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15^00 People* Scad the

Every iWdty

and SUMMIT RECORD FIFTIBTH YEAK. NO. 51 SUMMIT, N. J., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 21, 1939 $3.50 PER YEAR Troslow Talks Pass First Aid Course Director Reportp s on James Truslow Adams Provided By Red e Club Hears Work of Welfare Board Review of "Union Now'* . A. Groups Join ^ 27™"^ To Civic Group Sixteen Boy Scout leaden and "Disturbance of stability" and In- r Attend Camp Conference cky police and firemen computed Dean Morriss Talk Of much interest is James Trus- •N. Hamilton McGlffin, director of | stitutionaliiation of the chronically low Adams' review, of "Union Now" In Founders'Day Here Yesterday the first aid course sponsored by bv the local Y. M. ('. A. -Home-Vacation, Police Comtofener dives the Boy Scouts and the American ill were cited lo the Union County I Clarence K. Streit. published aa camp ami-Fred Dickeivson l"(l' »>«">• sumn.it boys go .during jieadquartels Saturday nijrht about H Jield part of his conclusion. I)r. ! ,>f the fouudiue of the Vitionil >""' ""mmer months. 'Mr^,edlie (i ,„ ', s-'?<»iuiu.iy..iiigniaoouc - of the association—,C08t on {he average of 121.60. fourth Adams Police Commissioner The results or the^ourse are tai.(TV association— C08t on the average of 121.60, fourth = Adai , says: -Some day, in the .' congress ofTa ren s , d te-1• e™ 'wlU 8hlJW tht> »<-,• *. *nCe POy""' 22< °f Home with Ken l ; turM ()f <<: 1 ln Frederick K. Truslow speaking as the hands or the Sulmlt cKpte? \'laceV^mmo'ns'laT^rS X ff i "»•»«••den » ***•«*«>: Xew Provi-1kind oiir worworliml wwee livlivee inin., w.twithh spaspacc e ' „ ohsp,.v..., , 1V ,L " , , uJ 1 "'M> WawiiynTidaand will J - on"" *"ll> S(M' "M011r «•••";. who waa living or the American Red Cross and cer- fernoon bTCn MnrJ ^ M ? :! «' Borough wbirh. is allocated annihilated and Interdependent explain some, .of the caiiipV'new I ."n lh t> ' " .rimiF with .her par- lie said "trdm a civilian point or ilated and interdependence- n ; T ,! ' ..."; explain some, .of the ra.mpViifw! ° .. ' s^'on'l floor with .her par- I betweet •.•'<.<.•n• n.iunnations. , ™»i-hi»tcoiifple-te_ , . n»,ivaiiua is and the Su lllllt had fJOne to 'the first- floor to re- peiiectioits or shortcomings that those completing the course: Will-* or Pembroke College, Brown lini-j per case coat of 1.4.70 has the high- t thing like what Mr S'treit suggest* j " High School Asso-, iIHjkwj nimi .,„ iH,illK ,„„, (>f ,ht. have existed In the department in lam Harry J.'.Harmon VV-^t|Pr e'U of the nationa! est average in the County, whilejwifi have to come to pass, either 'l 'latio». Thursday-night .in a pro--best equipped ami1 best niiuiaged'' uue-st of Marsluill Heaves, 28, who '•' AIM • ...' .New Providence Township with a now or after we and bur children's : "raiii at the High School. The feu-'camps' in iheveaatern part of thejI was -rooming there, some of her be- years past, casting aspersions on no . Spurgeonp . Harold C.jTb| A businesu nesss mmeeting with reports "f per cent, allocation for 5 cases children shall have waded anew was the presentation of a pa- j country. •' > • 1 lopgiugs which were in the latter's i;iie,-mit at Che same .time pointing Pedereen. Ed-ward Smith, Arthur• j Recede• A (Hisinesd Deas meetinn g With reports; 77 n~- ««.,. allocation for 5 rasear-hiMran _h,. 11 hm,u wnH^i uno-r ' ture was the nresentHrimi »f « n». i counlrvr . •' • 1 lnrorraai rage cost of $21.10, sixth .through flowing rivers of blood in "Cultural Contributions'' to' M' - McOifrin lias- Rtatod that room. Heave* Imd heen paying suit Hal the constructive efforts that mDuga • ,n ,»Courtney -A.-PeerA-Peer. Philip SS?3 iJTS has aa ave r| nde a Joseph C. Introduced bv Mrs Waltpr F i highest in the county. j the Valley of the Shadow of Jtea'th." •America," written and directed by I plans .are.going forward for the lo-, to Mi».s J'oya-* for about IS months haveoeen- under way »orj-J . '• {[;W Mrs. Mildred C. Stafford, a member j fal Camp Cautiuiuhis and that, a and becaine incensed when the* i;tmMme to eradicate these *H5!!S& ;";^ of the! of the Roosevelt-Solioal ''teaching strong staff and a well balanced .young woman told,•'•him "We are li.-riections. "anville \V 1 Spa n e C Iar enc w^u^t" ^- ^ , '- , -|club, who. presided., the guest starf. / program i« being-nrninged' for the! quits.." Previous to the Commissioner's j f W. Moll, William h. Lambert Speaker dtacarrer her scheduled 1 I Freeholders Adopt . Tlte general consensus of opinion local lioys who -will 'be at home thjs . (ioing-.to a trunk' and whipping j,ddress. Gilbert Baker, chairman or and hdward Trayrord. 1 ; topic, "'Education of Girls—Why j among the-big crowd present was out a T2 caliber revolver which he ijic Association's Safety Committee and How/' in favor of the broader; summer.' made a report in which among, oth- that the production which entailed had bought, "in Washington two A. A. U. W. survey. . 1 Plans Complete] ' County Budget the participation of about 175 dif- years ago, lleaves confronted the er things he read an editorial from Presentation of "This must be a very opulent, ferent people was "splendidly or- Poyus woman, with the gun Think- the -Summit Press attacking the in- club," remarked the dean, who had; proposed by Mayor James Plans for. the annual Girl Scout j Amended to comply with the local .ganized, and^produced under a most D.A.R. Chaptei ing to attract attention, Miss Poyaa attentively to the J ! called to some one lii an adjoining \V. liancke'r In the personnel of the or *- - • • - • j-operative plan ,l,|i.utinent. This editorial, the Budget Each of the room for a glass of water believing treasurer. up of a group ! Of National Work she could distract Reaves" atten- CummiciMioher commented upon tion. However, when the glass of saying: "It did not take into ac-JMagirire I'cklor, regent 1 water came, Miss Poyas was lying" ciMint the facts in the case. Whether 1 Daughters, across a W fully clothed with a "or nut we are to maintain the pres- ilution and j. mi! let'through n*i" Torehfud. haying, ent efficiency and serVlce of the de- almost instantly frotiAhe shot part meiit is a matter purely for the u.e. vice- f. \ y ot l' b*J Iowa?'Mrs. Ii. T.-Rerby, comtois- to the advancement of .actuaU'on-; l akes "»".«',*• the highest of the , p ,,, , citizens to decide...'If they deeire, r ()Ilt physician Dr. C. A. Brokaw. The ilicy can cut the personnel In -half t0 be|sioner Mr., M. S. Edgar, deputy -.truction needs. • 1^ Sr^iiUsterl o^umanS'l- ^eg«tes to'.he , in Denver. , .: . . anv rtther minimprM m hnmnii •wni-r"" '""'^"'i" i<> IMI- anniiiil meeting 1 KUn use(j fOr the murder was "left Hi they can eliminate the depart- na«r»_'commissioner, and Mmes. Clinton! The State Commissioner of Local ;,"•' "l"cl« "»i"««»-i« ""'""" ^C1" i,,f,.i, siHt.. Snciotv „,•.._• "The A. A. U.'W. is a big aMo-'cpromissioner. and Mmes. Clinton! The State Commissioner of Local •*»*' wne.r. minisiets numan^ei-,, (jf (Uop ^^, Sodti,y whji:U w,u.'bsi lying. .be«ld» the body a«i Reaves ment altogether. All of J. these !v PrOjeCtS jication, growing by leaps and "» Ci»e -\V. p; Cbur. Carl S Don-rGovernmenv . Walter R. Darby, f ,.fa- a ean ,f V|helu ,„• ,he State Hmi8e ll( Trpnton | lmiI1edlare|y fled the 8Cene of ac- HiiiiKS are within the. province of 1 St lel a d I boundsit . Ther• e are. 830 branche. s ilJomlir:»^*">». IV» K1.^jL^f tllatrnnlflo I^ - iH HR 1 ..^ft ..!. /,f ?'^.!,«• l1 , *A~?Z*Mt („!... ,|..^?«l.' .U. !l realva'l backbon"-IKWIle wa»»a» deliglitfullUeilglll lUliyy conCUIII^- ^"1n 1 T.llllliauuday^ anUllldl Fridayr I 11111},, iian.11.11 Ih II 1fi'HonIII '•"«. . ., ' . - die citizens to decide. For last year n> uir8 Acting Mayor G. Harry Cullis an-1 with a total, approximate member-1Hamlin. W. F. Rbyno ds Jr.. H ".jset-up o the budget to include the type of culture jnrr-J and'17; likewise to the continental I ««>/ S. Martin," chief of County •"alone, with one man retiring binedi and each |Tilone. wi^n one man retiring munceA that ln probab|llty ship of 60,000." ^Kimball. R L. (wXE. ^Love- amount to be raised by .a ion for , , ™ , , -dignity congress of the National Societv in, Detertlvw was aoon on the job as- e the ; a tr d pP 'March lath and another November .,rn ,., counc WU1 not the ni™ *»' International ^and, W G^ Jngram. VI A^^avUsk^^I^^P^P^s imi».g the totaJJo , J the hole wa8 knit together ,J ; Waslliln,,n, „. (-.. during the week «i*ting Summit's detective. Early •15. the men of the department put " ....-..„„ Committee'held in Lon-jG.H- Brewer, H..L. Spicer and "MtM-'ft 708,662.28. That, however, does ft , 8ymphoIly of t.oiorn,l light-^ of April i7.lv. Alternates elected lively, In his investigation of the and hearing oii the ! aa(> in ..000 hours overtime woric. Bybudget tonight." He indicated.fur- don last summer; the work of the Hilda Osborne • \ inot affect the amount to be raised inp and coatumes; of joy and will- include Miss Nell Crane, Mrs. John-'<-' - In reconstructing Reaves" get rt ow law. all of this muit be returned ther his belief the budget probably j" of the com- Rear Admiral Reginald «• _B?I-| b>'taxation for-county functions, ; |ngrtess ln 8erVlng and'sharing, asItayce-Smitli, Mrs. 'Harry A. Mar-' away, according to his account miiree wni(l1 them. would not be introduced sooner mltfcee on membership, off the Pro-,knapPro-,Knap, UniteUnited Statebtates .Nav.Navyy, retired,, which remains at 13,568,06694?3,568,066.94. The |jghow8hown through the fine speech work.: shall, Mrs. Oeorg'Oeorg'tei .(.Ceddls, Mrs. j h"« largely »H>en verified, he 8laiU ( "On the possibility that tbete two gram Committee and the Committee,is^ speaking on the timely topje, gum to lie raised by taxes is about jan d the contributions of all the i (Jeorge Vreelaud, Mrs. Richard L. ' l «n foot for ^N'ew Providence men will not be replaced, we can- It has been officially announced nil tha W.nnnnmtn Qfolno «.off u.nmwomemn ij"Rededicatio" RA<1pflir-a tininl tCIto Democracy.TU'mfWrat'V.'*" TfTol $40tJHA0 loalesns than last voar'ayear's lolevyw . Iparticipants,...... " .wa s one. observer' . s ..Corny . , "Mrs.'Kugei'i '_ e C. Meyers. Mrs.! w»ero he slept ui an old not after March 1st go along on then described in desultory isit with him at the speakers' table, j Items were changed at Darby's that the resignation of Joseph 1 comment. Eugene Heardslee. Mrs.'. Joshua' R. • house near the "old cider mlll'^V- the present basis any more. At that nteresting fashion. ; the Council has invited: Mayors request, but. only from one account al)ollt 8 a m wnen e Magulre as driver of Union Hose 1 One of the parents' .said: "Th'is-Hlolightly and MrsHtidolul. i K.' '." ;« - « went to time, three nieu will have to come Company has been favorably acted The International Relations Com- James W. Bancker. the Rev. \V«'to another, without disturbing the pageant brought me to feel a fine Mever. i the hoine of .Eugene niondln, Off Hchool duty. Incidentally, I mittee, of which Dr. Mary E. Wool- Ovid Kinsolving,' Oliver B. Merrill, i total. These changes, however, had upon to be, elective March 1st, de- sense of harmonizatjpi n which could,( A committee oii nominationa s | Springfield avenue, New Provi would like to state, investigation tailed account of which was told in ley is chairman, was character- Clinton S. Van Cise, J.. B. Dougall, to be advertised as required by law, be possible between Europe, and which will report at llie annual deuce, a landscape gardener for shows that Summit is giving threa ized by Dean Morriss as "important .Com. W. C. I..Stiles. Theodore S. and consequently the adoption was whom hud worked on and. the January 10 Issue or the HEH- m*A*B — • m •. 'i^A> •••«•_ JAA —• AA^A A .ABAAAH A . . America. It brought together old ' meeting of the chapter In May com- times as much police service to the ehieflv as B ott askl is that a successor bridge between women (Kenyon and W. It. Tracy. Also at:delayed until Wednesday's session, countrcountryy anandd neneww "countrcountryy parentsparents' tiriseprj8ess l^lrMVrs. ^iKeiiKugenee Me'ver''('haiMeyer, chairr - oft "Jf f"" »°m0 money, as any other nearby com- of a11 nalion Uoavps m«v tonighleht to the rTposi-ii i «" "Througgh these .the speakerspp' table will be Mrs. R.j As down paymenty s on the bond andd young peoplle whho are respondd man Mrs' Corby Mrs ' Joseph ! 'eft'• there, still ac- niunity. In the case of this curtail- -to 1 y Mr8 M1. S8. Edgar, Mis1 8s j IssuesM e8 mmusU8 t be included in the nient, the schools likely to be ef-dm held for nearly 28 Ir^^.^?.".*"!!.! ?/^.^! \l\ P^ _ . A :. ;.^^/^^!. ! j ! !? . . .be, included in; the,d,bie for the building of a great; Pryor. Mrs.W llliam Mount "and j Z*Z^ "I" Tr T'T*' TVJf years isaid, "The little groups of women Elsie Thomas, local (iirl Scout di- budget, that business was delayed ! civilization not exclusively Anu-ri-Mrs. Howard Hlshop. ihir i 8lloes lultl crtpt -close to, the fected are Bray ton, Franklin and niet can unless American means Unl- 1 Imnks of Larned brook until he came - /he High School. Already, a fire- p T A it hnal '" different countries in the in-'rector, Mrs. W. P. Chur, mistress\until adoption had been voted. Appropriations made toward ad- ^ ceremonies. Mrs. William A. For road construction, the free- versal-'We are allimmigrants - vanclng of the Na-to High street. At this point he- man is doifl$ patrol duty at Roose- I Becker. Mrs: S. A Smith, Jr., Miss 'holders voted $180,000, or which i was a fine theme. walked along High street until he Council asking that sidewalkrequess t 101 ...... ti.tnt» * !„...,.._ »,_„ o .» vD_i.'i. i_ u:». i..u^. . J H<«M« _» ...,.>..•. tlonal velt School. What will be done at a scholar- came to Beekman -road and an en- (aid along Ash wood avenue partic- 818 taking over of Held Hall injmida Osborn and Mrs. Clinton S.j $18,000 Is included in- the budget "While it was rich in Its dignified School in K the other schools, I don't know, al- ularly from Russell place to Bal- Paris"'™/, whic'h 5has been ottered to.yan Cise. 'and the remainder will come from land simple setting It waa .richer in j Carolina- the purchuse of trance to the Cromwell Estate F|hough it has been proven that jan- the A. A. U. W. by Mrs. Ogden Reid. .--—-Al— l the manyA friends of the Girl,1 bonds.. -AB-A- .V Mos— - — -^ -- t^ -^^of— thi--^^-s^ _--mone- T_ y^ wil..__l _ b-- e. ^j msubstance, A^A: Wr AA ^f AA> VV ^_ «. .« ThA> A V e^^ ^essenc AA* &* »^ A A •• eA^ o«.. A.f «trut• - "^ W h• « i io|?|ca| books needed in tin- where he hid out most all day Sun- ,IIOI« are unsatisfactory tor such tusrol road. indication has ra tns has been given of Council's possible !„_,„_!_,, !Scouts in Summit are invited.; expended on the roads along the j was apparent tending to obliterate day and where he .slept Sunday' ' work. '. ^ speaker declared°. "It's not a feasl- while the Cirl Scouts themselves first range of the Watchungs be- | the attitudes'of pretense and pre- night until about 3 o'clock Monday action on this request. andl "In recent days, the State-has been Other projec'La Council has under ble proposition, but. we're experi-j WJH not be there, all their parents, tween Scotch Plains and Summit ! sumption of .yesterday-Americans. , , . , , morning. (letting up courage at having a rabies scare. Yet, I read consideration are the laying of side- menlln* witn it. to sec If it can be fathers and mothers, are most and an another .section of'Wset-i "It is our privilege and respon- for a student in homei, - , hta.Glen-" ooln ecoiiomi(!s.. hl 10lir he vetmncd t0 in TUB SUMMIT HERALD that walks along the lower end of Mor- done. The chief reason for run- ,.ordially invited to attend the din- field. The work wan begun last j sibllity to use the talents of the .. „ ,,,-,,, wood place haunti hoping to pick A. ^ A ... .A . - A A.'AI* .1... .Afl A. A . scourge because of the close super- international friendship. Mrs. Oeorge Vreeland, ohalrmnn , U|J m(!Ot ^ clo,hPH and 80mft lower end of Beech4-ood road. Both -7th; the place, Beechwood Hotel; cavation and grading were finished, velopliig a finer and more everlast-i committee oni American music, i „,„„ for rcal get away last-

vision exertlsed by the Board of B "There . is no one thing . on the (| jj*-> • ie—' ' time« * •* " ^ .f '7.15• • Al -%* .( . . - . * • Kfl—^ ~# VK.^M • ^ * ^* -^ |«'>..^ *«^A f »* * — * M ^-••%V' "* f *AA AA^ A' A • A A _ A_ A-A A> A AA AAV .B^- AIA.AA_A'VA «.- A— A ~A- I ^— • ' "-• ""•"••- ,y Shi-iver.. j,| (. of these are tabbed as possible Another 1100,000 for park acqulsi- Ing civilization. To America is 1 Mabel Ilick- Kn Health iiHIs enforced vaccination W, P. A. projects. j program that all the branches arej Make your reservations witli Mrs. tion. $2.5OO"in ca-sh and $!»7,500 in given a great task, an unusual mes-j Jj. Caught Early Yesterday of dogs, ft would not have been ; k l K President of I interested in except fellowship. We Clinton Van Cise either by tele- l)onds; $38,000 in bonds and $1,500 sage—a real appreciation of cul- ; Flunk White of 14 Ulenwood possible for the Board of Health to are BOing lto buillldd uPp this intInterr - • summit 6-0117; or-by. mail, in cash for bridges, and-$15,000 In tines." , chapter his- i called headquarters early yes- Lester, Jr., is expectee d to be back' . ,°" ° ^ v ? ? * ': Phonepnon e, Summit 6-0117; or by mail, in cash ror bridges, and $15,000 In ( tines." _ . ' torZn In r ulnee 1 l^nJ^I• guest » vaccinate these dogs if It were not 1 l nd p 65 Un0X road Be mire y0Ur . noon I1O reser- Freeholders James O; Brokaw, ; before the police started this care- educational-aneducationaland the-themthetheme was very j. ^ snld: "Wllllams- Theodor..„„.,.„e vJ.. ^Corcora .„.n .t o,„ bership—we are not saying wevatio n can be held for which a Kli-abeth, an,ad William I. McMane, , bur nu ]we ful check-'Up of dogs a couple of Serg. Reynolds Honored know which are the best colleges. t,liecl{ )or timely considering the upset con- B, » < Perhaps, because of. i,,vewtlgate the cause of the noise, years ago, there were fewer than Selection is made on the basis »f'cejved 1)as not been re- Summit, were absent because of dttion of world affairs? It clearly ! •*,« inheritance and background. Tin- p11Bhlng his way Into the cellar and ?0» dofjB annually licensed in Sum- By Summit Post 138 academic standing of the college;, illness 1 portrayed how the world has fought • English more than most nations I flashing his light, Corcoran Imme- mit. Now, there are nearly 1,000 and its treatment or women. This j ' - for through the ages! ^I»Kio their traditions arrdTform of i diately discerned Reaves' standing- Jkensed each year. The-pollce-will Police Sergeant Thomas- Ji- Rey- has worked" very-well.—We-cave and one. wa« brought to realize; Kovernnient pagentry. I Imrefooted and holding a shoe In p no time for the dogs, if these nolds, who retired at the close of very much about a liberal educa- Nature Club to Claire Boyd's Work at how much has evolved from the! "Inherited tradition has a great j each . hand. Putting up no re- . two man who retired last year are last year as commander of Summit tion. We are not a professional j past. lure. One does not-go to London slstance, Reaves readily accompan- not replaced. Pout No. 138 of the American Legion group. Education has been through j "At the present moment, when without seeing the changing of tho ied Corcoran to headquarters, As a matter of Ihct, the depart- was honored Saturday night by his a period of specialization. Now the: Hear of Local Birds! Summit Art Gallery the very roots of the present democ- guards at Buckingham Palace,, a where later in the mornlnc he waa merit really needs, five more men fellow Legionnaires with a banquet emphasis .is again on liberal col- racy, which started centuriei s ago, iitradition'hunde tradition hundredd s ofr years olldd urraigned before Police Justice and then we would tfe under the I held at the Legion Home. About leges. . • . •, The meeting of .'the Summit Xa-I As Summit'^ artist,- one by one ! a™ being so. seriously aiisalled and!"' Robert J. Murphy, Jr., pleading 50 Legion men and their ladies were ' "A liberal education Is the best! average of other communities. Too scheduled for this eve- are presented to the local public • -backed: and how building up the courts their j guilty to murder in the first degre Jong has the police1 department In attendance, intruding past com- preparation for life and profea-^ have fi-1 magistrates in wigs and robes, all and was held over for mandei-s George Falkenburg, Jo- will be devoted entirely to Summit becomes more-and more j this form of gov-! stately and impressive; the Lord been a football; 'holding the bag', The particular topics chosen art-conscious. Jury. ~;_ _ so to speak. No more is it going seph Handvilie, Joseph Caesar, Wil- out for it all along the line. It's; For some time, in, ernmentt tt^^ was a very outsUmding MayorH, holding to Inherited cus- The apprehension of Heaves also to be caught 'holding the bag". At liam Webster, George Bmrick, coming into style now. j for discussion are especially suited fact, Summit has cast a wondering^ ^ M - • A 1 t |j • ^fc^J what has been one of the most dis- ° greaW horned owl. if some day and not be surprised to Therear« a number of small tteaw- practice and principal whereas the e "As I watched each scene unfold I (Continued "on Page Four; Mrs. Virginia P. Hunter and Emily ' in Tthe city budget when takfn in 2" per cent, who cannot be classified cussed and bitterly felt of our prob- *}> audience will kindly refrain jmd a sizable arttats' colony nest- I realized very.strpngly that we as Poyas. Fune.ra] services will be j from following his example. Since jDg there. as such cause parctically all thelems for years. nirt Americans owe a great deal to the held tomorrow at 130 p. m. at the lhe aggregate amount to consider- Last year we had a conference I many Summit resldejits. evenl And one of this colony should able. TbU la the point where we crime and disorder, prevalent. He. scientists, Inventors, artists, engl-l Fountain Baptist Church. In Phlladelohla on large city [though members or the XakureChib.!sure|y be Claire Shenehon Boyd, Jr. Service league's believe the city could this year dp emphasised the Idea that the salva- are neers.'and all others of forelen i One of the results of the murder tion of th« country depends upon brahches We decided the best! familiar with the'thirteen or so. whose one-woman exhibition of races who are engaged In the work has been to cause considerable un-' Rome pruning". He cited as an ex- "'••••• - hawks of the neighborhood and the | paintings opened Sunday afternoon I ample the Item' of |600 for/ earning giving more attention to its youth.- were those with live programs and of bettering easiness and apprehension among The dinner, an annual occasion headquarters. I am much interest- seven or so owls, Mr.# Rebell's talk at the Summit Art Gallery. (To "The pageant seemed to work to Annual Circus j members of the Franklin place enow removed from the ttreets to is expected to fill a gap in their in- mention parenthetically the dainty the PassaJc river when hitherto it sponsored by Legionnaires at theed In the Ne^r York group. an ultimate end, namely that all I Neighborhood Association, who. Summit Post for its retiring com- "The mtddle-sj*ed branches like formation, and perhaps to sugget a tea served by Miss Edna Chamber- men-'who" are to be free are. de- There's one circus in the United 1 about a year ago pointed out that ad been dumped in the park east clew to the actual finding of these lain1. chairman of the house com-1 > <>f the, American Legion Home., manders, gave Commander Louis this Summit gr«{_p are the back- d t pon each olner r?gjardleS9 States that doesn't hole up for the' anything Is liable to happen in Roseusteln opportunity on behalf of bone of the organisation. One thing | •nltteetee. with Mrs. Boyd's sister. ^ ^ c^lor orcr^A, jfj _. winter -soon after' th/? school-belts jGlenwood place, even murder. At Said McClure, "We can go into The Nature Club will meet in itsMiss Shenehon seated behind the beauty treatment when the tax rate the Legion to present Reynolds we want^o say to you Is that you "If I can rightly fllnse the..in»plr:! begin to rhig. .It.'never'stops trav- the time, some folks were skepti- with a beautiful^gold cased wrist (Continued w Pin Four) usual informal manner in the Field kettle, and Miss Nellie May White- ation• 's whicIt.hV 'prompte L - - . A _ d\ thA. t~i e-^ . writin^^.— .. I A T KA g^^ ' eling-arounA •' ' dm fro^ m plac* e to place— .fc] l ca« »h l1 abou^ ^B d« «• t& theiA tm ^ &r AA reportAA _ _^ _ AA A , buL. > » tA .yesterA A ~t AA AW AA. - is lower." *.. s Houee at 8.15 tonight. Visitors ar« hurst assisting, is not to diminish Brief resumes were also made of watch with the proper insignia as of these scenes In 'Cultural Con- wlth Jt8 merry clowns and men-1 day when a responsible representa- a past commander engraved on the WHO OWNS W>08 expected and welcome. ' (Continued on Page Four) trlbutione to America' I would say agede of animals, keeping alive all tlve-jpf the Association was asked *hc county budget. .'* * .* _.^_A \ A_ L K— -~ t - A* Afe .». •>• • *. . . f •« 1* ^« * * A & >A Afe AM ^M Km At •• BA. A_ 1 bm A> l AI At ^— A ^ ^A face, iteynolds fittingly replied to IX THE that the pageant as a whole was a year the traditional gaiety of spring about the unhappy incident, re- IHSTWCf COURT CASE8 Roeensteiii's gracious presentation. Thermometer Hits Record overlaid this section not only fine lesson In tolerance. It gave when the circus comes to town. plied: "The disgraceful rfffalr of Oii account of tfie wlftle-spread j brought the frost out of the ground, me a greater conception and appre- Visiting Summit for tire first Saturday night Just add* to our re- but also golf bags and top coats out port commenting upon the unfavor- Third District Court In session POUKTII PANEL OF rabies scare the State Department High for February ciation of the opinions and abilities time, this wayward straggler from PETIT JUBQR.S of Health has issued a proclama- of moth, closets and started many of tjiose of other nations." the circus fold will arrive'here Sat- able housing situation and canker U Thursday with Judge John L. motorists off on trips that bther- that exists in the center or our city. ~ Hughes presiding heard, and acted tion that all dogs must be kept tied According to old. timers a record The Parent-Teacher Associations urday, March 4th, by arrangement or on leash. • ' for warm weather was made yes- 'wise they would not have taken. wish td acknowledge through THE, with the Junior Service League of I We were led to believe that the ^ upon the following ctffes: landlord A fourth panel of January term Even the birds were very happy, petit jurors, who will serve In In consequence the Summit Pound terday in a February which has SUMMIT HERALD the support ren- Summit, which has undertaken tol'Teation ,ofthe Summit Housing' -A and tenant—-Mantel Holding. Com- blown hot and cold by turns. The .. pany vs. Lather Long, judgment ror county courts from February 20th is full of unfortunate dgs. strays some of them apparently sparrows i dered by all the following persons sponsor a performance for local) Authority would give some remedy \i poHseflSioi) In t days and McKlrgan to March 3rd, was drawn last week, among which at present writing is temperature yesterday morning just "back from the South/' and who gave their services or proper- children as the last In a series of!«' the situation. To- date, nothing ,f before Judge Lloyd Thompson by a beautiful brown collie, a wire- passe. d Sunday'. s .peak of 60 and the looking about for spring nest ar- ties that the program might be afour children's entertainments tjff'§i Has-happened," & Oilson vs. Allen E. Neil, judg- • ment for possession in 3 days; con- Under Sheriff C. B. Ayers and Jury haired fox terrier, and some kind 65 of last Wednesday; On a couple. rangements. n success: Martha "Befry, Elmore winter.. The circus will be given in of a hound—all dogs that give every of thermometers in the center of This morning the sky is overcast,Furth. Marguerite Brooks, Helen the. Fligh School auditorium at .1 Mr. and Mrs. Moses W. Fallout* „ tract—investment Acceptance Co. Commissioner William A. Bourdon. of Short Hills, formerly of Summit, i vs. Charles Lee, judgment ror plain- The.. list Includes: evidence of being used to good the city yesterday shortly after 1 'and the temperature is ranging in Pegg, Eleanore McCabe, Adele Hep-' o'clock. Known as the Gangler homes. Where are their owners? p. m., the mercury reached 72, ! the high 40's. bron, Dorothea Knoblauch; lights, Circus, the, show carries the banner1 are spendihg a month In Miami, tiff for B6.95: Botany Worsted Summit —Paul Ktopstock. 98 1 Mills vs. > R. Puaco A Bros. Inc.. Ttochwood road: Robert E. Hunt, Again We urge-^ee that your The week-end preview of spring —— John McDanlels. Ehnore -Sclrtttz. of Junior Programs, Inc., non-com-j'' "' 1 Euclid avenue; Wtllard L. Lsaaci, dog has a license. See that he does coupled with that or yesterday B«rr Leg Fraetured Franklin Helms; Boy Scouts, Bob mercial organization .devoted to the -Judgment for plaintiff for $94.00; •npt roam at large. If you miss him brought thousands out into the; According to information given Woodward. Clinton Jaycox; pro-presentation of selected entertain- The Dusty Shelf dancers Standard Utilities Cor^. va. John F.10 Westminster rood; B. M. Har- ^* M ABA A ft AA «» A Jh 4 • i I A 0*1 A M Al At « A J ^^ _A raun,'87 Beechwood road. go to, the .Police* Court and ask to open including the 2.800 public I at Police Headquarters on Satur- grams, Clarence H. Stafford, J. K.ment for young people. Star per- their final meeting of the «nd Antonina/Pedynowsli, Judgment ire having a'day. Harold DIMucclo. 7, w Bedrosian Rug Company, Stephens- formers include-.not only a bevy in the Lance School gymt f»f Plaintiff for |M,40; Maurice New Providence TownsMp—H. J. be taken down to the Pound so that school children who are who was J. Siedentop. Plalnfleld avenue. you can see with your own eyes vacation this, week. There were (struck by a car about a week ago Miller Company. --.•—*- of clowns but a menagerie of forty Friday evening. This Jolly Weller vs. Vihcent J. Kerstlng and hundreds of golfers at Canoe on Broad street near his home, suf- trained animals. of youthful bachelors and spie . 'leorge B. Forgefiongefion., non «ulsuit as ,New Providence Sorough—Otto whit is or is nnott there.. And don't C. Hanaer. 1011 Springfield avenue. accept the present off a puppy tin-[Brook and Baltusrol Country Club*, fered a fractured leg between the Frank ThromMey, Jr., of 18 Sum- Tickets may be secured in nd- from Summit and nearby towi George'B. Porgeraon, judgment knee and the ankle. .mlt avenue and Gordon Fish of vance at Rogers' Drug Store or im-J specialized In English folk '»r plalnOff against Kerstlng for less you mean to really take care of They found the air pleasant but the Advertising In the HERALD w»11 Ashland road are starting today for mediately before the performance' under the direction of M' •<.i.oo. Ttere were four no ,ap- him, Including providing a licence,!ground a bit spongy. . . a motor trek to Florida. pearancea,' pay you dividend*. for from eight to fourteen years, I The warm blanket of air which Advertise io this paper. at the door of the auditorium. Gadd, t; DanieJ » tfrriowrf Mr. ••* . ArrlraW at the fhmjr na* A«SW" at the Paper Mill rJ#n at awtfcern flfct* iodide Mf^Falrniount aveuue. CftatluNi hive Will.am Dtfftft* of WiffKtreftke the birth of a djfjigaier. road. 8*mmlL Tfct chtM in Stout Hills. The l and MM. Italjth Mfeuwn of Mr. awl Mr*. Robert a. White of, nit. Head. K«-hriiar^ Tprth, at Bdni {Jndfi Mi M. Head, the), former Httteld* avcwe, Saort Hills have ,_—-— ' Summit. Mori, i3 the daugh- Kecent arrivals at the Be*t*rwoo*t*«ounee# the engagenw**of their •eetlag of missioner Getx-«e C.'Warrcn, Jr., of lleechwood Hotel ftutertained a I«T of Mr attij MIH. Fred Mort. of Hotel included: N. J. Zimmerman j daughter, Mies Constance While, to HofpttaJ School of;Summit. family puty hi supper there Snn- Snminit I of Klkiits Hark, Pa.; the Misses, Henry A. Rogers, Jr., son of Mr. «n* Is dsy evening. • . j — '— -> jbuHnda Bdgerton and Charlotte Mrs. H. A. Rogers of Talsa. Okte. otty IMiiing. OakJDali-r. W. Johnson Ifsllorlt of «&«•' H. Morg.iu .»f Iln> Heerliwood Hotel,»2Mh. were recent Kue«t» of MissjI'n; Mr. and Mrs, Alan Bunce of 1 Kri. Veb. a vtoit with her Springfield avenne has re<'tvcml j ' -.•—•--• '• • : (iiMil.ird'; brother-in-law and. steter.j^l'l C.reenwkh, Conn.; Mr. and .The annual dinner dance of thetra' l fifiiore McNeill M.- from a recent attack of grip. .Mixwrll l.fKtf-r, Jr., president of Mr. and .Mrs. John C. Wi'llever of j Mr*. John'B. fidwardsof Jersey FYaaer ofj Miss Kuth Den man Willis, daugh- Women's Federated Missioaa^y iVMiimon Council together with Mrs. Anlmore. I'a,, who entertained in! City, and Miss Margot j ter of Mr. and ttro. Clifford Willis . - *.«.-•.• •—-• / ' ' ! Mr. and Mrs. Vanllrnssehcr It. L<«rer-and I heir. son. M:»,\well l.es- their honor. York City. toBigkt. J^-Col hpjgrt y**' •«**•*. P«««« Altertcans in Bermuda ! : jof Old Short Hills road, Millburn, (jivt'ii have ivturmvl to I heir Inline ter, :!n|.. rrt.iirivrd yesterday fnnn;. - - — Woodward, principal of. Central^^ spring season are \V. U>c visit at. Foil l^uilor- |)K. JKWKTT «KTM •{and James Foley Herslow, son High School and next In! -***£' in DeForuM avenue from a ic»d:t.v ( Clinion Foswoll. Jr., of PlliJadel- I Hewlett, L. I., formerly trip to Ti'x.ss. djl Fhi; plilj,. wlin was graduated -fromL th and Mm. Gwynne. who I'liiveiiiity of Pennsylvania laat, KiMklord College; at Itockford, Leeward, their Mr. juiil. Mrs. .(•'.' II. Jilpiii of j Summit alumnae of. Iho.Ncw ,Jer- year'-.and now with Sun Oil Cam- 'f- (y infer red the honorary degree v. ill. '''v Collide for'Women are rciurn- IKiiiv spetit the week-end1 with hia • «»J"J*«ct»»r of Lawa upon Dr. Frank d HViinit ,;u c terlan Church of Martlnsrille, J Thurs^Jiar. 3—*N. C. T. M. HMC NeW'!-ii't; there loiii'inow for the'-iiuutial piiMiit-i Mr. .mil Mr*. (?. Clinton I H- .lewett.of New York and Short officiated. A reception followed the Un«. hoine JfrsTH. WaKord Marti,, f Jtte Elisabeth Mor«.\ d»ug-hlcrj York City ilu* 'AluuHKte l>ay celebration: They will FUJI well . at tlieir lioine "DorVlin-'Hiils, presideii't of the Bell Tele- KI.IK mat ceremony. S5Proapectstreet.3p.au iaiiiily.. TeL » tflf Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Morso <•>',] -'— iiihc ilH'ir new . Alumnae Iliuiie. will" oil Me.Mnie avenue, New • nli'"'<* Laboratories, and (ieorge K. inrtf 1 The bride, who was unattended, ?"U* Oak Ridge arena* , will arrive' s-i HHlhiMli, as I 1,'n'vkliiK e Township. j Frar.er, of Chicago, financial con- HiSITIONB 'opt Ml Sfisjf Itci-vis of llnlrt!I' a ve- wore a blue crepe dress with Unbon- mate today for a short re- il Hr vv.'i-i one of tin- Itriil.il attend' — .—~—— iHiiltiiiit and president of the college Apply NeW Jer net acce*wrl*» and a corsage of S.rvhf, KtrAtk returning to Milton Ac:i(leiny. ants at I h •• in.iiriase nf MiA-> Klizj- I>ar-1 hoard of trustees, Saturday night. .Many • ?»r Sum in it's Pill lie ton Mr. ami Mrs. Robert Hush orchids. Mr, and Mrs. Herslow will MJltO», Mass., on February 2tnor The degree ceremony, led hy Presi- street nliiumi .will •!'i'. . 1 liiiK of Anlmorc. I'a.. announce the reside at 60 Warn*% avenue, Home Itylirrl .Leslie K'ift <>f Itl'l'hlphlVII; row t> r 111.- aiiitii 11 mi d-vc:".' re- hirtliof i heir second <-hi!rl, a daugh- dent Mary Ashby ('heek, preceded fUtrteea members i»f I'.i.. ;in;1 .Jh" late' Mr. Kift. U> Will-, union. Th"ir ttivcu will h" nit' '•r- Itr, on February Kith, at . Bryn the Maddux Foundation,! lecture The bride is a frruduate o and Game Association iairt-, .ioliMsion- Sie|i1ions . of l.i!tl" litiii'il ;il Inn eh'.'oir at 1* ro«i)( M.iwr llonpilal. Mm. Darling IH theuivi/ii Iiy-Dr. Jewett on "Changetrin Wednesday of last week, when I'.V High School and Katherine (il 1 SaL, Mar. 4—Children's ent.,- UV the week-end at ihfir Feir>, \. .1 . winch I'D^k'plaVe in.Mie Mr s. l»oi|il-:. wile of Dr.'liai'olil W i I - former Miss Shirley' (irace Martin, BrouRht About by Science.'' puppies of Gilbert's GreaT Dane m School, Mr. Heralow was graduat- «tainment, Gangler Circus, H cam* had an upot-ial mi I'l'n fiihedr.il C!MII Com n,\ in ll'ilileheiu on Saturday. Mention the IIKKALD when buying. troplilcti and ribbons. Seyi .sily. i ford Martin of New York City. Mr. Dre-w University. He is fencing in- nine Danes were entered with nine- Phjilis Gray. Helen Williams. Mary structor at Brew. •'•-.' I ty entries in various c'a The! gtapleton. Beatrice Edward*, liaisv 8even P"PP<€«». a,H bred \$ Gilbert, Goode, Elizabeth Page. Edna Mii- [were-entered in rariiHis classes, • hell. Guests of honor were Mr. .iu<| In a HprliiK-llme .setting (»f daf- iOmi,etiii8 with tJaiieSvYrom far and 1 Mr«. Joseph Judkins of Pl , fi-rntt. and smilax, Mias Kliz- wide ••'.'•'/. 1/ »ewh Mininsell Bates, daughter ofj <;i|b,. f.s Eric, owned by Elmer A beautiful bouquet of pk IK. rep» r roses wiM presented "by Mrs. Oln, - invMi*>l« d Major and Mrs. f.uy Ratew of Feru- uil,h;,r, ,,, ni'iir^rttreet t«d tlHMlR I wood road; is being .married thin aM honors in the prfi»py «'lass. Gilbert'* j Wi' tiziii;;' ave. en at the Rales home by the K«v.I^^,4,,..,,,,,, in ,ne ArnerWn bred dinner .aerVed W#« greatly eujny./i IWaltt-r"OVld KinsolviiiK^ rector ofi(1 ,,K/r|ass. |vKRy Trimpi of South by. thotfe pre»enti • • 'Calvary -BpiHcopal Churchy 'with! ^ ." |, proud piissewnr of 0 n) e is t e The officers of the-iclub are as The greatest piano sale of the entire ht't'troindium district-—the piano sale scores of,music lirvivs wait for. jotily the immetliiite families pro-\^hnIM in 11' reUry. lleatrkre Kdwards? ina;- ler in nwrrlaw. Mi«H Anloinetfe/C.\v\.Aii^ Two puppjps ,,wned by Mar- SlN'ihK ROOM,' i Brown of Ilubbard" Woods. l\\., »;iin Spitz of Newrirk made eirWIent urer. K«lna Mitchell. li'inw. rong«nl«l classmate' of the bride at ttryn nhcwings.,. Thf-y . were c.ilherfs S. Tftl. ONE riWCES AS I«\V AS WEDNESDAY Mawr College, la mniii of hoiior and.lKru^,.^..,.^!,^.^^..^,,,.;,-!,-.^^^ i'E.'xiiiiiiy r» ".Lynn-Carrick <^^•^w.^*H•fc>.•«»H^tUcr•1•.,|m•|j-rtn^^ii;j^jhtf'^!»ilier«>••Strx•a•nl- zg; nhtn t .Short if 111M 7-23 of the Kioom, JH Iwst n^an. i,in,. Tiger, wh,. also t«M>k fourth, in DAY ON L Y '"" "I"!!! ^TssV Wm* (Washington's Birthday) The hridfl is we»riiij? a- prineessr^,,,, .An,rri,.an bw| fcmah-elass. KrHttDUTlM gowii of ivory, rilipijer satin madi-J -, one 'of iht- fiin^t showiiiss wa- satict wHh a heait-shapej^neck line, lonp.'n,;,, ,„.„,,; |,v «;iiiH-ri\s Th.riU«.n| sleeves and a shorr train. Her lull.. V()n Bri,. l>wl,,.,| |,v \\ n,|,,r nf AUMAIES veil is held jnplaeo by an ivory Nll,|,.y T|,js ,|f,^. ,,M,k mll,iy „,„,.. satin''hand. Her slippers of ivory Ja«lfall S«aia»»f *4 TIIitI:I: VI ;(>|.8 j,, l)M, rj,.st ,jnijl ,,„„ ,.|,,ss iirmrnl ElrHrir Affrarj "•THK KtTMD. 18 kid, with «atin rosettos, were !- . ' ful l.iTK+ corner worn by lier Rreal-Kraiidniollier as US Springfield Ave.. Sumnnt In III ; »IH<> Klnt >|0TIIKK*S I'SITV TUB phero, icsidenlla TO FAY a bride. /The bridal .bouquet is of roses ujfd valley lilies. . .. I The 'Mother's Unity ii"t!e on .iilimic, Hummil i ! i,HK a hut. jSprinsfield avenue. ' The follnwins I.AItiiK rixiin wltt Y After a honeymoon in Itermuda, !njenrliersi were present: Me-.d.KaHt 551h wtrel't. 'li»ii. Moek. Kol»"rt:i JohiHon. iconise 10c & 25c •New York City. Obliuston. Cerlrudo Coombs, Tilt; i;i!AVIJN, 1! new~—some convert used*—some exhibition models-—some reconditioned and rebuilt Mi:;n ItHtes'is a Kr;idiiale of Kent pt*w-'v /,'•".-. •*•••-•••'.• •-• • t ...,..,„ . — - fc.irm rfKiins, w M Place School and Bryn Mitwr Cnl- l< 1 Suinmlt 6-:i0 i It'ge. Mr. Carrick was uradii.ileil A Choire of H'orldl-Fnmoiiw IIr- Brand New Floor .Samples .111 SfMMIT avi'.,. from Princeton and Columbia • ITni-' 1 kfilli and llrrondiliohfd Alrandw and Exhibition Model* verslty l./iw School. He i^ a ineiri- Miminit 6-.ri44D. i'ber. of the legal siafr of the Pru- Regular Hale "Little Places In the Country " I'l.DASANT room v Prle^ Price 'dentl'al In Newark. .. 1 I'tivatr. porrh, on sihixil. Tel. Steiiwiy Mahoganj $935 $835 917.7 Trl. Sumn Steinway Mahogany 1150 995 ' Mrs. .Inlia AIICIIHIU I Mrs. .lulhi Aiif;ustii Don^ler, 71. " I "|M'ii (in|il;ii<'; al CWekeriBg Queen Anne Walnut 865 650 widow of John P. DfiiRler and / iiinniiiu water; *I Mmnnu A llnnilin lira mis mother of''Health'Officer .Dr. lli'iuy T.irt') I'm House, Chickerilg Louis XV Walnut 975 775 1*. Dr-iiRler of Summit died Sunday 2 KnalW In the Paul Kimball Hospital, hake- Kinblll Walnut 615 485 wood. During the lasr ten yearns,( ulie had made her home in Toms * 2 Brantkarlt ih. A ChiekeriNg Fancy Walnut 795 595 Hlve'r.' Her huAlmnd, it may be re-; il. I! Ariiuiur, calle Heechwooil ; apartments. She moved here 2:: «.»N ..ICi'HUv <>l ~'~24m ACRK I'.i'li ami garage, years ago from Jersey City. Her W \ IVIIIN'". KKSKia \TI<).\ Kememlwrl Gri(Ktl?& h the Grand Piano Ihinsenf tlw East. Nowhere else, .side family once owned a large part of TW'i hi rue r(H»iiiH. •m<] ^n.'r< h, Hif-oiul the area now occupied by Central : h'.iiw. in minutcK t by side, van he seen and heard so malty famous make pianos. The ivhtde mnsie jPark in New York City." -j:-o 1 J-KT AlWiVK SI-A 'IVK\TX;- '•" iii"ii; IIIHO gai She leaves a Hister, Mi«s Mary K. Saminil i;-lfi»«. itorld knows the great grand piano business Iransaeled each years fit Griffith's. Burulston, who resided with her, and a brother, George A. Rurniston, i'MAI.l.. l>< »W"X V \YMKNT AND 'MJ> It is the place lohny a grand piano. formerly of Madison and now of Brooklyn. _ , M<»xrui.v.r.VYs I:\KKY*HIN«.;* Funeral services .will be held to- XO KXTKA'S morrow at 1 p. 111. at Miirtenis Funeral Home, H!» Main street, NEW FLOOR SAMPLE iCIrathanii Kev. Walter O. Klnnolv- Kiom Suinniii station'out Kim Street to Mountain Avenue. jing, rector-of Calvary Kpiscopal west oil Mi HI ni.i in Avenue paxt (;<»lf Club—then left on Diamond '"•«ly limd, HIW« :t i {Churuli of which she was a mem- Ililf Road to ^ ^ y CONSOLES A LOU HOYS j'bjBi;, will officiate: Interment will A Ttil<.s(t>, Tailor i be in Woodlawn Cemetery. •'Ml. SI ITLIES COSTIflKS FOR I'l.AY Blue Mountain Farms IHIMIUWO Style 36-Ivory AT PAPER Mll.li PLAYHM'HE Mrs. ClaudUie, Ce. Nicholson of Styk 37-Walnut Summit, supplied the- wonienV cos- MUSETTE Mahogany MISKTII; Walnut GIIJBKA:\»I:\ Walnut , I:II:KI;.\MBIHH t •]"» Sprinicfield A\«. "l"n K\diinc« until K rHiriti;iii\i; Walnut . , KntHbft!(|ie< •^•iWl.Nii wheel wl • ioverconp'• * •- tin*.•. Calvarv»"«i}y boyint.* sa uin tl,,. "Marie Antoinette" M. c. Dewa rUBBwrn Easily, ._„ • IS,81. U^i"1' <'«>WlKiy Lawreiiv, Walsh wa« 1-csi (or Calvarv with'ii! 1 32; Prepare for Decid- •wrkers t-a. h, "iliclti ' IJ.itli- Jlltlnr Hu)<, M tag Oiine in Conference Kt»-h,rr,"f '-. "',; I1'- Hn HOT OTM^PIM W>l^^r V ^aW fl^b Nil! «»i.'i.i". i : •PP*. CfD- a. Madison Friday •Slryker «hot Summit Iwkot credited t'ausliliii. ,-. .. , :; * * P/m. MifMPaMW. vfesfifc of 30 cents, CMb in advance t» Val««nli. \ Lupilhi. K. . . I oua^y 80- tvorc- liy IMTK**!" : . \ !t".iiit> of lull Summit ' — "l*-» W World TtoUpBAtD «a*>atorf to »rlat oHy truthful clawta* jjayvees Win 12 th (iame JtlllRrn .3—11 ! Ml-, t I.i-M |r-r,;!y il ! H '•'I film ti-i ITI ••• 1-Aldeti- By AL. SWIl'k llit|i(M .Inhli I*, ill \ n koaeaty. •UTTI.IJ, MVK "'Aii'ta' I.. There's one factor which is |>e- .1. -• S-hrMkr iti'. ':• t;ijih-; c rnming evident, as Summit High ol Iki- tr.'. (•• uM VV. . '-. I IJ-.-S" w \\ 1 I \ 8choo|'s basketball team continues :: .s!i.-.ir.-,'s !t!iiij:i!i i; i • a merry march i towards the state .M.Kllsnn •CLP WAHTE0 »III I 'uSITIONB open fur howteworkera. .ti I I'I; \pply New Jeraey Htatc Kmpfoymepi •HAL EHTATK KIR HALK , puposin>iug icaiteamu cncanu iplan an to stostop an in In-- 1 siimmit is. jiiiii.urn rj I it I iml.s • .-I n |»1 v s.rvli*", Strand Bide., Summit. *i dividual star thereby shackiiiiK the iint.'i i:, 'W, i roonm Mild bath,' plot • "ini is , |,,., | attack of the Cornognien. Boh lll llt.l Ml |.. I. attractive household posl- 50vl:0V, ttood cellar, near school »t»d (•MM* V ri.lu) It. •»,•...• (liir.iiiy !ln; jinii station, $30(1 ca«h. $20 per month full Bailey, lanky centernter., "WhitWhit " MMorio > i Summii l.'i tionH open for yeung girls, 18-22 at .M«<1istoy- carrying charge. Tel. Hununlt 6- ney and Tony Brunnoo have been in in •ni impiuvtm ll'. jui'iit Htrvli*, Htrand »!i iKoring limelight throughout, C;c,i .-ivi- ('.(h.u'v WASTED 200 plcnlv ni ij nillili- Ilinvrvi'i'. .-thf. cation for, doctor's office, 1 block jKilnts, Ilailey 11!> and Hruno tore to Manage :ml. I fronr Hprlnifflrld avenue; Lincoln 118. Calviu-v l.nlv llll>l|i'l| VV|I || |||,-ii |il SH woman, experienced laun- Bchool dititrict; f roofiitt, Urge hall ' \.*ls. L'l -win IIVI-I ili.su, want* to tak« In washing. Tel. The boy K again performed IJPIIMI- I II!' ('l.illli'!.--. ll.lVc. Illll ••i>l f.inil l'j|.. ,nvr !•• and enckwed porch on first floor; ; v.m I'ulniMltill I lit« Summit 6-S2S5-J or 154 Morri* uvr. four liedrooniH on n*iond floor and didlidly Friday nighiht as MMlllluir n was! Madison Ball Team HHIDiu.il, If 'liLiv -li.i- U,-- i II.II one mi third, all with heat und elec- thvu slauud t«ii ili.-ii iicitfit* iiv toppled, 4X-32. for S. H. S.'s 13th -Mi-- s'i-•; oUiItKH man wand position HH tricity, Tel. Hummit 6-«:-73. 11-tf 'I'l'l.lls lllC ihaufffur, butler, houseman, good straifrhl win before a large crowd President Ray I'atUrson of the I 11 i 1.11 •••-it x'M'ial n,,!^ ;lui> ' illliot I'Sc 4 it 11 ill 1 Tel. Summit 6-2992. TOR HM.K OK at the Millburn gym. The forward Madisoii l^ackawimna League Itasc-' till' tun 111.'I. ;,n,| |,,lU, ,,-,,!,, i.tst Queen H»:NT th trio accumulated 41 of the team's hall Cluh annoiihced hint week the1 L.m t. i;. i 'ci s , l"ur ,ni,ii hi-r _. drcsHmakinK, re BKHKKI/KV flKKillTS. Drbbic nl.icr, >V.il.-;h". J. •ml. III'MU-IIIIIK. repairing; ultto knittliiK total pointH. The BiR'iteii started signing of Anthony 'Pinkey" Pcn»;i-{ ykVll. not Mix . rimni butinrtlow, hot air, I'-cur TIlli'Mllil) , Thr -llil'lnir.ii .i/ ~'* I»- .md invMi*>l« darning; all types of Karafff, lot loo by i.Vi. ln••"•s played in the '."iipM-t t i iti; ("ii l-v .i r > I'>;tTi;Iii vwfl li,i\,- 'li-m vitality ^ PIANO Tl?M|NU S« an under tho basket shot. Bruno jiNackawanna for 14 years and nan I ..i KIUIIC• ln-iifl -ii.nl HOfJHKt* TO J,KT followed with un aYch shot and j .teen manaKcr of New Providence. oii-iiic r.ivi i Mii- :ii't;:v;itt>d by * YOUIt PIANO TITNKI>, 12. HvnUu : linm-lil in ill*' -..-r•;illil>lr In ><>,'. n | m .in-1 IIrov ein«»t«, garage.- Jtu|ulr« Moroney under Hie hoop, to pug * i».«*» >i»«t—I hat with Ihe TlaliiJ. Calvary l^ H l; I'vl I'M till |i|;ti'.' ::> MorrlH ave. Summit ahead (Ml. Jim Tambyll 1M< Summit lied Sox. ' with the ruiii.'l -;. The li.iviiiV I iin-ii \ j, -' I \I,K Hlartecl Ihe Millhiim morlng with a Hr«r official duties of Ihe liiiic.'V ami -m houiw, »lx rtioniM I.Hlh, LEGAL ApVHmSIM • >.-•••. .mil will In- 12 Sylvan lorraco, Umi Imm from -tenter court, new manager willfiimi' on April 23, Crack Canary Five jilim.yini; in I In- if 11 >iiti; lit u>..~ ni.iiiih. T«l. Summit fi-0»17. ' 37-(f NfiTIC SBTTLKM.KNT. .Noll.-f Moroney and Bruno countered with""M" and May 7 at which lime he will l|]ll|js|lll|r,l |m >•• -mil ,.| III i jil.i, in n< iy <«IVHII, That th.I?e- 2ii(| mid two scored from Hide court. Iteln- have cliar^c uf tlic second annual « H HXINHEP KOOHW TO XKT 6 final a .«»( lh« Hiil>hiril*pr)twT ^ K<-..--" The lowly Cilia i hm li;i~ }>«•• ROTH'S STRAND I'cutor of the ha'iiU and llriino made.good (in foul iali. tichool held at Unrige Field, On Twin Court Bill "SS! lant Will »ml 'rcHliiini'iit Iviclu'd ui'iiiHiil Iiv iii-ii t-.iin in i 1 of KU.A tries hefdre Nick I'ic.ciiilo'.caihe Perforrrianfcc -SIN SMS UOOM,- neemiiil floor," new In picking lil*^il»yeis he will be. lonp. It |n,tK> lid,-, lilt- n.ov <| ' HI congenial and aMriirllve. aur- rpasptf, will I'K> „„<••«-<• iiim siaii-d thniHch with a iKHipor frotn under by Patterson, A«h WIIIK, as Tftl. Swnmilt R-:!U':i. | thf KurroKati", and r<'i>ortrd fur ihe rim as flic.period ended with Bill lloruer and .lay Itollson. settl^insiit li>- the' OrpluiiiN" I'mirt of I •* in" th' ("e lea KIMI n IT '"A i\ "III )..Af!i;K. sunny room. 2 window*, bath, th«> County «( r'nloii. on Krld.iy, ••*• - Su in in it out in. front, 1^-4. , :. When asked, .a hunt salary he ro- jAimir .on tonight's ('oniiiiuiiily K»ra««; «!*»' atnitller room. TcU twenty-fourth day of Mafi-li- next at Coarh Frank Focht senl Solly piled "Whatever the.Huh can afford kcthall ' Ijfagui* ilniililc-lietiiler on .Short IIIIIM 7-2382. !l::i» A.'M. > • Saninarllno into action a couple of I will iirccpl," and.added, "I liko Dated : February I*, i»:!!'. mi nut <:.4 after the second quarter the "Y" i-inivt -ar- !• d'clmk, while in TI'RKKY HILL COTTA«5IC, dcllnht- WKBKTKU Kit AY • TJIDD, the Madisoii set-up in developing LYRICS^" the iHrliiiiinai'v "11". i(;visi«in naiiii- ful lurei' dnublft room, runninu lOxi'ciitn began. The move didn't help I ho youiiK liall players and that is what |rlr|tli<>Hr w,ii.<-r,. twin hpds,• Httrmtlvcly fur- rOHBtN. ri.M-ir.rH. Milllmrn s(|uad any, for after War- I have "strived for all my life." at S, Ihe ".Y" |{ Hitiftlf r*H)in, IIIOHIH >X- f'l.; .I.efHuy Clly. X. .1 .SIRIXWL..L'iii'i. five. Tin* I tt'ti-^Fimr'vr Tel. 2283 «r 3tl«fi. 5-U W—.">!-«!• , |.*erK~J.j ! ren l)c I'alma .sank a basket,, the ' Bin Kcd went into higli -Rear annd V. .«,(' A. VOI,Lr;iBAIJ; TKAM aro the unly league gullies silied- THK Kt'CIJP, 18 KIKIW ave., l»>autl- K.STATK OK MAKTA f'ALMtSKKN. j tolled II|i ten polntB in ;i row.Tho lllt'd'tliis wcck'as the IIJKII SI-IIIMII ful l.iris<* corner- rimm, with private j score at (4i«> end of the first T« MKV.T ri I IniifiitHnti^ |Vri»r I'lih ; »IH<> Klnn.lo, rnfimtdf atino:<- Pursuant lo Ihr ordfr'nf ChHrlcs A. half iihrre, icsidelilial, central. Tol. 0110.Otto,. Jr., Siirrogaln of the County of ' was iJS-ll, with Mr. ('OIMIOK'S Wediicsday. Kc 1 lads The local Y. M.C. A- volleyball R . :i:i-tf riiion, iiirldi on Iho 27th day "f .lanu- j leading..- I nry, A.D., I93!i, U|M»II lh«- ii|ipll< ;tli'in >>f team hurf a hard match ahead on. 1 Snapp} Olfenshe ATTRA'TIVK room for IIIISIIIOHH |MT- thf undcrsiKiicd, ;IK. KxcciitnrM cr'i-dKors "f said di>- style, of attack a^aliml a maii-for- live; Hcorcn l»oth teams have made (.limn-, Summit «-0X7:t. lil-tf c«»nsed" fo cxhlhlt to llw .snliKcrllwrn "THE CROWD ROARS" under oath >>r arfirin;,!iun (heir claims inan defense, the .Suinmititcs grud- . linst .•. the Westfiold Jcani, the 4 ; ; I.AItiiK with twin iM'dH, private and di-niiimlH aRaiiiHi iho iKtaii- <>r siiid ually pulled awuy and in the suconil Plainfield Hpikers Htacii up a bll ' i- , »' Cii-I' viilnr< ' l.ith. run111 adjoining, I-XCJ-I- (lii-t'HHfd within nix iiionthH fi'iiu Ilii- half maintained da ti' i, % IIKU- until vi.n. • liarrod from iirosci-nlliic or rcein- the middle of the final quur- - (h -, r 1 t crinB the Kaim< acalnst (hi- NIIIIHI ril'ier.''. ' ,QK DR. MEADE; ler when Coach Corong put .••«.•!•-..Ills ro- I.,. . .u. linimi•. to have Tilt; i;i!AVIJN, 1» ild ave., Kiuiny., STK1 HAL.\HiKKN, 1 1 IlKKTITA M. i:,\KTM0N|i. i.servos ui work. Millburn dropped ™"»»" tciim out in full force .luck HoH Iteieil/ ICOIMTIS n.irin r'Kiins, with runniiiR walpr. five Koals against Ihe reserves to agaitiHt tin* iiiVHflers and lie fee|« i.i .Summit fi-:!0«». . imtf i KxiM-utors. Starts WED, 1939's GREATEST! 1,1'MtOY A. «!II1HY, I'roctor, outscoro the Bit; .Ked Ifi-S in the fi-confiilciil Iliat tlii-y will lie-nble "to 111 SIMMIT near-Chami House, l:i H<>»arliwi»i<| Itoad, Sliniinit. N. .'. nal Kession. turn the tables un I he PhiinficlderH. HfU N\T. »n.f SI V. .Never in tlir proiifl liisto^y of friint nioin. Tot. a ,i w Tiw—lii-TiM' t''eeK—ti.W JiO vecs Win Twelflh In ndditiou to Captain Ilellriiiist, or scrrrn li.is surd, .i :!!itf Wulter. Mueller, hvd l>ickersoii, l sinw The Siinim.il .layvees won their BOGART ronianrr rnpturrj PI..I-:ASANT room with larije closet and twelfth game by defeating the Mill- Charles Borden. John FlemmiiiK, TONE itr. pori-h, on .second floor, near . IIKIMSAMt: Kail riark. Stewart Hyde. Thomnn: h«y I raiieKliii r«irt. 2j hoiirso m-hixil. Tfl. Summit li-l»5ti!», 47tf AN iHMHXANTK I.. Fix thr—^larleM burn seconds 2!l-ll. Tom Needles, GamplK'll. .Robert Peterson. N. II;I X 1 F Ihe Clerk, Treasurer , Assessnr. Tax shifty forward, led the Summit at- FRANCIS GAAL l cle neing arranged for: The Cjirl BK IT ttilUA'tSKlt l.y (he THWIIMWP' ward, helped the .layveo cause when ..th.r local court between the West-' iiiiitiini; water; it..n Mouse, Tel. 4.'!67. 4!'-tf Providence, County nf Cnlmi ;iml Sl.llr lie pulled a "liny Iteigle" by drop- 'field "V" I cam mid thelocal "V"! TYRONE POWER of New .lerMoy : J ping Hie hall in the Summit basket, i team. TIKW twniis h;iv< . ... ^.,u ./<•'••!••• * I'11 n IVI met twicoi ATAHTJIKNTIH TO MOT I. The Hillary of the Townnhip «'lHerniliieMiiiiii|iluiishi|i Friday iso far this season and have each CAR'r GRANT• VICTOR MclACLtN " Summit High and the Madison j won';i victory, so lhat tin ; HA III.V.M. small apHrtinnnl, livliiK Dodgers will1 meet Friday night at D )urLAS FAIRBANKS ir ('"nil, l*p4r>.Nmi. kitniiNhi|i match will |.i<'-a.-nilibcr ni;it<|| forj •for the year lilSS .shall IM> Madison lo determine (lie Little '•.<•'• •» • I,,nil. jKirrh. Apply 24 Alain st.. or. the bent ; \yo out' of three f'Jr tiiv.*! BANK NITE II. I! Arni'tur, !t Fuller ave., Chiit- $3"»«. payable (|uarterly. Five Conferejice Championship. The «eason. PLUS • with I0HN MBIVMOt!> to*!*! Tho salary of the 'I'mvtishlp A.s- h.iin. Big Red team is undefeated hi; ANIT* lOUISt • lOStfH SCMUORMUT for the year t!i:i'.i shall 1M.' »:>:ii', MARCH of TIME and Cliitvt Gnita • tH»f» StMfctauM ' •V SPRINCiKItiM) KVC, HIK rooms, ...» (juiirterly. : league competition, having won j MIXED MONDAY & THUKSDAV hiai and watfr furhiBhed. Tel. 4. The Hillary of the Township Tax seven' games while.'-the Dodgers STAKTH Af V. M. ('. A. T'.M , MICKEY MOUSE" M Summit C-l;i34-W. ."il-tf Search Of.flci-r for the rear t!t.1!i Nhall COMING SUNDAY^" JESSE lie $l»(l, payable quarterly. .. ,hav e won six and lotj,t one, the -de-- , , J*UES | r.KKn-fwooD A PA RTMKNTH,' 11:»- - 5. The sRiary. or the T.iwnshii» T'ui:|Teal Keing Summit, The Madison | To nu-t't an existing u'eeil und to M:' W'nidland avenue; several denlr- PHvai,ie!«ulTrte?iv*r m* >cl<)(:k »««l'm"rc fllllv «"PPly the comn.utiilv .ill' apartments for rent itt roaKon- nyaltle <| Wi ( l(> > 1 w ! ' R-. Th<'' sHlurv' ,,r the TI.WMSHIMI "f ^ ; « : "« " »'« teachers I with a rcixoutiei, facility t|,a, is not iinW rat en; quid- ut'lKhhorhood ; no }ir ! nni ' traffic Inquire of Kiiix'i- Itmpector for the yi-itr Iran c Ullcil. There will be no ntiu»l- "« ' Hili'nualely supplied tile on premises. i.'.-tf . !.«• $:tno imyi.i.ie .(uarteriy. . , ing room. The first game starts u» Summit Y. "M" . (.'. A. has announced 7. Ihe Hillary »f the Township lie- j 7 ;{() that a period 011 Monday evening* * .I"IIN tit., four rooms and l>ath, all enrder for the y<>nr l!i:j:i shall In- iniptovemetitft. Kir.ire, adultn only. payalile iiuitrlerly. and unlit M.-ilary The scores: will be given over to mixed bad- T.I Summit 6-2!U1-K. 47tf shsJJ, l»e In lieu of all Snninill minton for adults. The "Y" ha« two X. The Miii;«ryOf the Townshiij.Over-I- f. badminton- eoitrh*• »vsttfaWe-Trnd irlt1 He.; 2nd fTrVii'ear"Hy!f"s"h!iM lie | ; i, the necessary equipment to play atKl kurate, adultn only. jlliirt. imyatili* i|Uarieriy. ""'."'."'" ' '•:' iKacak'.wskl.'r>. r o 49-tf The siilarlfM hernlli s«-t forth shall I''run .» this popular game. Many hudmin- be effective as of January 1, 1!U!». . 1 0 toii grortps are using the "Y"'courts TWit i.,rne r»M/iiin, kttchfiiette, Imth All (irdlnanci'S IncoimiKlent herewith I Bailey Ii 1 regularly but this is the first time' •IIKI inirch, Ke<- Hlnnalatlo. r. weelC Men play 011 Thursday evc- I te« of the Township of New-Providonco I 'e»«Hf, KoUiisky collar, to "he held on Wedfleiiilnir. Klynn, f. ii uings and women'have the two of 1 lined, HI»>• :t8-4ll: KIMKI concii- .March 1, I'm. I'll the..Munlrlim! liuild- iNuiKla.s. c. the court. ) on mornings frotn '.) to I. '•ry reHNonahle. <*an In- soun at of the Township of New l'riny IMTHOII wtKiTfiKy IM> In- i'{- ,S»nni(irWnimirtlnol li»o, g. Mrs. A. J. Priest is in charge tcrt»sted therein «h»lt !«• Klven 1111 op-1 Maisurki of the woihen's activities in the. Y. 1 •M.\•'. ^Iwi four " • — ordlnimce. • lot a Is Ifi •" a s*.-rifle,. that several women's groups are ,can, th« question df fapvMiWtily Dated-: February 2. !!».!!». I Score liy |n-ri<«l.s I T'l" M, turnpike, Kummlt. W. ('. KUKSO. Summit llloh ID ig thin opportunity as a means is more vital than ever to motorisU. Vi-XA TowiiMhip Clerk. Mllll.iirn Illuh til of building up their own group pro- For, with, beauty self-evident, car IniyWs . „ „ machlritis from $^5 Iteferi'f-—Iteiiediit. want to krt'iw m-re about the lh additional ment deciiic. And so, in presenting tl|f. ' <;»s. Fb\r'Mw ntngf: n, third floor, Kederal Htillrtlnr, Kedernl Stpiare and Kriinklln Strrrt, Newnrk, Tire. Junior I toys won the Sunday new 1339 Luxury Liner, *• simply say: • I:II:KI;.\MBIHH ft COMPANY V. .1.. on Ihn :ird day of .March, 1!*:S9, Kdiool , UiisketbaH I/fa^ne cham-! "Take a look...'that's all DodCe •*•*•*• artiTThN'liick In the forrrioon, nt which pi SpriiDtfirid Av«. Irvhigton N,. >. piOnHhfp Saturday •iftornooii de-! Bcfo*'e"jriiu dcci>lce has to offef. Gn'ta ami tninsiict other proimr--hufd-nrxs. your podpe dealer now. Be critical.TaiM l(Sj iiivt-liplly contested- battle. Tom I TAKE A LOOK I N.w h«.d- wheel with original flax, Clalins with ItcmUid s.tateiiii'tit. of Spencer, who lian been pliiythfrf a look at every part of this new Dpdgf tights, windstreatned in front — inside — outside — under tb« hopd^ •'IHHMII. i-hlna, rnttan fhHl»P IOIIRUC, 'iirrnnnt must lie. lexnlly proved ; .any bang up liall all sewnon contloiied j ."•••iK'Bany nw;r«"tary, anti(|Ue chairm, liute or instrument" must be 1 fenders—13 inches wider apart, And THEN takta look at the price ta^' ' iim.r with nold frame, mahogany annexed ; they must lie proved within his fine work, dropping four field I closer to road—for safer night Here's whc.ro .you'll get yoor higjeit Vlx months alter the almve date, and " K. niahonany vkK-k with Ilovolu- goals. • driving! They more clearly de- surprise—because this bijj new l.uiytf "inty picture, exuullenl reathcr filed with Ihi' iindersicned Referee. fine'outside limits of car for '•"I i«r pillows Tel. Summit fi-mm2. GKORttK W. W. I'flRTtiK. Central I'reHbyterian team caused; Liner is priced even lower thm l$$t' In Bankruptcy. II in in i i j I oncoming motorist and provide tr's Dodge! MA';ii^ i.MAin ilctrtc milter and or- greater visibility in rain, fog, snow ;•«" .|)M«-«'r.-aluiOHt liew, i.'i. Tel. NO'TIOM OF FlltST and dustt Radiator grille guards, s (»K C • 'iinniit G4 pic ta r*d below, at slight extra cost c«» NEWS FOt The first nip.Ptlng of i-reilMftrs In the Nnwyo miilter of AAridS MIUJ'/ll mid wmti MOItTON MIM.KIl, Ind. and aw .o- Have your BRAKES piirttierH IradlliK as VAI,K l.KA I'll Kit TAKE A LOOK! New handy ge«r- ^_ • 1()OT)H i'(K, Baiikrttntr"*tf Hh itnd and HEADLIGHTS ahift near the steering wheel—yoara TAKE A LOOK! New Dodge lug. -$ILE- flooxevelt .Strei'ts. In the City of f'laln- at ho extra cost I fou shift in the gage compattmeht, 27% larger than in fl.'ld, Cnunty of ITnloiuwill l>e held at •tandard "H" pattern—nothing new any previous Dodge! Unlike old "trunk Ait 1 active Modern Colonial, the Bankruptcy Cuiirt riMtm. Court ADJUSTED preparatory . .c » EUCB a mat ifrmmtt on room 3, third floor. Federal ItuilrilriK. to learn I Not ah "attachment" but an style" compartments, it's completely for the nrw 1939 Dodee that boftrt m Tesirirted Dfuid Hill—7 concealed beneath windetreamed rear Federal '"Square" ahil FranWIii" Street. to State INSPEGTIGJN. Integral part of car. Floor is char for car« Newnrlic, N. .1... on the 10th day of «n««mblel, • " ' •'• • ; • 'way ahead of tiaef And the«e cafj*^ ? baths, large lot, oil heat,2-car real comfort for three in front! itill a March, 19.'(9, at ten o'clock In the fore- TM« in an Mafor lams OrifiMl Jbuttur Hour. "youni»tcr»" in aUtrngt ami look*. * rage. A fine house »t a noon, at which time creditors may CataMMa Nrtworh, Even nvrrtay. 9:00 t* ar prove their elulniH. elect- a truHtee. ex- 10:00 f. M.. fnttraStaaaanl Tiara. price. amine the bankrupt and iriitiNact other h proper bUHlnexs. I for the new 1039 I>xi« by awaCftdTatlMr Glalms with Itehiixeil statement of ' make* ot imnii tiriatyour Otei|a4eakr account muirt he Iwiilly proved; any Thomason Bros. one of taw fio«[ »ii>rk» of aai original -mite or InBtrument munt I.e PUYNMHi your locality I See bin today '. Robt J. Murphy annexed: they musTlie proved within W8Dro«i8l. leti SikWiH Mttt bMfaid* OTML »m HHk N. V LAST YEAR'S DOPCEI si* months nfler ih<* alnive dnfe. .'Hid FrorA Co-rmt^-. OUtfor-Jkort H* 7-2616 ULtn filed V«*fth the underslgiH'd Itefereo. OEOHCIR w. w. I'oin'Krt.^, 306 BROAD STREET "*» lteferee In Bankruptcy. WILLIAM E, NIXON SUM!

t •" talte the reverie, Tberebaa be*n oa the edge of a wwuxs eftsmnf OMofWrTeflfOI that verdant bit of aorta mfy Service fetidly Sdmfafc o< BO change of federal Pottey. TIM ItewProvitacc The T. JC. C. A. two nan handl-, New peal will preae oa for arare ed "Wading". We fwssMl earaelvea Offices, Maay Applicants fmmi Swcdea Trip afraeatly loping over the stone * Besoess Tonorrow cap bowling endurance contest will covenment power dyrelopaupt nd bridge and down that perspective of be rolled on the "T" taaea .Waah- more public utility deration. This Nearly two hundred persona The followiBg practices will be laytoa'a Birthday, starflag at 10 The Men's Qhib of the Swedish observed tomorrow, Washington's Lutheran Church at tta February will mean the sile df more private •tur n l0 tae gallery a moaaent later thronged the offices of tf» New Cm. The contest which Uheld an- ui'm Jersey Unemployment Compenaa- Birthday, in various Summit estab- meeting on Wednesday night heard (MI throttle*, planu to the govertuneat and the 't o tell you it would be very decora- Xe«M nually and restricted to residents iiibments: no delivery oMnatl with of Summit always proves popular j*n illustrated lecture br one of its M Anm» operation of more power plants by tire over your dining room mantel, Surry Flag Council. Jr. O. U. A. Uon Commission in the Roth- 8trand Buildln l stomp window open from 8 to 9 and each year has a large entry. members. Otto Nahr, of S< Kent the government at the expense of j Mrs, Boyd. we feel, however, is.j jg ## WWJH DO DOJJ mm partparty ThursdaThurs y ere-! K «** Tuesday. Be- a. m.; moat merchanu, including Those who care to enter may doPlace boulevard, on bis recent five the taxpayers. '*t ber best in portraiture. Too wUI|BiOB at jHBjor Order HaU j cause off the holiday on the ttthUth • want to look several thneas at ththee TThhe BBoardd off HlHealth wilill hoW iU :th« number of persons appearing to the chain •torea, will close at 1 «o by registering at the "Y". months' tour of FinUnd and i grey-clad woman with the pink re rl on thelr cMva tor p. m.; the Public Library will be . HtnM raMitftlMff Ce* !! '- * • Thursday nlthc 1 P° * «»eny >0T 1KT »( BJIU Here the artist has achieved it""T«"Mm*i»d Taking hit listeners first to the Cllft, Presidentresident; Fred Ww;> i »; r .-•«-- ---—-",.-- « expected passage oof aa MWIPnew • ptoymen1")™11t ""•«•""benefits mor*e l—tha"n quad- PM N ~ u building Swedish -port of Ooteborg,-Xahr «n4 Trea*ur*r;.NormanS; . Oaru.1 Developmenu of the past few 'hree tioultimatf e In portraiture—*"3 plumb!n-T code wils,o| ^ duKUSleA rupled their Tuesday normal. closed all day as will the offices at gave his listeners in succession a •t ^Treasurer"^re; l W^cfiniweeks indicate that therethere• b no.tno.New* Eagtal|5? d* £*/*««• ~ S""Th ™e» *°*Board* *'will» »also »•*take• «•»step•, to'.Thomato T»omas «og.Hogann manager o01 me For State Tourney , irw n. vim, 'New England face one aees tlthew * , .«.' .. ... __._I_T._ .i*w»i officelce , said he exnects ai City Hall. view of many features of that city Haiuavr. disposition yet on. the part of ihe stamp of: Enforce the three-month quarantine < 1«*' <>« - »"'»• •**** •,»»»-1 suffering mellow-1 £"[£• the State De- i usually large number at bto offices Summit High School's basketball from its famous statue, the 150-foot at the Pto»t Office, Summit, New Dealers and "anti-New Dealers ed by a .kindly philosophy toward Dartment of Health this Thursday inasmuch as they team has been selected an one of"Sailor's Wife" overlooking the N. J- M Second-Claw Matter : wilI closed a11 day tomorrow in Congress to bury the hatchet, life, a will to understood, and a tol-j" _. pareilt.Tea(.ner Associationi l °* - College Club Hears six Union County Secondary School j harbor to the 17th century castle" outfits to take part in the annual and the medieval, canal still ex- For example, the Senates action in er.nceB. toward-thai jhieh^ not; |Nl J^ldht m Tln JnuaPj.tSStoS ' «"* his' o unemployer her boodk .persoof c< nuppnS Pres- defeating the confirmation of Judge t^ ,^^Bff iJ^te jSi' * ~" T £reh Ht-VK ™? a iouiion is detached * ' basketball championships which istant in and around the cjty. The 8cho i«Hllcatink Roberts, in the western district of Hanj8 jt na8 80 often been said are' °' auditorium. Mrs. T. Bunce * the pt-rson ,a gti,, unernploy. Dean IWoniss Talk will get under way February 28th next city visited was Stockholm, with the finals set for the Elizabeth resplendent with its Royal Paluc c, Virginia, with only nine Senators tnt mosl 'difficult fMI fAr pn aril»t ,i la in charge. The coupon is then mailed to! for pn artIgt Pup 8 Armory, according to the announce- its world famous City Hall, its co- J voting to sustain the President, is These are, patient, tired, and finely! . j' '°. Lincoln School, under e Tlt,nton headquarters where, i (Continued from Pa«« Om) | the direction of Miss Madeline ment of Walter E. Short, secretary operative apartment bouses ami j not conducive ro a feelinK be... delineatedelineated.. j after checking-.the claim, a check are not expected to use all the of the New Jersey State Interscho- stores, not to mention "ita tween President Kt.ost-velt aud the; We ha*e singled out only a fewIFrench- supervisor, will pre- is mailed to the claimant. jlirii- n fl ^^m^Pm^Pmw •V^m^B^Bmw •^BW^sm»»We7Blw*'»W • th material that tomes from head- lastic Athletic Association. modern system of expediting traf- ianti-New Dealers i>. the Senate, to.mention in a collection thatt is}•«is} " ?. ^v/^- ^.1 .' WKKMtKtjBWWfc SMt I _ - . • , . . „ ., defiriilelv worthv of attenlinn t T quarters. Our program goes out at Eighty-seven schools were nam- fic, a system said to be com pa rub I.• .'Following tins arriard Shaw, for here k one who Jackie Cooper, will be presented One Tear . $3.50 consent oil).'lit not b* necessary for can who teaches. And her versktil- Friday night at the school audi- InRabi i"\Ve are not interested in this type, gam.eB will be played February 28th the 200 managed farms, aft*of •don't send it to us.' The way inwith the senii-flnal» and finals in Mi Months 'lyfederal judicial appointments, ity. her tolerance far experiment,'torium. Proceeds will be used to which come- under direct supervi- ur( ! which A. A. U. W. program* grow Elizabeth set to g«t under way on sion of the government. Kadi -- Friends of the New Deal assert that and her refusal to be cast into aIP "hase uniforms for the band. A three-month quarantine of all interesting. 1 March 4th. until (die--action of Senators Byrd and !mold inclines ue to believe—if it is The Xew Providence Players will d i(| UnIon Bergeni EgseXt Pa8.i fanner has to make a strict ac- aw| Somerget (;ounties and An n 0 w der n tO (a T frOm UraS eset a play March, 10,h at the i counting for all his income ami cSaMmed Adv«.rtl»lng Received unur Class of the Old Dominion .State in " * ' "? o * ° ° " •?"!!?* expenditures and if one* farmer 1 In General NYw» Matter Rf-relvpd until hloi'kiii^ tht confirmution of Judse ^ makes considerably more than an- provided evid^ftee of • her compe- dered Wednesday by the State Iv.er on the social study it has made|( 1 p. m. Monday, with . use of lengthy matter. pire Board of Health, as a means of j in connection with the equal rights town, Orange, Wee«iuahin- The Callery is always open "Wed-! gS3?: KJK'ttf h'^^ in) -i^h.; shown alarming increas-j^ion of discrimination. We sh.l. '^^"^ ^^J^ "Of course," said Nahr, "the Fins AllAllI' .hP fire hmme in itivpr rmd Ies '" tlle patlt S'X months- Notified vote there on Whether tO Uphold it! Park, PlamfWld! ramden. Atlantic j Irol. of the Democratic organization . nexdays and Snn •""'. admission is free, and th[the e nre liquse in uiver.rjaa. .Thursday of the.step by* tile State |W not, . city, Br!d«»t<>n. w.M.drow Wllmm of country owes Uncle Sam and they ' POI'l'I.ATIO.N h >la r r Sl r ..._.._ question of the equal ^'^ .'visttln^^K ^hi ?i^:mother^.^ MN ^dMieal; t "Does this question of the equal «^^". Vlneland, (V,..«nB«wood. Tren- are working feverishly .to get this +. _.._ '. , | public far urged to ltaten to oppor- Pa., is er conferred at once with Po- rights of women belong- to ys. This ° " 1910—7,500. Friend* of (lie two Virginia se.na-' Mlllitv .knocking, at."Shelf door" aud paid.", cilme to see. . .NJahr for. many years has'hcen I MO—10.174. tol's. however* reply .that it ist.a associated with the transportation fhat won't- work both; valuation, Mfl.lR—r.n,4S:>t(i(!.r department of Standard Brands. Ket valuation on which ('uuntv, Stat* They ask whether it isn't, practical education. I -think .s»mh» - and Rtate School Taxed Are Ap- Murray Hill. | true that the Preisdent was play- •• New Providence quarantine. . . . . we are strongly obligated W go on I chantviiij. Audubop, summit, aiou- portioned—|3ti;',o:.,&eiit. $.44«; I^x-al School, $1,184; Hlale friend of Governor' Price, New D«il School, I.Slft; R«idlerH' .DonUH, $.-VjjrgtjfWa • : ^ - . -— ^-™ , . ,-- . -„ -^ . - ~.^-Jt, Mr .Qd^telli HtKhlands, ... rilRhtsjowiu Itumjon.. AmboyTilt B»nk hesoum-s—$12.!> At, an adjoun^Ml- tnee.tfng"o,f the 1 "coufined" for the period, of; the} d Mrs. Seth H. Seelye. A«Utlng >r an. an "A tired Suninil^'Y 'Var8ity'*^nr not tin j quarantine; -or .until, the. order to\ . were" Mra,, taura Vali Clse Short Hills thm , KKK Hnrlxii. took the floor "against the Penh minded in lifted by :the-State.' MIller^.Mrs, Roland P, BeatlTe. Mrs. Parochial HehoolN (Kormrrly u»..v«, ..««.-..^. -,.,... ^, . . , , insurance policy because two "Co.nfined" is defineaL40 mean Luman Shafer.MrS. G. E; Schuitz, I «ir»m> 2 Fr«-|») . . Amboy "Y" team here -Saturday •3V train* dally. Hus connewer»KP ; fret- mall drop a score through the basket ami •ry ; excellent police, and fire tlon. Thrw Itanka ; five DulldlnK for the first half, the invaders hud I»an Association*; two hott-lx ; things pretty much their own way. progrenglve schmil nystfm. . . 1 the committee regarding the matter her .son. Serge Hill, are the guests twei-dle-deo and twecdle-dnm? a fine of $50 for the first offense EXHIBIT AT LIBRARY In the last part of the game Sum- Communicate 'with Summit Business of a $25 bonus to" each fireman who mit out-played and out-scored tin- Men's .Association. Holy Name Downs '• .' i responds to 60 per cent, or more their home in Summerville, N. C.fense, the penalties to be levied by While the two most widely cele- visitors but were unable to over- Anofcjier indication of the state ;„ f yearns fire alarms. Decision tne they plan to motor to .Naples, Fla..j municipal police courts. i brated February birthdays are those come the early lead and lorn !>>• a TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1939 [of feeling in .Washington1 concerns j wan withheld pending further in- where they will spend a fortnight. , This city already has a muszlhig|^ Abraham Madison C.Y.0.06=25 score of 54-40. !• I 1 -1 the emergency relief appropriation, vestigation by the^ committee. The RalpRlhh R. RummeirRmmiryy of Bayberry orde'r• i'•n» effectaff«>» . Thoe Stats»at<>e nrrioordenr j The Summit team showed the ef- Hy a combination of Republican and ' Zoning Board of Adjustment, mot Washington, many other famous i "GEOKGK WASHIN(JTO\ lane is spending a fortnight in Be/r- supnlcnientii that by augmenting St. Teresa's Holy Name basket- fects of a gruelling schedule during old-line Democratic statesmen the »>H> the committee to discuss de- the full membership of the police People wej-e born in this ball'team turned in another im- j the past week. The game with tho Summit Public Library calls "Next Wednesday the.entire lia- relief appropriation for the balance tails of-the ordinance, whiL h William S. Roe of Summit' department, each member of ' -lat"~,";7"" h,rVntercVttais interestinBg Tacfact I pre«sive performance Sundayj night tion will pause to honor the birth-j of-the fiscal year wauss cu ^ v ^ . # ,,„,„„,,„„ on will au t honr th birthjfh r.. ^\^^^7T with a , Pennle Rom in Io n tllfi' St. Teresa's court, defeating day of Oeorpe .Washington;: . the, 000,000. The Senate depleted the ranks of the Sum- inserted an p^V'sponsoml by ffie United Socie- Strouilsburs as the guest of Ittk; officer•,» _ eSiititt, now on view* in!,.,.n the Madiso_ _.„n_ Catholi . c Yout„„„„h .Organ „„„- >vides that if { , church of the Little!J. Palmer. , . V- During 1938 the State had 537 ce ot team so that father of his country. And proh-1 amendmeitt which provides ( ip (>f thp t and thu. s tli*'ei e »„„„„„•children'exniDi-s rooroomtm , .liatioliation Five 66 to 25, Couch KeKenn u , ^ Pm n ^ K f -„ H...U, «i uir inuHii ; ,, nV , I nlMrs B Willia>u alm Dudleultf)v was the cases of rabid animals, i Tr' AmonJ™he nSS HluHtrious listed Oeddis used reserves freely after w» the aquad is forced to play prat - •bly more serious than In many|"»y emergency arise*M before the Flower in the church ball in Plain-1- "- '»• * " "/'" .*"? "If ,.._ =in„ ,193ftOft 9 ,».„„ther„e »..,.have' been 4 of tllp ear tlie Supper, followed by. week-end guest of Mrs. Louis P. 1 far are Horace C^eev- ChaHes J* hb regulars ran up a 22-9 lead in I «caHy the entire game. With In.. years, the minds of his 'children' I «•"• > I'^Went tnay; field avenue. Dayiird, Sr., at he e in Hohart i more reported cases. .are norace ureei>, i.narns UICK » n,,i.n H^JIO KI^ onne e dadayv8 s rres8 t in the ent re week k f r dance, netted nearly $6ft. Cotn- leius, John Ruskin, Charles Lamb, Ihe first half. Hube Geddls, big i ° « t 'n the entire week. trill turn with gratitude toward the.' *" " an "ddltlonal approprlatjoii/a d. avenue. Mrs. Dudley, wl»o he a(!e wa t0 h l eo included Chairman Mrs. Thomas Kdison, Chailos Darwin, Holy Name center, had a field day I f P « ° o for the local iuj; ihe.mop.t)f. of ..Februaryj'at :thei b tt11 IU who. more than any olh,.r,,The President^.gned the curtaile,!mitt Carpenter, «nd 44»e Peter Cooper, George Meredith, dropping in nine field goals and j , tossers. Perth Amboy gave a. Hotel Fairfax in^Xew York City! ne Wade it possible for.us to live ,„ | appropriation bill on Saturday and M D.A.R. Chapter Hears Victor Hugo, Henry \V. LonRfellow, two fouls to account for twenty of .j " demonstrution of JHIHHWOI k, I then, on the following Tuesday, i Jj-^SS; £«» %«£' «SS with Mrs. Philip L. Smith, attended ! hl hi tcam ' intBlrit HalDRlhh R I ^P*01^ fthne bea*>**}t thuthutt hahass bee»«'>n ' comfort and freedomi freedom to: , . . Anna II. Shaw. Galileo. Susan B. j » » P° - Romano | and Frances I>elDuca. the christening of her grandson. B.j and Coogan, two of last year's seen on the local court this year worship, or not, as we choose. free-IHl'"| a »PeciB-1 nM;^a,Ke William Dudley, Jr., at Christ ! |Anthony, Copernicus, Sir Robert and ran up a score that Summit John Lenlrftn. pastor of St. Of National Work Marten - Powell, James Russell Madison High stars were in the to say what we please, freedom!.!..,., .... - Church on Sunday afternoon at 3 j could not reach in spite of a last | Lowell, Giitenliurg and William F. i visitors' line-up. Romano was high to pursue our own means of earning 000,. whith, of courHu, would bring Teresa's Church, Summit, celebrat- p. m. The Itev. Herbert Cooper per- j quarter rally that had the visitors the appropriation up to the original; ed the !>.30 a. m. mn«8 Sunday. Muss formed the ceremony. • • . > (Continued from Page One) Cody (Buffalo Rill). scorer for his squad with 8 and worried. ' Illustrative material shown in- Coogan scored but once. • ... "That that life has not turned out figure. 'will be celebrated .tomorrow. Ash Mrs. Nathaniel.Tyler. Sr.. is the I New York. intereHted John D. Next Saturday the Summit Var- to be quite so free as Washington ... j Wednesday, at 8 a. m*\ There will reproduction photographs Summit ('. Y. 0. Wins sity willtackle the strong, Rocka- and his compatriots envisioned it, SenatoiH--.and congressmen who!»» distribution of ashes after mass The Catholic Youth Organization way team here. Rockaway has won favor the1 reduced'appropriation i.ii-:a"? ;" action a desire .to j Ou'r'Lady: oTNft. Car fliel Society, apartment in-Ne# York City. aji opportunity to see a fast Kami-. plete discouragement. ; meb inesidents of the ; for,! Burns were the big scorers with 25 continue the fight with Congress Inc. sponsored a movie Friday Mrs. Charles H. Stout. Miss Vir- i and historians; among them. A preliminary will be played at s George Washington. Thomas JeN in addition to the Great Rmanci- tallies, "We have wandered for from the over the-Hizp of relief appropria- night in the society'* hall. The com-gjnia Stout and Mrs. T. Wilson o'clock between the Calvary Com- fturdy, simple wisdom of those tion. The fact that such a fight is niittee included: James .-Vicendene. Lloyd have returned fro ma cruise fersqn. James Mdhroe and John pator and the Father of,His The scores: munity League team and the Marshall. try. two others were born In it— early years. We have followed the to continue iiidk-uti-H HO far as the' S«nuol Mo.isipapa Ben a mill Delia, to South-America. Mrs. Stout and f. away Jay Vees. •"In 1!)2G work was begun. A stir- William Henry'Harrison the ninth A hern, f. g. tleshpots, flirted with many an lam. . , , • i Aiisolo N uro, R;ili»h Oiocco, Jerry Miss Stout will fly to Texas to at- it n 111 The scores: T waH o Mid our birthrights for many a major party is cin.cenuMl. ! Nunzello, Frank Yannot.Q lind Jo- tend aAiVuaV'in««etine""oi*'ni* i *y wade and it was so satis- 'president, who appropriately "se- l Kri .ll .Moi-orWni<) 1 ! f. 4 HunmiU "V" Viir*ity uiwuiis u» ««elfactory that by 1927 purcna8-c of liected the ninth'day of the month 1 ? 1 " '" - '• 4 • ;i Bless of pottage/but in spite of UH • i seph Del Duca. "•'•,- Garden Club of America. 2 K- f. Dr. and Mr*. Dean W. Marquis ot P«»l*rt«es began The owners were for his birthday; and ISlillard.-Fill- 'I Uroiin, f "the sturdy system oj checks and The fact that there is so niuuh ro|,,mbla 'SchnoJ P.-T. A. will 1 1 Yannptta, f. irk ninr.fi hava roiiirnwi fmm ' K|vcn "te rights to their homes and : more the thirteenth president, who 1 balances which they set up has'pre- f •» «^ m.vm.vtt tonightonightt aatt 88 ocloco'clockk FounderFounder'ss Park plac§ have returned from 4 •' ] 10. TrengKuw, f. many people to believe something is Day will be celebrated.^A $5 award Esen'ada. : Ktco.. .where, they in a few cases this was extended |escaped the 13th by six days. 1 II -' I .Moroney, c. . into the second generation. TIjeT dherrTact8~we~noled'>ere that I '^rnnffney"tr/ :: have been the guests of Mr. and l lr n tiling of the par) •f the few nations In the world houses and gardens were restored ; Darwin and Lincoln were twins, a.s up. They Iwlieve thii s should h» lparent membershfj in the Mrs. Winthrop B. Dillingham. ^ ~: fillT;:«'"TrenKroyc' *• , K. .: ; particularly stal where democracy still reigns. and they were to be maintained and I it were,7 both having l>een Iwrn on "f." V. simplified, and maile more efficient. P.-T. A. Mra. F. Dudley Courtenay of Ho- f. oedures were r« Totals is 4 4n "Never in the history of the world Children of Mary Sodality and tax free. | the same day in the same year— nyan f" 0 and feel that the relief adniinistru- bart avenue is on a 21-day cruise to 2 Perm Amboy Y.»l. ('. A. Commissioner ii f.Junre events so shaped up as to In- { . the young women of the church of conducting "Months were spent In roaming! 1809—and that the great appear j Uart.V, f. / 0 II Rio de Janeiro and is conductinKg •) intimated that n should have gone to work .-,,.„ -, jM)e pjower< piainfteld ave- through the-highways and byways | to have avoided th'e 28-th, for none "" f 0 Totton, f. ..- ;.•.., 11 | "dlcate to us more clearly how very w ; • , • -,, - bridge tournaments on the trip. She II every communltj prunlnB r(li(>r wllMl vl>r ossihh? nue, received communion ln'sa body of Virginia, North and South Caro- are listed for that day. 10. UradHhaw, c. 1 Deter, f ;i 1; I; tacky we are, and how infinitely/ ' " - "Will return-^n March' 7th." J (I 1:' be-enforcing th< removing chiselers from the relief at the 9.30, a. m. mass Sunday. Una. Negro houses, farm houses, J. rSradshaw, ~g. . I) I Van Shyckle, c fi worth fighting for in every respect/ Francis Marion Crawford of Lon- A. ()8linlo, g a -is Bourne in no role, as suggested by Congress, be- Free Acse Library Group held an and estates were visited to gather Uanli.n, g. 1 . IT Is our democracy. What a country don, England, was the week-end l.rognn, K .. 0 Kflnert, g. 7 CulliH, Forster • fore coming in to ask for another •open house" meeting Friday night information' and to.locate articles Boyd's 1 |-,ttls would be if each of us could guest of Mrl,ahd Mrsl Arthur Terry Romano, g ... 3. 2 K. Osllnto, K. .,- :' don't believe ihe ii50.000.000 for omergency relief. In Frank Stevens Hall. Bttieraon of furniture that might have been '(„ share a little of Washington's In- at their home W FerncJiff terrace. In Williamsburg. Available material At K Y. World's Fair Totals ' 24 ti 51 parking light la They say that it is of course im- !«»<•• NV* books and publications Misses Virgtnia and Constance Totals .' ; 11 Referee—AI Buniher. telligence, integrity. foresight«d- w was found not only in this country on anyone. Fill "Down the Meadow," a woodcut Score by periods f Timekeeper—B. Mardlli-imn. , and faith."—Westfleld Leader. possible to save money unless you | £gFT&«, Plalhfleld ave- but also in the homes and in "the Ho'lv Name 12 10 20 24—C attended a TOCeting of County private and public libraries in Madison C. Y.- O. •,,.. 2 7 10 lias been a good road are' the guests of Mrs. J. W. of twenty-four art works picked by asking why, after six years of New Deputies-of the Jr. O. U. A. M. last lf—Shaw. Y. W. C. A. BttHkfllmll the lessening of McCormJck at her home in Colum- and England In the Bod- The'STheS^^ of NewNew' Jels ^for exhi i- KOW ABOUT THE FUTrREI Deal planning, so much relief ex- night with Union' Council 3,1 in eian Library a Oxford was found ' t i h Hamnilt <'. Y. O. Because or Wednesday heiiiR a Other than tl bia. S. C. eian Library a Oxford was found ' t ion at the New York World's Fair f. pts, There has been considerable penditure is necessary anyhow. Rahway. '•'."' Trlolo, f 0 holiday the Y. W. C. A. basket hall views, the Couni Mrs. Neil A. Weathers of High- the copper plate showing the Tliifej.uml)er is New Jersey^ quota" tiou on the et H 'cheerfulness displayed in business Didn't the New Dealers themselves. Louis Mondell. Jr., son of Mr. wlnnin l«iiurla, f 1 11! practice will not be held thut land avenue, with her son, Wade, of Burns, f •11 Parking light hn ;-'-«lrCles over the agreement made by it Is queried, promise to eliminate ; and Mrs. Louis Mondell. Is fit of the rfft I ™« K "elections/ »{: nftig. are spending, a month in Bermuda. "3T N«r Jersey (iaffney, <• 0 lie Commonwealth Southern and the necessity for relief altogether? I Brio in his home In Union avenue. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Skelton are Kkl 1 i. artists which has been on view at 81'NllAt HCIIOOL LKAOIK TV A for the Bale of certain j Yet the demand for government aid The Misses Margie and Grace spending six weeks - ~ " s Rogers and Woodrow and Edward :i tility properties in the Tennessee Mrs. Henry A HUndlnf of ike'Tfninii seems as great us ever. Ite-gprs have returned from Mla.mi. •s Hey at an agreed price of some- wood road will sfeend tl • '«I ' - ' W. \.. 'I vi..'. Sulphur Springs Pinochle tJtub the^ south. . • ' — ^.Junior Boys... 6 2 .730 under eighty millions. It was met Friday night. i Totals , -S2 2 Mrl Fountain-Baptist * 4 I Mr. and Mrs. Bancroft Gherardi Mudlmin ('. V. «). Jrn ' Vr.oo that at first the TVA offered Free Acres Athletic] Group will century, and one forgets that this . ;.|»'alvary : -1 4 of Birch lane, with their nephew. LIFE SAVIXCJ CLASS K. f. pt«. j Ontral Prea. , 2 ti *,000,0()0 for the property which Claire Boyd's Work at meet tonight in Frank Stevens Hall, p. new old Williamsburg is only about Vourtney.if. aid have been almost conris- under the direction Of FrlU Sthade. Taylor Gherajrdi of New York City, STAKTED AT Y. M. C^ A.ICarly, f. Natirdar't -ten years old.ld" ^ ld f. " 0 Itory, while the agreed price, is are spendidM a month in Vero JunloT Boys 20, Fountain Baptist IS. Summit Art Gallery Beach. Fla.\ A new class, in life saving was Flack, c. ..;.: •„..'."" 1 Central PreH. 32, Calvary 2«. near what Mr. Wilkie asked POLHi; COI'R-T CASES llockney, c. ...'..:'.':'. (I Summit in No. Jersey Mrs. Herbert Cawley of New : It in the first place. started at the local Y. M. C. A. Cicero, R. '.,. , iv(| Gamei Hatarrtnr York has been the guest of Mr. and Dowd, g. '. 1 (Continued from Face One) Artists'Spring Exhibit Sitting in Police Court Thursday building Saturday afternoon under Central Pre8. vs. Junior Boys. After the first announcement of Mrs. Frederick "S. Gordon at their the direction of Fred M. Dickerson Kami, K :.. 2 Fountain. Baptist v«. 1'nlvary. completion of the deal there night Judge Robert J. Murphy, Jr., the brightness this ceremony con- home in Park place. of the "Y" staff. Mr. Dickerson l.r Totals . . a brisk rise In utilities on the The eighth annual spring exhibi- Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Nixon pieia»r<1 and acte<1 upon the following tributed to the occasion.) offering the latest course In life Store hy The HERALD welcome all items market of the country. It tion of the Kresge Department and their daughters. Pamella and; 'case*: William O. Crogger of .2 saving as sponsored by the Ameri- Suniinlt ('. V. o 15 20 10 Of the paintings here shown wc; ,„ pwarK Is now being held. of interest concerning you an'l |%aa said that the war between the Store N Janice) are on a ten-day cruise to i Glenside arenue was fined $13 forcan Red Cross.. This new course MadiBon <.\ Y. t). .Im.-.. 4 !l 2 8—V, think the most noteworthy charac-! , , ^ your neighbors. ' ^government and the utilities is iH!b| f northern New Nannau and Havana. . Staking a car without permission of is far superior to the old course teristicc is versatilityversatility. In each in- .„_„ _" ..,,1J .„ „„,„, «i.«,i. ver, that the private companies are 1Minvited to enter their The College Club of the Oranges! the owner; Charles Bowers and and takes nearly twice as long for regional dis- m o M completion. DUld now go into the market and fresh, individual, contemporary,! ||^° *t /_ ™-; Lorraine-. Pettlford of Chatham, ad- The exhibition w-ill be con-George \\. Koch. 19 Oak Hill road, i Saturday.was given over-to pre- Itrchaae hundreds of million dol- guilty of disorderly conduct, worth of material and business liminary tests which all condidates Ssmmii Plant Leaned [were fmed $10 each; Francis Va- rotild soon be booming again. must pass to "be eligible for the Idurro of Aubrey" street guilty of course. These tests coheist or five While the trade for the Tennes- By >'. ¥. Maanfartartr driving a car without license plates A Complete New Stock : different, events 'which demonstrate j properties is satisfactory from seem to the per- j " leasing of 40,000. was fined $5 and Robert Stokes, o0f sonality off he subject. (Many Sum-! the candidate's ability In all around standpoint of price, it must be tor | square Teet of space in the twj and Park avenue had his license mitonians will recognize Alill water work. Persons- pa«s'lng the " -1 r^ „ »nniv Z Mr« B,..«,ird of three-story buildings at «»Morris suspended for two months forvd«iv- Mirror and Dixie Queen ited out that- there \s nothing r t l 0 Pply tO Mr8 Rugbir izatioiti n of Hobok.enHbk . Those who were successful in Court, Judge Murphy, released lflBZ, ALUMINUM WARE ta private operation of In- trive a clever geometric design il- -SIGHT AT Y. W. C. A. The.McGregor Company brought!threthn»e NegrooNegrow, in $10 bail eaceachh, ttoo %*^ cannot get much encourage- lustrate thd evolution of the old to Summit bx. th'e 'ttar*l»5ldi "TJf^ guarantee their appearance at the day were Kurt Linker. Arthur Van- it over the fact that the govern- haphazard methods of art Into tho A very delightful evening of mil-gantzation. has found it necessary Board of Health headquarters to derhoor. Walter Hutchison, Joseph! ftiiley. Montel Pursley. Joseph it baa gone further Into the science that art has now become. !»•<* appreciation is being offered to!to increase its manufactures space. continue their treatment for venereal Slncgra. Joseph Chlovarou and ' rtnear~ttr~thV"tune of The "Little Pink Girl" is a case in!members of the Y. W.t C, A. adult Maker* of men's sportwear, the disease. The, comnlalntM were made clubs and their Jrlends on Thursday Robert Pjlnna. In addition. Earl | |hty million dollars. Thj. declar- point. Pictorial effects conceal company has Its offices anil show-1 by Health 'Officer Dr. Henry P Summit Hardware & Paint Co. from the casual eye the intense at 8 o'clock. Mrs. L. M. Herman Chrfstmaik, Jrf.. and Elmore Schultt of an armistice between private room In New york City. It,em- Dengler. thought and knowledge that have will give the stories of the opera*. ploys approximately 250. , who hnd paksed the preliminary Ity Interests and the govern- . _. Incorporated been focussed on arrangement. "Manon" and "II Trovatore" nnd Card Party at Chatham tests previously, will l)e |n the In, the Tennewee Valley does The landscapes differ 'greatly will play some of the best known You must have the HERALD If elnss. The class meets in tho Y. Pride of Sunset Council, No. 1S3,M. C. A. pool on Saturdays at 4. Hardware and Housewores that tne government is from one another in execution and arias froth both. ~ you want the news of Summit. It Sons and Daughters of Liberty will «ot of the power business-. conception. 1 Our favorites were will cost 13.51 0 per year for two hold a card partv tonight at Odd u 8PBH0FIELD ATE. M 8«. Mttt . aiflWIT, H. "Woodpeckers' Nests"—two ttuud- Mention the HERALD when buying. Issues* weekweek . IFellow— s• - -- Advertising In the HERALD will Chatham. Par you dividends. s •>.