(Iowa City, Iowa), 1942-06-28
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Nt 27, 11142 '= Cincy Drops Warmer in East - .. :usses Brooklrn on Homer IOWA: 8aaUHed thud",."...... In Ninth Ul4l WU'IIIeI' .. nat MMm See Btory on Pace l THE DAILY IOWAN cooler late 81U1idaJ'. Inf Iowa City's Morning Newspaper rlime' ... FIVE CENTS THI A880CLlTID ,a118 IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 1942 VOLUME XLD NUMBER 238 4 ~ d with In. 'S, sectlonal ars and vap. which make . e Ian bolngs to , !stly. I an age In opment, hav- honest and aZI 'nva rs' surpasses In. ion, " Denny is no answer ,roblems, BC Germall Subs Land Sabotage ause freedom' e Reelch selecLlng the as the right, to H1t and slavery .U.S., Britain Pledge - Experts on East (oast 01 U.S. NAZI SHELLS HAMPER SALVAGE I as lonr III Profs. Allen, Putney U.S. Army Air Corps FBI Rounds Up Two Groups of Agents Carrying WI! of life u them," the F.R., Churchill AXIS NOW Equipment to Wreck Industrial Plants, "We think Accept Wartime Jobs Transportation Arteries mach toe are Sets Up Secret Base I aUempUnr NEW Y RK ( AP )-G rm n ubmarin bn boldly landed v of the unl· ·Plan to Divert With OeD, U.S. Navy 115· MILES Within British Isles human nl' highly- kill d bot urs on Am rican horl' with full uipm nt for ~lting war (llctoril'S, J _ Edgar BOIl" r, ehi f of tb Il'BI Iowa Faculty Men Preparing to Bomb announced la t night. ; the human Enemy Forces To Leave This Week IN EGYPT Nazis in Coordinated Eight men bave been caught, Hoo" r said, aud tlll~jr upl ea ve today than iud. able to reach For New Positions ROMMEL HURLING Auaults With RAF Two group of four men l'al:h we~ caught, on on Long Island intricacies of Outlook for Victory ent of N w York ity and th oth r in Florida. well as those Two Iowa faculty men will leave THREE DIVISIONS LONDON (AP)-A laree van Four men were put ashore on Long I 'land June 13 and tb. lere-and yet Improved In Past Six the univerSity this week to accept guard of the United States anny r been more AGAINST MATRUH others near Jacksonville, Fla., tbree da~ lilt T, Hoover fiIlid. Months, They Assert important positions in the nation'a air corps is established in the The four who reached Amagan tt beach. Long Island. cam ill Ifused We've CAlflO (AP) - The Brit is h war emergency program, it was British Isles and is making pre a rubber boat from 8. uhrnarin about 500 yards oIl hore, Hoover at lhe sa me WA S H T N G'1' 0 N (A P) eighth army stood reinforced at ng manulae- learned last night. parations at a secret base to bomb &aid . Tbl'Y changed into Amen an ivilian cloth on u\ beaell, the produc - President Roosl'velt n n d Prof. Ethan Allen of the political full s\rength last night 15 miles Germany 800n in mnss attaclta and buried load of T T with liml'-cl k ttl in the saud. Tben west of Matruh against a power ,f death. Prime Minister hurchill yester science department has been ap· coordinated with those of the RO!!'· they w nt patlitl' way to ew of slavery Is ful axis striking force spearheaded da y jointly promised n Rtroke at pointed seniO!' business specialist al Air Force. York ity. ~dom ," Denny by three 'mechanlzed division aim Dice Is easily Germany which will divert nazi in th~ office of civIlian defense, ing at Alexandria, 165 miles away, How far the preparations have 'flU' thers earried out a iOli and the Suez canal beyond. advanced and the actual Ilze 01 BULLETINS It choice Is troops from the Russian front WaShington, D. C., and wllJ leave lor proc dUTe on a beach n &J' ccept the re- Iowa City tomorrow afternoon. The allied desert army was in American aerinl units were mili .nd said the outlook for victory posilion on a chosen Unc 115 mJles tary secrets, but authoritative In ks nvilll', he d clar d. 10m." Putney to Navy inside Egypt. New Guinea Raided Hoover d scrlbed th el,ht had improved in III last six Prof. Rufus Putney of the Eng sources said Ihe men were already . With tl;1e enemy within 150 mlles deployed to join the great assaults ALLIED IIBADQUAILTER agenta as "m n hl,hl.y-tralned In month . lish department has been commis of the lush Nfle valley where 98 such as those On Bremen, Cologne, sabotage at a Berlin IlIbola,e sioned as a lieutenant, avilition AlJltralla, Sundar (AP)-Allied lips Sunk With Churchill safely back in per cent 01 Egyptians Ii ve, there Essen, Rostock, Luebeck and other bombers mue IIrM rlld lut school." volunteer (probationary), In the was no doubt in that the sltuaUcn Gennan Industrial or shlppln, Two Orou.,. London, they i suecl a Rlatement United States navy and will l)e lllrht on eneIII)' In taJlIUon 111 was serious but the eighth army centers. Sala_ua abd Lae, In New Th nam of the lIenta" liven Warfare which in addition called tl'ans stationed at the naval training The smoke of destruction stili out by th FBI were: school at Harvard university. He sma,rtini trom its bad detellt In Guinn. and 'l'ularl. In the 010' portation th PI'. ent ,. major Libya-Willi described as deter curled {rom the ruins of the ,reat mon islanD, General Mac Group I (I nded on Lolli I land) fED PRESS will leave Wednesday. mined that the enemy shall not submarine base of Bremen yester -0 org John Dasch, 39, eroup II and uni ted problem" or the unit d nations. Professor Allen stated last nigh t Arthur'. helClQuartera Innou· But it noted thnt while t.he pass. day after the RAF's 1,000-bomber oed tocIay. leader; Ern t Pete:r Bur, r. 38. essels in At. that he would be in WashIngton 1 Marshal Erwin Rommel, the axis raid ot two nlehts ago. but the who In 1931 wos n private In the 313 yesterday, U-boat toll in the Atlantic was at least untO Sept. 1, and prob commaoder, has thrown every thin" great machines which carried Mlchl,on n tional lI\Iord; Henrlc. ler proclama ably lor the duration of the waf. heavy, ship production was in he has Into his 'Egyptian inva~lon . millions of pou nd ~ of concentrated 2 Mexican Ships Sunk Hnrm Helnk, 35, and Robert Quir lubmarine of- He will do laison work with OCD creasing and said new steps against Imilitary men aid, but before h fury to Germany were ,ro-unded TAMPICO, MexiCO (AP) in, 34. and the oUice of emergency man Two Mexlel ll tallke,., tonner the submarines were planned by can reach the Nile he must smash tOr the most part overnight, await Group H (landed In Plorlda) mounced lost agement. Professor Allen de through the 40-mile desert stretch ing better weather. Flllhter air Italian veue.. which were tallen Edward John Kerlin", 33, ,roup lavy were a British and American navies. scribed his new position as "the between the Mediterranean and crott however swept widely over over alter they ourht retore leader; Hel'bert Houpt. 22; W 1'ller largo ship and eyes, ears and throat" of OCD. 2nd Front Speculation the Great Qattara depresslol').-B occupied territories, minll\ll shlp In Meldcan hlrbort, were tor Thiel, 35, and Hermahn N ubau 1', sh vessel. The Coming to the university In T e statement made no specif!~ great inland sea of sand throullh pLng lanes and attacldlll veasela pedoed and sunk withIn two 32. er U-boat at 1929. Professor Allen had earned hou... , ..terdu 50 tnI ott the mention of a "second front," but Which a modern army cllnnot and railway f.cillUe. the air OIiOV r Id me 01 the IP merican craft bnta hi. M.A. and Ph.D. de(J'tJ move. ministry 1181d. Meslcan (lOut while on rObt. wer hDprUoneti to w lork der and made npverth~lesS in luded a paragrapn In political sclef\ce by 1933. He which pro\loked an intensive wl.lrl Rommel had advanoe 15 milea The American air force hlllI been w e vO,Ar". Ind oth r In Chlcaro. l hole In her received his B.A. derree at the overnight but he definitely had expected mom..entortly to joirl the A rovemment announcement H laid that th' dispo lUon of of speculation on that subject. University or Colorado. Since been slowed. l\AF In Its second front assault on laid the entire crew lit one v I their ca etI would be left to Attor Imen survived "While exact plans, for obvIOUS then Professor Allen has t&urht In one of ~he · Urst. phot.os W lYe radioed from Ca.lro direct. to the wa ml In .. while olle man wal reasonS, cannot be disclosed," the Throu,hou' tbe da, and nlrbt. Hitler since the visit here In April nl!Y General Biddie In Woshln&ton. nail American two of the university's mil/lt tln1ted_ ,States, a British tank alvare' crew is pictured above work· the allied alr force which in. at Gen George C. Marshall, U .s. killed and 'our were ml In'r 011 There wer no lpeclflc charlie. Ie others were statement said, "it enn be said that I popular eo u r s e s - "Campus , Inll' IUllder flr~ III the Libyan desert. The salvage crew spots the dis the other.