Borough May Have to Increase Rates
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. 27 »kM««SBsauiewwuiHS,- m : o J ;:C0y.ERiN<; ¥ p R S P A V ; I M ATAW AN mnvvca ; I : A N D I'H.E " V "V ' lle n ie | . TOWNSKiPf or I MARLBORO, - A ir ^ Teek f HULiUDtX ami MA2 SSON ■ 1 Kcmtwr ■•• tout VEAR •— t-2th;-W£EK- Katloaai Aa.’Hu.’fsikm .MATAWAN, N.. X t THURSDAY. 'SEPTEMBER 13, First-. €ims Attends: :¥kmney THIS -!*;< - J WEEK V] YS, NEWS <1 f i g , _ IltF. BAYSHORE AREA 1 s E gatfi ft1 a>- nj. _4_ ^ ___ S' SUtle-Coimly -.-•Gradi'iatiott ••fcsefctses for tha- 115th M unicipal• 'Pollca.; .. v^vvaii lo w j^ r iip Coan.-:)] Monday re ;t4an2 Froehiieh. O it in e i l^ n G^tcirce Cu*.** upni',*! j»v oea m « . w iU ' ne new : at ‘ tne 'Spring- tak«\ ) wi i "Jf jt* ypp5ic;u>op .fr,r z, : S tj.n^y Pi a rt--o, , Pow or arid J,ome -KaytK:.;- <* . CommuoUy. House:,Friday, it- 2: n.m: The guest speaker -.■ ,'wuoa w->a,rtM!,’OfortOio?-Hno .R'iute an-j at' ■ ■ by the . council io accept wirJidrdWah-of r .w il’r. be M aj.' KwgenevQIftff, ' D eputy, buperm tendentj N ew ■ snitte th^y de nor ie.vo'r . wiy ..'the"iipp'ieMiY.n;'without ptejud’ce prevetC-s Mri Jersey State Policc. ;• / ■ ■ .-. 1 ttWcd gardvj* 'ir-,artniK,nts in Uu* ttiwnship. • Abram ovttz from .‘:es.ubuv,ttoiy? the Donald P, Hoagland,. superintendent ot th* Monmouth , B y .a ivf.h O ouiiedm virW aU er H. Gch* •a !afc*r date. If altej.'ed p i t a ars;p.r ricke ahd Da:iiel,:H, Downey ab^.iiiining,. the coim* County Vocationm School District, annotuices the 2191 Zoning Hoio'd ol AdjusUn'iii! ihe;apr:-'- ci: tli’io prevented the anoitca'.ion o f. lterr,a.r<J . p!ie.fHion bv.ore li rravhe-i the *s^{:’ ‘ ‘ graduating class ,o£ praclK-oi nursing students. Tlw grad*.; AbrLUra^it/, IlridetJ,--from h«'dh^ resubm itted.; . Rtcomtneivdttd P-y/Vlym^;' : : untton exercises will be held at the Long U.diicli Vocu- Voting iu . feiecr the wiihdr.iwa; M!ayor - The- Zoning• iJoard, despite the ahjecUofl-s 0 f ; tional School tomorrow at a p.m. ‘ iibout7a of -that orea.-.on Junrr ^a jvcon'i7-. ■ : T he M onm outh .County Cocnoil of the be^^ue-of Worn- speeded that the CciLtucil approve the , vi.irhince.: • -.> en Voters has sm itten I'Veehotder Director Joseph C. ir-v Mr. Abrairsavifi is seekin#/. An btmd. the yii uiiitvs- jn ton.urea ?or,i'»1 prO*iK- lor highway bu'::>r.^.>:s ^u*J ' ' win retjuestiM that public discussions. be held on alter* • Differing Time partlyrcsideuiiai. Neither tone permits 'multiplyS tsativcj. u i ■ .f>e oi'a^c ■■ construction tliali ■ pajrticiimi ly ttlfen ; 'dweliine, ^ ' • • ' • " ■ '"--*■ ■ ■' ■; tlie lives of citizens. ■ . • .■ . : Iti the -lelter Uj the erwndl, ’M r . A b rs m o v iU .. Of Classes Hit said he was withdraw ing the Application "h?eaus9''"- Arts and Leisure of a cJtati|!.c in pianii.’' fie rai!ced the master b« ; The Buj.ui.fss and Professional Women’s Club Inc., Ma'.rwau Rc'^'oaal ]V-n?‘d of Hducalion en* withdrawn wii.hou: preiudtce .and-sought tho % turn of “pertinent, papers.” ' -••••. Matuwan, held its regular meeting -on Monday at the Mid* countered ptotesc Monday ort tbe ailnur.ent of R.-udd and NWber Realty Co. i.s suckin-ra v&r- ..way.■-Hose Fire House, Matawan. Mrs. Phyllis Cnkm an, pupils to full .session*; vie 'against those nn half lance to'build -n ^ssohnc; station at Uoyd Rd. tthd ;;. scr.-sjons, A tiack '.va:> m ade a\i board'll policy president, presided, Plans for activities tor thi* year 1909- Gerard Ave. A public hearing is scheduled fop..; of moving pupils; ar. rooms become available un- YO v.eie di&cuued. .- . ' ' Sept 24. ... - ’ ...- '■ - . d\ir \he bulldhiii pr?)^r^m after an a-.inotittceoifnt The council a i^v d to meet pnvateiy w itn tha , I n d u s t r y made last', spnn.1? that the fourth srade, in Rov, I’dward Jrjooj, % Second St., M onday to •dts-«- ' Ua er.tjreiy, would be un spin; sessifnis tr<i> year. Talks between the New Y 0rk-K.ean5burgl.ciig Branch lhe Rev, William Capjwiu, prmcip;u. chai.i with a (*roup of bays, members of thu first class of th? proposed relocation of liay?*hore -Day Mr.i. June Gieenfie’d wa.-i the mother ra:;:in^ •B>,wCo.. and the .Union representing • S3 striking drivers: 23fl frofshiaon, In front of thc new $2.3 million St. 5 obit Vlanuey Regional (’sthoiic High School in Care Center. '' v , th« . iss«e - sirtmftiy. 'She detlured sne imtlerstofxl• - Rr*v; Jones • contended i.Wcf . Porent Advisory ' .; Will resume this Thursday. , . '.Holmdel Township. Clas«<*5 will be added each ye ar until the' Mgh school cwmpltiwent Is rcuehed, fo u rth - ^u d e rs a t Ravine D r . School, had l*eon Board of khc Center, which he head.?, u n d’ the^cen-v Humble Oi! & Refilling Co, still Is hopeful, for year when itis estimated that thw enrollment w ill be 2 0 0 0 .students, Th^ new icliool, contemporary. In de* ta k e n .off split sessions while tho::e hi Broad 5 t.: tor's relocation conimiltee; utj»ed the .center ba • -found. usa ■ of Northwest-Passage as ihe S.S. Manhattan •ign,; was one of 10 buildings selected for the National Catholic Award For Design hi M tf/ School had to remain ou thenv li e.x\>'>ah'-cd : moved jronv IU Route location io hia.r.’ continues its successful voyage through the Arctic wa to her. that lhe principal? at Ravine T)r. School d iu rc h ‘in C-iiifwood, vhett the present lease ;exr:':' ters: Juan J. Aurelio, Union Beach, is an oiler aboard had to adapi a librafy toum bciiL;.» va* pires Dec. 31. • . • .. ........ the Manhattan, 'fa t e d in the wartf; *«• s r»t rvi. He rM m o d tho rentof-1^ Hoafvf of Tr’.'.vtees Uti- teaehnu; u> thereby ^et ihe ft.eirih graders ur fcc , dcf pTv.’.svwe trrw Uv-e Meirvtnoolh Cor.v.Yiemtv Ac tion lJut!»r**in vented to !>p;U tho cenl'jr inio threo’ — ijJR elig io ii school on loll nine, ' h v a tio n t for ’'economy reasons.*' According to St. John's United! Methodist Church, Hazlet, Ls inak- M)*s CrcenfieJd t>hjycp*d to rooms “ suddenly Ri'v. .lone*;, rh? siros are in M aro^an, Keyport and Ing plans to celebrate the anniversary of 170 years of ser- Uppeiirin''M at one :.»i:Uooi as at'ainst another and Union B<iadu Wantod to know why tbe adMini.stration was not vico to the bayshore area. .Traditionally this anniversary The couadl directed a letter to MCAP indicat ls celebrated in connection with the Roll Call service. Roll I(K;kir>g for thc-iu iu the spnng. Of. John F, Me* ing its “concern” about the proposed splitting K enna, suj>edttfeadent, expUtuie<l lhat th* a.s- Call day is a call to loyalty and has been held annually Opens In Holmdel with il? "rieeoineW harmful resuhs*' and iumrme.d' fll^imien!. of ihe fo u nh K.tady to lull sessions, hud In St. John’s; Church lor tho past 70 y e a rs . thc anti-poverty ^.roup it plans to discuss thc maj:- been made oo ihe timetable at that time of com* ter with Rev. Jones and MCAP•fcpresent'atlves,.' > On Sunday, the .Calvary Baptist Chapel, 485 L lo y d Members of the first class, 258 freshmen, ara typing . m%:hanic/d drawing, general science; a attending fhe new 52,5 million St. John Vianney library; a ’ snp*U b^*«.\utItu/iy designed chapel and pletion of >.ieve facilities tmdur tbe building pro In other bit:-:ne*;s, the council Hpjy»inted Stan* . ; Rd , Matawan, w ill be officially 'organized as a church. R egional Cathclio Srt.of.J in lloim dcl Town three'coni’erjnce rtxjms. gram and, if thvro developed a letter than e» ley Cnurt'and Lane, and Thorns.? R andall, . THe official constituting service w ill be hold at 3 p .m . ship. According to the Rev. William Capano. (oontuwed on paj’o four) Cui\’«r Way, tu thc Industrial Commission, , wilh the Rev. M.R. Haire, pastor of the Monmouth Bap Thu second area for administration Included pnncipai, uu eventua! enrollment of 100U is fill- tist ^Church, Eatontown, presiding. Featured speaker will the central office, the principal's ar.d vice prin* ticipated as classes are added each year. cipal’r. offices, ^uidanct* and nurses suites and be Dr. Paul S. James, executive■ secretary-treasurer of I;ather Capano cNplained lhat the new region two faculty lounges and workrooms. the Baptist Convention of New York. al high school will cover parishes in Keyport, In the third area is the little theatre, a gym* ■ . Yom Kippur, Day of Forgiveness, Sabbath of Sab Keansburg, Freehold, Union Heai-iv V.'W nasuini, shower und locker few ms and the dining baths, or os .it is usually called, Day of Atonement, ii lhe burg, Matawan Uorottgh, Holmdel, Ha/Jet, Mata* Borough May Have roorr.s. greatest day on the Jewish calendar and w ill be observed w an and Marlboro Township.-;.