Tropical Fruit-Eating Birds and Their Food Plants: a Survey of a Costa Rican Lower Montane Forest Author(S): Nathaniel T

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Tropical Fruit-Eating Birds and Their Food Plants: a Survey of a Costa Rican Lower Montane Forest Author(S): Nathaniel T Tropical Fruit-Eating Birds and Their Food Plants: A Survey of a Costa Rican Lower Montane Forest Author(s): Nathaniel T. Wheelwright, William A. Haber, K. Greg Murray and Carlos Guindon Source: Biotropica, Vol. 16, No. 3 (Sep., 1984), pp. 173-192 Published by: The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation Stable URL: . Accessed: 28/03/2014 14:25 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Biotropica. This content downloaded from on Fri, 28 Mar 2014 14:25:40 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Tropical Fruit-eatingBirds and theirFood Plants: A Survey of a Costa Rican Lower Montane Forest1 Nathaniel T. Wheelwright2 Departmentof Zoology, Universityof Florida,Gainesville, Florida 3261 1, U.S.A. WilliamA. Haber Departmentof EntomologicalSciences, Universityof California,Berkeley, California 94720, U.S.A. K. Greg Murray Departmentof Zoology, Universityof Florida,Gainesville, Florida 3261 1, U.S.A. and Carlos Guindon Apartado 10165, San Jose, Costa Rica ABSTRACT In the lowermontane forests of Monteverde,Costa Rica, at least 70 bird species relyon fruitsto differentdegrees. We present over 700 recordsof birds feedingon the fruitsof 171 plant speciesin a surveyof a singlesite intendedto complementSnow's (1981) world surveyof fruit-eatingby birds. The frequencywith which birds visitedplants and the characteristicsof the fruits (dimensions,color patterns, nutritional traits) are also described.The numberof bird speciesrecorded feeding on the fruitsof a particularplant specieswas positivelycorrelated with the size of the plant and with its commonness.Because biases may also be introducedby observingplant species for differentamounts of time, we distinguishthose plant species that were thoroughly studiedfrom others studied only casually. Plants in fivegenera (Acnistus, Citharexylum, Ficus, Hampea, and Sapium)attract more than 20 bird species;at about halfof all plant species,we observedfewer than threebird species.These resultsshould lead to a betterunderstanding of the characteristicsof neotropicalfruits and the diets of fruit-eatingbirds. RESUMEN En los bosques montano-bajosde Monteverde,Costa Rica, 70 especiesde aves, por lo menos,dependen de frutos,en diferentes grados. Presentamosmas de 700 observacionesde aves alimentandosede los frutosde 171 especiesde plantas en un estudio efectuadoen un solo lugarcon la intenci6nde complementarel estudiode Snow (1981) a nivelmudial sobrefrugivoria en aves. Se describentambien la frecuenciacon que las aves visitabanlas plantasy las caracteristicasde los frutos(dimensiones, patrones de color,composici6n nutritional). El numerode especiesde aves que notamoscomiendo frutos de una especieen particularresult6 positivamenterelacionado con el tamaiiode la planta y con su abundancia.Como esta correlaciontambien dependia de la durci6n de la observaci6nde cada especie de planta, distinguimosentre las especiesque estudiamoscuidadosamente o solamentecasual- mente.Las plantasde cincogeneros (Acnistus, Citharexylum, Ficus, Hampea, y Sapium) atrayeronmas de 20 especiesde aves; en aproximadamentela mitad de todas las especiesde plantasobservamos menos de tresespecies de aves. Estos resultadospermiten un mejorentendimiento de las caracteristicasde los frutosneotropicales y de las dietas de las aves frugivoras. AFTER SUBSTANTIAL FIELD RESEARCH stimulatedby the the- Studiesdiffer in taxonomicfocus (plants or birds),hier- oreticalpapers of Snow (1971) and McKey (1975), most archicalfocus (individuals, species, guilds, or communi- studieson fruit-eatingbirds have arrivedat a similarcon- ties),and method(comparative, experimental or theoret- dusion: the factorsgoverning diet choice and seed dis- ical). Each has made significantcontributions (for a review persal by birds are more complicatedand elusive than see Howe and Smallwood 1982). originallybelieved (cf. Sorenson1981, Howe and Vande There are clear tradeoffsbetween breadth of focus Kerckhove1979). In responseto the complexityof the and depthof results.Most researchershave favoredmore problem, researchershave taken distinctapproaches. detailedstudies by concentratingon individualplant or bird populations (Howe 1977, Howe 1981, Herrera 1981, Wheelwright1983), althoughothers have exam- ined groupsof interactingor ecologicallysimilar species I Received6 June 1983, revised10 November 1983, accepted (Wheelwright1984, Jenkins1969) or simple commu- 11 November 1983. nities(Sorensen 1981, Baird 1980). As a result,however, 2 Currentaddress: Section of Ecologyand Systematics,Cornell University,Ithaca, New York 14853, U.S.A. literaturesyntheses have had to relyon informationas- BIOTROPICA 16(3): 173-192 1984 173 This content downloaded from on Fri, 28 Mar 2014 14:25:40 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TABLE 1. Fruit-eatingbirds of Monteverde, Costa Rica. Gape Family Code Common name Scientificname width (mm) Cracidae BGb Black Guan Chamaepetesunicolor 31.0 Columbidae Bpb Band-tailedPigeon Columbafasciata 10.0 RP Red-billedPigeon C. flavirostris 10.0 DP Ruddy Pigeon C. subvinacea 10.0 SP Short-billedPigeon C. nigrirostris 9.5 WD White-tippedDove Leptotilaverreauxi 9.5 Cuculidae GA Groove-billedAni Crotophagasulcirostris 13.5 SC SquirrelCuckoo Piaya cayana Trogonidae RQa ResplendentQuetzal Pharomachrusmocinno 21.0 OTb Orange-belliedTrogon Trogonaurantiiventris 17.0 Momotidae BM Blue-crownedMotmot Momotusmomota 19.0 Capitonidae RB Red-headed Barbet Eubuccobourcierii PBb Prong-billedBarbet Semnornisfrantzii 17.0 Ramphastidae ETa EmeraldToucanet Aulacorhynchusprasinus 26.0 KTh Keel-billedToucan Ramphastossulfuratus 31.0 Picidae GW Golden-oliveWoodpecker Piculusrubiginosus 11.5 FWb Golden-frontedWoodpecker Melanerpesaurifrons 15.0 SW Smoky-brownWoodpecker Veniliornisfumigatus Pipridae LMa Long-tailed Manakin Chiroxiphia linearis 8.5 Cotingidae FP Rufous Piha Lipaugusunirufus MTb Masked Tityra Tityrasemifasciata 18.0 TBa Three-wattledBellbird Procniastricarunculata 25.0 CD CinnamonBecard Pachyramphusrufus Tyrannidae TKb TropicalKingbird Tyrannusmelancholicus 16.0 SF Sulfur-bellied Flycatcher Myiodynastesluteiventris 17.0 GF Golden-belliedFlycatcher M. hemichrysus 15.5 BF Boat-billedFlycatcher Megarhynchuspitangua 16.5 CF Social Flycatcher Myiozetetessimilis 13.0 DF Dusky-cappedFlycatcher Myiarchustuberculifer 12.0 YE Yellow-belliedElaenia Elaenia flavogaster 10.0 MEb MountainElaenia E. frantzii 8.5 OFb Olive-stripedFlycatcher Mionectesolivaceus 8.5 YCb YellowishFlycatcher Empidonaxflavescens 9.0 Corvidae BJb BrownJay Psilhorinusmorio 21.0 Muscicapidae BSa Black-facedSolitaire Myadestesmelanops 11.0 WRb White-throatedRobin Turdusassimilis 10.0 CRb Clay-coloredRobin T. grayi 14.0 MRa MountainRobin T. plebejus 12.0 STa Swainson'sThrush Catharusustulatus 10.5 RN Ruddy-cappedNightingale-Thrush C. frantzii BN Black-headedNightingale-Thrush C. mexicanus 10.5 ON Orange-billedNightingale-Thrush C. aurantiirostris 9.5 Ptilogonatidae Bya Black-and-yellowPhainoptila Phainoptilamelanoxantha 11.5 Vireonidae SV SolitaryVireo Vireosolitarius 8.5 YV Yellow-greenVireo V. flavoviridis 8.0 BV Brown-cappedVireo V. leucophrys Emberizidae CO Chestnut-headedOropendola Zarhynchuswagleri 18.0 BC BronzedCowbird Molothrusaeneus 11.5 NO NorthernOriole Icterusgalbula 10.0 RH Red-leggedHoneycreeper Cyanerpescyaneus 7.0 SD Scarlet-thighedDacnis Dacnis venusta 8.0 GCb Golden-browedChlorophonia Chlorophoniacallophrys 6.5 YT Yellow-throatedEuphonia Euphoniahirundinacea 7.0 TT Silver-throatedTanager Tangara icterocephala 9.0 CT Spangle-cheekedTanager T. dowii 9.0 GT" Blue-grayTanager Thraupisepiscopus 10.0 PT Palm Tanager T. palmarum 10.5 HT Hepatic Tanager Pirangaflava 12.5 UT SummerTanager P. rubra 11.0 CBa Common Bush-Tanager Chlorospingusophthalmicus 10.0 SB Sooty-cappedBush-Tanager C. pileatus 9.5 174 Wheelwright,Haber, Murray,and Guindon This content downloaded from on Fri, 28 Mar 2014 14:25:40 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TABLE 1. (Continued). Gape Family Code Common name Scientificname width (mm) TS Buff-throatedSaltator Saltatormaximus 18.5 GS GrayishSaltator S. coerulescens 14.5 RG Rose-breastedGrosbeak Pheucticusludovicianus YG Yellow-facedGrassquit Tiaris olivacea 6.5 WS White-earedGround-Sparrow Melozoneleucotis 12.5 YF Yellow-throatedBrush-Finch Atlapetesgutturalis 10.5 CC Chestnut-cappedBrush-Finch A. brunneinucha RSb Rufous-napedSparrow Zonotrichiacapensis 8.0 YH Yellow-thighedFinch Pselliophorustibialis a Species studiedin detail; fruitdiet at Monteverdebelieved to be well representedin Table 2. b Species studied less systematically;fruit diet at Monteverdemoderately well known. Other species not studied systematically; feedingrecords represent miscellaneous observations. sembledfrom disparate studies in differenthabitats in (Wheelwright1983; cf.Snow 1970); observingand con- theirattempts to derivegeneral principles (Ricklefs 1977, ductingcensuses at fruitingtrees
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