Borough May Have to Increase Rates

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Borough May Have to Increase Rates . 27 »kM««SBsauiewwuiHS,- m : o J ;:C0y.ERiN<; ¥ p R S P A V ; I M ATAW AN mnvvca ; I : A N D I'H.E " V "V ' lle n ie | . TOWNSKiPf or I MARLBORO, - A ir ^ Teek f HULiUDtX ami MA2 SSON ■ 1 Kcmtwr ■•• tout VEAR •— t-2th;-W£EK- Katloaai Aa.’Hu.’fsikm .MATAWAN, N.. X t THURSDAY. 'SEPTEMBER 13, First-. €ims Attends: :¥kmney THIS -!*;< - J WEEK V] YS, NEWS <1 f i g , _ IltF. BAYSHORE AREA 1 s E gatfi ft1 a>- nj. _4_ ^ ___ S' SUtle-Coimly -.-•Gradi'iatiott ••fcsefctses for tha- 115th M unicipal• 'Pollca.; .. v^vvaii lo w j^ r iip Coan.-:)] Monday re­ ;t4an2 Froehiieh. O it in e i l^ n G^tcirce Cu*.** upni',*! j»v oea m « . w iU ' ne new : at ‘ tne 'Spring- tak«\ ) wi i "Jf jt* ypp5ic;u>op .fr,r z, : S tj.n^y Pi a rt--o, , Pow or arid J,ome -KaytK:.;- <* . CommuoUy. House:,Friday, it- 2: n.m: The guest speaker -.■ ,'wuoa w->a,rtM!,’OfortOio?-Hno .R'iute an-j at' ■ ■ by the . council io accept wirJidrdWah-of r .w il’r. be M aj.' KwgenevQIftff, ' D eputy, buperm tendentj N ew ■ snitte th^y de nor ie.vo'r . wiy ..'the"iipp'ieMiY.n;'without ptejud’ce prevetC-s Mri Jersey State Policc. ;• / ■ ■ .-. 1 ttWcd gardvj* 'ir-,artniK,nts in Uu* ttiwnship. • Abram ovttz from .‘:es.ubuv,ttoiy? the Donald P, Hoagland,. superintendent ot th* Monmouth , B y .a ivf.h O ouiiedm virW aU er H. Gch* •a !afc*r date. If altej.'ed p i t a ars;p.r ricke ahd Da:iiel,:H, Downey ab^.iiiining,. the coim* County Vocationm School District, annotuices the 2191 Zoning Hoio'd ol AdjusUn'iii! ihe;apr:-'- ci: tli’io prevented the anoitca'.ion o f. lterr,a.r<J . p!ie.fHion bv.ore li rravhe-i the *s^{:’ ‘ ‘ graduating class ,o£ praclK-oi nursing students. Tlw grad*.; AbrLUra^it/, IlridetJ,--from h«'dh^ resubm itted.; . Rtcomtneivdttd P-y/Vlym^;' : : untton exercises will be held at the Long U.diicli Vocu- Voting iu . feiecr the wiihdr.iwa; M!ayor - The- Zoning• iJoard, despite the ahjecUofl-s 0 f ; tional School tomorrow at a p.m. ‘ iibout7a of -that orea.-.on Junrr ^a jvcon'i7-. ■ : T he M onm outh .County Cocnoil of the be^^ue-of Worn- speeded that the CciLtucil approve the , vi.irhince.: • -.> en Voters has sm itten I'Veehotder Director Joseph C. ir-v Mr. Abrairsavifi is seekin#/. An btmd. the yii uiiitvs- jn ton.urea ?or,i'»1 prO*iK- lor highway bu'::>r.^.>:s ^u*J ' ' win retjuestiM that public discussions. be held on alter* • Differing Time partlyrcsideuiiai. Neither tone permits 'multiplyS tsativcj. u i ■ .f>e oi'a^c ■■ construction tliali ■ pajrticiimi ly ttlfen ; 'dweliine, ^ ' • • ' • " ■ '"--*■ ■ ■' ■; tlie lives of citizens. ■ . • .■ . : Iti the -lelter Uj the erwndl, ’M r . A b rs m o v iU .. Of Classes Hit said he was withdraw ing the Application "h?eaus9''"- Arts and Leisure of a cJtati|!.c in pianii.’' fie rai!ced the master b« ; The Buj.ui.fss and Professional Women’s Club Inc., Ma'.rwau Rc'^'oaal ]V-n?‘d of Hducalion en* withdrawn wii.hou: preiudtce .and-sought tho % turn of “pertinent, papers.” ' -••••. Matuwan, held its regular meeting -on Monday at the Mid* countered ptotesc Monday ort tbe ailnur.ent of R.-udd and NWber Realty Co. i.s suckin-ra v&r- ..way.■-Hose Fire House, Matawan. Mrs. Phyllis Cnkm an, pupils to full .session*; vie 'against those nn half lance to'build -n ^ssohnc; station at Uoyd Rd. tthd ;;. scr.-sjons, A tiack '.va:> m ade a\i board'll policy president, presided, Plans for activities tor thi* year 1909- Gerard Ave. A public hearing is scheduled fop..; of moving pupils; ar. rooms become available un- YO v.eie di&cuued. .- . ' ' Sept 24. ... - ’ ...- '■ - . d\ir \he bulldhiii pr?)^r^m after an a-.inotittceoifnt The council a i^v d to meet pnvateiy w itn tha , I n d u s t r y made last', spnn.1? that the fourth srade, in Rov, I’dward Jrjooj, % Second St., M onday to •dts-«- ' Ua er.tjreiy, would be un spin; sessifnis tr<i> year. Talks between the New Y 0rk-K.ean5burgl.ciig Branch lhe Rev, William Capjwiu, prmcip;u. chai.i with a (*roup of bays, members of thu first class of th? proposed relocation of liay?*hore -Day Mr.i. June Gieenfie’d wa.-i the mother ra:;:in^ •B>,wCo.. and the .Union representing • S3 striking drivers: 23fl frofshiaon, In front of thc new $2.3 million St. 5 obit Vlanuey Regional (’sthoiic High School in Care Center. '' v , th« . iss«e - sirtmftiy. 'She detlured sne imtlerstofxl• - Rr*v; Jones • contended i.Wcf . Porent Advisory ' .; Will resume this Thursday. , . '.Holmdel Township. Clas«<*5 will be added each ye ar until the' Mgh school cwmpltiwent Is rcuehed, fo u rth - ^u d e rs a t Ravine D r . School, had l*eon Board of khc Center, which he head.?, u n d’ the^cen-v Humble Oi! & Refilling Co, still Is hopeful, for year­ when itis estimated that thw enrollment w ill be 2 0 0 0 .students, Th^ new icliool, contemporary. In de* ta k e n .off split sessions while tho::e hi Broad 5 t.: tor's relocation conimiltee; utj»ed the .center ba • -found. usa ■ of Northwest-Passage as ihe S.S. Manhattan •ign,; was one of 10 buildings selected for the National Catholic Award For Design hi M tf/ School had to remain ou thenv li e.x\>'>ah'-cd : moved jronv IU Route location io hia.r.’ continues its successful voyage through the Arctic wa­ to her. that lhe principal? at Ravine T)r. School d iu rc h ‘in C-iiifwood, vhett the present lease ;exr:':' ters: Juan J. Aurelio, Union Beach, is an oiler aboard had to adapi a librafy toum bciiL;.» va* pires Dec. 31. • . • .. ........ the Manhattan, 'fa t e d in the wartf; *«• s r»t rvi. He rM m o d tho rentof-1^ Hoafvf of Tr’.'.vtees Uti- teaehnu; u> thereby ^et ihe ft.eirih graders ur fcc , dcf pTv.’.svwe trrw Uv-e Meirvtnoolh Cor.v.Yiemtv Ac­ tion lJut!»r**in vented to !>p;U tho cenl'jr inio threo’ — ijJR elig io ii school on loll nine, ' h v a tio n t for ’'economy reasons.*' According to St. John's United! Methodist Church, Hazlet, Ls inak- M)*s CrcenfieJd t>hjycp*d to rooms “ suddenly Ri'v. .lone*;, rh? siros are in M aro^an, Keyport and Ing plans to celebrate the anniversary of 170 years of ser- Uppeiirin''M at one :.»i:Uooi as at'ainst another and Union B<iadu Wantod to know why tbe adMini.stration was not vico to the bayshore area. .Traditionally this anniversary The couadl directed a letter to MCAP indicat­ ls celebrated in connection with the Roll Call service. Roll I(K;kir>g for thc-iu iu the spnng. Of. John F, Me* ing its “concern” about the proposed splitting K enna, suj>edttfeadent, expUtuie<l lhat th* a.s- Call day is a call to loyalty and has been held annually Opens In Holmdel with il? "rieeoineW harmful resuhs*' and iumrme.d' fll^imien!. of ihe fo u nh K.tady to lull sessions, hud In St. John’s; Church lor tho past 70 y e a rs . thc anti-poverty ^.roup it plans to discuss thc maj:- been made oo ihe timetable at that time of com* ter with Rev. Jones and MCAP•fcpresent'atlves,.' > On Sunday, the .Calvary Baptist Chapel, 485 L lo y d Members of the first class, 258 freshmen, ara typing . m%:hanic/d drawing, general science; a attending fhe new 52,5 million St. John Vianney library; a ’ snp*U b^*«.\utItu/iy designed chapel and pletion of >.ieve facilities tmdur tbe building pro­ In other bit:-:ne*;s, the council Hpjy»inted Stan* . ; Rd , Matawan, w ill be officially 'organized as a church. R egional Cathclio Srt.of.J in lloim dcl Town­ three'coni’erjnce rtxjms. gram and, if thvro developed a letter than e» ley Cnurt'and Lane, and Thorns.? R andall, . THe official constituting service w ill be hold at 3 p .m . ship. According to the Rev. William Capano. (oontuwed on paj’o four) Cui\’«r Way, tu thc Industrial Commission, , wilh the Rev. M.R. Haire, pastor of the Monmouth Bap­ Thu second area for administration Included pnncipai, uu eventua! enrollment of 100U is fill- tist ^Church, Eatontown, presiding. Featured speaker will the central office, the principal's ar.d vice prin* ticipated as classes are added each year. cipal’r. offices, ^uidanct* and nurses suites and be Dr. Paul S. James, executive■ secretary-treasurer of I;ather Capano cNplained lhat the new region­ two faculty lounges and workrooms. the Baptist Convention of New York. al high school will cover parishes in Keyport, In the third area is the little theatre, a gym* ■ . Yom Kippur, Day of Forgiveness, Sabbath of Sab­ Keansburg, Freehold, Union Heai-iv V.'W nasuini, shower und locker few ms and the dining baths, or os .it is usually called, Day of Atonement, ii lhe burg, Matawan Uorottgh, Holmdel, Ha/Jet, Mata* Borough May Have roorr.s. greatest day on the Jewish calendar and w ill be observed w an and Marlboro Township.-;.
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