'* r:p ~r^*pPW|^^"5S^'ry *5»7^j^~H 15^00 People* Scad the Every iWdty and SUMMIT RECORD FIFTIBTH YEAK. NO. 51 SUMMIT, N. J., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 21, 1939 $3.50 PER YEAR Troslow Talks Pass First Aid Course Director Reportp s on James Truslow Adams Provided By Red e Club Hears Work of Welfare Board Review of "Union Now'* . A. Groups Join ^ 27™"^ To Civic Group Sixteen Boy Scout leaden and "Disturbance of stability" and In- r Attend Camp Conference cky police and firemen computed Dean Morriss Talk Of much interest is James Trus- •N. Hamilton McGlffin, director of | stitutionaliiation of the chronically low Adams' review, of "Union Now" In Founders'Day Here Yesterday the first aid course sponsored by bv the local Y. M. ('. A. -Home-Vacation, Police Comtofener dives the Boy Scouts and the American ill were cited lo the Union County I Clarence K. Streit. published aa camp ami-Fred Dickeivson <vf the Red Cross. The course began No- of A. A. I). W. Gives Welfare Board Friday in the annual: £* fadind g article inl thhe Ne wY Yorkk t.. V staff are attending a camping ' Matt WHO StlOt WOflUUI !i*i! Booi k i! * Reasons for Majotaimug vember. 8th and ran for eleven sta- Broad Survey of Work report of Director Florence RJ £.•?** «evlew of February Cast of 175 Present Pag-conference at the .Newark Y.'Wl.' tions, losing only five of the origi- Slocum as the paramount hazards ('. A. today. This,-cohference -i.H to1 Here Saturday Night Numbers and Efficiency nal enrollment of twenty-one. N1U and Growth of National Dr. Adams, well-known historian eant 'Cultural Contribu* of 1939. and a former resident here, makes bring before the assembled delt-i. of Police Department G. Sward, Scoutmaster of Troop 89, gates, tht* lantest advances in! Captured By Officer directed the course. Features were Organization The work of the welfare board a searching analysis of Mr. Streit'a lions to America' with during last year cost approximately plan for a federation of democra- camphi-g. The conference will be! Corcoran in Cellar a. demonstration by the rescue Music Unifying Theme addressed by some of the* leading I Refers to Work on Rabies squad of the Jersey Central Power one third of'a million dollars. 60 cies to safeguard the world's peace. camp men in the country. Preview of Convention per cent, from Federal funds, 37\_ I Iu his introduction, the reviewer! land Light Co. consisting of James . irom federal mnas, ifm\ in his introduction, the reviewer /^L . .- k. Ci « New Jersey Y. M. ('."A.'s will be' Returned toilet Clothes Summit Police Department af, Traynor, Oeorge Diehl, and ^ay Aspects of the per cent, from the Slate coffers, | remarks, 'If his <Mr. Streit'sJ jviner ArlS AISO MfeSS^O represented on .lhe speakers plat- fairs occupied the ceateAf discus- Papjo. ana a Milk by Dr. Malcolm r. W. with i !! I2& per cent, by county appro- ' present book may appear startling,; ___.U .B-****^- form by John Ledl.le; director of! entitled to the most serious; Founders' Day iIn Summit com- i| Cam<•'<• p Wawaya-nilu. the "Y" camp to Was tlu. al ,^ • t0 p<,H(?e a ", u." , , TV •jmemorating'the 4.nd anniversary |>l"(l' »>«">• sumn.it boys go .during jieadquartels Saturday nijrht about H Jield part of his conclusion. I)r. ! ,>f the fouudiue of the Vitionil >""' ""mmer months. 'Mr^,edlie (i ,„ ', s-'?<»iuiu.iy..iiigniaoouc - of the association—,C08t on {he average of 121.60. fourth Adams Police Commissioner The results or the^ourse are tai.(TV association— C08t on the average of 121.60, fourth = Adai , says: -Some day, in the .' congress ofTa ren s , d te-1• e™ 'wlU 8hlJW tht> <l)lmV(f ^illK >»<-,• *. *nCe POy""' 22< °f Home with Ken l ; turM ()f <<: 1 ln Frederick K. Truslow speaking as the hands or the Sulmlt cKpte? \'laceV^mmo'ns'laT^rS X ff i "»•»«••den » ***•«*«>: Xew Provi-1kind oiir worworliml wwee livlivee inin., w.twithh spaspacc e ' „ ohsp,.v..., , 1V ,L " , , uJ 1 "'M> WawiiynTidaand will J - on"" *"ll> S(M' "M011r «•••";. who waa living or the American Red Cross and cer- fernoon bTCn MnrJ ^ M ? :! «' Borough wbirh. is allocated annihilated and Interdependent explain some, .of the caiiipV'new I ."n lh t> ' " .rimiF with .her par- lie said "trdm a civilian point or ilated and interdependence- n ; T ,! ' ..."; explain some, .of the ra.mpViifw! ° .. ' s^'on'l floor with .her par- <irf <.-»_-. ,..in „ _«•_...__i"i " liernoon by Dean Margaret Morriss I .9Q9Q npepr ,-encentt , f«forr PIPVPIelevenI <•«««case*s /otorr a a rtu>I betweet •.•'<.<.•n• n.iunnations. , ™»i-hi»tcoiifple-te_ , .<IMsome_ - .'•fwitures. Camp Wawayanda is fiitH, Mr.-aiid Mrs. Haymond PoytL, view." He readilly admitted the. im- tificates, will soon be awarded toj _» D. K i #. ii . .: —",— i.»». I'" trui. i«i cir»cn iii-cs.iui «'L'eiweeii iianous complete, some- j . ., . ;, . ... "• - ,-M-«IIU.H--. \ <mi|i \> n»,ivaiiua is and the Su lllllt had fJOne to 'the first- floor to re- peiiectioits or shortcomings that those completing the course: Will-* or Pembroke College, Brown lini-j per case coat of 1.4.70 has the high- t thing like what Mr S'treit suggest* j " High School Asso-, iIHjkwj nimi .,„ iH,illK ,„„, (>f ,ht. have existed In the department in lam Harry J.'.Harmon VV-^t|Pr e'U of the nationa! est average in the County, whilejwifi have to come to pass, either 'l 'latio». Thursday-night .in a pro--best equipped ami1 best niiuiaged'' uue-st of Marsluill Heaves, 28, who '•' AIM • ...' .New Providence Township with a now or after we and bur children's : "raiii at the High School. The feu-'camps' in iheveaatern part of thejI was -rooming there, some of her be- years past, casting aspersions on no . Spurgeonp . Harold C.jTb| A businesu nesss mmeeting with reports "f per cent, allocation for 5 cases children shall have waded anew was the presentation of a pa- j country. •' > • 1 lopgiugs which were in the latter's i;iie,-mit at Che same .time pointing Pedereen. Ed-ward Smith, Arthur• j Recede• A (Hisinesd Deas meetinn g With reports; 77 n~- ««.,. allocation for 5 rasear-hiMran _h,. 11 hm,u wnH^i uno-r ' ture was the nresentHrimi »f « n». i counlrvr . •' • 1 lnrorraai rage cost of $21.10, sixth .through flowing rivers of blood in "Cultural Contributions'' to' M' - McOifrin lias- Rtatod that room. Heave* Imd heen paying suit Hal the constructive efforts that mDuga • ,n ,»Courtney -A.-PeerA-Peer. Philip SS?3 iJTS has aa ave r| nde a Joseph C. Introduced bv Mrs Waltpr F i highest in the county. j the Valley of the Shadow of Jtea'th." •America," written and directed by I plans .are.going forward for the lo-, to Mi».s J'oya-* for about IS months haveoeen- under way »orj-J . '• {[;W Mrs. Mildred C. Stafford, a member j fal Camp Cautiuiuhis and that, a and becaine incensed when the* i;tmMme to eradicate these *H5!!S& ;";^ of the! of the Roosevelt-Solioal ''teaching strong staff and a well balanced .young woman told,•'•him "We are li.-riections. "anville \V 1 Spa n e C Iar enc w^u^t" ^- ^ , '- , -|club, who. presided., the guest starf. / program i« being-nrninged' for the! quits.." Previous to the Commissioner's j f W. Moll, William h. Lambert Speaker dtacarrer her scheduled 1 I Freeholders Adopt . Tlte general consensus of opinion local lioys who -will 'be at home thjs . (ioing-.to a trunk' and whipping j,ddress. Gilbert Baker, chairman or and hdward Trayrord. 1 ; topic, "'Education of Girls—Why j among the-big crowd present was out a T2 caliber revolver which he ijic Association's Safety Committee and How/' in favor of the broader; summer.' made a report in which among, oth- that the production which entailed had bought, "in Washington two A. A. U. W. survey. 1 Plans Complete] ' County Budget the participation of about 175 dif- years ago, lleaves confronted the er things he read an editorial from Presentation of "This must be a very opulent, ferent people was "splendidly or- Poyus woman, with the gun Think- the -Summit Press attacking the in- club," remarked the dean, who had; proposed by Mayor James Plans for. the annual Girl Scout j Amended to comply with the local .ganized, and^produced under a most D.A.R. Chaptei ing to attract attention, Miss Poyaa attentively to the J ! called to some one lii an adjoining \V. liancke'r In the personnel of the or *- - • • - • j-operative plan ,l,|i.utinent. This editorial, the Budget Each of the room for a glass of water believing treasurer. up of a group ! Of National Work she could distract Reaves" atten- CummiciMioher commented upon tion. However, when the glass of saying: "It did not take into ac-JMagirire I'cklor, regent 1 water came, Miss Poyas was lying" ciMint the facts in the case. Whether 1 Daughters, across a W fully clothed with a "or nut we are to maintain the pres- ilution and j. mi! let'through n*i" Torehfud. haying, ent efficiency and serVlce of the de- almost instantly frotiAhe shot part meiit is a matter purely for the u.e. vice- f. \ y ot l' b*J Iowa?'Mrs. Ii. T.-Rerby, comtois- to the advancement of .actuaU'on-; l akes "»".«',*• the highest of the , p ,,, , citizens to decide...'If they deeire, r ()Ilt physician Dr. C. A. Brokaw. The ilicy can cut the personnel In -half t0 be|sioner Mr., M.
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