Contact: [email protected] 306-463-6383

Deadline for July 13 Chronicle is July 8 July 6, 2020 Noon Communities in Bloom YOU MAY LIVE Communities in Bloom committee is looking for the community to submit their votes on the best kept yards and best kept businesses in our community. Please fill out the attached ballot or submit your vote to the Recreation Office at [email protected] or IN IF: send a text to (306) 834-8355. The home and the business with the most votes will be awarded the annual Yard Stake! • If someone in a Home Depot store offers you 2020/2021 Yard Stake Winners assistance and they don’t work there. Please submit your vote on the best kept yard and business in Kerrobert. • If you’ve worn shorts and a parka at the Name and/or address of deserving yard : same time.

______• If you’ve had a lengthy telephone conversation Name and/or address of deserving business : with someone who ______dialed a wrong number. • If ‘Vacation’ means Submit your entry by dropping of this ballot at the Town Office or by emailing to [email protected] or texting to 834-8355 going anywhere South of Detroit for the Did you know that we have several people who have Adopted a Space in our community? weekend. They spend time on caring for the space and they notify CIB when problems arise. As people • If you measure distance age or move away these spaces no longer get the care that is needed and we are looking for in hours. other community members, families or organizations to adopt any of the following : • If you know several  The Kerrobert Sign on Hwy 51 to Biggar people who have hit a  The Kerrobert Sign on Hwy 51 to Major deer more than once.  The Poolside Park Sign  Hillside Memorial Corner (Prairie Branches has offered to help us with this corner when • If you have switched they are able to return!) from ‘heat’ to ‘A/C’ In Please contact the Rec Office if you are willing to volunteer! the same day and back again.

Town of Kerrobert • Kerrobert Ball diamonds are being maintained to ensure they do not fall “Nobody ever said it was going to be into disrepair and although we en- easy”. These wise words have been courage use by families, they will only spoken by a number of artists through be more carefully maintained with a music and poetry and quotations and request to rent. sometimes its just the thing we need • The Library drop box is open and to hear. Somehow we settled into the you can arrange for a curbside pickup idea that easy is what we are owed either online or by phone. The facil- when in fact facing a challenge or a ity is not currently open but staff can struggle is what can lift us up, if we be reached by phone at their regular face it. And with support, conviction hours and they are ready to help you and knowledge, we can face these in any way. challenges and we can come out the • Basketball, volleyball court and other side as better people, maybe not tetherball courts are open, users must everyday but in the long run. And we practise regular hand hygiene when can be better people in a better com- sharing equipment. munity and a better country. • The Handibus is back open for use with safety protocols in place. Please A lot of decisions have been made in note that the lack of drivers is causing regards to recreation in the last two some trouble for our regular schedule. weeks. A recap on what is happening If you are in need of the Handibus, in our community with a few new please call 834-7464 (Handibus cell) points: or 834-2361 (Town of Kerrobert) to • Kerrobert businesses continue to book. be champions in keeping our commu- • The Museum committee made nity safe and our needs met. the difficult decision to not open this • All parks are open but users must summer due to lack of staff and the bring hand sanitizer as we are not able increased cleaning protocols. There to do daily sanitizing. is no word yet from the Art Gallery • Town office is back to regular hours on when they intend to resume their – Monday to Friday 8:30 – 12:00 and activities. 1:00 – 4:30. continued on next page ... • June 29th Phase 4.2 plans are Please be sure to check out the arti- allowing for Day Camps with restric- cle from Communities in Bloom this tions in place. Our Park Program week, encouraging locals to vote for leaders have started registering chil- their favorite yard and business. Win- dren ages 5-12 and we hope to share ner will be awarded their Yard Stake at more information next week. the end of July. • The Arena will open Sept. 19 & 20 and the Rage team have booked that The Town of Kerrobert has seen some date as their Training Camp weekend! recent vandalism on the Well House All other plans for resuming activities behind the school yard. The Police at the rink are being reviewed. It is were notified as entrance into this difficult to make plans at this time as building could cause a problem for our the restrictions continue to lift and water system and danger to those who change. So although we are following enter. We have also been notified of that news closely, we are reluctant to children trespassing in areas that are make decisions at this time. not open to the pubic. These doors are locked for a reason and all have been The Graduating Class of 2020 put on re-secured. Please, please talk to your a wonderful celebration on Sunday children about the dangers of entering June 28 at the Kerrobert Fairgrounds areas that they are not permitted. and followed with a community pa- rade. Incredible efforts were made to The Park Program leaders are en- make this unique celebration special couraging citizens to decorate their during a pandemic. Teachers, parents, front yards and celebrate Canada Day community members and graduates allowing for what they call a “Reverse should be commended for all the Parade” where community members work they did to make this special and can enjoy the show during an evening many thanks for including the com- drive around. A prize will be given munity in the celebration. We are all out to the family or business that is proud of this great group of kids. decorated the best! Be sure to check out the Courthouse to see the window The Federal Government has put out decorating that was done to celebrate information on the Canada Student our great country of Canada. Service Benefit allowing students put RoseRose City City volunteer hours towards their tuition. Information regarding Covid 19 MemorialsMemorials Ltd. I highly recommend that eligible stu- change daily and the news seems to Ltd. dents check out this incredible oppor- be draining at times, so be sure to Granite Monument tunity to get involved. Although, at monitor yourselves, family members, PRODUCTION PLANT time of writing, there are no Kerrobert friends and co workers for signs of AND INDOORSpecialists SHOWROOM non-profitorganizations set up, many stress. Nobody said this was going to Dedicated102 Canola to Quality, Cres. of the opportunities allow for volun- be easy and reaching out takes courage Craftsmanship Cut Knife, SK and S0M Service 0N0 teering from home such as through and strength. Know when it is time to 306-398-4717306-398-4717 the Kids Help Phone or Pen Pal with call on a professional as our family and [email protected] Seniors. And perhaps in time, local friends may not have the skills needed www.rosecitymemorials.com102 Canola Cres. organizations will register. to deal with our unique challenges. Cut Knife, SK Check out our new website Continued on next page ...

Rose City Memorials.indd 1 18-02-26 2:26 PM The support you may need could simply be a phone call away… I AM CANADIAN Sask Health Line - 811 West Central Crisis Center – 1-306-463-6555 Hey. West Central Crisis after hours – 1-306-463-1860 I’m not a lumberjack or a fur trader (24 hour line) Heartland Health Region - 1-866-268-9139 And I don’t live in an igloo Kids Help Phone – 1-800-668-6868 Or eat blubber or own a dog sled Kerrobert Food Bank - 834-5389 Public Works on call phone – 834-7788 And I don’t know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada, although I’m Recreation on call phone – 834-8355 certain they’re really, really nice. I have a Prime Minister, not a President Happy Canada Day! I speak English and French, not American And I pronounce it “about,” not “aboot.” I can proudly sew my country’s flag on my backpack. Bobbi Hebron I believe in peacekeeping, not policing Recreation Director Diversity, not assimilation And that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal. A toque is a hat A chesterfield is a couch And it is pronounced zed, not zee, ZED! Canada is the second largest landmass The first nation of hockey And the best part of North America! And I AM CANADIAN! But with Team E winning the Draft Lottery, it will get more people into the Qualifying Round and to pay attention to those who get eliminated.

Though, let’s be honest, it might not be a concern at all if the NHLPA doesn’t agree to the season ending The recent NHL Draft Lottery result is nothing short or the qualifying round getting stopped due to Covid of a disgrace, a team that will be in playoffs will get the – but it’s still a nice thought to have it becomes Mario number one pick, makes no sense and looks so bad Kart rules where even if you lose in the playoffs – you on the NHL. It should’ve been just the 7 teams that could possibly win the top overall pick in the draft. weren’t in the play-in-round in the lottery. Give the teams who need the most help the best players, isn’t that what the Draft Lottery is all about. Now teams Greg Buchanan, For The Chronicle like Pittsburgh , Edmonton or Montreal just might get the first overall pick.

Some may have you believe the mystery Team E winning the NHL draft lottery is the best possible outcome for when the playoffs do begin. However, it sucks for the likes of the Detroit Red Wings and Ottawa Senators not to get the top pick after beyond terrible seasons. That said, some might say that get- ting Alex Lafreniere isn’t going to be the cure-for-all for those teams. It would be nice, sure, but at the same time it may not address the needs those teams need in the long run. Covid-19 For The Weekly Bean enjoyed my time with my kids. We have started a vegetable garden in our back yard and set up a Covid-19 has been a challenging time in our history, patio space for ourselves. We spend a lot of time of that there is no doubt. The Weekly Bean has had outside doing simple things like watching the birds our share of struggles right along with every other or reading books. On rainy days I spend time at my business. However, we have adapted to this new art desk creating new pieces of art to hang on my reality and have even come to enjoy some of the walls. It has been refreshing to not have a packed new aspects of having to think outside of the box! schedule if I’m honest. My kids and I have become While we can sit here and speak about all of the very intentional about our time together, making negative we much prefer to look for the positive in time for fun things like nachos and a movie night every situation. So we thought we would share our or having a fire in the yard. Our priorities have own experiences with you. changed that’s for sure, but for the better. This has given us time to reconnect, it has made clear what is truly important….family. I am hopeful Harland and Marianne Lesyk (owners) have found that once things go back to “normal” we will ways to adapt in their own household. Long keep this mindset and not be sucked back into the awaited projects are getting done, they say their busyness of life. yard has never looked better and the time spent working on these overdue projects as a team has If you would like to share a feel good thought, sto- helped to enrich their lives. From the standpoint ry, or the positive ways you have adapted during of doing business, that also has helped them to Covid-19 please send us an email to labean@ develop a closer relationship with their custom- ers. Also the tendency to take things for granted, including doing business is no longer an option Jolene Fawcett and has thus made them more adaptable to these For The Chronicle changing times. As for myself, Jolene Fawcett (editor), I have really Truth brings reconciliation The statue of Theodore Roosevelt at the Natural History Museum at New York is coming down, even though Roosevelt himself is not objectionable, but the two figures arranged beside by JOAN JANZEN For the Chornicle his statue suggest inferiority to some observers, while other groups suggested keeping it and explaining the statues. In this instance, further explanation was not an acceptable option, even though Theodore Roosevelt had said, “I acknowledge no man as my superior, except for his own worth, or as my inferior, except for his own demerit.” Did you hear about the guy who was trying to steal all the head statues at the museum? Apparently he got busted. Perhaps only evidence of the statue remaining will be in the movie “A Night at the Museum”, unless the movie will be edited Well, there’s no need to steal statues, because statues are con- or removed all together. tinually being dismantled throughout the world. As part of the anti-racism healing process, Charlottetown’s city councillors A former resident of Venezuela commented on the removal voted to keep the statue of Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada’s first of statues in North America. She said, “I have already lived prime minister. Charlottetown is home of Canadian Confed- through this thing when I was living in Venezuela (as a teenag- eration, where John A. Macdonald worked out details of the er). The statues came down .. Chavez didn’t want all that history Confederation of Canada. Charlottetown’s mayor, Philip Brown, displayed and then he changed the street names, then came said “It’s good to re-examine our history.” the school curriculum. Some movies couldn’t be shown on TV channels and so on and so forth. I mean anything can be at- An Indigenous activist suggested it wasn’t necessary to tear tacked if you just let it happen. If you just let the first ones come down the statue. Jenene Woldridge said “Why don’t we have down, then there are no limits to what’s next.” signage that tells his true story? Without truth we don’t get to reconciliation.” As a result, the city council decided that the Her observations definitely give us something to think about. full story needs to be told, not just parts of it, and will keep the Perhaps Woldridge’s suggestion to tell the truth in an effort to statue. bring reconciliation would be a more beneficial alternative. Her comments carried much more weight than the vandalism You can contact Joan Janzen at of the statue which took place during the previous week, result- [email protected] ing in $1,200 of work in order to remove the red paint. Send your upcoming events to [email protected]

Kerrobert United Church A notice to our congregation members and faith followers: As per UCC guidelines and following advice from Sask. Gov. & Health Depts, we are announcing that the Kerrobert United Church will be suspending in-person worship and other gatherings in the church during the pandemic. Council will be discussing ideas on how to best share the message so watch for upcoming information and pray for each other. Blessings to all. ------Kerrobert, , and Dodsland Clinics. In light of the worsening pandemic of Covid-19 Virus, some changes are necessary in the functioning of the Kerrobert, Luseland, and Dodsland Clinics. All 3 Clinics will remain open and operational. However, in an attempt to slow down the spread, reception will be asking a few questions when you call for an appointment. This will determine whether we can handle patient’s problems safely with a phone conversation with the Doctor, or whether you should be seen in person. This way we can avoid people com- ing together in the waiting area. For patients with mild respiratory diseases or flu like symptoms, we ask that patients just self-isolate for 14 days. For patients with more serious respiratory issues or flu like symptoms where they feel like they might need to be seen, please call the Kerrob- Rebates on now! ert Clinic at 306-834-2289 or the Healthcare Facility at 306-834-2646 for instructions. Please refer to the following website for more information regarding man- Celsius All weather tire ready for unpredictable weather agement of the Covid-19 Virus, .ca/coronavirus Improved ice & snow traction over an all-season tire Longer tread life than a winter tire ------

SAVE UP TO $70 ON SELECT SETS OF 4 TOYO TIRES Kerrobert Library Valid Sep 15 - Dec 15 There was some misinformation in the last issue. We will not be contacting 306.372.4389 202 Grand Avenue, LUSELAND patrons if they have holds to pickup. You will need to contact the library during our regular hours to schedule a pickup time. I apologize for the confusion. Our hours are: Tuesday 9:30am-12:30pm, 1:30pm-4:30pm & 5:30pm-8:30pm and Thursday 9:30am-12:30pm & 1:30pm-4:30pm. If you need help placing holds on Kerrobert Library material, you can email us at [email protected], leave a message on our Facebook page or call us during regular hours. The Summer Reading Program will be all online this year. To register, go to Click on Login & follow the instructions in blue to get your web access code. You will need to write it down as that is how you will access your notebook where you can keep track of the books you’ve read. There are also some great activities to do as well! Even though we will not be giving out prizes this year, we would still love to hear about your progress!------The Kerrobert Town Office will now be open to the public from 8:30am - 4:30pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday each week with precaution- ary measures to adhere to once inside the building. Please do not come into the building if you have any flu-like symptoms or if you have been out of the country in the past two weeks. Thank you for your co-operation and if you have any question, please call the Kerrobert Town Office at 306-834-2361. ,

Your Saskatchewan Party government has a new Growth Plan for the new decade, so everyone continues to benefit from a growing province. To learn more visit Ken Francis MLA for the Constituency Phone: 306.463.4446 / Toll Free: 833.463.4446

We are looking for a driver or drivers for a total of two days a week that would be available throughout their scheduled days, typically from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm for pickups and drop‐offs throughout each day. Drivers are required to hold a valid Class 5 driver’s license with at least 2 years post graduated driver licensing program experience and with a satisfactory driver history. This position would be a rewarding experience for anyone willing to take it on and the Town of Kerrobert offers a competitive salary. If you are interested in applying, whether it be for just for one day per week or two, please call the Town office at 306‐834‐2361.

Handi Bus Program Resumes on availability of drivers.) Each trip on Monday, June 29th! on scheduled days can include several stops and riders who wish to stay at a The Town of Kerrobert is happy to location for a while are able to sched- announce that they are able to resume ule a drop off and pick up time. Also, local service of the HandiBus start- hopefully soon the HandiBus will be ing Monday, June 29th with some available for individuals for out of new rules in place due to Covid 19 town bookings for appointments and restrictions. Drivers will be cleaning will be offering a monthly scheduled commonly touched surfaces on a trip to a neighbouring town. regular basis and riders will have to practice self-distancing, there will be This is a very valuable program in the hand sanitizer for use when getting on community and it helps immensely in bus, riders must avoid touching their the lives of people who are otherwise face and limit their contact to surfac- unable to get around on their own. It es if possible. Riders may not use the is our hope that we can find a dedicat- HandiBus if they are exhibiting any ed individual or perhaps individuals symptoms of Covid 19. that are willing to drive the Handi Bus to help us keep this service to the The Handi Bus is a fee based service community going strong! used to transport residents with a temporary or permanent disability If you know of someone that would be and seniors to and from their homes a good fit as a driver to join our team, and their respective destinations. please ask them to give the Town Of- fice a call at (306) 834-2361. Provided there are enough drivers, the HandiBus will continue to be available on scheduled weekdays. (The number of days it will be available will depend

ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTATION PLUMBING HEATING Graduation gifts & lawn signs available!

Canada’s Top 8 Golf Courses On the summer solstice, the latest tee-off time at the Yellowknife Golf Club bumps back to 11:30 p.m. to take P.E.I.’s Fox Meadow Golf and Country Club, just outside advantage of the midnight sun. Charlottetown, is home to the Canadian Golf Academy and its CPGA pro instructors. The fairways and greens of the Waskesiu Golf Course in central Saskatchewan are a favourite snacking ground for The front nine at Arbutus Ridge Golf Club near Victoria the national park’s resident elk. follows the Pacific shore, ensuring that frost and snow clo- sures are rare. Nine nearby wineries provide enticing stops With its own runway, executive suites, a posh yacht and a on the way home. shooting range, Nova Scotia’s Fox Harb’r Golf Resort & Spa serves your golfing experience on a silver platter. Perched over the city of Victoria, the Mountain Course at Westin Bear Mountain Golf Resort and Spa looks out on the Strait of Juan de Fuca towards the glaciated Olympic Mountains.

At the Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge‘s course-arguably the finest work by legendary golf course architect Stanley Thompson-almost every hole offers a view of the sur- rounding Rocky Mountain ranges.

The Clear Lake Golf Course, in Manitoba’s Riding Moun- tain National Park, recycles cooking oil as fuel in six main- tenance vehicles, and its composting toilets save 300,000 gallons of water a year. WHAT WE LEARN FROM THE MOVIES

-- It is always possible to park directly in front of any building you are visiting. -- A detective can only solve a case once he has been suspended from duty. -- If you start dancing in the street, everyone you bump into will know all the steps. -- Most laptops are powerful enough to override the communication systems of any invading alien civilization. -- It does not matter if you are heavily outnumbered in a fight involving martial arts, your enemies will wait patiently to attack you one by one, dancing around in a threatening manner until you have knocked out their predecessors. -- After a person suffers a massive blow to the head, they will still be surprisingly good looking. -- No one involved in a car chase, hijacking, explosion, volcanic eruption or alien invasion will ever go into shock. -- Partnering police officers with their total opposites will always, eventually, lead to buddy teams who share unbreakable bonds and gruff affection. Mobile Pay with LCU Mobile Pay is safe, secure and easy. Upload your LCU MemberCard® to the payment app and make purchases with your smart phone. LCU has Community partners Apple Pay®, Google Pay and Samsung Pay®. for over 50 years! Visit our website for more info.

701 Grand Ave 3063724444 Find us on Facebook!

Bacon and Cheese Frittata in Italian which means “mess” when translated, which perhaps describes the concoction, prior to cooking. Even though this By Dawn Hames dish bears an Italian name it can be found in home cooking all across Europe and Asia, in slightly different forms and names. As we reopen our provinces, our lives are starting to return to normal. We will still be socially distancing, hand washing and Here are some options to pick from that you can serve it with; not touching our faces. As we slowly return to our busy lives a fresh green salad, a Caesar salad, quinoa salad, potato salad, a may we take with us all we have learned from our experiences., bean salad, a side of tomato sauce, fried leftover potatoes, oven such as planning for a week’s groceries. Going to the grocery roasted vegetables, pickles, cottage cheese, fresh fruit, fresh store less often, means working with the basic ingredients you biscuits or bread. have. Here is a classic recipe for both the relaxed and busy life. I hope you enjoy it and make it your own. Bacon and Cheese Frittata

A frittata is a quick and easy dish to make for brunch, dinner 8 eggs (lunch) or supper. If you have some eggs and a few pantry ba- 1/2 cup milk or cream or sour cream sics you can usually whip it up in no time without a lot of fuss. 3/4 cup grated cheese To the basic base of eggs, cheese, milk, salt and pepper you can 1 teaspoon salt add 3 cups of your choice of vegetables. It can be leftovers such 1/2 teaspoon pepper as cubed cooked potatoes, peas, carrots, broccoli, sweet pota- 1 teaspoon dill weed toes, mushrooms, zucchini, asparagus, celery and for flavor, on- 1 small tomato chopped ions. Just pick either your favorites or what you have in your 1 cup frozen kale chopped or 3 cups spinach leaves refrigerator. Meat can be added such as ham, bacon, pepperoni 1 cup yellow onion chopped (raw or sautéed) or it can be meatless, as eggs are a good source of protein. For 2 cloves garlic chopped the cheese I like using old cheddar, and sometimes a tablespoon 6 sliced cooked bacon chopped. or two old parmesan cheese as it has lots of flavor, but feel free to experiment with your favorite cheeses such as swiss feta or Beat the eggs and milk together. Add the remaining ingredi- gouda. This recipe is seasoned with dill, but the seasoning can ents. Pour into a preheated and buttered fry pan. Cook cov- be changed to oregano, basil, Greek, chili powder etc. You can ered on medium heat for 5 minutes with no stirring, and then add fresh herbs like parsley or cilantro. put into the oven at 350 degree for 16 - 18 minutes, or until the eggs are set. To serve cut into pie shaped wedges. The humble frittata, while sounding exotic is not considered gourmet, but rather as rustic home cooking. You will rarely ever find it served in a restaurant. The name Frittata has it roots