BRITISH COLUMBIA HISTORICAL QUARTERLY Published by the Archives of British Columbia in Co-Operation with the British Columbia Historical Association
1 THE BRITISH 3_’ .- COLUMBIA HISTORICAL QUARTERLY rI 2 : APRIL, 1938 ,, BRITISH COLUMBIA HISTORICAL QUARTERLY Published by the Archives of British Columbia in co-operation with the British Columbia Historical Association. EDITOR. -. :‘“ ;: W. KAYE LAMB. ADVISORY BOARD. J. C. Goom”uLLow, Princeton. F. W. HOWAY, New Westminster. Ronxn L. REiD, Vancouver. T. A. RICKARD, Victoria. W. N. SAGE, Vancouver. Editorial communications should be addressed to the Editor, Provincial Archives, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. Subscriptions should be sent to the Provincial Archives, Parliament Build ings, Victoria, B.C. Price, 50e. the copy, or $2 the year. Members of the 4. British Columbia Historical Association in good standing receive the Quarterly without further charge. Neither the Provincial Archives nor the British Columbia Historical Association assumes any responsibility for statements made by contributors to the magazine. We BRITISH COLUMBIA HISTORICAL QUARTERLY “Any country worthy of a future should be interested in its past.” VOL. II. VICTORIA, B.C., APRIL, 1938. No. 2 CONTENTS. ARTICLES: PAGE. Fur and Gold in Similkameen. ByJ. C. GOODFELLOW 67 In Memory of David Douglas. ByJORN GOLDIE 89 Early Lumbering on Vancouver Island. Part II.: 1855—1866. ByW.KAYELAM& 95 DOCUMENTS: Coal from the Northwest Coast, 1848—1850. By JOHN HASKELL KEMBLE 123 Sir George Simpson at the Department of State. ByFRANKE.R0ss 131 NOTES AND COMMENTS: — Contributors to this Issue — — 137 Date of Publication — — — 137 British Columbia Historical Association 137 Local Historical Societies 139 Historical Association Reports ___ 141 Hudson’s Bay Record Society 142 65 FUR AND GOLD IN SIMILKAMEEN. Fur-traders pioneered Similkameen before men were at tracted thither by reports of rich placer deposits.
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