Herefordshire Local Development Framework Statement of Community Involvement Adopted March 2007 Local Development Document This and other Local Development Framework documents can be made available on request in large copy print, audio cassette, Braille or languages other than English. If you require the document in one of these formats please contact: Emma Lawrence, Herefordshire Council, Forward Planning, PO Box 4, Plough Lane, Hereford, HR4 0XH. Tel: 01432 260000 Email:
[email protected] Herefordshire Statement of Community Involvement 2007 2 Foreword Transparent, accessible and meaningful approaches to community involvement in decision making is an important part of the culture being developed in Herefordshire. The Council’s Community Strategy has made great in-roads into achieving this looking to ensure joined up thinking and the involvement of local people in decisions which impact on their communities. This Statement of Community Involvement looks to build on the progress made and provides a framework which identifies how the Council will engage with the community in respect of planning matters. This will ensure that people play a key role in deciding the future shape and appearance of their community. No one knows their community like you do. It is therefore vital that you play an active part in terms of how communities grow and develop. We value your views and welcome your involvement in the future planning of our County. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the process of preparing this document. Councillor P. Edwards Cabinet Member (Environment) Herefordshire Statement of Community Involvement 2007 3 Contents Executive summary 1. Introduction –the new planning system 2.