesterday, the hoo-kup- u KOREA, P. M. S. S., ar. S. F. from home CHEAP. SCRIPTION WILLIAM McKLNLETT LODGE NO. 8, gift of the Maui people to the Hon., July 14. K. of P. fleet. ? KAIULANI, Am. bk.. Colly, ar. S. F., JAS. F. MORGAN. Meets eTery second and fourth Saturday even. The S. S. Niihau brought the follow- from Kaanapali, June 19. , AUCTIONEER. ing at 7:30 ing freight: b000 bags M S sugar, 5 LURLINE, M. N. C. S. S., ar. Hon. R. W. o'clock, in Pythian Hall, corner Bere- S. 19. Associated Perkins tania and Fort streets. Visiting broth- cases mdse.j 1 bag opium, 1 tin fish, 3 from F., July Garage Photographer. Fine Developing and era cordially invited to attend. M T drums. LURLINE, Am. yacht, ar. Hon. from L. FRAZEE, C. H. F. MURRAY, Manager. W. O. The Mikahala brought 30 head of San Pedro, July 18. ' Printing. E. A. JACOBSON, K. R. 8. Ben-dixe- n, from Molokai; also MICHAEL JEBSEN, Ger. S. S., cattle yesterday from Hon. Hongkong, Studio on Hotel Street near Fort. COURT CAMOES NO. 8110, A. O. P. 500 cases of-- honey, 1 mule, 1065 cocod- - for Meets every second and fourth Tues- nuts, and sundry freight. July 2. DISTILLED WATER day of each month, at 7:30 p. m in MARY WINKLEMAN, Am. bkt.. Ja-cobs- San Antonio Hall, Vineyard street. A new Buick runabout was shipped from Hon. for Eureka, July 8 Visiting brothers cordially invited to to Kauai on the Kinau yesterday for PURE SODA attend. MAINE, U. S. S., Ilarber, ar. Guam WATER Andrew Usher's H. PEREIRA, C. R. Dr. jsandow. The Gays' machine was from Hon., July 5. over on same boat, M. O. PACHECO. F. S. also sent the MARAMA, C.-- S. S., Gibb, from Van Among the 350 excursionists who Scotch Whiskey OAMOES CIRCLE NO. 240. C. O. F. couver for Hon., July 17. C.-- Fountain Meeta every second and fourth Thurs- came to Honolulu yesterday on the MANUKA, S. S., ar. Sydney from Soda Works day of each month, at 7:30 p. m., in Kinau were the members of the fa Hon., July 13. San Antonio Hall, Vineyard street. mous Lihue band, an organization MONGOLIA, P. M. S. S., ar. Yokohama 0. V. G. Special VisitinK companions are cordially in- T. KUNIKIYO vited to attend. which made a favorable impression from Hon., July 17. FLORIST MRS. HELEN M. PERRY, C. C, here. MARION MR. CHILCOTT, Am sp., from Fort Street, next Reserve L. A. PERKY. F. S. The battleships Kearsarge the Kash Store. Illinois, Hon. for Gaviota, July 2. Fresh flowers dally. and Kentuckv will come into the har MANCHURIA, P. M. S. S., Saunders, Violet. Cars OOUET LUNALILO NO. 6600, A. O. P. tlons. Asters. Roses and an Anortmm Meets every first and third Wednesday bor today from the outside anchorage ar. Yokohama from Hon. June 26. of evenings of each month, at 7:30 p. m., to replace three vessels already coaled, MOHICAN, Am. bk., ar. Mahukona decorative plants. Orders for taala W. C. PEACOCK ft CO., LTD, in Pythian Hall, corner Fort and flowers promptly filled. Telephone tS Beretania streets. Visiting brothers which will in turn so outside the from S. F., July 10. F. Glade AGENTS. cordially invited. harbor. MONTEREY, Am. bge., Kelley, in tow H. H. HANAKAHI, C. R. S. S. Rosecrans, ar. Hon. Mon- JAS. K. KAULIA. P. C, F. S. Ernest Evans, warrant machinist, U. from S, N., and Mr. Grownev, warrant ma terey, July 16. For Kimonos Mr. and Mrs. Hashimoto HONOLULU AERIE 110. F. O. E. chinist, U. S. N., arrived yesterday on MURIEL, Am. schr., ar. S. F. from Property 6XX '?ViSk. Meets on second ana the S. S. Lurline for service, respec- Hana, June 11. rfCL33fc fourth Wednesday even-- MARY E. FOSTER, from for MASSEURS ings tively, aboard the battleships Wiscon Taltal of each month, at Hon., June 8. K. Fukuroda RHEUMATISM, fCr"' 7:30 o'clock, in Pvthian sin and Nebraska. NUUANU VALLEY Halt, corner Beretania and Fort streets. Visit- NIPPON . MARU. T. K. K. S. S., ar. ALL COLORS AND PRICXl ing Xagles are invited to attend. The S. S. Lurline arrived from San BRUISES, Francisco vesterday morning. The in Yokohama fro Hon., July 3. r W. lu FRAZEE, W. P. OKANOGAN, Am. schr., Mathew, SPRAINS, H. T. MOORE. Secy. tention was to have despatched her to Hilo in the afternoon, but owing to the from Port Gamble for Hon. June JAS. F. MORGAN, BHiWB & COi TIRED HONOLULU HARBOR NO. 54, A. A. quantity of freight that had to be land 18. Of M. & P. wm not get away to- OLYMPIC, Am. bkt., Evans, from Hon. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS FEELING, Meets on ed here she until first and third Sun- day 1 p. m. for S. F., July 3. day evenian of each month, about U. S. and other ail- at 7 o'clock, at Odd Fellowa' con PANTHER, S., from Hon. for The S. S. W. G. Hall 's freight 18. DRAYMEN HalL All sojourning brethren 1 200 Samoa, July MASONS, CARPENTERS, ments are cordially invited to attend. sisted of 5187 bags sugar, roller, U. S. hospital 6hip, ar. Hon. By 2 1 M T wine RELIEF, order Worthy President, bags rice, M T drums, from S. F., July 11. Ream ISO Magoon Bldg. QUICKLY A. TULLETT. keg, 1 box machinery, 20 bags pine- RELIEVED. FRANK C. POOR, Secy. 44 4 bags ROCHAMBEAU, Fr. bk., from Leith, apples, bundles bananas, 19. THEODORE 2 boxes 1 box eggs, 44 for Hon., June ROOSEVELT CAMP fruit, R. Am. bk., Drew, ar. 1 XING STREET. Telephone 637 boxes pears, 1 bale waste, 2 boxes P. RITHET, NO. L U. S. W. V. Hon. from S. F., July 7. Department of Hawaii. limes, 10 boxes pineapples. A. A. WILSON. G. & Meets Saturday upon notice to members, in ROSECRANS, Am. S. S., Holmes, ar. FOR RENT. WM. IRWIN CO.. LTD. Wayertey Block, corner Bethel and HoteL at The S. S. Mikahala from Maui and Hon. from Monterey, towing barge BUGAR FACTORS AND L P- - m- - Visiting comrades cordially in- Molokai ports, for freight, had 1 mule, Monterey, July 16. Very Fine House on Emma Street vited to attend. 1 dressed sheep, 2 crates pigs, 2 bun- General Contractor COMMISSION AGENTS It. E. TWOMEY, Commander. ROBERT LEWERS. Am. chr.. Un- uneap rent; newly done up; large m. G. Irwin President dles skins, 2 boxe3 eggs, 3 packages derwood, ar. Port Gamble from Hon., grounds. Ofllce, 58 Young Bldg. Tel. 1M. Vice-Preside- MARINE 4 corn, 9 boxes chickens, 31 3o2w D. Spreckels.. First nt ENGINEERS BENEFICIAL corn, Dags July 17. VIce-Preaide- bags potatoes, 30 head WT. M. Second nt ASSOCIATION. bags taro, ,25 Am. S. Cottages on Emma Square. Giffard.. 500 eases SANTA MARIA, S., from Port 1H. M. Whitney Treasurer cattle, 168 bundles hides, 14. newK. of P. HalL corner Fort cocoanuts, 23 packages Harford for Honolulu, July Richard Ivers Secretary i n honey, 1065 SANTA RITA, Am. S. S., from Hon. House of Six Rooms on Young Street Cation, Ileill & Company, Ltd. 2. G. May Auditor E. HUGHES. Pres. sundries. July 14. v ery low rent. H. G. for Port Harford, AGENTS FOR WOOTTEN, Secy. SPOKANE, Am. schr., from Hilo for MOVEMENTS OP SHIPPING. Engineers and Machinists Oceanic Steamship Co., San Fran-artsc- o, HAWAIIAN TRIBE NO 1, I. O. R, M. Port Gamble, July 6. JAS. F. MORGAN. .sassssk. meetsa r everv first and third U. S. S., Hon. S. C. ALLEN, Am. bk., Wilier, ar. CaL Thursday ARETHUSA, from for QUEEN AND RICHARDS STREETS of each month, in K. 14. Hon. from Grays Harbor, July 17. Sugar Refining Co., San July re-tub- o "Western of P. HalL corner of Fort and Lahaina, Boilers ed with charcoal-lr- 3Tranclco, CaL Beretania streets. Visiting AJAX, TJ. S. S., ar. Honolulu from S. S. G. WILDER. Am. bk.. Jackson, or steel tubes. General ship work. brothers cordiaiiy invited to at- from Hon. for S. F., July 14. Baldwin Locomotive Works, Phlla tend. F., July 7. A.-H- . aWphla, Pa. A. B. ARLKTGH, sachem.. ARIZONAN, S. S., from Hon. for SHERIDAN, U.S. A. T., ar. S. F. from Newall Universal Mill Co., Manu- A. E. MURPHY, O. ef R. S. F., Julv 16. Hon. July 13. facturers of National Cane Shredder, ALABAMA, U. S. S., Veeder, ar. Guam SIBERIA, P. M. S. S., from Yokohama " YAMATOYA," HONOLULU LODGE 616. B. P. O. E. Hon., 17. New York, NY. Honolulu Lodge No. 818, B. from Hon., July 5. for July ALL KINDS OF "Pacific Oil Transportation Co.. San P. O. E.. will meet in their ALAMEDA, O. S. S., Dowdell, from ST. LOUIS, u. S. S., Gleaves, ar. S. Trandsco, CaL hall. Kinr street near Fort, Hon. for S. F., July 15. F. from Hon., July 6. SHIRTS, PAJAMAS and KIMONOS every Fridav eveaing. By order of the E. R. ALASKAN, A.-- S. S., ar. Seattle from TENYO MARU, T. K. K. S. S., from MADE TO ORDER. ALL KINDS OF S. F., July 16. Hon. for Yokohama, July 18. W. H. McINERNY, F. R. ISENBERG, Ger. sp., THOMAS, U. S. A. T., Lynam, Fort St., Just above Orphe. H.C.E ASTON, 8ecy. ALEXANDER from Goods from Bremen for Hon.. Mar. 27. Hon. for Guam and Manila, July 15. Rubber ALICE COOKE, Am. sehr., from Hon. TEXAN. A.-H- . S. S., Hall, ar. Kaana- CO. 2. 13 GOODYEAR RUBBER HONOLULU SCOTTISH THISTLE for Port Ludlow, July pali from Hon., Julv" 13. - - - President AMY Am. bk., VIRGINIAN, A.-- H. S. S., in, H. PEASE CLUB. . TURNER, Warland, Colcord, money Market Street, A hk Meet n the firs and third Fri- - ar. S. F. from Hon., Julv 4. from S. F. for Hon.. July 17. If OCIOCK p. Hi., m San Francisco, CaL, U. S. A. ' J ' AO RANG I, Br. S. S., Fhillips, from W. II. MAESTON, "Am. schc, ar. S. F. rooms in Oregon Block, entrance Diamonds, Watcke ?4iOtvWSf on Union street. Sydney for Hon., July 14. from Hilo, Julv 10. We buy your ASTRAL, Am. sp., Dunham, from Hilo YANKTON, U. S. S., from Hon. for and old Jewelry for Spot Cash. Best Cigars JOHN MACAULAT, Secy. for Delaware Breakwater, April 4. Samoa, July 18. EAWAIZ CHAPTER NO. 1, OSDES ATLAS, Am. sp., from Kahului for Tobacco OF KAMEHAMEHA. Delaware Breakwater, Apr. 9. Join the Harrison Mutual Associa- Best Town-sen- Maeta every flrst and third Thursday even-in- f ALBERT. Am. bk., from Port d tion now, and save yourself and your Best Store of each month at 7:80 o'clock in Fraternity for Hon.. June 15. family worry and expense. Call and HaH, Odd Fallows' Bnildinc. on Fort streas. P. M. S. S., 1018 Fort N. riKNANTZ, ASIA, ar. Yokohama from see Mr. Thompson, in the Kapiolani Nuuanu Are., and MYRTLE CIGAR STORE Hon., July 10. building, Alakea street, near King. Street near. Hotel THE PACIFIO COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, MONDAY, JULY 20. 1908. LOCAL BREVITIES. JEWEL STOVES SACRIFICE SALE

k All sailors of the fleet, in uni- - C3 form, ride free on the lines of it --k the Rapid Transit Company. o

This is the night when the Seamen's Institute entertains the men of the fleet. M Leahi Chapter No. 2, O. E. S., will meet this Monday evening at 7:30 in Masonic Temple. Honolulu Temple No. 1, Pythian Sis- Manoa ters, will meet in K. of P. hall this Mon- i day evening at 7:30. " o (A Valley R. K. Bonine took a number of re- JEWEL moving pictures yesterday from h gatta III DETROIT STOYi WQBKS the judges' stand on the Moana pier. Harmony Lodge No. 3, I. O. O. F., Land all cleared and will meet in Odd Fellows hall this Mon ready for pineapples day at 7:30. Visiting brethren are cor- ON EASY TERMS dially invited to attend. Plain White, Checks) and $2250.00. - - Captain Parker of the police depart- W. W. DiniOND &. COMPANY, LTD. ment was taken suddenly ill last even- ing as he was about to leave his house Colored for the station. The attack was similar Stripes to one he had at the police headquar- TRENT TRUST CO., Ltd ters several months ago when he fell upon the streefT LADIES' WHITE BUCKSKIN OXFORDS Following up the arrest of a number of the Japanese women of easy virtue, Price 2.50 and $2.75 the opening of what is known as "the Made by Laird, Schober & Co. $25 Reward Dickey crusade," there were arrests made on Saturday among the French These shoes are made of the Genuine Buckskin, not women of the tenderloin. These women GA-EXT- IX Calf, they are of the highest grade in fSTOl be paid br the HAWAIIAN were kept in the cells until yesterday White and wear and CO., LTD., for the arrest and when they were charged formally under looks. ODTlctlon of any person found stealing Seetion 3162 of the revised statutes. shapely oplea of the Advertiser from tea The handsomest and most ladies' shoe on the The Hawaiian boys have a new stunt. ' of subscribers. Yesterday a number of them "were to be market today. C. S. CRANE. seen at the Seaside and Moana, each In Plain Toes and Wing1 Tipped. wHTNEY ' Manager. carefully holding a sailor's bicycle, They went out to earn nickels by hold PRICE ing horses, but the wheels being the 36.50 more frequent arrivals they switched to them. The sailors gladly paid their nickels so as not to get their wheels McINERNY SHOE STORE A WAY " THERE'S mixed up in the excitement. Fort Street. During the coaling operations of the to keen and serve battleship Minnesota, just. as the work was about finished and some of the men DRAUGHT BEER were skylarking on the dock, an auto- mobile, driven by someone unknown, so that its sparkle and snap are dashed on the dock, knocked down and 7 preserved. ran over one of the sailors and then dis GO TO LMIMIDO'S STOE n appeared. The man is not seriously in- You eet the benefit of that jured, although there was a rumor 152 HOTEL STREET, OPPOSITE YOUNG HOTEL knowledge at the among the sailors yesterday that he had 1 U4 died as a result of the accident. FOR YOUR TRUNKS, VALISES AND SUIT CASES CRITERION AND Tickets are now on sale for the dra- His stock of Shirts, Collars; Cuffs, Ties and Underwear Is complete. Also matic performances to be given under Hats and Caps of a large variety. Panamas and Straw a specialty. Prices Hawaii & South Seas the auspices of the Kilohana Art League are right and no trouble to" show goods. Don't forget he has moved from PALACE BARS. on Thursday and Saturday nights, in Curio Go. which plays will appear the cleverest Fort street to the Oregon block, 152 Hotel street, opposite Young Hotel. V ) ALEXANDER YOUNG BLDG. C. McCarthy Drnn of Honolulu s amateurs. The Kilohana J. entertainments, many of which are in- (and at) vitational, are looked upon as some- SAILORS' BALL MOANA, ROYAL HAWAIIAN and If thing quite out of the ordinary, so a YOUNG HOTELS. crowded house is expected to greet their players a.t both this week's perform- Souvenirs; Post Cards; Mats; BUSINESS LOCALS. ances. T THE SEA5I0E Fans; Baskets; Tapas; Necklaces. We carefully pack and mail arti- cles all over the world. Arrange Gomes express for moving baggage. NEW PRIVATE SCHOOL. will be the rallying point ments made for Native Dances. Try the rooms at the Popular House Mrs. Hendry will open a private Waikiki for sailors again tonight, when the on Fort street. school Sept. 8, 1908. the ball for the bluejackets will be given Houses for rent, furnished and un- Pupils in the grammar grades only Co., the-Seasid- e. The big dancing floor ootns furnished. Trent Trust Ltd. will be admitted during the first term. at A eyeglasses have been lost. there and decorations will Designed and made expressly for vis-- pair of Especial attention will be given to the elaborate With Every Modern nCT7 Finder will please notify this office. be the same for the sailors as they were itors t0 Honolulu. The patterns are UlCIt the common English branches, with in- Convenience Six acres land in Manoa Valley for for the officers on Friday night. There SniIIfrtfinn sy-'S.SNKr- y &. sale: near car line. Trent Trust Co., dividual instruction. will be the best music procurable and are sufficient applications, a ss$awaiian Motel mmim subjects will keep Honolulu ever green 10ee Fort ut. Ltd.,, If there everything else that the committee can In memory. The Perfection Home .Bakery, on boarding department will be opened supply to make the sailors ' ball a huge 1 Beretania street near Emma, make deli under a competent matron. success. The dancing public of Hono For L cious ice cream and cakes. For further information apply to lulu is invited to turn out and give the BM S & Co. have some pointers Mrs. Hendrv, 1337 Pensacola street. visitors a good time. Halstead : TBY l LEXnNDE R 0 D N Q on first-clas- s securities. See them In It was at the suggestion of the wife flOTEL their offices on Fort street. THE EMPIRE THEATER. of a prominent fleet officer that the ball to the sailors is being given. The lady or Rainier beer is the one selected by Notwithstanding the crowds that CAFE to aloha in question, while sitting out a danee J. ABADIE - - - Proprietor the boys in the Navy drink flocked everywhere else the Empire was to Hawaii. It is the right thing in the at the big ball last Friday evening ask right place. At all bars. crowded to the doors on Saturday night ed several social ladies of Honolulu why LAWRENCE BARRETT , ladies' and Gents' Washing Done First-dat- a. . . . 1 . by a delightful audience. The place a ball had not been arranged in honor T?earners. The new midseason millinery now on of the sailors and the ladies of the city uioves ana usuica r displav at the X. S. Sachs Dry Goods has been packed during the week and invited to dance with them. Wool and Silk Made Cleaner by a New French Process. i Co., Ltd., includes all the latest style films 10-Ce- frequent changes of have been "Will you be at the ball if one i3 nt Havana. Charges reasonable. Give us a trial. ideas of the Eastern and European consequence. Messrs. and one town ladies. made in Tait given?" asked of the : !: j s THONE cities. Warner conduct the place so that ladies "Why, of course,' was the quick THE PERFECT CIGAR. 58 BERETANIA STREET 1 ur and children may go there at any time response, ' the officers' wives are al- REALTY TRANSACTIONS. for perfect order is the rule. The ten ways glad to go and dance with the cents admission fee suits the patrons. boys. Why not?" . surprised Entered of Record July IS, 1908. Thus Honolulu need not be THE ART THEATER. if at the ball tonight the very stately Kanaloa (k) to J K Kauai...... D wife of a very high officer of the fleet J Alfred Magoon to A K Eldredge The rule at this popular resort is leads in the first dance with a Bailor "The apparel oft et al : . . Rel standing room only after the doors are boy from the lower decks. Hotel Baths Ltd by Co Sher to Rob opened. The collection of films seems ert W Shingle... Sher Sale to appeal to for they crowd WAR BULLETIN. proclaims the man'9 K B Paele to Hanah E Simmons... D the visitors W W Bruner to Francisco Deniz. . . the place as long as it is open and The konquering: Kilties are komin' in Agrmt want to go again. Perfect order is martial array inspired by the irre- WE USE THE UTMOST CARE IN THE SELECTION OP E Coit Hobron and wf to Josephine maintained at all times and the Art sistible bagpipes war and the wild THE GOODS WE OFFER OUR CUSTOMERS. TIES . Freitas D is consequently patronized by ladies slogans of the clans. The Kilties 'Claus Spreckels & Co by attv to and children as well as men. There are MODEST TO THE MORE C have carried the banner of success into STYLES VARY FROM THE E Hobron .".Par Eel frequent changes of films. seven countries and like Alexander W K Kekoo to Samuel Kauhane... D the great are looking for more fields to ADVANCED, SUITED TO THE TASTE OF THE Samuel Kauhane and wf to John T conquer. SET AND COLLEGE BOY. OUR STOCK Nakaikuaana u England, Ireland, Scotland and YOUNGER Kukea Ahukinialaa and hsb to U Wales have already capitulated. The COMPRISES: . JUaka D United States has struck its colors, C Maka and wf to Ahukinialaa Ku- despite the influential efforts of Sousa kea . D the March King Mexico has been "Wailuku. Sugar Co to C Brewer & twice invaded and Canada's greatest Co Ltd . D Scottish band is now preparing to Sam Kanoe to Luaihelani Kauwa march upon Australia, New Zealand, Dress and (w) D South Africa, India. Japan, China Rus- First Amer Sav & Trust Co of II sia, Norway and Sweden using these Ltd to Mary B Eichler. Rel countries as a pathway to Crystal Mary B Eichler and hsb to Frank Palace, London, and to respond to a Brzezowsky Al third royal command from England's Negligee Shirts, Edward J Morgan and wf to Delia King. W Wayson D Canada's sons have upheld the Delia W "Wavson and hsb to Mutl glory of the dominion in many lands. Bldg & Loan Soc of II Ltd M The stirring incidents of the South African war are not easily forgotten Underwear HIS MUMMIFIED FRIEND. and the going forth of the Kilties who will so proudly and successfully (including the half-lengt- h drawers). Eben C. Chamberlain, famous scient- carry The refinement and exclusive charac Canada's name and fame into ist, former city bacteriologist of Chi- other of Interna- c lands is an event 1 'l-k- TIES, cago and honor graduate of Princeton ter of the Trimmed Millinery at this tional importance. Opera House, Fri- HOSIERY, COLLARS, CUFFS, in 1S&8, is dead in Pittsburg. He was store have resulted in our building up day, July 24th. STRAW, FELT AND PANAMA HATS, one of the most remarkable characters a clientele of which any store might and one of the best chemists in the be proud. Particular A CEEDITABLE NUMBER. DERBIES AND SILKS FROM THE KNOX FACTORY, United States. Eight years ago Cham- attention is now berlain and his business partner went directed to our showing of The Hawaii Shinpo, the leading Jap- to Patagonia to look for gold. While anese newspaper of Honolulu, published there they made an agreement that if MID-SEASO- N TRIMMED HATS, a special edition yesterday in honor Schaffner & Marx one died the other was to cut off his of page Hart head and bring back home. which inclusive of the Atlantic fleet. The front it The is the prevalent was a patriotic illustration in colors partner died there, and Chamberlain style ideas in the European and East agreement. showing the American and Japanese carried out the He kept ern cities. flags intermingled, with word skull in his room all time. Be- the CLOTHES the the "Welcome" across pic-- j tween grinning skull the top. The the teeth of the THE CHARLOTTE COED AY, ture was drawn a Japanese COM- was thrust a cigarette, tiny electric bv artist MEN. NO GENTLEMAN'S WARDROBE IS and is quite j FOR globes place eyes creditable. The contents light took the of and the leading favorite, we are featuring are m English and Japanese, GOODS. rakishly balanced on one side of liberallv PLETE WITHOUT THESE the in various colors. illustrated with likenesses of Admiral skull was a battered straw hat. Sev- Sperry, President Roosevelt, eral years ago, as a joke, several friends EVERYTHING WITH US. We have just opened new or warier, .editor CMmth of tne Aaver-- ! QUALITY IS of Chamberlain placed an Aztec mum- tiser. L. A. Thurston, Judge Dole, U. my in his bed. When Chamberlain dis- FLOWEES, WINGS and AIGRETTES S. District- - Attorney Breckons, Prince Copyrisht 1908 by Hart Schaffher & Marx covered it he calmly went to bed and to THE NEWEST SAILORS ivaiaiuanaoie, ana pictures or tne re sleep. When his friends claimed cent naval parade. Editor Sheba has ! iF" IS? R5) the mummy next day, he refused to J ! taken exceptional interest in the fleet f f . Ii give it up, and from that time he slept J and his speeial edition shows it. 9 "with it constantly. Years ago Cham- 1 berlain made a contract with a local U.S. Sachs Dry Goods Co., Ltd. Dr. F. Schurmann, optician and oen- - Telephone 65 . charge his body Building, and Fort. undertaker to take of list, is now in charge of II. F. Wich-ma- n Elks' King "When he died and cremate it. Comer Fort and Beretania Streets & Co. 's Optical Department. Vermont, U. S. Potter, San Fran- HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE cisco, Julv 16. Gmadian-AustraK- an AUTHOR PLEASED fialstead & Co., Ltd. Royal Mail Line 15 Gl&eier, U. S. S., Hogg, San Fruncisco, Honolulu, Saturday, July 18, 1908. 7. Railway Co. July Btaamers nxMlng fa eonneetJon with the Canadian Pacific Culgoa, TJ S. Patton, San Francisco, !Bi4. all at Honolalu on or about the folio win date: WITH BIG HOQKUPU July 10. HAMS OT STOCK. ! 'aid Up Val, Alt stock m mm FOB FIJI AND AUSTRALIA. FOR VANCOUVER. Belief, U. S. S Stokes, San Francisea, 1UBAKA . JULT U AORANGI - - LY 22 July IL O. Brewer A Oo I 2,038.000' Coo MANUKA AUGUST 19 U. S. S., Niles, Lahaina, i AORANGI AUGUST B - James Clarence Harvey, author and Louisiana, &,00B4K) 23 28 19 MARAMA SEPTTMBER 15 19. m.. i8 MANUKA SEPTEMBER playwright, and one of the organizers July Eiw. Arrlcriiur&l 1.2iK!.&fl0i 100. OKEBS AORANGI OCTOBER 14 Virginia, U. S. Sharp, Lahaina, July Ew Ccm & Suiar (it 2.212 7S5. l'.K! 87 of Success magazine, was intensely in- 19. Haw Buztx Ca , 1.0f.lf',O; 3C WEI call at Fanning Island. lienor 'M.tSi9; 10O; ;.. terested yesterday in the hookupu cere- Ohio, U. S. S., Howard, Lahaina, July a.ooo,twi.! rr- is. 14" LOANS NEGOTIATE? DAVIES & CO., LTD. - THEO. H. mony for the fleet. He was aboard y.he 19. m.KSj' lTi; - GENERAL. AGENTS. Vessels.) iiutciLL&6on ting Pla Members Wisconsin when the barge distributed (Merchant Co ...... 5,00n..00,i 5"! Honolulu Stock u4 Gwendolyn IL, Am. yacht, San Pedro, Fs.tutu jv(j,(Xa; ik!! - 8 Exchange fruit there and later was on the Geor- July 19. K.;te.i Fsb Co LS-- a.&ae.oaoi soj .. Oloa f00,000: lOOi gia to observe the ceremony still more Lady Maud, Am. yacht, San McBrySe eug Co IAS E.SOi'.OOC! 20t 8V 4 FOR SALE. Steamship Co. Time Table 19. O&t a C S.605.000 2?! 26 Oceanic closely. He snapped kodaks and askei .Tnlv Siifftt Lots at E&lihi. close to car-Ra- a. Hawa'ii, San Pedro ca?taaa.... 5k"j ai Am. yacht, Harris, Oct-iJ- ... KW.OOf-- ! 20! 9 half prices. Terms: J30 down. 14, 8A LOON RATES wffl bo: Bingla Fare. many questions and stated that not only On and after Juno 108. the Julv 19. C1& eiugti Go Liti i,im,m)i 2.M 4 $10 per month, without interest. the hookupu but almost everything of Olowaiu ... 150 100 room oxtra. Lurline, Am. S.S., San Francisco, July X! Lots one-ha- lf t&; Hound Trip, 1110. Family F&a hit: Bug Of V000.000! 6P . 18 (about acre) on Hawaiian life and customs he had so - rin -- FOR SAN FRANCISCO. 19. rcr.r- SCO.'KIO! 100 Heights, unequaed in iew and acU. FROM 6AN FRANCISCO. observed had made him a firm be Hoiywood. Br. bk.. Smith, Jnnln. Pi ., 750,000; IDOi Lots at from $250 and up In far Pepet-k- 7,.oooi iroi 150 Ncmh . JULT , ALAMEDA AUGUST May 7. ' Valiey, on your ALAMEDA tl .750,000i iori J 46 own terms. 1 AUGUST 26 liever in the islands and he hoped to 18, Pioneer ALAMEDA . AUGUST ALAMEDA Lurline, Am. yacht, San Pedro, July Waialus Ajgri Co. .. 4,500.000! l'JC! 84 i 5 Lots at Kai.ahu'u at $100 each, mi 16 return again next year. Mr. Harvey W AT. A MFD A SEPT. 11 ALAMEDA SEPTEMBER If R. P. Eithet, Am. bk Drew, San Fran aiiuku . 100,0001 1W! lo5 time payments without IntereaL OCTOBEB 2 ALAMEDA OCTOBEB 7 was interested in the hookupu, the sail cisco. July 7. Waimacalo . 252,000 loo ... ALAMEDA on Waimea&ug'.&r Kill 125.000 133 3 Its at Palama, within walkina CSa ors and those the barge Mere cer Indravelli. Br. b.e., Cullington, Welling' MIbCKULlHSCVI tance from town. Easy terma agents are tainly interested m Mr. Harvey's Inter-Iel- n; S fi 1.500,000 loe! In connection with the Bailing of the above steamers, the ton. N. Z.. July 16. Oo. FOR RENT An eight-room- ed fur Coupon Through by any kodak. was a tiny affair and at first Haw tiecxlc Co 60090 lor.iso prepared to Issue, to Intending aase&gers. Tickets It S. Allen, Am. bk., Wilier, Grays H - nished house, with stable, on some C BT4hCoPfG 145CWK1 loo eta. railroad, from Ban Francisco to all points in the United States, and from of the Hawanans aboard the fruit Harbor, July 17. HKTAh Cw.CSoa. 66 lihi road, one block from car Has?it. any steamship line to all European ports. barge thought it was a stop watch. It Mutual Tel Co 160.001 ID . large grounds 2Cw York by was shaped a watch. When THE MATTJI, Nab ilea Kubber Oo 60,oat loe with bearing fruit treat. particulars apply to like the KabiJtn Katber Oo loo t27 $30 per month. For further picture-takin- g Rental author finished his he Mails are due from the following OS 4.003,001 100;1D0 J. H. SCHNACK, 137 Merchant WM. G. IRWIN & CO, LTD., placed his vest pocket. fTilo K B Co 1,000,001 30 Street AGENTS- - it in points as follows: Htmoin'u Brewing & Sydney Per Aorangi, July 22. tOC.OOf 33 20 FOR SALE. San Francisco Per Virginian, July 23 Em w Pineapple Co. ... co.ooc 30; UM. Amuoui Galvanised sheet steel tanks, sky PACIFIC MAIL S. S. CO., OCCIDENTAL & ORIENTAL OPEN AIR MEETING Victoria Per Marama. July 24. Bonxis l'Shts, gutter, ridging, leader and all S. CO., AND TOYO KISEN KAISHA. Yokohama Per Siberia, July 27. Haw Ter tp c Jlre pipe. Any shape, any size, any waight. a following ClaliRB) SX5.90C Malls will depart for the Haw Ter Be- - In stock or to order. Ribbed or fire- Steamers of the abore companies will call at Honolulu and leave this points as follows: ipc mentioned below: AT S LIAR E tuBainsriBos. 08,C00 proof wire skylight glass. Estlmata pert on about the dates EMMA Victoria Per Aorangi, July 22. flaw Ter 434 P . i.ooo,nuo on anything in our line. FOR THE ORIENT. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Sydney Per Marama. July 24. aw Ter tpt, l.OOO.r'OO! Haw Ter p e , 1,044 4ao Job work in sheet metals solicits!. 1 27 itf W1MA JULT 29 SIBERIA JULT San Francisco Per Siberia, July 27. taw feoy't Sue. EMMELCTH & CO., 1 Oal SOS LTD.. MARU ..AUGUST 8 CHINA ..... AUG. San Francsco Per Lurline, July 28. Bet Bf K-in- AMERICA The open air service at Emma Square co 0 p 1,8004)00 Phone 211. 145 g ftt, AUGUST 17 July 29. EXBEKIA ...... last night was a great success. The Tokohama Per Korea. H&lku6p e. 900,000 190 Bamakna l itca Co RENT. ehoirs of St. Andrew "e cathedral, St. Pe- TRANSPORT SEEVTCE. Upper mien 9 p e... 300,000 (9 FOR H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD., Agents. Haw com A Sugar Fine residence, Wahiawa; pineapyla ter's and St. Elizabeth's, accompanied The Burnside is at Seattle. coa p e 1.871,000 land at Palolo. by the band, sang "Onward Christian The Buford sailed from Guam July 1 Haw Burar (pe. 475,006 FOR SALE. CO. The Kilpatrick is at Newport News, Va. alio R E Co 6 p e 1,030,000 70 MATSON NAVIGATION Soldiers," "Nearer My God to Three, Hon KTaL Co 6 p C Pineapple land at Wahiawa and company will ply between Honolulu and San Fran-ctee- o The Dix is at Manila. ivanuxu s p e... ,. 398,000 lolo. Vessels of the above "The Hymn for Those at Sea," and McBryde Bus Co 6 p e 2.000.000 below: The Logan is in San Franeisco under p. t6 W. L. HOWARD on or about the dates mentioned Country O B A L Co 6 p 2,000,000 101 10154 - Arrive Leave "My Tis of Thee," the large going repairs. Oaba Sugar Co S p c 900l00i Room S, Mclntyre Building Honolulu. Honolulu. assembly joining, heartily in the sing The Meade is at New York. Olaa Sugar Co 6 pc 1.2S0.OOO - 82 Teh 1S1 ing. The Sherman is in San Francisco. Pac he Sugar Mill July 15 July 28 Cofls 850,000 100 LURLINE Bishop spoke on sub- . HILONIAN Aug. 5 Aug. 11 Bestarick the The Sheridan is in Saa Francisco. Pais 6 p c 450,000 . 130 HAWAIIAN DEVELOPMENT CO. ject, "Quit You like men, be Strong," The Thomas sailed from Honolulu Julv Pior eer Mill Co 6 j c 1,250,000 liri - Aug. 1 Sept. 1 I LURLINE and Rev. W. H. Bliss 6poke on 15 Manila. Walalna a Co 6 t c L5oo,oor 98 LIMITED, HILONIAN Sept. 2 Sept. S the for Honokaa Bug Co 6 p c 608,OiH)i 100 "Obedience.'" Fully eight hundred The Warren is at Manila. r. B. McSTOCKER ... ICaJMQssj people were present, a large proportion -- : Passenger Rates to San Francisco First Cabin, $60. Round Trip, First f 23.125 tiaid. t31 per cent. paid. STANGENWALD BUILDING 110. CASTLE &. COOKE, LTD., Agents. being men. A desire was expressed IACAXi OFFICE OF THE UNITES Class. more of these open SESSION SALES. Cable Address: Dayelop afterwards for air STATES WEATHER BUREAU. 100 P. O. Box 253 services. Ewa, 28. Sunday, 19, 1908. BETWEEN ROABDS. AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- N STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Honolulu, July ' 130 Haw. Com. & Sug. Co., 96; 15 -- O C FROM NEW TORK TO HONOLULU. EOEN. Waialua, 85; 22 Ewa, 27.75; $2000 Ho- Afong "Weekly Tebuantepe-s-. 5 THJEBMO- - Z le WUil Albert F. Sailings via COLLINS July 19, 1908, to the wife m o 2 nokaa 6s, 100; 250 Honokaa, 13.50; 25 S32 FORT STREET . Freight vecelved at all times at the Company's Wharf, 41t Street. South of J. B. Collins, a son. Oahu Sug. Co., 29.25; 50 Olaa, 4. V Brooklyn. Jl Jl Jt - -- FROM HONOLULU TO SAN FRAN- - FROM SEATTLE AND TACOMA TO B p : 2 Classified Advertisements : : - 1. CISCO. HONOLULU. MARINE REPORT. : : STOCK AND BOND BR0KE2 - Cash must accompany tha ARIZONA N ... JULY 16 copy. ALASKAN AUGUST 8 ALASKAN JULT 19 ir rr 4v JOO S3 00 80 ei .OS 70 s s - No deviation from this role. lfEMBER HONOLULU STOCX ABIZONAN AUGUST 9 r r r ir r it FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO HONO- (From San Francisco Merchants ex- 8C1 SO 04 S4 7S 18 .Jo 79 B SB AND BOND EXCZXAJTOa LULU. "For further Information apply to change.) WANTED. TIRGINIAN JULY 15 IL HACKFELD & CO., LTD., 1802 30. U 65 It 82 Cxi 72 4 Hi OLD newspapers in large quantities Saturday, July 18. COLUMBIAN JULY 29 Agents, Honolulu. 19CS 30 tl 65 7 8 ,C2 Jl 2 sold cheap. Inquire through mail. Freight received Company's wharf, C. P. MORSE, Yokohama Sailed, July 17, S. SL Si Casdin, 137 Hale street, San Fran- at ISM 3) to 73 78 65 ws J. Greenwich Street. General Freight Agent. beria, for Honolulu; Ger. S. S. Alesia, U .12 6 cisco, CaL 8094 Real Estate for Honolulu. i.m 0. 00 81 71 70 01 72 5 1 9 Yokohama Arrived, July 17, S. S. i900 30 C4 H 79 P0 T 69 S s 10 FOR RENT. Mongolia, henee July 6. LARGE, airy furnished rooms. Mrs. CHAS. BREWER & COi . i . S. S. 1007 82 73 78 .05 78 Tim 9 Phone 295. y 63 Queen Street. Vancouver Sailed, July 17, hiS Wieke, 1245 Beretania avenn&i 8090 NEW YORK LINE Marama, for Honolulu. An unknown HUSTACE-PEC- K COMPANY, LTD., 'SOB 30.TS 83 TO 75 T 67 m 9 vessel passed the port, bound south. FURNISHED, at Waikiki beach, a Regular lino of vessels plytag CONTRACTORS. fiye-roo- m GENERAL iTfe'sJ 02 83 7S J 78 .04 71 k .... cottage; electric lights, between New York and Honolsl. Dealers in POET OF HONOLULU. WM. B. STOCKMAN, bath, etc. Excellent bathing. Pos- BARK NUUANU will pall frost session given on July 17. Apply L. New York on or about July 13, Crushed Rock, White and Black Sand, Fire Wood, Stove and ARRIVED. Section Director. Steam Coal, Blacksmith Coal, Hay, Grain Garden Soil and B. Kerr, Alakea street. 2S9 1908. Subject to change without mo Sunday, July 39. TIDES, SUN AND J&OON. tice. Manure. NICE, mosquito-proo- f FREIGHT TAKEN AT . Str. Kinau, Gregory, from Kauai airy rooms. Ho Draying and Heavy Teaming a Specialty. ports. 9 !2 tel Delmonjco. Rent reasonable. J. RATES Str. W. G, Hall, Thompson, from a H. O'Neil, prop. 8OS0 Fcr freight rates apply to Kauai ports. Ig CHAS. BREWER & CO., . 9 P SIX-ROO- M modern house. Electric Str. Mikahala, Tullett, from Jdaui 3 i 27 Kilby St., Boston;, lis lights; gas, mosquito-proo- f. Inquire n CO-Honol- and MolokaL THEO. H. DAVIES & ulu. '. am.iF rp.m a.m p.in.i itise at 1337 Ptnsacola street. 8045 BAGG AGS SHIPPING Pitone Str. Like ike, from Hamakua. A 23 10 15 1 2 1t 13 10; 80 6 43, . i. i 4.,5 -- i i Str. Niihau, from Anahola. f i . nion Pacific 21 S3 1.4 10. 18 3.52 6 .:5 5 30 0 42 0 28 THE POPULAR. Apartments; moder STORAGE WOOD N". S. S. f It M. Lurline, Weedon, from pm.l i ate charges. Conveniently located. PACKING COAL San .Francisco. 7T 22 i2.SO 1 6 11.25 4 43 7.4?,5 30 8.42; 1.C5 1249 Fort street. 8029 Transfer Co., Ltd. Am. yacht Gwendolyn IL, from San AUTOS AND 53 23 1.16 18 5 35! 8.50 S.81 6 41; 1 47 Pedro. am, FOR SALE. 24! 2.00 2.0 0.40 6.15 9 35 5 319 41! 2.S2 f KING ST. FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING. Am. yacht Lady Maud, from San t 11(1 SADDLE and driving horse;- - reason Pedro. 5. a.4o! 2-- 1.S0 7.C010.10 5 32 6.41 3 U able. Mrs. F. Wundenberg, Koko CARRIAGES REPAIRED DO YOU WANT YOUR BAGGAGE Am. yacht Hawaii, Harris, from San i i i Head avenue, KaimukL 8095 Pedro. 8 2?! S;13: 3 1 2 28 7 40 10 45 5 86 6 40 4.10 Pur U. S. S. Louisiana, Niles, from La-- Last quarter of the moon July 20. CHINESE oranges, 5c. a pound. Leave Ltd! haina. The tides at Kahului and Hilo occur orders, telephone 11d4. 8094 Sctiunian Carriage Co,, 1 La- - J f mi U. S. S. Virginia, Sharp, from .bout one hour earlier than at Hono-ul-u. TO GO haina. TWO Island saddle horses; well broken U. S. S. Ohio, Howard, from Lahaina. Hawaiian standard time is 10 hours and strong. A bargain. Address DEPARTED. 0 minutes slower than Greenwich " E. this 'office. 8093 Vickers' ' . lme, being that of meridian of 157 GIVE IT TO THE . Am. S. S. Bosecrans, for Monterey. t3 A GOOD fast driving mare, buggy and : legrees thirty minutes. The time Am. barge Monterey, for Monterey blstle blows at 1:30 p. m., which is harness; all in good order. Apply at. Repair Shop ( 9 tow office. City Transfer Co. Phone 152 (in Rosecrans), he same as Greenwich 0 hours 0 min-ite- a. this 8089 JAS. IL LOVE. moon PASSENGERS. Sun and are for local time YOUNG male day and Under Regal Shoe Store, BAGGAGE CHECKED, PLACED IN SEALED ROOM OR IN YOUR CAE IN. 'or the whole group. eanaries, night Arrived. singing; good stock. 2s o. 1545 Ke-wal- o street. Per M. N. S. S. Lurline, from San METEOROLOGICAL RECORD. 2S9 (EL Luropein Flan Francisco, 19. American July Ernest Evans, Mr. THE dancing Lewis, Mr. Bantz, Mr. Wood, Mr. and ssued Every Sunday Morning by the floor in the Fishmarket GOMES' EXPRESS GO. building, 117x42, is for sale. Com- Mrs. 11. Local Office, U. S. Weather Bureau. Fort Street, opposite Hackfeld & Co. Bishop, Miss Madden, James municate with the HOT EL Wakefield, Mr. and Mrs. Kay, Jos. Kilohana Art A "Hone" Hotcc ron Ptnmnntnr no Liddy, Mr. Growney. League, corner Miller and Beretania Transient Guests, in the Heht or the BAGGAGE CHECKED KUH streets. 80S7 CITT. WITH Mtlir SUNNr SUITES AMD SINGLE Per str. Mikahala, from Maui and 33 c rooms all Connected with Baths. Molokai, July 19. Bev. A. B. Wey- Spcciai Summcn Ratcs. Cuisims Uubmuh Off! co Phone - 298 packing, shipping. ' .' 9J.W. ONE gas engine, 15 h. p.; Otto. One T?o?S mouth, F. Baldwin, E. T. Dienert, H. Fair-bank- s, I ill gas hoisting engine, 12 h. p.: B. Weller, W. A. Sparks. Bev. J. Ta- - Morse. NORM ANDIE t Address "E. V.," naka, Miss T. Tanaka, Mr. A. t Nakano, 8 '12 30.04 81 72 .00 en i 6 8 this office. 8066 Corner Sutter and Gouoh Streets or Honolulu Construction and Graying Go,, Ltd. Sayegusa, C. Tanade, Mrs. J. Aea. A. i;8' to.' a 8! 7t 4j0 Hi 7 ! . 9 ! Jones, O. Tollefsen, J. Goldstan, MisB X 14 '0-- 0 SI 74 .(0 63 5 KI Yl SAN FRANCISCO w so-- 7 .00 B ROOMS TO RENT. 14 t: in 6 11 GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Jfcountam, deck. 18 80. C8 j 81 74 .00 61 R S 8 COOL and commodious; well furnish t .7! sn rit ft! 73 59 Per str. Niihau,.from Anahola, July .00 8 11 mosquito-proo- f. f ! ed; Helen's Court 'Phone Office 281. P. O. 19. .Toe Bodriguez, 3 18 S0.C8 79 6 .0i; 6 4 12 Cards Box 154. Mr. Banozo. deck. t 1124 Adams Lane. 8057 Professional Per str. W. G. Hall, from Kauai, July accompany th Fort St, Opp. W. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd. Note. Barometer readings are cor- ggy Cash must 19. M. Kawahira. Yamada, Julia Lu-lin- e LOST. copy. role. Uf all kinds of Teaming; and child, Kwong Lung, Master rected for temperature, instrumental No deviation from this do also deal in Crushed Rock, White errors, and local gravity, and reduced AT OR NEAE Pawaa junction, small Kwong Lung, T. Izumi, S. Kikushige, e and Black Sand, Broken Coral, Garden Soil, Average open-fac- gold watch, also chain with Etc. cnas. u. Ah Chung, A. to sea level. cloudiness stated JAMES T. TAYLOR, M. Am. Soc. C loung, Inaxiji, 0 10. three coins attached. Suitable re- SAFE MOVING A SPECIALTY. Mr. Chas. In scale from to Direction of E. Consulting Hydraulic Engineer. tggerlmg, Master Eggerhng, ward at this office. 8095 O. Beake, E. H. Broadbent, F. Rutach, M. wind is prevailing direction during 24 Residence telephone No. 1603. P. nours ending at 8 p. m. Velocity of 799, Honolulu. 879 Bruce, Mr. Klusman, Alex. Kekua, 22 AT Seaside or Box deck. wind Is average velocity In miles per Moana, Friday night, m pansy brooch, with diamond center. H Per str. Kinau, from Kauai ports, qour. T Indicates trace of rain. CHINA PAINTING. HENRY WILLIAMS WM. Reward at this office. 290 HONOLULU. July 19. Excursion party of 115 cabin B. STOCKMAN, MRS. LISHMAN MORE-Clas- ses to Section Director J. The leading FUNERAL DIRECTOR and only LI- and 216 deck passengers. FOX TERRIER dog, six months olL china painting. Orders solicited. White, with one white ear. Reward Studio, 1445 Keeaumoku street. Tel- CENSED EMBALMER in VESSELS IN POET. "TC8 Hawaii. at this office. 290 ephone 1345. ' All work, goods and paraphernalia up to date. (Army and Navy.) Classified Advertisements LOVE BUILDING. Iroquois, U. S. S., Carter, Pearl Har- gF Cash most accompany the A PLAIN gold pin, attached to green bor, July 2. copy. No deviation from this rule. batwing tie. between Sachs' and the Classified Advertisements 1142 and 1 144 Fort Street. Residence, 240 S. King Street. Connecticut, U. S. flagship, Osterhaus, Chambers Drug Store. Suitable re- Phone 64. Phone 1020. San Francisco, July 16. ward at this office. 290 PLANTS FOR SALE. Georgia, U. S. flagship, Qual trough, OFFICES FOR RENT. Ponciana Regia, San Francisco, July 16. CORAL BEGONIAS, "THE STANGENWALD" Only fire- AT Seaside, lady's pin; fleur de lis, with and Umbrella trees. French Wisconsin, U. S. flagship, Morrell, San proof office building city. diamond. Reward for return to this Pepper THB PACIFIC SOME UNITED STATES STA- in Cherries, large and small house TISTICS. Francisco, July 16. office. 290 blue, and U. S. S., ALEXANDER YOUNG BUILDING palms; Loulu, red, fan, Nebraska, Nicholson, San 915 makai of In round figures this country has Honolulu's only up-to-1- ate fire-pr- o, Cocos plumosa. Piikoi, Commercial Advertiser Francisco, July 16. PAIR gold eyeglasses, Saturday. No- 8088 3,000,000 square miles out af the total New Jersey, U. S. S., Southerland, San building; rent includps lectrc lisrht, tify this office. 8095 King. 50,000,000 square miles of the world's Francisco, July 16. hot and cold water ivnd Janitcr ser- fiatsrvd at tha Postofflce at Honolulu, Hamm-Toun- g BOARD. area. We have a population 86,010,-00- 0 vice. Apply the Von coat-of-arr- ROOM AND second-cla- ss matter. of Rhode Island, U. S. S., Murdock, San SILVER watch anl chain, with 1. a as or a fraction over 5 per cent of the 16. Co.. Ltd. VIDA VILLA. Klnir street. Room and Francisco, July charm, between Independence 804S world's. With an area of 5.9 per cent Illinois, U. S. S., Bowyer, San Fran- Hall and Keeaumoku street. Reward hoard; also table board. IDXSCRIPTION RATES: of the world's and a population of 5.2 cisco, July 10. FURNISHED ROOMS. at this office. 8094 Tear $15.00 per cent, we are raising annually 43 Kearsarge, U. S. S., Hutchins, San COOL, central, pleasant The Elite WAY & SONS Advertising Rates on Application. per cent of the world's total produc- Francisco, July 16. furnished rooms. Hotel street, oppo- BETWEEN Diamond Head light and STEIN ETmsJlahed every Morning except Sun- tion of wheat, corn and oats. Jf torn Kentucky, U. S." S., Cowles, San Fran- site Young Hotel. 8091 town a lady's monogram bracelet. AND OTHER PIANOS. alone one of the most important day by tha cisco, July 16. Reward at this offiee. 8090 THAYER PIANO CO. cereals known to mankind we are pro- Kansas, U. S. S., Vreeland, San Fran- STRAYED 156 HOTEL STREET HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., LTD. ducing 78.8 per cent; of tobacco we ere cisco, July 16. BROWN horse; boot on left front foot. LADY'S gold watch and gold inlaid Phone 18 7m Bolt Blsek. No. tt South King St raising 31.1 per cent, and of cotton 71.3 Minnesota, U. S. S., - back-com- GUARANTEED g Hubbard, San Bring or notify 1472 Thurston ave- Return to this office and TUNTNG Q, CXANH : ; Manager. per cent. Francisco, July 16. nuf. Reward. 290' receive reward. 8090 SECOND SECTION SECOND SECTION

- ' " PAGES 9 TO 16. "ifilli jWi PAGES g TO x6. I ESTABLISHED JULY 2, 1S56. i t r. " ? HONOLUI.TJL, HAWAII TERRITORY, BIONDAY, JULY 20, 1903.


l tary" of The recently-complete- d addition to were committed to the deep with the the societv was nnno ntl,r 1845, when U. S. j feel- - Rev. the S. Brandywiae was consecrated ?8ual military honors. What our jthe Charles "Pettitt Mc Uvaine, a was in port, chaplain, Key. St. Andrew's cathedral .priest of the the the ! mgs were on this occasion I leave the il Church, who was then a Geo. Jones, held service, using yesterday with elaborate ceremonies, know j proiehsor th wrd to coneeive, those present oi Lnnstian evidences in the Prayerbook and preaching, on Sunday in the presence of a large congre- - express i University of New and that it is not in my powerto t York, and who in evenings during the ten weeks ui" bin gation. There were present and tak-- them. " - y ' j ls23 was elected Bishop of Ohio. At stay. fi lived many "Rnis- - ing part in the services the clergy of Te kowa churchmen who tins rime members of the The appreciation of the service and ,f 1 . on the Islands were John loung and copal Church were contributors to the courtesy Mr. alt the congregations of the Church m seaman s the of Damon are men- Isaac Dayis who in 1790 were sparei .Friend Society. tioned in the Polynesian. Still, them Honolulu many of those from Maui ; Mr. Whitney and when the crew of the Fair American stated that there were were those who earnestly desired a res- i two and Hawaii. The choir was greatly were killed. In the archive building hundred English and Americans in ident priest of the Church. The editor I Honolulu augmented, and the service, entirely here is the journal of John Young. It mi and that one to two hundred of the Polynesian of July 13, 1841, ays ! on outside of ships, each having a crew is a small book and the of from that in conversing with people oe-sir-ed choral, was splendidly rendered. ; twenty to whi the coyer ig tfae Btatement that the i thirty men, came here every a Church other than the Bethel, The order of the service had been book was given to Young "by Charles n year. Mr. Mc Ilvaine responded ly "they have unanimously expred printed, and copies were given each of Francis Barton Feb. 29, 1804." Amidst and the Rev. John Diel came their opinion in favor of a selection de- - here in 1SS3, and same the congregation. Following the pro-- ; accounts of trading we find a page the year the Lfrom the Episcopal Church, and this Bethel Chapel was re- ted to Pra7er- - f built. Mr. Diel opinion is mainly from those who cessional hymn, the Bishop, accompa-- ! " J8 mained 1840. are .Chrysostom from the Book of Common until not of that faith themselws, but con- nied by his chaplain, the Rev. E. T. Pra er is evi(jentlv written from It was in 1.840 that Captain Wilkes, Simpson clergy It sider her discipline and doctrine an the of the diocese, and memory as the spelling and capitalizing commanding the United States Explor- best calculated to unite a community the wardens and vestrymen of the sev- - j ing Expedition, reached are own- - ileTe it is as lie wrote it: the Islands. On in which so great a diversity of opin- ral parishes in Honolulu, and C. P. us the flagship was a chaplain, a Church- I "Almightv god who has givn ions on religious subjects prevails." ' -- lemons, the chancellor of the diocese ft $ , man, the Rev. J. L. who, f at thi; time With' one a Cord to V ' ' ,) f Elliot, of This for. the age is a remarkable rec- .eS', approached the door of Make our Common Suplieations .unto course, held Church services in these ognition of the breadth and tolerance the from without. . Vithm thee and Dost promi8 that when tow or waters. During t hese early years slan- of the Episcopal Church. awaited the canons of the cathedral three togather in they derous reports were circulated in Amer- The Bishop Name thou6wilt grant their Requests I - t - A ica, England and France in regard to EFFORTS TO GET EPISCOPAL V t th,ueoeSion l rw ; times, senior canon Fulfil Now Q Loard the Desirs and v' I , ' the missionaries. They were accused CHURCH. respond, ng, "Blessed he cometh y of inducing is that tionfi th Servanta as-Ma- Be the very evils against the name of the The Bishop f which they were In later numbers of the paper the in Lord.'' t Expedeilt for them granting us fighting. The French subject is often mentioned. After Mr. I responded: " Peace be to this house. in thig world knowlig of truth and the English consuls spoke evil of eace be to them come and them, R. C. Wyllie came to Honolulu in 1844 fl l that in to and in the world to Cum Life Ever and newspapers had a great deal again to .them that go out The door was to say on one side or efforts were made obtain a " Lasti Emane.V the other. clergyman. In January, 1847, through opened and clergv and choir pro- - " . At time need- then to some English that the missionaries Polynesian, he notified all residents ceeded to the chancel, singing the' lt carries us back ed defenders, and thev needed calm. the church which Young attended as a boy. i belonging to the Episcopal Church that Twentv-fourt- h Psalm i unbiased and impartial men to tell the we gentleman, a former , L. f. Peck, treasurer, read a state-- On another page find a religious world the truth. I wish to recall this a resident, would ' ' give $1000 toward the erection o"f a ment as to the payments of the debts P0 . . i fact: The two men who did much, in building. Llfe. 13 the ime to serve Lord more suitable Church, provided that $4000 incurred the The additions le perhaps than any others, to set was in On to the cathedral have cost something Then insure the great reward the truth before the American people more subscribed Honolulu. over $23,000, all of which has been And (while) the lamP holds out to burn and January 27, of the same year, Mr. " the people of the world were return.-- . Wyllie issued a circular as paid except about $100, for which there Th? vilest sinner may Churchmen. These men weve Captain follow: pledges hand. The? It is extremely touching to see m this Wilkes nenry "The King has ordered me to ascer- are abundant in and Richard Dana. They feeling of foreign commu- Bishop from the chancel then made the sailor, the grandfather of Queen Emma, wrote plainly and carefully of the men tain the the a11 - in regard to the want of an Epis- announcement of completed addi- - amjdst the barbarism in which he "' itimviiim- and women who were nity the at work in the copal Church or Chapel and the willing- tion and said the prayer of consecra- - lived 'evidence of religious feeling. All Islands teaching the people the Chris- The Bishop, preceded his .aSree that amidst all temptation he ness to subscribe for the support. Ad- tion. bv tian religion, of that which they were miral Thomas, so generally known to, chaplain and followed by the canons tned to be a deeent man. It was he trying to do, their successes and fail- and Davis who got the King to give up and respected by, the inhabitants, has t i and cathedral clergy, proceeded in ures. The words of these Churchmen offered good offices toward corners por-- , excessive drink, these men were always kindly his M order to the four of the were widely quoted and a more correct procuring a properly qualified clergy- i tion of the cathedral to be consecrated, au inuill'IiCB Ior Souu aa ail lu earV estimate of the men and women who missionaries assert. The prayer book man of that denomination provided he i at each eorner saying a portion of the EISHOP RESTARICK. were working here in the mission field upon a suitable provision service of consecratitfn, concluding with of Isaac Davis is now in the possession jwas the result of the written words can depend of his decendant, Miss Lucy Peabody. for his support. Those who are fa- the sentences of consecration, said in men. But while contact with foreign- of his objects was to get the Church of these Churchmen in the forties and project are requested ol-- j he Rev. Dr. Sereno Bishop, who vorable to the to both English and Hawaiian, as lead- . the fifties. f' ers generally had an influence in of England to fulfil the promise of names, j knew Youg well, spoke of him to me i subscribe their stating the lows: ing to a loss of fear for the gods yet Vancouver. 11. M. Ship La Blonde, Among the English and American to pay name of and of the other ay in an interview as a man residents in early amount they are willing yearly "In the the Father, undoubtedly the memory of Vancouver which brought back the bodies of the the forties there for so many sittings, to be transferred the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen, who tried to bring up his family well to were, of course, Churchmen, and as a was their friend, and the constant influence King and Queen the Islands, had on to others if they should leave the Is- n The addition to this Cathedral Church and strict .with his children. He of such men as Young, and Par- board a chaplain, Rev. Mr. Bloxam. I consequence there was a desire for the ''I Kjuwaihae Davis, the lands." which is dedicated to the Apostle St. had a good house at at which On voyage he baptized services of the Church. Bish-mehame- ker of Waimea, who had always daily the the father es- l 1 Ka- - the missionaries liked to stay. Dr. As The Polynesian says: is not Andrew and erected in memory of prayers with his family, these led the of Kamehameha IV, Kekuanoa. , This far as I can discover, the first "It IV, we now consecrate and P confirms the idea that Young was regular services of the Episcopal sential that the clergyman should be people to see, the hardships of the tabu, man was living in 1862 and his name an Englishman, nor is intended set apart to be used solely for the .wor-- an English churchman by an anecdote on of incorporation ChuTch were held in the Bethel Chapel it that showed his disagreement with Mr. and the folly of their, cruel idolatrous stands the charter the Church should have a foreign, na- ship of God and the celebration of the which system. Gradually human sacrifices of the Anglican Church, or the Re- after the departure of the Rev. Mr. sacraments and rites of the religion of kyon, the missionary at Waimea, as to Diel. In the Polynesian of July 25, tional character." ceased to be offered and when the great formed Catholic Church, as it was suppose the plan failed for lack our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the matter of Young's salvation. He . jl840, we read as follows: "Episcopal I - King died the opportunity came for the called. Amen." (said that Young was a man- who had service was read, with a sermon in of support. The discovery of gold in n tabu to be broken. is fortunate that vVhen ship La Blonde reached Following service of consecra- - evidently received some religious train-tio- It the the Chapel by P. A. Brinsmade, Esq., California led to an exodus from tho the a white man, .Mr. Parker who had lived Honolulu occurred the next Church ser- was morning prayer and holy com- - ing, tried to do right and live in a self who will continue the same until Islands, and this, perhaps, affected tho respecting way. some years near Waimea, saw Kaahu-man- u vice to be recorded and the first ser- matter. munion. The sermon was by Bishop when she arose in presence the pulpit is regularly supplied." Mr, and was a historical review To the great Vancouver, an English the vice by a priest of the Church in these. Brinsmade was American consul at In 1862, on his twentieth anniver- Restarick of the new King and heard her say Islands. was in May, 1823, the the Mr. Damon in a sermon of the services of the Church of Eng- - churehman and a, good man, the Islands It that that time. He appears to have con- sary, the Rev. Kame-terestin- what no one else would have dared to Rev. Mr. Bloxam, tells was most in- - owed much. He spoke to King g chaplain, the holding service for a long pe- says that when he returned from a land in these Islands. It say: us us pro- tinued 11 historically, as well as from hameha about the one true God the "Let break the tabu, let of the landing of the bodies, the riod, for in October, 1841, appears an visit to California in 1852 he found live as the man does, the women cession to place of temporary burial Rev. Mr. Smeathman, a deacon f I the Churchman's standpoint. . It is Rufer of all, and premised that he would the extract from a Church paper which here "a - eating with the men and partaking of and of the reading of the service by of Episcopal Church, officiating. presented full: J ask the King of England 'to send teach- shows application was made to the the herewith in the same food." himself, after which Rev. Mr. Bingham that congregation which assembled to I rs- - K"ow ne to New The urged - Missionary Committee in York for BISHOP REST AEICK ' S SERMON. that ptt people in Hawaiian.- occupied Manna . 'do this on his return to England. Van- - So it was that when the missionaries addressed the hear him preach the ,r he ser- a clergyman. In reads: "Seldom has EiT Btrvan couver tried to, impress th chiefs of of the American Board arrived the peo- Thus the first three recorded a more interesting application come be- Kilika building." ff ,tiiei,GOu1 f 5!a7en ,?ri the Islands with the ideas of justice ple had destroyed their idols and vices of the Church on these Islands fore the committee than that for an On April 21, 1852, the Argns has the was l many and humanitv and urgedlnhe folly of abolished the tabu. But they were not consisted of those magnificent words of Episcopal clergyman to be resident :n following: "Episcopal Church Fund. years ago. idolatry. This he did again and again allowed to land until John Young the faith and hope in the burial service of Honolulu. The foreign residents, about We have much pleasure in noticing tie The people of Israel were constantly and being liked respected as a churchman had assured the chiefs that the Prayerbook; the words said over desire services of growing interest manifested by tho aed words forty families, the of Iho referred to their history that they benefactor and adviser his memory re- - the Americans came to teach them of king and peasant alike; the the Church. On the failure of the community in the performance miffht learn wisaom lor tne present, mained a powerful influence for good. the same God of whom Vancouver had which Franklin read over his dead com- health of the previous chaplain, the beautiful service of the Liturgy of tho Only those can understand the present The second recorded Christian service taught them and in whom he himself rades in the frozen north, and which service had been actually commenced Episcopal Church at Manna Kilika, who know the history of the past. The and the first which was on land in the believed. We see then that churchmen Greely read over his men as they died by the American consul The pledge of which was rendered still more attrac- one by one in the Arctic winter; and tive on last Sunday by the addition Holy Bible is largely history, and all sight of the people, was in 1794 in Ho- (and I use the term in its historic sense one-hal- f of the needful expense, and a human history is God's Bible, where nolulu. Captain Brown of English meaning members of the Anglican Com- which here, amidst the palms and sum- Chapel and parsonage to be provided, of an efficient choir of instrumental the ser- vocal music, ably presided over by we may read the working out of his ship Butterworth read the burial ser- munion) that Churchmen imparted to mer seas, was the first Christian are sufficient evidence that the labors and , in volunteering Ken-dric- vice heard by the Hawaiian people; a lady whose kindness laws in social life. vice over the American Captain k the chiefs their first knowledge of God of a missionary of our Church would j execution of fine It is appropriate this morning that of the Lady Washington who and the Churchmen had a chief part in the service from that Book which be appreciated in that group of Is- her very perfect the Jiad j can not be too I review as briefly as possible the his- been accidentally killed. The locality fostering that change of feeling and Drake's chaplain, Mr. Fletcher, used in lands." music of the sorviee Anglo- 1579 first Christian highly commended. We are glad to tory of the Mother Church of the of this burial is known. belief , which led to destruction of when he held the presume if the committee had the Pacific time I s'nt it will be repeated next Sun- -Saxon race, as as these Islands The first idols. No doubt Young were service in the north at the a man Seaman's Friend So- learn that far resident minister of any and Davis here, the is first mention of a are concerned. kind in the Islands was a clergyman among those of whom Dibble speaks a3 when the Golden Hinde was beached ciety would not have appointed another day." This the for repairs outside the Golden Gate. ."Jiiireh choir. In connection with this There was no chaplain on board the of the Church of England named Howell ridiculing the tabu and challenging men i chaplain at that time. Whatever one Cook, FIRST SEAMAN'S CHAPLAIN. did not service, a notice of April 24 reads: vessels under Captain and while who was not living up to his high call- and women to break it. Ridicule is a feels of regret that the Church committee may been read by an of- in the Islands, is 'J Episcopal Church. The of services have ing. It is related of this man that powerful weapon with the Hawaiians, I am not, of course, reviewing at then begin work it fund request a there is' no entry of such in the when he and modified by the fact that the subscribers to the above ficer, told Kamehameha of the one they are not slow in observation, this 'time the work done by the noble greatly meeting at the front rooms of Mr. journal of the great navigator. The true God.that the King told Howell that and when they saw Kaoanaeha, John men and women who were sent by the next chaplain of the society was the in Hawai- C. Damon, who came here in .Tanion's premises, Merchant street, first prayer book sorviee the if he would throw himself from the pali Young's wife, eating with her husband American Board. My estimate of them Re,v. S. p. ' ser- sub- man ministered to this day at three m." and first Christian near by and and is my 1842. This godly n: ian Islands the remain uninjured, he, the enjoying tabu food "without dire well known but to continue Mr. Damon says of this Mr. Smeath-mu- " any kind, was recorded King, would learn, when ; Churchmen and others in an impartial I vice of that believe. results they would soon lose their faith ject: It is gratifying to "He preached here for about : King who succeeded 10, Samuel and spirit. He was always sufli-pie- by Captain James INFLUENCE OF GOOD in the whole system. on April 1830, the Rev. tolerant want of nt i WHITE MEN. of the Prayer- - six' months, but fdr the Cook in command. Under date Sunday, But even with the missionaries here, Whitney (whose son became a Church- ready to use the services encouragement and because of ill 21, 1779, the following: While the influence of many of corresponding sec- book at baptisms, marriages and February is "In the the Hawaiian rulers did not give upi man) wrote to the health he left for England." During : I Captain foreigners was debasing, yet there were Friend Society burials, if so desired. He extended the the afternoon the bones (of all idea of procuring teachers from the! retary of the Seaman's the fifties a Mr. Gower, a Connecticut Cook) having been put into a coffin white residents in the Islands, and tra- English Church. When Kamehameha asking that a seaman's chaplain be use of the chapel for services if a i - -- on Thirteen.) and the service read over them, they ders who came in ships, who were good II and his wife went to England one sent-o- ut, that the corresponding secre- Church clergyman was in town. In (Continued Paste ftm.

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es antrum mm,stWB Furniture? Hafdwsfe. K 6 found it necessary to hang up rich ! recent times. They think better of And then the place has been beautified here and deliver a few speeches, pro- purses therefor. The citizens raise the him than ever before, and are show- in numerous ways both by nature and vided there develops a serious disaffec- MT T funds to pay over to the convention ing much enthusiasm over the method- by artificial methods. His residence is tion, he could probably hold these Re- I authorities and then the citizens pro- ical . way he is going about his cam- large and is built of brick, an unusual publicans in line. It is very unlikely pose by divers devious ways, so thor- paign and over bis determined plans thing for a country house in that sec- that he will do that. It would hurt oughly countenanced nowadays that to convert a majority of the American tion. The house is said to have cost Taft's campaign in other quarters. (Al- can test your eyes, but the scientific IN CONVENTION they are regarded as entirely legiti- people to the principles in politics for $26,000 and furnishings and furni- ready protests are known to have been its. use of lenses involves something mora mate, to reach into the pockets of del- which he stands. ture about $5000 more. The entire es- pouring in upon the President that he egates and spectators pull and out an A NEW BRYAN. tablishment has been greatly extended has been showing his hand too boldly than guesswork. Let us examine them. equivalent sum with little something and improved since 1896, when Mr. and that the voters resent his choosing Walker Tells of Scenes and over as commissions, or payment for In fact, it is a changed Bryan, who Bryan's home was an exceedingly and electing a President for them. the trouble they have been put to by extends a dignified but cordial hosp- modest one and had no accommoda- WESTERN the Big Denver the operation. itality to all visitors at Fairview. He tions beyond what was found in many FEELING. During the Republican convention at may believe in practically the same a farmhouse of that vicinity. If Gov. Cumrnlns, of Iowa, or Sena- Chicago, not only Chicago, but Wash- political principles he believed in Gathering. that WEST. tor La Follette of Wisconsin, had been ington, figured in the convention date twelve years ago, when suddenly and SOUNDING THE nominated for Vice President with lines. Theodore Roosevelt, President, unexpectedly elevated to the leadsrship Quite as interesting to the travelers TafJ, the West apparently would have was running the convention by long- of his party in a presidential cam- thither as their visits at Fairview and been satisfied and would have given By Ernest O. Walker. distance telephone and did run it ab- paign. But he has matured. He is their conversations with Bryan, have something like its normal Republican (Mail Special to the Advertiser.) solutely till "Uncle Joe" Cannon and more tactful, more conciliatory of been their efforts to sound the senti- j majority. But neither of those men congressional cau- The most complete DENVER, July 5. Great trainloads his lieutenants stole a others who differ with him, mors ment of this western country with ref- 'was nominated, much to the disgust ly and attractive curio march on him over night and succeed- tious, more thoughtful. He is jom-plete- candidates. The of Mr. of convention delegates and convention erence to presidential the President and also of Taft. is ed in nominating a Vice President of inbued with the idea that he Eastern Democrats have heard . the But both Cummins and La Follette spectators were snorting, dust-covere- d, their own liking. During the nation- is going to win the campaign, although 6tories which went out after the Chi- will be in tremendous demand during STEINER'S into the city for fully five days before al convention here, Denver and Lin- it should be said that that has been cago convention the West was this campaign. nothing unusual that It is Island Curio the great Democratic gathering was coln are joined in a like procedure. The a Bryan characteristic in the previous very radical this year, that it followed to hear men out here say that if any- Store long-distanc- e telephone facilities are campaigns when he has been the can- to thing can make Republican majority called to order and the work of nam- Roosevelt in preference Taft and a Elite Building, Hotel not quite so good between here and didate. In the old days he had no pa- that there was danger it might follow in Kansas, Nebraska, Wisconsin and ing a presidential candidate was ac- Lineoln, which is approximately 500 with the bolting wing one including street. Visitors al- tience whatever Bryan in preference to all others, now or two other States, ways welcome. tually undertaken. The Pacific Coast miles away. None the less, methods of his party. Now he is seeking by that Roosevelt's retirement to private Iowa, certain, it will be for Gov. Cum- and intermountain people have swarm- of communication are ample. Mr. every honorable means he can devifJ life in eight months is a certainty. With mins and Senator La Follette to go Bryan is not keeping his ear to the to win all factions to his standard and upon stump The voters delegates and spectators who throng ed up over the extensive plateau and the conservatism that is rampant in the. the for Taft. telephone quite as closely as Mr. Roose- to induce them to vote the Democratic East, these stories were naturally ac- in those states know Cummins and tne hotel lobbies here In Denver this through the defiles in multitudes. They velt kept his ear to the telephone when ticket in the autumn. cepted with reserve They buoyed the La Follette and believe in them. That convention week. He and his friends bound into the city enthusiastically the Republican convention was in ses- Gold Democrats were never more Democrats up with hope, because it Wisconsin is thoroughly permeated are planning the campaign with special and refresh the scene by their inter- sion. Then he is not allowing his ac- welcome at Fairview. They are taken added one more possibiliy of victory with La Folletteism is well known. But reierence to these conditions. They est in everything that is transpiring. tivity and his domination over the inner councils, enjoy the Ne-braska- was to ac- the same is also true of Kansas, Ne- will have a radical platform and will convention ever come into the if the Western inclination No national has convention to be quite so conspicuous confidence fully and find cept Bryan in preference to Taft, whom braska and other adjacent States. La outdo the Republican platform in radi- o far "West and the far Westerners as President Roosevelt did. that he is willing to concede something Eastern Republicans insist upon Folletteism, although locally Republi- calism, quite as much because of the are making the most of it. Republi- the demands of BRYAN THE BOSS. to them, provided it does not run regarding as a conservative. can, is almost Identical with Bryanism. these Western farmers as cans, men and women for the women well-define- I Re- because peo- counter to certain d political And so there has been much compar- In Nebraska, for instance, the of the demand of laboring vote at all elections in this State of All the same, William Jennings principles with which, as a public man, publican leaders are already talking ple in the Eastern States, where there Colorado in a number of Bryan ing of notes among the delegates and is and States is bossing this convention. No he has become identified. from many now on about the necessity of persuading Sen- less hope of getting electoral votes. adjoining have been coming quite as one can tell observers states the speech- what will happen before How Mr. Bryan is succeeding in ground. Men are telling one another ator La Follette to make a few Whatever speaking Mr. Bryan does in much as Democrats They want to see the convention adjours two or three far es during the campaign. Radical as the campaign, the heft of it will be the spectacle of a great political con- days from this no one can tell for the present. not only what conditions are in 'their done now, but it looks as though some indication of his own communities, respect to Demo- the Wisconsin Senator is, he always in these Western States. He vention, even if they do not subscribe Bryan would make as thorough a job There will be with makes his fights within the Republi- probably will decide to cross swords or in direction of vote-gettin- but are recounting to the platform it adopts or support of it as did his party opponent in the success lack of it, the cratic can party and always supports the with La Follette and Cummins, if they nominates. conciliation, by the time this conven- the results of their inquiries in differ- go the candidates it White House. As things size up now, inquiries Republican ticket. He is going on the out championing Taft and Sherman. The railroad journey generally has Peerless to tion has adjourned. If he succeeds fair- ent places in the West. These Chautauqua thi3 He will "the One" is not likely - one par- circuit summer and make it hot for them, because been a short one for them something a Denver ly well in having a harmonious conven- have been very conclusive in prom- let t' convention get away West is radi- early autumn and has already he stands high in Western favor. like a day's journey, which is very from hjm. lie will probably be able tion and in getting a ticket and a plat- ticular. That is that the ised to speak plainly about the Repub- Thus with "this remarkable political according to form that half way pleases the con- cal, it is determined that the policies short the standards of to pre.ynt its adopting any planks he en- lican platform adopted at Chicago. condition, almost right at the conven- Western people. Their attitude and does not want or that he would have servative Democrats, radical though the of Theodore Roosevelt shall be There is no doubt, on the other hand, tion doors, the Democrats are trying bearing as they detrain has been a to approve of presidential candidate and the platform forced. They speak-o- f these policies supporting to surpass with reluctance, and Bryan's prin- about his Mr. Taft and their Republican brethren striking contrast to the Easterners, probably, too, he will nominate the may be, he will have made a long as being in accord with probably the radical Western communi- in shrewdness and in capacity for hold- who come in worn from living on trains running start toward giving Nominee Taft a ciples, but say little. about those policies to mate he wants, wherein he prin- ties will be able persuade him to ing a great and orderly convention that for two or three days, anxious to get will be more Nominee terrific campaign. Such a convention being in accord with Democratic make a whirlwind tour will make impres- fortunate than worth re- of these States a favorable popular out of their ears the rumbling sounds Taft was. and such an "outcome will infuse new ciples. That distinction is to the west of the Mississippi. sion. The preliminaries have pro- of car wheels and out of their eyes Apparently more of the delegates and spirit into all factions of the party, membering in these days when voters Just at present Gov. Cummins is in gressed favorably, quite as favorably the panorama of prairies, stretching leaders have been in recent confer- that, "Marse Henry" Watterson, once are apt to vote more for men than for a blue because of the way the as did the preliminaries of the Chicago with monotonous similarity from Bky ences with the Commoner at Lincoln said in an eloquent outburst was never parties. Iowa stalwarts have treated him but convention. There has been no steam- line to sky line. The altitude is high than got into personal touch with The- beaten when it was united. But, while the existence of the radi- it is quite probable that he will decide roller working day and night for a Denver, according to a popular way odore Roosevelt before the Chicago The attitude and the conversation of cal view is unquestioned, it is not eer-ai- n not to execute his threat to resign and week at Denver and thus far there has of putting it, is a mile above sea level. hosts gathered. That is because the the political groups, departing from yet that Mr. Bryan will be the go back to private life and also it is been little show of ill feeling among The clear ozone seems to have an in- matter of geography has made it very Lineoln en route for Denver, have been more attractive figure. These western likely that he will be out on the Democratic partisans. There has beert fluence upon humans. t All visitors step convenient for the convention travelers Jtruly one of the very interesting phases people want the corporations prosecut- stump before November comes, whoop- no standing around the hotel corridors, a little livelier and apparently a little to stop off at Lincoln en route. The of the Democratic convention period. ed. They would like to have Bryan's ing it up tremendously for Taft and as there wras with Republicans at Chi- easier, talk a little more vivaciously railroad companies obligingly arranged Thse Democratic loaders, conservatives attorney general in charge of the work. Sherman and telling the people of the cago, and predicting that the opposite than is their wont, and think a little it so that travelers could rest a night and radicals, have seen and heard Many of them are convinced that it West that in his judgment they would political party was going to win. True, more rapidly. or a day at Lincoln without paying enough in Lincoln and at Fairview to would be more thoroughly done and make a great political mistake to vote there have been some jibes for Bryan However, this does not promise to extra fare. This enabled them leisure- keep them thinking and, on the whole, with better results by far than have for Bryan and the running mate whose among the Democrats assembled, but speed the deliberations of the conven- ly to journey out to Fairview, Bryan's to keep them meditating about party yet been realized. They want to see name has not been determined at this on the whole there has been a spirit tion materially. Three days are long home, which is four miles from Lin- matters in an amiable, generally a some magnates behind jail bars, they writing. of hopefulness and of harmony, which enough for any ordinary national con- coln, and receive the glad hand from hopeful frame of mind. These travelers want the physical valuation of rail- One thing that cheers the Republi- is attributable in some part to Bryan's vention to transact all business in nn the leader of the Democratic oarty. talk it over in the smoking rooms of roads determined, they want campaign cans and discourages the Democrats herculean efforts to bring all the fac- orderly way. But Denver wants to Lincoln, although a Republican city, the trains during the fourteen hours of contributions made public and so on hereabouts is that, while the defection tions together. Some three days of the take four days and probably will have extended every facility and a most travel "from Lincoln to this eity and through a radical list. to Bryan seems quite marked among convention yet remain, however, and its way, just as Chicago was able to cordial welcome to all such comers. when they have arrived here they talk However, they have not abandoned the the voters, the Republican party work- that is time enough for a merry old detain the Republican National Con- There have been citizens committees it over some more. idea that Theodore Roosevelt's man, ers are all aggressive. There is no fight that would be reminiscent of vention in mid-Jun- e for an extra day, to look after the comfort of travelers Probably no county gentleman in the Nominee Taft, will do those things. sulking among their members. They Democratic traditions. that the hotelkeepers and the saloons and even to furnish carriages for a West lives more comfortably at home They are a little suspicious about it have their armor on and are ready -- - . might extract an extra hundred thou- drive out to Fairview. Whatever be than does Mr. Bryan, although some although it is still possible for the Re- for the clash of combat. This spirit A. Blom, has just opened a fine line sand dollars or so from the visitors. the result of the November elections, may live more sumptuously. His resi- publican leaders to allay their suspi- will help materially as the weeks of of trunks, bags and suitcases that have Such things always have been since there is no question about this far dence and its surroundings are very cions and to keep them within the Re- the campaign wear on. come direct from the factory. They cities began to strive for the honor of Western section of the United States beautiful. His fields are well culti- publican party till after election day. Mr. Bryan is quite as well aware of are all first class in make and material, entertaining national conventions and " warming up" to Bryan materially in vated. Plenty abounds on every side. If President Roosevelt would come out all these Western conditions, as are the and will be shown this week only. t COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, MONDAY, JULY 20. 1908. THE PACmO IB

How a Warship Is 0 Built LEET WEEK URSIOWS The beginning of the life-histor- y of a room man-of-w- is found in the council of the General Board of the Navy, in Washington, D. C, where the needs of the country in the way of new ves- sels are thoroughly discussed and con- sidered by trained, experienced experts, presided over at the present time by Admiral Dewey, chairman of the board. When the general board has deter- mined udoii a vessel of a certain type, say a battleship, her required leading qualities, in a broad way, are laid be- Saturday, July 18. Sunday, July 19. fore another body, known as the Board some- on Construction, "which goes into A special train will 1 what greater detail, determining the Monday, July 20. Tuesday, July 2 . distribution of the various weights, leave Honolulu daily such as hull, machinery, guns, armor coal, stores, etc., in accordance with the displacement, which haa been de- at 9 a. m. returning ar- cided upon for the ship. EXCURSION TICKETS 75c When the general features of the rive at noon. ship, the size and character of her bat- tery, the speed and coal endurance, and other essentials are agreed upon by 3 Hirough two Plantations fo!- - I the Board on Construction, the Bureaus El of Construction, of Steam Engineering, lowing1 the shores of Pearl Har- of Ordnance and of Equipment, are no- Excursion tickets will be sold be- bor to Wahiawa, the , Pineapple Each of our Messenger Boys is No.23, and they are true to the mystitf tified, and these bureaus thenceforth te in preparing he detailed tween Honolulu and all principal district of the United States. sign. No delays in the delivery of flowers, letters, circulars, announcements, plans of the ship as regards, respec machinery, bat invitations, or packages. We've thrown, the hooks into Old Reliability, and tively, the hull, the the points, in either direction, from tery and the permanent other equip- got Mercury skinned a city block. "We're the right thing in the Messenger ments. Skilled ofBcers, civilian experts 1 employ of the Thursday, July 6 to and including "Wagon motorcycles for and draftsmen in the Business. for large packages to or from the Fleet, and Government prepare the plans, to the rush delivery orders. tiniest detail, and calculate every Sunday, July 26th. Good for re- weight, the stability and other mat-ter- s KINO UP ALWAYS WAITING AT THE PHONE S61. of importance in connection with turn until Monday, July 27. the vessel. Unless the vessel is to be built in a navy-yard- , in which case the plans and MANUEL F. PETER, Manager. specifications are sent direet to the senior naval constructor of that yard, O- - o with instructions to build the ship at Government expense, eopies of the plans and specifications are sent to all private shipbuilding companies that wish to compete tor tne contract, ine contract is awarded to the lowest re- sponsible bidder, who thereupon fur- nishes a bond for the completion of the work. In Bottles and. Bulk All Shades y V The actual work of construction now begins. The first step is to "lay Paper Lanterns for Decorations f down" the lines of the ship on the floor of the mould-loft- . This is an op eration by which every frame, every ' longitudinal and other piece of the hull I is laid off in full size on a huge, smooth Big Assortment Just in JAPANESE BAZAR floor, and from the marks thus made wooden patterns are constructed, about Fort Street next the Convent. which the frames, etc., in the rough as they come from the foundries, are bent, on an iron slab called the bending slab, to fit the ship as designed. The first act of actual erection of the C These are the very choicest olives in every frame is the laying of the keel, fol lowed by the placing of frames, stem and 6tern post. From now on, the con- variety, stuffed and pjain. E Olives that would Flowers, Ribbons struction of the hull proceeds, until all the plates are on, and then comes the fa launching. After the launching, and delight the epicure, and make else glad ) sometimes, but seldom, before, the ma- any one AND HATS chinery and boilers are put in, then the armor fitted and the battery in " Have arrived and are in our stalled. Numberless other fittings are that he has . acquired the olive habit". tJWe made, such as boat-davit- s, derricks, MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. ! ) military masts, electric outfit, navigat- ing gear,, and so on. have all the very best brands, in bottles and in Wire Frames and Hats made to Order. J Finally, after satisfactory private dock trials, the vessel takes her pre i liminary spin at sea. This is unofficial, and is known as the builders' trial, for bulk. Send for a trial bottle. it is for the information of the. build- King Street. ers, to let them See what, if anything, 30 needs or alteration. When satisfied that all is well, the builders notify the navy department that they are ready for the official trial trip. A board of naval officers is then appointed by department, these May '., the and Lt accompany the .vessel on her official trial, reporting, at its conclusion, whether or not the contract require Leading Grocers. Phone 22. ments as to speed, maneuvering ability and the like have been fulfilled. If so, the vessel is accepted, and turned over to the navy. Man She still remains under probation for six months, however, and during this r period, while in regular commission, she is subjected to tests of endurance at sea, her guns are fired, and she is thoroughly tried out. The final pay LP ment upon her is not made until, at the We have received choice fish, Eastern oysters, all the end of these six months, she has ful filled all requirements. Then she be delicacies of the San Francisco markets including fruit comes a full-fledge- d unit of the navy. . which we are selling as follows : Apricots, 10 cts a EVOLUTION OP THE BATTLESHIP. pound; Cherries, 15 cts, 2 lbs. for 25 cts; Plums, 15 cts, The armored battleship of the Twen 0 mo tieth Centurv Is the lineal descendant 2 lbs. 25 cts; Pineapples, 15 cts each; Peaches, 15 cts; of the war-galle- y of the First. Consid- ering the relative aspects of the war- Cauliflower, Celery and Melons. fare of their respective periods, the flagship Connecticut has about the same THAT IS OUR SPECIAL BUSINESS. We are the only business house martial duties to perform as the heavy Metropolitan Meat Company, Ltd. trireme of the Caesars. in Honolulu that carriea on an exclusively photographic business. We have all The genealogy of the modern battle ship is easily traced. In every age it the best facilities known for developing and printing, and our force and equip- Telephone has kept pace with the progress of in 45. vention and the increased complexities ment are the largest in the Territory. of the science of war. The. extension of navigation by the Our men are experienced in their business. We pay special attention to ncreasing use of sails resulted, by steady stages, in the increased size of "hurry-up- " orders, and guarantee perfect satisfaction in every way. If you warships, and the invention of gun- powder added to as have trouble with your pictures, bring samples to us, and we will show you r-- 1 their effectiveness well as their powers of offense, for SAN FRANCISCO HOTEL. men-of-wa- r now became not merely what the trouble is. vehicles for soldiers fighting with manual weapons, but with their cannon, FULL LINES OF BEST PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. actual fighting machines themselves, as they are to this day. lhe lme-o- f battleship, or ship-of-th- line, of the days of Drake, Hawkins, SAN FRANCISCO Van Tromp. De 1 Ruvter and other famous admirals of three to five cen The most superbly situated hotel in the World turies ago. was a huere sailinsr ship. OVERLOOKING THE ENTIRE BAY OF SAN FRANCISCO, mounting many guns of varied cali- bre, and large was THE GATE, AND THE RAPIDLY REBUILDING CITY. carrying crews. It o-Su- pply GOLDEN these ships, the battleships of their day, Honolulu Company CONVENIENT TO SHOPPING, THEATER, that, like those of the present era, BUSINESS, AND RAILROAD CENTERS. bore the brunt of the battle and car- ried or lost the day. Improvements in FORT STREET THREE DOORS BELOW HOTEL STREET. OF HOTEL EXCELLENCE sailing and maneuvering qualities, and THE EPITOME in armament, were steadily introduced, II I Combining all the conveniences and luxuries a good until we find in the stately ships-of-the-lin- e II hotel should have, with many unique, original and of Nelson's day, a century ago, the age exclusive features. Entirely refurnished and refitted pinnacle of a warship's glory in the o sails. These great wooden, wind-propelle- d dollars. Social center - -- " - at a cost of over three million battleships carried from 74 to ,.1. of the city headquarters of the Army and Navy 120 guns each, carried in two or three Scene of most of the social festivities. gun-deck- s and a spar deck above. FOR 1000 GUESTS. The introduction of steam, the rifled ACCOMMODATIONS gun and the explosive shell introduced ICE CREAM AND CAKES EUROFEAN PLAN. new problems, and the steam frigate WELCOME J. M. LEVY & CO., Single rooms with bath, $2.50, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 upwards. and the iron-cla- d resulted. With the Served Dally Suites, $12.50, $15.00, $20.00, $25.00 upwards. improvement, in machinery and in the The Fleet with an Artistic SIGN OR with hath, $10.00, power EXCEPTIONAL' QUALITY of ordnance, sails were gradually BANNER done by THE FAMILY GROCERS MANAGEMENT abandoned altogether, armor was made MANY FLAVORS of steel of better and better quality, and the huge steel battleship of to- TOM KING STREET, NEAR BETHEL Perfection Home Bakery PALACE HOTEL COMPANY day, a veritable floating is the SHARP fortress, , result. Phone 426 137 King Street Phone 76 . f Beretanla and Emma Streets ...A.""- - J 4


THE PACTFIQ-.- . CMMERIAL.7rAJVBRTlSI- - HONdLtTLtj,r fc.i6SiA.-- JnmY.Ti20,': 1908;" I"' 12 i Ohashi, ef . 2 0 0 0 2 0:0 THOUSANDS WITNESS -- Higo, c 2 0 0 1 2 1-- 0 Totals ...... 25 0 3 2 27 15 5 L" u "X""J, '"''""''"'t';" "'i' " rate i 1 BUSH BASEBALL CONTEST Fukuda pitched after third inning; yggj ym--- ' '!' f T m;"lT'"'" A Abe second after third inning. SUMMARY. Two-bae- s hits Davis, Louis. i and Jewels Struck out By Fukuda, 1; Chilling- HH-Uitia- Slam the Saints the ' f P. f Santa Claras worth, 11. :-- '( A 1 Bases on balls Off Abe, 3; Fukuda, .r"-- L CO Withewash the Little Japs by 3; Chillingworth, 4. tf Wild pitches Ohillingworth, Fukuda. Passed ball Higo. 10-- 0 Score. Hit by pitcher Chillingworth, Olmos. Sacrifice hits Diamond Heads, 6; IIM arart 5 Keios, 1. - ban r5j.- r f- LOUIS. AMIS, - Four thousand people witnessed two ST. games of bush ball at the ball park ABBBHSBPOA E & a? j Jf JLsf a? j a? js En Sue, If 4 0 1 0 2 0 0 yesterday. . Neither game was good Bushnell, 2b 4 0 0 0 3 2 0 Diamond Dust ( - ' though the second was worse than the Jno. Williams, 3b 5 'f.r fc? .V- - yol ? " " If first.. Had it not been for the presence Joy, p 30000224 0 2 01 3 1 aS V V V eft- r , 4 1 0 0 0 1 2 i.l if you of the Kauai Kilties with their cornets Walker, rf Fukuda went in the box vice Abe G. Bruns, lb-- c 3 0 1 1 7 2 0 in mother and loud-soundin- g cymbals the crowd .. the fourth. Burns, cf-l- b .... 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 in the would have fled long before the end of 2 1 1 1 5 1 0 J & J Soares, c ... as conside second game. A. Williams, The Japs are as quick cats in the the ss.. 21 field. ' a lot o Claras defeated the St. Aylett, cf 2300010 0 0 1 0 0 The Santa t2 t Louis by the score of 5 to 2. The Totals 32 2 5 2 24 13 6 Okashi made a good pull down of Claras have struck their gait and should Costello 's skyscraper in the seventh. keep on winning from now on. Their G. Bruns goes catcher last of sixth; 3& 8 ( Murakami distinguished himself at form in the first two games was too Aylett to center; Burns to first; Soares ' first. :' bad to be true. A nine with their leaves game. reeord has to be good, that's all there SUMMARY. The Jewels' fattened their batting 3 . ? is to it. There is always the possibility, Two-bas- e hit Lappin. averages yesterday. ; j however, of the home team being bet- Three-bas- e hit En Sue. m bjS Struck out By Joy, 7; Kilburn, 7. The Santa Claras played like leaguers. present 16- - il' ter, although in tne instance it Bases on balls Off Kilburn, 2. , J THE ST. LOUIS COLLEGE ALUMNI BASEBALL NINE. Perkins Photo. a one. if is unfortunately jemote Wild pitches Kilburn, 1; Joy, 1. The Diamond Heads were simply Top row Walker, Aylett, Joy, A. Williams, John Williams, G. Bruns. Second row Gleason, En Sue, Bushnell, the second game the Keios were M. " 'A In Passed balls Soares, 2; Bruns, 1; fooling at the finish. ' ' whitewashed by the Diamond Heads to Shafer, 1. Soares. the tune, of 10 to 0. The Japs had a Sacrifice hit St. Louis. Davis was prostrated by the heat be- a8 v and they went the bad day the further THE SECOND GAME. fore the game and ice was applied to worse they played. The middle of the his head. The lineup of the Starlights and Pa- Butler, who was in the box for the game was listless, the end tiresome. The second game was the Diamond J J THE SEASIDE cifies follows: winners, pitched a good game. accommo- ' New bleachers which can Ileads' all the way. Hundreds of plantation Japs witness- Pacifics Kau Yin, c; Ah Young, p.; .. date 700 people have been constructed "They made their biggest inning's games. ' ed the LEAGUE GAMES G. Pang, lb.; Sau Chin, 2b.; C.' Mark, YOGA'S EXTRAORDINARY FEAT. and T running from the new bleachers tothe score in the third, when four fine fat 3b.; W. Ako, ss.; J. A. Chuck, If.; Loo fort t( ; makai. corner of the field - and round ones went into their basket. The ump. had a very of? day. Hon, cf.; Kwong Yee, rft For fourteen years Bava Luchman corner some way in a Waikiki di- Sam Chillingworth went to first on a can ii : the J J j Starlights Ah Tunet c; Lum Lee, Dass received from the priests of the rection:.. These bleachers were packed hit to center-fiel- d and gained second There came near being a In the two games of the Seaside reguls riot after ss.; Ah Yau, 3b.; Hoy, 2b.; W. Kee, Black Caves of Central India the nec- yesterday. .; ; on a pass by catcher. League Star-line- s the J. Fernandez the last game. To appease the clamor- Baseball yesterday, the If.; Kim Wo, cf.; L. Look, lb.; C. essary education in order to become do tb? I Since week press box has walked. Sing Chong sacrificed and all a Jast the ing. Japs the Keios were allowed to defeated the Sweet Violets and Tuck, rf. yoga, as a yoga must be capable will I ' been kept clear of intruders, thanks to hands trotted along. Olmos hit and a over some of enter protest technical the Pacifies whipped the Starlights. The Seaside League will nold its reg- taking the forty-eigh- t postures of one i the action of Paul Isenberg, and on went to first on a fielder's choice, and point which arose during the game. the d ular meeting Tuesday afternoon at 5 idols. Saturday and yesterday the arrange- Sammy scored. Fernandez' bunt scored The first game was a one-side- affair. Hindu Perhaps his greatest trick We b' a8 o 'clock. - , consists of balancing himself on the ments were. all the newspapermen J. Fernandez, and Eddie of that ilk sec- The Sweet Violets were poor both at t that. Walker made a bad nuiff in the ends his paym desire was on first, sacrifice of fingers while the whole of" could ' safe Costello's ond! and in fielding. - V, bat his- body is in the air. Bava stated 0T6T. The Claras scored their first in the brought in Olmos and E. Fernandez. The playing of the Lihue band was For the Pacifies, in the second con-te- st KAKAAKO BASEBALL. two-bagge- that in order to obtain the second' innings, an error by Walker in In the next inning Davis d rank of greatly appreciated. They played the Ah Young pitched a very fine In a game At- yoga in the Black Caves of Tight; field letting in Art. along" the extreme left and stole sec- ' of baseball played in India he Shafer. kind of stuff the crowd likes and kept game. He kept his opponents from had to continue in thi position on . The Saints evened up in the fifth. ond. W. Chillingworth died pitcher to kinson Park yesterday, the Kewalos de- the Ik better time than Berger's hornblowers. scoring until the sixth inning., Mark ends of his fingers under the eyes Bnrns out. Soares hit to first. first and Sam Chillingworth 's smash to - ' of. struck The bandsmen arrived by the Kinau ex- and Sau Chin carried off the batting feated the Kakaakos by the score of 8 the judges, without a second 's inter- out to center brought in Davis. ! Alf. Williams flew first and cursion yesterday morning and left for honors of the day for the winners. to 7. .v val, for seven days and nights. Soares went to third on a wild piteh. In the sixth inning Davis was safe the Garden Isle last night. They are En Sue smashed a hot 'un to third and at first on second baseman's error. Bill sure of an audience whenever they visit Soares scored on Byrnes' error. Chillingworth flew out to first. Sam Honolulu again. The fifth was a busy innings for the Chillingworth, hit by pitcher, took his ' Claras and they rolled up three runs base. J. Fernandez walked. The ! "Howler" Dovle annonnced that tho therein, v Byrnes went to first on a catcher throwing to third to catch Hawaii had been sighted and called for clean, low hit. to left field, and reached Davis hit Sing Chong 'a bat with the cheers. Three small, watery ones were second on' Joy 's erroT. The big south ball and, the horseside glancing off and given for the $20,000 tailender. paw in a fool play threw wild to first going wide, allowed Davis to notch. .i i Sing Chong f hence the pyramids. went to first on a hit to Next Saturday the Punahous meet short, Sam Chillingworth made third, - Souse Freine hit to second and went to the St.- Louis in the postponed first ; first, Byrnes moving up. The latter and Fernandez and Sing Chong effected series game. The second game will be .Maw came in on . a passed ball by the a double steal. ' between the Keios and the Santa Claras. catcher. ,. Olmos, hit by a pitched ball, took Cheese ' Broderick hit to first who hiq base, filling the stations. Eddie "fumbled the ball and Freine died at Fernandez' sacrifice scored J. Fernan- NINE the plate. dez, and Sing Chong was out trying to PICKED M. hatet hit to right and Walker's steal home on the play. error Jet him go to. second,. Broderick The Jewels accumulated another BEATS SAILORS taking, third pouch. Broderick scored brace in the very next inning. Louis I on a wild pitch and Shafer was let in two-bagge- d to center. Costello flew I ... out to center. Davis went to first on by a passed, ball. . . .'."; An exciting game, of ..baseball , was left-field- , Kilbprn struck out. Lappin lined out a hit to and stole, second, played in Aala Park yesterday after- pearfh Louis making third bag. Bill Chilling- a to' the right field fence which noon between the battleship Ken- would tiave counted as a home run had worth hit safely to second, who threw it notfbeen previously' agreed that.no wild to the catcher, and Louis and tucky 's nine and a team picked from ball going among the crowd should earn Davis romped home. the players of the Riverside Baseball , " " The scoring in game was more than a couple of bags. Peters last the League. . : , that done in Sing Chong ...... wonndy npVtie . effort by flying out to the ninth. beat The sailors were defeated by the ' center.-- ' J ; '" ' out a bunt. Olmos reached first On a score of 10 to 8. Another fish came into the Clara' bunt, forcing Sing Chong. Olmos stole Misch of the Kentucky batted well net in the seventh in this wise: ' second. . Eddie Fernandez' beat out a in the seventh, bringing in Talley and gave ghost bunt and Olmos went to third. Louis Thrall, and giving ship lead nd Broderick up the short to the a of We first. M. Shafer went "6 first on a hot fl.ew out to eenter-fiel- d and Olmos stole one run, greatly to the delight of the and stole second. .Kilburn 's sacrifice home on the play. Costello. flew out Naval rooters. - to advanced Shafer to thifd and he regis- first. Kupa of the picked : team did some and at The Japs were at sea in almost every base-stealin- - Photo tered on third bagman 's error, - fine The only 6ther scoring "was in the inning and hardly at any stage of the Quast of the Kentucky pitched a run-getter- s. s game did they look like . ninth of the Saints when they managed ' good game, striking out seven men. to rap out one. Summary: .. , The nines were as follows: s Walker went to first on a hit to sec- DIAMOND HEADS. U. S. S. Kentucky Quast, p; Perri-go- , Right I f ond, and made second bag on Kilburn 's c; Ney, lb; Hollins, 2b; Talley, ss; Prices ABBBHSBPOA E . mistake" Bruns sacrificed, and .Walker Olmos, If . 4 2 2 1 0-- 0 0 Thrall, 3b; Misch, If,; Paggett, cf ; Van proceeded Ari j to third. Bruns got a pass E. Fernandez, lb 4. 1 2 0 10 1 0 Horn, rf. but was pinched stealing second, and Louis, rf . 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 Riverside League Picked Nine Ku- 5 Walker crossed the pan on a wild throw Costello, 2b . 4 0 -- 0 0 2 4 0 pa, ss; Bailey, 2b; Tahu, c; Hiena, If; to the. eateher. " Beef" Aylett struck Davis, c 4 3 3 2 12 3 0 Apiu, 3b; Makanui, lb; Jack, p; ont " W.Chillingworth, p4 01 1 04 0 Charlie, rf; Akana, cf. Summary: ; S.Chillingworth,3b 3 1 2 1 12 0 Score by innings: SANTA CLARAS. J. Fernandez, cf.4 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 12 3 Sing Chong, ss . . 3 0 0 1 2 0 1 456789 , ABRBnSBPO A E Picked Nine.... 00322001 210 4 0 1 0 0 2 1 Kentucky .... 8 Lappin, 2b ...... Totals ...... 30 10 11 7 27 14 2 21210020 Teters, If 4 0 0 0 0 0 0, Summary: s KEIOS. Two-bas- e Kennedv, cf ; 4 .0 1 0 2 0 0 hits Bailey, Makanui, Ta- A. Shafer,! ss ... 4 0 0 0 2 3 0; ABEBnSBPOA E hu, Misch, Quast, Van Horn. LIMITED ! Three-bas- e f Byrnes 3b 3 1 2 0 5 3 lj Sasaki, ss .... , 4 0 2 1 2 11 hits Xey, Kupa, Jack. . , 0 2 0 FreineJ . rf 3 10 10 0 0 Takahama, If .3 0 0 0 Wild pitch Quast, Jack. 1051 Fort Street, above King. Broderick, lb ... 3 1 1 0 11 0 0 ivoyama, n , . . . 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 Bases on balls Off Quast, 3; Jack, 4. Telephone 282 M. Shafer, c 3 2 .2 1 7 2 0 Kanki, 3b . . . . 3 0 0 0 6 1 Sacrifice hits Picked Nine, 2; Ken- Kilburn, p 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 Ir ii A o y . OVv O 0 0 0 0 6 tucky, 1. JlTf ." Abe, p-2- b ... . . 3 o o r i 4 Struck out By Qiiast, 7; Jack, 6. Totals i..... 31 5 7 2 27 12 3 Murakami, lb .2 0 0 0 12 0 Passed ball Tahu, 4; Perrigo, 5. DO o c


DE a t TRADE H O MARK TRADE jj MARK n 44 V o Hawaiian Jewelry , Hawaiian Mats, Curios, Pictures Price $1.50; Value; everlasting reminder Hats, Fans and

and Postals history-makin- g I' of a event. . . . . Tapas i i o o 4 U 1064 Fort Street 1064 Fort Street - 3 Jf J s "' ;f lnJ V DOC 0 JGZa O CSS CSOO CZZZSOCZZZZZ CD dS DO s 0S THE PACEETO COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HOS'Old.U, MONDAY, JULY 20. 1908. 3

to England to procure the stone re- quired. IF YOU'RE POORLY -- By Authority On Christmas day. 1SSS the chancel of You really ought to commence taking Addition to .St Andrew's the Cathedral was opened for-divi- ne SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters and give it service, and in June. 1S88 the Bishop, writes nave a chance to prove conclusively that it that the of the Cathedral Lnder and by virtue of a you well ajrain. 54 years was nearly completed. The ohofr and Writ of can make For Execution issued has been making and keeping sickly two bays of the nave were consecrated out of the District it Consecrated by Bishop Willis Court of Honolulu, people well and will do as much for just before his depart County of Oahu, you. too. ure for Tonga, Territory of Hawaii, on The cost the 1st day of the building had been of July A. D. "1835" Hosteuers $70,000, of which Queen collected 1908, in the matter of published in a Emma S. Wallace j (Continued from Page Nine.) would use now. It was in England a large part of the 116,500 Chang Men Tin, Chang Jo Sang, Ying Stomach San Francisco paper. Churchman, held service in his house contributed there. Cheau Joy and Bong Mau Kee doing IS THE KIND OF There was no doubt lack of tact on On my arrival I spoke of my inten- Bitters at Lahaina for four or five years. His of Anglicans and a failure of business as Kong Tai Loy, plaintiff own family and an occasional officer the part the tion going on with the work. The to recognize conditions. There was al- history of this isTamiliar to you. We against Hiu Mong Tsue Fu Kong, Che being compounded from a whaling ship constituted the so as appeared to the missionaries an found we were Tong You congregation. it able to use the island and Kon Fu, doing business from strictly pure irritating air of superiority with them stone. With the DaVies Ware In lh5o, Kamehameba IV came to the Memorial under the firm name of Tin Wo Com- Flat ! orugs is me saiesi which rankled in the hearts of the building, the Cathedral, and the new throne. "While in England with his pany, defendants, I did in said Hono- .SHirJb and best medicine Americans. It was an age when Pro- Priory buildings. Emma Square will 1HAT RESISTS WEAK anv man or woman browner, in charge of Dr. Judd, he had Christians in United States present an appearance lulu on the 3rd day of July A. D. 1908, attended Church services was testant the which will be stock, can take to build and heartily disliked the Episcopal Church, unique in the Pacific. One thing is levy upon and shall offer Our is made up of four IIerecord-e- d for sale and run-dow- n sys- greatly attracted by them. needed and up - and as a rule considered its adherents that is a tower which I sell at public auction, to beautiful patterns. tems, steady the in his- diary his impressions of a worldlings, because hope will be built in memory one the highest Abbey. as unsaved largely of bidder, nerves or cure service in Westminster Later did which they them- who was a tower of strength to hun- at the Police Station, Kalakaua on well inform- Churchmen things he becameremarkably do now without thought of dreds of souls. Hale, in said Honolulu, at 12 o'clock ed as to the history of the Church and selves j. 1 Poor Appetite, wrong. This was repaid with a kind APPRECIATIVE WORDS. noon of Wednesday, the 5th day of Heartburn, its principles. When he was married, Both 1 contempt Churchmen. iraa. of by the August A. D. 190S, all Flatulency, at "his request the service of the were In this work of building the addition the right, title 113 HOTEL STREET was used. Both he and the sides were narrow and both sides and Sour Risings, Prayerbook to blame. consecrated today I wish to bear testi- interest of the said Hiu Mong, Indigestion, Queen became most anxious to get a mony to the gifts which Christians not Tsue Fu Kong, Che Tong You and Kon Church elergyman here. The cathedral parish register of these of our name would to God g$jg&g$$r. Dyspepsia or most interest- there were Fu doing business under the firm name It is most important to boar in mind years as indeed since is no names, none but the name Christian ing and unique with its record of rites -- of Tin Wo Company, in fol- in this connection, that at first the ap- I have given. It is only an illustration and to the GENERAL administered to Kings, Queens ; and - xne genuine nas plication for the chureh was not made !Of the existence of good feeling, and It lowing described property, unless the Princes. The first entry is the baptism j is one of the joys stamp over Wm. of my life that it sum one 71-10- 0 WSSSS private to England but to the Et. Rev. L 1S62. The of hundred and six and neck of bottle. Kip, Bishop of California. the of Queen Emma, October 21, (exists. I have tried to be fair and' just, REPAIRS In first confirmations are those of the King to appreciate ($106.71) dollars, that being the archive building are many letters writ' the value of the work of Te- C. Wyllie, the ! amount - ten by industrious and excellent and Queen, of Mr. R. others, to rejoice in any work done for for which said Execution was the G. M. and Attorney i God C. Wyllie in to Hon. Robertson and man, to avoid all which would issued, together with interest, costs, man Robert regard this next confirma- (make for misunderstanding. CARRIAGES OR AUTOMO- matter. Bishop Kip, whom knew in- General Harris. At the Though I my fees and expenses are Oahu Railway I name j believe my previously timately, wrote in 1866 as follows: tion in December the first entered with all heart in the Church The Bishop found- and her ways, my delight in- paid. BILES. TIME TABLE "Previous to I860 I had received re- is David Kalakaua. it is and ed schools at Lahaina and Wailuku and spiration to know of the sacrifice and PROPERTY TO BE SOLD. peated applications from the Islands to devotion OUTWARD. a clergyman of our church. The in 1867 St. Alban's College, afterwards of work done in the past. My 1 3.5 II. P. "Otto" gasoline engine send founded Honolulu. St. friends of other Christian names know Tor WaUum, Waialua, Hon. R. C. Wyllie several times Iolani was in complete; 1 pump; W. WRIGHT & CO. I Kanaka aai late was established large- that I am a loyal and positive Church- - water I buckskin W. IWay f:lS a. m., 1:S0 p. m. wrote to me on subject. Unfortu- Andrew's Priory Stations the and efforts of jman, but am sure they know also horse; 1 set single harness and 1 ex Tor Pearl City, Swa Mill and Waj nately we had no clergy to spare. ly through the interest that KING. NEAR SOUTH 8TREET I Queen Emma in 1867. The same year 1 iry 10 ieaa tne church from bigotry press wagon. Jtatlona t7:S0 a. m., 9:1S a. m., 11:U applied both to the Domestic and For and narrowness to a catholic vision of m-- the corner stone of this cathedral build- Dated Honolulu, July 3rd, 1903. U nx. 1:1S p. , J:20 p. ol, 1:11 p. eign Committees in New York, but in all who serve the Lord God. The ax p. m., p. m. summer of went ing was laid. It was to be erected in Terms, cash. $:S0 til vain. In the I860, I memory of Kamehameha IV., whose Churchman and the Puritan have lost Tor Wahlawa 9 :li a. m. an I:1I to England. Mr. Wyllie wrote by the to their old quarrel. Some of you have CP. IAUKEA, Service . aa. direction of King requesting me death in 1S64 had been a great blow Pubic the the mission. In I860 Bishop Staley seen on the panels of a wall in the County Sheriff. INWARD. to make an arrangement for them in British House of Parliament series went to the United States to the gen- a 8082 July 4, 20; Aug. 4. Particular people will find the 1348 XaJkuku, Wai-Xn- a England." In London Bishop Kip and of pictures representing the heroic ac- Arrive Honolulu frem eral convention with a letter from the Pope Hartford automobile, seating and Walanae 8:M a. aou. I:sl Bishop Horatio Potter of New York tions of the race. One of these pictures fir agreed plan of a joint mission, King asking for aid. The Board of the landing of pilgrims. persons, perfect running, easy ridias; ej. m. to the Missions pledged the salary of two is the The true Arrive Honolulu from Ewa Mill aal two or three clergymen to be sent by Churchman appreciates worth. It is in and roomy. Church of England and a like num- clergymen. One of these was the Rev. Westminster Abbey on NOTICE arl City 17:46 a. m., 8:31 a. ax, the Geo. B. Whipple, brother of Bishop of that the tablet p. 4:S1 p. ber bv the American church. to John Wesley are his 'words: "The lffctt a. m., 1:40 m.t ax, Minnesota. my Any overcharge of, or discrimination p. 7:30 p. m. The Bishop of London said: am world is parish." "In St. Marga- :tl "I With all the troubles of this period ret's, Westminster, is magnificent made officers happy that the application for this mis-io- n the against, or men of the Manuel rznio Arrive Honolulu from Waalawa Chureh had a great deal of influ- window to Milton, old came from an American Bishop, so the the Puritan. In visiting fleet should be reported to the Telephone 290; namm-Yoaa- g S:Sf a. m, and 5:31 p. m. ence and indirect. The Gazette Boston's, England, when too Only. that it can not be said that the Church direct the old St. undersigned, chairman Daily. tEx. Sunday. Sunday of Jan. 1, 1868, says that Christmas Butolph's, church was rebuilt there of the Arbitra- Garage, phone 200; or residence, pheaa two-ho- ar of is on The Halelwa Limited, a England obtruding itself the was made a holiday in 3863. On April was placed in the tower a tablet of tion Committee. 1097. train (only first-cla- ss tickets honored), Islands." 11, 1868, it says that Good Friday was brass inscribed to the memory of John A. GARTLEY, Honolulu every Sunday 8:21 The Civil War prevented at this time - leaves at observed by the closing of government Cotton, the Puritan preacher of new Office at building of the Hawaiian a. ax; returning;, arrives in Honolulu the carrving out of the American part offices. says: is strange to a Boston in Massachusetts. When the It "This Electric Co., Nos. 223-22- ving Union Electric Co. at 10:10 p. m. The Limited stops enlv of the agreement. But the English large portion of our people. " Then it churCh was opened after the restora- & Pearl City and Walanae. church sent out Bishop Staley, who ar tion, the flags of England and America street, near Alakea street. 8091 9 BERETANIA STREET at adds: 'Easter Sunday, even in Protest- Telephone 315 D. P. DENISON, F. SMITH. rived here with his party on October oc- floated together from the church in C ant churches is sometimes made the ETocse Wiling - Bells - Dry CeTJa superintendent. u. Jt. x. a. 11, 1862. Mr. Wvllie wrote in 1859 to casion for appropriate exercises." token that the old quarrel was passed NOTICE. Manley Hopkins Lady Franklin, and the 'Bishop of London, the suc- Special attention to Installing private that Things have changed with our Christian telephones and general repair work. then in the Islands, was gTeatly inter- since day. They vie with cessor of Laud preached from the text: During my absence from Honolulu fl RAILWAY brethren that you we Dated Honolulu, February IS. IMS. OOLAU ested in getting the church here. It us in keeping the great holy days and "Let us build with for seek Dr. J. T. Wayson will take charge of England dis-pise- God as you do." We are here to do was she who sent from the other observances which they once d. my practice. TOWARD KASTJEU. to our best to win these islands for God. V cathedral font. It was intended be In fact the trend is all one way; DE. BRUCE M'V. MACKALU a 0 d used first for the baptism of the young May the holy spirit help us to do the " - they are returning to the paths of the seize opportunities. 8090 prince, and is so inscribed. The boy old Chureh in ideas, in worship, in archi- work and to But died before the Bishop arrived. The one thing is certain; this work will not tecture, in their view of amusements, be done well unless is done in love. NOTICE. a King meanwhile busied himself in and in observance of holy days. They it j j Ha- The' greatest thing in the world and the furniture 1 : r ; es translating the prayer book into have gone so far that sometimes the : : : waiian, in which task Kalakaua "render greatest thing in the universe is love, To Whom It May Concern: : i Mother Church wonders that they don't for God is love. Notice is hereby given to parties in- ed assistance. The preface written by go farther and come home. I King excellent and was printed Brethren, we have now set apart for debted to Joseph Richard, doing busi- i i : the is In 1870, Bishop Staley resigned, find- sacred uses the addition to the ness as the Union Dairy in Honolulu, Es Xs in London in English and circulated as ing AJSr P.M. nana kana himself unable to get the financial you have built with your that all accounts for milk delivered by a "tract "on the buTch3 aid necessary to carry on the work. - pres- 1.01 lLOt XXX to to It free; offerings. There are those him since March 14, 1908, have been Xanana.. So at last the church promised by was then that the Arehbishop of Can ent who saw the foundation stone laid assigned to the Honolulu Dairymen's Punaluu.. AT 11.11 1.41 Ml I.M Vancouver, sought by Kamehameha urged Bishop Whipple to present 8.00 11.17 1.41 AM JU terbury take by the King; there are those Association by mortgage dated on that Hopp & Co. Haleaha.. II., desired by foreigners during tne the diocese. he had done who were on first building com- j J. 4.11 1US 1.50 M M If this the the day and duly recorded on the 16th day j EaluanuL forties, asked for repeatedly by foreign- history of the next thirty years would mittee or whose fathers were members 1908, payments said 4.S1 1.M M M of March, and of Hauula.. ll.lt ers and the King in the fifties, came at have been very different. Bishop Whip- of it. They rejoice with us in seeing accounts can be made only to the Kaipapau I J7 11.11 1M J M last. It was said at the time there ple had the interest the work go on. This building Is a par- U.48 S.00 .40 M and confidence of undersigned. Lata...... MI would have been no objection here, if some of the richest men in the church. able- of the whole work of the Church Dated, Honolulu, July 18, 1908. Arrive there had been no Bishop snt, but in it$elf. It goes on from generation to" 11-6- HONOLULU DAIRYMEN'S ASSOCI- 0 11.S8 1.11 .13 . BISHOP WILLIS COMES. OFFICE SPECIALTIES Sahrnku. our system In the words of Saint Igna- generation; We must do our part in ATION. S TOWARD SABANA. tius of Antioch, "No Bishop, no It was thought at this time that no our day. We have a beautiful church. Kinney & Marx, attorneys, 303 Stan-genwa- ld chureh." other Bishop would mis- We have given to this House of God d d a s be sent and the building. 290 u MSB REGISTER, 5 5 r 5 g? sion was in sad straits. In 1872 Bishop the best material and the best work- '. C. .'if, 4 n T & . REV. S. DAMON. Willis arrived on scene. manship at our command. Let this be 5 (3 the I shall NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS OF p TYPEWMTEE. on not go into details as to a . parable that this building of stone . A most interesting event occurred this period. temple KOHALA SUGAR CO. o October 13, 1862, at the Seaman's But I can say this, that he was hamper- shall represent the living of p ADDING MACBKS, chapel. was the marriage of Mr. ed by English precedents which he which we are living stones. In accordance with the terms vinder It issued, Ko-ha- la MIMEOGRAPH i . 2 H. M. von Holt to Miss Alice Brown considered himself bound to follow. This building stands as the outward which Its bonds were the tai !, s ; : P expression of our faith in Jesus aa Sugar Company will pay, with L by the Rev. S. C. Damon. At the close Bishop Se.lwyn cut himself loose from GLOBE-WEENICK- E God , made in flesh. We on August 1, 1908, Xa-- St Of the ceremony Mr. Wyllie arose and things not fundamental and after a manifest the accrued interest, T.M. P.M. huku huks few years in New can be tolerant, charitable, liberal, if thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) of its I said as follows: "The, undersigned Zealand said: "many you we tamper with to O.M 12.40 LOO to to no things adopted here are not according will, but dare not bonds. The numbers of the bonds Kahuku.. Episcopalians, who having church the "faith once for all delivered to the Lale 1.EI 11.49 101 $ I Of own. have years worshiped to English rule, but In accordance 'with be paid are as follows: SUPPLIES of their for Saints." This faith receives of neces- 8 42 73 97 133 Xaipapau 4.71 11.57 123 .21 JU in the Bethel of which you are pastor, common sense." - The grreat sity in each generation a new expres- 13 44 74 99 135 CARD SYSTBIS 1 101 118 M M from your ideas of the Selwyn as to Hauula... deriving much instruction sion in the language of the enlarged 19 50 77 105 142 S f.87 1.05 1.31 M M more from the office of Bishop are worthy of note Kaluanul. ministrations and still the knowledge of the age, but in funda- 28 54 78 109 143 8.00 1.09 1.41 .40 M of your holy walk and con- in his address to the first general Haleaha.. example mentals is unchangeable. It is not 29 60 81 110 144 Office 8.83 1.11 1.47 .41 .11 me- Synod: "I believe the Monarchical idea Hawaiian Specialty Punaluu.. versation, pray you to accept as a found out by the cunning of man's 120 145 1.63 .Si .41 of the Episcopate to be as foreign to 37 64 88 Xanana. 11.00 1.23 morial of their love and respect and true brain, but is revealed In the person of Notice is hereby (riven to the holders Connecting- - Kahuku with the O. gratitude to you, the silver salver the mind of the church as It is Negations spec- Company, Ltd. at adverse to the gospel doctrine of hu Jesus the Christ. and of these bonds to present the same for X. L Co.'s 1:11 a. m. train from which will be presented to you with mility. ulations can not satisfy men. It is banking among Tou laity must recognize a payment at the house of The Honolulu. this letter." To this are signed joint in positive and definite faith that wins in Hawaii, Limited, In Honolulu, 931 Fort Street 1:11 p. R. C. Wyllie, II. II. interest the office of Bishop. philosophies come Bank of Returning, leaves Kahana at other names, J. looking upon him your the end. Fads and August 1, 1908, and Interest on Geo. IL Luce, as agent and go every age Church on that m., connecting with the afiernooa Holdsworth, Thomas instrument to carry into effect what and in but the same will cease on and after that train for the city which leaves Ka- Brown. Theophilus H. Davies, S. Smith, you of Christ remains and will remain. know to be right and wish to do of date. huku at 2:20. Mrs. Monsarrat. Mrs. Dudoit. Mrs. E. but which you could not accomplish of This church stands for the faith CHARLES H. ATHERTON, JAMES J. DOWLTNO, Supt. A. Cartwright, Mrs. J. M. Greene. yourself." The Bishop Vancouver, the educated navigator and Sugar Company. cannot delegate Young, the unlearned sailor. It stands Treasurer, Kohala M O. T. ATt iwm R. 8. POLLISTER, P. Undoubtedly the estimation of Mr. his power of action, but he may guard Honolulu, 27, 1908. for the faith of the men who sought to June vr Churchmen was due to against 13, 16, 23, Damon by these arbitrary and ill advised acts here and those 8077 June 29; July 3, 6, 9, 20, his spirit and policy. In the anniver- by " having as in the American sys- establish this church 27, 30. tem who brought it. It stands for the "W E LCO M Ew sary sermon referred te, .he speaks of "a council with a salutary power martyrs, apos- says: party of control. is faith of saints and of Fire Insurance the difficulties and "While It better not to act at and prophets. With the diversity . all to tles Co feeling and national prejudice were than act against the declared of opinion and HARRISON Wall, Nichols Ltd. opinion of in- of views and differences glaringly apparent yet it was my stren- those who are conjointly practices which she has; her limb, u. v. uu, 4o terested in the plan, re- variety of uiLLiwutiAia uous endeavor to preach the gospel and mainly formularies and her unchanged and LTD. all who might visit this.hapel. " sponsible for the execution of it." MUTUAL ASSOCIATION BANZAI! These unchangeable creeds bind her to the The spirit of JMr. Dnmon was shown words of the great Colonial inspire present. General Agents for Hawaii Bishop exactly express my own ideas, past and her for the We have the best Japanese Importv-tlon- s Atlas Company of London. in The Friend In which he writes in God grant that our lives and our works Kapiolani Building, Alakea, near King In Assurance November, 1S62: earnestly pray and furthermore the carrying out of New York Underwriters' Agency. "Wv these may show forth this faith in this spot that the (Angliean) Mission may enjoy ideas is practically insured by the meet so men of 1ILK3 and CREPE3. NOYELT1ES. Providence Washington Insurance Constitution and Canons Amer- where the races that Company. a prosperous career and be instrumental of the all tongues as they gather here may be Your Suit Etc deeper religious anil ican Church which safeguard the right serve God Send in imparting a of the clergy Und drawn to say: "We would AMERICAN and PANAMA HATH spiritual earnestness to the churches al- laity, the Parish and you." To Diocese. As Bishop - with tie For Ladles and Gentlemen Vra. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd. ready existing as well as be the agency Willis- said to me shall employ to in a letter: "Tou have a body of laws EAGLE DYEING AND which the Holy Spirit to fall back upon which 1WAKAMI. Hotel Street awaken many souls. " I had not." PRODUCTS OF CLEANING WORKS AGENTS FOR THE This is very true and explains much. Royal Insurance Co., of Liverpool, Eng- I am not going into the details of the I wish to say here that if it had not Telephone 575. FOET STEEZT. land. history of the church since Bishop Sta- been for Bishop Willis this Cathedral : Scottish Union & National Insurance ley arrived. It was but natural that as it is would in all probility not be many of the Christian people should here. The cut Love's Bakery Carnations .Co., of Edlnburg, Scotland. stone from England lay Plumbing ASTERS , AND DAISIES WUhelma General In- feel that this was an unnecessary in on the ground for years. Some strongly of Magdeburg ' We do the best work at surance Co. trusion. Then again thesewere times advised selling it to a church in British feeling Cite the lowest prices. Satisfac- of when English and American ran Columbia which needed of iaehine-manufactnr- Commercial Assurance Co., Ltd.. material ed Goods; Baked tory expert inspector. Len Choy London. high and though there was absolutely kind. Two laymen, Henry May and C. Dally to the no" political purpose in the founding of C. Harris, went before the Hawaiian Beretania and Smith Streeti the mission, there is no doubt that in Committee in London and said that a At stone Sing Chan Co Thrum's Book Store its effect it did strengthen the English church was out of the question, Opposite Aala Park. party. There waft bitterness on both that a plain brick church was all that Saloon Pilot Commercial, Official and sides which we are all glad to forget. was ne lo'! or aesired I am glad that Bicycles for Rent Society stationery. " Anderson cf the American Board the Bishop took another view. In 1SS0 PRECIOUS STONES Pr. a commencement was quarry BY THE HOUR OS DAY Best Typewriter Papers, who was here in 1S63 was particularly made to Pilot and antf though says was largely stone at Waimanalo for the walls of th set In rings and brooches. Gold tacy Books by Good Writers. bitter, he it jewelry made to order at rea- because of the churchmanship then pre- Cathedral and the report of 13S0 states liver r. YOSHIKAWA that it was hoped that the columns and sonable prices. Tour trade solicited BAWAHA2J FOLIC TAXES the enrj vailing here. Dr. Anderson by his Soda Crackers 13 KING STREET white mis- arches for the nave could be cut from finely policy of withdrawing the it. eolleetion of locaj legends, sionaries undid in large degree what Much of this stone was brought SUN WO ORDER YOUR - down by schooners in 1S81. was de- Wuttrtted, price 1.75. the American missionaries had done in It following firms CHAN CHEW, Manager d termined to are for sale by the KAWATIAN ANNUAL the receg-i- and by his being adverse leave off the transepts as 1808 St. P. O. Box 94J forty years, In the original plan, over Maunakea Water From Us rAferenc book ef island in- to schools, scorning the efforts a change Scda formation, girl's which Queen Emma grieved greatly. HENRY MAY & CO., price 75 cents. by Mrs. S. E. Bishop and GO being made The foundations of the choir had been Cents a Case others, his policy led to the!closing of laid 13 years M. LEVY & CO., HONOLULU rs before and the foundations J. IRON WORKS several girl schools just hen they of the nave were put place 183.' Consolidated Soda Works good at and elser in in T. H. DAVIES & CO Ik COMPANY. were doing Wailnka The cut stnne which had lain so long Phone 71 ,' FOR ALL OCCASIONS Machinery, Black Pipe, Galvanised where. ' on the Cathedral grounds was used in H. HACKFELD & CO Pipe, Boiler Tubes, Iron and Steel. En-alnee- rs Samuel Clemens fMark Twainjjwho the choir. When this was done the At Miss Power's Supplies. was here during this period, wrote a idea of using the island material for C. J. DAY & CO., 5XAD THE ADVERTISES violent attack on the Bishop, ns-in- g MILINERY PARLORS: OFFICE Nuuanu Street. most the cut stone work of the nave waa WORLD'S NEWS DAILY WORKS Kakaako. language that I scarcely tMnk.he abandoned, and Mr. R. Lishrnan went; GONSALVES & CO. Boston Bldg. - - Fort Street. ! r s


JOHN NEILL, ENGINEER TOLD BY PROMINENT DOC DOC 135 MERCHANT STREET, PEOPLE atei Has just received a few of the finest . gasolene engines ever brought to this i Territory, and would be pleased to have Oscar Hammerstein, at a dinner in KM said he imputed his c: experts examine New York, that in that line call and great success to the fact that in bis 13 the FOOS. We would further inform opera house he put art ahead of money v. Hn, X making. litia; "I like to think," said Mr. Ham-merstei- n, tsar "that in some small degree I share the artistie feeling of the great Handel. "Handel, when the curtain would M Tr; rise upon a nearly empty house, would Vinyr say soothingly to his associates: , N " 'Ach, never mind; the music will j THE sound all the better.' "

Wu Ting Fang, the Chinese ambas sador, said modestly at a dinner in New- - Port: TSCB out patrons that our machine shop has "I am aware...... that the honors neaped just been equipped with the latest im- - upon me are due to my exalted office, my KMnj tnnl nd that we are prepared not to humble self." Toilet Waters by best American and Several young ladies cried excitedly : Tooth powder of every standard , the to take in a wider range of work. Steam make. of every description European makers. There is nothing better and gasolene engines, automoDiiea juiu 4But yes," said the ambassador, Brushes all kinds of fine machinery repaired. I smiling. "It is my ofiice, it is not I, including the celebrated than the extracts and toilet waters we sell. Shin nd general blacksmithing. We that gains and merits your considers ,1 nnitA a variety of second - tion. Yet this is a mortifying truth of implements, belt - l . set: Maile Cologne kand machinery tools, tQ f t Buch a Rubber ii t- - sold cheap, at "& which will be tmth never be recalled to our memory Colgate, and extracted from the choicest of the Island n NETLL'S WORKSHOP, with the harsh shock that shaving brush. Williams vines. 135 Merchant St. P. O. Box 381. "But listen. soaps sticks. It's fragrance is lasting and refined. farm- - Pears shaving and Telephone 116. ' The other day a Rhode Island er won a Diue noDon at a woonsocKet stock show with a fat hog a 1,250-- pound hog. . I Choice " 'Get my name right,' he said ex I citedly to the reporters, with their pen- - I eils and yellow paper, who crowded A Kaneohe Beef round him at. awarding time. 'Get my j il 5 name right, boys. It 's Hiram Y. Doo-- Always on Hand little; son of the late General Augustus Anderson Doolittle of St. Joseph, who 1 TOTJNG PIGS ' POULTRY settled in Rhode Island in the year and y , " 'Oh, never mind all that,' the old We have the largest and best assort- Proprietary medicines of every kind . 'HOGS... fort FRESH BUTTER AND CHEESE est reporter interrupted. 'Give u the ment of flavors at the soda fountain to at the price charged on the mainland. can ii : pedigree of the hog.' " , be found in the city. The ice cream is We sell everything in the drug line and regula MEAT CO. do the ; SAfV0 Captain Charles Gerlolomich, the mil unequaled because it is made of the are agents for Weyth & Brothers and V 1 will Km Street Market, next C. Q. Ye lionaire skipper of the Martha Wash- pure article. Try it. Johnson & Johnson. one ii i Hop & Co. ington, said one night in the steamer's saloon, as he ate some very and We i Tel. tSS rich YOUNG TIM, Manager. fragrant turtle soup: "This soup reminds me of something that happened to my old friend, Captain Just Received Jeremiah Gotschalk, of the brig Scud. The New CONEXIN Self-- Filling ' ' Captain Gotschalk and his first mate MdBTilB'Bl Spi'Eay &Mffldl He were doing London. On a fine summer Fountain Pens morning they walked in the Row and E. HERRICK BROWN CO, saw the fashionables horsebacking; they strolled in Piccaduly, where all the Leave your packages here while you are ashore. Use our telephones 909 Alakea Street great clubs are; they looked over the guns and men's things in Bond street: and make this your rest house. You are welcome, always. and lastly they got hungry. "For lunch they entered a smart S looking restaurant. A maid in a white Burroughs' Adding cap took their order. The things m j the little restaurant were cheaper than they had expected. Still, that was all the better, provided the quality was Machines good. "In a few minutes the maid put two plates of thin, transparent fluid with Gor. Fort and ofel Streets somewhat salty taste before Captain Gotschalk and his mate. The Watcrhouse Co. ) "The mate tasted it and coughed. J " 'Put a name on this, cap'n, will OOCSDOGSDOGSO.CaoCS3EDOGSDOC Judd Building. . 1 yef said he. "Captain Gotschalk tried a spoonful, h and then beckoned the waitress to him, " 'What might ye call this here, my 1 lassf ' says he, lifting up a spoonful and letting it fall back into the plate. BIG STOCK reiepl Shirts " 'Soup, sir,' says the waitress. Xa Made to by " 'Soop!' cried Captaia Gotschalk. ENAMELED All Sizes Order "'Yes, ignorance,' the waitress, an YAMATOYA swered, flushing up. B. "The captain turned to the mate. Klu; Pauahl Street, off Nuuanu. Street. "'Soop!' he said. 'Soop! Bv tar, Bill, just think o' that. Here's you and me been sailin' .on soop all our BO WO lives, and never knowed it till now.' " Hotel Near Smith Str"5! All Sizes The late Walter A. Wyckoff, the K: MANUFACTURER OP tramp professor of Princeton, said a magazine editor, "had, in his tramping Coyne Furniture Co.,iLtd. Photc: days many a quaint experience. 63Biiiness is irst on one ..ii. i Jewelry Y Jade ' ' He was , talking to me one night TOUNQ BUILDING about political economy. He wanted to Str prove that I was wrong in my claim EDISON g that labor-savin- inventions robbed of uncle Sam's laffleships poor men of work. He said, at the Y. WO SING a CO. 2 argument s end, that he was reminded Af: PHONOGRAPH of a conversation he overheard in 1900 1126-11- 28 Nuuanu Avenue IT'S PIPES FOR THIS AND PIPES FOR THAT :I on a tramp in Pennsylvania. Hawaiian flews Co., Ltd. 'They were digging, he began, filter FRESH ISLAND BUTTER BUT THE PIPES FOR WASH CLOTHES AND II beds on the outskirts of Philadelphia with a steam shovel. The wonderful P. O. Box 952 Tel. 238 SCRUB DECKS IS THE ONE THE BOYS DO NOT shovel, whistling and grunting, would dart into the earth, jerk out again, and ENJOY BECAUSE IT MEAN3 DEAD HARD Get VICTOR swing up merrily towards the waiting a car, loaded with a ton of dirt. WORK UNLESS "Two laborers stood beside Wvckofi. NOW They watched the quick and tireless shovel scooping up and dumping into Bergstrom Music Co., Ltd. the car a ton of earth at a lick. Final ly the younger laborer said with an oath: CO.HOTTEL " 'Ain't it a shame, George, to shovel t dirt that wavf ' " 'How sol 6aid George, the older laborer. " 'Why, that there machine is takin' Bonded Collector and ihe bread out of the mouths of 500 men what would be required to do the same y x-- u r. -r. Willi rl i sr?ii General Business Aent wwith h1andx.8hIovel8-- ' J I "George laughed. WALKER 79 MERCHANT STREKT " 'Go in,' he 6aid: 'you don't reason 310 e, Telephone right. Look-a-her- if this steam dig- - BOAT AND f IS THE SOAP USED. IT WORKS WHILE gm' would give work to 500 men with MACHINE WORKS KING STREET SLEEPS. OTJE AIM is to produce shovels, why not get 5,000 men with i "JACK" NO MORE HARD RUBBING teaspoons for the job! ' " o C a n Milk OVER THE WASHTUB, PAU KA HANA TAKES Contaminatedlo Milk Is Dangerous Dr. Charles M. Boswell, one of the most eloquent of the younger leader of ' 'Do ye tae off their clothes every THE DIRT OUT OF CLOTHES WITHOUT EX- ' THE POND DAIRY Methodism in Philadelphia, was dis- night, loidyf " ERTION. i Tel. 890 cussing the Whistling League that he NO OTHER SOAP DOES AS MUCH U4 il Senator Beveridge described, at a )) has just formed. WORK AND IT IS f "whistling is vocal with life and In dinner in Washington, an absentminded POSITIVELY NOT INJURIOUS strumental for making people merry; farmer. absent-minded,- TO THE ex is man was so " MOST DELICATE FABRIC. IS PURE-BRE- D POULTRY therefore it both vocal and instru- "The IT mental," he said. "If all would whis- he said, 'that he couldn't open hia MADE tle church songs and hymns instead of mouth without making an arrant ass of IN HONOLULU FROM ABSOLUTELY FOR SALE. the common songs of the street, incal himself. PURE v; XGGS from choice stock In aeasoa. culable good would ensue. To bring "Once he courted a young woman. INGREDIENTS. TAKE SOME WITH about this good League His suit looked promising for a time. n 1 Adirew W. C. WEEDON, the Whistling YOU ON YOUR 1 has a sorrowful visage, he ceased TRIP TO THE ORIENT, YOU'LL Box 658, Honolulm. been formed. Then, with "The church is in need alwavs of his courtship. NEED IT. practical means for bringing good to " 'Yet 6he seemed infatuated with pass. It needs whistling leagues, col- you, jaoez, saia i, one aay wnen no Forcegrowth lege settlements, children's country came to me for sympathy. MAKES PLANTS GROW week associations " " 'She were, too, Jabez replied. ' ' ' Well, what could have been Hawaiian Fertilizer Co., Ltd. Jlere Dr. Boswell smiled. the "That reminds me," he said. vis trouble?' . "I said I! XL O. IIAIilt & SON, LTD, ited one evening last summer, a farm ''Dunno,' he. He filled his IT whero a little slum child, a eountry pipe. J.mnno; but when 1 proposed, Selling Agents weeker, was enjoying his first glimpse she turned me down cold.' of pastoral life. k 'Perhaps your proposal wasn't ) "The setting sun gilded the grass ardent enough,' I suggested. HORSES FOR HIRE and flowers of the gar- " 'Oh, it was fiery,' said Jabez. 'Hot den, and on a little stool he sat, under as pepper. I told her she was the only Saddle and Driving. a tree bent with its load of ripe woman I'd ever loved, ever, looked at, Tort Street near Hotel St. peaches, beside the cook, who was ever thought of, or ' plucking a chicken. " 'But,' said I, 'you forgot, then, i Club Stables "He watched that plucking operation you were a widower.' Telephone 169 'gravely for some time. Then he said: " 'Jingo,' said Jabez, 'so I did.' " 1 i4

- v - THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, MONDAY, JULY 20. 1908. 15 ip T a? K J f J J f ? jc tf js'w j? ! j1 jff J r t? i?? i? t? & i? t? &

41 1 The York Style in - S&s9

This is one of the most I popular of all the Regal Style for the summer. V ' ', It is made ia the Kegil Way, of the finest selected material, and by the most careful and competent of creators. I This shoe is designed for grace, ease, style and wear. Made of heavy Vicl Kid, with half "com- - 5 mon sense" toe and heel, this Blucher Oxford will give perfect satisfaction ia every way. HI PRICE... $3.50 nd $4.00

' - TTnave your oia1 9 enoest re-. - t paired while you try on the new.

REGML SHOE STORE McCandless Building, Corner of King and Bethel Sts.

THE CONNECTICUT AT THE OCEANIC WHABF. Advertiser Photo. v 1 J J & St KS & & & v8 ,! v j & &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& tJ(etJt((J(ttltCtK4tjtttljt sight of the settlement until 8:30 o'clock. - THE EMORY SQUADRON The squadron is scheduled to sail from Lahaina to Honolulu Sunday morn ing. Maui Xews. AND ITS LAHAINA CALL CHAMPAGNE LAHAIXA, July 18. Thursday morning the third squadron consisting of With the Men Who Handle the Guns MOST DELICIOUS CHAMPAGNE OF THE AO EI

the battleships Louisiana (flagship), Ohio, Missouri and . Virginia, under the command, of Admiral Emory, dropped anchor at Lahaina and immediately pre- pared to coal. Then down, deep down, in the mighty navy has ever done before, and better. , believe, than any the The reception committee called upon the Admiral upon arrival and received ship, I of records made Unseen bv the middav suns, : by the navies of the worti. Gold Top BrUt AN EXTRA DRY VINTAGE OF 1900! him his men, announcing and the preparations that were made. You'll find the chaps who are giving j The excellent performances with the The men were given shore leave at 4 p. m., and brought two bear mascots, The raps the men behind the guns! " jbig guns appear to be all the more re-- ' ' which are entertaining great number of people, on markable when it is taken into a especially the children, most satisfactory feature of the , . f, the streets. that-- st(inmpfl .ftllf nn greatest cruise ever attempted in the the range immediately following their There was a dance given to the officers last night, and tonight the sailors history of the world s navies has been arrival at Magdalena, and at & time Old Government Plantation Cigars will also trip the light fantastic. th mnffnJfinpnt. Rhnwinjr madfi hv the when the men were weary from the & 0 " I 1 . mi 1 iv i - RICAN TOBACCO The fleet as seen by the excursionists that took the steamer Mikahala from ,a t 1U"S voyage., mey naa own weu iraitt ONLY THE VERY BEST OF PORTO n;n. A;! Vrn' XN OF THESE CIGARS I Lahaina Wednesday night for ilolokai was the grandest sight ever witnessed fleet in target practise held recently at 1"".' USED THE MANUFACTURE in these islands. . Magdalena Bay. During practice :: ALL SIZES. this mnr showed their superiority over all records were smashed right and left, . , on. .. . At sunrise the fleet, sixteen abreast, was off Kalaupapa. They advanced ivt.-iagt-- r nnrl ovon most, sancmine. hones of vbUKr sumivi. r xur to within about one mile of the settlement, then formed into four divisions have not been V. Tr 4. llic Uliiccis fluu lucu nuc icaiu.ni. V fd t, a end started north past the settlement. They then formed in single file, the third rr,t- - r,t fha lanr tore Tea a J ") tuc umtvis iuc uium LEWIS & COMPANY, LTD. re-v- . ' a ber of surprises when the division turning to Lahaina and the others proceeding to Honolulu. . such as to call for special may " v .. Anally made public. One sole Agents for hawail There were hundreds of lepers on 0x tnm f retain sts of unfortunate the beach waving flags and the most" gratifying things of the prac- - 169 KING SiTREET. TELEPHONE 248.' cheering a most touching scene. R. 11. Ingersoll "When the results of the target prac- tice was the fine showing and team The steamer Mikahala," with the excursionists, sailed out to meet the fleet, tice at Magdalena are worked out they work of the gunners on "Fighting which saluted, and were responded to by the Mikahala. The fleet remained in will show better shooting than our Bobs' flagship Connecticut, with the seven-inc- h batteries. The marksman ship of the Admiral's own men came as a revelation when they scored 5.85 hits per gun per minute. "dust MrHved" gun The crews of the Minnesota, Well-know- n from all accounts, appear, however, to Another Car Load of the and Popular have carried off the first honors among the men of the big ships. Out of 120 shots from the seven-inc- h guns 116 went through the target at a distance of 1,600 yards, extraordinary shooting, to say the least. While special atten tion may be called to the record prac tice of the gunners of the battleship-- squadron from the East, the work of the men behind the guns on the ships in the 1'acinc fleet must not be over- looked. While the battleships were still many miles from Magdalena mak- ing their way leisurely along the West Coast the vessels of Rear Admiral Day ton 's command were steaming up and down before the ranges in the South discharging broadside after broadside at the targets. In this practice the gunners of the Our stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods cruiser Maryland broke the world's record with a six-inc- h gun by the score of 18.65 hits per minute, while their ship was traveling at a speed of is as large as any to be found West. of Chicago ten knots. In describing the night i practice held by this ship, one of the Maryland's officers spoke as follows: and it includes the best goods of the best makers "With the searchlights from the cruiser playing upon the targets and the great guns belching fire and smoke the sight furnished bv the Marvland in the United States. was most thrilling. Depending entirely upon the searchlights the crew maae one fine record with the three-inc- h guns attaining an average result of 11.76 hits per gun per minute. Amer- STEIN-BLOC- H CLOTHING Suits for any occasion. ica should be proud of her men for such : THE BU1CK RUNABOUT EARL & WILSON Negligee. excellent shooting." SHEETS Full Dress and The praises of the gunners on the little cruiser Albany have already been DEXMEL Low-Price- d LINEN MESH UNDER WEAE An excellent article in any climate. sung, as this ship carried off the navy The Most Satisfactory and Reliable of CLUETT & COON COLLABS trophy in her class at the practice this AND CUTTS These are in the latest patterns. year for the second time. Two world's Runabouts BARATHEA CRAVATS Superior records were broken, one with the five KAISER Acknowledged to Any Others. inch gun, when six hits out of six shots were made and another with the three-pounde- r, with ten hits out of ten shots 22 seconds. The sailors had UMBRELLAS, SUIT CASES OF A PREMIER QUALITY, RAIN-COAT- S, in HAF.1M-Y0UN- G been vaccinated only a few days be- VON COMPANY, LTD. smash- STETSON'S HATS, LONDON PANAMAS, STRAW HATS OF BEST AMERI- fore they took up the work of ing targets, but this far from hinder- AGENTS CAN MANUFACTURE. ing them in their work, seemed only to add further to their determination to show the world that the American gunner is in a class by himself.

OUR BEST RICE FARMER. The best rice farmer in the United ALL OF OUR GOODS ARE OF States likewise in the world is a Jap- Embroidered Silk and Linen anese living near Webster, Tex. His name is Seito Saibara. Saibara raises STANDARD QUALITY an average of 115 bushels to the acre. Saibara began with a 320-acr- e farm, but now controls about 1,000 acres. He came to this country less than . for year3 ago from Kioto. He has become an American citizen and is bringing up his son to American ways and teaching him that the United States is the gieat-es- t IsT country in the world. Seito was a SILK and FINE COTTON CREPE PAJAMAS 11 member in Japan of the imperial parli- VELVET PICTURES with beautiful scenery of Japan Ml IwlllM ,sa ii i 11 ament. While serving in that capacity he met Dr. S. A. Knapp, special demon- stration expert of the American agri- Streets cultural department, who had been sent Fort and Merchant to Japan to collect some new kinds of rice seed. He became convinced that he would like to eome to America, and he sold his possessions and came. He is rated at about $100,000. " )6 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVEBTISEE, HONOLULU, MONDAY, JULY 20. 1908.

AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS. AWAI1AN HOOKUPU ORPHEUM THEATRE A Runaway NOW PLAYING Polo - Mr. Richard Buhler CHEERS FROM or other accident, if you are the PARK v owner of any sort of vehicle, , And the Incomparable KAPIOUNI FOR RENT may make you liable for dam- " Lumley Company ages to the amount of thousands Furnished Cottages, Anapuni Street, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY S of dollars. v and WEDNESDAY MATINEE Manoa Valley, Beretania Street Even the carelessness of Tons of Island Fruits Were Distributed on Six o others may cost you a great deal Monday and Wednesday 2 4 in attorney's fees. Admiral Sperry's Battleships From A Policy in the Pacific Coast JULY 20 and 22 Casualty Co. will protect you Moving Pictures and other Specialties a Decorated Barge. FOR LE ASE from this liability. ' II company assumes . I The all risks between the Acts II Partially-Furnishe- d House at Waikiki and pays all fees and damages. ;; TUESDAY, JULY 21 Half of the officers and men of the "Oh. this is easv; I could do it all Beach r;;.v - Last Appearance of wanted j Atlantic fleet were the recipients yes- day." And he looked as if he to keen it'-u- forever. During the eB 8 TfUSl terday of one of the most unusual gifts, transfer of the fruits the battleship Blanche Arral from the people of the Territory of band and the quintet club alternated Ill Hawaii, that has fallen to their lot since with stirring music. Every selection 111 Honolulu the great armada departed from sung by the Hawaiian boys was greeted with cheers. FOR SALE NEXT PLAY Hampton Boads last November. was on vs It It was a notieeable feature that Building Lots, the great hookupu offerings of fresh every ship cameras were out by dozens Manoa Valley, Makiki fruits, the aloha presentation contri- Coal-begrime- d blueiaekets snapped ex and Punahou Districts barge, indicating Carmen buted to by the people, following a pensive kodaks at the Kauai that the young men are mating me House and Lot at Kapahulu for $750. pretty custom of the days of the mon- most of the cruise and laying up knowl archy when royal and other notable edge of the places they visit not only House and Lot on Makiki St. for $2500. William O. SmitH memory, upon sensitized personages had showered upon them bv but the House Lot, College films. and Hills, for $2700. Ha-waiia- Trust Department HAWAIIAN whatever in the way of a gift the Leaving the Connecticut amid cheers could give. Six battleships in barge went to Wisconsin. The fc5 the the ctates Managed, Revenues Collected, the harbor received visits from a deco- passage of the fruit to the battleships Loans and Investments Made. MIDWAY rated craft from which tons of fruits was accomplished much quicker than at the Connecticut owing to the lower were transferred to the decks of the scenes -- freeboard. The same sort of "Waterhouse Trust" Insurance inand- warships, and accompanying each lot were enacted there as at the Connecti Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets of fruits was the following letter ad eut. LOONY FOR ENGLISH-AMERICA- N and New Two Entrances: dressed to the ship's of- Then the Rhode Island the UNDERWRITERS i commanding Jersey were visited. It was at this ficer: ALAKEA ST. and EICHAEDS ST. boat, perhaps, that the greatest fun was 11 (Half Block from Naval Dock) "HAWAIIAN HOOKUPU. had during the trip. Ihe sailors chatted Real and laughed and cheered, and the band Estate "Following an old Hawaiian custom and the quintet club played oiten. Cap II of bestowing gifts upon royalty and tain Southerland, who watched the pro TALK TO THEM! FOR RENT. Distinctively Hawaiian other distinguished visitors, the people ceedinsrs from a gun window, with Mrs of these islands make this fruit offer Southerland and Miss Southerland T. W. Hobron premises on Nuuanu Opera House ing to the officers and men of the, At- taking a decided interest in the pro ivenue, now occupied by Mr. Richard lantic fleet as an expression Entertainments of their ceedings, sent a marine to the barge Have chat with . Isenberg. Partially furnished. Beau-tf- ul loyalty and aloha. to express, on behalf of the men, his a grounds; large, spacious bouse. "Honolulu, T. H., July, 1908." appreciation for the courtesy shown his FOR RENT Large house, Beretania The hookupu is one of the earliest ship. The captain also personally Island friends by dreet, next to Queen's Hospital. " , thanked the committee, and . said that July 23 and 25 forms of affording FOR SALE Lot with two cottages, entertainment to a thirty years ago when he was here he Wireless ornr Miller and Beretania streets. visitor, and yesterday was a revival of remembered the hookupu as au enter Fine Lot in Palolo Tract. a custom which no doubt endeared it tainment which was frequent and not . House and Lot, Kewalo. unusual, as today. SI, 50c, 25 c self to tne men of the fleet, for every- it is uoU In Puunul Tract. 118 "Rest assured, gentleman," said the Rates lowv Houses and Lots in Palama. TUG-OF-WA- are B where was BOXING, WEESTLING. that fruit distributed the caotain. "that each man aboard the Lots In Nuuanu Valley and Kaimuki. , men cheered, looked happy, and showed New Jersey will receive his full share Huae and Lot, King street, near extreme eagerness to tate the gifts, of the fruit." GET THE HABIT. fhomas Square. A challenge When barge came up with the is offered to the mem while officers personally expressed the bers of the Fleet in any of the above their New Jersey, the men were on the dock events. thanks not only for the presents but the coaling ship amidst swirling clouds of Hawaiian Opera House unique manner in which they were dust. The captain courteously called Bishop Trust Co.,Ltd. brought. Hundreds and hundreds of them all aboard. It was said that the COHEN & LUMLEY New Jersey was making a record for kodak pictures were taken and the story coaling, in deference to the enter- Present the World-Famou-s but of the offering will find its way into tainment afforded, he gave up the op RENT TRUST CO., Ltd. uys and sells Hawaiian Stocks nd to his portunity make the record, ity. every part of the country. that Bonds. Makes Loans on approved se--mr- The offerings came from the islands men might see the entire show. TO LET As the baree approached, the Georgia HAWAIIAN HULAS of and Oahu, Maui, Kauai Hawaii. J Hawaiian quintet club played Dixie 11 FS" JAPANESE GEISHAS the Alligator pears, pineapples, bananas, and the battleship band responded with $40.00 and Over. Invites correspondence In reference SPANISH DANCES men of ship mangoes, sugar cane and cocoannts "Summertime." The the $75.00....Walkikl; 4 B. R-- . TAHITIAN DANCES and were ready helpers to get the fruit ..Furnished x Investments In the Islands, or the SOUTH SEA ISLAND formed the bulk and these were deliv- 60.00.. Waikiki B'ch; 2 B. R.. Furnished The Greatest Scottish Band In the DANCES x aboard, and did it with record speed any - 50.00.. College Hills; 4 B. ondition of Hawaiian Plantation. World ered to the Bailroad wharf and sorted. The crew were willing targets for ba R.. Furnished 50.00.. Pacific Hts.; 4 B. R.. Furnished Augmented ty This in itself was a task, for much of nanas flung up to them by the diving Acts as Trustee, Executor, or Guard- - TOCAL CHOEB, PIPEES, SOLOISTS, The Midway Open Day the ripened too in the warm boys, but kept their eyes on the pine is and Night fruit fast apples. $25.00 to $35.00. DANCEKS, Etc., weather prevailing and tons had to be Including the World-Eenowne- d Finally the Nebraska, lying at the $35.00.. Pacific 2 B. Furnished thrown away. morning Wal- Hts.: R.. Collects Interest and dividends and Yesterday quarantine wharf, with the yellow flag 25.00 Palohr: 2 B. R. . . .Furnished ter F. Dillingham, chairman of the at the fore, was visited. the crew, oanages estates generally. Clan Johnstone Troupe commissary committee, assisted by Clif whieh has had no opportunity to come $10.00 to $35.00. . BASEBA.LL ashore, was unusually interested in the ' Fire Insurance. ford Kimball, Gilbert Waller, Gerrit good things to eat, for their only $10.00 Morris Lane...... 2 B. R. Under Auspices ...... B. League Wilder, Harry Dennison and a corps of amusements thus far have been eating 10.00.... .Rose St. ....2 R. Safe Deposit Boxes. SCOTTISH THISTLE CLUB Grounds Hawaiians, sorted over the fruit, and and cleaning ship. A few stray cocoa 10.00... Kaimuki... 2 B. R. 13.00... St ,2 B. Two Concerts Afternoon and Evening 1:30 P. M. arranged it in six equal divisions, one nuts which eot aboard by the airline ..Fort R. were objects of interest to groups of 13.00 School St... 2 B. R. Bishop Trust Co. Building for each vessel in the harbor. the men. Few seemed to know just how 15.00...... Gandall Lane 2 B. R. SATURDAY, JULY 25 A was tastefully decorated Friday, July 24 barge at to open them, but battered them on 15.00 .Young: St .....3 B. R. 124 Bethel Street, the corners with banana stalks each stanchions and anything that presented 17.00 Magazine B. E. . Upon Arrival S. S. Marama St. Louis St.....3 Punahou vs. stalk bearing a bunch just ripening, a hatchet edge. A couple of young- 8.00 .Pensaeola St... .'...3 B. R. HONOLULU. MONSTER STEEET PABADE tops of cocoanut palms elevated or Keio vs. St. Claras with sters had apparently never opened 18.60...... Gandall Lane..'...... 3 B. R. Tkkets on sale at Wall, Nichols Co. between bearing clusters of nuts. The eaten a brand new cocoanut. They 22.00 .Middle St S B. R. PBICES ....$2.00, $1.50, $1.00 floor was covered with rushes and upon gazed at the interior of the. nut, pecked 22.50 Young 3 B. R. ADMISSION 25c. and 50c. . St.... this green carpet rose six mounds of at a piece of the meat, gazed abstract- 25.00... Wilder Ave 3 B. K. NOTICE, EAGLES! Reserved Seats, Grandstand, 25c. were placed in Cigar Extra cocoanuts; the bananas edly into the distance while they tested 30.00 Alexander St 3 B. R. Owl tiers bordering boxes of richly eolpred it, and finally began devouring the con- 30.00 .Alakea St .,.2B. R. ., 5c. Popular I pineapples, the latter coming mainly tents. 30.00 ...Alexander St...... 3 B. 1-- Brand from the-- Wahiawa plantations, while Just how the crews will manage the 32.00 Wilder Ave... 3 B. R. Yea! Yea! Yea! is, sticks of sugar cane tied in bundles cocoanuts is a' question. Certain it 35.00 ...... Waikiki Beach ..... 2 B. E. STYLES looked most tempting. This work of however, that every bluejacket will be 1908 carpenters will SOME OTHERS NOT ADVERTISED M. A. Cunst & Co. Te Eagles on the Great Fleet will be arranging the materials devolved upon put to a test, the ship's - And Mr. Dillingham and assistants, who have a time keep a watch on their given a great . worked from six in the morning until hatchets and axes, but the bluejackets C. BREWER & CO., LTD. 10:3(,the time set for the cruise To will get to the inside just the same. I RENT TRUST CO., SUGAB FACTOBS COMMIS SPRING PATTERNS redecorated Ltd. AND begin, and at which hour the work was Today the barge will be SION MERCHANTS. NOW TO SEEN completed. The tug Intrepid, which and three separate loads of fruits will Smoker BE AT be placed aboard for three of the ships LIST OF OFFICERS: hj the local birds. This big time comes towed the barge, was also decorated W. V. AHAIIA & CO., LTD. with a couple of cocoanuts draped over now at the outside anchorage, which C. M. Cooke, President; George M. ff at the the bow, palm branches topping the will come into the harbor today. The DRINK YOUR Robertson, Manager; E. F. Bishop, outside will have W. Mac-farla- ne. FASHIONABLE TAILORS masts, and similar decorations along the other three still their Treasurer and Secretary; F. hookupu taken out in launches. Auditor: P. C. Jones, C. M. Knights of Pythias Hall 12 KINO ST. - Phone K2f deck rails. When the scow and tow swung out Mr. Dillingham and his lieutenant, Cooke, J. R. Gait, Directors. Kimball and Waller, are de- Corner Fort and Beretania Streets into the harbor they presented a unique Messrs. 10 1! picture. was peace serving of much credit for the splendid It a cruise of and car- I REDUCTION SALE Your Grocer plenty and the sailors of the flagship manner in which the hookupu was ried out, and in addition. Captain Lane LADEES' AND GENTLEMEN'S ' EONDAY EVENING, at 7:30 Sharp Connecticut, catching sight of the queer II In- - you: man- :will sell looking craft, crowded to the rails to is entitled to equal credit for the TTiere will be something to see that ner in which he worked the unwieldy watch their approach. The music of alongside ye Trill talk about for the next year. Hawaii nei, sung by Ernest Kaai and barge into the slips and the HATS gangways, without touching close m his quintet of musicians, floated across K U YEDA enough to break the proverbial egg. RAINIER 1023 fi the harbor to the ship, and presently . . "TJUANO AVENUE the band of the flagship mustered on mw null W8 the quarterdeck. As the scow swung THAT HYDROPHOBIA SCARE. want to see you, and give you a good up to the Connecticut, the band played The champion dog catcher of the Uni- Sing Fat & Co. a martial air. Officers as well as men - time. REMOVAL ted States is David Steenfield of Mont- BEER NOTICE. exhibited keen interest in the great clair, N. J., and it is worthy of note Dealers in masses of fruits and nuts on the scow At- - DBY AND FANCY GOODS deck. Sailors pointed and made ges- - that he is a firm believer in the fallacy For Ladies and Gents The New Oahu Carriage Manufac- of the theory that hydrophobia can be ART THEATRE tures indicating their delight at the NOS. 1009 AND 1013 NUUANU ST . turing Co. has removed to Queen prospect of getting on the outside of communicated through the bite of a Near King Hotel Street treet, at the easterly side of Nuuanu the luscious morsels. Chairman Billing- - dog, and he ridicules the idea that Dr. ANY BAR 8014 Marsh of Flatbush, N. J., died from XETWEEX BETHEL AND FOBT itream. ham asked permission of the officer of BRACES YOU UP the deck to go alongside to send the what the New York scientists described or wholesale at 0 fruits aboard and the permission was as rabies. Steenfield is the official dog Extraordinary attractions. Changes Montclair, TVednesday and Saturday. Matinee gladly given. A file of bluejackets lin catcher for Madison, Nutley and several towns m !New Rainier Bottling Works 4. Evening, 7 8:40 ed the steps of the gangway, the boxes other Jersey, 2:39 to to 8:30; to "TASTES LIKE and, according to his own 29:15. Two Big Shows. Fine music. of mangoes and alligator pears were statement, to tin. King, the celebrated concert passed up. It looked like a bucket be verified by numerous scars, he has Telephone 133 1. HAWAIIAN SODA WORKS .aisrer, ia illustrated songs. MORE" brigade at a fire, just the same eager been bitten hundreds of times. "I have haste to get the stuff, up the ladder, been bitten often," he says, "by dogs Phone 516 that were afflicted "and Every drink our Soda lan mixes Following the bananas came the cocoa-- j with rabies, I nuts. And then the fun commenced, have never suffered any evil effects FORT, BELOW KING MOVING I PICTURES makes you ready for the next one. At first the cocoaants, which were from the experience. As to the disease High Low passed fxam hand To hand'across the ke,ng communicated from handling an and js barge deck, up the ladder to the quar infected dog, I do not believe that such EMPIRE THEATRE ter deck of the flagship, were sent alon a thing is possible. I have captured O. OKAZAKI ALL JAPANESE READ Honolulu Ltd slotv'y, then faster and faster, until over 7000 dogs in the course of my XQTEL AND BETHEL STREETS. Drug Co., the nuts, were falling everywhere. When career, and in that number were scores that were cap- THE HAWAII SHINPO Fort Street, Odd Fellows Bldg. a nut fell down the gangway and struck declared mad. I have a bluejacket on the head the crowds tured them with my bare hands, when my fingers were sore NEW GOODS IN waked up and. applauded and waited for from bites, and News- New Moving Pictures not once T An authority among Japanese another similar incident. Once a nut was infected by the germs of fell to the water grazing a little native of hydrophobia." papers, published in the Territory TONIGHT! TONIuHTl diving boy's head. More laughter and Worsteds and Shirtings Hawaii. NEW FILMS fuT.. Did the sailors enjoy the cocoa- Dr. F. Schurman, graduate optician The only Illustrated 10-pa- ge Japan- nut passing? Well, s! It was harder and licensed oculist, is now connected ese Daily in Existence. IBANK VIERRA, Pianist. -- FOB ANY OCCASION vork passing up the heavy pineapples, with the optical department of II. P. Suits and Shirts 12-pa- ge Sunday Issue Is the B MRS. E. M. TAYLOR eight to ten in a box. When one young Wiehman & Co., Ltd. Ej-e- s examined to advertising Medium. Admission! 10 cent chap was asked if he didn't want a free of charge and glasses fitted by order. .Children 5 eeaia Telephone 339. YOUNG BLDG. Job Work In Japanese and Chinese relief to take his plaee, he replied: modern methods. Hotel Street, near Biver Street. specialty.