TRIBENI TISSUES VIDYAPITH CHANDRAHATI -712504 Phone: (033) 26846146 9831490896 E-mail:
[email protected] SCHOOL DIARY 2021-2022 Name………………………………………………………………………………………. Class……………………….Sec. …………………….Roll No……………………… NATIONAL ANTHEM J ana gana mana Adhinayaka jaya hey, Bharata bhagyavidhata. Punjaba, Sindhu, Gujarata, Maratha, Dravida, Utkala, Banga, . Vindhya, Himachala, Yamuna, Ganga, U chchala jaladhi taranga Tava shubha naamey jaagey, Tava shubha aashis maagey, Gahe tava jayagatha. J ana gana mangala dayak j aya hey Bharat bhagyavidhata. Jaya hey, Jaya hey, Jaya hey Jaya, jaya, jaya, jaya hey! 1 SCHOOL ANTHEM Surrounded by evergreen trees There stands our dear T. T. V. That is our joy and pride From there we learn to stride. Sacred Ganges flows beside Loving teachers are the guides. God ! give us courage To reach our target Let our motto be virtue and knowledge Let's morally be straight. Let's physically be fit And mentally be alert Our elders and parents be respected And loved by us, Oh Lord! 2 PLEDGE India is my Country We all are Indians. We, the students of Tribeni Tissues Vidyapith, pledge that we will preserve the integrity & diversity of our beloved country, India. We shall respect all citizens irrespective of religion, caste, creed, colour and language to work for national intergrity. We, the students of Tribeni Tissues Vidyapith, pledge that we will protect the environment & our mother Earth. We also pledge to keep our School, Home & town neat & clean & save water and electricity. - Jay Hind. 3 4 PARENTS' DECLARATION (To be filled by Parents only) 1. Our ward_----------------------------------------------------------------- - is a student of class/section ------------------------------------------of your school.