ERAD 2020 European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Book of Abstracts ERAD 2020
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ERAD 2020 European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Book of abstracts ERAD 2020 Dear members of the weather radar community The 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorolo- The conference has been postponed to 2022 … but the gy and Hydrology known by the abbreviation ERAD attempt to organize ERAD in 2020 left a heritage. The was scheduled to take place in Switzerland in Septem- collection of abstracts, which you hold in your hands, ber 2020. The deadline of the abstract submission fell is an impressive testimony to the scientific depth, the in the midst of the rapid spreading of Covid-19, a mo- diversity and the link to practical applications of the ment of high uncertainty and confusion around the ongoing activities in the field of radar meteorology and globe. Many countries were under a lockdown. No- hydrology. ERAD is known for its tradition to build body knew how the pandemic will evolve and what will a bridge between academia, industry and the national happen with ERAD 2020. We were expecting to receive meteorological and hydrological services. It brings the 50, maybe 100 submissions from the most dauntless scientific excellence of the universities, the knowledge ERAD warriors and faithful supporters. Never would how to build a radar of the manufacturers, and the op- we have expected to go beyond 200. We were absolutely erational perspective of the national services and users overwhelmed when the number of submissions reached together. This makes it a perfect breeding ground for 292. But not only the scientists who submitted an ab- exchange and innovation as demonstrated in the previ- stract were ready to defy the virus, we also got many re- ous editions of ERAD. quests from the radar industry to reserve a booth in the exhibition hall. We would like to thank you all for the positive signal you sent us in a moment of highest uncertainty, like a This was a strong signal from the community that kept well-maintained radar, which never stops sending sig- us going on with all the preparations despite the obvi- nals even in the midst of a most unpredictable storm! ous risks posed by the spreading of the corona virus. You wanted to attend ERAD in Switzerland and we were committed to do our best to organize a memora- See you in Switzerland in 2022! ble event. We went through all the abstracts with the support of the program committee and created oral sessions with a selection of many promising papers. Fortunately, the abstract review process was only marginally affected by the virus. But everything else became complicated be- cause of Covid-19 and we had to rearrange our plans continuously … On June 19 we decided to postpone the 11th edition of ERAD to 2022. It was time to take a deci- sion, and we had no other choice given the situation of the pandemic around the world. The Swiss local organization team Urs Germann, Alexis Berne, Marco Gabella, Franziska Keller and Jessica Curato WELCOME ERAD 2020 ORGANIZING PROGRAMME COMMITTEE COMMITTEE ALEXIS BERNE ANNAKAISA VON LERBER EPFL, Switzerland, chair of ERAD 2020 Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland (chair of EUMETNET-OPERA) URS GERMANN MeteoSwiss, Switzerland, chair of ERAD 2020 AURORA BELL Bureau of Meteorology, Australia (chair of ERAD 2010) FRANZISKA KELLER MeteoSwiss, Switzerland DANIEL MICHELSON Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canada JESSICA CURATO (chair of ERAD 2004, chair of WMO IPET-OWR) MeteoSwiss, Switzerland DANIEL SEMPERE TORRES MARCO GABELLA Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain MeteoSwiss, Switzerland (chair of ERAD 2006) DMITRI MOISSEEV University of Helsinki, Finland EFRAT MORIN Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel FRANK MARZANO Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy HIDDE LEIJNSE KNMI, Netherlands (chair of ERAD 2018) KURTULUS ÖZTÜRK Turkish State Meteorological Service, Turkey (chair of ERAD 2016) LUCA BALDINI ISAC-CNR, Italy MARTIN HAGEN DLR, Germany (chair of ERAD 2014) REMKO UIJLENHOET Wageningen University, Netherlands (chair of ERAD 2018) TOSHIO IGUCHI National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan (chair of AMS Radar 2019) COMMITTEE ERAD 2020 SESSIONS 03 FREQUENCY-DIVERSITY, AIRBORNE 179 MICROPHYSICS AND SPACEBORNE 17 CLUTTER, INTERFERENCES, INSECTS 205 OROGRAPHIC PRECIPITATION AND THE LIKE 33 CLIMATOLOGICAL STUDIES 215 POLARIMETRY 45 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION 227 SNOWFALL 55 HARDWARE, CALIBRATION 245 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND MONITORING 73 QUANTITATIVE PRECIPITATION 263 NOWCASTING OF PRECIPITATION ESTIMATION 103 RADAR OPERATIONS AND NETWORKS 279 NOWCASTING OF CONVECTION AND THUNDERSTORMS 123 PHASED-ARRAY AND EMERGING 293 HAIL AND SEVERE CONVECTION TECHNOLOGIES 141 HYDROLOGICAL APPLICATIONS 317 RADAR IN NUMERICAL WEATHER PREDICTION 155 RADAR SIGNAL AND DOPPLER 339 LECTURES PROCESSING 01 ERAD 2020 FREQUENCY-DIVERSITY, AIRBORNE AND SPACEBORNE 04 Space-borne and ground-based radar observations for calibration, rainfall evaluation and hydrometeor classification 05 The impact of stable layers on downdrafts in tropical deep convection 06 Highlights of airborne radar measurements during the first year of IMPACTS 07 ARM cloud radars deployed for the Cold-air Outbreaks in the Marin Boundary Layer Experiment (COMBLE) 08 Rainfall from a spaceborne 94 GHz radar: the effect of changes in raindropsize spectra and cloud liquid water 09 Characterization of clouds and precipitation with millimeter wave radars at the North Pole 10 Case studies of lightning activity and microphysical features indicated by GPM DPR product "flagHeavyIcePrecip" 11 Deepening our understanding of (shallow) precipitation observations from space 12 Deep convective velocity measurements from space: overview and performance of the proposed radar concepts 13 Reducing errors in Velocity-Azimuth Display (VAD) wind and deformation retrievals from airborne Doppler radars in convective environments 14 Towards quantifying oceanic warm rain integrated liquid paths using spaceborne sensors 15 G-band radars: status and opportunities for future space missions 03 FREQUENCY-DIVERSITY, FREQUENCY-DIVERSITY, AIRBORNE AND SPACEBORNE AIRBORNE AND SPACEBORNE SPACE-BORNE AND GROUND- THE IMPACT OF STABLE LAYERS ON BASED RADAR OBSERVATIONS FOR DOWNDRAFTS IN TROPICAL DEEP CALIBRATION, RAINFALL EVALUATION CONVECTION AND HYDROMETEOR CLASSIFICATION Velibor Pejcic1, Pablo Saavedra2, Kai Mühlbauer1, Joshua Soderholm3, Silke Trömel1, Clemens Simmer1 Charles Helms1,2, Stephen Guimond1,3, Gerald Heymsfield1 1Institute for Geosciences, University of Bonn, Germany; 2Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen, Norway; 1NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, United States; 2USRA, United States ; 3University of Maryland Baltimore 3Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Australia County/JCET, United States Ground-based weather radar measurements from 17 a calibration time series for BoXPol since 2014 (launch While the idea that downdraft vertical velocity is influ- C-band radars of the German national meteorological of the GPM satellite which provides coverage of Ger- enced by thermodynamic stability may seem obvious, service (DWD) and the Dual-Pol X-band radar (BoX- many). In addition , an alternative relative calibration there remains a gap in the scientific literature surround- Pol) operated by the University of Bonn are investigat- adjustment (RCA) technique is also applied using sta- ing the interaction between downdrafts and stable layers ed together with space-based observations (Ku-band, tistics generated from local stable ground radar clutter. and a number of questions remain unanswered. Chief Ka-band) by the dual-frequency precipitation radar This technique is used to determine time periods with among these: can a stable layer stop the downward (DPR) of the Global Precipitation Measurement Core potential changes in radar calibration and to provide progression of a downdraft or merely slow its velocity? Satellite (GPM). This contribution focuses on three dif- a daily relative calibration value that can be combined Related to this question: can a stable layer prevent the ferent applications, namely: with the SR calibration to provide daily absolute cali- injection of low entropy air into the boundary layer? i) Consistency of national rainfall maps with DPR’s bration values. We found that the RCA time series is re- near surface product (DPRns): Different scan geome- lated to seasonal temperature and humidity variations The present study aims to answer these two questions tries and inconsistencies between assumed hydromete- influencing the reflectivity offsets of BoXPol. Similarly, using a combination of high-altitude airborne Ku/Ka- or phases lead to large differences when directly com- absolute offsets are determined for the national C-band band radar and dropsonde observations, both collected paring DPRns with the national precipitation product radar network of DWD using SR as a reference. within four tropical cyclones (Gaston, Hermine, Karl, RY. The use of an adjusted DPR near surface product iii) DPR based hydrometeor classification (HMC): and Matthew) during the 2016 NOAA SHOUT field (DPRans) extracted from the DPR vertical profiles, that Based on an agglomerative hierarchical clustering campaign, as well as idealized simulations of tropical fits to the scan height and beam width of the ground-ra- (AHC) approach a hydrometeor classification is per- deep convection. Preliminary results suggest that pre- dar observations and filtering the data with a scan ge- formed using DPR’s reflectivity at Ku-, Ka-band, the cipitation-free downdrafts can be blocked by a stable ometry-adjusted