NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF IRELAND Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives S. 147 () 69 .;· ( ~ I). N[ . I1~ DuBLIN METROPOLITAN Superrintendent' s Office, Q Division, 5th. August 15 ~------------ 190 . Su~ject :-- MO VEM~ENTS O.F, DUBLI I·:f :E~ XTBElt~ IS 'r S . I beg to r eport that on the 4th Inst. the ur1dennentioned extr ernists were observed r11oving about and associating with each ot·her t ~ ·'i.·J~~ as follows:- L· ~,/(f_ Visitors to the shop of T. J . Clar.ke ,, included lui . J. 0 'Rahilly, John T. Kelly, ~~~ ~r . Byrne,. J . J. Buggy , !Jrrs 0 'Donovan Bossa ~~ and Jarnes l\Jfurray . Clarke has not yet "' returned from Lirnerick. @fl. qfftr ~ Dr . 1Jlark Hyan , London., called on H. Di xon, 25 Vvestrnoreland St . between 12 & 1 p . nn . The Doctor afterwards proceeded to the Gresharn Hotel, where he rnet Dr . IVI cBride , Castle bar . " 1 P. Ryan , J . O'Connor , P. Beasl ey, Thos . f~~~~' .-' hfy_ ]vt cDonagh , c. Colber t , and T. J. Sheehan, to­ 9 . get her ···-.. Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives together in Volunteer Offi ce , 2 Dawson St . for close on an hour from 7. 30 p. rn . About 30 rnembers of the Sinn Fein Vol- unteers assembled at 25 Parnell Sq . at 8. 30 p. m., and afterwards without rifles in comm- ., and of l\Jf . OHanrahan, went route rnarching towards Fairview. They returned at 10 p.m. and disbanded without further parade. Attached are Copies of this weeks issue of 1'he Irish Volunteer, Nationality, and The Hibernian, all of which appear to contain notes of an anti-British character. Superintendent. Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives TH EDITED BY EOIN MAC NEILL. Vol. 2. No. 35 (New Serle ). SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1916. Price 0 ne Penny. fabe witness " 1'Thuu ~halt aut cor·t ar(' h:lH' lwen faithful to the tribal cod·. Ask The British Liberals wholly llull and \'Oicl. honest Enr•l i.shm n t bclie\·c that such m ·n, I lrt"l;tnd i~ ouhick ol' th trill<ll l>ouJHlar) . man) d' them, h:1\·' l>ehc."•ed dishonouraiJiy and a.nd Ireland. The 111 1:-.( h Jllour;d li e IIH'IIll ·r~ of t lw Briti:-.h rlisgr;wdull~ in ln·Lltul ancl to\\'ards lrci:Jtal, I Uli .. an·h) "illllo thin.rs in lrei~I'HI a11d i11 what and yuu will ask in Y<.1i11 . Thing~ \H'nt wron•r, A Chapter in Modern History. (' >11<"<'111!-> Ireland that th ·y woulcl shrillk with no douul , uul \\ ·ll, I rcland is :1 :-.tr;1ng 1ormr from doing within their bo unds. What (' •untry and th ·r · must I · some otb ·r explana­ British Minist•·r would mploy thieve: and tion. Th. v~ mphl ·t, " \ .TCIHian ')' While You pr stitules in E11glancl n spe<'i:1l The pr ·:-.cnl lini ·ter "for ., fr land, the 'Nait,"' I y on· of England'.· niminal:-. >r <~gain. t British p lili ·al oppont•nt~? w. )'('­ 'hid S '<·rt'lar) is an honomauJe ma11. lr. ·n ·mi ·s lo lh ' ·hin.tlr us anJ \·irlu us mind meml ·r the "~lar<·oni S<·anda\. '' It wa:-. Arthur B:tlfour a former Chief S Tn:lary ts of the l'rcdominanl Partner, whocY<:r i · b · thought (.'\" ' 11 < canclal to uring it forw.m:J lo an honour:d>l · mall. ''h y ha\' · rule 1 lr>Jand J i '\'cd to lJe n ·ncmy i · n · · ·:..uil y a criminal sugge:t that British Mi.11i ·ten; and their friencls under honourahl<.' Prin ' Mini:;ters. Th Iat' for on!) wickcdne · · im.·;.uualc ·ould 1Jc th · uld stoop l ma]· mon ·y out o[ 'auinet Mr. W. E. Forst·r 'bief I 'ecr<:tary "for" n ·my of virtue incarnate, and thus it be om ·s secre t · u eel a.s SLorl· Ex ·hang · tip.-. We hav ' [ r ·Jan l wa: an hunouralle man, and hi.- chi •f, a piou · duty Lo alta<+, <~n<.l if possil>le destr y, .'<' ·n how the J<u·gest part of th · British l'r~s~ Mt. Glad 'lon , w~ts a "·ry Bayard of honour. the character of tho e who are th • n mi · f counted confidently on horrifying the Hritish without f "ar and without reproa h. These much holin, · th, pamphl t j · a ·tudy of Puulie u harping on Llo) d (~ ·orge': <.1 ·nunci­ honour~1l>l· m n, when their sphere of action th ~ mental 1ifc hi · tor~ of th British Oligarchy. at i ns f m •r · : ri:Lonatic rap:wily. Through­ pas ·es 0\' r Lh • Irish • ·a, be ·orne affli ·tcc.l with Th British ligarch profes · · a high · of out all Ir land, Cnioni:-.t as w ·11 as . <1tionalist, a pitiaule calamity hou ur, ancl tak ,!'> gr al care lo 1 l th · world tlP · 1,li(': l • d ·gre ·:; ,r ritisll "irtu · <.' X ·it' "~ thing f tlwtn know about it. When th · h) poerisy of th · am us m ·nt and <1 ·rision, fur all 1 r ·land know.­ But doth .'UITer a :-.ea chang<· thing i~ lai bar· - for xamplc, by ·org_. that l>oth ide~ of th • British licrar<'hy th • I nlo som "thing ri ·h and ·trang ·.' 13 ·rnanl • '!Jaw-th · British ligar ·hy neither hor ri lie a n<l th · borri fted, ar · ·c1ua II y pr •pa r ·d 1-ol many ) ars ago a gentl man 1f high wine· · nor blush •., lJUt g . its way un ·lwngccl. to furth ·r their puliticJl oujects in Ireland by stati )ll was s ·nt orer her· ·IJ th · Hriti.'h · t gir '.' its '1-iaws antl its h st rtons what w pa ked juries corrupt officials p rjury, Gon~ rnm ·nt ou a :p, ial mi.-sion of gr at im­ call in ] t ,r "a f l' par 1 n. " They ar · its for<f•r) , hrilwr), intimidation, oppr ssion. port:m • to th' 'overnment. A fri ·nJ f licens ·d j ·.st ·c. Th ·ir duty and office is 1ik viule1H l', )'-.l'clc.uian fur), ext ·rmit1ali n, murc] •r mine "ho kll('\ thi: g ·nileman w ·II and kn w that of the chari t~ ·r in th \ old rri ·h t ri ·s, and bl dsh •cl on an) seal ·. Tlwr · ar · b tH sl that hi.- mi::-.io11 h;Hl ~~ p:1rlintl<1r intn·st for who 5tinllllal ~d hi · m,tsl •r the hero by tauntillrr Eng] i ·hm ·n who will admit that su ·h arts o[ me assurcJ me in ·om· ·r.ation tlwt he "a:-. :1 and reviling him. Supcrh \ irlu can affonl to gm·ernment h<we l>een employ ·d in ] r 'land on most h n uralJlc man .tud inc<l pabl f l ·inrr kc 'P uch amu ·ing criti · n its staff, and to l>ehalf of Englancl in th bed ld past. L ~ t u · J a a m ·p tool of policy. "Wail one pay th ·rn w ·ll. Doe not virtu I bee me up ·rh tlt • d ·c.u.l •uury th ·ir clead . Hut what bas to be moment ., f r ·plied, "and you "ill see what use in th · \' ry a ·t \f pa) ing hard cash forth· rili­ mad<· cl ar is that ev ·ry on· of Lbe · · art: f is ma< 1 [ your honourc.1 ble m ·n wh ·n th' ·n 1s fi<'ation it ulHl~,;rgoc · ? go\''rllll1l'llt i::, still a li\ing thing in rr·land, f irish .o,· ·nun ·nt are to Il' ." ·n· 'U .. , 1 pr - The mo:::.t 'vond ·rful thing about tlw Hriti.-IJ kq>t li\'ing l)y tl c li,·inrr rcpre!-. ·ntaLiH'S of th<' clLW<·d the t•\'idcn!'e \Vhich w~ts im·ont<·:"ltal ,J('. 11 01 ig:.uchy's code of bonour is i s g · ~graphi<';d gnn·mmL'Ilt uf I r~:lancl h) England. t\f friend \'oultl ulll) <· . rlaim ·well, i. not or tribal OOUIH.h.l 1')'. J l lues HOL ex lend l ) Within the trilJL• the code of hollour i~ doul,t that aiJonJ iuabk !'' ·d i ·ns. Th · sam · is said to be tru · of s;n ag(' k s powcrl'ul, "·11-ni"h omnip<~ll'lll. W · he­ In " r '('l'lll Jlt.lllll~r ur (( ;\ lliCrica, '' Mr. '<"il h ~ath ·n tri ·s. \V · r ·ad that th · trilx:smcn hold a group of honourable m ·n m·n of' g.. ·ntle l'hr:-.l<.'rlon sho\\'." from documcuts h \r ;Jad­ h ld tb ·m ·l\' .: untl h) n law of honour l>r ··cling, L niversit , m ·n, m n of high po:-.i­ ~l n tricc1 t u · 'an1inal ~ ~wman as hi · tool h n ·~ty, or auy S( rt uf moral it: towanJ:-, any tion and tru::,t. Th ugh thl')' take Iiff ·r<. nt !'.11· a parti ·u]ar expedient jn th · gon~ rnm ·nt f ':-.t but lhose of th ir m'll tril ·. r 'lwt thi-; j-; tnw sid ·:-; in JJritish cl m ·stic puliLi ·s tb ') hon mr lr ·lanl. lr.
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