Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives S. 147 () 69 .;· ( ~ I). N[ . I1~ METROPOLITAN

Superrintendent' s Office, Q Division, 5th. August 15 ~------190 .

Su~ject :--


I beg to r eport that on the 4th Inst. the ur1dennentioned extr ernists were observed r11oving about and associating with each ot·her t ~ ·'i.·J~~ as follows:- L· ~,/(f_ Visitors to the shop of T. J . ,, included lui . J. 0 'Rahilly, John T. Kelly, ~~~ ~r . Byrne,. J . J. Buggy , !Jrrs 0 'Donovan Bossa ~~ and Jarnes l\Jfurray . Clarke has not yet "' returned from Lirnerick. @fl. qfftr ~ Dr . 1Jlark Hyan , London., called on H.

Di xon, 25 Vvestrnoreland St . between 12 & 1 p . nn . The Doctor afterwards proceeded to the Gresharn Hotel, where he rnet Dr . IVI cBride ,

Castle bar . " 1 P. Ryan , J . O'Connor , P. Beasl ey, Thos . f~~~~' .-' hfy_ ]vt cDonagh , c. Colber t , and T. J. Sheehan, to­ 9 . get her ···-.. .

Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives together in Volunteer Offi ce , 2 Dawson St . for close on an hour from 7. 30 p. rn .

About 30 rnembers of the Sinn Fein Vol- unteers assembled at 25 Parnell Sq . at 8. 30 p. m., and afterwards without rifles in comm- ., and of l\Jf . OHanrahan, went route rnarching towards Fairview. They returned at 10 p.m. and disbanded without further parade.

Attached are Copies of this weeks issue of 1'he Irish Volunteer, Nationality, and The

Hibernian, all of which appear to contain notes of an anti-British character.


Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives TH


Vol. 2. No. 35 (New Serle ). SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1916. Price 0 ne Penny.

fabe witness " 1'Thuu ~halt aut cor·t ar(' h:lH' lwen faithful to the tribal cod·. Ask The British Liberals wholly llull and \'Oicl. honest Enr•l i.shm n t bclie\·c that such m ·n, I lrt"l;tnd i~ ouhick ol' th trillouJHlar) . man) d' them, h:1\·' l>ehc."•ed dishonouraiJiy and a.nd Ireland. The 111 1:-.( h Jllour;d li e IIH'IIll ·r~ of t lw Briti:-.h rlisgr;wdull~ in ln·Lltul ancl to\\'ards lrci:Jtal, I Uli .. an·h) "illllo in lrei~I'HI a11d i11 what and yuu will ask in Y<.1i11 . Thing~ \H'nt wron•r, A Chapter in Modern History. (' >11<"<'111!-> Ireland that th ·y woulcl shrillk with no douul , uul \\ ·ll, I rcland is :1;1ng 1ormr from doing within their bo unds. What (' •untry and th ·r · must I · some otb ·r explana­ British Minist•·r would mploy thieve: and tion. Th. v~ mphl ·t, " \ .TCIHian ')' While You pr stitules in E11glancl n spe<'i:1l The pr ·:-.cnl lini ·ter "for ., fr land, the 'Nait,"' I y on· of England'.· niminal:-. >r <~gain. t British p lili ·al oppont•nt~? w. )'('­ 'hid S '<·rt'lar) is an honomauJe ma11. lr. ·n ·mi ·s lo lh ' ·hin.tlr us anJ \·irlu us mind meml ·r the "~lar<·oni S<·anda\. '' It wa:-. Arthur B:tlfour a former Chief S Tn:lary ts of the l'rcdominanl Partner, whocY<:r i · b · thought (.'\" ' 11 < canclal to uring it forw.m:J lo an honour:d>l · mall. ''h y ha\' · rule 1 lr>Jand J i '\'cd to lJe n ·ncmy i · n · · ·:..uil y a criminal sugge:t that British Mi.11i ·ten; and their friencls under honourahl<.' Prin ' Mini:;ters. Th Iat'

for on!) wickcdne · · im.·;.uualc ·ould 1Jc th · uld stoop l ma]· mon ·y out o[ 'auinet Mr. W. E. Forst·r 'bief I 'ecr<:tary "for" n ·my of virtue incarnate, and thus it be om ·s secre t · u eel a.s SLorl· Ex ·hang · tip.-. We hav ' [ r ·Jan l wa: an hunouralle man, and hi.- chi •f, a piou · duty Lo alta<+, <~n<.l if possil>le destr y, .'<' ·n how the Jl· m n, when their sphere of action th ~ mental 1ifc hi · tor~ of th British Oligarchy. at i ns f m •r · : ri:Lonatic rap:wily. Through­ pas ·es 0\' r Lh • Irish • ·a, be ·orne affli ·tcc.l with Th British ligarch profes · · a high · of out all Ir land, Cnioni:-.t as w ·11 as . <1tionalist, a pitiaule calamity hou ur, ancl tak ,!'> gr al care lo 1 l th · world tlP · 1,li(': l • d ·gre ·:; ,r ritisll "irtu · <.' X ·it' "~ thing f tlwtn know about it. When th · h) poerisy of th · am us m ·nt and <1 ·rision, fur all 1 r ·land know.­ But doth .'UITer a :-.ea chang<· thing i~ lai bar· - for xamplc, by ·org_. that l>oth ide~ of th • British licrar<'hy th • I nlo som "thing ri ·h and ·trang ·.' 13 ·rnanl • '!Jaw-th · British ligar ·hy neither hor ri lie a n

licens ·d j ·.st ·c. Th ·ir duty and office is 1ik viule1H l', )'-.l'clc.uian fur), ext ·rmit1ali n, murc] •r mine "ho kll('\ thi: g ·nileman w ·II and kn w that of the chari t~ ·r in th \ old rri ·h t ri ·s, and bl dsh •cl on an) seal ·. Tlwr · ar · b tH sl that hi.- mi::-.io11 h;Hl ~~ p:1rlintl<1r intn·st for who 5tinllllal ~d hi · m,tsl •r the hero by tauntillrr Eng] i ·hm ·n who will admit that su ·h arts o[ me assurcJ me in ·om· ·r.ation tlwt he "a:-. :1 and reviling him. Supcrh \ irlu can affonl to gm·ernment heen employ ·d in ] r 'land on most h n uralJlc man .tud incehalf of Englancl in th bed ld past. L ~ t u · J a a m ·p tool of policy. "Wail one

pay th ·rn w ·ll. Doe not virtu I bee me up ·rh tlt • d ·c.u.l •uury th ·ir clead . Hut what bas to be moment ., f r ·plied, "and you "ill see what use in th · \' ry a ·t \f pa) ing hard cash forth· rili­ mad<· cl ar is that ev ·ry on· of Lbe · · art: f is ma< 1 [ your honourc.1 ble m ·n wh ·n th' ·n 1s fi<'ation it ulHl~,;rgoc · ? go\''rllll1l'llt i::, still a li\ing thing in rr·land, f irish .o,· ·nun ·nt are to Il' ." ·n· 'U .. , 1 pr - The mo:::.t 'vond ·rful thing about tlw Hriti.-IJ kq>t li\'ing l)y tl c li,·inrr rcpre!-. ·ntaLiH'S of th<' clLW<·d the t•\'idcn!'e \Vhich w~ts im·ont<·:"ltal ,J('. 11 01 ig:.uchy's code of bonour is i s g · ~graphi<';d gnn·mmL'Ilt uf I r~:lancl h) England. t\f friend \'oultl ulll) <· . rlaim ·well, i. not or tribal OOUIH.h.l 1')'. J l lues HOL ex lend l ) Within the trilJL• the code of hollour i~ doul,t that aiJonJ iuabk !'' ·d i ·ns. Th · sam · is said to be tru · of s;n ag(' k s powcrl'ul, "·11-ni"h omnip<~ll'lll. W · he­ In " r '('l'lll Jlt.lllll~r ur (( ;\ lliCrica, '' Mr. '<"il h ~ath ·n tri ·s. \V · r ·ad that th · trilx:smcn hold a group of honourable m ·n m·n of' g.. ·ntle l'hr:-.l<.'rlon sho\\'." from documcuts h \r ;Jad­ h ld tb ·m ·l\' .: untl h) n law of honour l>r ··cling, L niversit , m ·n, m n of high po:-.i­ ~l n tricc1 t u · 'an1inal ~ ~wman as hi · tool

h n ·~ty, or auy S( rt uf moral it: towanJ:-, any tion and tru::,t. Th ugh thl')' take Iiff ·r<. nt !'.11· a parti ·u]ar expedient jn th · gon~ rnm ·nt f ':-.t but lhose of th ir m'll tril ·. r 'lwt thi-; j-; tnw sid ·:-; in JJritish cl m ·stic puliLi ·s tb ') hon mr lr ·lanl. lr. 'h ·rt( n's ·onclusion fr m the

of bcalh ·n sa vag ·.s I ~ m 11 l at all ·onvinc rl. oll<' anutb ·r, and ench of th ·m also rcc:ci \' '!) l'Yid 'IK i!; a tk1t Cladstone s l au<1~. to us' his

Tl ('f • is ;1 unin:r al law in tlw <: nscil'nrc of frolll the otlwrs IJ) r ·fkction a .'\ h~ I ' of the own e11 ·rgd i(· e).. prl' ltl a di!-> nwn.' m ·n though th · law ma.: be ul>Tur ·d h. h uour "hi<'h h · ~h ·ds upu11 then1. Th · p ·r­ :\ Tr. bestcrtou may 1 'ml) ·lw.- lu r ' lHO:..t ·h ·ach othl'r with re­ {}ladsl nc's di:grac{' ' ·as m r ·I) JJormle conduct th tmth c m s out or not- Ji ·graced ithcr IJ~ . a volume with in ntesla l>le proofs bowing that nev r, or if v r, nly in the la ·t r ·s rl. on­ what he does or hy what h · ('On ·cal·. T h r' its code of honour is l>uundcd b) th trillc, aucl sill ·r th • loBg roll f Tiritisl Mini.ler.s oundary, as the the la t lwo hundr ·d year:;, and recall, if ) u m ·nl in l re1and was 11 L disgrae ·f .1. Imp rial ul gist has sung, " ther • ain't no Ten can, an in tance of one of th m who, in a lr. W. E. For ·t '1' \\as an honourall~: mall, Commanrlm nts "; that " h u shalt not Kill," clictionary of biographies, is plainly d cribed as h nourabl n. Mr. Birrell. Th . " r ri~h Vohmt · ·r" I, s , H;mg l t in . ur. 5· " 1ou hall n t sl ~ 1," " ~ h u sh lt n t · r l sa <.li h uourabl~ man. Almost t nth y pllh111

Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives THE I H VOLUNTEE "aturday, A 1ou ·t 7th, 1915·

11 ire numu<:r the history f something rit·h urought lo h"ar tipun hirn. Th Sl:.'cond •jtli\trctin on lht: way to bu· lllltllg .l .oldicr. lndcl'd it and strang·., in th · lri ·h a !mini ·tnti n f lr. i · his answer. Then li!'ba ·1 ·watt ' r:-; w, s was the ~o 1 military attainm •nt 9f th Pc11.•rs , F r t r unci -r th Pr mi r ·hip of Mr. laJ­ murder ·rl in prison so that h' ni.i rht 11 '\'er r' and \\' · kno\\ what u · the: m. d o{ it. Th~ 1:-- • ,·t nc. Th , oth r clay r happ n l t ·tand ,. al thes · infami :->. And yet after his c1 ath d. u who a r not !'lhots an ru,il · m, k · our­ f th ·astl · ' Sur Jy, .. ·air1 a lady to m · that day on at small ··pen '. W · an lHJ · <.'!'Li,·e u:-- · · \H' 1 an r ·tin.· to ;t • ·cltH k~l of th · ~at ho1i · 'hurch of Cro:sma•dcn. S(Til •cl 01\ it .. , spot antl set ll]> <1 l1ottk lo shout ill; and thcll' 11 ( 'r ssnwglen ~- - J said · "that is int ·r ·:ting. ' 'lw l isLOr) of lhc 'ro:-.!--magkn Con:--,piracy \\'' ar·. H; tlw tim· w· h ~ l\'' e~pL· nd·d soo Th , day I ·f r · y t ·rday n friend told m fr m will he puh1i~hed now in full for the first time, rounds w· OlJtrhL lu h · t~hl<.· to hit th· hollll' m "111 ry tw) quatrains writt ·n by a )OUng man written by on· who 1-:n" \\' the men. wh > kn l\\':--. ., ·ry Lim· at -o Yards. \Y • olwhl th ·n to 1,· - 0 from ·magl n . I wrote th ·m down, and th , f. cts, atHl is intimal~ with C\ "ry item of the a1,lc to declare war on tho.c d'.trn·tin" Hun. ha\·c th ·rn h ·r '. '' J r nd out th ,. ·rs s am1 perjuries forgeries, suhornment: Lribcri •s, th~ SiJ ' oi thi ,: - of ju:--tice that m<1d ' up the !'Okk ma"l ·n. Th • fin;t quatrain wa: wrill •n in his Catb lie a~rainst Prutcstalll.., Tl1 ' hi~L I') will on mush·tr) ha.- •i\ n him a fair icl·a f the 1 Ltj ·~t) ':--, prison, 'rum lin Roast •. lrcm · Prot ·stanl f ··ling: lo k i:-, 1, ·ginning to l ~e a us ·l'u1 mem ·r l [ · ~_wi ·t) · r ·xplain that ark Rosa I ·en is Jam, · 'Jar nrc 1 ·land divid ·cl. wlwn he ran s1 Ofl' i 5 1 · is ol li ·r is app ·ar \ra: a mas · of perjuri ~: < n l for ries a bunul • uf cann n f tid r. l::tn) f u · will now · · · m pl i ·h~.: l. Th rifl ·man·.- :-. ·cnnd paid f r h: tb Th chant l ·r 1 rhap · think that our country asks ITtuch 11-.'re--.~ity i: a sound 1x dv d) that is f th vid nc · was well kn wn l th · who of us iu r · 1niriug u t sink ur inuivi luality ·a1 abk of ! in r th" n;'l unurn f fatiuuc ndu t d th, ('a~· f r th c; ,. rnmcnt. Tb t su ·h an c ·t nt in makin f)' th err at,, rificc. with th minimum of rest. ~ r, if h · i ·wr ('as· was s rull ~ n that th "S ' offit n.lready d ne sot p~tv f)r his rifle, woncl r ful w y r ,,. al ; I th · abominalJl· the lJttlk f th · mak p pu1ation of Europ • i · anmptl) and d1"1 - a hi.rh wall. .2\ot ·ven . o far past a: th<1t. wt·ap n ·n it? Ther· will soon I~ no HXltn fu l1y. Any rnan 'an .\ttain this 1,y c;nr: ing S me of th wh t k a pr min"l1l pati in for ·ivilians. t him who w ull :urvi\ · 1, ·~ on his l\VIl W< rk \\'hatL'H'r il may l •, in thi. th · gha. Lly plot ar ·.. till alir · and art' still 01 a :-;olui r. spirit. A. ,()](li"r ften has to L>ey Ul1!lU< ·s tion­ gagl'd in t!Je government of lrelaud. ..'\ w a man ·an train himself t ·a oldi ·r ingl; what apjl ·ar tn l • tlur a.'onabl ~ rcl·rs . Th • 1 h.lra ·t •r f th y ung tcarher, Micha ] without n c ·sarily bl· · > a gn in f ann n Fin all , th 1 m nts f lrill ar · m·( L'."SM) W att r · 11 d · note timon b ~onl hi own f dd r. ·L 11s consicl ·r th principal for th rifl man in nl ·r that tb · oth r thre impl-' lin s, almost miraculously pr sen· d. chanwtcristi ·s of a s 1lrlier. suhj t f hi. fir t fJtl~tmin . T h n lh :tlr acly giftrtl thai '":'Y· ' V

· llurcm 'I t of au altra ·tir ) ung w man w 'f(' to track :mt1 ·ho l ga111 ·. ' 'hi · is ;t gr at :--lt'p i11, a\\ [ b • will ha\ a :;ati:--la ·t 1') an::.\\l'f l >

Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives c. '

Saturday, i\ugu. t ; th, 19 1 5· THE IRISH VOLUNTEER. 3

.. j\ c· 1111 111.11 l'tt !ttrc · cl ;t\ lllll'll lll· j.., •• skt·d t1w pnssilll(· to ellt'('( a :-. urprisc and th row hilll intu ~ . Lesson in Close Fighting r u ·~ 1i u 11 \\C :. ~ ~·· 11 11 llH' tc ·c lttiJin• • pc> slc'rs: n I} fusion. r r that i. d Jl(' he hec'() Ol ·s :11 ll(' 1 " I•.• Jh • 1. 1111.11 ,Jjcl : c• ll '1 1 1\1 11' 11 ltc ·l.ttld l1111:•hl from Hooge. . til l' . t s ~ Jlll'~ . It c I c·s nnt s i ~ nitj) \l'l) lliiiC'h l'c: r l;ll't'cl"tl1 ?" whl'llwr ~llll a r · alUwking or dcfencling - in Tlw fc >lln11·ing dctailt·d clesniption of the eith r r'a.'< th · ·n my may llt' UJ on y-~ u from llh'thorl f()IICl\rccl ill pushing a sm;t]l local att~wk [IllY diwl'tion wiLh prar no w:1rning what 0' Donovan Rossa's Last Days I at H ong • some weeks ago shoulcl pron· , . ,.r ~ · <"' \'N. The things that bring ~ou s:l !Yation :m· • u -.. t•lul forth(' guid,tnc·l· nf th<· Irish Volunl<.ns. I)Uid:1wss of thought and augh SC'outing • nd prot < ti n of th

\\.hc·n I rall·cl on ~[r.s. ()' J)onm·;tn Rossa " Tlw ass;ndting party was f)Ui('kly follnw<"d neighhourhno:-o . ;1 I) •c ':IJ\H rvcollc 'ikcl to l•:nghnd ir1 hi s work.-., :t lld lh · l:oml.t•rs s1di t up inlc) thl'll' l:1sl hc>tll', :11111 hopc·d thal l r<"l:lnd \\nLIIc1 assisl pat'li ·. , an I sl:trtl'd \l·c,rking clcl\\' 1\ thn-e ill C'lll'ihi11g 11 tlh· C'C)JlllllOll '!Will) of C'il·iJisa cliiTL·n·nt (;crman tn:ndw.s, 'l>()llO\'' '(' 11 m,trriecl to him for f'1 ft y ~ears, t'tHlca\·our ·rl to seek shelt\' r. . n·ompanied l1y Jib mt C'r A. ~F.\VMAN . 1·o 11 si stl ·nlh nwint:1in('cl th;1L al>snlull' s<. para tin11 l'tollt. England w.1s [r·L1ncl's ouly 1OJW. : ul th:tt this could lw ol t:1inccl only h) fight 11 THE THIRD AN CUMANN COSANTA ing: :\lon ·m·vr. shv <.1dd ·d, Rossa spenl the Insures Irlsb Volunteers o his s<.•mi -comatllsl' I t 1\\ \<';\rs o( life inn against Vlctlmlsatlon by .1 ~ • ' Volunteer Training their Employers. . • • . c·o 1 HiiLion :wd w.1s i1wapallle o form1ng a new imprvssion during lhal tim . 11 _. ·mtlcl hnrdly Write for particulars to the Secretary, 1. \ •. Head­ Catnp quarters, 2 Dawson Street, Dublin. 1 , m,Hlt- to understand th:1Lllw Irish Volunl rs WILL Bit I!El.D IN hacl l,{'t'll form d, ancl only diml) n alis c1 th:1l Don't Buy a Watch by the Case! , 1 Europ an war "'' s r;1ging. The n \ ·s that By all means let the case be as good as yoo.t can afford. Llv· Hom ~ l'uk Bil l wa~ on th · Statute H .ok NORTH CORK and LIMERICK Bnt remember that a good case does not necessarily mean a good watch. Be sure you are buying an accurate nwn·h· ('licit ecl th \ <·xdamatil n II Humph r ti.nekeeper. An excellent watch is our ,;{.3 3s. Silver Keyless Lever, whose average variation is less than ])u~in g his last cla).S R ossa Lcr, m , if 21st Aug. a minute a month. · Jllh, i!Jk mon· pmely Irish Lhan_lre~rm ~ ~i s Starting GANTER BROS., wife ,md cl.tUgh lt• r. :ulrlr ssing hnn 111 Englt:-.h 63 South Great George•• Street, DUBLIN. Men will assemble at ,·ou lcl .rl't no a nsw r · hul if anyon · ·pok · lo Llme!'ick Junction. DO YOU fEEL WEAK, DEPRESSED, or RUM DOWM? him inn Iri..;h his fan"' \rould lighL up, and be :HIILL' AROMATIC QUININE AND IRON would 1. . p up the co m · ~.·rsation 111 Lhat TONIC will tone you up, t ady your nerves, improve ynur appetite, enrich your blood. For summe.­ , gu, g ti 11 he wa: cxhau t d. All applications should be sent m at once to 1 111 1 \as itud , for Neuralgia, try a bottle ls. and 2s. • "Ontll 1" tuclcnt c anl<.' to visit him a ncl tri •d to The National Chemi~t. 82A Lower Dor et St .• Dublin. ~all· ~o him, bul lZossa l k no noti<' o f him. 2 Dawson Street, DUBLIN. The }oung Jnan w• .s on thr point of goi ng OFFICERS' UNIFORMS 1\\'a\· in ·m·at rlisapp intm nl when T sug­ , ' . ~ll<>tlld lr)· Lo :LJE'ak to him in Irish. advances down thl' tren(·h dropping :t homh into t r(.''ill'( 1 1H S AND IRISH KILTS, hJ> ()J\('" • )]> ·are11 to wake up and they e\·ery dug oul he passt>s on 'th' chanr that a ,.ossa a 1 " •1 1 k ·d to•'tt ·d lO his hrms<>. But he sL: round the lr~w ·rs · ra\T a nd rleterminecl ancl keep tb ' ir ,., ils "t\'<' n aLH ,..... I · , , sh(' rlioul th ·n . Th ' cautious ;1c h·anc· along the I>\' .nn<' t' 1,lllr . ' . ' 53 Mary Street. - . . • . to !'Ofl'lJiic! < .s ·par:1l1011. Hul, na rrow sp:H'l' of a ln. Jl('h is <'. ndly similar !11 t.dT tt ;IS [I .S I( Jl . . . . ' 1: I • I· d wi ll I H' H. r gin. I l, o r r ( shl . that of m<'n n 'l'ping in singl~· !lit• along a lwclg lw .1HI, ,nh •111 Equipment factory- • • t -'I I . ke it usck:-s. l han' always r<':uly for a ksp rate <'11!'Dllllfcr :1t ·n •ry :1ngl 1(1 \t'.'i ll SIH Ill. I ' t'l . . L th. jl{'t~pl ', hul th ') woulcln l :t nd 38 Stafford Street. pn ad1t' 1 l11s1 o 111 such <, ·vrrything depends on gclliug ii:ll'll lo 111 ·' '' Head Office and Warehouae- ) "'.~.·t 11i ·clash · had liwc1. ''Oitr Mmu i11 jir ... t. E\'t'n if tlw nem,· is in '1'\tu -. <)' ))()nm ; " 1 ·'. h . <>'Dt Ffo'\'. grcall'r fnnc lh:m yours•lf il ll1 y l ' C) Uitc 8 Mary Street, UBLIN.

Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives 4 rH IRISH VOLUNTEER. Saturday, ugust 7th, 1915.

GAELS! Ren:ember an Irish . pr rs n i" suc;p rt r1 1 f :rrting, or of h~l\'in ~ Mr H .1nna- 'Rut '011 hr~v . ;mswt>r d it. Irelander when you want New :ll'l<'d, or of' ht •ing :1hnut to act in :1 m:m1wt' or Secondhand Typewriters, I \\,111[ lo m:1k<' it C'lt•:~r th.Ll it '"'"not liw Duplicators, Stencils, Stencil prejudicial to th 1 uhli1· . af ty r th clef n e­ ~cti,· mind of th intelligt>nc" offic r of lh Ink, Ribbons, Carbons, ol' the renlm, ancl it npp nr. to lh<' rom1 l<'nl .1rm, in Jn•land that lmHlghL it IJdon· ~fajnr Papers, &c. Any make of n:r,·.tl or lllilit:rry authority thnt it is dcsir: hi : ' ll<'r. I l'ri nd. Type\u]ter Repaired. th:d su('h p ·r~on should 1 ~ pr >hihit •,] from THE FOL Y TYPEWRITER TRADINQ 00. Tn witrw~s Did ynu m:rk<' , n · in\c··tig :l l! ·~idir1g in or <·nlt·ring :1ny lo1';1lity, lhL' li!llb? Reis Chambers, DUBLIN. Telephone 117V. l'•>liliH'l<'lll n:l\:11 or lllilitar~ authority may h) WitiWS~ 'l'rl:t in I~ . or 1 r pr hil>it him from r sidin" in or nt ring ENLARGEMENTS Did you mr1ke tho~· inn·~ Li•ratic 11:.:. thr ugh ~ -SIZE any area or ar as whic-h may I ifi d in th · orclin. r · hannels--th p lire?- [ • m not GIVEN AWAY FREE. the onl r, ans in :1ny sp eifi d nr :1 I n.y • th ar a. THE OFF R LASTS. rt'fcn·nl'<' to this? :1m not going In :m~wer within :-; udl tim :1s may I sperifi 'cl hy th tbat. - THE - or1kr, :tlld shall not Sll l st•qurntl ' rPsiclt> in or Lllvr thew w:1 .• n ut hnr~t of , ppb II'\(' from <·ntt·r .tny ;1n·a ~r cift cl in th onlt·r, r~nd if lw :1 llUilll~ ·r of' Jlli>]JJc se:t lcd in tiH• public• galler~· dews ~o h~ .-. 11:1111><' gnilt) of :111 oiTc ·llt 't• ag.1i11~l FRANCO PORTRAIT CO. :111d ~tanding in tlw ;1gt·~ :1nd llw \1:tgi~ ­ the. R( gul.rl ion'i. Direct Sittings Taken Day or Nijht. tr:~tt· IH'rt'lllptoril) ortlnen the 1'ourt to h Ccpying and Enlar,ing a Speciality. 1\lajor h ·an H. Pric·, intclligcnc- offit'\'r, cleared. fri sh c· mm·nnc1 gn.v videnc- lo the ·fl't·cL lh:rL ttl GRAFTON STREET. 39 MARY STREET. P ·~Luning his rross ('Xamination. ~lr. H anna th J ro. rution h, cl he n brought undrr th 85 TALBOT STREET. 46 HARRIMGTOM ST said I tak it your attiturl is thal )0\1 will not il't' of r:-tjor-Gcncral Friend. giw no in form, tion, <'\' n though it ma · ":-;si~t ).I r. Moorh , d :~ ... ked i r the terms of t ht• 1h ' prisom r if in your npinion it pn·judirrs All literary communications for the "Irish lJ ·f n~ or the' P c;1lm P cgulntions hal he('n th .':1 f ty n[ lh. realm? Volunteer" should be addressed in future to romplic·d with. \ ilncs~ !\Iy :1ttilwlt• 1s this: Cc1W1:1l VOLUNTEER HEADQUA~TERS, ~lr . Tlann :l olJj<'dcd to tlw ' llll'stion nn lht• 2 Dawson Street, DUBLIN. ground 111:11 th · r gui:Jti ns impnsl'd llllon to gh·t· [Ill) n ·:hon for the nrdt•r. All communications re Advertisements to be C: en<'rnl Fri< ncl the otdig:1tion nr t·. cl:t·isinl-!: hi~ Consl:l l•l r tlw j res sed to the J .lmc·~ l.c ·~ ') ~:1id prisotHT w:1s an juclgnwnl \I[H)IJ tlw qtwslion. \VIwtlwr he h:11l nne f' the spe:1l.:vrs al :1 puhli<' nwt •ting held at IRISH PRES5 BUIU~AU, c· 't·rTi: ·tl that juclgrnt'lll or nnt c·oultl not ht• Jo Lower Abbey Street, DUBLIN. ('], .'lrv<.'l on the night of th· J(>th ult. prowcl l>y nn llwr gentleman. I t mu~t lx.• Pirn ~t:1 tecl lh<~t lw would not c·ompl · with II c SUBSORIPTION.-Tne Irish Volunteer will he pron•cl in a regular way. posted free to any addre s for one year at a cost of OJ i noti '• that had he_.n s rn·clut ( 11 him) and th:1t fo r half a year, 3/3 ; for the quarter, 1/ . Th • R sident ~L\gi str. le It woulcl h 1 ll<'r Cheque and Postl\ls should be crossed and made h had n'c ·iwd mess:1gt>s of ~ympath · from :1ll payable to the Manager, Irish Voltmlur. to ha\'t' General Friend ht•rL. p:1rt: [the.' muntry. :\I r . Ha1 na l exprcL lh' l :nr of ,·idrM' to H e. rl ConstahiP Baird, re('alled, gan· •yi IJl' r garcled in thi s c·a~<' as in (' \'t:ry nlh('r. T lw d'l1<'' t< tbt -fl'l.'mply with an making th rcler. ~ubj cl wa . t ' how that th military auth riti s onl·r dat ·d 10th July, mac! by 1ajor- 'en rnl SELA nPRIVIL•GE N ;-RTlE T. wer a ting, m t n well-gr und d f. ts . uch tiS r.. H. l•ri' ncl C.H., Comm preju lirial t th justify th , suspici m. If he (Mr. Hanna) was saf~ ty f th r: a]m. ~Jr. Moorhead, in tating th , s for the not ntitl d to im·estiga.t th grounrl: the ('mwn, s;l id th<' pro:-; ution was l.r ught under ntinuing, witn ss ~11i<•for martial th< arcus('d? or that, h "' ·n·r. 'lllthority for rn land r quiring him to l a\'l' the Iajor C n(•ra 1 Fri ·url ? they c:unr tlH r · t< that c· mt with l 1 rl'Lenrt :-;ta.t'd in th noticJ, nnmely f r<'l:tnll ann Then it was not th • int<>llig ·nr<' ffir r I' tlw woultl not disdo:{' wh;rt was in llH ir mincls. p nni-;~ior from hims 1r r s mw other army in fr: lnnd who lm ughi it 1 rf r him? \Vh rr, :1~ l,ecl •tms ·1, w. ~ llw t-\ itl~lH'<' of pre 1 , ;, not ~< ing t :1 n~w r ,, ny 11tH'~ I inn s n [ 11 ;11 c·omp t nl milit, f) or nn,·:d . trth rit ·. Tlw 11 judir to tht n·~1lm? }.bjotC 'u ' ral Fri(~nd LJlh., ction f th ' ~ul tion~ r ·~ d :-'' ' Vh ·c ·ind. bnd m. de n r] r--

Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives aturday, Augu t jth, 1915. H VOLUNTEER. 5

~Ll' . loorh • Tbat i con ·I U':l iH.:. vening p . p r nml r ad in it that L n 1d m n \lt . !Lu11u aiJ i Llwl wa!:i on ·J usiv and .1nrl hJ.' wife · h.H! L•c 1 n h.1t!PH 1 to ,1 .tlh i11 the h · would an.' •pt 1h · words for the l'tlrll : ·s , r NOTES. 11 ·. t county a11cl lltt ir sa\ ing: slolcn. This i · his a rgum nt was not th D ·f •n1 of tlw not to 1 woncler d at while d r. irr ll i om­ Pc;1lm Act n lr:wcsl) of justiel'? \\rhat was pt•llerl t k p his f rr s at fu11 tr -ngth watr b­ Tlw \\' rctl I'Iirnd ing and r pnrlit g th moY nl<'nts of clang mus I ri:-.h lunlcer 1 c cl rs ha\( hr n mMl<' .., : id ''. 'o ,uHI :-.o. " w:ts tlw m.tgislral<· lo s:t; rrimin, 1. lik m . 1 prisoner. n war hy Lh 'oalilion, ;tfl ·r, n lilt " ( 'twkno ?" \Vas Lhnt law; \\'.lS th:ll justic·e? * * * u c s ful >[fort tc m, k{ Lh m l :l\'l' lr lnncl . omm nting on th 1 tl r in whirh :Mr. ~Jr. (;ra\ said tlH orclr r made again:-.l th(· For om un , plain (] ren son , lhl'r • has nol R J>OS{ lo 'l'h<' lrish '' rut , him for th · spct'l'h in whi h h , nd the whol 29o,ooo will no cl uht 1 s nt to ,li1UOlll1C' d his refusal at , public nlL' Ling in l rison. <'A,'E , c; 1~. T l> . \ 1'<' ·u.d ''~ l r. ]amc~ :1flirmcc 1 hi!-. own d<><'i-;inJ . in th <.,Li11 pre trnd cl p~ ~so[ th . :1l'ching ()' '011110 r J)uhlin) liJ>P ·arcd forth ;tents tl . * * o[ . ttl. th · ro rcion of Arnugh wns lhinkahk. District I nsrH ct r T unl p gn\· ,·idrnc . a.-; D •nis ). !'Cull ugh l1. s lh h n ur of l'(<' ·i,·­ * * * In ,trcust 20 o11 in~ a. T h:l\·ing , rrest •<1 the c1 ,1l 9 p.m. a , ntcm · of m 11th's long imprison- Th . r p has :H 1c Ir 'SS d a kller Lo t h ' }wads th· .nsl ult. This was tw nty minutes a tt·r m ' nt I han his f ·llow pri. oncrs. s Lhr sam o[ Lh 1 llig< r ·nt slat •s. Th I o1 e :Hljurt'S lh ' \'. [('nsion ol· timr tha had IJ"ll granktl c·harge w:ts mad , , g, in.t him and th<'m, ancl thr Empir . ln 'put a",) th mulu. 1 d . ire ,·nnditional I . th' :-.~11n' off'n<' .11Hl no olhn pnmxl ::~gainsl Cor destruction and r ·ft • l th:1t n, tion. clo not , Ia jor L'riec saicl tb qtw:-.tion of Lh pro:-;('- all, iL is to hr pr sum <1 that th flggra ,·ation die. l ( humil iatcd nn<.· proc <'dell ag.tinst h) summ<1r jurisdiction. mmiue . inr it. f nnation ronlinu ,<1 in for r v nrr .'' Those wh . part it i. t k p ~ rr. Po r ·r said in view of hi. v nrship\ that offic' ·, fter . Jr. Hirr 11 bad pn n unr ·cl his th Pope inform cl r anling thi. nation will c J • ·i::-.ion in th< ca-.<' against 1r. J>im thcr' wns cl •cis ion that tlw l ri-;h \ olt11tl<' Ts did not om , 1 1 1 ' able to make clt';H to H is up to his -;Landard of 'Joyalt:." re:lllvlittl kf forhimt>rl< 1 toprolesl rri . h, though bumil i, t d and oppr : l. h, 1f )r his rli nl agninstth , m th d: n halrrcl hut to ri(l I ·in mplo . fl tn rrn\' rn th C'Ottntr_. 'hey The Coaliti< n, 1 alur::dly ·nough began i(s s~ :t malic p rpduati n of hat reel, and that we w r> fa "cl with n m'\ . t, te of affairs in hanishm ·nt camp(l ign with Lhr lstrrnwn. do not 1 . ir, rL' \' nge but nl) Llw n \'f'r l r bn1. me on the lo<'al offlnd{ rs. Th , tt, c+ mark of pnbnni m. Th \' ry word. of the l "ing he rri rl h) h uhlin a.Ll , authorities. on th hristian roth •r · '""s a. n:1lural and Pop c r founci in the H ok of rmao-b. whn H (lid n L kn w wh th r th ~(lsllr authorities inl nd c1 con:equ 'tH't> or Lhl' British Gov rn th writ r t !Is hm i ing a ghair r fu. I l w r 1 hind th, t pro. cution or n t. but he had ment of l r I~ nrl • ncl lh S(' "hn venl th ·ir abandon his pa 1, n principl . : "[Patrick] (1 1' !1 •a. Th m n \\ hos · 1 ·ackrs \\' rc­ indignation on Lh "' t ol. ancl lt•l the Burglar • nry g journey d onr' m r to th ity of Tara, L l ·ing sent to gaol w uld r·nT) on th mm·e- go sc·nt free :trl' [ ols lhat play rh · Rurgl:n's J .aoghaire son of _ iall. 'Rul L oghc ir c ul cl nwnt for m:ut nl m f thal kind on1: game. nol a· pl Cbrislianil) aying: 'F r my :tr ngthl'n ·d it. ,\ 11 through lh <' untry th re * * * f:tth r • iall tlid nol nllow me l l com n wer arm d followers of th . ' n n, and h · L :n·ing my hnu: th<' oth r clny, I fnuncl :h ul(\ he n1ys If unci ·r the h::-. n·; lion f thr l' of Mr. 'hrist inn . hut [ordain ci] th, t r ask 11 th ;overnrn nl if tl <: y wN g ing n1 huri d . (ufl--r my d ath] n th height. f h, rrying this on 1 litira1 party' he. f llowers l3i rre1l's mplo)PS tation d J.l cliffer nt 1 sts. 'l ara, as men lancl fac to face in ha ttl w r · rm d. If th Gov ·rnm nt w r~ pr P• r cl n of th m was abl l ign, 1 l Lh oth r t \\'O the snn of ~iall, , nd unl:t ing' . n [th King l< drench the cnuntry in blood Lh('n on th ir th t [ had hoarcled lh , lk y tr, m ar al plain B. llshriclge. The dis 0\' ry nncl report of this of L in.ler] in Iullaghmast in lh of 0\\ ll hP:-tC1. h ' il. L iffey, for th' }H' rp 'tuation o hal rf•ro C'\' ·nt wns nol :t had e"' U • Post Orders promptly attended to. H'Ji\1 j 13/6 f'('u!J) Jgh ~hnc k hands\\ ilh ~ ft nel s in N MALONE, NO TH KING E T , LIN: c mt. 0

Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives . 6 THE IRISH VOLUNTEE.R. Saturuay,

<>\ '('r f[f't: lllinul L'S lu l';1ss th · <'OI"Ill'l' of lhrne n, ti n, and th 1H rp lll, tion ( f h. t t' rl is lh<' filing ll;Hl) tht·fl filt•d ;I \()1h) • tJi • '' J. I'd ~~lrt'l ' l i11lt> (:t'•>rq ·'..; Sltc~l. ;1n11 t iHtl' \\ : t.. n s1 ri.tll11r irw scs < f l•m1'ir : ~ 111d it•, ll(l . tl ' 1ll W pre <'l':-.:-.ion. 1rg:m that pr. isr. i\lr. R lmonrl for r Jinrp1ish as c CL·eding t·n thousnnrl, ancl tht're must h:1r in,.;' i<·lnry thr Pope's stat nwnt that th (1 :-.ire hu·n .11 k. st l<'n tim ·s this numl x· r lining tlw f th Empir s for r1 strwti n i. mutu, 1 "must Slf<'<' lS . di 'allowcd." The urall all Gaz tt· " Tl e furwra1 <1111(' into Co1l t'g<' .n ·n about Banishment Order. '>ay : "Unfnrtunat<'ly it docs not s<'cm to 1 . 3 >'t·locl·. h 'ackd b) , Lod) of olunlt rs, with I r rogni d at th Vati , n th, t w of th uatl­ th· .·t. James's Bane!. To cl >scrihc iLs p:tssing <'ASE ; F IJ> . ~IELI.:-. d J,,. 'Jr ~.._· 'fi . I EOIN MAC :\TJ!.ILL. lH> ri'l Ol' f:d] 0 f grief in the pmc ·ss ion. 'I h I ' ' - .!\ •• '"""'' l ', 111 t • SouthC"rn Pol i<' 'rurt on \Vrn . ~lcllnw:-., .!.1 sl(m 11u i > Lb , bands .· mm lJ) \laj r ()<'ncral pass :1ny point. l<'ri 'IHl, th<· mmpdcnl ()!1()\':tll milit.try authoril\ undC'r lh ] (' f l 'l'h · publiC' funcr:1l < f ]< 'rt'miah . GLASNEVIN. ' <.' ·nre o I 11..' Possa L )k place un ,'unn tl" , tl I Th pmyrrs in the dwpel w r sa icl l,y tlw "' J l I 1' >11 L ·:-.posing t!w fc:1tur ·:-. to ,·ic \\, \\' ·rL \'isit<·d I)\' the Jll 'riod m ' nl iolwcl in Lb , <)rrltll'. 0 · "\·~ford. 1~vid ·nc, ,, . .., ~r ·,.<.' 'I . t•rganisc rl, and \\ :Is r:1rri<'d throu~rh without :l ()'C'otllwll <'irck, l'los ' to the gra\· so[ two ) . • . ' ·• n 1 I1 1) • 1 ~ r Cener:tl Frit·nd. Ill) nthl·r protnincnt 1rPl. [ l '(l l I . . This dul) military bodi ·, which in<'luckd the [rish fr. P . H. Pl'nfid ntial c h;u:~rtvr. 'Ilin, whiC'h \rt'rl' m ·ll r ·pn' programm ·. H pmpost d that hy th gran~ or r ASO s (;r ' . entl'fl. were in ch;tr~e of ()'Rahilly ancl 1\lr. thaL nm pentanl Fenian th ') :h uld f{ n \\' .. ] os·ph J>lunh'·tl w:1:-- in ('harg• of the tb ·ir bapti mal ,·o·w. . >lil rate!) th · avow land 1<1 tlw f'our-hcn·s · bier in \\:tiling I ·hind wa~ al.o filler! with floral with those who sufft>r•s of th · " I don't kn w· we haY· ll) <1 f·nd lh<' rvalm Wl<'alhs lo he phr 'd 11 th ·gran. Imm ~rl iat< 'IY pr<'. nt d,) wh were now . uff ring in Engli 'h ~ lll)'W< y." following th bier w r ·a numb r of old fri nds pri rn:, they aroun 1 Ros. n· . gra,· pi· lg 1 to of th cl c :1: d. including- s m fr m rn ric,1, I r ·Llnrl their h)\' and to Engli:h rul 111 I ,i,· rp nl, ( 'ork , 111 l r 'J>HJ:-. ·nlatin·s of tlw I rcl:1ncl th ir hate. Th ir foes w r . tr ng, Disposition of a Small wi~e and w· ry hut !:>Li ll tlP · rould nol undo Crb:1n Counc·il ( f his n"tin~ tmrn of .'kil> Force on the Defensive. Ler • n. Folio\\ ing w r • earring . c nt::1ining the mira I s of JOd ' h rip n c1 in th bee rt: I the widow and daughl r, some rlcrg) m n, , nd l n th pr sent .. rtide iL i. n·Jn ·s ·nL,tti' s of \'arious public 1 li 'S. Tm - y prop s d to m ·rli~t 1 follm' ing th s ram Trio.;h Volun y ung m n of '65 ~111u '67 w r<' coming to sugge. t < few gt:n ral rull'S forth guidanr of a smnll for· o[ olunt Dr-s tecr with arm: r'\' r . ...· d; tlw ~- .,lional oltm­ ll ir mir, c ulou. rip ning t< day. Ruler , nd ' , a y < slr ng c m- t ' rs, who w r . ._llottPd . p siti n :~hout the d"fcnrl r: or r·alrns had ned to h' w:1ry if p.\lly or n w ak I attn Iion. This w uld 1 thl' Inirldle of th<> pr , ·s. ion, di 1 n I rarry nny tlwy woulcl guard again. t su h 1 v r .. The normal str ngth of a olunl r for n art in: arm:. nting ·nls or 'olunlr rs, ..'> " ' ll a: rl r ·ncl ·r: f this r 'lm hac1 work 1 well in ·s •n in·; an pla:('d th ' th Ill :l nd inti m id:tl<'d th th ' r ba 1f. They f

Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives HE IRI

<·,· ic leutly, ar ' th men l1 f< >rm th' supp 1rts. fi · ~hLi11g "hir-ll ap] ·ar in th' p.1p 'f!'i from t imc They are vu:-;ted within ·a~y ru::.hing clistanc ,_ J A tq ti Jl('. say 50 ):tnb or l·s : Lhq are fre!->h . ;tlld have BAKERIES, "Th · fir ... t rcrtuircm 'Ill of a deicusin· Lh · advantag J of surprise in their :ttlac K. Tu JH,sitioll hould lK· conC'alm nt, and n l a Ji ld su ·h a ca:-;e tb ·ir a<'tion :hould h · in~tantl) and 26 Wil iam treat 11r (tn :ll ]ong dislall '('S. ,'acrific the fj ld of AND speeclily cffcctin·. :\II that is ne ·dcd is prop r fin ·. :1. long- a:-. ~m1 get em r From Yi \\. . .. f0r·sight in deciding on th · direction of th Tu11drt' au z•Ny c/} cctivc if you ' a field of Sarsfield Street, attac1·. // sltould ah•rrys he dtlri•crul again. I jiu of about 100 yards.'' ,'udt are th• \\Orcls Ll ERIC • a jla11l~ if j>o sib/c. ol ( '.tpl. J.• <'' ') in :1 \'I") iu~tn.H tire littl · hrx k, All Classes of FEEDING STUFFS Stocked. This will c ft 'It l.x· dcC"id<·cl l') Lh< · r.,\lo\\-ing ('lllltlctl " l•'i\l' lnsttuctioJt:d T.<·ctUf('S L() <·in ·untsl:tiWl'. Frequent!) in a <' o!' this l'q.; ()fflc··r:-; on the\ Pslcrn (\llll)laigJt, .. Jwtur · the assail;111l will · ·pos(' a flank: 111 \\ hic·h c';tJI 1 • n·cotnmeiHl ·d to Volunll'\:r BARGAIN facl, for every cparalc field he ad"i'£1/l(t .l • ( lfli< vr. . l11 another pas:ag · \tpl. l .,. ·~ aero s !te expo u /1 •o jla1tl.•s and h • is p \\' r '>.t) :-.: ".\t the beginning f Lhi. ctmpaign, Lcallt!!r Ammunition l'ouches, econd-hand l)cl. less t avoid thi:-,. Hedges J.nd f ·ncl·:- rurllling from t~ t;wtica 1 l>nint of view, ·we a1 way:, W lJ Rifle Sling~, 1/·. Green Bugle Cord:-, 1/\1. parall l t lht· clir ·ction of the arh":tn · · ancl ·~~ Sltorl l'ifle ,\mmnnition, 11/- per 1,000. ,HhoLll<'d a licld of fir I first con 'ing th · ·~2 L ng Rifle Ammunition, l4/ per l,OOU. perp •nclicular to the 1inc of the elden 1 'r\ sider:JI ion for a fir< tr ·nch. .1 field of fire i Army Water· Botlles-goud, 1/6 · very goucl, ~/-; position inc\ itahly split up hi~ fr nl into frag­ extra, '2/G. ' 110 /ougtr t!te fir. t ron ideratwn. Co~tccalmmt ments. Con::.f..'lllll'nll) it will ft n I · possihl · Sailors' Can\·as Leggings, 1/G, po t paicl. 1.1 l!tort im portmtl. '' Sa,agc 20 hot, ·~2 l'cpeating H.ifk, ;~O/ . to s ·1 ·c·L the p inl of count -r-auac1· well ah ad Thi i. of pnrticu1<1r intere:-;t in Ireland Levens' ·:3~ J.) bot l'eiJ<::ater, 37/ B. :md take suit;dtk nwa:-.urcs fur tl di . po~al ()f Rl·pai rs lv any mahc of Gun, Ri llc, ur J •t:\ oh cr. \\ lwn· it would n .,. •r ha\ ~ h<'t>ll possibk tc tlw sup porls a<'<'orcl i ng I y. PROMPT ATT NTION. LOWI!ST OHARQ 8 . lllt[;Jill the e.· t<'nd ·d lt·ld of lire bid do\\11 in ll will f'ornl a '·r ' in~llltl'tin~ cxcn·isc I H HtJing llr ccbcs, Khal,t 'crgc, :lj6. U df01d Curd 4 1lj fmnwr tt·xt h>ok:-. 1t is abo oi inlclcst for tb · 1 1 lllilitary second-hand, the ron1nt:tndec [ V lunte ~r corp'> ltJ c;trr~ out ~iue·drum, ~~,ti. fmthn n·a:on that it clocs ;n\It' s. ntial Phone 2902. f:11~lor is tl1 · m •n k<· '1' tb ·ir guw fl al and·~t~:llh aim: ifth·y{l< this'-' ry~hul SE~OND SESSION : Miss E. MacHugh, . houlcl t ·11·, and the :1 . aull must fail. " 63" Talbot Street, DUBLIN. Pr 1'. n:N 1 R Tlll:.. 'ou TER An· CK. Monday, 2nd August. Lucania. Pierce. Swift. Rudge. B.S.A. New Bicycles. Cash. Easy Payments. Th ·r · ITlllLlins to l · c0nsi l ·r ·d the question Saturday, 11th September. Repairs. Accessories. Second·hand Bicycles of supports. It may h~\j>)l ·n that lh fir of from I sf-. Prams. and Gramophones Repaired. th · lirin•f lin· i!-i not h) its ·lf suffici ·nl l r ·pel Come to the Oireachtas County and the t h · ; ttar·k, and that a ··ount ·r atl~u·k nw prov' 1 C~llege for the Leinster Gaels. LUOA GYOL nt·c·c:-:-an. For this. th • d ·pcn' held in a \\ rile for the illustrated prospectus to Beat Term (Ca h Only) ff'om di. Lirwl bodv. E. p ·riell<'{' in FlandJrs has me. lh, ewry. pmYed that' th · be L n1 ·th d uf a ·tion by Lh, -o o til tl.C. t l u -0. t>U.6. C.c. t l.c., supp rt. j!:l as f llow. : ' '1 ")' are post<.:d a I muiS nu-6.'0.6.'0. ncar th, firing-lin • as circum tances allow, and THEA ON I It i treason for lrishm.:a to wh ·n advancing do not fire at all, but rely on IRISH VOLUNTEER buy the r:oreign eArticle and I Company. IV. Battalion. neglect Insh Industries. til bayonet. LOUGHLIN'S I~ISB . OUTFITTING This again· i , p int f specrai inter st t Draw f'or uit Lencth Postponed till is better than the Fore1gn Shuts, Hosiery, Gloves th ltmt · rs. • rom th natur f th a e Aucu t 9th, 1 915. Braces, Hats, Caps, Boots, tc., etc. ALL IRISH: FAIR PRIC 8 . it ha" lwt·n found\'i . :~.hl nrm . c"rtnin IT oltll'I'S of mock and ash J lc c;e rctlllll ~;.IIlii' a-. <,(l()Jl a po: ible. I H OU FITTI H ADQUARTERS pr portion of th · m ·n "itlt pil· •s ) aud tlw .-, ·. 19 P rllament Street, DUBLIN• . •··

Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives TH Saturday,_ .August 7th,_ 191 5· ------~~----~------GAELS- \Vhere to get y ur News, A ~or DON'T FORGET Stationery ,'Cigarettes, General LARKI 'S I Fancy Goods, etc., etc.- OLU TEER S UCE. LITTLE SHOP 0 Faolain, 3S LOWER DORSET .STREET. for Blr Value In Chandlery, Tobaccos, Cigarettes, &c. Telephone 222. Manufactured b¥ . IRISH COODS A SPECIALITY. JOHN A. O'CONNELL, TWINEM BROS., WEXFORD STREET, DUBLIN. $culptor, S. C. ROAD, DUBLIN.

CONSCRI ION KIN6 STREET, CO~K. Daniel M'Devitt & Co., l know ab!> ulutely nothir:g about it, ,but I DO k~Inchicore, 11 UPPER O'CONNELL STREET, DUBLIN at lowest cost. 22 Stoneybatter and 23 Bishop Street. REPAIRS He tty Extcutcd at MODERATE CHARGES. te4\n ..\m :so utut uo cL(1 .Ap Smnr ~r. Hopkins & Hopkins' I ISH VOLUNTEER J J. WALSH, T.C., Manufacturers of Support your own. (oF CoRK), BADGES FOR VOLUNTEER UNIFORMS, Etc • . IRISH FARM PRODUCE CAf~, b ·gs to intimate to his numerous V l~nt · ·r MEDALS FOR RIFLE SHOOTING 21 HENRY TREET. friends that h has op ned a magmft nt In Gold and Silver. 'I'ouacco, Chocolate, • w ts, and .ew5 o Foreign Foodstuffs. Emporium in ublin at th corner of Hlessmg­ ORIGINAL DESIGNS. ton aml B rkeley Streets. Irish goods a ·peciality. CATALOGUES and QUOTATIONS FlEE. TARG14~T RIFLES Etc. Cot. ~t the Notthgat~ Printing Work , B !fast, and plAlBshed at the Vl>luntecr Dry 6in Ale. Ueauquarters, ~ Dawson Street, Dublin • Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced• without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives I-= ===-·

Vol. 1. No. 8 . SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1915. One Penny.

: ,ooo ooo t( ns. and, r ·lying on ( ;erman h n !.'>t nations which conlin their t·omm rrial Notes. m:. nifeslation.- o p aceful int ·nt. w · actually activities t lhi, '" rth. lPgan. a f w ) •;us ngo, to C'Ul down our "lr. Gallag-her point.· oul that th<' (~erman . • 1111 m~ th lllt 1ll'n >U:-. Brit1. h Associations ~ ;l\·a] Expcndi tur · : in f, ct, · r ' ·cd our ha,· spies in "our factories, our \\Orkshop:-:. whi h hav pntr g up .-inc' the w:u and inrited tu Shipbuilding Programm th, t. in 1908, we our h, nks, and gr al fman<'ia l in:titution:-... m rnl~t-r ·hip (arc·< lnlj•aniecl l>y a suln.·ripti n), laun('h·d only 4-<;.ooo tons of new Hattl·­ W ~ haY · n notind ourseh·-. a stout man non • inl ~ . t: u.-. m"n.· th. H the Anti- ~erman .-h ips against }ermany', 87 ,ooo tons ~ . with speclade.- anrl a heavy pip lookincr imo J.~:.lgu~, l cau .... t · \\e read that amon•'st olh rs it It regr to < f b w Mr. ·h p-wincl Th :; · spie: is unrler "th di. tinguishcd patronag' of the is ·ttal>l · think ~Ir . r's w. C:. lbgher has ufferen. >f'il Atkin~on, K. C.,·· an ll>ecJd England, the languag · which he arquirel F. H. H. L>H' \\·ho motherland of th . ;allagher.-, in.te. d f I ing t > M. ViYiani, th c lel1r~H d Extinguish ·r of ~ ppan:nt1y ha:- 11 1 ngag 'm 'tit at th front and circumscrih d to retailing \V xxlbin ·s, Puck th • Li('hts f H aven th · spie work \vith ul uhs ·riptions not I·~:-; than on· shilling,<'h ~. and - ~all agh r's F:lmous Sixp nny salary in manuL turing <' ·ntres as " V ,}on­ " to.,t'th r with th sum of £ ...... , being H tair: s. Th y ha.\·e Jlmm ' n·ia 1 wduntary donati(m,·· may 1 sent to that Briars, that this war might n ''" ' r have taken pla ·. will not d by tbos<: rl·spon. ihl' for morality. w.trri r at 25 Vi ·toria • trc> t. \V stmin ·t r be ~lr. (;allagher sp aks ft>•lingly of "tht"" L m1on r to th · S ·cr lary at th sam addr s. th neg] C'l f th • flow r that blushed uns n th Palm poor hreastl ss wom n," "th littl' hildrtn In ublin the Lord ~f. ~·or i.- a r •tail on r ton P;uk tram lin'. torn to pi · s, .. : nd "our braY .' ldi rs w1th t )l>a ·coni ·t wh(J (!Wing to the ('onfti ·L lx:tw n Ecouomi · pron um·em •tlls hy ~I r. (;allagh r th ir faces h aten t a pulp." Mr. ;~tlla'gh r the \·anou. . •cti~ tns of tb .. Corp >r._ lion when will always atlract gr ·at : tt ·ntion from the citit who thron1' to · e n h · ars rejoi s that h ha. neith r a. Hymn of Hate the Lord 1.t~nr-\·le,·t sudd nly dit'd, wa. ns him wh w nor Kultur. and h declar<:': d 'finit 'iy that ·hosen to prt'\enL a . ·rim.t=- randiclat · h ing his tall hat. ~Ir. Callagher Frl' . Trad rs \Vill wh n tlw G rman X>mmercial tray 11 ·rs, aftt.·r lee-ted. On tlw ('OlilmiU ·e r:-~ouagcs, Mr. ;alla~h r hl soms int :.1 kinrl ' of pol icy of >rman I Ragu He announc . th. t ev ry G rman arber is a o worll-p w ·r in Trade and C mm r t'. In an Lh . Anti (; i · strinly sp) and i.'\·ery G ' rman waiter '1 a hom aYt' .. addr r.; · , ntitled' .-\n .-\pp'al to th .. ~alion, .. non-p:1 rt y. Tariff R eform does not 11 te r 1n to dropp ·r suh.-idis d 1Jy Satan .rh S c nd.'. "hiC'h a1 ar:- a:-: an arh· ·rti:cm nt in th' our programm • e c pt in : far as ; rman Th r fort' '\·ery G rma n must I>· xpe 11 ~ c 1 from Relfa~t Unioni:-.t paper:-.. Lr. G. llagher n llfl Austri< n g ds are ronc ·rn d but W(' England, th · land of the> (;atlagh rs. The de lar"s that Englan 1 i.- his nation, and n ... ,. r int nd to legislal for a prolectin· ancl if "silly senlim ·ntalisl .. mo,· 'S our romm ·r ·ial l1efon: has hi. nation I •en fa· ·d l'y pr Jhl'm.· nec~.ssary a. pr: hihitiY · tariff on th 'S<: with magnat • to cont •mpt. " E \·eq thing G rman .-o ''r~1\· , nrl compl ·.~. Henc · ::\lr. .,allagh r all th · :lr nrrlh at our con1man 1, ansition. cl in bloorl ancl t ars, the war's A ter this .\lr. Gallaghn come. down t< mi).!'ht to < atch .t little hoy who offer ·d him , En(rr~w ·ss. He poims >llt that w ar · out for a 1; retwh p nny tnr a packet of woodbines, and grim k'!'sons . hould la l a: 1 ng a.~ our Jan, 1 rmany mill ion suh crilJ 'r~. ancl announc s with with any in Yicw, l>ut \\'(.' f l , ur · that th ·re art' man~ a11 liUr rom1 ·t itor" in manufacturing, 111 ]H'ople in sympathy with th' objects of th trarl·. in fin:11H' · • , ntl in bhour, but what persons whaLcv"r who will now or h rea.fter Leagu who will suhwril , uhstantially f~u ­ have we clone to mai11t,1 in that pr mi r purcha!:~t' g cb mad· h) ustn-Huncrarians heyond the actual ~ t>mu rship f , in which po:-.iti< n among- th · gr ·at ~alions? W · hn,· · or , rmans. (;crnwm; and u trians are <' their goods at th ,. ry c msirlers the tim has g nc or cc lighting thes(.' and our s · pc> of op •ra t ions consirleral>l ~ enlartf d. gal •:-. of ur " reat works, whilt nr {)\\'11 m n :ayages with ·i lk glorrs on.·· Th ·ir ('omm rc Th mam bj l al firgt how~\· r, 1:-. lo han· -tan· d or ·mi~mt ·d. ' ·haY , lo our and inrlustr) must he d stroyl~d. n ,. r to nt •r Ja:tin"'. readil) purchas d .i rman :\Jr. C·tllagh r"s market:-. again. His vast s~ ure a tillion M m r::; who will pr ach the l1li-(;erman c1octrin · all o\·'r th produC'tS t() tlw (t ·trim ·nl of our own comm ·rcial knnwl dg · ant t experit'n< · has indu tri . . " -e h,n·e rlrin:n our C'apital and enabled him to d l( ·t ~he ,·ital s cr ts f Countr). ·on ·i ntiou ,ly and inQ!r>l) labour abroad in cnormou:-. \ulumes, and German ·conumy. ; Jrm.any, he r ,, als to us 1'arryin~ into effect th < bligations of th 11 Pledge th y haY> gi,· n, introducing tht: ha\·e 1 ft < ur Ships lo c·ornpl'le, unaid <1 h:v h ·r c mm ·r ·i, l ' Pi :\• scatter c1 ··- not 11 whik oth r Memlx:r.- until, snowhall-lik ·. ag,. ' r the

'n i, ·~rse. it I ·C'omes L gr at _ ati nal Mowm ·nL an•l t:mwtri s. We haY' .SL' 11 the G rman 'erl trustL·d ll\·

Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives 2 ~ T I 0 A L 11'Y. aturday, .. uo-u t 7th, 191 ~. --~------

Th a bj ct " of r. the 1 ock be broke h r pi d d wn the That a th p 1 ulati n f Ir lancl .ecr a~ ~ s, incl ud th return nl th Iri h taxpay r Lh popuL ti n f ngland rrf Briti h Parliament wh nti- Briti It :\ at1 n 1 That a· th we a 1th nd indu try ,,f lreL.t nd r; ... rnwn Leagu<'. ir. allarrher, it is thu de rea e, lh w alth • nd industry En ,.t nd seen h :-. no u. f r Hom Rul if it get- in Ewrlishman grow. th way of th · agu . ~lr. ;a] L •rher's hill ina and th' [ri ·hman · pr - ·ni n debt f pl d e .tgainst ' 'illainous T ·ut ni.'m i 4 ·billing , l tted th m to · ther, f und 1.b y I follows:- ma e 42 . hilliniY ·. and declared that a the TnE PLEDGE. with nt' an r her by ·in rely and ' n ienti u ly Flag and n } inn· they h uld pa f r the v romi : (a) ~ -ot t knowin rly purchas ' ld D bt 21 . each. h En lish ain d on mmi:,:imwrs. ub- vmm1 1 n­ u-trian g ds tbi: tran action 17 ·. per head per annum· th Judg ' ,' Polic men. Experb n , any kind whal ver. (b) . iot t empl y a ri . h lo. t 1 7 ·. JJCr head 1 r annum and in 1 an< l .ffi ials arc appointed n and 1ll b,· the erman for ith r dom sti · or ·omm r ial ad ition paid th ir mad , as the English hilling· iu '\. ry £1oo" rth of on.r. a · r.rad hi. OJ >p rtuni )", an 1 W ha r TI cloulJt tha :\ e ·on mit _·a, au ' .. ni r d clarcd Tr land d n by En t nd c tland. ~ nd Ire and. fi n r s lecLion .. :1an u ual of Briti h g d wjll th ' most h ·wily and En;dand th m 't lirrhtly \ can rec mm nd thi · p~.mphlet r 11 J ri h i:'. hibit d in Mr. Galla h r winnow f r th tax c1 c untri s in th ". rid wa p rfon11 d. read 1". It i ne that re 't1lb t u ssi n f [rebnd, and lu idly sk t h i n t all arthag . h i old but ' 1 n ·w. l rman ho\',.· that pprc "i< n ha w rk d out sine an En• l. 1..d in hi n longer i ibl to th m than rour hillin rs 1 ·r h ad of th p pulati n. la t hour, an 1 h p d that Ireland y, ·uld a:--:-i.' t by th e wh -e principl laid UJ in he int rest on Britain s d bt at th same tim in 'ru 'bing "th c mmon n "ffi} 1 '" civilisa­ tV nder when xp cliency r <}Ul! S. \Ll:'i roun ll)· 17 million terlinrr r ' Orne 38c. tion. ' 1 ther f r intr du 'td th 111.1 ter int 1h y ar : - per head of it p ople. Thus the Brili h w d th" ' m· ration a' · n a · p s ihle. ~lt". hal th Iri ·hman i · n w 1, 'ing in n rmal nearly ten . times mor than lh J ri hm n, and ' 110\'an R s a indi rrnamh d ni Ad hat h r a di '6n uished fr m pre , nt \Yar taxati n fi.y rh pr mot rs f the Union, to les n oppo iti n hu ·band had ~v r wa\' r d. in hi •-•Tll lllJn.-. tim s mor than h paid f r th Uni n. to a m · ur, ·whi ·h thr: al n d lo fin ncially ., h • had I e n marri d t him for fi. "t- • ar, windl . rC'land pl d" d th m: h-' in th ~ That the E11gli hman i payin r 1 s th, n lx ·h' 'a ill, and durinu all that tim · . h~ had Iri.h )crliam 11l that Ireland in r sp t of 1 aid befor th t• ni n. c 11 i tently n aint. in d that ,lb' lu p.1:t . 1 nditur 'v uld "have no con em what- That taxati n in Ir land in 'r ·a a - tb ti n from n land wa ~ lr land' • r r with th bt f Gr at Britain." I opulation d clines. and that thi uld l Thi · f ours , did not relieve Ireland fr m That [reland Yield m taxation y arly a. 111 r. Mor r, -h Y nu f an nf r d r sp nsibility, ubse u nt t th' re,·enu larg r than the r almo t an ' 1:1 t t\\ year of hi ]if in a ~...mi- maw:-~ tb r mall 1 ati nality. 'Cnion f r r , t Britain' exp nditur in th (' nuiti n, and wa incapable of f rmin r a 11 w

long Engli h war to destr y th pow r < f That unlik th . mall _ • ti nali.ti , h impr sion during that time. e dd hardly - Fr· n ·. , o 1 n a that war ntinu d, . ha n l t support an army a naY · dipl be m d t understand that th lri ·h - •lunt r · ~ ap 1 on mena d England, n land mati, and c n ular . a kina an 1 urt of had be n f rm d and nly dimly r , · rl that - ·pt h r plerlg that Ir land would not h r wn and tq r n c and ar }tlrt~n - a ragincr. Th r p n ·ibl f r th int 'r st on th Briti It ances. wa- n th ta :n B k 1 • .1. • ati nal D bt. In 18rs apoleon fell, and 'fbat n ~ " 'rtheles · -h poorer than ny m lamation a H umph!" England wa gain Dictator of Europe. h mall Nati nality what· nd i th nl uring hi ~ la t d, -s R sa if act d ·with pr mptness and e patch. ~Tithin country in th 'vorld who p pulati 11 t adily p :sibl m re purely Iri h than Hi. tw h month. f the hainin f 1 apol n t< leer as ·. wif and daurrht rs addr . ing him i . Engli ·h

Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives aturday, NAT10NALIT\'. 3

could er no lL wer; but if anyone p ke t h' was not for lh la. t ~t:, r in a onditi n to TO IRELAND. him in Ir_ -h hi face 'ould light up, and h int n ·i '' d, and hi faithf ul atluH1anl would w uld k _tp up th conv r. ation in that not put him on .·hibiti n to hu ·till' :trang rs surh ::t. your rr spon 1 ·nt nm. L ur ly be. I tread the ground that felons tread~ "a 1 want a r traction of this :lan kr on my And sleep within a house of thieve . young Yi it him and tri d to lwsL nrl's .\' ati< nn 1 eharacl r. anc.l an a1nl gy Hio·h i my window; hard my bed­ talk t t k n notic f him. fr >n1 th aulhor of th slander. \ et whoso loves thee never crri ve . Th man th point f b y un.; w~ n ing our: in r ly, a'' ~~y in reat di. appointm 'nt wh n I ur·· Men stole me fro1n n1y liberty, 0 ign d) a ted h hould tr~ L • I ak L{ him in lri h. And wiftly-as a spider weaves­ I RY J. l · o ·o,· ' · Ro. A . sa at n PI eared t wak up, and th ~ They et their snares t compa n1e­ t Iked t g ther in Iri h for half an hour. ' y et whoso loves thee never crrieve . 'h w nt on t t 11 m ' that during hi la. ·t •n year. Ro ... a wa po · · ~ d f a as le long­ "The Prodigal Daughter." They arne in scarlet and in aold. inrr to r tunl t lr ·land. "Take m home,'' b And said : "The n1an i wi~e who was hi: 111tinu,d m )an. Tb y th n t k him THE PRODIG,\L DMrcnTER. lh F. "he h ·­ leaves L w, ,. fr m ho-- piwl t h-i · h u e. Bm h' ~till keffington. 1d. cont.inu d t implore them I t, k him "hom . ' This on -act • m ely. by .F. heeby- IT·ffing­ 1-I i · native land when he 1s told ''­ h '11 th } kn ' W that ir w, lr land he m nnt, ton wa pro lu c1 a littl m· T a y • r arr by et whoso loves thee never crrieve . buL it woul h,\\t' h n impo:sibl f r him t th Jri h Worn n'~ Fr.. n hi.' Lcagw' , and ha. Thus fel ny and honour blend: tra' ·l ..,u h a di-;ran . n w IJe 11 print 'd as all okkt 1 ri on p nny. > ?'' " ,.rhat id R l.::.~a think f H me ule Th play d '• I. with the r Lmn l > her h m , of The weed are garnered with the a ·k d. an lri:sh ' uffragettc from the pri ·on "·h r h, sh aves. "H · alway. ~ .1id that nuland w uld n ,. r ha undergon a month'. impri:onm nt, ami th H 11 upon earth shall hav its end­ rri H Tr cla.nd H ome Rul but, uppo ing that ff ct of h r a tion- n public opini< n in an 1:1 o whoso loves thee never brieve . bY . om chance he did, Ireland should nly Irish UIHry t wn- puhlic < pini n · ing n A. t~kc it s a tep to ·ompl te paration. ' ~ut ' this ca. ion repr . nl l by th h , id ' England will n v r iv it, r if ·h fath r. who is a m rnber of th . . h r ,j,·. · it h '11 mak · it u, el I have ah ays br th r-in-law, th 1 cal d ·tor, and th pari. h pr '<' h ·rl thi th 1 opl l ut th y woulln't pri t. ~ ll the girl's relati\"'s whiJ aw, iling li:t·n to m . h r arriYa], ·p ak f h r in nui us sb, faith. H ha r war u by fal · by r a 11 f hi · nd rags , nd b< rcl· r crlld d. Th n . h t k in your tb n In h r brui:ed han 1 · th ir broken pledrr 11 y ur wh ficrhts for fr dom in v ry Tn and red trenu usly thi play w hav ond n cl hi 1 leading for The · m ·n o lat id another ca.u on to whi h h ha. d v t cl With on in ,·itabl much n rgy. That th . might s h r L <' • wh. m they f r- r ri h uffragist \Yhen I cting plays f r s k; prod urtion hav UI t 110\\' u .. ually got th m And they I h ld what th y harl 1 ft and ver th waler. h haY n w n furth r di d. ' cus, for . d ing, a "Th . I r digal tinu . : "\Vh D:wght ' r" suppli th w. nt. r mirrht t·ll th a .~ l fight a m ling to my \"t ·ws, FATRVlE\Y. ag ' 1 )~t all h, rr .,l_ let • lon. pr judi RESULT OF DR WI G: - tb Briti:h ,·ernment. He h )p ·cl th , 1 ri ·h Practical Patriotism ! w ~ull tand unit cl in helping to ficrht rman .. 1 t, 426 · zncl, T · 3r 3-40 · 4th, 5761. th. mmon n my of ci,·ilisati m. ·· Winn rs pl as c mmunical with E. '. ~lac [ want thi!- 'on· ~.-p uHknt': nam. that I may IRISH OUTFITTING HEADQUARTERS I nnrai 5 1nadal Villa , F ir i \ . c m1p t) ·l him r ·tmct. - FOR - • Ros. wa ' a::- h. :ai I of him. ·If in th tl ·k, . h W'ts rn' an 1 1 ·an I RI }( llOSIERY. TRI.'ll BR ES. National Pamphlet Serles- an lrishma.n ' ·r ·mn· · · ' ~ Iu H FLANI.'\EL HtR·t_. t ·:-.tif, that h was th. sam. un. mquer.. ~l JIO~!E PU:-.' PVJA~!A 'utT.. lRl ·n ROOTS, ET ., ETC. 1. THE SPANISH WAR Jri. hl~'lan, ur athing lh' .sam. unalt ral>l d ~r. IRISH l'OPUN NECKWEAR •• PRI E LT. T REE. BY THEOBALD WOLFE TONE. for th J ab.olut fr, dom of his country an 1 ll . Thi~ serie- i · i · ued hy the Publi ation Committee uUer: ·p._ ration rum En•'laml that h., br ·L lh cl unmnn na mBan, Central Branch, ublin. in th d ·k. T. O'LOUQHLIN, ·our _ • w York 'orr . pond ·nt c uhl h:w' PubJb.hing Office, 12 D'OJier Street, DubHo. )f inten·i wing Rossa, for I rice Jcl. ; One Doz. or more po. t free. h:ttl 110 opp rtunit~ Parliament Street) Dublin.

Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives N~ TIONALrrY. 4 Saturday, ~ u >u ·t 7th, 191 ~.

NATIONALITY. Lnst ·acl th ·y 1 ·n ·a ·t.·ly n.: · h ·J that if John Jh.T~i~ll'ntl) p 'f~t't'lJL, ,1 him fnr 1 c'IJIJ:--id ·r­ :1hk tillll.' p:l t. ~ ~ it h 1· off 11<' • wa · F lony, th n I• lony wa ­ Saturday, August 7 1 1915. a thing to be :1dmired. Tb · supp rted Felon \lr. D 'Ylin :L sure. tlw Hr . ti~h 1i~ ·f . · ·c'JT- tary that" far :t. th Lri-.h k,t · r· ·on­ All literary communication for "Nationality ' honld 11<:'\rspapcrs and rea.d Felc n ballad · and ~o ,,~. be addre sed to the Editor. (\' rtH.' cl .. 1h' iltfLT<'l1<'' that tht y in. l rat(•rl the AU bu ine communications to the Manager, "F Ion' · r'ra · narratin-' : until th· Briti ·h 12 D'OLIER STREI!:T, DUBLIN. JO\''rnm nl had to make n w b L h.· f pros"ution: i.l''ain ·L p litit,\1 (:ppon nt. und r SUBSORIPTION.-Na#Mality will be po ted F lon . the D f n ~ of th ' Briti h tt ~·.tlm A t i. " n< t .free TO ANY ADDRKS for one year at a cost of 6/6 ; for the half-year, 3/3; for the quart r, 1/8. O'DonoYan Ros.:, w~ . n ' of th n w b:ttch. on!) f:tls<.· hut without :1. ~h:1rln'' • f, •tmdation."' Cheques and P stals should be cro ed and made ~llll] funhermor(' , ~lr. t ' lin ·· d 'I l, nd. ·· tha payable to the Manager, Nationality. " str · t- ing ~r u ct th _'re shaH be a" re-trial" in ju ti [n t t Felon r h wa: 1 uri d d~ t: of DuLl in as th of a. saint boor a a kincr in hi wn c untry. w thing uld Gov ·rnm •nt in lrelaud in d<.'.llin wjlh th<. rn by hi ,· p opl who IT ·nd hat in~litnti )tl. mor -! ohj ' in it whi h w uld ju tify a l fl'Jl:tin<;; • form: Ir land belonge t th m, it becam n !>egan i11 May I8..J8, with J )hn litch 1 and may b, m:td. with 1 rotit, int r n ·,; i . to puni:--h rh man. . h was a man of s m · .ncl d on 'untan· i· ' . D· ·\ lin 's .md to indict Aitch 1 as a l'elon. lL th r for .:\1 ::;srs. Herbert Pim! Denis 1' 'ultOLwh :1.nd implied , nfi

'rim of Trea n-F lony remained unkn wn in and this \ a a matt r r ' k ant for n­ N a1 i nali l ' >m 1 'tl ns t) b< ni h th(.HJ ·h · : out It j c. I unknown in ·id. 'ration- he id ntifierl him. ·lf ' ith th c f Trdand. ll wa.- . ·ai

Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives c.s. I

NATION A LITY. ~ aturda y. ~ u~-rust 7th 19 I ------5· ------5 British politi•·;tl lo"i<· thai it i: n t Sp •nlow sk •tching, but Patri k ne,· ' r mi;-;:; ·-~ u 'han', in thi · happy i 'l . ln 1 ed, it 1· the x eption Birrell ut Jorkin:-; Fri ndly who rd r , on of inlmdu in th . uggt>, tiY situation to · ~ th childr n f the mi<.ldl clas pendin hehalf of th Briti:h (; ,.,rnm nt in Ireland p pular in th revue th:tt k ') st Jl{' in th uni n th ir youth pr parin f r a cl rk hip in th I> th tw cham] i t I rishm •n to i>ani~h th-"msehes as li ·ns. t,,. •n great n.s f Chri. n­ public rvic ; in, kad th ·' ha-r • tow rk bar ' e trust that Lr. Birrell witl s< that no dom. ~ rah Ryan i th ~ c nlral fi ruP. he in in lustrial oc up~ tion ·. furth ·r JirTnCt' i:-. i:-.ut>d to ~1r. Hanna, K. '. 1 aves D n gal g s a-ban·' r, i· tray d . . ln th fir t f w pa c• s f Patrick Mac.· and sink l th lowe. t d ~ ~ ths . 'th ·n di . Th r · 'l'" to .lJ>]•t·.tr for pt'J'" n. whom it i · impo:sill f r mast 'rpi w' re:1d how a quad of half­ till' Hriti!',h c~ \TrnmcnL to {ram a legal charg ar oth r mari n lte ~ wb) ::ay thing wh n ' tan· J p a 'ant wom n had to p nd a wint r' again 't and wh m th r for it is blig l to P atri k think th y < ught. \ orah i , hurried night in th rain b · th ash r at .Fr rder t bani ·h th m ch· s. Mr. Hanna, a t h r end with th cata lysmic Iatali. m of t.b Tlw tid_, hal r ndcr d an inlet unf rdable. \fr. D .... ,·Jin po]nl out, i a upport r of ir. Gr k tmg"d . Th . n v 1 is of th later Lat r w ar' t ld an iron bridge ha been R alist : h L (Th · L\r :.. nt n ~ ar er cted acr thi inl t. ' iVhy later, th Bin ·11'. l'<;lk:\gu · in th' work ~ 1 int v ry proper r ~ , ·i .,, . and are not asant na,·vy do s not explain· but a · the Clr 1111 ; and if thi. " re n t enough y t the ding. in th · Bani hm nt g in r to be I fl out of this.) as nt w men had ontribut d their little bit ·ay th B lfa t Th author' int nt se m · to 1 ' to depict a Ill' £3oo,ooo ooo taxes which the Childer' S< nt f sorui ) mi ry an } h If Commi, ion declar d w nt astray we pre ume what h · t 11 i lru , an 1 h' s<1y. it i~, it :., em. that the Gr at ' iVhite Moth r knew nothin of hard to unuerstanuld ha,·e 'n don . Empir opens out to tbt'm. Lurkinu d wn in The Fro fi ·h n "n could harc)ly mak a 1a ai. trat ~ wh nly Patri<'k Ma . s minrl i a 'um icti n that L t living f1:hing from their wr ~ tched currach.. y rs ­ Father ane and 1 t-helli d Farl y This :-.eeu1s to ha' t' I een chi 'fly th ir own fault. h uld l M 'runvn tb · goml n man, m- and uth r fi h rm n in the Empire haYe g d pn t t cL arrl · th"' :aintly cl ri he depi!'l:-.. all that can I >at · so hav mall nation ii h rmen fr m * * * Th oranrr _, ·hite-and-tr en flag at th be aiel is that hi, r as ning, if "- ~ ma) use ·nmark and • ·orth · a fi. h rm ·n. ro se , th ' word, l 'an. tn ~~ non;-; ·quitur. ftsh rmen must of a. cr )()ke l di po ·irion · 0110 an R s 'a funeral ar variou ly stat d 'erlainl) th rc are F. rk~ ~l·K.cown·s in th y ar in the Empir · th r ~ in it can liv b) th. Dul lin 1PW 'Pal ers t ha,· be n lrcland. Th<'y l 'JH! { ut monl'; :1t txtortinnate comfurtabl; · th y cannot. 1. to lam ? "H.. public. 11 .. flag " F nian" fl, gs, ~nrl . . f fl•Hf Th r nrr -\ bJtC int 'r . t ; th y s 11 L. rm r ' bad :.. d: : th '} l nd<>ed, not a! ne ]o th y iind it hard to oth 'f d~. cnpuon c•o . , nd- rr n t ·i ~ lour j,- n ith r a R publican, a S\\' at rirl ancl w nwn in th ir fi lrl. and h< m mak a li,·incr, but th ~ find it imp ibl Tht·y ncr ~l< narchist or any oth ·r )' t m f gm· rnm ·nt industry und 'rlakings. J.n.· .1bo str r('ar hal r th ( hildr n rh ir win·s I ar th m­ upport r, of a unil d party. lidly oppo:eu an unne :aril· larg mu11ht:r th·y r~ flag. 1t is th Flag ad pt d in March, J 8t8, Lx:, b th, Youn 1 r lander.' and fir t rais ·cl in tc bacJr_ lahl rs facti ni. ts, Dublin Jesuit: of Patrick Mack said- but that wa- l ·fore Ia ·t m d rni I c )-op rati'i· tendenci s. drl'ly n pul>lic by Th ma. Franei ~eagh ~ to ugust. H kn ws tter w. W 11 all ·s... ,n Ir hnd unikd in all Jts st tl< n nm:uk, 1- the thing:-; h, v be n chan)' d, and t) n S) Ill ll .nrr its claim to full national and lan(l, nnte-wnr Belgium. \nr\\'a~. to wit, alone be th r dit, Lad.' ~ 1 rde n. H r and , , · rtl o p litic, I in kp IH.lcncc ' . -ation among tlw farnwr~ran r:ti:c l~ans from tlw ' ':tL yariOLL guilcls • nd a:N ciation~ haY made it rea onabl , int r . t . th tate he l r ' them t hu n xt t impo sibl f r a right-minded baby to n t t i n: f the earth. se ·d · wh s · on liti n i, 'ruarant d b a di of mal-nutriti n. he 'tate grants of milk g H'rnmcnt d t rmin (1 l f t r L1gricultur a have al don much t impr ,. ~ the rae . In an inrlu try ; th •' at hel1 , th m t ell th ir fact, c n umption resul in fr m tarvation is The Rat-Pit: An Atrocity. I rodu t::> at a g rl. price thr ugh tat - rapidly c ming a pi ce f pa t hi tory. But h re he harr ters are housed in cotland, m n BY p \l'Rl K l'GILL, PRIVATE, LoNDO T 1Rr H. \ Vhy, and women, in a b) r , with ut any r gard to

\\' natm, l 1 erv r. ity in (lecen y. Manur > had been ' hovelled out of Patri1• "a .1 navV) fr m Don gal; h au~e: th law~ thr"'W up na V) in ·, tart d writinrY , nd lh und r the byr th day th . Irish arriv d as t mak Engli h pr unanim usly ·tgre I that the in­ thinw nic and c mf rta 1 . n old w man i ·r •::-,l ing p a ant had geniu of th hi.ghesi ' T mall nati n. . aid "The farmer that we'r pig j rd •r. p., an l ugla , of London ane might think it cr · that· why th y tr at us lik pig . Thi •i Opinion, j in ·d in w l ming th cc ·i n .to Ru -ja or ermany r t s nation to hardly fr~ir. 'h xpr . -j n ' lrish pig,'' ha lh ·ir rank·, and oon a p t wa f und [ r h1m han· st th r p or le's land . · ldot , if <-'\' r, n h arcl f r th pa ·t nine a· librarian in \\'ind ·or a tl . Patrick thjnk it quit natural too to a :-mall r · untry m nth . . nrn. nd h ca11 daily m r and m r liJ-e a to harv t Scot h land th y rl< n'r own. Fr m Towan Is th, nd w l arn that th u and in whi 'h )t would app ar that do n t l k ·row p ,; Lmt from the bb 'Y Theatr . Dan . la liYe in lair tlMt n piu-d al r · uld \nwn th · Hun startcrl on littl lgium, at thincr. in th am way a~ f r piU's if he had ·tn 'Y to pre ft . W atri k, vith the bl f th fighting rae Perhaps D anes are afraid to l , ' rh ir wn al o 1 arn that I 7 ooo w men l ad lh· f hot within him, j in th I. ndon hi h t h lp untr ,; they haY n t a lara St:'a-rulinrr fi ·t sham_, in that ity chi fly the valiant 1a . hi: broth r little n. Lion. Th Daily ketclt to make the pas ag out of enm, rk ~a f ". a 'S through ec n mic 1 r. -ur . 1 Pmlrl lind no words ad qual '11 u!rh t <1 claim Ieith r hav th y any ocial life worth p .ak­ ' Vh, t would it b under an lr n )lilitarism? ing of. Tnd 1 all thr urYh th ' ' untry a laek thr acli n f th, 1' :1 ant na' \')'· L. I '\trick turn d ut " Th Rat-Pit " this y ar. of ~ l t n i. painfully vit~ nt. h ir 1 ,ord 1 t i. bout the natin' , hy a nativ . Patrick Chancel!< r gru · alon!r n mu h 1 · · tl1an Part 11 . of' Eoin MacNeill's writ for th' tl m .ra y of tb nTeat Empir , £6,ooo a year ; th ir police and arm! d n t t.h, childr n of th, gr at \ 1hit 1 tb r a n s r·nst ·o mu ~h a our R yal [ri h on tabulary · Pamphlet: til sea . . as the rlu~k · lndi, n · )llgs :ny. Th" tb ir a r · f w xpert. and ffi ials. ~·arm r ·' :-.ons arc -.em t . ch ls ' hi h t ach nothin.., "Daniel 0'0onnel "R.:1t-Pit ·· is pullish d by an Engli h firm, print ·d j) ..;ill~ · on c; fJl)(lll pa] r, anrl turn ·d ut any mpir ,, only commer ial and , ri­ out by '<"Olllps.;; rt.'<'ciring w l J • union pay. rultural ubj ct.. Th r ~.:i ult j .. that pr f - and Sinn Fein." :.,i nal life i~ lo. d to th' hLJl k nf the p~uplt', ·ad r:; of '' h · Rat- jt' 'ill not finrl tl ·ir No. 7 OF THIS SERIES. brain un ul) tax 'd a atur ·omm n t m . t and a f rm r's s n is glad t) "or · hard on his b k. beloYt rl h) th child:r'n of l h<' great father' land in:t :.H.l f bein r a d1sp n ·ary 'Vhit ~ Ioth r. 'I h r L no ] 1 L r haract r rloctor with th brilliant future l f r: all surh PRICE - ONE PENNY.

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fierc ' and brilliant hi torical articles which we Iris Atrocitie h rt that they had better ' wait for th, i. t'W' • begin thi~ week t repr due demoli he l Zealander I BY J OH T MITCHEL. Fr ud ·- ampaign, killed in it birth or "Attendez so us L' onne .'' i the ironical French. nee the anti-Irish f ling in th ~nitcd pr v rut this am ff ct. "'~lait f r th N w tat s, and dro,·., the calumniator b ck to In this age f atrocitie the r publication f Z •aland r ' will m pn ,· in Ir land, n land om·io- d m v ry int lligent th lea t known of John Iitchel's work ­ in th ·am d ri lV n. . vVhen that appropriate. England having th ar of the yes a th ' deli rat libell r of a pred stined a,·ag hall b, en quatting world, poured int that d li at orcr an a wh 1 nation. up n the brok n arch an 1 sketching th ruin . barr ,,·ina tale of the barbariti s of th Iri h f c urs~: thi oc1 ·urr u forty year ag , and of London, tlzen r land will ari e gr at, wh m with infinit pain sh ' kept fr m it will l ' underst d that th 11gli , h OY rn­ glori u and frC>e, fir t :fl , r, .:· . . ALo, reverting to th primiti..-e bruti lm in which m ' llt now d ::, no t ecretly hir Hi torians or wb n the sky falls ·han't w haYe lark ? Journalist, t li 1 the Iri h, the G rmans or th y wallow <.1 befor the call of duty And so t th nd of the ham " trial,'. th reluctantly o mpell d h r to the un(rrat ful task any < th T 1wnpl "·hat oev r :- Hi torian come forward with a kind of play­ of att mpting to civilise this i land. The "'H.-\.PTER T. ful insolen , and . iz s on his mall triumph corn r:::.t ne of th impo in ~ tru Lure f lri h with a n r · c ngratulate v rybody that F R CDE veru IRELAND. B. rbari m r ared b fore the eye f th arth '' for practical bj cts '' he and his pp nent THE " Fir:::.t f Living Hi t rian ," a veral i- the .,.r at a sa ere of r 641. In th t year, arc agr d offer him hi hand and hndl y n w ·pap r d ·ignat thi gentl man, 1s nly .:;o th T , l runs, the ri -h rose up n tb ir ays, ' ny h w, I hope w part in i n w r 'ally 1 ening his batteri . H he · by b nefactor~, piou men and aintly women who humour." h! ertainly · all th good' n mean lone with hi ictim, but pre e · n, had 1 ft m rri Enaland and bonnie cotland humour in life, far a h ' ami Fath r Burke with "bl 'Y n blo\\.' Even since th t rmina­ ~ nd s · ttl c1 in thi i land th·1t by exampl ' ar cone rn d j an th . ham c url ri , with tion f the 1 cture- and ounter 1 tur , by th rath r han pr ccpt they might wean tb Iri h a laugh- solvuntur risu. Hi L rian and hy Fnth r Burk , th r ha be n "rom th ir avag ·ry and plant among th rn th But ther ar other oncern ·d in thi publi ~ bed in thi untry and in ngl nd th art- and d c nci s f ciYilised lif . nd on cru ·ading mi ~ion of th Hi tori,u1. _ nd th r firt v lum of a new and elaborat w rk­ ~ utumn night, wh n th pion. m n an 1 aintly and wa , n tribunal at all · il w, onlv th ,. " Th En lisb in Ir lan J in the ; ight enth worn n w 1: prai ina the ord or slumb ring l ' Engli hman' devi to fiatt r. thj . ntury ;" by Jame:' ~ nthony roud , L •. .; in innooenC' ' of h art Lh ava 1r Iri h ur at~ m rican 1 pk, by presenting a rt of a W< rk \Yhi h ·h d adctiti nal darkn s on a tr 'acherou ly tole UI. n th m and scenes of mnmcry f a ;I n va •• rbitration to ttle uhj ·rt whi h the auth r ha alr ady don horror f llow d r m which Engl< nd nly that international diff rene by th hiah and. mu h Lo Thi dark- t 'rn duty fore her l th re ital wou'd mighty awar 1 f meric, n publi pm1 n. I a' erl her fa e. Th homes f the virtu us w r d cline to pl ad at all befor th · m rican ~w n tn th ' flam ·s, the fath r, th hu ban] public j b \aU Irishm n ar themselves th th •a-rand ir wa. d n to death in a th u and st an sole judg of the ricrht fienctish way · ; Lh wife, th moth r wa · lain wr ngs of their wn land. _ ither can I in th m~um r of a · ro i th little children h~ d client of th • C' llent and cl u ·nt "'ath their hand· cut off an their quiv rino- di s pirit and tone f Burke in this cau e · ind y giving up th · whole hL mpi )llS om h w, w re unwilling to hurl miniL 11, t k th" list arr, in l a ·, · n ·urring in his a h· r, .. ry'. pra ti al ach oth r. Ju, t th lling m n f sp rt- bim. but a1th ugh th~ facts w r on hi · . id ·. , Hclusion turnin·~ l his c untr, men and ast t nrner d by th ., hone l pri -t. Then J lm uotltin::, at lum · 1r abr >ad, to r li ,. t1Pi r 'nd threat ther wer . and diplomatic orr s­ .. titch 1 nt red th list ' an l in Lh, s ri ::; f native i:L nd f 1 ritish ch rninatinn: :llld in p nd n in new, ap rs, t . ·ttl· pl. c · anr'f

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""aturday, ~ u u t 7th, 1915. NATIONALITY. 7

pr ·limin. ri ;:-.; men made th ir k , and many matt r of humari conduct and life but than th ir clergy? How ver, the prosecution th Lt<'ht full sur ly th r wa going to be a at least on one p int w are agr d -we are itself will excite pite and rage, unmanly r al mill : but the two buff r. bad n idea. f unanimously and irremediably re ~ olved to be exult, tion among t the rangemen, bitter and )f brui ing on anoth r' expres­ dishollourable ! This is bad, indeed. Let me vindictive wrath am ng·t the Catholics, and iv mu , r drawin rr claret from those add to this " gem " anoth r j w 1 f my own thu a •rr at p int i gained to begin with.

sele tion from the new vo l um ~ ju t publi,h d- ~ T xt it i at an time easy to cr ate exaspera­ 4 uiline conk : at la t they walked off with th ir r p ctiv backers a.nd left th betting " Th sun never shone on a lm·elier country, ti n amonO' t the mor ign rant Protestant , men in th lurch. a nature made it. Tiley hcrlle p ared it fore t by pomtmg ut th o-called presumption of Y t it is not a y to und r tand what moved to tlte stump, till it shivers in damp an desola­ th atholic Church; and facilities are given Falh r Burk to uch rath r ul om t nderness tion. Th perceptions of ta t which belong to arry n the unholy w rk of lashing the two of ourte y · for as uredly th First 1vmg to the higher orders of under tanding are as partie to fury by the agitation now existing Hi t rian pr~pared the campaign of this foray completely absent as truthfuln ·· of pirit is on the qu tion of public ducation. hall the of hi in a manner irritatinO' nough to pr v k ab ent, or cleanlin s of per n and habit." education of hildren be made carefully a aint. No; a uredly the I• ir t Li in r• Hi ·torian irreligiou ? or shall all the pc ple be required The Hi torian had written hi had no mission to flatter th Irish rae . But to pa for an irreligiou ducation though they sent it to the pr ·s, a book full charged with 1 t r aders bear in mind the phra. "They cann t u e the article? Or hall par nts be at have pared its for ts to the stump ·· until w v 11 m u loathing and cont mpt of the Irish liberty, if they choose to i ve to their children nam and nati n; and · ems to have judged it have advan ·ed a little further with thi mod t a separate denominational due tion, without e.·pedient, for orne reas n or an th r, to con­ review. being compelled also to pa, for the State edu­ d ' m, ~ the sub tance f it int 1~ tur . and to ngland, the country of the Hi t rian, i in cation of oth r p ople' children ? Easy enough c m, m· r and dischar e them in Am rican thes days disqui t d once more by a revival of to alarm the ignorant per ons aforesaid, by a citi , where h ·up h ·ould be sur of nati nal pirit and national pre ten ,ions in Ire­ ugO' tion that thi latter plan is nothing but a favourabl h arin f r an abu of Iri h land. "Home Rule" ha become a political a device f th Je uits to bring back the and .1111 ng t the pr pond rating te-t. " Iri h id a , n ev n, \\·hi h England has Inqui ition. Then, in turning their 'eyes ma ·. I ur p e h so ften before f It it h r dut) to tift in bl d anxi u l around the horizon, those prudent had be ·n t ld ·o by om " hri ·tian younu -these very lrish ideas ar now again put for­ Engli h tatesmen take careful note of the men. ' t an, r t ', the thing would make a ward as th only ju t ba ·is on ~ hich th island signs of the times in the United tate . Here stir, and adv rti · hi · book. t the v ry hould be govern d j anu, wor e than all, many al o the tctt and denominational school sys­ m mcnt wh nit was onvenient for him h was of the be. t of th 1 rot ·tants ar cordially tems are eagerly debated. H re also the invited by the " iterar) Bur au." Wh ther unitinrr with th .ir Catholic fellow-countrymen ignorant mas e have been taught to believe thi wa a happy coincid nc , or wheth r h in demanding s me approach to elf-goYern­ that the Infallibility of the Pope, and invit d th Bur ·au to im·it " him, annat now oc m nt. British policy haLl fpn been inter£ r d especially the a yllabus," are only an insidious

'U . d j 11 r i it '· rth whil . His subject with b uch d mon trations befor ; and had machinery for tr ubling the peace of States and a to be "Th ~ R lation. ctwccn England usually, at least since the "R fonnation," Gov rnm nts and making us all vassals to "the and Ir. lan 1,; ·· and hi · ming \va herald ·d by found it be t saf ty in promt ting r li i us \Voman who sitteth upon ven Hill ." The a pamphlet c nr:lining Jir t a fac imil of his anim iti ; the same cour·e mu t \:)c> t:1k n n w English kn w al (f r they have both spies lett r of acceptJncc, and th n many pag s pre- again j hatr d and pite f ProteStilllt aoain l and arr nt busy h re) that, ev r ince the close enting s 1 ·t t1 pa· arre · fr m hi· w rks, ath lie 11u ·t be kindl d again and fed with of th war ther has been gradually r viving entitl ·d " , ~m . fr m Fr ud ." ,hi, pamphlet fr h fuel, or all is l ~ t. Prudent British a. strong anti-Catholic and anti-Irish feeling wa larg ly eir,ulat d aratuit u ·ly. In th tate m n look anxiou ·ly around and -urvey which awaits only a good tirring example, set 1 tt r h c n irl ral ly says - '' I should like it th ituati n · th y a con .~ide rabl Pro- in England, to follow suit as u ual. An ex ite­ to und r ·t d by the Irish in ew ork t tant recrudescenc in sev ral part· of th m nt can always be stirred up in America on cnerally that 1 am n ither rroing to flatter th m w rld, pr v k d o t n.·ibly by the late '"'ouncil this principl . It wa th " Ecclesiastical f the Vatic n with its definiti n of th ancient nor flatter Enrr}and .. , \V r "th Iri h in T ' Title ~ ct ' to re train apal ggr s ion that

YorlT IT n rally.. f ndly thin r th 111 lves doctrine of Papal Infallibility. They .ee pr s­ ga\'e birth to our habby Know- othing with the idea that Fr ud wa . per u and triumphant nnany airding up its crusade; and a few bloody riots were duly th m? Who a\Y any i n f uch pl asmg loin t d battl \ ith the lreadful P p j and nacted, a church or two wrecked, a good prie t . . t. n ? In truth w are not much u d i marck i pro ccutinrr bi hop and "ridden n a rail," and t, rred and f ath r d ant1c1pa 1 ~ o r ·a't· ' from a p litician 11 w an(l th n thundering agajnst J suit-. nd in th by the principal inhabitants of a ~ew Englan t fi att f), s, ' ·on t •111 nd thos who know \'ery lat sl Iri h pap rs I read. with ut ur­ t wn. ~ r n wal of all thi · would be invalu­ a ut e 1ec t 1 1 • " ~ ir t Historian's '' previous · prise- , ble for exa ·p rating the ·o-desirable religiou ·er much o f th rceh har 1 k d f r any- 11 n 1 nday, criminal informations w r ~ rage in Ir land. '"ntmns u ld Ca . thing very ul om" in th ' a of y ophancy fil d in th ffi e, ublin, in th nam · And ther i more in it. rtain mlllion of at hi. hand . Inde d in th c " ry " em ' " of 'J.1r. hri ·toph r Palle and ~Ir. \V. L, n ih Irish 1 eople extirpat d ut f th ir wn trung tog ther on the thr ad of_ thi. pamphlet, Jo nt aaain t his Lordship th Bi~h p f land, and escap d from th Briti h famine , the~ i but one pa "ag r rnng to Jr land, lonfert, tw nty-three Catholi.. cl ro·) men f ar now dw lling, they and th ir childr n, up n th "' unty alway, Captain ~olan and :Mr. this continent; and ev ry d · know that th y th ompa s f the a ·tian Jolan. All the rrentlemen ar watch with k n int r S[ Y ry national mov - ther t.s n n than th charged with the us of undu , influence, and ment of their kindr d at h m ' ith th stern u·, yel o like tbc Court of (.2u en's B nch is a::-· d t , ward d ten 1ination t bear a hand in th final ttl -

lue process f law' against th m. Th v nu m nt of that qu . ti n. l othing could po ibly is laid in the County Galway, and it app'ars be more serviceabl t lad-tone's policy than ur head , ' that, as the information ar quivalent to bill the succ ssful arousing of ·tronrr dislik and found b a rand Jury on an indictment the contempt on the part of the Prot stant Am ri­ n xt tep will be to put the Bi~h p f 1 nf rt can p ople again t th ir ath lie and Iri h and his fellow-d fendants in the dock of th fellow-citizens. Now no man in all England unt Courthouse in alway. and call n uld b f und so d f r thi dr adful offic th m to plead." as th Fir t ivinrr Hi t rian. The "undue influence" wa in r r ntino· Fr ud ' rJualification or thi: mi sion their flocks that it would be committing a (be id a most fluent and en ati nal rh toric) sin to ote for Gladstone' candi at : and a are twofold. irst he hates the atholic crying sin it certainly would h" ve n ; and burch, nd ha at hi finger ' nds all the who could m r pr perly warn them · (fain:-; it foule t imputation- and all the diabolical

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NATIONALITY. aturday, uo·u t i th, 191 -.

lan uage f ahu ·c' u ually empl y d th lal't ar ' ·till pointed Lts the\ plea · wh fill th ir tbr ·c hundr d )e~ r t cover that hurch with belli . " D. M 'CULLOUGH, .11 lJ' f blacke t horror· conc.J h laim 'he r a l r ba · n w ~ ·lear enough idea f Music Dealer and War Pipe Manufacturer, for hi!') own country an abs Jut right top . · . ~ th high rjualiJications of this Hi. t rian t do 8 HOWARD STREET, BELFAST. nd g ,. rn Ir land at h r uwn will :m(l for h r th hte nl, bu ·in , - in Ir 1. nd. own rofit. A I reacl th . pa ,. : )f the Th adv nturer:-, un ler nr II. ·am to ..- BUSINESS AS USUAL. ' Fir t Hi:t rian.'' th· l l 'rarm " take charg " of th lri. h. say thi - Hi tori an toward him a littl · h not cant mu ·h. in his preliminary ·hapler. cc Th ~ rman. ,'' T wo necessary things for every Irish Volunteer. f r an Engli ·hm. n hut p mr · f rlb hi in.ult: he a sures u . ''' r .. a peopl " wh 1 ·ruliar WHAT TO Fl HT FOR. upon th p opl and up n th ir Pligion with mi ~ion was to go,· rn m n"; , nd it s m HOW TO Fl HT FOR T. ;l rath r hon t kind of cynical l.>n1lal it). H th ~y c mll not help it. Who an r j t his FHE . WONKERS' REPUBLIC, price ld. ,,eddy, 1 t ll u in plain word that " up ri r ·tr ngth fat u ~ed by .J~n1.e. Connolly, and publishellat Liberty ?- a I, Dubltn teache the secoud. i: th -" ~quivalcnt f up ri r m rit ·· · in >th r " Th ~ wer"' l rn ru1 r of m n, and wer TEIE RECONQUEST OF IRELAND, price Gd., b,- word:, it i '' :u1 erior m rit " ; an 1 ref rrincr fore d . by th ·am n ity which ha the arne author, teache the first. • \Vhole :11 rates f r fi1Hl.ntities. t Ireland and h 'r ri hts. f r brought th ct cr pit kingd m · f A ia und r ORDER EARLY lh . auth rity of Encrland and Rus ia, t tak th • m. nag m nl, eight centuri s aO' . of the unworthil) al th ·ir wn will:, wh n narchi nations of vV ·t rn Emo: p ." I I •cl or rlri ,. ~n in to m r h n urabl cour. t wa hard n th .~. rorman p pl ! F r Laugh 'as Usual' • nd the right- of man- if .uch right th r th p r d r t <1 rul rs of m n w r f reed AND READ - al' not t lil rty, but t wis dir cti n and "hy th sam n-. ·e~sit) " to lo mu h org ry control ,. that i. . · ntr 1 by u 'nr4li ·h. p rjury, and murdt:>r lc 1arry < ut th ir mis- h re i. anoll1 ·r pas. age whi h I like v n i ned ta. k. K 1Lher ' il1 our rulers of m n WAR HUMOUR • bett r- • lt g ther giY · us up when ' '. ap · fr( m " Th o n:ent of man was ask d \ hen unrl r their clutt·h: th ir care and sympathy h · wa born into th w r1d ; f llow us round th' worlrl. H r , f r exampl , And Other ATROCITIES not l ' a:k cl when hi m the [ri. h-Amc-ri<'ans who have 11 By ·wm E. \Vagtail, Brian na littl b .' hi ('()l)S Ill t g )Od 'Hough term:- with nati,· ' Am rican ·md Banban and Myles Malone. whil h llv , h 1- unu t a ther citizens, and wh hav' be n oing mu h 7~ paaes of genuine racy Irish H umour : all n. ti n be ju tly ~o,- m d" th, L 1s by us hon ·t work h r . making th m.- lv · ind p n­ wath a war flavour. tories, jokes, skits, and .s uch songs as-" Eight Million s of Engli ·h. (1 .nl. marrying , nd gi in/Y in m. rriag , pr 1 En~~ ~ ~~~Aen ' ,; • "\Vhen ~he Pigs begin to forth hur ·h in r ·]and, th cr ating a (T 1d hr 1. whi h is t haY it. full ly ' all m the Katser's Coffin, " &c. nly 1 £ ct h find in th" our ·e f .ngl1 h shar in th la ur and th ~h ucrht and tb 1 licy i · that th r w h nourable ·ff nt of v ry kind up n th1 Po t Free, 8d. en u h and constant u n ntin nt in th futur -th Iri h-Am ri ans FROM A HERMITAGE (Pearse). Post Free, 2 ~ d. that Church. Her ar find th ms ~Jy • foll w • en h r , from tim

I{ J Gov mment n d k p t rm · with ·u h by ~ g nl · and mis ari s of th a cr d \Vh n th r i, p wer t, a li h it. T ta k i t Pamphlet • call the r pr' . ion of opini n whi h had i . u d All 1 ~d. e~ch, ,.ost Pree, or any 1 2 ..;o many tim in bl d , nd rev lt b .. th nam t ) make th m un l r tan 1 that we ar not ftl t ••P••• Post Free 'for 1/-• of reli i u 1 r· cution i. m ~ · abu ··of w d , tru~t 'rl a , itizens of thi or any olh r vV hat Emmet Means in rg 15. Shall Ireland be Divided? ·while at th . am tim the t mind. in En~··· countn·. Th En li. h ha,· t ken dire ti n \Vhy I reland is P oor. and Pally heli Y ·d that, be icl . it · tr a onahl' of our p ople nc for all. and cannot with ut How the \Var am . , v t · th R man Cath lie r li rion wns a 1 ~ ng I!:L\'l' up tlw m:-tn< gem nt of u:. Though The . spa~i s h \Var (by. \Volfe Tone). w tak • th wings of tb m rning and fie lo Persta, F mland and the Russian All' 1nt ·ll clually clograding ancl spiritually p i~on - British Militarism. mnce. Clll~. 1 th utt "rmo t ·nd. of the '~trth. ,,. n ther ~ will The: you ob:-- ·rn: wcr n t th wor:t minds tlPir hand l·ad u~ and th~ir right hand auid Tracts for the Times. us : E\'en h r • \H' find , t .,·ery turn a Yigilant in Enrr!anrl, hut the 1· ·st: and the Hi ·torian Now on ale. •o. 5 . mosl ht:>artily agn: s ,\-ith th '111. But tht:' aulhnr • ug1i:h "ruler of m n ' ( oling our fri ·nd: "ASCEMDENCY WHILE YOU WAIT," is not a1tog ther a\· ·rs from "r runciling th · h ·aling our 'llt'nlies, car ·full~ warning our Rv A. NE\nlAN. lr ~~ al prie. t: an 1 th ;o, mment, awl sub- n ·ighl nm; that we ar' £.1. e. trt>ach r u ---- Lo?k out lor New Tract (No. G) by irlisjng a w r whid h, d pr n.~cl t :trnng wa rrlly. and ·ru 1 : that we n n r kn<'w wh. t Eoln Mac Neill- " Daniel O'Cennell to 1 · viol ntly m·erthr m11. ., H ' a l:o cit . with d) with our own C"ountr wh n w hal on' and Sinn Fein." Mow Ready 1pp ohati n the w nl· o a pamphh·t which and will sur ·ly do what in tt.' li ·s to ruin All and relatinc ., t:'tll. on f his b\·nurit' authoriti : . nwri<':t :b w • ruin ·d fr •Janel. Books Pamphlets · to Ireland supplied. "P s ibly it might be a cr plan lo al10Ii. h ( l'o lh' continued.) h · paym nl f rlu "5, offering and e · fr m " .YIVE VIVIANI" !-Famous lt!. tlet dealing NOW ON SALE. wtlh the r cent Irish D putati n to France the p r Papi. t: t l th ~ pri . ts and ttl DANIEL O'COMNELL AND SlltN FEIN ~; o "!he Felon-setter," ''The Great Delu. ion,'~ abri for th m. Th ir int re t· w uld then Belgmn lackpoole," and "Exit H me Rule ' BY £01N MAC N£1LL. 1/ -- per 100 copies. ' be cl ly ti d t tho.· f th .. tal', and th ~ mi.:ht lx· manag 1 lih· cannons, who. mouth: Beautifully Coloured Pictures on good strong art paper, entitled:- 1 "The Croppy Boy"- a '98 incident. "\Ye a re offering l arvellous Value in IRI "Mas on the Mountain in the Penal Days,., buyer gets a BARG AI · because we s 11 I RI "' H GO The e Picture are fit for ottage or Man. ion Splend id Var·iety of Articles and Materials to Se lect from . ize ... in. x 16 in. Price, 1/- each. ' WHELAN & SON, GLEESON & CO., 17 Upper Ormond Quay, DUBLIN. Draper Tailor and Outfi-tter ' ' ' O'Connell Stree~, DUBLIN.

Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives wtth "the h1benn1An


VoL. 1. No. 10. New Series. SATURDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1915 One Penny

ago, a craven, terror-stricken squad of bility of continuing to harass this one T e HIBE NIAN Scotti h Borderers, after scurrying from an particular party? If they are pr pared [WtUl whlcb lllneorporatecl Tbe Jfa~lon I Hibei'Dta.n] unarmed contingent of Volunteers, deliber­ to drench the country in blood, then on PUBLISHED W EKLY. ately murdered three harmles people iR our their heads be the responsibility. city of Dublin. The usual farcical inquiry Oftlcea: wa held, but the ulprits went free. In Something sinister underlies all this direct Hibernian Ball, !8 N onh Frederick Street, Dublin. the officers' mess, no doubt, the victims attempt at brow-beating. It smacks of All literary communications mu t reach ihe Editor Ru ian method of terrorism. Freedom of • later than tke first post on Monday morning. were looked upon as being merely "b-­ Fenians." thought is sought to be stifled, a riminal And what happens to-day? Sean Milroy stigma is to be imposed on honourable men. and Sean McDermott are languishing in History is repeating itself. In the days of .. 8--- FENIA S !" Mountjoy Jail for having the courage of ancient Rome, the cry was: To the lions their convictions. Dinny M'Cullagh and with the Christians ; in the specious days of rthur Newman, and others, are peremp­ King George V. it is: To jail with the The favourite epithet applied by the torily ordered to leave their native land at "b- Fenians"! Orange bigots to all Catholics-male and the behest of our military governon. nd female--is 1 1 b- Fenians." The gentle­ Home Rule is on the Statute Book; we are men of the Constitutional Party designate a free people in a free land, according to their fellow-Irish who love their country the politicians. The two gentlemen r fuse Mr. Tom Kettle, who masquerades as an above the King as " hillsiders " ; their to be xpatriated. They are arre ted and army lieutenant, and who told the people of following use the language of the Orange­ arraign d, yet their couns I v::.inly eeks Dublin ten month ago that he v. as going men the sanguinary adjective included. the information as to what fault they have to fight in Fland r , is still in Ireland. He et, strang paradox a it is, numbers of committed, what crime they have done. At was cheered, we are told, in the most Orange the same leading light of Parliamentary best-even in the eyes of law's maje ty­ town in Ireland the other day. An orange sash, with the skull and crossbones of the a~itation-burd ned with the acceptance of theirs is a minor offence. The Belfast Head­ ,£400 a year as reward for service-readily Constable never heard of an order being Loyal Black Preceptory, would be his prop~r avail of any occasion to celebrate the served for expatriation of a man from his uniform! memory of those who rose in dark and evil own country f r a minor offence. The key­ * * * days-preferably the Martyred Three-by note of the whole affair is in the following Because England thought well to go to hypocritically singing their pr ises and in­ words uttered by Mr. Hanna, advocate for war on behalf of the small nationalities, dulging in sickening platitudes as well as Mr. Newman: Ireland is to be disfranchised for a year. olemnly assuring their auditors that they, The men of this country are not capable of The real reason of the action against voting correctly; they are only good a food the incorruptibl s, are perpetuating the the accused would not bear the light of doctrines for which so many fought and for German powder. We have yet to learn day, because this man wa being perse­ of the Loyal ational Party having entered died! cuted even to this moment not by the Having thus tickl d the ears of the any protest-are they afraid of elections? police, not by the military author~ty groundlings, and, incidentally, having pro­ directly, but by the settled and undefined stituted the sacred name of patriotism, the * * * influence of his political opponents. The Editor of an English newspaper has, campaign of calumny against those who Was he to be banished as a felon, to God under the title, the words-'' The editor of believe in the claim of Ireland to freedom knew where, outside the British Empire, this paper was rejected as being unfit for continued with renewed vigour. Every is on the mere ipse dixit of an officer in an Service!" We would suggest that the channel is used to besmirch and blacken the office in Dublin? If that was the law, Irish people reject Mr. Redmond and the characters of honest Irishmen. Nothing is then the sooner the people knew it t~e "N·athanal" party for the same reason! too low to stoop to in the endeavour to pillory them before their fellow-countrymen ; better. * * * the columns of a subsidised Press teem The eloquence of counsel availed naught. Our Holy Father th Pope has definitely with vile charges and loathsome insinua­ For three months Arthur Newman goes to disavowed an alleged interview with the tions writ by pens dipped in gall. And as jail. correspondent of a Paris paper, in which reward for their felon-setting the anony­ In Dinny M'Cullough's case, who was that disciple of nanias and the Grand Orient mous scribes later receive lucrative appoint­ sentenced to four months' imprisonment, a made the Pope responsibl for saying he was ments from the hands of a beneficent Gov~ further sidelight was thrown on the felon­ in sympathy with the cause of the Allies. ernment-for selling their countrymen as setting tactics of the politicians. Mr. Power We notice that the subsidised Government Judas sold his God ! put a direct question to the District.Jn­ gutter Press of Ireland gave the "interview., Yet the politicians proceed gaily on their spector if he had heard of Messrs. Newman more prominence than the denial " hich they way trumpeting aloud their parrot cry of a and M'Cullough being denounced by Joe were reluctantly compelled to publish this' free people in a free land. Yes ; we know Devlin, the M.P. for West Belfast, in Clon­ week. the freedom our people enjoyed in the past ard Picture House on July uth, and that * * * at the hands of the predominant partner-we they should be out of West Belfast. Of Mr. ex-Commissioner Harrell, of need only read our country's history for that course, the officer had not heard it-but, the Road and Bachelor's \Valk fame, is not in -and we experience the liberty of the order wa issued on the I oth and serv d on the mploy of the War Office, according to subj ct with a vengeance to-day. Thirty the 13th July l Verb. sap. We commend Mr. Tennant; nor in the mploy of the upholders of Englandts might set upon this por~ion of Mr. Power's address to o•:r Irish overnment, if Mr. Birrell is to be two Christian Brothers in Ballycastle and people at home and abroad : believed. How, then, did he become attempted to murder them. Two of the appointed a Lord Justice in the absence of attackers are apprehended and are sentenced ever before in Ireland under English the Lord Lieutenant? Is the Grand Orient -to two months. Justice, ye gods t What law have people been transported without and Kildar Street Club again responsible matter ; in the words of the foul-mouthed trial. • The Irish Volunteers are for making this appointment? Who are Inniskilling Fusiliers the Brothers were only armed, and I would ask the Government the payma ters of thi gentleman and who " b-- Fenians." A short twelve months are they prepared to take the responsi- is telling the untruth? , '

Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives 2 THE HIBERNIAN.

conqueror at Arcole and completely routed at Rivoli. Mantua and twenty thousasui OF AUSTRIA. AustriailJS fell into Napoleon's hand aa a THE SOLDIERS consequence. The treaty of peace sf --4lii•~<- lated that France acquire all the Austnan Netherlands. MEN WHO THRiVE ON BULLETS. In 1798 the combined armies of Ruuia an.d Austria won a number of minor suc­ cesses on Italian battle grounds, the French For generation -: th soldier of Austria Succession, that his national militancy has General M reau and Joubert being the has been the military martyr of Europe. stood out to world notice. losei'IS. In 18oo Generals Soult and Mas- Fate has made him the foil of glory in the During the period betwee·n 1741 and 1866 ena w r~ al defeated, and the tally for past-the flin.t upon which the rival nations the soldier of Austria engaged in s.ev·en the Austnan oldier in these affair raised have truck their teel for battle spark. He period of confiiot, and was whipped so his hopes.. Howev r, apoleon, having has fought and fought, and will fight often that it seemed a habit. In the War settled the political situation after b' again ; but the reoods show that he has of the Austrian uccession, waged to return fr m Egypt, turn d hi attention to suff red defeat much oftener than the fight­ decide whether or not Maria of ltalia?. conditi ns. June 14, 18oo, after a j ng men of the other great states, and has Austria was to succeed her father on. the surpnsmg mar h across the Alps, he profited far less from his lean list of throne of that country, he wa-s well defeated the Au trian army in the· famous vi tories. trounced at Molwitz, Hohenfriedberg, Sorr, batt.le of ~arengo, regaining France all And this defeat di tinction. is not deserv­ and Kes.sel dod. He captu.r d Munioh and l~altan terntory I t during two years of ing of gibe. To suff r overthrow one must Prag·ue from their defenders, but in the end ptecemeal lo ·e . nd Napoleon's army engage in battle. Austria has. never slipped all his Queen got for his fighting was an was but little more than half that of A~ out of a fight, and her soldier has. ever acknowledgement of the legaJity of her tria. Gen raJ r-.Ioreau inflicted another marched forward and never murmured. Hi.s succession to h r father's ki·ngdom. Austria cru bing def at on L' e Au trian ldier at endurance and p r everance through de­ wa obliged to relinquish the entire pro­ Hbhenlinden, December 2, 18oo. cades of conflict, when not a single star of vince of Silesia to Frederi k the Great of On October 26, 18o5, the Au trian soldier past victory gave a hope-gleam to ~uide ~r P,russia as well as her temporary war con­ wa. badly beaten at Ulm by a,poleon in a cheer, make him well w rthy of epic. H1s quests in Italy, and to yield the duchies of s.enes of engagements that led to the sur· martial optimism ha made him the ever­ Parma, Piacenza, and Guastalla. But the render of the place with 30,000 men. Again rallying point and faith-centre of war. Austri•an soldier fought well through it all on December 2, r8os, the Austro-Rus ian If the Au trian soldier had not been a especially at Molfitz, the victory won by th~ army wa cut to pi ces at Au terlitz, one valiant fighter, then many of the battle re­ Prussians after Frederick had galloped of. the n~o t famou of famous battles, the su.lts that have so puffed up the nations. of from the field thinking the army beaten. aUdtes los·In.g Io,ooo killed, 20,000 prisoners, Europe would be but tinkling cymbal The Seven Years' War found the fight­ an · 12o p~e es of .cannon. April 22, t8og, chronicle . But the fa t is, whenever any ing man of Austria 1·ined up against the the. Au trwn oldt -r put up a hard fight nation clashed with Austria it WI$ kept great F.rederick again. On October 1 N a pol con at Eckmuhl but was fightingly busy. Foremen w rthy of stecl 1756, the Au~trian took his beating 0111c~ b aten, and again on hi r treat at Rati, • they always were. And whenever th more at Lowisitz, near the Saxon frontier, bon. But May 21 and 23 he came back Austrian soldiu was. tr un ed so that the although he fought valiantly. Tmen he was under the Archduke Charle and at Essli·ng vi tor's he 1 was hard on his neck, and he whipped again und r the walls of Prague, an~ Asp rn caus d the great Napoleon to seem d battered and .shattered into at least but at Kolin, under Leopold, Count Daun, re~1re. July 6, how v r, Bonaparte havin1 a decade of demoraJi· ation, bing !-new he made a memorable dent in the fighting bemg remiorced, the Austrian fighting man came that he was in battle array a few mi.les record of the Great Frederick by beating w nt down to defeat again at the celebrated off, and marching .to take anoth;er .dr·~bbi~g. him badly, with a loss of 14,000 killed, bat~e of. \Y agram. At Leipzig the Austrian What has. su tamed the patnottc m ptra­ wounded, and pdsoners, and forty-three soldter JOmed with the Russian and the tion of the Au trian so1dier? A far search pieces of artillery, twenty-two standards, Prus ian fighting man to defeat the woo­ and a deep anaJysi might have to be made and a great amo nt of small arms. Daun ?erful Napoleon, which was accomplished for adequate an wer. He fights . for a had two horses killed under him, was twice m t'he three-day battle, October 16 to 19, country in which reside at least ten dtfferent wounded, and showed himself a worthy I8IJ .. It was. the first real good whack the races or cla ses of people. There are Ger­ a01tagonist of the celebrated war captain. Austnan soldter had g~t. in on. Bonaparte, mans, Czechs, s·ovaks, Ruthenians, Poles, This was the battle where the laconic and the blow wa admmts.tered with force Magyar , Slovene , Croats, Italians, and Frederick cried to his cavalry after their in remembrance of past humiliations. Thea Rumanians. Four nati nalitie unite for ixth impulse :-"Oharge again! Would came Waterloo, in which, through the th fighting man to defend. Austria, Boh~­ vou live for ver?" But it was an Austrian vagary of fate, the fighting man of Austria mia, Hungary, and Poland ~ave each the~r day, and one of the ' big" few of whiah was to have ~o part, the battling being separate historie , and have had thet.r her soldier was de tined to be proud for done by an allied army of Briti h Dutch separate ruler . u h a polyglot blend is many years. This was i'n June, 1757. At German, and Belgian soldier . ' ' enoug·h to puncture patrioti m beyond re­ Lcuthen shortly after Fr derick beat the lq 1849 the Au trian. oldier was called pair. till the Au trian soldier ''is there Au trian soldier again. But he came back upon to su?du rebe·l Hungary. He was with the fight.'' At home curbi·ng outbreak, at Frederick at Kunersdorf som what. beate~ . agam and again, and Vienna wu and abroad trying to u.phold national pres­ being aided by a large Russian army. At occup1ed by revolutionaries who drove out tige, he has. been kept bu y. And he has Leignitz once more the Austrian soldier the royal troop . Louis K~ suth was made no pivotal conquest point from Wlhjch . to succumbed. The war ended with the head. ?f the Hungarian republic proclaimed. date an animating impetus. Au t.rtan Prus ians keepin.g Silesia and Glatz, over Austna,. unable ~o conquer Hungary, caLled acces ion come in a great mea .ure from whi h the onflict had been. waged. Generals O? Rus ta for a1d. Join d by Russian sol· wedding barg.ain , marriage inheritances, Count Daun, Count Lacy and Gideon Lou­ d1ers, the Austrian fighting man ubdued and diplomati ts' connivances, and, not don were Frederick's famous opponents. J-:Iungary. In 1859 the war of Italian Iibera· through the sword. is connected · Count Lacy, an Austrian general of Irish tlon .hegan1 and Austria, possessing a good with

Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives 3 tiona Officers in tbe West JOHN GIBBONS. Hopkins &Ho kins IRONMONOER AND • . • fiying vi it to May was made by the FANCY WAREHOU EMAN, ational Pre ·ident and ati nal retary. Shop .Street and 6rid£e Street, They re ived a cordial weloom on arriv­ Manufacturing Jewellers •. ing at We. tpo~t, and .atter:d d an n~hu- WESTPORT. iastic m tmg tn the H1berman Hall, where Silvsrsmitbs, Watch & Clock Makers Bros. Pend r and c llan were made the CHEAPEST HOUSE IN CONNACHT recipient f .an addre. of we.J orne,. to whi h they su1tably rcplted. T.he followmg Makers of Original Designs In Medals and Bad.res FOR EVERYTHING. i the text of the addre :- Suita ble for all kinds or Organisations, Addr . of V•l elcome to th ati nal Pre i- STRICTLY 0 E PRICE. d nt and ational cr tary of the QUOTATIONS FREE. A.O.H. (I.A.. ) fr m ion 26 a.nd GUNS. istrict :- Worthy ational Pre id nt and ati nal ORIGINAL AGENTS IN IRELAND CUNS, REVOLVERS, e retary-vVe on b half of t•he members IFLES, CARTRIDCES. of the A. 0. H. (I. . . ) of West Mayo beg for the Perfected AND to e t nd to you, on th o ca ion of your AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH. SHOOTI NG REQUISITES OF ALL K l 08 fir t vi it to \\'e tport, a in ere and hearty CATALOGUES FREE. Cead Mile Failte. R•pafrs of All Kinds E ecuted on the Premises Word of ours fail to adequately express ·--: :-.....-. our joy in having you, who h Jd ~he highest .. offi s in our grand old Ord r Ln Ireland, Opposite O'Conne Monument L. KEEGAN, among t u h re to-night. DUBLIN. OUNMAKER, We ar glad t be in a positjon to inform INNS QUAY, DUBLIN. you that the branches of our O,rder in gal­ Telephone 3569 Telegrams- Telephone 25 74 lant May are in a fi urishing cdndition and " Meyth~r, Dublin." we pray that St. Patrick, to wh m our Order i. . dedi a ted, may continue to look Your Medieine to d o you i OOd should be down with fath rly aff lion on u · and ble s composed of FRESlh RELIABLE DRUGS, and our w rk in handing d \ n to ot.h rs the made up by A QuALIFIED CO POUNDER. traditions and prin iple of our holy cause, These essentialities guar nteed by ENNEDY'S EAD which we love and cheri h and to which we A. H. OLIPHANT, will be ver loyally d voted. Dispensl n Chemi st, To-day, when Europ has lost i~· sanity, 20 DRUMCO DRA RD., DUBLIN. and is wall wing in the blood of 1~s young 'Phbne 1143 manhood, Ireland, the .neg:lect d 1 happy F INEST QUALITY i·n one thing at lea t-m 1ts geograph~cal po ition, well r moved from th gapmg muzzle of murderous gunn ry. And when MADE. Erin's son meet in friendly ooun el, we' hake our br~th rs' hands and bid th~m join ith u in r ncwing ur vow of fideltty to th Motherland and to one another. We trust the memories of thi , your first BAKERIES : vi it to the W t, may not fade away too n, but that y u will ~orne ag~in and let 1878 u hav th • happine. I wclcommg you a cordially as we do nO\! t : 124 to 130 Parnell Street Where gr y Croagh Patrick soar aloft And the broad Atlanti mile AND And parkling waters cir le round C. MA~TI & SO S, Three hundr d Iittl isles; And N phin in the di tance St. Patrick's Bakery, Lift it · mi ty head to view 27 ELtl GTON QDDY. Where race O'Malley's castle stands lrl h Tweed Suits from - 45 B ~id the waters blue. Costumes from • DUBLIN. Signed: J. W. IBBONS, Pre. Volunteers' Uniform from - 3 GILL, 1\reas. P. OffieePs' Uniforms a Speciality. - McGIVNEY [Successor to J. W. KELLY, Sec. P • t W. CRU MP --:·•!+-- Makers of Official UnitoPm to Mounted Cor ps CUTLER AND OPTICiAN. l Henry - St reet, DUBLIN. O'DONOVAN ROSSA'S FUNERAL The Best House 1n the City fo r Superior Quality Let other weep the true man dead, Buors, Scissors, Poeket Knives, Tabfe Knives, &c. Let other pr a h-we work in tead, Alao Spectacles to suit a.ll sights. And proudly march with teeJ and lead, R PAI RS PROMPTLY ATT ENDED TO. Along the way. EsTABLISHED 1 35, Let others lag behind through fear­ I DD. Sactvliie St. & Earl St. he road he went i hard but clear, YOU SHOULD JOIN But on the hilltops drawing near, ANGLING ! SHOOTING ! THE We'll meet the day. The Most Prii.Cti 1 and Up-to-Date Sportiog Firm in heland, The amber dawn has a tinge of red, FI SHING TACKLE OF T H HIGHEST CLA 8 A.O.H. (Irish-American Alliancre). From ·a sun that drank what your fathers It is not a Collecting Society for the bl d, British Treasury. On the reeking pl ins as they onward led Crampt-on• Cour t, Dublin (be ide Em~re Theatre)' With fl bing steel. Braneh-25 ESSEX QUAY Catholic Nationalists of the right stamp between And you who look on that dawn must know, 1 6 and 4 5 years are elig~ble. Where their fathers w nt 'Shall the sons Div:sion 86 (Clan-na-Gael), Dublin, offers now go, many inducements, including doctor's attend­ 1hr ugh the toil and strife until Erin's foe heppard, ance and medicine, mortality benefit, &c., at a Our strength h 11 feel. weekly subscription of 3d. or 6d. from date of Then n funeral ca in o'er his coffin, Specialists in Manufacture initiation. Apply for an Attestation Form to Let no faltering voice record his praise, of rtificial Limbs, Spinal the Recording Secretary, But the g·lint of steel on his coffin blaze, Supports, Splints, Trusses, WM. TOBIN, The Hibernian Hall, Whi·lst the rifle flash. Boots & Extensions, Belts, 28 Nth. Frederick St., Dublin. When hi watch i o'er let the soldier rest, - But mount y u guard upon every crest, "c. The Ladies' Auxiliary is also open to receive For your ouraae oon hall find its te t, new members. Division 3 (St. Rita) offers I• battle's clash. 24 Step en's Green, W. same benefits as above. Apply : P ATRICK HOGAN. (Next Royal College of Surgeons) DUBLIN MISS N. KELLY. 28 Nth. Frederick St., Dubli

Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives 4 · TBB llllrEIUfi.A.N. The Party I The "Cork Fre Pre s" i again scoring for Ireland against Ireland'~ ., watch-dog•." • • • Our contemporary ays: ''Member of the • :A CURRENT CAUSERIE • • lri h. Party ar never tired of telling th<:t·. constttuent how scrupulously th ir inten••,ts are looked after and how admirably the t~xation of Ireland i kept as low as pos­ The Glories of Ireland. tinge, to the proceedings at the Ballycastl:e Sible. We had an example of this splendid uch is the title f a 400 page volume Petty Sessions, when two blackguards of unselfishnes.s when nine Irish vote covering edited by Drs. Jos ph Dunn and P. J. the gth Inniskillings .(UJster Division) were an expend1ture for th coming y ar of Lennox, of th Catholic University of sentenced to two month imprisonment with £x,6oo,ooo were passed by the House ot America. The work is ba ed on facts rather hard labour f r a cowardly assault on two Commons. This sum is, of course, largely than romance, and t thes jn every direc­ Ohristian Brothers, proves-if proof were made up of fat salaries for comfortably­ tion of li.fe ample te timony is given by necessary-that the proper place for these placed Redmondite and so that no awk· tho e w 11 qualifi d to speak. Amongst the upholders of t•he Crown and Con titution to ward que tions might b a k d, Mr. Red· c ntributors is ir R er a ment, and dem n trate t~ ir fi~hting pirit is facing mond vidently rd red the whole party to th following is some of the subjects dealt the German lines m Flander . A more a? nt them lv - whil the vot wa being with and t.hei,r contributors :-I6sh Men of dastardly attack it is hard to plio~ d thr u~h under Mr. Birr ll's friendly ci n e, by Sir Bertram Wi.ndJ.e, t~eir especially wh n it i taken in o account that aegi · At a rn rnent when th Iri h Party albe t living repr entative; Insh Nation­ the inoff n ive Brothers were unarm d and must hold th m elv s in constant readiness ality i discussed by ~rd ~hbo~rne; Dr. that some thirty of these chivalrou tal­ to show th. i~ on ern at England's success Grattan Flood, on Mus1c; Dtarmtd Coffey, warts of the Ulster Divi i n made the by conom1 mg on Engli h vot s, it was on Metal-work; L. E. O'Carroll, on MaJ?u­ to the ''battle- ry" of "Kill th m, much th mor stragetically orr t thing soripls; and F. J. Bigger, on the RUI~ the b-- Fenmn 1" That th atta ked fir t t make ur of thos ub idies which which are "her proudest monuments. gentlemen escaped with th ir lives is a hold their di inter t d support rs together. miracle. Though me soldier witn es For religion we have Dom Columba 1~ was, of cours , m r ly a minor n idera­ Edmond on Monks, Canon D" Allton on gave evidence which implicated others of tlon that the alari - of us 1 ss officials Saints and cholars...-we h uld have ex­ the gang no att mpt seems to have b en ( u h a that buttr . f th Empire who made by the auth riti to bring the e to pe ted to find al o an e say o~ the Ch~roh dr. ws .a fat quart rly hequ f r holding up justic . At th inadequate ntence im~ in Ireland. The Irish abroad-m the Un11ted th tml- nds of Lord haocellor 0' Brien's States in Canada, in S uth America, in, po ed on the t' o arraigned we oan onlv marvel. It is quite evident that th presid­ ro.b s ~henev r h di nifies the Four Courts Au tr;lasia, in South Africa-are treated w1th ?Is _pr . nee, an honour conferred on rep ctively by Mr. J. O'Brien, Dr. J. J. ing magistrates were influenced by the local Lodg s! It i up to Col. Ricardo, D .. . 0., that mstttutron almo t wi e a year) come \Val h Mrs. Mulhall, Brother Leo, and A. out of your pockets and out of ours. But H. Atteridge: literature i represen d by to n w h l.d his promi ed inquiry and bring t~enl of cour e, we are merely Irishmen Profe sor Georg s D I bin on Native the offender to ju •tice. Without ~a S\ ord or intelli nee, or honour, P try, Eleanor Hull on Her ic ag~, or anythmg. We be factionists and a Sidn y Bunn.. on Pr ~ursors of ~ante: Insh Outspoken. * * * We have come across a copy of ((The ~u h deserv all we get, or rathe~ all that Lead rs Irish Heromes, and Insh ]ourna­ 1s taken from us.'' }.ists fall' to the lot of hane Le lie Milligan, Covenantef,'' with its bright orange-lined and M1 hael Mac nagh. The Irish over, and from an article entitled "Remem~ * * * Government and Volunteers. Th atre, by Joseph Holloway, an~ tJhe Irish ber 16go" cuB a f w extracts which, were Lit rary R vival by D:. Ho~abo Kra~s~ on t ld wh nee they emanated, might p Ou\, cont mporary, th ork Free deal \ ith the latest mamfestat1ons of lnsh asily have been mistaken for extracts from r~ss, ay it f l bound to ay a few g n.ius. the most advanced organ of N a tiona.} plam words a~ to certain recent develop­ * * * opinion. For instance: "William, with ments of officral over-zeal in Ir land - Ignorance Refuted. Burn t and Fergu on at his ide, m.ight namely, th~ ord r for expul ion from the A rre pond nt sends c'CathoHc B k find it convenient to po ~ e a the champion country\: h1ch ar being i sued in increasing ol '' a copy of "The GQs.pel T~ ru,mpet,: 1 of Protestant Europe, but the Vati an was num b ~r~ against offi rs and organisers of on f the Drumm nd Tract Depots antl­ n hjs side as well." The ccorange the ongm,al " Irish Volunt r , " :vhile Mr. Cath lie publications. The only certain tandard ,. hould repudiate the P rince of Redmond Volunt r and ir E. Carson 's ound given forth by thi particular trumf?et Orange for having ace pted Papist gold are 1 .ft .un~c thed. The paper further say~ · s the certainty that it is among the. q~ute fro~ cc the anti-Christ at Rome," as they that 1t .ts ~n the highe t degr e dangerou lower lass organs of Protestant opm1on. politely dub the h ad f the Universal to public hberty that men should be arbit­ In the i .sue s nt-that for Janu.ary last­ Church. Again, '' or wa the is ue ranly depo:ted from their country by lettre­ there is an articl on urgatory, in which d cid d at the Boyne the future of Ireland. de-?achet, mstead of being enabled to meet malic and igvorance combine to th~ e~­ There were thos , ind ed, among the Irish thetr accusers b fore a jur of th ir country· clu ion of everything else: the wnter s 1 ader who looked upon th truggle as ne men, or .even before a ourt martial. The definition of a Low Mass as a Ma at f r ational Independence. Sar fi·eld voiced ~candal 15 greatly aggravated by the grow- which "only six candles are. u d '' is a that theory when he aid, a he lay a-dying mg s u plcion· · 10· t h public mind that the specim n of the latter quahty. In th~ at Landen, 'Would that thi blood were off nee of he lri h Volunt r i not that ordinary way the ar ide would not be wo~th bed for Ireland.' It wa a bel.ief that th Y ar plotting war upon England but noticin · but it may serve to ca:ll attentton might a ily be held by strong patriot it that they are inconveni nt p litical oppon· to tw C.T.S.' pamphlets, "Purga th ory, " was on which, doubtless, the astute ent~ of Mr. Redmond. It al o inveigh by Father H. G. Graham, and "Mas es for ad vi er of James were at n pains to con­ agamst an. und rhand cru ad against any M ney," by Fath r Thurston, .J.: both ~f tradict.,, Hear, hear to that. body of In h ationali t who are look d th ,e ·hould be distributed by way of anti­ * * * upon as dang rou to Mr. Redmond and dote to such diatribes. Clique v. Tyrant. ~ 1 . b~other bungl rs, and say it an scarcely * * * T:hat poor Irelan.d was made th pawn 10 ai 1 ut arou e an uncle irabl feeling of A Good Story. the gam b tween J arne and W111iam is r s ntrnent among all lib rty-Ioving Iri h­ Many there are who till remember ~he iooi putabl . The poltroon ran away the men. eloquent Dominican preach~r and sterlmg vi tor broke hi solemn treaty ere th~ ink 4 Iri hman th late Father 1om Burke. A 'twas writ with wa drY. As ' The Against the Jews.* * * rath r ' d t ry about him is as f llows. Covenanter" truly ays: "It was not the The London uStandard's" sp ial corr It m: that he had c great partiality .for fate of Ireland which interested Lauzaun or pondent at Arnst r-dam say that aJb a eet riding on trams. On e when he was dou:~g St. Ruth or the gr at Fren h King whom th y represented. Neither James nor Wil­ Gg held in B. rlin, under th au pioe ::f ~ so after a long church cer~mony . m erman. National Defen Le H liam fought for the po ession of ublin~ , Dominick Str t, h pr duced his brev1ary ,,on Bodelschwingh said in the agu I ferr and proceeded to ay his office. . A well­ but for the Crown f Enuland. The Eng­ anlti-Semitic speech ·-"Th ooldur, o an kn wn evangelical sitting near h1m took lish and Scotti h people pr-ayed for the sue~ arr d · · ~.J • e wor -war was c s of the Prince f range, not be ause . ~nge ' mcit'C.\.1, and. started by the inter· upon him lf t mment upon 1:!he act. national Jews. D''·Annunzio h h d "Th L rd t 11 u. ," h s id, ''that ~h n th y wanted to have a Dutch King, but be­ n·uch ' w o a a we pray we sh uld n t b as the hypocntes, cause th y wanted to g t rid of a British . t' ~ anh.yone to do with Italy's par:tici- Pa ton m t e war is a 1' h J d wh love to pray in· public, and at the cor­ tyrant." This we commen.d to certain R ' ' 1 w name int rested politicians: tcThe tyranny of a a:ppaport, and on his hand li the blood ners of the stre ts that th y may be seen stams of g-uilt in urg,i ng his by men. Now " he add d, "when I pray clique is alway~ les respectable and more ad~pred dang rous, be ause m re sub le than the clou?.try to fight again t Germany The 1 en er into my lo et, and wh n I have shut tahan Foreign Minis' r S . ·. a1 the d or I prrty in s oret." Without look­ tyranny of a King. He at lea' t holds a a J d , nnmo, ts so ing up, Father Burke replied aloud: "Yes; po ition which he can only lose by excess th e; ,alan he was mainly respon ibl·e for of misconduct, the clique holds a po ition e n act of trea h ry whi h Italy ,_f'_ and then you g ton the top of a tram car petrated ·by d c1 · t'- and t 11 ever yon about it.' 1 which it seeks to make permanent by mis­ D hu e armg war again t Austria. * * * conduct, hiding its ill-doing under the mask ern' rgl W!ho has been betraying Ger- Orange Ruffian . of democratic philanthropy. But it com :any s cause in America, is a Jew, so that The pr minence given in the daily Pr~s, to ~e same thing in the end, and we are de ~he~e Jews have been at work to with the exception of those of a Uniomst commg very near the end.,. foes. :::,y any and to aid Germany'

Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives THE HIBERNIAN. I

He wa " turbulent , with traitors; he was SUA UN'S HEAD " haughty " with the foe; A ID TO REST. He was " cruel," say ye, Saxons ! Ay ! he deale ye blow for blow ! (Sc n - Before Dublin astle-N ight- a cJansman He was ''rough" and "wiJd "-and who's not Funeral in the Capital. of haun O'N ill's dis overs hi Chief' head on wild to see his hearth- tone razed? pre ive a pole). He was " merciless as fire "-ah, ye kindled him--­ By J'obn Savage. he blazed! He was " proud "-ye , proud of birthright, and On S nday afternoon, the public funeral of becau e he flung away God' wrath upon the Saxon I may they never know .O'Donovan Ro a too place to . Your Saxon stars of princedom, as the rock doet For three days the remains lay in state in the the pride mocking spray, Of dying upon the batttle-field, their broken ·pear v tibule of the City Hall, where they were He wa · wild, in ane for vengeance-ay l and preached ited by thousands of people. During that beside; it till Tyrone vi When victory gild th gory hroud of every fallen ·me guards of honour of the Irish Volunteers, Was ruddy, ready, wild, too, with " Red hands" br~ve, to clutch their own. Hibcrni n RiA.cs, CitizenArmy,and Boy Scouts Or death no tales of conquered clans can whisper (Fianna) relieved each other alternately. By to hi grave. ight and day the guards did duty. May very light from Cross of Chnst, that saves "The Scots are on the border, Shaun I" Ye Sainte, Numerous beautiful wreaths surrounded the heart of man, he mak s no breath; "Remember when that cry would wake him up the bier, amongst them being a greatly ad­ Be hid in clouds of blood before it r ach the Saxon almost from death. mired o e from the National Board of our clan; For ure, 0 God! - and You know all, whose Art truly d ad and cold? 0 Chief I art thou to Organization. The cortege ... funera~ w~nded thought for all ·ufficed- Ulster lo t? its way past headquarter, whtch were.sutta~ly " Dost hear, dost hear? By Randolph led, the To xpiate these Saxon sins they'd want another 1 draped for the occasion. In connection wtth Christ. troop the Foyle have crossed! ame the Unionist '' Irish Times" says :­ He' truly d ad l he mu t be dead l nor i hi ghost In ~rth Frederick Street, the windows of the Is it thus, 0 Shaun the haughty l Shaun the about- Hibernian Hall, the headquarters of the valiant! that we meet- And yet no tomb could hold his pirit tame to such A.O.H. (Iri h. American Allian~e) was draped Have my eye been lit by heaven but to guide me a shout; The pale face droopeth northward-ah l his soul in black, and American and Insh flags were to defeat? Have I no chief, or you no clan, to give u both must loom up there, prominently displayed. By old Armagh, or Antrim's glynns, Lough Foyle The A.O.H. occupied a section to them- defence, Or mu t I, too, be statued here with thy cold or Bann the Fair! lves, forming up in Parliament Street and eloquence? I 'II peed me Ulster-ward -your ghost must wander Capel Street, with the head ~f th~ col~mn Thy gha tly head grins scorn upon old Dublin's there, proud Shane, facing the City Hall. The Htberman Rtftt:S Ca tle tower, In search of orne O'Neill, through whom to throb Jed beaded by the Father Mathew brass and Thy shaggy hair is wind-to sed, and thy brow seems it hate again. reed band there being a full turn-out of the rough with power ; Dublin ~embers, including the auxiliary, Thy wrathful lips, like sentinels, by foule t treachery trengtbcned by the delegations from various ·tung, Look rage upon the world of wrong, but chain thy rts of the country. J. s ARKEY As the coffin was borne to the hearse, the fiery tongue. N ewsagent & Stationer, Hibernian Rifles rendered militar~, the ensign dipping the Stars and Stnp~s w~tle That tongue. who c Ul ter accent woke the gho t 106 .MARLB~ROU~H ST., DUBLilf, o£ Columbkill, he guard pre ented arms. The H1berman Who e warrior w rds fenced round with ·pear tht: lection was under the command of Com­ oaks of Derry Hill; mandant 'I'he O'Rahilly, Irish Vol~nte~rs, Who re kl s ton s gave life and d ath to va al Wedding Gifts ~:~:~.No with National President Pender, as bas adJu­ and to knavf's, And Jewellery of every description, New and Second· tant. The Hibernian Rtfles were comman­ And hunt d hord s of Sa.·on into holy Irish grave . hand, also Plated Ware. SPECIAL VALUE. ded by Capt~ins Garrt:tt and Breslin, respec­ The S otch maraud r whitened wnen this war-cry J J KELLY I Crampton Quay, tively National Secrectary Scallan, and met their ears, • • ' Metal Bridge, Dublin atio~•al Treasurer Boyle having charge of And the death-bird, like a vengeance, poised above hi tormy cheers; the Divisions. Ay, Sha\Jn, a ro the thundering sea, outchanting In a sp cial city edition, publish.e? la~t . wavarieu Hotel &Restaurant it, your tongue week we gave a brief report of the v1stt patd 4 Lower Sackville Street, DUBLI • Flung wild un-Saxon war-whooping~ the Saxon by Mrs. Rossa and her daughter, Eileen, to ourt among. Centre of City, opposite O'Connell Monument. headquarters, at which the. widow ~f the Electric Light throughout. Telegrams: \Vaverley Hotel, Dublin. Telephone 2115 .deceased soldier of Ireland, m addressmg the Ju ·t think, 0 Shaun! the same moon shine on Moderate. Apply Manager. Ladies' Auxiliary, repudiated the slanderers of Liffey a on Foyle, her dead husband, and bore testimony t~ the And li ght the ruthlc · knaves on both, our kin men fact that to the very end Rossa never deviated to de poi!; a hair's breadth from the principles he held And you the hope, voic , battle-a , the hicld of us and ours, J & E. MllHON through life. The papers which spread the libel will soon be made to make a full retrac- A murder d, trunkl .s, blinding ight above th e Tobacconists, ewsagents, and Stationer , Dublin towers. tion. Thy tacc i paler than th moon; my heart is paler 93 Upper Dorset Street, DUBLIN. The thousands of Irishmen who honoured . till- Morning and Evening Paper• elivered . Rossa on Sunday honoured themselves. He :\fy h~"art? I had no h art- 'twa your -'twas leeps now in Ireland's heart. May he rest your ! to keep or kill. in peace ! nd y u kept it ·afe for Ireland, Chief- your lif , our s ul, your pride ; £10 REWARD But they ought it in thy bo om, h

Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives • THE HIBERNIAN . in J. ewgate. Bani hed from t,he countrY! ~y the Government, she went on the Con~ FO G IT FOR IRISH FREEDOM. trnent, w,here s.he di d. Who ha not heard of the pathetic I r ' story of and arah Curran, daughter. of the famour Iri h advocate,­ OUR BRAVE AND NOBLE HEROINES. John Philpot urran? Th irs wa a love beautiful as it wa rare. With all the ten~ dernes of his warm, ardent na ture, Emmet~ Though Ireland has not produced a Maid whereupon he seated her elf upon the gun loved a rah Cu_rran and hi love wa fully of Orleans, she ha given birth to many and ? fiantly a sert d: "Well, here I shall return.e?, d ptte the frown and active· brave and noble women who have attested remam to be shot ooner than leave it be­ opposttt n of h r parent. Her lov h w-~ their deYotion to the holy cause of moth r· hind; and eternal sham n them who do ever, in Emmet's own sad word~ had land alJ down and through the age . In not porocure me as ·j tan e to carry it .''fall .en over ~ grave. '' Wa hington Irving,' every truggle for home and altars, the away .. , 0\ ing to her determined a Lion, tn h1s charmrng "Sketch Book "· describes-­ women of Ireland have played an imp rtant the gun was aved. The story of Bet y sympatheticaUy the love story of Sarah· part. With th ir vig rous right arm they Grey and 1\Iary Doyde is the tory of Curran, and its tragic end; and alJ Irish

Jl~YC repelled the in ader; their blood has hundreds. of other Irishwomen who actively readers are, of course 1 familiar wit dyed the gre n sward of -their native land ; a i ted and encouraged their menfolk to Moore' beautiful lin s, " She is Far from with voice and pen they have urged the1r overthrow foreign' denomination in Ireland. th~ Land,'' deailin.g with the same r mantic countrymen t deeds of daring in the There were numb r of Iris.h women who episode. patriotic effort to uplift the old land from though not openly identifi, d with revolu­ And doc not Anne Devlin Emmet's jbc degradati n of s.Iavery to the proud tionary movement were closel,y associated fearless and incorruptible serva~t deserve dignity of nationhood. with th leaders of patriotic uprising in Ire­ honourable mention? he wa the bearer· Who has not heard c .f the heroism of the land- Mrs. T nc arah urran, Anne of many a love letter from "Mr. Robert'f women of Lim rick? When the 'Willi amite lin for in tance; and other's who to his sweetheart when the young Irish out• forces, after hour f desperate fighting , thoug'h not brought into personal associa­ law was in concealment in Harold's Cross, wer·e almo t n the point of overc ming th\! tion with uch leader , have by voice and ·and of commun:cations to his follower , brave defenders of the badly fortified city, pen preached revolution as the soveraign he wa. off red the most tempting bribeS and when the Irish au e med all but rem dy for Ireland's. 11.1 , su h as "Mary,"· and subJected to the mo t atrocious t rtur · lost, the w men ru. hed from the b cLsid s "Speranza,·' and " a" of the " ation" by the authorities in the hope that she of their terrified hildren and flung st ne , -that a pas ing reference to them will would betray her master ; but she re isted bottl , and very mis,sil on which th y not be. cntir ly out of place in thi arti le. every t mptation and persecution. "I have­ could 1.ay hand into the very f ac of the The wif f Wolfe Tone was in every n thing to tell,'' he repeated over and over enemy. NothinO' emed to daunt the e re p·ect a worthy partner f r th greatest again, when the soldier urged her to dis-· brave worn n· as they flung thems.elve fear­ revoluti nary leader that ever pJ nned and close Emmet's whereabout . She waso le ly into th thi k of the fig-ht. By their plotted th ov.erthrow of foreign rule in pla ed again t a wall stabbed in the daring example th y infu d w lif into I reland or any oth r c untry. and brea ~ t but she remained 'true to her master. the almo t exhausted garrison, wit·h the faithful wife, a dauntle s spirit with great "y-ou ·may murder me, you viJlian ,'' shef re ult that William f Or nge w compel­ str ngth f charact r, and imbued with the cned, ~'but not one word abou.t him wiU led to rai the siege and acknowledge that livclie t ympathy with her hu band'IS you get from me.,,, She was then half"'" his veteran troop were no match for the patriotic projects, she .tand ou.t a a r ally hanged, cast into prison, where she wa.9 heroic women and hero-defender of m j ti , nd patriotic figure among t the ubjected to barbarous treatment for twa Limeri k's walJ.s. women of all nation who have not yea_rs She howe er, urvived the prose--­ When the 'g8 m v ment ought t over­ hesitated to sacrifice their d are t domestic cutl n _by many years. Her g,rave iii throw English rule in Ir land, the leaders ti s in th hop of uplifting their native Gla n vm b ar · the following inscription f of the struggle were not without the ym­ land. After the death of her hu band, Mrs. TO THE MEMORY pathy and active co-<>peration f many a T ne lived for s me years. in Pari on a OF patriotic lri h voman. small grant from the French Government, Al E DEVLI (CAMPBELL), Bet y Grey, for insta'n e, founght ide by and a coli tion made in Ireland; and as a The Faithful S rvanL of Robert Emmet, who side with her 1 r, Willie B al, and h r re ult of a per nal interview with pos c~ sed omc rare and noble qualities, who brother in the battl of Ballina.hin h. t apol n he pro ured her son admis ion lived in ob curity and poverty, and o died, T cling u that: "She wa th' pride into the Imperial Lyceum, and aft rwards 18th cpt., I 51. Aged, 70 year . of a widowed moth r; the loved of the vil­ int the army. lage, where to this hour the perfe tion of Th re arc few· chara ters in hi t ry who e Where to · Stay in Dublin: female beauty i de cribcd a it approxi­ birth and par ntag ~re surr Uiided with mate in re emblan e to the fair Elizabet-h gr ater my .tery than Pamela, . th beaut~ful Grey. She carried a green flag as she and fa inating wif f Lord Edw, rd Fitz­ The Wicklow Hotel, entered the Iri h ranks and in p ~ired the g raid. Her husband. met he~ in, P3:ris national forces with h pe.' 1 he battle, about the time he rcnoun d h1s Enghsh WJCKLQW ST • Gran~: stt•eef- unfortunat ly. ended di aslr u Iy for the title and wa exp lled from th British CENTRAL, MODERATE, p trioti oldier , and in. the retreat Betsy army. Pamela wa probably the daughter ---- AND ---- Grey was brutally butchered with her lover of Madam d Genli ·, g uv rnaute to the MOST COMFORTABLE. and br ther. The three, :vh were so hildren of the Due d' r1ean . In any case, united in life, """ r n t eparat d in death. Madam de enlis brought her up and FIRST.. CLAS8 RESTAURANT ATTACHEI:J' m num nt wa · ere t d ver the grave treat d h r a: if he had been her own of th young Irish h roine, but in the dauO'hter r an adopted child. i hard course f the ·gs nlennial ~ cl brati n the Brinsley heridan ·a · one of Pamela's Orangem n were guiLty f the sh k ing :num rous admirers ; bu n e th young girl and Lord Fdward m ·t th y cern t have ~~ v.andali m f compl tely d troying lhe ~ memorial which would rve t r mind b n greatly attra t d , by each t?er, and future- g nerations of Irishmen and w m n three w ks after th ir fir t me twg they Real Irish Lace of the h roi m f a noble Irish girl. ut it wer husband and wif one f the wit­ and Embroidery needs no tone to perp tuate the memory nes s to the marriage ceremony being of Bet .y Gr y. Her deeds and sacrifices L ui. Phil-ippe afterwards King of France. 25 Upper Sackville Street, DuLiia are deep.Iy ngrav d in the h .arts of her Until Lord Edward bc:...ame inv lved in in- people. urrc ·tionary d ign his married life was "There is but one Tailor,, Mary Doyl was another turdy lri ·h- romantioally happy, hi wife lavishing on woman wh did n t he itate to enter the him all the loy, of h r hild-like natur and THOMAS J. LITTLE, field of bat I ' wh n an opportunity off,ered h continuing t play the role f sw t­ 3 DRUitY STREET to win- Ireland' fr ·ed m in 'g . he wa h art. Pamela wa n t xa tly the wife to (One door from Exchequer Street) in the thi k f the fight at ew Ross. She wh m a man would ·onfide ret of the Terms: Cash or Credit DUBLIN. kept the musk ts of th patriot ~uppLied vast imp rtan e of th e of which (. rd with ammuniti n tak n fr m th sLam Eng- Edward wa th ·ust dian. Once when li h s ldi r · ; and filled th a.nt ens f the Madame d ' 'nli · told h r lhat ~·he P. CONWAY & CO., cxhau. ted pik m n. he the suspected that Lord Edward had ome­ 31 Exchequer St. and lOa Aungier St., brave to still great r d ds f darin , and politi al rets, Pam Ia r pli d that .he tung th d ·pond nt and vacillatin to had imposed upon h ·rself a law ne\· r to T BACCONISTS. action with h r au tic tongue. On th re­ ask her hu. band any qu sti n · n political treat f the· Iri. h . ldier , one of th howit­ affairs for two rea · n - first be au e he zers wa b ing Jcft behind, but he insisted knew that she would have no p \ver to that it hould not be aJlowed to fall into change his determinati n; and, secondly. the hands of the en my. he a ked Colonel that if hi plans. turn d out badJy that SJhe lony c uld h , a soldier, l av th cannon would be alway able to take an oath that behind him. The I. n 1 told her that t ~ herc ~ he kne' nothing ab ut th m. Pam la wa er no men within r a h to tak it a\ ay, only 23 y ar f ag wh n her hu band died

Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives THE HIBERNIAN. 7



VII. The early portion of Irish history is }!' s · d _over 5lightly, for there were no n­ Ji a i ns prior to the orman Invasion. The land b longed to the 'lan, and th goods of life wer abundant and s.hared by :au alik . The conditi n f th Iri h people was better a th usand year ago than it is n w; the progr s of 'ivili ation mak th 3 .rich richer, but the poor poorer. 'Ih y •----~!11111!!~-~~-.---.. ·-----•-I!!!III!I!I!I~~IIIIIJ!I!IIII!I!!I--~-~·-·----~ m d to have liv d happily in those primi- .tive day with mu ic and song and co he·r­ ings and f astings, wh re they drank at th ir banquet of "th be t seven rts -of wine,'' and never a are troubled them save an a ·ional bru h with the Dane ·, r Are the Pick of the Market, Unvarying in ··with each other, to keep their shield bright . and th ir s\\ords keen. 'or were they Quality, and give Universal Satisfaction • defici nt in arti tic cultur ; their golden .diadems, torques, bra ·elets, and oth "r pcr­ s nal ornam nts were cos.tly and p1 ndiu, At the following Prices : 2/8, 2/6, 2/4, 2/2, 2/· 1/10 &1/8 and vinced a skill in workman hip rar ly qualled in this day. Like the Gr k ·, they China Teas 2/8 and 2/2 per lb. prized highly per onal g:ifts anu th ir kings were chosen for their s.tature, trength, and beauty. ourage th y e t med as one of 8 STH. GT. GEORGE'S ST. and 17 NTH. EARL ST. th nol>l st virtu , and i tory the highes ' glory. "vVhat do you d ir ?" ask d t. ~ Brigid f a great chief. "Shall I pray that IRISH MUTUAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY th crown may nev r depart from your Head Offices- 50 DAWSON STREET, DUBLIN ra ·e, and that your soul may find r t in eaY n ?" "I care n t for h aven," he All Classes or Life and Endowment Business transacted. A Purely Irish Society worked .an w red, ''of which I know nothing, but· by Irishmen tor Irishmen. Agency Applications Invited. for long life in thi ~ world, in whi h I greatly LAWRENCE CAS Y, MANAOitR AND SECRETARY. ,d and for victory over my nemies. '' And St. Patrick, having questioned the the bards were often summon d to heal king on the eve of battle, "Whi h would f uds by th ir Divin harmony.'' Williain Vant:reen, A p ople of this en. itiv t mperamcnt, Successor to TRULOCK BROTHERS, you have- for my pray rs are powerful­ l\hnufllcturers, Inventors, and Patentees, of Ejector, . f at to-day ar d heav n for ever, or vic- proud, pa sionate, and warHk , accu .t m d Hammerless aad Lockfast Breech-Loading Guns, tory and hell?'' re i\1 d the emphatic to think gr atly of their ra e who had Rifle and Pistol Manufacturers. ,an ·w r, "Hell to all eter-nity; the viet ry own d the soil for nearly two th u. and ALL KINDS OF AMMUNITION AT LOWEST PRICEe y ars be-for the coming f the 1orman , Only address-13 Parliament St., DUBLIN. .i mine to-day in battle!'' Established .A.D. 1750. \Vhen the Normans came, th Irish re and had neve'r endured the yoke of the 110 rude barbarian·, as some Engli ·h wri ers Cre ar ·, nor the pres noe of a foreign n For Your Framing and Pictures have endeavoured to repr ·ent th m. The.. my 1 ave the pirate Danes of the coasts, ,bad a Christian civilisation of seven cen­ \ a ill-fitt d to bear the hard, insulting 00 TO turie ; a learn d pri sthood, h noured tyranny of gnglish rul . The stolid axol'i:· throuo·hout Europ ; coli g s for instruction, had a diff r nt t mp ram nt, they were WI ODE 'S, the r ·ort of many S, x n princes; musicians rapidly crush -d and humbl d and made the 75 Talbot Street, Dublin. eminent in th ir art above al:l othe·r ; and serf · of thei·r l ~orman rna. tcr. ; and aft r a Cheapest and Best In the cit)' a code of wise, just law , in luding while they patiently a ept d their fat and vidences of mu h tender feeling towards became traders and toil rs and fa tory hands of the Empir , no man pitying them . To possess a famous ASTON is to have a. cycle .th weak and ·h lpl . Even in th pagan that tands s~ond to none, not only from poin' .,time a Qu ·en of lrcl. nd ere t d an h pital It wa evident that natur m nt them for of w~rkmansh1p, but. s regards reputation, a re­ d ~ear h r wn royal re iden for th · ·ick a tiny of inferiority, for a ervile ra , putatlOn won on ment. See the famous Standard and o hav r· mained ,·er sin Model, 6 Gs. Cash or 8/: per month. ~nd th e wounded in battle and cahled it they e, ''The Hous of orrow." The man . tat Iy emphatically "the low r clas · " of Eng­ land. STEVENS' CYCLE DEPOT, &Aston's Quay abbeys, the sculptured cr ses, the illumi­ DUBLIN. nat d manuscript (which to the Normans The C lt , on the contrary, ,. ith their .seemed the work of ano-els) attest their Greek nature, lov glory, and beauty, and ·:wond rful sense of symmetry and b amy, distinction, but th y hate toil and d pi.e KELLY, Tohacto Ex peri, ,and their re eren e f ·r all things pertaining trade. Thev were mad for warri r a_,nd DUBLI , rators, for ·a life of ex itemen.t and daring, o religion; \ hile evidcnc s of a stiH older "THE DO~TOR · S MIXTURE " JUVERNA, art and ulture xist in thos mysti tower lit by swift impuls s, fa t and fiery a el - IRISH BEAUTIES. which 'iraldu · mbrensis gazed upon with tric fl.a hes. Th y would do anything for AND IRISH-GROWN TOBACCO. aw and w nder above 'ix nturies ago, loYe or fame. They adore a hero, but they and which, happily, though volumes have will never tatr.ely submit to oer i n, in­ WRITE FOR PRICK LIST. b en written on the ubject, still remain in­ jus.ti e, and a pos.ition f inf riority, like the ~crutable, for n thing could be more r volt­ apathetic, dull-brained axon. GALWAY ARMS HOTEL, 54 and 55 Rutland .jng to he imagin tive mind than th atis- . Square, West- Visitors to Dublin will find 1actory so1uU n. of a world-old myst ry. Uniforms and Regalia a Speciality thts Hotel most comfortable and convenient. . urther b~ k, v n in the very night of Terms Moderate. MRs. KENNY, Proprietress. t1me, are th sepul hr of the Boyn and SIMPSON & BYRNE Telephone No, 3494, th. ycl pan Temple f w 1rang 1 'Pt.Jf h t T ·1 reh s of th same mighty ra e that dw lt ;n.efC an J at OfS, .on. the Argive plain, and w re the Cy 1 p an 66 BLESSINGTON ST., DUBLIN. bUilder of Mycena . Rude in art but ------­ p<>:W rful in strength, their tombs ta~d to this day . in all their awful and maj ti Irish Goods Only grandeur m Ireland as in re , mem rials .of the great, ilent race, that had no lit ra­ ture and n alphab t, but wh e col ssal ~ymbols of expr ion wer temples and GLEESON & CO. to~ ~ ~~· Celts in many things had a trong T A I L 0 R S and DRAPE R S affinity with the Greek , th highe t hon urs --- I I --- we-re given to learning and poetry, and their UPPER O'CONNELL STREE-T music had the arne ubtle power a rib d to the Dorian mea ur: which had " u h ptrange influence o er the human oul, that IRISH GOODS ONLY

Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives 8 THE HIBERNIAN. PuPe China Teas SOME GREAT MEN'S CHILDHOOD. 2/4. 2/ I 0 & 3/4 per lb.

'• Childhood shows the man, as morning age were at school, his actions foreshadowed KELLY B~OS., LTD., 1hows the day," says Milton, but certain the sort of man he would be. After the 01en, even in their youth, have shown such long days of hardest labour this future a pronounced and manlike individuality saviour of the Union, his young face already 39 Up. o·connell Street, ~hat1 in reviewing their entire life, . one marked by the lines of deep thought, would Telephone 292x might well think they had never been boys. spend his evenings before the log fire read­ Napoleon at once comes to mind ; he never ing in its fitful light the few books that he showed the natural, unrestrained disposition had borrowed from the far-distant neigh­ THE .&n:o tUS OF TONIO of joyous boyhood, a fact which explains bours; the Bible, Shakespeare, the " Life CAHILL'S bis unpopularity among his classmates at of Washington," and, later, Blackstone-­ the Brienne military school. He is described these were the sum total of young Lincoln's "R 0 I AT IC QUI NI NE A N0 IR 0 I, as rude, stubborn, self-willed, and discon­ library-and well was it so ; for their pre­ 1/4 and 2/4, post free. tented ; and yet his teachers had to acknow­ cious pages helped to form the mind and ledge that a strong and vigorous kernel was heart of the man who has gone down in within him, and that the boy was animated history as the embodiment of all that is best "'e~nr;-<\ ~5 by so great a will-power that if this were in American character. ARTHUR J. CAHILL, Phr. ChemlsC 82A LOWER DORSET STREIT, DUBLIN directed toward a noble ambition and A striking incident of the child fore­ 1 guided by healthy ideas, it might accomplish shadowing the man is that of Gabriel Garcia extraordinary results. ln speaking of Moreno, the martyred president of Equador. Napoleon's. temperament, which was so His native city, Guayaquil, was during his unliKe that of a child, we must not, ·how­ boyhood the scene of constant political Don't buy a Watch ever, lose sight of the fact that he carne of trouble , which in these southern countries a race which had very little friendliness for practically meant war. As a boy, he was the French, and that consequently the boy timid and fearful, but his father developed by the Case. felt unhappy in the French military school, in him that fearless courage and coolness • • • where he had to suffer much from the rough that later in life enabled him to walk fear­ jokes and taunts of his comrades. He often lessly at all times though beset by enemies . By all means let the case be u begged his parents with touching appeals who had sworn to take his life. As a boy, to take him from those hated surroundings. (ood as you can afford. . • his education was placed in the hands of a But remember that a good cutJ Like Napoleon, Count Moltke was never holy and talented priest, and h it was who really young. The seriousness of life and planted deep in the heart of the boy those does not necessarily mean a good early deprivations interfered all too soon seeds of Christian virtue and valour that watch. Be sure you are buyiaa with his childish joys, and thus induced that grew into the splendour and beauty of the aa accurate timekeeper. Aa ez· reserved nature which history says the great martyred patriot's death. After an eventful cellent watch is our £3 3s. Silftll German general possessed. life, in which he retained hi childish love From his boyhood, Napoleon was a care­ for the Faith, this rare Christian soldier, Keyl~ .Lever, whose aYerap ful reader. Homer Virgil, Tasso, Ossian, scholar and statesman was beset by assas­ vanabon JS leu than a minute iD stories of the world's literature-historical, ,.ins while leaving the church in which he a month legal and mathematical works he perused bad made a long thanksgiving after receiv­ with the same zeal and with equal receptive­ ing communion. His last words were: ness. On the Island of Elba he told his " God will li e !" And his country, companion, Colin, that the memory of a Ecuador, which he redeemed from anarchy passage in .Milton won for him the victory and crime, and consecrated to the Sacred GANrER B~os. of Austerlitz. The passage dealt with a Heart, has since his death been one of the trick of Satan in his war against Heaven. foremost of the Daughters of the Church. 63 South Great George's St., The boy Schiller was deeply moved by The most important part of education Shakespeare, and looked upon this great rests in the hands of mothers. True is it DUBLIN. dramatist as the guide of his life. Goethe that '' the hand that rocks the cradle is the declared that Goldsmith's •• Vicar of Wake­ hand that rules the world," for mothers field , had a decided influence on his years teach through example and precept. The of development. THE I~ISH TWEED HOUSE . influence of Lincoln's mother in developing Employ First-Class Cutten and Tailors. Suiu George Washington's schoolboy amuse­ a great man is but one among thousands. to order 42e to 84e. Special Irish Frieze ments all took a military turn, and he It is the mother alone who gives the child Overcoats 42a. All made on $he premises by organised sham fights, reviews, and mimic its great corner-stones of character and ---IRISH LABOUR. ---..-.J parades, founded on his brother's reports supports the child in its first gropings for of battles in the British West Indies. The moral strength. The lives of countless i Capel Si., DuLiin,a•d it~:tr~sSt. youthful George was always the commander. unfortunate men show what a pernicious \Vhen Washington was eleven years old he effect a bad mother's influence may have. lost his father, and now his mother's in- Lamartine was driv~n to sentimentality-a fluence is felt Mary Washington wa trait that originally was foreign to him­ D. TREACY endowed with plain good sense, a firm con­ through the wtong education he received 'enerttl 'Wooaworltlng }ttttchlnl•l science, and a religious spirit; she wa::. from his mother. JBRVIS LANB, DUBLIN strict and exacted deference, meanwhil It i in the horne circle that the moth r's F:ret Cutting, Turn!ng2 Mortising, Boring, eto. teaching George to govern his will and influence is felt most strongly ; and domestic Ebony Stoclied. Plarung, Band Sawing, Spindl• Moulding, Circular Sawing. · control his temper. She instilled justi e life is the be!lt school for the child, because and equity into the future first President of the home forms the basis of social life. In the United t~tes, and to the end of his life the home more than anywhere else the his unfailing de otion to her was a tacit child's character is moulded; and if the WHOLESALE AGENTS acknowledgement of the great debt he owed traits here implanted change, later on, in FOB her. the great struggle of life, they nevertheless Lincoln's rugged simplicity and enduring will not wholly disappear. Indeed, the THE HIBERNIAN. patience were developed in him by his great man who from the world's maelstrom reaches some lofty height, will conserve Spartan mother, ancy Hanks, who e life Messrr. DAwsoN & Co., Middle Abbey Street., of labour and self-sacrifice, in that era ot these traits,· and becau e of this evince his Dublin. heroic frontier days, furnishes a background gratitude to his mother and be an obiect of of pathos for the life of her martyred son her pride. , EAsoN & SoN, Middle Abbey Stree~ that makes both of th m very dear to the Dublin. hearts of Americans. Lincoln's career as :Mr. L. CORNOLLv, 12 D'Olier Street, Dublin. a man was a sad one ; with all his native Messrs. S. O'CUILL & Co., 95 Patrick St., Cork. wit and fund of humour there was in every DENTAL SURGERY ., NEws BRos., Ltd., Bowling Greed' line of his gaunt figure, in every lineament Street, Cork. of his strong countenance, a something that Higb-clas" Seta of Teeth supplied by told of the terrible weight of grief that .Mr. BA Y!S, 39 STOKYBATTER, DUBLI!f Mr. KE.~RNEY, 18 High Street, Glasgow. nothing • but his superior manhood could Messrs. CASSIDY & Co., :z6 HollowaJ Road control. Brought up in the austere school ...... EXTRACTIONS PAINLE88 ...... London, N. of poverty, a rail-splitter wnen others of his REDUCED FEES to People of Limiled Mean~ Mr. MICHAEL FAR.REN. Bishop Street, Derry,

Trade Union] Printed for the .1-'roprietors by THK GAELIC, 30 Upper Liffey Street, Dublin llrisb Paper

Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives