Summary The Independent Journalism Center PREss AND STATE ISSN 1857-002X Ion BUNDUCHI 1 Domestic Broadcasting ... Puzzles—2014 Director: Nadine GOGU LETTER OF THE LAW Oleg POSTOVANU The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily 7 Civil society insists on optimizing access to information of public interest reflect the opinion of the IJC MEDIA AS BUSINESS Victor GOTIŞAN Contributors: 9 A Business Idea is Sustainable Only if it Becomes Profitable over Time Ion BUNDUCHI, Oleg POSTOVANU, Victor GOTIŞAN, Dumitru LAZUR, Vasile GANCEV, Ludmila ANDRONIC, Maia METAXA, DIGITAL MASS-MEDIA Tudor IAȘCENCO, Cristina BOBÎRCĂ, Lilia ZAHARIA Dumitru LAZUR 12 Open Data in Moldova: A New Portal, Old Challenges Editor-in-Chief: Maia METAXA REGIONAL PRESS Translation: Vasile GANCEV Ecaterina CURARO 16 Tudor Iascenco: I support the slogan “For professional, non-partisan and profitable media” ObsERVER Editing: LUDMila ANDRONIC Judith GOLDMAN 19 The Press Council of Moldova managed to become an instrument of self-regulation EXPERIENCES Inside photos: Maia METAXA IJC Archive 21 Alina Radu: “It has been ten years of living with passion in the editorial office” Layout: BOOK REVIEW Marcel MĂRGINEANU Victor GOTIŞAN 24 Microphone Man Has Transformed the Interview into an Art! Please send your opinions, suggestions, and contributions to the following address STUDIES The Independent Journalism Center Cristina BOBÎRCĂ 27 Press freedom in Moldova: progress and deficiencies 53 Sciusev Street, 2012 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Lilia ZAHARIA Tel: (+373 22) 213652, 227539 29 Media monitoring report: “Media outlets in Moldova are attempting to make the public think and Fax: (+373 22) 226681 act in a manner compatible with that of their owners” e-mail:
[email protected] ANEXE 31 Memorandum on Press Freedom in Moldova between 3 May 2013 and 3 May 2014 July 2014 Press and State Domestic Broadcasting ..