HIS 4930-04: History of modern Egypt Spring 2010 Tu/Th 2-3:15, Bellamy 0001 Will Hanley Office: Bellamy 440 Office hours: M 1-2, Th 3:30-4:30 Email:
[email protected] This series of lectures surveys the history of Egypt from the end of the eighteenth century to the present day. Students will a) acquire a sense of the chronology and major events of the period, b) consider a variety of approaches to historical description (political, social, economic, cultural), and c) be exposed to primary documents and scholarly discussions of the historiography of Egypt, which will extend the range of the lecture narrative. Evaluation Midterm Thursday, February 25 20% Document report Tuesday, March 30 20% Final exam (or essay) Thursday, April 29, 7:30 - 9:30 40% Quizzes Unannounced 10% Attendance and participation Ongoing 10% Exams The midterm will consist of short answer questions about the readings (1/3 of your grade) and two essay questions, chosen from a list of six (2/3 of your grade). The final exam will also be a combination of short answer and essay questions. For the midterm and final exams, you can bring a single sheet of notes with you. Document report I will provide you with a small set of archival documents from Egyptian history. Please summarize the story these documents tell and analyze that story in the context of the lectures (maximum 500 words). Final essay option In lieu of the final exam, you can write a research paper (maximum 2500 words) on a topic of interest to you.