Facts Figures
sustainability report for the 2015 financial year of Österreichischen Bundesforste FACTS AND FIGURES Facts & Figures Key figures 2013 – 2015 2013 2014 2015 Man and Society ÖBf Group and AG How the 2015 financial year developed 2013 2014 2015 Annual sustainable yield (allowed cut) ÖBf AG 3 1,505 1,519 1,591 for Bundesforste’s different units. Who we are in 1,000 harvested solid m , mixed Employees at ÖBf Group2 2,947 1,227 1,192 Timber harvested1 (=felling) 1,535 1,528 1,527 Employees at affiliates 1,763 94 96 ÖBf AG in 1,000 harvested solid m3, mixed Employees at ÖBf AG3 1,184 1,133 1,096 Total area ÖBf AG in ha 850,000 850,000 850,000 as per company measurement Salaried employees at ÖBf AG 604 608 606 View from the Echerntal valley Wage earners at ÖBf AG 580 525 490 Forest area in ha 510,000 510,000 510,000 towards Lake Proportion of women ÖBf AG 16.0 16.6 17.2 Financial figures ÖBf AG (as of 31.12) in % Hallstatt (Upper Austria). 2013 2014 2015 Nature ÖBf AG Total output in € million 237.9 234.0 231.2 2013 2014 2015 Operating profit (EBIT) in € million 24.5 27.0 25.2 Forest management – planting of seedlings 3,128 3,233 3,117 Return on sales (profit on ordinary activities after rights (afforestation) in 1,000 forest plants 10.3 13.7 11.5 of usufruct/revenues) in % Forest and fauna – number of young 5,780 5,466 5,841 Equity ratio ÖBf AG in % 51.8 51.2 50.2 browsing-damaged stems per ha4 1) Solid timber, including timber for beneficiaries of forest utilisation rights 2) In full-time equivalents; on a yearly average; deviations to previous yearly reports due to a calculation conversion 3) Excluding employees in leave-of-absence phase of progressive retirement 4) Applies to areas with young trees, corresponding to around 26% of the total number of plants per ha Sustainability Balanced Scorecard (SBSC) of ÖBf AG – /W.
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