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PERCarbitrator maybe chosensoon Townshippolice negotiations at impasse by Steve Goodman The township recognized its "WhenI brought the moneyoffer committee member, Lou Calabrese ManagingEditor responsibility to improve the pay back to the men they said said. scales and the PBAacted responsibly ’no’...beeause we should have been at "Wewill not accept a merit increase Binding arbitration may be the during the talks, according to Mr. $16,000 already," Mr. Casate said, because it creates too many solution to negotiating a police con- Gerken. referring to a moneyoffer madeby problems," he continued. tract to supersede the current Franklin Township Council joined and subsequently withdrawn by, the agreement, which expires Dec. 31. Mr. Gerkenin formulatinga pay scale township prior to agreeing on the AT TIIE NOV, 7 bargaining After the last face-to-face and salary proposal which was existing contract. meeting, the last face-to-face bargaining session Nov. 7, both presented to the PBA six-member "Wewould only be getting a $200 negotiations, the township withdrew Franklin Township and the Police negotiating committeeon Aug. IS. raise," the policemansaid. its proposal and "offered us the BenevolentAssociation Local 154filed present contract with the dates notices of impasse and requested "Tile PROPOSALwould have A SECOND REASON the PBA changed," Mr. Casale said. compulsoryarbitration in accordance meant that each permanently ap- rejected the Aug. 16 proposal was William Lanigan, an attorney from with a May, 1977 act supplementing pointed officer wouldbe receiving top becauseit included a merit systemfor Basking Ridge, joined the bargaining the "NewJersey Employer-Employee pay of $17,000not later than July 1, increments, in which patrolmen are session representing the township Relations Act." 1979," Mr. Gerkensaid. evaluated by their immediatesuperior along with Mr. Gerken. For the more junior officers, it officers every six months, according "I didn’t want to see somestranger TIlE CURRENTtwo-year contract wouldmean an increase of $4,220 over to Mr. Cnsale. comeinto the townsh@and negotiate tookeffect Jan. 1, 1976.Police salaries two years with a $2,480 increase the "The merit system can too easily because it doesn’t improve our wereincreased $908in 1976 and $1,0O0 first year, according to the township become a means of vengence and a relationship with the people and the this year. However, the men were manager. means of political reprisals where council’s relationship with the frozen for the two-years at their The proposal wouid add an ad. there are no proper standards," people," Mr. Casale claimed. existing step on a seven-step pay ditional $I06,086, or an increase of JamesKey Jr., PBAcounsel, insisted. "Wework together as a team," Mr. scale. 25.88 percent over two years, to the "Weare the only police department Gerken said. "He is the hired Article XVII of the contract dic- current township expenditure of in the countywith the merit system," professional and he is plotling our tates, "In June of 1977, negotiations $409,858for patrolmen’s salaries, he Ptl. Casale said. "It takes our strategy. That does not preclude betweenthe Townshipof Franklin and reported. discretionary power away from us," either of us from doing what wethink Local 514 will commencefor the The 1977 police departmentbudget is he argued, indicating police officers is in the best interests of the town- purposeof attaining a newand shorter $1,253,703. Patrolmen’s salaries ac- can exercise a certain amount of ship." pay scale." count for 32.69 percent of that figure. discretion in haedling a specific "These negotiations began in good situation. ONNOV. 10, Mr. Lanigan filed faith by both sides," Township PBAPRESIDENT John Casale, and "Taking our discretion away from notice of impasse and requested the Manager Harry Gerkee, the town- his negotiating team, presented the us means having to issue a summons Public Employment Relations ship’s representative at the townsbip’s proposal to the 43-member for a violation or we will suffer bargaining table, said. local. The group rejected the offer. economically,". PBAnegotiating See POLICE,page 20-A Township Manager Harry Gerken T"°Franklin News recorD Vol. 25. No. 50 Twosections, 40 pages Phone: (201) 725-3300 Thursday, December15, 1977 Secondclass postage paid at Manville, N.J. 08835 $4.50 a year/15 cents per copy Beachemand Diamondclash Councilhears attorney’s side; approvesprinting disbursement by Steve Goodman in adopt a resolution to amendthe Mr. Beaehem immediately moved ManagingEditor existing workorder thereby amending to table the matter indicating he first the contract and openingthe door for wanted to see the signed resolution Barbed commentsflew across the council authorized payment of the and the file of correspondence con- work table at the Franklin Township printing bill, according to Thomas ta!ning the amendedagreement. Council agenda session Tuesday, Dec. Cafferty, townshipattorney. See DIAMOND,page 20-A 13. Attorney Milton Diamond,angered by and vocal about a letter sic, ned by Marita Cl/ckner and printed in the Dee. 8 issues of "The Franklin News. Record" and the "Somerset Spec- tator," came before thi~ council to explain there was no illegality in. relying his $3,785.09 printing and reproductionbill to the township. The council saw it his way, muchto the chagrin of Democratic Coun- cilman Philip Beachem,whose stand against paymentof the printing bill won him so much praise from Ms. Clickner. SPEAKING RAPIDLY and con- cisely,Mr. Diamondsaid, "I am not greedy. I am not moneyhungry. I am not a fake, nor a fraud." "WhenI see this kind of thing in the newspaper I am offended," he said, indicating an attorney’s main credentials is his reputation. "I don’t think you are a liar or a cheater," Mr. Beacbem’responded. "The question at hand deals with a resolution of June g andthe agreement ¢..: attached to it," the councilmancon- tinued. "There is no amendmentin our" STEVEMcCLAY, former Franklin Townshippolice officer, left the employof the maternityleave fromher $18,500job in August.Son Christopher was born in Sep- records." townshipdue to the economicsituation at home.His wife, Medics,took o one-year temberand Steve wanted to be "morethan a part-time father." (Steve Goodmanphoto] MR.DIAMOND told council he had received a copy of the June 9 resolution and attached agreementon July t under a cover letter signed by Township Clerk Mary Dully. Moneywoes force fo "mer patrolman The council resolution stated nothingabout fees. It only providedfor awardingthe contract for profess!noel services. The accompanying to take newjob; $6,000 salary increase agreementset forth fees to be $50 per ¯ a,~ by Steve Goodman make good money," Marlies McClay PATROLMANMcClay earned $9,454 $1,908salary increase over two years hour not to exceed $t,575, including MILTONDIAMOND, Esq. appearedbefore the Franklin TownshioCouncil at its ManagingEditor said. his first year on the force. Hehad to but by being frozen at his pay step for disbursements, according to Mr. agendasession Tuesday, Dec. 13, to justify his submissionof a $3,785.09bill for She supplemented the family’s buy his owngun, night stick, whistle, the two.year period he lost $1,0O0in Diamond. printing andreproduction expenses incurred in three appealcases he handledfor Steve McClay,27, recently becamea income working at A.T.&T. as a flashlight, raincoat and uniforms. increments, according to Mr, McClay. The attorney reworded the the township.Councilman Philip Oeachemquestioned the validity of the rewording father. keypunch supervisor until Aug. 29 The current contract provides "In actuality, all I got was$90O over agreement to read "plus disbur- of the June9 resolutionand accompanyingagreement retaining Mr. Diamond’sser- He and his wife of three years, whenshe took a one-year maternity patrolmenwith a $400 initial uniform two years," the former patrolman sements," signed it and mailed it to vices. Councilvoted to approvethe disbursement, Marlies, owna smaU, three-bedroom leave. allotment whenthey join the force and explained. Ms, Dully. MayorJack Cullen and Ms. (Steve Goodmanphoto) homeon a quiet residential street. Withouther $18,500 salary and with $200 yearly thereafter. Duff:/signed the amendedagreement Christopher McClaywas born three Christopher’s birth, their economic "Whenyou get $400 and spend $200 IF TIIE POLICE don’t get a and a copywas forwardedto Mr. months ago and on Nov. 4 his father situation becamesuch that "I had to to get a gun, that leaves nothingleft satisfactorycontract this year the Diamondon July 14. resigned from the Franklin Township make a move" Mr. McClay saM. for clothes," Mr. McCIaysaid. peopleliving in the townshipare going Public meetingon Police Department. Franklin Township police who "Wespent SI,00O for uniforms so to be the victims, according to Mr. "IT WAS AN ERROR in moonlighthave to clear their outside that he could havea changeof clothes McClay. phraseology," Mr. Diamond main- AFTER TWO YEARS and eight jobs with Police ChiefRussell Pfeiffer, every day," Mrs. McClaysaid. "They will be served by inex- tained. Easton Ave. widening months on the force Mr. McClaywas accordingto Mr. McClay. The current contract provides $260a perienced copsfor a longtime to "This is what the resolution says," still at level Aearning $12,530under "I makemore each week nowthan I year for dry cleaning a patrolman’s come," he said, implying that other Mr. Beechemargued, holding up an the current contract. was before working eight hours pants and coats as well as for laun- officers will be forced by economicsto unsigned copy of the June 9 council "Youcan’t put food on the table with overtime," he said. dering shirts. resign. document he had been given by scheduled for Monday dedication alone," said the former Township Manager Harry Gerken. "If you want to look professional "All these menhave quit and nobody ship Chamberof Commercehas patrolman whose yearly earnings JOININGTIlE FORCEin February and neat it costs money,"Mr. McClay has asked why," Mrs. McClaypointed "I thinkyou are in error,"Mr, The widening of Easton Avenue, jumped$6,0O0 whenhe began working 1975, Mr.