Hullavington News August—September 2020 Free—please take a copy 1 In this issue 16) Village Life 39) Then and now 27) Virtual Village Show 60) 200 Club 30) What Happened Next? 61) Useful Contacts 38) Recipe 64) Meet the Villager Contributions We love to hear from you. Please send any articles & news to:
[email protected] or deliver to The Old Bakery, 1 Gibbs Lane. We reserve the right to edit any arti- cle. Please send in a Word file with a font of 12 and pictures/ logos etc in jpeg. Pictures are printed in black and white. Input deadline for the next issue is the 15th September. £65 per page for 6 issues a year and £35 per half-page (black & white). All payments to Liz Greenman, address below. Donations are invaluable to the running of this newsletter, they can be made through the collection box in the village shop or sent to Liz Greenman, 84 The Street, Hullavington. SN14 6DU. Lloyds Chippenham. Sort 30 91 99, AC 03041845 Account ‘Hullavington News’ HN is printed by Jamprint—01249 823950 Printed on Carbon Captured paper + 2 Hello again! Another couple of months of lockdown has passed and slowly we are emerging. Much has changed of course and most of us are having to look for new ways of doing things. For the first time, the Village Show will be ‘virtual’ this year, relying on photographic inputs rather than the normal gathering in the Hall, for obvious reasons. Alt- hough it will have a much reduced schedule, I hope you’ll still be able to take part.