www.the-chronicle.ca Contact:
[email protected] 306-463-6383 Deadline for Sept. 28 Chronicle is Sept. 23 Sept. 21, 2020 Town of Kerrobert o 50 people per mini league, includes month and will only be used for the purposes coaches/staff, instructors, participants from of Covid-19 contact tracing. Week 27 – Our students are in school and multiple teams, officials and volunteers who • Coaches, players, parents, referees will be the word is they are so happy to be back. cannot maintain two metes of distancing at all tracked by their organization as they enter They were met with smiling staff and new times. For those wishing to rent privately and their door. guidelines that they seem to quickly adapt outside of a governing organization, clarifica- • EVERYONE must use the hand sanitizer at to. We are all hopeful that the safe practises tion on what constitutes a mini league should the front entrance. will ensure that they can stay in school. We be directed to our Public Health Inspector at • EVERYONE is asked to limit their time are also wishing all our farmers continued 306-882-2672 option 3 ext 3 OR (306) 948- spent in the facility, as well as maintain good weather so that they can complete their 3323 ext. 2769 physical distancing when returning to their harvest quickly and safely! ~ Mini leagues should remain together vehicles or homes. The Kerrobert Memorial Arena Safe Open- until restrictions are further relaxed. • People are discouraged from visiting in the ing Plan was reviewed by Kerrobert Staff, ~ Game play can resume between teams in lobby.