Cartographic Bibliography 1
Cartographic Bibliography *Abeydeera, A., “The Portuguese Quest for Taprobane”, 4 pp. *Adams, Percy G., Travelers and Travel Liars, 1660-1800, Dover Publications, N.Y., 1980 reprint of 1962 edition, 292pp. *“A detailed reassessment of the Carte Pisane” *Aggeev, F., “Origin of Portulans and Accurate Ancient Maps”, State University of Land Use Planning, 2016, 56 pp. *AlaíI, Cyrus, “The world map of Qazwini”, IMCoS Journal, 52, 1993, pp. 19-23. *The Agile Rabbit Book of Historical and Curious Maps, Pepin Press, 127pp. *Akalin, Sukru Haluk, One Thousand Years Ago, One Thousand Years Later: Mahmud Kasgari and Diwan Lugat at-Turk, Turkish Language Association Publications, Ankara, 2010, 160pp. *AlaíI, Cyrus, “Oriental medieval maps of the Persian Gulf”, The Map Collector, 60, 1992, pp. 2-8 Almagia, Roberto, Monumenta Cartographica Vaticana, Vatican City, 1944-55, 4 vols. *Allen, John L., "Lands of Myth, Waters of Wonder: The Place of the Imagination in the History of Geographical Exploration". *Allen, Phillip, The Atlas of Atlases, Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Publishers, N.Y., 1992, 160pp. *Al-Masudi, MapHist Disciussion Group, 6pp. *Andrews, M.C., "The Study and Classification of Medieval MappaMundi", Archeaologia, vol. LXXV, pp. 61-76,1925-26. *“A Newly Found World Map of Macrobius”, Imago Mundi, Vol. 9 (1952), pp. 93-94. *Appleton, Helen, “The Northern World of the Anglo-Saxon Mappamundi”, 32pp. *“Arabic Cartography, the world centered on Bagdad”, 4 pp. *Ayusawa, Shintaro, "The Types of World Maps Made in Japan's Age of National Isolation", Imago Mundi, Vol. X, pp. 123-128. *Barber, Peter, The Map Book, Levenger Press, Walker & Co., NY, 2005, 360pp.
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