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Principal Daniel Woolf: Schedule Highlights May - September 2012 Month Day Location Activity The Royal Society of Executive Committee Teleconference 22 Kingston Senate Meeting Dinner with Faculty member 23 Kingston Mark Gerretsen, Mayor of the City of Kingston Convocation: Faculty of Health Science (Medicine) 24 Kingston Alumni, Prospective Donors and Friends AMS President and Executive Convocation: School of Business (Executive; Cornell/Queen's) 25 Kingston Convocation: School of Business (Fulltime/Accelerated) MiniU Welcome Dinner 2012 Re-convocation ceremony May 26 Kingston Tri-Colour Guard Dinner The Retirees' Association of Queen's (RAQ) Monday Morning Forum 28 Kingston Dinner with Faculty member Campaign Cabinet 29 Alumni, Prospective Donors and Friends Waterloo Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting 30 Donor Appreciation Reception Kingston Grant Hall Society Historica-Dominion Institute 31 Toronto Glen Murray, Minister of Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) Alumni, Prospective Donors and Friends Shadow a student for the day 4 Kingston Incoming SGPS Executive Alumni, Prospective Donors and Friends 5 Kingston Rector Lunch with the Chocolate Connection Silent Auction Winner Convocation: School of Business (Commerce) 6 Kingston Interview with American Milestones Alumni, Prospective Donors and Friends AMS President and Executive Convocation: Faculty of Education Incoming and Outgoing Board Chairs, Barb Palk and Bill Young 7 Kingston Reception for Douglas Hargreaves, Honorary Degree Recipient Call with David Johnston, Govenor General of Canada Alumni, Prospective Donors and Friends RBC Blue Water Project Gift/Media Announcement 8 Kingston Convocation: Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science June International Rugby Game between USA and Canada at Richardson Stadium 9 Kingston 9th Annual Kingston Garrison Ball Alumni, Prospective Donors and Friends 11 Kingston Convocation: Faculty of Arts and Science Convocation: Faculty of Arts and Science 12 Kingston 10th Annual Summer Institute of the International Education Training Program (IETP) Reception 13 Kingston Convocation: Faculty of Arts and Science 14 Kingston Convocation: Faculty of Arts and Science Convocation: School of Graduate Studies 15 Kingston Convocation: Faculty of Law AMS President and Executive 18 Kingston Lunch with a small group of staff Toronto Historica-Dominion Institute 19 Ottawa Grant Hall Event 20 Halifax Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) Teleconference: Board of Directors 20 Halifax Alumni, Prospective Donors and Friends 21 Halifax Royal Society of Canada Teleconference

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Principal Daniel Woolf: Schedule Highlights May - September 2012 Month Day Location Activity 21 Halifax Alumni, Prospective Donors and Friends 22 KingstonToronto The Jack Project SGPS President and Executive 25 Kingston AMS President and Executive June Dark Glasses Live Radio Show Kingston Royal Society of Canada Executive Committee Teleconference 26 Toronto Toronto-based University Councillors 29 Canadian International Institute for Extractive Industries and Development (CIIEID) Meeting Pierre-Gerlier Forest, President of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation 3 Kingston July Interview with CFB Kingston (Community Engagement Survey) 5 Kingston Call with Deborah Newman, Deputy Minister of MTCU May President of The Historica-Dominion Institute 13 Kingston AMS President and Executive SGPS President and Executive 14 Kingston Interview with the Globe and Mail Board of Trustees Audit Committee Geography Department's Explore Camp 17 Kingston Science Quest Camp Queen's Summer Innovation Institute 20 Kingston , Faculty of Education 21 Kingston Dinner with Faculty member Principal's Commission on Mental Health Arts and Science Undergraduate Society (ASUS) Interview 22 Kingston University Council Executive Committee August Interview with Macleans Magazine 23 Kingston The Royal Society of Canada Executive Committee Teleconference 24 Kingston ASUS summer camp Call with the Vice-president and Chief Operating Officer at AUCC 27 Kingston Rector Alumni, Prospective Donors and Friends 28 Kingston Call with the President and CEO of the Canadian Bureau for International Education Imagine Kingston Kingston 29 AMS President and Executive Toronto U15 (Canadian Research Intensive Universities Group) Retreat 30 Toronto Toronto Trustee Dinner Visit to the International Programs Office 31 Kingston Athletics and Recreation Sports Camp Residences' Move-In Day 2 Kingston Queen's Welcomes U Rally Common Reading Program 3 Kingston Queen's Football Home Opener Orientation Activity: Existere 4 Kingston Graduate Student Welcome and Resource Fair Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Kingston Queen's University Planning Committee (QUPC) 5 Kingston StartUp Canada September Kingston Trustee Dinner Alumni, Prospective Donors and Friends AMS President and Executive 6 Kingston Orientation Activity: School of Computing BBQ/Dance off Orientation Activity: School of Business (Commerce) BBQ Council of Ontario Universities (COU) Executive Heads Roundtable 7 Toronto Call with John Gerretsen, M.P.P. Kingston and The Islands 7 Toronto Standing Advisory Committee on International Relations (SACIR) Teleconference 10 Kingston Kingston Trustee Lunch

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Principal Daniel Woolf: Schedule Highlights May - September 2012 Month Day Location Activity 10 Kingston Dinner with Faculty member 22 Kingston COU Teleconference: Pension Plan Working Group 11 Kingston Senior Administrators' Retreat SGPS Council Meeting 12 Toronto Alumni, Prospective Donors and Friends Lunch meeting with Senate Committee Chairs 13 Kingston AMS Assembly Meeting Board of Trustees Governance and Nominating Committee Teleconference 14 Kingston Tour of Benidickson House September School of Business Benefactor and Volunteer Appreciation Reception Opening Ceremony of Goodes Hall May 15 Kingston Portrait unveiling and reception for Tom Williams, Principal Emeritus 18 Kingston Lunch with a small group of staff Alumni, Prospective Donors and Friends 19 Katie Beaumont Hill Award Reception 20 Vancouver Alumni, Prospective Donors and Friends 24 Kingston Brown Bag Conversations 25 Kingston Senate Meeting

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